Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1882, Image 1

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But. OIIB Branch of Legislative
Wisdom in Session ,
And Nothing of Note Trans
acted in that Body Ex
cept Adjourning.
Business in the Star -Route
* - trial Still Confined to
Proving Bids.
Iff _
, A Delegation of Women Who
! - * J
Want to Vote Appear Before -
fore that Committee
ot Hoar's
Mlt collnnoonft Note * From the No
' tional Capital-
NUonaVABpctatod Press
i " WASHINGTON , January 20. The
' senate was not in session to-day , hav
ing adjourned yesterday to Monday.
After call of the committees , the
house W nt into committee of the
whole , ,011 the private calendar , Mr.
Camp in the chair.
The house adjourned at 4:45 : p. tu.
t , until Monday next.
' ' XitionM Associated Press.
? * " ' WOMAN ! * SUFKKAHE.
% \VASHINOTON , January 20. These-
J * Icct committee on woman suflrago to
day heard Mrs. Robinson , Mrs.
tuck , Mrs. Grager , Mrs. Scarl , Mrs.
Colby , Mrs. Saxon and Miss Siman B.
Anthony , and thanked them fet thuir
presentation of the subject. Mrs. E.
0. Stanton and others will be heard
Till : ,1 EANNETTK.
The secretary of the navy has juot
received the following telegram from
Engineer Melville of the lost steamer
Jcannotto dated Irkoufsk , January
19 , 1882 : "Melville , Davunhaucr
and eleven men are all well. Mel
ville returned to the Arctic onean ;
found log , books , instruments and si
few records left by UeLons. No
( tidings of the second cutter. Search
continued during the winter by Cro
sock in command of the * Balun aixl
Intkts under the direction of General
Tsclireinoiir. Word from the Kalymas
. .river states that no boat had arrived
' up'to Novc'mbor'lOth. , Am acquaint
ed with the country where DoLong
and party are and request orders to
remain with two men to renew search
in March , and Davenuuuor ; and , nine eturn to the United.States. . .
wDavcnhauer'a sight has partially re
covered. "
The hearing in the star route cases
was resumod. A memorandum which
was presented in Gibson's handwriting
and giving in substance Cabell's staio
ment , wa'i ruled out. The prosecu
tion then proved a bundle ot bids bj
several witnesses and they were ad
' , - ' N mitted as evidence. A. M. Gibsoi
detailed a conversation with Cabel
which was to the effect that Cabnl
recognised the bonds as of little value
and that he had transferred property
to Minnix , Donohtio and Dickson. Oi
cross examination witness , admit let
he never know Caboll to perform
contract. The court then adjjurnet
till Tuesday to give the defense time
ro examine the bids admitted as evi
W. A. Kerr , assistant district attor
ney ot Philadelphia , is in the city in
consultation with Attorney General
Ih'owstor in regard to the stir route
cases. Kerr is expected to assist in
further prosecution.
L > Thu cabinet mot and discussed
routine mattcra. All but Secretary
Folgcr were present.
It is stated on good authority that
Governor Pinchbackvill soon be
nominated for surveyor of the port of
Now Oilcans.
There are 70,000,000 standard sil
ver dollars in the trensuiy , and ? ( ! 2-
000,000 in silver certificates outstand
William U. Taylor has been ap
pointed gati'jof in the Sixth Kentucky
district , and Benjamin .leiinii' ' in.
the Tenth Ohio district-
One of thu assistant secretaries ol
state m authority , for the statement
that iniportantdiploniatic nominations
would hi ) sent to the senate next week.
It is reported that iimoug them will
bo that of Alphonsu Tnft , of Ohio , to
bit minister to Germany.
The national woman's sullVagc con
vention closed its fourth annual con
volition to-night.
The T nuo see Debt COMB.
National . \H jiUtcd 1'rem.
NASHVILLE , January 20.- The gun-
erul impression among lawyers and
prominent business men is that the
funding act will bo sustained. It is
feared by some of the counsel for the
complainants ; others firmly believe
that thu injunction will bo sustained.
It is mere opinion of different mun
.with whom your correspondent has
conversed. There is no intimation
from the court as to what they will
do. Whatever the decision is , promi
nent low tax men announce their de
termination to oppose the funding of
the debt under the act. Failing before
the supreme court , they will oppose
it by other means. There will proba
bly bu two or three weeks before a
decision is rendered ,
National Associated I'runD , _
CiiirAoo , January 20 , The Times'
Now York special says : Kx Senator
Conkling resents the imputation that
bo is permanently outof politics. Just
now ho is busy with professional and
private afiaira , but it is said he will bo
\ > ack from Elba like Napoleon in the
cominn autumn. It is positively in
serted that the Stalwart politicians
who have thu management of his case
have already made up their pro-
gramme ami that it is to give
him the next Republican nomination
: is governor of this state. This , it is
claimed , will bo an excellent stopping'
stone to the national convention in
1884 , and if Mr. Conkling cm carry
No York next full his friends think
ho will have a political backing which
will give him a commanding position
thore. - This programme , his enemies
say , is likely to moot with severe set
backs , particularly if Mr. Arthur
takes a t otion lo run for the otlico
The High Wntor in Tonnosie * .
National Awoclatod 1'rciw
NASHVILLE , January 20. The river
continues to remain stationary. The
waturs pf the Tcnnesseo are over the
railroad track at Johnsvillo on the
northwestern division of the Nnsh-
yillo , Chattanooga and St. l.unia rail
way and M. 11. line between Clarksville -
villo and Paris , cutting cominnni- -
cation by railroad between tins p'lneo
and Memphis. Orders have been is
sued to discontinue trains on these
roads till further orders. A portion
of the Mississippi Central was washed
up by the waters pf tho. Deer , ' . Fork-
near Fnlton , Kentucky. Part of the
Memphis and Charleston road is sub.
merged. It is still raining , and an
other rise is expected. Twelve hun
dred hands have been thrown out of
employment by the high water.
CHATTANOOOA , January 20. Thu
rivtr commenced fallim ; last night ,
and all the up river stations report
the same. The damage is very slight
in this city. Lumber dealers along
the banks , by careful watching , saved
all ihoir lumber. There is considera
ble loss to farmers along the bottoms.
AUJVSTA , Ga. , January 20. Short
ly after noon to-day Anderson Jones
'colored was hanged in the jail yard
for the murder of young Harolson A.
Mcltcan last summer. Ho slept com
fortably last night , but wan down
hearted this morning. Only priests ,
olllcials , press reporters and guards
were admitted to the hanging. Jones
embraced the Catholic religion and
said he- was prepared to die and want
ed no respite. Ho mnde no confes
sion , lie ascended the platform firm
ly and when the trap was sprung fell
eight feet and died without much pain.
ATLANTX , Oa. , January 'M. Ander
son Jones ( colored ) was luinged at
Augusta to-day for the murder of
John G. Harolson at McBcan , Richmond
mend county , on the night of Decem-
t > er lo , 1879. Harolson kept the vil
lage store and on the morning after
the night in question ho was. found in
bed with his bead split , optui. JOUCK
was arrested and twice convicted.
The evidence was circumstantial but
fctrong. Jones left a written confes
sion , which was found after the exe
, .
OCJJAK RAPIDS , January 0. A
seven story building in-Belloplain , u.
few miles west of this city , burned
last night. Gore & Parmlee's leas ,
§ 12,000 ; Hollen & Mahalen , § 1SOO ;
Dr. Parish , $10,000 ; F. E. Snyder A
Co. , 850,000 ; no insurance.
EVANRVII.U : , Intl. , January 20.
McGrew & Uurtis , grocers , burned
out yesterday. Loss , § 18,000
INDIA NAI-OU.S , Ind. , January 20.
Wiseman & llobbis' store burned at
Prospect. Ind. Loss , § : ! ,000.
CINCINNATI , January 20. P. B.
CritchoH'a floral store burned out this
morning. Loss , $ : J,000 ; insured.
CiiAW.OTrn , N. Y. , January 20.
The Spencer house burned last night
by a fire started by tramps. Loss ,
§ 40,000 ; insurance , $ ! ) ,000.
BELLOWS FALLS , Vt. , January 20.
The hosiery mills of Gottring &
Womer at Springlield were totally de
stroyed by fire ty-day. Two dwelling
liouses and u store were also burned.
Loss , § 4,000 ; insurance , $15,000.
Forty hands are thrown out of em
Welcome to the BuUginc-
National Associated I'rt'hi.
GIIAITON , 111. , January 20. The
St. Louis , .lersoyvillo ifc Springfielc
"ailroad reached hero last evening anil
.he locomotive moved upon thu lasl
rail and the last spike was driven
amidst the shouts of the people and a
twenty minutes whistle from the cn-
ne. Uruflui ! ; the s-intherly termi
nus of the I oid ,
Hi.Niin'ri'A Tux.
, , January 20. -
I'm.1 survey o n-pi of the F.irt Worth
Denver road reached hero to-day
and proceeded wuM. This line is throu
nilui shorter than tliu old snrvoy and
lie e iiintry over which it puaieu is
nui'h bottof. Tim prospect of secur-
\\i \ > this road is good and much inter
est in in inifosteil ,
Bold Robber * ,
N'ftlionul A .i'i > htc'il I'IVHI.
Cioiii.i'io\VN ! : : , January 20.--I''our '
obbors filtered the housu of Jas.
Hillor near hero- early last evening
and intimidated the family with cock
ed revolvers. Mr. Ililler resisted and
vas knocked senseless with a h tcliot.
I'lioy then ransuckud the lionee , su-
iuring § 4,000 , took a bugijy and two
loraus and left.
A Hearties * Mothur ,
National AsBOdatcil I'ruau.
UUOOKI.VN , Januarj1 20. Mrs ,
Cniily Russell , wife of a colored
; rocuryinan , on Saturday night took
lor two weeks' 'jld child to the police
tatipn , saying she had found it in
ho street. It has since been diseov-
irod that shu is its mother and xho
las boun uiTcstcd ,
A Drover Hold Up
tadonal Ai > oclatcil I
January 20. This uven-
ng u drover named Charles Wood-
ord , from Woodsworth , Lake county ,
11. , fell in with a now found friend ,
nd was held up and robbed of § 225
nd SiOO in notes , and badly mmd-
What Ho Saw in the State Capi
tal Yesterday ,
- *
Progress of the Trial of the
Union Pacific's " Coua-
muniet. "
A Well Developed Onee of
Small Pox Nenr the State
The Victim Being a Colored
Mat ? , They Close the
Colored Oburcb.
Mounter Lniid LOIXRHO Mootint
null tlin Sinr Ruuto Cnnp >
; Arudt'n Cnno.
Hpivltllotlir lice.
LINCOLN , Nob. , January 20. Thu
littuntion of thu United Status uour
was occupied to day in thu trial o
Arndt. Witnesses for tlic govern
tnent wore examined to the effect thu
Arndt had hold various conversation
with thorn in which ho threatened to
take tvc lifo of Judge Ditiidy. A
0110 tiitio the defendant beoamo vurj
much excited and arose in his plac
to protest against , the testimony o
u. witness and thu runiarks of counsel
During the afternoon the dofcndan
occupied the witness stand uiu
related rnthor consiston
story in regard to his troubles witl
the Union Pacific Railway Company
Ho confessed that lie nt tiiuca bccaiuu
very angry when conversing with hi
counsel and that he might hare iiuidi
threats against Judge Dandy , butliac
no intention of currying them int
Cormiximlciicu of Tiir. ItHK.
LINCOLN , January 20 The Uni ( < k
Status court was called at 10 a. in
yesterday. After rho hearing of mo
tions by Judge Dundy , Judge Foster
of Kansas , occupied the bench , am
thu trial of August Arndt was ptxi
ceeded with. Untied States Attornoj
Lambortson opened the uaso for tli
government , staling the substance o
the oti'ciiRO charged in , the indictmen
and the line of proof to bo presented
Mr. Itcdick , of Omahu , appeared fo
the defense , and in a very energeti
way indicated the principal points in
the defense. He made sharp refer
onccs to the difficult } ' this dofondan
had in procuring counsel in
certain cases ho referred to
All he appealed to wore either
connected with the Union Pacific
railway or too brainless to corapro
hciul the merits of his case. Wit
nesses were then called who testitaec
that to them Anidt had made throats
that if Judge Dundy did not rule ii
his favor ho ( Arndt ) weald shoot him
on the spot. A ttornoys called as wit
nesses testified that Arndt caino to
their offices for the purpose of employ
ing them as conned in his case
against the Union Pacific railway ,
but that ho was so abusive of Judge
Dundy and scorned to have so poor ,
cose that they refused to take chnrg
of it and expelled him from their of
During the afternoon .session of the
court the examination of attorney's
was continod. They testitied to thu
threats made by Arndt in their ollicus.
Mr. Shultz testified that ho caine into
his oilico and employed him to undertake -
take his ( Arndt's ) case against the U.
P. railroad. Also that ho ( Arndt )
became very angry and threatened
not only Judge Dundy but also the
clerk , Watson 1J. Smith. Air. Shultx
testified further that Arndt claimed
to bo the leader of certain clubs or
societies of a communistic character ,
whoso object was to wrest from the
railroad company curtain lands , and
also to make an attack upon the ofli
cers ot courts and of the uovornniont
in general. That t ese ollicors were
very corrupt , and the people in very
abject slavery , and that the members
of the soc'etica ' ile ° iii ( > d the times
ripe for an uprising and outbreak
with anna. The importance of the
case attract ? a largo attendance at thu
court. A number of ladies were
present , and listened to the testimony
of witnesses anil roinuiks of counsel
with great interest. The mi'mboni nf
Ihu state bar are present , and pay the
closest attention to the muttoiH de
veloped during the trial , BULL ,
Siunll Pox nt the Capital.
Special to the lice.
LINCOLN , Neb. , January 20. There
in ono wull-duvoloped raau of Hmnll
pox in the city.
LINCOLN , January 20.- Small pox
broke out hero to-day , the victim being -
ing n colored man named J. Ituxiur ,
living in the block northeast of the
state university. Tliu house occupied
by his family has beeu quarantined
and the colored church ordered closed
by the hoard of health.
Montlui ;
8 | > cuil to Tut. UKI ; .
LINCOLN , January 20.A big meeting -
ing of the land luagiio wan hold to
night , at which Mayor Wright presi
ded. J. O'JJyrno , of Philadelphia ,
spoke first and was followed by a
number of prominent Irishmen of this
The Star Roato Gate nt
HHcUl [ ! to Tun llrK ,
LINCOLN , Nob. , JanuaryL'O. Judge
Dundy quashed the first indictment
in the star route ease on nmno techni
cal mistake in the date , but sustained
the other two.
National AwocUtcd Ptfta.
LONDON , January 21.--A dispatch
from Cairo says the chamber of depu
ties insists on its rights to vote u
budget and to control its expendi
tures. There is division in the Kug-
lisb cabinet on the maintenance of
the collective note with Franco.
John Linnoll , painter , burn June ,
17'J- , died tt-dny.
The iprernmoiit of tin- United
States of Columbia has sent instruc
tions to Don Carlos Ho'niun ' , I'olum.
bian minister to Knglftiut , t < roopoii
diplomatic relations with S | > ain.
ViENN.\,2Janunry 20. It is report
ed that the Montenegrins me joining
the insurgents in llora-goiiurm and
that they have compelled IVnco Ni-
kita to lloo from Iho capita On receipt -
ceipt of the nbovo now * in -'ils uily
the government imniedbt , 1issued \ ,
an order calling the lint ycur'n reserves -
servos lo suppress the revolt.
PAIIIK , January 20.- The Paris
market has recovered fmm its de
pression and is vow rising.
* In the closing quotations at thu
polite bourse , prices show a recovery ,
especially In all jjovornmunt stocks ,
which is a aurw indication that the
panic i ? over.
Gambotta denies hu contemplated
resigning in consequence of his ililli-
culty with the assembly anil sajs he is
confident of his own succcts.
VIENNA , January 20 , A conflict has
occurred between the Uer/ugovinian
insurgents and a body of Austrian in
fantry. Several were killed on both
sides. This is the first bloodshed in
the insurrection.
RO.MK , January 20. The Italian
chamber of deputies to-day adopted
the electoral reform bill as amended
by the senate without discussion.
Gun. Garibaldi has so far recovered
from bin recent illness as to lie able o >
leave Caprcra lor Naples.
Mexican Railway Cancomioa ,
National AnsocifttiMl I'rofw.
CITV OK MKXHO , January 20.
Sunor Mutias Romero , as reprosuntn-
tivo of thu Mexican Southern railway ,
has boun granted n concussion for the
colonization of the country along the
road for a distance of fifty miles on
either side of the line of ( Jie railroad
company. Ho obligates itsulf to set
tle liv < i hundred families iinmudiately
on thu road already completed and
another five hundred to follow in
quick succession.
Three-fifths of'the ' immigrants are
to bo Europeans1 ; or in olhor words
thu ccxopany has to , disoriminato
against Americans in the settlement
of thocolony along.their road to the
above ratio. The extent and advan
tage of this concession can bo 'easily '
scon when'it is stated that the road ,
.when completed'will bo 800 miles
long , portions of which run' through
the richest part of the country.
Among the incorporatorti 'of the
Mexican Southern railway are Edwin
D. Morgan , Jay Goul Perfiridio
Diaz , Mafias Romero , rgnullo Mejia
and Solon Humphrey , General Grant
being president and General Granville -
villo M. Dodgu vice-president. The
executive committee is Jay Gould ,
Frank West and llussol Sage.
A Canarilor Aground-
National Associated 1'rcHS.
NEW YOHK , January 20. The Cu-
nard steamer Hotlima this morning ,
coming tiji through thu Narrows , ran
aground near the ( [ luii-antino atation
to avoid being struclc by the French
steamer Chateau Seville , which , hav
ing broken her anchor , was floating
down against her. The Bothnia's
bow is in low water ; iml is in one
fathom in the stern , The mails and
passengers were transferred in tugs.
The porfjo will bo taken oll'in lighters.
She is reported as badly slovo for
A Wifo' Endeavor.
National Associated I'rcsi
I'rcsiKy. . , January 20.
Mrs. Ellis , wife of thu man who con-
'eased , testified to-day. ' She said she
ooked suveral times during the night
) f the murder and found her husband
n bed with her each timu. Shu eon-
-radiclod his testimony in. several
National Associated 1'rosa.
CiiATTANOora , ToniL , January 20.
The Tennessee river is now falling
icro and above. The danmgo is slit'ht
except to farmers on th j rK-or bot-
uiiH , Lumbar ileuler. " hero saved all
.heir Inmber.
Killed liy thn
M An oclatc < l l'rcB < .
io , Janiniry ' . ' < ) . -N. Jtudloy
Hid 10(1. Wilson wcru killed at I'nll
nan this morning by being caught in
i belt and wound rmmnd the rapidly
revolving shaft.
Ijynohoil in Ohio. AHUOcUtci ! I'ICHK.
THIINTON , 0 , January 20. A mob
sarly tins morning took John Wagner
roni jail and hanged him. Thu pris- ,
> ner was awaiting trial for the murder1
) f Dr. Joseph Beggs last November.
Indication * .
National A oclaUJ I'rcsa.
WAHIIINOTON , January 21. For the
ewer Missouri valley : Slight
snow or rain , followed by partly coldur
weather , southerly winds shifting to
west and north went.
N'.tlonal AmoclutuU 1'rcm.
NKW Oiti.KA.VH , January 20. ( ! ov.
llclCnry commuted tliuHuntencu in thu
case ot JamuB Androwa , sentenced to
mug in Teneas luiinli , to life inipris-
New Trial Grautiid.
Nationul Aewiclutcil I'riwi.
HOLLA , Mo. , January 20 , CJoorKu
{ oliuiiuan , who was to bo hanged hero
o-day , has been grantud a now trial.
Clurkcou N. Potter.
National Auoclatud 1'ri-M.
ALIIANV , January -Ulurkuon N.
'otter was removed to Now Vork to-
ay. His condition m atill precarious ,
Scoville Finishes His Haraiiguo
Without Any Further Display
of Animosity Toward *
tbo Stalwarts ,
OoncludinR With aw Appeal
to the Jury to Acquit
( luitenu as a Luuatto.
Judge Cox Decides to Allow
the Assassin to Deliver
His Speech To-dny.
Porter , if Ho Fool * Wall , Will
"C'hnw Thorn Un" on Monday.
National A-Mrlatotl 1'row.
WASIHNOTON , January i ! ( ) . Scovillo
resumed , saying ho would contbiohim-
sel during to dity to thu examination
of the testimony of thoo.xportaagainHt
the prisoner. Taking up that of Dr.
Hamilton , ho endeavored to show that
the witness was strongly inclined
against ( luituau ; that his answers to
( nicstions show an intense feeling to
make every sentence aid in hanging
the prisoner Scovillo proceeded to
ehow that Dr Hamilton's assertion
that Guiteau's head was symmetrical
was incorrect , and claimed adill'oreneo
of ! U cubic inches between the two
sides of his bead. Dr. Kompster'a
diagram of Ciuiteau's huad was no
more liku it than a cube.
Scoville was continually inter
rupted by the prosecution , who
objected to this line of ar
gument. Scoville ulfcimcd that
Hannlton'n testimony corroborated
the theory -of the prisoner's insanity.
When Suovillo referred to thu state
ment that the witness received pay
ment for fiia testimonyOnitean inter
rupted tlwt there was no money t <
pay them and they had bettor stayed
at homo. Concerning a disputed debt
of Sl.TongainsttJuituau , unearthed bj
Corkhill , Ouitean again interrupted ,
saying that if Corkhill was sued for all
hu owud it would keep nil the courts
in tbo city buoy. When Scovillo
compared ( juitoau's head with Corlc-
bill's , Gtiituau said Corkhill had a
swelled liend. | Great laughter. ]
Corkhiil , correcting alleged inisqu
tation of evidence by Scovillu , said :
"Don't inturfuro with Mr. Hcoville.
I am afraid ho will stop if you do.
Don't stop him for heaven's sake. "
Several jurors nlopt during Scovillo' *
tedious recital of export evidence.
After recess , Scovillo said hu would
not detain thu jury much longer and
argued that they should apply the law
maxim that it was better that nine
ty-nine men vscapu than that ono innocent
nocont man should suffer. If they
were uot entirely convinced Guitcau
was not guilty by rcbson orMmBoiimt
mind , they should give him thu bene
fit of the doubt. Scoville said inclosing
"If the abolished
closing : gallows were
ished there would bo more safety for
human lifo. Porter would undoubt
edly claim that the tact that Guituau
refrained trom shooting the president ,
when ho saw him with his nick wife
leaning on hia arm was proof he was
not acting under an irrcaistiblo im
pulse , but there may have been Hiilli-
cient human feeling left in d'liitumi's
heart to force him to say the Loid
can wait and the great act which God
requires of mo can be done at another
time. "
After Scovillu cloned the discussion
ensued regarding thojprisoncr's right
to address the jury , Corkhill with
drew his objections and ( iiiilvau will
occupy the attention of the court to-
Scovillo closed as follows ; "All tliat
if required for the faithful administra
tion of justice in this case
is that you shall have honust hearts ,
calm , cool huads , and a disposition to
do what is right ; but above all , that
you have that moral courage , that
stability of character awl integrity of
purpose that , notwithstanding what
may be said , you will do what is just
and right between your fellownion
and in the sight of God. 1 do not
expect you to find for or against thiu
dcfundant. I simply auk you to take
the facts before yon into calm consid
eration , I : isk you to ask yourmilves
what will bo thu result of this verdiut
as to your position in Hociut.y , ns to
whether your frllowincn will ap
prove it ( ir not , us lo the
result in any way oicept
what you bcliuvo in your conscience
to bo just and right , that you uliiill
not bo influenced by any personal
motives , or by any motive oulsidu of
a desire to decide thu OIHU : according
to the law and thu evidence , and that
when yon havu reached a conclusion
in your minds according to the magni
tude of the case and what has been
presented before you , yon will rondir
that verdict without fear and without
favor and rowaid , and 1 bulievu , gen-
tleinen , you will do it. I leave thu
case with you , thanking you for your
careful attention , ' '
Whun Scoville concluded Corkhill
stated , on behalf of the prosecution ,
ho would withdraw all objections to
Guitoau's addressing the jury ; that
this trial hud been long and expensive
and hu did not desro to givu any op
portunity for objection upon which to
Und a demand for a trial.
lined , with BOIIIO vuhumuncu , main
tained thu district attorney hud no
right lo attempt to inllneiiuu thu jury
by such imputation that they would
convict this man. Ho did not hesitate
to assume , on the contrary , that they
would not convict an undoubted
lunatic. If thu dufunsu uakud hu bo
allowed to ttpuak it was becausu hu
had an undoubted right to hu heard.
Thu judge said j find soinu of
my brethren have serious doiibtnua to
whether thu prisoner in this < msu has
not the right to Address Ihu jury. 1
havosomu impressions on thu subject ,
but 1 didn't ' want to leave a matter of
that kind in doubt , or deny thu ac
cused any right on u point on which 1
inn not. perfectly clear. 1 shall there
fore allow the prisoner to speak. "
Gnidwi said it would take about
two hours to deliver his speech ,
As Porter is in
poor health it was
decided Ouiteau should deliver the
speech to-morrow , and adjournment
bo taken till .Monday , whou if his
health pormitfl , Porter will commence
his speech for the prosecution.
Court then adjourned ,
The Sitpromo Conrt Iiitnrforoi nud
Moouojr Got * Anothnr
Lonun of Llfo.
SHTial | to The lli-c.
OniiKN , January ' . ' 0. This was the
day assigned for the execution of
Michael Mooney , convicted of thu
murder "f Joel llinkloy at Franklin
about two months ago , The supreme
court , however , lun failed to sustain
thu smituticu and Mooney was not
hunt ; . There is great surprise and in
dignationin Franklin over the court's
delay in the case , llinkloy was sta
tion agent at Krankliti and waa stir
prised at nit'lit by two mun , who were
after money in storu at the depot. It
is thought that ono of tbo burglars put
n revolver at Hinldoy'a head to
frighten him , and that thu weapon
was nccidontly discharged. After the
murder thu men ntolo nothing , but im
mediately lied.
Fatal Aooldout
Spivlnl ll ) > ) xitoli I thu lice.
OIIIIKN , January 20.A man namud
Handy wan thrown from his homo at
Franklin to-day and instantly killed.
His neck was broken by thu fall.
National A
KiniMosn , Va , , January i0. ! The
otato semite to-day pacsed the bill au
thorizing thu consolidation of the
Richmond Alloghauy railroad with
the Ohio Central and Atlantic and
Northwestern railways. The Kiddie-
bergur debt bill , which wan nnderdis-
cusHion yesterday upon amendment
protecting schools and colleges which
hold old stntu obligations , was order
ed to-day to engrossment , the amend
ment having been withdrawn upon ai :
understanding that its object wotihi
IMS secured in a separate bill.
TboMnhona of Mimionri.
National ARHiwiutnl Pi'usn.
ST. Louis , January 20. J. H. AI -
Cullouih ; , editor of the stalwart organ
in this city , a day or two ago made
overturns to T. T. Crittonton , gover
nor of the state , to bucoino the Mahono
ofIisspuri. \ . This move lis dictated
by a desire to capture the state for the
republicans at the next general elec
Accident to an ExpreM.
National Aaioclatod i'rmi.
OWKN SOUND , Oni , , January 20.- -
The afternoon express from hero on
the T. , G , A B. railway ran oil' the
track half a milo out. One passenger ,
the postal and two baggage cars turned
upside down and were ditched. A
number of iiassongors were slightly
and three ladies and a man seriously
injured ,
Brnkomon Killed.
atloinl Associated iT So.
Hoi'icroiiT , Pu. , January 20--
Imikuman named Henry Andy WRN
killed this morning by the wrecking
of a freight train on the Legigh and
Snsiuebaniia railroad , just above this
plarp. Ton freight cars were also de
molished by the accident , which ro-
suited from the breaking of an axle.
AocJdont on the Northern
Pnolflo. Anjoclatvil I'rveu ,
Snitir Wooi > , January 20. Thu
west bound passenger train on the
N'ortlicrn Pacific railroad was ditched
his morning and iifteon persons in
ured , the conductor and brakuman
seriously. No particulara are in yet.
St. John tbo Apoitle.
Nfttlonal AnMOolatod I'reat ,
, January 20. An
uldrosB on the liiior | trallic and con
stitutional prohibition was delivered
o-niyht at Horticultural Hull by Gov.
St. John , of Kansas , who is lecturing
mdor the auspices of the National
IVinperaiuic society.
Trying to Llbnratn a Tkinl' .
L , Out , , January L'O.
I'litiio is u ntrong feeling heru against
Ihu attempts now lirnii' midu : by Chicago
cage L''iuililiirn a'I blacklegs to gut
JOIKH , ono ol thu robburs of L'1,000
froin AluiS'amce , contractor , out of the
Now York Douk Commiiislou Re
National AuiDi'Utnl i'riiii.
Niiw YOHK , Jiinuary 20.A rumor
was circulated Ibis afternoon that thu
grand jury had removed the dock
commissioners foriimlfuasancom ofllcu ,
and that indictments will bo presented
Monday morning.
"Paddy ' Krn'i Second.
Nutloiml 1'reti.t
Sr. LOUIH , January 20 , Tom Kul-
ly , of this city , in responsu to a tulu-
gram from Now Orleans to-night , con
sented to act asbecond for Ryan in thu
Ityiin-Snllivaii fight near New Orleans
on February 7th.
Soiit Tip for Fiyo Yoam.
Na'.lonal A ioviului |
t , January 20- Louis
Klior , who killed Leo Alerritt in his
saloon last month , was found guilty
of voluntary inanolatightur and sen
tenced to the punitiiiry for five yuarn ,
Annu Dlfikiimon Uolng Better
National Amoclattil l'ri u ,
ItuciiKKTiiit , N. V , , January 20.
Anna Dickinson had unothor largo
audience to-night at her second per-
formancu of "ilamlot , " which was
more Huet'ensf ul tlnui thu firat.
Wlio Primarily Oauaofl the
Spuytoii Dnyvil Disaster ,
A. New York Assemblyman
Pulled the Oord that Sot
tbo Air Brakes.
The Railroad Company and
\88omblymun Trying to
Suppress the Dotnils.
Continuation of Testimony
B fore the Cororor IUVOH-
tgiatinK the Accident.
Testimony Showing that Molinn
Wont but n Short DUtuuoo ,
National AworlntcJ 1'n'si.
AMIAXY , N. \ . , January 20.--It in
reported three assembly mon said they
know who pulled the nir-bmko cord
on the train previous ( the Spuyton
Uiiyvil disaster , which caused the
stop. They say it was an ansumbly-
ninn who wan very drunk , and while
gutting his bni from the small rack ho
pulled the cord. They say a quartette
in ono of the state rooms indulged in
suoh wild rioting that the priest who
was killed had frequently exhibited
his disgust , while another party , after
trying in vain to make a tctnporancn
assomblymnn drink , throw the bottle
of whisky in 1m chair and told him to
take it homo. It is said subpcuuati
will bo served on several assembly-
mon. Hotb the railroad compauyand
assemblymen are anxious to suppress
thu deliiilft of thu conduct of thu pas-
pcngm-s on the train.
NKW VoitK , January 20.--Coroner
Merkle continued the investigation of
the Spuylon Duyvel catastrophe to
day.1'Mward Stafford , engineer of the
lending engine of the Chicago express ,
testified some one in the cars must cord , putting on the
air brakes. When the shook came hu
did not think it serious , though the
bar connectint ; his migino with the
second ono was broken and the train
pushed three feet ahead.
A. II. Collier , who has chnrgo of
the brake equipment , testified after
the accident ho examined the brake.1 } ,
and found them in period order.
Other testimony showing Hrakeniari'
Meliim only went a short distance
from his train was introduced and
that when ( ho Tarrytown train blow
"down brakes" it was KiO or 170 foot
from the express.
Miss Mary Daniels , injured in the
accident , was bettor to-day , but has-
little prospect of recovery.
FallarcB for tk W * b
Nktlon : > l AwclntcdPress.
NRW YOIIK. January 20. There
were . .210.-.failures . 'throuBhout ' ihc'
United States reported to Bradstreet *
during the past week , an increase of
7 over the record of the preceding
week , and an increase of 40 over
the corresponding week last year.
The failures , too , nave boon of much
more importance , particularly in the
west , south and southwest. In Now
York city the failures have been few
and of no general importance. The
same causes heretofore alluded to have
Konorully precipitated the failures.
The middle status hadlit , Now
England 28 , southern 07 , western 02 ,
California and territories 10 , Canada
8 , Nearly ono-hulf of thu failnren
reported were among grocers and gun-
nil traders.
Marine Intelligence.
Nutlontl AntedateI Press.
NKW YOIIK , January 20. Arrived
The St. Germain from ilnvru , the
Laku Winnipeg from Liverpool.
< JIIINNTOWN ) : : , January 20. Sailed
The Gunnaniu lor Now York.
HA.MiiKitn , January 20. Arrived
On the lllth , thu Stralia from Now
iM , January 20. Arrived
The Schoidam from Now York.
LiVKitrooi. , January 20.-Arrived
- Thu British King from Nuw York.
Sailed -On thu 18th , the Italy for
Now York.
Railway Miitfnn.
National Ah < oi-lati < l I'ICHH.
iw : VoitK Jununry 20. The con-
| l i-t with HID i.ilink lines is not con
sider * don Wall Htreut to-day to bo
my iiiuror pr.iclical suttlomuut than
it was a wuuk ago. Said a broker ;
uauy to hold muutinga , but neb
so eany to coino to an agreement , "
At railroad hoailouartcrfl this after
noon an olli'jial .said hu had not the
slightest idea when thu question
would hu sutllod. No information
could be obtained from Commissioner
Fink'H ollleo beyond that which was
published in thu morning's papers ,
Killed by a Grand-Nephew.
Kutlonul Associated 1'ros.i.
, Ky. , January 20 , Joe
lilaud , aged t5 ! , and his maiden sister
llotsy Uhind , 81 years , have been liv
ing together two miles from Lancas
ter Ivy. This evening the sister was
found murdered , her neck having
boon out twice and her huad crushed
with an axe. Her grand-nephew ,
Win. Austin , was at once arrested on
suspicion und from blood found on his
clothing it is supposed hu committed
the crtmo , hi object boint ; to geta
largo amount of monuy kop t by the
old people. . . .
Dominion Mlulntor H Nituni ] .
OTTAWA , Out. , January 20. Jlon.
James HotiortSKii , troasurur of the
rovince of Quebec , has resigned from
the Dominion
No Ice ,
Nation il AuMo'atuil I'ruuu.
KiNtisTON , January 20. The
schooner Nottio Sherwood is still run
ning to Capo Vincent. This is the
latest over known in this pore.