Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1882, Image 7
Deere & Comp'y. MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL , Wholesale Dealers in Council Bluffs , Iowa. Moline Wagon Do , Farm and Spring Wagons , Deere & Mansur Co , Horn Planters , Stalk Gutters , fee , , MolmOrfPmnp Oo , Wood and Iron Pumps , Wheel & Seeder Do , Fountain Oity Drills and Seeders , Heolianicsburg Maoli , Go , Baker Grain Drills , ShavmeB Agricultural Oo , Advance Hay Bakes , § Joliofc lauufaclnring Oo , Eureka Power and Hand Sliellors , Whitman Agricultural Oo , Sliellors , Road Scrapers , &c , , Moliue Scale Oo , Victor Standard Scales , A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies , AND DEALERS IN All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock. Address All Communications to E & COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Iowa. MOUNTAIN AND Mining and Milling Company. Worklne Canitil - fSW.OOO. Capital S : ork , $1,1'OO ' , 100 Par Vttluo of bhircs , iSfl.OOO STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. Dll. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wyoming. Wil. E. TILTOX , Vice-President , Cummins , Wyoming E. N. 1IARWOOD , Secretary , Cuinmiiu , Wyoming. A. 0. LUNN , Treasurer , Cuaimina , Wyoming. Dr. J. I. ThomaB. Louis Miller W. fa. liratnel. A. 0 Dunn. E. K. llorwood. Francis Leavens. Oeo. II. Falon. Lewis Zolman. Dr. J. C. no22me5ra OEO. W. KENDALL , Authorized Atfcnt for Sale of Stock ; IV " ° Kcb. WHOLESALE DRUCGJST8 , ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NL'B. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. Jy 18-ma "FOSTER WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , HEADQUAETER 8 -FOI 10 We desire to cai the special attention ot the trade to oui elegant lines ( at BO5TOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardinal Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , OveralJp Hosiery , &o. , now open. Wholesale only. 8HREVE , JAR VIS & GO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodere Sts. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER iT Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. IE1. O. WHOLESALE GROCEE , 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , Neb. FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. ConiiKTimenU made us will rcc ! ve i > roiuj > t ttentl ( D. Jtefrrcncea : Bank , Omibv Pl t < % Co. , BaJtimort ; Peclf & Baniher , Cfilraw ! " u > jatl. - < r A FINE AUT "Bathotlcftlly Doscrlbocl by nn Bnthu- sliiatlc Spoctator. A writer in the Louisvill Courier- ournnl , who witnu.isod Iho opera of 'I'utictico" from the wrtnij ; siiio of the ootliuhts , says the ojicnx may bo do cribcd physically us n tiutheiuivtic.U inigrossion ot rapturolia lilies sut to uusio , There is deal of it nbouiul- UK in nil comic operas , but in ' 'IV icnco" the hug itiK stnrts elF with n Momentary ombnico botwoou the milk- naid and IJunthorno , mid Ihun nwl iphi's with dux/ling recl le. sneas to lint point tvhoro n m\thumatical : cnl- j\ilntion \ becomes bewildered , Jivory- wily in the opera tlmt is htm itbto gets linked , from the ii'sthotie nniid n the liorixoti row of the churns lip to ho tempting damsels in the fore ground , all dimpled and rosy armsund mouldun and untieing diapoty. It joyiius with u thrill anil ends with the netfablo convulsion of warm and , hrubbine niixluro of arms and heads mil hancU. Tiny yet HO bewildered n thu order of it that at times it would ippoar that only one r.uid linn all iround would ra > toro the av erage and eniib'o them to statt oil' over unain. Tie ] mechanical and con- iciuntious embrace that 1'atieiico gets 'rom Hunthornc andOrosveiuu is very iirdtty in its way but it is only in the ; econciliation lii'tv/ci-n tlie maidotiA uul the dragoons that the full hund red horse huggini vowur of the Slel- villo Upoin Compniiy develops. Kvery rascal of a soldier has hia arms full , md Lady .Uuio to spare. And Lady lane is pretty enough tv > make tlie eall for reinfoi cements from the an- dieneo a patriotic appeal to bo re sponded to. Hut afterall this ia mere mum strength hugging. When the quintet between the tlireo convicted ollicera and the Ladies Angeli and Sa- | ihira comes oil' , hugging as a subtle and complicate.1 act is at once dem onstrated. First the Colonel huga Angola in a daxed sort of way , and is at oneo compelled to swap with the Major , who has been pursuing ; the aaino elevating diversion with Saphira. Then the Duke commands another swap , and when the Colonel gets An gela back , he makes that young wom an's corset groan , because ho begins to see that he is > i "sucker" ( to URU the expressive term ol the parquet ) , unless ho takes a shot , when the bint is up. The Colonel is a big and hand some fellow , and from the second swap ho seems to have three or four arms. And the burden is delicious enough to cause a hundred arms to spring up if necessary. It is all palo blue , except a dazzling rosy oasis of blushing throat and neck , with a hedge of white lace and ruilles about the edges , a piquant and pert face , all running to red lips andswimmint ; eyes and a pair of shapely aims springing out of a wnterlall ot llull'y what-you may-call-it , just at the jKjint where you had begun to congratulate your self the round shoulderw would begin. There is a lot of blonde hair , but you don't see t at after thi Colonel puts the head on his shoulders with the tender care that ayoung mother would lay her sleeping babe on its pillow. lie puts his left arm twining about all this pile : blue and pink and white , and the right arm goes around the other way to meet it. When they COIUG together you feel conscious thai if a man was actually going to Lleavoi ho never would on earth get a bettor time to start. Prom the impression the Colonel's arms make on the dra pery , you can see that there is some thing under it. It seems about tin regulation home-made weight , and il may remind you of the picnic las summer. Over on the ether side o tlio stage the Major has got a. bundh of old gold , black hair , big eyes am tapering white arms , in > tlio sanu chancery. And ho seems to bo equal ly as well pleased and as fully occu pied as the Colonel. And none o them seem to c.iro anything about tin opera-glasses and the eyes that art looking , or whether Hchool keeps o not ; don't care even about tlvo glan of angry enry that shines with a glow like a locomotive head-light from tlu parquet. Tt is pretty Miss Po t am charming Miss Valorga inside thi drapery , but the parquet thinks it i sngela. The Colonel und the Majo do not. At least they hold on hki they wore confident it was something palpable and tangible. If you listened right well you might have heard i united sigh from the front row like the rushing of hot air up the draft o : the chimney. It is all set to music. It waves and thrills and pulsates like a wild bird that you may have held in your ( muds sometimes a momentary prisoner. Thus it lasts for a few mo ments and then the Colonel and tin. Major chuntre colors , then the Duke crimes in for his share , and after hours of agonizing delight it seems to the parquet , the mathematical combina tion is made all around , and all the hugging and hugged float off in an ec- stacy of delirious embraces that leaves the front row utterly exhausted. No Snoh Woril as Fall- "I Imyu iimd your Si'iuxo lii.ossosi fur bH'pHii ] ; , hundache and constitution , anil liml it IIIIH donu mo , i great deal of go cl , i shall r. C'lmiiieiiil ' it tn inv fricnd-i. "JIli.NIIV j5jilTOJI'.TTI : , "May .Mill. ! ) Main Ht. , liuirulo. " J'rice fiO cents , trial bottlun 10 ccntt. junt-lw ! GREATEST P.I3MEDY KNO\VN. Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con sumption is certainly thu grcatoht medical remedy over placed within the reach of millcring humanity. Thou sands of once helpless sullerers , now loudly proclaim their praise for this wonderful discovery to which they owe their lives , Not only does it posi- Lively cure Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Jtronchitis , Uay Fever , Hoarseness and all affections of the Throat , Chest and Lungs yields at once to its wonderful curative pow er us if by magic. We do not ask you ; o buy a largo bottle unless you know what you aso gutting. Wo therefore earnestly request you to call on your druggists , Inn & McMAiiox , and get a 'rial bottle free of cost which will con- ince the most skeptical of its wonder- 'id merits , and show you what a regu- ar one dollar si/e bottle will do. For e by Ish & McMalioii. (4) ( ) KK nrm , BYRON REED & CO. Real Estate Agency Kwp u etimplrit tMrart of title to R ° * i vtoui In Omant i > a IHmtilw couutv. jn ytl If ) on suitor from Ilj jpojwla , w Ul'HlKH'K 111.001) IMTTKISS If you arc ixllllctcil tvttli Uilloii'ticM , ii.'o lll'IIUQUK UI.OOI ) IIITTKUS K jon arc proal rfttril with sdck llcndnchc , tike ] K ui.ooi ) mrrnus I I > ' ur lion cl < arc iHwmlereil , rcgutAto them 'll' III'UDUCK III.I Ol ) UlTTKItS If your lilooil U mimrc. purify It ltl > 1IUIIDOUK 111.001) H1TTKHS Kyoulitic hull pAtloii , you will htnlnn antldnt. In lU'UlioCK 111.001) HlTTlIltS H ollnrc troulilwl wltli SprlniS Oomphlnt' , rr mll.-Me them with ill'KDOCK 111.001) lllTTKlts f your l.Ucrlston'lil , r lorc It to hc.illliAetlnn \itli llfllDOCK 111.001) IHTTKltS f your Mer Is nITcrtnl , you lit flm ! a nnw r ' - ti'ratl\i-ln IIVWnoc'K 111.001) llin'Klts f you IIJMC any tpccli of Humor or Pimple , lot to U\M' ! Ill'KDOCK UI.OOI ) lUTl'l'.IIS f > on lav cany njiiiptomsot Ulcers or Scrofulo\i SorcB , a cunUhi' ri'tiinly will bo fouiiil in llfUDOCK 111.001) ) llllTKUS Kor Impnrtlni ; trriith | ; ami vitality tothoi < x I'm , nothing cnni < < ] iial nUllDOCKTlt.OOI ) ntTTP.HS. 'orXi-nous.inilOi-neral Debility , tone up the yslcin with IIUUDOCK UI.OOI ) IHTTllllS Price. 01.00 per ilottlo ; Trial Dottlot 10 Ct FOSTER , MILBUM. . & Co , .Props- . BUFFALO. 3f. Y- Sold nt w holettali' by Ish A. McJlahon and L' . V. n ! o Women Who trniit glossy , Inxnrianfc and -\viivy tresses of abundant , luniutiiul Hair must nso Ll'ON'S KATUAIRON. This clecant , cheap article always makes the Hair prow freely anfi fust , keeps iti'rom fulling out , arrests and cures gray- uess , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair titrong , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired posiiion. Beau tiful , lieulthy IJair is the sure result of usiug KuthalroiL LEGAL NOTICE. the mutter of the i > eHlni\ ! \ Alltrrt U. Wjinan a KiinrJIan of Iltury F. Wj'iimn end \ T. Wj-iuan , minor holts ol Harriet K. , ckx-enxwl. In the District Court of 4lio Third .Uidichl Il - Irlctot the Statuol NikroHka , within und for the County at l > otielu . And now on the 24th cny ! nf December , A. II 18M , comes Altjert U. W muin , KUardiui of JIelir > F. VVymati niul William ! \Viinniinfsru-ftlil , uiu prctientcd in open court hi.s ] > ctition for Liceif tt Hell Heal Kstato o ( Ms MiilJ wunla for thcii lunlntuimicv , uducatloiiAuU for thu | j.iyiiu'iit o taxes nsHcH'cil anil o ho iwjrH cil u ] > oii the rva L-xtAto of his Bald wards , UK ) It ft ) ) | ariiii ; tn the lourt from uu h petition-tliat It In iieci.i ury tlm tliu teal cttatu of Hiuli uar iHhhonld he told to : the purjion" * in eaid pctitlai Ntnted. Audi , also appearing tn.tlic court tint the Hah Albert U. Wyiiian , tlm n.iid jictltioner , in the na tural mirvlvin' , ' par nt mid next of Kin of ti mid minor heir * , and tliat.thern are no nilier ur BOMS orpartltn interested Jn the estate at Halt minor Jiu r < aa net forth ui t-M petition. Anuit nlHO appearing to thu court that the Hah AllxrtU. Wyi.nn , not only in and hy hln Hah petition , whii'h jncludes aad coichni' . ' tin riKhts lu the preinlsui an next of kin and heir at law of said minors III HIKXXWHIOII und ri'inalndor and Uiiant hy touiteuy of thu tiaid Harriet F , Wynian , dcceiutcd ; hut also hy JIM voluntary- | pcamnco in open court , confoHHln ai luanllti and next of kin , andther hy aecq > tinitlioordei of court herein , to thaw eauio why 1'efiim ' ) liouk not he L'raniO'l for Iho sale of uiicJi real mtote In Kald netltloa cluecriled. It H ordered that the next of kin .ml all pcr < Botm IntvreH ed In Bald estate appear he'oic thin court in Jiaiuhem n tlio 23rd day ol .Innuary , A , I ) . 1882 , at thu court lions' " In raid ( Jaunty ol Douglas , In uuuiha Citv lu ( aid County , tn chow OUIBO uhy a llceiiHu ehould not he cranUd for the lo of sue i r' ' ai ehtatu In Hald petition diwerihed , and that copii'Hof this notice hu hirtwl U | > jn aucli persons ax afora > ald. /'fh'ril DlMlrl t Court Heal , ) ( Douglas County , Net ) . ( JAS.V. . SAVAOK , Judge. State of N.ibrasltii , Donxliw County : I. Win. II. IJaniH , clerk I the Ulitrlct Court In nnd fur niil Sinto ami county , ilo livrt'liy rcrtlfjr that I liaM ! crui-nrul | tliu nliota order of alcl niirt. ultli the original order nil it | IK.HH ] ol rrvtril on folio journal of mid court , und th&t thu tninu In a correct trumcrlpt tliurut. ( , and the whole ol haicl original order. I > i tCHtlniony whereof , I liuvo lirrciinlo Htt my land nnd canted the ix-al ol mid court to hu ut- llxwl nt the City ol Omalia tills 'Jltti day of Uu- ceiuiicr , IfcSl , J Third ct Court Seal , t I JJouglns County , Nch. fW.M. W.M. II..UAMK , de20cvmU ( 'lcrlt. Proposals for Substitonco Stores. Ol'KICK PrilCIIAHINK ANfllruT : ) COJIJIIHHAIIV , OilAIIA , Ni : . , > ncccinlcri7(18sl. ! ) Sealed I'ropoHiils , in Jii.liciite | , Hiiliject > o ttio iiiual uiPiidltiniiH , will I o received nt tills ollico null' J'J o'clock , noon , on Fol ) . nmrylitli 1882 , at winch tlmo mid ilace they will liooj > eim < l in fhu nrwuncuof hid- iler , for fnrnialiiiiK and ilo iv ry at tliu StiliHiktuncu Stiii uhininc. or on iurHiii Onm- Im , Nub , , ( il on dm , iiftor infection nnd ucceptnncu ut place of packing , ) HH may bo iuiiiircd | liy tlie .SulmlHtiwco Dcjiartinent : 1-1(5 ( li.nrol 1'ork , ligli IIICHH ; to bo do llverodliy March tnh , 188a ( W.CO poimdH Jiacnn. Mhnrt cluar MideH , inwluuii weight and tliiokneBH , puckfd in craten htrapimil , of khoiit 200 pniinilH Itncon eaclij each jilo 'e of Haron to ho covertxl with ott n loth ; all to ho delivorud hy .Match Dili , HW. The Korerniuent ronervon tlm rl ht to reject any or nil proposal * . Ulitnk pro. [ m-iilrt and full inforniati n ax tu thu man- IHT of bidding , prlntcil Inntnictioim to bidden , nnd term * of contract un > l pay. inent , will he fmnl lied on appllcutli n to thin ollico. No roponul will hu coiidlder. ed unleHH nccompanlod by the printed "iiiHtructioiiH to biddwrs/ ' referred to icreln , " 1'ropoHals for HiiliHint nco htoren , and addrenfio J to the undirk'ned TJIOMAH WILSON , J12-0 Ctt.t. | aimC.S. , U.S. A. J. L WILKIE , MANUKAOTUimt OK PAPER BOXES. 1408 Farnham St. O3vr TT A - - . ' ' . . / I Jui * V * . . .k"JT * Ci " tV * itTX * * \ irr ii ? u.-rearr--cTm'3jct'ajjt a-r. No Changing * Oars ftKrwisvi OMAHA & CHICAGO , \Mioto itlrcct connection r IUA.IO with Tms SIKKI'1NO C.Ut MXKSbr NKW YOUK. ItOSTOV , 1'IIILAfiKI.I'IIIA , UAI.TIUOUK , AND AU , RASTKKS ITI1A The Short Line via. Peoriu Kor INHIANAVOI.I3 , riNCINNATl , I.OVls , Mid nil point ! ) In the Ill Rll tit UNI For ST. LOUIS , Vhcro .llrcct . connnclioni km nwilo in lhi > t'nl.ij . Dorot with Iho Tlitniuh .Slivnlni ; C LIllMtor ALLl'OlKTM S3 cO > NEW LIMEDES MOIHES Till : PAVOIUTK 110UTK KOIl Rock Island. The unccivnluil IniiucAmonU od6r l t > y thlt Ilii ui tro\clrit ) ami tourlsta tie AI lollona : The celebrated I'lMI.JIAfJ ( ttf. li-el ) PAI.\cK run only on tliU llnu ( ' , . , II ft ( j. 1'AI.AOK IIAW1.NO UdOJI OAKS , wltr , lorton'rt KocllnlnK L'lialts. NnuttrikcliarK ( or fv.\t In IteollnliiK C'lmlrM. The fiunniia 0. , II. O , . I'aUco Dlnlni ; { . 'An. OOIX'CXUH Sinokini , ' Car , IttuJ witlmli'tpint tilk'h-bafkiHl r.illixii revehlni ; dinlrx , tor tliu lucHwiv o urn ol nrst-clnvi { wMon Kern. Kern.Stool TrncU anil nuK'rlor | e > iuli > moutcmublrvl vlth tholr K eat Uitou li Mr nrrutiKOimmt , m Kt JIH ! , above all otliern , tlio ( axorltu route to tni * . \ai , Hoiltll mill Southin-it. Try It , ami } culll fliul trnvollni ; K luxury In- eti'.iil of n iU cflinart. ( llirouh | ; tlckotnlo thin rolvlirnttHl line tar ante nt .ill oHici'H In the Upltuil KtatM : uul Caiikiln. All ton tvl.jut rnteH o ( trirc , Sleriilni ; lur aoxtininoiliitlnnn , Tlmu TnbliM , etc. , 111 bo hcortully ul\cn by iiiilj'lni { to ] PK'tUKVAL I.OWKLL , ' OonorM oiiBur A < mt , Chicago J. I'OTTKU , < ! hl le.iBO. Sioux City & PaoiJic THE SIOUX OITY ROUTE HuiiHixKolld Tnxln 1liroiuli from Council BluQa to St. Paul Without Chnni'.a Tlmo , Only (7 Hours. IT IH 3LOO HH.K8 TIIK HIIORTK8T UOUTE OOONCIL BLUFFS TO ST. t'AUL , MINNKAI'OMH DULUTII ( Ml DISMAUCK mid all polnt/i tn NorDiern lou-a. MlimoHotu am Dakota. ITih llnu IH uqulppvd wltii the ltnpro\ei Wcstinghoiuxi Automatic Alr-hr li nrl Millu I'latlorm Couuler nnd KulTcr : and for Sl'KEI ) . SAFCTV AND ( XMKOIIT in utimiriiiuwtl. PnllrrAii I'alacu Mluephi ) ; Car * un throtiKh WITI1OU1' OI1ANOK hotwocn Kan < m City and St. Paul , via Council Hlutla an Sioux City. Trains leave Union 1'nclflc Tranufcr at Conn :11 HlulTH , at 7:35 : p. lu. daily on arrival of Kanxa City. Ht. Jowrj'li anil Oounvll Uluffii train fret 'tho ' South. ArriviiiK't Sioux City 11:35 : p. in , ind at the Niw Union Depot t Ht. 1'aul at 12:30 : noon , TEN 1IOUU8 IN ADVANCB OF ANY.OT11E KOUTK X2rKcnioniier ) In taking the Mloux City lloul you tret a Tliroiifrh Tr ln. The .Shortcut Line aho QuIclicetTlnio anil a ComforUblo Hldo lu th " ilirouirh ' aru hetwuen COUNCIL IILUFPS AND ST. PAUL. tZTSve that your Ticket * road via the "Hlou City and PaciSo Itallioad/ ' J. B. WA1TI.BH , J.Il. IIUflllANAN HllperlnU'iiclelit. Gon'l ram. Atfcnt. P. K. H01IINSON , Aun't ( Jon'l fa n. A 't ' , Mlwtourl Falley , IOHO. J. H. OflllYAX , SoutliwwUTii AKcnt , Conncl RlufTn. Iowa Tnis great ipocilla curc that ruoat loathiom SYPHILIS Whether in it Primary , Sooondar/ or Tertiary Staff iv HeinovcH all traccx of ercnry from the y teui , Cur en Hcrofula , ( II. l Ko e , Illieiniiu- tlm , K'zenm. Ca nrrh or any Itlood Ilineaxo. Curow "Whou Hot Sprinci Fnlll Malvnrn , Ark , , May 2 , IHSI Wo have cane * In our town who lltedatjlo were finally cured with K. H. H. MCCAMMUN & llunur ilempldn , Menu. , May 12 , 18S1 Wo have Hold 1VI 1 hut leu of ri. H. H. In a year It hat L'lven Mitinl.ii'tlon. I air inlniu' < phHlclann now locoiiimend It H a positive upecltlc. H. JI/MiFii i.n Co. Loiilmllle , KyMix > 13 , 1B81. H. S. H. han nheli belter hat ! fuel Ion thfin nil ] mcdlclno I ImMj o\or uold J. A. r'i > XKKII. Iloinoi.Cdl , Mny 2 , 1K81 Ktory iiurilia cr , | > cak In Iho liltlirHt ttrini ofH. a. y. t. iicl ) ot r. Itlcli mrl. Vu. . May 11 , 1B81. You call refer anjhoiiy to ill In nviui ] to thu mcrlU of H. H. H. folk , Miller & Co ! In-o no\ct known 3 , H. H tofAII (9 cure a cat- f f ByjihllN , wlion | ire | > crly tnlun. 11. L. Dciu.ard. ) - ii.rf. . . . n , , KllWarruii. The nbo o alKntru arcuuntlum n of hlk'li Hland- > K- A U COUJUHT , ( loternor oiOcorKlt. IF YIT ) WIHII WK W I.I.TAKB YOUflHK CA TO UK PAID roil WIIKN CUltKI > . Write for partlcularu and onjiy of little l/ook 'llnxwt'/o to the Unfortunate. " Sl,00 { ) K vrurd will uo raid to any ciniHi Mho wdl llnil , on anainl HiO hottlcH rt H , iiartlchiof llcrcury lodlrfe I'otaii- Blum or any Mineral HtiJmUneo. HWIrTHPHOIKIO CO. l'roW. | AtU'iu , Oa. Prlco ol regular I o ruducod to 91 75 | > er "t tie Hinall aho , holJIni ; half the iuantlty | , pr.ce , 91.00. Holdhy KKNNAItfJ&CO. , nerally DISEASES OKTIIK- EYE & EAR DR.L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. Ilcioroncc * iJI KopuUblo yilcUni of OinUi * jMTOfMce , Oornw ICth and Frnh m Bti Omaha , Nab uL r , DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS 110THL8. TOWKi ARLINQTON , J. 0 , MclNTIRE , Lincoln , He * . JUDKIN3 HOUSE. juuKins & two , , Red Oak , In * BAHATOOA HOTEL , J. S. 8TELLIHIUS , Mllford. N b. PEED HOUSE , WOODS HOUSE , W. P.ELLIS , COMMF.IICIAI. HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , AMCI1ICAN HOUSE , GEO. H. McCAIN , South Renrf.N * HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loulavllto CITY HOTEL , CHENEY Rt CLARK , Dlalr , Neh. EXCHANGE HOTEL , 0. 0. HACKNUY Athtund. N b CENTRAL HOUSE , JOHN CCOPEH , O.ikrtnle , Nob. COMMUUCIAL rlCUGL , VVM. CLEMMONB , Coward , ! COMMEUOIAL HOTEL C. EVANS. O'Neill. COMMERCIAL HOTEL O. F. CASSADY , Donlcon , In. HAIUMtY HOUQE , W. P. HUNTER , Wntli ) . In. UELLOU HOUOC , MRS. A E. I1I1UCE , OOHCHKSTCR HOTEL , A. 8. KINKLE Dorebrt r , COMMERCIAL MOTt ; . , J. Q. MEAD , NeltRlt. Neb CENTItAL HOUSE , JAS. McKILLIP , York , Nr.b. TUTTLC HOUSE , W. H.TUTTLE. Aurora. Nub. GAC1U HOUSE , A. It. OAOE , DENVEH HOU8E CAIRNS & WILLIAMS , Kith. SANDERS nouin ; CHA8. E. McNISH , Frlimd , Nib WOODWAUD HOUSE , WAREM WOODWARD , Exeter , Nolx JUDKINS HOUSE , FMANK WILKINSON , Mnlvern. Ut , MISSOURI PACIPIO HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Wpcplnj ; W-UInr.TMiiti PARK HOUSE , MRS M E. OUMMINGS , Corning * In. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , > VM. LUrtON , Vlllltc.1. U. PA'IK HOUSE , W. J OARVIN , Corning. IA- E8TES HOUSE , N. T tSTEB , Qrnntl It land. Neb CUMMntCIAL HOUCE , F. W. WILM8 , Kearney. tdwV WILDEIt HOURE' THOMPSON REED Wll'jcr. Nek. COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. C. CAARPEH , Manly. Noix METRO ' 0 ! ITAN HOTEL , W. W. 8HUWFEL1 WACO. Neb. GHEENWOUt ) HOUSE , O. W. MAYFIELD , Qraonwooil , Nt-t > HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , CENTRAL CITY HOUSE J. 8. GREOERY , Contra ? Cttv , SUMMIT HOUSE , GWAN & DECKER , Crctton , In. NEOLA HOTEL , F. 8IEVERTI , NooU. la EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emonorv Im. 33 OIT CASS COUNTY , NKI1. Own o II. McCain American 1. H. Kid ; Grnml Ounlinl Hi'to ' ! 'arpoimini ; ISnm ' . IU\vt.-uir w'.t II. .1. S r.iivjlit liuiipral Hl.nrii nnd Dealers in < ? rain i. Uay Uoneral Stuns and IX-alor in Grain S. H. Grouuttnto loorno Sti' .irl , M.I ) l'hysujtm * ntf Scori-o A. D.iy tf Co " " i. H. S.uvy t' A Son. / . li. Marlin . ' n fci ! T 3. N Folsom humbur IV-wtvr , . Phipp. ' Uv.iry . ' . Wunl V Son . ' Toinporanco llilliurd .Hull I. Monford Hoot and Stiucrn&kur ; l. ( ! . McFuYlixud I * ' * 'imstri1 ami Tin' UKII A I'J. ' II. Phi'lpa Opoitilor m-d Mint ion Ajyvut DT' r jlt33 CJ 'JC O33.V2ir- V < rupiiiK Wat or , Null. Hi-oil Urns ( loiunil MirefcxiwHati ami fl r\Jiitg [ \ < \Z \ A Unco C HiTiil Rl iciia II. .1. Hiillor ( SiMiurnl Schlontz & Downy Conora ! I latch Miolol Clothing , 1WU awl Shova .1. Marshall iV Sun Uoolu unil Hluwu P. 8. HarneH. loiiuiHi , ' t rton , A. L Marnhall , . . . . Drui/Kint and NOWH. Kf.A l' ; tlor ifc Wubator ( . S. Marry Illinium Mikfii in A Aluiklo Attonioyn and Noturk-D , IaH nvWci'v/Xit ! II. D. Tiuvia A < tomuy aMIi > v C. Yiioinans 1 farmwts'Mal 01 .1. II. HollowB N > iAry i'tifalic .1. F. 1'iurkiiiB A ricnlliii-.Tl IIXHO & Hcanlatcy - . .Hiinlwat'1 > 'ii < l Sr' Kitcliio A ; AHhinan t / v.o- .1. M. Itonrdalay t Co. tlcichontuick Bros r ) , , r .1. A. MiiUluiWH . ' Iv H i H - > f I -v S. A. lliploy. O. O. : . , a Lnmliing l 1 * > ' ) Uiiidgu. . . . . , SM 5 , r ROUVCH ! " . Tim Hull . ' . ' . " ' . . i - . r Knclcl & Wood Ituildura - - Muflktt Guilder P. A. Hnrrott .atoofc II. CarjHir Rlix * M. Carter Slucli 'Jlujcr W. Uarlxiw Sti.clc liuy ur F. M. Walcolt ' Ilunl Kntate A. P. Ciunp ! > < mti t 0. Sityes Physician and Burguoix \V. ' I ) . Oililioii ' . PliyHicimi and Surucin ; > A Hull i Phyniuiiiniand M. M Mutton and i O. T. Wilson Tuas id Arti t F. X. Hroaniur. M. F. Norton Painter MiBH K ItlltCB. Mi8H Pftiuo Milliner and Drviucmkcr P. L. Thorp MiBuourr , Pacific-Mouse. 0. H. King Kjiiff'A liote ( Jnuil . - - . . Ivunip. . . J. M Bcardsloy - . . . r.l l > .Mt. | | . H. F. Minotf I. vrv D. D Woudant ' : , iv..ry- S. Clinton ' . ' . KV , - ' \ \ . < , ! . >' ] | .S. Towkuliiiry ) ' , . * f \\V\n \ \ - - LOWJH ' , . . , ; , v II. Wolm' C 1' ' ' . fJravi'B ' , - I'uutor 0 ( ii r < x aimini I O. f ! T. Lodtto inet'iH 1. O O. K. Loil o moctn VVi'dnuHil.iy Iticlinp Post , No. 01 , ( I. A. J { . , imiitH Satu d.iy I ) . T. Dudley ltlli. , ' ( Jiali lludlcy A Co IM i.r J Hull \V. N. Ltinoy lf.n | , n-ii Mo yiitt & Coliii ; ; > , 'or PIIUIJI loliiiBon Hum . _ .I'limji Dyolcrav 3 OAiSS COUNTY , NKB. F. M. Wiitunuan Pliyafcmn and Tjajjniat Marion Ward Hnnlwnre I' . H. Hlmrp Pliyoiciiiu and A. W. Hall H n llotol I. Diaku ( JmcuricB I. A. llomnuyor Phyaician and I. V. Cilovur PcBtnniHtur , Murcliandisu , und TIIK Jltc Apuul WrH , M. Putcroon , General lUoiuhjindisi ; 3. T. Itockwull Gn > cericB I'ruman Hall Iluruugu Malcur- lo'in ' Ofiaonkop SuJonn Albop Ixiiiigvillu JIuuM ! Ilnbcr Brow General MerdnindiBe lacoba MoatMurkut U. ( * . Hoovur Agricultural Tinplunicnta Frank FotKor. Blackmnitli Howull Wilson Shop and Juaticc ot ttia Pta i. Culforth it Luverty lAvary I. M. liciinlaluy "l.umbur Huichonback Ikoa. W. King. 0. F. Ciuno Khtv'iitor lee Ti hu Grain Kuyur Milton Polk Attf/nujy ai " 0. 0. Clt' horn Notary Public , Jtibtico of the Peace , and Oollrdions Louirivillu Slont'waro Munufucturin Company Pottery [ Jeer o Doll Contractor and liuildr- fJuorgii Doladno Contractor nd liuildur Uol ! ' Gtothiog J. Hriiigiiinii , Boot and Shoccaaltcr Lowia Watcliinxlitir John Kaylos Meat : Jnckaon & Ken , . ' , , j V , , . . . . , , Fiour and J Wd Mill