Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1882, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
Published every morning , except Sunday ,
Vha only Monday morning dally ,
Ono Year . $10.00 I Three Months. $3.00
flli Months. B.OOlOno . 1.00
I-HE WEKKLY BKB , published ev-
One Year. . $2.00 I ThreeMonths. . M
Six Month * . . 1.00 | Ono . . >
ifttlons relating to mat-
lore should bo addreued to the 1-niTOU or
Till * 15rr
tottcrw and HiiiilUancos should bo ml-
drw > ed to THR OMAHA PthLtsiuso COM-
PANT , OwAHA. Draft * , Checks mid Post-
offioo Onleis to bo m.wlo payable to the
order of the Company.
El ROSEWATER , Editor.
Titr. Ouiteau farce ia drawing to a
close. It should end * with a gallows
and six feet of rope.
TUB first Garfield man who gels an
appointment under the present admin
istration should be presented with u
chromo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IOWA has ( J'JOO , mites of rnilrond ,
which is more than the entire railroad
mileage of New England , nnd second
only to that of Illinois.
TJIK democratic issue for 1881 ia to
"bo civil service reform. It is likely
to prove ai ellectivo aa llio last issue
of that party , which was "fraud. "
\ \
TIIIIRK Tammany senators were in
jured in the Hudson llivor railroad
accident. The monopolies are getting
even with John Kelly and his little
THE Republican haa suddenly dis
covered that the St. Elmo is a disreputable -
putablo resort. The "hindsight"
of the Republican always comes in
play when it costs nothing to declare
GOVP.KKOII HOVT , of SVyoming , in
his annual message , is seriously agi
tated about the moral condition of
the territory. Ho neglects entirely
to make any statement of the effects
of woman Biiffrago in restricting crime
and maintaining order. Perhaps the
enfranchisement of the Shoahonesand
liannacks is necessary for n full and
fair trial of universal auU'rago , and its
results in securing a pure and ideal
government in Wyomintt.
Tnr. appeal from the mana era ol
the Young Men's Christian Associa
tion to the people of Omitha , whicli
appears elsewhere in our columns ,
needs no explanation. The aims ,
character nnJ standing of this excel
lent organization are Veil known , and
trill readily commend themselves to
our citizens. The work of the Asso
ciation is universal. Ita object is to
improve the condition of our young
men , furnish them means for recrea
tion and enjoyment which will draw
them from bad and immoral resorts ,
and generally to exercise such an
influence over their charactci
aa to make them hnppiei
men nnd hotter members of ( society ,
In the furthering of this work tht
Omaha Young Men's Christain Asso
elation must largely depend upon tin
good will nnd kind assistance of oui
people. They greatly need increased
facilities for work , including a gyninaa
iura , and appeal to the generous citl
zona of Omaha to aid them in a mia
aion which is in the highest degree im
portant and praiseworthy
The Denver papers have again sc
to work to pull down Omaha for tin
benefit of Denver. They have started
od an absurd rumor that the Uniot
Pacific are about to remove the !
shops to Denver from Omaha and figure
uro out an additional 10,000 popula
tiou on the batis of the rumoret
change. They claim that Omaha ha
grown up at the expense of Denve :
and has been unduly favored In
the Union Pacific in buildiiif
up her trade in the west. Until thi
consolidation of the Kansasuiul Uniot
Pacific Denver was on a rival Inn
and h&dj all the advantages of compo
iition besides the claimed advantage
being nearer the territories thai
Omaha. At the present time tha
city is not on the main line of th
Union Pacifio road and anything dente
to build up Denver at th
expcnuo of the main line woul
bo a violation of the trust impose
upon the managers by the terms c
the charter and their bonded obligi
If Omaha baa derived advantage
from the ah ops of the Union Pacif
uho has paid well for them and tli
company haa obligated itself in
written contract to keep and malntai
iU shops in Omaha in consideration i
ibe donation of the grounds and
largo amount of bonds , given at
time when the company was in final
cial distress , and the bonds were i
immense advantage to its stool
Omaha is not at all alarmedovorth
effort of Denver to get these ehopa
The r recent enlargement indicate
that the company regards Omaha i
the moat economical location' , an
they have bad ample opportunities t
lenrn this fact. The greatest obstoclo
in the \vi\y of Denver potting these
shops is the fact cvurythmg in
Denver is inflated beyond nil reason.
The price of living , lodging nnd nil
domestic comforts tire uxtravngiuitly
high in tlmt city. In Omaha nil the
Union 1'ncilio workingmun can ncqniro
comfortable lionica , nnd ninny of thorn
nlrcndy posseni Ihnm. In Denver n
building lot ia out of the reach of
common people , nnd n house for runt
in considered n greater bonan/.a
than thu Little PittHbtirg or
the ChryHolito. Denver is not
n good place for poor people to live in ,
although n good place for rich men to
die in. Denver wnnU to bo the rivnl
of Omaha but she lucks the most sub
stantial element of permanent growth
which dependn less on wholesale
trallic than on manufacturing inter-
oslo. Denver ban capital enough nnd
she is near the inincB , but
yet Colorado ahios large quan
tities of ere to Omilm to bo
reduced in her smelling works. Den
ver in near ( ho coal nnd iron beds of
Colorado , but Omaha's nnil works
supply the Colorado markets. And
RO it is with many other pro'nets
which Omaha furnishes to the stntcn
and territories wont. There is no rival
ry in that , however , because Denver is
not even nblo to cope with her nearest
rival , Pueblo , in the matlor of man
ufactures , nnd as to commerce Denver
had better tackle Kansas City nnd St.
Joe wtioso merchants cut that city out
of their Southern Colorado , Now
Mexico nnd Arizona business. Upon
the whole , it strikes us that the Den
ver papers will make a good deal loss
capital by trying to pull Omaha down
than by sustaining legitimate efforts
to make the resources of Colorado trib-
utiry to the growth and prosperity of
their city.
The inaugural addroin of Governor
iuron Sherman is highly creditable
> Town's now chief executive. It is n
iloar , compact nnd comprehensive
refutation of the topics in which the
eoplo of the great nnd growing com-
umucalth of Iowa have iv deep intor-
it. On the subject of temperance
Governor Sherman declares himself
implwlically in favor of presenting n
institutional amendment to the poo-
ilo of the state on the ground that
, ho majority party is irrevocably
> ! edgcd to this course and that com-
ion honesty compels nn enforcement
f such pledges. Under the consti-
ution two successive legislatures must
tass resolutions defining the provin-
us of every proposed amendment
.o . the existing constitution. This
action having boon taken by the
Inst assembly legislation by
ho present legislature will bo neccs-
lary before n direct vote of the poo-
ilo can bo brought to boar upon the
Inal determination of the question.
Next in importance the governor
ouches upon the question of trans-
ortation , in which ho truthfully ns-
ortn that every citiznu is highly in-
ntorostcd. lloforonco is made to
.ho commissioner system now in oper
ation in the state nnd nn earnest plea
s mndo for n further trial of what
mist still bo considered an
experiment in dealing with
great problem. Governor
Sherman expresses a strong hope that
ho national government will exorcise
ta authority in the premises and at-
'ord the country such relief as cannot
bo procured from state legislation. In
his hope ho will bo joined by every
producer in the west.
After touching upon the topic of
river improvement the common school
question is handled concisely nnd
temperately. The pl.\n of general
taxation tor school purposes is coin-
mended na having proved in the
highest degree satisfactory. Eleven
thousand school houses nnd 122,000
teachers attest the extent of Iowa s
facilities , while the fact that n tax
iimounting to § 1,000,000 annually is
cheerfully paid by her people is 'tho
Burust evidence that the state is do-
toriiiined to maintain a system whinh
has already placed her high in the
ranks where illiteracy is at u discount
and culture nnd rofmomont form the
basis of n free ballot nnd
onlightenoU public sentiment. In
concluding his remarks on this topic ,
Governor Sherman urges such legisla
tion as will compel the attendance o ;
children at the public schools uiu
diminish the per contago of truancy tc
the school population.
In dealing with the public charities
the inaugural recommends a state
supervisory board for the collection o !
such facts as would furnish ad
ditiotml information , such as would render
dor easier nnd moro correct logislativ
action. The entire expense ot main
Uniing the various state charitabl
inutitutions for thu past year is state <
at over half a million dollars this , thi
sum not including the agriculturn
colloco or the hospital for the insane
The same method of state supervise
is recommended for the penitentiaries
The governor urges n chnngo in th
laws respecting highways , whic
would make all taxes payable i
money , to bo expended under th
authority of the township roadmastor
recommends sufu'cient appropriation
to complete the state capital , and con
eludes by congratulating the peopl
on the prosperous condition of th
tale , her rapid growth and incrons-
ng agricultural and commercial ini-
> ortance.
The now year begins with a vigorous
nnvcmont nlong the now lines. From
ho northern extremity of VVnshinglon
errilory to nnd beyond the Mexican
> order on the south , nnd the Missis-
ippi on the east , the ccasolctu echo of
ho shovel , pick nnd slcdgo-hnmmor
11 the air , inspiring fresh vigor nnd
ctivity everywhere. The continuance
f mild weather gives the year n , jood
tart , which will be materially felt
when the const motion record is closed
year hence.
The pulse of business lifo in Mon-
nna is quickened to n remarkable do-
rco by the rapid advance of the great
ron civilizaiM from the cast , ucst nnd
onth. The Northern Pacific , besides
lie construction of the main line by
vay of Helena nnd Mullnn Pass , has
ilnnncd n comprehensive system of
eedors to tnp every important buai-
CHS center in the territory. Presi-
ent Villard is credited with the re-
lark that during thu present year his
ompany will wipe out all pro-
ious records of fast railroad building.
Vilh .1,000 men operating on the
vcstern end and nn equal number on
.he cast , the gap of less than 700
nilcn in Montana will be reduced to
n insignificant distance before the
nd of the year. On the Ctli of Jan-
larv the first blow was struck on the
unnel through the granite backbone
f the Rockies , fifteen miles from
lelcna. Every prominent citizen of
lie town gathered on the foothills to
olobrato an event fraught with im-
icdiato nnd lasting benefits to the
ity nnd territory. As The Herald
nits it , "It was a day that will bo
ver memorable in the history of
Montana. The pipes of Lucknow did
lid not sound more welcome to the
leleagnored EngliHh than the sound
> f thnso drills on the granite Hanks of
.ho Kooky mountains. " Eighteen
nonths will bo required to complete
and in the meantime work will
) ogin on the Uutto City branch , with
view of giving ( ho people of Wash-
nylon an eastern outlet by way of the
Jtah it Northern the coming autumn.
The recent visit of Manager Peter -
or , of the Chicago , Burlington &
Quincy , to Denver , Salt Lake City
ind the Pacific coast luia given risu to
variety of rumors concerning the
) lans of the company nnd the possi
bility of building nn independent out-
et to the Pacific That this is the
ultimate object of the company there
can bo no doubt. The alliance with
; ho Denver & llio Grande was the
iirat step in the direction of the Golden
den Gate. This latter company has
wi-omptod every toot of ground in
, ho mountain passes through which il
s now building , monopolizing the
ihortcot nnd most practicable routes
; o the Salt Lake valley. The route
of the proposed California Central
mugs it to n junction with the Rio
jlrando at Iron City , in southern
Utah , making the distance from Den
ver to San Francisco about 1,20C
miles. The laying of a third rail on
.ho . Hio Grande would require but n
our months time. The line of the for
mer company through the Sierra Ne
vada mountains is said to bo much su-
> orior to the Central Pacifio , with
easy grades the entire dis-
ice , not moro than one per
cent. The idea of making
Denver the final terminus of the road
iias not boon entertained by the pro-
ureatuvo managers of the Burlington ,
nnd the completion of the Denver ox-
.onsion next summer , will develop far
nero extensive plans than that out
lined above.
The branch of the Denver it Rio
irando between Salt Lake City and
I'rovo is approaching completion. The
lifliculty of obtaining ties retarded
; ho work somewhat. Two hundred
raders are leveling the road bed in
, ho Uncompahauro valley. The com
pany has completed the l.iying of the
third rail from Denver to Pueblo ,
whore it connects with the Atchison ,
Topcka it Santa IV road , and the lira I
regular Santa Fo train ran into Den
ver on the 8th. The distance to Kan
sas City by this ronto ia nearly 100
miles more than by the Kansas Paci
fic , yet this disadvantage has hereto
fore proved no obstacle in the way o
securing a share of the Colorado bus !
ness. The advantage of the Oinahn
short line , and the recent inaugura
tlon of fast trains on the K. P. , has
not yet paralyzed the Santa Fo , it
fact the company has always basket
on the sunny side of favor in the centennial
tonnial state.
Oregon and Washington Territory
will bo the paradise of railroad build
era the present year. The domain
for laborers is unexampled , far beyond
yond the supply. Two to two-fifty a
day is the general wages for ordinary
laborers and 1.500 are wanted by the
1st of March. Last year's experience
was far from satisfactory , nnd thi
ye r thu company will put on the
grades from one to two thousoiu
Chinamen. This seems to bo tin
only alternative. A steamer is now
being loaded at San Francisco will
goods for Hong Kong , chartered tc
transport a full cargo of coolies fron
the latter port to Portland. The
Northern Pacific proposes to put dowt
300 luiloa of iron west of the rock ice
ho present year. The Portland cor
respondent of the ChiiMgo Tribune
states tha ttho company's plans em-
> race an extension of the California
and Oregon line from the present tor-
niiius at Roseburg to Ashland , in the
; 5oyer llivor Valley , distair 1-12
niles. The extension from Kalamn
to Portland will also bo constructed
and possibly the line from Ainsworth
on the north bank of ihn Columbia
river. This road will run parallel
with the Oregon railway nnd Navi
gation line , rnd is intended to s'lut
mt other companies from the field
The 0. K. it N company will com-
ilcte their line between the D.illes
md Portland 121 miles in length , and
several shorter branches to open up
.ho rich country in Eastern Washing
ton and Northern Idaho. Two other
roads are under contract which will
liiuctly interest the people of Omaha ,
Nobr.uka , and the west generally.
J'hu first is the Umalilln extension of
the O. R. & N. line to Baker City , a
Hstanco of 158 miles , \\hero it will
connect with the Oregon short line of
the Union Pacific. The second is the
OregonPacific ) , whoso managers have
made n bold start towards a road
'rotn Yaquina Bay , on the Oregon
coast , about IfiO miles southwest of
Portland , directly through William-
otte valley and across the cascades ,
and on , through the rich pasture and
, 'rain lands of southern Wasco county
and the mining and stock districts of
Grant and Baker counties , to Boise
City , in Idaho. During the past year
nuch preliminary work has been done
n the way of gradiir. , getting out
; imbor , and preparing for work on an
extensive scale in the spring.
The right of way agents of the Or
egon short line have penetrated the
lo.irt of Idaho , receiving enthusiastic
welcomes nnd liberal aid everywhere.
The line will cross the Utah & North
ern at Pocatella , not at Portnouf , ai
stated last week. Instead of tunnel
ing near Granger the road has been
twill around in the valley , in order to
prevent dolny in pushing material to
the front. The tunnel will also bo
built , ai it will shorten the line con
siderably nnd obviate the necessity of
snow ahcds. The road will rrach and
probably go beyond Hailoy before the
cloHo of the year. Branches will bo
built to nil important mining cam pa
nnd towns in the tjrritiuy.
The Sioux City iv. P.-.cific Black
Hills extension is being pushed be
yond Long Pino. A company hatj
been organized at Rapid City to run a
stage line from the latter point and
Dendwood to the end of the track ,
which will give travelers nnd shippers
a great advantage in time and expense
over existing routes. The distance
by stage will be much shortei
than from Sidney or Ft. Pierre.
Long Pine , being the supply depot ol
the construction force , is growing rap
idly and substantially , and the estab
lishment of a stage line to the Hill :
will give it an additional impetus.
The project of the Northern Pacific
to build n branch to the British Pos
sessions has been definitely settled.
The road will start from the main line
at Garfield , in Walsh county , Dakota
nnd runs to Pcmbina , two miles fron
the British lino. It will traverse t
wonderfully rich wheat growing coun
try , idready well settled by smal
farmers. This plug road is dcsiguoc
to head off the St. Paul , Minnonpolii
Mnnitobi company , and a livolj
struggle is looked for.
The Union Pacifio has purchased i
bankrupt concern in Colorodo , knowr
as the Denver , Western & Pacific
paying $000,000 for forty-nine milei
of completed road. Contractors ant
laborers , who have worked fou ;
months without pay , are the only per
sons who profited by the transaction
This is the concern which suddenly
revived last fall when the B. tc M
began operations nt Denver.
The mysterious movements of t
corps of Union Pacific surveyors it
the Cedar and Loup valleys havi
thrown eevernl prospective railroat
centers into a second heaven. Tin
press of Nance county are jubilan
over tno certainty of a railroad througl
the county at an early day. All ac
counts agree that the work of tin
engineers ia n review of lines hereto
fore laid out in order to secure tin
shortest nnd at the same time tin
easiest route to the mineral fields o
Dakota. The choice lies between tin
Loup aud Cedar valleya with odds ii
favor of the former. It is quite pos
aiblo that the road will branch on
from the Columbus and Norfolk extension
tension nnd cross the table lands be
tween Beaver and Cedar creeks an <
Loup river in a northwestern direc
tion. The activity of rival lines ii
Northern Nebraska will force the U
P. to build the road to protect it
interests , and a few months will re
Hove interior towns of the agony o
The metropolis of Gage county i
coming to the front with a loui
whang as a railroad center. Th
Beatrice Express details an importan
movement on the part of the B. J
M. , which will result in the construe
tion of an entirely now road fron
that town through Gage and Johnsoi
counties to Nemaha City. This i
part of the long settled plan of tin
company to make the "lower road' '
the through line to Denver. A bridgi
over the Missouri at that point , and i
connection with the 0. , B. it Q , ii
will inako the road from ChicAgo
cAge to Denver aa straight and short
as can bo built. To secure the con-
( ruction of the fifty-nine miles be
tween Beatrice r.nd Nemaha City two
nortgogos have been filed in favor of
the Now England Trust company.
The mortgages cover the southern
line , nearly built , and the now line
from Beatrice , and call for $20,000
per mile nnd $10,000 additional in
case n double track should bn built.
In addition to this , Beatrice is cer
tain of thu U. P. extension
from Lincoln , the survey of
which has been completed. When
this branch is finished , which will bo
early in the season , Beatrice will have
a direct rail route to St. Louis by way
of the central branch of the Union
Pacific in Kansas and a choice of
roads to Oinahn.
A bill was introduced in the lower
liouao of congress last Tuesday to
grant a charter to the Sioux City Vr
Pacific company to bridto ; the Mis
souri nt n point yet to bo nnmod.
The engineers of the company have
not yet decided upon a site. Blair ,
Dccatur nnd Tekamah are each anx-
oiis to secure the coveted prize.
Track laying on the Norfolk exten
sion of the Chicago , St. Pnul &
Oinahn road ia progressing nt the rate
if half a milo n day. The distance i.s
eighteen miles , which will probably
bo finished by the Ifithof next month.
This will make Norfolk nn extensive
railroad town , three trunk lines fen-
tering there.
The Denver extension of the B. it
M. reached n point thirty miles be
yond the Nebraska state line on the ,
12th. Sub-contractors have partially
covered forty moro miles beyond.
The work extends to what ia callett
Fremont's Butte , from which poinUhe
road is down grade to Denver.
The road is a perfectly straight
line for forty miles east of Fremont's
Butto. President Wilson , of the Col
orado Cattle Growers' association , in address , make1 ! mention ot
this line in the following words :
"Tho Burlington and Missouri rail
road is nt last coming towards ns
through the heart of one of the great
ranges of Colorado , and their men are
now at work all the way from Denver
to the Nebraska stito line. Wo will
i ivo it a hearty welcome , na it gives
us another direct line for our beef
shipments straight through to Chi
"I would call , the attention of the
various contractors along their line to
the danger to which wo nre exposed
[ rom the putting out of prairie fires
caused by their camp fires , and urge
them to use all possible caution to
prevent them. The firca once started
will run for miles nnd miles , dcstoy-
ing the winter feed of our best ranges.
Beatrice is agititing a cheese factory.
The iron bridge over Salt creek in c .111-
The next Pmrt county fair will be held
at OitUaiid.
Central City expects to bo out of debt
by the 1st of May.
Ileliron citizens have subscribed 81.80C
to build a town hall.
Fremont is harvesting the ice crop
clear and n foot thick.
The town of Genoa is just beginning tc
enforce the Slocumb law.
Blair citizens nre forming a stock com
pany to Imild a $10,000 hotel.
Thiea firet class mills are in operation
within a few mil n of Orleans.
Work him begun on the new creameij
building nt Innmn , Holt county.
The expenBert of _ Otoe county for tht
present year is entimived at $78,500.
Mra. Carrie Spencer , of Ohio , found hei
lost huibanil on the fe'railo at Ashland.
A firn in Harvard last week destroyed
from S8 000 to 810,000 worth of property ,
Norfolk iihipppil 201 car loads of goodc
and received 245 car loads during laut
The St. Tnul & Omalii company have
commenced work on a freight depot at
A Lincoln crank tried to borrow a shot
gun to HInot ! a man who refused him c
chow of tobacco.
The Missouri Pacific agents are pur
casing property in Line In. Tlio desired
real esUto is elevated several degrees.
An Tnwa firm 1ms pent n a ent tc
Schuyler with a proposition to build t
creamery in consideration of 35,800.
lUirt county hns completed the refund.
Ing of her rnllroml iioht ; ix per cent bomb
runnhu twenty year' , to tha amount ol
SHO.1,000 re now afloat.
Thtt i anirie killer of Lincoln is in trou
bl . Ho fattened hU hugs on tno mnnj
valuable dogs nnd thu owner * nre aftei
him with n h irn stick nnd.n ofllcer.
Weeping Water is promised the round
houxe , machine chop andtlivislon terminm
of the Misiouri Pacific. The wcarclty ol
tiea luv ) temporarily delayed track laying.
The citizens of Teknmah are forming c
stock company to build nnd operate . -
p < > k packing house. An expenditure o
? ; ! 0,000 has been decided upon to start tin
The fa-iners in the vicinity of Bet
Cloutl have formed a < re mery association
The product of five hundred cows has beei
nromNcd. This insures the success of tbi
A citUen of the town of Plerle , Boyd bj
name , wai > Igoroinly horse-whipped Jasl
weekbv n woman rl * ter for uttering nlan
der , To complete her revenge she hat
him arretted for stealing : hogs ,
A shooting ntTray occurred In the cast.
era part of ( .iogo county nn the 3d , be
tween thu Simpson and Seabury fumillei ) ,
whlili reunited In I ho nerious crippling ol
one of the latter. The Simpson family an
under arrest.
A I'ullerton man raited the tempera
hire of Ilia bath aud a blister nn his uacV
by firing up with kerosene. Being nearlj
naked at the time raved him from deah *
lie it now wrapped in the solitude of'f
huge poultice.
The St. 1'aul Free 1'reea says Home stock
men In Nance and Merrick counties IIRVI
been losing quite a number of cattle.
They think it it caused by eating a blacl
weed with apreat numbvr of podsof whlcl
they nre very fonJ.
I'Mtmmd Moflit , a workman employed
In the Columbus pa king house rtumblml
Into aat of boiling water last week. He
was Instantly rescue I by his fellow work
men , and escapoil with a few burnt in hU
back , side and arma.
There WM < iulto a railroad emash-up al
Sowanl lust week , Acnboo e was wrecked
n ml ono man pevcrely injured , A com
mercial drummer In the "Looki nt"for ( nn
orner probably ) had bis check badly lacer
ated by a Hying timber.
A convivial German named Herman
I'opplebamn wns rob'-ed In n Colnni' ' u
hotel of S7f > In money and a check lor
S-1,18. ) . The check wa recover < 1 , und
two persons a'WHtcd on xuiplcion * Her
man a "rmlW nre now few and far be
A little on of C.V. . Pool , the baker ,
received n wnmd last week by the acci
dental di'chirgc of n gun In tne ImniU i f
lili uncle. The man wns gcttli g ready to
nhoosn hnwk , nnd in nn awkward mnnnor
droi ped the gnu across his arm , discharg
ing it.
A student of the tnedlral college nt Kco-
kuk , whor the small pox wns Intro luced
by a "stiff , " arrived nt the houio of his
pavents in Mcbr.vka City last week. The
city coun'il politely invited him to remnln
away , nn Invitxtinn whicli hu entirely Ig
nored , nnd now the authorities nre nrged
to ciuarautinc the family residence. The
excitement is subs ding.
1'ho Columbus Crewory aBsociation ,
\ \ hichvill be iii or.eratioim nt nn early
date , will my fifteen rciiU a degree for
cretin , ciunl | t' ) n t > omul of butter. I'W
milk whute t'io ' producer brings it to the
rru.un ry , and takes away the ckim milk
lie will rceoivo nlxty.fivo louts n hundred
weight. If he IO | < M not Uko away thu
skim nr'lk ho will iccclve seventy-five
cents u hundred weight.
Short Brontli.
O. llortle , Jtl.tttche.ster , N. Y. , was
troubled with anthmn fur eleven years ,
Had li'eu ohliited to sit up sometimes ten
or twelve nigh's in Huccexsion. Found
immedhto r lief from THOMAS' lk'Uc- :
TIIIO On , , and is now outirely cured 9-lw
How often do we see the hardworking
ing father straining every nerve and
muscle , nnd doing his utmost to sup
port his family. Imagine his feelings
when returning homo from a hard
day'a labor , to find his family proa-
trato with discaso , conscious of unpaid
doctors' bills nnd debts on every hand.
It must be enough to drive ono almost
crazy. All this unhappincss could bo
vvoided by using Electric Bitters ,
which expel every disease from the
system , bringing joy nnd happiness to
thousands. Sold at fifty cents a bet
tie. Ish it McMahon. (8) ( )
KS !
Proprietor ,
1213 Harney Street ,
OMAHA. - - - NEB.
Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Finials ,
Specht's Patent Metalic Sky
Patent Adjustable Ratchet Bar and
I am the general Stita Agent for the above
line of iooJa.
Crestlngs , Balustrades , Verandas.lOfllce and
Dank Railings , Window and Cellar
. Guards ; also
Peorson and Hill Patent Inside Blind.
Scr.led propos ill will be received by thu
tmdersinr.ed until Friday , January 13th ,
1S8 ? , W o'clock , noun , for the construc
tion of and repairing of Bidewalki in front
of and adjoining the following described
premises , to wit :
LotH 1 , 2 , 3 4 , .Block 491 , feet wide ,
south oiiiu Cast ) atruet
I t 15 , eabt si o XVlieaton street , Ulpck
1 , Armstrong1 ! ) first addition , 4 feet wide.
Lot 1 , Block 13 , weat flido Saundera
btrect , t feet wide.
Lot * I , 2 , 11 nnd t ° , IMock 12 , west sit'e '
Saundera street , 4 feet wide.
Lnta 5 , 0 , 7 und 8 , Block S07i , north
side Cmniii street C feet wide.
Lots 3 , 4. r and C , Block 1 , west siilo
Saundera ntreet , 4 feet wide , Armstrong's
lirst addition.
City Clerk.
OMAHA. January C , 1882. janG-lw
It plalU anil presses jterfcctly one yard pei
minute. /
It plaits from 1-10 o ( an Inch to 11-t Inches In
wliltfiln tliuc < tmr e t felts or finest silk .
ItUotuall Kinds ami ntlo- ( pUltlng In use.
No laily that does her own dress making can
a orJ to do without ono as nlca pmtlnir u
n.verlout ol fwlilon , K Been It will lUelf , Foi
JIuchlncH , Circulars nr Anenfs terms addreu
113 A.d&niH St. , Chicago , III.
OKO. W. KENDALL , Asunt nuialia.
For Sale By
OIMC lt 3BCw3c 33JEiEf-
a (0. W. D01K1. i , 0. Ci M fB ILL'
Attorneys -at-Law ,
Lots ,
For Sale By
N'o. 268 , Full lot fcncnl anil with omul ! build
Injf on Cnpltol AVI mie ncir 2fith t-trcet , S700.
Ko. 257 , large lot or block 295 by 270 feit OB i
Hamilton , ncnr Irene strict , S'J,500.
No. 250 , Full corner lot ou Jones , near 16tbi
Btrcit , $3,000.
Ko , 253 , Two lota on Center street , near Cam-
Ins utriet , $9uO.
No , 252. Lot on Spruce street , near Cth street. .
C50.No. . 251 , THO lota on Sc arcl. near Kin ? street.
No. 251J , Lot on EcwarJ , near Kin ) , ' street , .
& 350.
No. 240 , Half lot on Dodge , near 11th street
No. 247 , K ur beautiful residence lots , neio-
Crulghton College ( or u 111 sell HC parole ) , $ S,000.
No. 240 , T o lots on Charles , near Cumin ;
etrcL-t , S400 each.
No. 24U } , Lot on Idaho , near Cumlng street , .
8)00.No. )
No. 245,0ncacio lot on Cumin ; , ' , ncarDutton-
btrcet , $750
No. 214 , Lot on Farnharr , near ISth street.
No. 213. 1 ot 00 by 133 feet on Colk-go street , .
ntnr&t. Mar } ' : ) As time , $550.
No. 212 , Lot on DougU near 20th street ,
No 241 , lot on Farnhain , near 2Ctn * reel , .
No. 240 , Lot 00 by 09 fcot on South Avenue , .
near Mason Btrcet , $550.
No. 239 , Corner let on Bur , mar 2 datrect , .
No. 23 < j , 120x132 feet on Harnc\ , near 24th
xtreu ( will c-iit it up ) , S2.JOO.
No. 235 , 7K310 ( cut on bhc'rinan A\cnuc
; iuthutieit ) , near draco , $1,000.
No. ' .01 , Lot on Dongla * Kirtit , ntoriUiI S760 ,
No. 232 , Lot on 1'Ur biiec" , near Heuurd , ? 500.
No. 231 , Lot HUGO tcet , near C intel i.venuo
ami 22d street , Sl.dOO.
No. 227 , TnoloUon Decatur , marlrcnettrect ,
$200 and SI 73 eaeh.
No. 223 , I ot 143 30-110 by 441 feet on Sherman
Avc-nue (10th utr ct ) , ne r racc , 42,100.
No. 220 , Lot 2J\CU futt ou Dodge- , near 13th.
fin-el , make an otler.
No. 217 , Lot on 2 id street , near CUrK , § 500.
No 210 , Lot on llamlltor , iicMrKinir , sSOO.
No. 2u'J , Lot on ISth , near N.tholas btic
No. 2ij , Two lota on 10 h , near I'ncitlcitreot ,
No. 205 , Tno lots on Castellar , near 10th ttrect , .
? 160.
160.No. . 204 , beautiful residence lot on Division.
etrcct , near Cumin ? , $650.
No. 203 , Lot on SaunJers , near Hamilton *
street , ? 850.
N0.199J , Lot 16th street , near Pnclfl , S500.
No. 103 } , Three lota on Haunderj atrect , near
Seward , $1,300.
No. 1031 , Lot on 20th ttruct , ucar Shermui
? 35" .
No. 1041 " , Two lots on 22d , near Grace street
SCOO tuch.
No. 191 } , two lota on King , near lUmllt
street , § 1,200.
No. 1UJJ , two lots oji 17th street , near Whit1 *
Lead Works , $1,050.
No. 1K8 , ono full block , ten lot * , near the bar-
raclm100. .
No. 101 , lot on Parker , near Irene xtrect , $300 , .
No. Ib3 , two Iota ou Cass , near 21ttt utrect , .
( gilt iflxo , ) $0,1.00.
Ko. 181 , lot on Center , near Oumlng street , .
No. ISO , lot on Pier , ncir Seward street , $ C60.
No. 175 , lot on Sherman avcnuo , near Izanl *
street , $1,4CO.
No. 174) , lot on Cess , near 14th , 81,000.
No. 170 , lot on Pacific , near 14th street ; make
No. 106 , alx lots on Fun'h&m , near 21th street'
81 ,4 5 J to 32,000 each.
No. 163 , full block on 20th street , nca
race course , and three lots in Oiec'B addition
near Saunucrs and Caeaius ttrectx , 92,000.
No. 129 , la * on California struet , near Crelgh
tou colleio * , 8425.
f > o. 127 , acre lot , near the head of St. Mrjr'r <
a * cnuo , 83,000.
No. 123 , bout two acres , near tha head of Si.
Mary's avenue , Sl.OJii.
No. 120 , lot ou ISth street , near White Lead'
Works , 8525.
No. 124 , sixteen loU , near shot tower on th *
Iielle\ue road , 875 per ot.
No. 12-2 , 132x132 feet (2 ( lots ) on Ibth street ,
near Popplcton'u , ? 1W > 0.
No. Hi ) , thirty half acre loU In llillanl ancT <
Caldwell's additions on Shtrman avenue , Spring
and Saratoga streets , near the end of grecc-
utriet car track , 1,200 cnch.
No. b9 , lot ou Chicago , near Mil ttre t , f l.GOQJ
No. b8 , lot on Caldweil , near Sauuden street
$800.No. . bO , corner lot on Clnirlco , tear Saunderi- '
street , $700.
No. b" > , lot on Izard , near 21st , with two fm
No. tj3 , two lots on 10th , near Pierce street ,
No. 78 , tlireo lots on Hamey , near 1'JtU street , .
. i.
No. 70 , 00xl3'2 feet on Oth street , near Leaven-
orti. Htruit , $3,000.
No. 1u , UBx82 feet , on PaclHc , ncarSth Htrort , .
? 3,00. ,
No. 09 , C0\132 feet , ou Pouglaa street , near
10th , i'2.500.
No. 00 , eighteen lots on 21st , 22d , 23d and'
Baundem streets , near brace and Saundcrs stroa
bridge , $400 each. bth
No , 0 , one fourth block (180x135 ( feet ) , nturulae'
Coiuent of Poor Claire on llaiullton street , nre
the end of red dtrto car traik , ? 60 ,
No. 5 , lot on Marcy , near Oth street , $1,200.
No 3 , lot on Gallic rnlu , near 2 1st , $ lCOi.
No. 2 , let on Caw , near 22d street , $ . ' ,500.
No. 1 , lot en Ilaruej , ucar Ibth , $ 2U/0.
Lots In Harbacti'i flrst and second additions , .
nlao In Parkor'a. Shlnn'n , Jtolnop' * , Terrace , K.
V , lnUh' , Itedlck'a , ( Jlnu's , LaVe'a , and all other"
additions , at any prices anil terms ,
20'2 lota In Hanscom Place , nmr Ilanscom
Park ; prices Irom $300 to $300 tacli.
One hundred and fifty-nine Ixautlful real--
dcnce IOLH , locattii on Hamilton street , half way
between thu turn talile of the rod street car line-
and thewater orka tc cr ior and addition , and
Just west of the Content of the bisters Poor-
Claire In Hhlnn'a adultlnn. Prices lanxa from
$75 to $100 each , and Hill bo cold on ea y terms.
Tracts of 6. 10,15 , 2J , 40 or bO cru , with'
bu Idlugs and other improv eminta , and adjoining-
the city , at all prices.
S 500 of the Ixst resldeii'-o 'ota ' In the city of
Omaha any location jou do- Ire north , eait ,
south or weat , and at bul.rock prlcm.
2-20 choice Lu9lni a lot In all the principal-
bualnwu streets of Omaha , tarylng fiom $500 to
$7,000 each. '
Two hundred houses and ota routing fronv
1500 to $16,000 , and loe-attcl In every | > Mt of tb -
Bern is
16th and DC ila Street ,