Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Louisville nnd South Bond Sop-
nrntoly Conaidorod nnd
Finn * ntul Proiipoctii of Both Pl
LOUI.SMM.K , Neb. , .January i ,
138'2. This is n pleasant little town
of about five hundred noiils , situated
on the B. it M. H ; 11. , about ( rightoou
mile * from IMiUtsmtmlli , nnd nt the
crosshg of the H. * M. and Missouri
1'acilic railroad * .
Thu binds in tiio vicinity are vurj
rich in quarrius < > f sandstone nnd
linipstono of an excellent quality , nnd
when properly developed will bo n
source of jjrcnt revenues to the owiiura.
The Missouri Pacific Railroad com
pany Imvo built ncvornl miles of track
each way from thi point , and tire lay-
in ; ; track both wnys. They are also
btiilding n bridge ucroaa the I'latto at
thi * point.
Thu now bridge is a wooden struc
ture , and is put up by the Kaunas
City lrid ? o company , nndor the nil-
pcrintendi'Dcy of William Souls. It
will cost $ 10,000.
The force ol men employed here at
the present time yiveH the town more
business than usual , and every ono
has hm hands full. SCIIIIIIII.KK ,
SOUTH Hr.NK , Nob. , .Iummry 11 ,
1882. As the train drew up to South
Bend , Cass county , Neb. , to-day , wo
were wondering where the town wafl ,
but when wo got into the town wo
ceased to wonder.
Oh , ye people of Omaha , who are
swimming and floating on the surface
and in the depths of the beautiful
mud ; yo rirUtumouthors , who are
Htuck fast in the hillside , and on
whom gravitation ceascn to act , and
yo Lincolnites , whoso wail for p.ivo-
inents would be heard fnr above the
fiercest tompesta , envy your neighbor ,
who , although her railroad facilities
are limited to ono line , nnd her mer
cantile traflio is diminutive , yetboaatB
of streets without mud. It in almost
incredible in these muddy timcn that
a town should be found which was
clear of that article , but it in ; i fact
all the snino.
South Bond in minuted on 11 low ,
sandy Hut , and its appearance deen not
do it credit. Hut I found several
very active and intelligent busincsH
men , and on inquiry the fact wai
demonstrated that a lar e portion of
the trade of the Hurrouiidin country
centered at this point. Its husincsH
directory is given on another page.
A Western Ludy'n Snppocod Expe
rience with Her Servaatn
lloomerantf ,
"I desire to advertise for a girl to
do general housework , " said a Laramie -
mio In ay to the business man of the
Nye Uoomerang. "I have had some
little trouble and annoyance durinu
the past year , and would like , if I
could , to got a good girl who would
differ in many respects from these I
been wrottlinjr with. Last fall I
heard of a Rood girl who was working
for a neighbor of mine , and I went to
work systematically to got her. I
found out afterward that it W.IH u put
up job on me , and that the neighbor
wanted me to get the girl more out of
revenge than anything else. The
girl's name waa Cleopatra. She want
ed $27 per month and the use of the
piano. I was so euro she woa a good
girl that I engaged her on that lay
out. Cleopatra had so many lovers
that wo had to move the sofa into the
kitchen on Sund.iys , nnd my huaband
and myself sal around on the tloor
while Cleopatra wooed the fes
tive mule-puncher. Wo wanted to
throw all the home influence we could
around Clcopnba , BO that who would
feel perfectly cheerful nnd like one of
the family. She used to wear my
dresses when I was away , but when 1
aaked her to let me wear her ward
robe she seemed hurt ; and her whole
system was churned up with convul
sive sobs. By-and-by my drcssee
got kind of shabby , as the result ot
continuous wear by Cleopatra and
myself , and BO she got discontented
and tfont away. Then I got a nice
girl from Nebraska ; but just an she
had learned to make a pie that would
yield to the softening influence ol
time , she married a man from liittei
Creek , who wun so cioss-nyed that ,
when he wept , the scalding tonn
would roll down the back of his neck ,
I then secured a girl from the o'd '
country. She couldn't speak tin
Enulish language fluently , and so wi
didn't have a very sociable time of it.
When 1 would toll her to wash tin
dishes she would generally black tin
1 , stovu or bring in a scuttle of coal. }
used to pour out my mail to heruomu
timcH and seek her to conlii'o in me
but she had n far-away look-
like n man who cunnot ray hii
board-bill. One day at dinner 1
asked her to bring in the desserts
but she didn't grasp my meaning , tint
through come oversight , brought ii
the dish-rag on a tr.iy. She used t <
wash the children's faces with a stovi
brush , and in that way soon win
their esteem and regard. Ono day
while we were at the table , shi
brought in the soup , and in an un
guarded moment stuck .about HOVCI
inches of her thumb into the ho
noup , in order to got a mor
secure grip on the tureen , Ii
the fillI impulse of coy innl miu'denl1
nurprsn she thoughtlisxly dioppo'
thu tikr . .n ui 'l loup into my hm
biitiu a lap. My husband is a shy an
rather reticent man , but he are ewit
a graceful movement to his fu
height and killed her with a cnrvin
knife and kicked her gory remain
under the table. After the inquest
got a hollow-eyed girl from Fort Co !
line. She waa un orphan , with pal
hair that she used to work up in th
hash. She was proud and impulsiv
in her nature , and atu everything i
the house. Wo used to hear her in th
middle of thu night forugin
around after cold pie , and Irai
munis of rich and expensive grub. Sh
had u uingulur yearning for jam , un
an impassioned longing for preserve
that wo never succeeded in quencl :
ing. When thu jelly nnd fruit-eiiko
gave out , she would sadly turn her at
tention to cold hnm nnd mustard , with
the smouldering ruins of baked beans ,
nnd cold cabbage and vinegar , We
stood it till groceries up BO , and
apples got to bo ? " tiO ft bunel , and
then wo asked her to eond in her res
ignation. Shortly nfler that my hns-
lund mndo an assignment. Whnt 1
rrniild like now is u good girl , not n-i
'i as n companion and confidential
piuiiiiitur of financial ruin , but moro
to wrestle with manual labor in the
kitchen , at so much per wrestle nnd
board. I'm notdillicult to please , but
1 don't want to pay the same ttal.iry .
that the cashier of a bank guts , just
for the Hiiku of haying a pampered
menial in the bouse who doesn't do
enough work to drive away her
ennui. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Thn Growth ami 'Prosperity of
Weoplui ; Watnr , Cn , County.
Wrr.i-iM. WATKII , C'\sa Co. . Nob. ,
.January 10. There is an old tradi
tion that the stream from which thu
town is named derived its appellation
from thu sorrows of an Indian mniden ,
whoso hopeless love caused her to fol
low tu ! > wanderings of the stream
backwards and forwards , or to sit and
weep silently on its bunks. It is
truly a romantic phicu ; the roadH h ad
over the hills , through thu valleys and
among the tavincH in courses which
could hardly be definitely followed
by any nave an experienced
driver , and the soft sound of
10 waterfall in the distance
as in it a soothing melody which w
cry conducive to sentiment. Situ-
ied almost directly south of Louis-
ille , on thu line of the proposed Mis
ouri Pacific railroad , thu town oflbni
nu opportunities for business. It is
ho commercial center of a very fine
cgton , and with thu advent of the
tulroad next mimmcr a fight will
robably he made for the county se it ,
ch is now at 1'latttiinoulh , and
opular sentiment through the
ounty seems to favor Weeping
iValor. 1'or an ialand town
f its s'r/.o ( about 1,000 population ) .
iVeoping Water contains more than
IH share of men of energy and ability
d men whoso pushing depositions
lavu done much to build up dun
ouuty to its present importance.
There in ono newspaper hero , Thu
County Recorder. Jt is a blight
lewsy sheet , but nut very prompt , in
t in-illi\
There are two churches in town , i
Methodist and Congregational , botl
'liivinir resident pastoitt.
A § 5,000 school building , which in
credit to the place , is occupied 1) }
rof. Harlowo Bellown , assisted I ) }
Alms L'ollock and Alms Lillie Harbour.
The "Weening Water directory wii
be found elsewhere. Suuimii.i'.s.
Flower fans are the latent novelty.
Tulle If ) tlio matorinl fnr Imll dresses.
I'limli pelisse * urc worn by liUIo x'n\ \ * .
Now pciicock fuiiH cluHU with a Hprii .
Vlame-redhiids appear on tray ; felt hats
New Krench polonais aru short and ver\
Sealskin buttons are need un clot ]
Now velvet necklaces are studded wit ]
> earlR.
Diamond stars thut iiiivcr | nra worn in
ho hair.
lllnck ! H considered In the bent taste for
: iuintlon.
Ivory , tortoise Hholl or ebony sticks are
referred { or funs ,
Mmlin pot' ' icnat breadth i arc ncwcd ll
, ho buck of evening UIUHUCH.
MaivolotH onibroidurieH lit $ "finynn
to u L'd for the tabliori of velvet dresso'
1'arisiemioi bn\o their initials embroid
red on thtir gloves nnd thuvHin felt color
id nilks.
.let head bonnels are trimmed will
' tuiuny Venetian luce nnd pink and white
ion , and comIn ull tlio now duHlrnbl
dori of color >
Jockey coHtiiincd , conptntini : of lonifcna
iix-quo and pluin vehet nklrt , nro COIIHU !
; rud very HtylNh.
BonnetH , mntfs polorincH , drew trim
nin H nnd fans mudo of peacock feathem
are much favored.
1'nlo pink and rllver nro very faehiona
) lyeoinhined _ ' in toiloU dcslmiod for youuj ,
White , or pale bine , or rose tinted
3hudda shawls make lovely evening wraps
when liir-lineil onoa aru not nooded.
Many of the largo collars are nf white
. . ream or palo tinted satin surjli. nhinvd
ip aiound the neck and edged with a wide
rulllo cf laco.
A now dress material , jiiht brought out
> y the French , is u woollen stulf , with a
ilaiii ground , on which heads of animals
are embroidered or printed.
Silk handkerchief , ii every combination
Jif color and t-lmde , nro wed In various
waj s a * jabotc , ml or collars , hroakfnM
" . \i > s and gypsy and Creole keicliiufs.
I''or full evening dre s slipper * i
the darkest color In the train of the n. . , .
of th lobe , v.'hil" tlh' HlockingH match the
li.hiBlmde iutliutuliKururfionlbreadth ,
Tli-10 - uii- few iiovfltli'H in Imto. Out
t-tvli1 , ap.i'i of blaeUi-ilk mocking * , hnximl
tatiuu ' utt m-liohn wor-ed upon the out
Mile , \\ornwith low Oxford houso-shoei
thueireclis thal'of nu ordiniuy
Jenny Mud -idviM-n Ainoilcan Kirls who
contempl.tlvs eecuriu a uinu leto immirul
fdiicatiun to stay at home. 1'robalih
Jenny is rKlit ! , but It wdl bo tough mi thi' '
pooulu who live anywliero in the vlciultj
of Ilia girls.
limeades , with peacock feathers for r
ilLMiKii , ur < > exhibited in new and t'orKcoin
p lleriis. Thu Jicavy iroiiiid.\vork o :
white anil tinted satin It covered with ai
intoilaclm ; of. these hiilliaut fealhois
wrought in Mlier , tireen aid uold.
llxtremely long-tailed jackets uro worn
1 hey are cut away very much like a m n
tleinaii'd drejH coat , rcachlnt , ' to the bacl
of the K-ncjK usually. Tl.rso jackets nn
unite of biocfldn i > n ( wi ru n\i-r vi'Kc
-k tli , or ' ) d.uK3ixin . . c. tlii t jf . u I
to match ,
A thousand Buesls were entertained a
nn o d-faBliioiiod iulltliig | , Iho other day
byov. ! and Mrs. l | ekburn , of Ken
tucky , whuro the youni : lalie < were dres *
ed In their Kreat-Krandmothers' costumes
and where Or , 0. ( J. Crahiun , of l.ouU
\lllc , who had not danced for eighty years
( jelngntthoaje'JS , cut wonderful "pig
eon-wingH" In the reel , to the imisio of tin
dusky fiddlers.
Hwliw ( { Inlles of black
riiliy , udmirnl-buioorbiown velvet , Hnci
with Kold-uolnml eiitin and cnibrolderec
with Himill ( 'oldfii lloweru , are wora will
Itouno drmH H of culmivru \iKogne. . Fee
o cnins < lron are glrdius of Blflc , covcrei
with pearl or bllvi-r bonk nnd linliihri
nrounil the bottom with a fiill nf luco or i
frliigoof cheuillo , mixo I with nold >
llver Iwidn. Others , till inure elaborate
are iniule of tlntixl Batln , haud-tmli older
lor hitnd pn'titrd ' In dellc.ttc flor-il do-
KIIB , nnd inntchlnK thf c nro tiny ulioiil-
rr CApPH , liftliglliK jiocltet , Mid
unr , emprol < lcro < l i.r jialntvd in like pat-
erii ,
"AIloo" writeft to a Now V < irk s'ory pa
irr : "A yonnR man cinncH to see mo lU
iinM n woi-k ; fhiinld I tnn idcr him nx
jtinp unfA { | > el ( ? ' If Allc win n Unmha
rl there would bo no doiiH kbonl the
< i n'i iunn boinf ; eneiKMl. Hctween
odgliiK the old man and < plaining to the
rl where Ii * fpcnt tlio uld t > ht few lion-
lo In < he bu < y w * l w. udl Imvo their
rno tnnro fully occupied.
A recuption ( hens lately made In I'.irU
or nn Amcricnn lady "lir n riihvflstln
round strewn with volvnt loaves in ohadod
( ni-nuf rfty. The long plain ckirt is
l-cd ( with a blnH-dMwn putf of ruby
ill n , nnd in bunched high nt the bio ,
'lit ; Irl'iiiniiiK at the wri tn nnd hln | ifl of
ito.vl bnnih nf imxremcnterio In ruby ( Ilk
nd griy clii'iilllc. " A nhort Hketch of the
fa and career of tlioman who can pay f r
hi * Jrc-hH would he intcie tiiiK.
The bracelet IH the fnv > ritn piece of
mvulry Ihitt scnnnn , junt nx tlio locket
onni'rly wan. The baiule made to piu < 8
wi the I ami , and with pcndan1 nrnn-
n nli , U pan c ; In Iti plac * in tlio bniulf
iineclct , mudooiy flcnder nnd ilRlit ,
v. th nnprine ; in thu middle that opens to
dndt tlio arm , and fastened by l.pped
ndi licarinj , ' Inruu htiinef , for full
iriceleln , or with nntlqtio hendfl of gold
I'Ht meet to ether. Arnon these are
nlmaln' head * , Mieli M titter * with inhy
! > -CK and open mnulhn , or stoiki' heailH
moked by their neckor p rhapo thcro !
jeweled lull to lap nt c.itb end , orolno
Humbled or filigree b.illH. The o nra also
uxl lo bracelets ofold ( In brvuk't-work
lint cell two or three tinus nronnd ho
i in , or h.iuinicred fjold brnceloti coil > -d
k"i n r < ipf , huviiiK n ruby , na.phire | , or
iuimmd in each cell ; nnd the Herpcntlno
> rn'ilels nre ntlllliown. ( .
Why la Slio Cold ?
Why is she cold ; is it because
1'flirted at i he ball !
Or in it that , on New Yca.Vi day ,
1 had not time to call ?
I'orlmH | she Haw me sit beside
Miss Thompson , on the slain ;
Hut tl on , one always iloex - oAt
At llioito beastly crush affairs.
Cnn it ah , nn , it must not hoi
All cite might do no harm ;
Hut 1 inn lost if I have hurt
Her vaccinated arm ?
[ Cleveland Herald.
O , Jimmy Blalnol
"O , Jimmy HUino ! O , Jimmy Ulaino !
You'vo got IIH in a nlcw ,
iVlth t'loytdi-llulwer puzzlement
And Chill and Peru ;
\nd Jimmy U uino , before again
Kor .vrthui'H plan you angle ,
Tworc 'icst you'd net y.iur.'elf to work
The-i ) problems to iintnn la , "
[ Koine Sentinel.
A woman who weighed -J2.r > pounds died
1 > Ht week in New Jersey. The golden
are in haid luck this yo r.
Mr. Jlcui IIIT opened tlm auction tule ol
ats in his church "with u ow humorous
remarks. " Tuhnaga opens his nalo with
ir y r , and a few clectlic spasms of the
ins ail'I ' legH.
An Illinois dcacnu , while visiting in
I'll ladolphiii , WIIH nHktd if he bud pur
chased any Christmas cards , and replied
with Kiiine Biirprire : "Why should I ? My
old pack is good tnongli. "
At a Oath 'lie fair in Crefton , one even-
ng last week , the matter of voting a line
luntorn to the mottt popular railioudeon-
luctor , resulted in a fruo fight , in which
the lantern and xeveral persona were
knocked endways ,
Gould has a pew in the Madison
Avenue Congregational Church , New
York , to which Dr. Newman haw been
called. It is generally understood that all
reference to the camel nnd needlo'tt eye
story is omitted in this church ,
The workman recognirod his questioner ,
placing his arms akimbo , and looking him
squar ly ia the , said : ' 'Well , 'Mr.
t innoy , I suppose it's so hot there , that il
fiomob nly brought you a iipo nful ol
melted iron you'd swear 'twim ice croam. "
Mr. Fimiey had no more to say
The laity in their retorts sometimes got
the better of tin i loth. Among thu sto
ries told of Finnoy , the revivalist , is the
Follow ing : H was passing an iron foundry
when tlo works woie in full blast , and
heard n workman Hwearinit toiri' ly ,
"Young ninn , " sidd the revivalist , address
ing the Hwojicr , "how hot do you suppose
hull M"
Slightly sat castle was the clergyman
who paused and nldrcHsed n man coming
into the church after the so mon had begun
gun , vvitb tno remark : " ( Had to see you ,
sir , coma in ; always glad to see these here
late who can't come early ; " and decided y
sclf-possesso t was tlin man thus addressed ,
in i ho presence of an astonhhod congrega
tion , at ho responded : ' " 'I'll 'iik you ; would
) on favor mo with the text ? "
During the time of Jiutlcr's command at
New Orleans ho ordeiod the arrest of o
wo'l ' known Irish priest , Pother M. ,
With a fierce countt-nunue old Bon. ro tree
out : "You nro the rob 1 priest who has refused
fused to bury the Union soldiers , tlio fed
cral dead. '
Thu answer was very prompt :
" ( icneral , whoever told you that , told
von n lie , sir. I would he most happy ti
bury all of them. '
Old Den soon rallied and asked : "Have
yon imy poor in the ptrinh1'
"Plenty of'.hem , sir. "
"Well , father , whenever you need ra.
lions for them , send to mo and yu shall
have them , for you iao the first teliel 1
have met hero who has tip iken the truth. '
Air. J. Mnridi , Itank ot Toninti , Out.
writes : "BilloiiKiio"H nnd dyHpop [ aiecn
to linvo grown up with me ; having been i
KUlforer for ypnr , 1 Imvo tried in my reme
dloH. but with no lasting result until
imcd your IhiauouK lii.ool ) KITTKIIS , The
have bo n truly n hlestdiig to me , nnd
cannot po.\k too highly of them , " ' 'ric
Sl.DO , tnal Mlzc 10 ceutH. IMw
Sealed proposals will bo received by tin
miderslnnod until Friday , January 13th
188. ' , U o'clock , noon , for tlm construe
linn of and repairing of sidewalks in front
of and iidjniiiiiig the following doscrlUei
prcmUus , to wit :
Lots 1 , 2 , It ! , llhuk IDI feet wide
eolith Mtlo Cahs street
Lot 15 , east xl \Vhealon street , Hlocl
1 , Armstrong's first addition , 1 feet wide
Lot 1 , lllock IH , west side Saundor
nlreet , I feet wide.
L U ' , 2 , U and I' . ' , lllock 12 , wwt sk' ' <
Saunders street , \ feet v , ido.
Lots 5 , II , 7 and 8 , llloek S07J , nortl
sldu Ciiliiini ; htroot 0 fr-et wide ,
LxtMlt , fiimd ( i , Itliwlc i. wr t s'd
Sv in' ' , is > iiuiit , liif \ i ii , Aiiiiwiou , , '
liit > ; .ildiiion ,
, T. J. L. 0 , JKWKTT ,
City Clerk.
OMAHA. January 0 , 1882. janU-lw
1408 Fornham St.
Orrii'K front Itoouii ( uneUIn ) In lUnscom
new brick building , N , W. comer KftocuUi a
irnhiuu StiMtr ,
, .1. fl. llobntvm , Pltt ti'irif , J'n. , wrlte : " 1
ni iincrlni ( f roni KMII nl Ocblllty , vant of tip'
elite , eontlmtlon , etc , PO tbnt llfo iw n liur-
on ; niter uniiitr Iliirdocl ltloo < l Illltcn I felt bet-
cr tban for ycriM. I cannot | > rni o your HHtcn
00 much , "
H. Olbui. nf nuffslo , N. V. , writcn : "Vour
lunlock Illec tiittcrs , In i.hronlcdlk < > n cHOf the
ilood ll\cr & . .J kldiici" , ha o nlffnallr
larked with widen I Imvo mol thi in rujnolf
with bcAt rt-itult * , for torpidity of the Ihor ind In
.isc of a friend of niliio mffprln from dropiy ,
ho effect \\M nmmlciuj. "
llrute Turner , UochtMcr , N. V. , ! rltc ? : 'I hare
H.en Rulijcct to in'rlnun dli.nrdcr of the kidncja.
ixml unnlilc tonttend tn tuixinoD' ! ; llnrdork Iltooil
llttcru rrllctcd mo 1 iforo bnlf abottU uaHU c < l
fttl conndoutllialthov ulll tntlrel ) turulno. " ,
Ki Anoilth llnll , IliiiKliarnpton , N. Y , , writes :
I Hilffcrcdvlthn dull l ln through ii\ : eft
niiK and ulioiililer. Ixnt my * plrlln , nppotltn
and color , and could wlthdliticuliy keep up all
lay. Tnolt jour lltirdoik llloi.d llittera on dl.
ecti'd , and have felt i < o ] * ln bliifc flmt week af >
cr Udlncthcrn. "
Mr. Noah Itaton , Klmlra , N. V. , write * : "About
our JCAM HKO 1 hid nn attack of blllouifclcrrind
icver fully recovered. My dlv | tlvo organ *
Mrro wc&lcericd.and I uoald Im completely pron
rated for dnj * . A'ter ' iwlng two liottliii of your
( unlock lilood flittcm the iniproicrncrit wan HO
1 Iblo thnt Ivo * n'tonlihi'd , 1 am now. though
01 Juaraol ago , do a fair and ruutonablo day'i
* ork.
. Illackot Robln on , proprietor of The Canada
tiliitcrian , Toronto , ( Jnt. , rlte : "K rycMn
nuffurcil Rrcatlyfrom oftTcciirrlng headache. I
ai your Hurdock lilood Hitters with happleot
cHiiltH , nnd I now find ni > > elt In better health
Uuvn for years pant. "
* i
Mre. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , Titwi : ' ! have
wed Hurdock lilood Hitter * for nenoiw and bll-
lou * hcndacho * , and can recommend It tonnjont
requiring a euro for blllloiuncttu. "
Mn. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , write * :
'For * u\ernl yearn I hat o miflerea from oft-rtcup
rine bllllouii headnchci , dyMpeiwia , Mid coin-
ilalotH ( lociiliar to in ) mix. Hinco u. ln ( , ' vour
Hurdock lilood liltterH I am entirely rcllo\cd. "
'rice , 91.00 per Hottlo ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts
POSTER , MILBDEN , & Oo , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by lull & UcMahon and C. F.
loodman. jo 27 eod-mo
In Honta of Familloi
Ho tettor' Stomach Uitters Is 03 much regarded
u a household necessity as augur or cotfco. Ttio tlili IB thnt years of experience have
) vitKXA IHI perfect y reliable In those coxes of
emereoncy where a iirornptanil convenient rem
edy It demanded. Constipation. Iher complaint ,
dyipopsla. Indigestion and otlur troubles are
overcome by It.
For slo hyoll Dnu'KNtsrmd Dealers , to whom
apply for Ho tottcr's Alnuin&i for lbS2.
Matter of application of Alox. Daemon
fur Liquor License.
Notice is hereby given thnt Alexander
Daemon did , upon tho5th day of January
A. D , , JSS2 , lilo hm npiilicittion to the
Rfayor and City Oon- ell of Omaha , fo
Ilccn.o to cll Malt , Sjiirituous and Vinou
Liquors , at Tenth , between ftxrcy i m
JliiHOit Htrcet , First ward , Omnhn
Nob. , from the lOtli day of January , 1882
to the 10th day of April , 18S2.
If there i-o no abjection , remonstrance o
protent tiled wi hin two w pkg tr < in the
flth day of January , A. D. , 1881 ! , th
Biiid licenae will ho grunted.
TIIK DAILY 15HK nownpapcr will publisl
the ubovd notlco once each week for twi
weelm at llio expense of the nppliennt
The City ot Onialia is not to be clmrut'i
J. J. L. C. JKWKTT ,
j5-2t City Clerk.
flatter of Application of Max Leiu fo
Liquor License.
Notice is hereby Riven that .ax Lon
did , upon the 2nd day of January , A. D.
1881 , file liin application to the Mayor am
City Council of Omaha , fnr license tone !
Malt , Sph-hnoua aud Vinous Liquors , a
c > r. Ninth and .lacknon fctreet , First ward
Onmh.t , Neb. , from the lGth d.iy of Jan
uary , 1882 , to tno 1U ( ) day of April , 1S82
It there bo no objection , renionatranc
or | irntest fded within two weeks fnun
January 2nd , A. D. , 1K82 , tl.o wild ItcenHO
Tun DAILY BKB nownpapor will publisl
the nl 'o vii notice unco each week for twi
weekc nt tlio oxpoiiHO of the applicant
The City of Omaha ! H not tnhuclmrg-i
, T. , T L. C. .TKWETT.
Matter rf Application of Mre. L , McCo
for Liquor License ,
Notice is hereby siren tint Mis. L
McCoy did , upon the lUthdayof
A. 1 > . lhS2. liloher application to the M iyo
and City Council of Onmlri , for lifeline to
sell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous Liijuorii
bt'twern Twentieth and Twenty
Hccoiul ou 1'opjiloton Avenue , Secoi-i
wnnl , Onialia , NVb , , fniin llioIt
day of Jauuury , 1882 , to the 10th day u
April , 1882.
If there bo no objection , remoiistanco c
protest iiletl within two weeks from the lOt !
of January , A. D. 1882 , the ttaiil liceim
will bo granted.
Mns. L. McCoY ,
Al > pliixint.
Tin' ( IMVIIV DA n \ > Kt ne\ . pi-i m1
nublish thu it eve notice once each week
for two weeks at the expense of the apili | <
cant. The city of Omaha ia not to b <
charged therewith.
J. J. L. C. JKWKTT ,
j0-2t City Clerk.
HOimiK DKOS , . Ilroken In all ItAllroai
TicktU , Oiiulio , Neb , , odi-r Tlckcte to the Koat
until further notice , at tbo following unhnaril o
Low Hates'
let claas , 2J dux
NKW VOKK , J20.IK ) ,
1108TON , 20.00 ,
VIIILAIlkU'IUA , 25.00 , J-23.WI
WAblHNUTON , iiiOO , iO.Wi
Krr iiartlculari , write frio direct to 110111)11 )
lUlOS. . Dealer * In HedurvJ Kato Itallrond am
btfjuunblp Ticket ! , BOO Tenth St. , Omaha Neb
lU'inciiuwr thu place Three licors North c
Union 1'ncltla lUllroiJ Depot , I'jat u do otTcnll
Ouuh * Aufuut 1,1SS1
Propietor of the
Book Btoi e !
The Antlqnn.rlnn' W
Jo not trust him , gentle render ,
Though liln Hhelvci look trim nnd
) n not hi ed the plate gla \vinduuf ,
.Shining nut upon the ft reel.
Hided backing on the volumes
won will fade nnd be forgot ;
tilded i-igna are oft deceiving
ticntlo reader , trust him not.
Under , unro there Hvcd a student ,
\ \ holoiK , ' sought for learning inre ,
Vtitl I o met him nn the nidewalk ,
And he falsely led him there.
\nd he talked to hint of TnADR HAI.KS ,
Vnd I met him plodding homewarl
With n bundle to bin door.
jcnllc reader , I linvn waited ,
Nightly I have walked the t.tieel ,
.ingering for you on the corner ,
And this happy hour we meet !
Inlxe your ejo to yonder window ,
Where our xtudunt , in the night ,
With n pngc f ScilstUCKKli'H history ,
llisc.s up kit pii to liffht.
tcivdrr , turn not from mo coldly ,
The Hutli only have I told ;
i would BI : o thee from tlio hook stores ,
Where the cmtomoM nre "tuld. " -
" \v uld Hldeltl theo frim nil il.uiger ,
Ghleld theo from the plate glatn mare ;
Jliiin , O , hun the gilded cohntcra ,
I have warned theo now IIKWAIIK !
H. Schonfeld ,
nxltcs thu attention of the ] mcri of irood rcnil.
ng to his extcnahu nnd valuable collection ol
In all ili'imrtmcnU of Literature nnd Science
Notonl ) are thu most esteemed Knjl'Hh ' nnd
Ami'rlcan vorks to b ( omul n lilanlithas but
MM the StamUrJ WritoH of He-Han a'agcs ' and
Jloclori Knro ] > c are we I n presented.
Owlnjf to hH opportunities for securing thcso
HfKjks it low iiritt'i , tie ( dim them ftt lUurei
whlcli can not lie met 1 > > mi } other house In this
etv ! 1'artitis iluslrln ;
Good Books at Low Prices
are rcqucolcil lo ( all cl'cwhcre before comhift
hire lliat they maj proxu the truth of this as-
Dtslrlng to keep a stock of \cryliestworks
I carefully "il ft only nucli iif could nicct the ap-
| iro\ul of n ctllthatoi tv te.
In tlitfe d.ij < cf clienii llteiitnrolt In very casv
to liuj fcr a little ninnex a Unro > tock of printed
matter , hniiinl in well glided covers riiiilpopular-
[ j termed book- , but which ilmcrtu thu tltio in
the Unguixe of rhralci of I/tinb ,
"Things in Books'Clothing , "
It is to lie r.'Krettcd that HO many
illItoratc runt tnereenar ) , 111 ! th-ir fehclvcn with
thlssierhnnf ] nadiiig ir.a tcr , thin comcrtlnc
their ntonsintQ
lore Oliarnal Houses
for tlH'Kilt-uljrul nnil not proMkLU inuiiiiiucs of
forgotten or unhappll ) tinforgctten hcriblcrs.
Let then ) who uUh to read books of IN-
T IN&IO VAIA'K , htep into 1113 storu and thi'y
uill tli d uh ite\ur thcuanr. .
Hen cmhcr that lij tno tholco of ynnr bool.8
) ur iharacter I'Juiliruil. It it an ii\lnm thnt
"people will not lo better than the hooks tnvy
rcatl,1' llr A. I'cttcr
Tlic u'Hiurul reader , the liujcr , the clvisleal ,
theoloUnl | or nudiLnl Htudcnt , the engineer or
architect the historical enquirer , llio loitrof
[ ) Octry or fiction , ortWu ho look for work In
nrcign languages , can bo supplied ullh what Ii
1 ha < c nlHn a lar 'o and uell wlcctel stock of
elegant Little Books forChlldrenathomc , who
should ho rcrrcnihcruJ in this holiday Reason.
Ami thaw who uhh for cliclco and richly bound
gift book" , uhosc conteiit will he found \\orlhy
of their external appearance , will do veil to call
at the
1420 Douclaes Street.
dc20i > odlm
Des Moines , lov/a.
Manufacturers of BASH , DOORS , DLINDS
O root reduction In Uank Countvre , 1'lana fur
nlehed.Mid work Inrnlnhwl in all kinds of h i
orsoftwocHl. Counters HnUhed In oil when do
Hired. Hhcliingot all kinds furnished And pn
Into building ready for paint on uhort nottco
Our workmen are the best mcchinlca that am bt
procured , Have money by gi\Ing u your eon
Otalrs , Newel * and Oaluiten.
Our foreman In thin department \\M former ! ;
with Front ilanufactuririK Co , Chicago
Ilia , and tmo done some of the flnetit Stair i
n the .N'orthwo t
Ordorx hv mull nrnmntlv attemiixl to
For Sale By
O3VE-/S. 3
Free to Everybody
A Beautiful Book for the Asking
lly nm > ! \ In : , ' pviioimlly nt tne noirrat orSc
by i Mtnlranl if at iv distance ) nny ADULT per
eon ill to jire'HJtiteJ with n benutifully lluu |
ruled copy of a .Vow Hook entitled
i-ontnlnluc n hr.ndnome and tontly etcel i'n ; < nv
jntf frontl iiierce ; also , ti llnely unerototl uooi
cut * , and bound In an claborate blue and t'oK
Uthfsruiilu'd cover. ND ciar < u wlmtotcr It mad
for tills imndiiome book , wtikli can bo obtalnei
only hy ujipllcitlon nt tliu Inanch and unbor
dluate otUcei nf The Binder llanufavturlnfr Co.
1'rlnclnal Otlico , 31 Union R > iuare , New Yoili
M ; tt. i uf XiniMfj.tln'i idinllut Knpr
fur I.Vtiiiir l.iicuoo.
Notice ia hereby given that Julius Nng
iliii , upon the 3Ut day of December , A ,
1) . , 1881 , tile hU application to thi
Mayor anil City Council of Omaha , foi
licenno to HP ! ! Malt , Spirituous and Vinou
Liquors , lit No. UlU South Thirteenti
Btreet , Becoiul wan ) , Omaha , Neb. , fron
the 14th duv of J.nwary , 1882 , to the lOtl
day of April , 1S82.
If there IH ) no objection , remonstrant
or protect tiled within two week * from De
cen.ber 31 t , A. 1) , , Ib81 , the said lieens
will be granted.
.It'i.ius NAG i. , Applicant.
THE DAUA UEE nowapaper will publis !
the abo\o notice ouce ouch week for tw
weekD at the e.M > eiii.o of the applicant
The City of Omaha i * not to lie charge
therowith. J. J. L , O. JKWK'IT ,
JnnS-at City Clerk ,
Jt % J Jtli JLl JL JL W JLls JLI i
While our Work' is better , our Prices are Lower
than all others
I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS
offered for Oompetition in our line
Over All Competitors.
For the Best Watch Work ,
For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. )
For the Best Engraving ,
For the Best Diamonds ( own importation )
Having lately enlarged my workshops and putting in now uii < \ improveo. 'e
chinory , T hope to still moro improve the quality and finish "f our
ork and fill orders with more promptness than is uaual.
My Mcllo has always boon and always will bo : "First to gain superior
tiee and then advertise the fact not lioforo no wild advertisements
Seme unprincipled dealers bom in the habit of copying my
announcements , I would beg you , the reader of this , to
draw a line between such copied advertisements
and tlioso of Yours very truly ,
The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. ,
Sign of the Striking Towr CJloct
Omaha , PAT A HIT Collins
Cheyenne , JrUlJlll/lL , Colorado
Fall and Winter
Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises.
Satisfaction G-uaranteed. Prices te Suit al
No. 1 , No. 2 ,
British Consumption Physic , Brompton Oough Presoription ,
In Hollies 81.00 each , t ! for 55.00. In Hollies 75 cents each , C for f3.rO.
Ilroiniiton whence tlio abe > e iirmriptlona cre procured i * the Largest and Slost Succruful Con-
umiitlaii llou'ital In th Wprli , as tbw "llromiitou. Coimuiiiiuioii and Couifh ) cmodics , " thoabovo
Mudlclnci \oloutr been Uiimed In England Infallible Ourts lor oil Conijilaiiits of tiio Lung and
I hot.