OMAHA DAILV BEE : sAWKDAY. JANUARY ,21 1883. THE DAILY BEE. . iHb ( OMAHA PUDLISHINQCO. , PROPI1IETOR6. rr\ 010 Frnli.-im , bet. Oth And 10th Strcoti. X K TEHM8 Of SUIlSGKirriON , no cojiv 1 } c.trln rt'l > aticoi ( > tivilil$10.00 ) 6 montln " " - fi.03 nionth " " 3.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE , TIMR CARD CHICAGO , ST. T t'l. , UINNKATOUS AND OMAHA RAILROAD. IX-MO Omaha riui cnKer Xo. 2 , 8:30 : a. in. Ac commodation No. 4,1:0 : ( p.m. ArrneOmMii Va * cnicr ; No. 1 , 6:20 : p. m , AccomtDCxhtlcm Xo. 3,10:60 : a. in. UAVI.NO OMAUA HAST OR ROU1U BOUND. 0. , D. % & O. 7 : 0 B. m. 3:40 : p. m. > A C. ft N.V. . , TMO & . m. 3:10 : n. m. C. , 11.1. & r. . 7:40 . m. 3:40 : n. m. K. 0. , St. J. C. 3. , icrv\c t 8 & . m. Mid CSO p. m. ArrlusntSt. Louis nt 0:30 : n. m. nml 6:63 : p. ra. ra.W. , St. L. A P. , Ic\\r t8 . n. rml 3:40 : p. ra. Airlxos t St. Louis ntGitO ft. in , ami 7:30 : m WRST OR ROCrilWMTS. ) II. A M , In Neb. , Through Kxurcai , SiO : i. in. 0. 4 M. Lincoln Kxpress OlCO p. m. 0 P. Oicrl.iml Exjirr-9" , 12:16 : p. m. 0. ft R. V. for Lincoln , 11:45 : a. m. O. # K. V. ( or Ofctoh. 0:40 : n. in. U. P. frelpht No. r > , fi'30 x m. I ) . P. freight No. P , S:20 : a. in. U. P. IrclclitNo. 13 , Wop. in. V. P. tnljjit No. 7 , C:10 : p. in. iinlicnnt. . .IP. I > cnvtr e\iiTe , 7 35 p. in , U. P. fieiirht No 11 , 11 DO p. lu. U. I1. Denser freightS:25 : p. in. MMYI > b rnOV. SA8T AND 0tnil. 0 B. fc 0 6:00 B. ih. 7:25 : p ni. I ti N. w.a:45 : a. m. 75 : p. m. 0. n. 1. AI',0:46n. : m. D05 ; p. in. K. C. , SU Joe &C D. , < :40rt. in. : ) & I'.tn. rcoxiiiK WKST AXU SOUTUWIIST. 0. * H. V. from Lincoln 1.03 p. ui. U. F.'Parlfle Express 3:25 : p. nu 0 ' A ; M.ln Noli.Through CtprcM llb : p i > . B. * M. Lincoln i\pre-i : 0:40 : n m. U. T. Uonvcr c\rres , 7i35 n. m. U. P. Freight No. 14-2M : p. m. U. 1' . Vo. B 6:20 : rt. in. KmlRrnnt. U. 1\ freight No. 14,12:15 : p.-in. U. I' . Vo. S-9.CO p. in. U. I1. S'o. 12 1:16 : n. in. 0.1' . Denver freight , 1:10 a. m. O. & II. V. mixed , or.4:4ri : p. m. DCMUT DRAINS BStWRKS OMAHA AND COU.SC.lL BLITrS. Liwe Ouiahn at 9:00 : , D:00 : , 10:00 : rind 11:00 w. : t:0 2.00 , 3.00 , 4:00 : nliil 6:00 : p. in. LHO Council llluau at 8:25 : , 0:25. : 10:25 : ami 16 . m. ; liB ! , 2:26 , 8:26 : , 4:26 : Mid 6:25 : p. in. Sun-iKj-H The iluraruy li-mii Omaha at :00 : nd 11:00 : n. m. ; 2:00 , 4PO : and 6:00 : p. ra. Lcavrm Uauncll HlulTs at 0:25 uinl 11:25 u. m. ; 2:25 , 4:25 nd 6:251 : < . m. Through and local passenger tmlns between Otnaha and Conn II llluffs. l.ea\c Omaha C:1G : 7:45. : 8:60 : n. in. ; 3:40 : , 6:46 : , 00 p. m. Arrxo Omaha 7:40,11:36,11:45 : : n. in. ; 6:10 : , 7:0r. : , 7:16 : , :40 p. m. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Opening ann Closlnc of Mells. KOI.-TK. orr-N. CLOHK. a. in. p. m. a. m. p. m. W .11.00 9:00 : 6:30 2:40 : 1'acllle.11:00 : 9:00 : 6:30 2:40 : Chicago , 11. A . . .11:00 9:00 : 6:30 2:40 : 12:30 : 6:30 Sioux City and I'ftafic. . 0:00 : 6:80 2:10 : Onion Pacific 4:00 11:40 OoifthaJt H. V 4:00 11:40 B. & M. In Null 4:00 8:10 : Oumha & Sioux City. . . . 0:00 : 7:30 B. &M. Lincoln 10:30 : 0CO : U. I * . Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 : 11:00 : U. P. Denver Exu 1 < :00 : 6:30 : O. , Sioux City & St. P. . .11:00 : Local mills for State ol louft le \ e but once d y , viz : 0:30 : a.m. OtllcB open Sundajs from 12 m. to 1 p. m , TH08. K HALL P M. Business flirectorv , Abstract and Real bttate. JOHN L. McCAOUE , opposite Peat Otflce. W. B. DAIITLETT 317 South 13th Street. Architect ! . DUFBENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS Room 11 Crelghton Block. A. T. I.ARGK Jr. , Room 2. Clclghton liloch. Boot * and Shoes. JAMES DuVINK A CO. . fine Uootfl and Shoes. A ( rood assortment at horue work on hand , corner 12th and Harnev. TUOS. UKICKSON , S G. cor. 10th anil KjuitlM. JOHN FORTUNATUS , 906 10th street , manufactures to order Rood word t fair pricca. Repairing done. Bed Spring * . J. P. LARRIMEE Manufacturer. 1617 Donplaast Bookt , Newi and Qtatlonery. J. I. FRUEIIAUF 101B Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. MoSnANE&SClIllOEDER , the oldest B. and E. houee lu Nebm8la cntablishcd 1876 Omaha. CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MKS. A. UTAH , ( cthwctt corner lOthand Dodge , Best Uoarl for the Monuy. fittluf&ctlon Ouarante J Meals t all Hours. Board liy the Day , Week or Month. Good Tcrrce for Cinh Fiirnl'hwl Unnnm Snupllcd. UarrlORei and Road Wagoni. WM SNYDKIl , 14th and Harnoy Streets. jewe or * . JOHN BAU11KR 13H F&rnh&m Strcat. Junk , U. nERTHOLD , lUzs and Metal. Lumber , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & OllAY corner Bth and Doujflos Sts. Lnmpi and Ula ware. i. BONNEIl 1309 Dounhs St. Good Variety , Merchant Tailor * . O. A LINDQUEST , OD O ( our most fcpular Merchant Tailors Is re ceiving the latest ( leak-lib for Spring and Suminur Goods for gentlemen H weir. Stylish , durable , and prices low as ever 215 ISth bet. Douir.&I'arn. Millinery. MRS. C. A. IlINGEH , Wholesale and Retail , Fan cy Goods In great \aricty , Zcjihyrs , Card Board * , lloslcry , Olotes , Corsets , &c. Chca ] > c t House In the Wtdt. Purchasers nave SO per cent. Onler br Mall. 116 Fiftconth Street. roundcy , JOHN WEAUHK ! i SONS , cor , Hth& Jacksonetj ( -lour Htul Fetid. OMAHA 01TY MILLS , 8tl > and rnihiuj ht IVelshMiH HIOH. , ( ir Urorvri. i. .IIKVi.Nh , : ! ! bciwcun Cumin * twt Irai r. A. Mr > IIASE , Corn , 2Sd and CuuiliwStreets. Hurdwair , Iron nd Bteol , H LANOWOI-.TI/Y , Wholesale , 110 am' 2 IMIi ritrtct A IfOI.ME. ' toriicr 1MB anil ralllornla Hnrnei * , Saddle * , &c. D. WhJlSI MO intli St. bet FarnlUrnev HUalk ,0o. ( ; aiDelJOlh&KoriihiEi ] DOItAN HOUSE , P II. Cary , 913 FarnMaui St. SLAVEN'S HOTEL. K. Slavcn , 10th St. Southern Ilotul Ous. Hamol Oth JtLeavcnwortb Clothing Bought. 0 J3HAW will fay highest Cath price for second kand tlothlnv. Corner 10th and Farnham. Drug * , Paint * and Olli. KUIIN & CO. f barnuclits , Fine Fane Uooda , Cor. Utn hod Louzlt trcctn W. J , WIHTEHOUPE , WholeenloRetail , IBthat. C. FICM ) , 2022 Morth Side Cumlng Street. CAKH , Iruir'lkt. 10th and Howard Strecto. Dantlttt , DR. PALM. , William1 Plock Cor. Uth t Do lge. Dry Good * Notions , Etc. JOHN II. F. LimiA.V.V & CO. , M w Vork Dry GooiU Store , 1310 nd 1312 Farn- liar ) strict ( , o. Enewol.l also borU and hooa 7lh&I'aclflii. rurunura. A r QllOSS , New and StvOnd Hand Furniture iid Bio\it ( , illl Douziu. lllsbut cash prlco aid for second hand trooos. I1ONNEU 1809 Dourla it. Fine eoods , * c. fence Work * . OilAHA FENCE CO. OCBT , rRIES4CO.,1218Hirneyt. , * d Ic Boiet , Iron and Wood Fence * , 0Sc ( i , CODDten of Koe nd W ! nut. | ClKar * find Tobacco. WEST ft rniTSCUKH , roMiulactutftsol Clif t , ndVhoIc le l > < atcrl n Tobaccos , .V. V' , LOinXZiS' : _ Florllt. A. Donnchuc , i > 1 nt , cut flan rrt , umli , ooqutta etc , N. W. cor. iflth an.l UourlM tlrcels. Civil Englneeri nnd Suncyori ANPHKW ROsr.NVATKB , CreUhton Town Surveys , OraJc mid Scwcnuo Sjttcmi a SpccLilty. Uommlsilon Morch.inti. JOHN ( I.V1L L13.11U Street. D 11. lir.KMKil. For details fee Ur ajvcrtlee- mcnt In Dsxllv and Weekly. Cornice Work * , Western Cornice Works , Maniiftcturcrs Iron Cornier , Tin , Iron and Slate Koofllnr. Order * from anj locality promptl ) executed In the best manner. Factor } And Oluc-e 1213 lliuuc ) St. C. SPKCIIT , Proprietor. Oalxnnlrcd Iron Cotnlcct , Window CaM , etc. , nnmifactuml and put up In any pirn ol the countn. T. S1NHOL1) 410Thirteenth street Crockery. J. BONNER 1S09 Poueikt street. Good line. Olothlne and FurnUhlng Goods , UKO. II. POTEHSOX. Also Hats , Cajt , Hoots , Shorn. Nctlonn and Cullcry.SOjS. 10thjtrc ti _ RctrlBorotors , Cnnfleld' * Patent. C. F. OOOD11AN llth St. bet. Farn. A Harncy. 8howCnie Manufactory. O. J. WILDE. Manutai-turcrnnd Dealer in nil kinds Ol Show CM > > , UprUht Caocs , A . , 1317 C 83 St , FRANK L. OER1IAIU ) , jircprletcr Oinaln SliiwC. ' uinnnuatory ! , 81S Smith ICihstn-ot , betrtocn Lca\cn orth imd ilarey. AH ( ; oed § \\arriviitfd Orst-cli" " , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pawn'arokirr. RORKWF.L1) . 10th St. . hff. rr A H r Stove * ana mwaie. A. nUHMESTEU , Doalcr In States MM ! Thmarc , and Maniilacturtr ol Tin Hoots and all Mmla ol Uulldlug Work , Odd Fellows' ItlocW. J. IION'NKlt. ISCrf Douclas St. Good and Chop. Seed * . J. EVANS , WholtMlfi and netnlt Send Drill * anil Cultivators , Odd Fellown Halt. Physician * on i Surgeons , W. 8. ( HUBS , M , IX , Poem No 4 , Crclghton I Hock , Kith Strcrt. P. S. LKIS NltlNU , tl. D. Masonic Illock. C. L. HART , M. 1) . . Kjf and Ear , opp. postotflir UR. L. B. dllADDY. ( l ull-n and Aurift , P. W 16th and FarnhMn Sl Pliotograpner * . (5EO. 1IEYN. PROP , Uraiid Ctntral Gallery , 212 Stxtrrnth Street. tuu.r Mawnlc Hall. First-clots Woik and Prompt- ni-in iruiratitriw Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting , P. W. TAUPY .t CO. , 216 12th St , bet. Ffirnham and lounHs. Worn jirornptly attended to. I ) VITZI'ATIUCK. 1409 Pouehs Street. alntlrtjj nn oper anting. UJNIIV A. KOSTEUS. 141 Dodge Street. Shoe Stores. Phllllv Lanir , 1320 Fatnnam at. bet. 13th A 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR. 1410 Iouia ! * St. . Now anil Sciond Hand Furniture. Hounc FurnishingGooJfi , &c. . lion.-ht and mid on nnrrovv murrins. baleen * . HENRY KAUFMANS , In tuo nun brick block on lougl.u ) ? Struct , hat luit oiKiicd n most chvai.t , Hi'ca lull. Hot Lunch ( rom 10 to 12 every day. " Caledcnm " J FALCONKK 7 10th Strest. UndertaKer * . CHAS. RIEWE , 101X Furnhain het. 10th ft lltd. blO Cent Stores. f RAf'f'o ' "llfi Firnhwi " t , FOMCT fJnoiln PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Lastl Ko One Need Suffer ! A sure cure ( or Blind , Bleeding , Itching and Ulcerated Piles hcs been discovered by Dr.YII - Mam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single Box has cured the woretchronlc cases of 25or SOycare standing. No ono need suffer five minutes alter appl > log this wonderlul soothing medicine. Lotions , Instru ments and electuaries do more harm than good , William's Ointment obforbs the tumors , allays the Intense Itching , ( particularly at night after getting warm In bed , ) actB as n poultice , gives In stant and painless relief , and Is prepared only for Piles. Itching of the private parta , and ( or notb Ing else. Read what the Hon J. II Ccfflnbcrry of Clo\o- and says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Oint ment : I have used scores of Piles cures , and It affords mop ensure to Bay that 1 have never found anything which gave such Immediate and perma nent relief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment For sale by all druggUtD or mailed on receipt of price , 91.00. HENRY & CO. . Prop'ru. , CMVEL1ND , OHIO. FnrulebyC F Goodman. Ootl rt-ln 'l twnnn'l V WAR IN PASSENGER RATES I HOODIE imOS. . Brokers In all Hall road rickets , Omaha , Neb. , offer Tickets to the Ewt , until further notice , at thu following uuheanl of law Rates : 1st clus ; , 2d cla M , NEW YOKK , ? 20.l > fl , KOSTOK , 20.00 , PHILADELPHIA , 25.00 , $22.00. WASHINGTON , 22.00 , 20.f > . Fir parti culnru , write or fa direct lo I10IIUIH DUOS. . Dealers In Ittduccd Hate liallioadand Stcamshlj ) TicUts , BOO Tenth St. , OmMi. . KtU ItcracinDer the ] > lacc Three JcorsN ith of Union I'aclUc Kailroad Depot , l st a do cfTcnth Street. Omaha Auirunt 1. 12S1 NERVOUS DEBILITY. A Cure Guaranteed- Dr. E. C. WCKI'H Ncr\o nnd Drain Treatment A specillc for llyaturia , lilzzincss , Con\ul ioiM , Nur\ous Headache , Jlcntal Uuprcseion , IXJHSO ! Jlcmory.Spcrrnatorrh'rj.Iriijioti'iny ' , Imo'imtary Urn F lon3 , Premature Old Asc , ciuned by ovtr- fxcrtlon , self alxisc , or o\cr-indnlgciicL , uhch leads to misery , decay and ilcath. One box \\ill tnre icccnt cisc . Kix h1 > < > \ conlainsouoinonth'it treatment. Ono dollar n box , or i-K boxes for live dollars ; ncnt by mall ) > rciaiil ) on recclpc of iirlie. We iu ranttu K boxes to euro anj c'ao , With each order recciicd hy 119 for flboxen , nc- ioiii ] > .iiiled with file dollar1 * , ill send the pur chaser our uritten iuarantcc to rtturii tlio inoimy if tlio treatment does not iff eta cure. C. f. Goodman , Drauzlit , Solo , Wholesale and llctall A 'cnt , Omnha , Ncl . Orders by ina'l ' at r'iilar ( price. < l&u-ly Free to Jveryidyl A Beautiful Book for the Asking , lly appMiiir personillx at the ncnrtet oltk'o at'1 III : JlANirACTl-'KINO CO. ( or by postalcard If at a lltlaiic'e } nny ADUI.T per. Htm | ll be ] > reBUiti'4itli a bcautilully IIHS' | rated tojiy ol a New Itook entitled GENIUS REWARD WD , 01. TIII : . STORY OF THE SEWING MACHINE containing a liamicomo and costly etccl i njrrav- lue frontlsplcrcc ! also , 2o finely engraved uood cuts , and bound In nn elaborate blue and pold llthoifruphid co > er. Ncicharifo whatoter U made lor this handsome booU , wlilih can bu obtained only by application at the branch and ubor dlnato oflkcs of The Sinter llanulaeturlnB Co. THE S1NOEII MANUFACTUIUNQ CO. , Principal Oftlcc , 3 Union Square , New York nct27-dmtot ! < tw SIBBETT & PCJLLiER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , D/ VIP CITY NEP' fetasIaLaiidAgen. . ' DAVIS & SNYDER , IB06F rihamBt. , . . . Omaha , Nebr * Care.ully Belcc'tod land la KusternNebrukafoi tale , ( Treat ISartalQB la Improved farmi , and Omaha city property. 0. r , DAVIS1 WKESTEB 8KTUKR < . , eLmdCom'r D.P.B . . POETRY OF THB TIMES. TUo Qlrl of the Day SiiarkllnR cyo4 nnd cnucj1 fnco llnil the pietty inniilen , Oract-i Dnoliliij ; , cMc , with \ \ inning way , IJoproiicntiii-- tniiU cay , tliwt the girl < if the diy. Ami nlthoiiRh 1 tnvcd 'ier ' more 'rnfAii my xweotlientti licrctofmo , On tiling ( f.ive inn constnnt jmn li > ery ilny , though 1 * I omn | < lntti , She'd be chcwiiic gum inln. ? "Tell me , < < r.icp"nt ln > .l I cnJi ) , After having often p'eiil , " \ Vlmtlllcurc tliesn ihcivini ; upel "I ott of chocolftte caiMineln1' I Uoston Wtft "Domestic Asidos. " " 1 really tnknttcrv Wiul , This visit , Mrs. Skinner ; 1 hive lint peen yon for nn nic. ( Tlio wretch 1ms come to dinner ! ) s , too , what lou < of girli" , What heads for | mintet ' Mtcln ; Pomn here nii'l kim tlir infn t , deir-ij I And give it p'raps thu meinleO "What ? little Clarx loft at Immrt NVeU , tiniv , 1 cnll t'mt ' plinlilij : 1 should have lo\cd to Vi i JUT n ; ( The llnbliy , dabby , haWiy'l "Vnui unarming tinjs 1 co lit ho no Vioin lioveritid 'r. HiifsellV ; 'Twnery kiml to lir'ii } : their Imth : ( \Vhiil litHitu for my new 15 ul > t > l' < l ; "And Mr. S. , 1 hop ? he's wel' : All ! t'linitih ho lives KO Imiuly , HP never drops in to sup : ( The bt'ttei for our lirniuly'l "Ciime , t ike a ont ; 1 l.iiii ; to hem Aliout Matilda'-i in.irria c ; Von "re eoitio of c-nr' to npond tlio day : ( Thnnk llcaxeii ! 1 henr the can ! ic ! ) "What , mutt ymi L-O ? KeUtlme I hojio _ You'll pive tuo longer leisure. l see jou down the ( With mo'tnucominon jtleMsuro ! "ttood 1 > A , pixid ly ! iPincmlierall Next linii1 vou tn1o voi r tu'tiiii-rH. "Mow , DaMii. mind ! J m not , at hoim1 In future to the Skinucrn ! ' I'l'oM lldoi ) . Rtithor Sh" was o very little pirl. . And * s 1 bend itnH Itissivi liri ; "Tliere , that is for y lurself , " "And this is for your sister. " lYist night 1 called in friendly way , Some Kay girl friends weie there ; , And laugh ami jest went payly roun i , To banish weary cnre. The little girl came romping iu , And unto nio snul she , "I 'i ' u that tiss to Sier llvll "On left for her \uz inc. "Slio tisscd me lots o' time's , nn' said When follcscM 'ouldn't oe , 1 uiiplit divH em to 'OR lust wait 'Till 'oil's alone wiz meV I b'nthod , and KO did sister Dull , Thojjay ( 'irl fiiends , nh me ! I wishoil the horriil , liorriil thiniN A thousand Miile.i at ten , An Extensive Humariat. OpicC. Ke'cd , Aikansas < ii/etto. "Sny , do you want a { ukc/ / " asked a niiiu filtering thu Gazette ufllcc. "If you ace tlui udvortifiiiifr niun you can probably diappsi ! of it. " "Now you are trying lo insult ins. Probably you do not know who I am. J am a remarkable , man in disguise. 1 am thu author of the Spoopondyke papers , which you have no doubt seen in tlio Brooklyn li'aglo. " "Thought that work was done by Stanley Huntloy. " "No , sir. Stanley Huntley is my 110111 do pltiino. Wait till I "ive you m imitation of myaolf and seating himself anil reflecting foi a moment ho boun : " 'My dear , ' said Mr. Spoopendyko , 'wo huvo received an invitation to visit a Christmas tree over at Colonel Clay's residence. ' " 'Ain't that too sweet , 'replied Mrs. Spoopondyke. 'I always did' enjoy Christmas trees , and once when a girl I wont out into the country with my cousin and roamed arniind the woods looking for Christmas trees. ' " 'Ye did , did ye. Thought that the dodcaslcd things ; ? rew up and blossomed presents , did yo ? Thought thnt wax tapers grow like loaves , did yo ? All you want is ten cents \\orth of common bark and n wooden top to bo : i giove. Think I'm going to take such u woman among inU'Higont people pleAll / you want iu to lace tight , to bo a campaign pole. Take me fora dodgastod , mcaeoly birch rod ? ' " 'How'll that do ? Now don't you think that I wrote these papers ? " said the visitor , with thu air of a con- ijuerur. "You have established your identi ty , " answered the scribe. "And that ain'L all , " continued the humorist. "T do the humorous writ ing for the Detroit Free Proas. " "Thought that Charles Lewis was the Free Proas man ? " "No doubt you thought BO. Light minded men are liublo to think any thing. Lewis , or M. Qu < idm another ono of my iioms do plume. I'll illus trate. " "Tho other evening , on a Wood- \raiil avoniio cur a had-liuL'd man sat holding an oyatcl can hutmutn his l > nno < . " ' lo luvo ' " 'Going tin oyster utinv' uikcd a rod-L yi'd iniiti nittinc jn i op. posito. " 'No. ' " ' 'Fiyf1 " 'No. ' " 'JJroil ! ' ' "No.1 " 'Wliat are you going to Irivn'f" " ' I'm going to have the hvi'lii'.t wilh myvifo wJien 1 get homo you over saw , ' and ulo ing liin ng/it / eye the Bad faced man trot oil' tlin car , "How does that strike your" ' inked the humorist , with anoihcr expression suggestive of u vanquisher. "Another establishment of identi ty , " acknowledged the scribe. "T am also Bill Nye. " "William , I am glad to meet you. " "Do not address mo as William un- } iI \ produce my credentials. * ' "Wo do not bcliovo that any man IIUH a ri ht to cliow our muno. Our constitution forbith such familiarity. Wo are sentimental. When hope and fear dance wilh fantaslic tiptoe mi our broad bosom tilled with genero 14 throbs , wo do not Oinik that the moon-eyed editor of another shout has aiight to slip up and nip out a mouthful of our oa'1. ' " Th i scribe Ml from hm chair , but was lifted to JUH seat by thu kindhearted - hearted humorist. "Now you can call mo William. " "William , " wliinpured the scribe , and fumbling under a lot of papers , lip drew out a bottle and refreshed himself. "My name in Alox.Swuot , sir , and I write thi humorous uttilV for the Tex as Sifting * . Listen. 'Undo N co wns met i n Austin avoirio yiMlerday by Ji\n \ Webster , who s\id : : " Tnclf Naco , da tells imdat ycr's ot do Mn.irU' t Jl-ywir uld boy in Austin. ' ' 'Do man what informed yerstated a fa ok. ' " 'What olmlunco has yer olnlnl fnck' ' " " Wliyali , do udder tlay.a chicken cum into my yard , an' do Uoy hogin to clmso him wul an inttnul , dat show * what a man lie's uuia < tur be. ' " ' \le.\l am glad to meet jmi. Wo huvii vxehiiiigud Hjmprtthy m private inanuscnpi , and now that wo meet the occasion is ono of exci8sn < joy. 19 this the extent of your Hter.irx 'ward- riibi' ? " "No. air : I nut Eugcno Kicld. the man who writes primer d > r the. Don- vei Tribune. Uut wivit. 1 don't ask any man to take my word " 'lli-ro Wo Have a It j a'ltl n Dug. The Dog Has n 1" J Mouth anil the Hoy's AlnuUi for . ' . . n is Cor- rosiioiidingly La-go. Wi1 : the 15ov 1'ull the Dog's Tail ? . - Ho Will Pull His Tail. Will II , Pull It Ttticc' No Ho Will N t Poll il Twice. " "Who i-lso are you/ / " "I am numerous otlui > 1 am Geon-e W. Childsof the P'lii.uU'lphia Lodger. Listen : " 'il , iloit Is dond , f aid Nnncv , i.\ , Ciiino wrlco tO'd < } he r idtcluu ( ionrtoincUoM Tow A heavy full nttv.xeted the attention of the porter. Whim ho c.imu in ho found the ecribo laying on tlio floor in sensible , llo will nut rei-i'UM ' HONEY FOR I'HB LADIES. \ i.v UK imdcMvcar ii intidi iiiti'-e. U'liilc is the taMiuiMe factn ,1 color TuiUifh iune : lioitifr lai.ih utili.-o , ! f T diaii1 nud 1 Ami , ' , , covoriui : lVloiminvi fanhionnlm. nut must iiutrli t'ie ' M'ti \xitliwhirh the ) aiuw m. l-'olt s ut utv very hmidsiwic this ra- snii , niul roiiio hi nil thu iii' di'Mrablu ( hades of eel > r. Honnets , mulls , poleriiH ! dre K tiiiu- iniiiFS mill fans made of peiM-i > ( I ; featheis nr < < much faun-jd Dolly \ anlcii HVPH again in n now pol. ouafcc , a noel iipckuruiiiet , mid ; i iliin ly shaped d-ineiuL'-shoe. Palo pink and diver lire u-iy fashlona- My coin , iiifail in t > ilrt design ? . ! for ynuim ; l.-uli n ilinciii < pnitici , . lii ! h iliciiillc f iugt-B , mixed with tinted beads of every description , urc in tlio height of favor for dress tiimnnnr" . New York City Ins o\ci tiltv young ladies who lnnj < mid hobble mid tin , . ' tlielr feet because of roller-skating In the ye.UH gone by. Some of the latest gloves nf Danish lid are decor.i'ed with tiny buttcillies uiadti of gold or silver tinsel nn 1 chcniile in r i , < ed work. A New Yorker who has trn\elt'l , all over Turkey says lhat IM Turk wer cares two centH fur liis wife until he liiiils that souiu other ninn cares t'iree. The screw eanln ; of solitaire diiiuondp , nnd the hoop earring inadu of pearls or til'Rree ' work in fma gold , nre the only bolides d'orelllo just ii'iw Inogne. . A fa-dii'in j iirnal says"i lump girls are no longer popular " Coircct ; it's the alini girl with n plu nn fortune that now takes tin cake. [ Philadelphia Chronicle. It takes hut thirteen minutes to lo d an elephant on a railroad train/wliilo it tiiiceH twenty for any sort of woman to kiss her friends good-bye and lose the check for her trunk. A woman hasnu estcd that when men break their hearts it IB all thc'ttame as when loWer breaks ono of its claws an- othersproutiny and immediately growing into its place. > A Inst year's priiiceusc drcHH t pnlon.iiso may he made to look new and s ylWi by addliiK a tab ier or plastron , and collar and cuffs of oriental small orTurkishcan' mere in subdued colors. Kvery circiiH in the land will have "the handsomest woman in the world"next ca- a n , and ugly wuinen will stand BOIIIO * how to yet coinuany home from prayer meet ings nnd ice cream leathulx. Gold beads close a' Mil thb throat mo likud for necklace. Tliern nra als > Email necklets that coinbi.Ti ( 'old nnd jilatinn in iuaint | denigns , but rt piesent the nt'clr- lace is not a favoiite artidu of jewchy ex cept with full drv-ts toil-1- . Watches suspended by chatelaine * of pold , or of gold nnd plituia toRcthei , are the fashionable choice ( iold wn'ch chains that PUSH anmud the nu'k are iibandcined , if a Hhort tfold chain is worn , it is of the Bimpleet kind , nndissLnuly allowed to be "YoK , " said Daisy , "I think Jack is in love with me. Ho h.v n't told mu co , but when Harry IJIrcli ct-'jrto'l'ino homo from the patty laat nig t , , looked iily ; , and to-day ho took an ( ijiortunity | to throw , in nwful hari Piiowbnll nt niu-ryV dor.LJoa ; | n 1'o-t A Peniibyhiinia uoiuan , who It-aped upward to hang u dif s uji-jii u hook , caught u r > ug on oue of hur hugern in thu h ( ok and hung there , her feet not touch ing the grounn , until her cries brorght a < - hibtanuo. She was painfully wrenched , but riot tcriou-dy hnrnied. It Is the night that a man is engaged to take his girl to the theater that itii sure to rain ; but it is the cloudy day when he leaves home with IIH umbrella tliat it IH purn to nhino hnrd enugh to make ice L-icain bio honi nud causu tlm mayor to issue a ilui'-iniiK/liiii ; hull. fl'uek. The Idaho City Wnild , in ilesc ibiiij ; u recent j.rfaml ball at that p ace , Hays , "it was the boss racket. It wax not one of those nt II , Mtyllah < lmi > < > < , but wiw a regu lar loinping , 1oll'ckiii.hoeilown ' , nnd nil hands waded into the fnu uith a vim until time to clear the dining room for lint not A now invention as < preventive of urn r\n ! , ; ! or rheuiniitiMin i- u piiie-wonl M-I * ivhi ! IHH ih body cJ'kcly. Jn ad litun u tl.tir In ing nj'i'Ui nf tlilH fa iii , whnee -.iliiij ! I r . | i < -iti.h .in- well ln : < rwi , tliLV id lined with cliann leatlur , vhich IB pEUorattil , K ) a-j n t t ( .hoclt orut.ird t'io ' it.n ) _ ' ; uti > n ol tl.c Km. Ji ! > uh ; ; , sluig/y nr.'iniln in deep colon of biown , gKLii , and rnvat bluu , sliol with fold , are niarlo into > cry BtylUh and dis tingue looking C'anii"ard , or French re > fu io clinks , irjw K > ji'pular with ladies gitiin to tiiiljni ) htyin In ilu-HH. Thetit cloitlCH arc lined with plush , nnd trhnnied with eight-inch bumln /ibllnettc. . CoiffureK are cxtiemely i-iniplc , and a-e iirn rjulte low in tlii neck id cells 01 plaits , while the lii"W is coverwl with waxen or high rings of hair. A mini- wreath of ( lower * ! in upon the left side of thn head , whi e tliiicorsugo biiiKiu | * ' ! K placed low u .011 ti.e left Hldu rf thu ; , toward the rluiuldtr. Chenlllo friiiKLK , lloAcra , and follngo are exee'.dinglv fulii iiii' ' If. Homo vfiy dean- tilnl htanoheH of I .tAthmno , goldi-n md , rfCianium blosrtuniH , inai-gneritcri , t olden- hcartel piiitiu- . , and KISCH in exipuisite findings of uidni , mingled with gold or sil ver tini-el , are worn upon reception or opera bonnet * i f white or tinted plu h. The New Haven girl whose Chine-ie luvt-r'H head was reported to have been chopped elf by a ii.tteinal government us a reward for his mtotlon Is only fifteen yeuu old. .She rec.ei.tly observed : "f felt very ha ' t > think that anyone uliould have hU head cut elf on my account ; but I don't bell-tvo anthing of the kind has happened , " The inure cloudy this International - national episode iu luuitigated the inure do 'iiv It U Ten 1 1 tnnd In need of con- firnintlon , dint tin morn" nppenrn the iioce itv of Micddlng te r , Oirl < oitpt.t to 1'ptm < l'if HIP fcaiful ilnngorlo dc i-iournd in nrrvliu rnlU-oftil men , o pe Inlly binkemen. II Is od thnt the other ul lit a member of that hull-working ( > ntcrnih. on heiiiR Mused fr.Mii a dronm of u ImprmliiiK crn < h , was foliml by tlii < itrk'hlHiiH sitti.tfup In bed hohliiiL' his wife bv the rnr * . havin\r \ nearly twixtcil tlio ter Hied woman'- , head otf in hl < hielTiotnnl pveilions to "dmvnbraUi's. " The air was pt'rmeat d with n MI w ch II , the oky WIIR ii\crhutiK with Irmlen clouds and n bri'e.c canylng leicle < ii its oii > nnl sweep played witli her lomr brown locits. Hut nhc hesitate I not. .Mic luowcil forwanl , drivtn b.n . resist le s Im- imlMnnd one t-lnnrc t her di'tertniueil fne | iUhilv flimved that he res Ivcd , lirinly re.sil\td * ti get fi\e yard oTrhoi tmnnnliiK cut him to match , if sh" ovei- Ii mled t'MT.v drypoodsntore In town , nnd wo picMime nhtfdld.-Xew | llaxeli K KIS. Frlulttful Mr Willlntn Pomeroy , ll.ingoi. M writes"I ha o for n loiip tlmi' MitVcrt'il 'Mm I'ontinnnl oniKtipition , makiiit : mv life ; x nilse-y , and c.iutini : hendnehes and frightful ci.uups. Mr T mnmson.lio ins been IIn I y \i .itii' ImlTalo , imlueeil metoliy tlu < Si IISNO r.i. -cv It lm < ivifei tlv euretl me. ' l'iie ' > ) cents , tital bottles Hi v nt < VM w RBLlGIOrtg. llmiirtonv thn buy i ninjcH't , U ot work In IndhimipoliM A shijlo ( Rtcnnior IpiiAiuir S.jn 1'r.invlsiM recent y took out " * ii.is4iiii nles to Clrni and ,1.1pm. There are in Ke Yoik , Penn vlvanu ! and Ohio iu tlioiu'I hlioilioul of l'Ji WeMi Congreuntional chtiri'lie" , Puiliilolphin has beou an atriritvJU1 of atiout f > MI iilai-ex ot religions worship or ono fur 1 ( iOO of its population. The lnte t development of Ititntlism U the p mill ) ; of the im'vsr In ( ho uiariiap , > eeri-m ny to bli'ns tlio ring before it is | ilnced on the linger of thu bride. The popularity of the elect'fc light is stondilvKalniiit' . The lnte < t dcpnrtiue ie its atli.ptinn for lighting clmie-hcs. A coutilo nf lainix nr * to be ii'itced in one of thochuiches in T oy , X. V. lt v. Anther ( lo'Knivi1 , for nearly a iUHitcrof | H eentiiry the lospectod puslor ot Sf. Mai nerltirH church in Davrnuoit , luslieen nppolnted general of the dm eu nf DiiNeliport. 'I'lio total membpiKhip of tin- Del toil ch 'relies in 1S"1 < vnlH.TOfi ; ln year il nnmiu ted to filTi. ! . The valui f the property held by the rhwvhes ban rinen from,700' . in 1S71 , to S-M ° l-'tr ! : in 1SS1. loinuiniiul liiptist i-lunvh , of Cluca- ; ' rocoimtriictcd at a cost , of tOO.OoJ mjt 01 the partly bmucil MichiKnu avenue chiircn , IIIIH jint bei'ii indicated. Of the deht of ? 0 0(10 ( , KOIIIP $ lf,0K , ( ) was pl < dfeu on dedicntion da > . The ceronionlcR of the riinonirnlion of the four new S. tints ot the Itonian ( 'atho- lic chinch wt'iv roni'bnled by thn ki.v-ing of the Tone's hand by all the Canliimls , n * his knco uy the aichbishops nnd bishops , iniil of his foot by the other piiestH. Mr. tiiiihall , the chinch "deht rainer , " has -WHi-tetl in reeing IT.'i chinches from incuiubrancvs. The Ur cHt amount ho wrestled with successfully was on the Memo iul I'rcsbvtorian church , Nmv Yoik City ( Her. Dr. Uobinson's ) S110,00 ( ) Dr. Furneas , of I'liiluilelphiii , is c eilitrd with a now ) dtmituro | in colcbrat ng the Lord's Suiipcr without disturbing the elu- inrntH ff tin1 pcop'u. The lire 1 nnd wlno : uo to "stand on the lablo C.H sncied lym- bols , to sprak through til" eye to ti hcarl the miui-iter intcrpictiii . " Thu coloicd peoilo ] of Tnpcka , Kan. , inaintuin 15 dittinct chinch .organisations , umbracing nix various ( tenoinhmtions t < MethoilUt Kpiecopa ) , two African Methn- diet Dplsconxl , ouo Co grcgationnl , ono Cumberland Presbyterian , four Primitive , nnd nvo Missionary Uaptist. It is said that a Unitarian church in o e of the western states hohdeciiled that here after it will celebrate the holy communion by merely exposing bread and nine In the night of the audience , who will thoii-upon meditate in silmcc for a few mnincnm in- htead of partaking of the sacred emblems. Prof. Hriiniixti ettinmteti the .Tnwisli population of thu world at 7 , 090 , 000 per- aims , nf whom morothan nri)0,000 ( ) aic in E nope. Of tlicdo Knssia contains nhout 2 TCO.OOO ; Anstria-HuiiKAry , l.f O.OOO ; d'ormnny , ( i. 0,000 , nnd Homnanln100 , - 000. ' ' IIIIH , these four states contnin about r > , i50,000 ! Jews ; while Tmlcfy ciui- ta'tis enVy 100,00) ) , Kn ( , ' ] nnd nml Holland 70,000 rach , and Krancu only .riO,000. There arc " in llichmond , Virrinia , fij churcheB with 20.1-lli incir.ln.-m. _ The IM ot churches includer three Ciitholir , nineteen - teen liaptint , ten l''i > iscopd , sixteen Mcth- edit , nnd four Piesbytrrian cmicnva- tinnt. The JJaptiita numbered 10,5 , % I , of wli in ] 2.1il ! ( are colored. The Jlplne i- paliniiH nnnibfr 1SI. } ! ( thu .McthodistH JUiiO , I'resbytcrinns 1.-I71 , nml the C.ttholic-i 5.051. Thu population of the ritv I ) Iilli70 , aim nearly cme-lmlf niv clmrcli int'inburi Jttnay bu inleiestiu ) . ' t American lead ers to know the rolntivoproporthmx of the i hristian denominntioiih in this countrv. Thu M ft lid lists lend , with L'L'/i a mims- tf rn nml J r..i.fiST ) memborn. The J Jajitisti- fo'low , with IK.SIll ministerH anil a-W,878 ! mi'mbcrh. The I'rcrtbyteri.mi- all ImiJiec , ha\e 0 h30 minister * , and 4,17.1 , 705 ini'iiihers. The Lutherans arc nwt , with : < , ] h iuiniiiturH , and ! r,0M.H members. The Jiisciiiles hn\o 8,7W niinlntf r nml . " .OI.SL'I members. Thu CoiigreBatimmllsts aiu sixth , with HC."il miniiiter'nml : ( OItHO , ; membnt , . The Kpi copr > l- inni , inuln'ltnK ' the Pvefonneil Lpincopnl chinch , take the seventh p'acc ' , with : i.fiH2 ministerK ami : il",78J memlii'rn ; the United ISrethri'ii lank next , with ' . ' , ) ministers and ] "i"RH.ri inumbei * ; the Lviui- felicnl AfMioiatiim next , with -S'lH inlnl-i- tern ami 111,1)7 ! ! ) meinlMTH. The 1'iemh ' next , with nearly 100.000 : the Sct'oml Ail- M-ntlMB u-xt wth H.ri.iOOi ( the Jnnkcr * have r > ( llioi ) : tin.M > jninlti'.s ( riOOiU ) , nnd the I MoraviaiH hrin ' up the reir with little bind of Ires t1 at ! ) , 'ldO ( for the viholc , body numbers only l.'I.OOO'i. The I'nlvui- millsli rnltniiniiH nml SufileiiboieiaiiH have , c"llof < i' fly , about 1 , " i Arnica 8ulv > . The Lest saho in the world for outs , bruiHos , HOWS , ulcurn , salt rliouin , ( over Mures , totter , chapped hando , chillblaiiiH , corns and all kindH of akin crupti'mr. Thin salvo in guar- antci'd to 'i\o jturiccl aatiifactiuii in every eauo or inoimy refunded. Price , Sfitj pel box l ( ' .r sale by T i it McMATTON. Omaha. I.IUIII , < llfl' lC- | ot tint tlumiich. t ir ( I , < / ( ! ' ( i HI t muy fiiveyour life. It hui fuved liun- PHIS N W AJN'D CORRECT MAP . : > v xtmiivnn ) TA-MoiiAblo question Uiottli * CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RY ! . i vti lit1 1 liKlir Mft r you In . .iiivlicti inri'llii 'n ' fii'i'TOlrsplloit ' I : 'cajjo 3f J all-of Ihe Principal Points 'n ' the West , No > * h ami Northwest. . . I .1 .Minjin . The I'ri'iiMral ntlo < nf Northv > o f arc S ni ilihro.ii' ' n. ( Mm * intiVd rioio I'owiri'tii anMUi ( lit fains otaii r liitidum THE CHICAGO & NORTH'.VUSTERW RAILV/AY OMT . : i i ' rs pilUOln-il 1 M' < vims o , . -i | . \ : v tm < > i o , | . i n.11-- " islltiMit I ni.iilMt l1ii's ) \M---t ol t lilfivo : ' -s The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. . . Minimi. iTmiou.Miuumi\ioiino. " "MllwiuiUrp.drounllays I.ako Supprlor r.ftia ( . uj , | ts "u'r tllls roll : ( are MUI "y nil Coupon Ticket Ajjcnts fu tlio Uultea States on * Itoinoinlior lo nsk forTlckcts via this ro.ia.liosiiro tlioy rcnil over It.fintl tnko none other. MARVIN IlUainrrGcti'lMttnaert ! < Jllcaio.M W. U. STB.NXKTT.Ocu'iriUS. ARcnt , CUIcatf IIAIUIV P , DUI'.li , l'ic < i-t Accinl.U.I * N. W , llnlhvny , 14th and Fainhamlatroota. D. I. KlMltALL , A I Uiit Ticket Aoiit C. fc N. W tUIUvixy , 14th | nd Karnhkiu J. ni'.LL , Tloft'ivi ! C & NV. . lUllwiy , U. P. It. H. Dopol. HAUKST L'LAUK ( Iciicral Aircnk. i I I The Oldest Wholesale and I Retail JEWELRY HOUSE m HOUSE m 'Omaha. Visitors can here IN TIIK WKSTl General Agents for the find all novelties in SIL Finest and Best Pianos and VER WARS. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured. Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer uhe Latest , Most Artistic , and Dealer. and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs soid PRECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. all descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stock of WATCHES at as Low Pri Bteinway Pianos , Knabe ces as is compatible with Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , and see our Elegant New Sterling , Imperial , Emit1 Store Tower , Building , American Organs , &c. Do corner llth and. Farnham aot fail to see us before pur- Streets ihasinir. MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES ! Large Stock Always on Hand. d3cnd II EDHOLM & E EICESO N dive the Bargains IN ALL KINDS OF - JEWELRY WATCHESCLOCKS , SILVERWARE.SOLID AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS , At Prices that Suit Any Customer Who ReallvJWiahKH a First- Olnes Article. STAR TINTED SPECTACLES Are also Sold Exclus vely by us. ALSO WESTERN AGENTS SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AN1 > KKTAII. DKALEIl IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT WTSTA1K AOENl rOU HILWAUKEK OK11SNT COMPANY Near Union Pacific Depot , - OMAHA. NEB TOWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , HALLADAY.WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BEL A , L , SBANGk205 Farnham St. , Omaha.