Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1882, Image 5

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NEW YOUK , Jixnvary 1 ! > .
Money closed at fl per cent.
Kxchangc closed firm at 4 83i@l 87J.
Government bonds clo'ed sirring.
Currency fi'a . 1 iS !
4' * imii > < > . 1 18 }
U'ncoupoin . 1 H'I' ' '
( Vs Continued . 101
5'a Continued . 1 02J ,
Pacific bonds closed as follows :
Union Ista . 1 l 1H |
Union Land CSrnnU . 1 l M i
Union Sinking Fund 1 2l@l ! ! ' 'IlJ
Centrals . 1 14 @ 1 Ifi
The slock market to-day was moderately
active and Irregular. Nothing of impoi-
tnnce" transpired in the mnin. The tone
of tbo i ; \ilct wim firm , however , and
prices at tbe c'.oso were at or nenr tbe
highest of the day. The principal dealing
were in Denver k Hi > Grande , Jcrjey
Central , hake Sborc , New York Ccntini ,
Krie , Milwaukee k St. Paul , nnd Western
The follow inn nro the closing bids :
A&T H -13 M DCml. . 20
Preferred. . . . 88 MtO 341
H A L preferred l > 0 NYC 13-1
B k ij 137 Preferred . 10- '
CStl. &NO. . SO TDK Ii 12
C & A . 134 J TP M > t
C. S .V Union Pacific..11H4
C C&l C 20J ' ' "
US&C 01 Do'i.uY. . . ( &l
C P 801 Western Union. 82
CI 34 } N J C 90
O L tiO NYKle\atcd..lOC
CCC&I 81i NCO 1
CO. . . .25 Nmh. & f'hat 8 ( > }
lit profcred . 3'jl Northwest rn. .127J
2d preferred 201 Preferred. . . . 1GO
1) . &R. G 711 Nor. Pacific. . . 30
D & H C 1072 Preferred. . . 718
Eric Ill Nor. & W. Pt. . 5 i
Preferred. . . . 821 Out. & West'n. 27i
K A W 35 Ok M .10 }
East Tenn liij Ohio Centinl. 25
Preferred. . . . 2''J Omaha 33 }
Adams U7 Preferred. . . . 101J
1'argo 120 OTC 159
American 93 J OroganNav..l3'J
TT. S 77. . Pull. Pal. Car..lit
H&St J . 93j | PD&13 30V
Preferred. . .1082 Panama 1I5 !
C I'M 41 }
IB&W. . . . 47 OS 13
K&T 3S Pieferred. . . . 02
LS R& WPt 100
I.&N 7 R&D 198
l-ong Isl.iud. . . . 51 } K& P . 2ll !
1 ; N AXfJ (3 Heading . Mv
MLS& W. . . . 50 111. . . . . 133 }
Michigan Cen'l 88J H & A . . . . 33
M & K 122 StPnul . 108J
Mem. & Char 80 Preferred . 122
M P 102' StPMfc M . .1M' , '
Met. JHovM. . . . 87J San I'Vancikc . 41
Man. Klev'd . 50 Preferred. . .VJ
ManB 20 Istpld. .
Tennejse , old , advanced. 7'if '
CHICAGO , January IS.
There was a fair demand for money and
all the oirerings of fir t class jinpn- were
readily taken at life" per cent , pei an
Kisteruchango between city banks
wa weaker at 50c discount per § 1,000.
The clearing * of tiio associated banun
were § 6,400,000.
Orders for currency were on a small
< -cale but mny he large before the close of
b nking hours.
Omnhn Wholesale Market.
Wednesday Evening , January 19. J
Markets quiet tolay. . Produce gener
ally weak and un-taady. No changes re
Local drain Dealings.
WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 11 i ; cash
Vo. 3 , 9Sc : rejected , 7-Hc.
BAULKY. Cash No. 2 , 90c ; No. 3
73U- .
KYE. Cash , 80ie.
CORN. Cash No. a , I8o.
OATS ( Josh. 34 o.
RTHEJT : PRICKS-CO , 4.'i@.v ) ? at8 ,
50 ® 15.
iiAtf 5000@ < i 50 per ton.
patent , S3 7 r > @ 4 RO ; winter wheat straight
grade S3 85@l 3 ; patent , $4 50@5 0 ; gra
ham rve. 82 HC : Wheat , R3 0(1 ( ; iQneen
Bee. 81 25 ; .I. * per , § : t 87 ; ISig Siju.\ ,
S3 50.
MILLSTUFTS Bran , per cwt. 75c ;
I > er ton. 15 00@10.00creeuingn ; , per cwt.
bOc ; shorts , i > er .wt 1.00 ; chopped feed ,
per ewt. 1 20 ; meal mlted , yelloir , 110 ;
white. SI CO.
POTATOES Neb askas , 1 10il ( 20.
SWKKT POTATOES Genuine Mithca-
tine. 1 @ 5o per lb.
WILD OKKSK-Ontof iimrlirt.
liUTTUU Choice , 24fe20c ; poor , uu
market : fair , 18@21 ; creamery , H0@3'c.
APPLKS Good. Hound , very scarce
at SI 75@500 | wr bbl.
LK.MONS Steady ; per box , 83 fiO@
MALLAUA C1UAPKS Per bbl.,58 50 ;
per half bbl. , 8 M ) .
BKKSWAX-Yellow , 20@22c.
ONIONS 1 K1 in perbiMhel.
CIlAXBiilJiriS : Per bbl. , ? 10 00@
11 0
CELEUY Per Anr. . , (1 ( i@3."ic.
DIJKSSKDOr.KSK Per lb. , 8fUc.
CYSTEHS-SckeU IHc ; 8t.indu ln , : i3c.
CH13iSK-10@I6o. :
Groco- List.
COKKEE.-Kio , Jalr. 13Ac : Rio , good ,
He ; Rio , prime to choice , 14 o ; Old gov't
Java ; 3ol@28ic , M < Kha. : 284c ; Arbucklo'H ,
SUGAUS.-Cnt loaf. 11IC ; CrutJ.ed ,
lie ; Grauitlated , lOfc ; Powdered , lllc :
Vine imwderod , lllc ; HUndard Colfee A ,
lOc ; New York C'onfecti.incr's Standard
A. lOcj Good A , ! IJc ; Prairie Extra O ,
SVllUPS. Sugar hount , bbls , J5c ; lu'f
bis , l"c ; kef. ' * . 4 * irallonS2 10j choice
table .syrup , 4-c ; hulfhbls , 4lc ; kegs , $2 10
SOfrA. Dwii'ht'a lb paters , &S 00 ; De-
land d , S3 00 ; Church's , S3 00 ; Keg sd-la ,
STARCH. Pearl , IJc : Silver Gloss. 8t
3SJc ; Corn Starch , 89c ; Excelsior
Gos ! , 7c ; Corn , 7ic.
SALT. Dray \ tA , per bbl , 2 05 ; Ash-
ton , In socJ < H , 5 50 ; Mils dairy W. T t. 3 45 ;
bblsdairy. 100..X3C5.
DRIED KRU ITS Choice halves ,
peaches , new crop , 8Jc ; K vaixirate < l A ppl
o lb bHxes , 13c ; Michigan , 8Jc ; N
, unes , old , 7jc ; new ,
8c : Currants , ; IlUckberries , new ,
CHEHSE-Full Cream , 14cj Part
Bklm lllc.
WOODENWARE-Two hoop pallc ,
1 95 ; three boon pails , 2 20 ! No. 1 tubs
9 60 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 60 ; No. 3 tubs. 7 60 ;
pioneer wubboarua , 1 85 ; Double Cruwn ,
2 90 ; WellbuckeU , 3 25.
LEAD liar , $1 65 ,
SPICES.-Pepper , 20 ; Allspice , 20c ;
Clovci , 4.r > c ; Nutmeg , 81 00 : CftwU , 2.V )
\Lxce 8100.
MATCHES Per caddie , .Kte ; round
ea es , $7.05 : square c.-v > o , So.lO.
PROVISIONS Hreakfiut bncon , 12U
choice lard , 14Jc : dried beef , ISJc ; nbould
en , 9c : hniiiK. 14c ! bacon , eldes , lie.
Nl'.W PICKLKS Mwihirn , In barrels ,
J10 00 ; do in half bbls 5 7f > : snmlls , in bbU ,
12 00 do. in half bbK 7 CO ; gherkins , in
bbls , II 00 ; do , in half bbl , 7 50.
VINEGAR Pure npplo extra , lO.'i
mro apple , 13c : Prussinir nuro nnnle , lOc.
HOMINY New , $5 50 per bbl.
ISKANS-Mcdlum , hand nicked S3 40
per bmliel ; navy , $3 50 ; calt-f na\y , S3 M ) .
150PK SkO , J inch and larger , 9@
9l@10cjilnch , lOit.
SOAPS-Kiik's Savon Imperial , 330 :
100 i-.ikcs ) , 3 10 : Kirk's magnolia , 4 55 ®
4 40.
CANDhKS-Boxes N > " . If' oz , ' ,
10clin\cs ; lb . , 10 oz. , G * . IGc.
LYi : American , 3 10 ; Greenwich , 310 :
Western , 2 "o ; North Star , 2 60 ; Lew ! * '
ye , 4 00.lew ; ell lye , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 1 doz. ,
n case , 3 3" ; Bivbbitt'fl Ball , 2 doz. In case ,
1 00 : Anchor Ball 2 doz in cose , 1 50.
FIELD SEED Red clover , choice
now , SO 00 per bushel ; mammoth clo\or
lew , S700 ; whlto clover , now , $1100
d alfa clover , new , $12 60 ; nlsike , new ,
S1300. Timothy , good , now , $3 00 ;
duo Kra s , extra clean , SI 50 ; blue glass ,
clean , SI 25 ; orchard grass , S2 50 ; red top ,
choice , 103 ; millet , common or MiiHouri ,
SOc ; millet , Geimcn , SI 00 to § 125 ;
Hungarian. 80c.
HKDO KSEEW Osage orange , 1 to 5
Inishels , S3 00 ; o ngo orange , 10 bushels or
over , 81 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 3T > c ; per
100 Ibs , , S25 00.
FISH Family white fish , 90 lb hf WiN ,
S3 75 ; No , 1 white fish , 90 lb hf bbls , 0 30 ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; family
10 lb kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines , 75c : Colut"-
bin river oalinon , per 100Ibs , 8 00 ; George' *
Hank codfish , Oc ; Gen. boneless codtlsh ;
3ic ; boneless fish , 5Jc.
MACKEREL Hnlfbblsmpssmackerel ,
100 Ibs , S12 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do ,
100 Ibt. , 6 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
Ibs , 3 83 ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shoie ,
12 lb do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do. 7i > c.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 lb
( Field's ) , per case , SI 00 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , IKT ca e ,
3 90 ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case , 2 50 ; do
2 lb ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( slack ) ,
per case , 200. Onions , 3 SO. Salmon , 1
lb , per dozen , 1 C 0@1 70 ; do21l > , per dozen
2 5r > . Sardines , small full , imported , one
quaitcr bo\es per box , lljc ; American ,
quarter boxes j or box , He ; do half ,
per box , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen ,
180. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 lb per
case , 3 HO ; Corn 2 lb ( Mountain )
per cose , 3 00 ; soaked corn , 210 ; do
2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , | > er cae , 3 00 ;
sti ing beans , per case , 225 ; Lima beans
per case , 2 20. Succotash per case , 223. _
Peas , umimon , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,
per case , 1 50. Blackberries , 2 lb , per case ,
280 ; strawbeiries , 2 lb , per case,2 75 :
raspbenief , 2 lb , per case , 2 75(3)3 ( ) 00.
Damsons. 2 lb , per case , 2 45. Bartlett
| > eaiH per ca e , 3 Oo@4 00. Whoitleber-
ries per cose , 2 80. Kgg plums , 2 lb per _
cise , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 lb , per case. 4 oO.
00@5 75. 1'eaclies , 12 lb per cos : , Jl 10 :
ilo 3 lb , case , 0 00@0 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per
ase.385 ; do pic , 0 U > , per dozen , 3 50.
RICE Caioliua , 8@8ic ; Louisiana , "i
< ? 8fait ; , Oi7.
'PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten
nessee , 9c per lb ; fancy white , lOo per lb ;
raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted ,
Dry Goodt.
BROWN COTTONS-Atlnntic A , SJc ;
Aiipleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , So ; Boott
FF , Sic ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
7ic ; Chitteiiango A , 6c ; Ureat Falls K ,
8 Jc ; Hoosier , OJc ; Honest Width , 7c ; In
dian Head A , 8jc ; Indian Standard A ,
8c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8c ; Lawrence
IJL , 7c ; Mystic River , 74c ; Peqvtot A , 8jc ;
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica C , Sic ; Wnclmti-
ett B , 7ic ; do A , SJc ; do K 48 , 12Jc : Wal-
-4 ; 7k ; Alligator J3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 1-1 , 73c ;
Atlantic LL , OJe ; Badger State X 4-4,7c ;
Bennington C 4-1 , c ; Buckeye S. 1.4,6\ec \
Indian Orchard A A 9-8 , Sic ; Lacon'i O
39 , Sic ; Lehigh E 4-1 , 9ic ; I msdnle 4-4 ,
lOc : Pepperell N SO , 7e ; do 0 32 , 7Jc ; fie R
30 , 7'Jc ; do E 39 , 8Jc ; Pocrewet C 1-4 , 7 c :
Wamsutta 4-4 , lc.
fin L 4-f,10cBlackstoiieA A in put 'al9c ;
do do half blenched11,11Cabot ; t-4,8f ; ;
Fidelityl-1 , 9AcFniit ; of thuLoom , 11 ; do
can bric4.4ll > udo WaterTwist.lOic ; Great
FallsQ , lOJc ; Indian Headshuink l,12iic ;
Linsdale. lOVc ; do camVric 37 , 13s ; New
York Mills , ftc ; Pequot A. lOc ; Pepperell
N G Twills , 12Jc ; Pocahontas 4-1 , OJc ;
Poeaswjt 4-4 , ic ; Utict , lie ; Wcmwutta
O X X , 13c ?
DUCKS Unbleache 1 Atlantic , 10 o
17c ; Baltimore do , IGcj Lone St r , 8 u/ , ,
12c ; Sav.-ge , 18c.
J/L.CKS < Colored ) Albiny IT brown ,
8c ; do C , ilrft lo VX , stsipes and
plaUls , lilc ; do XXSI brown Kind dial ) ,
stripes ana plaids , 12Jc ; Arlingtisn fancy ,
lc ! ) ; I'runsv.ick brown , 8'c ' " ; Chariot fancy ,
12Jc ; do extra heiirj- , ' 'Oc ; Tall Rivoi
brown , cttTa heay , llic ; Indiana A
brown. 13c : Ncponsot A bro n , lOc.
TICKINGS Aimwkeag A C A 32 ,
17ic ; do XX blue 'i2 , Ihjc ; Arrowanna ,
'J\c \ ; Clareinont B B , ICJe ; CoiK , toga ex-
tia , 17Jc ; Hamilton D , lljc ; Lewistou A
30,15c ; Minnehaha4-4 , 20c ; Omega miier
extra 1-1 , 23c ; Pearl Ri/ur 32. 10u } ; Put
nam XX bine stripe , I''c ; Shetticket H
lOJo ; do SS lvc ! ; YodinnnV bine 2l ! , 8Jc ,
DKNIMS. Amoskeak , bluc.'od brown ,
Idle ; Aiidirict-DD lilne , 15ic ; Arlington
blue Scotch , 18lc ; Conciuil 000 , bine and
blown , 12Jc-flo"AAA , do do l.lj ; doXXX
do do 1 IJc ; tlayniaker'n blue cd brown ,
9tc ; Mvhtic River 1 > D htripa , ! Kc ; IVarl
River , blue and biuwn , lf > ic ; tiicasvil"
blue and bruim , O.t v.
CAMBHfCS Barnard , Bc ) ; Eddystono
lining , 24 iueli donblo face , 8Jc ; Garner A
gla/ed , ! > c , Manhattan glove iir.inh , fijc ;
Newport do < ! < ; ; do glared , fi c ; Jcetjuot do
.ric ; l.ii kwi nl kW finish , Oc.
CORSET . .nAKSAmory : , 8cAndros ;
coggin natteen. RJs ; Clarendon , Oifcjr'diics
toga sutteeiiH , 7.HHalloxvell , Sc ; Indian
Oichard improved , 7Jc ; Narragaithett , 7ic ;
Peppeiill H.itteeu 4 < - ; Ilockport , T'lu.
PJUNTSAllem , Olc ! ; Amrricaii , Otc ;
Arnold , 7c ; Ber lok , lc ; Cochccn , 7"c ;
Cuntstoga. Oki ; Ihinldilc , I'Jc ' ; Diimu-ll ,
CJGtVc ; IMdystuue , 7c : ( < loucen4er , lie ;
Harmony , 5Jc ; Kniekerbocker , OJe ; Mcr-
rimat U. 7c ; Mjhtic , 5Jc ; Spraintes , tie ;
Soutl.bildge , Oc ; do. iilnglmuiH , 7c ; Jlarl-
bom , S c ; Orient il OJo.
GINGHAMS Amortleag , lOJo ; Amos ,
kcng ik-ess 12 ' Arifj-Ie , lOjc ; AtUntlo ,
! lc ; Ctunberland , 7 3J Highland , hie ;
Kenilwwrth , 8Jc ; Plun kett , lOic ; SUM-
COTYONADIW Aliher * Hie UUc ;
Agate , 20j ; Americ.ui , He ; AitNlun , ZOc ;
Cairo 1) and T , 13ic ; Clarion J ) and T ,
174ej Deoein Co.BtriiMH DandT. lOc ; Kty-
ntone , lIHc ; Nr.ntucU t , I'Jcs Nonparwl ,
Ifio . _ ; Ocean . ] ) and T , 13Jc : _ . _ . . , . llijc . _ ;
f1. fit * 1 rtt ! * I. i i l. fide
42 ,
York , , . ,
Pembroke 10.1 , 2c ; Permot 10-4 , 28Jc ; do
7-4 , Hie ; do 49 , ICc ; Pepperell W , 21)c ) ;
do 07. 21c ; do 57 , 18c ; Utica 95 , .Me ; do
68 , 22jc ; < to 18 , 17o
Clear * and Tobaccos.
CIGARS Seeds , $15.00 ; Connecticut ,
925.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Havana ,
$50.00 ; Cle r Havana , 875.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,
24 lb , COcj Spotted Fawn , do ; Our Rope ,
I quality , 02c ; Star , ponndB , 24
lb , butts , COcj Hortto Bhoc , pound * ,
24 lb , butts , Wtc ; 1'urity , 24
lb. butts , fi2cj Queen Be * , 24 lb , butts. Mo ; Kdge , pound * , 2t lb , butts , GOj Array
and Navv , pounds , 55c ; Bullion , pounds ,
1'iOc ; l < orihml's ! Climax , pounds , file ,
FINE CUT In pnlN. Hani to Beat ,
rfiaj Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80c ;
F.iNorite , OSc ; Rocky Mountain , OOc ;
Fancy , fVV Daisy , 5Uc. In tin foil
Catlins O. S. , 5 lb boxes , per lb 05c : I ) rl-
lllard'R Tiger , OSo : Diamond Crown , OOa.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25to
33c. Granulated Blackwclls Durham , 10
ur.file ; Dukes Durluun , 10 ur , 50o ; Seal of
North Carolina , 10 or , 40 ; Seal of Ncbras.
ka , 10 or , 38c ; Jjona Jack , 1 07 , linen bags ,
l > cr lb , SI.35 ; Mnrburgs' Puck , 2 oz , tin
oil , 55c ; DOR Tail. 05c.
Paints Old and Vnrnlahea.
PAINTS IN OIL Whlto lead. Omaha
P. P. , 7c ; whlto load , O. P. A 0. Co.pure , ,
0 ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 lb cans VMo ;
French zlne , gum seal. 12c ; French Hue ,
red seal , lie ! French zinc , \urnlsh assv ,
20c ; French 7ince , In oil nsst , ITic ; Raw
And burnt umber , I lb cans 12c ; raw mul
burnt SIcnnn , 13c ! Vandyke brown , 13 ;
refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , lRc ;
I' ory black , lOc ; drop black , lOc ; Prussian
blue , SOc ; ultramailno blue , ISc ! chrome
green , L. M , k D. , lie ; blind and shutter
green , L. M. k D. , lie : Paris green. ISc ;
Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tuscan
ilix , 22c ; Amcucau Vcnnlllod , I. &P. , Itjc ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. k D. 0. , ISc ;
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent
ilrvcr , Cc ; graining colors : light oak. dark
oa'c , walnut , chestnut and ash 12c
Dry ° olnt §
White lend , GJc ; I'Yench rliic. 10c ; Paris
whjtelng 2Se ; uhiting gilders , IJc ;
M biting com I , lie ; lampblack Germantown -
town , 1 Ic ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Piiis.
shin blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18enndjke ; ,
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw ,
tcsienna ; , burn t , Ic ; sienna , raw , Iu
1'arin green genuine , 35c ; Paris green ioin'1
Joe ; chrome giccn , N. Y.1 20c ; chroni-
grrwn K. , 12ooiiiiillioii ; , Eug. , 7Cv ; vermillion -
million , America , 18c ; Indian led , lOc ,
nxc pink , 1 Ic ; Venetian read , Cookson's
> ? c : Venetian red Am. , life ; red lead , 7Jc ;
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c : chrome yel
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , roehelle , 3c ; ochre ,
Fiencli , 2 c ; ochre , American , IJc ;
Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; Ichigh brown. 2So :
Mp.iniah brown , 2jc ; Prince's mineral 3c ;
YARNISHES-Barrels per gallon.
Furniture , sxtra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
SI ; furnitui c , U , 85c ; coach , extra , SI 40 ;
Coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Dainar , SI 50 ; Japan.
70c ; asnhaltum , 70c ; shellac , $3 50 ; bant
oil linisb. , 81 30.
OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , 11 Jc ; 130 *
heaillight , per gallon , 12'ic ; 175 * headlight ,
per gallon , lOc ; cryttollne , iicrgallon. Oc ;
linseed , raw , per gallon , GO ; linseed , boiled ,
per gallon , 08c ; lard , winter ft-'d , per gal-
Ion , 103 ; No. 1 , SOc ; No. 2 , C5c ; castor ,
XXX. per RaHon , 130 ; No. 3 , 115 ; Bweet ,
per gallon , 85c ; Hpeiin , W. B. , per gallon ,
1 35 ; fish , W. B. per gallon , OOc ; neat'sfoot ,
extra , pei gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , 05c ; lubri
cating , ? ere , per gallon , 30c ; summer , 15c ;
no den uinchlnc , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No.
2 , SOj sperm , signal , per gallon , SOc ; tei-
pcntme , per gallon , tile ; naptha , 71' , per
gallon , 30c ; 01 , 20c.
FENCING-NO , i , 12 to 20 ft , $20 oo ;
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 1 ! ) 00 ; sheeting dtessecl ,
No. 1 , IS 00 ; No. 2 , 10 00 ; common boards ,
diessed , 20 00.
FRAMING 10 ft. and under , per M ,
:0 : 00 ; 10 ft , studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ;
24 ft. 2500.
FINISHING No. 1. finish 1 } , 1J and
2 inch , $30 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch SI5 00 ;
No. 2 , linisb 1 } , 1J and V Inrh , S1500 : No.
2 finish , 1 inch , $40 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 lnh ,
S3500 ; O. G. battens per * 00 feet liu. ,
SI 00 ; well curbing , § 22 00 ; rough J and 2
Inch battens per 100 feet liu. . 50c.
STOCK BOARDS A stock , $10 00 ; B
S35 00 ; C , 830 00 ; common stock , S22 50.
FLOORING No. 1 , § 10 00 ; No. 2 ,
S3.'i 00 ; No , 3 , $22 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
SIO 00.
SIDING N . 1 , 52100 ; No. 2 , ? 2200 ;
No. 3 , SIS 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , S22 00 ; O. G. No. 1 ,
? 3200 ; No.'iS2200.
CEILING 824 00S37 00.
LATH ANDSHINGr-ES-Astarliest ( )
ubingles , S3 85 , No. 2 , § 2 50 ; No. 3 , $2 00.
Lath , S3 50.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rotes , $3 50 ; i > Jew steel , cast , 7c ;
cost tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , set ,
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per < & , 123 ; felloes , eaweu
dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles ,
each , f5c ; unuaiu r.Mts , j > cr lb , 7@llc ]
washers , per lb , 8@18c ; rivets , iwr lb , lie ;
coil chain , per lb , C@12c ; mallea'ble ' , 80 ]
ron vedges , Oc ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; horsosbooo , per keg , 5 00 ; apt ing
steel , 7@8c.
NAILS 10 to 30d. 3 CO ; 8 to 10 , 375 ;
Gd , < ' 004d ; , 1 25 ; 3d , coiunion , 5 00 : 3d ,
fine , 'G 50 ; clinch , ail sizes , 5 25 ; Cd , casing ,
4 75 ; 8d casing , 4 0 ; 10d casing 25 ; lOd
fmiifii , 1 75 ; 8d fmkh , 5 00 ; Gd fraish , 5 25
half 'kegs , lOc extsa.
SJHOT. Shot , § 1.85 ; Buck uhot , U2.10 ;
Orkntal Powder S0.40 do. half
v llvllbul J.1/vu b , kegs , V" .Uf Itll. , lillll
kegrt , S3.48 ; do , , ruurter kegs , $1.88 ; Blast
ing , kegs , $3.35 : ii'nse. i > cr 108 "feet 50c.
Horseo and Mules ,
The market is brisk and all gradou are
seiling well at r slight advuncj in inici-s.
T5is demand for good hijineH exceeds the
supply considerably. Priconrange as foi
0 'iiia single drivers , S150. to JtOO. ; Extra
deaft boivus , $ t' ft. to 225. ; Ccminon drin'i
IHTHCH. $100. to 150. : Extra farm horses ,
J-110. to 125. ; CV > iiimon lo goirfi farm horses
WO. to S100. ; Extia plugs , SW. to 75. ;
Common pings , S20. to SIO.
MULES. irto 15J bands ( extra ) , 5125.
t < r 150. ; 14J tu 15 hands , WOO. to 140. ;
U to 1H hanKs , 375 , to 100. ; 13& to
KundH. SiX ) . to 75
ALOO11OL 187 proof , 226 per wine
gallon ; extra Ualiforma spiritn , 187 juoof ,
1 3 > l ( > er proof gallon ; tiiple refined spirits.
Ifpioof , 1 2li er proof gallon ; rc-distillcd
ViMifs , 1 00@1 5'J ; line blended , 1 60
2HO ; Kentucky bouillons , 200 ( )700 ) ; IC-n
lusky and PeiinHylvaniu ryes , 2 OOfe-7 00
BRANDIES Imported , 80 00@10X ( > ;
domestic 1 44 ( ) 00.
GINS Imported , ] 50@OCO ; ( loinmtiu ,
1 < 0a,3 ( 00.
RUMS Inijwrted , 4 50(0)0 ( ) 00 ; Now
England. 2 00 ( 34 00 ; ( loinestic , 1 50@3 50
1 76 © I 00.
CIIAMPAGNKS Iii'jorted per case ,
vj csne , 12 00@
CLARETS-lVr case , 4 6010 00.
WINKS Rhine wine , per case , ( i OOC j
20 00 ; Culuwba , per case , 1 00@7 00.
Dulldfrc Material ,
LIME Pzr barrel , SI 35 ; bulk perhn. ,
35c. Cement , bbl , S2 50. Iowa iilaxtrr ,
bbl , ? 2 60. Hair per bu.3r c. Taried
felt 100 ll s , S3 60. Straw hoard , & CO
PAPER Stiaw paper , 8fc ; rag paper ,
) c ; dry goods paper , 7o ; inamla paper , lOc ;
newH impel. 80
COAJj Cumberland blacksmith , $
Morris Run Blo burg , § 12 ; Wiiitfihreaht
lump , * 7 00 ; Whlt lreast ) nut , S7 00 ; Iowa
lump , W 50 ; town nut 050 ; Rock Sprint : * ,
? 8 ; Anthracite , all * \un \ , S12 00 ( ,12 , 50.
Morlnounvyashed , light , llCtlfic ; heavy ,
1315c ; medium unwaged , light , 18aj20c ( ;
tub-waslHd , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; dinxy
and w. , We ; hurry , bhvck and cottcd WOOH
le n
Hldei hurt , Etc.
HIDES Orcun biitcher'H hide , 7c ; green
cured hlilcM , He ; giucn Halt , purt ciir < - < !
hides , 7 < § (7ic ( ; drj- ( Hut , hound , 13tl ( Ic ; dr
c lf and kip , 12@13c ; dry n.dt hidiH.Hound
lla ( 12c ; green calf , wt. 8 to 1C HIH. . JOfellc
green calf , wt , under 8 Ibi , per -kin , IVi'it
gre nj > cltH , 81 00@ ] 1C ; green lamh sklim ,
$1 JOfel 2. " ) ! damaged hides , two-third rote ,
cut hrored nil ona crub , clatuttd two-
tl Irdit rate , ) branded luden 10 per cent. ulf.
Coin nkins , No. 1 , I5c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 'I.
20. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , TXc ) ; No. K ,
30c ; No , 3. 15c ; No. 4 , Co. For , No , 1 '
OOc ; No. 2 , Me. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
OSc ; short utrllMJ , 40oj narrow ulrltx ) 55o { ;
broad htrli > e , lOc. Tallow , 5Jc.
Oruci ,
Carbolic , 50o ; Acid , Tnrtrulo , Me ; lUlswu
Oopnbla , per lb , 7r > cj Bark , SsMnfrss , per
lb , 12cj Calomel , per lb , 75c ; CinchonidlR ,
tier or , (1 00 ; Chloroform , l > er lb. 1 00 ;
Diner's jKwdorn , per lb , $1 40 ; Kp rn.
ialts , per lb. 3Jc ; Glycerine , pine , per Hi ,
450 : licml , Acetate , per lb , U'Je ;
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per rful. > | 35j
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gnl , SI 2' . ; Oil ,
Olive , t > or gal , $1 10 ; Oil , Origanum , 50c
Opium , SI 50 ; Oulnlne P. k W. fc 1 ! . a S. ,
per oz , $2 " , " > ; Potassium , lixliilo , per Ibj
$2 (0 ( ; Salactn , per oz , ' 10c ; Sulphate of
Mornhine , pern$3 91) ) Sulphur Hour ,
per Iii , 4c : Strvchnlno. ocr or. , § 1 is.
Council Bluffs Mnrltot.
Flour Manufactured by and
City Mills. 3 75fiil ) 50 ; Kansas and Mis.
sourl Hour , 3 fiO@-l 25 ; graham , .1 " ' < ; rye
Hour , 3 10.
Itran and Shotts 17 00 per t. . n
Chop Com 22 50 per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , SI 17 ; No. 3 , ' .IIM ; re
jected , "Oc.
Coin No. 2 , 18 , rcjcctou 4i.
O.its No. 2 , 40c ; rejected , 3V
Hurley No. 2. 90c ; No. 3 , 7m
liny Loose , 0007 00.
Woml-5 50 < if > 7 00.
LUolIoKs fi 25@575.
Cattle-Shipping , 4 50(3)5 ( ) DO , milch
cows 30 00@45 00 per head ; butcher *
stock , 3 DOGT3 M.
Sheep 3 75(514 ( 25.
< } H Men-Tic ; U 3 hMcs , 7c.
Wool 15@25.
Butler In mils , wrapped aiul creamer -
or } , 25c : rolls mil wrni | icd , 20 ; mKcil
co ors , 15R120o. (
Eggs Packed , 17i518c ( ; fre < h , IU- .
Potatoes 1101 30 ; Salt L.iU , I 5J.
Onioiis-1 23 ® 1 40.
Dressed Poultry Chickens ami ducks
9e : turkeys and gecnc , He ,
Li\o Chickens 2 23 per down.
Chicago lrodnO > .
CHICAGO. Jnminry 19.
On 'chnngo the grain markets were
sttong and niUancingat thu opening , but
ubseiti | iitly bioAinc easier. Ihe rtcoipU
of grain \\oie 512 car loiuls , embracing 27
of wheat , 3 < J7 of corn , 118 of o.its , i of
rye and 29 of barl y.
Klour Mniket ctcidy and firm , with n
moderate inquiry ; common to choice west
ern spring , 4 50ij)7 ( ) 00 ; Minnesota's , 5 00 ©
7 25 ; patents , 7 f.OgS 50 ; winter when *
brands , G 507 25 ; buckwheat tl .nr . , II50
fe" 00 ; rye ( Tim , A 50@5 75.
Wheat In No. 2 spiing an actho
speculative | husncsHns ! trans icteil , and
there was also a belter dcmaiul fur the
loner ( .tadcs for t < hipmcut. The fooling
developed was somewhat unsettled , and
prices fluctuated more frequent ! ) uitliin
small range. Tlm market opo < eil a nhnilo
firmer , and advanced uith slight lluctua-
tioiiH ijc per bushel , hernmo wu.ik ami de
clined IrieguLirlj1 to inside price. , lluctu-
ateil , and finally closed about ld\K \ higher
on the regular board , and on call nt 1 2l ! |
for cash ; 121 i for January ; 130ji for
1'Vbruniy ; 1311 for March ; 132 for
pril ; I 34g for May ; 113 for the yonr.
NIL 3 spring is in good request at I lOJlJi ,
117 J ; 11 jecled , " ( JjlKic , acconlini'to locu
tion ,
Oats Opened stronger ami aihaiiup' ' ,
but later became woik nnd n fr.icliiiu
louer. No. 2 closed at I3j ( ) tlc for cihh ;
13Jo for J.uiti.iiv ; I3)c ) for and
April ; l.'i c for May ; 451o for.linic.
Rye Quiet aud little doing. Nn , 'J , ! l."iji ;
for January ; 97ic for Fobiii.ny mid
Bailey Dull and neglected. No. 2 ,
1 1)7 ) for cn < h and January ; N"o. It Mic fur
January and Febinary.
Poik Acti\o early iu the il.iv , but
clo ed weak and qiiiot. M'ess , 17"0ffil725
for cash ; 17 27i < " )17 ) 30 for Janua y : 1735 for
February ; 17 074 for March ; 17 'I2il795 '
for Ai ril ; 18 IVJ for M y.
Lard Steady and at a lower range than
eiily in the day ; 11 0011 05 for cash and
J-iimarv ; 1 12i@ll 15i " for February ;
11 30@11 32)i ) for Murch"ll 42J for April ;
11 55 foi May.
Bulk Meats Steady ; short riln , 8 75 ®
8 77J for cash ; 8 eO&f * 82J for February ;
8&7A.C for March ; 9 m@9 15 for April ,
Whiskj Steady at 1 18.
Butter In brisk dcinnml , mid i Iferings
wcro nil taken. Crranien , choice l
fancy , SG@38c ; fair to good , 30@3c : ! ; dairy ,
choice to fancy. 2832c ; fnir to good , 18 ®
25c ; flush made packing tock , li'12c
ladle nuclei d , common to g < nd , 13@18c
roll , 13@18c.
K gs Market eanlci , otferingH liberal ,
and niipii y "illy local ; strictly fresh , \ff \ (
@lfto per do/en\cu liiume , lS@10c.
IJec'ts. Shipm'ts
Fleur ill.OJO 1 J,52fi ,
Wheat 20,120 10,7B (
( Virn . . I13i l 117,950
Ojvts J21r,8t < )5.Sil ) (
Kyo " < 8 1 , S3
Bailey . .10,015 o)1)6 , ) ) !
CIIKXI'.O , .lanuary IU.
Hogs HcociutH. 32,000 he id. Market
Talily ucthe , stead } nnd stiong nn about
all grailes ; common to good mixed , ( i'OOCc )
' 15 31 ; heavy f.acking and lliplillg1 | 0 10if (
0 70 ; light hogs in gooti ioiiiui-t | at J > ' .tOCu
JO ; skp ! mid culls , J 7M r > ' < 0.
Cattle Receipts , 11,200 lie-id. 1'ho sup
ply of cattle W.IHeiy 1 irge and the nun.
IiI ! vas deprcKHFil , thuigh the at enhance'
of _ buyers was largo anO the week's ic-
oeitits art lees linn la t. Tiading war dull
and wlille tlirie was ir.'icli iiregulirlty iu
pi ices the ruling ? ratrs were I0 ( < < jlfic lower ,
ir I r.OSj ( ( ! , ' | ii ; olIeiingB of inited liutifiTH1
i-toel < WHS vei/largu iind thu fceliui ; was
rather wea' ' < ui , but piisunfoi fluHhy bulilier
cattle hold with ciniNiduia le finnoegi ;
cows , 2IJO@I 10 ; liull.s , ' rM I 10 ; stoerH ,
1 15 ( 500 ; stockerH and fci'ili'is weak and
dull at : t 25 ) l < 80.
Sheoti Kctvip's , fi.100 h iul. Market.
WUK pisHably active and chnii-e wtoclc told
ut firmer Kites , but common to medium
Inr.chcrH and atonic nht-ep exceedingly
dull and 1525c lower ; laiifje intrteft \
w ere 2 1 ? ( ffiZ 2 " > .
Poorin ProUiicn.
Wheat Qdiet ; no haleh uporti-d.
Corn Tnumuikut u sneta and Hun ,
hamiloH being jiiiiinptly taki-n by Hhip ITH
and local iniiKiiiiierH ; now liltp , ( IKJoj No.
2 white , ( i Jc ; low rritxoi Oli c ; iiili ;
COJc ; ud\ed , liOc ; rejected , "ilijc ; old N > .
'I , liOju ,
Data Demand btrong , inuket ruling
( inn and u shade hlghni ; Nvliilr , ll'/u / ;
mixed , llic ; le'ceted , : lc.
Ryu Quiet but faiily cUnuly ; No. 2
Barley--M ikctdull an' ' almmt uom-
iuoljNi. 2 , 1 05.
IHghwineH I'ir.u ' nirl * U'uly ; ; im.v
quoted at 1 IU.
i : o't . Hhip'tc ,
Wheat i 25 uom )
Cm n Hi,000 37r/00
lye ! llir.O none
Barley 1,050 liono
11 Igh wlut'H none 1,020
KIIIIHIIS City Pruiliinn MurUot.
KANHAH Cm , Jann iry 19 ,
\\hiiul-RecciptH , 10'Jal l"iwithdrawn ; ,
9,181 bu ; iu ttorc , 25.l'il7 lui. Maiket
wan uiihettled ; No. I uuch , ( ' "o hid ; Ja u.
arv , 97c ; Nn. . ' ! , 1 ell ; .l.umaiy , 1 0'lj ;
Kuhruaiv , 1 O-'l j Munli , 1 O..J bid ; NII. 2
cash. 1 2i : ; Januaiy , 1 > . \ ; l''c > ruaiy
1 22j hid.
Cum JteLclitn | , 5,401 bu ; withdrawn ,
7.003 bu ; In store , 109,545 bu , MarkU
firm ; No , 2 cmh , 'i8Jc ; January , r.Sie ;
! Ybr.Vym ° ' " "h VJJe , '
; . j - m W 'Wl | * * < 1 | " * ' t'f Apr ,
( ilic ; May , O.'l e. No , 2 white mixed cu > h ,
Olu ; January , 03Jc hid ; I ibrtiary , lllflo
hid ; ri'jti Ud iu h , 51 u hid.
1 at Recclptx , 802 ; In fctore , 3,70H ! ) ;
canh iVo. 2. 15o blclj January , 15o | bid ;
Februarv , I'JJo.
Ifyo liecefpt' , 510 ; in otore , ] ,338 ; No.
2 raMi , llOio bid ; January , ill bid.
Kumns City iivo Stock
KANHAH OITV , Janmry 10 ,
Cattle -KevetpU , 009 hfjvl ; thl | < metit ,
140 , RejmrU fr m the eo > t l-elng unfavor
able , HhljiierH ] were hbw at buylug and
were beat down from 10S,15t ( ; , but
choice shippers and feeders were sold fit
inchnngpii prices.
H gV Receipts , 0,010 bond-shipments.
IS. > 0. Market al yesterday's prices ami
neo at 5 OO 'l ! 30 ; bulk , f > < K0 ) 15 ,
Slunp Rtrelp's. ' 05 ; market utendy for
Komi lo choice ; nnttxo tnnttons , 91 pound * ,
-old at I 10.
St. Xiotiln Proilmio.
ST. LotUH. Jauimiy 19.
Flour Fn lor on upper grndwl.
Wheat Opened higher anil declined ,
No. 2 red , 1 llg@l I1J forcish ; 1 4 jfift
I3J fur February ; I 43 ( ii11 l.'IfnrManh ;
I3j@l 42J for Apt II ; 1 43@1 < 2j forMnv ;
No. 3 do , i 35@1 3HNo. \ . 4 do , 1 19 bid.
Corn Ijiwcrnt iw ilWie forcJshj Oi ( ' :
i.'Io for Jnnuir ) ; ( V > \ @ ( ' for Februatj
MigliOo for March ; 0\Sl@07o foi May.
) ats Iiower nt I5jo for Oi.
Rye Better at "Ifc.
Barley Quiet at M@il 10.
Irfjad I 71 J.
ButterUnchanged. .
\ \ hlsky Steady nt 1 17.
Pork 17 25 bM for cash mid ;
7 3 bid for February ; sales at 17 .l for
Lnnl-Nominally 11 00.
Dry Halt M eats-Slow nud uncbaugdl
llneon Firm al 7 50@9 05J@ 10 Odd ?
Hec'tn. ShlptuU
Flour . 2,000 1.000
Wheat . 13,000 SJOOOO
Corn . 811,000 S 8.000
Oats . 10,000 liO.OOO
Kyo . - 1,000
torloy . 3,000 -
NKwAroitK.Innuary 10.
1'loiiryunij' ntul tu in ideiato do-
Wheat- Cloning steady and nnlot ; No.
red , I Hj ; No. 2 uhltc , 1 lOi © ! -II ; iV ) .
J red tlimuftiy , 1 ' > 4 ( ntl IIJ ; do. I'ebrn-
rj1 -I JCiOl mfi
Corn Dull MiilliaAvy ; mixed , lWif7V ( ;
No. 2 , ( ! ) ? ® 70e ; mlxo I Kohrunry , 70 ®
-08r ; No. 1 ! March , 71i&l71. c.
Oat - Dull and weak ; No. 1 white , 51.\c \ ;
* Jo. 1 mixed , f > 7c ; iiiixod cRtorn , I7o ;
No. 2 mixed KcbrtmrvIlK' .
Uye Ktill nt 92@'Jc. ' ( !
Barley Steady.
Pork-Dull ; n | > ot inesll7r ! > ® 1700 for
old ; l"G''lS)177ri ( ) for now.
Lanl Dull and weak ; HIM fur rash ;
1 20@11 2iJ ! for February.
I'etiolcini Klrni ; uniloil , .S3Je.
Toledo Proauon-
Toi.Kno , .Iniuniiy 111.
\ \ hcnt Finn nt a lower ratifies ' No. i !
ed 1 : ity for canh ; 1 10X for I'Vbruiny ;
Hi for Mmoli ; 1 llHor Aiml ; 1 J2J
or Mny.
Corn Steady ; No. ii , 03 c for ctli : ;
Rtie for January ; ( Joe for Mnrch ; OSJo for
Oatu Nothing doing ,
Tnrpoiitlno Market-
WILMINOTOS , N. C. , Jnuuiiry 19.
Rosin Dull ; strniiu-d , 2 00 ; i end , 0.1.
Spil its Firm at 52c.
Tnr li'irni at 2 00.
Turientiiie | Active ; hard , ? 50 ; soft ,
1 00 ; Vitgln , 3 20.
PhilnUolphln Proiluco.
I'llll.ADKl.l'illA. Jnnuaty 19.
N\ heat ICasicr ; 1 ll'/@l / 42 for cash
And < 1 aim i iv.
Coin Kaiiier ; OS c foi cash nnd J ami-
aiy ; 09jSli9/c ( / for Felminry.
Oats Kamur ; 50fe50jc | fur c.iHh ; IWa )
M\o \ for .Taiumry.
Ryu Quiet nt 'J0@97c.
Bnltimoro Proiluco.
BALIIMOIIK , Jammiy 19.
Flimi Steady.
Wheat Southern noiniualFult7 ; , 1 !
1 12 ; Longberry , 143@1 40 ; Nu. 2 reil
winter dull and lower ; 1 40. } for tosh anil
Corn White southern firm at 75ii ( "Oc
mixtii weitern dull at
Oinolnnati Prodnoe.
CINCINNATI. January 111.
Mess I'ork Finn nt 17 50.
Laid Quiet ; prime Htuain , 11 10.
Bulk McaU Quiet ; clear nUtae , 1025.
Flour Steady } family , C 30@7 50.
Wheat -Firm ; No. 2 red , mwtim truck ,
i oni St'ongci ; No. 2 mixed , np
on track , ( i , ° > ! | c.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 mixed , -I7ifel c.
Kyo StioiiB ; No. 2 Hpot , I tilj.
liarley Quiet ; No. 2 fall , 1 021 1 0" > .
Whiiky Firm ut 1 1(1. (
Buffalo Live Stock.
HAST UiiKKAiX ) , Junuary 111.
Cuttle L'liclinncedj receii > t , 5.KK
head ; HhipincntH , H7I heml.
lIiifjHActiven'teloU , H,700lu-ad ; Hh
mentH , 2,100 head ; Philadclphiax , Ii 0fn
Ii ! ) .1 ; YorkerH , ( ! 30@i ( 50.
Sheep Fair and unchanged ; rceeiplH ,
1,200 hc.ul ; .ihipinuntH , 1,000 head.
Enntiiiborty Ijivo Stock ,
KAHT LIIIKKTY , Pa. , Januury 19.
Hugs A shade Htningei : reroiptH , M
cain ; hhipineutK , 38 carH1 ; YorkerK , Jl 10(5
0 00 ; good medium wuf
ehoico heiivj1 , 0 hOf 0 90.
Ijtvomool Prodnoe.
KlVKlil'ODl. . .lanuaiy 19.
I'Moiir ' American , KH ) Culfrtjll1.
Wheat WlntiT , KH ) 2dffilliH ( ld ] ; white.
10sIdQllOd r l ; Kpiing , HH lOd lOn Oilclub ;
I.'Is Kdfinll * .
Corn 5s On.
} > m - 7r.K.
Jjaul - 55 .
St. Louis llvo Stock-
Sr. I/IIIH , .lantmry
Aetlvo and firm ; very Hti'it ' Hhin
VorKem , ( > 15
lil.V l5' ! ' ; InitcherH to fancy
; fckipn and ndln , I 25 3
Matter nt ! ! ol Krcd Stnuck < 1
Co. fur Liquor li'n
.Not liu in In nli ) K'imi tdat I Veil .Stuuil , U ( o
illil niod | Iliiilllli i il.iynf Jmiinry. A ! > . , IH4II1
tlulriiilli'iitlo | | toIliiiJl joroinl ( 'ltj ( 'omiclo
( Inuilia , ( or Hi i nun to KC'll Mult , KilritiioiH | am
\ IKJIIH I liiioni. | nt lii : mill Strict , 'llilul Uanl
Oinnli.1 Null. , tiiini thu' tilaj of Jantmr ) , IBii'J
ko llio 10til ua > Dl April , IbSii.
If Ihtrii bu no olijettlon , rinioiihtriiuiii or pro
timl Mini wltliln two uLiihH from Januurt llih
A I ) , Ihdl , tlio until lluuiinu will liu Kranluil.
I'HI'li iT.A.MH A. I'll ,
Ai | | > lluuit.
Tnr Din.v HKK nuviipipcr will puMMi tli
ulion nutltu unce iatli ucik ( or tuo wtui t a usHi | taut tliun ) > | iuant. | | Ihoclt ) olOumha
not to lie ilmr/uil tntn vsltli.
j , j. \ , c. JKWirrr ,
.lunH ' 'i. tltt ( 'Ink
310 South Tlilrttcntlf Street , -tllh
1 M.oo1 '
tl.ittri of A ) phcutlon of Kitrht'ii J i i .
fur ) .iiniii | hici'iiif.
S'oti amliurcl'V lii'ii Out Kltclio'i Ilioi iln
ii | > oii tliv li-tli ilijol Dmcmljir , A. II. . \ * Hlll \ <
hip appllinMon lo t e ilnor uml Clti COIIIK !
ol Oiiiciliii , for ll < eiiMi 10 M' | | .SHU , HpirituoiiH am
Vinous liUiiiK | | , at ll.o Ultlinc'l ' HOIIBC , IVjiirtl
Ward , OniahN'cl , < . fromilin loth ilaj of Jin
nurv , lf i ! , toiliii Hith d j of April , IhW
Iftlieru liono ' liJc.Ltlon , ruiiioiiktrunu niiro
tu t Illixl within two uoukii from llcieinliur ( Dili
A. I ) , 18 1 , lliu nail ) Ik < n u w II ho KMiitoil ,
Tux DAILY Urn iieunpni 'r will puhllili tlio
ftlioi v notliu OHIO uuili ! ( fur two wii'knuttln
oxitnfoof thu apiillv.nt. 'Iliu fit ) of Oinalm I
not to he char u'l thcruHlth.
J. J. 1 < C. JKW Tl' ,
Jai'M2t , C'ltyC'lirk.
John G. Jacobs ,
iKonntrl/of UlnlidtJarohi , )
Proi ietor of the
Book Stoi e !
The Ant Iquni'lan'iiVarulnR. .
> o not trtmt him , Kentlo re.\der ,
TlnuiKli ld < ulifhcn look trim and noiit
) o not In ed the plntr f' u indnwn ,
Shining out up in the street ,
illili'd bnckiiiL'iui thu voluinci
Soon will fniie ami InfoiKiit ;
tlliiodIpit aw oft di > rcl\liiK
( icutli * render , trust him not ,
tpmlcr , nuro thoio Ivoit n Htudcnt ,
Wholoiii ; Mitijjht fur leftinltiK rare ,
\tid hit mot him mi the nldownlk ,
And ho faNely linl him there ,
\ml ho talked to him of TUAUK HAI.KH ,
TOTTKII'M boo' n mid SrilMlTKKii'H lorn ;
Vml I met him plodding homewnnl
With u bun lie to hUdoor.
iciillti tvivder , 1 h.lVwaited ,
i ? lltly 1 h.uc w.tlked t1 untroct ,
.iiiKCi'in ; for you on the corner ,
And thU hnppv ho ir we meet !
! id o voitr tiyo to yonder window ,
Wheio our studout , in the l.l-jht ,
\Yilli a page of SUIIMUUKKU'H hixtory ,
Itixos up littjiipc t
Urn Itr , turn not from mo coldly ,
The uuth only Imvo I told ;
1 would o theo from the book stonw ,
Where the customer * i ro " .ID/I/ / / . "
I w uld Hbield thi-ii fritu all danger ,
jjlileld then from tlio plate gla H rimro- ;
Shun , 0 , bun thu gilded counters ,
I hnvi win tied thee now UKUAIIR !
H. Schonfeld ,
ln\lti'3 tlio nttoutlnn of tin1 loivr ol irnoil rcrul *
lug to Ills e\ten l o umlii'u.iblc i Million ol
( lie
In nil ill piutincnts ol Lltrrnturn mul .Hclonio
Not onlj are tlio moot rntecinnl KiiKlliih anil
American worka to ho foumli n Ills nltclve.s but
AIM ) tlio SUmUr I Writer * ot Jleill i\ ' ( , 'ei nd
Moilcrn Kurope nro we 1 roiirespiitftl
Owl vrto bin uiipirtiniltli3S ( ( ur rnirliir ) tlu-su
IU > otK it low prili'i , lie illiri llu'in at tliiix'
wlilcli can not liu nut In nn > other lioimc In IM"
ill ) . rurtlusileiilrliiK
Good Books at Low Prices
an ) ie < | uuitnl to mil cl ewlioro before coinliijt
Inro tlmttlmj in j proiotlio truth of this as-
Ilmlrlni ; to l < i\'pu tttoclt ol DID Mr ) l il workn ,
iiinfiill ) ( iel ct onlj wih ieovlil meet the aji
j\ul al a eiiltlMitv I Uste.
In tlii'Kci ilM.t ot clunpllturnttiriiit Imery UOHJ
olmlor a little iiioiicj al.irc tov.1. ct prlntdl
uutiir , In well nllili'ili-oxeraniiiliKniulftr.
\ Uiinoil bonks , but Which ilr rri lliu tlt'o III
ilia liuifirvtol I hiiili'H ct I iiiuli ,
"Things in Books' Olotliiug , "
It Is lo bo riKtutU'il tlmt so limn ) linoknollcrn ,
Illttiratu i nl mt.rci.iint } , till tlulr blicltiw with
: blsbu-i-liH | of nnJIiiK nm tcr , Hum con "
heir -tou'8 Into
Hero Dliarnal Houses
'ur till' ulU-filtfi'il ftinl liot-oreBstsI lilllinliuiw ol
rfcotten oriinlupilluiilortolt | n hcrililom.
Let IhoK ! who \\lrh to nail hooks ol IN
I' IN.flO VU.l'i : step Into inj Ntnri ) tuiil thej
will HIM ) wlmtoiur tboy want ,
llv.i iiulicr tlii.tb ) tliui-liuiic of jour book
S iirth r.iLtLr I jml cil It Ii an axiom tlmt
"n npu ! will not ho lii'tter thnu Ihu books Hey
iind/-Dr A. I'otler , .
'llicu : ni'iiil riwili'r , tliu Uwur , the elithnlcal ,
theolOKleil oriiiulknl Minli-m , tlio i-iiulneor or
ri'l lUct the hlstorlcnl cmiuhcr , lliolo urol
ioitrj or Ili'tlcn , or t'jnso wlio liwk fur work In
uiuUn I. > n uigu9 , can butilppllcil lil > wliol In
Ilia u also a larKu mul well Hvlrclol
nuK'Uit LlttluDooki for Clilliiroii.illioiim , nm
bbonlil bo roTOinborr-1 In tills hollilay mnson
Ami thoto uhnulrh for chclio mul rkhly Iwunil
gilt liooli , whom contDiitH will bu foiinil uor.hy
ot tlitli cMcrmil aipcar.inco | , will ib well to CA !
at lliu
1420 Douglass Strott.
U plulU ami
U iihltH fro.n l-ltlof m IMI' to 1 l-l
uldlli In tmc ! < mi i'Bt fi IU or lint M Kill , ,
ItllOL'HUll lllllllH IlIlllHtjll ; Of plllltill ) ; III III > C ,
Ho luilj thatduLH liur ' wn Urr m.ik litun
ii"oid lo do without oiiii an nku plallliJK
n.icr'outof fanliliin , If eu < i It cil'H ' lUolf. Ki
Mm hlncn , Cliculari ) i.r A > , unt\ rini a.lilnt"
CONOA1I , fc CO. ,
113ilnmsSt. . , fliloftgo , III
01.0. W. hKNIMM , A JHt inahu ,
For SnUi By
Cuming Street
. ,
lleoponoil iii Pirafc-Olass Shape
'I liu icpurtiH ruhlp luri'lufnro Iranmttlinr liu I
nibH ut Omalia , S'uhrasku , umlir Ilioimino o
Kau > , SUC'oril . " . llruoj , U tliU ila ) h
mutual Lon uit , Alirntn N'a\e ri'tliln
A mi AM NA\K ,
.IASIM MiCoiin ,
W. II. MeCiiMii.
'lliu iiinkriilk'iii'l Mill lOiitlnno tlio liiuliuu
liurLlolorii loiiiliiituil lo Null' , McCuid It llrud >
Oinalm. Niljrinltn , In thu firm naino of Mi-Con
Ilriuly & Co. . uho will | uv all dohtu b ) , and ar
Rutlioilrutl to lolluu all outitanilliiir account
diiL1 to thu oU firm , JAMKH McCouu ,
JOHN tt. HKAU > ,
in 3t > V. JI. MtCoiiw.
I' eslilont. Vlro 1'rts't.
W , S. DfiMir , Sec. ami Tret * .
Lincoln ,
Corn Plnntert. Harrows , Pnrm Roller * ,
ulky Hay R.iket , Ducket Elevating Wind *
mlllt , &c.
Wn lire preparnl to ilo joli uork
nn K lr otini putiui
l outer'
Yllllk , > 8Si
Tnr Si \ for | ss | roimnmril lair million me
humlml mul nlni'tj four thou atul time him-
ilroil anil nlnrtj otic MKMIt'll ' ) | mi , ils ot print
ing | viirr | In Its I\IK ) , Sun AJ , ami MtiM >
iilltloim. ,
This ID riiial | to flxt ) million MUCH hiuiilml
mul nou'ti } two thoiuaml ttix liumlriil .inil
o\ent ) uncn ( tiQ,77',07i ) coi les ol tlio daily
The netiml cit'-ul.itlon for the past jir wnn
Dally 30701.101
Sunday 7.037,004
Weekly 3,400,154
1 his Ke for I'lXi'b ih ) In the \uar the followIng -
Ing ni er io ;
Coplet of the D.xlly edition I2C.04I
Coiilei of the Bundny edition 135,331)
Copies of the Weekly edition 07,273
lint Hi > lias nilyortlnlni : pic < > to ic'll In tlir
lulh ami HuniUj cilltloiH I's price for onllnr.r >
mh rtlscm'nts Is 40 wilts | ! r niriitc line. I're-
ftrruil positions ami ilUpliuul nnittir Iroin W )
ixntH to $ i.BO per line. In the Wtikl ) 0 edits
nn Bfute | line otnpacc ; no o\lr charge for illo-
play. I'reforreil iKi ltlom 75 cents to * J pti
Atthis pi i i-i' uihrrtlnlii ) ; In the * c\rnl ( ill-
tioiinof TDK SIN In clioper than Its p\ib i.litr
Iiisor bom a Iu to i.ltjln In unj otliirnn-
illiiin , a il liu lias nni'iit luinilrtils uf tbonvuiiM
of iK'lUm In unVini ; MID 11 Till' . .Sis , mul the
ailrnii'imftit offers to th i bii'ltu-si on. , niuiilt .
Tim M'N IN iiulillsliwl cieiy ilay In llio ) < -ir , r.t
Nos. IH6 , 10 anil 170 Na'siu Mtriet , No York
It ) .
I. \ > PAMLASI ) , I'ul.ll'lirr. .
No. IftOH Fnvulmiu Street ,
rnoi Nor h
Propr etor ,
1213 Harney Street ,
OMAHA , - - - NEB.
Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Finials ;
Speoht'B Patent Motalic Sky-
Patent Adjustable Ratchet Oar and
I nm the KO Sbito lor thi-
line of nooila.
Ore tlnc , Onlustrades , Verandat.'OfDcr ' and
Dank nallliiii , Window and Cellar
uii.irils ; alio
Pcerson nnd Hill Patent Inildn Bllrol
I'roouula ] for SubHlstonoo Ktori * ' ) .
( 11 u r l'i iciiv.isiiNII 1) ) | r T )
( mi MIn \ , HM.MIS , \ i D , >
Se.ilnl l'i in b in Uii Ii in. , < jcrt
lo tl I ) IIOI , | I | "II , Mill III | | ivvif Ht
tlitu ulliu'iini i 'j ' ' , . , . . , , K < fi-
ruin y 111 1S : ' , 'i. ' I MHI < nil | . .u > , .
tliuill > o.i..l , . , , i ii.
deiH , fur fium * in , , iii ! MI. i Ii
Subs hti * ro Sid flinii u. ni nn i > , ln Mi.v
hn , Neb. , ( i mi o r" , afti'i liis , < i'i'iiun nnd
, ucri'iimv | ill | In t f | lu'kn L , ) us n uy ) (
< "illindb\ S UU'iicc ' I ) , paitii'i'i.t :
I II ! d inln I'ink. vli HUM. ; In l > ' ! <
llNdulhy.M K' ! ' .Mi IShj inM , ( ) ] > < >
1'ai'nil bfioit I'li-ni "iil'H in ilium ivij. ( ;
Illlll til I'KllINN , p t'l.l'l III CIlltCH nilIII I'1 ,
of i hunt tiOO u i IHK Ii U.D inrh : i. h
pin o of liiicon tu lui cnvrit-il willi nti it
i loth ; iilj lo bo di'hvuii'ii by .Mutch U * i ,
IhhlJ , TJiufi'i ' Lrn i nt IUKH vet tl c rl bs
tu rojicl nny or 11 pii.piit.ili. . Blank pro-
po HH aril fidl informitli n as In thu 111,111-
nerof hiildin , piinto > i' hlrncllous to
biddern , and terms of contmut an i pay
n.rut , will bo fm niched on upplicnll n to
Ihin ollire. No uipnval will ho cmifiiU-r-
fd unK'HH . it'coiiipiiiiltd by the printed
"Insti. ctloim to bidilerH1 ' referred to
huiuin , ' ' 1'iop sals fur S ibiNteiKi *
Htnro" , " nnd nddrtvse ' t , ) the uinli-rLiied.
jlU-li i H I. .11111 C. H , , U. * . \ .
j. i. FAINTER ,
Corner 10th and Howard
tireets \ ,
Rates , Two Dollars For Day ,
State Gazetteer and Busi
ness Directoy ,
Containing n description and a lUt ( > f all
ImslmiM iiivnin the nttite , Mill be Issued
- in 1882. 1'rlcu
xu-ly 81.00.
J. M. WOLFE. 7'i.hli.hor.
South Fourteenth Neb