Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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    rl JE OMAHA DAI1A7 BEE : TUESDAY , JANUAllY 17 , 1882.
010 Farnham , bet. Oth and 10th Streets.
ne copy 1 year , In advance ( postpaid ) > > (10.00
6 months " " . . . 6.0J
month " " S.OO
Leave Omaha Passcnrcr No. 2 , 8:30 : n. m , Ac-
, commodatlon No. 4 , IK ) ( p. m.
1 Arrive Omaha Passenger No. 1 , 6:20 : p. m.
Accommodation Ne. 8,10:60 : a. m.
C , , B. k O. 7:40 a. m. 8:40 : p. m.
C. k N. W. , 7:40 : a. m.-8:40 : n. m.
C. , IL I. & p. . 7:40 : a. m. 8:40 : p. m.
K. 0. , St. J , & 0. II. , leaves at 8 n. m. and < ISO :
p. m. Arrives nt St. Louis at 0:30 : a. m. nnd 6:6 : !
p. m.
m.W. . Bt L. & P. , leave * at 8 a. m. nnd 3:40 : p.
a. Arrives at St. Louis nt 0:40 : a. m. nnd 7:80 :
B. * 11. In Neb. , Through Exprcee , 8:60 : a. m.
B. & M. Lincoln Kxprons 0:20 : p. m.
17 F. Overland Kxpr l12t&p. m.
O. ft R. V. for Lincoln , 11:46 : a. m.
O. & It. V. tor Onccola , 0:40 : a. tu.
TJ. P. freight No. 6 , 5:30 : a. m.
U. P. freight No. B , 8:20 : a. m ,
U. P. fmight No. 13 , 2:60 : p. m.
U. P. freight No. 7 , H:10 : p. m. emigrant.
IP. Denver express , 7S5 : p. m ,
D. P. frel/hl Vn II , 11-80 p.m.
U. P. Demcr freight , 8:25 : p. m.
A&vmMittlllll A8T AND KOBTT.
a B. A 0 ft DO . in. 7:25 : p Di.
N. WH.4fi ' . tti. 7:26p. : tu.
C , H. I. * P..0:45 : a. in. 0:05 : p. m.
K , C , , Ht. Joe .tO II. , 7:40 : a. m. 6:46 : p.m.
O. b. It. V. fnim Lincoln 1.03 p. ro.
U. P. Pacific K\iri ) s 3:25 : p. in.
B Jt M. In Neb , , Through KxproxH 4:16 p ID.
B. Ii M. Lincoln Express 0.40 a in.
U. P. Denver express , 7:35 a. m.
U. P. Freight No. 14-2.60 p. m.
TJ. P. ' 'o. 6 6:20 : a. m. Emigrant.
U. P. frclijht No. 14,12:10 : p. m.
U. P. HO. 8 O.CO p. m.
C. P. fo. 12 1:4R : a. 01.
U. P. Denver freight , 1:10 : n. m.
O. & R. V. mixed , ui. 4:46 : p. tu.
Leave Omaha nt 3:00 : , 11:00 : , 10:00 : and 11:00 :
m. ; I * 2:00 : , 3 00 , 4:00 : nnd 6:00 p. m.
Leave Council muffs at 8:26 , 9:25. : 10:26 : and
136 a. m. ; ' :23 , 2:26 : , 3:25,4:26 : : and 6:2Sp. : m.
Sundays The dummy 1cm CH Omaha at 9.00
ind 11:00 : a. m. ; 2:00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. LcaMM
Council Bluffs at 0:25 : and 11:25 . in. ; 2:26 : , 4:26 :
nd 5:25 : p. m.
Through and local passenger trains botv cn
Omiha and Coun II Uluffs. Leave Omaha 6:15 :
7:46 , 8:60n. m. ; 3:40 : , 6:46 : , 00 p. m. Arrvo
Omaha 7:40 , 11:36,11:46 : : n. m.j 6:40 , 7:05 : , 7:16 : ,
rfO . .
p. m. _ _ - _ _ _
Opening anrj Closing of Mlls.
Ohlcapi&N. W 11.00
Chicago , R I. & Pacific. 11:00 :
Chicago , B. & Q " "
Bloux City unil Pacific
Union Pacific
Omahn&R. V
B. AM. In Neb
Omaha & Sioux City. . ,
B. &M. Lincoln
U. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 11:00
U. P. Denver Exu f > :00 : 6:30
O. , Sioux City & St. P. . . 11:00 WO
Local malU for Htate ot Jowa leave but oncu A
day , vu ; : 0:30 : a , m.
Office open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m.
Businegs Hirectpry.
Abstract and Real tstato.
JOHN L. McCAGUE , opposite Post Offlw.
W. R. BARTLKTT 317 South 13th Street.
Room If Creighton Block.
A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2 , Ciolgbton Block.
Boots and Shoos.
Tine Boob nnd Shoes. A good assortment or
bouM work on tuhml , corner 1' tli and llamey.
TBOS. ERICKSON , S. E. cor. 16th nnd Douglas.
406 loth street , manufactures to order good work
at lair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Springs.
J. T. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Dourlacgt.
Books , News and Stationery-
i. 1. FRUEIIAUF 1016 Farnham Street.
Butterand Eggs.
&JHIANK & SCHllOKDER , the oldest B. and E.
r In Nebraska eetabllidied 1876 Omaha.
mthwc t corner 16th&nd Dodge.
Best Board for the lloncj- .
Satisfoctloti Guirtntofxl.
U } lsat Jl Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Torma for Cub
Fnmlshdd Unomn Rutipllcd.
UarrlaRes and Roaa Wagons.
WU SMYDER , 14th and Harncy Streets.
Jewe en.
JOHN BAUMKK 131 1 ruhflin Strret.
n. BERTHOLD , Raga and Metal.
Lumber , Lime and Cement.
FOETKH & OH AY comer tith and Douglas Stn
Lamps and Glassware.
BONNEU 1SOO VooKUo St Good Variety.
Merchant Tailors.
One ol out most rcpular Merchant Tallora Is ro-
Delving the latent uouk-ns lor Spring and Buinmnr
Ooods for gentlemen s wear. StylUli , durable ,
d prices low ai ever 216 18th bet. Dou ? . & Fani.
MRS. 0. A. BINDER , Wholesale and Rrtall , Fan-
CT Ooodi in great variety , Zephyrs , Can ) Boanlo ,
Hosiery , Qlovea , OorscU , IK. Cheapest House In
UM West Purchasers save SO per cent Order
brMall. llBFtfteenth Street.
foundry ,
JOHN WKA11NE & SONS , cor. 14tfa k Jackson tt
Hour and Feed.
OMAHA UITY MII.I.S , tith and Farntiam Hl . ,
llron. ,
Uroc r .
Z. HTKVKNB , ilet between Cumlnit ami Iwi
T. A. HriiHANB , Corn. 2Md and CUDilnirMtretti.
Hardwaio , Iron and fiteel.
OLAH & I.ANOVVOKT1IY , Wholofale , 110 a
112 Kith Htrvrt
A HOI IrUN Mirnor IWhanrt CalltomU
HurntM. aaadlt , Me.
D. WHI&7 fl 13th Ht , bft Kim. A lUnny
DORAN HOUSE , T II Cary , 9I Farnham Ht
8LAVF-VS HOTKL. K. fala en , 10th Bt.
Southern Hotel Olio. Ilamel 9th ALcavcnworth
Clothing Bought.
O .SHAW will pay highest Cash price lor econd
band clothlnc. Corner 10th and Farnham.
Drugs , Paints and Oils.
KU1IN & 00.
rharmacUU , Fine Vane Uooda , Cor. 16tb and
K > , Dowin trett
. . WTIlTKIIOUm.lVholefale&IUUIl , 16th .
C. KIKLD , 8022 Worth Sld CurainK Street.
- ' ' PARR , Dnieirlgt , lOtd and Howard Streets.
j Dcntltts.
DK. PAUL , Wlllbnui1 Block Cor , 16th & Dodge.
Ory Goods Notions , Etc ,
New York Pry Goods Store , 1310 and 181 ! Karn-
b. O , Knewold also boots and ehous 7th & Pacinc.
A e. GROSS , New and Stoond Hand Furniture
nd BtOTM , 1114 DoDtlai. Ulgheat catli prlcti
aid for focond hand irooos.
BONNER 1U09 Doucla st. Fine eoodi , &c.
f-enee Worki.
OVfff , FHIK8 ft CO. , im Hirocy St. , Impror *
t < 4 la Boirs , Iron uid Wood Fenctf , Offc *
iUUlrn. CouoUn ol
Olgnn and Tobacco ,
WK8T A FniTSCHF.U , inAnutncturcrs ot Ctt r ,
irulTioltsAlo Dcateitt n Tohacccs. 1SOS Doui-lvi.
y. V , IX > HKXZRN _ inanuSctiirti 1410 Fnrnhim
A. DonnelniB , rilnnUi , cut flowcrt , ( weds , ooqueti
otc. N. W. cor. Iflth Mul nouclaa jlrccUi.
Civil EnRlneert nnd Surveyors.
AKDKKW KOSKWATGK , Crclfstiton Block ,
TOATI Sur\c ) , GraJo unil ScMcrftk' " Sjetcaii B
Uommlitlon Morchnnti.
JOHN U. Wit , 1.13,1411 DoJgo Street.
D n. DKI'.MKH. Kordetalli too large Mlvcrtlfe-
ment In IKIlv and \VrckU' .
Oornlce Work * .
Wwt nj Oornlco Worki , lUnntacturcrg Iron
Cortilco , Tin , Iron and Shto Hoofllntf. Onion
trom ny locality promnUy cxKiitnl In the bc t
manner. Factor1 nud Otucn 1218 llirncy St.
0. Sl'CCHT , Propnctor.
Oalrenlzcd Iron Cornices , Window Cam , etc. ,
manufactured and put uii In any part or the
country. T. aiN'IKJLl ) UO Thlrtctnth utroot
Orockery ,
J. BONNKU 1SOO Doutlu > troct. Oood line.
Clothing and Furnlihlng Qoods.
OEO. II. rETKUSON. Also HaU ) , Caps , IVjota ,
Shoes , Notions and Cutlery. Rft 8. 10th rtrret
RetrlReratort , Oanrteld't Patent.
C. F. GOODMAN llth St bet. Farn. & llarney
Show Caio Manufactory. )
0. J. WILDE ,
Manufacturer and Uonlcr In all kinds or Show
nei , Upright Cases , 4 ' . , 1317 Cans St.
FRANK I > . OKRHAnD , proprietor Oinnha
Show Cawi mftnutactory , 818 South 16th street
botwit-n Irf cn orth and Marcy. All Rood
Pawnbroker * .
ROHKNFKL1) . 10th St. . hot. Far , k Her
Stovoi nna Tinware.
Dtoloi In Stoves and Tinwtiro , and Mandf\cture
ol Tin UoofD and all kinds of Bulldlnf Work
Odd Follows' Ulock.
J. BONNKIl. 1800 Douslas St. Oood and Cheap
. Seed * .
J. KVANS , Wholesato and Retail Scot ! Dlllls u
Cultlrators , Oild Fellows Hall.
Physicians anl Surgeons.
W. S. ainilS , M. D. , UMID No 4 , OrolKhto
lllock , 16th Htrcut-
1K. . I.K1SEN1UNO , rt. D. Masonic lllock.
C. Ii. HART. JI. D. . EJI and for , opp. portotRi.
1)11. L. H OHABDY.
Omllst and Amli.t. S. W nnd Karnhain St
( Imul ( Vintral Qallcrv ,
212 Sixteenth Street ,
near Maeonlo Hall. Flret-closi Work and Prompt
PlumblnK , Oaa and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TAKPV ft CO. . 21fl 12th St , hot. Kamliam
and Doii'rlaa. WorK promptly nttoiidod to.
D. "ITXI'ATRICK. 1409 I > ouglM Street.
an aper anting.
HELNRY A. KOSTK1W. 141 Oodgo Street.
Shco more * .
Phillip Lnntt. 1S20 Farnnam Bt. lint lllth tt Kth
Qecond Hand Store.
PERKINS & LKAH. 1416 Uoncliw St. . Now an
Second Hand Furnlturo , iloutto Furnishing Qnoda
&c. , bourht and sold on narrow marring
In ton nuw brick block on Douglas Struot , hv >
Just opened a moat elegant Iktu Hall ,
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
ovcr > - day.
" Calcxlonm " J FALCONKK B7D IBth Strent.
CHA8. U1EWK , 101V Farnham bet 10th & llti
09 Cent Stores.
P 0 BACKUS. 1206 Farnhuni St. , f nev OnM
ILER & CO. .
3ole Mannfaoturern. OMA.HA.
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B. Simpaou'e Spociflc
It U n pojttvuciiru | for Spormatflirhts ,
Wcokneiii. In-.jratancy , and all disease r
Iroui SoU-Anuee , an Mental Anxictj , Lew
Mtnioiy , Paint in tlio Dicit r SHo. und ili ixi ; s
" .tlint lewl to
( Joiuiuiiptlon
insanity an
" early Brai-
"he Hpoclflc
Medicine I *
being u o. |
with wonder <
I'll b11CCC88.
- PamphleU
tent free to all , Write for them an' ] get full par-
Price , Specific , tl.W per package , or six pock
tlfos for lo.OO. Addrcaa all orders to
Nai. 104 and 100 Main St lluOalo , N. Y.
Bold In Omaha by 0. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell ,
K lib. and all druirglitseverywbore.
r SB. < tfttr
BROS. . Brokers In all Railroad
Tickets , Omalia , Neb. , offer Tickets to the East ,
until further notice , at the following nnheard of
lxw Rates :
MrlaiM , 2d cllM ,
NKW VWtK. 0. 0 ,
IWJTON , 20.00 ,
1'IIILAW.U'HIA , 2S.W , J-'S.OO.
WASHlNjTON , U2.0I ) , ' 'U.d" .
F r particulnn , write IT va direct to HOIHIIK
I1KOS , , Duilers In U.HJIK-U ) d'atv Railroad ami
HU'ain ! ili | Ticl-itH , Slt'J IV-ntli St. , Oninlia Neb.
Itoiiiriniicr the place -Three I orn N' rtli of
Union Paclllillallruad | i > pot , K.'ti . ila oflcnth
Auinm 1 mi
W. K. Mll.t ) il , JlhllltKLL.
I , VMS & CO , ,
125 Lasallo Street , OHIOAGO ,
Grain and Provisions Bought
and Sold on Margins.
dnc7moeim : !
A Sure Cure Found at Lastl
No On Need
A ' = " 'or ' UllnJ , lirfedTir7 ! ! Itching and
JlceraUd I'llca lia been dlBcovtreil by Dr.Vll -
Urn , ( MI Indian rcmwl ) , ) called lr. Willlam'n
Indian Ointment. A single hoit dan cured the
worst chronic casws of 25or SOjcarsBtandlnif. No
onencwlHufliTflveinlnuteii alter applying tlib
wonderful uootblnj ; inodUtne , I.otlonK , liistru.
rneiita an-1 ' eltctuiriu do more harm than Kood ,
WlllUm' * Ointment absorlw the tumon , allays
the Intenbe Itching , ( liartlculaaly at nlebt after
KtttlnK warm In bod. ) act u apoultlce , rivm In
stant and ivainleaa relltf , and l prc | rod only for
Pllea. Itcufntf ol the private parU , and for uoth
. .
Head wliat the Hon J. If Ccfflnberry of Clove-
and B3 * about Dr. Wllllam'i Indian 1'ilo oint
ment : I have used Hcorus of IMIen cures , and It
affordi mepca ure to nay thatlhaveneter found
anthlnx Hblch gave uucli Immediate and wruia-
oont relief w Dr. William' * Indian Ointment
For tale by all drujwlute or mailed on receipt of
price. fi.OO.
HENRY < fc CO. .
Curiuvo , Oiiio.
For Mle bj 0 , F Goodman.
How O. Q. Brlffffs Makes i$100.0OOJX
Year by Curlns nulslna.
Tlio N"o\v Yonr'n number of the
sactnmunto llccord Union ruiitniiu u
DHL' nnd intorcstiitit nccount of liis ex-
icrionces uitliisstato by G. 0. Hrujg * ,
ho well known fruit grower of tlio
Sacr.uiiento Valley. 'L'ho Slixryavlllo
Appeal epitomizes ihorticl" , from
which it appears tlmt before cominit to
California in 1840 , Air. llrigCB iind
worked ns n surveyor , ami had also
: aught school , to obtain means to buy
a farm. Ho came to California across
.ho plains with his two brothers and
jleor oL : Case , and when they reach
ed the Sacramento lliViir the whole
cash capital of the party was § r > 10.
Ln ) the first arrival in tlio valley Mr.
iJrigqs was impressed with the agri
cultural cnpibilities of the soil along
the rivers. Ho began busihess experi
ence by noddling walnuts on the
streets of bacramotito. Subsequently
ho bought a whale-boat , in which ho
carried goods from Sacramento to
Mnr.iRvillo. The profits of hta freight
ing business were § 3,000 , with which
hi ) beuait the cultivation of n tract ol
laud on the Yuba Hiver bottoms.
The first year ho raised a crop of po
tatoes. The next season ho got enuui l
watermelon need to plant a p. itch o
live iictTS. The proceeds of his firs
crop of watermelons were § 5,000
The next year ho planted 'Jt5 aoios o
inolonn , and realized from them S-0 ,
000. Hoturninif from the east will
his family in 1851 , Mr. Uriggs brouih ;
with him fifty po.-ieh trees and a few
apple and pear trees. These ho so
out as an experiment. They thrive <
wonderfully well , and in 185JJ the
poach and pear trees bore splendic
truit. In ISFit the crop of fruit 01
the trees sold for 82,800. The sue
CCH.S of hit tirst experiment with frni
induced Mr. Uriggs to trjvo his whole
attention to fruit culture. In 1854-1
ho imported 7,000 peach trees , am
with tluiu mndo "tho beginning of hi
famous orchatd on the Yuba. li
1855 grasshoppers killed thousands o
histtecs , leaving 55,500 trees alive
Ho continued however to sot mor
trees , until in 1858 he had on th
Yuba , Feather and Sacramento Ilivora
1,000 acres of orchard , includin
ponchos , pears , apples , nectarines
apricots , cherries and plums. In thn
year ho first bezau to sutler from min
ing debris and sipago water , can tec
by the tilling ot the beds of the rivers
Yet , in 1800 his not profits from frui
were about § 60,000. Hero are Mr
Hripgs' own words in regard to hi
Tha great flood of 1801-2 brough
down an avalanche of mud and slick
ens , and covered my orchard on the
Yuba River to a depth of from one t (
thieo feet , and trees , and wrough
general destruction. This flood , inn
others that followed , bringint ! dcbri
into my orchards , cut mo off of an an
nual income of $100,000. In tei
years , notwithstanding all my effort
to keep my orchards in good condi
tion , everything was ruined and
abondonml the business and locality
The sipago water being cold , aim com
ing up into the lower roots , causes
disturbance in the circulation of th
sap , and disease results that kill then
on tire tnjo.
In 1802 Mr. Briggs began fruit
growing in Santa Barbara County
Ho found that section not well adapted
od to orcharding , and in 18C4 rcuuiv
od to Oakland whore ho lived till ' 69
studying different localities with a
view to again engaging in the business
of growing fruit. In " 69 he set on
an orchard of < SOO acres on Putal
Crook , near Davisvillo , Yolo county.
Ho found that the neil lacked sufli
cient moisture in the dry season to
produce fruit of good quality. Some
vines that ho had planted did well ,
and he therefore determined todigui
his orchard and extend his vineynrd.
Ho thinks , however , that if ho ha < ;
had then in use the system of sub-irri
gation which he now practices hia
ojclmrd would have bodii a suc
cess. Besides , his trees wcro planted
10 feet apart , and ho thinkfC they
would have done much hotter had they
been ' 10 feet apart. Mr. BriggH now
has only 60 acres of orchard , while
Jus vineyards on 1'utah Crook and on
the Sacramento Hiver cover 1,000
llaisin-m iking is just now attract
ing bo much attention , and bids faire
o become so important an interest in
California , that the experience of Mr.
liriggs in this line has u particular in-
; oreat. Ho made and sold his first
ahins in 1873. Ho found that the
Tokay grape made fine raisins , but
vero generally not BO good as the
iluscat. Ho now grows Muscat en
tirely , and since 1873 has converted
all his grapes into raisins. For a
lumber of years ho depended entirely
upon the sun for the curing of his
raisins , but frequent losses owing to
infavorablo weather for curing con-
incod him that an artificial drying
apparatus is H necessary eafuguard of
ho business , Ho now has a drying
loiiao in which raisina can he cured
o advantage whenever tlio weather
will not admit of their being cured
> ut of doom , Mr. Jiigip thus fiatcH
lis experience in this line for the
euEun just pmscd :
There has been uoini , ' the rounds of
ho press an exaggerated statement as
o the amount of my crop of raihitm
: his year , and the amount they had
) i'en cold for. The facti in the case
ire themI : Imvo tlno toaeon picked
ho grapes from about -150 acres of
moa and inadu the most of them into
uisins. The balance of my thousand
acres in vineyard is not yet in bear-
ng. Two hundred and fifty acres of
he vines picked from are in full hear-
ng , being over three years old , and
hia number averaged u good crop.
) ne hundred acres of the -150 had
heir grapes badly injured by the
grape worm , so that wo got only
about one-tenth of a crop from them ,
and the remaining 100 acres were
'oung vines , two or thieo years old ,
tnd from them we got about one
hird of a crop. From grapes so
licked from these -150 acres of vines 1
nudu 50,000 boxes of raimiiH , of
wonty pounds each , or 1,000,000
> ounds three-fifths first chisa and two
iftlm second class. The former solder
or 81,75 a box and thu latter for
J1.-10 u box , that is , for twentypound
> oxes. 1'oriionn of thu raisins were
n half and quarter boxec , and
brought a little hotter rates , so tlmt
the whole crop biought mo $80,000.
From the same vines I sold 100 tons
of green or uncured grapes at 820 a
Ion , or for § 1,000. From my orchard
ny sales for itreon and dried fruit
amounted to § 18,000 mnkiiig my in
come 8100,000.
One might suppose that our fruit-
. .lower must bo able to keep a hand-
iomo bilaiiCo nt his banker's out of
noli i\n income , but yet ho says that
at the end of the year ho finds his in
come and his expense account about
equal. This , ho gives his readers lo
understand , is owing to the constant
outlny ho is making forimprovumcnts.
Ho leaves the reader somewhat in .the
dark aa to profits. It is evident , however -
over , that ho jhas expended an im
mense sum of money on his place.
His system of sub-irrigation is carried
on by means often mile * of maincon-
crete twelve inch pipe n d about two
hundred miles of distributing pipe of
the same material. Those pipes are
twontw inches below the snrfucoj BO
as not to interfere with cultivation.
The water for irrigation is pumped
from Pntah creek into reservoirs.
_ _ *
Colored Chrlatlnns ut Loggerheads
on tlio Question or Dancing.
I'nllldilp l.i llirord.
Instead of peace and harmony then )
are dissensions , accompanied with
much bittorni'fis of feeling , prevailing
iimonir the eoloiod folks who wnitthip
at the First African church , on
Cherry street below Tenth.
A dance is tit the bottom of
the trouble. The members of the
congregationpridp themselves on being
Ilni-d-Mhol ! Itaptists , in the strictest
sense of the phrase , and the majority
believe that the slightcs * . breach of
discipline on the part of a communi
cant should bo severely reproved. Oc
casionally , however , Home of the sons
and daughters ofion allow them
selves to indulge in worldly pleasures.
A ca ! > o of this kind occurred one eve
ning last week , when a couple of
dusky nuiideiiH who had boon counted
among thu pillars of the Sabbath
school wore poratmdcd to join in a
dance which was a feature ot the fes
tivities of an up'town social party.
But to participate in the giddy whirls
is contrary to the rules and regula
tions by which the congregation is
governed , and on Sunday last when
Pastor Theodore Doughty Miller was
put in possession of the facts concern
ing the worldy tonduncies of his young
lambs he very oxpticity intimated bin
intention of convoniiii ; a church court
for thu trial of the offenders.
It happens , however , that some ol
the flock have for some time pasi
been inclining to the opinion that ii
was possible for thorn to participate ii
the giddy whirl and at th'j same titm.
do their duty by the church , ant'
hence the determination of thu pastor ,
which speedily spread nil over tlu
church , waa received with variec
opinions. While thu old and stait
mciubers expressed the opinion that
the minister "meant bus
iness sun * , " and that thu err
ing damaola would bo made ai
example of , the younger members oj
thu flock were equally emphatic ii
their declarations that it was carrying
things u little too far. The discus
sion was taken up after the benedic
tion had been pronounced , and out on
the pavement the debate waxed warm
until the blood rose to boiling point ,
but did not spill. The advocates of
the "light fantastic too"aronw wait
ing to see if Pastor Miller intends to
curry out his determination. If ho
does , they dooiaro that , all resolu
tions and rules to thu contrary , they
will insist that the members of the
court shall bo chosen by a vira voce
vote , and in that event they believe
that they can elect a jury which will
open the doors to a modification of
the preso/it severe discipline.
Meanwhile another church court
has been convened in a case of a far
different character. Sonio weeks
ago the vifo of ono of the
pillars of the congregation , who
who had noted with feoliimsof jealous
wrath the fonder glances which
ever and anon her liege lord nhot in
the direction of a handsome quadroon
who sat in n pow near by , took him
to task at thu conclusion of thu ser
vice , and wound up by leading him
from the edifice by the collar. Both
nf the active participants in this scene
have boon cited before the court , and
the jury will bo called upon to determine -
tormino whether thu alleged ten
der glances were shot in the direc
tion alleged ; whether , if such was the
case , the action was an oflunso either
against the church or the wife , and
iiimlly , whotlu'r in irty rirpiiniHtniicc ,
the latter was justified in pul > hui > i.-
taking the partner of her joys and
sorrowH and thus promoting gossip
and setting loosb the tongue of ncan-
dul in the church. The trial will U ko
place shortly in the basement of the
church , and thu janitor has ln-en in
structed to arm himself with a big
club and keep the approaches to the
court room free of newsgathorors.
Honor CaUolur on Qambottn.
Of all public men in Europe ( JIIIH-
lotta in most exclusively a politician.
Hoyer Collurd , Qmzot , TJiinrs , I/i-
nmrtino , Dcdru Jlollin , Imd nil of
hem interests apart from politics.
CJiimbotta has none. An Italian and
a Provencal , ho husa certain tawto for
n't but it is the
, mere distraction of a
nind possessed by politics alono. It
s a habit of his think aloud , and to
spend a good deal of the day
in talking to these about him ,
employing for thn most trifling nub-
ji-cts the grave accentuation and the
conui'xioim fire of eloqnonco. As u
mliticinri befoio all and abovu all , nome
mo studios his contemporaries as ho
Indies th m , and no ono knows bot-
er how to make use of those who are
locessary to him , and how to ub ndon
ho superfluous ones to their fate in
whatever qimgmiro of the road. None
> no HO attractive for thoao ho wishes
o win , or so repulsive for these ho
vishos to ot rid of. No ono BO afl'ec-
ionato to his friends or so implacable
oward his ndvoraariuB. Ho knows
'aris as if it wrro engraved upon IIIH
irain. Tn 1800 , when no ono knew
lim beyond Cromienx'Hclerks and the
ditors of Tlio Temps , the friends
vho met him at his Sunday break
ants on u fifth Moor room on the Uuu
tanapnrlo learned from him nil there
van to bo learned about Paris and its
life , whether in the Tuilcrion , in the
onuto , in the chamber , in the council
if ministers , in the imperial family ,
i ) the acidomies , or in the barracks.
At the present dty ho can run through
a list , from memory , of all the in-
luential electors of Franco as thouuh
ie wore reading off their names. Ilu
will iiovor get to the bottom of any
'Miration ' , but ho will know something
; ' all , and ho will opwik well upon all.
l'lu scieuMtie ideas acquired In his
> ntli , in opposition to tlio. soini'uiy ,
' ill accompany htm to his grave , and
ii'ull seek to embody them In reality
v means of the "flod state" to which
if renders fervent and idolatrous
iioninao. And holding , as ho does , a
uul political creed and n still more
riind scientific creed , and ho will hate
all opposing creeds with the ardor nnd
entlnminsin proper to sectaries , on the
Catholic clerny and the conservative
senate will BOOH have reason to know ,
A "ijraiul nnnistero , " therefore , with
'Inmhotta at its head , is an impossi
bility. [ Castolar in Dia.
Mi , .1. Mnrh , Hunk nt Tonuit'i ' , Out. ,
rings "IHHousiu" * anil dynpop iit > oem
U < Imvo LTOWU up with mo' lii\liiKl : > rrn a
MilTerer fur yours , I ImuUrlrd nuiiy rcinp-
lip' ) , lint with no laitiiiK tvMill until I
ti M boon truly n lilpKMliir ( to HIP , nnd I
inut penk tixi lil My of tlioin. " I'rico
( XJ , t nl Hizii 10 cenlH. l-l\v )
Kxporlonco of the tit Louis Polleo
With the Terror of Lontlvtllo ,
St LnuH lirpiilitlrMi , Inn. 11.
Wild Bill of the Oulch , the terror
Lcadville , where ho lives when at
home , arrived at the Union depot
yesterday morning , on his way to the
nuning regions of the fur west. As
ho found it ncretmty to remain nt
tlio depot for snveral hours , awaiting
the departure of the St. Louin
San Francisco out-bound
- evening -
ing tiain , ho walked into a italoon in
the vicinity and drank himself into n
quarrelsome mood , and returning to
tlio main entrance of the depot , ho
began to conduct himsi-lf in a rather
built rous manner. Olliccr MiUMh
oiilered him to hold his peace , but
that only served to mid o him more
noisy and demonstration. Seeing his
commands were not obeyed , Marsh
then undertook to arrest him , but din-
covered very speedily that ho had
"tnrkled" an ugly cuHomor.
Hill of the Oulch "wont down" into
his pocket for his rnvolver and re
treated into the gentlemen's waiting-
room , followed by Marsh. On reaching -
ing the waiting room Marsh shonteci
to Ollicur Burke , who was in tlmi
jil.ico at the timn , to arrest the fugi
live , exclaiming , "Ho has a revolver
nnd tried to shoot mo. "
Hill stopped short and turned 01
Marsh , saying us ho did so , ' 'Yes , 1
have a gun ; stand back , stand back ,
gentlemen. "
At this point Sergt. Burke sprang
upon the frontiersman and endeavor
ed to wrest his revolver from his
grnsp , but , as tbo latter was an unus
ually powerful man , a desperate strug
gle ensued. Marsh and Dulcet ivo
1'recho came to Burko's assistance ,
WHOM the throe after a rough and
tniublu Rcullle succeeded in obtaining
possession of the woman. The three
officers then overpowered the
man , who fought with such
determination that they found it
necessary to literally drag him to the
Four Courts , where they placed bin
in a coll. NVild Bill's proper name is
JamcR Cannon. Ho la 110 years ol
; iio ; , 5 foot and nine inches in height
nnd weighs nbutot 200 pounds. There
were other Leadvillo men with him
at the time of his arrest , who con
curred in the statement that ho is
given full sway inthominingdisfrictin
which ho livpsandisunivorsally looked
upon as ono of the most daring men
on the frontier. They said they that
ho had just enough whisky in him to
shoot every man that had attacked
him , had ho not been mirpriiiHl bj
Burke. The affair caused great' excitement -
citement at the depot , as those who
witnessed the scnlllo expected to ace
it result in a bloody tragedy.
Buokiiu'n Lrnion Salvo.
The best salvo in the world for outs ,
bruises , sores , ulcora , salt rheum ,
fever aoren , teller , chapped hands ,
chillblainn , corns and all kindti of
skin oruptioiio. This salvo is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction in
ovc-ry MUM or inonay refunded. 1'rico ,
' 25c per box. For nalo by
' "n < t MoMAiiON. Omaha.
An Indljrnnnt Youngr IIiiBbuticl Curries
Olt Hia Wlfo in Triumph.
.tubing Leader.
On the 11 rat day of tliu now year a
, 'oung 111:111 : resident on the iiuutli
ude , nnd whoso nunio is Good , wont
.n thu housa on Ilia own true lovu , nnd
bhonco they wont to tlio house of
mjniu one having nuthority in Hitch
niiitturs and were wod.
Thu parents of thu young lady were
not apprised of thin decisive nnd im
portant top taken by thair daughter
until uftor it had boon tiikon , and
then tlioy were in no wiuo ploaaod. Bo
poaitivo was their disapproval of the
act that they refused to allow the
young lady no lately a wife to accom
pany hur husband or to HUO him at all.
Of course thin was a highly uutmlin-
factory dfcinion to thu young couple ,
but it was laid down UH of thu Mcdi'H
and Pori'iaim , from which there wta
no nppunl. Thn huiiband fretted tinder -
dor it u day 01 two , and calh d at tlio
housu and endeavored to luvo the
young lady renounce hur allegiance to
the p.iruntal roof , but it aeonicd to bu
a too painful proceeding and oho
couldn't ' do it.
Finally , howovur , the huaband'H ' in
dignation nmntoml him , and ho do-
tonninod to ruinain pansivo no longer ,
and HO ho ongngod the orviccn of
two Bt ut , woll-proportionod jiolico
oflicora , and engaged tliuin to uacort
him to the liotiao of hin paronta ,
which , by the way , is on .Junu , nour
Twonty-Fiiat atrcot , South side ; and
with thu protection ot UICHO lie on-
tared , and niado a formal dumand
upon liis piironts-in-luw Uiut thuy release -
lease his wife , and upon lii wife that
oho uccrxrpany him. Thin wnn such
an unexpected , and , withal , buHinuHi-
like atop that , after BOIDO alight pnr-
loy , the houHo capitulated. The
young wife picl < cd up wonio of Jiur
IierMonul ellecta , bade firuwull to the
iuaisoliold , and departed to ( inter upon
the now experience. Tim frionda of
thu young coupleihopu tlml their mar
riud lifo thus inuiuij.iciuualy begun
will ( low moro Hinoothly an time gooa ,
A Huppy Hotitorutiou
ToitTLANii , Mich. , Aug. 5M,188 | .
II. II. WAHNKU , fc Co. : / > < I
most hcuftily recommend your Kufu
Kidney and Liver Cure , to all Huffor-
ers from urinary diflicultiea. I owe
my present existence to its use.
j2-lw , J. S , MATIIKWH.
.tut i tlml
i'f ' JIM
o ami Principal Pomls hi V/osI / , N r h jntl S
. Afoliiliy 'XUilnollils ! Vn | > . Ilic I ti'ifui.v u < . , t ' . , > cs , „ . > . ,
in this mail l'i ' U > : rVib tuV il ' *
hiUKi > ( > > i4i > imrr M ' & z > j
I unction
fexr s
'ml HUM , nnii raoli way thilv from two to tour nr morn Wnji 'ii > tr (
y \\csttClilL-aiotliit ) ; ! usi'.sUio
The Imperial Palace Dining Cars.
" " '
" ' ' ' ' * California l.liu- . " " . , . ,
-Sii" . ! . 'uUW1'11 l.liu"Wmoii.1 Mlimr.sntii& Central Iiali-iiu Mi *
. " ! ' . . . " ' .
, . \ . 'y or.Nottfnslw&YmiUton l.lni''Vlilemii.HI. : I'nulnmlMlmicaitnlli Line.
Niir. lllliiiiN , lTt > cpuit i nutmiiim l.luo. " "Mlhvntikoo.droiMilmr A I.alo Supi-rlor I..IK
filivul's ° VUr n Ur ° 'So1 lly ll t'"lll' ' ° " ' ' 'M1 * AKCllts 111 tlu > T'jtti'd Slut"- - >
Uiiiiii'tiibcr to fnr Tickets via tills rn.vt , t > o sure they road over It.anil tax none in r *
tlAlU'IS lUiUUirr , ( Jou'l Maimuur , Ulilc.i o. \V. 11 , STKSSKTr , Oon'l Ajjcnt O < lu < -
HAIUIY I' . HUKU Ticket Agent U.'ft N lUllwty , Kth and F inh m troclJ
1) . K. K1MHAI.K AwhtAiitTlckiit Agontn. ' A N.V. . llallwijUthjuiid Kainhtiu l i '
J.HKI.L , Ticket AamitO. AN. W Ktllw U l > 11 K. l > ei > ol.
i \ivxt IM.AUK n npritl Artint
The Oldest- Wholesale awl I'lIK UCADINt ,
in'Omaha. Visitors can here IN TIH : WEST I
General for the
find all novelties in SILVER Agents
Finest and Best Pianos and
VER WARS. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured.
Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as
Eastern Manufacturer
uhe Latest Most Artistic any
, ,
and Dealer.
and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold
PRECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
all descriptions of FINE
A SPLENDID stock of
WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Pianos , Knabe
ces as is compatible with Pianos , vose fa Son's Pi
honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes.
and see our Elegant Now Also Clough & Warren ,
Store Tower Building Sterling , Imperial , S'.nitb
, , American Organs , &c. Do
llth and Farnham
not fail to see us before pur
Streets chasing1.
Large Stock Always on Hand. od If
Give the Bargains
At Prioea that Suit Any Customer Who Really } WlnheR n. Pirat.
Glass Article.
Are also Sold Exclusively by us.
THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Oflioe.
No. 1. No. 2 ,
British Oonsumption Physic , Brompton Oough Prescription ,
In Hottlm 81.00 each , 0 for Sfi.OO , Ju liuttlcs 75 cents eacli , 0 for SU.fiO.
llroinpton wlionco ( lie | KHTO priwrlptioim wcro procured U tlio Lar CBt ami Host iiccr iful Con-
miMMitloii HiHiital | In Uio Worlilan ; the "llroinpton. ( otuuiiiption ami Uoujjli I'ciucillui ' , " llioaliovu
u illclu , Ijukulanu been deemed In Knffland Infaillljle ( ; nrc for all UomidaliiU of the Muijf and
I lu at
It always gives satisfaction 'because it makes ]
superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap T
est Flour in the market. Every sack
warranted to run alike or B
money refunded. ,
Vk. M. YATES , Cash Grocer.