Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1882, Image 2

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/ Gathered iu Omaha During n
Dull Wook.
! Tlio Paxton ItecoDtlon and Uio Turn-
era Silver Woddinff SociiU Notes
Throughout tlio City.
Tlio wcok hns not hocn ono of un
usual social vitality. To bo sure three
nighta of opotn have nlTorilucl oppor
tunities for Indies nnd gentlemen to
exhibit thoinaulvcs and listen to soinu
good music at the same Unto , alill in
opnra all tbo dancing is dnno on the
atago and the troupe is apt to mono
polize largely the attention of the
On Wednesday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Win. A. 1'axton give a reception
at their elegant residence on Kiirnam
and Eighteenth streets. Invitations
to the number of two hundred won
issued , almost without exception tc
married people , and there wns a largi
attendance. Holl'tiuu'rt orchestrn
furnished the music and dancing earl ]
became the order ol the evening
Shortly before eleven an elegant sup
per was served. Among those pros
imt were : Mr. and iMro. i ) . ( ) . Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Peck , Mr. and Mis
Darker , Sir. and Mrs. Milton Harlow
Mr. and Mm. Ooo. I. Gilbert , Mr
and Mrs. 1 . K. Her , Mr. and Mm
Swobe , Mr. and Mrs. Kd. llaney
Jlr. and M rs. Murao , Mr. and MM
Ilansconi , Mr. and MM. Pritehett
] Mr. and Mrs. Jiroutmnn , Mr. am
Mrs. W. .1. Connell , Mr. and Mrs.
Ambrose , Mr. and Mm. Uolpotzcr
Mr. and Jlrs. ,1. 0. Cowin , Cen. ! ant ;
Mrs. Mandersun , Mr. and Mm
Guion , Mr. and Mrs. Gibbon , Mr
and Mra. Ed. Johimon , Mr. and Mm
Eason , Jlr. and Mrs. Goblo , Mr. am
Mrs. T. L , Kimball , the AlisHe
lierlin , Ivennard , Shaip , Ijanifl
AmbroBoand Jlaiiacoin , and Mrnsrs
Ijams , Her , Garlichs , Crary , Sharp
McMillan , McCormick , Jtouiington
Sv caton , Murphy , Herlin , Me eath
WillianiB , Love , I'axton and KraneiH
A silver uedding reception whicl
partook of the character of u hotisi
wanning was iven im Friday evenii ) (
by Mr. and M rs. Chas. Turner at thei :
beautiful now residence on llowan
and Sixteenth streets. The invita
tions bore on their face the iimcriptioi
"No Presents , " but a laruo inniibe
of beautiful ll ril gifts U'Btilicd lliu
friends wore not to bo dobarrei
Rome more practical method o
uxpreasing their icgnrds than men
congratulations. The largo nuinbe
of guestu wlio thronged tlio parloi
comprised many of our represcutntivi
families , particularly tliosu who eve
twenty yeara ago shared with Mr. nm
Mrs. Turner the privations of life in i
frontier town. Among those proton
were Mr. and Mrs. IJerinaii Kountze
Judge and Mrs. Clinton liripgs , l\lr \
and Mrs. A. J. U.UIHCOIU
Mr. and Mrs. J. II , liorback
Mr. and Mrs. Georjjo liarkor , M r
and Mrs. JJ. E. 13. Kennedy , Missv ,
Fannie and lottio Kennedy , Air. utu
Mrs. Charles Childs , Mr. and Mra
' 'homas Hamilton , Mr. and Mra
Bean , Mr. and Mrs. J. J. MeLain
Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. MoLain , Mrs
Uurdotto , Mrs. J. N. II. Patrick
Mrs. A. J. Pnpplotoii , Mrs. Ritalin
Gen. Lowe , Mrs. 11. E. Gaylord , Mi
and Mrs. John Campbell , Mies Ma
Campbell , Miss Berlin , Mr. Frani
-Murphy , Mr. T. B. uuming , Mr. nm
Mrs. K. B. Knight , Mr. GoorgoJIoau
land , Mrs. W. II. Ilomington , Mis
HaiiBcom , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I3ir
ker , Mr , and Mrs. Louis Hood , Mr
and Mrs. David Whitney , Dr. am
Mrs. Conkling , Mr. and Mrs. W. F
Sweozy , Mr. and Mrs. Bausorman
Mr. nnd Mrs. George I. Gilbert
Mr. Kollum , Mrs. Sears , Mr. Oharle
Woodworth , Mr. Charles Isaacs
Mr. ml Mrs. Uussell Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burns , Mi
and Mrs. II , Pundt , Mr. and Mra
"William Dolan , Dean and Mrs. Mills
paugh , Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Bloomu
of Council Blulls , Mrs. Hugus , Mr
and Mrs. J. T. Grillon , Miss GrilFen
Mr. and Mrs. Council , Judge Cliatl
wick , Mr. Goo. W. Mogoath , Mr. an
Mrs. Oscar Stephens , Mr. Thos. I
Shaw , llov. A. F. Shorrill , Dr. Ohwi
wick , Will llamilton , Mr. Warro
llogors , Misses Minnie Mogoatli
Laura Ccnnoll , Julia Knight , Mar
Knight , Irene Lowe , Kittio Lowi
Anna ( Jury.
The gentlemen members of th
IJoss English Opera troupe weropleai
antly entertained on Friday evonin
by Mr. Juleus Meyer , who gave a n
ception at his rooms on Farnam streoi
whore opportunity was Herded thoi
to moot a number of Omaha's lovei
of music. The reception while vet
informal soon partook of the chaniott
of a chamber concert in which tli
riiilonmthean club nnd the visitoi
participated. A lovely quartette b
Mozart , Griogo Sonata in D miiK
Air on the fourth string by Bach , ni
ranged by Wilhelmj , together with
flute duo by Messrs. Meyer an
Schneider of the Hoes troupe , and
flute solo by Mr. Schneider forme
the evenings programme , a musia
treat which was highly enjoyed b
. all in attendance and by none mnr
than the visitors who expressed them
solvcH as greatly Hurjirisod at findin
o many nccomplinhed musicians i
our city. It is unnecessary to BII
that the usual delicious supper wn
ervod , for Mr Julius Meyer alwaj
entertains rojally ,
The next "Pleasant Hours" part
takes place on Friday at Masonic 1ml
The reception given on Saturday i
Brownoll hall was ono of the most 01
joyable of the series. The next wi
Uko place on February 4th.
"Look out for my left arm" is 11
prevailing exclamation. The vuccin
tion rage is all the go.
Several informal ladies' lunch
were recorded during the past wee
The wooden wedding of Mr. ni
Mrs W. J. Lard was pleasantly eel
b rated last evening at their borne <
Webster street. A number of frion
wore present and assisted in makii
the eveniug one long to be remben
by the participants.
Uarjiago Licenses leauod During1 U
Frank Homnnukon" , aged 27 ,
Margaret Oriel , aged 27.
Thomas Murray , aged 30 , to Miss
Bridget O'Dottoqhuo. aged HU.
Andreas Hcssdorfer , nged . ' ? ! ) , to
Tiss Kunignndo Gink , a ed Uall
f Pnpillion.
Albert Longstrom , ngcd 20 , to Miss
tmtavu Puturson , aged 20.
Robert II. Steele , aged U" , to Miss
linnio Robinson , aged 121.
Edwin H. IJoiison , acted 2.1 , to Mien
jOUisa.Schmickngod I1. ' .
Movements of People.
( Jon. < ! e < > . S.ISmith luinl"dly deputed
nr the natii tin ) capital 1 if > l v.uck.
W. A. Ma tcr has dcpaitcd from 1'n'r '
iiinl tu make his homo nt Cornin. , Iowa
1'rimu Warn 11 , of Kalimon" , IIIIH re
irned from alclt to the " ( Jl.i luiiilu <
n. "
Al. ChtUtian. of Vairmint , has cnno i <
t'ntru DIIO.O , of Ind. , where huwlll ulluni
clionl ,
John W. Harden , of I'lattumouth hai
niic on n mission to anhliijjton to i
Ith Arthur.
W , A. Mnrlow , of Krcmnnt , ii
rcpar .lions ti move to thu uoininurciii
ittr polls ,
Mr. mill MM. 15. W. .Tore * , of KacitiP
Vis. , r.'o xiMtins their daughter Mrs
lorris .Innei < , nt David City.
lie > . tieo. C. Kecci , of Orleans w' ' > " I"11
icon iu New Mexico for no\urnl months it
run of n patty of U. S. surveyors , hit' '
Lturned to llarlan uiiunty.
Mrs. Harah Murphyof Kannders county
ins licun allowi-d : titn ion an the whlowo
Kolilior nf thi' war MS MM. Murphj
o\or eighty ycam of age , 1 ut appear
nn h younger , ah * is thti molliiT ofV
T Murphy , one of the energetic ; fanner
> f the ( .utility.
WeUding Holla.
I.conidas liarton anil Mins I'lnma Kil
; H' , of Iniliaiiola , uero tied on thu Int.
rank J * . ( iayle , of I'latUnmunth
nlni'd the licncdictH nn the Ith , .Mi Alic
Litiin dKliling tint holioiH of liiltlatiiin.
1) . I'rank D.tvisandMiiH KvaD. Chain
> ers of Sehuyler , were iinltul on the 7th
I'lio Hun beams v n them \utli uimsuii
varinth ,
J. U. Mdlcr nnd Mini Nellie Hinith , o
'awnco county , were tieil at Tccimineli 01
ho llth and danced all night with tli
ioyH an i girls of their iieh'hliorhoi.d.
It ho truly Kiihl that David Keid am
MISH Annlu MuLiod , of .Sclniyler , uen
narrlcd by Inches a reverend ( , 'entletnai
nun North liend. 'i ho lerciiiuny wit
njiicludul < iii tliu 10th.
WnliiHi ituirtely reeovorH from onoHoulut ]
iNcnt when luiotlier IH billed for thu lira
nttirc. OtlH ( lallin nnd Mii'H DriiKnili
'Jegley ' are tlio ohjuctn of coiigratulntioi
nil Int-ercHt thJHMelc. .
C'liau. Iv. Klick , of Omaha , in the lu'l'j'J '
itmhiiml of n Mt. I'lotHiint giil , Mini
laiP ruO. iSc.irl. Thu coicinony WIVH per
unned in the Methodiit church of thai
ivln Itttlo town in ( Ja/u county , 01
ho Hlli.
S.umifl W. Dunliangh , of Alma , ha
tcanu there. Tlio ceremony wiw JUT
ormed on the I'.ltli in the ) irc ciiL'j of tin
clatlvu of bnth nnd a few invited guestx
'hey lin\cKonu to Kl. ChurlcH , la. , for i
nonth'd reuieation.
The .N'enmha ( Jranker force have hem
.mtliiKon . wedding cake for n week , th
liiniliin if Mr. and Mr * . David A. Kil
( In and Mi , iiinl M , ,1. A. Kaiiin
I'lio four were made two on the 1st. Col
Caiim h.ivu heon frequent lliin winter.
1'ied Mace , of York , icccntly bucaiiia
lie fuituimtop hi-t'Hsor of an low.i Vtidou
ind tiuco children , A full Hedged family
lieu li eecoiul liandud , ii a valuahlo no.
jiiiiitioii to a raw homealead and a do-
nolislicr i f time , pnrno and laWr.
Thu limt olliclal tiu of.Iudgc Murruy , o
) edie comity , on the lOlh , IH louktd upon
a a no a nnu tiwty piece of woik. Hich
ird J. Sniitli and Mis.s Kmmn M. Dawen
joth of MiujilurKvuro tlio icclpienU o
he judicial injunction at ci t price.
I'almyru clainmtho the fastent record ii
miniate c roinoniert. JiiHtlco J , A
LVoiiiitii'rhauaer united a conplo on Nov
Yearu in tun Hecondx. lie probably for
Kot to put IIIH atitiiKraiih to the neceHsarj
docuinontn ; that would rtiniiro a few nun
The hrMe * ' of Lebanon , 3ted Willoi
lounty , are BlHterw , Jora nnd Lolo Jtrad
niry , they Iiecomiii the UH'ential ril
> n the -Ith , the former of Charles K
jnnth and iho latter of JumeB McComli
L'liuy left next niun.itiK fui a tutir of tin
The colored quality quarter of Lincoh
Ian lievn Rlmkeii to its foundation ktono b ;
in eluvated weddiiiL laxtTneitdiiy. " 1'vva
til eclipuo > of nvfrnliadowlui , ' proportionn
L'he piincipal iiarticiimntn were A , Jluril
i\K nnd A > ibx K. IninbliiiBoiii , a IIIOH
ppropriato tiamu for a bride.
Henry 11. Looclien and AMnH Hichi
llulno of Hunper , Dod o CJiuitycr
ironounced iniin anil wife on tliu 7th
ivhlle nuiiicrouH friends Htood to their hack
.ill the ceremony closed. Henry had bee ;
Ij lochon a'ouiul ' for a tuitahlo mute fo
several years and dually struck Kichien.
The liello \Vnterloo liao iiuhBided am
iiirrcndcrcd , and all's iiuiet on the lUk
lorn , JanicH ( ! . Herriiiton ( laid HIICCCHH
ful'o toher heart < nd hand and ulgnei
ihu articles if capitulation on thu Ith
I'lio Waterloo lira H luiinl ( .two them i
end iiutl lengthy nenil elf on their eahtori
The niatrimiiiiial niaiket in Alhioi
opened upmut > imlly aitivo with the bu
; ! nning of the new year. C.tpt. .1. A. D
llugno and Miss May Hamilton led ol
with a t/iand Honrlsh on the lid , followei
next ilay by .Samuel H. ISolliiiun and Mln
Vina Clark , i.nd llanuy Cbrl ; am
Minnie Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Mathlos Woich of Km
inont celebrated the tviinty.fifth miniver
Hary of thcli inarrliigo ou the Stli. Kour
teen yearn' c uitiniiutis reaideni'u In tli
" .Prettiest" WUH not without its la tiii |
friciultiliiiH as was o > iilenced by iho ) aru <
number of Clients who Undered their con
( , 'ratnlationaiid nuiiitruini hilver suuvtuir
of the event.
Hed CliQil taken the entire pantry with
out n protest. On the 4th three iwl
started on the straight and narrow path o
wedded life , amid t oalfoctlointo
illations of admiilriK friends. Hohert C
Laird and AU s Klloit I.eiUih lead th
way followed by I'mchal Ijilnl and LUil. .
J.eltHch , and Willis 1' . Kultuii and Mik
iny A. l.tirn.
When two uioninliil persons of ipp ) > it
ex and well advanced in yojrs meet am
unfold their tales of torrow , the result i
a pooling of tears and u uviuUtiL' . Thi
was the ca < of a widow from 1'uu'port
111. , who tincoiiscloiiHly collided with
mournful liiato at Went I'oint , in the per
mil of ClirUtlan Jattinn. A drought no\
threatens their " > a.o of f
Frederick Sttiht and MIBH Mnry Mi
Ket > iu wt-ro married at West Point o
thtt Int. A rt'coiitlyii at the hoinu of th
bride'd mother followed , to which n Inn ;
number of Kue tn were Invited , mid wher
mimy hourit were ipetit in itierry-iuiikiiu
1- red httiht the triaU ami trouble *
BiiiKleiifHS till it ceased to bo a vlrtuo an
then t M ely popped mid went out a beni
.1. SmUlrsVl Mlna Annlo Nolan miletl
dep rttxi Noith Plutto eaUwai
bound before tbo holiditvH , Bmi us the lai
liours of the ulil year were lout fudir
away they ii'turued to towu ai man ui
wife. The hluh character anil hUtorle
Btanulnc of the J , Smith family nloi
unveil tht new made benedict from tl
wrath of the bachelor tribes iu that nek-
Plum Creek's ro'l of honor IIIIH roach' '
the pri portion of an iuciiiient epidtini
MUi Mary i : . ClH iKioI nreepted t
Olive l.ranch . ol the liouno of IkUrlon (
the l t ami \ \
, amiVller It Dalrymt'lo KOI
I eil t < i prouilo for the Widow Hcbooley.
mourning' nif filer of the Clnyjio d finiil
on tlw "uin.i day. Ontlm JM a loncsot
KOII of "Uonny riootlBiui , " from Fillwii
count ) , fojineJ aclutiu and hwtint : unl
w ith Mary Malcolm , nnd departed rnitward
on n lour , l.rua , butnot leant , the marring ! :
of Albert J < . Cole and Mis * Ilebecca Lit-
o on the -Ith complete ! Uic wick's record
' feasting , The Kilt r citiplo "dlred n
all" and treat * tl their f i lends to an i-lc <
ant Mipper , followed by n dance to the
ray liourn of dawn. A I.lltlc-Co'e Is fi
leaning In famine tlmc .
Ball Room and Pnrlor.
.Imnci Lcary , City Mughal of 15catrlcc ,
, iort ' > silver watch with gold chain , n
Vcw Year'H te tim"lilal.
The I .lair .Social Club gave iti firM
ow ya r parU * Vilday cnenltig. It waj
merry and cclcst Kfiuieiing.
The I-'ro'tiont Social Club h.i- boon r < "
rganl/ed wi'h ' forty riiatnurrn , Th' ! firs !
arty was gixon r'lida evening.
h II Million , of "pw-ircl , is the Imppj
n cR or of a Hver oil' , prcccnti'd by thi
lOodTctnplar'H loiU , " f that city MI tin
I'rcd. Mil lard arid James A. Wh"c1ei
verc each inecen'ol with elegant album' '
t thtlr mc'cmati" In Fremont lait i j1 :
.Iiid.o VVilliniiH , the retiring lonnt ;
.iliji1 . "f J-Vward , was pr-fenti' ' ! with i
iinph'te pet of Minim's nnd .Mecfvulo } '
viirkn by nictnbuiM of the bar.
Sixty pcr onHvhirlnl through th
nte * of the datiu ° at the luMilenco "
vynr Urayhlll , of Dakota City , on th
of the ld. !
jlilo of I'apHlinli gnll.oml at Ih
csiilt nee i f ,1. W. Thump * n. Ni'W Year'
ve , and cirolid tioht unil lefttothnm > vc
noi.t nf II ffriian H nitric bow.
The bampiet and ball of the legal fra
en ity at Oakdalo is wild to have dt \ > -l
> pnl several tne-loe Ii clinic ililiif , wliitl
ho prompter dec ! led well taken.
North Bend IHH _ organised a ohil > to dril
n the art of dancing. The figures cut ii
ho now tchnol building renders a nn ilili
Mllon of lliH h'ji'l and toe ino\rmcnl i
The viuuratilo I'liuidina Micks of Itei
Cloud W.IH tin1 rpelpient of a pleasant mir
[ iriKe on the 71'i'h ' annivcis < ry of her blrtl
) ii the "th. I'oity lady friemlx. Indti
with dulicauen mid htibxtanllxl tokeim o
ettcc-tn , urceti d her and pprend a feant o
.vliich nil purtoolc.
Mrn. Hubert Dick , of Crete , wai tlio ru
cipinit of an clo iintHiirjiriso on I lie until
vemary of thi ) OHh birthday , llerchil
Ircn i.lid hrauit children preneiilud he
.vitli a ( 'hin i tea set of fifty-nix pieeet. J
; iuu bampiet followid , tuonty inimhers o
ho fntnily iirrnuiultiK ! the tnblen.
The ladles of Fiii'inont have dccldo I t (
: illtivat closer lelatii in with thu ti-rp i
lioreiui Kodde.iH , and to that end havi
tKHiii/uil u "I'leai-ant Hour * Club. " Tin
irntp.trty wax given on iho lOth , nnd tin
itibduL'd n ( ivemcntH of thu men athe ;
tiuc-il iittcn 'unco" wni iho Hunt ru
cHhiug fo.ituro of the nffnir.
The Hpiket.illed warriori ( f ( Jcnova
yl one couiuests | on coiintlutii bnttleliuldi
niihleu ! on tin ) years lly paU , sathered ir
11 Uiu K' rucouniK'H-i of new uniforms am
> rlfht l.uttoiiH to c-lebratu the elosint ;
, ho > car. l'iliiy ) tnenibcti were cnl ed
u 1 the ccnrcily of f otii alotio p'uventec
: i niiiri ) uli iut Hproad , Kocially and finan
inll ) it WIIH a HIICCCKHU | ulf jif.
Th'i bacho'orH of St. I'.utl were inilla
ed into Iho lirMt degree of domeblic haiii | [
leiiHon Now Year's day. Mr. and _ Mm
Widlnci Irctited thoiii to "a niiif ' , Hi'en
tipper , " IIH ono of the t r ; thren cvpit'Mei
t , and aftcruardn tilinwul tbo comtortHii
.veddcd lifo ns uxviiiplllieil in a lovvl ;
loni" . 'I IH < f despair lias fnllei
m the lonoHomu hrothcthood of thu mint
Iy bur .
Ono of the tiioht i-njuyi' lo pvents ii
5t-ll Creek's social history wns the birth
l.iy piirtv in honor of Miss \da Sliep.inl'i
.hirtruntli . annivcwary on the 2d at tli'
etiidcnco ol her paruntH. ( ! uc-tU fron
JhioiKo , Uiiudia ai.d Kri'inoii' ' , bcsidcH i
nrgo ntimbor of the yount , ' people of tin
own enjoyed an evening of unbrokci
> luasiiru. Minn Adv wns tln > rccipi-nt o
cveral elegant and COB Iy ; ; iftn.
Kdticntlonnl Proffross.
Ono hundred children attend ths Itlooiii
The total enrollment of the Tekama
chools it 205.
Hebnni is dolermino.i to have a publl
'ending ' loniiiH ,
The Hchools of ischnylcr opened last wee
vith a mem'icndiip lit 30G.
The State Teachers' asiociation wi
ru-et atCrctocm the l8lli ! , 20tli and 'Ml
f .March.
The Vldi for electing the now school n
3chuyl r exceeded the appropriatio
? ( ! OlK > ) by several hniulied dull.irs , am
' 1 were rejected.
The new brick school hoiiao at O ceo1a 1
learly completed. The is a t * (
itory brick , with metal roof ; two room
jolow and two above.
The past has been ono of nniisun
iroxperity in school matters in Hiuimler
loniity , There nro 5,000 pupiU and II
.eachers. The latter receive from $3,11
10 per month.
Gage county Is divided into ono hundre
Hutricts , of which ninety aru mipplie
dlh good mibrttiutlal school hotiBci
which cost about 870,000 , and whic
mvo an average atlendanco of ' 1,000 chii
. 'hi * Kri'-ndvillo Bchoo's ' hoaln the ne\
ear with ICO pupils cnnilleii Th
schools aio iu a prosperous condition , an
give | iroinisu of a very largo iittendanc
luring the
The present school bnihlingg at lilii
Springs ure too small to accommodatu th
iiirollment of pupils , as then ! nro no'
100 in thu four departments. Theio at
learly 50 ; children in thooistrict of sclux
Them nro forty-five Hchool districts i
Inward county , nearly all of which ar
novidcd with good mii'stautial ' iriiin
ionics and Ml are in a thriving conditioi
L'hn last ccnstiH lupnit givca 1,0'Jl tchot
And now comes the genius of Thu Lou
'ino News , with his statUtlcs that Holun
na'aniH do not hava n tcndonuy to beconi
ild inaldR , but that on the contrary thoi
chanccH of matrimony aru fully 'M 11
cent , better than the it\era0o of woma
1'awnee Citv in fortunate in her schoi
.irivilegeH. Her graded schools , unde
ho charge of W. II. ( iiinlnor , princlp.i
tro rapidly taking a fiont rank. Kiv
teachers benidcH the iirincipal , nro en
iloyed and the number of scholars enrollv
inco the holidays is over 290.
Fiona ItoniB.
Beatrice has sevunSchurcli oiyanUition
Six hntulred dollars lus been ratie
owartl building u I'nubytcrl.ui church i
The liu' churches of 1'awneo county ar
io\v tilled every Hiibbnth to the
' .initat
Tliero nro HOVOII churches In llowar
county three Catholic , two 1' tsbytena
and two Methodi.l.
K Hov. tlatncs K , Itobertn , father of Hoi
f. C. Itobertn , hus accepted thu pn > toral
of thu Contiri'gatiomtl churches at UU > i
and Hiving Citv. Ho ill come to Hntli
county about Krli. 10th.
The moat acceptable letter of tntrodu
tlmi tntt _ new coimnurdty wns that of M
Win , Kniin' , who is noon to settle In Co
iimbtH. H was In the ulnpo of a tifl
dollar check to the building loininiltce
the Cuthollcchurch in that town.
The Methodtbt church In Xenial
county Is Meadily advancing. There a
live n > ldent ministers ami three loc
iireucheis. The inrmbeuhlp < eaches
little in IT SCO. 'I hero nro blx Methwli
churches and li\u partonugeb , and ft Oi
inun Methotli t I'lniicli.
_ Tlieie are rci-iding in Nenmht c"tin
live trnyeling mlnl ltira of the Methodl
ch'ircl' ' , who givu nil their time to t
church work within the comity limit * , ni
two ministers i ending In Hlcliaid *
ciumty Hjieiid u portion of their timu
Keinaho. In addition tlnru are tht
li > cul prtMcliprc. Th''rr rn < XK ) inenih
iu communion ivith Ihu chuich iu tl :
itinty. There nro nix church building *
nd ( no parsonage * .
There are In Pawnee county nine ilennm.
nations represented Methodist , Vnllrd
'roslijterian , Presbyterian , llaptfst ,
'Jliriftlnn , KvAngellral Ijuthcran , )
l ptlrt , t nlletl Ilrcthrtn nnd t' . thollc.
' ( use iltnnniinatlnnR 1m e twenty cmmr- " *
allnns , nn Increase of two during the
cnr , with n membership of 1,700 , an In-
ri-non of 200 in the year. The Sablwth
choolsvill equal In number uiul mem-
crslilp the churchcH. These twenty
Imrehcs hn o among UiPtn thirteen
hnrch building * , an increase of fhe in
' 81. _
TIIOMAH" MUI.KCTHIC On , hnn obtained
rcat popnlaritv , from iln Intrln.
lovnliiouH n reliable medicine , in rmitiH
largeness and nil Irritation * of the throa1 ,
.irafcs of thi client , ttc. For the-o it ir
n incomparable | m'in ' irc. H-lw
If you wish to nvoid great il.tnupi
A1 \ tiotililo , boaidcB n no snmll iill
of cxjioiiio , nt thio si'fison of tlio year ,
on fthnuld tuko prnnipt fttupn to kuu ]
'isprtic froiii your lioiiBuhnkl. Tin
jnti'iu nhtitild bn cluitimi'd , liloorl
uriliiid , Htonmcli and bowels roi'itla'
ud , nnd pruvcnt and euro diseasot
irifiii" ; from apriiin nmlariii. Wokiuiw
of nothing that will so piTfi-cliy nut :
stiruly do thin .13 Klpctno liittnrfl , ami
it thu trillinp ; coot of lift1 cout 11 but'
lo. n' < xchuiiyo.
Sold by IHI ! it McVnlion. 7
SomoImportnntMntumnnti of XVo
ICiiowu People Wholly
In order tlmttliu puMic n-ny ( iillv roallro 1 > U
' ( iiultioncs of the stito i rut * * , aivcll ns tin
inueranilnltlo ot tiu nrticlu ol nlnrh tlitj
puak , oiulillsliliiri.wtli ) | t' ' u f.acliiillu s na
urcHOl | > arlle uliose nln.irnv . IH liojnn I ( | iioi
ion. The Truth of tlieco t ntlmonlah ) Is al.hO
uUi , nor ian tliu fiw.tH tlicy nmioiinco bo Ig
OMAHA , NHH. , May 2 , ISSl.
I. \VAn\iin It. Co. :
DRAII Hiu : I Im-o fri-'inently uwl Wnrncr'i
info Klilnuv and Mvcr Con : for loot nlTcctinm upon no > ere rliuimntlo ntUofiB , am
n\cal'fta OcrltcU licnutlt thcrclrom. I hi\ (
lno US'1 ! ! the Snfo Nervine with natlsfuclory re
nit * . I cousldor the a mi'dlcinoa worthy o
Deputy Treasurer.
OMAHA , NFII , May -21 , 1-bi.
I.VAUNRa & Co. , Kochi'ster , N. V :
GKITM : I hn\o unetl jour Safe Klilncy ant
Ucr Ctiru thin BprinK' n , n htrln\lk'ontor , atu
HIM ! I the hist rcmiily I ti\vi tried. Ihui
iHeil 4 hottlcH. nr-,1 , | t hai maila mo fcol hcttci
hin mcr I ulil before In the
U. I" . It. Phops.
OWAIIA , X H , .M y4 , IbSI ,
I. II. WAnxm & Co :
SIKH : For more than 15 y an I have puffcrct
niicli In onvcnlonco froiiieoiiilinu'il kMno } am
IvorillHCu-cH , id h\o htcii un lilo to work
ny nrln y orji'tmnlno bdiu'nlli.c'iil I'rluln
; rint tinny intdlLliiiij aiul UoitorH , hut 1 rcw
vorsu nmlvnrtixlay by il.iy Iua < ttoM I Imti
trialit'nDiscas' , nml I wlatieil O'j-cll dcail If I
ouM not hivospco'Jj relief. I took your Salt
( iilncy nnd I.Ucr < ure , Knowing nothing tNi
MH e\or known tocuru tha dimiHcaint 1 Inv
lot liven ilHAiipolnttil Th iniilli Ine lias eiinil
iiv , and I nm pcrfoc Iy veil toilaintir , ! }
hro1 | > li jour ijalo i\Ulnr > and M\erCura 1
wlnhjoti nil mice mln ] iuliiUhlng thij vluilli :
ciiicuv through he v urlil.
U. P. K. It. Shops.
Thoiiaamlt nf c < iually n'ron ; ciulorscmont"-
many of them In ca o < where hupe was ahan
oni'd b v o been > oliiiitarily Klven , chow Inn tin
cuiaiVixhlo pnworol Warner's Sato Kidney am
M\er Cure , In all d Dcano ol the lildncjH. Ihi
ir iirlimryornann. If any ono who reads thi :
if phYo'cal ' trouble romcinbuf the Kru.
In Honts of Famtlioi
HoKtittcr'H Stomach Illttcrn Isruimuch rotinnlc-
nn a hoii c-liolil m malty na siiuar or coffrc. Tli
oHon of this Is that } earn of oporlonco hav
rotvil It to bo p-rfoct y reliable In thoxo caxtsc
enitrt'cncy uhvro a prompt anil comonleiit run :
lily Inilcnianded Coimtlpatlon , liver ( cmpl-ilMl
upepnU , liiilljfcjtlon and other troublei ar
OM-noino liy It ,
For mlo bynll [ ) ni'ltaanJIcnlcrH ( ( , to uliot
nppl\ for Ho ttttor'n Alumnan forlb3il.
If you .ire If youni
nf.iislf.-iM ( ) < aL of Ut
\diir tlutii's uwilil aliht work , tu rev
t'nmlA ' tiani | IIHU toietirnliini'ivfniil
Hop Bittorc , vra > li' , u > Hop Q.
FtitTiTlntf from niif It *
. tloai IfyoiiniKinsr
1111"It-HUIl ' 1 llll ll'.l
rliil or ln l , olil r yotn , BuUiTliif ( roM
Intr on a LicJ of tick
uei-o , rvly on rf o p Elttera.
Whoever jrnaorr "
fii'l tivitilly f i oni
i'heiu\cr ) uu
- yiiiir i.Ftcni f orni of K I d n n y
nii'tln cli nniliu : , ton- lut lulKlit
In * 01 ( jtlniiilatliiK ,
' I br tlmulj < iu > vl
lthout < n' J/Mr' k
.nliu Hop HcpSIttora
QlttO' .
O.I. O
Ii tn ntwoluU
, anil Int'bliita-
ottlio ttomach , HOP drunkenness : > lu c ti r e fur
uiu of opium ,
You will bo tobacco , o"
citred If routine -
Hop Diners
Jf Tctmreiim Boldliyilrnft
l > t . Kvndful
i > lr t > n k aiut
Ijwjnlrltiil.lrj NEVER Claulkr
Jti It mny notEmuu. .
onvo your FAILI BTO CO.
life. It hue ,
nvod hun nxbMi , . *
orods. ATuronto , Oat.
Free to Everybody
A Beautiful Book for the Asking
By kiiiiljInK rwraonallr at the nearest offli
liy i > oKtAlraril II ( it dlttanco. ) any ADULT pe
BOH wU | 1'Upri-wntoJ with k lioautltully llni
ratoU copy ot a Now Book entitled
cfliiUliilnffn haiulwiino anil costly utoel in r. %
IUK Irontljplcrco ; l o , M finely cngrmed wo
cute , and bound In an elaborate blue and ga
lllhoroiiriHl rou-r. Nn ch tv h to\cr U nm
lor tlill hanilinine booli , nlch ran tli ) obUIn
only by amillcation at the bianch and ubc
dlnate oIU-ua ( n | Tlio Hinder lUnuficturlng Co.
Principal OtHco , 31 L'nlon Square , N * \"oi
n .Tev Mi 1 ' ' > * "J V ' > ( VfS.f . ? 'V ! e ° v"t > T'1'1
( ' ( "tier I'Citift tli ) > irccf direct , < | tilckesr ,
\li-st line connecting I ho ercM Mttrorolh. til
'AGO , and n/.eimiN , Koant-K > TiiRffi T I
ml Sotnii-KAvntnt Iiiit2 , which tormlnatrtri 10 ,
lth kAS"u CUT , l.iAVrnwonui , Ammo
> OHSUI , Itu'rra ' nnil OMAIIthw OnvxuBCU
Jr-wmi train which nwllato
bU p > tictrctf the Continent from the Missouri
UvirtothBl'ixcifioMetio 'Hie
Jthunr ! " 'lnofroM'hliv ; ' > ownlnp trttx litlo
! win . M Mlilr'i , liy Its o n tt'fiJ , tinch tnc
altits Rliuluuinl . NVi THANiyms BT CAfctil Vir
Jo VI'IIMI IOKKICIIOVH ! No lridillln < In 1-
int'.at 0 nr uiiHcan corn , nn every pawnirtr < t
arrkxl In rtriny , clean mid M iitilitri ] coKhu.
* 1' hniirissTn.lirt.
HAT CARS of mrlviVJ mncnlficcncc , Pnuw/.f
. 'ALACI ' HM r.riiio CAIIH. ami cmroxniv.orld fi\ non <
JlMso C.M'.i , iiDon whlcn tnraharo crH ol un
iirvif'iilox'ellcnca , nt thilow rnto of HtiVTMTT
'it. ! ! OI".TH PACII , with ample tlmo lrr healthful
Through Ours bctwcuii Chlraito , Toorla , Mil
an'.roand ' Mlwnurl Klvcr I1)lnt ( ! < md clfinocnn
it d-nnta.ll points ol Intersection with othei
I Ad 4.
Wo I id t ( do not forget thla ) direct ! } "to cfct
nco ol lm | > ortatic.o In itiinrm. Nolituekti , Uioi'k
IllloVjoinliik1 , Utali , Idaho , Koxaila , CnlKoriun
) roiroi ) ) Wm-hliiKton 'icrrltoryi Colorado , Arlzcrj
nd Nc Mo lco.
Ami Iwral nrnncmcnt.i ruKuritmir bapuro a.-
ny other line , and rates ol tire nlwnya nsl onat
competitors , who lurnlsh but * tltho o the ujui' '
Io 3 and tncklc ol tportsiacn frcu. , lUAiw and folders at nil prlnclpa
filccn In the United States nnd Cnnadx
It. K. CAULK , K. HT. JOHN ,
ricu I'roa't & Ocu. don. list nr.dPaM'rAtf .
Manager , Chlcacn Rhlcniro.
830 , SilOmJHE. 1330 ,
St , Joe < fe Council Blnffs
Direct Line to ST. LOUIS
From Omaha and the West.
Vo chiiH'O nl cara brtnron Omaha and si. ixml ,
nd but ono LitMi'cn OMAIIAand
. .
Daily PassengerTrams
This cntlro line ts equipped 1tlt Pultn..n'i !
ulaco Sice ] Ing Card , 1'alaco lu > C'otclic : , Miller
Mcty I'latlonn and Coupler , und the ci > iol > rttsJ
AlTScc that > our ticket riaiU VIA
oiJla ? t. Josipli aril St. r uin.
Tlikit ) Icr wU1 at all coution stations In th (
Vent. J. K. H.UtN'AKl ) ,
C. DAWKS , Gen. Bupt. , St. Jo cph , Mo !
Ocn. Pasa. And Ticket A t. , St. Joseph , Mo.
ANHV ItOKDitN , Ticket A ont ,
1020 Kurnliam Btrcct.
A. D. liAK-nun Ocnera ! A 'unt ,
nil A II A NK
A Sure Cure Found at LastI
Tin Onn Need Safior !
A aura euro for lillnd , lilecding ; . Itching ana
Jlccnted Piles hosbieii di co\credby Dr. Wil-
lain , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. William' *
udlan Ointment. A BliiRlo box has cured the
worst chronic cascn of 2&or SOjoare standlnj , ' . Nc
ono need sutler five mlnntoa niter applying thit
wondcrlnl soothing mcdiilnct. Lotions , Instru
ments and clcctuarlus do ruoro harm than good ,
William's Ointment abeorba the tumors , alia } !
ho Intcnoo Itching , ( iwtlculoaly at night attci
cttlup warm in bed , ) acts as a poult Ice , ( fives In
itant and mlnlesa relief , and ( prepared only foi
i llca. itthintc of the prh ate parts , and for notb
DK else.
Head what the lion J. U. Ccfflnberry of CIovo
and sa > 8 about Dr. William's Indian Pile Olnt
mcnt : I Iia > o used iicorea of Piles cures , and II
adonis me p catmro to nay that HUM never found
anj thine M lilch ( , ra > o Mich Immediate and ponuv
Dent relief aa Dr. Wlliiam'a Indian Ointment
For sale by all dru 'latu or mulled on receipt o :
price , 91.00.HENRY
HENRY & CO. . Prop'ra. ,
For Bale by U. K Uoodman.
United States Depository
Oor. 13th and Famatn Sts.
* KTAhnmini ) 1RM.
Or nnlted M National I tank Augoet 20 , 1843
KousTf.x , President.
Auacaiua KOPNTIII , Vice I'nsl'lcnl.
H. W. YAIVS , Crwhler.
A. J. IViiTLKTON , Attorney.
JOHN A. L'uilullTON.
F. H. DAVIS , A al. Owihlei
Tbl hank rucilvns dvpoalta without regard t
tuiountn ,
Ibtuce tlmo ctrtlrlcatcB bearing Interest.
Lraua draft * un Sin Franasco nJ prtuclps
citlee of tlio United State * , alee I/onilon , Dublin
Kdliibiiri.-h and tbo principal cltlc-s ol the contl
nent of Kurop .
.Soils paBiieiicr | t'.ckota lor emlf antalby the In
UIMI Una mavldtf
The Oldest
Caldwell , Hamilton & Co.
BuilnoM transacted wine oa that ot an Incoi
porated uank ,
Accounts kept In currency or gold subject
Irlit chock without notice
Certificates ol deposit wuedrwiaWo In thru
six and twelve months , jcaring Intercut , or o
deuumil without Interest.
Advances nuilo to cuatomers oil Approved eocc
rlttcs at market r U of lntont.
Buy ami veil x < M , bllli ot exchange , * ovori
ci\t , sUto , county anil Uty bcnJu.
DmuMirht JralU on England , IroliaJ , UODI
land , and all l rtJ ot Buropa.
Sell European in.iwt < i ) tick i to.
Ocs Moines , Iowa.
Manufacturers of SASH. DOORS , BLINDS
Great reduction In Hank Counters , 1'lans tu
aliliwl , anil work lurnUhixl In ill kinds ol bai
omoltuDod , Counters flnlalicd In oil when d
lired. Shelving ol all klnd < lurnljhtxl and m
Into building n-iJy tor paint on short nolle
Our workmen are the bent mechanic * that can 1
procured , Sa > e money by giving us your coi
8Ulrs , Newels and Daimlers.
Our toteunD In thl department HU ( ormer
with Frovt Manufacturing Co , Oblcag
Ills , and hu done voice ol the flruwl Btalr oi
uttie N
OriJcn br mill momotlr attemlnl
lias * * - - '
p . f. - - . .
1ST OB , .A. "V" I IN Gh
While our Work is better , our Pvices are Lower
than all otk ° vs
I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS
offered for Competition in our line
Over All Competitors. \
For the Best Watch Work ,
For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. )
For the Best Engraving ,
For the Best Diamonds ( own importation )
[ faying lately enlarged my workshops and putting In now . .nd improvot. i
chinery , I hope to still more improve the quality and finish of our
ork and fill orders with more promptness than is usual.
My McHo ban always boon and always will bo : "First to gain superior
ties end then advertise the fact not before no wild advertise in onta
Seme unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying my
announcements , I would bog you , the reader of this , to
draw a line between such copied advertisements
and those of Youra very truly ,
The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. .
Sign of the Striking Tnvr
Is the place to Buy Bargains.
Look for the Red Ink Marks.
No. 1 , No. 2 ,
British Consumption Physio , Brompton Oough Presoription ,
In I5ottle 31.00 each , C for $5.00. In Bottles 75 cents each , 0 for S3.50.
Drompton Mhcnco Ihe oho\c nrcscrlptioni verp procured It the I argrtt and Mo t Hucorsaful Con
iroptlon llomntal In the Worldat the "llrompton , Consumption and Couiih HcuiedlM , Uioabore
ediclue * ti ilci.lxiude | rue4ln togland Infa llble Cure lor H CouiplalnU ol the Lung and
. XI.