G TUE OMAHA IMILX BEIfc SATURDAY JANUARY H , 18--2 COUNCIL BLUFFS. Death of Wm , H , Powers , an Old and Wealthy Oitizon , Ho Wills a Thousand Dollars to His Nurso. Stolen Silverware Recovered From u Lot of Rubbish. A Dangerous Embankment Oaves in and Nearly Kills a Man. Retirement of Mr. Atlnms From tlio Connell Bluff-i Doimrtninnt Ho Hnii Ably Conducted. Tun HKK reporter yesterday visited the National Shot company's works. Wo found Superintendent II. A. Shearer and a crow of men busily at work heistint' the heavy machinery inlo placo. He roporls the company in good trim , and says they will be ready for business in about a month. Ho thinks that they will revolutionise the shot tnillio rf the country. They know by actual experience that an ar ticle can bo made superior in every soiiBo to the old "lead , " and the ex perience of manufacturing is nominal , when compared with the old process. At first the company proposed to do their melting in the upper part of the building , but finding that they would experience some difficulty in effecting insurance they abandoned the idea and constructed an additional building in the rear , whore this process - cess will bo carried on. This change will necessitate the putting in of now hoisting machinery , as the lead will have to bo carried from hero into the top before being dropped into the bath. Mr. Shcarcr-and all concerned arc delighted with the encouragement they arc receiving all over the coun try , and are only too anxious to got < lown to business and put their shot in the market. onrriuuv. William M. Powers , an old and ro- spcclrd citizen of Council ( ( lull's , died at his residence on upper liroadway at about 7 o'clock vesterday morning , of dropsy. The deceased came lo thin city as early an the year 1817 , and since that time has been engaged in farming in this county , in connection with trndiiiL' . Mr. Powers was taken sick about three or four months ago , and sttited to fiionds that he believed bo would not get around again. He has been gradually sinking for sumo weeks , and about three days ago be came unconscious , in which condition ho passed away. Mrs. Powers , the estimable uifn of the deceased , died last March. They leave no children. Ho left a will giving all of his relatives in tlio cast , including an in valid sister , who resides in Now York , and to whom the largest portion goes. Ho also wills the girl Mary , who has boon nursing him during his late ill ness , $1,000. He makes John Clau sen and Peter Wies executors. It is estimated that his estate is worth in the neighborhood of 200,000. The funeral will take place from his late residence on upper Hrondway at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. W. II. AFFU'.UK , of York , England , who is pronounced liy those who have heard the greatest living orator , will preach in the Uroadway M. E. church to-morrow morning. The name alone is sullicient to draw a crowded house. Wo pub lish the following testimonials : The llov. Mr. Allleck , the great Eiu'lish orator and singer , delivered one of his interesting lectures at thu opera house last in ht before a large and appreciative audience. From the commencement until the close ho.en chained the attention of his hearers. [ London Prco Press. Ho is a remarkable preacher and lecturer , and may bo regarded among the foremost divines in America. { Ogdensburg Journal. An able preacher and an oloquonl orator. - [ Brooklyn Eagle. TUB LADY OK LYONS. On Thursday evening Dohanoy'i opera house was well filled , it bemj the occasion of the presentation o Uulwor's famous play , "Tho Lady o Lyons" Mr. Clifford divided tin honors with Miss Wojt , the , formei taking the part of Claude Melnotti and the latter Paulino. The ontin company gave entire satisfaclion , am the evening's entertainment was om of the most enjoyable of the aoasoi thus far. HTOI.KK HII.VXU IlKCOVKKKI ) . . On Thursday whilq Ed. Uritton who keeps a variety utoro on Mail ntre-et , wa clearing away BOIUO oh rubbish neur his ice house near tin Fourth ward school house , ho cann upon some silverware wrapped up ii a napkin. The ware has been identi lied as belonging to Mr. L. C. Uahl win , and was stolen from his resident omo time ago. It is presumed tin thieves after taking it hid it undo Borne old lumber , but forgot the plac and wcro unublo to find it afterwards TIIK FIKB JI01WES. } Ve wore led to believe that a aingl pair of ihtru'8 purchased in St. lxui by Alderman Dawson and Jake Uoe era , cost , including expenses , nboii 8000. \ \ o are informed that this BUI will mom than cover the coat of fou horses , tlmt the committee purchase instead of two , each pair costing i the neighborhood of &JOO , or 915 each. This showing ought curtain ! to satisfy any taxpayer , for t tin price the teams'are a bargain. NAItltOW Uil'Al'K rilOM DKATII. 11. Oldaker , at woik on the blu at the head of Turley's glu , , , met wit an accident tlmteamu very near resul ing in his boingburied alive. The hui under which he was working ga\ way. Ho was extricated from his p. . Bitioii by thu utmost t-xurtiona of h follow-workmei ) . There were i lionefl broken. It wji ] be rememben that Mr. O. wits buried at this Ban jplaco , together with another wor ! innn. The ncoiilout nt tlmt tiino ru- nulled in the duntli of the totter. roi.ici : i1 Neatly nil the kocpois of houses of ill fnme were brought before Judge Hurk yesterdny itnd the us mil fliiu im posed , John Kny was taken to police head quarters yesterday nnd fined $ ( \.Ki \ for being drunk. WtllB IllSTIUIlUTIO.V. Tickets to the Rescue gift concert nnd bixll worn mild nil over the country as far east ns Mnino nnd west to thu Pncific. I'KIlhONAL. To-day ono of Council liluftY weal thy nnd most honored families , Hon. Horace Everett's , will stnrt over thu Union I'ecific for the Pacific coast , to spend thu remainder of thu winter. Mr. Krorrott uxpoctn to return in thu wpring nnd lielp to elect a mnyor. Hu would not mnke u bad one himself. J. V. I'urdy is pulling nnd blowing over the street rnilway crossing on lower Mnin Btn-ut. Ho Bays it iw the immt disagreeable job on thu whole route. Mrs. Dtirgan , who owns thu frnnlo on thu corner whore thu Mil- wntikuu roml untern Alain street , waa oll'ored by that company 1,000 for the property. .She wanted 0,000 , which they refused to give , Chief of Police Field , nftor working nil night calling oil'dances at the lire- mnn'H ball , wan louiid next day promptly at hi powt of duty. Ho Bays hu is no UHud to plajinir nil night that it docs not inter.eru with his vrorlc nuxt day. James liallnrd , brother-in-law of .1. B. Corbaloy , and sister arrived in Council IlluiTh from their hontu in Iirliiuiupolif ) , Indiana , on a briuf visit to Mr. 0. They took a trip over thu city , and expressed themselves highly pleased. Thoyaro almost t"tnpted to move west and settle hero permanently ly- VAI.HWfTOUY. To the Patrons of TIIK lit it : Having made up my mind to dovotu my entire attention to the practice of my profession , with thin issue I retire from the management of the Council HUill'it lucal department of TIIK O.MA- HA Hun. Hoping that the Hamu kind cniiHidnration tihown mo will be ex tended to my successor , Mr.V. . II. Tilton , and thanking eauh und all for every favor , miking the forgiveness of any that I mny have grieved , I bid you farewell. C. F. ADAMS. cor.Ni'ii. iii.wrs DISUUHHII : > . Thu mammoth elevator that for some time has been lifting its pun- derous Bides nkywatd hai been roofed in. Wo are informed by its builder that thin one JH only the commence ment of thu grain business at thin point. Ho says thuy expect this year to erect an elevator of double thu ca pacity. Ho alao gives it as his opin ion that in a fo\v yi-arsa l.uv'J ! portion of the grain handling will be done in Council .Bluffs , and tint ten yuiru hence wo can ' oant af fifty thoiiaand inhabitants at least. There can bo no doubt that thu two citirs on the Missouri at thin point ten years hence will contain ono hundred thousand soul * , which city whall contain thu greater nunibur Mil depund greatly upon which puts forth tlio greatest exertion. Omaha nt the present time lends us about 5,000. Shu got this start by having and holding for a long time thu eastern terminus of the U. I' , railrond. Since the decision of the United States supreme court in our favor we have been narrowing the npnco between us in Bpito of drawbacks that nl ways como to n young city. There is no point on the American continent for business that excels this city. With railroad facilities unsurpassed , with air im mense water power , as by survey has proven to exinthero. The question of a system of water works has boon sot- tli-d. Manufacturing will follow. As Burn an the light follows the darkness the people will follow thu manufac tories nnd soon wo nhall have u city that for numbers and enterprise of which the country may bo proud. There is scarcely n nl ranger who visitu our city but will make the remark , "You havu the bust location for a manufacturing centre in this country , " and there is no question about it that Council Hlulls cannot bu excelled as n location by any city in America in tlmt direction. Located nearly in the geographical graphical center of the "states , " with railroad facilities unsurpassed , near coal mines that are inexhaustiblewith plenty of water the year round , cer tainly there can bo no moro desirable location , everything considered , than Council Blulls iora great manufactur ing centre. Corn , hogs and wheat will feed the people ; but they alone nuvor build up largo flourishing com munities. The little "Nut-meg" state , with less than 000,000 inhabitants , has a revenue from her manufacturing industries alone of neurly 9180,000- 000 , and wo find a very largo percentage contage of bur laboring classes engaged - gaged in manufacturing Hmall articles , pins , needles , hooks , brushes , combs , nnd in fact nearly the whole lint of Hiimll things nro made in little Con necticut , and nearly all of thum could bu mauulacturcd right in this city. Thu mayor and city council claim tlmt the hnancml condition will be shown by actual figures lo bo such that every citizen will miy at thu end of the year , " \\oll done , good and faithful Horvnnts. Thou hast been been faith. ful during your last term ; wo will nmko the rulers for the next entoi r thwi into the confidence of thy pee ple. ' They claim that ? CO,000 will cover not only the expenses of run iiing the city government , but out ol this they have constrnctod sidewalks , avenues , purchased a now uteiuner two jMiirof now horses , now harness t Ui " " . 'I8'1"11 ' Btr'ut ' ! 't an oxponm 5UeUO , paid the tourmimentoxpenses upported hundreds of poor peoph during the Heed last spring. Tlioj claim that the actual expenses durini the year will not exceed 10,000 , 01 the monthly outlay of a city like Do , Monies. If tin * i,0 „ „ , ju , . , gunj ] , ( lose no time in placing the figures be fore the neople. That this how about _ ho bankrupt condi 'ion is simply bosh , and is doiii ] our city moro hurin than good Oily orders are worth JOO cents on th dollar at any business house in th city , the Bamo being payable in general oral fund orders. The city is growin very rapidly ; oxpeimos are growiij larger each ycur ; improvements mue bo made , and taxes must bo lovie and co lected. Wo uhouldbtop growi iiifi hko a dog with a nero head 11 those who happen to be in poW4 v , but pull together and build up our oily. It should 1m the duty of H < HIU > nu to BOO to it that after the coal ! , < iu in our sidewalks are used lln-y a.e "V- ered tip. Hut a sh'irt ' limn ngo the tax-payers wcro called upon to pay a man Sl'OO fur carelessly stepping into one , the cover of which had been al most put back in place. I'M * almost business won't ' pay. Not only the driver of the coal wairon , but tlio par ties occupying thu building should nee to it tlmt the cover is replaced firmly. We nro informed that a woman ntepped into ono of these iron covers on Main street ; it gave way and her leg was precipitated through the hole. Fortunately she received no injury. Our police force should keep their eyes open and on the look-out for such things ilurirg their perambulations , and thus pro- loot the city from damnge from such accidents. The sidewalks In our c'ty that is , on the lotidonco streets are in a very bad condition nt * hu present time. It seems nn if wo ought to allurd to keep them in good n > i > nr. The JLnndnu Lunont. The London Laurel KHJK : "Mnnv a life has bcttilivid by tinmo al cotir'ifc ( if tlio Hillfcrrr , anil inanv a life I ui III-MI Hived by taking Sl'lUNo lIUjsxo.M In ra u of bilious finer , in iij'tjHti'Hi ur livci oiii- plntnU. " 1'rlcu r.Oi-unln ; liml linttluH 0 ontx. il-lw TRUTH ATTESTED , KUCJWII Fnoplo "Wliolly V , rl od. In order tli.it tliu putillc nmj fully rvnllzu Iliu K'iiu1iii < ni > H ol tlm ntJitu uili , .11 \\ill rxth' lioMernnil vnluo ol tu ) nrllclo ol uli"li thu\ xpunk , vu pulillth tier with t u f.tr-Hlinlla B IU- tiiruaof tiitrtlux i OHOnliucntv U lii'V'n < < | "u lion. 'I ho Truth of tliu t HtlnionlnlH LH ulwo luU > , ncrutiittiu luctM iliuy uiiiiuuniu hu IK' nortxl. OMAHA , Xrn. , liny 24 , lti.il , H. II. WJIRM-R tt Co. : DKAKHIIC I lm\u fruqucntly IM < M | Warner's Halo Klilnu ntitl l.lvrr Oiro lor loo. . I ulfoctlo b ntUiiilniit upon Huvero rlicnnmtl nttAckn , and ha\oa.l a > H diTlvtx ! l.uicllt tliurutrom. I lime ulio imi'il the Mifu > r. nu with mill'f , rory r HiiltN. I connlilcr Itiumi midltl.ifl wur.hy ol cunlliliv to. Deputy Trrenurcr. OMAHA , NKII , uy til , 1 ai , II. " . WAIINKH & t'd. , llocliitito' , N. V : ORNTW : I hauinwl your . - afu Kulncy anil l.lvcr Cnru Uiin nprl K' n ft' her lnvliorator , nn > l 1 flnil I thu IHHI runu'ily I iturtriinl. I lime liked 4 liotlluN n il It hat initilu inu ( eel hitter than uvcr I ulil liuforu In thu U. I1. U. OMAHA , NHII , Muj 21 , 1811 , II. II , WARNKH d.Co : Hum : Fur nxiru than Ifi y ors I lia\o mifluml mucli In oiiuniuiicc frnmroinlilncil klilnvy mill ll\cr illHt'iM'rt. id liavu liuun tin lilo to work my nrln y or ( { IIM also hi'lnjf alTic'od I'rlviln runt inun > nitillciiuH anil cJuctoiH , lint 1 ( ? ' wornu ami worm d.ij b > ilay luiuitiilil I hail lllyht'n | ) | HCUH , unil > uistiuil it.y ( If den't ) \ I conlil not hi\o pio.iy relief. I took your Mift K'uiiuy mill l.itvi i lire , kii > < wli' ) { nothlni ; el ttiwmur Icnnwti to tun tha ilim'a u , ntnl 1 liai not linen iliMip | > lii' ' ' < l Tn in illilno hns tim'd mi' , anil I uni pcrfoi ly well tuilainiir 1 } thro KM jour -no Khlnvy and l.nerC'nro I l li jou all BIICO HH In ) iiiliiUhln tlih v lintblu ho nrM. U. I' . R. It. 8how | , Thousands 11 wpully rmu' cniloisvinunt mny of them In ranovhcro h | HI WM aim"- onil l Imve biini n.liintarlly nlv' nHhnwln , | ; the uinoikttblu iximir ol U'urner'i , Sao Klilnuy and .Iver Cure , in ull il H < aw > ol thu kltlne > , Ihct r urinary oiKiitin. If HMJonii nho rcadH thi.i t- iJ < v al trouble mine > boi tha | ; ra I lade Works ! Richmond , Ind. KSTAKLISIISU * 1842. Builders of ENGINES OF ALL SIZES , From 3 to 25 H. P. AW MILLS , ForLSrnK.8na" or all Qralrm nnd 8ced , Including Clover and Timothy , Feed Mills , &o. , &c. t will puy you hugely to write , suit ing whut you want and how ' yon wish to pay. nuiurl Inrtucemonti to Oath Purcha er . OOREBS : ROBINSON & CO. , no2wtf Richmond. Ind. PROBATE NOTICE. n the matter nt thu Kilatoof Peter J. Johnioi > ilecoancd Notice la harcli ) g\\vn \ that the creditors o : nld iloccuHixl , vll 111. ) , t the uilinlniBtrutor ol Bali tatf , before inn. County Jud re of UouffUu Jonnty , Ncliroxka , at a County i.ourt Itnoin Ii aid County , on the "Ull day ct N'otvmlier , 18.11 Hi the 21th ihi } ol . aiiuarv , lhS2 , and o thi : ith day of March , lKi'2 , at lu o'clock a in. aio lay , for the | iurH > tiu ol ] inxt ntliii , ' thilr elaiim 'or ' oiauiliiatlon. adjuntineiit nnd allow am n Six moiitlm am uilowcnl fur Liolltora to prtwenl their claims , anil ( iiiejeur lor thu administrator U BOttle italil l'X te , from the 'Jlth d \ \ of Stitein | > or , 1BS1 , this not' ' , iwill hu | iul > lUhea In 'I'm DMAIIA WKKKLY It' ( for fnur weokii iiiccutmlvvly iirlor to thu iUh * v : f Novembir , 1 1. [ A true con.1 A. U. CIIADWI K , octlll-w4t C'oiuitJuilxi < Propoaulu tor Bubdlitonco Utoroa , Ol'KICK I'lIIIUIIAHINd AM ) DlU'1 ] iUHSAiiY , OMAHA , AKII. , V lunMulicrl7 ! , IH'I. J Hunted I'rnpimlrt , in ] ) ii , H.nte , m1 Ji-c u tno u-mal o. H'litiiiiH ' , will I o roueiveil n this ollicuuntl Jl ! o'clock , noon , i > I'Vli runry Ctli 1K.S1' , .it which tluni nnil | ) no they will l'i > iiiunt'l | in OIH uii > in < ii-uil hid dorH , for fimn'Hl.inj ; ninl do iv ry at iti Hulwihtunce Ktoruhiiu-u , or on i rriln Ulna hu , Neb. , ( it on c rx , after iiHfuution uui aocviitnnco ut | ilui u i f puckitij , ' , ) HH limy b iiuirril by tlm KiitwlHtcuce Irmrtiiiunt | 140 li ri t > lit 1'nrk , UK ! ' IIH > HJ to lie ile llverwl ItyMm-liU h 188i ! 05,60 i > oiind liacun hhort clrjtr Htilftf , iiirdinm wrl li unil thiokntHH , piickud in cruten Htrap.e.l | of ubiiut 'MO iioimiU ll'ioiiii each ; rnc ! pie o of HHCIIII to l > u uoveriHl with 'ott i riot h ; nil to b ilflivi'ieil by March Otli 1K812 , The Koviirinntiiit lOHorveH tlio ri.h to rojt'ct miy r ill proiuwalii. lilunk ] > ni IHIIUH | unil lull Iiifurinuti an to the man iier of liiililinn , prinlu'l ' iifctmctioim t hiililiTi1 , anil terms of conttuct an. I pay ii'ont , will l > n fn.nihlu'il . on iipplicutl n t HUH olllci' . No ropoxal uill lie comtlilei id nulfPM iicciiinpiiiiied bv the prluto "iimtructloiiH to liicUliTH , ' ' re f IT roil ti lieri'ln , " 1'rop.iHiiln for SubuNU'iici Sturtu , " mid adilri'iiko I tj the umK-riiiiwI TJ10MAH WILSON , J12-0 Ca.t. , mm I' . H. , U.S. A. BYRON REED & CO , 'jui'om Real Estate Agenci IN NKIIKASKA1 Kttp k complcts l itract ol tlUo ( o rtft Oiualia tu Uou lat county , uutj For Sale By FIFTEENTH AND DOUGL/iSSTS / , , No. 2Vj , KI II lot friin.il Mid with email hnlld K op L'ai.ltol AV'iui ! tip ritnii ) truoli70o. Mn. 2- , i iuKr lot ur Muck Bif. 1 ! i70 fiut on lamlltnn , i.iarlrent rtru.t , < ! -too. N" , 'JCH , r II i ( irnir lot on Junta , luar lUth irnt , ill.OK ) . No. Sft : , 'J' o loin on Center ntrciit , nifir Cum II ? MIM-t,8 ! > 0. N < i."f.'J , I.lijn.irijo | Ktnct , near 0h ! Htrvtt , No , ! iCl , Two lotion Scvtard , m-ur Kln | ? iitreut , No. 1M ! } , Lot on fcwiird , nuir K'n ' ' stritt , * > . 2IU , Half lot on Uodiro , ntar 1 th btrttt uii'i. No. ! ! I7 , J' nr bountiful rcoiitcnci loin , noai rciu'huin ColliKiior ( ill Bell H imrattO.lx.OO' . .No. 2411 , Two lott on Out Iu , nuir C'uttiin Iru t , 100 ( .nil. No.-JIUj. Lot on Idilio , ntnr ( Uinln ntn-it , 100. 100..No. .No. tMfi.Oi eairu lot on Cumin ) ; , nmr Dutton trt.it , * MJ No.I4 ! , I ot nn Knnilti" , ni-nr Ibth stii'tt , . ' . i. .I y lo' , W , by 1311 fi-tt on lu fctri'U , iar al. tlnijV Av.nuo , < BMi. No. 'JI2 , lit on niitr 'JCth > trcet NoII , lot on K.irnhvii , near 20th i reel , 7511. 7511.No. No. lilli , Lot IX ) by Ml feet on South Atcmu , cir Ma-onntait , tViii. N' > . 2.1't ' , Corner I t on H ir , inar 2 d .treet , 2,5" i . No. aIMxK ! . ' fctt on ll.irney , near 21th tn-o ( 111 em it up ) , . ' ,4CX ) . Jfo. 23ii , Tlxiflli luit on Slii-rnian A\enin Oth Htntt ) , i.inr ( ir.iee , sl.OfO. No. ( H , Lot mi lioujjlis < irctt , neni 2fd $75" . No. 2I1J , i lit nn i ier 1.11 1 ! , nuai Sunnnl , SM < \ Nn. t'Hl , KiU'Tiiil ' [ tot , ntiir C p. til xeniif nil SSiltr U. 8' ' , ' W > . Ni' . S27 , Twoliition Dviatnr , n ur reno'trtet , 'JINi in il % i7 uaih. No. 2-.M , ot mil'Mliihy 111 dtt on hliennan \enui ! OUth blr tt ) , ni-ar < lr. > ui ; , . ' ,400. No. 12 ! | ) , i.ot2JviU foitou lole , ; , ne.ir 13th trccl. niuku an oiler. No. 217 , Lot o.i . 2nl street , near Clirk , ? 50l. ( No 21(1 I nton llainlltoi , nearK i if , > SU" . V.i. z it , I ot mi Ifcth , near .N thohia tt ett , XX ) . No. 2 7 , TAoIoUon 10 h , ne.ir rnclllctreol 1 , ( H ) No. 20iTwo Iota on Castellar , near 10th > treet , 150. 150.No. . MM , beautiful riBldeiK-o lot on Divluior , rent , near U mini ; , tSM. No. 0.1. Lot in baundcr * , near Hamilton treet , $ > 60. No. 19UJ , ' .ot | Mh Ktreet , near Putlfl , ttOO. No. Ill- } , Three lots on Sa .nden triet , near toward , 8 1 , 31 ( ' . No. 103 j , L > it on 20tli > tritt , near Slurman Ofl . No. 101 } , Twolo'HOii 22d , near dMc street tCOO u eli. No. I ' . ) ! } , two loti on Kin ; , ntar Haiullt itrect , ftl , 20 1. No. imj , two lot * on 17th street , near Whit * . rlcn , 41'M. o. INIJ , one f 11 lilitk , ten loin , near the bar * chN , 8IOi. No. 101 , lot nn I'arker , near Irunu rtnet , fffiO. No. 183 , two IOH | o Cass , near 21ct itrect , ( 'IH wicc , ) PI , . " " No. 1BI , lot on Center , mar CumliiK street , BOO. BOO.No. . ISO , lot on Tier , no r ScwarJ etreot , { 050. No. 176 , loton Kherintii auimu. mar Izard trrit , $ It 0. No. 174J , lot on Can * , near Ulli , JI.IOO. No. 170 , lot on raeille , neur 14th Htrect ; make Iff . Nn. 10(1 ( , six loin on Fiip'luin , near 24th street 1,45 l < i ' , 'Kio each. No. lia , full Meek on 2fiih street , iiea -no eouiM- , and thrtu lot In ( Ilt.e'rt addition lear Saini irt ii'nl Camilla ttreitu , S..OOO. No. li'.i lo on California utreet , near Crclgh .on eollii ; , $4vr ! > , o. 127 , airulot , noir the hi ad of St. Mary'n avenue , frliui ) > . No. 12 , bout two aorta , near the head of St , Mary's au'iuu$1,0 " . Nu. 1211 , lot on 18th Htrect , near \Vhlto Lead kVorks , i'j 5. NH. 124 , sixteen lots , near thot tower on the Itllcuioroiul , t75l > or ot. No. 122 , l.lJxlSfeet (2 ( loin ) on 18th street , icar r"pi > letonV , $1,1.0- ' . Nn. 11 , thirty half aero Iota In Hlllard and CaldwellVadditioiiHon Sherman a\pnui' , Sprinij and Sirntiya Htrettn , nrar the end of ureet Btr. ct car track , 8U to $1,200 c ch. No. Ml , lot on Chicago , noir ' -zd utre-t , J1.6001 No , SH , lot on Culdwuil , nrar Sauudem street tMX ) . .So. M ) , turner lot on Chatles , i lar i-aunden r.'il , $7(0. ( No. 8 , 1 4 on I/.ird , m-ar "lut , with tno nn iiHi-n , ? J 400. .Nn. S3 , t o lots on Hub , near 1'lt-reo street 81 , MO. No. 78 tlireo lotx on Hartley , near IDth struct ,0 i . No , 7fl , 1)0x132 ) feet on Uth itrtut.nrar I eaven uurl hire t , .H X ) . .No. 7 , tkl\82 leet , on I'aritle , nearMh street . Hi. No , ( II ) , MIUS2 ( w-'t , on Inn la i-trett , lira lOtb , titan. NO , I'KI , eUliti-en lots on 21st , 22d , < > 3d i.n S.innderHi.triTts , ni r i.nvuand Kaiinders Mree br ilxi ; tlon eiirh. Ii h .Nu , ( I , line f urlh block ( lSOxl.15 fut ) , niarula Cnn\ent n ( 1'iior Olalru Hi naiiilltnii street , nn thu mil o | red str.u ar tra k , j . ' .0 , No , 6 , lo on llart'y , near Uth bt i-ut , 81.2(10 ( , No : i , lot nn C'ulifi rub , near 2iH > , fl.tlO . No. 3 lut on C < win ur IJil Btritt. JJ.500 , No. I , lei n llntni'1 , neu Ibth , ! , to. Lots In Harbaob'iillrKt nnd rend adilUlon : nlMiln I'arKir' * Slilnn's , ilKon' . , Tt-rrMu , h ' ' i.I-u'H Uilei and all otht V. Mnlth'i , Itnltik'H , - , ml'illloiiH ' , at u y prue * mid teinw. -Mri lou < In llaiiH-oni I'laev , niur llanseoi Tark ; | itiiiM rom * 3i i to fw il ciicli. One hundred and IUtJ-nl o tMaiitlfiil res dun. u lol , local iil oil llouilltoii rtntt , l.alf wa l > etv > icii the turn talilu ol tno red streit car lln and thu naU-r or H ifforuor und addition , an UH | wet ol the Con- wit of Iho outer * l' c 'lair * In Nlrnii' * adiltl"ii. l'rici IBIIKO froi 75 to f lOO-ttcli , and will bo i old on unsy trriiu Tract * dt 6. ll > , 15 , 2J , 4. . ) or hO cren. wit bu ldlHK4 anil other lmiro\t'incnt | , and adjolnln bu c i. , at all ( rlii . S rOO nl thu hesl ruxidcn oU in the clt ) < ni h n ) location ) ou do Iru north , 0.1 out ) ) or wt t , and at litil-rock prims. 22n iholie buslneiH lots In all the prinelp liililntxiiHirettMof Omaha , \ariu < liom iM > \ 7IHM > wich. Two hundred houses and otn raiiKlnB ire tMOto ) l6.ow ) , ami Iccattd luetrry | ut of tl city. REAL ESTATE AGENGV Ifithand Dcns'.a ' Street , United States Depository OF OMAHA. Cor. 13th und Farnam Sto. JI.IIKHT DANKI.VO KSTAHMMUIKNT IS OMAHA 8UOOEB8OH8 TO KOUNT7E BROTHERS. ) trtnuflliPb IMA UrK nlixl t * it Nitlr.rnl IUnX Anyart to , IBM i.AI'ITAI. AND I' OnT8 OVER OOO OOO Aimtimfi Kot' n > , Vice Prrflldtnl , II. W. YATWI , Cftshler. A. ) , I OPTI.ITOS , Alvin tj , Jou * A. CHBIHIITVIV V , II. DAVU , Aat Ouhler , Tht lanx rttcotict ih' | < o it ) without retire ! to itnnnnVi , | PHU > H time ccrttncatui ) htnrltiK Intorwt. I'rxn K ilmttx on KMI KruifiJco and jirlic'l1 ' * ' Jtii * ol the I nltol Hallos , alf ) Iximloa , Dublin Killnl/iiiKh unJ thu ! > rlt/d | l dtlr o ! thcrootl ; nint of fiarotiv. Villii jidtwntiiir tlcXntu for oinlitruntujhy the In rail' 'ln tnnvMrf Thu BANKING 5-1908E IN NEBRASKA. Ooldwell , Hamilton & Co. , im trunnctoil utma ij > thit ct u I rulud mnk. Accnunte lipiit In curriiicy ur geM euli > i t U tlpht chm \vluiout nutioi Ojrtlficntcti ol ilojoHii > < .moJ ircuiblutn tliri'j , lx anil tnelvu montlif , jmr.ln ; liitvrent , or or. Advance * imido to customers on Approved eoiu .ht at market mteu of Inturodt , Buy and mil go-lit , I'll.1" ol uvch.tnirt > , government mont , etaUi , county and itty Itomi/i. Dmw Blunt drifbi or. England , IroUoil , Bent- Und , anil u',1 p-irtH of Kun > ) < v. COM.rXTlONK I'llOW 111 V MA K S' ' fr""a | I V S3 i v/r V& i j > ccilc ! curiM that moat loatnsouic "Wliotlior lo itfl I'rlianry , Sccoudary or Tortiurv Stiigo Id mo en nil trnt'LM of trcurj rom the i s- tt'tn , Clues HLrofula , Ol. , ho f , , Ulit'Uiu.v tl&m , Hi/Linik C.i . rrh or an > lllooil Diiicasc. CaroN "Wlioii Hot Sprinus Frill ! Mnlii rn. Ail. . , .Mny 'J , liil Wf ha\c fi-i'D In or.r loutiM o li\uilutllot ring nnil i-io llnnlly ciirnl uith H. S , i. & .MU'.IIY MciiiihlH | , ile'iin. , May 12 , 1S81 We lm o cnlil ll0il hot ks of h.S. S. in n jiar It lia < L'htn uni\crMil H > tUUi.tinii , I air niliiuuil HQV , itioiniiic > i < t it . 's a po ilho S ilANfcl'll LU S. L'O. ( .nulHVllIe , Kv , , Mnv 13 IbSl. H. S. S. hMfitni brttur Kiti laciion than .iny mcilicliic I ha\u e\fr nWd J. A. i'l , Dent LI , Col. Mny 2 , 1SS1 uriha cr ipeakuln the hlxihmt tirron of S. S. S. L. ilelmcti-r. Ulcliiiioml. V.i. . Hay 11,18S1. Yon can refer anjhoily to nt in rciwril to the mcriw of H. S. S. 1'ollt , Miller a Co ! la o nctcr Known S. S , S to f.V.l to euro a case f f Syphilis , when properly tAkuii. II. I. Ih'niara. 1 , , , . . . . . r , . . EliWarrun. - > , Oa. The aho > c signers nrokuntlcmnn i'f ' hUh eland- Ing. A 11 ( .OLQUlTf , Goxcrnor 01 IK Y < H WISH WB W LLTAKHV 'UKSC ' CA TO UK I'AID I'OH WIIKN CUI1KD. Write for partlcularn anil nopy of little book 'Mc niio to the Unfortunate. 81.GOO R wnrd H1 he laid to any chum si who will Iliid , on uimjvix 1"0 hottled H H. S one rumicl'tof .Mercury loillio 1'otas- uiiini or any Mineral Hiilistiticc. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. rep > . Alia" n. On , I'rico of ri' 'iibr lze reduced to il 75 per ot tlo Small H ze , holding half the quantity , pr cc 81.00. SoldbyKKNNAIlD&CO. , erallv W. E. MUuS M. iltHUKLL. f.KTOUS&CO . , , COMM9SSION MERCHANTS 125 Lasalle Street , CHIGAGO , Grain and Proviniona Bought and Sold on Margins. drc7ino-n d'ni LEGAL NOTICE. the matter of the petition of Alhert U , Wjinnii on Kiur tan cf Hinr > ' Wyniau und William T. Wjinan , minor helm of natrlet K. Wynian , n the District Court of the Third Jmllcl.1 Dis trict of the Mate of Nebraska , uitliln and foi the County of I ) uxliui And now on the 81 h d.ij f DiTi-inlicr , A. IX SM.ion en AlhurtU nyiimi , iianliaiiof llcnrj ' . W.MIUM nnd Wil lain T. W in naloiu uliluni IILH. nUil In i > | > n lourt ln jittllinti mr I.Ui'li'i , S. II l.vil K tut > ( if hin Mill wanlH for theli imnttn nif , fdui'Mlon uiid fur ti u | iimcnt o AXth ui ( H iii unil n hit UM s-ud niton Iho rra slntu i f liu nii'l nidJ. und it unp niln to tin unit fioni nUvh putltiuii tain It H inv sviry Ilia liu u'ultill'i.l MKh w.ir Kilui.Kl lu i OKI lei tilt' | ll.ri M'- ill Nil . 1'ltltioll ' DtJtlll. Ami I al ir.p.i.iilnu'tiithin.itl | IhatlhuKik Ai'itrtr. Wj man , thu s.ild p titiui i r. n lu > < a ufi'l him iv n. ] wr ni tiiiii inxi i > f Kin n ( tin .ml minor lu ir- , und t'uit Ibt ru itru ii' other i er x'lii , in IIIIIIKH nti'rii-t'd In ( lie iMatr of nail niii rhur ai M t foith in .iid | n-tlt < un. Ann I ulNiiapiinrliii ] ; 1" tliu ojiut that thr K\\ \ : A Hi it I' WM iii , nut mil ) in unit b > hlH ali , KlUllll > , \tl | > ll Mludih nild ( M illd04 | I I : Ijht-i in thu premise. a > ni'M of kin ulid heir a lu of Kild iiiinoiHin uiitH4i < n muliiniaiiidir an i liiai'l ' b } iiuilinv ol tinH.ld ll.lirltt f \ ) ' , tttuid , hut ul't ) hy hlioluiilur ) ajv uurance In oHii ! loutt , vkiiiLMiiiiK ai 'Uardl.u uuiliidtol Kin.andthir liy accuutiir thuordc of i-ouri nvifln , to hi IAU.U HhylfciiMi ahouli not le eraniel fnr ihviulool nuili ruil mtatoli wild ( Ktitlon durorihud , It Uordv'rtKt that the next of kin nd all per norm Intert'ii td In Kild ( Bl.iti apitar tw'ine till court In iluuubcM tu thu - rd uoy ol January A , I' . ISn'J , at Iho court houn In cald Count > o louilw < . In Omaha I Itv lu .aid ' ounty , to > hov , ' uhy a llci'iinu nh iiilil n t b rautid for th tale ol nuc r al i tatu In mul petition ili'senbi l and that copirsol tills notice bu t > mcd lip. : Hiuti | or HO tin in nfora-aid. J Th rd Diatri t Couit Ho-.l , ) ( IOUKLI Count ) , Net ) . ) JAS.V. . SAVAfi' ' ' , Jude. | St.itc of Kabraaka , DoicUit Countj ; I. Win 11. Ijanin , clerk f the Matrlot Court I ami for mid Slate tnd county , da hereby eertif that I ha\u comiarrd the abe > order of t-il court , Mllh the original order ae Ii appears c ricjrd on folio Journal of bald vxurt , and that tl : mine la a eorrrit transcript tlurcvf , anil tl : whole ol taid original ordtr. 1 i ttntimony uhereof , I lia\o hereunto ett m hand and ranted the .al ol .ilil court to ho a HUM I ut the Cit } of Omaha thin 21th day ol li ouiitier , Ital. ' 'Ihltil KHtr ct Court Seal , ( , I lioujjUi Count } ' , Nib. | WJI. H. IJAJIS , ilo0cvmlt Clarkson & Hunt , Suci.v1 * ' In lUchtrda & lluot , ATTORNEYS-AT- I ] UtbSlrMl Oto h * Hek , * m MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS , HOLINE , ILL , Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL Council Bluffs , Iowa. i , Moline Wagon Do , Farm anil Spring Wagons , Deere & Mansur Oo , Corn Planters , Stalk GuUors , &c , , MoliuojPiuni ] Co , Wood and Iron Pumps , Wheel & Seeder Co , Fountain Oity Drills and Seeders , . Meohanicsburg Haoli , Co , Baker Brain Drills , Sliawnea Agricultural Go , Advauco Hay Hakes , Met Manufacturing Co , Eureka Power anil Hand Shellers , Whitman Agricultural Oo , Shellora , Road Scrapers , fee , , . lolino Scale Co , Victor Standard Scales , A , C , Fish Racine Buggies , AND DEALERS IN All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock * Address All Communications to Council Bluffs , Iowa. AND Mining and Milling Company. Working CniiItU - 3 ,000. Capitil a OIK , Sl.WtO.'OO ' I'ar Valuu of bhar STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND N ON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DIl. J. I. TUOMAS , President , Cummins , Wyoming. WJI. E. TILTON , Vice-President , Cummins , Wyoming E. N. 1IARWOOD , Secretary , Curamliu , Wyoming. A. G. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , Wyoming. Dr. J , I. Thornoj. Louis Miller W. b. Brimcl. A. O Dunn. / K.N. Harwood. Francis Leavens. Geo. H. Folos. Lewis Zolmao. Dr. J. C. Watkins. no22me5m OEO. W. KKNDALIj , Authorized Aticnt for Sale of Stock ; Be- " n .ha. Hob , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NUB. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. \ i WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , . tan- HEADQUARTERS -FOR ' 8 FURNISHING GOODS. Wo desire to call the special attention ot the trade to o ui. elopant linea ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackota and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only. JARVIS & CO. SHREVE , . , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DEALER N Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. rv4.ine-ly IF1. O. 1213 Farnhem St. . Omaha , Neb. FEARON & COLE , Oommissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb , lalsnmenU ' made ai will rvce\e | prompt attention. Ileferencet : Bute Conk , Omiha ; , Biltlmort ; 1'eck k lUushcr , CblcMp ; U. v < uti.