Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1882, Image 1

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.r *
, United States Depository
- T " "T- .
Oor. 13th and Parnam Bta.
Orgnnltcd M National Hank August SO , 1863
KODimn , President.
Acotnrrtm Kootmn. Vice President.
U. W. YATFP , Owhlnr.
A. J. I'orrLKtON , Attorney.
P. II. DAVIK , Asnt. Cashier ,
Thl bank receives dcpovits wlthn't regard k
. 'amounts.
Inucs tltno certificates boanni ; intcrcit.
Draws drafti on San Francisco and principal
cities ot the United States , also London , Dublin
Edinburgh and the principal cltlea ol the conti ;
ncnt of Knropc.
BolU possanRcr tickets lor etulerant Iby thn In
nun llnr mavldtl
The Oldest tistaPllahed
Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. ,
Bustncaa trmwcttxl game u > Ihftt. ot u ( near
poratod rank.
Accounts kept In current } nr cold subject l <
sVht chock ivlthout notice
Certificates ol deposit wuod paj Wc In three ,
six and twelve months , Jeanne -Interest , or ot
demand without Intercut.
Advances nvulo to cuatomon on tpprorrd sscn
rltles at market ratoi of Interoot. . > '
Buy and sell gold , bills ol exchange , govern
mcnl , atate , count } ' and dty bonds.
Draw elRnt drafts on England , IrcUnil , f"M
land , and all parta ot Europe.
Boll European passage tickets.
andrfl _ _
DexterL.Tliomas&Bro ,
corJSBc-niB TURaxwrm.
Pay Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc.
tOall at Office , Uooni S.Crelch'tr ) K. < , Q naha
leal Estate Agency
Keep complete abacract ol title to Meal
"SflUtoln Omanaan Dnui > | wixuiitv ttifivtl
INIatter ot Application ot l 'rank Pivouka fet
f Liquor License.
Not'co Is hereby given that I-'innK I'lvouka
Jld upo- the 16th iHy ol January , A. I ) . , 182 ,
file hi application to the II ynr and City Coun
cil or Omaha , lor license to eell II alt , Spirituous
* nd Vlnom Liquors , at corner 7th and Marcj
- Streets , Fir8t\VnrdOniahaNob.lronitheSOth daj
ol Januarv , 18S2 , t the 10th day ol April , 1832.
II thiro benoobctlo , remon. trance or pro ,
tdst fllcd within two weeks Iruin January loth ,
A. D. , 1882 , the Bald license will he f ranted.
TUB DAI'.Y Dsn no vepnper will publ sh tlio
above notice once each week for two weeks at
the expense of the appliumt. The City ol
Omaha is not to bo cha rod therewith.
J. J. L. C. JEWETT ,
JanlO-1'Jt. _ _ City Clerk
Slattcr of Applicationof Scth C. Baldwin
for Liquor License.
No' Ice la hereby given thafScthC. Baldwin
did , upon the 14th day of Jinuary , A. D. , 1882 ,
91e his application to the Mayor and City Coun
cl > ol Omaha , ( or liceme to tell Malt , Spirituous
and Vinous Liquor ? , at No. 1300 Douglas etrcct ,
Thint ward , Omaha , Neb , from the 2btb day ol
January , 1882 , to thu 10th day of April , 1882.
If there ho nn objection , rcmons once or pro-
tcit Hied nithln UNOcckti from 14th day i > f Jan
uarj , A. D , 1832 , the said license will be
TUB DAILY DKK nowspnpcr will publlsb the
al > eve notice onto c'luli wu.klortwp ueckuat thu
axpcnpo ol the ajipllcant. The City ol Omaha
la not to bo charred therewith.
rirv Clprk.
Matter of Application of C. H. Scott
for Liquor License.
Nofco Is hereby iv n that C. H. Siott
did , upon the 13th day ol January A. I ) . ,
1882 , lllu hia fpp icatlon to the Ma ) or and City
Counril of Omaha , for license to tell Malt , Spir
ituous and Vinous Llquoie. at No. 116 south
Tenth trcets , Tidrd ward , Omaha , Neb . from
the 27th day of January , 1832 , lo the 10th ilaj
ol A.rll , 1882
II there bo no objection , reinoiifltr nco or pro
test filed uithln two \\ec'ia from 13th ol Janu
ary , A. D. 1882 , the Bald liccugu will ba granted.
C. II. Scorr
App leant.
Tim DAILY BKK nowpapcr will publish the
above notice onro i acli week lo' two weeks at
the expense of the applU ant. Thu City of Omaha
is not to bo charged therewith.
_ jai\ _ Citv Clerk.
Matter of Application of J. Wlllitjoorsa
for Liquor License .
Notice Is hereby fftvcn tha * J. WilliboorM
-lid , upon tlio 13th day of January. A I ) . 1882 ,
f.Io his applicat on lo the Mayor and City Coun
cil ol Omaha , for license to 8,11 Malt ,
Splrltuoim and Vinous Liquor. , at No. 312
South Fifteen h stitct , Fourth ward , Omaha ,
Neb , Irom the 27th day ol January , ' 1682 , to
the 10th day of April , 1882.
II there be no objccion : , rumonHtranco or pro
test tiled within tuoweikstrom 13th of January
A. D , , 1882 , the said Ik-vnuo will bo gra ted
JACOII Wn.uiiooiiBK ,
_ Applicant.
Tim DAILT fllKB newspaper will puullah the
above notice once each wrek for two Hecks at
the i xpcnse of the applicant. The Cty of Ona-
ffaia not lo bechar .d therewith.
' " < -t ! ! Citv Clerk
Otllco Purchasing and Depot Commissary ,
OMAHA , Nun. , January lit , 1882.
Scaled proposal ! , In duplicate , subject to the
usual conditions , will be reccltcd at this ottlco
until 12 o'clock , noon , on Kt-bnury fath , 1882 , at
vhkh time and plaiu they will be opened In tha
pretence ol bidders , for furnishing and delivery
at the BubdUtrncc Htorchousa in this city ol
twenty thousand pounds Flour. In new btron '
slnir-o cotton tacks ; to be made Irom No , 1 ,
Sprlni ; Wheat , hall liaid , hall twit , or Odessa , to
bcsMiated before erlndln ' . and mixed In mill-
Inj , to bo hlk'h ground. Bample > t the Flour to
lietcntuith the proposal , and all bo delivered on
or before March 10th , Ibb2. The BO\ eminent ro.
Benrca the rljjht to reject aiij or all tiroK aln.
Ulank projKuals can b obtained at this otllie.
I'ropoiials muit IHI enclosed In sealnl envelope ,
\ marked "I'roiKmlu for Flour. " and addressed to
U Uio undeiliL'tieJ , THOM AS. WI LSON ,
J17-31 Capt.amlC. S.U. 8. A.
Glarkson & . Hunt ,
BuecesHO" tn Itlrhirdi & Hunt ,
R. Hth8t" " > Om n J > li
Yostorflay's Proceedings in Botli
Houses of Oongress ,
The Proposition to Increase
Membership ot House
Committees Squelched.
Meetings of the National Board
" ' 6f Trade and Managers
of Soldiers' Homes.
Mitoollanoona Notes From the Na
tional Capltnl >
WASHINGTON , January 10 Tin
chair laid before the aonato & comma
nication from the secretary of the in
terior in response to the resolution ol
Mr. Teller transmitting the paper rc <
lating to the laiaud [ lands of tin
Northern Pacific railroad and the ac
tion * of Secretary Scliurx thereon.
Ordered printed and refeired to tin
judiciary committee.
Mr. Hill ( Qa. ) took the ground
that the secretary of th6 treasury hail
no authority by promises or threats U
induce holders of B and 0 per cent ,
bonds to accept ; a lower r.\to of inter'
est and that the notion of Secretary
Windom was illegal and unconstitu
tional. This loci to a colloquial de
bate , Messrs. Windom , Logo'n and
others participating. '
Mr. Call obtained the lloor , when
the senate went into executive ! session
and at 4 p. m. adjourned to Monday.
rnocmnNos IN THI ; iiousu.
Mr , Belford was given permission
this morning to make a speech regard
ing hia claim that he had not been
able to obtain recognition of the
speaker Ho proceeded toj. argue
against the increase of committees ,
and criticized the general mako-np of
the committees.
Mr. Springer give notice ho would
introduce at the proper time n resolu
tion instructing the commit too on
rules to provide a plan for appointing
committee ! ) .
Mr. Randall spoke in favor of in
creasing the committees , arguing the
committees should bn thorouchly im
proved , and diicli improvement would
bo a check' to railroad monopolies.
After further discussion , the propo
sition to increase the momership of
the house committees prescntotr from
the coinmitteo on rules and which Mr.
Robeson said was not made to concili
ate anybody or to spread a plaster on th o
sere heads , sutl'ered defeat to-day af
ter three days' discussion by being re
committed to the committee with in
The house then considered and
passed the bill appropriating $73,000
to remove from Atlanta to Washing
ton the agricultural exhibits donated
by the cotton exhibition. - - - -4
A -communication wss received from
the secretary1 of war , recommending
appropriations of § 10,000 for a board
of Indian commissioners.
- Monday next at 3 p. m. was fixed
as the day and hour for hearing me
morials of the late Senator Burnsido
of Rhode Island.
Adjourned at 2:20 : p , m.
National Associated Press.
WASHINGTON , January 10. The
national board of trade had an inter
view with the president this mornim ; .
The president said ho would givothoir
cause due consideration. The mem-
bora then returned to Willard's and
resumed ; heir session.
A long debate took place on the
postal telegraph service , and it waa
resolved the results of the olectrii
communication in Great Britain as
part of the postal system in that
country are such as to commend to
the people of the United St.itos thu
acquirement on a fair and equitable
basis ot the system of cltctiic com
munication. The following resolu
tion was adopted :
Resolved , That our diplomatic and
consular system should bo main
tained upon.aacalo tliat will permit
efficient service to our growing export
interests , and which will bo appro
priate to ono pf the leading commer
cial nations of tlu ) world. Debates
took place on intor-stato railroad
trafiic , but no conclusion had been
The star route cases were adjourned
until to-morrow on account of the ab
sence of counsel for the defense.
The ways and moans coinmitteo has
decided to report favorably the bill
releasing the Philadelphia it Reading
Railroad company from the payment
of revenue 'taxes assessed upon the
interest-bearing promissory notes
heretofore issued by it to employes as
wages on certificates , the company to
pay the costs incurred in the proceedings -
ings to enforce the payments.
The board of managers of the na
tional homes for disabled soldiers hold
the final mooting. Only routine mat
ters were transacted. Estimates of
appropriations for the ensuing year
wore agreed on , A coinmitteo com
posed of Gotis , Franklin , Harris , and
McMohon were appointed to remain
to ask for an appropriation
for the insane hospital at
the Dayton homo , Ohio. The next
meeting will bo held in April , General
Dudley , commissioner of pensions ,
mot the board thin morning by invita <
tion to confer in regard to the bill af
fecting the pensions of inmates of tlu
different homos.
Railroad Matters
National AsuodatuJ i'ltna.
NEW YOHK , January 10. - 1'resideni
Go wen , of the Philadelphia , Utacl
ing railroad , said the depression in
the _ stock since his election is ex <
plained by the fact that at the time ol
the election McCalmont lirus , trans
forr.l . 000 shales to Kidner , Poabodj
it Co. for sale , and the latter firn
hold 15,100 shares in the nameso
dthor parties , which were now boiii |
disposed of. In a few days thcs
shares will bo taken up and the pric-
advanced , The arrangement will
Vanderbilt is a satisfactory ono fo
the Reading coal , and Vanderbilt oil
now connect the system with tin
Reading at Williamsport and at tin
same time give the Reading a northern
orn and western outlet , which wil
add ono million to two million tons o
o 1 to the company's trallic
Ciin-Atio , January 19. The woat
orn trunk lines passenger associatiot
had a meeting to-day. There won
present A. V. II. Carpenter , of tlu
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. 1'jul
Franco Chandler , of the Missour
Pacific ; A. II. Hanson , of the 111 !
nois Central ; S K. Hooper , of tin
Hannibal & St. Joe ; Percival Lowell
of the Burlington ; W. 11. Stenneti
and W. A. Thr.Ul , of the Chio.igo am
Northwestern , and H. C. Townsend
of the Wabash. A report which line
been prepared by the committee seek
ing to eflVct an adjustment of tlu
emigrant dilHcuUion was without read
ing laid upon the table and the exea
utivo committee veto instructed tt
arrange for a ct'iifcronoe ' with tin
eastern trunk lines for the purpose ol
arriving nt somu mutual understand'
ing and agreement.
The Kansas City lines nut to-day
and amicably aitued upon sonu
trilling diH'erenros that \\oii- not presented >
sontod at the m-'elinu held last week ,
With the few additional chan c (
ngrced _ upon to-day , the several lines
running from Kansas City are no\\
workinir with satisfactory harmony ,
There were present at the meeting
Messrs. II. (3. Townsend. Jamei
Charletpn , D. Bowers , G. ( Cloyton
E. St. John , Gen. Smith. 'BjJ K ,
Hooper , F. Chandler , Mr. Sebastiai
and H. V. Taylor , the compiler of Hu
rate sheet :
A Rascally Operator.
Natloual Associated 1'reH.- .
Niw : YOHK , Jannary 10. To-daj
W. C. llumstone , representing Geii'
oral Eckort , of the Western Unioi :
Telegraph company , called upon Inspector
specter liyrnos and intoinicd him that
a man named John J. Thompson ,
who had been in their employ in the
city of Mobile , Ala. , as operator and
clerk to the superintendent , ub
scondud in August last , after defraud
ing the company by making false entries -
trios out of between $ KOGO and § 14- ,
000. Thompson was raced to the
City of Mexico , where ho had ob
tained employment in the Mexican
Telegraph company as operator. The
company was notified ot his charac
ter , but they refused to discharge
him. Ono day , aboub a month ago ,
Thompson cut the wires in the office
and absconded with $500 of the com'
pany's money. It was learned ho hue
taken passage on the schooner Murj
Fink , which arrived at this port on th <
llth innt. He was traced to Newark
N. J. , where ho was to-day arrestoc
by central office detectives anc
brought to this city. He is 27 yean
old , and claims to have defrauded tin
company out of only § 7,500.
Nearly a Whole Family Burned ti
National AfMociatrd I'rcK *
SKDAUA , Mo. , January 10 The
residence of George 0. Smith a >
Lewis , Himry county , burned thii
morning. Mrs Smith , aged 43 , hoi
daughter Elizabeth , nged 17 , Radio
13 , Ellen ( ! , and a son Thee
dorp , aged Hi , all pcrishec
in the flames. Mr. Smith manacct
to escape with a little child 8 yean
old. The house was a story and :
half , and all the occupants slept 01
the ground floor. The fire issupposec
to have originated by clothing comiiif
in contact with the kitchen stove
that room having been occupied a :
late as 1 o'clock by Miss Elizabotl :
Smith and her intended husband.
United Statoi Officer Arrested it
National ABHOcIatod I'ruMt.
SANTA FK , N. M. , January 10.
Lieut. McDonald , Fourth cavalry
who has been scouting in southert
Now Mexico , with twenty Incliai
scouts , for hostile Apachca , last wouli
crossed the line into Chiliauhua , anc
was arrested by the Mexican author
ities for the invasion. Ifo was takei
to Hannaa , thence to Ascension ant
thence to the City of Chiliaiihau to In
tried. The war department has beei ,
notified of the tacts.
Incnlls and the Grand Army-
Na' lonul Ausociatol I'rcm.
LEAVENWOKTH , KB. , January LO. -
The department encampment of tin
Grand Army of the Republic in ses
sion at Topeka , sent the following
resolution to Senator Ingalls :
Resolved , That the earnest and
heartfelt thanks of the Grand Army
of the Republic , department of Kan
BUS , are hereby tendered to Senator J
J. Ingalls for hia defense of tin
soldiers' pension bill in the Unituc
States aonato ,
Indictment ! in the Star Rent <
National Associated I read ,
PHIIADKI.VIIIA , January 10. In ro
spouse to a dispatch from Attorney
General Browutor , ox-Assistant Din"
trict Attorney W. W. Kerr , who hai
a high reputation as a framer of crnn
inal indictments , wont to Wauhingtoi
to-night to prepare indictmontn in tin
star route
Tlio Price of a Son.
National AtuocUted I'IUKS ,
NAI-OI.KON , Ohio , January 10.
George Ladd , of Elmoro , Ohio , has
micd Gov , R. Jv. Scott in the court ol
common pleas for § 10,000 dumagci
to his wife , whoso son , Warren ( ! ,
Drury , was killed by Gin ornor Scott
on Christmas , J880. The case las
night was compromised by Scott pay
ing the costH and $5,000 ,
Conductor Killed-
National AnHotl ted 1'runt.
CINCINNATI , January 10. Nowtoi
Meranda , a conductor on the Cincin
imti , New Orleans & Texan Pacifi
railway , fell from hm train last nigh
and waa run over and killed ,
ScoviliVs Weak Wrath Evident !
Couflninp Hiinaolf to the Mai
Question of the Prison ,
or's Insanity.
Rohaahiupr the "Well Wor
Theory of Transitory Mn.
nia and Mental Delusion.
Ho is Snlil to bo Talking
Tlmofor nn Object
National AfMclatutl I'rcss.
WAsuiNriTON , January lit. Qitilo.i
oponotl proccrdings this tnoruinu' li ,
iiyaiiicallinjj attention to the Now Yor
tito court of uppcxln decision to 111
I'll'uct thut in insanity cases tlio burdui
of the proof rests with the prosvcu
lion , wlio must prove insanity aiUriiin
livcny rntlior tliiui the dofoiwo JMYIV
insanity positively.
Scovillo rum ! moil hi nddrcan tnjtli
jury , prufixchnj with the romark41ii\
lie would close to-day. Ho culled at
tention to the testimony 1 of sevcni
witnesses regarding the prisoner's nr
ponninco and conduct at policu huiul
iiiartora ] immoilintply after the shoot
m < ; and the objection of the prosucu
tion to the testimony of 0110 of tli
ollicors who accompanied him to jail
concerning n whispered conversatioi
with Detective McEttresh , 'which * tli
olliocr could not overhear ; the p."i > st
cution rttftised to allow McElfrcsh t
ijivo evidence on that. point and it Wa
because they know it'wouldj'riot 'hul
their side. " < " ' ft
Davidgo asked why'Scoville didlVio
call the witnusR * * *
Scovillo retorted that ho would enl
him and others and would tell why i
Corkhill said : "Don't scare us. '
Scovillo retorted : "Nobody is scare
on either side at this sUigo of th
case. "
Scovillo urged that the appoaranci
ind conduct of Ouitoau iminediatcl ;
tftor the shooting was that of nn in
sane man , and should bo allowed t
demonstrate the fact.
Guitcau interrupted with spocchct
claiming such was. the case , and denouncing
nouncing the prosecution for bringini
u short-hand reporter into his eel
under disguise. Guiteau added tha
Porter had been sick for the past tw
or three days and ho hoped Providonc
would keep him sick , and that th
Lord would soon call him below an
then summon Corkhill.
Scovillo , referring to the inutilatio :
of Guiteau'n letter appealing to th
jury , said it was possible tor thoui t
arrest this tide of mob clamor and d
justice. Ho was present in the ens
only for this purpose , and not for th
sake of clearing the brother of hi
wife or for any sentimental roaaor
Scovillo referred to persons rushe t ,
the scaffold , whoso irrcsponsibiut
was subsequently demonstratt d , an
in commenting on the Oneidu com
munity said it was a disgrace to th
state , and it would bo more justice i
Guitoau had 'shot Noyes instead c
After recess Scovillo said , aUhnuql
ho was disappointed in the testimon
given by Storra , still it tended t
prove Guitcau's insanity. Continuing
ho argued that Guitoau had no inotiv
for killing Garfiold. The act was the
of a man laboring under a delusion h
could n t resis There was no ov :
donco to show the prisoner had any i
will toward the president. Had h
harbored the ordinary feelinas c
rovoniro ho would have selected ( Main
as the victim , but he had nut th
slightest ill will toward cither Hlain
or the president. The only appareii
motive tor the crime was the love c
notoriety. The result , if ho was a san
man would be thai his name would li
ranked with that of .Indus Hit idt
wad to bo a public benefactor. Ou
teau was not u disappointed ollic
seeker. That theory was iuconsiiitoi
with the character of the man and tli
proof laid before the jury.
Scovillo spent the afternoon arguin
in this wiy : and will continue to-mui
row. It is rumored lie is talkin
against time for one or two object
either to retain < ihu floor until ho n
coivoB a full copy of the decision <
the Now York court of appeals , or I
prevent a verdict by the jury bcfoi
Monday next , in which if the ve
diet is conviction , an appeal will \
taken and by goiiijr over one tori
poatpono the execution until fall.
Court adjourned at ! J:15 : p. in. unt
to-morrow mornim ; .
It is understood Judge Cox wi
allow the prisoner to deliver hin a <
dress to the jury if Scovillo limalieK i
reasonable tune.
Th * Cumberland.
Notional AsMQCiated I'ruiui
NAHHVIME , Tonn. , January 1- ! )
The river still ujiitinuus to sprea
over the ground. It rose atoadily a
day , but is now about on a standnil
Several hundred families have but
compelled to move out to-day. Tl
citizens' relief association collucto
83,000 for the poor. Committee
will continue to distribute provisioi
and money to the deserving poor.
LOUIHVIU.K , January 10. Tl
Louisville & Nashville railroad hi
i88ued an order hero that on acconi
of high water no froiuht will lie r
coiveil for points west of Clarksvill
Twin. , or tor points on the Niulml
iV Northwestern railroad , betwet
Nashville and McKuimie. Mutton.
National AiwoclaUd I'/u ,
Cirv MKXICJO , January 1 ! ) . -Neg
tiutioiiH are pending for the purchai
of the Morolos railroad by flenor
Grant and party , who it is oxpucti
will run it in connection with their Mi
can Southern railroad , of which Urn
is preuidont. Senor Romero w
leave hero to-morrow on a tour of i
apection over the Rloreloa ruad in
will start for the United States on
Sunday to confer with Grant nn the
proposed ( onus for the sale of the
road. The Mexican { government has
irivon Itomcro n special mission tc
Gimti'inala concerning the boundary
line troubles between Guatemala and
Mexico , and on completion of hia hus <
itiMi with Orant , Itomcro will leave
for Guatemala where it ia expected he
will bring about n pacific settlement
of the dispute which has existed foi
some time and which on several oc <
caaiona threatened open rupture bo-
twccn the countries ,
Chicago Proud Club.
National AMOclftlnt I'reu.
January 19. The annual
election of the Chic.igo press club re-
Riilted this evening :
President , Samuel J. Medill , of the
Tribune. k
Vice-presidents J. U. llinman , ol
the Times ; W. U. Eaton , of the Her
ald ; W , E. Curtis , of the Inter Ocean.
Secretary , Elwyin Itnrron , of the
Inter Oi'oan.
Financial Bcerottuy , E. \Vrxkoiimn ,
of the Courier. Journal.
Treasurer , J. H Uradwell , of the
Local NOWH.
Hoard of Directors J. H. Mallard ,
of the Inter Ocoiin ; V. S. Dixvison , of
Times ; H. W. Hansom , of the
Tribune ; N. A. lived , Jr. , of the News ]
N. H. Perry , of the Journal.
[ louse Committee II. H Humph
rey , of tho'Times ; W "T. Hill , of the
Tribune ; ' L. W. Busby , of the Inter
) eein.
St John in Pennsylvania-
i itlonM AmiOilHtetl 1'reM ,
HAHKISIIUUU , January lf > . About
mo hundred delegates are in attend-
into upon the state { omporanco con-
ention , which assembled hero this
norning. General L. Wagner , of
" 'hilndelphia , was elected president.
. 'ho object of the convention is for
lie preparation of an net proposing
tf amendment to tlio constitution of
he state prohibiting the manufacture
, nd sale of intoxicating liquors. Ito-
lorta showing the operation of tem-
loruucj principles were submitted
ram d i Huron t parts of the state alto-
light's session , and an address was
elivored by Governor St. John , of
Marino Intelliconoo.
'atloimt Ansoctatcd I'ri'ss.
NKW YOUK. January 10.Sailed -
'ho Silesin for Hamburg , the City of
ilontreal for Liverpool , the State of
ndiana for Glasgow.
Arrived The Wisconsin from IJv-
rpool , the Gilbert from Hamburg ,
ho Chateau Seville from HonU-aux.
TJONDON , Jivnuarv Itt.Arrived -
I'hu Utopia from Now York.
LiVKitrooL , January 1 ! ) . Sailed
On the 18th , the Italy for Now York ,
ho Lord Gough for Philadiilphia.
Arrived -Tho Arizona from Now
ANTWKitr , January 10. Sailed
) n the 18th , the Pietrie D. Contuck
or Now York.
Michigan Oamo Protection
I ton ! l Associated Proso.
EAHT SAOINA.W , Mich. , January 19.
The Michigan State Game Protcc-
ion association closed its session to
day. Good work has been done , not-
ibly the passing of a state game law.
iStato wardmis , with salary , were up-
minted to see to the enforcement of
, ho law to the letter and other work
'or the protection of the fur , tin mid
'eather game. A secretary was ap
ointed , a coinmitteo to confer with
.he secretaries of state associations ol
sister states in regard to holding a na
.tonal convention tosecuro conformity
n the game laws of adjacent status
Poutoon BridRO ntDubuquo.
'fatlniml ' Assoclatcil I'ICSH.
Dciiuot'H , la. , January 1Tin !
lontoim bridge company of this citj
a jubilant < vor a dispatch from Gen
K. JonoB. now \Yaflhit.gton , to tlu
ollucb that their pontoon wagon bridgt
across the river below the railroai
) ridge had been favor.ibly considorec
jy the secietary of war , and that fill
pormisiion would bo given for HH con-
Kitlnd by n Crazy Duughtcir.
National AdHOclatvil I'ruva
K , O , , J.inuaiy 111. Mis ,
liella H.irlow died at noon from gimhei
on her throat and arm , inllictud by i
daughter. Slio wan a widow and lioi
daughter recently became a deaf mult
From illniHs , which troubles pioducoci
nontal iiburrution. Tlio wounds wen
indicted during the night. The vie
tim resided alone in a fourth Hlorj
room on High ativet ,
Murtluror Kospltoil
National An-nuliitcil I'rctn ,
NKW MAll so f , Mo. , January lit.
Tim Hhonir of this oouijty to-day received
ceived a communieitio.i from CIov
urnor Crittenden granting a respite
for thirty daytt to Martin Placijuett
to have been hanged to-morrow , "Otli
for the murder of liarnos.
Deorooao in Pliiludclpliia'ii Debt
National Aimocl&tad 1'ruax.
iA , January 10.Tin
annual report of the comptroller
presented to-day , HIOWH ! the city deb
has been decreased 81'iO.'J,000 , duriii |
the year as the result of the adoptioi
of the "pay as you go" principle.
Work oJ the Snfoty Uoinmlttec
Na.louttl A bodutcil I'rcn.
BAN FiiA.M'iM'o , January 10. Tin
mfuty committee marched in n bed ;
into thu county jail yesterday it
.Seattle , Washington territory , UIH
hung thrco miirdororH , Two
taken ftom the court room
Riot la u Railroad Camp.
AriiVsTA , do , . , .l.uiuary 10. Ther
was a big riot in a railroad camp nea
hero last night , in which over twent
meii were engaged. Alexander I hitler
lor ( colored ) was shot and killed an
several wounded ,
National A wocUttd I'rosi
Pnii.ADKi.i'iiiA , January 10. Mii
Margaretta Pealo , formerly we
known in art circles , and daughter <
James J'oulo , tlui celebrated portra
painter , ia ileud ia her 8jth ( year ,
Who Was SuiToring for Qroat
Notoriety ,
He Was Easily Led lute n
Scheme for AsaoeBinnting
General Tohorvine.
Unwise Spooulntion la Franco
Liable to Precipitate
a Pnnio.
Tbo Gonornl Now * tbnt Cnmo Over
thn Cablo'
Vatic nl AujmclAtdl 1'rou.
ST. PKTKiisnt'Kti , January 10. The
rial of Sankowskinnd Milnickoll'com-
uencod yesterday at half-pnnt 2
o'olook , with closed doors , before ft
council of war. The accused arc each
ibout 20 yearn old and insiguillcant of
ippoaranco. MilnicliolV in the nmro
ntolligont looking of the two. From
Sankowski'n examination it appeared
hat ho had no political motive for the
\ttomnt ; that ho was in great misery
ind had contemplated suicide , and
hat ho was persuaded by Milmckon"
0 commit the attempt on Tchorvino's
ifo so na to end his days with eclat ,
Ml the cvidonco wont to confirm the
telief that the accused had no rein-
ions with the revolutionary parly.
'ho crime was therefore in nonsolcHs
n its objoc * as that of Guito.ui. The
ileadings commenced thin morniiig
ind judymont of the court will prob-
bly bo delivered this ovoning.
MADIIID , January --Thenegotin- -
ions for a comniorcial treaty between
Cngliind and Spain arojirocceding very
atiafactorily. It only refers to wool
cull's and wines.
LONDON , January 10.A Vienna
lispatch says the Bosnians have sent
1 committee to appeal to the c/.ar
gainst Austrian consciiptiun. Under
> ressuro of the Austrian government
'rince Nikita has established a mili-
ary coixlon around Dalmatia and
Monton < xro.
A disjiatch from Cairo sayn that
nnch anxiety prevails an to the feei
ng between the chamber of notables
ind the ministry. Tlio government
ins undo all possible concessions , and
ny further proceedings , it is said ,
vill load to u ohango in the ministry
ud revolution. The national party
: nunti on the support of England and
Yanco in its opposition.
"Bolivia and Chili have concluded a
, roaty of pence , llolivia coding to
Chili all the Bolivian coast line.
BKHT.IN , January 10. llorr Hitter ,
n presenting the budget to the
chambers to-day , announced that
ho surplus was 1,443,142.
Vmong the now votes proposed
vaa ono of 50,000 marks to restore
rotations between the Vatican and
lormauy. In the raichstag llorr
Windbiirth'a bill abrogating the law
orbidding tlio exorcise of cccleflitwjj-
cal functions without government mi-
lionV.ation passed its third reading
> y the same majority as on its SOCOIK !
Notice has boon given in the Reichs-
ag of the introduction of a proposi-
, ion that Germany shall open negotia-
.ions for the establishment of bi-imi-
LONDON , January 10. The gov
ernor of Tripoli has promised the cup-
tnro of the murdorero of French mis-
flionariea. It is beliuved any effort on
lia part will bo rcRistod by the Arabs.
Dr. Liiwson will bo tried in Feb
ruary. The evidence in said to bo
PAIUH , January 10.The stock mar
ket is panicky. Lyons market alfairs
no a disturbing element. Lyonn
speculations had been BO foundation-
use and extravagant that when liiini-
lation began last wcok great falln
wore forced. Fresh heavy failurea
, liiw moriiing at Lyons depressed ( hu
1'uris bourse and showed a ntato ol
ilarm , uverything speculative falling.
Mibsiiiuntiy : | the rush to reali/.o iiiiik
uattern worse , ic is oxiccted [ that at
.he petit , bourne this , evening tin
ICUIICH will be exciting. Operators ,
lowovor , way the panic will not be
come general.
Of the chamber of deputies' eoni <
nittco of Itl ! to report on govornmen !
levision of proposals , only one mem-
) or is in favor of Gambetta'H ' scliomo ,
I''ollowiug ' close on the collapse ii
hu Lyons bourse a panic occurred to
day in the Paris bourse. Shares ol
Union Generalo fell l,000f. , ant
shares of the Jiank of Franco am
Krcnch rentes also wont down undoi
the procure to neil , the whole markir
c'osmg in a state of crisis. Muoli
inxioty is felt regarding the opening
of the bourse to-morrow and unlesi
the nyndicatocoiueH to the relief of tin
market it is feared that many failure !
will be announced.
It m rumored that tlio sultan IIIIB
resolved to dethrone the boy of Tunis ,
replacing him by AH Den Khali ! ! ' , the
leader of the insurrection against tlu
COIIK , .January 10 , Connell , win
pleaded guilty to various cliargei
iigainst him at the Cork assizes to-day
and Captain Moonlight , loadef of tin
Cork fL'iiiaiis , have turned erown'i
evidence and on their informatioi
thirty persons have been arrested.
Ui'CHAUKsr ' , January 10--Krom
tier's circiiu , u largo wooden building
was destroyed by llni to-day , mid i
number of homes and several stable
men lost their lives.
HKIIU.S , January 10.Wilhohi
Maiibur , inventor of the Mauser rilli
is doad.
Thu Austrian governiiient will asl
the delegation that is , the I'M mom
burn who compose the parliament , an
whoso jurisdiction is limited to foi
eign nlliiiiH and war lor a vote of DJ
traordinary ciisdits amounting to I ! ,
700,000 llorins. This uxpundituio i
made necuasitry by the recent upriain
in the Uulkans , and by ordinary 02
pendituruii for the army.
An attempt was uiailo to iissassinat
M , Doubriu , Ilusaiun ambassador , b
a man named Johann Xcidi , who
hurled a atone through the window
of tlio ambassador's carriage- while ho
waa returning from a drivn ,
A Smnll Salary Moral.
Nation * ! Atmctatrd 1'ren.
CnicAno. January 151. 0. 0. Jlob-
inson , cashier of the Chicago com
pany , charged with embezzlement ,
caino before Justice Thomas to-day.
Kobiiivm was committed in default of
810,000 bail. Ho ia short $2,000.
Two of the tirm were apprised of llob-
inson's doing * and boring a hole -in
tha colling directly above hia desk
were thus enabled to BOO him appro-
| > riato several largo bills. Tlio money
is alleged to have go-jo in fait living , ,
Hwil skin sac < iuos und Patti concerts
for hiit wife and himself , which di
not appear consistent v\ith his salar
of $50 a month.
Qniok Work , If Trno.
National AuwcUtrtl Pri > - .
MoNTiiKAl , , January 1C. Some
months ago a Polo named Louis Wot-
kowski celled at the hospital in thin
city to luxvu a wound dressed. Ho
said ho belonged to the nihilist
society of Chicnx < > , and received the
injury by the bursting of a bomb
which ho wan engaged in manufactur
ing. Ho opoko ot injuries received at
the hands of the grand duke of
Itussia , and ho intended to have ro-0
vcngo. The doctor warned the St.
Petersburg uuthoritioH , and has sinco.
heard from them. Wotkowski hon
boon arrested in St. Petersburg and
executed ,
lovra Couiitittitloual Convention >
Survivor *
Nations ! Associated I'tom.
DK.H MOINUH , Jannary l ! > . The
survivors of the constitutional convention - '
tion of 1857 , the convention which ,
drafted the present- constitution ofi
Iowa , convotiocl to-day. Of the orig
inal : iJ ( , 128 are living , 1'J of whom
were present. A public mooting was
held this nflurnoon in Moore's opera
houso. The address of welcome waa
made by Judge Wriuht and a rusponso
by Judge Fronds Springer , chairman
of the convention. Speeches were
delivered by Senator James F. Wil
son , Judge Colt n , of Clinton , and
other surviving members.
The Honnopin"CnimL
Nntlonnl Awwclatwl Prcna.
OKNKHKO , III. , Januury 19. Memorials -
rials circulated throughout the country
to congress in behalf of the llonnoptn
canal movement are being generally
signed. The 8500 voted to the canal
commissioners by the supervisors of
Henry county have been placed in tlio
hand * of the treasurer of the aamo.
The Coal Production.
National Associated I'ruK
POTTSVILI.K , Piv. , January It ) . In
accordance with the agreement formed
in Now York by the different ooal
companies to suspend operations for
three days all collieries of the Phila
delphia & Heading company , and of
individual operation in this region ,
closed last evening until Monday.
Pickpocket Arrested.
( JinoAao , Jannary If ) . Miss Annie"
Padun , a beautiful young lady who * ,
hold tlio notorious pickpocket Murphy
until the police arrested him , ap
peared as a witness against him to
day. Murphy was sent to the crim
inal court on the charge of grand
larceny. _
Caught in the Boltiiic-
National Associated 1'rofn.
ELOIN , Ills , , January 19. A man
named Grosvoner got caught in belt
ing at Gronhorg's foundry and was
strangled. The hotly was found witli
the feet touching the lloor and the
nock imilllor drawn right into the
neck ,
'What n Hangman' " RopoDlil.
Nntlonnl AxHOelntui ! I'rcHH.
ItouHiisrisK , N. Y. , January 1 ! ) .
William Johnston , indicted for grand
larceny , and Jno. W. Ressonborg , for
burgla'ry , escaped from jail by making
a hole in the roof and using the hang-
nmn'H rope to lot themselves down.
A u ii a Dlollinsou'n Hurolot a Fail
National AHHOI latrd 1'rcsn ,
HociiisTi'H : , January 1 ! ) . Anna
DickitiHon made kor debut im Hunilot
lit the Grand opera house this evpn-
intc , and was u failure , the solilo-n.
( | UIUH being mere declamations. JUer
support was very poor. '
Ktttlonal Attitoclalo 1 I'ruim.
lJiJKi'Aio , N. Y.t January 1 ! ) . Tim
governor has granted a rcsjiito of
Lhrou weeks to Maitin Flanigan , son-
; oncod to lie hitngod to-morrow for-
Jiu murder of Jolin Kitrns.
The thing ( IcHiiod found ut luHt , Ank
IniKgiht for "Hoiiijh on lUtx. " It cloara
nit rutH , mice , iiiuuheH , tlien , hc < t tiugn ; 15u
IJOXCH , (1) ( )
January 20. For the
lower Missouri valley : Slightly
warmer , south to west winds and
generally fair weather during the
day , with lower barometer.
Podoitriun Couteit in Nathville.
Nuiuiul ADDOciatoU I'ikm.
NAHHVILLK , Tonn. , January 10.
Score at 110 : ! ! p. m. Glinen 15 ! ) ,
O'Leary M3 , Dobler 1 5 , Careen 15 L
O'Lenry has been sick nearly all the
How otton do wo BCO the hardworking
ing father Htraining every nerve and
muscle , mid doing his utmost to mip-
port hiu family. Imagine hia foelmga-
when returning homo from a hard
day's labor , to iiud hit ) family pros
trate with disease , conscious of unpaid
doctors' bills anddobta on ovory'lmiid.
It niimt bo enough to drive ono ahnoab
crav-y. All this unliappiness could bo
avoided by using Kloctrio Bitturs ,
whioli oxjwl every diaoaso from thu
system , bringing joy and happiness to
thoiifiuuda. Sold at fifty cents a bet
tie. Tulut McMalion. (8) ( )