Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1882, Image 1

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Yesterday's ' Proceedings ia Both
Houses of Congress ,
The Arrears of Pensions
Beceivoa a Raking Over
in the Senate.
A Bill Introduced in the House
to Settle the Ugly Mor
mon Business.
Milcollnnoonn Notes From thn Na
tional Capital.
Associated I'rcsH.
WASIIIMITON , Januaiy lli. Mr ,
Edmunds , from the judiciary commit
tee , reported the bill to provide foi
the payment of members of congress
and officers and employes of the twc
houses when the office of the propel
disbursing ollicor is vacant. Placei
on the calendar.
Mr. Voorhees reported from tin
joint sekct committee on Hbraiy for i
now building. Placed on the calon
Mr. Davis ( West Virginia ) intro
dutcd a bill to establish the depart
ment of ngriculluro and commerce'
Mr. Logan , n bill granting arrean
of pension to the widow of Presidon
Lincoln from the day of his death t (
the date of the net granting her n pun
aion , July 4 , 1870 , and asked prescn
Mr. Ingalls said some days ago In
had introduced a resolution directim
the pension committee to mquhointi
the subject , and ho had intornibtioi
that convinced him that , while In
was willing to vote the largest amoun
to Mrs. Lincoln , this was not tin
proper mode of relief. Ho asked tin
bill be referred. So oidcred.
Mr. Camuion ( Pa. ) nt 1 o'clocl
called iu > his resolution declaring i
expedient to rcmovn all internal revenue
nuo taxes except on high wines am
distilled spiiits , and proceeded to ad
dress the senate.
In connection with his belief for th
relief of Mrs. Lincoln , Mr. Logan hai
read n letter from Dr. Pancoist , o
Philadelphia , and three prominon
phjsichns of Now York , stating tha
Mrs. Lincoln was sutibriug from in
ilatnination of the spinal coid , w hid
would t emanate in paralysis of th
lower limbs , iv disease of the kitlnojs
and a cataract on both eyes.
Mr. Ilule , from the committee oi
appropiiations , reported the lions
bill to supply deficiencies in the ecu
sus bureau. The bill was passed.
At the Bugcestion of Mr. Voorhees
the regular order ( the 3 percent , bom
bib ) was laid aside and the senati
J.ook up the resolution declaring tha
the aryears of pensions act should nebo
bo repealed. Mr. Voorhees addressei
the Donate in support of the resolu
1 33 ; . rSpoiw > t. utricturo t y Mr
Voorhees upon the remark made b ;
Mr. Beck that the act was conceive <
in sin , brought forth in iniquity , am
was a fraud upon the American pee
pie and a standing monument to th <
ignorance and co .vardice of congress
Mr. Beck said ho had never intendei
to reflect upon any member of oithei
liouse. In fact ho was , at the time
10 bill passed , himself ignorant ol
A * , methods used by outsideis tt
work up the passage of the bill.
Seu'ator Voorhees' defense of tin
arrears of pensions act was a master ! }
etlbrt and attracted unusual attcn
Mr. Beck followed with a forcibli
speech on the other side.
The Senate then went into o\ecu/
tive session and at 4 p. in adjourneu.
The president sent to the senate to
day the name of Samuel Seaburg , ol
New York , to be naval constructor , n
number of Indian agents , receivers ol
public money , registers of land offices ,
and a large list of postmasters.
Mr. Robeson called up his report
re ominetidintr an increase in the
membership of the committee. Ob.
t jection was made , but the speaker
ruled tnat it was privileged matter ,
but on the question the house voted
A largo number of bills were intro-
.rnrduced under call of states , the ma
jority of minor impoiraato.
Mr. Calkins presented ono piovid-
ing for ton laws in Utah , and
that voters must take an oath that
they do not believe in or practice po
Mr. Jiiltzhoovor intioduced a bill
asking how much money had been
expended for the Mgiwl service since
1875 , The bill contemplates exami
nation of all accounts of the signal
service dquitmpnt sim-o 18 r , tint
special objeot boin-n' to learn tlio extent
tent of the ombo//leiiiont ( if Captain
Hougato. Mr. BtlUhoouir said ho
would not be surprised if Howgate's
embejMloinent should reach nearly
double the sum he is now charged
with having taken.
After considerable debate on the
bill incorporating the Garfield hospital
the house , at u p , in. , adjournoj.
The number of bills introduced in
the house to-day was 40-1 , making a
total since organisation of It , 171.
National AssocijtiJ Vren
AdlllUl l/lt U
WASHINOTON , Januaiy 10. The
agiicultural convention listened this
morning to a paper on the sui > ar in-
duutiy of the United States , read by
Mr. Isaac Hedges , of Missouri. Tlio
wiper was then generally discussed.
. In the afternoon > Y. I. Chamber-
l-laiii , of Ohio , read a paper on national
and industrial crop reports
The secretary of state having con
cluded the work of selection for KOV-
eminent representation abroadi , it is
expected that nominations for sot era' '
important missions and cotiMilntc1
will bo sent to the aoiiatu to-morron
or next day.
It is also reported that Dcfrcos is U
be renoniinatcd qovonimcnt printer
Murdered Their Father.
Nktlonkl A * ocUtcd rrciw.
, Ind. , January Iti.
A woll-to do fanner who' ' formerly
resided near Washington. SVnyni
county , in this slate , aced 65 , disap
pearcd on the 4th of this month am
has not boon scon since. The family
in reply to questions from the neigh'
bora as to the whorcabouts lot thcii
fatlfcrjould say : "Go and find him
it is n't our business io hunt fo :
him. " Suspicions of foul rlay ex
istcd , and on Saturday i
of sixty mun assembled , at
cccdcd to the farm anj ,
moncud to search the p :
which ended in their finding
mains in the bottom of a due ,
covered with stones. When Intmgh
to the surface , two bullet bolpAwci
found in his head. The familjlwh
nro now under ariest witnesses tin
search with pcifect imlifFcrcncoi bu
attempted to direct the attention o
the crowd from the v. ell to the house
Tlio mothoi and two sons had fie
qiiuntly thioatoned to put the eli
man out of the way , and the youmjo
children had buun t.tuulit to hate him
There Waa a consulcrablo liglit nbou
tlio house during the \\holo t > f th
night of January 1th. There is in
tense excitement at the scone of tb
CKNTMIVILLK , Tnd. , January 10.-
The excitement lu-re is at fever hea
over tlio murder of Mr. Smith ,
farmer , fouitcen miles north of here
Lynching is freely talked of.
RICHMOND , Ind. , January 10.-
Dan , youngest son of David H. Sniitli
the old fnimer founei murdoied in
well on Satusdav night , to day con
fossud to kilHbp-Kis father and c\on
crates the balance of the family. Th
father and sun had a quarrel about
horse s.ile. Dan shot his father jus
outside the door seven times. II
then broke his head with a hammer
dragged him to the well and thio\
him in.
Oar Coaling Station ia Peru.
National AbHOtliitnl I'n.-s.
PA : AMA , Januiry llLatest ! date
from Lima are to the 2'Jd ult. Tin
protocol of the proposed sale Chini
bote to the United States has bcci
published , accompanied by u state
incut that the United States legatioi
in Lima uas iufoimud under date o
November 18 that the United State
government declined accepting sii (
protocol , in older that it shall not h
believed toTie intoroatcd in the ofl'o
of intervention in Pacific aflairs. Th
protocol in behalf of the governmon
of Pom concedes to the Unitoi
States the right to a coal depot
pot in the port of Chimbote , and al
facilities they may require , so tlm
their navy and merchant vessel
may provide themselves wit ]
that article , and to static ]
themselves in that port , Pern reuorv
ing to itself the right to make simila
concessions to other friendly powers
the concessions to bo of indefinite du
ration ixiid'can bo withdrawn after notice
tico of ono year , has been given to tin
United States. At the tune Calderoi
wan thus disposing uf the port am
land , Chimbote was in Pierola'a pos
session and Pioiola was exercising in
goveriiin" the grcatei part ot the ro
public. The public ttion of the proto
cal , it is feared , may cause a icactioi
tlnough the republic in fa\orrf Pier
ola. Con. Pieiola remains in Lima
A fire occurred in Antofagasta oi
Decemb ( r ( Sth , doing damage to tin
extent of SUOC,000.
The Htuainship PaUgonia. ropoitei
dmibled at sea , arrived at Valparaisi
December 10th , having repaired dam
Marino Intelligence.
National A 8oclatcl I'rcsi
NKW JCOHK , January 10.-Airi\c (
The Brittania from Liverpool , tin
State of Indiana from Glasgow , tin
Neckar from U emcn , the Saratoga
from Havana , the City of Para fron
HAVUB , January 15. Sailed Tin
Ameer for New York.
Arrived On the loth , the Cana
dian from New York.
O , January 1C. Arrived
The Itlienia from New York.
LONDON , Jannary ll ) SailedOr
the 14th , the Alsatia for Now York ,
the Holland for Now York.
tji KKNSTOWN , January ] . _ Sailed
On the 14th , the Uotliiua for New
LiKIUMOI. . , .laniiarv li ( Arrived
Tlio Permian fnuii lioston , the Cas <
piau fiom Haltunore
LOHVK , Jainiuy H ! Sulcd Oi
the liith , the State i f Xi.\ada fin
Now York.
Tlio Cnuvlot Extradition CIIHO
.National A noc atml I'n
TOHOSTO. Jiniiiij Hi Miller , the
eacapi d ciiiniut finin iho NVuatern
peni untiai > at 1'ittnbnrg , waa
brought up bofoic Jud/o . " \lcK'uii/.ie \
this tifteiaoon and extradition pro
ceedings commenced. The prisoner
was fully identified by Capt. Wright ,
warden of the ponitentiarv , and Detective -
tectivo O'AIaro , of Pittsburg , Knr-
ther investigation was sot for two
weeks from to-day , The prisoner , it
is said , hoe received consideiablo
money from friends and ho will make
a bii ; fight before returning.
Tlio ZJraboman Anohtod.
NKV YOHK , January 1(5Jeorgo (
Uolius , the , vas arrested
'or criminal catolcftsneas in connection
with the Spyten Duyvil disaster , and
irraigncd today bofoio Coroner
Uerklo and lemandcd to an ait formal
nvestigation ,
The remains of Oliver H. Keeley , ol
spring City , Pa. , were claimed to-diiy
y his uncle and taken homo.
1'rank Burr , on ineor of the Tar-
rytown train , which collided with the
.Ulan . tic express on the Central rail
road ut Spuyton Duyvil on Friday
light , made a aworn Btatemont to
ho coroner to-day. Ho naid that ho
iid not start from Spuyten Duyul
until thirteen minutes after the ox-
prcss loft. Ho entered the cut at the
rate of 18 or 20 miles per hour.
There was no danger signal thoro.
When ho emerged from the cut ho
saw a llagmfin swingins a signal and
at the same time saw the red light on
the exprcos train about two or throe
car length * ahead. Ho pulled the
throttle wide open and put on the
air brakes and blow the whistle , but
could not stop his train. Ho re
mained at Ilia post Until after the
Nutlonil Awoclttril 1'row.
SAVANNAH , Ga. , January 10. Jesse
Williams , ( colored ) murdeier of Old
Toby Locke , night watchman , Julj
10th , waa hanged in the jail yard at
noon to-day. The execution was private
vato but lau'O ciowds of colored people
plo were on the streets about tin
jail , llo had a good inght'saleep , alt
u nuiiity breakfast , uas baptised by i
liaptist clergyman and ovpiessed tin
hope of going to heaven and resigna
tion to fate. Ho confessed his ciitm
and bade his fiioiuh farm\oll. Hi
dropped sovcn teet and died easily
Tina is the sixth execution since tlu
Fatal Accident to a Soldior.
Ntttlorml Amounted I'ruvt
Piiii.MiKU'iuv , January Id. Tin
man \ > ho was received into the Peim
sylvama luwpitat yesterday sulfurim.
from severe injuries occasioned Ir
jlimpinu ; from a south bound trail
near Maiiuo station , Pa , , and \\h (
died this morninir , was identified tin
afternoon as Fcrd Jem-guns , a ser
geant in the Seventh United State
infantry , stationed in Minnesota. II
had been on a two months' leave ii
Germany and waa leturning to hi
Sad Rocalt of a Joko-
Mtiona101 ! 1 toil 1'riHi
OWE.STON , Ky. , January Hi. A
( i o'clock jestuday evening Scot
Hay dun and John Colvert , two youn
men about eighteen years old , wen
( to W. A. Montgomery's , on Tii
crook , and before going in thought ti
frighten Montgomery by rapping 01
the window. They did frighten him
and ho got down an old gun , and , ii
trying to find out \\ho was there , th
gun uent off. The load struck Hayden
don in the forehead and killed Inn
instantly. Ho claims it uas mi acci
Hot Times in the Jo rncy Legislature
Nutlonnl As oduUil 1'revn.
TUKNTON , N. J. , January 1C. Ii
the house tnis aftcrnaon there was i
long discuisiou over the senate's Gar
field resolution. Hipp ( democrat
moved to stiiko out the clause saying
Guiteau was sane , as tlio Now Jursoj
legislature was not a jury. After the
debate only one man ( republican
voted against , the amendment. Hipj
then moved the assassination was tin.
result of the pernicious republican
political system. After a hot discus
sion the amendment was withdrawn
The Tax Frauds.
National Associated Press.
PHILA.III.LI > HIA , January 10 It ha
boon jdis overod by Tax Receive
Hunter that a number of bock record
which ' oiintam * important - aTidont
bearing on frauds in the tax office hav
been stolon. Access to the room ii
which the books wore kept was ob
tained through an unprotected plati
lns9 window. The theft was clis
covered by a clerk named Caldwell ,
A ho has been accused but denies
Holrs to an EnulUh Estate
Na'lonal Associated Proas
CINCINNATI , January li. ( The four
poisons who claim to bo heii to the
old Hydes estate of London , Eng
hind , now known as Ilydo pirk ,
valued at § 300,000,000 , are endeavor
nn , ' to form an association to piesa
their claims. The heirs are Mrs.
William H. Strathmaii and Mr. Stout ,
of Indianapolis , Mr. Compton of tbii
city , and ono other. They raisec
$20,000 to prosecute their claims.
Railway Now * .
Xntioiul J'rcHH AHsociation.
CINCINNATI , 0. , January It ! . The
Cincinnati , New Orleans it Texas
Pacific railway coinnany , lessees o :
the Cincinnati Southern , hold theii
first annual meeting this forenoon ant
ro elected all the board of directors.
A dividend of 1 | per cent was declar
ed , and u financial report was made
showing the gross earn ! lies for 2
months and 1 ! ) days to be 8012,008 -
Accident nn tbo Ml ouri Paoiflo
National Abitoolatcd 3rwi ,
LKAVKNWOII-III , Kmi. , January 10.
Five cars of a Missouri Pacific
freight train jumped tlio track imme
diately below this city about ! ) c clock
this evening , caused by the breakup
of a fro in the swith. No damage
vias done except by the detention of
trains. A similar accident occurred
at the Hamo place thm moining , ono
car beinu thrown off.
Fell From a Balloon
l \mxutu I I'run
LAUKIIO , Texas , January 10. At
3uantla , Mexico , Saturday , Sunonta
Jotalino Gougora , a beautiful girl of
17 , made a balloon ascension without
i car , but performing on u tiape/.o at-
ached , When
throoMjuartors of a
mlo high the balloon burst , and the
itl fell to the ground and was crushed
o death.
No 'World' * Fair for Boitoii
Jallonil Aiwoclitcd
Uosro.N , January 10. The com-
uitteo appointed last October to can
asK for Hiibscriptioiif , and thus us-
coitain the sontiinent in favor of a
norld M fair , reports that it is inorpo-
dient jo hold a fatrinl88r , andreconi
nend its indefinite postponement.
Strike of Coal Miner * .
t'atlonal Anwcmtod 1'rtw
ST Josri'ii , Afo. , January 10. Two
jr three hundred colliers ut the Ray.
nond milieu in Kay county are on H
triko against a reduction of ono cent
a bushel. The operators say they
will not pay over six cents. As a very
mall rjuantity is on hand , a coal
aiiiinu is foared.
Scovillo's ' Arpmunt to Sayo His
Brotlior-m-law ,
Confining Himself Exclusively
to the Theory of Insanity
of the Assassin ,
And Asking the Jury Not to
be Iiifiuoncod by Per-
Bounl Poolings.
Giiltcnu's Alinrtlvo Attempt to
Mnlcn a Fun
Kixtlonikl A * xhUxl Vrcn
WAsiiiNdio.N , January 10. Mr.
Scnvillo began his argument by pub
licly returning thanks to the many
ununnnt counsel through the country
v\ho hml by mail assisted him witli
such good counsel rolativu to a propel
presentation of the defense BO as tr
unable luin to accomplish \\hat In
had ( hino and might yet do in criminal
practice. The jury should divcsl
themselves of emotion and sentiment ,
and consider the case from a purolj
intellectual standpoint. The case wm
one in which tliu plaintill' was called
to sit in judgment upon the dcfondanl
and in winch this jury worn interested
equally with other citizens in present'
ing. The jury wore a part of the gov >
eminent , part oi the ' people , part ol
the nation , for the 'killing of whose
chief magistrate the prisoner was
called on trial , and on that accouul
wore bound to bo extraordinarily euro
ful to divest themselves of their per
sonal feelings before forming jud < j [
mcnt. They should forget that Prosi
dint Garlield was one of themsolvei
and perhaps pursonally acquainted
with some of them. They shoulc
steel their hearts against the attempt !
which Judge Porter would undoubted
ly make to appeal to tlioir feelings
The speaker had from the first licit
that Guitciiu was insane , and that in
sanity was the only issue in the case
The district attorney , Porter , Davidgc
and Drs. Hamilton , McDonald
Kempstor , Gray and Worcester line
conspired together to hang the ac
cusod. Amcucan journalism dis
gracefully anticipated the verdict ,
hidgo DAVIS' charge in the Colonial
ciso was an attempt to influence tin
decision of the com I in this case.
Davidgo interrupting , Quiteau tolc
him to Keep quiet. "You talked twc
days and said nothing. Now give in
a chance "
Scovillo continued : The jury KCH
bound to acquit , even if they fount
Guiteau know the difference between
right and wrong on July 2d , if they
also believed ho , through mutual eta
sire , believed that Got ! required bin :
to do the act for the good of the
country and to avert a civil war. Tin
prosecution had failed to show any <
thing tending to provo that Guiteau
was a bad man and unlikely sincerely
to bo afllicted by any religious fueling
or delusion.
The burthen of'BcoVillo'HHl'garn'enc
was that the prosecution had labored
to bring against Guiteau an avalanche
of little things in order to build up a
charge. They had failed to bung
against him a single thing done bofuie
July 2d , for which ho should hang
his head except adultery.
"Yen , " said Guiteau , "and I'll ven
ture to say there is not now in thin
court room one innocent person on
that score. "
Then Scovillo recited the stoiy of
the woman tnkon in adultery , quoting
"Lot him amongst you who is with
put sin , cast the first stone , " and sij-
ing , "when Ho looked up the wo
man's accusers were gone. "
"I presume it would bo the name
way here , " said Guiteau.
After recess Scovillo continued the
attack on Davidgo for alleged pen or
aion of testimony in his address to
the jury.
During a pause in tins projepiJingi
just after reference had been madu to
his many debts , Guiteau shouted : "I
have lots of money now. Lot mv
creditors send in their notes and 1
will pay upsquaio like a man. "
"They think , " said Scovillo , after
enumerating numerous small itenm of
witnesses brought forward by the
government , "they think that
with this vast amount of odium heap
ed upon him , with his character
blackened , with his history i.ikod up
and thrown against him , they will
manufacture ! in your minds such
weight or inllueiico against him , micli
an intense hatred of the man. that you
will not atop to consider u little en
cumstanco as to whether ho was ot
sound mind when ho shot tlm picsi
dent. But you will say on your oath ,
let that man go to the gallows ; he is
of no use to tl > o community ; | lu is a
liar , clieat and ( windier ; lot IIB him , '
linn on general pimciplcs. "
Scovillo was about to discuss lliu
evidence of the witness who testified
; o the prisoner's intention of imitating
Wilkes Booth ( Shaw ) , when Guitoaii
toarod : "Hotter leave him with a
I" l aw. " No ono laughed and ho
added : "I mean P Shaw j" spell ing
t. Still there wuu no response and as
ulast resort ho cried : "They don't
ippoar to see the fun , do they1
Laughter , j Later ho declared ho
Jidn t care a snap for notoriety and
vas content to lot the future ugos at
end to Inn reputation.
Counsel , after reviewing the tosli-
nony of tliu witneac , charged that
joth ho and his clerk , who corroboi-
itedlimi , had poijurul thomsolvuH
I know they have , " chimed in the
"I could honor men like Mason and
Jones , ' continued Scovillo , "because
hey nero willing to take poraonul lib
rty , but hhiiw seems to hang this
nan without even running the iisk of
m.secution , which ho know could note
> o brought against
u living witness ex-
opt tJiutoau "
"This whole Shaw business is a lie
rom beginning to end , " said Guitoau ,
'I ' wish your honor would road my
speech this evening no that 1 can Uxll
with you about it to-morrow. "
Court then adjourned
Attorney General Hrowster eat or
the bench with Judge Cox during tin
latter part of the session.
ilolm W. Guiteau haa published i
letter on his brother's cixso. Ho iinyi
ho hopes the jury will disagree or ao
quit. Cox a instruction will bo mori
fnvoiablo than he had feared it mighl
bo , and public sentiment ia non
changing in favor of the belief in hu
brother's insanity. Ho say" Ouitom
has been misrepresented by the press ,
and it will bo a wonder if ho in noi
hmig before \pril 1st. Ho says in
Washington people understand the
caip better than outs do , and people
tlti-io beliexo largely in Umtoau'a in-
Itovui.v , January 1(5.- ( The aitich
entitled "Tho Guiteau Kxports , '
quoted by Guiteau in his uudomonul
speech as coiiuni ! fiom a Bus'on news'
pipnr , oiiginally appeared as mi edl
tonal in the last issue of The Liberty ,
an insignificant suvon-by nine fortnightly -
nightly organ of lUiarelnsta and social'
i K started in this city last summer.
NHW YOUK , January 10. Referring !
to the statement of Ouitom published
tins moining , in which ho claims k
have received a sympathetic lettei
from the executive otlioor of the
\ \ cstorn Union telegraph company al
Now York , inqtiiiy at that otlice nici
VH h prompt doniil that any such letter
tor had boon written by an oflleor ol
that company , but subsequent invcs
ti ation disclosed the fuel that n
young clerk had written for GuitoiuV
autograph on a shout Inuimg the oil ! heading of the executive oflicei
and used the language quoted. Hi
vs , is promptly dismissed for violation
of the company's rules in this im
proper use of its ollicial headings.
Small Fox.
N.itloi ! Anoclnkd 1'tcuu.
Uii'iiMOM > , VA , January 10. Tin
luiiiao pissed a coijcurient rcsolutioi
thivt the city authorities bo requostei
to furnish n suitable small pox liojpi
talithin three daya tor the sole ben
elit of the members and atUchcs o
tlio Icginlatuio. The senate refusci
to concur and it is now stated tlm
the house will to-morrow pass a row )
hitmn for the removal of the logislu
turo to Norfolk.
Ilosiov , Januaiy an
half a do/en cases of mnall pox a
Wiliiiington , Mass.
I 'OUT Jhitvis , N. Y. , Januury 10 -
l''i\e now cases of small pox have du
velopod I'.tPond Eddy , a email hamlo
on the Erie road , ten miles west o
this city. A death from the diaeasi
has occurred in this city. Tlneo nov
awes in the infected distiict vvoro ro
jiorted to-day.
I'lULAiir.i.riux , January 10.- Then
weie iiino deaths from small pox ii
this uity for tlm week ending Satur
day last.
ST. LOUIK , January Ifi. Ono nov
case of small pox was reported bore to
Several hundred persons attondci
tlie funeral of a child that had dioi
of the disease to-day , and bad result
are apprehonned.
, , . .
t attonal AnocTat-Tris {
ATLANTA , Ga. , .Tanuary 10 1
negro woman was run over and killoi
by a train near Millid oville , Ga.
A special from Hyron ropm ts tin
killing of Jno. Leo ( colored ) by boiiij
caught in the machinery in the engim
house ofV , E. NVaiien.
iwoclatiil I'renB
AriANTGa. . , January 10. A. C
& 15. l'Vyliu , the largest grocer ;
lioiiHu iii the city , assigned to U. ii
Crane to-day. Assists , § 125,000 ; lia
bihtics , -0,000. . Had debts cauno (
the failure.
llrock IJros. , tobacconists , hav
failed. Assets and liabilities arc nn
National Amradattxl 1'rcss.
LOUISVILT.K , January 10. Davii
Doubcli , an industrious German , fo
u number of years aflltctod with cancer
cor in the face , shot himself with i
pmtol this morning. Ho was unabh
to take solid food and would havi
starved within a few days.
Priionon Killed in Attemptitie t <
National Amaclatcd 1'rotm.
ATLANTA , Ga. , January 10. Yes
terday niorninu Duputy Shenll Walkei
was making his rounds in the Chostoi
( S.C. ) jail when two prieonorHattackud
him. liotli priaoners wore tliot and
will probably die.
The Triple Murderers
NMInnil AMWUatcd 1'llwu ,
CA'ri.hrrsiiuitd Ky. , January 10.
All in ( juiot hero to-day , UH the tria
uf the Ashland murdoroiH docs nol
commence until to-morrow , wliai
Kent's case comes up. Ono mind roc
men h vo been summoned from wlion
to select a jury.
( iitlonal AsiiOditoJ I'ICHM.
Sniolde of ou Ex-Poitma tor-
AT A rA , January 10. Wm. 11.
Locke , late postmaster at Enfantu ,
Ma , , died yesterday by shooting him-
lelf through the hoad. Ho wart ar
rested on Saturday on the charge ol
unibc//Jomont while postmaster.
Arrnstiul for Rnpo.
( atlnni ) '
ATLANTA , Ga , January 10 , A spo-
: ml from Davison leportn the arrest
> f Alex. Williams , charged with out-
agin ' the jL'r.son of Mollie Tyclcn'or ,
. - yeara old ,
To Hani ; for Murder.
follonal Adiiotlat
UHOW.NHVIM.K , Tex. , January 10.
juiriono Gaititu has been Bciitoncod
o be hanged in this county February
Oth for murder !
Cheated the Oaliow * .
rational Awoclatul I'rcm.
lliLKioH , N. C. , Januaiy 17.
lie-hard Morgan , in jail here under
rntenco of death , dioel from abscess
f the lungs to-day.
Rumor That Jay Dould and Sitl-
uoy Dillon are Out ,
The Union PnoiQo Hard Up , and
Qould Gives $5,000,000
to Help it Out.
Project for Oponiuc : the Yel-
lowdtono Pftrk via the
Northoru PnciQc.
MliioollnnootiN RuniMo * oC the
Rail. .
National Aiwoclatcil Pro's.
ST I'vi'ii , January li ( Siv piomi-
uent capitilinta of SI. Paul and
Minneapolis , among uhoiu are Sena
tor Wmdom and J. U. ( Jillillau of
MinueapoliB \ . 11 , lily ot Hisumvelc ,
and Mr. Ilolxit of the Notthein 1'a-
cilio load , have enteied into mi uirico-
nient with the Northern Pacific
to build a raihond , standard
gauge , from the point on the
Northern PaiMlicneanistthopirk totlto
geyacrHand National Yellowstone p irk ,
or , to npeaU moie deliuiloly , toity
miles of reid outsidu the go\eminent
park resoryatiim aiid forty milon with
in it. This road , it mbolio\ed , will
cost $ i20,0M ( ) per mile , making the
total cost of the eiuhty miles § 1,000-
( MX ) , or more likely , allowing for con
tingencies , § . ' ,000,000. , As an earnest
of good faith they are to put
up 810,000 each , a total of
800,000. The Northern Pacific
jyudicvto , of which Mr. Vilhud is
lioad and front , then agree to furnmh
( bo money to build and equip tliu
the road , t > King as sucnuty a mort
i rvgo thoremi , on which intcicst at the
rate ot 7 pel cent nor annum is to be
paid by the auplo lutnt.ny nyndicaiu
of BIX , but there it. a fuiil'Kt n roc-
iiiont ; the ontoipiiHin ; ' lulf do/en
citi/eim have seemed the guar
antee from the go\ eminent
that they will not aulloi
inolestation or hut t fill competitor
in hotels they in iy build in the paik
and accordingly tlioy have promiHoil
the government and the Not then :
Pacific raiiroad company that tluy
will expend SIHO.OOO in buildinglaigt
hotels. One of 500 loonm ia content
plated ai a stuitoritb all the necea
fury equipments ; and hotel to IK
ready for occupancy by the time tlio
now railioul is in running ordor.
NEW YOUK , January 10. It waf
reported in the stock exchange to-day
that Juy Gould has drawn his choch
for $5,000,000 to bo loaned to tlu
Union Paoilio railuay company to bo
used in p tying the January dividend
and for other purposes for which the
company is in need of money. A
Htatoinont ia further made to the of-
foot that the $10,000,000 lately re.
coived by the company from subacrip
tion was absorbed in paying oUT tin
Moating debt. The company has boon
aomowhat ombarrasaod by purchasing
non-paying railroads. It wa stated
in Mr. Ootild'fi'orHco to-duy.ho ia ah
ways ready and willing to loan moiuy
when good interest and ample security
is afforded. It ia nlso rumored that
the amicable and conlidontial rela
tions BO long sustained between the
U. P. ( Sidney Dillon ) mid Jay Gould
have been interrupted in ( the most
deplorable ir.inner , owing to the in
evitable outgrowth of rivaliy which
must obtain hitweon the Union Pa
cific and Texas Pacific loads. The
lattei mad him r.ow about got tilings
in shape for peimamcnt operations.
Yet Nififw ( y , 0. , Januaiy 10 To
day consolidation WIIHeffected between
the Pittnbingh , Rochester it Shaipj.
villu and the
niiluay Shcnnngo i
State Line raihoad coiiip.inieH. The
former I'H to build at once from Pitta <
burg to Sharpsvillu , Pa. , and tlu
other from Now Castle junction to the
Ohio and Pennsylvania state lino.
The oflicora of the consolidated com
pany are Joseph Forker of Sharon ,
Pa. , president ; John Spearman ,
P. L. Kimberly , David Adams , Henry
W. II. Wharton , Francis II. Poojles ,
George H. Taylor of Sharon , ami
General John Sanderson , W. J. Hitch
cock of Youngstown , O. , director.
At the PonnaylvaniH and Ohio atuti
line they will connect with the Pitta-
burgh , Youngstown it Chicago rail-
read now building.
Cimudo , January 10.This week
theolliceof Mi. Merrill , now asuiyt
ant gjuorul uupurini"ndent of tliu
whole line of tlmVabnah road , in
buuig moved to St. Louis , wliurn
horoaflor all the general oflicen will bu
located , and the clerks are busy pack
ing up , and expect to bj domiciled in
their now quarters by the latter pnil
of ho wook. Mr. Moriill'H pienonl
quartern will , after hit ) rcmouil , bn
occupied 'jy ' C , L. Rising , the i/unoriil
NKW YOIIK , January HiThoIMnil
and Express snya " \Vo are able tn
state on good authority that the rail
road war hoa been settled by an
agieemeiit to pool the earnings of tlm
nadn ! on the basia of freight rates of
This morning the trunk lines issued
a Hchedulo of tates for freights on a
basis of { { Op per 100 pounds for lirflt
clans to Chicago.
OHM Ado , January Hi , - To-daygrain
rates to the east took another advance ,
The Lake Shore it Michigan Southern
and the .Michigan Central roado make
an advance to the basit > of IHu to Now
York , the Pennsylvania to u basis of
lOo to Now York The rateii on tlio
"Vanderbilt roadu aio Hull'alo lOo ,
Albany IHc , Now Yoik Ific , Haiti-
noru Lric , J'liiladolphia Itc ! , Honton
20c. The rates on grain by the Penn
sylvania are : Haltimoro 17e , Phila
delphia 18c , Now Yoik 20o , Uoaton
Uy tlio Haltimoro & Ohio , J7o In
1'oreiuu Nowa
National AHioclatud 1'ruiu
VIKNNA , January 10.-lloinforco.
iionts continue leaving Austria for
\\almatria and Herzogovinia. The
latest iieun fiom there stated that the
insurrection was spreading and that
tlio troops now in the field at those
points wore poweileaa to preserve or
dor. Field Marshal llmier has boon
tent to take command of the troops in
that department and han instruction.1 !
to spare neither men nor mcaim in
putting down the insurrection at once.
A niiiiisteiml council has been called
in tliia city to consider measures for
the mipprnssion of the insurrection.
ST Pmr.uMii mi , January 10. A
dispatch was rccoixed hero yesterday
annouiicini ; that fi\o mure sailora bo-
lomjing to tlm crew of the Jeanncito
had aruxed at likiitak.
CONSTVM-i.soi'i.K. . .lamiaiyHTho
porte has addu uu > d a note to lltu Kng-
fish and Krone1 ! ! govorimumia declin
ing that the iccent action of the t\\o
governments towauts IJ ypt i con-
tiary to precedent , uncillud for and a
violation of the sovereign rights of the
A Turkish e.mimisaioii has been ap
pointed inquire into and lopoit on tlm
system of ( lurmaii gen d'auuoiie with
a \ ieto its application in Tuikoy.
( irmtsch , Set vian ministoi , has been
instructed to propose to the porte
the conclusion of commercial , ev.tra-
dition and other tieatioA with Sirvii.
HOMKJanuary 10 , It ia announced
that in leaponao to an application from
the \atican , the c/ar haa granted a
guneial pardon to tlio Polish Catholic
Br.ui.iN , Januaiy 10. Koicliatag
have decided upon the immudiato
release of Heir Diet/ , who waa 10-
cently arreatod at Stuttgart ; also that
all of the ollicial papers coiicuimnghia
imost bo laid before tlu name.
LOMUIN , J.inuary 10 The prusent
state of the Egyptian question oxcitea
unoaaiuoas ou the continent. The
aultan'a defiant attitude towards IDng-
land and Franco excites apprehenaion
that ho ia prompted by (3ermauy ( or
some other ( nitaulo powers that may
complicate the question by aasiiming
iibiolnto eonlrol < ivurl'gypt ind ( llauco
of tlio Fionoh.lOngliHh protectorate.
It ia cKiii'ctedltliata cabinet council
will bo aummonod very ahortly to
prepare a reply to the porte'a note.
Fight Among ; Strnngors
National Ansoilalud Prexn
NASIIMI.M : , TIIXN. , January Hi.
A Oalatin special aays in a fight in
Hall Hallorn'n aaloon at midnight be
tween soon strangers , two wore shot
dead and ono mortally wounded. The
other four are in jail. All lefuae to
give their names.
Poisoned Meat *
.Nutloiml A HOilattl ( I'rcxj.
SroNnioMEitv , Ala. , January 10.
Tlneo negroes weio poised by deceased
meat yestetlay. Ono ia dead , another
ia dying , and the thiid is in u ciitical
Whlpplo and McMillan Soil Out to
Mrs , E. V. Barnoy.
Yoatorday the doora of Whipplo
it McMillon'H jewelry store , inCroigh-
tpn block , wore closed and on inquiry
fu ' nl.jyn. . , > 7 v W-w * , ,4 , < M.
it was at firat found to be the
rumor that they had mndo
an assignment. Later in the
day a paper was tiled in the county
clerk's office which explained the matter -
tor , being a clear bill of sale for the
stock and fixturco ontiio to Mrs. E V.
Uiirney for § 0,000.
A gontleiriui stated in the picaonco
of the icportor that Mra lUinoyhad
boon loaning the linn money to run on
foi a long time and had of Itxlo been
quite anxious to gut it out. The m-
clebtediiCHS probably amounted to
about tint sum named and this method
was taken to sccuro hor.
The other liabilities of the fit in ate
placed al about $11,000 by the same
gentleman and IIH it in not kiiowji that
there are any other assotti Homebody
will probably got loft ,
Thoie are ininy who will hear with
regret that the Him has boon compell
ed to clone , as both members are well
known hero und veiy popular with all
who did buiiness with them.
Matter of Application ot ilulhiK
for Liquor License.
Notice In hereby given that Ji lliu Nogl
did , iiKii the 31 t day of Uticrinlier , \ .
] ) . , 1H81 , lilo ) > | H upplknlloii to the
Mayor and City Coiiiitll of Uiniihu forte
to Hell Mult , HnlrituniiHand Viiiuiu
l | ( m ni. at No. til II South Thirteenth
Htroct. HcLimd wuixl , Uiimhn , Neb. , frnin
the 1 Ith clwv of J , nuary , 188'J , to the 10th
iluvof Ajinl , 1HS2.
If tliiH ) hu mi ( ilijoLtion , reniniirttnuice
in protu t filed within two \vci'kn fnim le-
Luiiibui 'Hut , A , D , , IbHI , tliu Hiiiil llcoiibc
will 1 ; planted.
JULIUS NAOI , Apiilkant.
Tin : DAI in fin : iiuwcimiier will ) inlm' h
tlia iilinvu niitku ( incu u ch witlc for two
uvukM ' tliu UXDUMHU of tliu applicant.
I'lio City of Oiniiliain not to lo cliiruci )
tlivruwitli. J. J. L , O. JKWK'IT ,
Jin'J- _ Olty Clerk.
Mutter of Application of M , 1'nrr for
Permit to bell Liquor an n lini 'tlnt.
Notlcu Ia huroby ulvon that M. Pan
did , upon tliu 2d day of January ,
A. 1) . , 1HR2. fllu IIH ! application to the
Mayor and City Council of Omalm , for
permit to Hull Mult , Bplrltuoun and Vmnu *
Lluora. | ax a 1 JnumUt , for u c'dkinul , 1110-
chunlcil and cliuinical purpimui only , at
corner Tenth and Howard troct , 'ihlnl
ward , Omnhi , Neb. , from the Kith day of
January , IBb'J , to the 10th day of April ,
if tlieru hu no olijrUion , romoiiHtraiico
or protoit lilicl within two wtcka from
Jimuary ! id A , I ) , , 18HtJ , the raid penult
will he ( 'rant d ,
M 1'Altlt , Apiillcint
Tut DAIM JJi'K newBpaiier will ruhliHh
theubo\u uoiitu once latfi week riu t o
wctkH. at tliu expLtiHu if the applicant.
I'lio Citv uf Omaha in not to iio clmr.'eil
thurowith. J. J. L. 0. .1 i\VJJTT : ,
J2 2t City Ck-rk.
1016 Parnhnm Stieet.
Oyetora , Cliom | and Uain * Coikeil to O'Jtr ,
And Served Under Penonal Supervltlon of
Proprietor ,