Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1882, Image 1
BJ B MHBHIBMMHBPBBBMRMBBBP BMPBB * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA ; MONDAY MORNING , JANUARY IB NO. 1/7 / SPUYTEN DUYVIL "Tho Dreadful Disaster of Las Friday Night , Full Particulars of the Acoi dent and List of the Dead and Injured. "The Whole Thing Caused ty the Negligence of the Rear Brakemar. "Who Hated to Go trw > lFnr fron His Troln. National AnpocinUJ 1'roM. NEW YOUK , January 14. Tin cnuso of the accident on the Nov York Central railroad nt Spuytot Duyvil last night was this : The spccia "Tarrytown local theater passengc ; train , nt full speed , ran into the rea of the throujjh western express t < New York , which had stopped in t -deep cut just previous to crossiii | Harlem river to Manhattan island , because -causo of Bomo accident to the ai brakes. The brakeman on the ex prees failed to go back and pu up the danger signals , and a the cut is a very sharp curve and ut a point where stops tire tioye made , thu engineer had no means o knowing the danger ahead until with in a few feet of the express. Ho wn : going so fust that his engine cut clea through the rear coach of the expres ; -and drove most of its timbcis throngl the couch immediately ahead. Both coaches were filled with pas acngors , und stoves and lamps upset oil nnd coal scattered , and both o the wrecked coaches took fire ant were almost instantly a mass o flames. The cut being through solii rock , which .stands clone to the tracl on both sides and ver ; high , it was almost impossible fo the passengers to escape nnd entirely in-possible for assistance to roacl them. The locality of the nccidon is about mid way between where tin track leaves the Hudson river ant where they cross Harlem river am enter the city limits and about eigln miles from the Forty-second street do pot. Young Valentine , who was killei together with his bride , nee Mis : Louise Gaylord , of North Adams , Mass. , was married on Tuesday niglit , They were crushed , and burned in tht fire which followed. Lieutenant Governor Barston , of Vermont , ww with the bridal party , but wont forward as tlio train stopped , -and escaped uninjured. Park Valentino tine , Sr. , also with Valentino , was on the platform of the rear car and jump ed off , escaping uninjured. The unknown woman whose bed ) "waa recovered from under the stove in the same car is supposed to bo Mrs , Maude Brown , of this city. Miss Maj Daniels , on her way from Troy to visit friends in New York , was rescued alive. She suffered contusions anc burns but will recover. Olivoi Kelley , a stove manufacturer ol Spring City , Pa. , was taken oul through a window in a dying condi tion , his right arm was burned oil nearly to the shoulder , and ho was in ternally injured. He was 38 yean old. His doing words were directions to send to his wife. The body of a man of largo stature , the face burned past recognition , was next taken from iho wreck. Then came a body ap parently that of a negro supposed to b ono of the palace car employees. Then two more charred nud blacken ed trunks of humnu forms were lifted out upon blanketsby the five men. Ono of them was the body of n man. On other , it was conjectured , was that of a woman. It was some time before more bodies were found and then fragments only lemained of them. It was impossible to toll whether they were parts of ono , two or more hu man beings. Up to midnight the to tal number of dead was 8 and badly wounded 2. The wreck of ono car only , the rear car , had been searched. 'The express train on Fridays dur ing the session of the legislature has generally added to itat Al bany a number of palace coaches to accommodate members going south to spend Saturday and Sunday nt home , the assembly generally ad journing from Friday noon to Mon day , as it did yesterday. The train leaves Albany at " :40 : p. m. and is duo in New York at 7 p. m , , making the 150 miles withbuttwo stops. Yesterday - -day it did not leave until 3:20 : p. m. It consisted of fourteen cars , being two mails , two bagpate , three passengers - sengers and six paluco coaches , the latter in the following order from the rear : Idlowild , Empire , Minnchaha , Vanderbilt , Sharon and Rod Jacket. 'Thi'.ao coaches were all Wagner cars , very heavy and strong , closely and stiffly coupled nnd packed with people ple , a majority of whom were assoni- 'blymon from Now York and Brook lyn and politicians and reporters who had boon engaged in the political deadlock at Albany. Most of the re porters were in thoEmpire.whero State Senators Wagner , Jacobs , Browning and Koiran , Assemblymen Chapin , Monk , Robert Vnn Allen , Costello , McManus and Shoehoy , Emmigration 'Commissioner Urlich and others wore discussing the deadlock when the train stopped in the cut. It did so gradually nnd the pause caused no alarm. Mr. Valentino sr. , whoso son and his bride were in a compartment on the Idlowild when thu train had stopped , wont on the rear plat form and looked out to see what was the matter. Another passenger , * a slim man , joined him. Valentino K hoard the shrill whistle of the Tarry- L town oxpref-s , approaching at a speed of torty-tive miles an hour , all trains whistling on the approach to warn the trackmen. He looked back up the W cut , and at two hundred feet away saw a headlight coming. Ho sprang off the platform and climbed up the side of the cut and escaped. The mall man turned and ran back into the car and must luivo been instruitlj killed. Pork Valentine nnd hisbrid were otidcutly not killed by the col Union , but were burned to death Their charred bodies wore found clos together. Valentino , senior , cays thnt whc ho sii w iho headlight the ninn wit a rod and \vliito light , who hat been sent back to signal ih Tarrytown train , wn standin waving hid lantern not tnn feet fron the roar of the platform of the Idle wild. The tram had stopped tw minutes before the collision nnd h could have got up the track far onaug ! to stop the Tarry town. The engince and fireman of the Tarrytown trait stuck to their posts and did nil ii their noivor to roverso. Uolh wer found in the cab in the iniddlo of th wreck , neither seriously hurt. When the train wan stopped Sons tor Wagner arose from his aunt in th Kmpiro and walked out on the roa platform of that car where ho wa standing \vhon the collision occurnul IIo must have bucn instantly killoi and afterwards burned , us th for ward iloor of the Idlowild was trio scopedjw or the car floor of the Em piro. fiio roof of the Inlcwild wn shoved until it lapped completely thii of thoEmpiio. PnsM'ncers in both trains \\er thrown violently from their seats nm nearly till inoro or loss injured. C5oo J. Spinney , reporter ot The No\ York Timer , escaped through a win dow of thu Empire , and hearing n aged gontlonmn fastened in the sum car crying For help crawled b.ic through the s.imo window , oxtiicnte ( him , although the car was blazing a the time , took oil' Ins own ulster wrapped it around the old gentleman extinguished the lire o.i his clothe and then helped him out to a pl.ico o safety. After this Spinney gntherct notes of the wiock and tolographet The TnncB two columns report of tin wreck. It 1ms boun ascertained that whoi the train stopped Senator Wagne went forward and ascertained thu iho engineer stopped because lie fount ho could not contiol the air brake ? while the train wns in motion , ant wanted the d&focl remedied before hi took the train throngh.tliocity streets Wagner then bturted back to see tha the danger signals were put out ant was on this mission when killed. The bodies of all the victims hat been brought to this city at 11 a. in The question of responsibility fo the disaster is now the main topic o discussion. All railroad otlicials ngrei that the blame rests entirely will Mclins , the brake-man , who negluctut to Hag the Tarrytown train in time tr prevent the collision , The corone ordered tlio arrest of Melius thisafter noon. John M. Townly , general Ruperin tcndont of thu Hudson River railroad said this afternoon that the blame o the disaster rested entirely with Me lius , the brakeman. When median ! cal expedients are exhauated , it if found safest to Rend the rear brake man back to flag any coming train This is a standing order , and the brakeman knew he would bo diamissei if ho violated it. Molius offered nc excuse , beyond that ho feared tlu train would .loayo him behind. Experience porienco proves that recalling a man back is as dangerous as not to send ai nil. The conductor is not expected to see or know his brakemen are out. A train is too long for a conductor to see to everything. The rear brakeman is always selected and supposed to tin dcrstand the responsibility of his po sition. The brakeman in this caao did not do his known duty , and th& company could not supply foresight ; o know if its employe does his duty , superintendent Catlin , in charge of the brakemen of the Hudson River and Central railroad , said : "I oxani- ned the case this morning , and found : ho cause of stoppage of the train was ; hat one of the plugs of the auxiliary air reservoir on mail car C78 , of the L.ako Shore Line , that came through rein Chicago , gave out , and this re- roascd the spring brake which caused stoppage of the car and train. As nir mst'fl all cars which were connected , t thus became necessary to bleed the lir chamber in which the spring , o have the pressure taken oil'so that ho train could proceed. I understand Conductor George J. Hanford , in hargo of the train , who is n very care- ul man , at once sent back Brakcmun Melius with a red lantern , to stop any rain that might como in the rear , and hen went forward to see what was the natter. Molina had ampin time to iavo gonp half a milo , if necessary , nd it is likely that there is where the atal error occurred , as from all oc- ounts the imn went back a very hort distance. I understand Melius as disappeared , and was last hoard of t Poughkoopsio , where ho lives. " Coroner Morklo , in whoso district lie accident took place , and Dr. Vatorman took a special train to tlio cone of the collision thia morning. Dn their arrival they found the bodies Ircady sent by order of Coroner Knox o the Grand Central depot. Morklo elegraphed Superintendent Brissel to old the bodies until ho got back. 3n Merklo's return Coroner Knox at nco turned over jurisdiction in the aso to him. Merklo examined the odicH All of thorn identified by riends will bo taken in charge by limn. The bodies of the unknown nan that of the supposed clergyman fioro taken by Mprritt , undertaker , to wait identification. Property and al unities of the victims were given to detective Shannon of the Grand Con- ral depot , excepting tliosp kept by lie coroner for identification. The roperly of Mr. and Mrs. Valentino , vore given to Mr. Valentino , Hi ; The ody of Oliver 15. Koely , of Sjiring 3ity , Pa. , was taken to Morritt's. lisa Brown's body was left in charge f friends. Merklo examined General superintendent Townly and UisHol in egard to the accident. They knew tothing personally of the n flair. Had > eon informed one of the air brakes f the Chicago express got out of rdor and that the train wan brought o H itand and that the accommoda- ion train tallowing run into it. The nly reason they could imagine for the banter was that the flagman had not gene back far enough to allow th tr.iin being brought to n stMul. Bissel telegraphed oulom to Pongh keopsio , where Brixkemati Melius lives to have him como donn. Coronu Mi rklo authorized Sergeant Goodoll of the Nineteenth sub-precinct , t Mi liim on arrival and lot th coroner Know of the arrest BO thnt h could give him u preliminary uxami nation. The inquest will bo hold in th early part of next week. It is now claimed the fire whirl coiuinned the greater portion of th wreck was not caused by the stoves Each car is supplied with about i dozen Itrd oil lamps. When tlio roof of two cars en * under each other the ; were ignited by the lamps which ru mained in plnco and floors nnd furniture turo caught fire from the Limps whid were shuttered. All passengers who have been inter viewed unite in dmtouncing thu brake man , who hsd time unough to havi gene back a milo and tl.iggod th second train. Oliver H. Keoloy , who lived sovow hours alter being conveyed to a hotel was conscious to the hut. He reeog tiizod one of the polieu us a folio * maaon and told the ollicer hu wns member of the Spring City Lodge No. of ) ! ) . "Writo to my wife , " h said , "and give her my love.1' Tht'i were his last words. Ono arm wn burned oil' and the body w.w ftxirli roasted. Mrs. T. W , Drown , who was killed was returning from a visit to the bed side of a dying relative. Her bus hand is a mining stock broker at 5 Broadway. Ho went to the Gram Central expecting to meet her. Th first iutiiratiou ho received thnt liter had boon an accident was the arrivn of a portion of the express train. On brakeman told him the remainder o the cars wore at the scene of the dis aster. Filled with apprehension o the worst , Mr. Drown procuied a c r riago and drove to tlio scone. 11 found the body of his wife. The lad. was about -10. The remains wor brought to her late residence on Forty second street. The remains of Mr. Daniel L Ran som were identified. Ho had been guest at the Hoffman house about tw Ho was ! W years old , uninai riod , fand from St. Lawrence. Hi business here was that of a sloe ! speculator. TIIK 1 > KA1) . The following is u correct list of th dead : Sonalor W. Wagnpr , Now York. Park Valentine , IJonnington , Vor mont. Mrs. Louise Valentine , of Nortl Adams , Mas" . Dr. D. L. Ransom , Messina , N. Y Rev. Father MHroshnl , S. J. , Troy O. It Keuley , Soring Cttv , Pa. L. R. Pringle , Philadelphia. WOUNIIBI ) . Uriggs , Now Yoik , severe interna injuries. J. W. Browning , senator , of Nov York , cut in the head and otherwise badly bruised. Edward Cahill , Now York C-ty bruised about the ribs and back. A. Chapin , assemblyman , Brook lyn , cut in the head with gloss. Mary Daniels , Sherwood house Now York , scalded on the breast tun arms. Jpiin C. Jacobs , senator , Brooklyn bruised about the head and shoulders. Edward Kearney , NHW York City bruised about the arm ? and body. Leonard Kollerhouso , Kin sbridgo severely bruised about the head um : jody. Robert A. Livingston , assemblyman Putnam , slightly bruised. Sydney P. Nicholo , police commis sioner , Now York City , cut on the inns and Iocs. Mra. E. R. Phillipo , White Plains , severely bruised on the head tine shoulders. Hampton .7. Robb , assemblyman , STow York City , bruised on the heail ind shoulders. Edward C. Sheohoy , assemblyman , Sow York City , severely bruised .bout the body. ALIIXNV , January-14. The senate : hamber has been draped in mourn- iiy. The desk of the late Senator Morgan is also draped. U the meeting of the senate Monday night arrangements will bo undo for attending the funeral in a > ody on Tuesday. II. R. Valentino , father of the 'onnii bridegroom , has returned to Voy on his w y to his homo in Bing- lampton. Ho says the story of tlio ) ride clinging to her husband RO that either could escape in erroneous , 'hey must have both been killed in- tantly. Mr. Valentino is himself ut erly prostrated by the shock. ALIIANY , January 15. Senator irady says thu deadlock is not affect- d by the death of Senator Wagner , 'lie governor must issue a call for a [ lecial election to fill the vacancy and lip election must bo held within liirty days thereafter. The district s strongly republican. Pimu > KU'mA , January 15. Oliver t. Keoloy , who was one of the vie ws of the Spuytpn Duyvil disaster , ms well known in this city , having ad an oflico and warehouse on North econd street. Ho was accompanied y George Thomas , one of his sales- neil and a resident of Philadelphia , lo has not been heard of ainco and it s feared he was ono of the victims. Jo was a ningla man 'i't years of ago. Extradition BdCnddlo- atlnnal AtHOcUtcwl [ 'IX-H , PITTHIIUKO , January J5 , The case f Miller , who escaped from the poni- entiary here in a shoo box , who is ow in Toronto awaiting oxtridition , ids fair to beeomti of national intor- st. Wardens Wright and Dressier ro there ready to nab him as noon as ho Canadian authorities give him ui > , vlnch they will not do for HOIIIO time ot. Miller was arrested on the liargo of carrying concealed weapons nd released on his own rccognii-anco , nd then arrested on the charge of ttompting to murder the victims of lie Catfish ( Ponn. ) robbery , for which o was originally imprisoned. This utter charge U made in order to ex > podito matters. The question nnso whether there is ny extradition treat1 between the United Slates ixni Canndix. The ciiso will have to go ti the Ciiuadix superior court for decision Brioi T lojjpimn , Uioh mineral discoveries have beoi made near Wlllcox , Arizona. Specimens imons oforo from the ledges assay fron StiOO to $12,000. The district hai boon named Oachho. The excite innnt has reached Toiub.stono and Do * Cabezos , Largo numbers are conunj in from the surrounding districts. Owing to the lursh north windi which have prevailed ( or the last few days the grass has nil dried up in C.d ifortna Mid sheep raisers nrj gettin ; so-iiaualy alarmed. A now trial has boon granted W F Hums , sentenced to h\ng at Dover Ark , on next Friday. Gov. Blackburn selegraphs tha Major Hicks must limn ; in Covingtot on next Fridayjxrith > iull pox or not , The doctors say ho will prib iblv die before the time. He is now doliiioim Tlio mother of tlio Into Gen. Goo. A Cnster died Saturday morning n MonroeMich. . The Detroit Evening Nous is receiving coiving oongratul ituiii by tolturinn from nil parts of tlio state , over tin victoiions tevininatimi of its libel suit HuL'li S IVoples , lh late plaintiff , i- still in jail pondiui ; steps for hit * tir , raujmnont for the inurJur of Mai tin Wltitla. 1 { . L. llood'a dt'tidcitiim as c.iHhii'i of thu local freiiiht otlico of tlu Wnbash , at Dotioit , will foot up con mderahle moro than$10,000. lloh'i < been gambling and drinking to oxcus- for months Um present where abouts ate unknown. A vein of p'otiolcmu has boon dis e..vond at Pomeroy , Ktmaas , neai Leavcnworth. Chas. P. Joiios , ( we of the shrewd ustcrooks in the country , escaped jui at Akron , Ohio , Sijurday niglit , will the aid of a servant" girl , who also dis appeared. No ws is received'of the death Ivj suicide of Wm. Garuoy BollodnniK' of Gloucester county , Now Brims wick , Saturday , lie ( list attomptei to cut his throat with an axe ant failed. Ho went to his barn mid h ) means of a scythe made a fright fn gash from oar lo oar , which spoedih terminated his life. By the fall of two two-story frami honao.s in the rear of 1011 Princi street , Brooklyn , N. Y. , 01 Saturday , three hoys , VVillian Spollan , William Wincholto ant Thos. Bulo , xvore killed. Two othei hoys narrowly escaped boinis killed , It is rumored that the body of a mm is still amid the debris. Auditor Massey holds out in oppo sition against tin * dictation of the Vir ginin legislative caucus rule ndoptet by the readjust era , which provides foi the appointment by the CIIUCIIH o clerks in capitol offices. A bill was introduced in the Vir ginia legislature on Saturday , provid ing that nil state , city or county bomb hereafter issued shall boar on thnii face the provision iliat they shall hi taxed nt the saim rft.cras lands. fibrmUn eitizonsTit licliniond liavi petitioned the Virginia legislature t ( take action to facilitate immigration , Samuel Green fatally stabbed Join Leffingxvoll , in a drunken row at Vol untown , Conn. Marital infidelity 01 : the part of Loflingwoll's wife wan the cause which led to the crime. Green was arrested. Venerable John M. Boll , oneo .1 prominent citizen of Dayton , Ohio , was struck by a D. it M. locomotive just north of that city and killed on Saturday Col. W. H. Sparks , a noted Geor gian , died suddenly nt Marietta , O. , on Friday night. About the time South Carolina seceded he was fa mous for his anti-secession Hi'iitimonts , and once when ho made a speech in Now Orh'nim threats of lynching him uetu Hindu. Harry BaHCOin , the actor whoso feet were fro/.on near Bnciton recont- 'y ' , necessitating amputation , has ap plied for admission to Forrest's Ifoinu. The application will bo grant ed. The largo ocean steamship Queen of the Pacific , constructed for the Pacific Joust steamship company , was suc cessfully launched from thu ship Cards of Wm Cramp it Sons , Phila- ielphia , Saturday , thu ceremony of mristening being performed by Miss Julia Cole , of Htaton Island. The vessel has accommodation for l.'iO irst-chiBB and sovonty-livo steoiago ) BsengorH. Shn will ply between jan Francisco and Portland , Oregon , Lfid will bo ready to leave for herdus- ination in about n month. Gooigo Appier , a car examiner on ho Now York Central A ; Hudson liver railroad , was crushed hotweon wo freight cars and instantly killed estcrday morning at Uio Utica freight lopot , The Bond adhoriats have decided to abandon the proposed contest and at loon Saturday the now prouidunt , jowen , took posscHsion of the Jtead- ng road. On Saturday Gov. Cameron npprov- id the Riddloborgor bill No. 50. [ fiown there us the "coupon killer" > ill , which provides that u court of ustice or a jury fllmll pass upon the ; oiiuinenesa of such coupons us may ) o offered before they bo accepted by ho state for taxes. To-day the r.itos on Hour and grain rein Chicago to the neaboard will ho tdvancod by the trunk lines. The Dominion government an lounccs in the Canada Official ( ) a/.ette hey h-jvo disallowed the [ irovincial ict of iho Manitoba legislature incor- mrating the Winnepog Houtheastern ftilroad company. Notwithstanding the circular re- lontly issued by the Dominion gov- irinnent calling on certain banks to nako return to the government loans m bank stock , etc. , the monthly bank itatemont allows advances under thu lead of louuB , discounts , or advances for which ntoek , bonds or debenture * etc , are held as coll.xter.vl , have nv eroftdfd from $ l,2itMUl ( ) in Novomboi to $ lUlint : ( ) during the last month owing to heavy losses itustainml , The paid up capital of the Kxchangi lunk of Yarmouth hixs boon tmpairet 'JO per cent. The directors recom mend stops bo taken for reducing tin paid up capital in nil 'M per cent , thin providing for n ronorvo of about 840 , 000 and placing the bank in conditioi to resume busiuoat. Compliment * of Whltolaw Rolil NutlonM A V ! tftl Trow. NKW YOKK , January 16. White h\v Keid in u pcr/uuml editorial yes- tordixy referring to the man win printed in the Herald recently Reid'i alleged letter of mlvico to ( Jarliold , URod the following latiguago' "Dtttto Messrs. Oonkling v put him forward , we have t < ot sought n revival of last summer's warfare. Wt know that no frioud of the president has nought itwithhlsapprovaland that no friend of the republican p.vry ( seeks it. Whoever does seek it will HpiHidtly learn that the onnential facts h-ivn not been changed by the bullet of tlio IUKIUMM. Tlio muunulion of .1 ml o U ibortnon was eminently lit- tniur mul iliiilutu did not eliaiiKu tlio fluiracitor of it. The resignation of Mosm , Coiikltug ami Plait was an act of incredible and ehildhlio folly , and Guttean Im not changed that. Tlio M-idict aiiiuat thoin by then own legiHlaturo wan ovtrwlii-liuing , yt\t \ it only faintly expressed the condemn i- t ion of tl'o Htuto nnd conntiy , nud Gultuau has not changed that. The ' of the country beliovotl in and ovud Gattiohl , and Ouite.xu has not changed tint. They count too largely on Uuiteau'n bullet who think the the time has already como to attempt Iho rehabilitation of tlio m-uilonnl suicides by sl.vndorim ; or belittling the mart } lud president. " Heavy Qroonry Futluro. Kiktlnnul AnnocinUnl 1'tiMS. Onirvno , January 15. It will bo n genuine aurprino to tlio Innings com munity to-moriow morning to learn that late on Satutd ly ovi'inug the old est.iblmhud whok'w.ilo groouiy hou t ; of Sibley , Dtntloy it Co18 and M South Water street , miido an assign , mont for the bonolit of itn creditors. HoniyM. Huiupliiy , of the tirm ol Mosiibook it lluniihry | , who roceutlj poiformed a similar service forlvon JOH , Cloys A' Co. , was made anniijiiee. The liabilities of the liriu are placet : by themaolvea at § 225,000 , , and na- soU at Jf2J5,000. The stock will in voice about $7f > ,000. The balance it in accounts , which are widely scat- torod. Tlio house has boon est.ib liehod over twenty years and IUIH boon doing a buniness of n million and n half u year. Their failure was pre cipitated by Iho falling duo of notes to tint amount of $75,000 , which the linn had given W. F. Endicolt , a former partner in the linn of Sibloy , Endicott & Co. , who wore succeeded three years ago by Sibloy , Dudley & Co. It is understood there are tx largo number of creditors both in thu taut and woat , but it is thought no ono will bo seriously alloctod , Fnoiflo Railroad Now- National AnocUUxl Print , Sioux CITY , la. , January 15. In formation has boon received from Homi-ollicial sources thnt the Central Pacific will not build east to the Mis souri river , but only to the Wyoming coal fields and send a branch from there south to the Union I'aeifio line uomowhero near the Green river and take piuuengors and freight there. The simo informant says tlio South ern Pacific is making contracts for trannportion of California wheat to England and Now Orleans at the same rate iw wan paid for all sea routes. Wheat cars will bo fitted up to carry immigrants and a faro of § ! ! ( ) from eastern points to San Fr.mcisco is promised. National Association of Atnatonr OarBmim. Nitloml Aiwoclattil I'mtn NKW YOKK , January 15. At a rogul r meeting of the executive com mittee of the National Association of Amateur Oarsmen Saturday , it was lecided to abandon the six-oar hargo at the regatta , and substitute a 'oiir-onied junior race. The commit- , ee appointed decided Iho IlillHilnle crow should ho sent to England. A committee was apnointud to decide ipoii the time and jil.ieo for the regatta. The ollicors of the ansocia- Jon wore then constituted a commit- eu to devise ways and iiieana for Bending thu Hillsdalos to England , Small Fox- National Adxoclatuil I'rinfl HiciiMONii , Vii. , January 15. Car- ilinu RichingH-Bornaid died in this city yesterday morning of small pox. Jer death created great grief hero , jhc was buried in Holy wood oeme- cry , Rov. K. G. Armstrong ofliciat- ng. There is no noticeable incrraso of mail pox here and tlio alarm is sub- tiling PUIIT JKIIVIH , N. Y. , January M. < "ivo now cases of small pox to-day , naking forty-two CUHOH in all. The Right "Way to Fray. fatl'inal A ocmt ( l I'roxii. PiiTrtimiio , .January 15. A Wash- ngton , Pa , special to the Loader says [ 'homos Forsyth , who withhmbrother MoHliao and Wm. Bnrringor brutally iiurdurod Thos. Foray thnt Monongri- tola City last April , was found guilty if murder in thu first dogroo. The hreo ilefondantH were grunted sonar- ito trials , Meshao's coinmuiiceu M on lay , The jury olforod prayer before aking a vote on the verdict. The Star KoutoTrial. National Awoclalol I'reux. WAHIIINOTOW , January 15 , Soveial clerks in the contract ollice were put on the stand yesterday to identify certain bids as having bucn taken From the files of that oflice and the oucHtton of the admiHsability of evidence - donco was raised by the defense. Thu cauo was adjourned at 1:40 : at the ro- queit of the defense until W dneada/ . GAMBETTA'S CRIP. Strengthening His Hold on thi Fronoh QovQrnraont , * By Attomptluj ; the Bnaotmoni of Laws that Do Not Suit the Majority. The Attempt to Restore Par neil to Liberty Looked Upon as a Woaknoaa. Anil in Vlow of the Clronmitnuco It Will Not bo Done- National Antorlfttait 1'nm. PAIUH , January 15. Gambotta's nt tittido in tlio chamber of deputies 01 ascending the tribune to propose th revision of thoJWalton eonstitutioi wns tinner nnd moro conservativothai over. Ho knew , no doubt , that th game ho had to play \\.i.s dangorona and seinned itiito ] resiini ; < d tti stand o or fall \\ith diunily , A duputation o the loft hud ondoavoied to as certiu'n his tinal tlotcrimmition on tin question of the lovuion of the semti und of the ncnttiii do Into , but tin Cis\r had flatly rofitHvd to onlightet thorn heforo the mooting of Iho eliiun bt'tH fuitlior tluu by decloriiig that i it was doleutud on u xoto the o.iliine would at once resign. This had noi unnaturally put the radicals , who now mutter about ono hundred members into an exceedingly bad temper , am when the president of the council ho gin his long and nliihoitito statoinoni of the motives wlnuh had actuated tin cabinet in raising the question of revision vision ut thin particular moment , hi was received by the more advance ! poition of the chamber with anything but an oncouriiging manner. Hi ; usual supporters on the hunches of the left and left centre meanwhile - while kept perfect tiilonco , while the right , having nothing to gain or lost in the matter , sooniod theiimulvos ut terly indillorent. AH the reading ol the document wont on , the attitude ol the house grow moro and moro chill in" , and when , nflor an hour and t half , Gambotta returned to his sen1 on the ministerial bunch , not half t dozun hands were raised to appltim him. LONDON , January 15. Ministerial ists say Unit there will bo no mori cabinet councils thia month. Then 1ms boon no addition to the pro nxiniui already announced , but n final do cislon bus been taken to domain cloture , a measure of eiuinl strimoncj as the American "previous question' requiring only a bare majority toclosi a debate. This is deemed the moan : of restoring legislative efficiency The suggestion of release of Parnel und other memboru of parliament excites cites strong opposition and would hi regarded alike in Ireland and England as ix fresh weak attempt at impossible conciliation. Ireland remains in statti quo The decision of the central laud court in the appealed casoH ii anxiously awaited. The Indian government roitoratoi the warning to.tho King of Burma ! against granting nitmcTpolicBin dofianci of the English treaty. Dr. Carver defeated Graham yesterday - torday in ti match shooting oil' twu kioa. Each shot at 2'2 birds. Carver won both ties. BKUMN , January 15. Herr Putt- kamor , on opening the Prussian diet yesterday , inferred to the improved ituto of the government's litmnccH and railways , they having yielded 2- ! ( , 000,000 murks surplus and there WUH i prospective increase of railroad rev enues during the coming year. Hu asked a small loan for the establish ing of productive works in order to { ivo greater employment tthu work- ng classes. Ho also Hiiid ho would eatly in the session introduce a bill providing for the enforcement of the ecclesiastical lawn of July 28th and line enlarging in its scope thu provis- mm of the act enacting the law. In uoncli'sion ho stati.'d the friendly relu- iona between Prussia and the Vatican nid been resumed. CAPITAL NOTES 'uUonal AHBOclutcd 1'rwu. IIUTV ON HOOI' IKON. WAHIIIMOTON , January 15. A sub- : ommittoo of thu ways and moans jommittoo heard an argiimont yeator- lay morning by Mr.Vooks , editor of L'ho Iron Ago , on MuKinloy and AIIIOB Townsoad'u bill to amend Hec- ion 2,50-i , ruviHcd statutes , by add- ng a proviso that in no case shall the luty on any manufactured article bo oss than the duty iitffcn the material if chief valua from which it is matin- acturod. His argument was mate rially directed to the duty on hoop ind band iron. OLA I MB KOIt ATTKNIIIMl OAUriKU ) . The committee to audit accounts growing out of the shooting , sickness , nd burial of President Gariiuld guvo lotico to-day to claimants to present heir claims before the 10th of Feb ruary. M1N'KUANKOUH. ( On Friday the secretary of the navy , through the United States min ster at St. Petersburg , sent orders to jieut. Dovuhauor and Engineer Moll , rillu , of the Jojnnetto search oxpodi- ion , not to leuvo the vicinity where hey landed until tha remainder of thu jxnedition had been secured and to leip in the search by all moaim in heir power. The Hi'riculturnl congress is most arguly attended by southern ami western farmerH. Cereal crops wort considered and papers read by Prof , Illunt , of Colorado , and Col. Uurlc man , of the United Stales uignnl scr vice. Dr. R. L. Brown , of .Indiana read u paper on the hotter organiza tion of agricultural woik throughout thu country. There huvo already been introduc ed in the two houses o congress during the fifteen day , actual session , 1150 bills , beside joint concurrent and aimplo rcsolu lions and innumerable petitions , nnd less than fourteen of all have boon dis cussed. From now to July are 1C { > days , from which deducting Sundays , holidays and days for memorial eor- vices remain 100 working days. If no more bills are introduced it would require each liouso woik off twenty- six bills , etc. , a day , not considering thu fourteen general appropriation bills , nnd every Monday for montha now bills will pour in so that the hopolosanesii of thu private claims maybe bo understood in a MniltUo- Tot'EKA , KAN. , January 15. By the recent decision of thu state supreme premo court it has boon discovered that the laws of Kansas since 1875 nro in a most magnificent muddle . By thu constitution tif this state the low er house of the legislature can in no c.xso consist of moro thnn l'J5 mem bers , yet in 1877 the number in the home exceeded thii number ; in 1870 the houflo consisted of III ? members , and ih 1881 tlio hotino consisted of KtB members Hence it follows no- uording to the decision of oursnpromo court promulgated on January 5th , 188' ' , thut all laws passed which only had n majority by reason of the as sistance of the illegally voting tncm- liurs of the house tire simply no hxwn til till and are absolutely void An the house und senate journals are still in the hands of thu punter. It iti not kmmn at this time what ottoct this decision will have upon the laws of a general nature. Sulolilnil ill a Churoh- .Nation il AwucialiPri" ! < l OTTAWA , Out. , January M. Last evening , wlnlo the congregation of the Ciitlioho ehurch were ongngod in diiviilioii , a report of n pistol was honid , eiiiaing fioin thu seats in the euitioi.f the building. A general nUiiqiedo followed , and U was some time liofi'io the e.uiso of the report \\a.s diHcoverod. After nearly everyone ono had left the church an old man was found in a kneeling position with blood Mowing from his riuht temple , still holding tx revolver in his hand. Medical mil was immediately sum moned , but beloro a doctor arrived the unfortunate man expired. It appears that the victim , who was a str-iugcr in the city , was nnmuil Thos. Wileh , nnd had n few days since boon admitted to the homo for the aged. Temporary insanity was the cause. Cauailtnn Baiilc Crnolioil- NatlonM WyoMiNii , Out. , January 15. A. safe in Kuucett's banking ollico hero was blown open Friday niylit and a , consiilorablo amount of cash taken. Entrance to the bank was obtained by forcing ono of the windows and no less than three tloors fitted with com bination locks were blown open be fore the booty WIIH wecurod. The ex plosion shattered the front windows forty feet , iiwny and covered the floor of the largo vault with a mass of bro ken iron nnd plaster. Many people were startled from their sleep by the noise bif. thought nothing further of it. The tools , stolen from a black smith shop near by , and a quantity of putty were loft behind by the burg lars. _ _ Tried to Kill Feddler. National AuoclatoJ 1'rcw * ' HAiiru.siiuuo , Pa. , January 15. Charles and Augustus Dean , of Mer cer's Gap , Cumberland county , have l > eon arrested and lodged in jail at Now Itloomfield on the charge of at tempting to murder a peddler. The man stopped over night at the resi dence ot Dean and next morning they waylaid and shot him , nnd suppi sing lim dead , throw him under a brush map along the road side , where a man , n a biiL'gy found him shortly after wards. The peddler was taken before i justice of the peace and told his story with great difficulty. A consta- ilo who arrested the Deans found .hem dividing the victim's money. danada vs. the Pullman Company. National AHKOI latixl MONTUICAI. , Can. , January 15. The imount of the claim on the part of tlio customs officials against the Pull- nan car company for infraction of the revenue laws in about SHO.OOO. This amount , it in expected , will bo further lugmontod by the further claim made of some $20,000 for repairs made to car fittings in the United States upon Canadian built cars which should have ) een done in Canada. It is assorted hat although the government cannot collect for infractions of Unit kind bo- rnnd the last three ye.irs , yet should heir cuso bo made they can complete hu amount by the weight of the fine mposod. _ _ Funny Verdict- National Annotated 1'roai. Pnii.ADKi.rniA , January 15. The nry in the case of Robert Lystor jmith , charged with shooting Samuel Josephs in a railroad train while returning - turning from a democratic convention it Williatnsport , announced Saturday uorning they could not agroo. Judge ) DriggH expressed an opinion that the case was a plain ono and instructed ho jury they must agree. Later iu lie day they returned a lengthy ver- lict to thu filed that the pistol was irod in a frolic. Smith was released ) ii $5,000 bail until Tuesday , when .ho court will tlccido if it can enter judgment under the verdict. _ _ Hammered a Lawyer- National A oclatoJ I'rcM WKHT Ciii'.srKii , Pa. , January 15. Lust niglit J. D. White , a resident of Upper township , Custcr county , brutally assaulted Charles Ponny7 packer , of this place , The allray , which took place in a lawyer's ollico , hud its origin in business relations. The assailant was formerly n client or ! Pt'iinypacker'i. The latter is in a , serious condition. TwelvoHnndrod Men Thrown Out. National AtwociaUil 1'reu. " vJ'irrsnoHo , January 16. It is stated on good authority that thu four mills of tjto Siemens and Anderson stool company were hut down yester day for an indefinite period , throwing - ing 1,200 men out of , employment ,