Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
IJB OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JANUARY 16 , 1882. 'THE DAILY BEE- OMAHA PUBLI8HINQ CO , , PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnhnm , bet. Oth and 10th Streeti. rniiMs OK sunscniPTioN. no copy 1 , In iul > Micoj > o txilil | ) 310.00 8 tnontfis " " J'JLJ month ' S-M RAILWAY TIME TABLE. TIMll CAKD CIIICAOO , BT. TAft , MI > NRArOM D OMAHA RAILROAD. LCMO Omaha I'lwwonftor No. S , 8:30 : a.m. Ac- -sommoilntloii No. 4,1:0 : tp.tu. Airn o Oinntm PftwcnKor No. 1 , 6:20 : p. in. Accommodation No. 3 , 10.W a. in. LIAVKIO OHAHi RMT OH SOUTH HOUND , C. , B. ft 0. 7HO a. m.-3:40 : p. m. C. & N. W. , 7 : 0 a. m.-3:10 : j > . . C , R. 1. ft P. , 7:40 : a. m. 3:40 : p. in. K C. , St. J. s C. U. , lca\cs at 8 a. in. M'd ' 6SO : , p. m. Arrives at St. Louis at 0:30 : a. in. and 6:52 : W. ! St. L. & P. , Ic\c t8 . m. and 3:40 : p. 31. Arrives at St. Louis at 0:40 : a. m. and 7:30 : B. A M. In Neb. , Through Kxnran.'fcM ' a. m. H. & M. Lincoln ExpruMfl'20 p. tu. U I1. Ovorliuiil Kxiite * ) , li'-Kip. m. 0. A I ! . V , ( or Unzctn , ll.4f > a. in. O. A It. V. tor Onovolt , 0 40 ft. m. U. I1 , freight No. 6 , ftW a. in. U. I * , fright No. 9. H:20 : a. in. U. I' . freight No. 13 , 4-Mlji. in. U. I1. tU'U'ht No. 7 , Mild p. in. cmlifraut. . .iP. Item or expre , 7:35 : p. in. 'U. P. froit-ht No U , 11 30 p. m. U. P. Den ; or ( night , * : : ! & p. in. JlkKIVIMrKROM 1AHT AVI ) MUTP , 0. U. ft 0 6:00 u. it. . 7 : 26 p m. I Ji N. W.,9:16 : a. n. . 7V5 p. 111. C. U. 1. & P. , 9:45 : a. in _ n.Oli | > . in. K. 0. , St. Jcc &U I ) . , 7 : < lla. m. 0:46 : p.m. AUKIVIMJ PROM Tin WKH1 AND 0. & H. V. from Lincoln l.OS p. in. U. P. Pacific Kxprcm 3:25 : p. tn. 0 & U. in Ncl > . , Through Kxiref | 1:15 : p m. It. f , M. Lincoln Exprtu * 0.40 a m. U. P. Horn cr express , 7:35 : a. in , U. " . FrelRht No. 14-2.50 p. tn. U. P. ' 'o. B C > : ! ! 0 a. in. Kral U. P. freight No. 14 , 12:15 : p. in. U. P. vo. 8 O.tX ) p. in. U. P. v. . . l' : _ 1:55 : u. in. U. P. tiomor freight , 1:10 : a. in. 0 , & It. V. mlxoil , iu. i-.lfi p. m , DUHHY TKAIM H'lrWKXN OMAIU AKD CXIU.-CtH. Httm. Leave Omaha at 5:00 : , 11.00 , 1P:00 : and 11:00 : m. ; i o 2:00 , 3.00 , 4-00 nnd 6:00 : p. in. Lcavo Council BlufTj at 8:26 : , 0:25. : 10 25 and 1:2S : a. ri. ; ' 26 , 2:2fi : , 3:25 , 4 25 nnd 6:25 : p. in. SunJias The dummy ICIMV Omaha at U.OO ml llixi : a. in. ; 2.0IT , 4K : ( ) and h:00 : p. m. Lca\cn Council Tllnfls Dt y2f. ; and 11:25 : a. m. ; 2:25 : , 4:25 : nd 6:2r : > p. m. Through ami local passenger trains between Omixhtnml Coun 11 HlulK U'luo Omiha 0:16 : , 7:46 : , 8:60 : a. in. ; 3:40 : , f > :45 : , 0CO : p. in. Arr\e Omalu 7:40 : , 11:35 : , 11:45 : a. in. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:16 : , :40 p. ui. Opening an < Closing of Mplls. ROUTR. OPIUJ. CI.08K s. 111. p. m. . in. p. m. Chicago k N. W . ll.CO 0.00 5:30 : 2tO : Ohlcnjro , U 1.4 Paclfie. 11:00 : 9.00 C-aO 2:10 Chlc.vo , 1) ) . & 0 . 11:00 : l:00 ) : 5.W : 2:40 : Wabash . 12:30 : 6:30 : 2UO Sioux City and Pacific. . 9:00 : 5:30 : 2:40 : Union Pacific . 4:00 : 11:10 : Oonha&Il. V . 4:00 11:40 : TJ.&M. In Neb . 4:00 : 8:10 : Omaha & Sioux City. . . . 600 7:30 : B. & M. Lincoln . 10:30 : 6CO U. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 : 11:00 : U. P. Dem IT Exn . P:00 : 6:30 : 0. , Sioux City & St. P. . . 11:00 : ' . :40 : Local mailH for State of Iowa Icr.vo but oucou day , viz : 0:30 : a , m. Office open Sundaja from 12 m. to 1 p. m. TIIOS. K HALL P M. Business flirectorv , Abttract arid Real fcitato. JOHN L. llcCAGUE , opposite Post Office. W. U. IlAnTLETT 317 South 13Ui Street Archltecti. DUFRENE 4 MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS Room 14 Crclghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. Cioighton Block. Boot * and Shoos. JAMES DsVINK & CO. , fine Boots and Shoos. A good assortment ol tome work on hand , comer 12th and Harney. SHOS KRICKSON , S. E. cor. 16th and DoujUa. JOHN FORTUNATUS , t05 IPih etroot , manufactures to order good work t M * prices. Ropalrlii ) ; done. Bed Spring * . J IT. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Douclaast. Books , New * and Stationery. J. I. FRUEUAUF 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. UoSHANE & 8CIIROEDER , the oldest B. and B. bouse In Nebraska established 1876 Omaha. UKNTKAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , icathwest corner IGthand DodL-o. Beat Board for the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Uetla at til Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash Furnished Rnnma Supplied. Carriage * and Road Wagons , WM BN YDER , 14th and Harney Streets. Jowo era. JOHN BAUMF.R 1314 Farnham Streel. Junk. H. DERTHOLD , Riira and MetAl. Lumbar , Lime nnd Cement. FOSTER & OR AY corner tith and Douglas Sis. Lamp * and dlastware. J. BONNER 1309 Dowlas St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. Q. A LINDQUEST , One of our most rcpular Merchant Tailors la re ceiving the latest designs for Spring and Sumimir Goods for Kentlcmcn s wear. Styllih , durable , and prices low as over 216 13th bet. DouK.&Farn. Millinery. MRS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan cy Goods tn great variety , Zephyrs , Can ) Boards , Ilosiery , Gloves , Corsets , &c. Cheapest House in the West. Purchasers save 80 per cent. Order br Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street. r-oundry. JOHN WKARNEi SONS , cor. 14th & Jackson st Hour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Faml.iRi U. , Welshans nro . , proprietors. Urocer * . Z. STEVRN8 , 21at between Cumlng am ) Irai T. A. McSIIANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlnj.Mtrcete. . Hardwaie , Iron and Bteel. 3LAN & LANGWORTUY , Wbolctale , 110 nc- 112 16th atrtet A IIOLMKH corner 1Mb and Oallfornla. Harness. Saddles , flic. B , WEIST 0 18th St. bet FarD. & Harnev. Hotel * . ANFIKLl ) HOUSE , Oeo. CanHeld.Sth ft Farnham DORAN HOUSE , P 11. Cary , 818 Famhamflt. BLAVEN'S HOTEL. K. SUven , 10th fit. Southern Hotel GUI. Hamel Oth & Loavcnwortb Clothing Bought. 0 JBHAW will pay highest Cash price for second band clothlnr. Corner 10th and Farnham. Drug * , Paint * and Oils , KUHN k CO. Pharmaditi , Fine ' nc Uoods , Cor. 16tb and Douiln > treet W. J. WHITEHOUPE , Whole ale& Retail , Wth St. 0. FIELD , 2022 North Bide Cumlng Street. PARR , Druvtfitt , 10th and Howard Streets. Dentist * . DR. PAUL , Williams1 Block Cor. 16th ft Dodge. Dry Goods Notions , Etc , JOHN II. F. LEllMANN & CO. , Hew York Dry Goods Sure , 1310 and 1812 Farn- him stmet L.O. Enewola also boots and shoes Tth&Paclflc ruruiture. A F. GROSS , Now and BcoOn.l . Hand Furniture od Stotes , 1111 Douzlas. Hlghuat cub price aid for second hand rooos. BONNER ISO ) DotwU tt. Fine goods , Ac f-enc * Works. OMAHA FENCE CO. ODBT , rBIE8 A CO. , K1S Harney St. , Imprors K ) Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , OKc * RaUlxgt , CottnUn of Ftoe and Walnut w Clears nnd Tobacco. WEST A FRITVCPKR , minufMturiTs of ClrtM , tnd WiolfMlo loalft i nToha-co , 1WJ ItoiitflM. y. F LOUKVEKN' n.ainifwturor . 1410 rnhini Florlit. A , DoiiaRhus.plvite.cutiltmcr * , tcnocxiaets \ otc. N. W. cor. Jfith an I I > ouHft itrcet * . Civil Engineers nnd Surveyor * . ASDUKW UOSKWATER , Crclshlon , Torn 8ur eyn , Undo and c crao Siitotns a l Commlulon Merchants , JOHN 0. Wtt. LIS.1414 DoJue Sltfct D n nKr.MKIl FonlctalM polftriieail\crtl o- roent In IHllv and Weckb' Cornlcn Works. VVcctom Cornlcoork . Manufacturers Iron Cornlco , Tin , Iron and aUle Roofllng. Ordct < < tromanj lovallt ) jiromitly | cxeiuted In the bwt inannrr. Factory and OiLcc 1213 llnrnoj St. C. SPKC1IT , Proprtotor. 0\l\Anlzi < d Iron Cornlcrx , Window Caps , etc. , manufacturtrl and put up In airy part of the country. T. S1NHOLU 410 Thirteenth rtrcet Crockery. J. BONNER 1309 Uouxua street. Good lino. Clothing and KurnlihlnR Goods. OEO. II. PKTKUSON. AIM Hats , Cap , Boots , Show. Notions ami Cutlery. IW H 10th/treat Retrlcerntors , Cantleld's Patent. O. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Karn. & llarncy. Show Case Manufactory. O. J. WILDK , Manufacturer and IV.ilor in all kinds of Show Cason , UpriRht Caaojt , a : , 1317 C&M St. FRANK L. OKRUAlin , proprietor Omaha Show Caiij manufactory , 818 South 10th ttroct , between Lc.voiKorth ami Man'y. All goodf w-nrranto-i flr'it-cK-w. Pawnbrokers. K08BNKRLI ) , loth 81. . bet. Fur A Hai Stoves ana Tinwnru. A. BURMESTEII , Dtftlor In Htoics and Tinware , nnd UanttfnctUfr of Tin Koofd and all kinds of IlulldliiK Work , Odd Fellows' Block. J. BONNKR. 1S09 nouubw St. Goo.1 and Chctp tiecUt. J. KVANSVholc vli and RutAll SIMH ! Urllln am CultUatom , O.M KollowH HM. Pliyilclanti nil 1 Surp.oons. W. S. Oinns , M. I ) . , IHow No 4. CrclRhton Hlock , . Street. P. S. I.K1SKNRINO , t. I ) , llaujiilc Illock. C. L. HART , M. 1) . , hjr n-i.l Ear , opp. pontoltlto DR. L. H ( IIIADDY. aml Aurlst. S , W 16th wid Rirnh-ua St- PhotoRrapnera. GKO. IIKYN. PROP. Grand Cuitml Onllcrv , 212 fciiteenth Street. near Mawnlu Hall. FtrHt-cliuj Work and Prompt < ness uimnntfcip ; , Gas and Gleam Fitting. P. W. TAHPY ft CC . 21t itli ht. , hot. Kurnl ( .nil lioiis'lu.Vori > pruinrtly r.ttt'iili'd to 0 "ITZI'Al RICK. 110 ! > DoiulM Sttrot Pointing an nper nn lnji , 'IEXRY A. KOSThUS. 141 Dndije 8tri t. Shoo Otoros. Phillip L nir , 1320 Kanmam i t. bet. 13th & 14Mi. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR. 141G Doinjlaa St. . New anil Second Hand 1'iirnlturo. HOUDO KurnlsliliiiOnole ( , &c. , tioiuTht and Rold on rnrrow bnloont. HENRY KAUF.MANN , In tne nuiv brick block on Dou Iou Strant , has Just opened a most elegant lli'cJ IU11. Hot Lunch Irnin 10 to 12 01 cry day. " Calixloma " J FALCONER 079 16th Street. Undertaken. CIIAS. RIKWK , lOia Farnham bet 10th & lltd. 00 Cent Store * . P. O BACKUS , 1205 Kariihum St. . Fancy OooJd OKAY'S SPECIFIC VMEDICINEi TRADE MARK.11 ; ? OreatTRADE MARK hiiKliptmm- IMIV. An un failing euro for Seminal Weakness , Sporiimtor- rlica , Iinnot- cncy , and all Ubcasesthat' follow as a BEFORE TAKWO. c < iuence of AFTER TAIINB. Self -Abuse ; as Loss of Memory , Uiihcnal I.a L tude , Pain In the Back , Dimness of VHon , Premature mature Old Age , and many other Diseases that lend to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema- turoflra\o. tarF ll particulars In our pamnhlet , wlilch wn desire to send frco 1 ; mail to c\ cry one. 3TThc Specific Medicine is laid by all dru 'l118 at SI per package , or 0 pack < cs for JO , or will bo sent free by mall on rcoi ptof the money , by addruwing THE OH A 1KDICINK CO. , Buffalo , N. Y. or sale bv C , F Ooodr oc7me-cod KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA = e * 3 i S E 1 > B d S 05 BITTESS ILER & CO. . Sole Manufacturers. OM A.HA. To Nervous Sufferer THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It la po | tlvecuro for Spcnnittoirhen , Bnroln Wookncna. Impotancy , and all diseases resulting from Hclf-Abuso , M Mental Anxiety , Looai Uernory , Tains In the Back or Bide , and diseases that load to Consumption Infinity on T/io / 8Hclfic | Medicine in beln ; used wltli wonder. ( Ul hUCCCSS. _ - _ - . _ Pamnhlota Ktil Irfe to all. Writ * for them nJ got full par- UcuUri. Price , Hpeclflc , 91,00 per p&cksge , or six pick > ncs lor 51.00. Addrean all orders to B. HI11SON MEDICINB CO. Nos. 104 and 106 Main St Buffalo , N. T. Bold In Omaha by 0. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell , K Ish , and all dnuglatieverywhere. WAR IN PASSENGER RATES ! IIOUIIIK 1)1108. , Brokers tn all lUllroad Tickets , OmaU , Neb. , offer Tickets to the Kut. until further notice , at the following unheard of Low lutes ; 1st clau , 2d clua , NEW YOKK , 20.l , BOSTON , 20.00 , PHILADELPHIA , 25.00 , 123,00. WASHINGTON , 22.00 , 20. ' * > . For particulars , write or u ° direct to IIODUIK I ] 1103. , Dealers in luduccd Kate lUllroad and Steam hlp Tlcktta , & 00 Tenth St. , Omaha Neb. Itemember the place Three boom Ni rth of Union Pacific lUllroad Depot. East s do ofTeatli Street Omaha Au ruit 1 , US ! W , K.V1UUH. M. MMtllKM * W , E , VMS & CO , , COMMISSION MERCHANTS 125 Lasallo Street , GHIGAGO , Grain and Provisions Bought and Bold on Margins , dcclmu-eidlm BIBBETT & PULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DJkVTD CSTY , NEBi THE LODGES. The Eosulnr Meetings A Dis tinguished Brother Abroad. The Triple Link The lllnlr Excur sion Knightly I'ythluns. THE FREE MASONS. A lUSTl.MH'ISllKl ) IIIIUTIIKK. The Lotulun Frocin.iBon says cdito- rinlly : "Our distinguislii'd brotliur , the Lord Mayor , 1ms opunud n fund for the lulief of ninny distrossi'd ludiofl whom the fniluro of tlu'ir tenants - ants in Irolixnd to pay tlioir routs ( in many cases amounting to niornldishon- oaty ) has reduced to so low nu ebb of poverty and distresBthntonoortwo , if not inoro , have luul to npnly for pit- rochinl roliof.Vo wish , thortforo , all suecusa to the bunuvo.unt oll'orls of onr brother , the Lord Maj or , and call the attention ( if our loaders to so proper and nouuful a fund. Indeed , the Grand Lodge , wo venture to think , might fairly { "rant a 'vote in aid.1' THK liKliUI.All MKKTl.VtJS. There ia uonsiiler.iblo complaint in some of our city lodges that the regular meetings of the order are not as well attended as they phuuld bu. No lodge often fails to obtain a quo rum , but there is not that assembling toirother of the brethren which miijht lie expected on evenings when busi ness of the highest importance to the order is to be tians.icted. On evenings - ings when "work" takes place a smaller meeting may bo looked for Many of the brethren who have done their purl in degree work have the right to expect that others shall take their share of the labor. lint on regular meetings no Maion who has the welfare of the fr.itornity at heart and can possibly put in an ap pearance should bo absent. The old men are needed for counsel , the young men should lend their enthusiasm to forwarding the work of Masonry. With n fuller attendance of our regu lars there would be less poor material received and approved for the struc ture of Masonry. (10AT IIAIUS. Covert Lodge No. 11 , held their regular meeting on Wednesday. Mt. Moriah Lodge of Perfection No. 2 A. it A. S. K. meet tins evening in Free Masons hall in regular convoca tion. A supper will follow the meet ing. The Chapter sees little work before it at present. Tlio Triplet run iiLAiu I\CUIMON. : On Thursday evening nearly 100 Odd Fellows of this city , including icpresontativps from all the various lodges , made a visit to their brethren at IJlair. Some fifteen ladies accom panied the excursionists , and the ride of an hour by rail was pleasantly spent in singing and social converse. At the Blair dojmt they were mot by their entertainers , and preceded by the Omaha U. P. band , were escorted to the lodge , the com fort of the ladies being provided for at the hotel. The exer cises at the lodge room partook of a pleasantly social character. A num ber of the Omaha brethren were called upon for speeches , among whom was that veteran Odd Follow , John "E vans , and Messrs. Hillings , Staley , Nichols , Rosewater , Livesy , Sexauor and Bolln. Mr. M. G. McKoon made the hit of the evening in a poem of more than usual merit. Aftertho exorcises were concluded at the hall the breth ren adjourned to the hotels where they were magnificiently entertained. Sub sequently a visit was paid to the hall where two hours were pleasantly pass ed in music and dancing. The follow ing resolution was unanimously passed : Resolved , That our sincere and hearty thanks are duo and arc. hereby tendered to the Odd Fellows of Blair for the cordial reception and enter tainment given us upon this our visit among them. TIIK .MA.NC-IIK.STim I'NH V. The Manchester Unity Odd Fel lows of England reported January 1 , 187 ! ) , 481,958 members. It had on January I , 1878180,870 on its rolls During 1870 it initiated and reinstated 27,79 < persons , yet its net gain was only -1,088. In looking at ilfi oflicial reports for coino years , some singular figures and facts present themselves. Its death rate for 187 ! ) amounted to 1.4H per cent , there being 0,01(5 ( deaths reported. This late being nearly 50 per cent higher than prevails in this country in our Fraternal Orders. To inquire the cause is natural , and the solution soenis to bo that because the average ago of the membership is far below that of this country , the mortality is greater. Hero the membership of the old societies average 40 years , but the Manchester Unity admits from 10 years of ago upward. Of the 27,2 10 initiates in 1870 , 20,800 ware under the a ( o of 25 years , and from 1872 to 1878 inclusive 02 per cent of the entire - tire admissions wvro between the agee of 10 nnd . ' (0 ( years , and only 8 per cent between the ages of , ' ! 0 and 45 years. This gives the order an average for its momboriihip of not Hioro than 25 years. The largest num ber join this Order at the ago of 18 , over one-sixth of the annual admis sions being at that ago. Actuaries and adherents of the "graded UHseseinunt" plans hold thodoctrinuthatthoyoung- ar men will live longer and should pay lees rates than those further advanced in life , but fraternal society ( statistics upset completely this theory , and the death rates of all of them show that the heaviest mortality is under 40 years of ago , and the tables of the Manchester Unity conclusively prove that while the average ages of its membership is 1'J to 15 years under that of the American Order , its death-ruto is 40 percent higher. Han Francisco Call , Knl ht of Pytlilnn. On the evening of the 4th inst. there wus a union installation of the ollicera-eleut of Nnbru.iku Lodge No , 1 , and Omaha Lodgu U. I ) . , at the Cautlo hall of the former lodge , ut which theroworoabout 40 Knights pres ent. Kvurythiuu p.uwp-,1 oil' pfoaianlly , notwithstanding diiupnoinlmetil ill 1'lanet I < edge No. 4 not being prisent us contemplated , Rome tuisumU'r- standing having caused their non- attendance. On the following evening 1) . 1) . (1 ( \ Knhn installed the ollicois of rianet Ledge No at the Castle hall of Onmha Ledge U. P , nicmhcis of nil llio locil lodges beinu presentnuni- beiing aleut sixty Knnjhts. After installation ceromoniia wore over Oiimlm U. U. worked m the first do- droo , and then adjournul to a line collation spread by their tmw C. C. This week all the lodges opened with the new corpo of olljeera in the chair , and with bright anticipniions for the ensuing year. A Kovulalon llrooUyn E { lc. "Isn't it perfectly awful about that Mr. Guiteau ? " asked a I'resbyteiian joung lady , ai she and a Riptiat dam sel were shopping at a Fulton street store Friday afternoon. "It seems , after all , that ho was inspired ! " "And ho went armmd like 1'nit' ' , doing good unk > tht < many and driv ing away evil from aiming nil the pt'o- plo ! Which do you like best , the myrtle or the olivegn en/ / " "I'd have my rl le , j mi can \ n cardinal hat with it No , when 1 first heard of the assinMunlinn 1 wont ed him hung right a\\.iy \ , but 1 didn't know that ho was a ( . 'liristinn. Hut if ho went forth ainmn ; the uimnti- iiod , as lie s.iys , and preached tilmid that he might soften the hearts of the unregenerate and briiiij them to a per fect recognition of tlun Miifulncsi , I think it onr duty to fm ivo him , and send him a bouquet. " "That's the way 1 feel. How would you like to sen mir good beau tiful preacher hung fur giving way tea a lit of inspiration' U mikes mo shudder. Would you have a plain apron fiont , or npoloiuiso' The poor man m to bo pitied rather than eoii- d-Miied , since ho went into t'io high- vriy.s and byways , lining good unto them that reviled him , and hating not them that despised him. If ho had been one of thnie nasty woild'a people ple it would have been dillerent , yon know. 1 like the an mi hist , with side ( dealings and a pl.nn b.u k " " .Inat my idea , \\iih bteel and bton/.o buttons. Who \ thm Mr Porloi / Is ho one of our set , or is ho of those who see not tliu crier of their ways and do no acts meet For repen tance ? " "Oh ! ho's nothing but a lawyer , and I ceitainly think thejuilge xhould lock him up for the nay he casts shns on religion. Why there was poor .Mr. Guiteau going about liKe Paul , with out scrip or pockotbuoK , and lunriblu boarding house public.Tr.n ac tually turned him out1 I told pa that if he over got so poor as to boaul , I'd kill iiiys"lf. I certainly think that man I'ortor ouuht to ho put in jail for worrying poor Mr. Gmtciu so , for the man says he wan implied , and that ends it , llio poor cruatuiu' ' Good gra cious ! Look at that nasty shopgirl aitting ! " "Well , upon my word ! T think you are right about mdo plaitings. Do you plush or sealskin this Win ter ? " "I don't know. There is so much Buttering among the poor that 1 thought I'd got plush and nmku my last year's sealskin do. I see Mr. Guiteau wants money , but pa won't let mo send him any. and that's the reason I'm buying this dress. It won't do to waste money yon know. 1'a is awfully hard. Uo is quite wed ded to his idols , and though ho takes yrcat interest in the regeneration of the world , ho won't let mo pray for Mr. Guiteau.1' "Just what pa says. But ho is aw ful. The other night ho wanted mete to pray for the collar bands of his shirts ! Gracious only knows why ! If pa had shot the president he'd have been hung the next day , because pa swears terribly whim things go wrong. Uo isn't patient , like poor Mr. Gin- lean. I do hope they give him cream in his coll'eo , and let him have ser mons to read. If he's convicted , I'm going to bo president myself. Who is president , now ? " "Mr. Grant , I believe , I low would an overskirt of damase do ? " "Don't think of it ! Yon want it perfectly plain and you must ( it the dress over tliu bustle , no it will swing riyht. I wonder that the ministers don't do something for Mr. Guiteau ; ho was one otiluiii. 1 ; ] haa iny way , I'd send him a box of caramels to-day. You see he has none of the comforts of lehgion in jail. Kemem- ber and wad the sloovcs to the elbow EO as to make thc-m lit tight. " "Of couise. Well , the good are al ways persecuted. I don't see why somebody else didn't iihooL poor Mr. Garfield , though if they had we'd never have heaid of poor Mr. Gui- toan , Even evil hath its consolations and perfect contentment ia not to be found while sin abounds. I supposn T ought to have HOUIO gloves to match , and while I think of it , I'll gut the thread and fucingH. ' ' "By all means. Well , good by. Cumo and see mo noon , and if you hoar anything about tno trial send your brother straight to my house. You know I don't read the accounts because theto'n ' ho much in them about that nasty Mr. J'orter. " " 1 don't read ins questions. I only road what poor Mr. Guiteau says. Come over and we'll see about mak ing some dolls for the poor this win ter. I've got lots of old ribbons I don't want. Good by. " Air. J. Mnrrtli , Hank fit Tomtit" , Ont. , wrllcMi "ISillmiHiiu'H and < lyn | > ujiiuteum | to have gciiwii up with uiu ; having been a milferer for yrnrn , 1 have trleil ninny rcino- dluH , but with ) ) ' ) laiitliiL' rctuilt until 1 lined your UujtnouK Iti/jon iJiiTKits. Thuv Imvo bom truly a blcHuIiiK to me , ami I cannot r peak too highly of thorn. " I'ricu $1.00 , luul xizo 10 cent * . ! Mw Tlio Plutr Hat In Wyoming , lu lloonnrant ; 1'orhapa no evidence of an advanced tttago of mental culture and social su periority has been received in Wyom ing with moru marked cool men and disfavor than the plug hat. ThU in tolerance is not easily accounted for , but there uru Huvoral causes which muy indirectly touch upon the sub ject under dUcuHMon. In the tiiht place , the climtito of Wyoming ia not congenial to the plug hut , You may wear one at 1 o'clock with impunity , if you can dodge the vigilaiico committee , nnd at three nuuuU'4 past 1 , a little cat'r ' paw of wind will come sigiiing dMI from thn Miony lanijo that m.ikiM tliu eollaia ' and 'drivo well * tremble nnd tint hat look like a frightened picket fence. It h not pleasant for a stranger to wear a plug lint in NVyouiiiu. % bcoausn the police and other olllcen. of the law look upon him with tuipicionbut ho can wear out tlni fouling if ho le.nls an upright life. The climate , how ever , is sometning that he cannot wear nut. Yon o.ui wear a hole in your pantaloons if you wish , or jnu can diess in n pair of ehanpaiojon and n yellow neektio , without attntctmi ! much attention , but uhen jou put on a plug hat the hoodlum nnd the elements are a ainM you. Wo were a plug hit here one whole day once. U was not n very largo or he ivy hat , but before night it seemed to weigh a ton , und it felt as largo as a buss drrni. The air of Wyoming , whim it is feeling pretty well , will wear outn plug Imt in about t.\o bourn , and liavo it looking like a jint of iron ntovo pipe. When the atmosphere is full of spcciiiuns and bluHsoin lock and deceased torn c.its , it is not a good time to wear the ) 'l..uf Imt. At the fust nigh of the wind the hat gi-ts fn.y like the corset of a bumble bee. Then some more little whippeiing x.ophyrs come along from ilio name bed of violets on I III ) , and after that man hai followed his hat for fifteen or twenty miles as ( be crow ( lies , ho picks it out of a hunch of page brush and it is as bald- hiaded as a door knob. In foiinor years they used to ham ; a man who were a plug hat west of lb < ) Mis ouri , but alter awhile they found Unit it wan a ntoio cnu-l and horrible punishment to let him wear it and clmse it over the foothills when the nolioonii1 bit1'o ' caught it up and toyed ui'li it and lammed it againts the broad btowof Lirimio IVak. An o'd ' hunter WHH out among the lU.ick Hills east nf town last summer , liunliii"7 lor cotton tails and page hens , and ho rin across a lililo gulch whole the abmpt rocks closed together and foimed a little atmospheric eddy , so to speak. There in that lonely leser- voir he found what he at first eonsid ored a potiilied hut store. It was a genuine deposit of o e.ipi'd str.iwnhats and plug hats that the frobenomo zophyiH bud cam-lit up and earned for ton miles until this imtnril hat ruck had scoured them. Of couroo theio woio other articles of apparel and some debilitated umbrellas , but the deposit scorned to uhwiy mostly hats. Time may oveicomo at last the public disfnvi"1 , but until the Itoeky inoiiitain wind is lulled to repose so that a pliiu Irit will not have to be tied on with a wrought lion stair rod , the soft hat will bo the prevailing style of roof. Btioliim /Lruttui. . Salvo. The best salvo in the world for outn , bruises , sores , nlcors , n.ilt rheum , fever sores , tetter , chapped hands , chillbl.iins , corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guar anteed to give perfect iiatiufaction in every case or moiuy refunded. 1'nco , 25c pel box. For Halo by 1" < i AlrM/iinN. . Omnlia. Irluh Coira Rocluimiiblc. IiOinlon liullik'i. The total area of bogs in Ireland is estimated at 2,80,000 ! ! acres , nearly oiio-BL'venlh of the entire surface of the island. Of these bogs then ) are 1,570,000 ncros of fat bog , the re maining 1251,000 , acres being moun tain bog. Without enleiing into chemical details which , however , wo are fully prepared to do-wo may state as an nncontradictod fact , that nothing but well-directed labor ia ro- imired to convert the greater portion , if not all , of that land , now wastein to the richest pasture or corn land , Drainage is the first , and in many cases the only , requisite to ell'ecl this change. Burning the surface of the bogs , after draining , has in some pl.ices had an admirable result. Clay ing the bog , by extracting the clay which lies below and form.s an imper vious bed , and placing it as a top dicpsing , is the method which has been followed in other cases , as in our own Uridgwator levels , with the re sult ot turning vasts swamps into the lichoat pasture or hay-growing lands in the kingdom. Whichever of these methods be adopted there is the re markable chaiactcrifitic that only la bor is required. No more capital is required than will suffice to feed the work people. Them is a great work t , ! ) > r'onn a work so largo that it is liujond the reach of any private en terprise : it isawoik involving im- ineiiHe national benefit. All neigh- boriiiL' land-owneis would be oniich- ed by the ivclaimation of this enor mous boir. The island would Imvo al most a now county added to its'pro- ductivo uiea. No money need bo sunk i'i ( ho bog. It is only icquisilo to apply to it that miiHcular force which is fretting itself into deeper poverty and misury by enforced idle- nchs. That the proper moilo of at tacking tint bog is a matter for ready scientific determination every Wool wich cadet is awaro. What is requir ed is simply enouuli labor under scientific direction ; and when wo re flect that wo want the work to bu done , as well as the mon to bo em ployedwo think no nnni'ci'rHary strain would ho put on convict labor as n so lution to the pioblem. No More Hard TJmn . If you will slop Hiiunding HO much on finu clothes ; rich food and style , buy good , he.ilthy food , cheaper ami butter clothing ; get more real and substantial things of life every way , and especially atop the foolish habit of employing expensive , quack doc tors or using so much of the vile hum bug medicine that does you only harm , but put your tiust in that aim- pie , pure remedy , Hop Uittorn ; that cures always at a trilling cost , and you will BCO good ' , times and have good health. Chronicle. Jan2-12 THE OCCIDENTAL d. I. PAYNTER , Proprietor Corner 10th and Howard Streets , OMA1U , NEB , Rates , Two Mara Per Day Diirt . rt'aioil.\tli > | li'St.W | ! Hint < i * f 'irs PJ ? cniDT"U fllF"fT' 'Oifl1 ) tt AbU flo iraOH I WtbTtRllv R l ' \\i , \ \ \ , \ ' < . r " \ , , ' ' > TO < > . InKI'0l'tl , Mr , > | lll J "If * Il'l ' -ii c.tco . .t.'i # ij" r hr PHnftuial Pol .t , in Hip V/nt / , | , Norti i < , . Vn | Inc l'rl'u'i\i t'ltir nf tti \V < , . - , , . | ( MI,1 ( > r. r > < i ( -XhiKiix , , U I Ms Hl'lll I vti , ) ) 'nim ral , > clew P' ici'.lnm mill 'liptrinaa i" n il i'J , | ui i li ni ! " o s y& i s f ° i-,3 i N { fifi r.ft . . .Ao V rx . THE CHICAGO A. NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , 'I rains. VIM1XM The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. up Cn l' r" " Sl b > Tlcki't w In tlm iJoiiii-ulicr tuasl ; for TU'kcls u.itlils ro.ul.lxisurotlioy rcmJ over It , anil tiiko minoori'i , ; III\IKU | \ \ . a. S HAItltV I1. IIUKI , , Tiokut Auiit | It I M. * V. IWInny , 14th nnd FaanhamJutrpcU. I ) . K. MMIIM.Ii , AmNlvit 'I'lilut AiiiMil C. . 'i ' N.V. . Itnlltray , llth | nd Farnhira itreolt J. IlKliL , Tlclioliti > nt (1 , < i NV. . UnllMitU. . P. U. U. Demi. UAUK.S T. CLAUK Unn.icAl Atont. The Oldest Wholesale and THH LKAD1NU Retail JEWELRY HOUSE HOUSE in'Omaha. Visitors can here IN T1IK WI3T1 General Agents for the find all novelties in SIL Finest and Best Pianos and VER WARS. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured. Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer e Latest , Most Artistic , and Dealer. and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold PRECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. all descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stock of WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Pianos , Knabe ces as is compatible with Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , and see our Elegant New Sterling Imperial Smith , , Store , Tower Building , American Organs , &c. Do corner llth and Farnham not fail to see us before pur Streets chasing. MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES ! Large Stock Always on Hand. dlloodU P ILLSBURY'S BEST I Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOUR , It always gives satisfaction'because ! ! it makes superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market. Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded. . M. YATES , Cash Grocer. Special Attention Is Once More Called to ( the Fact that CJO. Bank foremost in the West in Assortment and Prices of CLOTHING , FOB MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINK OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps Wo aro'propwed to moot the demands of the trade in regard to Latoat Style * and Putterna. Fine Merchant Tailoring iu Connection RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th St TOWBR AND HAND I Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MINING WAG'IIINKIIY , DELT1NO , IIOSK. 11KAS8 AND IllON FITTINGS HALLADAY.WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BEL A , L. 8BAN3 , 205 Farnham St. , Omaha ,