THE OMAHA DAILi BEJ4 : MONDAY JANUARY 16. 18S2 BATES. P. T. MAYNE , COUNCIL BLUFFS AND IOWA NEWS. SUBSCRIPTION Wook. ii Council Bluira Circulation , . By Carrier. - 20 Cents . per . IOWA. By Mall. $10.00 per Year. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ofllto : Corner of Fiah Htroot and HW. TILTON. City Editor. THE DEB. Tha post efforts of TUB UP.K lo promptly chronicle all ovcnts oocuriiiK in this city , and to fnirly clwd with all ijjn Uruis affecting tliopoaco and proa- p cityoC ! Uio .pooplo of Council UlulfB and viciuhry , hnvo mot with auch revly cxprcaaioui of approval , and sack practical nupport , that it has Sccu decided by itn manapoiiiunt ; to make the change which to-day npt'iiks for ttnelf. Afl will bo aoun from the a&vtYtificmont columnd , THE DKK i warranted in fculing that it him many friendn hcrr. who gladly welcome a e'.iitxfn > & .y which tl'in city and ntato nro 5Jvcn rp\c of their own. Tirn But hon established itnolf not only fn the hearta and homes of many here , , hut litn also established itaolf in 3. hurauof tta own. An oflico has heun 'Ittud upin Room No. 5 , Everett's ' 'blockHr Mlw.iy , whoru ull frionda Mid' ptroun of TIIK Bui : will find n hearty welcome , and where nil thu onnvunicuocft for thu transaction of buniiu-iur , and the gathering and giving ofrmiwj hxvo been provided. A MENTIONS. Only eleven pcnunH In jnll. ccliiiK of the Ijoanl of uveuui ) ; . T/ire were nix fiinurah In the city yi" terj { - , ! iitly children. Tim tituuifftTH of the public Ilhraiy arc , io > > ntljiix for Jirintuil catilosuoH. TKcrw in a gi ( * l foot crossing now over tht r'wnr uoilh nf , tie ! HinulUiiK works. Th I'liiKcnjialmiin HoclMizo at Mr' . rcniiluncc to-morrow UVCM- -TJin hcrvIccH of Theod'no ' I ! oottj u > ori : hclJ Halurdny ntternooii ut Inn tvai& - /ujVJegation f Odd Kcllownfrom thin Uy itbru'ttcil the 'inntallatlon at Noola on tthr vOocncil lllull * Life-lit rjiunln j'.ly il'ttie'ir nrniory to-morrow evoiiiiif , ' .i . nmnilor iiiti-itanL | fUOHtion8. | Y > t niiiirj In KOIIII lo linvo aniitliur .ilf r riiAuntf rHliihlnhincnt. A new will lie Uio sUit off for tlio e" tu-nif'lit. Koniiuks about " 'allJi * b pivcn harrcd tjo - < > - < inf ; nro UH winr.'uiiLo'itfr ] puui mi UIP naino navor of O/nrod ( ! < i u is the on'y one than fur ni [ > orieif ! " . | i < i Inn l -li , i u'tiii ' ' icu , Ho tun bw i. til H M'vuml iln\ . O Lent will fii''nw unit now. - - . hiiy through "t.c HiUiiityrn \ n i-ii route from Col- icj.i'1 lu ) Viinslti. . Mo n.t alunn , but Nire a. i il ufi'iiit IH'H ni'ck giving dhcu- iflidyciituidayiiiMiii u I -atltir KrtMs-u o < > n Nortli llurrlton kticet , after an ills em l.i.liiin lnt a .1 wife uii'l live cliildniiu : TI > c filKwn iiml co mittco of the "H < > uUiwp te n Jotita. i nj Voilli'vc'ttetn Mi > Miri : V ( ortt * . < KIIO'I tton u u to be kvJcoiiu' J ( hare i Wednusdiiy aa&g'ivt.-u 4. clitnco to wa in by 5r , ortjfl UruiA Army of the Hepublie. Ti ) r > h Till 'n Male of .foliiKon iV Co. ' * * t. " It itf xvi\U AHI lower Drondwiiy clnaoit Si. .t r < t yxn lit wi Ii a crowd who ( jobbKul : tllr \ ; if rocci i > . - uml rrockery at such Ittvpriwiilhal hoinu of thoin spent tlirlco -A/liatthi > > Jia l Kuvod , In hoaxting of their frinvp tttjci Jlui Tilaminx bowje. Tu-a.rt ) < ljm well at (1 duo's browmy , wliiclt IUM l u rojiortwl an ImvIiiK ntoppod it. > H.iur , i < .Joinu | u bent to liow that tliiM wlui tlilulc HO are mlntakun. ft in poivuii . RTinJ HueceKH nrd Is furninlilng au bbiCTilatitHnnply of pure water for all the vuociifrf purpoiicH of the csti'ill ! h. Vh luitvrrJ serviced of the latuVil - UAJU Jf. 1'owcni wore held yettor.lay nf- ttxtutnu a. the renidcnco ou DioAdwny. Tha MiivfcL-H were liritf , and wore conduct- wl by ( Oei/.JL Iel < orir. ( The remains were .tjti * . * KMrmouiit < x notory and theic .iupnhih l doiiile thou of his wife's In the fi ulljot. At a. tucrtiuu of the Btockholdc of the Cuuj.cU JJlulT , Sayiutf * Lank , hold on Ybur i j. .lajiuary 12 , 1K81 , it wan votoil to iucrt * . u tiie coital utovk of the bmili fiMin * 2 ( .OOU t WO.OOO and the Burjlu. . hiu.l r. n8l JOOOOto$20OOJ. ThiH in crvawf cjjiiUI and Mil-plus wnB then nn ( Xfiore KiHuoriOerl for nn < l pnH | n. T.k U ih , St. I juls S I'nclllo foil luve wi J7 < , * uided ; | , to move Into tin city , un'tlo-tliiy they are occupying tlicl 114 w ImildfriH for tlie fiwt time , and nr ir ; ) U-f.J t < i du ImuIneaH there. It U IUCH Srtd u ar tins Cl.icago , Uurlim'toii & Quln cy'ii lot d Jenot. The nuve U a mutuu to the couipuiy and the pul oT th healthle t Blgna of thl pro i rlty and growth U the ncai .ity rent. Much building I IB jir < xrr < , 'W.UIO in contemplated , an Mtlfl. the dtmui&it wjirUkthat even bi lore a. pr < Jiunnary excavation can I iiuittf ( ( jJicktiom rukh In from wonhl-l < iciiutuitMo i bo building which U ttill n p p r Tbi'ilfliiiaiiilrhowHtlint tlm city pulni. fchn'tntHra &ud tamperatura nro il ctdedli bmlthy. H'y vr bin iimne uo .foln WiUoi nnd uu < t t va hunting nonio place wlie they ml I < tiljiUnU'r , He cairlod Ii iH rria.a cttl He > ti ) on bU f wurthy con Ata2iiceiuUie htt > D of.twpor three ii zer'AiZl ujivVti aud a jniuigled node , fro wWslitlw .clwet w.i * ppnrtltiff ; mid i 'SluM ' taccuwi Lo iatlmuted that he wu > jet t our. I-ft. uul mil iu hi i thrcatu uf uia i IuyU > u.Ul < with -iuteitlnal ii'rJiij ' ! tnentm i the male lutrudtr- upon 1 FOOTLIOHT FLASHES. Dlnclc-Eyod Susnn Moots With Foul Play rtt the Oporft HOUBO Olivotto To-Night mill Trilo Dovotlon to Follow. Edward Clilford'a company closed tlielr week's ooason huro Saturday evening. In thu afternoon ns a matinee , Hazel Itirko wa * given , the audieiico being of goodly ir.o and quilu onthusiaatic. In the ovoningas a grand finalu was presented a double bill , including Foul Play and Hlack- Eyed Susan. Hoth plays wcro given wull , and in sumo parts the company showed uiiumml atnin th The iiinli- once was very large and bubbled over with unthiisiism. The ovening'a uuturtaininunt ncccBB.'irily long too Ion' ; , nnd it seems that u manager would soon catch thu hint Unit it ia posniblo to have too much , oven of n good thing. The week , us a whole , him been u miccesafnl one , and Clillonl has gained a strong hold hero , which willcauso him to over have n welcome on any return. JIKHS1 AUMK OI'KKA CO.MI'ANV appoara at Dohnny'a this ovoning. The company numbers lifty , mid cm- bracoa excellent tnlont. Oliviit.'o is well described aa u musical comedy of errors. It is full of catching utra , much mirth and melody , and as pro- nontcd by this troupe formi 11 charm ing entertainment. KOItllKS IlllAMATIC COMPANY always diawa crowded IIOIIMOR. Next Wednesday evening , at Dohmmy'B , True Devotion will bo given by them. It is a highly fioim.itinnal drama throughout , which ruim in a vein of wit and humor , and the ntartling cli- are olfnet by farcical situation ! * , giving a luippy relief , and making the play full of bfo mid varied emotuiim. SUNDAY 8UNDHIES. Ilov. VB. . Alllock TalkH About Old Ago and DolltjlitH u Largo Audience - once TUo Union Sorvlcos. Yustoidny morning there wanniargo congregation at the Broadway - Methodist - dist church , drawn thither by the an nouncement Hint Iluv. W. Jt. Allleck , of York , England , \ras to preach. Thoao who know or had heard of this gentleman's wonderful and peculiar powers. expected much of him. Ho overtook nnd fairly distanced all those expectations. Huchoau as his text , II Samuel , I'.Hh chapter , voraca 31-37 inclusive , and made- the incidents there narrated the thcmo for touching upon old ugo and the various help * in lifo to roach a grand old ngu. His talk wan iu sonic respects rambling , hia manner wan o mvbrHutionnl , and iu appearance , mien and language ho wns refreshingly original. lie has been rightly termed the churchly "Mark Twain. " Full of quaint humor ho kept the audience in a stute of inerri- ni'jnt , which at times almoat broke lild im -haws. . There waa a touch of tondcviuni too , which aovoral times during the discourse caused the tear to fol'ow ' so "quickly upon the smile ( hat the nvorago auditor waa kept on a lockf between the two uxtronics of emoli n. Ho took occasion to compliment Ingiir > ll ou his late address at the giavu of A httlo ehild , und pronounced the rhetoric there displayed aa spark ling like crystuln , but like crystals that were cold , und had no mich warmth of heart as was needed and could bo given by those who hud n belief that the lifo beyond wiis more than a blank. Rev. Mr. Allleck went to Omaha to preach there lust evening , und after lecUiring there will return bore to give nn uddruaa on ' 'Lost for thu Want of a Word , " at the 3Jroudway Methodist church , Wednesday oven- ing.Hev. Hev. P. F. Ureseu dncouraod to his people last ni ht on "Tho One Trip. " He has decided to change thu hour of his evening services to 7:30 : o'clock , to conform with the other churchea. For two weeks past union aurviooa have been held with fair success. The last wan in thu Baptist church Friday evening. It wan led byiluv. 0. Ham- lin auu waa attended by about 100 persons. Special religious sorvicua have boon arranged to be held at the Congrega tional chureh Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday eveiiinva of this week. Tlio Pncltlo Junction n. & M. Dopot. I'lvtluniiMitli Kiitc'rprihu Thu depot ia n Urge Gothic build ing , two storii'ti hiuh nnd tlOxlOO fuel in dimensions. Ou the south runt thu 11. it M. tracks , coming on an ail line from thu bridge. Ou thu iiortl thu 0. , B. A : Q. . Council Hlulfrt braurh comes in , und jibout 500 feel west of the dopoi thu K. 0 , St , . ) , 0. B road pauses by. A M-foot walk leads from thu depot down to tin truok and largo platlorm , Thurroundi in and uround thu building have boot tilled in and raised some fiyu fuet , uiu the work in this line , still incomplete is being pushed rapidly. Thu wes oud of thu building on the groum tloor , is tlm telegraph ollico , lightoi with a corner buy window , and sidi windows furnished inside with all im tirovomonts necessary for rapid work Next to thu tole ruph ollico ml ho bag gagu room , furnisht-d withhirgo How tloor ecules , for weighing truck load of Imggngo at one time. The immuiis waiting rooms occupy thu entire re nmindur of the ground Hour , except ing thu tickut ollico , and lunch conn tors opposite. Up stairs , two room aru iicro'a the west end - ono , Chin Clerk Hunter's ollico , nnd thoothur , store room for the freight ollico. Nox comes the largu ollico , iu whio ! work noino fifU'im freight clerka ; an opuning from this , is Agent Man lund'u pnvato ollice. Two aloepin rooms mid a buttery come next , an the lurgu east room is being tinishu nil us u reading room for thu ou ployt-a. where all the lutott papun 'inuyu7inefl : , etc. , will be kept. A work at the Junction is under charge of T. Mnrsland , who is general agent for the C. , B. & Q. . B. it M. , and K. G. roads. .1. II. Hunter ia uhiof clerk of the freight depirtmunt , fioorgo Caldo r cashier , nnd M , Way- briglit in charge of freight transfer. Some thirty men altogether aru em ployed in the work at Iho oflicca , nnd freight platform. POLICE PICKINGS. The Stars of the Evening Shlno on Llttlo WlckodnosH. Homer Caughoy , of the Coy house , who had hit watch together with Homo cish , atoll n from the hotel thu other night , now rojoicca in having regained hia ticker , it being among the plun der found upon the man Wilson , ar rested in Ornalm. The authorities hero are itching to get hold of Wilson na BOOH aa the Nebraska authorities nro through with him , but the pros pect of hia getting n long stretch there gives little hope of his being punished for his doviltrica hero. Four soiled doves were cooped at the police atation Saturday. Two of them weru made to pull $13.85 each out of their Htockings and tlm othcrn aru ntill on the mourners' bench.- 1'hero was iilmoit a Quaker ailcnco in police circles Saturday night , and only ono arrest waa inadu , the victim being only on u wild drunk and dimply cricking the peace. 1 * . II. Sago , who was charged with being tlio ono who snatched u gold chain from the neck of n colored woman named Mollie Smith as the latter was walking along thu street , wns discharged Saturday afternoon , thu case being dismissed on motion of the county attorney. Jack Shields , charged with a griev ous atmault upon J. J. Jeniiinirs , waived examination and was bound over in 81,000 to appear before the grand jury. PERSONAL. J. I' . Killictt , of this city , has jtmt re ceived the sad news of the death of his r f'cd father ut Palntino , 111. C. II. Hinkloy , of Boston , train ilis- l tchcr of the Cbicngo & Northwestern railway , nmilo a Hying visit hero Saturday. It. II. Day , of ( Juincy , 111. , who can talk and noli corn planters alongside of nny ono o.'i the road , called nt TIIK BKH oflico Sntmday. This city hat Kernel a now resident in the portion of Mr. llatficld. who 1ms left his Missouri Valley homo to engage in the livery business here. W. S. Itickett , of Chicago , ono of the heatlmown dealers in agricultural imple ment * * in the west , spent Sunday in this cily , and is looking after the trade. Comity Treasurer Dennett says ho feels ike a stranger behind the dcik. Illness as laid him oil duty for a week past , but o has Kot back to the vault again , though ot niggfld. 11. W. Wood and A. S.Orblson , of Kan- ias City , spent Sunday at the Pacific muo. Their rnlssim to this city into onfer with the ice men here with a view securing a supply of water cakes to t next summer's bcate.1 term in Kansas ity. ity.Rev. Rev. Mr. Fayno , v/hohas lately resigned pastorate in Now York state , has been [ wnding a few days in this city , the guest f Mr. F. F. Ford. lie expresses himself grently pleased with the west and is dnking of settling Homowhero in this part f the comitrj. Chiuk'H K. Kemigvlo , who WM for three ears u telegraph operator in this city , hns eon rewarded by several promotions tiring the years which have passed since 0 left hero The latest step upward Milt ppointment an chief clerk in the ollico ol General Superintendent H. I } . Stone , ol , lie Chic'go ' , Burlington & Quincy railwaj 1 Chicago , with a salary of $1,000. IN HOT WATER. A Child tilts Down In a Kettle , and It Painfully Parboiled. A Httlo three year old colorct ihild , the personal property of Choa Crumy , living at No. HID Sixth ave iiuo , mot with a aerioua accident las Saturday afternoon , The child' ) mother had carelessly left a kettle o > ot water standing on thu tloor bosidi the kit.'hun stove , and the child , ii playing about , managed moat success fully to sit down in this kettlu. Tin experiment wiis a painful one to tin child , and aa a result a goodly portioi of ita skin waa badly blistered , but i is not thought that any permanent in jury or fatal consequences will follow IOWA BOILED DOWN , Iowa City h&s a new city hall whtcl c < Htii ; , : x > . Dubinins wax never In a healthier condl lion than now , The state university ( tarts out with 15- Undents thU y ar. Mont'cello ' put nearly $80,000 into ne\ buildings last year , A coal prospecting company has boei formed at Holt , Union county. A woman In Floyd county.10 yearn ohl In the mother of nineteen children. O tuinwa Methodists hnve just ded cited a new church which coit Sl'r > 00. The Davenport woolen mill compan ho * just declared a 0 per cent , dividend. Dubuipio expend * $30,000 a year on h btrvets , und the haa the te t in the utati Traveling troupes here\fter must pa $17 a night for the court homo hall at A guna. Jiuljju St nibble , speaker of the bouse i representatives , woe a shoemaker in b early yean. Tlit ) Imrllngton public library last ye : receividW from taxes and $209.00 fro : luhacriptioni. The Cedar KapUU pump company I tlm eight uionthi of IU existence IMS mad and void -,003 pumps. lUirllngton'i hancUome new opera bou hai a seating cau > elty of 1,200 , which ca be increased tu 10. ! > , Divi Molnes It ludulglcg In a good del of ca'nest talk nbout street paling , and evidently means husincus. D WItt people are making a strung ennvdipnt to sccnro the r-turn of the county seat of Clinton county to DeWitt. The monument recently erected to JmUa Green t Cedar llapldn weigh- * over thirty tons The bae alone wcikihii over ten tons. The tr.irk of the DM MolncH Northern narrow gangn is laid to thu DM Moiues liv r , about twcntv miles south of JUxnie. I The ICcokuk canning company ha.i in- ] crva ed its cap ! al otnck to § 20,000 , and I will operate on a large scale the coming | iNon. Spirit I.ake Improved last year to the amount of 421,090 , and during tlio present year unoccts to put $ TiOtOO Into new Imildings. The I'llicers of the H irllngton & South- \vcst < > rn railroad have b eti removed from Unrlli'gton ' to Kcokuk , to the great regret of the loimcr. Davenport pr po < s to cxocnd 81,720 for the necetnary uiulptnent | of a paid lire l''p rtinent to be mulntaiticd ut a coit of 97,200 , per annum. nu" Istorn up over the purchase of a team tire eni-Ine by the city council , ngalnst the advice and conitent of a major- ty of the busin-ss men nf the place , l'ri onerH in the Dew Moiues j ill made n aw nut of a htcol i.oot shank and had tiled A hole in the cage over a foot wju re be- ore the jailor dlscovcra ! the gum o and locked it. Watis'loo whipped 10,829 hog during 881. Their total weight , wsa fi.382WiJ lotindii , and the nnioiii't paid out fiy buy- r for hogs imrclmHcil thure during the canon will reach S.'l.OOO.OOO. Now that they can \ > * reached by rail- oad thu Dickinson county lakes will come o the fiont UH popular cummer retortx , Mreiuly KtcpH have been taken to Bocnro leaHiiro steamers for those charming wa- tcr < . The lltirlington toard of trade lm ap lointcd aciiinmitUo to sicuro control of vallablo landn , thr.t manufacturing en- erprisi-s Reeking n location in that city "my bo offered building sitei at reasoniv- 10 figures. Iowa City has thro > bankc , fourteen nnrchuK , twenty-nine benevolent iniUtu- ions , twenty tnanufiictories , tlireo lum- Ired nnd twenty bii-iuesa tMtniiliihnieiits. en whnleHola u-tnblii-hmentH , and thirty- our licensed saloons. The farm bclongiug to tbo state a ricul- nral college cnib nces 07'J afrcw , divided nto meadow. 'tO acres ; land under plow , 04 acres ; upland pasture , 10. ) acrc ; b tom - om Inud paxtnre , 110 acn'B , and w od nnd imber lnud , 21)0 ) acres. The iucomo from the Marshalltoivn wnttrworka .roiii rents in 1881 was 31,800. 'his year the company hopoi fora lovunue if § 0,000 , which will be snllicieut tu pay he interest on the bunds und the nunnal 011 of thu maintenance of the works. The shock of ihe powder explosion nt " ) nknl < io n Inst week was felt at Keota , W miles distant , at Monroe , 28 miles dis- aut , at i eacon nnd several other adjacent toints , nt lieutixiHp ort , ( K ) miles distaat , nd r.t Knoxville , nix iniloi distant. A Turbine wind mill company is ta ked ) f nt MniHliiilltown. The project em- irac * * the fonnation of a stock company with Sio.OOO capital , nd thu erect ! . of ounilry , marhino shops and nil thiiifi ne- cssnry for th manufacture of the mills 11x111 a large scale. Tlio Chicago newspaper representatives vho were Hont tu Burlington to do the new Dpora house for I he papera , at the expense if the c ntrnctors , had n vnrietl expe- ience. One of them was rescued fmm ho catacombs by his frien is , nnd another vas unceremoniously bounced from the jper.t house for attempting to escort two noted cypriant int. ? it. Contracts have been let by the Chicago -Northwestern lailway company for grading nn the Caliope branch to the Vor- nilll n river , to be finished August 1 ; on he Ak'ou i branch , to be finished to Swan jiko by August 1 ; to Spirit Like , by Oc- ober 1 ; Tracy by November 1 , and on the ttaple Kiver brauch , to bo finished to Sioux City by September 1. The iju rlcrly statement of the llorann ' ntholic Mutual Protective society of owa shown that the o'ganization ' uuinbers 111 , nnd there was a balance of cash on land on the 1st init. of SSSI.GG. There was received dming the quarter to pay wo deaths , 81,801 ; from the benol'niixry und , SIO.O. ! " > , and from initiation fees , > I7. The money in the hands of local iranches for the twelfth death amounts to PJ11. The Iowa Capital * National Associated I'rcsa. DBS MOINES , January 14. The legislators have gone homo and will return on Tuesday. The state farmers' protection asso ciation haa purchased the machine under a now patent and will continue to make barbed wiru independent of the monopoly , under thu direction of men not to be bought or gold. Onitean Choked Off National Araoclated 1'rcM WASHINGTON , January 14. Judge Cox Una morning decided agatnat Mr. Scovillo'a application to allow Guiteau to address the jury , on the ground that ho could not bo trusted to refrain from impropriety and indecency ; also that if Guitoau had anything to say hia counsel must aay it for him COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICK. SpecUl ndvcrtlscrnonts , auch u Lent , Pound , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , lloarillriK , etc. , will lie Inserted In thU column at the low rat. ot TEN CENTS I'KR LINE ( or thu flrnt Insertion and FIVE CENT * 1'Kll LINE ( or each subsequent Iniertlnn , Leave wlv ertlwrnenta t our olHce , Itooin B , Everett' * lllock , Hroaclwn ) . Everybody In Council llluBg lo WANTED TllM BRI , W cent * per week , U * literal by carriers. OHk-e , Itooin 6 , Evtrett'i UlocK , Broil ay. > A good islrl for gencril hou e WANTKl In im II family. Appl ) toJamci 11. Letter , Ninth tnx > t , between Firit artniM Dd ltro lw jr. To rent IIOUH of about ten WANTED , In central location. Inquire at llm offlco Council DIuBt. Jan. 13-21 A Brut-claw Hoiua ketptr want * WANTED . Addn-M I' . O. Uox No. 700 Council lllufli. p ] anl0.2t To buy 100 toni broom com. WANTED ( uWrcm Council Illufli Droom Factory , Council llluffn , Iowa. CM-29t ( A tint-claim liroom tier , Uarn < WANTED CouncllllluBa. Iowa. MOS6' OK BALE-Old paperi 40c i > er hundrtxl , a Y Jj The Uee olBce. Council HluB . Br27-tf rilO BIIICK-MAKEHH. FOU UALB-6 acre * o 1 I moroot land adjo'iilng ' the brickyard o if ilanner & Hal'ie. ' on Upper Ilroa l ay. Fo tlculare apply to Ua > ld llalm ortol anncr1 j pat otKce at the Itoardcf Trade rormn. Council UluBi _ ITR-degti 3m ' . T > 01TEIl'8 TICKCT OFFICE War I rallrc * 1 tlck U continue * to boom. Unrrcctxlcnte. low r te to all w"terii jolHU. hwry tick. n ituaranteed. rdor < tilled by telephone. 1 rot e one to ten dollar * atod by purcha lm { ticket of O.A. Totter , ucct-DKOr to l'ottvr& I'almer e < 0 Bouth Filth utrfct , ( our iloont below the jKwl e olllce , Council IlhiB * . lo a. octla tr " "XirASTED HOT , | th ) > onto carry papen VY Iiuiuiru at tu oOlce , Council iUuBa. ,1 octlS t ( FACTS WORTH KNOWING. "Good morning , Mr. Jones. You seem in good humor- this morning. " "Yes , I have been to the , and find anything and every thing I want , OF FIRST QUALITY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. I toll you , I can S&ve Money now out of my salary , and Live First-Class , too. It pays to go there. " "Where did you eay it wat ? " mm TEA COMFY FINE GROCERS. 16 Main St. and 15 Pearl St , COUXCILBLUFF-S I A. ( GasolineStove. . ) 3HC. 3R , . JOIST33 IS , , UXiLKIl IX STOVES , TIN WARE , SHEET IRON WARE , 331 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , , la. DONT r.vL TO SIK : THE STOCK or W. W. BUCHANAN DIAMONDS , SO L.O , REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 202 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS. H. H.JUDSON , DRY GOODS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Ollico nnd Works , Main Street , 3OUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA. We glic specUl attention to Ifcamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will rcceho prompt attention. A general an Bortment of Brass Goods , Editing , Piping , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Goal , OHAS , HENDRF , President MAURER & CR IG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Cut Glass. Fine French China , Silver Wuro &O. , 310 DKOADWAV , - COUMUti Ul.l'FKd , lOiVA. Drs. Woodbury & Son , " ! Cor. Pearl A lit \ \ . , COUM'll. BLIWS. \V. 8. AMBKT. JACOB SIJIH AMENT & . SIMS , Attorneys & Oouusellors-at-Law COUNCIL BLUFFS , IUWA. KELLEY & M'CRACKEN , Marble and Granite North Fifth St. , Council DIurT * , W , W. SHERMAN , MANirMTTUKIt OF-- ROAD , TRACK , COACH & LIVERY R ] Fine Work a Specialty. K. H. SHKUMAS , Uuslnow Hamper. WM. CHKISTOI'IIKK , Mechanical Jt H3fiT. 124 South. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. My Harness are Manufactured from A No. I Oak Tanned Leather. I Sell My Goods at Bed Rock Prices. Or ders from abroad receive prompt attention. J. MUELL Jhickwring , Weber. Lindotnan , J. Mueller and other Pianos , $20O and upward. Burdett , Western Cottage * Tabor ) ; ami Paloubet Organs , $50 and upward. Musical - 3VC cal Merchancise of every discriplion. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Shee > i-Music , Toys , Games , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re TT 3L tail. Pianos and Orsaus sold for Cash and on Time. Stock is large , full and com plete. Mubical Journal tree on applica S 3LO tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : O J. MUELLER , I 103 South 5th Street. O JE COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. JJ3 BOWMAN , ROHRER & CO. , Storage and Commission Merchants , PURCFASING AGENTS < And DuftloM ia all kinds ot Produce. Prompt attention il\en to all LOIIN piiminU. NOS. 22 , 24 AND 7J3 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. _ EL IFOSTIEIE ? , \\1IJ , SUMY ON SHOUT NOTICE Out Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants In their mason Orders ( iromptly Illlul anil delherfd to lrcMi | > ctlms fruc of ihar c. ScnJ for Catalogue , CSOTCTEffCSEX. HI. IE. * STATIONERY , \ COUNCIC , BLUFFS , IOWA. / COUNCIL BLUFFS , [ IOWA , Buyer and Shipper of Gram and Provisions to Eastern anil Southern markets. OrJcri solicited In Iowa and Nebraska. REFERENCES KirstNational Bonk , Ste art Broj. , Council bluffs ; Wm. P. Uarfcy & Co. , Culver & Co. , Cliiiogo ; K. A. iCcnt & Co. , St. Louie. M E T C A L F BROS. , ' WHOLESALE DEALERS IN f Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Das For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and n number ot Well Improved Farina , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - COU MOIL BLUFFS. BIXBY & WOOD , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS Gas Fixtures , Bath Tubs , Marble Slabs , Brass Goods , Iron and Lead Pipe , Fittings and Pumps , Kept in Stock. No. 7 Fourth St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , T We Carry the Largest Stock of FINS BOOTS SLIPPERS , ETC. , Within One Hundred and Fifty Miles of Council Bluffs. All Mail Orders Promptly Attended To and Highly Appreciated , OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW.1 X Call and See Our HEW SPRING STOCK , which has Begun to Arrive , Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , J And WEST SIDE SQUARE , CLARIMQA , IOWA ,