Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1882, Page 8, Image 8
TUJli UMAHA LfA.JH.4i JDUfc : 10 , THE DAILY BEE. iMondny Morning , Jan 10. Wfiathcr Report- ( Th followlns ol crratlon are tnken nt tha namemomcnt ot tlmo at all tlie sta tions named. ) , U. fl. 9io AL S vicr , ) 1882. (4:45 : | i. m.f 'Daa < * r. Chtjenne. . . fUtte. . . . . Yankton . . Dei llolnn. Dairenport. . St. Paul. . . si. r/ouis . . Ifoorhpkd. . . Vincent III ! T . . IlnforJ AMlnlbolne. Htvcr above low water mark , five fee and trozcn. LOCAL BREVITIES , City council to-morrow nl ht. Another cold wave ( truck Iho twn U'I night. Sack coati have surxirretled frocks I t ht , police uniform. | The iKml linen have ngrted to Imuo n more panes to nhtppeni. The Union Catholic Library 1 tlon liclj a binuncpH meeting tflcruoou. Pott No. 7. ( ! . A. H. , will hnlil rcf.tlla. meeting thin evening , KitAKK M. MOOIIK , Commander. -Money can't be very acarro in Omnha ; from tbo way entertainment * nro patronized. -Woman1 * Christian Tempenuicc > ntot ; uieo every TliunuLiy nfturnoun , nt t10 | Hii | tlfUlmrch , nt3p. in. n Onnha firm Inu jmt inanufnc- lured n 31011 rind lo ! to IKS i nt to KiitfUnd , f nun winch il wan ordered. Tlio nrticlc * left uncalled for nl tlio Ublo presided over by Aim. Donovan , insy be tailed forat the Creb-hUm IIOUHO. -Tliu i ink opposite tlio CanlioldhoaHO tra ilookd.voitenlay , ami if UII'M cold Minn continues the job may bo a AIICCOHH thin time , Mnry , aged G4 , ilil nt 1'J p. m. Saturday night. The ftmcral ccctirn on Tuemlny , at 2 p. in. , from 121U South Fourteenth html. Hrnicinbcr Aflleck'n lecture * ? .at the IWrttM. K. church , Monday ami TUBS- day evcuimjH. These will do the r.ichont thing of the ncoHon. llourtl of trjulo meeting tlii * ovu uing t4 o' A full attendance \ re- Mucnttil. The quMtfiin < f paving the treet will bo iliscu-Hod. John V. Coots , the court IIOIIHO co n- tractor , writen that 1m may poM-llily ei - Ublish n large wood carunjj , planing , door nnd Ha h factory iu Omnlin. The detachment of tnr > iw Kent In oo | > ol the H'ttlcra from tlmttoe rcmirvfttlon lifts rolurnod , InwinR uccomiilialied the object without itroublo whatever. i Ma tt.xlm'H will bo The eutiro \orty-five inonibain ihna cn- ield burtiHO. " " -Tlus funeral of John AmlerHou. the brobcman who was killed at Vullcy u few nigbU Ince , took place at 2 p. m. Patur- d y from the residence on Ttntb nnd Davenport. -Jf he revival uieetlnKS which Lave boon finiroKress at Uie South Omahn Metlio- .dlht church .have been attendul Cw'tU ' u.vch iuttrtst. y'hey wlllcontlnuo throu b i the u t week. \ new tuuo-talila wout Into effect qn fcbo Burlinglou & Mwmiitri railroad ywt- .terday. ruiwener lrnlnn leave Ouinha for the south nt 8&0 a. in. and Ci : p. in. .They arrive at.llti t . anil 9:40 . in Dr. Mercer received a dmpatcli from NapltH , Italy , Huturday , itaylnK tbftl Mm. .J. 1 > . JJr.iwu , wlio baa been oim < time in Kurope witb Mrs. Hulat , IH ilangunmiiiy , ill aiulmitt expected to live. MM. Urowu tijunntiwfln-law t' > Qon > MondcrHon. The contract for tbo oumplotlou ol Uie fifth ktory < n the now ( Jrand Central hotel wan let l-'riilay afternoon , * * pre dicted by Tins HKK. The wUlltlonal Hury will mjko llin hotel tbo luKhcut bulldinx in the city , The , cent of the hotel will approach preach 3200,100. The ConH..liilatvdTank"Line oil COUP ipany JiaUoutfht suit in tbo dlrtrict court to enjoin tlio appraiscmculH f the itwo l' > t occupied by tbem on the ground dcnird by the H. &M. company , and now bolus condemned by the Iwanl up- polntwl bytuAy Chnilwlck. The number * nf the Moclal Avt clnl are reiiieBt | l to be In prompt atUtulnnct .on tin nfternoou of Tne l v , the IHtl inxl , t Uio home f Mr * . ( > . I. 01 ber corner KlubUeuth nuil CbIc Ko Htict'U IluxiiH'srt of Importance demand a fill mett' " ; . .V little boy who tried the dcor of Ni < ' 1420 Donalas fctrcet , B ci nfect'onnry , j e tunlay murnitii ; , wan coiuilderAbly tattle > whtn i , lur e dog on the inside n | > r ii though tlr ! window at bun , taVliij nn and all. ljuite crowd fathered and tli boy escajwd without injury. Tlicre ore few department * of the t A. H which can comparj with that < Nelraslia for the steady interest ovlnt't in it by the ineinbera. Onu rt ) n fi thU ii tlut tome of the and mr loyal sol IUIM of the late war have t ttl < in tub btute , and that the ollicorn , asu aa the rank and Gle , huvj their wlni heart In the work. Several of the U < ul | > ulilH | ( were til ! by vietting clerfymeu and laymen yu-ti day. Ainiini ; there were : The Jtijit Church , Dr. D , liauki Mclvcnrlv , I ) . 1 North Presbyterian , JUv. .loi-hua Uial. Papllllou ; 1'ri'nliyterbii , llev. JK-ury Paine , Auburn , X. V. } Congrc atlm Church , Itev. Mnttliew .Stonr , I ) . ] yiretM. K , Church , Kev. W. II. Allls ' York , IIou. 8 , K. Jocluou liui ( beautiful renldence locoUoji in "Jdlo W L'Uce , " North Ouiah * , wluru tin U n IngH [ very pretty ootUuo. ' Idle \V Tlat e"l owned by John G. Wilil < , i .Dodge etrett ccmmUiion merchant , i contains nlxint eleven acrcn , And wo thinl It In \cry appropriately named , being a lovely Mlc , lUlth Ixix-nldcrn nnd mapl trco < t-ct on cdch idc of the Direct n proper Intcrvnlr , making it one of tli tnoft ( lolinlitful hca'thy ' and homo-like pint-en in the city , "fdlo Wild 1'lnco" I fi\o or fix blocks directly wett of I1 opplc tc n 1'lflce. A STRONG APPEAL. Addrosa from the Y. M O. A. Committee To ilioao Who Ilftvo , or Have Doon Boys. Tolhi liiwlncie Men of Om hi : Wo , tlio Rtibtcribcd coniniittcrt , would rcspootliilly call tlio attention of tlio buatncB.i mun and citiztiiB ol Omalm to tlio following brief ubito- incut of the objeclf of the Young Men's Chrifltiati association : Considering uvpu generally tlio aims of lliia na.iuciation , wliicli is tin- auctarian hi ita principles , tliuy acotn to us worthy tJm Bynipnthy and sup port of every ono wlio at all roflarda tie inornl alatiding of our city. OIK aim ia to provitlu rooms niado atlraclivo hy pictures' pariodicald and booha , wlioro thu strnngor can nhwiya find a resting place and the totnptud a rofugu , TJio design Is to have ono dour , be.iido thu xaloon , the gambling liall , nud tlio hrothol , always open for tlio welcoming of young men. The luindroda of thoBUin _ curly manhood , Boming into our inidnt , aru to ho met IIH eouii aftur their entrunco into our city AH possible ; ; the early of Chri tian hoincH arc to bo dcuponod upon their mind ; nnd tlusir lives , if [ loaaiblo , not in the wtrj of permanunt lionosty and iiHufulnt'HH. The imjiortuiico of Hiich' an off-net tt the varied tumptalioiiH of : rapidly { rowing and jiruHporons eity aconm to m Kclf-ovidunL Many fall mto VILVAof ivory dusofiptionforthu nimplu reason hat thuy hnvu no con onial placu in vhioh to Hpuntl their ovonings. The loinoH of comfort and olognncur nro to , great ( lugioti oloHcd agaiimt them hrongb wantuf aoHiiiintanco or other ausen. The lonohnuns of thu boilrd- ng houBfl drives thum into the utrootu. ) ur uhnruhcK , nave upon Sabbath and fovv ovvniuuu iu the week are lnrk , . ml the tout prut ion ia Htrong to drop iito | ) lace whore IUUHIU and mirth in- ito to nun and di < Hmir. If the buni- IUCH nxiii oS Omaha wc-tild Hrtint im to plane the association ipon a firm runi.i ) : uu\ unable up to ipon and luukn atteictivu roonm that hall bo crutrn lly louattil , tlio oxr.uao -which i a re al ono in many a otto -will bo KOIID , that the young man ma no moral a nd cumfortiiblo place in . 'Inch to sjwiJ lii . uvonin a. Tin IPO f you , who by lionoaty and good labitH liuvi ) i JBOIV to inlliienct ; and wealth , .sluiuld eoiwiidur that all the iituro of xuioi i often depend * upon bo few years < if turtking manhood and hould coitirihMto wull and uhoorfully > an iintit'Jti < m > vi ! < ) ! io object ia to jrtlior (1inpo lilioim and habits to 'liiuh uiuch. yjn ow ( i RO And wlnu v o vinmdur the Rpeoukl orkii of the t iHsociutiou , ita nocosoity ml our "Vlijji .tioik to support it p- car ntill IUOEIJ atruagly. The ropoiHL of thu. enorul aucrotary f tli o asiiociu tiorv. ia publinbod alao- hoi o in this papon It BOOIIIB a ory ronmrkabiti showing. 'JJhoro 'onji n sttoudauou'upon the various in/icos of tlio yuan-up wards of 40,000. ' ) fo reading room , , only inodoratoly njjplied with papore nnd booka , has ii tertainod Moro than .10,000. * ' hat miglit iu l bo the in- lUonco of this ttgoncy in the ntollectual nnd. moral training your clerks aad sons , aii k if we ould plnco tkncu the nuaibor of oriodicala upon iU aholvoul In somu eapecta it would accomplish hotter caults thuu our city library to which luh gonomiiH donutions have boon ivon. Uuked with thvv agonoy , lore is the Literary aociotiy of the aa ociation , whoru scores of. young sion iayo mot for the purpoafeof matching ntellectual f irco and aud improving obutu. Ono of the special olbjocts of the a - ociatiou luut boon wuiching with the ick. Anyone can appreciate the ; mtitndo of u youux muu , sick in a trungo land , would feel fur such at- ention , und the uaturul inclination .hero would bo toward the moral and JhriBtian ideas of. the watchers. The inding of suitable employment for Lho deserving , the sending of young men to rcspucUu > lo boarding places , the encouraging thorn to upend their ovoninga iu profitable rending ; and , ubovo all , the tolling thorn in their own Imiguugo the story of Him Who an a young man died to gave these aru iidinu of the works of the associa tion diMnmidinu our consideration and uupi-ml. \Vo liavo only Una to add : Wo have been appointed a committee tu eolicit enlarged nnbtcriptions to carry llio work through 188'J. Many of. oui largest railroul companies nnd manj of oor filirewil st business nion havi recognized the advantage of support ing an association which has for iti tpcciul jbject the looking after tin yo' iig inoii wlio curry the keys t ( oflices and know tlio secret of cafes. Wo aincorely hope th biisiiH-sa men of Omaha will ac an advantage and a duty ii aiding by liberal contribution n wor ! > liich the safety of many a corporn ion nnd company may bo concerned And upon the great principle of holj ; ng the right to put down the wren loneaty to overcome the too comino defalcations , and sobriety to succoo debauchery , wo confidently appeal ( r'ou all for liberal and willing contr r'autions. . Vtiy rcnnocttully , 1 * . 0. Himobaugh , O. F. Dims , M. U. JIcKoon , Jacob Weidensal iSamnol Ittirns , Lcavitt Ihirnhai P. L. 1'orine , William Flemin T , II Luavitt , 0. S. Wood , A W. I < 'ullried , Gopruo T. Wnlkc Warren Myor A Itaapko , the who ! ealo grocers , Imvo removed to N ( 1317 und K)10 ) Douglas street. Tin rapidly increasing bubinosa demai la cd not ( 'lily moro room but doul laM the fucilitioa of the old stand. It is one of our oldest and m < ct- solid houiica. janl4-OI _ iW lur Bargains at the Ton Store of W. ud I Bennett & Co , BIERT'S 8TRATAQEM. Ho Obtnlnn a Continunnco In Hla Cnno For Nearly ft Month. The case of the city ngainst Henry Siort , the manager of the "Douglas County Farmers' Association" cnnio up in the police court on Saturday afternoon. The defendant was ar rested last week On charge of violat ing the license law. When Siort was arraigned ho pleaded not guilty , and aakcd for a continuance of his cano until February Gth , on the ground that I1. M , Dcorson , the president of tlio association , is n mntorlal witness , and nn ho ia abaont in Europe it would bo nccoBs.iry to await his ro turn. Sicrt gave bonds in $600 for hiH appearance. Jiornard Lang and Julius Schroder signed tlio bonds. The following is stated to bo the law according to Wharton , relating to the sale of liquor under the guise of nn association , or giving it nway for n consideration : "No trick by which a sale is covered up as a tradp , or as a free drink when money is paid for admission , or as prior contribution will bo a defense. If the liquor is directly or indirectly ivon nway for a valuable considera tion it is it sale , but a bona fide gift ia not n salo. Again , it is no defense lhat the defendant HIW acting as an agent for another. Ho is criminally responsible himself , notwithstanding micli agency. Nor is it any defense hat ho Mold liquor without author- ty. ' Your Neighbor. When j'oiir friend or neifhhw { > * f labor- ni { tindur bodily nlll.'cucm , mihVenlon , dlioiiHiictct , cunxtlpati n , canned \ > J tin- iilrity of blood , or tllicrderii fit the kid- 101 H , or liver , don't f il to rucoinnociid SUIUIOCK Hl.ooi ) l < mEliHriimuo : and Ji.fe remedy. 1'rico 9100 , trial bottlnV" cents PERtJONAL- Otto Kvrett , of Krtmont , iu-iti the ity . T. M. Junk , of Cheyenne , i irv tlio- ity. ity.W. W. K. Paje , of Dcs'T omea , Id in 4Iio ity. ity.A. A. Omhan of Auburn in at tlto O. O. Colcrnin. of T.imoln , in resisterod O. N. lUuiHey , of HawKn % arrived in tin city yoMtenlty. "V. I. SpeiUor.ofSebrjiia ! ( City , apent iiiadny in > Omii&n. T. J. I'atton Kid mother nro rojlBtered John II. Conrad , ot Jlcrtinney , Wy. F. M. SuithciTremonl , in amonjj.tlie egttttrifH nt thu Vr'-itlinoll. D. Andnrnnn and wife , vif ColutrJinn , irrivcd in iliocity yehlcnliiy. , Fam w Wallaceof lUivliiu , Wy. 'JXir. , H rcKwtoroliat thfWltbiioil. 1C. B Wood , of lilncol n , ia mnong JM- orJay'u rcujutrlcvt ab tKo C 'nnC.uld. WHHm Strole.of Sydney , U In the : ity. Ho : Htopping at the YFithiicll. Wallace Ellnn , tlerk o.f tbo City hotel it Blair , niriycd it-thy ; cil y liwt evening. T , K. CUihecy , wife and child , of IJilt linku , are rci ( ; > tere < l' ' < at tbo Metropolitan. C. W. Cnduijui , o Lincoln , vma amongst loat evening's arrival * at the Can- fiold. * W. II. Co | < Bon , editor nnd proprietor of Uio Sheroudoah lUueti , In regUlond attire Metropolitan. KInnay Arthuy , ot Untte. , Mi 'C , . ar rived in the city Saturday , lie U ni Uio Metropolitan. 7. .7. Vnndeve3.of Kockfonl ; nrritl In the ctiy yeuturiiy. He in rngintoritl at the WUbnell Ho\ue. A JP. Younjbloo < l , tbola e porklinycr of. Atlanta , Oa. is aaln iiullio oity , Kl.o- | plt4 { at tbo Cr lhton. | T.V. . liowisy , the well ! knowja grain dealer of Liu coin , is In Uio city. He in KHllxtercd at the Creibti ; > 3i HOUHO. "IUHTGH ON KATS.'V The thing , desired fotriil at lint. Anlt druKK'nt ' f < " "Hunt1 ; ' on KntH. " It clean out ratu , iidae , roach en , Hiu , bedbvgti ; IT * boxen , (1) ( ) A BOSS. BOY. Ho WlU Muko u Uecoud Ulyuao * . 1 Time. A plucky act WHS that of a little farmer boy , who wnn driving n load ol hay up town , nour the Great Western brewery. As ho jogged slowly nlong he snw a runaway team turn the cor ner of Twenty-second street nnd ho instantly stopped his tcnm nnd run to ward the runaways to atop them. They were going nt a fearful gait , but he sprang nt them nnd caught them by the bits. The collision wo * such as to throw him und * r the vehi cle , but ho escaped very lightly. Tlio horses ran to the next corner and into the high sidewalk , which chocked them nnd the boy , who had followed them on a run , not a bit daunted caught and neld them. The team nnd wngon belonged to Johnson , the milkman , and had run from Uurt street. The wagon wa completely wrecked and milk cans , nd pieces of broken wood were sent' oreti promiscuously for a distance ol wo blocks. That i > oy deserves a mo The "Hebrew Benevolent" Concert The Brand concert for tbo benefit of tin Hebrew Uenovolent society at the Stani ! nnl Hull , Tuesday evening , January 17th will be given with tbo following rllOQIIAtlMKi lierllcn wit or welnt uud lach , "Over turo" Conradl Musical Union Orchestra. Trio. 1) minor. . . . . MendeW.h . McfsiB. Cieo. 1' Meyer , C eo. I. Saur , K. Schneider. Serenade , V major Volkma e I'hllomatheau Club. i.H 1'ianoDuet-Toe and Peauant. . . Supj i ! Mm. A. IVWck < ! Minn Mattle d lUithschlld. il Olivette "elftctlon. . , . . . . . . . Audrii Miuical Union Orclirntra. Son ; ; My Love him unu atialllng.Mellc s MUi LUtlu A. I'eunell , ( a ) Treumerelt ( \ ) Menuettu ( by r m- < t ) , . Hchuiuar Hocchore 11. Lelchto CavalerieOverture. . . . . Sup ; Muaical Union Orchwtr * . THE END , The Pair for Erin Oomoo to a Successful Olooo. It Wins Flnnndnlly and Othorwleo. Masonic hall was crowded to suffoca tion Saturday night to enjoy the wind up of the land league fair , which had been booming all week. The band which was in attendance during the early part of Uio evening left after playing n few pieces as it wa impos sible to find room to dance nnd excite ment was such that the hum of con versation drowned nil other sounds. The qreat event of the evening was the award of several leading prizes by voting nnd when the polls had opened the contest at once become n lively one. The first article to bo disposed of was the magnificent green satin banner , whoso heavy bullion lace trimmings nnd tanaols nnd beautiful painted designs and inscriptions made it the object of general admira tion all the weok. This banner was designed , completed and presented hy Mr. Charles McDonald , to bo voted to the most j * > pular Irish organization in Omaha. The Emmet Monument Association nnd the Ladies Land Ixjnguo wen. * rivals fur this honor , but the ladies , willi infinite tnct , secured their own defeat nnd the Ktnmet got liiar banner , at which everybody was pleased. The vrto stood 6X7 to 517. The beautiful silver tea sot , pre sented by A. If. Jluborintttiii , was voted to Hon. John A. McSlnno , wh > > received ltlf ! > votes' to 1,112 for Col. J. J. Dickey. Hem James Ii Jfeyd , Mnj. J. V. Fumy and Supt. J. T. Clari were presented nn claitimtitn for thu elegant o.isy chair , presentee.1 b/Messrs. Duwey it Stone , which haw already been described at length. Iho vote atood : Fnray , I.IIOO ; JJoyd , 850 ; . Clark , 'ti3 ( ; the voting being very hot to the clos- ini ! of thu-polla. The list of prizes drawn , as far as it could be learned Saturday night , stood as follow * : Florence Fearon , silver butterdish ; 0. Woodniaii.priao iloll ; Uislwp O'Connor , chtir ; W. H. Kent , lace acar5 ; Mr. .Mills , castor ; . rhomas Dmin , handsome jhrdiniorc , contributed' ' by Mrs. McDonayh ; Thos. Fallen , camp ohaiir , castor utand nnd sake b , skeb ; Mr : Jlannej ui , blue ipira bonnoti contributed by Atkin son ; Mr. Langan , r/o Iowa ( Ifummur , Irow the white opera bonnet con- rributisd bjf Mlss < Dacoy ; , Patrick b\ird , jiair t > f"slipitirs ; Chrnttian An- lorflon , pair of glows ; 1 * . Itionning , iilver castor ; . .Janvu Price , hand [ Minted sofiv pillow , very hanlaomo , rtwk of the Sisters oPoor C'lari' . At the close of the voting IVfe. M. Donnvan auctioneered 1T the Bosnia loft over from the fair. liuwas very witty , and luoocssful , and th- receipts Tvoro ] U te largo. ItKjuiry aa to the finan cial success of the ftir developed the Fact that the entire i.Tponsi-a did not .ixioed $200 while 'jfio grcxas receipts will figure up ever § 2,000. Itmiuld boanunpaizliiuabloomissi > n , in albsing the account of this oxc'ted- ingly intoreating fair , not to mention the ladies who contributed so larfjely to its-success. l'romMiont > ninong these were Mrs. Csenoral ( WBrien , Mrs. 51. D. Mbran , the Misses Hblan , Mrs. T. . Caiey and daughter Mrs. Ed Leed- ur , Mrs. A. H. Gladstone , Miss Stachi Crowley , Miss Nellie Diflley , Mrs. Wm. . Uonncssy , A3rs , Dennis CUnningham - ningham and Mrs. Midiaol McBen- nidi The Uiroo laot named' ' had th task of Buperinterjling the refrtsb- nujnt dopijrtniont , whioh they did most satisfnctorily. The gentlemen too , many of thoaii deserve speoial raontion , but they are naturally > npd > e t and mrght bo olfbnded ! at their names in print THAT COUGH. If you nro suHoring from n Cough , , Cold Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Favor Consumption , lois-of voiau , tickling oft the threat , or any aiibotion ofi the Throat or Lung ? , use Dr. King' * Now Discovoey for Consumption. Tliis ia the great remedy that causing so much uacitomrdii. by ita wonderful cures , curing thousaiula of liopclcss cases. Over n , millioii bottles- < Dr. King's Now Discovyry have boon tiso < l within the last year , and have givcni perfect satisfwtion iu every instance. Wo. can unliiflituting y say tliat this is roully the < vuly sure/ cure fee throat nnd lung affections , aud caix cheerful ly recommend it to all. Call und got n trial bottle free ci cost , cc a regular size for $1.00. IsJi & McMuhoii , Om- DIED. January 13 , 1882. Kddio K. . Ron of M. K. Vitmurford , of no-irlet fever , ns xl 10 yean and 10 luontliH. Funeral to.inor- mor morning at half-past ten o'clock , from 171W ilackMin street. Ki5nJa of are invited to attend. FRA DIAVOLO. TUo Hoaa Acme Opera Company Close a Successful Sorloa of nn- gagomenta. The closing ontertainmontH al Boyd's opera house on Saturday after noon and evening were very largoTj attended nnd wore most enjoyaulo it every respect. The series of operabii performances given by the IIcss A mi company last week were probably of i higher order , musically and otheswiee than have ever before been presents to Omaha people , and the continue and increased attendance domflnstro ted that they were daily appreciated For Saturday afternoon matnw 'The Mascotto" was given before Boloct and largo audience. Its rand tion was superior in every respect. 1 the evening the romantic , opera b Aubor , entitled "Fra Diavolo , " wi performed and gave the highest sati faction. A very largo and fashionab audience were in attendance. Mi Mary Wadaworth appeared for U first time in the character i Zorlina. She ] ) osseBacs a very owe voice and al mezzo soprano evinces fine theatrical training S osnocially won the favor of the aui once in the nightly prayer scor where she sang her prayer for Ii lover'a safety , nnd the. murdere sweet voico. The 'ollowing was addition to Miss Wadswortn , t principal cute , and all of whom frcah favor in their roles : Lndy All- cash , Eminn Eisner ; Fro Diavoln , . ) nmes Pcakca ; Lorenzo , Alfred Wil- kio ; Lord Allen * ! ) , Mark Smith ; Hojipo , Henry Ponkcs ; Oiucomo , Walter Allen ; BIftttco , H. F. Fair- weather ; Roberto , Thoa. Christy : Fraticoaco Voroni , Mr. Chovoit ; lirst Cnrblneor , Mr. Connell ; second Cur- liinccr , Mr. Rood ; third Carbineer , Mr. Leone. The HCHS Acme opera company will receive a most cordial greeting uix > n their next visit to this city. FACTS AND FJO0KES. Showiurt What Hna Boon Done by the Y. M. C. A. for the Peat Ywr. The following is the report txf the general secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association , Mr. George T. Ilowscr , for the pnok year. It will be found full of interesting figaroa nnd in connection with the addissa published olsowhtro will furnish food for thought for OUT business mun ovus Sunday , TUB ICttPOIlT. Headers nnd visitors lf > , &lU. Attendance at weekly . prayer ineetinca 1,11)7. ) Attendnnco at young nioiv' * gospel meetings J ,198 Altundance at Saturday evening aonir aervice 4,417. Attcndanse nt extra ineoting36,177. Attendaneu at enterrtiininoiiSh 1,01)5 ) AtCundiinceut Literacy SocJsty ( six niontha ) , . ' < 7.T. Attendance at Yoke Attendance at helpunMvork at' jail , 'tni. Attendance niniodicah'aid practiml talks , no ; Attendance at young men's bible cllSH ; , 10. ( Total , 40,758. UUltlNrt'TJIH YKA1S 2,717 pipers liavo boon distributed at tip ) jail and hospitals. 400 ; ! printed invitations d Jstribnted forfjospul meetings 28 younir men Riven substantial aid. . 82 family-calls wore made. IL'8 visits made t > niek in itearding IIOIIBCS nnd Hospitals. 22 nights watched with sick. 20 provided with yerinnnent em ployment. lit provided with' temporary om- plojment. In addition to tlio above , many young men were diroctsd to respfeta- blo b ( ardini ; and lcdgi ij raomi , of which no record was kept lust year ; WORTHY' OF I'HAISE. An a rulewtr do not rccomnvnrl patent ni''dicinoa , but when wo know of onu that realiy in a public benefac tor , rml does praitively euro , then wo consider it our duty to impart thai in- fonnation to all. Electris bitters are truly a most valuable medicine , and will snroly cure Biliousness , Fever and Ague , Stomr.ahVLivenand Kidbey complaints , even T7hero nil1 other msn- udica fail. We know whereof wo speak , nnd can freely resoinmend to all. [ Ex. Sold at GO cents a botile- Ish ft McMahco. (73 ( MS. WILKEy.THE His Me&niflcont Sing-Ing- Rossini's "C ; tJ , UBJ. Anlnianu" Mr. Jtlfred Wilfcie , the tenor of 4he Hess Aeiue o per company , sang Ros sini's "Cyjas Animnm" during the offerto73 > at 1 0:30 : > o'clock mass yester day at the Cathedral of St. Philo- mena , sosnetr of Ninth and Harnoy streets. Tl le announcement of His singing , ha t ] 10 rooming papers , based upon whiah the gan- tlematu had acbiuvcd in/consequenoo of his avtititic aflbrts in oonncciion with the * c < impnny of which ho ai mombari. o induced to filling all parts of the sh > ui ch with an audience of dis- criminatiqfg musical people desirous of hencJng his magniticent vpieo in sacrodi roiiaic aa they had already hoard it in th opera. It can truth fully Bo said bhat tha audience was trcatodito- musicnl foaat to which they luul long , been etrangera. Mr. Wilkia ihot ouly sung the piece , but he succeeded in distinguishing himself as a voca list fan beyond thu success o3 his appcaranoo in hie operas. Ilia rich , dejir , full , round nnd metallic voico-imvor sounded to bettor advaa- tage than wneu it roe to I > flat , ill the aompog don in question. And if upplauno cauld havu boon loloraiud the. eilprt would hav been ajiplau/iod / to iKo echcv Koilit'inlHicho or bick-iuhc : : for 1 " ' 'nk.WINE OF CAROUI. " WHISKIES , 13RAWD1ES , , WIN as , RUMS , ALrS , POKTEU , ALL iraaiCTLY CI'KK ' , . At Jl. 11. GLADSTONE'S , 1308aad NKXT MCSSDAY. Tie lioaton Storit will , on Monday I inoio an a nounconivnt of n greai , rini { out Fiile. Their itdvtrtiM * : ii WCH vecoivwl too. late fur to I duy'u publication , hut will bo founi 041 the third p ijj * of Monday' isau ? I The uilvvtisunwiit in u startling one las tlu > r * < luoioua miuU nru the grc t I est of Ute ai'imw. EvBrythiug market down eurly ono-half. Evurythiug ii the liiitt ot Wintoi guoda are to b Bacrifcc'd. F. W. Oalhofi" , n graduate i the Imperittl Academy of Iterlin , 1'rui si-A , ishua to organi/o privatu claxsc I in Frond , German a d Latin. A [ 1 plications will be received at this oih'c land No , 101 L Davenport atrcct. > The Most Accurate Wstchwork dor ie at HUHEUMANN'S. > f at ! For Ltttlicb' wvnr , extra quality 10 I'obblo ( ! ( iat in Button nnd Lai 10 Double-solo , good Winter Walkii li- Shoes ; every pair warranted. Trie o , low ut Fullriedo'8 , 131'J Dongl ur I street , botwuon Thirteenth and Fou : 'B teonth. lie Everything f'int-Ulass nt HUDE BO MANN'S , and Price * Low. BY THE TEMPTER , A Young Man Becomes rt Thief from his Employer. lie Couldn't Stnnil Small Wngca BO Roplonlahod ula Funds by Smnll Stealings. John A. Horkman was arrested on Saturday evening \ > j Marshal Amill ; nnd Detective linden on the charge of stealing at different times goods to the value of $250 , from his employer , Wm. M. Bushman , the dry x ° ods merchant on Douglas street. Berk- man was employed nt Bushman's store about three months1 ngo , on trial. Ho provoc ? to bo n fairly com petent salesmen ml wan retained , His salary was never agreed upon , he being allowed to draw during the time ho was employed fro glffi to $50' per month. About two weeks ago' Unahnmn no ticed Bcrknan dressed1 pretty well and seemetl'to ' get nlong'in a surpriat. ing way on ilie zniall salary ho was r cuiving. This nrousod Bnsliiiuin'i auapicions nnd ho began watching 3erkmi\n vei chwoly. A"o n result , he observed the Inttor upon ono or two uccasiom * accrete sir.all parcels under his coat ashe was yaini ; out. Tliift caused him to notify thu polios and Ctty DutectiTO Hiwen tiu' < up the cacu. He mailb Itt-rk- niiin'a ' acqiiaintanoo and asked' ' li'iu to wallfuj ) the atraot on n prot&xt that thero-wcro two ladies there who de sired to see him to- identify u Bundle they had lost , and1 which wan sup posed' to be in the hands of police ollicors- When Ifuzcn nnd IkTiinmn arrived nt the jail thu former arcuated the latt'jrnnd then urged him to con fess to his thieveries. At first Bbrk- mnn stoutly denied' everything ; but after aw'jilo he broke-down nnd owned up. He gave as un- excuse that ht > had n wio in DCS Moinus , to whom ho was obliged to send money , and that ho had been earning by his wwk much more than hia * employer h-wl paid him. After maciii } < r the confession Berfe- aian acconiinied ) tho-oflicor to his room , on CAss street , where ho opunad his trunk and rovealetlta ( juantity of fcloves , dry goods of various kinds ? besides valuable silks -owl laces , the whole of tlio value of about S2&0. ' The stolen articles WLTO- taken b.icS to- the store and deliver * * ! to Eiisli- nn > n. The arro.sted clcds Burkman J atatud also hi the ofliceraMhat Iio lia J aunt some ; oods to his wife in lu' ftr ) incs , but not enough to aim unit t- > anytlnng. A telegram WUB sent to thu chief of police in that city to search Mrs. Berkman's ruiwis and re cover whatever goods a : > 3-werod the description c-f'the stolen property. Thoioailon I < nxioet. _ T15 London. Lancet nays : "Many a life ! ta been nved by the nunal courage of the suiTercr , . ami mnnv tv life liceu H ive4 by tnkia Ui'XiMR BLCSSOM in case of bijloim fevcTi indigestion op liver com plaints.Pricu f,0 cents ; trial bottles 0 ccnta. ll-lw SPECIAL NOTSGES. TO LOAN MONEY. 1ONEY TO LOAN Call at Law Office of D M L. Thou * * Koom 8 Crolrlltwn Block. To loan at from &to 10 percent 'on Kcod rcM ( Mtatexeciirity , by DR. ISAAC KDWAKDS 1100 Fcntham St GOKA ! AAATO LOA A4 8 per contln- P/QtU / UUU tcieet In suaasof $2COO and upwitda , lor 3 to 6 yesrs , on Qrjt-class city and farm property. URM Riub EJTIII and LOIN Aoxacrt 10th and DoiuUs Sta HELP WANTED. "VW"ANTfcD Men MM ! worn * -fcfvtrywkcre. Hlg ; VV p-J' Addrcea withBtcjaop , J-P. Devorcf. Otnnha Neb. SC6-18" ANTllD-Oood ( Url to a i t in store. Aci drcaj. wllh 3r/wwice , Merchant. Oioaljn I'0. 021-H ' Six. need c | icnters. C. II. WANTJ1I' , IStb-.uid Call I uilii at. 029-14" ma'i dcelro a posit tai > cr , cjrrk , accountant or t r- respondent , balrxr not HO much -in ob JeiL. t , flret n fJMitlon la a. liouso where fAt'rit nnd In dustry mil be rexuiicilj Kxccllcnt tcstlnioriaJ * . I Address CrclKhtin House , > lty. 932-1 r TTTAMTED aanufactunns icamn waota a YY buslnc vmaii In Cmthaaml Inocr illy ( "Ot already Ukvn ) ; A ftiw handrctl 'loVnrs ne < 'e8cry to py forirooJi on delivery alttr or- clcrs lu\e litc'ii HI cured for the MUI u ; JlSu p r niontdprolUxiiarantLCJ. The mobt scrchW ii ! > nliuatloii olloitid A. H. JLKNOLDCO. . , 1JS3 Broadway. New York. > .21 * Flrfct-c ttH la-tndroH OAH set WANTED steadwork at Uio Waihlnj ion I aimdry , Thutsenlh tti , bctwennDodKuand Caultol a\o < IIUL DS8-14' WANTin ; WORJ. n a younir mu > ho un- ilcrManJn \ > < h BinjUi and daublecntr } IwoklioepliK. City r 'crenio. Addtocn I , HWi ! > > dU | lit. 918-13 AN7KD At. thn rrflghton bouse , a nil fi W .Vb aiied v.oniin totako cart > l a liaby. rI-b | > OHt hewnJh r J jilano. V WA b In Kcod oidtt. HICIU K 411 S.Tith t. Old-1 ! 1 hi ) An ARtiit for th Howe K'jtlns WA Mai hire on innninlKiion w iia'nrv M- dre-nW. , post oltlc-o Ojawtr Uglily. U > J-tf \\T ANTk'.l nm > xool hori for tUlivjtrjt wa V > ifoii. H. \\ILbON , 1MB Oth t. J-U' A TED A few fabli hfitJiru at IU , cas W Mv ( if 17 h it. , ihK doom sorili u A > TKD A lew tlav bo n em > > u be tr a v ty rmtcnatileiUr. 1 quire a r.'Jllnwuri UiuudiBtbiuia'e. ' * & * ' ' AArANTEO A good Tirl for RMieral hove \V ork In family ol t o. Biiadycmploi menk and itooU wsgui. Muut. ke Rooil quod 2417 Davenjxwt St. 877 U AUrANTXD Fundlnir brldi | and icbool boiidi W n.T. ClMk.BtDeYiia. ift-tt I. OillinVy Co. nno pnwini WAXTKP liu.liu > ol II , IU-ttlolii nt' 1'ouxUn itntl , wlnro tlmv lll ( OniJim T liuslmn , and li > l lr duallny untl vvBt > ' < ri > ( iirlcis they prox | > u to Incnmo the tr Ju The Bollclt i rtlca Mholmvu oU Iron , rugi , junk &ti Iiut4',8 to Kho tlieuiK call. 7U3lno A situation a lipoi ; > licc | > f > I WANTED ho thcroiulily uniltr < ta"U itouli uiij hliiflu mtiy , U al o a ( , 'CHvl ( ivniiuu Te rtfarencci ) K' Bn > AUilic , 0. U. , l.t ! office , 7C6U lATANTED-i children an b ardi-jj W chool , at Ittth and California St. L. 1 LOOM IS I5T.ll ANTED Olrltodo housework. Emm ! W 1110 KarnhATO 81. 412-tl FOR RE'1T-HOU3ES AND LAND. 'l' ' ' o lurnUbed roomii , ' J' room. 603 North U ttntaiMh btrcct , corn ts of Ckllfornta. OV6-H r- TTIOU REST.-Store room In l.rlck bulldl . .4N. . W. Cor 16th and Uinl " t. Ay | < i"V. . aOOUUAN , 1UU FarnUuiit ; F I Oil RKM-CotUge , 006 nortb 16th St. Bil-14' SPEOIAL NOTIOES-Oontmued "T7OH JlKNT-floo I hoii'onnd barn with IS lolA I1 Inquire of Kugene o'Xclll , loth txl ltow itl KtlCtt , 9 a-if ITlOn Iir.NT-CllKAI'-lJ Rtrry IIOIKC : fell r. .L well ami cistern , .221 North IDtlut. bm ( UKM'-Uoom with taiml , In new house , ciwt iMo 17th t , three doors cust of Djnr. ! * . S37-1I | 7 > OR KKNT ClinAV 1) ) etory house ) cellar , K " ' nn-i rMern , 1211 N. 18th SI. 616-u' JJIOII hRNT One nicefurulitcJ front room , ; Xo. H2. iMMlM St. 816-tf ITlOlt UKNT-Onorvl Ihe lifetftlrrs en tr.lnjr JL1 ( . . 20x21 , h ) January 1 , 1832. BOitf riOK HKNT Ono nlctly fnr < Ithcd trent raoai , .1 ; one rsnfnrnliihcil room ; rut tide 1'Ui HI. , one door north of Douglas. 774 tf FOK UKiN7 A suit or Htijfle rooim , nlcclr furnUAfd , l N. W.or. . 20th nd Divcn- port COOti Ell HEN7-A flrat-chw hn for wcfcty pur | > c re. Centrally located , tor particulars en ulro Konnwd Dron. , 14th and Dou ! wi St * . \ FOIt I'.KNT lnthoWfiitemNow.p , . , . , , , , corner 12th Mil Howard Hts. , l.r n roorm i with or without Hteim power ; sultujllo for fiybt j ti.annfacturli g or > > b printing ofllco. Apply o * tliu yt in'tcn ' MJ > .ti H HKNT One nlto fnrnlthod fitmt room , Kc. 173 ! DoUl. ) rtt. KENT i ! fumliliiMl loom * ovur KltJ FOR nvi' KiclnneN- ( . cor. 10th and Dodg- Rtrntft JtEirr NlceJy iiinlatHxf room * FOrt hoard. IteasonaWe prices. MIS- Ca a3t. 70 > < U TOOK KKNT FurnWiod rooms , north ldo of JL ? California St. , 2d door went of 21st. Inquire- alter 11nu 43tf POK 111LNT Coftnitf of 3 room * , well atxt' ' clutrm ; S3n ) nn l St. Mufg aTjntie. Kn- julro of It W Knnc'ilv , 31 ? . " 13th 31. 749-tP COH HALE. POI ! S I.S A' li'llianl talilo ? n'"flns Apply at Tim IliR olHcu SJ1-171 I JOIt KALK HotlM , li.irn nnrflMso Inr thrA ' J ; ytntt , ii'lOninn of land 3n Nor h ICth rrrt. App'y to l T. I'et r'on , real ! i mt it , S. K. I'orniT l )41i ) and DcujUii utrcct. FOTSALK Ko-jr' sections of nhel ln > iul I KU < I'ounlorv \ Inquire nt UfV. . Optra. House 1 rirmncj < D2r-tf TTIOIv SMiK A Ol' < t-cljw book I > 1 t\tocrrr J1 Lnnlnem , cnrrjln \ lull llnucf tof , 110- tloiH , wptiyr .v H j vor , mold I nit. In fvt ttooil lui-Htion ; chciip icnt ; Block w rth abcnt 31,009 ; cnn be bought ot easy tTrsHbygowJl p it > . K'lll'Bcll , tmttiot tado. Allf ( s ( PW bClJUAOKN D.'lKAII , Spl 01 V-tf Krcnicut , Nth. K10U WALK OH UIINT A Rroccry store aiidl ' qulrj at thin ollliu. JJ'S-tf FOUSAUI A ntirly newdilmr top.tbtKy , w chmp ; cash or tine ; AWrcss P. O. Umwer- ' a3 , city. O04.ti" 171011 SALK-Knll lot and 3 Ktnill hoUKf iic r- Jt ? L. I' , depot , 82SOO. Jlsi'ajue , Opyi Pi O. FOU SAIB-2 nicc-countcrs'im ! 2RlhcTilntHl thnw raweit , at Oto. II. PiHx-.dOn'H , 804 Boulh IQth St. _ 7 l-tf _ IriOH KALK Urwincha ( jo for Omaln pro- 1 pony , an ImprOTtil se-j. on it land adjoln- W. a t.itlon on U. P. , U. 31. DUNH Aili1412 Sth , 'hnalia. 7ttf2iHf r.1lUtSAI.jU- traOs for cjly proxrt7j ] on ,1 ' [ an o'hora'M , hKcnouaand-wiroii. Addrua U.-Y. , i' 722M 'I7IOU SAUK A cciHl nei ci ycar-old horae fcL W.irraatc < l-to ilrl e single 2r iloubla Kn t/tlrc of Ot > n i > Canlt ! > J'CanlliltihDUHC. nov3-tf > KICK L'Alih. > 203-tf L'Alih.ESTAIIROOK & COE. MIBCELLAMtOua. rpAKKN IIP ) : muru < j. lOtlv r l anc > white- , L oow , n 'cS o 0 npar8 o ! .white spot on lOrchcud , c lain aroun nock. Ounur cau ha\e it by provliif4jrocrtj' ( ] ) and ipaTinj : char > In. Wire at III cru & Kisl ur'a p&chinghou8e. 933-17 * " OTItAYEIUd aniwhlto itj q spot.dcow. ) O chain around neik. Fllidtnrwill be l-Jiersllf runardcd lij ratunilirrto U. t'omy , corner lOtb 308 tl WAUIUTS Wmes R. nc-V ' , of ilontKonvMrj City , .Mo. , 'baa lnut V far lale. Those w : * . want lo plant "jTovcs BhcoJd write iim. Ull-ij&wlt \ WIttin three 'Jlocks of < JJ postofictv In njirc ftt51 > Dod o. 02G-tfi I Will l > e p-ihl lot an act v lntor t in \wll tBtabifidied business , lient niuV nxiulreJ Apply to JNO. c OSce. 019-17 T TOTieETOCONIKACTJ IW-Scaltd propo- J i Kilvwlll bo rcdvlrvd unUl 12 o' iKk noon , January U , J882 , lor the Mutinn anJ comple tion of loiildliiK foj the Acadumv of the Sncred i Heart. Pianu anu'Hpucillaitonn'oii i .fcw at oflulroo & McaAel Neb. , bere bldewjll . rc er\cj to rcjec'jaty or aU bids , CHAM a TS well-kna AllARK , o Mjstte f.Arfc'fOiuidr Js for eolail a low ash price. E ery Jniu good ruunlutf order ; . Inituircvat.brtiwury. SS6JB HIOIIAUH aiE-MOiV. TNST/IUCTHJK3 / isl'ca on typo writ r , .ij k njftchlnos fir , 8nlu. IIKIA i * AMES , 1608 17UNISIIii ; ) KOOM. * bVireiaKid Kl-'ntJtmen ; alio one front room with > ano , uocdiwoat , j core r l th uuJ Capital > enu . & 90-tf r EMI8' NEW MAPS , 10 . IJounte ) . Mann. 32.60. BO. P. B1MI3. IN C1IAVON 1'aitlle vid Oil , . . i.lso Oecontivrt | ialnti > K. MltS , D. It. AUBNEU , room U Jacob's-Bloch. 642-tl' EM IS * UEAL TATK 1JOOM. bee 1st page. ? B ALKl ) HAY .it A. H. Sondcr'g l od Sto "t IBB 1013 Harney Ct. slO-tf EMI5' REAL K8TATS EXCHAKOR B IB 1 at page. T > EMI3 hasraiUlnKloiif llsti of houses , lota JL > lands aud faruia for tale Cill and get hem. EDWARD KTJEHL JIAOJHTEll OF PALIIYSTEIU AND .CONDJS. TIOIULlr.T 41)3 TctiLb Streett twucn "Fkrnb&M anil Jlai ney. Will , will tlio iM of gEuanUu * epliha , ohujn for at > j ono n iuico at thn li rnuVpr wnS and on ortali > vnditloa lu the til' till * . HOOM Mul Hbjtm tu'dn tonrdejf. Hcrloot Absolutely Pure.x TlilJ powder ue cr varied. A nun-el of patfL treiiuth and v holwomeawa. More econecilS./ than Uiecrdln-nr kludi , and cannot bo oldltT corrpetttlou.itli the multitude of bw tort , ihort weight , alum or pho uhato povdora. Bold only In etna. ROYAL BAItWQ POVVOER CO. ,