Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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The Sioux City Artesian Pen-
etrfttinff a Bed of Quick
sand ,
More Curbing W&ntod and
More Boring Proposed.
A HopoIXvl and Croduloua Commu
Sioux. City Journal , Jamm ) II.
The drill al the ivrlusiuiis well pono-
trakd through the rock on midnight
of SVcducsdny into a bed if line sand.
The sand pump sent down failed io
petioirato thin bud. It was oa y
cnutiuh to got the piimpful , but other
( [ uick sand' lion cd in to take its placu ,
and so the hole was not douponcd.
The Rand packed in about the base of
the drill hole so that the walor rose
very slowly , but rose a littlo. Drive
well men well undurstand how it can
bo that with a ouflicicnt supply of wn-
tor it will coino in but very slowl v
tluou h the dense iiuick sand. With
this sand thuro was in the pump
coarftur ( { rottis approaching in size to
grftvel , end n few rotten pcbblos
that on being broken showed a coarse ,
Handy gniui , much like the
interior of a freshly broken "hard-
hond. " Both the line quick Hand and
the gravel worn partly nmdo of Kreoti
sand nnd layers of green showed in
the pobblus. These pobblcs were
worn round , and KrtVO ovidunco of
having been tumbled about by water
in some fnr back time , probably be
fore Uroutrhier settled on the Hioux.
This in short wan the unscnsational
of water. There seems to bo
no doubt but tlmt a sulllcient supply
of nuter exists in this sand , nor that
the water will rise nomuwhat wlien a
permanent hole is miulo throtigli this
quicksand to the courser gravel and
sand thnt , in tlio usual order of nn-
turo , underlays the ( piick sand. Hut
to make the permanent holuit will bo
necessary to curb the entire well , now
something moro than a quarter of a
milo deep. Then the curbing can bo
settled its the drill , or nund pump ,
goes down
Siipmntcndont McLcod had started
for Clnc.igo for a supply of iron pipe
for cuibiiig when the ropoitor called
nt hid boarding liouso hist evening.
Ilia chief usimtiint was interviewed.
He said ho thought tlia water
would be coming out of the top of the
hole thin morning. The curbing now
in the well roaches down -180 feet ,
and is five iiichoa inmdo diameter. It
is now plhnncd to put down thu other
pipe , having an inuide diameter of
four inches , to the t ottom nf the well ,
and work it down through the quick
sand , with the drill and sand pump ,
to the coarser stuff that underlies the
Thin is likely to bo nn expensive
job. The pipe nnd expense of getting
it into place will cost not lens thanl-
600 , nnd it is likely to be at least two
weeks before the work of deepening
the hole can boresumed Some water
was found in the ruck at the depth of
570 feet , but seemed limited in amount ,
and has failed to raise noartr the stir-
fnco thnn furtcon feet. Sometimes it
goes below that point , nslast ovuninu' ,
when the sand pump hud boon work
ing for some hours.
Aa the well will now take a rest foi
a while , this may bo a good tinio tc
make n cleanup of the strata peno'
t rated ainco work was begun on thi
18th of October last. In the firsl
column of figures the thickness ol
each strata is given , nnd in the Insl
the depth of the well when each fttratu
was finished.
< if Strata. Depth ,
Sail and clay . 00 OC
Gravel . 2,1
Shale . 5-1 131) )
liinun Hanihtono . 31
\Vhilo Hamlntnno . 100 at
( jiixy Handituno . 55 33C
Chalk rook . 100 43
Gray liinentonc . 110 nii :
HatiMcmo ( nnd limestone . .10 57C
Qray limcBtono . 50 ( i2C
Snndbt no and limestone . 3T > fiM
White llnimtono . 100 7r.r .
Snnilstono . 30 7 r
Gmy limestone . 20 so :
Shale . 1)8 ) oo :
Limestone . 10 in :
Htmlc . 12 ! )2f )
Limestone . 10 o :
Shale . fi UK
Limestone . C on
Sanily Shule . 35 1)7 ) (
Limestone . 22 1,00 !
Sand anil Limestone . 28 l,03i
Limestone . 70 1,101
Shale . f.0 1.1CI
Shale ami llmcitone . 3D 1,101
Gray llmentone . UO 1,251
lied marl . . , . . . . , , , , . , . ft 1,251
White Snndntone . 15 1,271
Sandstone and marl . 15 1.2K
It was just below the hist pnndstom
mentioned , at the depth of 1/285 fcut
that the quick sund wns found thn
stopped thu wolk. In thu siiiidstoin
tlmt wns finished tit the depth of f > 7i
feet the first water wns found thn
rose in the well , but not of sullicieii
volume or hight.
A MurUor Trlnl In 1000.
Urnnll n Kajjlc.
The nine hundred und iiiiu'ty-niiit !
witnees in thu gicat spin-it-out-nH
long us-we-can case took the utnnd
und the lawyers procodud to torturi
him with the assistance of theprisone
at the bir.
lawyer " ! believe you nro ft on
Southern China , sir ? "
Witness "Yes , sir , and I wish ti
get back ns soon us possible. "
Prisoner "What's the matter will
you , you uogulrd eyed , cadaver
ous reptile ? Haven't you been pnii
ton thousand dollars traveling ox
pensts ? Shut up , Mr Lawyer , I'n
running thii caiu nnd I mean to pu
this hip fMix'd n n where he belong !
at llr * ' MI. If you don't like ou
etylo , you big bened sou of tin
east , you can take your aoap und toddle
dlo homo just as quick as you
Judge--"If the prisoner will alien
thu court to "
Prisoner "Shut up , Judge , I kno\
what I'm about. Why's ruiiniiing thi
case , you or I ? "
Judge "Woll , if the prisonerpleasi
T should like to "
Prisoner ' 'Now , Judge , how man ,
times during this trial have I got t'
remind you that wo can gut ulun ;
without your odvico , "
Lawyer "If the pn8onoristhrou i
wo will now proceed to examine th
witnnug , "
Prisonur "Yes , for the piesont ,
will deliver my daily ovation later , "
Lawyer "I nmtabout to put th
irst hypothetical qupfltion to the nit-
IUM , ThiMO wishing to remain
liroughout the delivery of the quwi-
inn will find excellent board and
edging nt the hotel opposite. The
mention will ho delivered in aoctionn ,
and 1 think I can innnnRO to gut
hrotifh with it in the course of tht
nonth. "
i. Eighteen days after. Witnoii fltill
Hi the stand :
Lawyer "And now , haring hoard
ho first hypothetical question , whai
your opinion ? "
Prisoner "Oh , never mind hin
pinion , llo is nothing hut a
mnplu-heiulud liar , and ho mi ht M
roll KO homo nnd soak hin foot. Judge ,
think it in about tirno to adjourn ,
Suppose wo ( ihutupshop for the dny. "
Judge "lint 1 beg to remind the
moonur that it in only 2 o'clock , and
Prisoner "What's the dim I've
md enough of this racket for to-day ,
Mid I don't want to HCO tlmt
> lnatud uon on the witness ntand to *
morrow , either. Wo muat have afresh
nan. lie's too innocent. "
ha-vyer "But , begging the prm-
mir's pardon , 1 tnunt remind him
hat the witnoaa has yut to nnswor
mr question. "
Prisoner"It doesn't make a hit of
lifioronco. JIo's an old fool and I'm
irud of him. Judge nro you or nro
rou not going to adjourn ? "
Judge "Tho court in adjourned
mlil what time shull I say , prisoner ? "
1'risonur "Oh , well , make it 11. "
Judge "Eleven o'clock to-morrow
norning. "
Old and Now Tlmo3 In Hnwnll Ilo-
coptlon to the King After His
Long Tour.
few York Tribune.
HONOLULU , November 27. After
eng yuura I return again to the isola
cd land whom ) idyllic life infatuated
no in my youth. It in nine yuara
inco I last visik'd these isles. Thou
had embarked with an adventurous
row on a voyiigoof speculation mining
he luuf-hound conBtellationn of the
South I'ncific. Wo tripped anchor
mo ( lisniiil day and went out with the
ido. San Francisco was drenched
vith fog. I'Yeling our way in the
rrcy chaos of mist that choked the
iolden Ga < o , wo rolled into the teeth
f H gale that hul : apparently
11:011 : lying in wait for UB. We were a
nero morsel for such moiiBtrous greed
> ut u choice ono , and for five und
twenty days wo quivered butwoun lifo '
md death in a black and quaking Hen.
When wo got our reckoning , the last
since leaving port , wo were away up
"n the vicinity of Japan. In the twi-
ijjht of the thirty-third day wo Hot
° oot on Hhoro nt Honolulu , where I
'orthwith deserted. The voyage was
completed three weeks ago by a b.irk
not a year nhl in eight a ays nnd sev
enteen hours , but on the other hand
> ur schooner was antiquated , and had
l > eon a vagabond all her days. At
: his present writing wo have accom
plished the passnga in exactly seven
Jays. The ntoamor loft San Francisco
311 tinio , not often the case , as she is
bound to await the arrival of the Eng
lish mail , and aa wo had King Kal-
nkaua on board , the captain , who wat
not sparing of fuel , in conjunction
with that indulgent individual Old
Probabilities , managed to run us into
port about thirty-six hours before
the several committees on the royal
reception wore ready to receive hie
majesty. This wo knownothingof. Con
sequently when we sighted the blue
peaks of Mani , ran under the lone
shadowsof , 'Molokai , whither the un.
linppy loners are banished for lifo , anil
then made for Koko Head and Oiilni ,
beyond which lay our harbor , we
clicked glaKsos with the King and the
congratulation ! ) were mutual and pro
Nearing port , skirting the palm
Fringed shore , wo watched the tawnj
bluffs where the soabroko bravely ant
scattered its spray like snow ; the lonp
ribbons of dazzling beach ; the Binal
jrnBB huts at intervals , with hero nni
blipro u tiny whitochnpolaoda pointoi
spire , looking vary much lik <
toyn. The littlest possible pee
pie riding the littlest possi
Mo beasts cantered along the shingh
on their way to the capital to wolcomt
the returning king. They scorned t <
bo hastening mechanically , whih
pretty clouds shook out brief showon
nnd unfurled bright rainbows , one
after another , nnd passed onward intc
the vast ailenco. A Bail or two rockoc
on the sparkling sea , changing thi
light nnd shade with every tack
It was yory like ono of thesi
Gorman pictorial clocks , HIOBO puppets
pots live out their mimic lives Ion ;
after the dust of the inventor hai
blossomed nnd gene to scod. Menu
while , King Kulnkniuv was watching
tlio tiny kingdom that hud u few honn
before lison from the Ben , IIH it
llo kiuiw every rod of it ; it was his
although ho didn't nniko , nor him
anything to do with the making of it
hut he wax horn in the imago ot thoai
who pcopltfd it wlion the vulloyt ) rnnj
with heniio traditiona. llo has tin
languid otiBO , the consoling fatalism
the delightful superstition of hia ruco
It is bred in the bone , and the tour
ol forty worlds could not educate bin
out of it. Ho shows less of it thai
the majority of hia people , know
ing well how to disguiHo it. Hi
oven nd'eots Dohoniianisni to n do
grco , and remarked to llochofor
that 1m won the only republican in hi
kingdom , meanwhile having said time
mo that what the citizens of tin
United States are in need of is ai
emperor , mid tlmt the. United State
linmt hocnmo an empire. Ho hn
' 'run ' with tV machine , " nnd rinon ti
the dignity of foreman. Once lit cd
ited a newspaper , in hia nativ
tongue , that flourinhod undo
the mouth-filling title of Hoki
i ku Pakipika ( Star of the Pacific )
Hut this v < aa in the halcyon days o
udoloscono , before ho had dreamed o
the thrnno and of circumnavigation
Iis ! queen , with pathetic and pntriciai
pride , refutes to utter ono word o
Kiiglish , although sha ia ucquiuntei
with the language. She invariably re
lies in her own tongue , thus oftei
making the aorvicoa of un interprute
As wo approached Oaluj , wo sn\ \
smoke Bignnu nsponding ; the film ;
threads lloaliny upward were cnugh
by pasHing winds mid spirited jiw'uy
beckoning to one another from th
hill tops ; and long before wo wer
abreast of the capital the papulae
KAA at the water mdo to give u wol
oomn. A spirited cannonade aroused
uncommon enthusiasm. Nothing los <
would have accomplished that end in
this drowsy hltlu world. The ynrdt
of the Russian fleet were quickly
manned. Punchbowl , in the roar ol
the town , blazed nwny in fine stylo.
All the bolls in the town jangled , nnd
cheer upon cheer rolled out ever the
placid soa. There were the usual
addresses of welcome in English nnd
HawHiian , and n very creditable procession -
cession followed the rojnl leader , un
der triumphal arches and canopies of
Unas , from the Esplnundo to the palace
ijnto. Words of ( creating were om-
blazoncd on every hand , chit lly in Ha
waiian , atich I.B "Groat Love to Kala-
haua , " "Ilcturn , 0 King , " "Hawmi
is the Uest , " "Oh , the IJlessod , the
Chosoii Ono , " "Wo nro all
the King's Own ; " llcst , 0 King , "
etc , etc. The Chinese whoso mission
t is to rush in whetc angels foiir to
road , ercctod a gaudy calico kiosk ,
quite as fantastic as anything one
could hope to find in spectacular
Irninn. It bore thcao signiticant son-
imoiiUij ' "Welcomed by the Child-
on of the Flowery Laud , " and
'Hawaii nnd China have joined
lands. " The most noticeable feature
n the decorations was the reaurroc-
ion of an ancient symbol of savngo
oynltycalled the "Pulaulau , " alow
wooden cross supported by a glebe
and having on each arm n flaming
uncon. These were planted along the
ino of the procession nt frequent
ntorvnls , and were very oll'octiyo.
So also were the illuminations , which
hough not general for onthuauMn
docs not keep long in this climute
were in some cases singularly beauti-
ul. The quaint towers of the Roman
Catholic Cathedral , and the bull tower
of the fire department were thickly
etuddod with colored lamps , and the
nonques by the Nile , on the birth-
light of the prophet , are not moro
licturoaquo than wore these gemmed
, n < l twinkling minarets as they sprang
rom the illuminated groves bunoath
The dny following the king's arri
val wits the Sabbath , a dny of rest nc-
ording to l.iw , and wo consequently
us ted , en masse. Monday the nr-
'nngeineiitn for the roynl reception
Hiving been completed , the futo was
eiiowed. The procession , the speech
Liking , the songs of wel-
omo , the torchlight procession
nnd the illuminations were all ro-
> oatod. I'orhnps novvhoro else could
.hin have been done without n mur-
nur , but the people have no little to
imuao or intoicst thorn buyond n
ohango in thu wenthor that they were
norothan cqiml to the occasion. Af-
ur this the roynl receptions wore in
inter. The natives visited the king ,
miny of them bearing oflcrintrs of
gold and HilviT , and nearly all of them
ihnking hands with their sovereign
u the moat American and democratic
No Snob 'Word nn Fail.
"I have u cd your SiMtiNfJ BLOSSOM for
yHiicpnin , lieadnche anil const ! , iitlon , and
nil it IIOH done mo .x ureat deal of good. I
ball ricoiuincnil It to uiy frmndn.
"llKNKV fitllTOJETTI ,
"May 21th , 90 ftlaln St. , Buffalo. "
Price & 0 tentB , trial bottles 10 cent .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ jan'J-lw
A Mlto of a Man Weighing but 1OO
Pounds , Full of Norvo.
Ion on Letter.
Imagine a mite of n man , listless
intl ahrunken in appearance , weighing
but little ever 100 pounds , with no
particularly intelligent expression ,
und , in fait , with hardly a manifesta
tion of any kind of power or force in
his whole showing. Physically , indeed -
deed , ho is weak , nnd it ia said of
himself and another Now York capi
talists that they have but one lung be
tween thorn. Mr. Gould came into
the Now York and Now England
meeting and took his sent upon a
front eettcn near the platform. He
slouched down upon the bench HO that
hia head rested upon the rail of the
settee back , and ho entered into the
proceedings very much as a stunted
farmer's boy is wont to dp in a coun
try church , so far aa position nnd ap
parent interests in the exercises ) arc
concerned. During the routine he
was thus partially hidden from many
would-bo inspectors who were peering
anxiously in nis direction , his neighbors -
bors on either hand overtopping
and outbulking "him. When
the formal business was over ,
and speeches were in order , cries ol
"Gould ! Gould ! " filled the hall , ant
the little preut man worked hiinsoli
inno a standing position. If ho har
boon a country bumpin essaying a firsl
speech in n village lyceum , ho must
hnvo boon laughed ntns ho htood there
Ilia face wua wreathed in simpers , ami
hia whole manner Vina nil exaggerated
aim per. When ho nt lust did apeak ,
his utterance was labored and hesitat
ing and atill simpering , his voice light
und with notaking quality , and there
wns not n sympathetic or winning
feature about him. Involuntarily hit
critics , viewing him now for the first
time , mud to thumaoKoa : "This is not
the mighty Gould of the Slock L'x-
clmngu ; the dictator , almost almolnte ,
of railroads , worth § 80,000,000. " Yut
thin was , indued , the very man ; thif
alight-built apparent body of weak
nuaa , of15 years' continuance. Hie
raply to the calls of the ii'aoinbla t
was , so far an hia worda wurouoiicoin.
ed : "I will mnko you n apeoch , gun <
tlemen , after our first dividend ia do <
clnrod. " Ho will never keep hia word ,
whatever turns , for ho can no mori
make n apovch thnn ho can weigh t
ton. The mooting ever , the com
pany sauntered and loitered about
exchanging words before getting upoi
the street again. This xvni the goldci
optnitiiiity | | imprnvi'ii b' npm t < i i o
u good look at Goutd. Ho iippi-iiu-i
nervous and watchful regarding tin
close approach to himself of nit )
strargor , as though not entirely frei
from apprehension that , oven in BUG !
a place and surrounded by friends
some enemy iniuht bo seeing him. I
is BMd that since theattack made upoi
him Bonio time ngo ho has never appeared
poared abroad without the company
of a "striker , " who would protect
toct him if danyer threatened
nnd he would certainly need Bonn
auuh hclner if attacked , oven though
as ia probably the case , he is no dc
groo of n coward physically. So mm'
for the personal appearance of : i ma-
who made hia first entry into Ncv
York City during the Crystal paaci |
exhibition , nnd who , until the > ; > :
18(19 ( , had never boon rockonod'otllol
than a poor man. True , ho woa r
moro boy nt the time of that first visit ,
nnd nil his hopes and expectations foi
the future wore centered in a roti'
trivauco which ho carried in a mahog
any box under his arm , nnd pnV.ed
inordinately n wonderful mouse-trap ,
that wns all. His mouse-trap brought
him nothing but trouble , and it turn
ed , as it haa turned ono thousand
limes oven in Now York , that a mouse
trap , oven though it would bo n won-
tlerful nfTnir. ia of no account unless
is bo found in the riuht hands. Thcao
nro not the trnpi that Gould was best
fitted to manipulate. Mr. Gould isnow
45years old , and hia friends apparently -
ly admire the statement when tnoy say
ho haa made for himself $1,000.000 for
every year ho haa lived in the world.
They probably underrate him in this
direction , nnd his solid individual
wealth is , without doubt , greater than
tlase figures would represent. But
on earth thuro is probably no harder
worker , no greater slave to a fortune ,
no more persistent follower of destiny
than this same Jay Gould. In busi
ness affairs ho in an nbnormnl develop
niont of humanity , nnd nil his manipu
lations nro strokes of geniua. How
ever , it does not now appear that this
sort of thing ia to die with him , for he
Jias a son reported to bo of greater
genius thnn hia father in the same
If you wiah to avoid great danger
and trouble , besides A no small bill
of expense , at this season of the year ,
you should take prompt stops to keep
disease from your household. The
system should bo cleansed , blood
purified , stomach and bowels regula
ted , and prevent and euro diseased
arising from spring malaria. Wo know
of nothing that will so perfectly nnd
surely do this aa Electric liittcra , and
at the trifling coat of fifty cunt a bet
tle. [ Exchange.
Sold by Tab & McMahon. 7
SomoImportnntbtatomentH of Wo
Kiiu-wn People 'Wholly
In onler that the public may fully rcallro the
KcmilncncM of the staten cntn , M ucll ; n the
mncrand value of thu article of which the }
ipwik , wo publish herewith tie fac-slmllu HtKna-
.nre.H of parlies wlioso elncciltv Is bc\on I quco-
Ion , The Truth of tlapo t'etlinontala U alno
ute , nor can the facts they announce ho Ig-
OHAIIA , Men. , May 21 , 1831.
I. II. WAHNKII & Co. :
DKAH Hint I ha\o frequently nnol Warner's
Safe Klilno > nuclLher Cur for looil alTcctlous
.tteiidnnt upon mncro rhuumntlo attacka , and
ia\c alnjn < lcrl\c < l bcnellt thcrcfrnm. I hi\o
nlio uicd the tialo .Norvinu with catUfictory re-
sultR. I conslUcr these orliy ot
Deputy Treasurer.
OHAIIA , Nrn , Maj 21 , 1 81.
I. " . WARNRR & Co , , lloclicstor , N. Y :
GKMH : I liuo tiscil jour bate Kidney and
her Cure this anrri ! asn l > crlnIterator , and
Hindi the remedy I otcr tried. I hwo
istd 4 hottlca , a' d It haa made mo fcol better
nan e\ur 1 uld before In the Kprln ; .
U. P. n. Shora.
OMAHA , NKB . May 24.1881 ,
Sins : For more than 15 yars I hare suffered
nuch In onvcnlcnco from combined kidney and
Uordlecaaoa . have been umbloto work
my urin y org n > alto being aflecUnl I tried a
great many modlclnn and dotton , but I grew
verse and worro day by day. I was told I had
Brliiht'i Il caa , and 1 wished myself dead It I
xjuia not have speedy relief. I took your Halo
Kidney and Liver t.ure , knowing nothing else
wan ever known to euro thn disease , ana I hav-
not been diaappolntcd. Th medicine haa cured
tan , and I am porfec ly well to-dar , entirely
through > our Rale Kidney and Liver Cure I
wish you all sues 83 In publishing this valuable
remedy through he u orld.
U. P. K. 11. Shops.
Thousands nf equally strong endorsement-
nunyof them in eoso-i wbero h < ] xna aban *
i-oncd ba > o been voluntarily ( flvrn , chowlni ; the
romai kablo power of Warner's Safe Kidney and
Liter Cure , in all il easei > of the kidno > a. liter
or urinary organs. If any ono who reads this
fir phVoical trouble remoiuber thu gre t
In Hosts of Families
llo'tf ttcr'H Hlonmeh llltti'ri Is on much regarded
nn a household IK eoBslty a uugtr or colfto. The
ruaoou of thin U thntear of KkporluiiiM ) hate
| iro\cnl It to be pirfoit y rtliablo in thofo casts oi
umcrirency uheruu iirompt aiul nmenlunt roin-
idyi \ dcmandoil Constipation , liter complaint ,
dysH'pali. | hidlgeatlon and otl r troublui arf
01 en omo by it ,
Tor tle liall PrugglsUand Dealers , to nhom
apply for llootetter'n Alumna' for IbV. .
TRADE MARK.1'1,1 * 0riatTRADE - MARK
cily. An un
failing cum
for Seminal
Weakness ,
rhea , Imi > ot-
cncy. and all
Self Attune : ai4 Ixiwi of Meniorv. fnli iinil Luiml
l , . | . , I'ulx In thn | ! n k l > lnmiH of VI Ion Pro
_ niuro 'iJ Ago , iiid iuan > uther Hi i - thft
load to Insanity or Uoniumptlou and a Promt
ture Grave.
FFull particular In our paiimhlet , whlcl
wo df lro to lend free t r mall to uteryono
13Tho Spoclflo Uedlclno U told by all druggist
at < 1 p r package , orupckte for $5 , or * ll
be sent frc by moll on reel ptol the money , b ;
addroiuiiig T1IEU1U 1EDICINKCO , ,
lUUTalo , K * Y.
or sale bv 0. Ooodr _ oc7me-eod
Cuming Street ,
J , J. NOBES , Propr.
Rpopned in First-Glass Shape
I jon suffer from IjFj > cp ! .i , u o t
I jou arc afflicted with Illllousncw , use
( jou arc prostrated with sick IlKulncho , Uko
I your Bonds &ro disordered , rcgulntu them with
( jour DlooJIi mpurc , purity It with
lfyouho Indigestion , you will tindixn ttntldoto
n UUIIDOCK 111.001) 111TTEHS.
f > ouaro troubled with Spring Complaints , er
adicate them with UUIIDOCK 1II.OOD 111TTKI13.
( your LlvcrlstorjilJ , restore It to healthy action
f your Mvcr li aCTcctcil , > ou will find n sure re-
f J on hao any species ot Humor or t'lmplc , tall
f j ou have any sjmptoms ot Ulcers or Scrofulous
Sores , a curatUo remedy will bo found In
'or Imparting Btrcngth and xltality tothcsjs-
cm , nothing can equal
I1URDOCK ni.00 niTTKItS.
"orNcr\ouianJCcicral Dublllty , tone up the
Price , 91.00 per Bottle ; Trial Bottle * 10 Ct *
FOSTER , MILBU1N , & Oo , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMalion and C. F.
Goodman. J0 27 oo < i-mo
Who trout glossy , Inxnrianfc
and wnvy tresses of abundant ,
Iioautii'ul Hair must nso
clcgnnt , cheap article always
makes the Hair prow freely
and fust , keeps it from falling
out , arrests and cares grayness -
ness , removes dandruff and
itching , makes the Hair
strong , giving it a curling
tendency and keeping it in
any desired position. Beau *
tiful , healthy Hair is the sore
result of using Katuairon ,
If youaro nmii { fit juunr
> - , man of ki
en d liy tlio strain of te rstcUlnBOTsrimi
\our tlJtlea avolii nlKht ttnik , to ret
ti.mulunUunit u toiebrnin nerve nno
Hop Bittors. | paste , u.e Hop B ,
1 ; jou nre younK and i jcfnmiiiy I ,
dlscretlou or Cliistpaj | Hum II you uru iiar
rtcd or tlne' . W or ! young. Buuerlnjr froR
poor health or languish 1 [ nc on a bed jf < lcr
nte , ttlj on Hopl | Blttorn.
\VhooTeryouaro. " 71icusjinaa ate at. *
xbtnatcT you feel naiUlyrruui ooaiv
that your T Jcra fonn jf Kidney
needs cluanslnB , toti- fdiseaJO that mlKlit
Inir o ttlmulatlng > , 1 liaTotx npreTeutt
I by n timely uwot
-.nko Hop V HcpEtter :
Bitte' .
JWMIII , kidney O , I. O
jjialn. . miKii e
and Irresleta
of tin ) ttomacn ,
KOP ble o n r u f ot
bnueln , ftlooa , drunkennesB
IHerotnrnnl uao of opium ,
You will bo tobacco , o'
curedltyouuse narootlcs.
Hop Bitter *
Ifyonnre < i Imply Sold by dm ? *
lstfl. Bundfut
k and
ply w r
loir unlrlte.l , try NEVER Circular
ui It may
Bnve your
FAIL o co.
life. It has ,
saved hun B lMltrH , I
dreds. Toronto , OnU
Tals yreat epccific cures that most loatftsomo
"Wliether in It * Primary , Secondary
or Tertiary Stage.
Ucmorca all traces ol 1'crcury from the Bg-
torn , Cures Scrofula , Old Saroi , Ulicunm-
tlsrn , Kczcum , Catnrrh or any
lllood Disease.
Cores When Hot Sprlnc" Fail !
Malt urn , Ark. , Slay 2,1881.
\Vaha\ocascriin our town wliO lUeJatllot
] ) tin onuil ncru llually cured ulth.S. S. S ,
SCJA | ( MO.S & JlL'URV '
Mfiiijilils , Menu. , Ma > 12,1S81
Wo rmo told 1,2'Hl l > ot ICH of S..S. S. In a jiar.
It hm ) ( iveii iiiilu'iinl attUfattlon , I-air mlnuoil
lion ictoiiiiiiviul It OB n | K ) ltl\o
S MASsnu.Uffi Co.
I.oulbIlle , i ; > , , Mii ) 1SS1.
B. H. liaHtrUin Utter utl ( u-tlon thxu any
nioillclno I liatu v\tr Hold J. A. KLKU. .
Deiiun , Col.May 2 , 1831
K\try purtlu tli lil.rlu ( t tirnn
of B. S. ti. I , . .Mtln > a > 'r.
lllcli'ion.l. Va. . May 11 , 1BS1.
You can refer an ) bom to us In ro aril to the
merits of S. S. ti. 1'clk , Miller & Co ,
Ma o no\cr known S. H. H to fall to cure a case
( f Sjjilillla , hen nrnperl ) ' tiken.
The aUoi o nlk'ners arcgentlciuon of hlih stand
Omcrnor oiOcorgli.
Write for ( urtlculars and oony of little
book 'MeuAco to the Uutcrtunate.
l.OOl ) Rnwqrd l h rM to any
clii'inlm who will Hud , on anulj l IdO bottlrs
S 8. Bone partlclaof Mercury Iodide 1'otas.
slum or any Mineral nuhttance.
SWlrTSl'KtJU'lO CO. Pro | .
Atlania , Qa.
1'rlco of regular size rrducctl to 1 75 IH.T hot
tlo Hmall size , liolJlnn'lnlI ttiw iiuantlty , ,
Sold t > \ KUNNAHD & CO , ,
and PriiggltU Oenerall )
OrricB front Iloom ( un btalw ) In Ilanv-ooi1
new trick building , N. W. cornsr Fftccntli nd
aroiuou SUecti. '
Fire and Burglar Proof
1020 Farnham Street ,
Manufacturing Company ,
Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Forks.
The only und tional pinto that
original firm of '
is giving for in-
Hog or B Broa.
atanco a single
All ou Spoons ,
Forks and plated Spoon a
Knives plated triple thickness
with the greatest
plato only on
of earn. Each
the B o c t i o s - * $ : .
lot being hung
on n scale while tvhero expo d
being plated , tt to wear , thuruby
insure a full du
making a single
posit of silver or
plated Spoon
thorn.Wo wear aa long aa
Wo would call
a triple plated
especial ation-
tion to one.
our see-
Rival. Orient Tinnod.
AD Orders In the West ( mould bo Addressed to
Wholesale Jeweler ,
Special Attention
Is Once More Galled to , the Fact that
v 1 '
jrtiuBa 01
Furnishing Goods
Hats and Caps
Wo aro'propared to moot the demands of the trade in regard to Latest Style
and Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connection
M. HELLMAN & CO , , , f
1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th 8t if ;
Clearing Sale I
K <
Is the place to Buy Bargains.
Look for the Red Ink Marks.
Flour , Feed , Grain , Baled Hay.
Winter and Spring Wheat Flour. Rye Flour , Grahaitf i
Bran , Corn , Oats and Chopped Feed of all Kinds. *
Oor , Eighth and Farnham Streets , Omaha.