Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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fr'atur lav M r .InR , Jan. 21.
"Wnatlior Roport-
( The following oK nlions are taken nt
\\\t \ svno moment rl U'IM fit i ll Iho st.v
. . „ . . -.NT.XJ. R. Ri < m . .ORVICH , )
0 AHA , JvHiit } 20 , liSi t4liV. : ! m.l
' J > cn'cr , 20. m 1 H I.Ik-tit Ka'r
211OJ 1 SO XIV llrloU 'loir
' # f llrl K Cltar
x\ri | < 0 .SW | Prc h Clmr
YanV.ton . . . Z9.M 40 < S\V Kr.Mi Clear
Des Holnc * III SW I'rr-h Clear
Davenport. . < 1 HW Troll Clouily
HI. Paul. . 2S.8 1 fin S iFroh I Mr
St. Loul . . S ll'n'iii
Moorhcwl. . . , SW ! Krc li Cloud )
Vincent.- , tJ 78 iNSW II l k l.t. Hnow
I2'l.7 ; SW II' } Snoir
lluford IOT.SJ N Krf * , Lt. Hni
HW FrcOi Kalr
\V Fair
An ailjournul ii-tiiit ( ; of thu I'ninn
Oittholio 1-ilirniy jrwocintmn will U
Siiuilny aftcmiHwi sit 4 n'cJiick ' liuri.
Tim I'nion Csiltiolic Mliinry nw
tlnn will Ivt-ttif ( iiht iiiti'itnlniiKTOt
now j'CAr next Mundny v\t'iiiiiK <
1'roeh Vnccine Vlnm with full dlreo-
lions for u inK , jiivt received at Kcnnard
CoinpWit ww. niteifd lufori' iToIa (
f Tlnnnliiy ( JuirKiiiK Koimnrd ft
u-lths-niui'ir.K l > nfft'ae ( - wagonswith -
Thu IVtikiiutii'riiT ImnniiariiKirc
ciintiiuiuddMoiKliiyacxt , nt U o'clock , l
now Cftf r the trial. Tin.iMiipluint hns
been clianRO'l from jii-tit to ( niin l Iniccny.
AICIWJS SAI.K Of Ihrts , Cnjm , Safe ,
Klovu neil tttuvu l'i.\tiiu"i , ite. , t the
"Now V rk , llnt Ktoio , " 11 If ! I'miihain
Ktreet , . .Ijtninry , at 10. ! . in. , inn ) 1 and
7)i. ) in. , And t 1 Mini 7 p. in. fitch day
tlm rcaf tr t , until tilt1 entire xtock is hold.
The Nlwo | > ticnu i'ntcrt : iiinouU for
the bnnelit of tlir Kirst M. I' . Sunday
school will ho riKimied Klicirtly. Thu limn-
auem , v.lio havitlie i-ntuitainnii-'iitH in
hand , have m.iit to X w Voik for n
stlDiiyer light , us tht1 OIK' they now Imu
lias ] irnv d too \veiik. Thuiixt i-xhiliitioi
willviixH nyilliu jouniiy thwugh I'ninti- ,
A ilntiKhtor ( > f ex-Sccielary ICvirl ,
made hcrwrfr n favorite in WnHhlngtnn HO
clety , not nloiieby her mowy coiiipluxlon ,
Krayliluo oyen nud ( { olilcn lia'r ' , but IIH well
by her cups of choeolato Tlio .Mexican
minister tweil to nay that in bin ovn land
no Lwvorage wan HO ilulIcioiiH , It w.v
mada of the best already HWnctcncii ehnc' )
ate , broken and placed in n warm upot tr
melt. When ulterwnrtiH ) iut In a fnriiui
kettle , bo-Iliig jnilK wai IMMUCI ! upon it ,
nnd from the moment when the lirst ilro )
of milk touched it until it was dune It WIIF
stirred. It was nllinvcil to boil for HOVOIU !
minute9 , and when it w H nerved in ileli
oate CUIM it was thick and almost jcllj
like , and was capped with whipped cream
This IK the way that Dukoc'n vanillachoco
nto nboukl alwuyn ba
Warner's Safe Kidney nnd Live :
Cure. od-lw
More Light
, From oxy-caloium to ojcy-hydro en
Our oittorprising musical friend nnd
artist , Will StevoiiB , has shipped bacl <
to Now York the oxy-c.ilcium appar
atus which he him been using in hie
illustrated ontortiiinin ents at the Firel
M. K , church , und has ordered a full
and complete set fortliooxy-hyilroguii
liuht. TliiH JH the most powerful
light Vnown , exceeding in iittoubitj
by many dcurcoa the most hnlliunl
olectrie light. As noon as the objcul
views , chemicals , gns retorts , etc. ,
arrives an evening will he iinnutiiiceil
and an entertainment given to tin
public. There has been no expense
npared to iniilto the now oxhihition
worthy of the liberal patronage.
Union Miirrmtfo ABBOciutlon.
The validity iincl tinuncinl prompt
ness of this lunoointion is fairly i-Htab-
lishud by the following curtilicato :
EI.KHAHT , Ind. , Jan. M , 1882.
To the Dlrcctoi-H of the I'nion ' MnrrlaKO AHPOI- !
atloii :
OKNTLIMI'.N : : T wish to ucknowl
edge the receipt of a check from yet
for the full face valuu of my Curtiliciiti
in the Marriage Department of youi
Association , I have found your pro
mines to mo faithfully performed ii
particular. I would heartily recom
mend your Association to the puhlii
an safe nnd reliable ,
Yours respectfully ,
The ofllcers arc in themselves i
Huiliciunt guarantee concerning u !
things connected with this association
J. 1' . Dovoro , 'of this city , genera
western manager , has reported fron
Omaha over one third of a millioi
dollars in risks the past fo\v days.
The following from The Loadvilli
Democrat will bo news to the friend
of Air. Steele :
Mr. John Steele , the first city etr
culator of The Democrat , and fo
nearly a year past the agent of tin
Northwestern Life Insurance compuir
in J-oadvillo , leaves this niornini
with his family ior Omaha , his eli
home , whuro ho intends to resid
ponnontly. air. Stoolo's numorou
friends in this city will take leave c
him with sinccro royrot. A uonin
gentleman , earnest , energetic and nut
ccssfnl in whatever ho undertaken , h
has approved himself a man in all th
rolatipiiB of life , and the Domocrii
heartily commonda him to tlu > ieopl
of Omaha. Good luck to you , Join
1 and don't forgot your old friends i
the great silver camp.
As a rule wo do not reeommon
patent ni''dicines , but when wo kno
of ono that really is a public benefa
tor , and does positively euro , then v
consider it our duty to impart that ii
formation to ull. Electric bitten u
truly a most valuable inudicino , ai
will Euroly euro JJiliousness , Fov <
and Ague , Stomuch , Liver and Judnt
complainta , oven where all other rei :
cdies fail. Wo know whereof v
apeak , and can freely recommend I
all. [ Ex. Sold at 50 cents a bolt !
Jnh & ircMahon. (7) ( )
The Ex-Aldorman of the Second
end Ward on Hia Muscle.
Ho Clwrfjos Street Commissioner Put
Ford with n Sorlons OlVonse
About half-past 11 o'clock ycstei-
day Hartley Shannon , the wol
known ox-alderman from the Second
ward , appeared at the police court
und preferred a charge against Street
Commissioner Patrick Ford of insulting -
ing and attempting to basely assMilt
Shjumon'B wife Thursday alxiut 12
o'dock. The complainant had blood
iu 'his ' eye and wna voty much ovcitcd
Upon making tlio complaint ho asl < ed
for n warrant for Ford's arrust anil
ewra to tht "charge preferred.
The wiunint was accordingly is
sued. UJKIII being questioned con
cerning the matter , Shannon made
the following Htatcment. "Tiinwdnj
my wife attended a party and socia
hold at the rcaidonco of Miclmoi
Bunl , on Jilumey street , butweei
Eleventh nnd Twelfth streets Shi
was iirooinpaniod by ny daughter ,
a girl about IU years old , and my lil
tlo MIL They loft Kurd's at 11
o'clock , and started for homo. Oi
Tontfe street , about two hundred feoi
north of the ornurof Farnhiini , thoj
were noccmtod by three won , of whou
Ford was one. The men ran ngainn
thorn , and then my wife says thr :
Ford grabbed her about Iho neck am
pnrUaTly throtor her down on the wall
trying to drag her into the alley ncni
by. She resisted and the little gir
scroamcd fur help , but no one wiu
around to assist thoni. Tlio othei
two moil stood oil'at a little distance ,
My wife succeeded in netting awaj
from her Assailant and marled to run
when ho made a move to catcl
her a second time , and then ono o
the other men interfered uud hch
him until my wife got away.
"Mm. .Shannon and the childrot
came homo and told mo about it.
went and got my revolvorH to shoo
tlio villain , but found that neither o
them would ( ire , as they wor
riibtcvl , and so I waited until morning
when my wife prevailed on mo to no
attempt any violence and make thi
complaint instead. My wife has livix
hero twunty-ono years without a won
against hur character , and T can'
stand such an ins'ult from a man I lira
put on the police force1 nnd gave bin
his start. '
wan seen by a UKK reporter a slier
tlmo after the complaint was filed n
the police court , and expressed tin
most decided mirpriuo and I'onslerna
tion at the iiifoinmtiim which thu re
porter g vo him. Ho denied in to'i '
everything connected with the chary
made by Shannon , nnd said : "Thur
day , between 11 and 12 o'clock , ii
company with two friends , 1 left , th
house to go around the corner to go
something to eat. Along by th
Ii & M. building , on Tenth street
wo met two or three women whom w
did not recognize , and accidental ! ;
pushed against thorn as wo parsed ,
thought they were some of "the girls
living on the north end of this street
and as wo wont by I made som
joking remark about tlioro being
collision , but said nothing improper
or which of itself would offend an ;
lady. This complaint by Shannon i
an unpleasant hoax , for the cause o
it is some creation of his cra/.y mind
and has no foundation in fact
T have no differences will
Banmj'j except such as ares
lust spring during the election and
don't cherish any fooling against him
but I oxpccl ho don't like me , Mrs
Shannon in a lady 1 very highly re
spect and any one who known m
knows that 1 wouldn't insult a dog
much loan a woman. The whol
thing is a Ho and won't hold water fo
a nniiuto in court. "
rallies Dugan , ono oi Ford's board
urn , who was with tint latter whoi
they mot thu women Thuroda ,
stated to the reporter that the charge
made by Shannon were entirely false
and ho knew that no ono either con
toinplated or attempted an insult.
Vciterday afternoon Shannon went t
thu police court and changed hi
charge against Ford to that ot assaiil
und battery , without any rofcronco j
the alleged evil intoiitinna clmryod ii
the complaint.
Proof Positive.
\Vo have tlui immt positive ) nnd convin
chit ; proof thnt THOMAS' Hoi.iicr 10 Oic , h
a nioflt elfcotiml upeuilic for liodlly jialu
In cases of rliounmtUin and neiirnhlii i
gh cs Inttant relief , I'.Mw
SnccoHHtXil Debut at Koohostor Iut
Night as Hiimlot.
Mr. Uomis rocoivcd the following ti-
egram yesterday from Mrs. Con. ! Cha
Hold , a sister of IMrs. Homis , who
with Mifla Pickiimon in part of hi
tour as a friend and companion , I\Iii \
U. making her homo at Mm. Cha
liold's residence at ICIi/aboth , N. .1
when not filling engagonu'iits. . . .
Boniifl predicluu crowded house hoi
o for Anna next month ,
ItociirsTKiiilnnm-.iy''O , IHyj ,
I' , llunili , Onialm ;
Anna's debut IK.TO : is Uuinlot to-ni l
wa aur.ini HIICCI'HH ! It was | ) crfectio
Omaha will havu a ( { real treat on her a
pearance there next month. Drink huuit
K II (
An Artistic
In tlio roBidoncu of Mr. Ulai
Woodman of HUH cily , theie lias i
contly bcun erected an elegant lir
place and mantel , thu snuiu being
combination of marblei/ed slate , tor
cottu and untranstio tile. It is d
signed in the ollico of the wi
known architects , Messrs , Dufrouo
Moiuloleiohn , and orcclod by M
Henry Dibbleo , "lid uud ' .MIRVuba
id avtinuo , Chicago ,
or This is probably the llrst thing
Iho kind ever introduced into tl
city , and in originality of deaign m
beauty and perfectnwss of countii
tion , it is truly a marvel and -'o '
credit to the designer and as well
the manufacturer. Mr , Dibbleo Ii
two eomowhat similar oncu in proct
of construction for Mr. S. ' / { , Urown ,
designed by Uio iiino nrt-'jltyelg. To
parties who . re v.unMti' , nnythin * u
the line of slate mantl % grates , tile
health ? , AOi'ibn'i" ' * . fu.j inunsa
gwds , iron f wi , tf cresting stable
tilling * , in Inta Anything in iroii or
tile work for u'j'iMiims nt nvety des
cription , it would ci-rtamly bo north
while to cotr < hKnd | with Mr. Dibbleo
or pay n , vif.ft to his line warcrooms at
the above mmitmr.
The Work of the Oily Mission on
Tenth Street for 1BO1.
The following is the secretary's an
nual rcx > rt tor the year ending Janu
ary 1 , 1882 , nhowing the work nccom
plishcd. by the Omaha city mission :
The mission was organi/.ed October
211 , lH7 < i , under the nnnio of "Tho
Christian Worker * ' Association , " the
object being , as the constitution wiyn ,
"to advattco the interests of thu
Christian religion by active Christian
work. "
Many of our citi/otm are familiar
with the life and work nf thin mission ,
itfl conception and foundation by its
first superintendent , Mr. C. F.
BrowRtor , its early struggles for an
existence , ils mown from pillar to
post , until its present building was
found and owned.
Whnt is the
SKCIHIT OK us si-fcnss' '
Ituni'volent porsoim like to contribute.
Tliey recognize the iniHsion as a factor
for good in our city. They sno that it
is striving to make Christian homes
by making Cluistian inun and women
of Iho children under ils charge. They
sec it is Htiiving to mnko "rough
places smooth" and "crooked plaous
fitraight , " to c.nt some r.iys of light
into dark homo' , and , withal , to help
hear one iniother'B bnrdeiiR , and so
fulfill the law of Christ.
IS IT I'llAITlrAI. ?
Let ns see ; a glance at ils yearly
report will show. Its ollicers and
tvachora are as follows :
President Win. A. iliggens.
Vice President .Ino. L. McCayne.
Treasurer Mrs. Du Hois.
Secretary Alex. f ! . Charlton.
Trustees .1. H. .lardine , Howard
Kennedy and N. W. Merrill.
iNiiusruiAi. srnooi. .
Superintendent -Mrs. S. 11 H.
First Assistant SuperinlPiident
Mrs. Jardine.
Second Assistant .Superiutondent
Mrs. Klliolt.
Seeretarjf--Mrs. Marsh.
Teachers Mrs. Jardine , .Mrs.
HimcbaughMi.s Marah , Mrs. Dewey ,
Mrs. Fuller , Mrs. Freeman , Mrs.
Colput/tcr , Mrs. Leavitt , Mrs. Uu Hois
and Miss Julia Knight.
Suporintondont- Warren Switnler.
' Aimalunt Superintendent > , 0.
Secretary C. E. Reynolds.
Organist- Miss Van Kuniii.
Chorister T II. Taylor.
TeachersMM. . Javdino , Mrs. ISlli-
ott , Mrp. A an Kuran , Mrs. lluestis ,
M rs. M oKain , Mrs. Fuller , Mrs.
JonuH , Miss LandiganMiHt Sylvester ,
Mr. McCaguo , Mr. Allen , Mr. Schor-
fnorhorn , Rlr , Kennedy , Mr. Aloycrs
and Mr. Marshall.
murr :
MM. 'ardiuo ' , Htiporintendent ; Miis Syl
vester , xi'erotnry.
Mundivy S heel Numberof ofllccmn
school ft
Aver jo [ attendance -1
Nunibor teochcru in Hchonl 15
Average ivtteudauco 1 ! !
Avcra u attendance at f chool 1D7
Whole number fur veer t30 ! ( !
Totul Attcndnnce Sunday school tlt530
InduHrlid Pclmol AvoraifB atteiid-
mice tea hetH K
Avoiah'o attundanco Kcholnr' ( ill
Tutiil iittcndanro . . . . . . . t' , " ! ! ! !
XiunbrrftnrincntH linlbhvd : tliO
Tntnl tit viidancH indiiHtrlnl Koliool for
ildrty weokntlmt record wns kcpt..2ii ( (
Total att < nihincfl r. corded 8,8hi !
Adding other nio-tln H at th Vinildin
Itt'inpcraiu't1 meeting , Sw diKli churcli ,
K.C. ) would probably Hwull the number to
'Plii ) treasurer makes the following
voporl :
in : .
To cash on him 1 11 ! 1.1(7 (
limits from Hoard of Hdncition ,
Swedish coiiKri'Biitioii , ti-mier-
unco Hoclotlox , o c. . . lii'J.lO
Circulars 1M 10
G-illcrtlou * . KMIt
DonatloiiH . . . M.OO
ly ! npilr < on linililiiiK' . . . . . lU..U
Insiuan u Id'"i
Janltur , IKOiU , fuel , etc I'M. 10
Snndav ncluxil mpiilit" . . . 'Jil.Sfi
JudiiHtiial school xiipiilieH 'JS.80
Uolief dopartnifiit Kuppliiv. . h..l
Itiilanceon'hiind . . . " ( XI ! M
It needs a continuation of that kind
sympathy and support of the people
and the prcmt that it linn always ru-
I'oivcd , It needs money , it needs
material for the industrial school , it
needs HIOCH ! and clothing , and the .sub
stantial ! ) of life for the luliuf depart-
nit'iit. It needs niore holporn - in
fact it is hard to think of anything
useful that it connot imo to advan-
It thanks thoau who have faithfully
is labored in the schools ; it tlptnksiu |
pices , the muichantB and the people
who have never failed to roapond
when calhid'iipiin ; it , tlianln Or. Stone
for schohuit
o vaccinating twonly-livo
fruo ( n nmv inducument to altond
Sunday hchools ) ; .mil it thanks "Hod
froin Whom all blessings How. "
C. K. Kr.YSoi.jjs , Sec'y.
Dr. Kind's Now Discovery for Consumption -
sumption is certainly the
medical romeilj- over placed within the
rk reach of sufluring humanity , Thou.
rko Kinds of once helpless miUbroi * , now
o loudly proclaim tlii'ir praise fi.r tint
wonderful discovery to which tho\
ewe their lives. Not only doc * it posi.
rash lively cure Consumption , but CougliH
Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , lluv\
Fuvor , lloarsciieasand all allections o
Iho Tlu'oal , Chest and Lungs yields
at once to its wonderful curative power
sh or .is if by nugio , Wo do not ask ym
shof to buy a largo bottle unless you knov
of you aso gutting. Wo tliurofon
111 * earnestly ivijuest you to call on youi
iid drnggihU , Ihii & Mc'M.uio.v , and get i
liial bottle free of cost whicli will con
tlneo the most skeptical of its wonder
to fill mui its , and show you what u regu
urn lar ono dollar size bottle will do , Foi
nale by Isli A McMalion. (4) ( )
Treasurer Hartmau States
That the State Fair Deil-
cioncy is Leea Thwn
A Brilliant Prospect for a Dig Fcilr
Next Soptombor.
Treasurer Uluis Harttnan , of the
state board of agriculture , mot n Br.i :
roporteron the street yesterday morn
ing , and desired a correction made ol
Uio atntonicntH in yesterday's Repub
lican regarding the spirit which pre
vailed at the recent incctinn of the
board in Lincoln. He said that every
thing was amicable and understood ,
and there was no desire to rellcot on
ho retiring board of managers. "II
s true , " said Mr. llattman , "that
ho board of managers spent moro
nrinoy than they ought and went into
lome unnecessary outlays , but in each
cstance it uus a mistake in judKinont ,
which arose from n luck of experience
rather than any recklcsudcsiro to have
big time or attmet notice to them-
lelvcs. Besides , the dolicitiucy is not
icar as laruo RH stilted , and 1 don't
liink ic will uiimuntto moruthati . liOC
iltogether. "
In rcynrd to money ] > aid on the
'wet account , " or for _ liquor , Mr.
ilartman said that the eirciimttaiices
vero not fully understood. There
ivoro two companies of soldiers and n ,
land on the grounds , ahultered only
> y tents. The soldiers were giving
their services ) uratuitounly , almoHl ,
xnd it was the desire of the board of
nanngors to do as much for them an
posiblo. When the cold rain and
ilcet of Friday had drenched the
cuts and wet the ground , the soldiers
wnro in a decidedly uncomfortable
condition. The liquor was obtained
n trreat part for their relief , and was
tot appropriated to the private USD ol
ho management and clerks , as news-
> apcr ropoits would seem to indicate.
The whisky , doubtless , saved many
of the many of the guards and assist
ants from contracting serious cold
uul ill mm ? , and the m xlerato w.ty in
which it was used indicated that there
was no desire to have a "high oit
; imi , " but rather to counteract cx-
iisure and f.Uiguo
The construction of the new boart
of iuaua < ; eia is meeting with great ap- _
> rovul from hiiflinctss men and citi
zens all o\er the Mate. All of the
newly elected officers are practical
uen , who will run the coming state
'air on business principles , and will
niako it thn greatest exhibition over
known in thu west.
Mr. Ilartman , the only ro-elected
ollicor of the board , was re-elected
truasunir bj' acclamation , which is an
espcci illy hiuh tribute und one fully
deserved. During the deliberations
ar the preparations for the fair of
J881 ho uniformly opposed launching
out into expenditures of an uncurtain
chir.ietcr , and presented his re
port to the full state board in an ac
curate and very satisfactory woy.
Mr. Wheeler , the secretary , is. au
old and tried oflicial in this place and
bis name is a auflicicnt guaranty for a
successful fair next September.
Father 1 Getting Well.
My daughter says : ' 'How much
: > otter _ father is since he used Hop
Bitters. " Ho is gutting well after his
long suffering from a disease declared
incurable , and wo are tin glad ho used
vour hitters. " - A lady of Rochester ,
N. Y. [ Utica Herald jl9-fl
Butcher Assaults an Inollbnslvo
Everybody knows "Keno. " He ia
i member of Engine Company No , ! ! ,
uid a favorite , not only with the boys
but the public generally. Ho is
Scotch terrier and has but ono fnilini. ' ,
a mania for playing ball. "Keno"
oico | belonged to Carl Wood worth ami
was stolen from him , but through n
notice in THK BKB was recovered bj
his old maHtor , who presented him tt
the ougino co.npany and hoiunvmakoE
their house his home.
Yesterday there was a noise
.lown in the alloy between Fifteenth
and Sixteenth and Farnam and liar-
noyj nnd "Kono" ran down to sot
what was the mat'or. Some dot. , whc
evidently wna of rural birth , hail
corralled a hog near Hagcdorn't
Palace moat matkot and was''chaW'
ing his ear. ' ' "Keno" arrived at an
inopportune moment , for ho hail
scarcely appeared upon the ECCIIO bo.
fore Hagodorn's man came out of tlu
1'alaco market with a cleaver in his
hand , which he proceeded to hurl al
the first cnnino object his uyi't
fell up. The cleaver struck pooi
"Keno" in the shoulder and cut him
through to the bouo.
Dr. Kondrix was called and dress ,
ed the wound , but ho expresses n
doubt IIH to whether the victim uill
ever recover the nso of his leg. Tin
hoys of No. I ! worn indigiianl
and a warrant was sworn out againaJ
"Kiinola' assailant for throwing t
deadly weapon with intent to dogroai
bodily harm. The butcher has beoi
Army Order * .
The latest special orders issue *
from the headquarters department o
the 1'latto , Omaha , Nob. , are as fol
lows :
A board of aurvoy to consist o
Major ilainos 1 * . Martin , assistant ad
iutant general , U. S. A , ; Captaii
Thomas Wilson , commissary of sub
uistanco , U. S. A. , and Captain Cyru
S. Roberts , Seventh infantry , A. D
C , will uonveno tit thu fuiarter
mauler's depot in this ) city , a
10 o'clock u. m. , .January 1'J , J882 , o
as soon thereafter as practicable , t
ascertain and report as to thu rcspon
sibility for delays in transporting BUJ
plies between Grand Island and Foi
liimsutl' , Nob. , and but ween Niobrar
and Noliiih , Nob. , under contract
with John M. Tlmyur ami with Oeor.
H .lowott , dated Juno 1 , 1881.
Captain William 11. Powell , Fonrtl
infantry , commanding Fort Futtui
man , W. T. , is appointed a special inspector
specter and will inspect such subsist
once stores now nt his post as mny
low rc'iuiro ' the action ot an'msppctor.
Thu following general under will explain - \
plain itself :
In accordance with his own request ,
First Lieutenant , J5. Schuylor ,
Fifth cavalry , is roliuvud from duty
as nidu do camp Upon the stuff of the
The dmtiinjuihlied services rendered
by Lieutenant Schuylur during n most
arduous and successful campaign
against the hostile Apaches of Arizona
in 1872 - : $ and ! and , subsequently ,
in all operations carried on in this de
partment against hostile Sioux , Choy-
onncB , Bannocks , Ncz I'orees and
Utos from 1876 to the present time ,
cannot bo too highly commended and
entitle him to most grateful recogni
Lieutenant Sehuyler will carry with
him to his new field of duty the kind
est remembrances of liis late com-
niandur and of those with whom
ho has been associated at these head
quarters , and their best wishes for an
honorable and successful career.
Three Trumps with but n Single
Thought nnd thnt to Got a Bod.
Thu audience at the police court
yesterday was a fair one , and sev
eral cases of more or less interest carne
up for examination. Chief among
thi'so were thocomplaintsagainst three
tramps , who used u novel device to
get Thursday. About 10 o'clock
the tiio appeared at .tailor Me-
Clare's d ior and a led for
lodytii ! . ' . Mm : thought liu hud seen
tin-in bi-foiu anil t > lii them to "git. "
Ono ot thuin iimtti-ied that ho knew
of a way to # > t into the calaboose , and
they vtoiit away. Jn about tw3nty
ininuti'H the most unearthly racket
was heard on Kuiiilmin sinuit , near
the opera homo First , n window was
biokun by a stunit and then three
men made a ferocious attack on a de
fenceless wooden Indian in front of a
cigar store. By the time an olliccr
arrived the Indian was pretty
well used up. The throe tramps
wont quietly to jail and
were put in without a murmur. McClure -
Cluro was mad , but it was a case in
wh'ch theie were circumstances over
which ho had no control , and one
tramp slyly winked at the other as ho
said , "Wo fixed "iin " , didn't we .Jim
my ? " Yestordoy the three gen-
lemon of leisure each wore lined live
iollara and costs , in default of which
hey were committed.
William llowoll , arrested on com-
ilaint of Kate MeNamara , for assault ,
vas sentenced to ten days' imprison-
Two Slocumbs wulktd up and
ottled , and the court clo&fd the big
x > ok until more recruits should bo
jroujjht in.
Pretty Good
.Tno. Bacon , Lajnrtc , Iiid. , writes :
'Your 'Sriiifin BLOSSOM' is all you crack-
d it up to bo. MydyHpopsu has nl van-
shed ; why don't y u ndveitise it ? What
llmvance will you make if I take a , dozen
lottlc * , KojUi it I could oblige my
iccnsionallyV" 1'rino 50 cents , tri'il belles -
les lOcentH. lU-lw
The Whole Town Rushes to the Cor
ner of Jackson imd Tenth.
Just now there is an immense rush
o the corner of Jackson and Tenth
itreets , and there has been no little
nquiry on the part ot the public to
{ now what was meant by it. A BEI ;
reporter investigated the matter and
scertained that the old rcli-
, blo linn of S. 1Morse
> Ic Co. were having a gieat
losing out sale and had reduced the
prices on their enormous stock to
noroly nominal figures.
They say the hats must bo sold
uul as the stock is quite largo
and varied and people had aheady
"ully informed themselves of that
'act , they wore after the snoods like
t's after honey : If the past rcputa-
.nmof this store is anyindicatiouof the
present condition of the stock , it is
me of the bust in Omaha. The rusl
IRS already been immense and shows
what low prices will do.
To-day , Saturday , will be thu
_ reatost day of the fulo , nnd those
.vho expect to profit by the remarka
ble oiler of this firm will not fail to gel
iround in time to avail themselves o !
the unusual otl'or.
Answer Thi * .
Did you ever know any person tube
bo ill without inaction of the stonmuli
liver or kidneys , ur did you over know
one was well whop either was obstruct
ed or innctive ; and did you ever knou
or hear of any case ot the kind th.i
Hop Bittei.s would not cure ? A l
your neighbor this name question.
Times. jllt-fl
Forty-Five Union Pacific Mon Lot Ou
In Mid-Wlntor.
For Hoimt tnnu past an immcnsi
number of men have been employee
in the work of constructing the new
car shops of thu Union 1'aciliu , m > \
enclosed and in process of completion
At secniH that a few days since Su
porintendcnt Stevens issued an orde
t reduce the working force in Hiu
num's department , which necoasitstoi
the dincliargo of about lorty-tivo men
Tlio instructions were to ft
as possible , married men and tax
It appeals that the work of selt-i-t
insr the men to bo "let out" was lot
to Itanium's timu keeper , a Swi-do
who has bi't'ii hero but .1 few months
It is chiinu'd thathoclioau thomen in ;
partial manner , retaining alt of hi
countrymen and a liiiyo mnnhnr u
young fellows ot little experience am
discharging a lot , the majority u
wham were uhl hands and inarrici
men. Some of thesu men had bee :
at work for six months , while many < i
those retained had been at work Im
two months , The old men claim tha
they ought to have had the prior righ
and that there is at least a month'
work ahead for all of them. The dia
charged men are all old carptmter
and feel much aggrieved at their treat
inent , for which they throw all th
bhimo on the time keeper.
A Grand Aflalr at Tnrnor and Motz
The Danish society hold their tenth
nniversary on Thursday evening in
Metv. ' and Turners' halls on Thursday
night , closing with a grand banquet
and ball. The affair was arranged on
le most magnificent scale nnd fully
our hundred guests were present to
njoy what was one of the grandest
flails of the season.
The society was organized ten years
uo with but eight members and it
ins at present over two ' hundred
numbers and a bank account of 8-1 , -
00 , besides owning a splendid
At the banquet a number of
pccchcs were made and toasts drank
o the "Jlemoty of Denmark , " to
'The fnitrd States" and to "Our
Society. " At the termination of these
mtriotic and fraternal congratula-
ions , Mr. S. Joruunseii addressed
Mr. C. C. Thrano , the first and pres
ent picsident of the society , in a neat
pceeh and presented him with n very
inc , solid gold watch and chain , vul-
icd at SlfiO , DS a token of the hi h
regard in which he is held by tl.e
numbers of the eocioty. Mr. Thrano
was so taken by surprise that he re-
ponded with dilliculty.
Mr. Peele , then , in behalf of the
adies' committee presented Mrs. T.
\ . Jensen uith a beautiful silver cis-
er from the ladies of the society , ac-
ompanjim ; the gift with a few nppro-
iriato remarks , lloth of these costly
; ifts were from the establishment of
Ir. Wm. Jfove , the popular jeweler.
Irvine's orchestra furnished auitib'o '
nusic for the grand ball , which closed
n the evening.
Ven'.Vidl , Vlci.
Dovorc , the Noveltyluauninoman ,
eels under lasting obligations to The
lupnblican for their gratuitous adver-
ising in bchnlf of the Marriage As-
ociation ho represents , and presumes
lie siu.hor of the favor was prompted
> y divine pressure.
How often do we see the hard-work-
ng father straining every nerve and
nusclo , and doing his utmost to sup-
iort his family. Imagine his feelings
vhen rctnrning homo from a. hard
ay's labor , to find hie family pros-
rate with disease , conscious of unpaid
octors' bills and debts on every hand ,
t must be enough to drive one
ra/.y. All thib unhappincss could be
voided by using Electric Bitters ,
vhich expel every disease from the
ystem , bringing joy and happiness to
iiousands. Sola at fifty cents a hot
le. Ish & MeiMahon. (8) ( )
Messrs. Myer A ; Kaapke , the whole-
nle grocers , have removed to Nos.
.317 and 11519 Douglas street. Their
apidlv increasing business demand-
; d not only more room but double
he facilities of the old stand.
It is one of our oldest and most
solid 1 oucc.s. j.uil-1 < > t
M. It. RisnoN has moved his in
surance oflice into.Boyd's opera house ,
corner room , ever drug store. Theatre
entrance. ' ' JanlO-lin.
Brotnptonica the Boss cough 'Phys
ic. See card in another column.
dec. 2-tf.
Dr. Stone ( oflico opposite postoflice ) .
.Itlice hours ior vaccination front 10
o 12 a. in. and from 2 to 5 p. m.
Dr. A. Rogers , vitopathey and
nag.'ietie healer 1118 Howard street ,
near Twelvth. *
North Omaha Sewer.
Citizens of North Omaha and tax
payers generally interested in the
icworago of North Omaha , are respect
fully requested to meet the committee
of the city council and city engineer
No. 1 engine house , Fiiday even
ing , ilanuaiy L'Oth , at 7:30 : o'clock.
M. A. Mi'NAMAiit ,
janlfl-2t Ohiiirman.
OMAHA , January 17 , 188'- ' .
.By action of the City Council the
mayor was requested to designate , as
stands for vehicles , the following
named to-wit Twelfth Thirteenth
places , - : ,
teenth and Fourteenth streets north
of the north line of Dodge street , and
Eleventh and Twelfth streets south of
the south line of H&rnoy street.
J. J. L. C. JEwr.TT ,
jan20-2t. . . , City Clerk.
RlX'KlVKD AT Kt'lIX's DlU ! ! SlOllE.
NOTIUIS-Advertiseinttnt To Loin , Kor Sale ,
Loit , Found , WanU. lioardlnu , &c. . will be in-
netted In thcw columns once for TEN CENTH
per line ; each subieiiuent Insertion , FIVECENTS
ptir line. Tlie first Insertion noier lewi th D
. * LOAN-Sunn oi ' 'IW" < o "iOO" ,
MO.NCYTl , nal estate security. Albeit
huail/Uinilvr , Attorney at lav , ti. K. ( orntr I5tn
lid Uouyla-i. fljl-.4
"ONEY TO LOAN Cull at Uiw Olllce of D
M UThoaut HoomB Ulclebton Bloci.
AUTo loan at from 8 to 10 per cent
wwJ.wUl' ' ° Kood real estatcsecurlty. hj
1)11 , ISAAC UPWARD1 * H0 Farnhain t.
TO MJAN At 8 per ceutln
. tcrertlu mn o2fXX , ) am
upward ! , for 3 to 6 years , on OMt-clMS city am
farm property. UXMIS ] l > Ab KHIATI and I-oxr
AOKNCT. iBth and UoiiBlm Hta.
\VrANThU-A tfobd couL , woman , k. JIf
> > Coj'n , inarKO\eminent rnrrall. DU2-S
" \ TirAN.NTIUImincdUtcly agootl ehoemalier
> T atlohn Miller's , Ulalr , Neb. I'or jar
tlculjrs nee Kchmlilt s Itaiiniiwn Ifatlirr deal
uri , KourU'riith > tict't , Omaha Neli. ' . ' ! > ' < in
T OX\I\I \ \ , iiforpstint vpol. , m
WANTKh vir'.at ' 'bOntlKcniiirncr ol * t
Mar * natfiiuuaiul SOth * t. n . I
\\7'\M'I I > Klrit-c'ftw took , ona v/i o uuilnr
\ \ tintff nirut rookln < ( MHcl' n * | ' i'rj ; lion
but < lr t < a i < iieiil apply Alton good
er _ Apply at UOiKjriilmni st _ _ 0
f.VNTKl ) Klrjt-Llass ilhiinx room xirl "
huCitHotel. . | KH 'il
" \S iK A xooibllm. cook .it St. C'liarlc
. \ \ Uoli'l. Appl ) at once. < J52-tf
if ' A > ThI hevtial lioanlt'nt jt Ihu ( Sarlloli
\ \ lli.ii.o , nth and JiU'k > on < . u. IU6-'J1
t \ \ , ' \ . \ 1IUI JUiaita iiiriiuonurn xtuntu i
> > iii ! ius * nun In Omaha and In uvcry i It ;
( not already ul.ea ) . A fvw luinilu l Uol'ar '
LciTniury tu pay foi sooda on dtlltor altvr or
daitmo ticeii secured for the uaiuc ; Jj'lbj in
month profit guaranteed. Tin1 inojt ketrcmni
lincitlnatloiikOlk-itiHl A. d. AltNOLh a l'O.
ItM Hroad - y. .Vcw York. iMl-gl *
Kundlnir bridge and chool bondi
WANTKD Clark , BtUovue. iB-tf
\ \ / ANTKD A few ilav \ < OMI in 'an ho c.
V rommodatcd ttlth flrns class taMn IxvinUt
J mj rcaponahlc rite. I oulro IU 183 How aril ,
licmccn ilth anil lO'li ' n'n. 88JU
WANTKD-I. Olllnsky & Co. ho imc-ns
tlic Junk btishitds ol II. lltrtholtl , ixt 1020
liotwlM street , where th y will continue llio
lni lnw , nnd by Mir ilcallnR ami mxinc tfOxJ
jn lc < i they iiroi > o c to Ini rcmo the tr.itlc. Thor
Bollclt ) > aitlMwholia\ooM Iron , rvifs , Jimk nnd
them n call. Ttislmo
. „ , . , 'cliool , at inthand Callfornlix St. U.
IXOMI9 , ; t <
1 " ' * lulh
OHllKftT-A no.v.i lu u o7 U roonu , ilrt
anil ilarnc ) . Imililro on premln-g , 037.B1
IT OU HKNT I'cb. M connnodloui tirlrk rcrf-
JU ilctiec , corner IDth ami Kirnhttn S . An.
Plj toMrt K. A. lit. . cr , Tnbor , l > cnont Co. .
lown. Inferences ilcilrcil. _ 911 t |
THOR HUNT rixrroom , VttaBo anil barn
J. K. corner 85th anu Ij\cn | > ort. A ho turn
turo for sale. iniUlro : | on premises. WO- -18
Ul ! KENT One ol the best ftorea on
St. 20x21 , by January 1. lfcS2. 8iO tf
miiniliu.1 fouiLp i . > iuj
< b > nui' N. E cor. Ifltb tid ( > odir >
FOP. "KNT Nicely firnlbcil looiim with or
wl'hoiit board. Keafonablc ( irlcet MIS
ta < Ht. 'Wt-tf
EOH KI'.NVriiriiMicil rooms , north nl o !
California Ht. , 2d iloor writ ot L'lnt. Ihnulrc
after t p. m.
_ _ _
I Oll HlUsT Uutlniu ot ! t rooms , well and
cistern : 23rd anil St. Mary's avenue , ijn.
iiilnot | M. W. Kenr.Pily , 3128. 13tli St. 74Q.
I. OIl SALtN'ux ; > nillch cow anil calf , corner
J ; Nlcholai n d IBth St. ! )3 ! ? 23"
OH SALE-Missouri hickory won.l . at lied-
F man's , 10th ht. 9 4 iS <
Ijlll"hAljB I s rrel stallion , CUtlc < dalc , 8
1 j cars old , wii.itliinj , ' 1000 poui < l < . 1 Mack
stallion , 1 Norman i Moi 'in , G jcars < ild , wclvh-
luj , ' 1SM1 pounds , took flr < preiDlum at Nebraska
ytato Fair , ISal. 1 Kuutlicky JacK , black ,
wuI h'HK about 1)0(1 ( ] ) oumlt > , 4 jcarstiH , took
tlrfit premium nt Ncbra ka State Fair , l&SO and
18S1. Inquire of Chas Nebcr , Tanntia tlouso.
City. OJS-tf
EOH SALE A first-class book and otit onorj
business , carrying a full line ot tots , no-
tlonv irepnyrs. wall pajier , moldlii s , In fact
everything ; ilohjr a Imsiucss of 810,000 a year ;
good location ; cheap tent ; can be bought on
cany terms by good jurty. Will scl , nut not
trade. Aildrtuj
Spl fill - If Fremont , Sob.
iJALK Pour oeuon < of shehiiij and S '
good counters. Inquire at 1) . W. Saxo ,
Upcr.i llouso fharmacy. KT-tf
SAI.K Oil UKNT A grocery more and
biitihurshop , doinpa Rood butiiu"1. In-
iuir9 | at this othcu. 012-tf
FOH SAM : A ncorly new sidebar top buggy ,
cheap ; cash or time. Address P. O. drawer
2:1 : , cltv. tKM-tf
I OH SALi : Full lot and 3 finitt houses near
F r. p. depot , SU200. JcCa ! uo , Onp. P. O. \
; .tf 4
FOIl SAM : 2 nice counters an J 2 slher plated
fluiuc.Tjpi , at Gco. II. Poteisou'e , 804 South
10th St. 741-tf
FOIl SALE Or 111 cxcha go for Omaha pro-
pcity , an ImproMd sou on ot land adjoin-
inf- station 011 U. P. It. U. M. DUNHAM , 14151
Farnhani St. , Omaha. 720 Smt-
J710H SALi : Or trade for city property , on
1pan ot liors-cs , harnc' s and uaL'on. Adil res
S.Y. . this ottled
. , A creed soxcn-ycar-old horse
EOll to drl\o single or double. ED
qulro of Gcorgo Canllcld , Canllcld bouso.
HICK i'UH .Aljl.
"VfOtlOU Having closed out my huilncss on
1 > lath St. , 1 Imvo nuthorbed I'lmrL.s Urandcs
to collei'tnll my 1)001 % me units and pavall iitilli-
tics if found correct. llf.ltNHAUI ) LAS R.
007-21 \
LOS , Neb. Supjxi.ocd to be lent between , U.
H. transfer duinm } and the Northwestern depot.
l"t\e dollar * regard ill Iin paid for I s return to
A. L. titran ; , 10th and I'arnham St DCa-Sll *
PAKVV With a cnsh capital of a few
ANY dollar and ilcsitnm of going In-
uslness can learn of an uimsmlly good p-
portunlty liy inquirini ; of N. O. Najlor , at Bradstreet -
street Aifcnoy , Umalin. OM ki" !
LOST Iiair\ont \ crop ear-rlnj ; , Bet in gold anil
enatne. ) A liberal regard will be ) xxld for
it * return t the Bee rtlice. 957-21 *
SIIIH'JS For the next 30 da ) s , we will , on the
receipt of sixty tents , Bend to any address ,
postpaid , one of our nnlaundrrd tltcsa Shirts ,
I'ositHeh only onu Shirt ncnt to ono address.
Marseilles , 111.
/ 1UTTHISOI'T My place , the French Coffee
\J House and Restaurant , No. 520 So\ith 10th
street , u ill be for sale in thu early part of the
iiiniiuvr , reasons for ofTcriiif , ' the sanio at , this
Imols to ( liable buyer to arrange hh buslnesa
n tlmo lor linjln . P. WHO.
I'.Oi .MS Within three blocks of
El Inquire atlBin Dod c. 02G-tf
' - HS--Sealed proposals -
NUllL'KlOi-ONJItAtrr 12 o' lock noon ,
January : ll , 18S'lor the erection und eoruplc-
tion of building for the Atadciny of tl.r .S.rcred
Icirt. Pmni and spcLineationi'on t iow at ollico
of Dufmm & Mriidtl"srhn , Arclilicct' , Omaha ,
< ebthtru lilrtu wJl bo received , Thu riht i
rcser * cd to reject any or all bida. Mii-31
TNBTCUOTOX ! $ Bl'cn on type writers ; alHO
L machine * for Hale. \ \ V.k \\lEi , lf > 0f >
ariilKiin..ijent Remington Typo \vritcrs.fa81-20 ,
| 7\lJH.xJ \ lliiJ iiOOWS KornniKlo gentlemen ;
_ ! . ' al o one front room with piano , southwest
comer l&Mi und Capital a\enue. SW-tf
EMIS1 NEW CITV MAPS , 10o. Mounte
R Mars. S'iBO ; ' OKO. P. DKM1S.
IN L'KAU-I.S I'.vstilo anil Oil.
POKTItAITS painting. MRS. I > . H.
WARDNRII , room 1. Jacob's lllocli. M2-tl
ALKU HAY At A. U. Sander's Feed Storrt
B 1013 Itarncy St. slO-tt
B 1st paeo.
TIONAIJST , 408Tenth Htrrctbetween rurnhem
andllainoy. Will , with the aid ol
spirits , obtain lor any one aulince at tlm paat
and protient , and on certain conditions lu the fa
turo. Boots anil Shoes made to order.
' - ' < ctlcn t'u r uteod ti'J
Absolutely Pure.
Ilib iiowilcr MCUT iarle A mantl ol p'jrity ,
trjiiL-th \\holutuiiKiictH. . More C" i.tiinluu
thin the rrJintry kliuU , anj caiinnt lie rold In
i jiifllllnn | nltli thu multitude . ) ( Ion U t.
short veljdit , alum or phwphatu poudui.
b'olil only in win.
NcwYsrk ,