f THE OMAHA DAILY ELEVENTH YEAR. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , JANUARY 18 1882. NO. 1/0 / THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Proceedings of Both Houses o Congress Yesterday , "The Movement ProgroesinK tc Take the Committee Pow er from the Speaker. -How the List of Vacant Foreign oign Offices Will Probably bo Pilled. "Miioollnuooim Notes From thn Nn- tlonnl Capital. CONGRESS. Nktton&l AssocUtod I'rrm. I'HOC'EKDINdS IN THE SENATE. NVASHINUTON , January 17. Thofol lowing bills were introduced : By Mr. D.xvis (111. ( ) , to permit Uni ted States Justice Ward to retire. By Mr. Blair , to pension Mrs. Gnr- fiold. Referred. By Mr. Conger , to provide for n commission on the liquor traflic. Laid on the table until a aeli'ct committee is appointed. At 1:20 : p. rn. , the 3 per cent fund ing bill came up aa unfinished busi ness. Mr. Plumb took the floor on his amendment. Mr. Plumb was followed by Mr. Pugh , advocating further amendment to Mr. Vest's amendment , Mr. Teller in favor of a silver standard , Mr. 'Saundurs in support of the general features of the bill , and Mr. Pondle- tonwho , favored n compulsory amend ment. Without disposing of the bill , the senate at 4 p. m. wont into execu tive session , and soon after adjourned. The senate , in executive session to day , confirmed a number of nomina tions for postmasters. rilOCEKDINOS IN T1IK HOCHE. Mr. Ilutchins , discussing the re port of the committee on rules in creasing the membership of commit tees , criticised the formation of sev eral of the committees and said that ho would favor thu election of com mittees by the house and not permit the speaker to dictate the legislation of the whole country in thu appoint ment of committees. Mr. Kosson said that there was no need for increasing the size of the committees. Small committees ac complish more than largo ones. Ho argued that the election of commit tees would be no reflection on the 'speaker , and would at the aamo time do away with the opportunities the present system oilers for the use of the promise of committee place for support for speaker. ' Mr. Orth offered as a substitute that the house after or ganization at the commencement of each congress shall elect eleven members , whose duty it will be to re port to the.house joint standing coni- .ditieos , tlio latter to bo ooloctod'in the order of length of service in con gress , and the committoeathus consti tuted be permanent committees dur ing such oongroas. In offering the substitute Mr. Orth contended the present system was a one-man power , a power always dangerous , and one which the American people will not accept. He did not make any criti cism upon the committees as appoint ed. His object was for above that. By the plan embodied in his substi tute thu majority will control the committees but the minority will have proper representation. Mr. Heed atrreed with his commit tee in full regarding the enlargement of committees , as ho doubted the pro priety of making the increase sug gestion , but should not antagonize the report. Mr. Kelley WAS opposed to the re port increasing the membership of committees. The larger a committee has grown the loss work has been dono. Ho moved to lay the report of thu committee and the substitute and the amendment on the table. Lost ; yeas , 107 ; nays , 140. Adjourned nt 4:45 p. m. FOREIGN MISSIONS. 3IOWTIIK ENTIRE LIHT WILL HE PILLKO. WASHINGTON , January 17. It is believed Kirkwood is to bo tendered a foreign mission when his successor is appointed. There is nn doubt that the president's intention now i.s to appoint Mr , Sargent of California .secretary of the interior. Mr. 'Kirkwood will bo offered Berliner or Vienna , as it is said upon the -authority of Senator Harrison that John 0. New is to go to St. Peters burg to succeed Colonel Foster. John Baker is to go to Chili to take the place of thu late Kilpatrick , and Pit- Vkin , of Louisiana , is to bo sent to Mexico. U. A. Sheridan is talked , of for the consul general" ship at Montreal. Judge Den ny , who is now at Shanghai , China , is to bo promoted to Pekin , ; and Mosby promoted from Hong Kong to Denny's place. Gen. Bur- bridge a friends are now pushing him for the Belgian mission. There ia talk also of sending Badeau back to London nnd giving Morrittsome other place equally good. It U understood that Cramer , now in Switzerland , maybe bo promoted to tlio Portugese mis sion and Staunton , consul general at St. Petersburg , it ia said , will be eont further south , owing to failing health in that rit'oroua climate. It ia announced that the president has de termined to otlor Chauncey I. Filloy a Aret-clo&s foreign appointment , but his frioBds say that ho will not accept. It is also rumored Arthur may find this a convenient way of disposing of Secretary Hunt when ho makea up hia mind to appoint a now man in the navy department who will piobably be William E. Chandler. It is believed - lioved a change will bo made , at Ha vana , Hall , the consul general there , being rather too advanced in life to 11 the position much longer , It ii believer General Strother will con- tinuo consul general nt the City o Mexico. CAPITAL NOTES Nitlonil AttocUtrJ 1'rciK. ASSISTANTSKl IlETAUVOFTItK TKKA.SUllV WASIUXOTOS' , Jnnnary 17.1'ron whut c.ui bu gathered no name ha been decided upon for assistant sccro tnry of the treasury. The last mm introduced is D.vn Shopnrd , of Chicago cage , but it is not gonornlly boliovoc that his chnncos nro as good ns those of Giltitlnn's , of Pennsylvania. M1BCM.ANKOUS. All members were present at the cabinet mooting to-day. Several bills on Indian affairs proposed by Mr Kirkwcod wore considered. , Secretary Folgor noes to Philadel dolphin to-night to be absent until until next week. Army of the Cumberland subscrip turns lotn Garfield monument are coming in liberally. The supreme court , in deciding t patent case , has laid down the gonern principle "that while the law author izes n re-issue when the patentee hni claimed too much so as to unnblo him to contract his claim , it does not aim authorize a ru-issuo in order to ex pand his claim. " This decision wil dispose of n jlumber of cases now icndinp before the patent oltlco. Stnto Board of Agriculture. -woliU ( lj ] > iiUh t > the I > ei ! . LINCOLN , January 17. The state > oard of agriculture mot this nfter- loon , a large number of members be- ng present. No business of import ance yet. Thu board is nt work on the premium list. The treasurer's report shows the society over $0,000 n debt from the receipts of lust fair. The election of officers occurs to morrow inorninu. Flnx. \ntlouil Aiaociuta I l'ri'fv ST. PAUL , Minn. , January 17. [ ho hospital fur the insane at St. . 'etor'shad a narroweacape last night rom a repetition of the horror of a ear mo. The lire cnuijht in one of ho largo temporary buildings which ontained lifty p.itients. The dangur vas discovered just in timu to remove ho patients and furniture. Loss , B7.000. DANVILLE , 111. , January 17. A fire t Indianola , this county , destroyed 11 the business houses on thu west ido of the public squaro. Loss , 610,000. PirrsiiuuG , January 17. A tire > roko out in the oil warehouse of 11. 0. Emory & Co. , under the Standard il company's control , at 9 a. in. The milding had been ueed for storing il for years and was thoroughly soak- d , and it burned rapidly. Next door was the rag and p.tpor warehouse of tlcCnllouxh & Smith , which was lightly injured. The powder waro- louse of A. Kirk was threatened and Ul combustibles removed. Loss , $50- 00 ; insurance , above 820,000. There ro was caused by the explosion of a > arrol of benzine. One man was > adly burned. , * . ; ; * , v"rTemiMf eo Debt Cane. Ulonal Awoclated 1'reas. NASHVILLE , January 17. The ar- uments on the state debt case , known s the 100-.1 bill , commenced to-day , 'he sitting of the cuurt was occupied y Mr. Yoatroa , who will finish his rgumont to-morraw. loath of ExoQavarnor Ballook. atlotml Associated 1'ruuo. WORCESTKH , Mass. , January 17. Ix-Governor A. II. Bullock dropped ead in the streets to-day. Ho was icakorof the housoof representatives f Massachusetts from 1802 t 1803 , ud governor in 1809. Death Sentence Commuted- ktlonal Amtoct&tixl I'row. NEW OiiLEANH , January 17. James iiidrewB , convicted of murdering Lenry Johnson at S.irgunt in Tunsnn Kiriah , and sentenced to death , had is sentence commuted to-day to im- risonmont for life itoth murderer nd victim wore negroes , and the illing resulted from n. gambling dis- uto. Died of Heart Disease atlonkl AMOciMed PIIMH. BIIYN MAWH , Pa. , January 17. - jeorgo N. Allen , of the Pluldelphia ry goods firm of Wood , Bacon & Jo. , diud suddenly at his country rus- lonco at 1 o'clock this morning of eart disouuu. Threu hours buforu hu ad delivered a vigorous speech before 10 Philadelphia board of trade on' 10 dangeroua sanitary condition of : iat city. For several years he had epreaentod the board of trade in the1 atiunal board of trade and was a del- gate to its coining convention at Vashington. Sentenced to lie Hanged. tlon l AonocutoU 1'tMo. NKW OHLEANH , January 17. The overnor has sentenced August DATIS colored ) to bo haneed hero January 7th for rape , and Ed Belton to bu langed on the same day at Mansfield or murder. Probably Clubbed to Death. National AiwociaUd Viva. PHILADELPHIA , January 17. John Gallagher , a young man , is now lying t the point of death and ia a maniac rom the effects of a clubbing admin- stored by n police.nun on January th , who arrested him for disorderly ( induct. The policeman is undur ar es t , Killed for a Common Cause atlonal Auoclated Prt-m. VioKsuiwo' , Miss , , January 17. Vhile sitting at his homo Kind John- on was shot and killed by Anderson luntor ( both colored ) , ncarlloaudalu. he latter was intimate with Job li on's wife , Indication * National Anodated I'ruw. WASHINGTON , January 18. For the ewer Msouri valley : Warmer weather n the southern portion , couth to west winds , and lower barometer , RUMBLING OF THE RAILS Increased Activity Among tin Kansas Roads. . New Lines Boiug Pushed Abend to Network the Stnto. Gould Figures on n Throuph Freight L no to Now England. Miscellaneous Rnoltot nnil Rat tling on the liinoi LKAVKNWOHTII , Kns. , Jnmmry 17. Surveyors fjr ix branch of the Atchi- sun , Topekn \ S.inta Fo rnilroad fioni Chutenu to LoiivcnwDrtharenoiv loon- titiir a line in this city. Watervillo and Concordin nro bntli endeavoring to secure branches of the Kansas Central Narrow Gunge nil way , which extends westward fnnn thu city. The track of the mum HIUI of tins rend will shortly bo contplutod to Minneapolis , and it is stiitud thnt 100 mill's will ; to uddod to tlio system duriug 188'J. lion. Len T. Smith , president of the Kansas Contr.il railway , is just now buying nil the land ho can obtain in the low er ] > nrt of the city A company of capitalists will then build a line union depot , . " The track of the Lcavenworth , To- ) okix & Southwestern railroad is buinu aid down at the ratu of a milo a day. NKWIUUY , N. Y. , .Tnnuury 17. A rain from Huston with a special car containing the officers of the Now York & Eno railroad arrived here this afternoon. In the morning they will > o joinud by railroad ntliuinh from ho Pennsylvania coal regions nnd of uthur wosturn roads , nnd in the after- loon they will go east over the- Now fork & Now England rnilroad for ho purpose of inspecting its freight iicihtios with a vim ? to running last rcights from Chicago directly to Bos on nnd other points in Now Eng- nnd. It irt said to bo a movement of ruy Gould to give the Now England 11101 cliiuip rnlei by the joint work f the Eno nnd Noiv York t Now Snglnnd railroad. PHILADELPHIA , January 17. At a neetin ; ' of directors of the I'hiladol- > hia A ; Heading railroad this afternoon t was decided that interest upon the ho general mortgage loan which fell ue last July , amounting to ยง 000 , 000 , hould bu paid on nnd after Fobrtury Oth. No notion was taken regarding ho .January interest. The Vote for Treasurer of Ponn- ylvania. fatlorwl Amoclatod Prcn. HAKHLSBUKO , PH. , January 17. ? he electoral commission appointed 3y the legislature to compute the vote or state treasurer mot in the agnate shamher at noon to-day. The result , : otnputinx by counties , is as follows ' : Bailey , 205,205 ; TS'oble , 257,471' ; Wolfe , 4 ! > , ! )8t ) ; Jackson , 14,974 ; Wilson , 4,575 ; scattering , 180. lomethlng Ifke Unto Oar Own John B. 'ational Associated 1'rtm. . PHILADELPHIA , January 17. Daniel Jigger , preacher of the qospol and a ihining light in the temp < > ranco move- nent , who has attracted large audi- jnces here , is wanted by the police m the charge of having made an as- tault on Onrrio Press , a young inva- id. He has disappeared , leaving a vife and three children. A. tT. S Man-of-War Not Hoard From. rational Amocutod Prow WASHINGTON , January 17. Hear \dmtral Clitz , commanding the \sintio Bqundron nt Yukolmmu , Japan , oports to the navy department that ; he movementa of the Richmond are inknown , nothing having been hoard > f hoard of her since she left Yokohama hama in Julylast. _ A Short Lived Strike- National Associated I'rutw. FT. WAYNNE , January 17. The : oopers in Shruck & tlu' ) Bhops itruck yesterday nnd look possession > f the shops. Ollicera were called in md the men resumed work thin norning. Too Maoh Coal Being Mine * . l > oclatc.-d I'rau PHILADELPHIA , January 17. A committee of the Schuylkill coal ox- ihango to-day ordered suspension of iporationsin all ; oHiorieB on the 19th nst. and 21st inst. The Cumberland. National Amoclatod I'rMB. NASHVILLE , Tenn , January 17. Che river continues to rise rapidly aid the gauge shows to-day CO feet md 0 inches of water. The river is ligher now than it was in 1847. A { real deal of lumber is still being do- itroyed by the flood. Four hundred 'ntmliea have been driven from their lomes. River men say the river will rise two or throe feet higher. Ser ous damage is being done to the busi- loss interests by the stoppage ot nills , factories , etc. _ Poutofflco Chongon n Nebraska during the week ending Fanuary 14 , 1882. Furnished by William Van Vleck , of the postoflico lepartinent : NAME AND SITE CHANHHD. Dorrington , Richardnon county , to Stella. POHTMAHTKllH Al'I'6lNTKII. Glongary , Killmoro county , Bum. t" . Bothwoll. Green Island , Cedar county , John A. ton , Lowell , Kearney county , George Gray. Niobrara , Knox county , J. Clinton Sonteo. Odoll , Gage county , Perry Wslker. Saratoga , Holt county , Joseph S. Bartley. Oroon Mountain Uoj . Nation * ! A K > clattdrn w. , Cimnoo , January 17. The Illinoi Association of the Son * of Yunnan held its tidh annual banquet tin : evening nt the Pnlmor house H \ fl. . a brilliant affair. Nearly f > 00 gnoMi wore in attendance. Letter * and tolr grams wore received from 1'residonl Arthur , Senator Logan , Vice Presi. dent Davis , Senators Kdmnnils ami Murrill , Gen. Phil. Sheridan , ox-Sec- rotary EvarU , Hon. Jno. A KOMOII , Hon.Vm.F.Yilft8 , QojUruor Sherman - man of Iowa , Governor Kitrnnm til Torment , Governor Culluin of Illinois - nois , and many others. ( .Vngnituln- tory tulegrams wore recount from similar associations assemble. ! in ban quet nt San Francisco , \\.ireostor , M.ias. , and DCS Moiiics. A Mimptu- ous banittct was served in the dining room of the hotel. The | > i ruinmo followed was : The invocation by Dr. ( iiMin > o N. Itonrdinnn , nddri * by the roiiring provident , 0. 1J. l.aviunoo , lulilix'ss of the president duct , Nor man NVilliitms , and tonal' , "ALPHONSO DARLING. " How a Youthful Maidan and Her Anxious Lover Elude the Viffilanco of the Qirl'a Paronta , And Decamp Uudor Cov r of tbo DArkuonH fur 'Whoroaliouti Unkuuwn. MatLnnoutli Jaurotl. John W. Munford , of South Mend , was in town to-day in search of his laughter Caroline , not yet 15 years of age , and a young man named Alphouso Jarhng , BOH of Dr. D.irlii : uf that ) lace , who had nmnagod to elude the igilanue of the > oung lady H fathir and cacaoe beyond the bound * of the uld folks coguuinco. Mr , .Munford old his story , utter much ' solicitation on the part of the reporter.11 follows ; Tiie girl had not yet attained her iftoenth year , but both she and Dar ing had for some four or live montha jn badly smitten with each otlior'n harms. The Munford parents had lot opposed the blissful dro.uns of the oung couple , except with the uingio bjecciun that the girl waa too young , 'lie mother of the young maiden had tuted her positive refusal to both of lieu ) , and had endeavored to roaaon ivitli tlium , tolling them to unit yet u ittlo until the girl uua old nough to marry , and then if lieir ulTuctious stood thu teat of elay , she would consent. In spuu f this , however , the youthful couple ome time siiuo concocted a scheme 0 run away and achieve the wish of heir heart. Their scheme was do- ected nnd foiled by Mr. Mimford , nd the young girl was professedly very penitent , And prumised ti > yield 10 more to the solicitations of her 'oung and ardent lover. Tlio father , lotvovcr , placed but little taith in the jirl's seeming penitence , and had atoly kept u strict and untiring watch over her every action , confining her * t homo'determined not tb'allbwher ) f possible to prevent it , an opportu nity to have anything to do with the 'ouug ' man , and forbidding the iiu- jutuoua Alplionso the house. _ Last evening the girl , in company with a little sister about six years of go , stopped out into the yard without > von a hat , shawl or cloak. In a short ime the little girl returned , saying hut Caroline had sent her in with the iromiso to follow "in a minute. " Li ess than live minutes Mr. Munford , uspectinc something amiss , went out nd found that aho was gone. Imjuiry ovoloped the fact that the gay Al- moiiHo was likewise gone , with a team nd buggy. Since then nothing him > een heard of tlio youthful pair , and uwing to the frozen condition of ( lie oads they could not be tracked. The ounir man was Been yenterday uturly. ng the map , no doubt planning his uuto. Mr. Munford has come tu the oncliiMon that they liave headed to ward MiHHiiiniiiii'l holiiiH tcleuraphi'd long tile line to have Hum uticioujit- d. He says the girl has alwuya here- ofore been a good girl and has borne 1 good name As it m , they will not > e able , in all probability , to gut a li- onso unless by perjury. Mr. Mun- ord nayn that it waH n witll planned nd well executed maneuver and they wore probably assisted by a sister of he young man. If they ride all the way to Missouri in a bu gy this cold weather , their hymeneal ardor will bo omewhat cooled. 'romtnent Tenneiieoun Droirned. Y .loiu l AjnociaUid Vtuut. NAHHVII.LK , Tonn. , January 17. japtuin Daniel Rhea , a proniinwit itizen , was drowned while crossing H rook yesterday. The body has not 'et ' been rccuverod. Pcde tHanUm in the NAMUVILLH , Tonn. , January 17. 'ho one hundred hour walking natch , go-os-you-plooHO , commenoud o-night at 8 o'clock , with O'Loary , ) obler , Carson and Glenin. Dobler a ahead , and O'Loary second. H Abdaotod BeantifU Otrl. i tlonl AMOcUtod Vivm DKCATUU , 111. , January 17. Ned Tathway , thu noted ballooniut , who as recently arrested for abducting a > eautiful girl and marrying her , will > o tried to-morrow. The ( jirl saya he will continue faithful U him , ven if sentenced to ten years. ' i Jennie Graiaer'a Murderer * . National Awtoclktod 1'ruui , Naw HAVKK , Conn , January 17. ndictinents were to-day found by thu rand jury against JameH and Walter ilnlloy and Hlanche Douglnat for thu nurder of Jennie Cramer , on fcth I ant , TIIOUAH' JIci.KOTiua On. h > H obUloed ( jreat jjoimlatity , from ltd Intiln. ! o value aii a rellaU * iiiodlcine , ] n cm n loftrauneiu and all irillutions o ( the Uina * . dUemort of th chut , etc. Kur thu e It It an IncouipartUi imluton'c ' , 9-iw THE LAY OF THE LIAS. * As Sung liy Scovillo in tlio As sassin's ' Bolialf. Ho waa Abaolutoly Orazy am Couldn't Have Known What Ho Did. And This Jury Must Never , No Never , Hang1 an luaixuo Man , Soovtllo Conoliultm Tdi y nnd Thou CtiniPM Tor tor- January 17. Scovillo an lonuuL'd Guituau had a short nd- Irt'Ha upon \\\A \ \ right to speak. Sco- ville hud read it and found nothing ob- octiuiiiililo in it. No objection being \iised , Scovillu then read an addresa to the court , appealing to the court to charge the juiy that if they believe that ho believed at the time of the shooting hovns acting under special hvinu authority they must acquit on .he ground of tramsitury mania. CSul- .o.in added that if any one man on thu u ry was in doubt on this and olhut lointa hift speech pullished ) yesterday \ probably settle him and up- lealud to thu eonrt to permit him to end to the jury. The court said it uonld t.iko the niattur in cniihidern- tion and Scovillo resumed bin argu ment. Scovillo began by attacking the conduct ot Coi k hill in obtaining by 'also pretotiBi'n statement from the iriuoiirr , and described an scandalous .he medical experts who examined iiiiUuu'a mental condition several aonths after the shooting , and had no noans ( if telling what wa the ulate of us mind on .July 2. Scovillo criti cised nharpiy the entire coun > o ot thu mmooiition ut ungentlumanly. They i.id abused the witncases for the do- ense , but not attacked Dr. Spitr.ku'n act or theory , lieeanso they could not uccoHsfully do BJ , but sought tnuyor- oino the ull'ect of his manly and scien- ilio .statement by police couit moth- odp. They adopted the name courmj oward Dr Ivieiniui Iloth of theau witnoKium believed theiriHoiiur ] insane , md wore ( Uialilictl to pass an opinion ipon the subjoot which could not bu controverted by misstuteiiieiit or ridi- uled. The prosecution objected to he defense presenting the testimony f Detective MuHlfresh , the ollicoc who rode wilh the prisoner to jo-ll mmcdiately after the Hhooling. Tim oason for the objection Mas McH- resh'a evidence would tthow thu con- ition of the prisoner's mind at the imo of the shooting. Thu defense wnntod to show insanity by Dr. Me- Airland and the ill-ahapod head by Jlark Mills , Ixit theprosecution object ed. A letter was read iu evidence from Guitenu to Cnrkhill , but was mutilated and if the truth wan known the pos- sugo cut out was favorable to the pris- iner. The proaecution's wituess , teynoldo , ' had endeavored fo entrap he prisoner into statuments injurious , o his cane. The prosecution ulso-ob- ected to the prisoner addroasiug the ury in defense of himself. Scovillo then appealed to the jury f thia was fair treatment in the iater- unt of justice and whether it indicated t desire of the proaecutiun for n fair and impartial trial. Scovillo ssJd ho tad heard enough of this nonsense jbuut "fair play. " The reaaun for he extraordinary conduct of thu iruBL'cutlon was tlutt the prisoner wan IIBIIUO and they knew it , but dhd not vant evidence of it to come befure the ury. Scoville then argued to the jury hat Guitenu was insane , or nine he vould have put on his hat nnd left court rather tluu stand hi * repeated nsults which he had born because iu knew thu prisoner was insane With Portor'B addiem ho was thrown ill ub.ick ; his eloiUencu | wait for ubig eu and he hud prostituted his lulenU or money by accepting H fee to go to \Vatliintjtoii to hang an insane man. f Guiteun should bu hung because of ho falfio jiwctices of Corkhill , con- limed Scovillu , Cotklull would bu iiiunted all Ins life if he had u con- Hcienue by u black vision Til tlio KHIXIIIJ. Corkhill was now uttumpt- ng to ridu the wave i > f popularity , JUG would uthuittind luinuolf Htranded jn popular comtempt. Sjovillii said Gmteoju has been , insane - sane since hu reachetl his ninetieth Eecuso , Alter recess ( iuituau eaid hu had locoivod checks for S fi.OOO , $ COJOO , ( and $75,000 and asked for more. Scovillo resumed : Uuiteau was hon est in his belief that he WUH inspired and he pitied the human belli ) ; who , with thu light of thu nineteenth cen tury of Christianity scowled at inspir ation. Hcovillo said the theological career of Guitean was simply that of a medium. Hu would not have been refused admitaion to an asylum by my one of the exports who had eaiti 10 was sane. Guituau'n political mpirutions were also proof of the un < soundness of his mind. Scoville LJI- sist * d his inordinate egotism was 0.110 of the chief characteristics of insanity md everything in Guituau's career showed him to be possessed of that characteristic , but he wait hono&i and sincere , with thu gibbutt staring him , n the faco. Counsel wont on to refer to the morbid mind of Oniteuu prior to the uauaiuiiiation and the effect that bitter iiuwajmper artiules hail upon him. The fact -vas that the accused lookiwl upon the political tiituatiou last Junu UA a great trouble , Itcuiue upon htm as an overwhelming misfortune just aa a buaineiw cataatropho or fuuiily troubles huvu come upon men of good health and reason und overthrown their reason. It thu latter causes were uuHiciunt to upset reason , could it bo said that it waa impossible that great public danger and calumit ) should have jxtwer to unsettle tin reaaon of thu prisoner , The puUtioa situation was moving thu prisoner t < bis committing the net under the in sane delusion , and he had en inn ti the coneluslon that Onrtiald wn tin cause of the difficulty in the ropnbli con party. Tlio same idonwni incut Ciitod in hundred.of publie jour nals nnd juon high in positioi nnd uuthoritv said the blnmn rentei on the prcaidont. Thurofoiotho jurj could not visit the accimcd with tin rcsiwiuibility of organizing it. Will ucn intlucnocs owMting [ on a wenl mind , it could be unjlorstond thn Otiitoati wn aincnrn in believing tin removal of the president would nnv Hie country from n great rtlamity Such an idon was convstmit with hii past life. Counsel sketched the condition nl iteau's mind from the conception if thu net to its oimmijMion , ariuinu S every cimnnsiance coniiooteil vitb it was evidence of nnsmiiulm-R' > f mind. Ho wont on to enuinonttn nstanciM where tneano people had ihown promeditntmn in committing lomicide. The court adjourned nt Ut ( > . Sco- villo wid ho oxpoctwl to finish to- nnrrow. Aooldout an thn Milirnnhon St. St. Paul Knilroiul. Nixtlntnl AwMlnUxl 1'ritw IjvUiwtwKVis , .Innuarv ll' . - ( lonural Malinger Mornll , of the Clu- "tigo , MilwnuKeo iV St t'nnl railnmd , sayH an accidunt oconriod no.ir New A I lun , at 7 o'clock thin ninriiiiii ; , on ho lnbiu\uo | Jivinion of the Chicago. MiltvnnUu ) iV S , I'.iul lailromd to the t. Loins t'.xproja tr.un , A wheel iroko nn tSio fotward truck of fcho smoking car and that car wiui ditched md thu ladies' ' car pnrtiaMjr over- urned. Mi'CtUKooii , la. , January Itk. Vain No. ( ! ) known aa tlio " > 'lying ) utchman , " mot with an aucident at he biid o near Lansing. An aslu ii'caiiio overheated and burnt it wheel if the forward truck of the muoking , ir , winch wai overturned twica wut uiily biokun up. It wim tillud with ) a8soiigers , all of whom worn injured. 1'hu ladies' car was also derailed ami lamaged and u child of Mrs. ,7V > hn Xmalmo killed. The following vure i.ijurude J. A. Jenlcins , nperiiituiident of , the DubuiMlo livision ; . ! , Parrell , l < oreauont , MHniii ; d. A. U'aleotfc , conductor , of Illinois ; \lr. Uiuo , malinger of Spraguu'n ChN : ago minstrels , and muni of thu iiioin- ) urs of the troupu-r John Ileuly , MVis- ord , loiva ; John Itichnrdnon , liulUilo , * f. Y" . The woumlud were taken tt > jiinsing nnd Dubuque , and will be arod for. A FrnnA Puniuliod. tllonal AH-oclatwl I'nra * . WAMIIINOTON , Junimry 17. The uartormastor general him forwncxlud > the secretary o war the report thai .ames T. Thornlon of liourbon , "JUIH. " , led n claim in the quartermaster joiioral's otlluo on Decoinbur 3 , l.S7T or mules , homes and forage valued at < 9 ( > , : ! 00f alleged to. have b'uon taken roiu him for the use of the UTnitutl tales army during tiio lute wan. Jpon invostigntioii'by thu agent of the epartmont , the claim was found to > o without foundation. It waa. disnl- owed by the ( jjMrturmagtor gonuralt it wlioso ronnest , the papers were luv * ) ofore the dopaotmcnt of justice for ironecution of the guilty partieo. 'hornton was brought to. trial , and nod $1,000 and coats. An ImmiRration Corporation- atlunal Amocialcd ALIIANY , January 17. The Amoii- an-Kiiropean xchnngu nnd Ltuid ompany have filed articled of incur- xiration , with a capital of $25(000- ( 100 , Tlioy aru to encourage emiya- ; ion and develop lands owned by them n West Virginia and Kentucky. Alices will bu established in New 'oil ; , LoniU'ii and tbo states named. Tbo Palnoo Our Companion. Tutloiinl Autodatud l'rc . Nr.wYtm , January 17. Thi re tort that it has boon o'Uitoinpl.iiod to onn a comhinutioii between the Pull- nan nnd Wagner palate car companion nd that lusneoting hml been prepared vith that view but wax stopped by the inoxpcctod and snd dJUath ot Senator Vugner , in denied positively by ( Jen. IOMUO Jortor , the vice president if thu I'nllinan palace caa coin- any den. Porter said that hero waa to his knowledge riothing hut looked like a proposition to form i comluiation ot the companies , and ID MOO. convinced that the report tu hat e'J'uct had been manufactured. otliiin ; of the Uind was mentioned o him by Mr. Pullman when ha wan n tlu'fl city _ A Texro War Claim. MAIIHIIALI , , Texas , Junuary 17. - tuano Hughes , propriutcr of Hnuhe * ' ipainga , Cass. county , i j this state , it cousulting counsel wit'.i thu view tu ictnging suits against Don. David jtalhunioii , Judge Mabruy , Colluiul Crawford laid others , the Kast 'jjnu ' ailroud ctnipany uad the United Uatea government , ft r nn ainouut ug- gruuating over 82,000,000 , for lossui ; rowing cat of the aeizure arid i > nfm- cation ot cotton and real during the Hotel Menk Conventiaa. National AuocUtinl Vyuu * . OiKtiMNATi , January t7. The third annual convention oj ( the hotel men's association assembled in Mule diou hall this laorning , about a hun dred are preswnt , Business moetit Ajyeited f cur Rape. National AwovUt d 1'ruu. EATON , Ohio , January 17. News ifroin Knur , ) nd. , says Chun , Baldliolil | drutiilly outraxed Mary White , aged 14 , Sunday night , nnd upon Uo girl mukii | ] threats to tell her parents , lialdiiuld cut her throat with a pucVei knifu from ear to ear , killing her. I'liu murderer has boon traced toCXun. dun , Ohio. Chontcd the UaAJowtu National AuAochted rieu. lULKiuii , N. 0. , January 17. Ilicluinl Morgan , in jail hero undo Roiitenou of death , clod from abucea of Uih lniuinday , EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. By Cardinal Jacobini , Papal Secretary of State , Italy Must Seek New Ciffcitol and Leave Homo to the P po. Wbich She WiU bo Forced to Do by Reasons of State , Public Conscience , Etc , Miieellanooni Noun ( that Over the Cable * N'ntlcmM Aiwovlatnl 1'rrR.i. NKW YOHK , January 111. A very remarkable manifesto respecting the relation between the City of Home and the pope was published in Koine about a fortnight ago. It was no bold nnd clear in its statements and carried with it such an nir of authority that it was nt once attributed to the pope linmelf. This lias not boon illicially denied nor continued nit the butter opinion is thnt the nanifesto waa written or inspired by Jiinlinal Jnuohini , papal secretary nf state. A transition of the ittivnifeato undo in Rome for Thu Catholic Re view , of this cily , wan published to- lay. The kernel of the wholedocu - nent , which is dnmi tip with great skill and is beyond ( [ iientioiinno of the unit important ntato pujiera of mod ern timu.i , into bn found in thefllow - iiff RtMitoiiccu : "Italy will soon bo ibligod to give back to the pops his cuptrc , to look out for anoMior ity where to fix the eapiial , eave the pope nm tor of Itomc , and come to an understandim ; with , the loly Sue. Shu will bo forced to-do o by reasons of statuj by public con- cicnce , by Kuropunn pressure , by nn- easiness and discontent of thu popula- ion , and by instinct of nelf-preserva- ion. Thus a reconciliation between lie pope and Italy would take plneo vithout nny hurt , \uthmit any foreign irmies , without any kind of violenco. .tnly will by and by diniv luck and eave the pontill' f roe " PAULS , January 17. Tn the cham- > or cf deputies yosterdky Oenural Jhamprunon proposed u , . bill looking o a series of military reforms , Thu chamber decided that the oommitteo m thu bill should consist , of thinry- hree members. This iu , an oxcop- ional nunibur and is considered in > art n check to the government. Small Pox- utlonal Aiwocliitcil ! ' < UIM. MOI.INK , 111. , January. 1 ? . Out of ho seven casee of smull pox in this ity live have terminated fatally , Ciui'Aiio , January 17. T. E. Angel I , manager oft the Wosburn Jnion company's Palmer ilouso otllce , died last nighti of small , po . CIIIOAOO , January 17. The board of health baa addressed a circulai to 'ownere- teamboat lines doing business. in the late to the effect thatiif all boat em- iloycos nro neb immediately wccin- tted it will bo neceaiary to enforce uarantino restrictions' at all river owns. During thn pint sir. weeks mall pox has been introduced ! into hirteen of of the eighteen Mississippi iver countien-in Illit.oia. In. many nstunccn thu diiuaso-is traccdldicectly o Btoambout roustabouts , AHIIUUY PAIUC , N Ji , Jnnuany 17. liocausoof the alarm of smnll pox n this vicinity 'thu board o health IIIH ordered that no child not vaccina ted within ouo year be luUuittod iu my of thu public , schools , , and only then upon thu certificate of a physi cian that thu child. was vacauaatod. LONO liiiANun , N. J. , Jununry 17. -There is much excitement hero > ver the outbreak of a smaUi pox cusu lenr the Elberon hotel , , and one in , he rear of the Mansion house gave niich alarm for. u week paat , which was intensified to-day , b James H. Wooloy , town.oJerk , being taken down wiUi the loatluomu dioeaso. The , own authorities ut ! umu tiii | , ' to-day > nkred thu infected dwellings to be : > l cod underiiuaruntiuu. NKW YOIIK , Januasy 17. The Uivorsidu honpital repuvt submitted Lo the board of health , to-day showed 74 cases oSiwnuH pox Uieiu on January 14 , an inunvise for the week of 10. A Jdttn ( < BBt , N tlon l Amtoclatoil I'rivta. JAUKJAN , Miss. , January 17' . , In Tishonungo county a negro named Iob ! MoDaniol stole some soda ns ho thought , bufwhiolb proved , to-be rat poison. He gave tike ratpainoa to hia , wife , and she put it. into thou\ bread for breakfast , and ! the whole family were poisoned. The man ( Hod and thu rwt of the family are m a very criiioal condition. M rrid M n Sllpe. with , a Ok * NiUonal AvocUtod < ta > * . PiiiLADHl.nuJ * , January 17. Wil liam B. Stevenson , of 'Jiconah , . has eloped wJtH Ntttio Btanton , da ghtor of Major Stan on. Tlx > girl is , 18 years oldi Stevenson has a wife and owii children. Examination ofhia hooks aliowa him 4,080 short in. ac counts. _ On * of tko Ariilamd Max > l rra on TrUl. - . . . _ . . .jv Ky. , January 17. The jury in the case o { Neal , ouo of the Aahland murdereia , in now Complete - ploto nnd Iho case was opened by the prosecution at 1 o'clock. Neal plead not nuilty. The court was crowded. Marino Intelligent ) * . National Autoclatod Proti. NEW YOHK , Junuaay 17. Arrived The City of Montreal , from Liver pool. pool.Sailed Thu Coptic , for Liverpool. UOTTKKUAM , January 17. Sailed- The MUM , for Now York. LivKiti'ooL , January 17. Arrived The City of Cheiter , ( rota Now York *