THE OMASA DAILY BEE- SATURDAY JANUARY 21 i FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. NEW YORK , ilaniary 'JO. MONRT. Money clewed at 31 < gl per cent. Exchange closed firm nt 4 StJfrM 8S& & . UOVKKSMINT * Government Ixiiuls doted stiong. Currency G' * . I 28 bid I'd C0llpill . I 182 4V * coupons . I 14 J f > \ Continued . 101 5' * Continued . 1 ( K { Pac'fic ' bonds closed as follow * : Union Uts . t 15J Union Litul U rants I 13J © ! 11 Union Sinking Fund . 1 22 @ 1 23 Centrals 1 13 @ 1 14 STOCKS The s'ook markctto.dfty was active , and nt > mo large bl cks uf stock changed hands , the salex for the day aggregating over (500,000 share * . The course of piiccs was , however , irregul r , nnd under pressure to sell the lowest prlcoa of thed-y w re gen erally made. In late afternoon dealings and near the close there was a recovery , but the market finally left off , wilh prices \ to if per cent below yc-terday. Heading was exceptionally strong , and closed 3 | per cent higher. following are the closing bids : AS T II . tt } Man. Hlav'd . . 50 Pref.rrcd. . . . 88 Mil Coal 30 ADT . 33 M&O 8T > ? B A Lpreferrcd ( il M& StL 20 A. IJ . 130 ? Preferred . . 00 C. 3 . 54 $ N Y Klevated CO&I C . 20g NYC 1348 C8&C . 5-5 Nor. &W. Pt. 30 < C P . ! ) OJ N J C 903 CCC&I . 80 Nor. Pacilic. . 35 } CI . 34J Preferred . . . 745 CSIL &NO. 81 Northwest rn. 120 C&A 134 Preferred. . . 13Sl CO 21 ? - - - . 8J 1st profcred 35 Oregon Nav. . . . 13. 3d prefer.-ed . Out. & West'n. 27 'Coni. C . ittJi Omaha ST. ? DL& W . 124J Preferred. . . . 101' ' ID. &K. G . 723 Ohio Ccnttal. . . 102 Hi W . 3o OJt M 3(5 ( Erie . 47 ? OTC OS rrefcrred.12 Pull. Pal. Car..1421 East Tenn . IB PD&E 35 f Preferred. . . . 2 * PM 4lJ 'Adams . 140 Reading 03 } Fargo . 12 ! ) RI. . . . 133 American . ! )3 ) R& WPt 17L U. S . 77 R & D 10(5 ( H&St J . 9G R&A 31 Pref cried. . . . 100 St Paul 118J TO . 13.J1 Preferred . . .121 Francisco. . 40 37J Preferred . . . . 57. ] SI5 ) TP SO ] CliJ2 TD& IJ 12 I , > > A&O. -2 StPM& M. . . M L S & W. . . . 4\ ! ) \ Union Pacilic. Michigan Ceu'l SSJJ Waba-m M P 102 } Do i > fd Mem. ft Char. . 8U Western Union. 814 Met. Klev'd. . . . 815 } MATH llOMIs. Tencessces Os , old , advanced to 7 from 7'U. OIIOAaO HONEY MAUUl-.T. CiiiCAao. January 20. Tliere was a fair ini.scellnneoii'demand or money at 0@7 per cent. Eastern exchange between city banks wa * weaker at 50c discount per $1,000. The clearings of the associated banks were Sl.,400,000. Order * for currency from country puinls were light. COMMERCIAL. H > maha "W boloialo'Market. OFFICE OF THE OMAHA BKE , 1 Evening , January 20. > There are very few changes to note in the markets to-day. Wheat advanced 2e Bar'ey d-cllned Jo. Corn declined Ic Oats declined Jc. Local drain Dealings. WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 13J. ; casl No. 3 , 1 Ol ) : rejected , 7Cc. BAULKY. Cash No. 2 , 05\c ; No. i 75c. 75c.JIYE. . Cash , SOU : . CO UN. Cash No. 2 , 48c. -OATS. Cosh. 34ic. STREET PRICES Corn , 1550 ; oatn , * 10@45. JIAY SO 00@0 50 per Ion. Provisions. FLOUR Spring wheat , Htraighl grade , f32GJ > 350 ; "Pioneer" California , SI 00 ; patent , $375@1 50 ; winter wheat straight prade S3 8.4 25 ; patent , fl 50@5 00 ; gra ham rye , 82 50 ; Wheat , 43 00 ; Queen Bee. ? 1 25 ; Jasper , S3 87 ; BU Sioux , 53 50 , IIVTE FLOUR S3 25. MILLSTUFFS Bian , per cwt. 75e ; per ton. 15 00@1G.OO ; .creeniugs , per cwt. 80c ; shorts , per : \vt 1.00 ; chopped feed , per cwt. 1 20 ; meal tolled , yellow , 1 40 ; while. SI CO. POTATOES Nebaskas , 110@1 20. SWEET POTATOKS-Oenuine Musca- ' tine.4 @ 5c per lb. WILD GEESE Out of market. JiGUS lOc. BUTTER Choice , 24@2c ( ! ; poor , no market : fair , 18@21 ; creamery , 30@3Jc. APPLES Oood. sound , very soiree .tt 81 75@500 per bbl. LEMONS Steady ; per box , 5550 © GOli. GOli.MALLAGA MALLAGA GRAPES-Per bbl.S8 50 ; . per half bbl. , S4 50. BEESWAX Yellow , 20@22c. /ONIONS 1 lO l 4ft per bushel. ORANBERRlES-Per bbl. , glO 00 ® OELKHY Per doz. , 0"85c. DRESSEDGKKSU Per lb. , 9@llc. OYSTUltS Selects.45o ; standards , 35c. DRESSED OIIIOKKNS-Steady at lOo. DRESSED TUIIKEYS12@13Jc. CHEKSE-10&J14C. Grocers List. COFFEE. llio , talr. l.'Hc : Rio , good , ' { c ; P. ! ' ) , prime to choice , 144c ; Old gov't . Java ; ' 'OlJSJc , Mocha , 28Jc ; Arbuckle's , 17c. 17c.TEAS. TEAS. Gunpowder , goixl , 45@55c ; Choice , Ofl@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@lric ; " Choice , C,0tf)75c ( ; Young Hyson , good30@ 60c ; choice , ar/c@Sl / ! 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , C0@75cj Oolong , good , 85@40 ; Oolong , cho.ce , 40@55j Soucliong , gwotl. 35 < a40c ; choice. 35 © 15c. SUGAUS.-Cut loaf , ll'c ; Crushed , He ; Granulated , lOtfc ; Powdered , ll c ; Fine powdered , HJc ; Standard Coffee A. iOc ; New York Confeclioner's Standanl A , lOc ; Good A , 9Jc ; Prairie Extra C , 'Jo. 'Jo.SYRUPS. . Sugar home , bbln , 45o ; lu | ! ] | bin , 47c ; kegs , 4k gallon1 * , 82 lO ; choice rtable Hvnip , 42c ; half bbls , He ; kegK$210 . , SODA. DwiKht'a lb papers , $3 00 ; De- land do , $3 00 ; Church's , 83 00 ; Keg loda , STARCH. Pearl , lc ; Silver Gloss , 8j @ 8Jc ; Corn Starch , 8j@9cj Excelsioi Gloss , 7c ; Corn , 7ic. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 2 05 ; Ash. ton , in Backs , 3 50 ; bbln dairy CO , 5s , 3 45 ; Ibis dairy. 100 , Sa. 3 65. DRIKD FUUITS-Choice halven , ichcs , new crop , 8Jc ; Evatiorated A pple : n lb boxen , 13c ; Michigan , 8k ; New York apples , 8c ; Pruiien , old , 7Jc ; new , 8c : Currants , § 8 ; Illackberries new , OIIEKSE-Full Cream , 14c ; Par Bklm Die. WOODKNWARK-Two hoop pall 1'n 1 05 ; three hoop palls , 2 20 ! No. 1 tub \ 0 50 ; No. .i tubs , . 8 50 ; No. 3 tubs , 7 50 pioneer \vwhboardrf , 1 85 ; Double 2 00 ; Well bucket325 , LKAD-llar , SI Co. Sl'lCKS. Pepper , 20 ; Albpice , 20c Cloves , 45c ; Nutmofrs , $109 : Cassia , 23c ; Mac * 81 00. MATOHES-1'er caildlc , POc ; rouml canr-a. $7.05 ; aounro case$3.10. . PROVISlONS-Breakfont bacon. 12U : hoicc lard , lljc : dried beef , 13Jc ; should CM , Del hams I4jc : bacon. side. ' , lie. NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrel- , $10 00 ; do in half bbl5 75 ; smallIn bbK , 12 00 do , In half bbls , 7 CO ; gherkinin bbl' , It 00 ; do , la half bbls 7 50. VINEGAR Pure apple extra , 1C- ; pure apple , 13c : Pnissinff mire nunle , lOc. HOMIN Y New , $5 50 iicr bbl. BEANS Medium , hand picked S3 40 per bushel ; navy , ? 3 50 ; calrl navy , $3 50. JJOPKSlal , J inch and larger , Hj ( ? JJ@10c ) ; J inch , lujt. SOAPS-Kirk's Savon Imperial , 830 ; Kirk's Raliuet , HSOjKirk'standanl , 3 50 (5)3 ) 35 ; Kirk' * white Russian , 5 25@5 00 : Kirk's Eutoca , 2 05 : Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 10 ; Klrl : ' * magnolia , 4 55 ® 440. 440.CANDLES CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 10 oz , 8 ? , 10cbtixes ; 40 lb' . , 10 oz. , Os. lOc. LYE Amerlcaii , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 340 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' lye , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 275. POTASH Pennsylvania cam , 4 doz. , In case , 33j ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 dor. in case , I 'JO ; Anchor Bill 2 doz In case. 160. FIELD SEED Red clover , choice new , 80 00 jier bushel ; mammoth clover new , 5700 ; whllo clover , now , $1100 al alts clover , new , $12 50 ; nlslke , new , 81300. Timothy , goal , now , S3 00 ; blue grans , extra clean , $1 60 ; blue crass , clean , 8125 ; orchard grass , ? 2 50 ; red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , SOc ; millet , Gciu in , SI 00 to 8125 ; Hungarian , SOc , HEDGESEEP-Osago orange , 1 to bushels , So 00 ; oaago orange , 10 bushels or over , 84 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 35c ; per 100 Ibs , , $2.00. . FISH Family white fish , 00 lb hf bbli , S3 75 ; No , 1 white fish , 90 lb hf bbls , 0 30 No. 1 white fish , in 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; familj 10 lb kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines , 75c : Colur"- bia river salmon , per 100Ibs , 8 00 ; George's Bank codfish , Oc ; Gen. boneless codltsh : UJc ; boneless lish , 5Jc. MACKEREL Half bblsmesMiiackerel , 100 Ibs , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. I ex shore do , 100 Ibs , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs , 3 83 ; moss mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 25 No. 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 12 IbdB. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do , "Oc. CANNED GOODS Oyster. * , 2 lb ( Field's ) , per case , 84 00 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( Standanl ) , per case , 3 00 ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per cane , 2 50 ; dt 2 lb ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( nlack ) , per case , 2 00 Onions , 3 SO. Salmon , 1 lb , per dozen , 1 CO1 70 ; do21l > , per dozen 2 o5. Sardines , small 1'uh ' , imported , ono ( Hiarter boxes per box , lljc ; American , quarter boxes per box. He ; do half boxes , per box , 21ic. Lobslers , 1 lb per dozen , 180. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 lb pur case , 330 ; Corn 2 lb ( Mountain' per case , 3 00 ; soaked corn. 210 ; di : 2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , pur c.v-e , 3 01 : string beans , per cose , 2 25 ; Lima beans per case , 220. Succotash per case , 225 _ Peas , common , perc.isc , 2 IX ) ; peas , choice , par case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 U > , per case 280 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 75 : raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 75t3 ( 00 Damsons , 2 lt > , per case , 2 45. BarHetl pcais per cafe , 30o@IOO. Whortleber rics per case , 2 SO. Egg plums , 2 lb pei ci se , 3 50 ; di > , choice , 2 lb , per case. 4 50 Gr en gages,2 lb par case , 3 00 : do choice , lb tier case,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 lb , per case 4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 lb per case , 3 10 do 3 lb , case , C 00G 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , pei case.385 ; do pie , 0 It ) , per dozen , 3 50. RICE Carolina , 8@84c ; Louisiana , 7i @ 8\c \ ; fair , 07. PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten nessee , ! ) c per lb.fancy ; white , lOc per lb ra-v white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted llic. Dry Goods. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , SJc ; Applcton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott FF , 8Jc ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; .Cabot W , 71c ; Cliltteiiaugo A'C4c ; Oreat Falls E , 8Jc ; Hoosier , GJc ; Honest Width , 7 0 ! In dian Head A , 8Jc ; Indian Standard A , 83c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 81c ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7ic ; Pequot A , 8c ; Shawmnt LL , 7c ; Utica C , 5Jc ; WocluiH- ett B. 74c : do A , Sic ; do E 48 , 12ic ; Wai- cott BB , 8Jc. FINE BROWN COTTONS Allendale 4-4 ; 7Ac ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic LL. G c ; Badger StatP X 4-4 , 7c ; Bennington C 4-1 , OJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , pice Indian Orchard AA 0-8 , 8Jc ; Laconia O 3'J , Sic ; Lehigh E 4-4 , J\c ; I insdalo 1-4 , lOo : Pepperell N 30 , 7c ; do 0 32.7ic ; do R 30 , 7fc : ; do E 39. SJc ; Pocasset C 4-4 , 7 c ; Wamsutta-l-l , 13c. , BLEACHED COTTONS Androscog- ( .in L 4-l,10cBlackstouoA ; A in perialilc ; do do half bloiched44c ! ) ; Cabot 1-4,87 ; Fidelity4-l , 91cFruir ; of th Loom , 11 ; do can bric4-l,13rdo ; WaterTuist.lOicjGreat FalUQloiclmliin shrunk 1-1,12 c ; L'insdale. lOJc ; do cambrio 37 , 13c ; JNTew York Mills , 13c ; Pcquot A. lOc ; Pepperell N G Twills , 12ic ; Pocahontas 4-i , 9Jc ; Pocasa-t 4-4 , S\c ; Utica , Ho ; Wamsufta O X X , 13c. DUCKS Unbleached Allanlic , 10 o 17c ; Italtiinore do , lOc ; Louo Star , 8 oz. , 12c : Sav. go , ISc. I.L , CKS ( Colored ) Alb my E brown , 8c ; do C , < lra' < lcin V/v , stripes and ] ) l.iids _ , 12Jc ; ilo XXX brown and drab , stripes and plaids , 12j c ; Arlington fancy , Iflc ; L'nmswick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy , 12Jc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Rive > brown , extra heavy , llic ; Indiana A brown , 13c : Neponset A bronn , 15o. TICKINGS Amoskeag A C A 32 , 17ic ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; Arrowanna , Die ; Claremont B B,15ie ; Conestoga ex tra , 17Jc ; Hamilton D , flic ; Lewiston A 30 , 15c ; JIinneliaha4-4 , 20c ; Omega supt-r extra 4-1 , 28o ; Pearl River 32 , lOfc ; Put nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shelucket S lOJc ; do SS 12c ; Yooman's blue 2U , SJc , DENIMS , Amoskeak , blue and brown , ICJc ; Andovcr DD bine , 15Sc : Arliuglon ' blue Scotch , IS c ; Concord (3O ( , blue nnd ' , brown , 12Ac ; do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXX do ilo lite ; Ifaymaki-r'H blue nnd brown , Olc ; Myntic River DD slripe , lO c ; 1'earl River , blue an 1 brown , ISJc ; Uncasville , blue and blown , l.ijc , CAMB1UCS Hamnrd , 51c ; Eddyatono lining , 21 Inch double fr.ce , 8Jc : Garner A glared , 5c , Manhattan glove linish , 5Jc ; Newport do Oc ; do glaml , 5'lc ; Petjuot do fw ; Lo kwood kid lintiili , Oc. CHSETJKANS ) _ _ Amory , ScjAndros- cog0'iu H.ittei-i i ) , SJoj ( 'laroiidmi , Ofc'oucs- ; ( toj-a Battueiw , 7c } : HiilhiwB'l ' , > ic ; Indian Orchard iiuprtnod , 74c ; NarniRaimctt , 7Jcj Pepperill B.iltceu 'Jin ; Itockport , 7jc I'HINTSAliens , lJc ! ; American , Cjoj Ai-n Id , 7c ; lltjrwlck. ' ; , ( } , , ; Concstoga. CJc ; IJiinkirb , i-ljcj Duunoll , CJ@7cj Kddyslonu , 7c ; Olouci-utcr , fie ; 'Harmony , 5Jc ; Knickerbocker , ( ijij ; Her- rimao D. 7c ; Mystic , 5Jc ( SprarauH , < io ; Southbridgo , tc ) ; tin. Ciiiijliains , 7c ; tlarl. bore , 5Jc ; Orient. CJc. ' OIKGHA'.MS'-'AiiioikeaB , lOJo ; Amos. kcag drcw 12 } . Are \ , , lOJc ; Atlantic , 9o ; Cuiahorlaud , 7Jo ; Hi hland , 8c ; Kenihvorth , 8ic ; 1'luu kett , lOic ; Su8- sex. c. COTTONADES Abberv ille Agati , SOc ; American , lie ; Artinlan , 20c ; Cairo D and T , 13ic ; Clarion D and T , 17ic ; Deccan Co.stripesDandT , 10c ; Key- atone , 13ic ; Nnntucket , 19o ; Nonpareil , ICc ; Ocean D and T , 13c : Itoyal , " " - Suwex , 15cj ! , - in-f ) beck . 12Jo ; do , Nankin , 12Jc ; York , plain Nankin. 1'JJc ; do , check * , Btrlpea anil fancy , 12Aa ; do , 8 nCOc , 81IKKTING.S-AndrofcoKirinl < M.27ic ; do 9-1 , 2lc ; do 8-1 , 2'Jc ; Cuiilint-nlal ( 42 , lie ; Fruit of .ho Loom 10-1. 274 ; N'o" York inilU ! 8 , 3.c ; do 78 , 30c ; do f)8 , 'A'Jc I'embroko 10.1 8Sc ' 10-1 di , ; I'equot - , 28io ; 7-1 , 1'Jc : do ID , lOc ; Tiiiiporell 'JO. 20o do 07 , 21u ; do 67 , 18c ; Utlca ! > G , 3.r cj dc 58 , 22Jc ; do-18 , 17o Clears and Tobaccos , CIOAltS. Heeds , 81S.OO ; ( Joiinft-tlcut , 821.00 ; Mixed , § .T,00 ; Seed Havana 5.r.O.ufJCltarllavana , $75.00. ; TOJ1ACOO 1'LUO , Coldou Hull- 24 II ) , iXq ; Spotted Fawn , Olc ; Our ltoie | I quality , C2c ; Star , tiouiuU , 2 11) , ImltH , COc ; llorxo Shoe , pound * 21 lb , biilU , COc ; 1'urlty , a lb. butt * , 52c ; Queen Boo , 24 lb , butt * . ; Gilt Edge , pound * , 84 lb , butts , UO ; Anny and Navv , pounds , 55c ; Bullion , pounds , OOc ; 1/orilUul' * Climax , pounds Olc. FINE OUT In palls , Hani to Boat , 0.1 ; Golden Thread , 70o ; Fountain , SOc ; 'avorito , < VV ; Hooky Mountain , OOc ; 'nncy , " > c ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foil \itlins O. S. , 5 lb lioxcs , per lb 05c : I/orl- lard's Tiscr , 0. > c : Diamond Crown , Ma. SMOKING All grades Common , i5 ! to 3o. Granulated Blnckwells Durham , 10 xolc ; Duke * Diiiham , 10 or , 50c ; Seal of forth Carolina. 1 or , 40 ; Seal of Ncbriw- a , 10 oz , 3Sc ; Uitio Jack , 4 oz , linen bags , > er lb , 81.35 ; Marburg1 ttick , 2 or , tin 11 , RiVs ; Uo Tail. 05c. Palntt Oils and Vnrnlihei. PAINTS IN OUi White lead. Omaha ' . P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co.pure , - : Marseilles green , 1 to 5 lb cans , 20c : ' 'rcnch zinc , gi ? n seal , 12c ; French line , ed seal , He ; French rinc , in varnish aast , JOc : French rlnce , in oil ossl , 15c ; Raw uid burnt umber , 1 lb cans 1'Jc : raw and mriu Sienna , 13c : vandyke brown , 13. ; efinod lampblack. 12c ; coach black , P'c ; ory black , IGcj drop black , ICe ; Prussian ) lue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome Kreen , L. M. k D. , He ; blind and shutter recn , L. M. & . D. , He : 1'aris green , 18c ; [ ndlan rod , 16c : Vcnnlian red , 9c ; Tuscan ux , 22c ; American Yvnnlllod , I. & P. , I8c ; chronio yellow , I. . , M. , 0. k D. O. , 18c ; vellow ochre , 9c ; goltlen ochre , 10 ; palent ilrycr , Cc ; graining colors : light oak , dark oa c , walnut , chestnut and ash 12o Dry ° nlnt White load , Gic ; French rlnr. lOc ; Paris whltelng 2Jc ; whlling gliders , lie ; vhiling convl , lie ; lampblack German , town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prus. siau bhtCi 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vandyke , brown , Sc ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umlwr , raw , million , America , 18c ; Indian red. lOc , ro o pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cook on'a ' i-jc : Venetian red Am. , lc ; red lead , 7ic ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel low , 1C. , 12c ; ochre , nichellc , 3c ; ochre , French. 2Jc ; ochre , American , lie ; Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lehigh brown , 2jc : spanlsh brown , 2jc ; Prince's mineral Sc ; VARNISHES Barrels per gallon. Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; furniture , U , R5c ; co.ich , extra , 81 40 ; Coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , 81 50 ; Japan. 70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; shellac , $3 50 : hnri oil finish. 81 SO. OILS 110carbon , per gallon , 11 Jc ; 150 headlight , per gallon , 12'jc ; 17.V headlight , per gallon , lOc ; cryHtoline , pergallon. Oc linseed , raw. per gallon , 06 ; Unseed , boiled , per gallon , 08c ; lard , winter st M , per al Ion. 1 05 ; No. 1 , SOc : No. 2. 05c ; castor ko den machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 5c ; 2 , SO : sperm , sigiml , per gallon , 80cj let pciitine , per gallon , Olcnaptha ; , 74 , pe : gallon , SOc ; Gl' , SOc. Lumber. wnOLKSALK. FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , § 20 CO No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. . 1 ! ) 00sheeting dressed No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 10 00 ; common boards dressed. ' . ' 0 00. FRAMING 1C ft. nnd under , per M 20 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 0022 ft. 22 00 21ft. 25 Ou. FINISHING No. 1. finish li , 14 ant 2 inch , 850 00 No. 1 finish ] inch § 15 00 No. 2. finish li , 14 and 2 inch , $4500 : No 2 fiiiihh , I inch , 810 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 in.h $35 00 ; O. G. battens pei iOO feet liu. SI 00 ; well curbing , S22 00 ; rough i and ' inch battens per 100 feet liu. . uOc. STOCK BOARDS A stock , 840 00 ; * 35 00 ; C , S30 00 ; common stock , 822 50 FLOORING No. 1 , 840 00 ; No. " $35 00 ; Wo , 3 , ? 22 00 ; yellow pine , No , $4000. SIDING-NO , i , $2100 ; No. 2 , $2200 ; No. 3 , $18 00. SHIP LAP Plain , 822 00 ; O. G. No. 1 , $3200 ; No. 2. $22 00. CEILING > -$24 00@S37 00. LATH AND SHINGLES A starbest ( ) Hbinglcs , 83 85 , No. 2 , 82 50 ; No. 3 , 82 00. Lath , S3 60. Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates , S3 50 ; plow steel , cast , 7ic ; cast tool do. 15@20 wason spokes , net. 225@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloe * , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@S5c ; axles , each , 75c ; snuaio nuts , per lb , 7@llc ; washers , peril ) . 8@18c ; nvots , jier lb , lie ; coil chain , per lb , 6@12c ; malleable , 80 ; ron wedges , fie ; crowbars , lie : harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per kt-g , 5 00 ; spring steel. 7@8c. NAILS 10 to 20d , 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , 3 75 ; Od , 4 00 ; 4d. 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 3d , fine , 6 50 ; clinch , all hizes , 5 25 ; Gd , casing , t 75 ; 8d cosing , 4 5 ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; lOd finish , 4 75 ; 8d finish , 5 00 ; Gd finish , 5 25 half kegs , lOc extra. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10 ; Oriental Powder , kegs , $0.40 ; do , , half kegs , 83.18 ; do. , quarter kegs , ? 1.8S ; Blast- ' "if , keits. 83.35 : Fuse. : > er 100 feet 50c. Horses and Mules. The market Is brink and all grades are i-elliiig well at fit-light advance in pices. The demand for good horses exceeds the supply considerably. Prices range as foi. lows : Fine single drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Extra draft horses , 8175. to 225. ; Common drait , her es , S100. to 150. : Extra farm horuon , S110. to 125. ; Common to good farm hornea S90. to 8100. ; Extra plugs , SW ) . to 75. ; Common plugs , S20. to § 10. MULES. 15 to 15i hands ( extra ) , 8125. to 150. ; MJ to 15 hands , § 100. to 140. ; 14 to 114 hands , 875. to 100. ; 13J to 14 hands. 800. to 75 Liquors. ALCOHOL 187 proof , 2 25 per wine gallon ; extra California spirits 187 pioof , 1 31 per pioof gallon ; triple refined spirits , 1P7 proof , 1 21 per proof uallon ; ic-distilled " H kifc , 1 001 fin ; fine blended , 1 50 ( < 2 50 ; Kentucky bouillons , 200 ( j7 00 ; K-n- lucky and Pt'inmylvanU ryen ( J 00(3-7 ( 00 BRANDIES Imported , Sli 00@10 00 ; domeslic 140@l 00. GINS Imported , 4 50@0 00 : domestic , 1 40@3 00. RUMS Imported , 4 B0@0 00 ; New 1 ' ' ,200 , ® ! 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 50 J'KACH AND APPLE BHANDY 75toi 00. CHAMPAGNES In'j > rtecl per case , -Aw'T'rxJ ' ca o , 12 ( )0@ ) CLARETS-I'er case , 4 fiO@1000. WINES Rhino winv , per cnsu , II 00u ( ) 20 00 ; Cutnwba , per case , I Wu,1 00. Dulldlrg Material , LIME Per barrel , SI 35 ; bulk perhti. , 35c. Ceii unit , bbl , 82 50. Iowa planter. bbl , 82 50 , Hair per bti , 3ric. Tarred felt 100 His. 83 50. Straw board , 8J CO PAPER 8ti aw paper , S u ; rag paper , 4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manila paper , lOc ; news | iaicr. ] 80 COAL Cumberland blacksmith , $12 ; Morris Run Blosaburg , $12 ; Whitcbreast lump , 87 00 ; Whitebreast nut , 87 00 ; Iowa lump , 80 50 : Iowa nut 8050 : Rock HpriiigB , $8 ; Anthracite , all sized , 812 00 © 12 50 , Wool , Merino unwaRhed , light , 14@lGc ; heavy , 13@15c ; medium unwushod , light , 1820c ( ; tub-washed , choice , 32c : fair , 30c ; dingy and w , , 28c ; hurry , black and cotted wooli 2@Gc lesa Hldoi euri , Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7c ; green cured hides , 8c ; green gait , p | rl cured hides , 70i7'ic ; dry flint , sound , 13(5)1 ( ) Ic ; drj calf an < l kip , 12@13c ; dry salt hidos.sound , Ilfol2c ; green calf , wt. 8 to5 Ibs. . 10llc grfen calf , wt , under 8 Itm , pet skin , GT" gitenjielts , 81 00(5jl ( 15 ; green lambskins 81 10ml 25 : damaged hidus , twcrthird raiu , cut rcored and one grub , clasMd two tl irdrt rat , ) brandwl hides 10 per cent , 'iff ' rv.m eklns , No. 1 , 15c ; No. ' . ' , 30c ; No. 3 23 , ; No , 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 SOc ; No. ! ) , 15c : No. 4 , 5c. V x , No. 1 IXo ) ; No. 2,250. Skunk , No. 1 , black ( Vie ; churt ntrlj > o , 40o- narrow Ktripo ' 4"c > bruail htripe , lOc. Tallow , CJo , Druca , DRUGS AND OHKMIOALS.-AcW Carl-ollc , oOiu Add , Trtrtarie SOc ; Bal .vu Copabln , per ll > , 7f > oj Bark , SaMnfra-s KT lb , 12o ; Calomel , i > cr lb , 7 "cj ClnchMiidb , IHT 07 , SI 00 ; Chloroform , per lb , I ( W ; Do\cr' iHiwilers , t > or lb , $1 40 ; hpsni ialts , per lb. SJc ; Glycerine , piirc , IHT lb , l. > c : Ix-nd , Acetate , per lb , 2 ' , ; Oil , Castor , Nt. . 1 , per rfil , " 1 .1- : Oil , Cnstor , No. 3 , per gnl , $125j Cil , Oll\p , porgftl.Sl 40 ; Oil , Origanum , W. Opium , SI Mi ; Oiiinlup P. k W. ( t 1 ! . .V * . IHT or , 82 7" > ; Potitssium , loilldo , per II , fc ! 40 ; Salaciu , per or. 40c ; Sulphntc ( Morphine , per or , 83 HI ; Sulphur llotn , pcrlb , 41c ; Strvohnine. tier or. 81 IS. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH _ _ Council BlutTn Markot. COUNCIU Bum-it , .lunuarv 1 Flour -Mmuifaclnred bv Crystal an 1 City Mills. 37fi < < M 50 ; Kansas nnd Min. souri Hour , 350 © t 25 ; graham , 3 7 ! IM- Hour , 3 40. Bran and Short * 17 00 per ton , Chop Corn 2.2 50 per ton , Wheat Xo. 2 , 81 17 ; No. 3 , Wo ; n jected , 70c. Ctirn No. 2 , 50o , rejected So. OatH Kn. 2 , Uc ) : rejected , JT c. Barley No , 2. DOc : No. U , 7iK3. Hay Liio-e , C 00 ( < ! ' 7 00. Wood-5r > 0 ( )700. ) Live Hogs 5 2 , " @ . ' > ' " > , Catt lo Shipping , 4 riO < 5,5 00 ; mlhli cows 30 00Sil5 ( 00 per head ; Imtchrrs stock , 3 00(3)3 ( ) 50. Slu ep-375@l25. O Hided fie ; G 3 hides , 7c. Wool 15@ ' 5. Butter In rollKvrappwl and cry , 25c- rolls no wrapped , 20' ; inlvi-il oo on > , lofJi Oc. Eggs 1'aiked , tr.c ; frcli , 20o. PotitoM-1 10@1 TO ; Salt Lake , 1 5) ) . Oidona-l 25(311 ( 10. Dressed Poultry Chicken * , ! ' < J ; dticl. . 11V ; ; ficoHi- . lie , Inrkoyn , I'-'ic. Lh o Chickens 2 1'5 per do/on. Chicago t'liiCAno. January 20 , On 'clitnuo the pain n arkcta were higher. The receipts of grain \\oro 571 car load * , oinbr.ii-ing 58 of wheat , 35(1 ( of corn , 12 ! ) of oatH , 0 of rye , and 23 of bar 1 .V. .V.Floip In good demand and firm : coin mun t > choice M'Hng ' western , 4 50(8)7 ( ) ( HI. Minnesota's , fi 00ii7 ( ! 25 ; patents , 7 MXn 8 50 : winter bramlM , 5 Kif7 ) ( 25 : rye tlmu , 3 507 00 ; buckwheat II ur , 0 507 00. Wheat -I No , 2 spring was ncti\o niu1 a large lminu4 ws transacted on spin Intivo ai'couni , Nuiiior ais buying order- were received -mil ] cal operators nlsu bought frctly tinning n further appri'd.i linn In p Iocs .ill around. Tin mnrkot ad vices from othei points wcro of u favo-alito tenor. The m ikct ojiviictl abuu' $ ( ak hjghcr and udvnnccd with flight lltictua lions Ic additional , then becalmwe.lkanil declined 'c , ruled & toady for a wliil fluctnntod an I lind'y closed about 1@U hi.her on the -ocular biurd. ami on call ut i 30\ for c.iib : 1 HOi for J nunrv : 1 3 \ (51130J ( for IVbruary ; 1 31V@1313 for Miucli ; 1 : ' : for Apr ! ' : 135 for Mai ; 1 12 : | ' for tin- \ i-ir : ; No. 3 iu good denmml at 1 171 IS : ivjct-tfd , 80@.IOo. ' Coin A f. it1 biisiue.s.s was transacted , but the foi'liii ' was unsettled i nd price * homewhat irregular. Early in thu divv inices ttt-ie fliglilly abused , but later in the day a tlecliiiB of ( idjc was establUhul . mil the muikct ruled easy lo the elm Shipping lemand was fairly active ; N 2 liunlly cltxcd at ) c bellur on the jegulnr board , "and on cill at 01 for cash ; 00. fnrJiMiary ; 002if0,1 ( ! , fo F-hnmry ; Olr f r Mrrch ; Olijc for if ay ; tiGKoHiOjJi f i .lime ; OG'c for July ; ri'j-utcd , 58c. Oats Quiet ; not much intoro t tiken in tlio market ; No. 2 rlo cd nt 43cfnr | c .sh and Febrnni v ; I2jc [ for March ; 45Je for May ; 45c for June. Rye Voiy ijuiot : No. 2 inactive . for cnsh ; POe for Jmiuary , February at ( .1 Murjh. BarleyCiimpiratlvely steady but liltlc off mid tra 'dug light ; No. 2 , 107 for ca-h ; I 08 for Match ; No. 3 88c for cash ; 88 © ! Ko ) for JHnuary. Pork Active early in the day and ad vanced 30@40c , but later fell elf 25@ . ° > 0c nnd closed tamo. Mess , 17 50@17 II4 for cash , January nnd February ; 1772.V fir Mar , h ; 17 80 for A > ril ; 18 05 for Mi.y. Lird Easy at 5(5 ( > )74o ) hL'liertlinn ntthij opening , rioted 1115@1117i for cash ; II 15 foi F-bnmry ; 11 30 for Mnrcli ; 11 40 for April ; 11 50 for May ; 11 G7.J for .June. Bulk MeMs Steady at lower range ; short rllic , 8 K0@8 85 for cash ; 80 for l " i'ruarv0 : ! ' ( for Marcb ; U 12. ' , foi A pill ; 0 25 fo'May. . Whisky Slcady al 1 18. Butter In good local and --hipping order demand and firmly held. Creamery , cb 'it-o ' t'i fancy , 30(5,380 ( ; fair lo good/IMXirttXc ; dairy , choii to fancy. 2S@32c ; do. fair to irnod , 18@2. " > c ; freh.iuado inickiug ti ck , l'12c ; ladle il. common lo u'u-'il , 1318c ; roll , 13ffll8c. ( KggH In good supply a < ) d inodeule 11'- ipiu t at 1718c | ; or do/t-n ; for strictly ficfji ; 13f 11io ( for ice hon-o. Ri-c'lH. Sliipin'tn Flour ! ) ,83"i 11,077 Wheat 21,741 12,2i3 'orn 101,052 110,11 ! ! ) Oats ! l5,5Sf > 01,502 Rye 2,351 1,051 Burley . . 10,055 II.OliH Chicago lilv" Stock. CltlcAco , January 20 Hogs Receintit , 211,000 ho d. There win a good strong demand for choiccpack- ing liogs and common to fair ho H also sold better. The uenoral market opened Htronger , and prices averai ; d 5 ( ) lla ( high er ; coininon to good mixed , G10ii015 ( ; heavy jmcking aiui Hliimiing aim ruled lirisk and higher T 0 50&0 85 ; li hl hoys active at d aalinfactory , r-mglng at I ! fK ) @ ( i 45 ; skips nnd cullK , 4 75 ® . ' ) 80. Cattle Receipts , (1,500 ( head. For ship pli'U caltlo the tnnrket was wnakcr and ir regular ; fair to medium , 405 520 ; t-ood t choice , f > 40(3)5 ( ) 85 ; exports , I ! 00i' ( li 'I" ; inixo I biitcherH' stuck in uo 1 hupply but steady and tlnw ; COWH , 300@ll)0 ) ; liilln. 3 10(5,1 ( 10 ; ulcers , 4 15riOO ; ( dockers ami feudt-is slow hut steady at 1 30irfi ( 35. Shco Itcci-ips , 1'COO head. Market generally \vcak r and lower at hliglit tie- clliio ; common. 3 fif I 00 ; mudiiini , I i"i@ I 75 ; good 5 00S ( 2'r. Kausiin City Produoo Mnrlcnt. KANHAH Cirv , .lanti ny 20. Wheat Ht-c iitn | , 0 103 liu ; withdrawn , 11.Wttl bu ; in lore , 210,211 bu. Market steady anil hhtlior ; o. 1 ca li , ! l"c bill ; Jin nary. HSlo bid ; I'Vliruary , ' .ISAc hid , No . ' ! Fubruary , 101' bid ; .Miuch , 1 0i ( bid. No. U c.iHh , 1 2J bid ; Jams ry. 1 23J bid. Corn lii o ( pin , 5,325 bu ; v.ilbdrawn , 8)52 ! ) liu ; In Hlon- , lli'.W ? bn. Muikft linn and > lghlly ! higher ; No , 2 mixed nnh , 5c ! ) ; Juniury , 58 ! < i bid ; I'Vbru ry , 5lidi5lgc ! ! ; Maich OOc bill ; April , Mio ; May , O3'c I id. N , 2 while mixed a-h , Olc bid ; Januaiy , OlJgO'ic ; Febrmry , " 1lii } bill , ( Ja'.H Witlu'rawr ' , 8,000 bu ; In 'tore , 38I08 ! bu. Market linn ; No. 2 canh , 45u bid ; Januiiry , 45lc bid ; February , 40o b'd. b'd.Hye Itti-cinth , 1.10 bu ; in ( .torn 7,788 bu. C-nli , W.c bid ; January , ! . ' < bid ; February , IWJo bid , Flour M tiket woiker ami In buyers ' favor. ButterItecelpU of ill grades are fair ; market active for choice at 25@27c. EVUH Receipts largo and market weak at 1 % lfio. Knnin * City Xilvo Stock KANHAH CITY , Jamury 20. Cattle ittceirts , l.OHO headi.liipiiimiti' ; , 221 head , Maikct nlow ami eloping weak at a d < cline of 5c to 'JOc fie n yecterdai 's ' prices Nnlivo shippi-ri1 , I Ml ( > 5 10 ; nalivu fccdorH lockciit , . ' 100 ( " I 40 ; nalivo cows , 5 ! 5J.1@3 75 , Rccu ptc , 5t'ti ) { heud ; tliim "GO hujd. Miitkct Htrong nud xclfie , < > n ( from 5u In lOo holier. Uond lo i-hol < heavy , ( i'5ir ( 050 ; mixed pau inif , . " > ! )5iJ ) ( ( I 20 ; HhlppiTg , 5 lif ( .5)5. ! ) B n II ill o lilvo Htook , EAhT BUKKAI-O , Jarniaiy 'JO. Hi'd'H I''jrmur ' ; r- < > ! , U , 32 ; shipim-utu 2fi ; Yiukern , U 10 ( , G 50 ; U" < d inixliilii 0 CO&d 1)5 ) ; ( .owl tn chuico , ( i GOfeli 75. St. Lonli JProdnCft.- Sr , I/1 ! * , iTnnnirySO , Flour Unchanged. Whont lllulirr ! No 2 rod , 1 I''JfJf I Llforcuh ; 1 I ( if 1 Fohruary : 143J ( 1 4 for March ; 1 la tjiil 13J for Apill ; 1 4u : ! I I3 | for May ; 1 154 lliovcar ; No. 3 do , i 31HNo I do , I lfif ! ) 1 20. Coin I'lrm iiuil t\o\v \ nt G5Jifr ( > "i'o , for sh ; 05'o , ' fur Jnnunrv : ( 'lie for March ; li'ifor \piil ; 0 | ( iJT > 8 > p fur May. Onls Dull nl < 5Hu for cash : 18c for May. Hye Finn at H7o bid. Barley Stonily at Wn ( 1 10. Load" ( Jniotat I 87 $ . ButterI'nplmnijoil. . KwFirm nt 2lc. VNld ky Steady nt I 17. Pork 17 05 bl I for c.ish and Februarys 17'.WlbldforMiiicli. I < .inl-1l glicr at 11 15.Roc'ts. Roc'ts. Shlpmts. riour ' . ' . ,000 7,00(1 ( Whfat 50XX ( ) 2 000 Coin $3,000 31,000 Oats 13,000 11,000 Kyo ' . ' ,000 llarloy 5,00(1 ( Cincinnati Prodnco. CINCINNATI , Jununiy Mfs i'oik Finn nt 17 50.i 17 75. hard -Prlmo steam , II U i 11 1.1. Bulk Moats Slwi.dv clear sidt-s , ' . ) 12i ( .111374. Baron Stonily ; clear sidon , U 2'i. Flour Steady ; Ininily , ( i 30@7 50. Wheat Finn ; No. 2 rod , spot on Irack , 1 U. i orn Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , spot ou linen , Olio. Oat * Firm ; Vi , y niKi-d , ISc. Kye Firm ; No. 2 in i-lovator , I 051. Barley Dull : No. 2 fall , t 020' 1 05. Whiskv Firm nt 1 10. Poorln Produoo. PKOIUA , January 20. Corn Tlio imukct was active mid stonily ; now high tuhoJ , OLftyOlJ ; mi\od , . OatsFinn ; No. 2 white , I5J551I51. Kvo-Stc.tdy ntsyjc. 1 Hghwiiir-.s I Inn an I sleatly ; now imotoil at 1 10. lleo'ts. Ship'ts. WliiMt . 1,825 475 ( \irii . ! l,250 52,000 Oats . : iOKX ( ) 15,750 Hye . 2,300 4,500 llarley . . l.lifiO none Llvoruool Produoo. Ijivr.lil'oou January 2) ) . FlourAit'crioiui , 10s Gil(5'13s. ( Wheat - Winter , l".s 2 l@ltiHllil ; white , 10 < 4d ( ' 10s M ; spring , ! < IDd lOs Odjolub , 10s 8tlGftllH. Corn5s Oil. Por75fl. . l.anl55s. . Receipts of wheat for the piistthreotiays ivas 102,610 i oiitil" : , 75,000 centiils b. ing \ ! n. FlillnUoliiliiii Prodnon. I'llil.ADKi.i'lllA , January 20. Wheat Firmer ; 1 I2KW ! 43J Wr cash and ilanunrv. Corn S cady ; OOJGTOHJe foi cash nud January. Hats Steady ; 50j51o fur cash. llyo l-ii : ierattiO@i3c. ! E-st Liberty Live Stock. EAST LiiiKHTY , Pa. , Jaiuinry 20 , Cattle Ao ivo mid iinchat ged. Ito- ci iptp , 1,322 ; xliipm iiis , 1,517. HopH lieceipts , 1,800 ; shipments , t , 200 ; Philadelphia" , l ! 807 ( OH ; Yoikciv , 030@i.rn. ( Sheep -Firm and unchnnged. Iteceipts , 1,200 ; shipments , 1,000. Baltimore Prodnco. B.UTIMOIIK , Januaiy 20. Flour Slondy. Wheat Soulheni < irnj , Pull1 1 43 ongberry , 1 43@l 40 ; No. 2 red win cr , 1 tOJffil 'lOj' ' for ash anil January. Corn While southern firm nt 7 ( > c cllow , du'latOli@70c. ' ! Turpentine Market- WiUtiKOTON' , N. C. , January 20. Rosin Strained. 1 05 ; good , 2 00. Spirits Dull at 52o. Tar i 25. Turpentine Firm ; haul , ! 2 50 ; soft 00 ; Virgin , 3 20. Toledo Proanao- , January 20. M heat On 1 1 ; No. 2ied 1 40 for cauli 10 , ' for I'Vlmiary ; 1 42 $ forMi.rcli ; 1 42 or April ; 1 Klffor May. Nothing dniiu in other grains. NowXorlc JProiluuo Nicw YORK , Jummry 20. Flour5iii | 5t : higliei , with impioyc nent iliiilly on lower grades. Soiiltierr lour iiuil. Wheat Weak ; No. 2 red , 1 K.i ! 1 4G | in railed white , 1 40 ; I\o. 2 ted , Full nary , 1 4f Jlw1 ( I7J. Com Finn nnd higher ; mmlerato tin Hind ; uiiL'ratluil mixed , 08@7li ; No. 2 , 70&71c ; No. 2 while , 71J ; No. 2 Fob. rua-y , 70o70Jc. | ( O.its hhade lower n > d It-ss ac'ive No. 1 while , 51c ; No. 2 do , 4lli51c ! ( ! nixed Miwlurn , 47ii')5lc. ( ) Ryu Dull at ! )0 ) ( ! llio. Bailey Steady. Pork Strntiy anil ( iiiiet ; spot nits * 7 021ujl7 75. Lard -Dull and weak ; 11 274 for cftH' ' ' 1 3'JJ for l''olrmiry. Whi-ky-T-Nomlnol. Pctroleuin Nominal. HOW'S YOUIl ARM 7 The Dully Salutation of ClnrlntlaiiH- BimlnusB and Bulldnu ; Dooming. U rrenjiondi titci ol The Iltu. CI.AIIINDA , In. , Janiiiiry 18 Wi mvo had quito 1111 uxloimivo Hiinill-pox Bcaro in Cliirinda , and tlio quoHtion , 'Ilnvo you buun vacuiiiiitud' " may to w lo ) iiiiBwuivd in tliti iilliriuativu by loatly ovury no. Our dncttim linvo l > uuu kept busy [ ilyiny thu Innuut and vnucinu point for iiiiiny dayw pant , and .liu local iiutlioritioa liavu tukun cvory lircciiutiiui iiguinst tlio tiivaift'H of tlio wiso. 15ut thorough iiKjuiry ro- vt'ul.s tlio until tliiiljo far uu Clarindn IB concuniod it wan only a biy ucaru , Tlu'ru JH not now , nor IIIIH thimi buun ill Oliiiinda a ainglu CIIBO of Hinull-pox fur yoirn ; [ iiiflt. The liualtli ot our puuplu in good , Tliuni has boon altogetliur about n Kim CIIHCH out on thu railroad works , from DUO and n-lmlf to nix inile.s from town , and tlicsulmvo been so carefully fjuurdud and isolated an to pruvont all sjiroatling of tlio cuntayion. HuHJuefH in our young city is boom ing. Our mechanics nnd buildurs are Imppy and himy , and buHinuaa mun yunorally report tiini-H proapurouH. Many new buildings will bo erected nil soon aa Bjiring opuna up , and there bu lots of work for brioknmsona and carpenter. ) , Thu new liotul will aoon bu completed , and adjoining it will bo put up atiothor block mivi'iity foul front witli tliruo line hutinesH I-OOIIIH , huBidua Huveral otliurH ( already built , on paper , ; \\luuli will tukti nioro sill ) , titantial form in BUiuiiiur , 'I'lieiu liavo buun no now nuwapa- puns atur'od in our county diiico tin. ncginniii" of tlio year , but wo will trj to mjt along with tlio pruaunt biippl ) of tight weelliea and ono ilai.y , sup lilemt'iited by daily visitu from Till | ) IK : and olht-rH. Tiu ; DAII.V 15ii : : iu lii hly uppruui atod by those who linvo boon forming il.i aciiiuiiitanco " " .w. | , n , . . . now ho looked uj.oit ni ) ) i\rl o. ' "loir dully piiliiiluin. Hiur , l > < ( ' < TAKING T1MK HY TI1R TOPN OT- Vllllnoix KocovorM From the Hcarw Tlio Tutinul ComplotottTho Corn and Croiviuury Crop Cotn ! i inilinie nt Tur. Itnti VihMM \ , In. , .Iftiuiavy ! ! . - thiiiL ! ill our lily city is running smoothly and iUiutly | since the siniill- I wsiMre 1ms p-issod. Our city daila acted on the principle that a prevent , alive was better than a cure and fortli with ordered everybody vncoiuntodRO tluno in now no apprehension 111 ro- ' .iril to the loivthnomo disease appear ing in this vicinity. The tunnel in now completed aa far as use ia concerned and foot pnssun- gora cross nt all times of the tiny and night regardless of the number of trains that may bo switching in the vnnlft above them. Tins in indued a bleasint ; to every one liavini ; ( o the track at all. There i hut little grain coining to market here this Reason and stock feeders buy most that docs come. There wore 100 oars of Block thipped from thin place during the past year , which skives some idea of thu amount of com needed for feuding purposes alone. The now creamery ia about com pleted nnd will bo in full blast before many days. It , is tirat class in all its appointments nnd promises to he n .grand micceas. Messrs. Halt & Hall , thu mnnugura , evidently understand their busiiiosu thoroughly and intend to fulfill all promises to the letter. OCCASIONAL. Went for liuliig the most ilinvt. titilchiwt , n catOMt llnu connecting tlio treat jiotronollii , fill OAOO , and tlio KANTKKK , KoKTil-EAMTrtui , f cull ami Hiiian-l'.AHiKiiN I.INKH , whloh tcrmlnntcb herewith with KANSAS Cur , I.HAVBNVIOIITII , Aicmsox COPNCII. Ili.urrs ami OMAHA , tlio COMMIUCIAI CINTBOS from which rmllato EVERY LINE OF HOAD that penetrates the Contlnoiit from the Mlwwm Illvor to tliu Pacific Hlopo. Tliu OHIOAOO ROOK ISLAND & PA- OIFIO RAILWAY Is the only line from Chicago owning track Int KftiiBM , or\ihlch , ! ) ) IU own road , reaches th polnu aiio\o impicd , No tBiiir ) Rii sr OinpiAOB No UISS1NO CXJNNBOTlOKs ! No huddling In III vcntllatoJ or unclean can , aa every im carried In roomy , clctin and vontllatod coochon upon Ful Exprrsa Trains. DAT OARS ot unrlvaJod mkKnlflconco , PALACI BLXurmo Gins , nnd ourowiiworM-la'noui DiNiio CARS , ui n which nif b are served of un aurpaascd oxcoilonco , at the low rate of SBVUITTT KINI CSKTS IAOII , with ampin time fat hoaltufu' enjoyment. Through Can between Chicago , Feorla , Ml ! waukoo and Missouri Hirer I'olnta : and close coo nectlons at oil point * of Intersection with othci Wo'tlckct ( do not forget this ) directly to overv place of Imiwrtanco In Kanaoa. Noliraakn , Blaoli IIllls , Wyoming , Utah. Idaho , Novula , Cnllfornla , Oregon , Wanhln ton Territory , Colorado , Ariton and New llcilco. Aflll licral arrangements rrgixrdlrig haggago a ! any other line , and rnlofl of faro alwmy. " anl ow u computltora , who furnlnh hut a tliho-o the com fort Dogs and tackle of Hnortntnoii low. TIckctH. limps nnd folders ut nil prlnclpa olllcoii In the llnlt.d Slutiw and fJanft'Ja. n. u. C-AIIM : , ic. HT. JOHN , Vlcol'roa't & ( lL-n. Don. Tkt audl'iuw'r Ag Cnlcniro. No Changing Cars Where direct cnnia-itlun nru iniulu willi Tf"iot ; ) . bl.KKI'INU ( 'Alt LINKS for KKW YOIIK. IIOSTON , WAHHINOTON KAHTKHNWAHHINOTON ANI ) AM , KAHTKHN 1T1ES. The Short Line via. Peoria Kor INDIANAl'OMH , CINCINNATI , LOUIS VI LI.K , anil ull iwliiU In the Ill * IIHhT MN > For ST. LOUIS , Whcru direct connections are invlu In the Union Dcput with the Through Hlccpln/ r UniHforALLI'OINTtf NEW LINEAGES MOINES TUB KAVOUITK IIOOTK KOtl Rock Island. Thu unoqvtlod Inducomonta odorixl hy thli line to tr vulora and tourists are an followa : Thu ccliibratul I'ULLUAN (18-whcol ( ) I'ALACE HLICl'.l'INO UAItH run only on thin Iliiu 0. , II ft ( i. I'A ! < AUK UAWINO HOOM OAH8 , with llortnu'u Uctllnlnf Ulialru No ultra charge foi fivaU In Itu llnlnic ChalrH. Thu famoua ( ) . , II. it U 1'alai'o Dining Crs. Ooruwnn hiiiokln < Cin nttnl with iluKint liluli-ltickwl rattan ruvuhlnv chairs , for the iixclimtio UKO ol Hrht-tlanH pmnoii' ' Htt-iil Truck rd tuwrior | iulnntnt | comblr.i vlth th&lrK'i-at tlirouKh car trraiiguiiiuiit , inil.n thin , almvii all ntlic , tlio ( avoritu rauta Ui ti i lint , Koiith and Uutltlitsa t Try It , ami you will Iliul travullni ; a Injury In tuu ! ol & iltomfort. Tliroiiill ! tlikit vlo thli cclunntvl line for i li ut all ollluH in the IJpltwl stttCJ iiiil On.oU t. All nlornntlon atjnt rati * of Urn , slo i > ln. C'nr Atcrniino Utluiu , Ttmu 'I'aliliMi , ito , , Vrill u. . litoitully glvea by sppl * Ini ; tJ PKKi'UVAI. lAiWKt-U.J tisnuril 'ouiMi Avt't.t , ' " ' . i. I CTHI' ' ox jU'iixcr Jouv Srintui , JrnoMR Scimtr. 1' eslilcnt. Vli o I'rcVt. W. H. In i nut , Sec. and Trcas. THE NEBRASKA MAMACTURM CO Lincoln , Nab , MAXurArrritiis : ! or Corn Pl.intors , Harrows , Farm Rollers , u 'ky H.iy Rnkes , Buckrt r.lcvntlnj ; Wlnu n < 1 nrc | innrr < ! t3 do Job \\ork and luinulau. tun R forotlitr pirtlcs \K | , \SKA MAXUI'ACll KIM ) ft t.ivmNPII jinlO-Sni NTAV YOIIK , JANUAUV. 1SSJ. TIIK Hi v for isil confcunipil fitir million ono liunilri'il ntul nliietjr-toiik' tliotiwM thrcn liirn. ilriM ml nlncty-oito(4V ( > f > > lHl'9niiUQ | ) ( print * In ? i i ) > er In Hi l > ill > , hf.'lion- } , > l \VccM.i- tilltloii' . Thl < In ennui to sixty mlllloif Mcu-ri Ittimlrtxt and nmt'ii y-two thoimni ) U Imnrttil anil * aivnt-M\cii (00,77fl7" ( : ! ) i-npii-s of th ilMly Mm. Mm.Tho The ni'tual cirrnlntlon tor the | Mt > rar w : Dally. . 30701.101 Sunday . . . . . .7,037,004 Weekly . 0,400,154 Tlili c ic * for i-.toli il\y I" tin- year tlio follow. OopletortlieD.illy eilllion . 120,041 Copies of Hie Sunday rtlltlon . . . .135,330 Copies of the Weekly edition . 07,273 x Imit ! > crt1 ln spaee to soil. In the Unlu anil Sumiifillllonn | us | > rlro for ordinary nilwrtl'iMiit'titB U40 i-iiiiUilM-r niiuti' line. t're- forred povUlnni ami iliipltuol matter from to icnts to fJ.Mr ) lintIn the Weekly CiO cents mi npito line of tip.ifu ; no o\tra clnriro for ill- pl.iy. Prrfaitoil | > oltloitK 75 ci-lits to * 2 IK'I lino. MtliU prim ailirrlliiliit ; In the sou-mi ixll- tloiiBUf TllhSi.v IN cluupor than Its puli isticr liMcti'r lioni aliln to olitiln In any oilier mo- ilium , u ill ho lint 'pi'tit linnilreiliiiif tlioii < .iinlii ofilnllariln nuking kno n 'I'm : Si N , ntul thu Ml\iinlaiiH ltoTiT4 ( to tlu lm liu"t-i run nimilt ) ' . Tin bus In ( Milillnhcil oxery day In Iho ji-nr , ut No * . ItUI , IttMUul U0 Naii ill Hln-ct , N'tiw York fit } . I W r.V il.XNM ) , I'ulill'lirr. H. SO-iONFELD Pro ietorofthe Book Btoi e ! The Aiitlrjuarfiin'R " Do not trimt him , i-utlo rcnilor , 'J'boui'li liii Hhi-lviw Inolc triui and ncut Do nut lit'otl tlio plato glam \\iudo\Vi > , Shining out iipnii tliu xlrocl. Gilded liMckin ou the volumca rfoon will fatto and bo forgot ; ( Hided pigim are oft dfcoiuiur ( iciitlu ri-ador , liust him nut. Ik-ndur , once Ibero Hvcd n Htudciit , WholoiiK sought for lonruiug raic , And bo met him on the sidewalk , And bo falHoly led him there. And bo talked to him of TIIAIIE SAI.KB , I'OTTFH'H bonks and SciiHUCKna'H lore ; And I met him ploddiui ; homowarit With n bundle to htx door. Ociitlo reader , I lmv waited , Nljjhtly I liavo walked th6 street , J ltKoriii ( , ' fur you < in tlm aorner , And thin Imppy hour wo inoctl Itnlso yoiireyo to yonder window , Wliuro our Htuduut , hi tlio nljdit , With a IIBKO of HOIIMUOKKII'H lilslnry , JliscH up his pipe In Unlit. Knulrr , turn not from mo coldly , Tlio I mill only liavo I told ; I would H.-I o llico finin tbu book nloica , Wlioro tin- customer ) nro " * oW. " 1 w ultl Hldeld theo fr iiii ail diiiiKor , fjldeld tlieu from the pluto Kb * * * mnrc- Slum , O , bun tlio gilded coMitera , I liavo warned theo now liKw.MU' ! H. Schonfeld. I'KOPllTETOH OF THE ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSTORE Invlti'D the Attention o' the Io\cwof good n-ail- IngtulilH uxtuimUo am ) uilnalilu i-wlluctlon of thu CHOICEST WORKS In nil iltimrtmi'iitH ( if Mtcrntnro and Kclonco. Not onlj uro the niOHt cntui-iiii-il Kngllbli antJ Ainuilrnii worlm to liu found n hlHBhuUc- , hat THE ANOIENT CLASSICS anil tliu HtrmiUr.l Writer * of Mii'll.nia'njjn ' ) and Modern KIIIOHI | nro u 1 p-prutunttd , UnluKtu limopiiir'iinltli" f"r HIM nrlhir these Hooks .it low prllim , lo If r ihoni at ll.'un-n which inn nut Im mm b } MI > other IDH-U In ( hi * city. I'urUcN ilrhhlii. : Good Books at. . Low Prices urn riiiichliil | In i I'll rl i-ulii-ii- In-lorn loinliu" hcri1 ( lint thuy nii > | iruki > in 'inn ' i > f Hun w- DiHli'lni ; t Hi-Minuik | of I hi ) \ i r > but work * , I inrclullv " 'I 1t on' ' } i" > ' ' ' " cm-Id iiiw.1 iho ap- pratiil of u ciiHh'Hlu I tnitc. In thuiu ilijsi I ( liinplltornturoit IH very IMI- toliuy ( lira llltl imiu-\ I r/e tuck of prlntuil mailer , | HIIIU | In well illdiilitriiuiid | ) | iiilftr. lyttniii-il linok- , but whliliiliHiirio thu tlt'o In tliu laniiiiiii | " ' < 'li.irli--i ol litnib , "Tilings in Books' ' Clothing , " Ill-it' ' ) 110 riuntU'il tint HO nuuy iiooliBtllcru , | | ! itcriti : ! luiil ini'iremit ) , Illl th < lr ht-lvoH ulth tliiHHiu-liHof | nauliiK niu tci , ( him toiiM-rllnj ? tlulr tori n Into Mere Oharnal Houses lor thuijllt-ril iil anil Uot | irtH4uil niumnuos nt toiviitui or . | ' | ) ) nnort/tluii [ Hcriblcrn. lct llm u wh't ivl-fi to re-ail hooks ot IV. T INHH ) VAI.UK i > top Into my btoro and thuy tilll Hi d wh'ituior ' thoywaiit , Hun einbur tliut by thu i-holcu of your books j nr thiiuittir l Jiuluil. | ( It IH an axiom that "p'ojilu w ill not bu hotter than thu hooks tuuy ruml , " Dr A. I'ottur Thi. ' U" nural luadvr , the lawyer , the tloHilcal , tlicoloK'ca' ' ' ° r ini'illial htiiilint , tlio engineer or anhltiat th hUtorlcal ei.ipilrcr , Iho lovtrol iioutry or fiction , or thonu uho look for work In foreign lanKiiaKi.N , tan bo Miii | > llul ullh what U well Hok'ctotl stock ol clitfant Little Dookt forChllUrcnutlionie , who ulionld bu ro-iiomborol In thin liollduy Heaaon , And thottu who wl li for ( helm and rkhly bound Kilt booki > , uliOHU cohttntH will bo found Murlhy of their uxtcnml nuurance , will do well to call at tliu ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSTORE 1420 DoucflttBB Strett. HEADQUARTtRS OF THE LITERATI. Matter of Applicnlltm ol Kicd Staack Sc Co , fur Liquor License. . Notli-o III luriliy clvun Ihnt Krcd J-Unik . itlil mioii thu lltliilanJi ( uiO.A ) . , > <llii tlii-lriiitluutlo | tuthuJI yoraiul'l ytounolof llumlu. ( or ln-t-iiMi toM'lt M U , Hirtiiouii oiiil V noun I lipiure , t ll : IBIli Mrut. 'lliinlaril , Out i a , iriiia Ihu tfl il.ij ol January , ISsa , lo tliu int1 uj "I April , ISSS. II | m ru lie iiu ( ilijwtioii , ri iiion > traii u or i'rp- ' letlll l ltliliil n ' 'Wkn ( rum January lull , A. 1) , . lt > JI , thu iM liu " ' " 'H ' | iu Kfuntcil. 1'llLII MAACK , ( O , AlM > liraiit. liucPMLV IIKS iiim < rnr'ir will piiljIUh tin Bli < i\u iiulii-u mil u .w-li Hil. fur t o WCO > B i'O ' > ui ( lliimi ) ) > llutiit , . lltovlty olO