G TEE OMAHA DAILi BEE : TUESDAY JANUARY IT. L882 P. T. MAYNE , HEWS SUBSCRIPTION BATES. BLUFFS AND IOWA COUNCIL , By Cnrrlor , - - 2O Cents ; per "WooSc. , Council BlufTa Circulation Mfxnnfjor . . . , . By Mail , - - SltXOO per Tear. n.n. * * * * 4 * Til TTI.IT tt Trttir A COUNCIL BLUFFS. Offlco : Room Five , Everett's Block , Broadway. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS loots on the make. The light guard * wily to-nlsht. Special religious services at the Con- Kregntionnl church to-night. Tlio KplecopM folks meet for a jolly social nt Mrs. Aylcsworth'n this evening , Tlio codl dealers and Ice pacVcra smile and Ahnko at the way the mercury ha * tumbled. A light fnrco wan at work on the paving of Union avenue yesterday. Too much cold. The Bnptist folk have planned to meet in social converse , Thursday night , at Mrs. Scely'ri home. Cold weather to benumbed the fingers of those nt work on tlio now elevator that two hours froze them out yesterday.- Next Thursday evening the 1'rcsby- terinns will meet in exchange grips nod have a season of chattering at ttio lioino of Mrs. .T. T. Oliveron Market utrcet. Juattc Abbott topped off bin Sunday dinner with n slice of wedding c.iko , the patties tie-1 by him being John Vlagcalle and Anna A. Hammer. rho police court ycntordny was as dry ycntorday < vn though it had broalifanted on mackcrnl. Only ono unscnllopcd drunk 4rraced tlio morning's record , the coutrl butur btii.g liu'ton Ijcmiox SfiH. . 1L Van le Uwgert lias received word that his pramhnotlicr , nn estimable old lady of 8yonn , liiwl met an accident at Avoca , where nhe Is visit Ing frieniln. She slipped on an icy walk , cauaing a fracture of the arm. - A little diflicuUy arose in the I'hicnit naloon yeHtcrdny afternoon between Mr. Smith , the proprietor of the HiggH home , on Routh Main street , anil William Ian. The bono In < linpulo waH tlio bono of a board bill , anil as a llnalo Quiiilan'x nonu was tapped nnd tlio claret flew. I'ctcr Tolnndcr hod hia heart Maddened Sunday afternoon by minxing hid roll , while nt the Transfer depot. Tlicro wan Sr > 0 loan and no Insurance , Whether oome llght-fingcreil gent slipped it out or not I : A question , but some ono Imi ninJo o financial gain , iloubtlews , at bin Korbeu'Dramatic compnny U to app ar lierc in "Truo Je rtion" to-morrow even ing. Tlio company hnri already n strong hold oa tlio public favpritcism licro , and uover fails to pack homca. I'urboi him- clf is a powur iu stirring up tlio people and causing them to flow In crowds to ward the dhow , The lot men feel that th cold snap I. u. Heft snap fur them , and oil commenced taking the cake y en t onlay , and nro OH V busy as bees cutting ivml carting. Tlie \ * tcb now being pat up in the homes in only from seven to eight Inchca thick , but de lays ore dangtrous , nnd It doea not do wait until it thickens more. Chief of Police FicldV heart in overflowing - flowing with thankfulness to him who In stituted Uurnside whiskers. Within forty-eight bourn he ban succeeded in get ting bold of two men whose only dencrip tion aacivon him WUB that they hnd IJurn aide whiskers. Those who prefer that oil of beard should not indulge in them n present. The number nf skaters aud HlidciH won increased yesterday by the fact that tlio freezing of the pipes in thu high school necessitated the closing of the two room * over which Ms ! < j Pllckinger and Alls * Hub- liard preside. The puplli in JIj * , , M , , , , Kul' room of the Minn' school wcro also- given holiday , while their teacberu visit. oil other fcliools. In accordance with n description and request sent from Omulm the police ar- reiited hero Sunday night a colored man , who gives Lin name aa K. Jfc Ctirtin , and wlm WM sent ncrosB the river yesterday. He is wanted there to explain n Uttlo mis. iako by which lie In said to have entered the wrong house and Ukon some projterty which happened to belong to noma one ! , whoso pennlwion he hod not ob tained. Juatice Bird has iaauod a WMroator the anost of the fellow , Wilson , who WAS captured in Omaha , and who la wanted here to answer to the charge of bnrglurlz. tog the McCoy house. Wilson h prom , ised several years' service in Nebraska for rin M committed there , but the warrant flow here and requisition will be tucked iu a pigeon hole , so that in cose of hia Kjvieedngout through miy technicality ho may be still kept in tne toils. U isn't safe to catch a friend by the nn. About every third man on tbu Uoot Is nourishing a vacclna point. UklKsrs at the churohea and theatre * slwuld IMS extra cautious. There in nothing will I make a man fighting mad aa quick an touch hiui on the tender point. Still the vaccine precaution la well taken , and th , , e who have not had their nrmi punctured bould not delay , Although there Is no small i > oxor vurlolold hew , ttlll a vaccine point i a point'well taken. The last number of tfce New York ( inpbic devote * u page to Council Uluffs. The write-up of Ihe city is qulto meager , but the ptge In made attractive by , illus- tratlom chewing up some of Uw prominent buildingg and ( treeU. TJiero ara some comical feature * U the picture , though , and especially so lu the eyes of on old set tler. The high Hdiool , for InsUmw , in re presented u < being up n a plewant sum. inlt , the approach to Mch ii a broa/laye- uue , lined with palatial residence * , while carrlaseb with footiuen are rolilnu up and down tlio * tre U drawu by pranclog teeds. wJjo.iu lioof btrike upon a rioaU- wept paveineut , The avertge school-boy wh. climb * the hill uud pulf * out , ' , , rB ) . cut , " just In time ' to eicape a 'twdy mark ; will ap/jreelate this pictured avenue with iUewy ascent. The page In the Or.nphlo l , however , fa many * pec { . /nfiroftheto rn. r' ' s i i BAGGED A BURGLAR. . Such Sooma the Qaino Which the Police Have Cap- % tured. The Toola With Hlm-ncnaonB to Busj poctlllo Knowa About Omnhtv Burglnrlos. Sinoo tlio attempt made to crack the safe in the ofllco of Captain Brown , the well-known Filth ntroot coal dealer , the police hnvo kept their oycn wide open and not in viiin. A young man has boon gobbled up , and safely bapgod , around whom evidence - donco is accumulating ao rapidly that there necms but little doubt but that the right capture has boon made. Ho given hifl nanio na Eddie flnrdin , though ho naya ho docs not object to being called by any name with which the police may chriaten him , na any name would to his oars bo ua uweot. Ho givea a very unsatiafactory ac count of his comings and goings , but claims to hail from Missouri. A search of hia poroon revealed no wealth or valuables , but there were found upon him some drills and n tin tube for filling powder into ft safe. Some pow der was alao found upon him. It appears that ho gained an entrance into the coal ollico by breaking a small bit out of one of this window panca and clipping buck the bolt. Ho drilled a hole through the outer plate of the aafe , and then his drills buitiL' too short to roach the in ner plate , no abandoned the task tem porarily to procure aomo larger drills. Whether ho was frightened away on his return , or whether ho concluded to try aomo now field of plunder , is uncertain. Ho will probably Ixivo hia ouuninu- tiou this atternoon , by which time it in expected that evidence will be gathered - ored which will foster him eecurcly. The only papers found upon him were some little acraps bearing pro scriptions and thooddrosHua of vuuoua parties in Chicago , Gtiluxburg , 111. , and Michigan. From HOIIIO puiiiteni gained it is thought that he in familiar with the doings of some parties on- gnged in heavy burglaries in Omaha in the past , and oveiytliing tends to the belief that the capture is one of unusual importance. MUSIC AND MIUTH. lions' Acme Oporn Company nt Do- , Imnoy'P- -T- - > Lust evening there was a good si/.ud audiunco at , Dohanoy's opera houeo to greet Hesi Acme opera com pany , which , appeared , in ' 'Olivette. ' This bit , , of comic , opera lm many features of the popular tinqo which please the maasos much better than "Maacotte , " though tlio Inttor has ronlly tlio fmor and higher class ol music and moro difficult of rendition. It was wiso'to cheese "Olivette" for the entertainment last evening , aa its fund of mirth and catching airs touched the popular heart und the listeners were very oiithumiwtjc. Tliu cnatumes vroro brilliant and chovu und orchestra work was excellent. Tlio fun conturud of couruu ubuul thu comudy of orroiscauao i by Ilonry I'eakea UH Capt. do Muirinmo ant ! Murk Smith IIB Valontinu , thu lattui appearing na such a oltiyor imilntor ol the former us to give lisu to ull worts of comical mtiiatiniH bcuauao of the iithur clmracteifl iliiataljim ; tlioir itlon- tity. The other'incidonU ruvolvci about tlicao miiRiad dromioi , cu thai much real mirth WUH .iddod to much run ] music , making the entcrtainmi'ii a highly enjoyable onu. . lltm' opur. company will liml nn cold \volcomo a any timu they muychooaolii'ro.ifter tf visit thin city. An Andivc'louH Impobtof , O. U.SUIL ItLVFKs , Jiiiniiiry K ; , To tlio Kdltor ot The Omati.i Dou. David McCroary , of thin city , 1m reported that you ollbrod him om hundred and tMonty-fivo dollars (9125) ( ) for two letters in his possession. I would like to suy this much : I Bupposo you will print what you like , but if you do you are helping to blacken the immo of a woman who bcforo Qed is as pure as the purest , the only reason being because aho re fuses to live with u gambler and a drunkard. Too much of a coward to war upon his own sex , ho turns upon a defenseless woman , and that woman the ono whom ho ought to shit-Id from everything. For your mother a and yonr aiBtor'i sake , and for your wife's sake it you have one , I uak you not to publish What will not do you any good but will , for nil time , hurt tlio name of ono of tlioir own sex , mid you will greatly oblige A WOMAN. P. S. 1 would further add that you or ho can make nothing out of the letter further titan to make a. talk und drag kcr name through yourSuper. ' * The editor f TUB 1JK : , ilowa , nothing about the matter referred to above. Certainly neither ho nor any1 of luiquthoriEod agcmts Imvo ever ottered mdiifcy to Jlr , McCruary for Jotters in bin posnoseipn ; Wo do not know JleCrenry und have never heard of the man before. If Mr. McOroary slatea that attempts Imvu been nmdo to purcluiHo any documents in li'w pos. session for TIILUii : : ] 10 lies , TIIK JJjiK is not engaged in that kind of busino&B , particularly wlu-n they rt-lato only to personal and doinestio diller- oncca which concern no one but the parties implicated. AdviHod to Skip. William Orowcll was bcforo Justice Abbott yealurday uftoriioon charged with stealing u saddle belonging to a man uamed McGinles. . It appears that Crowtill , while Borvinj ; a term in jail j for larceny , inanaijud ( escape , and improved Ins liberty by stealing the t saddle. After fmis'iiiiK ' Ini term in jail ho was calli-d to answer this second charKO. Owint ; to the abnonco | of a material witness for the prosecu It tion the case was dismissedbut.Judge Abbott kindly advised him that any follow i who had such long fingers as ho itnd j and -vaa so prone to grasp after other people's properly would not find this a healthy climate , and ho had bettor skip. The prisoner went out with a hop-akip-and-jump. SENATOR-ELECT WILSON. Tlio Llttlo Speech Ho Made Wlion Nominated. The following is the substance of the remarks made by lion. James F. Wil son , on beinu nominated for senator last Tuesday night : After the applause had mibsidod Mr. Wilson begun by saying that sure ly the caucus would not expect a lengthy speech from him at that hour ; ho did not feel that he could make rv lengthy speech. Ho had not heard definitely the result beyond the fact that he hnd bi'cn nominated by n joint caucus of the republicans of the con- or.U assembly for the high oflico ot United States Senator. Ho inferred that. this had been done with uii.uinniLy. He could only say that this result of the can vass was to Him a source of pride Ho was glnd that the caucus hnd resulted as it had , and that the result lias been one that lias put uwiiy any disturb ances or the chances of any divisions in the great party of the state [ applause plauso ] , and that it put him in har mony and accord with every member of the party in the state. [ Applause. ] Ho did not wish to stand , nor would ho Htand , as the representative of one faction in this state or thin nation. [ Applause. ] No man could be more liaii his party. No man that exists as in this nation done enough , nor an he do enough , to place im higher than the organization i which ho belonged [ applause ] , , nd whenever , or wherever , it iccurs that some one man thinks that o is ureator than his party , that man Hint learn that he and not the prin- iples of that party must go down , 'o soon should he learn that the arty and not ho was superior. [ Ap- ilausc. ] And now that thiti action of ho caucus was opening wide the deere o him for grand opportunities in iiiblic lifo , he hoped in the pursuance f the pathway of that public lifo that 10 would not ( to anything to disgrace r cause regret among any of those vho at this same time had placed him n the way of these opportunities From the time of the formation of , he republican party lie could claim hut ho had worked faithfully for the great parly of human liberty. Ho could see in the prospect now op'oncd to him something that ought to bo fiuflick'nt for any ambition. Hewould accept one of the mottouB of the great republic - accept it and put it far and high be fore him in the line of his duty. "In God wo trust. " [ Applause , ] Ho ihould endeavor in the discharge of ! iis duty to carry to it his conscience as well as what ability it had pleased God to give him. [ Applause. ] Tlio members of the caucus , and those whom they represented , know wol" the recent ( ( UuHtions on which ho hac expressed himself , and he wished t < Bay ho gave them utterance in advnnci to allow the people to know wlux ivoro his views , and what would hi liis chart and truido if they fl.iw fit t < choose him to the oflico of Unitor States senator. [ Applause. ] To hi ; expression of opinion on economic ( | ue.Htioiifi , and in relation to corpora tions and uorporato powarti , he stil dhered and would adhere. | \ \ \ - huiBo ] He would not place n heav and on any in to rent in the nation but iw to the utterances of thoM > f > en timcnts which BOIIIU suggested ns uu wise and Rome as given for ulfoot hi would cay that every tyoid and everj utterance formed a part of that char which ( mould guide him in his dutu'i in jho fiitimin , the duties of that office fico to which the action of this canru was the opening of the door. Hi stood on every republican platfon ; that had over been adopted , and h stood on the republican platforn now , and its principles would bo purt of bin chart [ applause ] eo all would know now how to map out his future action. He again thanked the C'liicns for the honor conferred , and ho realized the responsibility ; ho liked the weight of responsibility ; and whim the duties of the oflico for which ho had ; ust been nominated should become his duties ho would devote his ontiiu time to their discharge. His whole service would bo given to the state. During those six yens , if life bo snared , ho would attend as closely to the duties of the Honatorinl ollico as ho had attended to his own IIIIHUICHS. From his heart ho appreciated highly and was profoundly grateful for the honor now conferred , and ho would seek to prove himself worthy of the trusts thus to bo imposed. [ Contin ued and loud applause. ] Alllcck'u Lecture , Ilov. W. U , Allleok is to lecture iu the llroadway Methodist church to morrow evening on "Lost for Want of a Word. " Those who have heard him , either from the pupil or rostrum , wjll need nothing more than the simple announcement to induce them to attend. To those who have not had the pleasure it is veil to sUto that they will find in him a speaker of f admirable qualities. His rcuont ad dress in New York befoio audiences ranging from -1,000 to 5,000 persons called loilh the highest praise. Ho is decidedly original , u quaint humorist , and a truly emotional and eloquent J speaker. The Now York Christian Advocate calls him the Mark Twain of KiiL'land. The Now York World 1 Bays ; "His power over an audience is irresistible. " The press everywhere speak in equally high terms of his wit and ifjadom. The lecture is to beum I irrojuptlj- 7:30 o'clock and the iickvlt Jwe been placed at only 2'i cent * . MAIL MATTERS. Looking Over the around for a Now Location for the Postolllco .1 Proapoct for Letter Cnr- riors , Postofllco Inspector .F. 11. Furay was in the city yesterday and was col lecting points regarding a change of location for the postollico , the quarters for which are now so crowded , and so far from being in keeping with the business of the city. Several buildings arc being considered with ft view of leasing some one of them. It is int'inated that in case no suitable building can bo obtained en satiafac- tory terms , that the present building , or at least its main lloor will be de voted entirely to postoHice business. Tlio erection of a buildinuby the gov ernment is not out of the lange of possibilities' In fact , all those phases of the question IB under active con sideration , and name recommendation will be made in n few days. It is also said to bo in the planning that tbirt city is to have at an early date a free delivery tnsteni by c.ir- riers. Such a inetropaitnti addition to postollice facilities here \uinld prove indeed a welcome change , etipicially to tlio business men With a now government buildi.ig and a force of letter carriers , everybody will smile , and Hinile again. PERSONAL. Charlrs Kurtz , the agent for Forbes dramatic company was ho o ycitcreay. Col. Ssopp H | cnt sovcral days at DCS Mnincs lant Weolc and returned home Sat urday. Ch.irlcH F. Drown , genet id a cnt for the Cortland min UK company nt ppcd lonR enough to perfect arruDjjencntrt for the appearance of the company lieio for a week , commencing the 2'M. Mansol Wicks , ono of the oldest hottl r < i Council P.lulFf , Is nuw taking lelief rom the i aih enl IJUHIICK.S ! which lint kept im f r much of the time in TVxas. Ho H Hpui.ilur ; tlio wii.tur nt IIH ! homo licrc , t living tlioret lot-up he has hnd in two 'earx. An Unffratoful Pnencl. A pair of railway workera wore rol- ickitig about tlio city jesfeidaynf- crnooii , otic of whom had a imo ticket calling for a few days wngi's. Ho was quilo boozy , and the attention of the police was called to ho fiict that bin ui'ommg trieiid was rjiug to gut possvenion ot nhut little rahiftlilos he hud. 15oth men were mhbcd and locked up , ono clurgcd with being drunk and the other with "arceny , the time-ticket and some liekk'a boiiig fot.nd upon him. lotvn. State Kown. .1. 0. McKon/.io , lute treasurer of , Franklin county , is reported a Uefaul- tor to the amount of $8,500. An old resident of Allamukoo county , named Topliff , became tired of Iho world , and hanged himself in his barn. The Springdale Mutual Fire Insur ance company , which has prosecuted a successful business for moro than ton yours , hold its annual meeting on Jan uary 14 at Springdale , Odar county. At the meeting of the State Agri cultural society tlio following otlicors wi-ro elected for the enduing year : John W. Porter , of Johnson county , president ; James Wilson , of Titma , vice president ; John R. Schafler , of ilellornon , SecTtaiy , and . ( . ( J. Hounds , of 1'ulk , rrensurer. About four weeks ago Mr. Winch , win ) liVes near Avoca , discovered that a live hundred and a fifty dolhu- bill , which ho had deposited in an oyster can in Ins cellar for safe keeping , had been destroyed by r.its ; the fifty being - ing entirely gone , and the live him- died dollar bill was gene except a piece about as large ns a silver dollar , which bore part of tlio number of the bill. Ho wrote to Washington about the matter , furnibliini ; mich testimony as was necessary , and on Wednesday of last week received by expreea a package of one hundred $5 bills , with which to make good his loss. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTlOrt. Special athcrtltemonta , rucli u Lost , Found , To loan , For Sale , To lltnt , \Vant , lloanllnR , etc. , will to Inmrtixl In th ( column at tlio loxv rnt of TKK OUNTrt VRb LINK for the flrnt InBirtlcii and HINT. U'.NTV I'EH LINK ( or each lubtequrnt iiiwrtlnn Lcart'odvurtlsc'invnt ! ) at our cilia1 , Itoom G K\cri'tt'H lllook , l ,1OH H.MK-Oii huudrvil anil II t ) tlioii .ind 1 lulck. llcnrj lii-liuu , JlTilt Counull Illiili * , lown. - iTjboiU In Council liluff * Ute WANTKU-K HxK.ia itntH jii-r wouV , J IhcrcU by varrlcra. Olllio , llooin fr , i\eri--tt. : Illccu , llro.ul ny. A Kooil jirl ( or scrtnl housi WAJfTBH In uu 11 lamlj. Apl'l ) loJainc M. l.fltcr , Ninth ttrpft , bitwcon First u\u'iii < anil llrouln-ay. JvilO-Zt - To tcut a hoiioo o ( about tci WANTIH1- cuutrikl location. luquiru at llrK oUloj Council Hluflg. ) < " ) . 13t \A7ASTKD-A IlMt-cliM House kcc | or want > V ixwltloii. AdJruJi I' . O. lox ) No. 7X Couocll IllutU | HI JanlO-t -IIT-ANTKO To buy 100 ton liroom cornY \Y t'or purtlculore acldresw Council IlluH IJroom Ttctory , Coiuicll Ulua , Iowa , JU > t-0tf ) AirANTKU-A nret-chm broom tier. Mayn W & Co. , Council Itlulls , low * . MO SO' , l OIS SAI.K-OU iwpert 0o per hundred , ' .K ThQ Iti-u olHco. Council lllulln. (8rt ( fno'ntUCK-MAKKJtH. roilBALI- sun 01oi I moruot loud adjo'jilim the tirickon . .0 llannor .V Ilal c ' on Upicr Ilrca > l av. ro partkular * | ] 'ly to laid ) llalncs er t 1 ' " . " ' ' r'l olt.ce at the ItonrdrJTrado rorni * . ( Council Illutli _ 77fr-'lt'2J Sai TiOlTKU'S TICKET OrTICi : W r In rallroa L tfliota coiitlnuixi tu liooin. Unpwfodcntc. . low 13,1m to all lantirn | K > liit * . l. ery t\cl \ < i uuaruntced , Order * tilled tij telephone , r rot ono to ten dollar * a > inl by purehatlnK IUKM o ( e'\ , I'otlcr , DiiictBttorto Potter i rainier , J < 40 Mouth Filth strict , ( our doom below the JKM ! ctllcc , Council Illuffn , lo . octl8-tl i -\\rANTKD Iloy , IOi pony , to carrv | > en \Y Inquire at Lit oBUe , Council BluD * . octiatl FACTSJWHJNOWING. "Good morning , Mr. Jones. You seem in good humor this morning. " "Yes , I have been to the BOSTON TEA STORE , and flnd anything and every thing I want , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. I toll you , I can Save Money now out of my salary , and Live First-Claes , too. It pays to go there. " "Where did you eay it was , ? " BOSTOfi TEA COMPT FINE GROCERS. 16 Main St. ami 15 Pearl Sfc , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. ( Gasoline Btotc. ) OR , . J O 3XT H IS , DRILKK IN STOVES , TIN WARE , SHEET IRON WARE , 331 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , In. DON'T KA L TO SHE THE STOCK OK W. W. BUCHANAN REPAIRING.A . SPECIALTY. 202 Broadway , COUHCIL BLUFFS , H. H.JUDSON , DRY GOODS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS 6 MANUFACTUIIEUS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERALMACEINERY Otllco and Works , Main Etroot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. We gl\c special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , ROISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FUONfS. , GENERAL REPAIR WORK will rccho prompt alU'iilioii \ jeiierul a Bjrliiu'cit of Brass Goods , Bating , Piping , , AND SUPI'LIKS FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Goal , OH AS. HENDRIF , n President U & ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Cut Glass , Fine Froncli China , . bllvor Wuro &c. , 340 UKOADKAT , Cll .NC1I. 111.1'rKft , IO-YA Drs. Woodbury fit Son , Cor. 1'carl ic M A\f . COl'MJII. IH.I'KI . W S. AJ1KNT JAC011 SIMh AMENT & . SIMS , et AttoniBys & Counsellors-at-Law U COUNOIL PLUFI-'a. 1UWA. KELLEY & M'CRACKEN ' , Marble and Granite North Fifth St. , Council Dluffi. W. W. SHERMAN , ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY S S Fine Work a Specialty. H II. HHKHMAN , lhwnri ! MamjtT ; Wll. UliniSTOI'IIKIl , Mechanical Hanger. 124 South Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. My Harness are Manufactured from A No. I Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices. Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. j , Weber. Liindetnwn , J. Mueller and other Pianos , $ JOO nd upward. Burdett , Western Cottage , Tabir and Paloubet Organs , $50andtipward Musi 3VC cal Merchanoiso of every discription. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , ribett-Mueic , i'oy , Games , Fancy Qoodn , Wholesale and Re TT X , tail. Pianos and Organs sold f r Cash and on Time. Stock is large , full and comp - p eto. Musical Journal TOO on applica S tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : a d. MUELLER , I 103 South 5th Street. O IE COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. BOWMAN , ROKRER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURC EASING- AGENTS And Dc-.ilcis In all klrds oi I'lOiluco. Prompt attention shcn to all < onir' ( mituta. NO8. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. . SI. IFOSTIESIR , WILL SLt'l'hON" SHOUT NOTICK - Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable- Plants In their tcason. Orders I rcmjitlj fllli'il nnd iclh. ! ml Co F\mrr ctluc free oj iharrr Senfl Sol Catiloguc. HI. -DEALER IN- * $ nrr Ij ] U7 WBVLs ? < d $ COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Bayer and Shipper of Brain and Provisions to Eastern and Southern markets. Order nolidtcd In . ' . i Iou % and Nebraska. ItBJ'KXl'.NClIS First Xatlonnl liank , Stcnart Htm. , Council Unlit ; Wrn. P. llancy & Co. , Cul cr & * > . . Chitoeo ; K. A. itont & Co. , St. Louis. M E T C AL F BROS , , WHOLESALE DIAI.FRS : ix Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck < 31oves , CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. 9 Has Fur Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Itnilroail Iiaiids , und a number oj Well Improved Farma , botli in Iowa and Kubraskii. Oflico with W. S. M\YNK , over Savings ] Jank , - COU OIL BLUFFS. BIXBY & WOOD , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS : Gas Fixtures , Bath Tubs , Marble Slabs , Brass Goods , Iron and Lead Pipe , Fittings and Pumps , Kept in Stock. No. 7 Fourth St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. . T We Carry the Largest Stock of FINE Si SHOES LIPPEES ETC. , . , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs , All Mail Orders Proiiip'iy Attended To anft Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES AEE VERY LOW.1 Call and See Our NEW ( SPRING STOCK , whicli has Begun to Arrive. , Z. T. LIND8EY & CO. , , , nnnllBR ! ° ADWAY' ' COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWAt , fl n m ornn And WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLARINDA , IOWA ,