Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1882, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE-MONDAY JANUARY 16 , ; 88-2 FINANCE AND COMMERCE , jrmANciAi. . tjd NEW Yonu , Januiwy 14. Events oFtho week In financial circles wore important for suddea nnd nnrked ImproirMnent in nflnl on the stock ox- cluagaflf Money was easy throughout the weoVwwf trie rnto for cill loans ranged frdnyCiiS 8 per cent. , vvlth mo < t of the btufeeM at 4(5 ( > r > per rent , Foreign ev cmVcgSTwero firm and wire twice ml- J5nc d , 4 83 ® I S ? being the rate buoyant jattlieclose . Government bonds wore in faclivo demand nnd advanced sharply , Ulailwny and miacellvieom specu'alion "was unsettled early in the week on con. filching rumors In rcgud to triitik line no. gottatlona , hut 1 itcr on , when it became definitely known that favorable profiles" "tint ! heen made , the market r.ccnmo activt ' 'and assumed n buoyant tone. There wen nbrmaus transactlous in thu trunk liui an3 iJlhcrlcnd'nf ' ; sharcf , wilh n general and liharp'advance In prloo . The ntlxnnct ranged -from 1 to Cjj \ > tr cent. , and ever tome of * hc Hpechlties. One o ! tfle fctSurcs rf ths week was the co tesl . .jVcoiitri'l ot Ilio Rending rntlrmd , in hichjMr. Goweu wm ; ictoriom. The jatoclTdocltaod idnrply on llic refill , hul 'iflcrwards partly rec > voreJ. MUSHY. Money clmed at I percent. Exchange closed firm nt 4 ? 3@4 87. UOVKUNMINM , Gfaveroment bonds closed strong. Currcccy ti's 1 28 4's coapon * . 1 ISj G'S Continued . ' . ' 1 OOJ Continued I 12 ' UAILltOAl ) UONDS. Pcifio bonds cloaed as follows : RjnlJm Ists 1 ir a@l 15 PtJnlon Lund Grant * 1 W bid Pinion Sinking Fund . . .123Jfiill24 .Centrals 1 11 @l 14 jj ' HTOCIM fiThe stock market lo-iUy was buoyan In early dealincs nnd Iheie was a heav ; ifinylng of some leadiiu nhnreH , undc hich prices advanced i lo 3i per ccnl These were sales to nwliz > and n renclioi | of i to 1 * , per cent , took place. A furthe decline took place nf ter 1 o'clock but tr ward the close a xtroni ; tone again pri vailed and Uie market c'oseit strong , wit the decline partly recovered , The "following nre the closing bids : \ MIWCNO STOCKS. Tha following ara the closing prices o stocks at the New York minin . 270 Oreen Mt . 20C Bonlrler . 0 O K silver . MS On ( Virginia. . . 105 M IJ Navttjou. . 4S : Ch a3cee . 55 Sierra Ner d . .8aJ OHIOAOO MONKV MAUKKT. ClllOAOO , January 14. iTo-dny the oiferia < < of paper were on I f lr scale and all grading A I found read ; [ le at C@8 per cent per annum. S. " Eastern exchange between city bank ' was we k at 25c discount per $1009. The clearings of the associated bant [ > ere 7,700,000. COMMERCIAL. OmnbaVbolosalo Market. Omen OKTIIK OMAHA BKH , > Saturday Evening , January 14. } > There was not much variation in prioi Fdaring llw wei-k. A report from Pitt " "burg that naiU had Iweii advanced 15 M caused a firmer feeling among local dea | rs , but up to this hour no changes hav fibeen made hero. Markets were genernll quiel , and only n moderate butineas don Dry coeds merchants were doing a fa business , with firm but unchanged mark * except In bleached cottons. Fruit of ir Jxmmdeclined $0. nnd Lorudale advance Groceriej were generally firrri , , nugai advancingi'4@ic , Snltrdray lJ ds. pi barrel advanced lOc. Lard declined 2i Hams declined 2c. Uacon sides decline In. Drugs steady , with but two changes I ( juotationH during the week. ] ! nnam ! Ci pahla advanced 3c. Chloroform advance 5c. 5c.Hides Hides , wool Ac. , quiet ; green cal weight under S HIM. , advanced lOc. In general produce there was only mo < crate trading. Kggs showed a decline under heavy ri celpt * . Duller easy. Poultry in light demand and stronger. Lemons advanced 81 00 per box. Grain Wheat ndrnnced 2Jc. llarle declined Jo. Hyo advanced Ju. Corn ac vnnced about Ic. Oats a friction highei Hay declined $1 00@1 50 per ton. Liquor < , lumber , hardware , paints , old etc. , clothing and leather goodi are uc changed , Our prices for horses and milieu hav tcood for several months without change. The average prices for good sloe during the summer is fully maiatalne this winter , and dealers say that fimt-clw Animals can be sold at prices quoted by ui 1 ! Local Grain Dealing ! . WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 1H ; cos Ho. 3,1 OOJ : rejected 73c. BABLEY. Caih No. 2 , 94c ; No. 75io. itYE. Cash , 81c. COIIN. Ca h No. 2 , 49ic , OA'IH Cosh. ailc. STREET I'llICEB-Corn , 60@55 ; oat HAY SG 00@6 50 per ton. Provision. FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade , 13 25@3 50 ; "Pioneer" California , $1 00 ; patent , $3 75@4 50 ; winler whent ptmiglit ? rode 93 85 ® 1 2.V patent , ? 1 60(2:5 ( : 00 : grn- ham rvo , Si M > : Wheat , S3 00 ; Queen Bee. $1 2 , " ; Jnspor , 53 87 ; Big Sioux , 83 50. RYE VLOUR-S3 25. MlLLSTin'FS Bran , per cwt. "fie ; icr Ion , 15 00@lO.OOj 'creenlngs , per owl. 50c ; short' , per owl 1.00 ; chopped feed , wr cwt. 1 20 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 40 ; vhite. SI 00. POTATOES Nob-nskas 1 10@1 20. SWT.r.T POTATOES Genuine Musca- ,1m1 , , I ( l5c per lb. WILD dl'.ESE-Ontof maiUt. KGGS-17 tn ISc. UUTTKR I'hnico , 2lMc ; poor , no narki-t : fair , iVrfSl ; creamery , 30@3.'c. APPLP.S IJood. sound , very i-c.rco , t $1 "V3 ; : > 00 per bbl. LEMONS-Steady ; per bet , M SO ® G IN ) . MALLAGA GRAPHS Per bU.SSM ) : per half bl.l. , $150. UIJKSWAX Vullow , 022e. ONIONS 1 ittsaiBfl per bushel. CRANBERRIIfS-Per bbl. , 510 00@ UtO. CELERY Per doz. , 5r > @ 5V. DRESSED GKESE Per lb , , 95l1c. OYSTERS Selects45c ; sUiulanln , 35c , DRESSED . nl IODRESSED TURKEYS -luoisjc. WILD TURKEYS-0@llc per lb. CHKESE-10@14e. Grocers Lltt. I7c. I7c.TEAS. . Gunpowder , good , 45rC Choice , ( iO@75c ( Imperial , good , 40jjl5c ( ) Choice , 00(15750 ( ; Young Hyson , good , 30(5 'Oc ; choice , C5c@l OOj Japan Nat Leaf ioud : iong S. Cut loaf , llic ; Cnishexl lie ; Uranulated , lO c ; Powtlerod. llic t-'ino powderud , lljc ; ritandnrd Colfce AlOe lOo ; Now York Confectioner's Standnn \ . 10c ; Good A , 'Jjc ; Prnirie Extra C Do. Do.SY15UPS. . Siipr houw , bbls , 45c ; h ! blc , 47cj kegn , 44 gallons , S2 10 ; choic tnbto synip , 42c ; half lib ] , . , 41c ; keg * . 82 10 SODA. Dwicht'n Ib papers , j ; 00 ; De Intul do , If 3 00 ; Church's , S3 00 ; Keg soda STARCH. Pearl , 4Jc : Silver Gloss , 8 Corn Starch , 8J@Sc ) ; Exeolsio itl th. 7c ; Corn. 7Jc. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 2 05 ; Anh t m , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbln dairy 60 , 5s , 3 45 bblsdnirv. 100 , 3 . 3 ( in. DRIED FRUITS Choice halves jieaches , new crop , 8Jc ; Evaporated Apple * i Hi boxes , 13c ; Michigan , 8\c \ ; Nev York apples SJe ; Primes , old , 7jc ; now Sc ; Currniite , 7J8c ; blackberries , nuw I5icCHEESK CHEESK Full Cream , 14c ; Par Skim 11c. WOO DltN WARE Two hoop pnilf 1 ir > ; thice hoop pails 2 20 ! No. 1 tub U fit ) ; No. ' ! tubs , 8 50 ; No. 3 tufos 7 50 pioneer washboards 1 80 ; Double 2110VI1 ; liickL-t , 325. LEAD Bar , SI ( > : > . S'ICrS. Pepper , 20 ; All ice , 20c 'loves dc : Nutmegs , $100 : Cassia , 25t Mace SI 00. MATClir.S Per caddie , POc ; rouni cnnes S7."i ( ! : ( iufiro cwm , So. 10. IMtOVISIONS Breakfast hncon. 12ii choice lani , 1-Uc ; ilrknl beef , 13jc ] ; hhould erx , 9c : IIHIIII. 1 U ; Imcon , sides , lie. NKW PIOKLliS Medium , in barrel' 810 00 : do in half bills 5 75 ; smalls , in bbl. 12 00 i < o , in half bbls. .7 f.O ; gherkins i bbls , 14 00 ; da , in half bbls , 7 50. VINEGAR Pure npplo extra , 16 : pure apple , 13c : Prussinu norfl nnnle , IGt HOMINY New , So 50 per bbl. BEANS Meilium , hand jicked S3 < per buihel ; navy , § 3 50 ; cnlei navy , S3 5 ( ROPKisal , i inch and larger , kj OifelOciinch ; , lOJc. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 3 ( Kirk's KAlinet. S 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 E ( S335 ; Kirk's vviiite Russian , 5 25@5 0 ( Kirk's Eutoca , 2 05 : Kirk's Prairie Queer (100 ( cakes ) , 3 10 ; Kirk'e cnagnolia , 4 55j ( 4 4f > . CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs H > oz , 81 16cboxcs ; 40 Ibs , 16 oz. , 6s , IGc. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 341 Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewi : lye , 4 ( JO ; Jewell lye , 2 7T > . POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in cow 1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 50. FIELD SKED Red clover , choic new , SO 00 per bushel ; mammoth clove new , 8700 ; white clover , new , ? 14 0 ( lU alfa clover , now , $12 50 ; alsike , aev $1300. Timothy , good , new , $3 0 ( Hue grass , extra clean , $1 50 ; blue grasi clean , $1 25 ; orchard grass , 32 50 ; red tor choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Mistwur SOc ; millet , Gciman , SIOO to 8121 Hungarian. 80c. HEDGKSEED Osage orange , 1 to bushels , 85 00 ; osnge orange , 10 bushels o over , $4 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 35c ; pc lOOlbB.,82500. FISH Family white fish , 00 lb hf bbh S3 75 ; No , 1 white fish , 90 lb hf bbls. 0 3 ( No. 1 white fish , in 10 lb kits , 100 ; foniil 10 lb kit * , 75c ; New HtJland herring. p keg , 1 35 ; , Russiau sardines , 75o : Colup bin river salmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; George' Bank cod fieri , Oc ; Gcu. bonelew codfish 9&o & ; boneless fish , fijd MACKEREL Half bbls mess mackerel 100 Ibs , $1250 ; hfhhl No. 1 ex shore tjt 100 Ibn , G 00 ; hf bbls , fut family do , 10 Ibs , 3 85 ; mesa'mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 2f No. 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore 12 lbd , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do , 75c. CANNEI ) GOODS Oysters , 2 1 ( Field's ) , per case , $4 00 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ] per cae2 , 50 : do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case 3 90 ; tie 1 lb ( standard ) , j > er coho , 2 50 ; d 2 lb ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( slack ] per case , 200. Onions , 3 80. Salmon , ib , j > or dozen , 1 C0@l 70 ; do21b , per do/oi 2 55. Sardines , small fob , imported , on quarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; American quarter IXJXCH for box , lie ; do half boxes per box , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 lli per dozen 180. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 3 lb pe case , 3'30 : Com 2 lb ( Mountain per case , 3 ( id ; soaked com , 210 ; d 2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per cn e , 3 0) ) string beans , per ca > > e , 2 25 ; Lima bnm per case , 2 20. Succotash jxir case , 2 25 Peas , common , per cose , 2 00 ; peas , choice per case , 4 50 , Blackberries , 2 lb , per case 280 ; strawberries , 2 It ) , per cose , 2 75 raspberries. 2 lb , per case , 275(3300 ( } Damsons , 2 It' , per case , 2 45. Bartlet pears per cju-e , 30o@IOO. Whortleber ries per case , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 lb pe cote , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 lb , jier case. 4 50 Green gngcs,2 lb per case , 3 50 ; do choice , ' M > per case,4 50 , Pine Apples , 2 lb , jxircase 4 00@5 76. Peaches , 2 lb per case , 3 10 do 3 Ib , cas , 6 OOCctO 60 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , pe : cose.385 ; do pie , G lb , per dozen , 3 50. RICE Carolina , 8@8&c & ; Louisiana , 1\ \ - fair , OJ@7. PEANUTS Roasled , choice , red Ten nessee , 9o per lb ; fancy white , lOo per lb r sr white Virginia raw , IOc ; roosted llic. Dry Qoodi. BROWN COTTONS-Atlanllc A , SJc * yiletonXX , 7c ; Atlanla A , 8c ; Bool , Me ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ' Uuttenango A , GJ.CJ ( Jreat Falls E Hoosler , 6jc ; Honest Width , 7Sc ; In " ; - Hed A. 8jc ( ; Indian Standani A 8jc ; Indian Orchanl tl. w. , 8Jc : Lawrenci IjL , 7c ; Myrtle River , 7Jc ; Pequot A , 8Jc Shnwinut LL , ? c ; Utlcu 6 , 5ic ; Wachus cottVWc ? 8 110" 1210' ' 1 FINE J5ROWN COlTONS-Allendal , M ' ; . B"r - - ° : wyoii , Atlantic LL. CJe ; Badger Stat * X 4-4 , 7c Bennington C 4-4 , Cjc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , CJo Indian Orchard A A 0-8. SJc ; Laconia ( . 39 , 8c ; Lehlgh E 4-4 , Djc ; Lonsdalu 4-1 lOe : Pepperell N 30 , 7e : do O 32 , 7ic ; do Ii 36. 7jc ; do E 39. sfa Pocaset 64-4 , 7ic WamsutU 4-4 , 13c. BLEACHED COTTONS-Andro.eog L 4-4 , lOcjBlackiitoneA A iu perial ! tc do do half bleached 4-4 , PC ; Cftbot 4-4,89 ; Fidelity4-4 , 9k ; Fruit of th * UHIIII , 11 j do can brio M,13etln ; WnterT i t,10icGrent FnlUQ , lOJc : Indian llendslmmk 4-4,12 c ; I/nsdalp , 10k ; do cnmbrlo 37 , 13c ; New York Mills. R < : Peqnot A. IOc ; Pepperell N G Twills 12Jc ; Pocnhontna M , UJc ; PooaiM-t 4-1 , 8kii Utlca , He ; Wnmsutta OXX , 13c. DUCKS Unbleached-Atlantic , 10 o 17c ; Baltimore- , ICc ; Louo Slnr , 8 oz. , li-'c : Savnge , 18c. DbCKS ( Colored ) Alluny E brown. 8c | do C , itrnli lit- do.V , stripes and plaids 12k ; do XXX brown nnd drab , Hlripes and plnlds 12k : Arlington fancy , ll > c ; L'runswick ' brown , 8Jc : Chariot fancy , 12k ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Vnll Rlvoi brown , i-ttrn heavy , llic ; Indjnim A brown , IHc : Ni' | in el A brown , Vic , TICKINGS A C A 32 , 17k ; do XX blue 32 , 18k ; Arrowanna , Uk ; Clnremont B B , 15k : Coneitogn e\ . trn , 17k : Hamilton D , Hie : I.ewi trm A 30 , 15c ; Mlmiolinha4-l. 20c ; Omngasupoi \tr 4. , 2Sc ; Penrl River 32 , U5Jc : Put. 1.1111 XX blue ftripe , 12c : Shi-tucki-t S .OJc : do SS 12c : Yeoman's blue 21) ) , 8Jc DEXIMS. Amoskcak , Uneandbrown lOJc ; Andover DD blue , 15k ; Aillngtoi iluo Scotch , IRk ; Concord OOO , blue am irown , 12Jo : do AAA , do do lli ! ; doXX > lode 14k : Haymaker's blue nnd brown Jk ; Mptlcllivor DD stripe , ll > k ; Pear Ifiver , blue and brown , Iftjc ; Uucai\illr . ) luo and brown , 1-ik. CAMBRICS Bainatd , 5k ; Eddyotoiu lining , 21 inch double face , 8ic : Gnrner f jlnrcil , 5c , Manhattan cloyu finish , fijc Newport do Oc ; do glazed , 5Jcj ; Pequot di " " ; Logwood kid lunch , Oc. CORSET . .TEANSAmory , PcjAndro igft'in Hntlecn , 8Jc ; ( Clarendon , UjcCones ; toga Ratteens , 7c : Hivllowoll , Sc ; Imli.ii Orchanl improved , 7ic ; Nnrr.ignnsett , 7ic Pepperill satteen Stjn ! Rockpoit , 7 0 PRINTS- Aliens , OJc : Amtricnn , OJc Arnold , 7c : Berwick , -U'c ; Cochoco , 7c Ponp log.1. OJc ; Dunkirk , 4 c ; Dtmnell I tnrmony , RJc ; Knickt'rlinckvr , OJi" Mei rimnc D , 7c ; Mystic , 5Jc ; Sprninies , Oc Sotithbridgo , fie ; do. Glnghaim , 7c : J.Iarl born , 5Jc ! ; Oriental GJc. GINGHAMS AtmNkeng , lOic : AIHOH keng dress 12 ' Arityle , lOjc ; Atlantic S'c ' ; Cmidipilnnd , 7Jc ; ] iighlnnd , 8k Kenilworth , Sjc ; Plun kett , lOJc ; Sun sex. 8c. t'OTTONADES Abborvillo 13ic Agnle , 20c ; American , lln ; Atlisian , 20o Cniro D and T , 13 Jc ; Clarion 1) and rl 17jc ; Deccnn Co. stripes D nml T , ICc ; Kot\ htone , 13Jc ; Nnntuclcet , ltc ) ; Nonpareil IGc ; Ocean 1) nnd T , 13jc ; Royal , ICJi Snsser , 12c ; Tioga , 12k ; Wnclmiett shirl int sheckn , 12ic ; do , Nankin , 12ic ; Yuri plain Nunkiu. 12Jc ; do , checks , striii 3 nn do York mills 98 , ICic ; do 78 , 30c : do 58 , 22Ji Pemhrokti 10-4 25c 10-4 28k d - , ; Peqnot - , ; 7-4 , lite : do 49 , ICc ; Pepperell 90 , 29i do 07. 21c ; do 57 , 18c ; Utica W , 35c ; t ) 58 , 224c ; ao 48 , 17c Cigars and Tobaccos. CISARS. Seeds , $15.00 ; Connection S25.00 ; M.ixi-d , § 35.00 ; Seed Huvam $ r)0.00' ClenrHnvniia. 875.00. TOBACCO PLUG. ( Soldcn Pad 24 lb , ( iOc ; Spotted Fawn , Glc ; Our Rep 1 quality , t2c ! ; Star , pounds , ' . lb , butts , GOc ; Homo Shoe , pound 24 11) , butts HOe ; Purity , lb , Ir.itls , 52c ; ( frieen Bee , 2411) , butts , 53 Gilt , Edge , pounds , 21 lb , Irattn , ( iO ; Ami and Niyv ; , pounds , Bfiu ; Bullion , POIIIK ! OOc : IjiirillanVt Climax , pounds , Olc. FINE CUT In palls. Hard to Ben 753 ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SO Favorite , ( j."ic ; 1'ocky Mtnintain , CO Fancy , 5ric ; Daisy , fiDo. In tin foil- Catlins O. S. , 5 Hi boxes , per lb ( i5c ; Lei illard's Tiger.-G5c ; Diamond Crown , Mo. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 33c. Granulated Blnckwells Durham , 02 51c ; Dukes Durham , IB oz , 50c ; Seal North Carolina , IB or. 40 ; Seal of Ncbru kn , 1C oz , 38c ; Louo Jrvclc , 4 oz , linen bag per lb , 51.35 ; Marhucgs' Puck , 2 oz , t oil , 55c ; Dog Tail , Goc. Paints Ollrand V rnl he . PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omni P. P. , 7c ; white leotl , O. P. & C. Co.pui ( h" ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 lb cans , 2C French zinc , gi ? < ; n soul. 12c ; French zin red seal , lie ; French emc , iu varnish as ! -Oc ; French zinco , in oil nsst , 15c ; Ra and burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; raw ni burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , If refined lampblack , 12c ; conch black , V i"ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Pnissii blue , 30c ; lUtrauiarino blue , 18c ; ohron green , L. M. & D. , Uc ; blind and nhutt green , L. 5L & D. , 14c ; Paris green , 1 Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , DC ; Tusci dit. , 22c ; American Venniliitd , I. &P. , It chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18 yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 1C ; pate dryer , Gc ; graining colors : light oak. da : oa i , walnut , chestnut ami ash 12c Dry Dulnt White lead , GJc ; Kronen zinc. IOc ; Pui whitoing 2ic ; whiting gilders , Ij hitini ; com1) ) , lie ; lampblack Genoa town , 14o ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Pn : slat ) blue , 45e ; ullramariua , 18c ; vnndyk brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , Ic ; umber , r.v 4csienna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , - Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green con -5c ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chroc grecti K. , 12c ; yermilllon , Bng. , 70o ; vt million , America , 18c ; lodlan red , 10 Mj pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cooksoc ' ! 2c : Venetian red Am. , IJc ; rod lead , 7i chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yt low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochr French , 2jc ; ochre , American , H Winter's mineral. 2k ; lehigh brown. 2 { Spanish brown , ' tC4 1'rinco's mineral 3 VARNISHES Barrels per gallo : Furnitme , extra , 51 10 ; furniture , No. SI ; furniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , 31I Coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Dnmar , 81 50 ; Japa ; 70c ; osphaltum , 70c ; ahelluc , 83 50 ; fmi oil finish. 81 SO.j ' ; ' OILS 110"carbonper gallon , Ilk ; Ifii headlight , per gallon , 12jc ; 175 * henilligli per gallon , IGc ; crystoline , per gallon , 20 linseed , raw , per gnllon , 0(1 ( ; linseed , hoilui ] > er gallon , C8c ; lard , winter st 'd , per a lonv 1 O."i ; No. 1 , SOc ; No. 2 , fiSc ; caste XXX , PIT gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 115 ; swen per gallon , H5o ; sperm , W , B. , pergalloi 1 35 ; fish , W. 15. jier gallon , OOc ; ncnUfoo extra , per gallon , 75c ; No , ] Gc ; lubr eating , ? ere , per gallon , SOc ; summer , IS no dun machine , No. 1 , per gallonH5c ; Ni 2 , SO ; sperm , signnl , per gallon , SOc ; te pentuie , pur gallon , Glo ; naptlm , 74' , p < gallon , 'Me ; 01' , 20c. Lumber. WHOLKHAI.E. FENCING No , 1 , 12 to 20 ft , 820 0 No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 19 00 ; sheeting dressei No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 1C 00 ; common board dressed , 20 00. FRAMING 1C ft. nnd under , per X. 20 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 O 2 ! ft. 25 OU. FINISHING-NO , i. finish 11 , 14 an 2 inch , 8.10 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch 8-15 f > No. 2. finish 14 , U and 2 inch , 81500 ; Ni 2 finish , 1 inch , 510 00 ; No , 3 finUh , 1 Ind 835 00 ; O. G. ballons per lOO feet lln 81 00 : well curbing , 822 00 ; rough i and Inch nations per 100 feet lin. , 50c/ STOCK BO Alt DS-A stock , $4000 ; 835 00 ; 0. 830 00 ; common stock , 822 U FLOORING No. 1 , 840 00 ; No. i 35 00 ; No , 3 , 822 00 ; yellow pine , No. : $4000. SIDING No. 1 , 821 00 ; No. 2 , $22 ( K No. 3 , 818 00. SHIP LAP Plain , $22 00 ; 0. G , No. ? 3200 ; No. 2,82200. OKILING-821 Wft937 00. LATH ANDSHINGLES-A storfbes hhingles , 83 85 , No , 2 , 82 50 ; No , 3 , 82 0 Lalh , $360. Heavy Hardware Lltt. Iron , rates , 83 50 ; plow steel , cost , 7i east tool do , 15@20 wagon spokes , M 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per net , 1 25 ; felloes , eawe dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axle each , 75o ; square nuts , i > er lb. 7@11 < wiubers. ptrll ) . 8@lBo ; nveti , Jvorlb , Hi cell chain , ] Hjr lb , C@12c ; malleable , 81 ron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Gc ; harro- teeth , 4o : horgeslio , l < r keg , 6 00 : iprin steel , 7@8c. NAII.8 10 to 20d. 3 CO ; 8 ta 10 , 8 11 Gd , 4 00 ; 4d , 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 ; Sc fine , 6 M | clinch , nil * Uo , B 25i Gd , cluing. 4 75 : 8il caning , 4 50 ; lOd ciwing , 4 2.1 ; lOd fmloh , 4 75 ! 8d finish , 5 00 ; Gd finish , 6 25 half kegs , lOo extra. SHOT. Shot , $1.85 ! Buck shot , 52.10j Oriental Powder , kegs SWO : do. , half \t egs , $3.18 ! do. , quarter keen , $1.88 ; Blast- , kens , $3.35 : Fu o. wr 100 feet f-Oc. Hortet and Mulct. The market is hrNk nnd all grades i ro ellingwell nt p "light ndvanco In pi ices. flio tlomand for gmxl hornei exceeds the npply coiiHiderably. Prices range as fol- n ws : Finn shiRlo drivers , 3150. to 300. ; Lxtrn raft horses , 817.1 * . to ! WT . ; Common dia.S .ones . , 8100. to 150. : Extra fnnu horse ? , 110. to 12Ti. : Common In good farm horses W lo SIOO. ; Evlnv ilug , 5l ) . to " " . ; Common plngK , $ 20. to 810. MULP.S. 15 to U.J hands ( exlrn ) , Slir . i > 150. ! 1IJ Id 15 hands , SIOO. to HO. ! I to Hi hands , 876. to 100. } 13J to 14 iinds , $ ( X ) , to 75 Liquor * . AI.rOHOL187 proof , 2 2:1 per wine ttn'.lou ; extra r.iHfurnM spirits 187 proof , Hi ) per pionf K uliin ; triilo | re lined spirits. 1 " \ itnlloii rii'illstlllni f7 proof , poi prouf ! LUkim , 1 00 ( < i 1 -i ; line blended , 1 M ) ® 2 50 ; Kentucky hoiuhoim , 200@700 ; Km. ucky nnd I'enuijlvnni.v ryes , 2 00@7 00 BRANDIES ImiMiteil , $0 001G 00 .lomostte 1 40 ® I 00. flTXS Imported , Io0@f 00 [ domcsltc , 40@3 00. RUMS Imported , 4 BOMB 00 ; No Utinlrtiid. 2 OOWI 00 ; domcitic , 1 fiO@3 50 PUACH AND APPLE BRANDY- 75(31100. ( CIIAMPAGNKS Iti'iortcd per cnpc 2rtOOC4'M U'\ JTIU , case , 12 00@ SIV5 CLARETS-Per cnso , 4 MXjJlG 00. WINKS Rhino wiiit' , per cnso , G 00(2 ( 20 00 ; Catawln , per C.VNO , 4 00@7 00. Uulldlrc Mnlorlal. LIME Par bnrrel , SI 35 ; bulk porbn. c. Cement , libl , $2 50. Iowa plaster ) bi , S3 50. Hair per 1m. 35c. Tnriei t 100 Ibs , 53 50. Straw i > onrd , $ CO PAPER Straw paper , 3Vc ; rng paper Ic ; dry goods p.iper , 7c ; innniln paper , IOc news pnper. 8c. OOAli Cumberland blacksmith , 512 Morris Run Blocsburg , 512 ; Whitobrons SS ; Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 1 IfiftlGc ; hcavj 13@15c ; medium unvvorthed , light , I8 < a20 < tuh-washtsl , choice , ! l2c : fair , 30c ; ding nnd w. , 28c ; hurry , lihick nnd rotted woo ] 'J@lic less Hides f-urs , Ctc. HIDES Oii-tn butchcr'H liide , 7ogroe ; cured billon , So ; green nail , potl cure hides , 7@7 c ; dry llint , sound , 13@14c ; dr calf nnd kip , 12a ( llic ; dry salt hideshiium ll12c ; preen calf , wl. 8 to 15yt. \ \ . . 10)11 ( ) > green calf , ut , undiT 8 His , jier skin , G green pelts , SI 00@1 10 , grueil lamb skin § 1 lOfellUTi ; damaged hides , two-third rat cut scored and ono grub , classed tw thirds rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent. > > ! Conn skins , No. 1 , 4r c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 20. ; No. I , IOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50o ; No. 30c ; No. 3 , Ific ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. ( We ; No. 2 , 2."ic. Skunk , No. 1 , blncl ( Mic ; short stripe , 40 ( " narrow stripe 25 lirnr.d htriio , lOo. Tallow , 5e. Drucs , DRUGS AND CHl IICALS. Aci Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Turtnric , 51c ; Bnlan Oopnhin , per lb , 75c ; Tlnrk , Saasafrsw , p lb , 12o ; Calomel , per lb , 70c ; Cinchonldi per oz , $1 03 ; Chloroform , per lb , 1 0 Do\er's powders , per lb , 81 40 ; Epso saltn , per lb , 3io ; Glycerine , pure , per 1 4Rc : Leott , Acetate , per lb , Zi Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per b'al , PI 'A Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gnl , 8125 ; O Olive , per gal , SI 40 ; Oil , Origanum , 5 Opium , 84 50 ; Qnimno P. & W. t R. &f per oz , S2 75 ; Potassium , lodido , per 1 52 40 ; alncin , p r oz , 40c ; Sulphate Morphine , per oz , 83 00 ; Sulphur flou per Ib , 4Jc ; Strvchnlno. Her oz. 81 45. MARKETS BY TBLBGRAP3 ConnollBlnffs Market. COUNCIL ULUFKS , January W. 3lour Manufactured by CryHtal nt City Mills. 3 71.04 50 ; Kansas and Mi Bouri flour , 3 S04 25 ; gruhani , 3 75 ; r ; flour , 3 10. ] 5ran and Shorts 17 00 per too. Chop Corn 22 50 per ton. Wheat No. 2 , SI 17 ; No. 3 , SOc ; , r joatod , 70c. Corn No. 2 , 50 , rejected 4S. Oats No. 2 , We ; rejected , 3. c. JJarlcy No. 2. OOc ; No. 3 , 75c. IIay-C507 < X ) . Wood 5 50 ® 7 00. Wvo Hoga fi 5@5 75. Cattle Shipping , 4 50(5)5 ( ) 00 ; mile OOWH 30 00 ® 15 00 per head ; tiutche Block , 3 OOfflS 50. Sheep 8 75@4 25. G lUilex Set G S hldcw , 7c. Wool 15@5. Hotter In rolln , wrapped anil cruau cry , 25c : rolls no i wrapped , 20u ; uix ( co ore , 15@20c. KggH 20@22c. Potatoes 1 10@l 30 ; Salt Lake , 1 50. Onions 1 251 40. DresBcd Poultry Cliickens and duel 9c ; turkeys and geese , lie. Live Chickens 2 5 per dozen , Ohlooso CillCAao. .Tanunry 13 , On 'change the grain n.arkelH were quie Thu receipt * of grain w r 5I > 0 car loa < l emhracing 53 of wheat , 2I(5 ) ( of corn , 1CJ < oatH , 12 of rya and 3U of liarl y. Flour Quiet , teady and entirely ta cliangrd. Wheat For No , 2 Hpritig only a mm crate biuinouH wnx traiiHucieil , anil th feellns duvoloped was Htcady and rntlu film. The fluctuations were conlmc within a small range. Trading wim nlinoi enlirely of a fipeculativo character , wit very little doing in behalf of shipper ! Pricen ruled a iiludo higher , cloging ot 1 2fl for cash , 1 27J for January ; 1 284 fcir Kelin nry ; 1 2I4 ! for Murcli ; 1 3iJ@l ; 31 fu Muy ; 1 \ 2for tliu your. No 3 Hpriut ( juiut , at I 17fel 17J ; rejected , SSfe'JIii acuordin > { to location. Corn rhi'ro wus a f.iir HiM > cuInlivuliii i iicxa tianiactcd in thn corn u.arkel an during the early part of the HO. IOM th feeling win a nhudo firmer than theclmin figures of yesterday , hater , however , th olftringi were increaf > cd somewhat am pricoH receded ifeftu .mil ruled cany to th clone ; No , 2 uncl bigb mixed cl ( Bed a C'Ji@2'Jo ! for cash ; Wo for Juiwim , Oil for Febiuiry ; Ulgo for March ; Otic fu May and June ; tojected , GOJ@01c. { Oats Dull , heavy unil lower ; No. 4Uc for < a-h ; 43Jo for January , I3rfo fo Kelirunry ; 43Jc for MaichTIQ ; \ for .May Uyo HloKlier and a fraction hi hei No. 2 OOo for cash ; OOJo for Kthruarj io for&Iaicli. IJ'iley Dull ; No. 2 , 1 07 for cash ; No 3 , 87o. I'Drk'-Tnlrly fictlvo nnd cnsy nt figure n trlflt ) lower ; IIUPH cloned nt 17 20k,17 ( , " fur c.i h : 17 2-J @ 17 25 for KeDruurj 17 42J@17 45 for Jlarch ; 17 C2i17 M lu April. Jjaril Treely offered nnd steady , cl nin at 11 OiJ@ll ! 05 for cani | ; 11 10@11 12 for rebrun.y ; 11 2.1 ® 11 27i for .Murcti 11374 ( 11 40 for April. JJmk McatH-Htcady and a trifle hi licr short ril > , 8 72i,8 ( 75 for cash ; 8 82Ji ( 8 &T for Kebrua.y . ; 8 lS@8 ) 97J for Alurch Whlnkj Qulut at 1 18. Uu ter Dull ; creamery , choice to fnc cy , 30@38c ; fair to Ked < , 30@33o. Dairj choice to fancy , 28@32c ; do. fair to gon'i 18@25c ; fresh made , pa .king stock , 10c ( 12o. Ijodlo packed , common to guod , 13V ( IHcj roll , 13gliOc. ) % Unncttled and prices Irregular a 17 < kil8ciiet doztnforntiictly frenh , whll those who had luigo supiilles wera nelllu freely at HHJ per dozen in casew , with ui occasional Hale in lotH of ten cones or inon at ir < c , Keo'ts. Shlpm't 13,538. . 10,14 Wheat ' . V0.228 2 , 'JO 1CU.374 101,70 00,718 71,71 3.015 f.5 20,00tt 0C3 City Prcxlnoo Mnrhot , KANHAR CITT , January 14. Wheat Receipts , 3,201 tm ; withdrawn , I , fill bu ; in More. Uftl.PJS bu ; mntkct bid. i'"rnlloefliti | ( . 0,301 bu | withdrawn , iWlmj in store , 1 9,457 Im ; inarkit lill weak nnd lower ! No. 2ca b 57)'c : ri7J'Sc ; b'elinmry , fiSJo bid ; March , f. ' . c Mil ! April , IM ; No. 2hltp mli d rah t2. ! > bid ; Jnnimry , G2fr bid ; IVImmry , t3o ! bid. o.ttsReceipts , \\Q \ \ but withdrnwn , ' . ' 'M Iw ; In Ktoro , "Sl.lOO bu. N > . 2 , c < * h , 4 i r > lcbld ; ilnmmiy , \ | cj I'obruary , 1'Jc l > i i \ lfKeccijits , IM ) Imi in nl rp , 7/51 ' " . .No. 2 , ca-h and J.itmnry , nn bids ; Mutter -lleceipts of choice Ikht in do in.i i | ; good ci > liMin > n , slow ; iholco , ilVii1 ' - ' i : iiiivliuin , 'JJGftttlo ; lo\v , 10 > i'I2o _ l ns lteci'lpU fdr ; unrkul imle , at liny Market < ntlcl { chol'-p ' , 80\ ICnmaN City JLtvo Stoolt IC.iN'KAH CITY , tlnnu > ry 11. i Mnrkt-t jti"\dv and nno tmoi1 ; ; i , 1,31X1 lh , fi3lJ ! ; hutoliorH1 BlciM * , 1KO Ihs I V imtUo ions , 1,00Mb- , t T.'i ; ! K)0 Ibs 3 0\ lligMarket firm nnd fie bicber. ST. l.c-i'i . Jftiiunry 11. rinur Unchanged. Whu't Opi'iu'd bi'tter , hut ileJined , nnil c'o rd nt 1 3J ! ) for cnslis 1 I1J fnr Fob- tuuv ; 1 I2J fur lnroh : 1 I2irl ( 122 foi April : 1 I2J f r May : I 10 for year : No. I il.'l 311 bid ; No. I , 1 201. Corn Lower a OOjfafiTiAc for c'sh ; 0 ! > i fnr Fuhrnarv : OCiJc for lureh ; 77o foi Anril ; ( VSk for Mny. , O.UiUn 1 nt 4r > 4o for e.ish ; Ilijo foi Pehrunrv ; OSc ; | for Mny. Rye Slow at I'Cik. Barley ( Juiet nt 1 10. Lend AI-I 00. Butter Unchanged. - Stendv nt 1 17. 1'ork lnlct at 17 3. for jolibing. Lanl NuinlnnUy at 11 O.ri. Uec'tfl. Shlinn'tK I'hmr . 1,000 11,00 Wheat . l'J.000 700 Torn . IHi.OOO 12,00 ( lain . 115,000 t'i , 00 lijo . 1000 100 Dnrlcy . 7,100 1,00 Now * orb frodnon NKW YOIIK , January 14. Vlour- Dull : Minnei-otn extra , 4 'JOf 'I ' 00 ; oily niilU extra , 5 85C n7 8" > ; soutl nn 11' ur , ipiiet ; coiuinon to ehoico cxtri "i itOfir . * > 8' ) . Wtionl FiniiBr , with n innilernto < l in .11 1 : No. 2 red , 1 42 (811 ( 11 ; No. 1 whit 1 IOJill41i ( ; ungraded do , 1 40. Corn Kirmcr , but iiniet ; ungrndc \mlern mlxpil , ( 'il' V.Wic ; No. 'J , C'.IJI ' "OiV ; No. 3 , OJIgTiJIJc ; No. 2 mixed , Jm nary , Olio bid. Oats Stronger ; No 1 mixed Jaiiuar ; ; do. I'chni'irv , l ! lc hid te-Cuietnt'.t/tSllKic. linrlcy I'iriu , but ijuiel. Pork I'iriu , hut iiuirt ; " 1 1 pol mt-s 10 BOCtftO 75 ; now .In , ' 7 nO17 O'J.J. I.imlHigher nml fniilyu ti < " , 112."t ( 11 27i for Jiuinnry ; 11 Kit ) 1 1 3'JJ for K l inni v. Whl-ky Nominal. Petroleum Nominal. Chcui : < > IJlvn Stoolc. CIIICACO. .liuinary M. HogH Receipts , 15,000 fiund. Pncke 1ii > uglit common to good iiiivcd pretty frc Iv nt ftroiu r.itt'H , but olfei ing inclitdud ibcral Binvo of cnmrn n to fair pnckii h gK , the to [ of which hnd been taken i and for which there wa very liltlixiein > n As a rnlo thin branch ( it thu m irkfl w mainly ntcadv nt t ! 00@l > 3ri ; miles of go choice hnnvv pituking and shipping were 0 H@G ) GO : Philadelphia uud lard hogs HI at G inWG 75 , ' with a fcw nt'fi 5DjiI ( ; ! light hogs Rtendv nt lisr.@li 35. Cattle Uecoitits , lf > 00 hujd. Fur hl | ) ing cattle the market to-iluy vra-t liri and meful fat cnttlo of p my bill sold readily nt ntronij rates ; live fut cut sold very well , hut Imn rough lots how mi imirovonient | ; common. 4 5 idfitfO ; fit 4 80 < )5 ) 0ood ; , 5 40@5 Ii5 ; choice , 5 7 (5:585 : ; mixed to liiit.h rn' tiling Hteml ciiws. 2 JOrt4 25 ; hiillH. 2 ! K3 M ; stem 4 00 ( 15 20 ; utockers 3 2. > © 3 70 ; feede 375 )140 ) Sheoi ) fleceip's. 1 000 head. Mnrl fairly native at unchanged prices ; niodiu : 3 253 35 ; cued , 5 00 ; choice , 5 23. Cincinnati Produce. CINCINNATI , January 1 1 , Mem Pork -Steady at 17 00@17 50. Bulk Meats Steady : clear Hidcn , U OC ! ) 25. Bacon-Seady ; clear HidsH , TO 12J 10 25. Flour Quiet ; family , 0 33@7 50. Wheat J'inu ; No. 2 red , 1 40l 41. Com Hauler ; No. 2 inixad , ipot , i inick , C-lJc OnU Vo. 2 mixed , 4747ie. liyo Firmer ; No. 2 mwit. on track , 1 C Hnrlcy Weuk ; full , U8c WhiHky Firm at 1 1C. Foorla Prodaoe. PKOIUA. Jununry 14. Com Active and t-ani ; new high mix ClJ@ilic ( ! mixed , Illff. i1t' . OatH Kony ; No. a hlto , 4.r } @ 15jc. Ilyo Stfiwly "t ! l81'J8 o Jlighwincu Steady at I Hi. H-ct . 8hi | . ' ( Wheat . 2,275 4 Com . 1,400 , r > 8i ( OtttH . : ) ' ,100 31,5 Hye . 2,000 3,51 , Jiarloy . 550 mil Ziivorponl Procliuio. IjiVKiirooi. . Jiiminry 11. riotuAmerican. . 10n MSW ) * . Wheat Winter , K'H ' 10d < Sli'Kllil ) ; whit 10-1 4d ; Kpring , ill ! Uil@lOi ( id ; club , 104 i @llx Id. Corn flu I0f ( . Porl < 7fH. Lard Mi. Eiitlilborty Iilvo Stoolc , KAHT LinKiirr , Pa. , January 14. Cattle Nolhiig ( .olng ; ncelptn , 1,7 < licnd ; HliipmimtH , 1.377 he id , JfogH KalrrecciitH. ; | 3,100 head ; Mil incntx , 5 300 head. Phi'udclphiuH ' , 0 I G/17 00 ; York rK. ( i lfi@ < i 3S. Hhceii Nolhinit d > lng ; receiptn , II head ; HhipmentH , 200 heuil. Baltimorn Produce. liALTliioiti : , Jamiaiy II , FlourDull. . Wheat Houthom firm ; Fid"1 " 40 ( 1 42 ; Longherry , 1 13 ( 1 45 ; N . 2 n winter , ( itilttund firm at 1 Il'Jjftjl 3'J'j fi Hh anil January , Corn Southern , 7HJc ; ynllow , dull i 70c ; iniifcd we tern firm at Ii7i < &li7jo. | Toledo Produce TOI.KDO , January 14. Doll ; No. 2 red canliaiidJii nary , 1 38 ; 1 38 for February ; 1 303 f Mhrch ; 1 409 for April ; 11 42J for Ma Corn Dull ; No. 2 cunh , C4c ; Fehruar Oljc q kail ; May , C8jo. _ Philadelphia Produce. PlllLADKLl'lllA. January II. Wbeat-KuBler at 1 10 1 11-j for ca and January ; 1 42 f r Frhruary. Corn Kanleri C8Si83o ( ( for each at January ; fiOifeG'JJo for February. OuU-5050io fnr caiih ; 4Dg@50a f January. Uye-Qulet at 9c. Plttshiu-K Oil Market. PITTHUUHO , January 1 1. The oil murkf t'op tied at 81gv , andclon at 8Uc ; for Febnmry delivery 82Jc , f March delivery 81J ( for April ilellve ; 80Sci New York , OJo ; Antwerp , 17f. Ti Hhipmentn were : 82ur > 0 hh.'n ' ; ' ihii meiil tidewater , 6,080 bhli. "THE POOR LUNATIC , " As Dopiototl by Foxoy Rood on Saturday , Ashing the Jury to Send Gui- tonu to an Asylum Inatoad of the Gallowfl. And Not DlsRrnco the Fair Nnmo of the Luul by Villain. Proof that the Devil Cnit Uuoto Sorlptnro "When Nnoiloil. Nulloiml Awoclattxl l'riv < Hi WAHIIINUTOX , .Inminty M. Wlion court uponod fluitiuu Imd rocuivoil thus far twentylivechoekn for mown- , nHogotlior vnpri'SiMilinj ; 815,000. Ho beliovcd lint tliri'o of the ontirn mini- bur worn worthiest ami yoquustcil tboso who uiihod to semi him mouoy by chocks should unki1 it to his own order. Soovillu then nsluul the court for liin diciaiou upon the application to .illow Guik-nu to ndtlrwf thu jury. ( l Hcqmtt'tokuou Ilio ruling of the court M lift ami Uootl would ftMfluitonii to npoak before they did. * .ludno Oox said ho win loth in capi- tixl casi's to deny any priaimur the priviloijn of uiiikiiiK uny piopur nrgif nuint in his own be-half , but houis nfntul the address of this prtsouur would dimply bo a rulnnli and roitorn- tion of lita ti'stiiuony , "If you road it your honor would bo of u different opinion , " said Oni- teau. teau.Tho court , continuing said tlto priso ner's address would contain imprnpritv tioa of statement nnd it grossly itnpropor to submit nuch matter to gti beloro the jury. Ho was iwtislit'd Hint if any license would his allowed tlio ptisonur it would be iinp"H < iWo tn restrain him. At any rit-i the court would not make the u\i 'iimiml. II there was anything in Ine miiuu.eripl of tlio accunod fit to lie biMiinut be fore the jury it could be loud liy hii counsel. " 1 tnko exception to tlml rtde , ' cried Oniteau , "nnd 1 want thorecou to show that T appealed here in m ; counsel and that ( ho court u ill no allow mo to speak in my own lu-lmlf It in an outrage on Amonoiin juiispru donco. This opinion will \M \ spurns by the American people- when m speech is in print. 1 havu not a ecouiinm upon your honor and 1 hop ( and hero hia voice siasuuutd a hurali tliicntoimijr tone ) that ! shall Imvouc to withdraw it. If I have to do m your name will fie down black t future nt-ea and I tell you so to you faeo. There is " The court : "Clo on with your nrgv meiit , Mr. Hoed , " The prisoner kept on vociforntin about the veiigoauco of the Lord , bi when the marshal appnuchod bii ho . down , Buying : "T have gi through. " Reud then addressed the jur ; President Garfield wan the speaker friend and the speaker know an laved liiin-xvdL Could bi ? . spirit a pear before thorn to-day it would Hf in language glowing and eloquent , b cause it would be from heaven : "L bin ) ( jo ireo. lie could not have bet KIUIO. Ho could have never desire to kill mo. 1 never wronged him. never hariiKid him. Ouo him h freedom , and the bereaved wide when ahukueels before Cod mornin and evening nuking him to alluvial her sorrowt , no dmiht. prays him I guide that jury , to guide thni w > that they shall say tl creature tie shot my husband n lunatic. " He urged that the jm render n vordiet of not guilty , on tl ; ground of iiwiuity , hoimusu the sii [ porters of nionarchial institntioi cxi u Id not retort ujxin our free iiiRtiti lions and could not sny that any cit zuu of tlio United KluUis BO hated tl chief magistrate that ho murderc hint. He drew n parallel between tl cases of Hallield and Oxford , tl iormor of whom shot at deorgo III and the latter of whom attempted ti nsHmiimtioii of Qmxjii Yictoriii , an that of CJiiiUiiui. Jlolh the fonin were lunatics. Hutl'ield'n oxclamatid I on hii trial wlui'i wiinesset appeare , I/in "It's damned lie. agaiiiHt / ) wa' , a ( iiiiteau cried , "It was f.ilse. " llufc mice wan also made to the case ( Liwrenco , who attempted to nsimi einnlu President Jackson. Lawrunt wan lioisteroiis and tiirbuluiit in com like Ouiteau , and his counsel woi unable to ( julet him .hint like th prisoner at the bar ho rofucud to kee Atill Lawn nee WIIH sent to n lunati a yliiiii , whenfJiiiteau bulongei Uixinst'l s'lid , "You twelve men si ting upon thut boiicli- facts nnd ov diimuiiro Biipi riiir to all powcivi n eilli : , Eveiy one of you is u king < an emperor No army , no jritentau [ . < ) conibiualion of jotentateH , n comt , ID | resident , has liny rigl Hlmluvur to invndu you upon thu quottiun. No iuuiiiiiatioiiH thut yo are to bu govoinud by any sugget tioim from anybody ulso are to b considered by you , You , andvoualom ' n rd supreme upon' the quuHlionx of fu 3 and if one of you who after Holemln and Hoiioiisly considering the cinu i the jury room feels that ho lias u fail honest doubt us to the sanity of thi man , it is the duty of that juror IK fore hin Maker to nay : 'I cannot I'm him guilty,1 If any onu man feel that any of the otlior ones huvo n right to dictate to him. All I auk t yon 13 to bo men , bo moral heroes wh in the face of calumny , in the face t persecution , in the face of oven deal ] will do what is right. Bo such , nil t you , and it slmll ho justified. Ik any man who falters on thut quuatio in unworthy of the nnmo of mai Christ healed lunatic * , but this pioi ocution Kays put them to deut ! The American people toy ; "Let him go ; " interrupted the prii oner ; "everybody ia on my aide , "In the fourth chapter of Matthov 24th vor o , " continued Mr. Itein "are the words 'and his fame wui throughout all Byriuuind thoybrougl unto him all nick men taken with di OIIHO , these that were posaessed i devils and those who were lunutii and thoHU who had palsy , and ho lieu od them , ' The prosecution oava 'ki him , hang him , ho is a wrotch. ' " Couiioul then went on to sketch II history of Ouiteau from childhooi "After leaving the Ont-ida couuui nlly , " Raid Ilocd , " 00011 the gonn of insanity nn scon , Ho wrote two let ters to his father nnd no man could say anything they contained was not t'vidt-nco of intnnlty , " Tlio letters were tliou rtmd to tlni jury. "A largo number of inudicnl oxpuris , " contin- 'it'll the counsel , "wrru examined by thu government , but only three- R\M > ro that tliu prinoncr was playing n p.irt. If on mich vitnl points exports disagreed , what would their opinion bo worth as to whothpr thorn wan do rnngomeut of the mind or not ! It nri'da no expert to * co Iho prisoner ID insane and is now n poor , wandering lutmtiC. 1 may vcnturo to say you may vlnit tlio nUto prisons of the country nnd you will not find in rnch o { the convicts no ntich face or eye nn bu has. If ynucan't , then h'm m not the oyt' of n criminal but that of u reck on the pathway of life , which lit ) truly in. Nnluro never gm ) thti look ho hafl. It catiii ) \ \ \ on linn from a disi'ivio which has crop ! upon him until it hits poivurled , his vision. H ho had never commit ! cdixiiyorhnonnrt \\na brought huforo you ami you were nskvd to look ni him , j on would dcclnro him to bo poor , unfortunate crn.y man. Then , if HO , pronounce and say no moiv. 1 predict that if ho were put in nn insane sanenaylutu twenty-four months he will bu iv miserable , driveliiij ; idiot. It can't be otherwise. Ho is a wreck on every other subject but that which liu is on. Thin explains hia keenness and BUiartniws " ( Juilt nu at all thin Burned hia fnco to tlto window nml laughed immoder ately.With With regard to the vnluo of export cstimony , Mr. Reed made n point by "ing nlti'iition tti the varying innc- neii'H of oflicial bulletins iHsuoil by lie doctors Hiippoainl to bo the bent u the country who attended Iho pro- lent , unil tti the fact that the autopsy bowed that not one of them hml any ii'Ol idea of what the real courno of hi ) wouiul wait. Ho clinchud this by nyiii ( { it would bo nn atrocitj' to sontl ny man to the trallown on the nicio ipinioti of exports , liow ynr mi ii-iit they wero. In mentioning ho vtmtlnct of the government in ob- niuiii' , ' n titatonirnt from the prisnnur ihortly nfltT the niunlnv \ > y Mac rupri niiU-iition , Rvud mini t lit ) portion r if H.ii'py'a ' mitt's which 'v endi'Blr > yeo\ were niutimbttdly in f.ivnr of OuiUiiu .n they oud | have bo n prKervt-il mil iioscntc ) < J | in the IM I II OH'i- ciu1 AreKdush h.itl boon | iorinitl itl to go on tin ) Mnnd it would Imvo bum shown , the ( Miitoner cluiuif , when tho. HhooU iw iii ti him ho had nc'cd iu obi'dienco to Iho cumumnd < > f Ond. ' After oul-'Kizing Mrs. Scovilto foi ht'i materly nluiction , and ret't'lltng \vitli scornful indi na'iou thoiniiium- liun of the nroHcciitiiui that littltr i bt nhould IHI nttacht'd ' tohurtt'8- tniioiiy on ajoount of blood icl.itiun- hliii | , Heed tnrnod hi n'li'iition ti > Davidgo'u aUtoment that a mob rep- r.'sonU'il the bent human m < ntimiiit. "When tlio meek nnd lowly .k'hin , " oxplninod RVtid , "waa brought In-ftiro I'ilnto the iii b won funoiis a ivjiiRt him. I'tlaUi , the judge , saw no harm in onv Saviour nnd wished to lot him o , but the mob cried 'Crucify him.7 TJuil w an illuatnvtion tf what kind of aoiitiment nctuiiloaa mob. What tno- tivi ) had the prisoner to kill thu prcsi- dontl" continued the conn&ol. "It was n'bturd to think ho did so ( u gut an ofllco. The prccidoift lintl doiWf. him no harm and ho naid ho had. no had fooling towards Giirliuht. The only reasonable cxplaiiatiou < < f the crime wan that the prisoner w.m nn- dor the inlluoiicn of nn iuaano delu sion nnd that ho firmly believed Hint , ilohaaRii stoutly maintained tbjit lie < was iiwpirctl by God ( o do-- tlio honorable deed. The jury , ' " continued the ctmusHl , "did nolt know what dillicully Sctivillo line Imd ) to gut evidence in the caeu. Men would not come up , and It'll whivlthtiy knew to eave the undoubted lunatic- from the gallows anil , to nave Ami'tica from diBgraco Hrnoku Ihotiyht ho wai timtifying for the government but ho wua not. " "Tho government don't want mo tno convicted , " shouted the prisoner , "General Arthur don't want uiu con victed and I ain't goinu to U > prob- nbly. " " I abjure yon , " anid Jlocd in cJoH- ing , "to Htaiiti to your oaths. Fnltor not in the iiorfornmnco of duly that film ! ! Hive you and thin fair land from disgrace. I nnsurt the condemnation of thin man to the gallows will bo in famy buyout ! description. ThinU of thoHci'iif , for if you condom * ) to the' nllhoiiuh voi. i , uu il Innly to n.e tl ' om be theio in m 't i y n\u\ , brought out liinn n > > - ttvith \ \ il c.vtrt. ThOoiiiC nioimd linn ; it.i > mni h hiT > i 10 th" ' Ilia iinucliu iiaii'i. HUM. TbyV Cover him with the b'ucu ' iobiilu > > rhut out the light of < I , v. loa'l liim to ihu- galloivf. and ecnd - ' i uc'uni'j. . " ' "Wolf , " cried Ciin.iti. who unl Hiiiiirnu'.ii a lit'lu ( Jnrih" iimiiiiml , "I would talFior g' ' Hut a > t ; vu liy a Bullish up on a milieu1 U' u.'uv poor , fellowii went list ni.'ii. . " "A lunatic , " continued Itfod , . "wluiiuif our Saviour hem lu day Ho would heal. The picture in nolovur- d raw 1 1 and I lenvo the result to you. " Gmtoau miiu : "Heed ! H u good fel low , but 1 would not give a cent a btuiiel tor inch rubbish. If I get n chance nt that jury I will give them tlie Honeu of the business , " Com t then adjourned until Monday , Guitoiu'n nddresM to the jury is to bo given tu the press to-morrow , whether ho is assured ho will bo allowed to deliver it in court or not. Buffalo Live 8took. ] { AHT linrirAl.o , January 11. Hogs Htf'iwly anil llrmnr ; iccui | > t , curHj Hlilpr/ientB , 40ca > H : YerkcrfU ( \ C-l ) ; f-ouil medium welKlitu , U > [ > & ( > 0 ; choice heavy , G C.r , Cleveland Market. CLRVEI.A.VI ) , .Tnntmrv 11. Petroleum l"lrini rittamlnnl white , 110 test , 7c. Ponploi , of Dotroiti Arrcnteil for Murttor. National AnocUUd fniiu. DKTP.OIT , Mich. , January M. Thti' Evening Nowa libel suit brought lw- HtighS. Peoples for fifty thousand dollars has ended in a verdict for the defi-iiBo. I'ocplca him been arrcnto < } on vhurgo of murder. Cull ut Fullriedo's Shoo Store for Good J'air of Winter ShoosMen's. . I dita' and Children's Quality , and prices made to euit you.