Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY BE ) ? : TUESDAY , JANUARY 17 , i862 ,
Tuesday Morning , Jnn. 17 ,
Wontlior Koport-
( The following obsorvntloru nro Iflkcn nt
the dttmo moment ot time nt nil tlio sta
tion * , named. ) .
W R DrtrARtMltfT , U. fl. SlOMt fl'RTICf , 1
- A , Jtmiary 10. 1SS2. (4:45 ( : | i. m. ) I
Illvcr uliovo low water inork , five feet
and Irozcn.
Signal ( ) l > orvcr 1'ollnck h confined to
liis house ! ) > ' illncig.
ARcntu wanted to sell the Improved
Singer. Address 2P.3 North 15th.
Tlic lo In the rink nttho fontnf How-
nrtl direct Is in first-clivM condltton.
Frcfh Vnccino Virus with full tllrcc-
lions for tiling , just received nt Konnnrd
UrotherH. JlMf
The Madame Fry concert coiiipAiiy of
lUntcn nppcnrn at lioyd'a opera house Sat
urday night.
U. S. Marelinl Hlcrhowcr wns unable
to go to Lincoln yesterday , being Ptil
tick in tad at his residence ,
Tlio articles Jeft uncalled for at the
table preiided over by MM. Donovan ,
Tnaybeinlled for nt the Crciglitnn house.
The rink opposite the Canfiold hoase
was flooded Sunday , nnd if thU cold
map coi.tinues the job may bo a HUCCCSI
this timo.
Brown's private um < | iicradc putty
takes place Wednesday t\oninh' . All nrc
ro < iueste < l to appear In mask or domino nt
promptly 8:30.
StelnhauscrV ami Irvine' * orchestral
have been engage I for the ftrand miKiier- :
nde ball of the Miunncrc .or , Febntury
2Ist. It will be n grand nlfalr.
There has not been a single arrest by
the police for four days. It is claimed
that this extraordinary trampullity in dm
to the operation of the Slocumb law.
The 11. & M. IIOJB have organized !
iniiscle-developln ; coddy , and wo maj
anticipate ere hm that Omaha will bo thi
happy ( possessor of some champion stai
I'ollc'tnnn Casjer know H of the where
abonta of n ntnall pet dt > x , with n gold
plate I band about MH neck , nuppoicd t (
have been stolen by Uorkimui. The part )
who lost Btich nn animal _ can find it bj
calling an Afr. Caxpor.
Dr. Ayrei , of thia city , performed n
most lemirkable feat of vaccination yes
terday forenoon. Ho escaped and inccu-
latcJ one hun-lrod and twenty-six cm-
ploye of the Union Paclfia company at
the trans cr depot in nn hour and a half.
Edward Cohill , one of the injured
men In the accident at Spuyten Duy vil ,
vras formerly a resident of Umaha and ran
the billiard saloon under Hclliimu'a store ,
being In partnership with Ed. Parker ,
He will probabably recover from Ills In. .
A little boy who tried the door of No ,
1420 Douglas street , a confectionary , Sun-
lay morning , wan considerably startled
when r , largo dog on the iiislda sprang
though the window nt him , ta'iin ' ? sash
and all. ( Jnlto u crowd gathered anil the
boy cscajwd without injury.
-Win. Sander * , of 1'apilllon , cele
brated his twenty-fourth birthday mini-
versary in this city Sunday , with hi <
old friunds. He Is the son of Mrs. Sail-
ders , proprietor of the general mciclmn.
dhe store at that jKiint , nnd is yoniif
man of grout promise , a whole-souled gen <
tlemrui , and very popular In both I'apil.
lion and this city.
The office of Hon. John Uiumt'r , the
couuty clerk , has undergone Rome change }
which make it hardly recognizable , A
rail now runs lengthwise of the room , and
leaves the entire cast half nnd a strip on
the north end near the vault for theclerks ,
and the west half for visitors. It is alto.
Aether a great improvement.
The police court room never looked sc
bright and clean , as it did yesterday i
the opening hour , and it was with n feel
ing of relief that the announcement wai
heard that there waa nothing on tin
locket , and consequently nothing to brim
a inob in for at leuU twenty-four hours. A
smart scrubbing nnd thorough cleansing oul
was the cause of the change.
A special dispatch from Denver to tin
Chicago Times announces the organiia
tion of the Oriental Construction coin
pany , the object of which is to build the
Mexican roads in which Gould is inter'
ested. Jlr. Fiank H. Italdwin , on ol
Judge C. A. Baldwin , of thU city , muln
resident hero until * ery recent years , li
the iccretary of the new company. Frank
i having honors crowded ui > oii him pretty
thickly for a young man of twenty-throe
jear , and his many friends here wish him
* continuance of them.
The i thing desired found at la t. Afcl
ImggUt for "flough on Hats. " It clean
out rats , mice , roaches , ( lies , bed bugs ; 15 ,
If you arc BuflcrhiLfrnin a Cou li
Cold Afltluan , Bronchitis , liny l-'ovur
Consumption , loss of voice , tickling o
tlio throat , or any iilluction of tin
Throat or EUIIKB , ubu Dr. Kinu's Nuv
Djscovoy f6r CoiiBuinption. Thin i
tlio r tt niinedy that Is causing s <
niucli excitement by it * woiuluifti
cures , cnrinj { thousunda of liopoh-s
cases. Over a million bottles of Ur
Discovery huvo been uuoi
the last year , | id huvo givoi
norfect satisfaction in every instance
Wo can unhesitatingly say that tin's ii
rciUly the only uuro euro for throai
and lung nirectiona , and can cheerful
Jy recommend it to all. Call and gel
u trial bottle free of cost , or a rvL'ului
else for W.OO , Inlj & McMahon , Ojn-
4W CJ )
The Report of the Board of
Trade Oommittoo ,
Testimony from Lending Bast-
orn Exports.
An Extended DiacUBseion of
the Great Question ,
Tlio Mooting AeXlourns for Ono Week
to Post Up.
The meeting of tlyi board of trade
Mid citizens , called for last evening ,
to the report of the cotntnitteo
on paving , appointed several weeks
ago , won well advortincdnntl notwith-
staiuliiiK the counter attractions at
, ho opera houno nnd olnowhoro , drew
a fnir-sizcd nudionco.
President Clark called the meeting
.o order about 8 o'clock , and , having
explained its object , called upon o\tr. \
A. Horbach , in the ubnoiico of the
chairman of the committee , Mr.
Kountzo , to prcncnt the report of his
committee , which waa as follows
Tin : COMMITTKK'H iiKrour.
TJ Vliu Ilonrdot Trailc otlie C'lty of OiMtilin :
GKNTr.nnw The committco ap-
] Kinted by the board to investigate
llio variou ; kinds of street paving ma
terial , the cost of procuring the same
at Omahn , and the mnnnor of provid
ing mcanu for paying for the same ,
report :
First. Your committee find that
legislation will bo necessary , making
changes in the city charter , providing
for the issuing of street paving bondn
to pay aiich proportion of the cost of
paving streets and alloys as it may bo
deemed expedient , to pay from the
tronoral funds , and would recommend
that in making such change in the
charter that provision bo made for
creating n board of public works , to
consist of three members to bo ap
pointed by the mayor , and with the
consent of the city council the first
board to bo appointed to nerve respec
tively ono and three years. And they
further recommend that a change be
made providing for the letting of con
tracts for paving streotn and-iiroiccut-
ing other works of city improvement
at any time after the 1st of January
each ycur , as under the present provi
sions of the charter.
Contracts for the now year cannot
bo let until after the election of anew
now council , which takes place in April ,
which is BO late in the season that con
tractors nro nimble to arrange for _ ma
terial to commence \\ork until the
most favorable portion of the Reason
is past , and necessitating the work
boini , ' done late in the fall nnd winter
and at a greatly increased cost.
Second. That such bo.ird of public
works , when created , shall have full
charge and contract of the paving of
streets , the construction of sewers
and other now workx , when the prose
cution of the worko Hindi have hern
determined on by the city council ,
and said board shall lot all contracts
for the same , subject to the approval
of the council ; that hu city
council shall have power to or
der any street or alloy paved
upon being requested to dose
so upon the petition of the owners of
of majority of the property abutting
on such streets or alloys to bo paved ,
and such petitions shall , under the
signature of , or the owners of their
duly authorized agent , designate the
property respectively known by them
and the number of feet abutting on
such street or alloy to lie pavod.
Third. That the cost of paving
streets and alloyH and including the
intersection of streets shall bo paid
for , one-third of the entire cost from
the paving fund or proceeds of pavii.g
bonds , to bo itmuud by the city , and
the remaining two-thirds of the entire
coat slmll be assessed rctuably per
foot front against the property abut-
tinir on the Hlreot or alloy paved.
Fourth. After duo consideration of
the cost of the several kiuua of pavement -
mont in wo clsowhoreund the increas
ed cost of producing the same at
Omaha , chielly on account of tlio
transportation of paving material , tlio
committee are af the opinion that tlio
coat of piviiiv would bo ( approximate
ly ) as follows-
Holgian block pavement , using gran
ite lor superficial yard , $7 ; using
lime or sandstone , ? 5 ; asphaltum
limo stone blocks , § . ' { ; MoAdam , 91.50
to 81. 75.
Those prices are estimated to cover
the cost of making the necessary ex
cavation in preparing thy atrooU to
receive the pavement where the
streets have been brought to the es
tablished surface grade of tlio city.
In view of the great cost of paving
at OmaJia with any kind of material ,
the excessive number of streets to bo
paved and their extreme width , your
committee would recommend the
adoption of MoAdam , to bo constructed -
structod from the most durable stone
to bo found in the state , as being the
cheapest and admitting of expedition
in construction , to moot present de
Your committee , from an oxaminu-
tion of samples of stone ,
are of the
opinion that a inoro
superior quality of stone than
heretofore used , can bo found on the
Platte river which in point of hard
ness and durability , will equal the
blue Hmestono so extensively used in
moro eastern states and will furnish a
first-class quality of MacAdam pave-
Sixth , It has been suggested to
your committee ) that the U. P. railroad -
road company and possibly the Mo.
Pacific and B , it M. railroad eompa-
lues would , with u view of inaui-urat.
ing a system of paving of/ / the streets
of Unmhtt and having them speedily
put .in a permanent uml passable con
dition , contiibuto largely to reducing
tlio tlio , post of JMVUU ; in furnishing
traimnqrtatioii f the requisite mater-
IHB | , BUC ! as stone , gravel and rand ti
bo found on the line of their respective -
ivo roads , and to that end your com-
iniftee would advihu that the board
appoint a committee to ascertain from
said companies what assistance they
would afl'ord in that logard to carry
forward a work in which they are so
largely interested.
Kespectfully mibjuilted ,
II. Kotwv , 1
S , Jl. JpJI.NhON ,
JAS. Citeiaiiroir , } - Committee.
JKo.A.Iloniurn , j
Mr , Horbach wai on closing the ro
iort requested tomako verbal addi-
ions or explanationc ho dosirctl in re
gard to its content * nnd muln quite * a
ongthy speech , adding ft'ino of the
lotniln of the work not puwntcd in
his report.
At tlio close of hin remarks Mr. K.
losowater asked permission , bolero
action was taken on tlio document
list submitted , to read to the incut-
ng a few short , but uniintiortf nt , let
ters , received by him in response to
oltors written Bomo weeks ago. Pros-
dent Chrk said it was an appropriate )
: imo for them , and thereupon he read
the following :
Ht KM lit UmnrMitir , CITV HALL , OIIAK. I
HAIIIUH , M i > 'r. , UOITOI , Drr > , 1S81. I
. Konuwatcr , K i | . ;
DKAK SIR : Your note of December
ICth , addressed to the city engineer ,
lias been referred by him to mo ns
liaving the supervision of street pav
ing , Ac. In answer to your first
question I will say that after long ex
perience and trying almost every pave
ment that hns been invented wo are
satisfied that the granite block pave
ment is the best for all general uses.
The blocks are eight inches in length ,
Four inches in width and eight incite *
in depth.
In answer to your second nnd third
questions , T will say that no part of
the coat of jm'iiiK the roadway of a
street in tln.i city is nsncnied on the
property , the whole cost is
paid from the general tux fund. Ono-
lialf f the cost of the ciirbini ; and
sidewalk bricking is assessed on the
abutting property.
The city ku'tps in repair at the pub
lic cent all streets and sidewalks , - tlio
abutting property contributes nothing
except in thu L'eneral tux.
Yours truly ,
Superintendent of Streets
P , SAny further information in
regard to the "peculiar notions" of
the "Hub" which you may desire will
1)0 furnished with great pleasure by
your obedient servant. Yours ,
C. II. - .
wiiiTi ! < ; KI > AH AT PKTIIDIT.
( Jm or rwKoir. )
December 10 , ISdI. J
K. HoncAft'tr , Dlllor olTlio Hce :
DKAU Sm : In answer to yours of
Dcct'iiibor 1 , I take pleasure in giving
you such information asked for so fur
ax relates to this city.
First. Materials and kinds of p\y-
inoiit. Wo have tried most all kinds
of wood pavement , and find that the
pine block is a failure. Wo ate now
using , and have been for the past
night years , wiiito cedar blocks ,
which wo find the moat durable for a
wood pavement , and where wood is to
bo used I would recommend it in
preference to all others. Wo hnvo
also some Medina atone pavement ,
which is the bent , l lint can bo had in
stone p.tvomcnU , excepting graniti * .
I would just as soon have Medina
stone as granite , for the reason that
it does not become so smooth as gran
ite with use , and altogether given u
hotter toothold for horses in frosty
weather. Wo also have aomo limo-
stonopavomont , but I do notconsid r
it riuy bettor than cedur. I will
therefore recommend cedar blocks or
Medina stone.
Second. Cost of pavement. With
us the property abutting on the street
to bo paved pa > n the on tire cost of
everything except the intersections of
streets , which arc paid for by the city
out of the fund for that purpose ,
thereby leaving the property to pay
for only just what is in front thereof.
Third. Bonds. Wo have had a
law for the issuing of bonds for the
payment of paving tax , but at the last
sotsion of the state legislature it was
repealed at the solicitation of the city
authorities and now the property in
, ho assessment district has to pay the
issoBStnont in cash within thirty dayn
if tor tliii work has boon completed and
accepted by the city , and if
not paid within that time becomes n
lien on said property , for which it con
bo sold tliu tame as other taxes. Un
der the old law , when thu city issued
bonds , it was for three quartets of the
cost of thu work only ; the other ono-
quarter hud to be paid in cash , thu
sumo as at the pivscnt time , and the
property owmirs had three years in
which to pay the other three-quarters
in that is , to say , they had to pay
oiio-quarter every year , with interest
at 7 per cent , until it was nil paid.
This was n very good way to allow
poor people it chance to pay for the
paving of the street and not bo su
much of a burden on them. If there
is any other information I ciin give
you , I shall do HO with pleasure.
Yours , respectfully ,
JOHN MuLAitoiiLiN ,
Chief Engineer.
UrTARTMIST Of I'l'HUC tt'oilK *
Omen OK Cmrp KKiniritii
NKH YOKK , Decjmlar SO , IbSl.
KJwunl Kokcwutcr :
DKAU Siu Yours of the Kith re
ceived ,
First. Graniti ) blocks , 'Ji inches
wide , 8 to 112 inches long , and 8 to ! )
inches deep.
Second , The on tire cost of thu
paving is levied as an assessment
against the abutting property.
Third. Bonds nro issued to pay for
the work in anticipation of the col
lection of the assessment ,
Respectfully , yours ,
( j W. Stmvtu , ,
Kir&t Assistant Kmjimier ,
t'lllMll KOU I'lIIIUOO.
l > X-iHTMK\r | K I'l'lHK "llltK-l , I
Uuiuoii , lo omliur h , litel , j
Kdw. HoiOMattr , .IK\ \ . ,
Killtor pf TUB UKK , Onwln , Kcli.
DK.IH Snt : In reply to yours of the
1st inst. :
( I. ) lost of paving in this city of
pine blocks. The cedar block mostly
used at jirecont , being regarded as
most lasting. The use of fttono com
ing in use ; considerable of it now bo-
inn laid , will doubtless eventually su
persede "wood block" in heavy tratlio
strocts ,
C2. ) The cost of paving of all kinds
is provided for by special assessment
in abutting pioporty , except intersec
tions only of streets which are paid
for by city from general tax.
(3. ( ) No bonds are issued.
Ileispcctfully ,
ln. U'irr 0. OIIK/IU , ,
City I'lngincer.
Cirr ULKK. )
Ciurr ESUISKKK' Orricit. }
Ueiombcr 2 , Ibbl. )
K < lt\tid Itoacuater , KKJ.
DEAK But : In reply to your lottei
of the lOth inst. , asking forinfornm.
lion in relation to pavements , I have
the honor to report as follows :
"First. Is the entire cost of paving
levied on property abutting ? "
For the original pavement , the cost
is levied upon property abutting in
the center of the block , In some
special cases of
the coat is levied upon a district fixed
by the proper authorities according to
"Second. Are bonds issued by the
city7 If so , what propottion , if any ,
is levied on property abutting ? "
No improvement bonds ( or street
paving arc now issued ; when bonds
bonds were issued the entire issue ,
which would bo the cost of paving ,
was levied upon the property abut
ting , or rather , if tliero wus nn issue
for paving , the bonds were paid off
by assessing the abutting property on
the several streets paved. At present
the law obliges the property owners
to pay in two-thirds of the cost before
the work is commenced. Hut this act
was passed be-causo public improve-
mcnts were being pushed too rapidly.
Third , The material URod in paving
and which hns proved most satisfac
tory. "
1 consider the granite block pavement -
mont thu best and cheapest pavement
in USD in the end. In this city we
continue to use cobble stones for side
streets , but 1 believe.1 , even lor such
streets , at the present price of granite
hero , it would bo ndvisablo to use
granite. The asplmlt pavement , as
laid by the Abbott company , has
qtiiU a good reputation in Washing
ton , Hntfalo and Columbus , Ohio , and
other places. This company has done
some excellent work hero.
Respectfully Yours ,
lion. AT\N
Mr. Ilosowater nlpo utnted that the
city engineer of DCS Moiiios , who
hud just loturned from n trip e.xst tu
investigate the paving question , re
ported that ho could lay down the
granite blocks in that city at 81 5C
per yard , or 50 cents u foot , and thu
cedar blocks at § 1.50 per yaid. They
could probably bo laid down in Omu-
ha just as cheaply.
Mr. Popploton asked if there were
no detailed facts accompanying the
report of the committee. The point
to bo got at was whether the report
should bo adopted or not , and how
waa the meeting to airivo at any con
clusion when they had not participat
ed in the piulimimiry discutBions of
the committee , and merely had their
conclusions without the data.
A rr.w
Mr. Ilorbach leplieel that they had
had a good dual of daU furnished
them , much of it by men of this city ,
Mr. Drext-l , fur instance , in regard to
the macadam. He gave some i'mnres
on thi < and also on tlio asphaltum ,
claiming that the lattui would cost
about SI ! per yard.
Our well known follow-citi/en , Mr.
ClmrliM E. Squires , inado .some bcnsi-
bhi remarks in favor of hid p ivnm
material. Ho had liguied on St.
Loins as a basis for its manufacture in
Omaha , and found that it could bo
laid down for about $2.7-r > or less pel-
yard. This was on tlio basis of a
macadam foundation about four inches
thick. The only addition-d cost
would bo the excavation and fuel.
When they wanted figures on asphalt
Charlie intimated that he would bring
them down to hard pan.
WHAT AltE WK HE11E Foil ?
Mr. UoscwAtor suggested that tlu
meeting had been called to hear the
report of the committee on paving
and to ascertain wha + legislation wae
needed to secure well p < tved streets in
the shortest timo. How much thu
bonded indebtedness was to bo and
how much was to bo levied against
abutting property was principally what
tlio Douglas county delegation hael
boon invited to hoar , lie thought
that the question should be discusacel
in such a manner that when our mem.
hots came to vote in the legislature
they c.mld do so intelligently.
T. S. IlascaM liked the report ,
Tlie-ro was business and scnso both n
it. Ho jueh'ed the basis on whicl
the onu-third bonds was reached was
probably the proportion formed bj
the intersection of the streets. Tlu
plan suggested would reduce the pel
cent of taxation- and the Miusour
Pacific , which would bo hero ii
March , would open up a limestone
country which would bo equal to am
in the United States. Mr. Hascal
proceeded to discuss the virtues ol
macadam and said that wood ougln
never to bo thought of nt all. Hi
objected to the clause that the streets
should only be paved on a vote of tlu
majority. Ho favored an urgency
clause , to bo used when the publii
didn't know just what really wai
A letter tvns read from Scnatoi
Howe , regretting that ho could no' '
bo present , but pledged himself ti
work for whatever the board and citi
zeiis should eventually determine ti
bo the best plan.
THOMAS' llci.mmo On. hihobtuiuci
Krcut popularity , from HJ intrin
KO ! value at u rrlmhlc medicine , in curin ;
honrncncuB nnd all intuition * of the thm.i'
ilUciitt'H of tlm ilieat , etc. For thu-o It i
an Incuinparublo pulmon'c. ' IMw
Dr. McKonzlo'u Wort.
Dr. D. Hanks Mclvonzio , entertained
tainod the audience which asaemblct
at the First Baptist church Sunday
very plwsantly , by relating the his
tory of his work in Utah for the pas
two years. It formed n most inter
eating discourse and would bo wol
worth publication entire had wo th
space ,
The object of the doctor's visit t
Omaha and his contemplated trip oas
has already been stated by Tin : UKK
Ho desires to obtain from Omah
S500 , the total amount noccsary t
complete the rooms of the YOUIIJ
Men's Christian Union , which occup ;
the entire front of the building , boin
Tins buildim ; is of stone and brick
three stories high , with u seating ca
pacity of 1,1(50 ( in the assembly reemIt
It will be named the Young Men'
Christian Union , and not thu A cad
omy of Music , or on opera house , ns
hns been erroneously stntcd by the
papers , nnd. which Dr. Mclvonzio
would bo pleased to sco corrected
The total cost of tlio building will bo
§ 11/5,000 / , of which Wnlkor Hros. fur
nish § 80,000 , charging interest of
taxes nnd insurance simply for thu
loan for ten years.
The Small Pox Scare la Chocked
Qimrantlno BoRiiIattons.
The natural nlnrm which was felt
throughout that portion of the city
\vhero the case of small pox was re
ported on Saturday has in a great
degree abated , Thu disease has been
confined to ono case , that of Noilson ,
and it is now thought that the danger
pf infection is no longer to bo feared
if ordinary precautions are taken. No
other cases are nt present known to
exist in the city.
A BKK reporter called upon Dr.
Loiaonring yesterday , the latter said
"You may assure the public that all
precautions have been taken to check
the spend of the disease. The patient
is quarantined up stairs in thu house ,
with a man who has had the small-pox
to nursohim , and thu family is quar
antined below "
"Do you think this sudden change
of weather will aiFect the spread of
the disease I"
"Cold weather is generally regarded
ns favorable for its suppression. "
"Aro there any other cases in town
that have been reported i"
"No. There is of course n good
deal of excitement , but I think this is
the only case which has been develop
ed so far. "
Tlio doctor laughed heartily at the
sudden cessation of calls on him for
vaccination , which ho said wa pro
bably caused by the fact that ho was
known to bo in charge of this case.
He said that he had had but ono cull
yesterday nnd tlia' was from
nn Irish woman who wanted
her entire family vaccinated. She was
told that there was no virus t ) bo had
this morning and after trying to bull
doze the doctor , left in high dudgeon ,
threatening to report him for "re
fusing to do his duty that h < ! was paid
for. "
A mooting of the board of heulth ,
was held at Mayor Boyd's ollieo yes-
tnrday , at which the city physician
and city mar.slul were authorized to
procure a suitable pest house at the
earliest possible date.
Messrs. Myor A : llaapko , the whole
sale grocers , have i amoved to Nos ,
K17 ! and HMO Douglas street. Their
rapidly increasing business demand
ed not only more room but double
the facilities of thu old stand.
It is one of our oldest and most
solid houses. janI4-Ut
Real Estate Transfers.
The following are nil the transfers
o [ real estate recoreled at the county
clerk's oflico Wednesday nnd Thurs
day , as reported tor this paper by
John L. McCague , real estate agent
uid convcynncor ;
John Barker and wife to Annie E.
orrigan : J of n.\ lot 4 , block ItS , o.
, d. - $1,000.
John Corrigan to John Barker. Q.
c. d. to above Sl.OCO.
Dexter L. Thomas and wife to
Catherine Colcman : Lot 2 , block S ,
Shinn'sadd. , w. d.-S500.
L. B. Williams and wife to Edholm
Erickson , east one-third lot . ' ! ,
block 11 ! ) , w. d. 88,000 ,
S. E. Rogois and wife to Alice M.
Sykes , lot 4 , block 10 , Improvement
vdd. , w. d. 300.
S. E. llogers and wife to Helen
Anderson ; lots I ! and 4 , block 2 , Im
provement add. , w. d. - § 350.
Maria Boucher and Frank Beechcr
lo Charles Enylnnd ane' ' Clins. Oman :
lot 11 , in block 1 Liko's adel. , w. el.
John A. Ilorbach and wife to Jno.
D. C.impbell ; lot 10 , block 1 , Hor-
bach's Second addition , w. d.
§ 1,3-17.
T. P. Hurgolt and wife to .John W.
Colger ; bw. } of nw. | , and the mv j
of section 25 , and the so. J of no. [ of
section L'li , all in town. 15 , range 12 ,
w. d. $5,000.
A. J. Popjileton to John W. Col
yor , q. c. d. to part of above SI.
Hotel Association to John McCrury
east ono-third of lot 7 and west one-
third of lot 8 in block 103 , w. el.
A. E. Touzalin to Agnes T. Trail ] ,
lots 13 and 14 , Terrace add. , w. d.
$048 :
Lutheran Church to Hotel Associa
tion , lot 7 and the west one-third of
block , 103 , w. d. - SKi.OOO.
Hon. B. Wood to A. Calm and M.
Holliuan , south two-thirds of lot S ,
block 81) ) , w. d. - S'i.OOO. '
A Koiinlze and wife to Sarah E ,
Creighton , ono-thiid of lot 1 and 2 ,
block 138 , q. c. d. S100.
The London Lancet.
The London L.ui > u tuvx : "Mirny i
lift ! linn lii'tu-avi'il by the lao al c-our.iui
of tlm MiilTerer , an I innnv a lifo luu < Ix'ei
n -vetl by taking KruiNo HIO OM hi LM.-I
of IrihmiK filter. In i fntiun or Hvci com
pKihitN. " I'rtfd fOionU ; trial bottles (
cent * . i-lw )
Samuel Hiirnu anil family tuft fet Fie
tiiuut j cstfrd.iy alteuiiKiii.
( icorgo Yradonburg , of Lnl'lattr , wa
in theuity yph'nidny ' , lie was ifsUu'ret
at thu Occidental.
Kx'ScrmtoMIuiiin , of ( 'ali'cniia , on
of thu original forty-nlnerii , pan-el
through thin city yuiturilay nn liix way t
Xew York o tv. Tlie ux. etut < ir t * hnti
nnd hearty still ,
As n rnlo wo do not iccummcir.
patent lii''dioinea , but M him wo knov
of one that really is a public benufac
tor , and does positively euro , then wi
consider it our duty to impiutthat in
formation tei all. Electric bitters an
truly a most valuable medicine , nni
will surely euro Biliousness , Fuve
and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Ividne ;
complaints , oviui where all other rein
edies fail. We know whereof wi
speak , and can fieuly recommend ti
all. [ Ex. Sold at DO cents a bottle
Ish & McMahon. (7) ( )
Take "BLACK-DRAUGHT" nnd yet
trill uever be bili "
Farewell Performance of Alwlno Hoy-
nold In "Tho Tricky aoubrotto. "
Sunday evening Miss Alwino Hoy-
lold gave her fifth and last perform
ance in Omaha before a largo and np-
ireciativo nudionco , the piece repre
sented being "The Tricky Sonbrette ,
or tlio Orent Benefactress. " Thu
> ioco itsolt was far fetched in the ox-
rome nnd did not nll'ord any of the
company a good opportunity for dis
playing their abilities to their full ox-
Miss Alwino Hoynold sustained the
role of Adolphine , a servant , in her
nest piquant style , and it must be
ulmittod that nil through the piece
icr acting was irresistibly funny. She
was repeatedly recalled.
Mr. Ponner showed up well in t''e.
character of Robert , and Mr. Lindo-
matin as 1'iilvcr , a hotel porter , dis
played much ability in the handling
jf his part.
Mr. llaucknmde n cnpitnlKroschke ,
n sort of freight agent , and ho was
well received. Mr. Grossman , ns
Peter Schlnuch , played with his ac
customed ability , and it was surpris
ing to witness tlio agility ho can still
display when occasion warrants it.
Miss Thiessi ji , ns Rose , sustained
her part with case and grace nnd Mr.
LutHch did bin best in the personifica
tion of lluloir , : i workman.
The character of Schwaii , n book-
kecuor , wus assigned to Mr. Kuester
nnd ho acteel in a very pleasing man
ner.Mrs. . Grossman enacted her part ex
cellently and Miss Buschmntin wns
charming in the role of Mrs. Flitter-
Miss Grossman personated Louise
with great success.
Mr. Wittig , in the two characters of
Finto and Meyer , was very tolerable ,
ind nil the minor parts wore ollicient-
y sustained.
Miss Reynold's make-up on this oc
casion wns immense. Her dresses nre
certainly very botutiful and had n
splendid ellect.
The indefatigable Stoinhnuscr pre
sided over the orchestral nrrango-
At the conclusion of the play there
vns the usual Terpsichorcan exorcises
n whish nil joined , policeman in
The antidotal theory , now admitted to bo
In"lv treatment which ttill eradicate Catarrhal -
rhal Poison.
Hut. rims H.Tnjlor , 140Noblo street , lirooli-
J n , N. Y. ; "One package effected a radical
ure. "
Rev. Geo. A. Rei ? , OoblesklU , Sch.oluric. Co. ,
J. V. : 'It restored mo to ruy ininisterial la
bors. ' ?
Itct.W. It. Sumncr , Frederick , lid. : "Fne
ro ilts In six cases In my family. "
Hct Gi-o E. 1'ratt , St. Siephen'a Rectory ,
'hi a.'Quito : wonderful ; let roe distribute
our 'Treat ! c , "
Chas. II. btanhopo , Nenport , R. I. : ' I was
oo deaf to hear the chinch bells ring ; hearing
icstorcd. "
Decree W. Ltrubrich' , 73 lllddl s'rf ot , Biltl-
moro , JId. : "Suffered 0 years ; perfectly
tund. "
Mrs. K. I : . Shcimcy , 3 22 Sarah street , St.
Louis : "Tho first natural broith In 6 years- "
Mrs. J. W. Purcell , Golden City. Col : "Used
only 010 package ; cntirelj lured ; Buffered 24
fears. "
Dr. F. N. CUrk , Dei-list. 8 Montgomery strcot ,
San 1'raiulscc : "buffered la > cars ; perfectly
cured , " rtc.
Dr. Wei De Meyer's Popular "TREATISE"
on Catar h mailed free. The great Cure Is de
livered li > Druggists , or by D. B. Dewey St. Co , ,
182 Ku'ton street , New York 9for I 00 ,
monodf riSsatiw eelioow
ONEY TO tOAN Call at y > v Otlli-e ol I )
M L. Tbtmiaa Room 8 Crelchlon Block.
" 1'0 loan at from 8 to 10 per cent
011 K ° ° J real oititcsoGiirlty , by
HI. ISAAC EDWARDS 110 ! ) FVvn.ham . St.
At per eeutln-
tcrcst In sums of C2.6CO and
up arils , forStcifijears , on flrst-clasa city and
farm prorxjrty. Uxxw HEAD & -IATU and LOAN
AOK.ICV , 16th and Donahs Sts.
IANT11D Xmtio girl , northwest corner of
w J.ld and Hurt bti > .
A girl for general housework ,
w al-oajoiuigglrlto Ukucnrerf a uaby
1417 Uouaril St. 014-10'
" \ITASThD-.Men nnd ttoiiun'vtrywhorp. Riff
YY P y- Address with stamp , J. P. Dot ore ,
Omiiha , Nob. &OS-lb'
17"ANTED Ajoung man desires a poiitloii
V as book-keeper , dirk , atcountant or cor-
reipondent. Salary not eo much an object at
tint as position In a house where merit and In-
ilmtrj will bo.rewanled. Excellent testimonials.
Address Crclghton House , city. 932-17 *
\T7 ANTKU Slanufauturlnroticern wanta n
Y > buslnefiH man In Omaha and In every < Ity
( ot already taken ) . A few hundred dolluri
nercBfary to pay lor coeds on dclitcrj after or
ders h to been BI cured for the mire ; * lb'j p. r
month profit guaranteed. The inont searching
Imi'SllKatloiiBOlUlti-d A S. ARNOLU & CO. ,
liKKl Ilroailnay , New YorU , OJ4-21 *
WV.VTKD-Crol tecwii hind piano. JIut
be ill good older. hniiiire | 411 S. lltli
st , 010-18 *
A\T ANTED An Agent for the Howe Setting
1 > .Maihlne , on c'oijiinln-lnii or Ka'art. Ail-
dru.sV. . , po t olllco drawer 05 , clt.t. 010-tf
VI AM'KIi A few da > bcnM'ih nn ba ac
VI ooimiindatulwltliHr s-cla < w table boardai
n teiy rtaHOimlilu late , hnulrun. ll)51Ionaid
between Uth and lOlh els. iSitl
WASTED > T good " ( ilrl 'for general house
work In a fan lly of t o. btraily employ
merit and yooil wacui , Mutt be good CIOK
J417Datcnpon St. 877 tf
A STANTKD Kimdliig bridge and school bond
VV _ I.T. CUrk. IfalloviHt. 26-tl
TTrA.VJ KD I. Olllneky &Co. nate purchisec
> V the junk business of II , llerthotd , at 102 <
l iiiiglJ * street , where they will continue thi
lilitlnin.andby fair dealing and pat ing gooi
prln H they | > roioeu to Increase the trade. Thei
ullclt ' . Mliohatu old Iron ru-s , junk urn
I'.ntlcH , ;
. . . . . .i to „ . ( , „ dn , , , , , , 1 7PSlino
. . ' - Hltimtlnn ni lrjoK-Kc > en-i b ;
WA.Vn.l'-A tlicri/ughly undei > > tar'd > dcub | <
and flngloi'iitiy , IsaNo a good penman e >
rclcn Una irUen. Addieuj. C 1 ! . , b u Hlce.
7 ( * tf
- 4 children as harden * In a eltc
WANTED- U'th and Cidiforiila gi. L II
I.OH1II.S 757-t'
AN'TKI' 'Jlrl to do housework. Knquln
HID riunhamSt. 412-tf
. OH ItKYr A HC.M rotlaffo of C room *
1.1 nnd llarney Jupnrcon prcmUis , !
M.U. . IlKNP Keb. lit , eonituodioiis brick rc i
1 } deuce , corner 10th and r'ariiham Sts , Ap
pl > lojlrs K. A. Itt cr , Talwr , Kreiront Co
Iowa. Rrfercni-e's desired. Oll-tf
T OK REST rloomn neatly furnished to rent
JLJ Thee rooinn are south front and exception
al for light and tuiibhiuf. No. HIS L' l. and 16th
north Bldf. 93U-10
771011 Itl'NT Fitc room' , eeltftgoand turn , S.
.1 ; 1. . corner SSth ana Datiupjrt. Al o furnl.
iurbforKilo Enquire tin prcm'sea ' , 010-1. *
-'ORRKXrTo limiUhii ! room , lull hod'
I1 room , COJ North Sotcntccnth street , corner
orCallfoinlA W44-U
1.1OII KK.VI'-I'llKAl1 1) ) ntcry holier , cvlli , {
L1 "I'll and el'tcro. 231 North liith it , ui > l It
HENT Ont lilce turnl ied front rejm ,
Full . 1 2.1 n ughwft. 10 tf
KVMt lir.NT Olio nf the hist ft ires en inning
JL1 St. . B0xl. In JMiimry I. 1MB.
KK.NT A suit or single roons. nlcely
Full hed , at N. W. cor. 20th nd Divon-
port. _ eOO'tf
KENT A flrst-ch h U for society pur
FR . Ccntrolly located. For partlcuUre
en ulrc Kcnii rd JJros. , 14th and DotighwSK
HKN'T One nice furnished front room ,
EOR . 1723 DoiiRlMft. 818-tf
; * KENT S furnished roomomr Mtu
! fh nt ' KxcbnireN. K. cor. 16th ami Dodg.
itrocM. J SSJ-tT
_ _ _
T7IOR 'KNT Nicely furnished rooms with or
JL wl hont board. Reasonable prices 2013
Ja < 8 St. 7
FOR RENT FurnMiod rooms , north side of
California St. , 2d iloor west ol 2M. Inquire
p. in. 434-t'
I1OK JlhVT Collate of M rooms , well and
cistern : 23rd and St. Mary's avenue. Kn-
quire nt M.V. . Ki-nncily , 31 ? l."th St 7411 tf
1710R S\LI * A billiard table che.ip. at
J1 TUP. Hi-it olllco. l)3l-17f )
IjlOlt bALb 1 a rrel stallion , Chcletclale , b
J ; jcarsold , weighing 1660 pom il < . 1 Hn k
it.illlon , j .M'rmiii ' J Moigati , D jiarsold , ucl.ti-
.g 1MO pound * , took Iri | iruiiluiu nt Nebraska
-tato Fair , 18S1. 1 Ko"tn ky Jail. . Ida k ,
weigh II * about Wl pounds , 4 > ini rl I , took
Irst premium at N'plira ka State Fair , IbbOnlid
Ib31. liiiiiilri ! of CluH .V'licr. 1'arniiiH House ,
CII ) . lUitl
SAM : llin p , Imin nnd lease for three.
171011 Jim * , on 40ami of land on North Kith
Hrict. Apply to L. T. i'ct r on , real usiato
agent , S , 1. . corner 15th and Douglas siti-ct.
l'l)5 ' ) 17 *
SALE--Four section ) of sbrltliu and 3
FOR counter * . . lniiiliu | at D W. Saxc ,
Opera House i Imrmae.t. Oi7-tf
FOR SALE A first-class book and stitoiicry
hiilie ) , carrying a full line ol tot c , u i-
tions , zephyrs wa'l l per , n.oldlng , in fact
oterjthing ; doing a huin.esi of 310,000 a } car ;
gorcl location ; cheap icnt ; ttotkw rth about
$1,000 ; can be bought on rasy tirmsbygood
party. Will sell , nut not trade. Addru *
Spl 014-tf Fremont , eb.
J3ALE OR RENT A frroccrv store and-
FOR shop , iluln a good buslmw. In-
qulra at this otllcu. lU-'J-tf
FOUSAfjE A nearly nowvldtbar top I ,
cheap ; cash or time. Addrusn I1. O. druttcr
1. city.
SAIK Knll lot audit emtll houses hear
FOR . P. dcjiot , J2200. McCa'-ue , Opp. 1' . o.
FOR SALE S nice counters and 2 silver plated
thmv cases , at do. II. I'ctctsou'a , 801 South
10th St. 741-tf
FOR fc'ALK Or will t.\cha go for Omaha pro-
petty , an Iinprovid RCC on of land ndlotn-
IIR a station on IT. P. R. R. M. DUNHAM. 1412
KarnlminSt. , Onialia. 720 3mt
SALlOr trade for city property , on
FOR of horces , harness and waon. . Addrc ?
S. V. , ihisolllcu' 72itf
FOR SALK A KDoa seven-car-old horbO
Warranted to drltc sln lu or double. Kn
julrc of George CanUeld , ( 'anllcld houno.
UT THIS OUT .Mj place , the Krenth Collso
J House and Restaurant , No. HiOoiitli 10th
trict. will be for tale in thu cail ) part of the
iimmcr , reasons for ofTcrl us ; the sime af thiH
Inio IB to enable bujcr to arrange his lnniiios
n time lor bujln. ; . 1 * . WHO.
! ) )
rPAHKM L H- January 10th , a red and hlte
L ootv , K'feb ' too jeara old , whim spot on
orohead , chain aroun neck. O ner can hive
t by prating property aid paying char s Inquire -
quire at Harris & Fisher's parkins ; house. U33-17"
C < TrtAYiD Red and white ( largo jpotedcow ,
O ( .halu around neck. Finder will bo liberally
rewarded by returning to U. Fomy , corner 10th.
and 1'iorte street * . ! KiO tt .
of Montgomery City , Mo. , haialnuts
for sale. Thotte who want to plant tta'nut '
rotea should write him. Oll-d&wlt
IL'RSHfcD RO < "MS "Within throe blockluTf
F pOHtollkc. Inquire at 1510 Dod c. ! ) iC-tf
C ! * " ) Kf\A WI * > ° Pald 'or an act te Interest
O-C'.OUU In a well established business. Best
xfer'nec git en and required Apply to JNO.
L. MeCAulIE'S Real Fstato-eillcc. 010-17
10K TO CONTRACT KS--Scaled propo-
NOT . will be tcuoltcd until 12 o' lock noon ,
January 31,1882 , for the erection and comple- 4
; Ion of building for the Academy of the .Stcred
llcarr. 1'ians and specifications on > ictr at olliee
of Ilutiene & Mcndclssclm , Archliectf , Oinalii ,
-Nub. , blis will bo reccitcd. The right'u
riBort id to reject an } or all bids. y2 - ; itT
4 RAKECHANCr' 'Ihowcll-knoHnSrtratOia
_ \ . llrcwiry , opposite fair gcoundf , is for raluat
a low cash price. Ever } thing in good rimiiing
order. Inquire at brewery.
TNSTfUCTIOSS gl'cn on type writers also
JL inichlncs for sile. IIKM. & AMK-i , lWi (
Type ttriters. S81-SO
JTILIIINIHIIEU iiOOMS KomiiiKla gentlemen ;
Jj al o one front room with piano , nouthwosi
corner l th and Capital avenue. fceXI-tf
Eiflfl1 NEW CITY MAPS , lOo. Monnte
B Maps. 82.60. OKO. P. BKMIS.
"PORTRAITS IN CHA \ ON I'ostilo and Oil ,
X i-lio decorative | > alntlng. MRS. D. U.
WAKDNBK , room 1. Jacob's Block. 54-tf
HAY At A. H. Sander' * Feed StoieJ.
BALED Hartley St. a9-tf
B In page.
bu rattling long llsta of houses , lot *
BEUIS and f rms for Bale Call and ir t
TIONALIST , 498 Tenth Street , between Farnhaic
and Hainey. Will , with the aid of guardian
spirits , obtain for any one a glance at th p aV
and present , and ou certain conditions tu the fu
tare. Hoots and Hhoea made to order. Perfect
' trtlcn cumriutfcd
A(3solutey ( ! Pure.
ThUiiowder netcrtarlcs. A mart el ol purity ,
ktreiigthand ttholcsoincncifs. More ccnifinVi )
than the ordinary kinds , and lannot be told lit
competition witli the multitude of low test ,
short weight , alum or phorphate powder *
Sold only In cam.