6 THE OMAHA DAIM JBEJti : FPJ.DAY JANUARY 13. 1882 COUNCIL BLUFFS. Roscuo's ' Masquerade the Great est Event of the Season , Two Immense Hulls Crowded with Fantastic Figures. The Lucky Numbers that Drew the Prizes in the Lot tery Scheme. A Story from a Sick Man Worth Investigation by the Officers. Qonernl Itmnn of Intercut Minor Mention * All dancoB and onturtaiiimciiti thit ; have tnkon plnco in Council IHutls foi years wore put in the ahmlo by tin : grand masquerade ball given by the Rescue boys on Wednesday evening. About 8 o'clock the hall was packed with spectators , and an hour later the floor wai crowded wiMi nmuqucrs , in cluding "monsters of hiilooiu mien. " The most perfected char.iotor win Billy Walters : w the Lone Finhunii in , unless , perhaps , the Nonparlul'it Uhiol of Police Clark. "W.iuy Mine , " witli her nurse bottle and tin r.ittlo created a great deal of amusement. One ol the Nonpareil employees nppe.irod dressed in u coflin , upon which nag n ailvor plate with the following itmortp- tion : " 0. 11. Scott , killed politic.illj on tlio Oth of April , 1881. Injunction ! Fairviow. " Tlio devil was there with his lon tail nnd high horn. About half i do/.en Htar roittea npponreJ and ore ntud coiiHiderable coiiMtornation. Lei ; vitt's minstrels , headed by Jon lint ler and Col. Cochtvin , carrying b.ily mine , nflbrdiid con.iidumble fun foi the children. W. U. Vuu"lmn uni his llerdics brought down the house while a Sioux Indian was trying t < scalp UufTAlo Dill. A son of-a-gun with a tin horse win ciittintup antic : from morning till "iMLjlit , " until th "tlour" girl from the city mills lookei on in disgust. Not only was Itloom t Nixun'o hal filled , but the overflow that went t' ' the Kniglito of L'ythias hall crowde < that BpacioiiB building to its utmon capacity. The musie at both hull was the bout that eould be turnished Never in the history of our city wti an entertainment mure liberally put remitted by the people , and the boy may well bo proud of the financia aucce.is of their hint annual ball. TUB LUCKY TIOKK1S. Tlio following is a complete list o the lucky tickets at the drawing : The following are the number which drew the two dollar prizes : 804 2971 3098 2789 2980 4Hi 214(1 ( 1105 2GG2 128T ) 2750 313 2157 2001 27i 7 2112 2.Vr. .00 2081 053 2 < 90 2093 13tl 293 2371 3232 3024 2054 VV''H ' ' M C27 513 055 703 2195 331 OU 271 1538 0.5 1030 23'J 545 21922011 11130 .017 20.1 2109 . .Mil 2321 042 2080 278 2107 03. 3171 185 728 31 The following drew the five della prizes : 1881 870 525 RS 4 03 3E 014 125 3081 2753 2154 29 < 2415 2189 2903 528 2112 303 910 _ 583091 2312 5 7 321 2432Tho The twonty'five dollar prizes wci drawn hy the following numbers : M 2179 2518 2092 3159 2730 Kos. IGTIf and .510 drew f50 oacl Mi and No. 2480 was lucky for a Sit ( i cash prize. Lot 2 _ , block 23. Burns' adclilioi No. 2340 ; lot 10 , in block I Sjcsto & Palmer's addition , to Ni 3410 ; lot 4 , in block 10 , in same add tion , to No. 771 ; lot 10 , in block li same , to 3302 ; lot 5 , in block 2 , uaui to No. 1880 , and Madison street li 48 , original plat , to No. 392. M , H. Brown , Manager , gives n ticc , also , that the pi izes drawn > v be paid to-day at the oflico of Hoi man , Kohror * Co. , No , 22 Pea troet , Wo understand that the Mrnliiu street lot was drawn by a party Denver , Colorado. AX UNrOKTirSATKMAN. BEK renortor stepped into tl hotel , on Alain street , yesto day morning , and wns at once sin moned to a room to interview nil u fortunate man who is lying the dangerously ill with what in termi congestion of the brain. lie rolnt the following story : A few wool ago ho was employed un the nt Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad at place called Gray. Besides a tea iio worked himself ho owned two throe other- engaged in the BUI work. After supper ono evening ' wont out with a blacksmith by t name of Ross , They visited a salou While in there ho remarked to R ( that ho had bettor not drink a more , us ho was "pretty full already The bar tender very grullly inquir what business it was to h how much a man drunk long aa ho paid for The man replied that he know K < and that ho had as much on board ho ought to take. At this the b tender struck him over tiie head wi a bottle , inflicting a blow that knoc cd him senseless. Ho was immodiu Iy carried to his boarding house , win he remained about ten days before recovered suUiciontly to be conacioi Meantime one of his toum-tors aunt dispatch to the unfortunate nmi wife that her husband hud been kill and that ho should neil the teams and return homo to Minnesota , where they lived. Bhe dispatched for him to do so at once. The young man in stead of doint ; this , took all the tennis nnd went west , where ho disposed of them. When the man had recovered and had gained sullicicnt strength lie left Gray for the west in search of his missing property. He succeeded in finding a man who had purchased one of thorn , who very kindly paid him 8100 in addition to the amount ho had paid the teamster from whom ho had purchased , With this money ho traveled from town to town , if possible to dis cover noino clue to the whereabouts of his teams , but all in vain. During his travels he contracted u ncvore'cold , and wearied out with his vain search ing ho turned his ntops homaward , ar riving in this city Wednesday in the nick condition above described. The miin'd iiiimi ) in Mi.fthmv llyan. He 0,11 no to thin ( Unto from Mmikiito , Minnesota , to unrktin the Mihvnukiu nmi. At the hotel niii-rn ho now if , ho in rocuiviiii ! the beat < if cure , hi ing under the treatment of Dr. Pini.oy. Hiuiir.D AWAY 11 v A mm ANI > A OIIIL. About , tin ) time1 a lltTinan lady and her daughter , who uairyona link fry on Lower Main Micelwanptupririiifgln retire , they heard IVIIOMM in the buck yard. The daughter htopped to the door and there she mot a man. Shu inquired oi him what ho wit * diung thuro that ( into of nighl. lie said he wan very thiraty and wa looking fur n pump. Sim told him < o get nut of thtirit in a mronuiit or nliu would call the dog. Ah Hit this time him hi'ard a noisu < in the other Hide of thit hounu toward the alley , and looking out of the window nhc s.in another man. She ut once lot , IOIIHO a largi ) iloy chninod in the kitchen. At thin the two men inn through the alloy and nude their escape. Owing to Iho hrommi'i hall , W dne d y evening , tlw audience at thu Opera IIOIISH W.IH nlnn , ii'itwith- Htiniling the Clilhird uompanv pro- Keiitod the play entitled "The Honey moon" very acceptably to those who attended. roi.ici ; mrsiNESf. John LIWHOII wan taken in by oflicoi Sterling yesterday. Being found drunk liu was fined § 0.85 ; also John Bell , by the samo'ollicor , for the tiiimi ollVnao , nauiu line imposed. JAinoB Orates , who was serving out n nontonco in the county jail , wis lol out to work about the building , lit took the liberty to go and till up will liquor. He got beanlly drunk , am wan soon captured and returned t < jiul , NOT HAKK. It is reported that already people have croHHud the Missouri on tin ice ; but they took their lives in theit handH , as the river yet is far from be ing safe. PKUSO.VAL. Hon. Horace Everett and family will leave Council Bluffs to-morrow over the Union Pacific for California , to bo absent , until spring. Thoit numerous friends here will miss them much and will only bo too glad to welcome them back in the early spring. A. B. Howe was voted to bo the most popular fireman in the city and received 'tho handsome chamber But. You must bo looking around for some thing else pretty soon Howe , before the varnish gets rubbed off. J. M ! . Hooton , well known in this city , and at present engineer on n railroad out in Kansas , arrived in thin city Wednesday evening from a brief visit toHarlan , Shelby county. While hero he stopped with lua old friend P. W. Dorkeon. Mr. Hooton is n brother of Mrs. J. T. Hart. Hon. Dan. Hunt , of Ayoca , is in Council Bluffs on a brief visit. W. M. Bushnoll will leave to-daj for Chicago. KKMAllKH. There is something needed to hi done in this city without delay. Wt are informed thr.t about all the mono } this year him boon expended on tin Honsholl street grade and other im provomonta that are not of any immo. diato uoo or importance. All will ad init that Main street should bo pavoi at onco. There , is no use of trying tc disguise the fact that in rainy woathoi thin thoroughfare , especially the lowoi end of it , is not in a condition tc transact the immense amount of buui iioss done on this street , and ovun dollar expended for improvement ! should bo applied to this purpose 3 commencing at the lower end. Mail street is destined to bo the wholesale mart of Council Bluffs. At preson the business of the D. , B. & Q. , am H. I , & W. railroad companies , ant wo may add the Milwaukee it St Paul company , is transacted on thii ttroot ; also the Deere manufacturing company , the Keystone manufaoturiii | company , the Shugart implement ) com pany , Hondry's iron foundry , and w might mention some of our moot ex tensive wholesale houses. Smilh am Critrondon , 1C. L. Shugtirt and Coin puny , J. J. Brown nnd Company tiromnvog and SulioontKen , Stewar and Company , Linden and Kiel , Oh ver and Grulum , Hajs and Glouson J. Mueller , nnd others too numorou to mention. Those corporations ani firms should ho supplied with a pa\ci street upon which to liundlu thoi aoods as soon as possible and all nthe improvement ) ) should take a buck aeai until it is accomplished. The JLondou l > nucot. The Luiutou Lancet ' " aj'H ; "Mnny | life linn been tared by the inoial eourui ; of the Biilfcror , and many u llfo lion bue saved by taking Hl'liINO Ilumou in cas of lilllous fever , ImllKestlou or llvor ouii lilalnta. " 1'rico 60 contaj trial bottles 1 ocnu- u Stock. Prof. Jamt's Law writes to Tl ; Farmers' Advocate of London , Onti rio , on tlio subject au follows ; In addition to its uses as a cond mont , salt is one of the bout la.i lives. _ In cattle and aheep , ospueiali in which adry winter feeding is liab to induce a partial impactioii of foe between the leaves of the thu stomach , the stimulus given by tl iwr salt to the fieo secretion and the mu rih cular moyemcnt of the stomachs , t ih gether with the engendered die pot ko - tion to drink more freely , servo ore dislodge uuoh obstructions and to r re ntoro jwfoct dige.tion. Kvou if full purgative action is wanted , fi ! ayonts will servo better than 1 or Ibs. of salt , according to the size the cow. But it should never bo fu gotten that water must h6 ullowt without stint after the administration of such a do/.c. as a concentrated solu tion of salt is highly irritating to the Htomach and bowels. An abundant consumption of water serves at once to remove the irritant qualities of the s.ilt and to hasten the action of the bowels. Finally , salt in destructive to almost all intestinal worms. In Bra/.il , whore cattle are very subject to parasites , the stock owners have discovered this irtuc , and therefore doio their an nals t'vico a year with 1 Ib. each of minion salt , after thu action of which ley always manifestly improve in imdition , It is to the young worms specially that salt proves destructive , once a daily allowance of one or two unccs for the larger quadrupeds , or wo drachms for the nheep , will go ir toward warding elf fatal attacks iy destroying the young parasites as hey are taken in , in the food or wa- er. Thus for the liver worms in icop ( Hot ) fait , marshes or the free MM > f salt proves almost a specific , nd thu slomr.ch , and to a less extent , 10 in'.catinal worms of all domestic niinulH , may be kept in check by a aily liberal yet moderate allowance- he SliorUfa Daughter's Car Adven ture. irinnMlcliO ! ( I'.tcorJ. Miss Louise Kldrpdgo , who has just 'turned from a visit near Ionia , re ntes a very amusing incident that k place on board the cars while on IT way from Adrian. Somewhere lung the route a man entered , and , 10 cars being crowded , ho took a scat 'sido Miss Eldrndge , and when the inductor came along tendered him a > uml-lrl | ) ticket , the limit of which ad expired. The conductor refused receive it on the ground that it was id The man insiHted that it should ISH for his faro and that the ticket ad never been used. Without fnr- IKTparley the conductor j.rked the ell , faying he would put the passen- er off , who then tendered the fare in IBI ; but the railroad official had now ; otupon his dignity and leplicd that t was lee late. Olf he must go. Tlio ars were stopped and the fun an. The conductor sicwd ilia pasftungcr and the latter raHpod the back of the scat with : ui , rm eacli side of Miss Eldredge , who , vas thus firmly , if not lovingly , sur- ounded. The fellow proved more ban a match fur the conductor , who ummoned the entire train force , and 'or several minutes the battle raged nriously , while so vigorous \vas the esistanee thai lor a lime the plucky ictim of the assault bid lair to hold he fort in flpile ot the fearful odds. \nd all this while the Adrian young ndy WHH enciicled with the brawny rnia of her fellow-passenger , who lung to the neat with a book agent's onacity. Frightened women and "iscreot men hurried from the car , .ml still the HtnigL'luoiit , on , with liss Kldiedge iitmly imprisoned bo- ween the arms of the douujity chap csisting expulsion. The odds at ongth proved too great , and the lady . us released from a not altogether oving embrace , the puseenger's rip wrenched loose , and himself ustlod from the train. The situa- , ion was doubtless rather exciting , ut we venture that Miss Eldridge , vim not frightened , in which all will uroo with us who remember the at- emntod encapo of Kinney from the Adrian jail when Col. Eldredgo waa ihorifT , and of Miss Eldrodge's bravery n facing the prisoner with a cocked nvolvor. A Surprised Policeman. 'Io\ol ' nd 1'rcm. "Talk about bold bank burglaries , " aid a mombur of the police force thia norning , "tho slickest steal I ovot oard of was the robbery of a bank own in "Rhode Island six or seven oars ago. It was a bitter cold night , ml a night patrolman noticed a dim ight in the bank window , and going ip to the door rapped. " 'Is that you , patrolman ? ' asked , voice from within. " 'Yes , ' was the reply. ' 'Step in and get a heat , ' said the oice from within. The patrolman topped inside and encountered a dap- ler little follow wearing a green shade iver his eyes , and a pen behind hie ar. " ' late ' said "You're working to-night , hjxpatrolman. 'Yes , ' said the. dapper little foi' , ow , ' 1'vo boon detained to-nighl itraightening up accounts. ' The patrolman warmed himself at ho roaring big fire that blazed on tin iiearth and went out again on his boat i\n hour after the patrolman camt hat way and still seeing the light h roil t/li the window rapped again. " 'Is that you , patrolman ) ' " 'Yes. ' " 'Come in and warm yourself.1 "The patrolman accepted the invi ation. ' "It's a howling cold night,1 sail ho man with a green shade over hi eyes. " 'You bol,1 said the patrolman. Si lie took another heat and returned t < lia beat , He was rather surprisoc text day to learn that his iirosidi 'riend of the night before had go way with some $90,000 of the bank'i unds. " ALMOST CIIA/.Y. How lion do wo see the hard-work ng father straining every nerve am nuscle , and doing his utmost to aup port his family. Imagine his feeling when returning homo from a han day's labor , to find Inn family pros rate with disease , conscious of unpaii doctors' bills and debts on every hand It must bo enough to drive on J almos crazy. All this unhapninoss could b avoided by using Electric Bittora which expel every disease from th system , bringing joy and happiness t thousands. Sold at fifty cents a hot tie. Ish & MoMahon. (8) ( ) THE OM1DMTAL d. I. PAYNTER Proprietor Corner 10th and Howar < Streets , OMAHA , NEB , Rates , Two Dollar- Per Da } SIdflra Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY. TRUTH ATTESTED. Sotnolmportniitbtntcmonts of Wo Known Poopln "Wholly VorlUod. In order Hut the public may fully rotllte the i of the * tiit n > cnt , A < well as the vMue of the article of which the ) ubllih htr wlUi t'o fac-nimllo nlirna- turcnof parties wl > o c slnicrltv H licvon'1 quov tion , The Truth of thcie t Mlmonlali li nb elute - lute , norctnthe faito the ) announce be Ig nored , OMAHA , NUB. , May 21,1SS1. H. It. WARSBR&CO. : DiHRHin : I have freiiuently mod Warncr'i H.ifo Klilnc , Mid I/lver Cure for locil ofrecttonn attendant upon mjveru rheumatic attackn , and have air A } * derived benefit therefrom. I have al o UBcil the Safe Ncr mo vtlth fathf/ictory ro- nulU. I consider thcio mcdlclncn worthy of conndct.ce. Deputy Treasurer. OUAIIA , Nitn , ilay 2 , ItBl. t. " . WAk.ii- Co , Kochmtcr , N. Y. : OKSIN : I have used jour hnfo Kidney Mid .Ivor Cure thin i > rlnjf on a Uerlmlitorritor , and find U the hut rcmc < Iy I otcr tried. I hnvo mil 4 liottki , a il It KM made mo feel better than e\er 1 did before In the niririf | ( , U. t' . It. Shops. OUAIIA , NIB , Jlay 21 , issl , I. It. WARMR&CO : SIKH : For more than IS j'ior I have iiuffercd nidi In omcnlcncc Irom combined kldncj and i < cr utacatM , Mid halo liecii urulilo to work , my urln .iy orif > n also beltu afTi-ctcd I tried a [ rcatninny iiR-dlclm * and doctors , l > ut I rcw or o and worw day by day. I was told I had Ilrldhl's DlBcaio , and 1 wished tnyclf ilcnd If I oultl not hixoeptedy relief. I took your Safe ( lilnay and U\cr Cure , knowing nothing CMI uottcxor known to curothn dlauuic. ami I have ot been diMpprilntnl. The medlclno has cured 10 , and I am pcrfcc Iy well to-day , cntlnly lirooKh jour halo Kldncj and Liver Cure I wish you nil mice B.I In publishing this valuable ciuoay through the uorld. U. I' . U. II. Shops. Thousands if cquilly stroniendorsement * patiy of them In cases whore hi'po Mas aban- on I ba\c been \oltintarll ) xhi-nho lng the cmaikablc pontr of Warner's Halo Kidney and .l ur Guru , m H d smsci of the Kidiie > , ll\er irurinaryorKans. If any one who rends this ai PLy I'hvelcal trouble reincojbei the gru I LEGAL NOTICE. the mailer ol the petition of Albert U. Wjimn iuf guar Jlati of Ilinrj \Vjinan mid William T. Wyman , minor hulrs of Harriet H. Wyman , deceased. n the District Couit of the Third JuJIil-il D's- trlct of the ftito of Nebraska , within and for tlio County ol Doughs. And now on tho24llnhy cf December , A. D. 381 , comes Albert I'Vi man , guardian of Henry ' . Wyman and William T. Wt man aforu-ald , mid ) rescnttd In open court Ills petition for I.icnn-o o Kill Iteil K&tatu of Ills s.ild unrds for their lalntcnanie , education and for thu payment of aicut assessed ami o boamemed upon the real fttatuof his raid wanls , ami It n | > p. atlngto the ourt from mull petition that it Is ncc' sary that ! iu real istitu of muh war's fhould bo i-old for lie purpuse < In ( aid petition stated. Ami It alsn ippoarlng to the court that the f.tld Allictt U. Wjinan , thu said pttitioncr , Is the nn- unil Hiir\ivnu pir nt aim next of Kin of the lid minor In IT' , nnd that there are no other . cr- onsorturtliH nii > rosti d in tlio estate of , said iluor liu r as hit forth in raid petition. Ami It al o appearing to thu court that lhc.stld Albrrt U. \\\i..an . , not only In and by his nald ctltlon , whlih liuludis mid ( ( includes his Ik'hts In thu premises as next of kin and huir at aw of wild minors In miccession mid remainder , and tenant 1 > \ lourttm of the said Hairict K. V ) man , dictated ; hut also by his \oliintnry ap- icnrnnco In opun court , caTilesslnfc as uardmi ind next of Kin , andthcr bj areuptlni ; the order f court herein , to uliow lausu why 1'censo ' should ot lie urantcil for the snluof such real cetatoln Hild iictltlon dchcribed. U U ordered that the next of Kin nnd nil per sons intereo td In wild estate appear be'orn this ourt In chambers on the 23rd day of January , A. D. 1832. at the court tiousn In eald County of ) ouglas , In Omaha Cltv In fald County , to thow tuai ) why a licor.BO should not he granttd for the nala of ftuc'i rial estate In slid petition described , and that copies of this notice ho Bir\ed up in uch poreoni as aforasaid. j Third Dlatrl t Court Heal , ) ( Douglas County , Neb , \ JAS. W. SAVAOK , Judgo. SUto of Nnhroska , Douglas County : I. Win II. Ijanis , clerk f thu District Court In and for fald State and county , do hereby ccrtllj 'hat 11me compared the above order of Bald ourt , with the original order as It appears of ccord on folio journal of said caurt , nnd that the Nime Is a correct transcript thereof , and the vhole of eald original order. In testimony whereof , I tuio hereunto set my i.iicl and mimed the Stal of said court to be af- Uod at the Cltj ot Omalia this 24th day of Dt- ciinbcr , IbSl. J Third DUtr ct Court Heal , I Douxl.ii Count } , Neb , ( WM. II. MAMS , dcMci-mU Clerk. If you are . - . - ofhu > lnc'nvro-k- oneilhy tlio strain "f your dutieivole' ht wurk , to res ftlimilapliixnil uan Hop Dittors. i , u e Hop B. If you are younit iind I rliiK from any li. -lioretlon or dl al | > a Itluni If jou.niinar- rled - or Ingle , old or I youniT , Buttering from roorhra'.tli or lonxulxn I iliur on n bi'd of tck oees , uly on Hop ] 1 Blttera. -1 Thoummmne u \Vio or yon an ) . - from wuic ahenerfr you feel njulijfrom teiu I j form of ICIdnoy that J your , dlsciuo that imKlit needs clwniilnir , ton-1 . Tebwntirovintis. Dttmulatme , Ihit 01 of ( I tlmeljr ! nlfhoutnlori ( i y ( .HICK Hop Hcpntter : Ditto'- . ktdnty o.i. o oriiMmirucom- an abooluU lualni , ultcaio iid Irrcsl. ! of ttiu ftonuKA. HOP Iblecuro foi Nitnli , blood , UninUinnesii Uitrorntnvtl lu | o ot opium , You will -o tobacco , o' ctmdltTou-M lnuvolli | . Hoii Bitter * Ifjrou-re lm- „ - U-l.t-i. I > 1- weak and NEVER | Cliculcr li i > lrltfd.try Ut It mny 1 1101 * Birnib o nvo yourl IFAIL1 ra co. , Ufa. It ha | unveil hun- Vf itfn. i clrodc. | ATorvDto.Ont. THE KENDALL PLAITIN. MACHINE DEESS-MAKEES' COMPANION , _ It phlta ana preset | rcctly ( ono jard pe UllllUtO * It jilalta fro.n 1-lUof on Inth to 11-4 Inches 1 uldtli in the couriH-et felta or iilitst llk < . It doui all klud < and nt > lo < eli > lulUnz In u c. No Inly UiiUtixs liero\\n ilrowi-uuklni ; ca o orJ to da ultliout one M nlca | > Ultltif | 1 nl crout : ol lulilou , It win it Kiln it * ll. Po M.rliliifs , Circular * or Ak'cnt'u t nu addrcw CONGAR fc CO. , 11H A.iiams St. , Chca'i ! | > i I" . HECK W. KENUALt. , Axciit via-ht. W. J7OONNELL ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Ornoi front llooini ( up talr ) In lUnicom Dew brick bulldlu. , N , W. corner KlUcotb a arnhtmSlrwt * . aio. w. A , c. c.xriu.1 DOANE& CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law 8. W COR , TH * DOUOLAS STS. United States Depository OP OMAHA. Oor. 13th and Farnam Sta. LDE8T DANKINO F.STADMSHMKNT Ui OMAHA. QUOCE8QOR8 TO KOUNTZE DROTHERB. ) BTARUIIlnD 1JM. Orgnted ai a Natloiml llank August 20 , IMS APITAL AND PROKIT3 OVER 000 000 AND SIRXOTOUIt Konrrzn , Prenmont. AuoudTVH Kop.stm , Vice PrMtdent , U. W. YATM , Cashier. A. ) . Pom not , Attorney. Jouv A. Cmiiainox , F. II , IJAW , Axel. Ctuihlei. Thl tank rccolvm JcpoeltJ ) without roifirJ to niounta. Iijiicotluic cortlficsttn hearing Interest. Drawn draft on San r'rancltc.-o and principal tlca ot the Unltcil Stntm , alao London , Dublin llnlmrith Miii th principal cities of thoconti ; cnt of Kurort , Soils r ecnKor tickets foi eniler nt Jby the In mnollnr mnvldil The Olilest UJataDliahod IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. , tranjvctoJ sitcoa that of an Incor- porotod oank. Account ! ) kept In currency or gold subject to cht chuck without notice Certificated of deposit esuod pavuhla In three , x and twelve months , jearlnj ; lutoroat , or ou omnd without Interiiat. Adtancca iniulc to cuntomen on approvnj oem tics at market rutoa of InturcHt. liuy and toll gold , bills of exchange , govern men4. , 8tnto , county and city bonda. Draw ! ( ; iit .Inltn on England , IrcUnd , Sect- arid , and all rarw of Europo. Sell Kuroiicnn JXVKW I ) ticket * . COLLECTIONS I'HOMPTLY MA JK Mlfllt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ latter of Anpliintiou of Max Lcnz for Liqni.r License. NOTIOK. Notice is heieliy xlven that Max Lonz id , noon thu 2nu day of January , A. IX , 381 , file his niiilicntfon ] to tlo M ii5-or uncl 'ity i imncil of Oirmlm. for licen o to hell > Inlt , SpiihninH nid Vinoiit Jiiciuots , nt ir. Kiiitli nnd tlackbon Uicet , First ward , 'malm ' , Nob. , from the llithjil.iy . of Jnn- nry , 1882 , to tno 10th day of Apiil , li-8 _ . If tlicio bo no ( Abjection , remonstraiict ! r inotcfct filed within two we kn from nnnary 2nd , A. 1) , , 1R82 , tl.o said license ill bo grmitc-d , I Ai > tilicant. TIIK DAILY 15ic : newspaper -\vill publish ied'ovo notice once each week for two ' eeke at thu expense of the applicant , 'lie City of Omaha is uot to be chaig'd icrewith. .T. .T L. 0. J13\VETT. jau2-2t ' latter ofy Application ol .luliua Nugl for Liquor License. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Julius ICagl id , upon the : tl&t _ duy of December , : \ . > . , 1881 , iile his application to the Mayor and City Council of Omnlin. for cense to sell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous -iquora , at No. 010 South Thirteenth ireet. Second ward , Omaha. Neb. , from ho 14th day of January , 1882 , to the 10th ay of April , 18S2. If tbeio bo tlo objection , rcmonstrancu r protect filed within two weeks from De- en.ber 'fist , A. D. , 1881 , the said license vill be granted. JULIUH NAOL , Applicant. THE DALLY BKE newspaper will publish ho above notice once e'nch week for two vcekfl at the expense of the applicant , the City of Omaha is not to he charged herewith. J. J. L. U. JKWKTT , jan2-.t City Clerk. WAR IN PASSENQER RATSS I IIOnillE nilOS. . Broken In all Railroad Tickets , Omaha , Nob. , offer Tickets to the Emit , until further notice , at the following unheard of Low Katca : 1st class , 2d clam , NEW YORK , 820.00 , BOSTON. 20.00 , PHILADELPHIA , 25.00 , 923.00. WASHINGTON , 22 00 , 20.00. For particulars , wrlto or go direct to IIOI1UIB JROB. , Dcalora In Reduced Kato Rallro-d and tenmehip Ticket * , 09 Tenth St. , Omaha Nob. Remember the place Three Doors North of Union Pacific Railroad Ucpot , East a do otTcnth Street. Omaha August 1,1281 W. E. VIQCS. M. MlinUELL. I , E , TI&US & CO , , COMMISSION MERCHANTS 125 Lasallo Street , CHICAGO , Grain and Provisions Bought and Sold on Margins. dvc7mo'dim Tnls great ipocillc cures that moot loathtiomt disease SYPHILIS Whether in iti Primary , Secondary or Tortlttrv Stage Removes all truces of * ercnry from the > teui , Curi'ti Scrofula , Old Soie < , llheuma- tlfui , KtreniK , Caiarrh crauj Cares When Hot Sprinc. Fail ! JIaUern , Ark. , May. , 1S3I \Volia\orasiMln our town wtio lltudatllol rliitfj and wcru finally uurcd with S. H. d. MlUAMMO.X < ! ! : Ml'RRT Memi > hi , Menu. , May 12,1SS1 We have olj 1.M bet lea of U.S. B. In a year It ban elrcn nnlvemal HttUf.itlon , I-Mr infiiueL | ihlclaui now recommend It na a positive upoolnc. b. MAxantLD - ; Co. Louliillli ) , Ky , , May 13,1631. R. S. S. hu g | > vn Ix'ttcr t.Mfaetlon \ than an ; medicine 1 h-\o e > ur told J , A , KL XMK. Ueinei , Col. May 2,1SSI Kverj' purcha cr ijiejkb In the hl lifBt term' ofS. S. S , L. Melitetcr. Illchmond , Va. . May 11,1831. \ou can refer anjboily to u in regard to tin merits ol S. b , H. Polk , Miller & Co , ! ! e np > cr know n H. 8. S. to fall to cure a cast cf MyjihIllDhcn properly taken II. L. Doni aril , ) P.rr. Oa . KHWarrun. J-ltrr > , Ga. The aboio signers areirentlcmon of hl.h gtand Ing. A 11 COLQU1TT , Oo > ernoi otGeorirU. S.8.S. . . . IF YOU WISH WK W M.TAKE YOUR8G OJ TO UK PAID foil WHEN CUHKD. Write for | urtlcular anil oomof llttl book 'Jli' naio to the Unfortunate. 1,000 Kovrard IU balJ to an chemist who will fliiu , on aiialjuU 100 bottle S H. S. ,0110 particle ot Mt'ruiry , Iodide 1'otw iluru or any Mineral miUtanco. SWIFT HI'KCIFIU CO. PiO | . Atlanta , Oa. I'rlro of mruUr t\ie \ rvducod to $1.75 per bol tie Small iltc , holding half too quantity , price Bold by KENh'ARD & CO. , anil Pru srcl > t * (7cn ( rauy Deere &Gomp'y. / MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL , Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Molina Wagon Co , Farm and Spring Wagons , Deere &Mansur OoCorn Planters , Stalk Cutters , &o , , MolmePump , Co , Wood and Iron Pumps , Wneel & Seeder Co , Fountain City Drills and Seeders , Meolianioslmrg Macli , Co , Baker Brain Drills , Sliawnee Agricultural Co , Advance Hay Bakesr Joliet Manufacturing Co , Eureka Power and Hand Snellers , Whitman Agricultural Co , Snellers , Road Scrapers , &c. , Moline Scale Co , Victor Standard Scales , A , C , Fish Racine Buggies , AND DEALERS IX All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock. Address All Communications to Council Bluffs , Iowa. Aeauuam = = = = = = = = = - = = = = = = - = Y iTj AND Mining and Milling Company. _ _ _ . _ _ _ Vorklnj ; Capltil - - $30C,000. . _ _ _ . _ _ _ npital si .oik , - - f i ooo.fOO _ _ _ _ _ ar Value of Shares , - - - - ? 26,000. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BEAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DR. J. I. THOMAS. Proalilent , Cummins , Wyoming. WM. K. TILTON , VIce.Prcaideiit , Cumruiaa , Wjooitmj E. N. IIARWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wyoming. A. Q. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , Wyoming. ) r. J. I. Thomas. Louis Miller W. S. Brunei. A. 0 Dunn. J. N. Harwood , Francis Lou ens. Geo. II. FaldB. LcwisZoIman. Dr. J. C. Walking. no22me5ra OEO. W. KENDALL , Authorized Agent for Sale of Stock ; IV" " " " - - Nob. . O. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , Neb. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. lv 18-mo FOSTER & CRAY , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , - - m "SSTJESJEB. HEADQUARTERS -FOR- MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to oui elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overahirts , © veralls Hosiery , &o.now open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Comer Fourteenth and Dodsre Sts. FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Comlunmenta made ui will rccelverrompt attention. _ , References : State Bank , Onuha ; PUil % Co. . Baltimore ! Peck & Iian hcr. Chicago ; u wi * noinclnn.tl WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DEALKH N- Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb , oct.m. . , _