Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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BcnutltUl Spoclnu-iw of Artistic Work
manship , Including Docorntlona of
Lnco , Oold-DtiFt and Fcatbure ,
Novel Designs In the
Comic Line.
Xt Yotk swt.
Alwiit this season of tlio year lof-K
out for valentines. Tlio adwco mm
necessary , porhnps , for every RtJilim
cr's window is filled with these cluli
cftto missives of lovo. In l" t < J"i
month the bashful lover need tiolony-
crlut "concoftlment , like a norm i
the bud , feed on his damask cheek ,
for he can have nn opportunity to
gush us tenderly as he pleases through
the medium of n valentine. On too-
ruary M the birds aio said to ninle ,
mid on that day many u miudeii in
the past has boon neatly captured by
one of these silvered tokens ami ,
judging by the display of the preauu
"lovesick nmidetis"
year , many more
will aiictumb. The vaiiety and qual
ity of the valeniiiicn exhibi d iiuvii
novcr bcforo boon equalled. A Star
reporter visited the establishment ot u
veteran nmnntneturer of thin Blyle f
goods and took a \ lew of the new va-
"Tho sales no far this SO.IHOII , said
the proprietor , "fur exceed those of
any previous year. 1 have jnsl gotten -
ten UD the easel valentine , and it iaan
original idea , but it has already been
copied by other manufacturers. "
The easel Valentino referred to is
mounted on atilF cardboard. At the
back , attached by u hinge , is a ila , >
which can bo pulled away from thu
buck and thus made to nupport the
< .lonthio in thu name manner as tlio
.inpnrtB to the ordinary photograph
li-dinon. The Valentino proper was
made of lace paper of both gold and
silver hue. In the center was an
opening through which could bo BOOH
a neat picture at the extreme end.
The whole delicate affair is fringed
with colored ribbon , the latler being
nlio a now wrinkle in the Valentino
Another beautiful specimen was contained
tainod in a boxer luthur the box
was part of the valentine. Tlio outer
covering wan ornamented to represent
pii'oioua stones jnd piosealed a very
rich appearance. Ou the lid , in the
centre , was a scroll , on which the
name of the fair recipient could bo
written by the hand ol the lovar. Oi
raising the lid a mass of laen diapury
was revealed , with a piece of .frinpei
ribbon at each corner , the center
forming an avenue toward a very miy
gestivo building--n cliurch. Tliiucost
only $10.
Other ruriutiim uoio nrimiiioutm
with gold , silver and diamond dint
The ctio.ipor vaiieties , ranging fron
ton cunla to 51 , are principally com
posed of lace ll.tpcr. In tact , it maybe
bo said tl ut lace paper in the fouiulu
tion of Milentines. Sonio of the Itit
tor are so cntmtructcd thnt on pulling ,
a coid a miniature nta o is rovrnlod
with lace curtains and orimmrntti
.scenery , wliilo at the back a Hunti
mental youth and maiden are porchei
upon a balcony , gating at a moot
whcso m arm-SB would startle the or
dinary observer in real life. Evei
for BO ttilling a sum oKfivocentni
very prilty attic iiieiiiouto may b
One of the greatest favorites , however
over , ia a pretty ornamented valcn
tine , made of silver lace paper , with
pair of ainoll doors , on which is en
graved the motlo : "The one 1 love.
The fair recipient , wondering wli
her young man really loves , opens the
door und beholds her onu face reflected
od in a mirror.
The most suggestive ol these love
missives is a miniature altar , Hinoth
ored in an ocean of lace and diamom
dust , on which rents a plain gold rinj ,
surrounded by the motto : "Do yen
accept ? " Of course tfiia sort of a val
entitle means business , and unless i
is re''irncd there ought to bo gooi
grounds for a breach of promiao suit.
The valentine , however , which is
dc.tift-t , to the In-art of the practical
j l < fi mid the average "Young Amer-
icin" : is the comic one. Thousands
upon thousands arc sold annually ,
and the subjects ombtacc'd are multi
tudinous. All tradcK , professions and I
branches of busincab are represented.
The latest comic Valentino is that in
scribed to the destroyer of plethoric
pockutbooks , the plumber. The sub-
jcct stands with his tools on his loft
arm , while from his right hand de
pends a long "bill of particular * , "
uch as "Looking at a faucet , ? 5 , "
etc. "Angling for a Husband , " is the
title of another valentine , which will
make aomo young lady "yearn" to
fly at the unknown sender. It pict
ures a damsel with hook and line
striving to bait a heart. Even the
( esthetic craze is to bo burlesqued ,
and artists are already busily engaged
in drawing designs , in which young
' 'too too" Oscur
men are to figure as
"Tho retail price of valentines , "
said Mr. Fisher , ' 'runs from 1 cent
to $50. "
' 'Do you mean to say that the lat
ter sum is expended upon one valon-
tiiiui" asked the reporter.
"Certainly , hero is one , " and ho
displayed a muunificent creation , in
which gold and silver lace paper ,
diamond dust , real liico , ribbon , and
beautiful feat hers combined to make
a perfect beauty , the whole being in-
closed in a ricli framo.
' Such a Valentino as that , " said
tbo manufacturer , "gonorally dois
tlio business , 'Gothouand do like
wise. ' '
Winter Ufa'in Holland ,
flood Words.
In Holland the fun of Winter lifu
takoa many forms ; and Winter facili
tates locomotion , as the highways of
summer uvuilablo for trok-ahuiU be
come the best thoroughfares for those
who akato. In this way , directly the
icw bears , visits are nmdo and dis
tances traveled which cannot bo done
in Summer ; and , instead of going
round and round as wo do hero on a
small confined apace , the Dutch make
up a party and pay a visit to some
neighboring town or villiage. A
bright winter's morning is always ox
hilarating , especially to those wliote
red particles are doing their uoik But-
hfdctoril } ; how much more so when
cheerful company , free exercise , vari
ety of character , and constant clmniru
of BCWIO all tend to mark the day as a
red-letter one ; and to crown all.comea
the pleasant sensation of feeling du.
servcdly tired , with a night's rest well
earned. Should the frost bo suf
ficiently toverf , a river ia most inter
eating , being on a largo calo and pur'
taking more of the character of a fair'
which is the case , for'instance , on tin )
laas , at Rotterdam. This is veiy
well pictured in some of the old Hutch
nyraving * . one paiticiilarly ymaan
'imiriihli- idea of tlio whole thing ,
liowing sledges , ico-bo.itH , stalls ,
Mnlhn. Now , the frcexing of tli
Inas is mnst uncertain : while 'other
aters are frozen hard , the Hotter-
.miors still i cumin land-bound. The
laas ruiiH very strong'y , and the dlf-
ictilly is for the lirst coating of ice to
in in. When a severe frost catches
ic still water during the night , then
'onco begun , soon done , " and the
tuus , who turn their berths at night ,
ako tip in the morning tolind thorn
elves frozen in. Tlio canals natural-
y soon frecjw overand the trok-shuit
piillie is supplanted by baggage-
lodges , laix'o and small. Near dwell-
ng houses ore seen tlio little hot-
ledges for the children. These are
irecisoly the same as the seventeenth
entttiy contrivances , the child sit.s
vith just room for its foist , and , with
ictick in each hand , pushes anti-Mi
ml propels itself ahead Thoailult
ledges are some UIRUS simply .jor
geotis , as the opportunity affords great
ititiulo for form , great scope for va-
loty of goaf , harness , and trappings
nhoy are generally rather of the swan
ultimo , the "sleighers" siltiny in the
wdy , the driver perched at the back ,
is on the tail , the sweeping-irons fol-
owing the curve of the nwan's neck ;
jvcr these run the roins. Ono horse
'cnorally constitute ! ) the team , bub in
n old engraving three hornui in nin-
lo lili ! are shown drawing a nledgo
! o lu\e.
The ABO of Progress and Improve
ment ,
'rom the Chlcatro Ptiolo , Jan. 7th , ' 82
The world moves forward rapidly
md no , bettor exemplification can bo
ouiul nt thu present day th.iu the j/
u'uiitic stridtsti iniidc in thu railway
world , which after a series of years
lave bucoino BO atiikingly apparent M
, o place American railnay equipment
in r. footing of unparalleled excel-
oncn. The requirement ! ! of an uctivo
comfort-loving population have been
if the most exacting nature , and thai
hey have been met BO promptly ami
n such a thorough innnntir , is alike : i
credit to the inventive genius whicl :
created , nnd thu enterprise whicl
[ iisturcd the itmlchlutw railway service
of the United Statun
Thu changes brought about hnvu not
buuu arrived at , all at once , they are
the gr.idu l work of yoani , and the
added combinations ut cxpnriuncu nnd
htgheHt mechanical uktil ; no untried
experiment could p.uvml , none but
thorough trials and tusta could answer
the itupurativo dum md ti.r absolute
diifoty. ArtiHtic tiinto na well aa pr.ic-
ticability and imofuinoda luvo been
cotmullud. Some uuttetmont huru
and thorn , a bght addition in this
and that direction , Hummed up into a
general improvement of tlio entire
equipment and the comfortable and
elegant accommodations of to-day.
Railway haveliiigjuno longer an irk-
Hoino task , n journey of weariness and
bluakncha , fraught with lurking dan-
gora and insiiUbrublo annovancea. Increase -
crease of trnllio furthered additional
train service and attention turned to
improvement in tracks , roadway and
motive power. Stone ballasting wna
vigorously applied , additional traokn
constructed , improved ayatoma of sig
nals adopted , and powerful locomotive
engines built , affording requisites of
peed and safety superior to anything
ever attempted since steam povcor him
como into UHO in its thouaand-fold ap
plications , J
But in this sharp and competitive
emulation for rapid transit , tlio mate
rial interest of the traveler as well as
hid physical needs nnd wants , have
been well kept in sight. To the sleep
ing car , modiil of tidiness and cleanli
ness as well as oh-ganoy , nnd the lux
uriantly upholstered day coach , were
soon added parlor cars , richly and
tastefully furnished , nnd the iimunn-
"ty of builders and mechanic * was
: nxed lo its utmost extent to combine
into their construction every point of
dutail and minutia calculated to in-
crcaao the comfort of thu passenger ,
andBUrround him with the luxtiues
of homo-life. Hotel cars and dining
cars , tables supplied with every pro
curable delicacy , are now also in general -
oral UBO , nnd it might bo truly said
that the forests of the world , its mar
kets , its mini's , its shops and its scion-
tine ininda have beun in a uonso made
tributary to the American railway
manager. Tlift western roads hrvvo
not boon "low in adopting ana inaug
urating improved methods . , _ nnd _ wo
I * 1 1 /11 r v *
find the Chicago , Hurliniftoii & QUIII
oy ruilroud , which lonij since had in
use the best nnd most improved rolling -
ing stock , have introduced an elo ant
system of smoking curs for exclusive
imo of first-duos passengers , and the
state room car , orintimtod and built
especially for tholr purpose , which
Civus absolute privacy oml mnst bo an
inappreciable boonti to invalids while
si-curing washing , bathing and louni-
in fnciliticB in separate and complete
npartiiunits. To this company holongi
thu credit of fiirniahini ; tlio Iinisbin
ntini ( ) for the inngnificont udifici
reared to the nonius of our nation bj
ita able mil way olliciiils , the niosl
cuinpleto passenger oijuipiuent in tin
A Mllllonnlro'a Eccontrlcltlos.
Krom tlio Now V rk bun , 12th.
The late Ciipt. William Tyson was
an old sea captain mid shipping merchant
chant residing near llaulionsauk , A
few years since he was rated wortli
81,500,000. Previous lo his death he
bucnino very eccentric. On one occa
sion ho tore up 820,000 in Govern
ment bonds , 88,000 , of which he
burned up. The romainins 812,000
was represented by many fragments ,
which the Government finally recog
nized , and which it redeemed in cash
on Tuesday. Yesterday the Now Jer
sey estate was administered upon by
George W. Whoelor. The inventory
of this part of the property at first
footed up 875,000 , but subsequently
in clearing up the Captain's private
room n number of checks were found
under the carpet , while from behind
the safe wore taken stocks nnd bonds
roprt'sonting about $200,000. AI <
though two nnd three years old , tin
checks wore honored. The stocki
and bonds , principally mining ntocki
nnd southern states bonds , realizoi
but a few dollars. Mr. Wheeler's nc
count foots up 8137,000 , The Nov
York and Philadelphia property awelli
the estate tc gOSO.OOO
The thin ) , ' dtuircd found at taut. AR !
driixb'Ut for "Hough on ItaU. " It clear
out ruin , mice , readies , tiles , bed link's : 16i
boxw , ( l )
\ Ulnoinintl man ay ho llvcil fur
o'cven yearn lu dei\'lly fear th t MIIIIC nnc
would tind out that hi * inatitlen were only
iiiiltiitli'ii tinirli c.
If n LMtinl linct can Mnk .1 ram built In
Inotcrt < mr wliolo Atlantic < .ait . , wl.y mil
ilnn n frw Crinnl l .it < inUend of
more rums ?
ftvnlt'iu ' county trfiis-ir r < I r the courts to
practice on , arid lawyeri dd I ire Hint the >
au't mnke their ialt < > n murder oatei.
Rreakfnat cap * for young hilles are
fnnbion I le. Tny coino In vnrloiu styl s.
[ ixthiii.tfa : N'Uht cai < f ir vounif en
tlcincn ireulo fftanionnMc. They cnniu
In tumbler * .
Dm.'t Miinplnin lini-oaflcr .ibnut ha ilitf
Mandrill ! In your hairn Kn-'luh pro.
f - or hm discovered that tlio no Ip * which
niver tha mmt let vo bniim have the
most ilatiilrulf.
\ . r.nlfixlo mMi ro'i t reo Hunks In i
itrctt cir with a < unall } > < > < imi M' atnl M
nut cntch the di i'a e. UulMtn pip r * ale
careful nut to * y whether hu was utmlder-
man or rut. { Detroit I'rco I'IIMI.
I'emmylvnnl i ha three < l rtermt Uw
h ill M by titizei A who i avI I eo ntung by
be < mid who want to make on' tint the
nwnnr of n hive of lw > ii njnptiinl lu In a
financial w y every tune n l/ee ; > pi it to
un outsider.
U may be mortifying. } omuf tnnti , but
that mow niate flab v u are Wfai-ing for
sleeve button IH nut hu proper thin. ,
Have it made over into a centtr t.i > le , aul
tlifn buy a small , faihimrihle i.n.F huttun ,
[ NVw I Fa-en II si'ler.
There are about o'-e tl'oiwnnd ccri"t
liquor saloons m M-dne , but it Mn ! < l th t
they "lo not null nn avcratfB nf twn dollars'
worth of I 'inor annually to no inhabitant.
A friend wno has traveled iu the DiriV"
itate thinks that two dollnrn' worth of
Much liimnr A3 they null in Maine ounlit to
be Hiilllclent to Icocp an ei'tiro town hip
intoxicated for i month. [ Unftton 'ian
An Ami in gentleman , who travels a
gii' , recently brought home , an
iiample , one of thu lurtl , Maok
that are put on the tiljli.M nt the
* t.\tloni along the railrnacit. Tl'o iiioui
\ng \ after his return hftno he heard n urent
hullnhnlon in the yard. He wonr out rn-l
dlfcoveied that tut rlnlJren had put the
biicuit on the ground anil had put a liv e
ciiul on itx bauk , Tht > y thiucht It vrai .t
turtle. [ Tsxm
Several ni'n'l''ni"n were Ktnnd CK on tin
curnfr of ijalvc-ttou .IVMUIO whvn one o
tiiu moot fiwh ! uablo laihui of lalvoitor !
tn e i on thu idowallc. "Ah ! " exclaim it
niioof iheKen'Iemen ' , "whit acnniplexion.
There Uuntliin to beat it in U.vlvoKt n.
I &in proud of that woman , i am. " "Aio
vou her hiw-und * ' .11' ed a stranijer "No
-ir. " 'Her fnthcr , then. ' " "No , sir ; f
am nn relation of hur , line I am proiM u
liar conii.lcNion. I am the drii | ; < ut th il
Hold il to IIT. I made it myuilf , "
A Toxiis cattle runner , nwnbij , ' abo'it
3,000 ho ni , nikrd Mdi .ti , the New York
liiinl : , to Icn.l him COIIMnt' ncy nil thi'in
ao thnt III ) Inlghl In irenK8 lllx Htnuk. He
told the lunktr what fhfy vvcro worth
how th-y doulilt'd In value uvcry five
yc.irrt , mill ina < lu a lar o iiiiiiiul pnilit
but when ho tnlil MIIIK n that IlK'V ( I iln'
h ivc mv fncs in 'I'exiiH , hexuUi f ed in
n tonu of holv honor : "No fence * ! Wlij-
good lout , yonii { inuii , IM ns sonn ti1 o a
oiort auu od u school of codlisli < itf th
b nki of Xawf-iiturlUnd. "
It was a lioaturi girl who asked , " \\'h
is it thut twn sonic , mated in the im une
truhle mj-htery of their n tlvit > , llnat li
eauh other on he oce n eurrputu of existence
enco withunt being initlnuiivcly drn\\n to
Aether hleiiili'dandbeautlticilln the nsnlm
ilutsd alembic of eternal love * ' That i
nn ctisy one. [ t la becauBf butter U 4
cuiti a pound nnd a ( , 'O'nl ' neal akin eacque
co-U an litan as ? fiOO. The necenK&rien of
life must oxiicri.mco a fall in price befnre
two HOU ! will readily blend In the nnalml-
lati'd alembic , and HO forth.
Junes wa < sitting ou the front ntop , the
other night , wnitiW for hU nwcetheart to
couiu out. 8he knew w at time to come ,
and J no4 didn't wish to rim ; the bell for
four of alarml s the old folks. Prmently
hu heiird the d < nr open and the old man
mutt-Tod aomoihlmr about si'iio'iody'H ' be-
"to'j ' fresh " "Do adilrfus
Inir you y mr-
-lf 10 rno ? " a'd ' .ron > 'i , Biriii'in | ( ( ; un with
tlanhin ' Xo"H Id the old r-ntlcinan
a ? . , < - ,
mlldlv. "I wat Hpctvkin , ' of the paint on
the at ps. Tt wnn \ > , there thin after ,
noi n. " .loncH clnpped 1m hnndx to the
anil , realizing the I'nrcu of iho bl
. mun's r.niuikrt , reached hirt room in
live minutes [ Carnon City Appeal ,
Tlio iiimmii of Mi H AMIII I.ouieo Gary'- !
apprn.ichim'iunrriago nro now Haiti to be
Jlr. William Scli man , who'8 dniifjlitur
was recently married in I'.jri'i tor \ Was-
Norman , KUVO the liridu iv present f .50-
00 and lucex and iliuinoiuts valued nt im
nmoh niaiti.
We often heir of a woman inarrim ; n
man to reform him : Imt no ono mur lulls
or a man iiuurying a woman to reform
her. Wo men nra uiodeat , mid il n't talk
about our good deed much -I'liiintield [
M m Aburcrombie , ilnnebterof the Into
Genoial Al ercromliio , and iTiuidduuh'liter
of ilia Lite ( > nciul Hohort Pattenon , hui
ju t been itarrled in 1'liihulvlphiu to Mr.
Ht'iiry Ni'wlln , a wuilthy young lawyer of
that city.
Sena * . rJoneu , of Florida , win N ibout
to marry a wealthy ynmiK lady of Now-
bnryport , ii said to'bo uniiHUally well road
lu the norkx of I'.iiKlinli Htatunuiun. Hu li
a tall , robutit. pnlc-eyvd and Handy Imirod
wld vver.
Minn IiluVlbnnn , whoteanuihlnibreach-
of-oMiuise suit ivsatnst Henrv II. Mccr.
of Kichinonil , V , lav month oM urlieii
New York Ilelirew no loty tn itu center ,
ban found nn mldlto nal coiwlati n to
thut oi the dUuCOerillct , nvvanle.1 by
tliu c int. On Sunday thu iimrruil Isnuu
II. Cohuii , OIIB of the pilndpal v.'itiu-ega
in thu ca < u ,
nt fashionalilo Kntjllsh
p < of white mill1 , with
full .1,001 i h ir vvtiH gather d into u biitln
ban I , covered with rich lace A w.i ered
lihbon anuut rK iuchi'H in width ii t.uitid
throiuh thin laic , termlmiUni ; behind m
long friiiKo I mh , which are cinito a -
im a Inlf lon ' , anil are intended to reach
near y to the ( not of the drrss.
.Miiia Curno IF , ( Jrlm.rll . , dauKhtur of
ox-G'ongriuMiiaii I H. ( Jpmiell , win mar
ried recently at ( irinnell , In , , to Prof. H.
1) , Joiien , uf lovv.vollt' o Uno letter of
coiiL'iutulail. n from limtun , ai.d iU
olonlni ; wonU were thesa : "Tint you may
bo us happy anoiir f , hor'a dnui/ht' r de-
Bel > en to ho ia the bt'Nt .my oue c.m ask for
you. Mt alfectiountcly yours , Wendell
Phillip * . "
A more lll-assortoil couple than Mr. and
Mrs. r.lntUay ,1 , Hoiidanil , of I'roviden e ,
cuulil hardly be imagined. lleii\ white
boy , lt ! pimittmtutln ) ; hit IK" At 10 inul
ha ut 11) ) , while hu in n iii'sTrns of ' . ' , * > , ami
by uo nit'ium a | irei > oiuei > iiiii ) ! Kpeelnifn of
her aeo. I hey eloped , ami were married
by a nei ; > > pr acher. The biulimd'a pur-
mt have had him iinecteil on a charge of
vagrancy , in tha hope of ep.uatlnir him
porniunently from bin wft ! > , Out ho ( Ircliucu
that bo will return to her ixt the eurlie t
Captain John 15. SyUei ) , who , for sever -
er l year * pa t , ban been runnlni ; North
Carolhm eypms ahluKlen to the Choptank
lambngti , Bema time ago became
enamored of a young lady of .St. Ml'lmo'ii ' ,
and seemed determined to marry tier , v > 11
lhi ( { or miwUling. She i Idoverythingthat
u ludy could ro\ild do prmlrntly to vet rid
of bin periUtcnt uttuntloin , uinltinally had
to call on her brother fur pitectiou. . As
thocitptalu could not bo coiaed or driven
ulf from bin puriiilU , be bad n writ
fur him and ho wta conimittcd tn
j.ill to keup tbo eaop , A gentleman In
K.utou olfi red to go on his bail If h would
promieo not to trouble the young 1 dy nuy
more. Ho peremptorily refunedsandwoi t
to jailj but , nut iinding the jail as cum.
fortub.u u place an the cabin t f his \emiel ,
booh nged hU mlt.d . , RMO ball , nnd left
for Daltlmore. Alter rcnchlng tlio city b
" bftngeil his mind I ) clt ntfaln , nnd wrote to
hii bail th > t ho wan coming back and mint
BWJ the ndy at alt r k < . H nrrifed th ro
Sunday morning , hl i ailnirrendcroii him ,
and h < > in now In jil . He Rtvalnlnin-
Hplred to mnrn tin i i Iv. and ir t nIt. .
When The7o' < n Will Thorn' * a
Anv otiiwh" hi' thn will to t v Pi > ' '
AH' Kt.KcrniP on . will suroiv lind thn way
t' ) robust health , in > s f btonchlal nf.
fections , m-re thniat. i > < fn . -t. ; and IH a > i
Ibtcrnal remedy it n invaluable. 10 Iw
Some ImporbintMntomoutfi of Wo
Kuowa People Wholly
tn order that the pulillc mi ) fully rcMio Iho
ii'iiiiln nem of the ulttcnicntu , ai well ni the
l ) cr ami vnlua of the article of which thu )
ijicak , * ojmlll hhir with t'o ' fic-Mmllo n'tn.i- '
turoof farlkivho o i > i ccrlty tl hc\nn.l quc -
lion. Tha Truth of thcsa t' ' utimonlilj In nlmo
lute , nor tun the f cM thny announce bo IK-
OMMM , NIB. , JUy2l , 1831.
llKKR Siit'-r hive frcriicntlv | inert W rncr's
Sato Kl.lno. ami Liver Guru for local aHectlo > i
ttcniHnt Uxn cero rheum&tl'1 at tack , tml
a\eal ayi derhcd benollt therefrom. I have
no ui il the Bafo Vcrrino vtlth iutltt ctory re-
iltit. 1 consider them incJIcluci uorihj of
on i ] In to.
Deputy Trouurcr
OMIIIA , Nun , May It , leal.
. " . WMtNitR A Co. . Hochriter , N. Y :
flutrm I have uiixl your sfo Kidney and
her Curu thUrprliUiua licrlnv iterator , anil
HnU I thn ben remedy I vcr tried. Ihivvt
Hud I bottku. a il It hi * mvlu niu fid better
hnu uvcr I uid before In the
U. I1. K , Shops.
O-MIIA , NPH , juy 21 , iSol ,
I. II. WAK.NRR i.Uo :
SI H : For nmro than ID y in I tnvosuff < .n.'d
men In oiivontcrco from > tmliincil kl'lacy ' .mJ
lerillnoui'i , id liivu bien on liloto vvorlt
iy ilrin y ortf im nlso litliu ; .ilTu'oil I rl l i
rcat many inc < llcirufi at" ! ilO'tarii , tnittnrc\v
erse ami Mono day hycliy 1 % HM1 I lii
iriullt'.i lilm-a - . niul I wlnheil n > -ill ilcnii if
ouM noth vofM.iUj | tcllof. 11 > ol. jour rtM
i'uncy nnil l.iv.r i uro. Liinulrg notr.lnf cbn
a.i6v r kiiowiitoitirotim I | | HM.niul 1 Inv
ot been ilKippclntiil , Ib niidli inuhai curnl
ic , anil I am pirfi'i'ly will oilnv , ( riilr '
tire igh your ' 'e KUncv MiJ Liver Cure
wish jou all au-o iu in | iubllihlii ? thli v luMile
cmojv through ho i orlil.
U. I' . U. it. Hlio | >
Thonsanits ( i | tmlly A rmii indorsement.
iiany of them In . .anlicre li po vvai nba'
oticil biivu boon vl'.intarll.v t'lv n , howini ; tlic
cmnikable power of VVniiicr'H Snfu Klilnc } and
.ivur Cure , hi ultilKcasv ol thu kldiv } . livci
p- ' If Ml ) ono who ruiiM t
tronliln rmtori,1)o ) thu tr
Who waut glossy , luxuriant
nndrovy tresses of abundant ,
beantiim Hair mast use
elegant , cheap article always
makes the Hulr prow fteely
and fast , keeps it from fulling
ont , arrests and cores grayness -
ness , removes dandruff and
itching , makes the Hair
Rtrong , giving it a curling
tendency ana keeping it in
nny desired position. Beau-
< ' .i'ul , healthy Hair is the sure
result of using Kutaoiron.
iNfe . STOMACH 4&
In Ho ts of FamlHcs
Ilo-ititter 8loinaeh Illtlero Isos milch rtgnrdol
as a hou-ihoM nrcvi > alt > s miijnr or coITce. 'Iho
reason of ihh Is that jeam of oxpcrlcnco luve
prot cil U to bo perfect > nllivhlo in thoiu CUXLK of
eineriretii v ulicro a prompt anil cuni-cnioiit rcni'
ul ) I * demanded , t'onstlpatkn , liver loinphlnt ,
ily | n'i h , mill estloii and othir trouble * ar >
uvvnouiv li > It.
For mlu liv nil DruKsMsanil Dealer * , to whom
apply for ll.xtetter'K . Almana. ' lor liajj.
1 3
2 3
- O3J
ILER & CO. .
Sole ManufHoturara. OMA.HA.
In K0\nf \ Ksat take thu
Chicago & Bortliwest-
Tnlm IMVO On > ah 3:1011 : in anil 7:10 : n. m.
For lull inloi.rntloii rail on II , 1' . DUKI , . Ticket
Ajtunt , 14th ami Ktmliam Sin J. HKI.t. V. I1.
l llrt. ) Dq t , or at JAME8T , ULAIIK , Otiur
al Aiiiui , Omaha. J 17m4o tf
II J ou nru aflltctcil with lliliotiMicss , use
ic nr.ooD JIITTKHS.
If ) ouarcprostratcil with sick Heiiluho , laVc
If > our tionclsarcillmrtlcrcil , rc uhti : them with
.UOD urn ins :
If jour Blood is inpurc , purify it with
Ifjouhavo Indirection , jou will Ionian antidote
in iiunnocK 111,001) urn nits
Ifoil ara trOHbtul with Sprint ; Complaint ) , cr
oJIcate them with HUHUOCK 1H.OOU IIITTiH3. :
tf jour LUcrls torpid , restore it to health ) action
with ncunocK III.OOD iu rrnus
If jour Mver li affected , } 0it will find a siiro re
btoratliein llUKUOCK UI.OOD lUTHUtS
If jou line any specie * of Idiinor or I'lmplc , fall
not to take IlL'KDOCK DI.OOD U11T V.RS.
If j on hivv o nnj B > mptotiH ot I liv rs or Scrotnloot
Sona , a curitlvo romcily will bn found in
For Impartins stn-iiKtli ind vitality tothuHjs
tern , nothing uincinul
iiuiinocu r.r.noi ) tinrr.KU.
orNcrvomiiiJ Orncral Dclillltj , tone up the
tcm vnth IIUUDOCIC I ! 1,001) UlTlKltS.
rice , SI.QO pel fiottlo ; Trial Dottles 10 CU
OSTEil , MILBDRN , & Go , , Props ,
oeM at wholesale by Isli a MuMahon and 0. K.
jodiuin. jo 27 uod-mo
TRADE MARK ! * " f.rcalTRADE
Tnj ishriia-
\n 1-
; euro
( or
rhtu , Iinpot *
follow ,13 i
iolf AIU < ons l.o.-solJJcmorj , l'ni\erskl Iji-i-l
uil , I'ulh in the Dvk , UimncM of VNon , 1'ro
nature Old ARC , and limn ) olhtr li ci oa thnt
cad ti Iiisanltj or Consumption and a 1'rcmi
uro Grave
ita'Tuil iiirtlculara In our pamnhlet , which
o iK'jlre lu vend ( rco I . mult to OVLIJ one.
jTTnu Specinc Medicine in sold by all liniKk'19 '
, t Jl per packayo , or 0 pack ies for ? 3 , or will
to , sent f ri'ii bj null lire : ptcf llio inoncv , bj
oddrcsjiinr TIIEC1HA IKDiriNE CO. ,
Iliiffalo , N. V.
or ptvlo liv < ' K flood i tx7nio rod
Tnls Krcnt ei > cciflc ciiri-s that moat loatnsome
Whether ID IU Primary , Secondary
or Tertiary Stage-
Removes all traces of crcury from the sys
tem , Cures Scrofula , Ol.i Ho of , Hheuma-
tlem , E' zcma Ca urrh or any
lilood Disease.
Cores When Hot Springs Fall !
Ualtcrn. Ark. , ilay 2,1831.
Wo have case * in our town who llvi.datloi [
Springa and were finally cured wltluS. 8. A.
llcmphls , Sloan. , May 12 , 1831
Wo have sold 1,290 bet lea of S.S. 8. In ft j car ,
Jt ha * pH en unlvtraal H .tiafAutlon. I air ininue
phjBlclans now rccoimnend it n a | > ostlv !
ipeclnc. 8 MASsncLD & Co.
Louliv illc , KyMav 13. 1681.
S. S. S. ban clvrn better fall faction than any
medicine I have ever sold J. A. KiM < a.
Uenvoi , Col. MayS , 1831
Every pnrtha cr pe.iKu in the hl 'hist ttrin
of S. S , S. L. ilelssctcr.
Itlch' oiul. Va. . May 11 , 1331.
Voti IAII reft r an ) boiiv to in In rcuaril to th
ujciitj of a. b. a. l'ol ! < , ilillcr * Co.
'K o never known a. s. S to ( all to euro a cas
f Sjphilh , wni'n nronerlv taken.
'I. r , r un arJ. 1
CliVirriii. . i
Tliualxjieei m rsnrcuontlcminof hiith tam
tig. A U ( OU ' '
IF vou wisn wn w LLTAKI : YOUKSE c.
Write for partlculara and uony of litil
book 'ilu t.iio to the U ( crtilimto.
91.OOO R wnrd will be paid to an.
chem t who will llnd , on annj : H HiO buttlei
S S. mrtlcldof Mercury Iodide I'oU'
alum or any Mineral substance.
Atb'i.n , Oa.
1'rlfo of regular eizo reduced to ( it 75 per ni
tlo Small B ze , holJIntflialf the quantity ,
Soldli ) KKNNAUDtCO , ,
and Dniia'luts I encrally
w. E. via us M. ilhltUELU
, E , VMS & CO , ,
125 Lasallo Street , CHICAGO ,
Grain and Provisions Bougu
niid Sold on Mor ins ,
C'ii it'll )
Oculist and Aurist ,
Referenced all Reputable ) slclan § of Omah * .
iarOfllce , Corner ICth and Farnhom Bti
Om h . Nrb . . ,
To Nervous Sufterers
Dr. J , B. Simpson's Specific
II li positive cure for inmUubc ) , Sernln *
Wcolmrut , ImpoUncy , ami ll diDeuet reuultlni :
( roui Soll-AIiiiw , u Mental Atuli-t ) , I/ossi
Ueinory , I'alni ID tlm B.-vek or Slile , and dlai-anek
' - * that l wl to
Coii8uini > tlou
IDcanlty an
4 earlygrate
The Siwclflc
Ik'JIclue li
being utwl
with wouJcr-
n ( Ul
_ szns I'amiihletii
'cut free to ill Wilto for th'eni and get full par
1'rlce , Specinc , f l.CO fti package , or U pick.
tcei for .00 , AJdreM all ordora to
No. 101 ami 100 Main St. Uuffalo , K. Y.
old In Omaha by C. F. Ooodaun , J. W. Bell ,
K Iih , and all diu < EUUdrerr hcre.
On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts , ,
Fire and Burglar Proof
X. O C
1020 Farnham Street ,
IF. O.
1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha ,
H. M. & M. PEAVY ,
1309 Farnham Street.
il micCm
IE ICT Gh E , . TT 13iT G-
While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower
than all others
I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS
offered for Competition in our line
Over All Competitors.
For the Best Watch Work ,
For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. )
For the Best Engraving ,
Fortlie Best Diamonds ( own importation )
Having lately enlarged my workshops and putting In now * nd improvou
chinory , I hope to still more improve the quality and finish "f our
ork and fill orders with moro promptness than is usual.
My McHo liiw always boon and always will bo : "Eirst to gain superior
tice niid then advertise the fact not before no wild advertisements
Seme unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying my
nruouncomoutH , I would bog you , the reader of this , to
draw a line between such copied advertisements
and thoao of Yours very truly ,
The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. ,
Sign of the Striking" Tovr 7
Special Attention
Is Once More Called to jthe Fact that
Rank foremost in the West in Assortment and
Prices of
Furnishing Goods
Hats and Caps
Wo nro'propnred to meet the domaudo of the trade in regard to Latest Stylei
and Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connection
1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th St