Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
PoblliJied every morning , eic pt Sunday.
The only Alonrlsy morning dally.
One YfAr $10.00 I ThreeMonUui.W.OO
Sir Months. 5.001 One . , 1.00
THE WKKKTjY BKI2 , published cv
One Year . ? 2.00 I TlireeMonUm. .
Bit Months. . 1.00 1 Ono . . 30
.K All Communi.
UnnR relatiui ; txi NpwiandKdltorialmat-
torn uliuultl Ixi a < ldro .iccl to the h'linon OK
THF Urr.
Lcttorx nnd UcmlttancM ohotild M tu\- \
FANT , OMAHA. Draft * , Check * nnd Post-
office OrticiH to 1x ) mudo payable to the
order of the Company.
OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , .Prop'rs .
THE glucose manuf.icturcrs hnvo
l > eon holding n session in Cliicngo , All
reports agree that they were n swcot
JOHN KELLY announces that ho has
no overtures to make to cithuir fnc
tion of the legislature. Let the pro
cession proceed.
GENKKAL II worn has at last
secured the presidency ; the Loynl
Legion of Pennsylvania is the fortu
nate organization.
BuiiiiitiiKiKnnd Blackburn nro fiRhl-
ing their duel at long range. They
are shedding peed a deal of printer's
ink , however.
AND now the Chicago IJerald is on
hand to prove that brother-in-law
Scovillo is a dead beat of the first
water. Guitcau's connections Hoem
to have caught the infection.
THE sleeping car companies still
talk consolidation in order to reduce
expenses. There are no intimations
that n reduction in the rates for scats
and bertha is under consideration.
A DILL to grant land in severally to
the Omaha Indians was introduced on
Wednesday in the senate by Mr.
Morgan , of Alabama. AVliy should
the Omaha's seek relief through an
Alabama statesman.
THE Philadclphians are urging Iho
government to sell the old United
States mini and elect a now mint in
nnotherpart of the city. The gov
ernment would do better to relocate
the mint nearer the base of supplies
say Omaha.
IT is now currently reported at
Washington that Secretary Kirkwood
will bo tendered an important for
eign mission soon after Sargont as-
suiaoa charge of the interior depart
ment. If this report proves true it
may.explain the outcome of the Iowa
senatorial contest.
OMAHA and Council Bluffs should
join hands noxtspring for the construe-
tionof a pontoon bridge across the Mis
souri. ThoTJ. P. railroad bridge does
not afford the necessary facilities for
the constantly increasing traffic and 1
travel between the two cities and I
uomothing must be done in this direc
tion during the present year.
A I IT was a shrewd dodge of the wo
roan suffragists to place tlioir petitions
on the desk of every senator , instead
of combining them all in one. This
was done in order that a apontannous
demand of the enfranchisement of the
down trodden Hex might seem to comu
from every section of the country.
Senator Ingalls , in presenting one of
thoeo documents , said he was only
contributing his part towards the
farce , in which he had no heart ,
Diu MANY WALKKH , who has rev
turned to Washington for the season in
lifurcatod garments of thu latest cut
has been interviewed by a reporter
nnd ilies to the defense of Guitoau
"I think it would bo a burning d'm <
grace to the country , " she exclaimed
vehemently , "if that man should b (
bung. Ho is a monomaniac on thai
subject and has shown himself to bi
ineuno throughout the trial. II ii
hanging would disgrace mo and al
other citizens. " "But you are not i
citizen , " put in the impudent repor
tor. " 0 yes , I am , " she said. " !
voted at the lost school election ii
Now York. " It is lucky that the foi
Mary is not citizen enough to sot 01
the Guitcau trial.
TJIB idea tluu delinquent coutrac
ton on the star route uuryice could In
proeocuto d on their bonds , has falle
to the ground since thu discover
that most of the bonds are worthiest
Since the revelation of straw bond * a
part of the system of defrauding th
postofGco department , it is an ope
question whether there was any hoi
etity in dealing with that departmci
at all. The interior and postofllco d <
partmonts appear to have b.oen cuntui
of jthioving "operators to n romarkabl
extent. The star route business wa
only one of thu rascalitiet. Strai
Twuds are , if anything , worst ) thai
straw bid * , because they break tin
hold of the government on its con
MENThe -
The fact that some of our most re
spectable citirons have endorsed the
petition for a license to soil liquor for
a notorious resort like the Saint Elmo
affords a striking illustration of the
recklessness with which many of our
hunincM men arc signing potitioni
for everything and ovurjbody. Many
of our business men sign petitions
rjth a reckless disregard of all consequences -
sequences , and it in just as easy to
procure tlioir names to n petition ask
ing the governor or president lo par
don and lot loose on the community
iho most dangerouri criminal , ai it isle
lo got their endorsement to appli
cations for appointment to positions of
trust of men whom they have
refused credit for five dollars. In
fact it hai bccomo a common practice
wilh Homo of our bent business men to
sign every paper except a promissory
note or a pledge for a contribution to
Homo public charity. These accom
modating gentlemcndo not re.ilixo that
they often assume n grave responsibil
ity as endorsers of petitions.
They do not realize that public
men and especially executive ofllcora
often regards these endorsements an
personal requests which they do not
feel prudent to refuse. They do not
comprehend that the signers of u pe
tition to pardon desperadoes and
murderers out of the ponitonliary are
fully as responsible for the consequences
quences of liberating a criminal as
the executive who grants their request
When business men sign the peti
tions to license notorious disorderly
houses or immoral rcsortn , they become -
como indirectly responsible , not only
for thu bad influence oxurto.l by such
disreputable resorts , but for thu vice
mid crime that is fostered in such es
tablishmotits. Wo know the accom
modating gentlemen are very anxious
to plojso everybody , and many of
them cannot muster courage enough
to say no to any request tiiat
only requires them to sign
their immcB to n petition , but
they have no right to bo so accommo
dating when their signatured ailed
thu uelfaru of thu whole community.
What would bo thought of the busi
ness man who would vouch for : i no
torious dead and suindlor as a
man in good standing commercially ,
and yet reputable business men have
vouched for the respectability of Dick
Curry and the St. Elmo. The only
natural explanation in that they have
signed tltosn vouchers thoughtlessly
and without for a moment considering
the gravity of the act. True , the
mayor and hoard have full authority
to reject any application for
license which comes from n
notoriously disorderly resort ; but
that fact docs not exonerate the on-
dnrsors of such applications. When
it is once understood , however , that
inon who m'gn such petitions do BO
with full knowledge that tlioir action
will bo inado public , and when
accommodating gentlemen compre
hend that they are assuming n dan
gorotts responsibility in signing peti
tions promiscuously , they will exercise
greater discretion in their ondorso-
Every friend of tlio hvto President
Garfield will iiulignantly rupudiutc
any dofunso of his olliciul actions
based on the tlioory that ho wan n
more "puppet1 in the hands of hie
frionda. Such a plea ia at once an in-
Hult to Ilia niumury nnd a slur upon
Ilia bravo and innnly character.
Tlio charge that General ( Jarfiold was
n weak man wan used before and very
thoroughly exploded during the late
presidential campaign. It wae
again takou up by a faction
of the republican party after his in
auguration as proaidont and contra
dicted to tlioir own satisfaction. Dur
ing the weary throe months succeeding -
ing thn assassination , wliun the pa
tient sufferer lay kittling for lifo , nu
voice dared raise itself to accuse thn
, dying president of n lack of eithei
physical or moral courago. The people
, of the United States wore liardly in a lit
J'tiinor to lintou to such a charge , al
that time. It is a shame and a dis
grace that to-day , while Holdiers nn
Htill guarding thu ilowor-covorod cof *
fin of the dead president
partisan malignity has agair
raised its hand to nt.ib the friends ol
the late administration from behind
the shadow of tlio dead chief , and "t <
excuse the errors" of the president 01
the ground of weakness of charaotoi
and dependence upon tlio opinion o
others , The Now York Commorcia
refers to what it terms "Tlio Marct
conspiracy , " referring lo the nomina
tion of Judge Hobortson. Taking it
cue from Gorham's ' star route organ
m which Bharaofully abused General
oral Garfield during his lifetime
it endeavors to cast odint
a upon Mr. Blaine as suggesting and engineering
iioMl ginooring the change in the New Vor
Ml custom house which resulted in th
resignation of thu New York umiatoi
nt and the assassination of the president
oNo other answer to the charge i
ra necessary than tlio frank and maul
lo letter of General Garfii'ldliichuu ,
us printed a few days ago in these co !
w umns , in which ho declared that th
.n attempt to shift the fight tu All
e lilaino'a uhoulders Mas as weak us i
was unjust , and assorted that Mr
Ulaino's whole influence had boon t
build up and unite the whole party
irrespective of factions. (
Mr. Jlobertson's appoinlrnont was
President Garfield own act. It was
neither suggested or seconded by Mr.
Blaino. General Garficld's statement
on this point is full and explicit.
After an earnest effort lo do full nnd
ample justice to nil sides , after placing
three of Mr. Conkling's friends in his
cabinet , and distribuling every im
portant federal oflico except ono in
New York City to supporters of Gon.
Grant at Chicago , the president ro-
Horvcd the collcctorahip for Mr.
Hobortson. It wai his own not for
which ho never made an apology and
for which his friends have certainly
no reason lo apologixo lo-day
"Conspiracy" is an unapt term to
bo applied lo Iho ovcnt of last March.
Who wore the conspirators , and for
what end did they conspire ? What
were the results of that conspiracy ,
over which the Commercial ia now so
exorcised ? Wo remember thai < n Iho
third of July rumors of another coti
apiraty were rife throughout the coun
try , in which the 11:11110 : of Mr.
Blaine nor these of his
friends figured. But this i probibly
not thu conspiracy to which the Cow.
mereiiil refers. "Public opinion , "
siys Griitoau , "is dunging in our fa
vor. " Perhaps it is. But public
opinion has not changed HO radically
since that "day , only three months
ago , when fifty millions of people
mourned over their dead magistrate ,
that it will either foHtor or applaud
such wanton attacks upon his mem
ory as are now being made by men
who poisoned the happiness of his
hort term of ollicial lifo and exulted
Bccrotly over the outcome of Guiteau's
dastardly deed.
Ouu public lands are rapidly passing
from out of the hands of the govern
ment , Thu land ollico reports that
the arable lands open for pre-emption
will soon bo exhausted , and the st.itu
mont has caused an investigation ,
which shows what every western man
lias known for years that vast quan
lilies of lands have been taken up and
are hold under false pretenses. Th
desert land grab in California , the
everlasting Spanish land grants in
Now Mexico , and the enormous quin
lilies of alleged "swamp" and "over
flow" lands in the south which have
boon grabbed by the land sharks nro
instances in point. Ail those diacov-
oricB scorn suddenly to have Hashed
upon the minds of certain congress
men , although the proas 1ms buon call
ing attention to every ossontinl fact in
Iho cases for years. During Ibis lime
the general land oflico him slumbered
on in peaceful but persistent ignorance
of thu Hcandals affecting its manage
ment. Special agents are now called
for to investigate the subject. Bo-
Iwoon the land crrants to railroads and
the land sharks outside of Iho r.iil-
roads it is a question whether much of
the public domain will bo lofl by Iho
time these ngontB got down to busi
THE Buffalo Express sums up the
whole matter when it saya "No man
who was in a position to give conf
donlial advice lo President Garfield
would have dared to make a dishonor
able proposition to him. "
Commi'.HS will bo Hooded with
schemes to appropriate cm behalf of
the railroads thu most available sec
tions of the Indian territory on the
plea of necessary right of way. Sena
tor Edmunds will bo on hand to ob
ANOTIIUK infernal machine has ex
ploded in an English vessel , placed
there , as Mr. O'DynamitoUossa states
by Irishmen in Liverpool. Evorj
such explosion does more damage t <
the cause of Ireland than it does tx
England or bur Irish policy.
There nro sonio nliim ; visible to cliifo nb-
nerve1 of the birth of nn iiulciiuiuieul
muM'iiiunt lu lyoulnlmni ,
Scmitor Liuuar , of Mississippi , hint fail
t ( if having tu HO nmLlt ) fur u re-eluctimi , was
t. nominated ununmumUy.
Kx-CoiiKrosanian ] 'eltou , of Georgia ,
nruinU H unit the independent piirty ol
IiU xUite Khali be vfTeetlvuly oruanlz d
thin year. "Georgia is ripe to-ilay fui
revolt. "
The Philadelphia ballot-box BtutTer ,
who K 'en t ° prinou for nix niunttiH , payt
$100 , cannot vote f r aovtn yearn , and l >
for nil tlmo dlsiiunllOed from holdim ; pub.
lie olllce.
The imnicstion prevalli tint the y uth-
fiilS. J. Tildon will shy hid castor into tlu
riiu in 1884 , ami once boundlni ; | n aftct
It with u " 1 loop-In ! held wo are again ,
Mr , Mcrryman ? ' [ HiUtlmoro American
Jorcph Itrll , s Now York CityS alwnrt
boa bton appointed by ( 'resident Arthtii
ABsuclato Justicu of New Mexico , ! > \r \
Itrll won AnsUtaut District-Attorney un
der Mr , ItolliiiM until the clo n ni hmi
iiiniith , an i steps from one oliico to un
othcawitbnii liitortoyiniiii of only a fev
No matter how vmnll tbo llepublicai
party may be lu unyState , there ure neve
otlicei enough to o around , The term u
the Charleston ( B , 0. ) culleetor is kbniil t <
expire' , mul , bt'niili's the i rusent Inciiuibent
there are no li > s than n Jozoii uppllo < , nti
fur the tiluce , all with ' claims" which civ
not bo uUri'Kanleil without making tnm
ble ,
The Tx'tjldature of Misvliislpiil , now ii
it. soiisloii , v\ill deal with the napp. iiitmen
itifHt | nn e.irly in its proceed I uc a. Hot )
th'i Kenatiiiial and ( J. niU'8 ioiial dletricti
need rtionbtruction. Thu ipivitiun of ro
btrietiiif thu pouirs umnmeil liy i.iilrniu
orjHiralionn vsill no duubt be raUnl , u
the Dtinoerutlc platform da cor
m pumtioiiHof every ilt'irriptlon are mpcr
vi able uitbiu lomtUtitional limltn , in tin
inteiest of thu people.
it A Dover ( lil. ) letter to the IWtimon
TlniM ( hid. ) Miyn that there U consideia
ble imposition lit th t ftate tu the returr
to oj ili : S-itilnbuiy to th'e Uiiltd Statti
senate In 1883. owing to cortnin penurlotn
hftblts which Imvc imule him unx > | > ulAr ,
and also on account nf liin extreme Hour-
Ixininm. The cnmliilntci for the place lire
on-ConBrcpninftti .Tamcn WllllnniH , find ex.
Secretarial ! of Stnto James Wolcott nntl
.Tnlm II. Poyntor.
There Is trouble over the ClncimmU np-
iiolntmentfl. ConKrcoHtnnn 1'om Young
IIAH always been A ntnlwnrt , while lien
llutterwnrtli , the other repreientntlve cf
I'orkopolln , U n half-breed. Yn n thlnkn
he ought to hiwo the dlsiio al of the pit-
ronngc , arid ban refuno I even to bold n
conference with Huttcrworth to RCO if they
cnnldti't ngrco about a division of the
Hpolld. President Arthur U credited with
a ficnsihlo purpoto to pny nn furtber ut-
tendon to cither , but go ahead and appoint
the next men.
Clement 0. Clny , who has Ju t tiled In
| IK Alnbnmn hotnp , wan a tvi leal South
erner of the old "SUtoV-rlghtH" ecliool.
He WAI vdurnluil to politiCH from hta
youth , his father liaving been governor
nnd attprwnnl Hcnatsr of his nntlve State ,
and he entered tlio public nervice in tlio
1,1-ghlnturo nt 2J , from wiilch be w promoted
meted to n hidgcshit ) and liter to the
United Htatei Senate. When the South
ern Statci Hfcoilwl Iio rc inod ( bli scat at
Wanhlngton , nnd wan ditt-en to n imllnr
poHltton In tlio Cdiifedorntrt Scnntu , at
Hlcbmond. Of latoyeiUH he lia < llv > eHn
lotlre'inetit. nnil liU naina wns fant becom
ing unfntnlliiir to n new generation.
The siigir crop of Louidnna UIH ! year ,
untlmatcd at 150,000 bugnheadB.
The Ottntnwa ( fa. ) Uulller nnd Iron
V < nk nro working ft force of 'JOO haiuU
ii full time.
Tlio nnnunl canacitv of the lornmoth c
orkh of the United States , if which ther *
ro twenty , Is lii.lO.
Tbo Chicago Incorcotivo works , with a
ipllnl of 81,000,00' ' , h.iH been inconionit-
' . The work * will be erected near the
wn of Pullman.
The c lining factory at Mint Corner ,
le. , hna put un last ccnson MO.OCO cant ) of
wcetcom , ind 300 tntm of this product.
ilrendy beeni-hippcd went.
The nbopH of the Wnbash railroad at
'eorla ' , do the repairs for 100 locomotixcf ,
tiat nin on 800 tnlcn ! or road. There are
nin ,175 men on the pay-roll.
The Tauntnn Incomotive workw have two
ubHtnntlal eight-wheeled cngincH reidy
nr nbiptnent , dent md for the rolling utock
if tlio Central Mexican railroad.
The number of denies made by the Fair'
nka Hcalo workn at St. Johnnbury dur
ng the pant twelve montba hai encoded
"iH.rOO , or 8,000 moruscaltH than were Hold
Three counties in Karros , jrcThewon ,
'awnee and Mitchell , from an agcrccate
if lt,031 ! acres raised 12,855,150 pounda of
ironm corn , of an aggregate value of
Alabama will produce about 400,000
, on of pljr Iron in 188'and Tennepcee will
ullydoiililo her out-put of 1880. The
otiil Sou t hut n product of ores in the prcu
nt year will bo about a million tons.
The Philadelphia American rcmarkn
bat Pennsylvania in still nt the head of
, ho StatcH producing ore , her yield being n
ittlu uioro than one-fourth of the whole
odtict , but Michigan is pressing us
considerable steel making Industry
ihtH at the prese.ii day in China on the
Upper YangUe , whence the seel i sent
0 Tientsin for Bhipmeut and distribution ,
t fetches inuc.h bijlicr pticei than the
' rrjilisb steel imi orted into the country.
The Michigan car company , of Detroit ,
Mich. , computed la > t ye.r 0,000 freight
: ars , requiring in their construction over
:0,000 : 000 feet of lumber imil between 10-
1 " uml 50,000 ton * of iron and steel. In
addition , it did repair work to the Mihie of
The Msnchester locomotive works are
mining thirteen hours per day , and cm-
loyed 1125 men. The company are now
filling an order for twenty-fouilocomotiveH
"or iho Atchinon , Topekn k santx Vo rail-
Mail , nnd twenty-live for the Minneapolis
an St. Louiri railroad.
Operations have recently been com
menced nt tliovorkx of n Pittsburg com
pany organized for conducting the busi
ness nf making crushed coke. The work-
arc located at Mt. Pleasant , Westmore
land cou itv , Vd. , and are the most exten-
s ve of their kind in existence. Their ca
pacity ia 200 tons of coke daily ,
The first line of telegraph was erected
BH than 4 < > years ago , ami nt the present
t mo tbcre amore tluin 1,000,000 mil en
in operation. The United Staten come
first i itb ' . ' .50,000 mileK , with the inline-
dinto probability of adding another 100-
000 milenj LSermany c men next with 15 > , -
00 ' mile" , and the great C liine o Knipiro
last , with 12 0 miles.
In Norway , during 18SO , two new wood
pulp factor es were put in operation , six
nro about to be built , nnd eight of the
nineteen old on are to be enlarged. ] ! o
Hulex these them is running ono chemical
wood puln factory. The factories produc
ing imuteboard trom wood pulp have given
n tolerably gord profit , and the quantity
exported bun been larger this than in pre
vious years.
Mr. C. C. Oilman , of Eldora ( la , has
reeently patented nn invent ! n for the
manufacture of lumber fr.mi tire clay. Hit-
proc tu IK described in Inn letters patent a
( llowa : The compoKition consists of Kuo-
1m clay , frcii from grit , one part ; resinous
8a\vdiii > t , from ono to tbr o p.irtw , an poroa-
ity n ay be required : water , mllicient tc
, thoroughly inunrp ( rsto the r liove , l > y the
a'd of machinery , into n plaitlc IIUHB. It
! then pro-ied Into loggs , dried , the heat
: be ! g gradually raised until all thn xnw-
dimt in coiiMinud. Thi < material , beins
free from grit and lough in texture , cat
be cut , K > wed bored , planed , and carved
with cdgi d tool' , and b < fore or after mid
treatment can , after ttlippllng and glazing
be NiibuiitteU tea ceci'iid firm ? , with liiu
in nriiHincntation obtained ,
The Denver A HIo Grande railway no
' nernto lOlili miles of track , ngr.lnst fiD7 : ti
this time Ia.t jear.
Thnro are at Glendlve , Montana , 1-tl
cars of e'cms'.iuetion materiiilof tbt North
ern Pncific , a\\aitiui ; transportation to tin
The Northern Pacific railroad wai
completed to > ho lUme1 ud river , thi
( ceue i f the Cutter inarsacre , on Christ
m IK doy.
The CVntrol Jlranch of the Union Pa-i
Iio ban be-i > cxtendrd from Logan , Kan
saa , to Leoorn , twenty-Five miles. Ita des
tluution Is le im > r.
The Denver & New Orleans rallrriiu
track bus b en laid to a point near ( iar
land B'ation , al nut forty milu- from Den
ver. Trains can be run for twenty mile
nut ,
The New York Central Ooinnmiy an
bulldlnjr an elevated railway in Itochestf
in order tit fat etv the cltizfn- who mm
plain of endless trains. The road will b
two milus long ,
The Chicago , llurllngton & CJuinc * con
templateit puttiiig on through coaches br
lei \UTII St. Louis and Lincoln , N b. Tbl
would be n decidedly oed move on tin
part of the mllnud compsny
Work on the tunnel through the Mtillai
] ms" , uear Helena , Montana , wai iimug
ur&ted with civic ceremoi-ial rind um'e
auspicimiii clicuinstaiic i < geneialjy. Tin
work will cost S3r > 0COO , and requlri
fmmajear to eighteen months to per
feet it.
The J'enn yhania * y'tfln ofrallrcai
comprisoA ttven ihnuruiid , ono bundrfi
and t.uvrntvix inilc-i of rond. Thin in
i-luiicii tlin 1'hihd Iphia , WilminiJion fi
Italiimint ) rrad , .aid all otliern conlnillet
by tbo Pennsylvania company nud P nu
yhnula railroad comp ny.
The work of laving the tbinl mil on tlu
"onver and Kid ( iranduroad from I ue It
toDftiver , Col , , v\an completed on Juiiua
ry 1st , a ciislaiaci- | uvcrone bunMnnl anc
twenty mllea. This will give the Atcbi-
KOD , Topekit and Snnta J-'e read an Inlet
Into Denver with their own cam and will
obviate the matter of breaking bulk at
A railway currlnce WAS recently run
from Brighton tn Victoria , in Knelaml ,
which wan lighted with stored electricity.
U wan n application ot M.
Kante's theory , made public n few months
a n , and is nid to be cheaper than oil
'Iho MICCCM of tbo experiment is likely
lo mark n new era in railway innnngc *
ment ,
Tha rolling stock of the Denver & . llln
Grande company now < unsi U of VOS9
coal and Hat cars , 2,080 box CITK , 30 re
frigerator cm , 112 gtock earn , 3 wrecking
an , l , caboi CH , 12 n eepers , 87 coacliCH
ml chair cnrnHi bagcagr , mail and ex-
pres cnrc , tia construction car j or a to'al
of tlil1.'cars. There aru 1SG locomotivca
nnd 130 ate in proccsn of ci nstniction at
tbo Itiildwin A : Grant locomotlvo work" ,
tlil-tv four nf which v\ero to be shipped
during December.
Thpio were thirty nine cases of small-
pnx in Kan FrancUco on thu 7th.
Opium simiKglera were captured in thoU
U y last week , ith S3J.OOO worth of the
One million cubic feet of CIH wore con
sumed in Decu.nber to light the pub ic
buildings of Kan Fianclsco.
There are now oGU7 memberof ) the
Onklaiid free l mrv. The nvciago daily
attendance during the pastinonfh was 11" .
l''ivo men , with two wagons , came into
Marvsvillu the other day with $35,000
worth of ( old dust , the result of thirteen
months' woik on a flume in York Flat.
The tinbllc library of San Francisco con-
tilns 12,7 ! < JO books ; books read in th li
brary , 10r ! ) > 3 ; circulated outside , 17,315 ;
total , 28,2 < i8 : per cent of fiction to all
books read , 01.
There are two hundred and nineteen
hou es nt Spragiitt.
Of last year's grain ci op there has al
ready been mowed 02,732 tons , out of a
total of 112,08 * lonn.
During the past five months $2fi,275
liavc been expended in the construction of
new buildings in 1'oineioy.
There arc 3,000 men at work on the N.
1" . railroad near Lake 1'en I d'Oreille.
The weather in very favorable for railroad
The lumber exports from Seattle to
foretell countri s in 1881 amounted toII. . -
760,700 feet , valued at 339I.OGG The
coastwise traffic in unknown , but ij esti
mated .it the custom house for this district
to equal 132,000,000 feet , the aggregate
viijuo of foreign and domestic exports
being $1,718,220. Nineteen vetscls
were built on Pugct Sound last year of
3,5'IL tons , at a cost of 827-1,300. Since
November 1,180 ! ) , 3(50,000,000 ( feet of lum
ber , 15,001,000 laths and pickets , 32,000-
000 Hhinglex , and spars , to the amount of
S'J.'iO.OOO , have been sent from PugetSeund
mills. The coal exports in 1881 nugre-
gatetl , frotu Brattle and Tacoma , 173,000
tons and HIICO the inanition of the Pupet
Sound coal trade , in 1800 , have exceeded
1,300,000 ton .
There it now in operation in tbedistricts
Hirroimdimr Helena , 102 stamps.
The real c tate trinsfers in Ift'Icna dur
ing the yeir If.Sl exceed n half a million
of d liars.
I ) cr Lodge school dibtiict his S2500
rash on band , applicable to the construc
tion of a school house.
Thn aiwHed value of property in Mon-
tan i is $21,310,912 , nn inc-ease of over
live and a half millions over 1880.
In Ouster county the office of coroner w
a fat one. A day thai docs not pro luce at
least one rubjpct for an inquest in to aid-
ered rcmaikably dull.
Helena lifts five elegant church buildings
Presbyterian , J'pi'copal , Methodist
Episcopal , M. K. South and Catholic. The
Baptistu are about to erect u house of wor
ship. week a Chinaman in Butte Rave
birth to a child in n vile den in the town
and pad n countryman ten dollors to dispose
of the child which the
pose , copper-color
ed demon did by fecilin it to tbo hogs in
a neighboring yard. "The Chinee must
go1' is now the uy.
A new and rich strike has been mtulent
( 'Uiiiniins City within the last few days
the ore carrying free gold and a large percentage
centago of cupper.
Sheriff Sbarplefs , of Cheyenne , offers
82-riO reward for the nrrcst and conviction
of Kdxvtinl Graham , who shot nnj UilliH
King at Ked Canyon , Dakota , January 2.
The Wool GrowerB1 association recently
organized , ia otficered an follow.- * : Presi
dent , I. P. Ciildwe-11 , of Lnramle ; vice-
president , C. F. Phillips , of Laramie ; sec
retary , 'William Lawrence of Laramie
ticasiircr , James Vine , of Laramie ; trus
tees , George Little1 , of Cooper Lake , II , J.
Olugston , ( if r rrell , and w. B. Sutphln
of Laramie.
The a.ile of cnal fields in the nortbcrr
part of the terr torv to the representative !
of _ the Chicago , Binlington & CJuincy
railroad , is nearly completed.
A man was picked up ia the strceta o
Salt Lake the ether day with his neck cu
open , DUO eio in deep mourning and hi
nose broken. Ho refuswl to give the nann
of bis assailant.
; There are eighty mining districts era
bracing 5,030,000 acres , in Utah , am
mineral ban been found in every county
, Mimug was begun in 1870 , and eince Urn
time the teirltory bus produced ? G5JOO ( ,
000 in gold , filver and lead.
The yield of bullion at the Savnto ( Nov
for December wua a little over $18,000.
Wood River , Idaho , ia to Imyc n tell
graph and telephone line by the first c
Th < j Oregon Improvement company nn
negotiating for 1,000 cooliea fresh fror
Hung Kong.
' ) be yield for a ten dav run In the re
cent strike In the Cnlo'onin mine , Blac
Hills district , vvaa $14,000.
A trill ot gin. * * making with the nan
and natural alkali of Morriron , not fa
from Denver , Col. , hut been successful ,
Th * rl heat ore yet encountered In th
I'ureka funnel w 8 recently struck in th
south drift from the wleze sunk un the or
Thn Northern Pacific railroad has mad
a contract with the Mutual Union Tell
graph company to put up a line bctwee
St. Paul , Minn. , and Puget Sound , am
that tlio work will be put through earl
Your Neighbor.
When your friend or neighbor la labor
ing tinder bodily alllictiou , indigestion
blliouDiifRK , conatipati > n , rauned by mi
le purity nf blnnd , or disorders of thu kid
novH , or liver , don't fill to recomment
IH'iUKH'K BLOOD HITKKIM , it sure and s.f
remedy. Price $1.00 , trial bottlel" cent'
The tliiii ) , Jt sired found at ln > > t , A si
driiKgibt fur "l-.ougli on Hats. " It clear
out rats , mice , roaches , Him , bed I uga : 15
boircn. Ill
60,000 Lnborcn Can got Immcdlnte Em.
ploymcnt , at Good Wages , on Forms
and Railroads In Toxat Alone.
Tlio SoutliwostBrn Immigration Do
Will mall on application , frco ot cost , po"'i EO
prrp-iM , books l'h mips , g\\\nf \ \ futhcntlc
and reliable infornnlloii ol TUK-M , Arkansas , or
Western Louisiana. Ihoio meditating u change
to a new country , addrest
II. 0. Ul'VAL , Hcc' } , Austin , Tcxa .
OK fn C0ni ! ) " ' < l | > at home Saniple-1 worth
PU IU ipdUis ( rcc. Adilrcsi Smsox & Co ,
l'ortlandMaltic. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The "American Oattle Journal , "
WANTED Agents and eoi respondents In
every county In thu United State * to cnmais
nnd ( 'it up elnlu. r very subscriber pets a "Pre
mium Ticket , " mill drawn a prize In the Ainiinl
Ii ) trllmtlon ol lllooilcd Cattle , Sheep , Swine ,
I'o Itry. A.rlcultural Implements , , KrtiltH ,
'Iru-s , Jtwelrv , i ook9 , etc Sub crlptlon , $1.00
a .uar , In mlmtie . Spcclil prizes offered ( or
SL'ctiti. bend xtnmp fur KiuipleR. Address W ,
C. II AU.K.V , I'ali. "Ilural Nebraska" ( The
"American Cattle Journal" ) Omaha , Neb. nO tf
In the Circuit Court of the United States for the
District of Ni braslta :
Janus K. 0 Sherwood , I
Cahln llutlcr "uchccca Itutlcr fln C"ancl'J' '
0. W. Dunn & Henry Fcllier. ' ,
Public notice Is heroliy Klvon.thatinpursuincc
and b ) vlrtuu of adccreo entered In iho sliovc
cause , on the 2nd day of Sep'cmbcr , 1881 , I ,
M.MS L. UIKIIIIOWKH , Spiclal Master In
Ohanccrj In sold Court , will on the 12th day ol
January , 18S2 , at the hour of 10 o'clock In the
forenoon of sild day , at the wcstdoor of the
United States Court House and Post Office build
loir , In the City of Lincoln , Lancaster County ,
State and District of Nebraska , sell at auction
iho following described property , to wit :
The southwest quarter ot the southeast quar
ter , section numbered nineteen (10) ( ) . and the last
half ot the northeast quarter and the northwest
quarter of the northeast quarter of mctlon num
bered thirty (30) ) , all In township numbered
thirty-one (31) ( ) and range numbered two(2) ( cast ,
lo the county of Cedar and btito of Nebraska.
Special Master In Chancery.
D.O. Until. So Icltor for Complainant
OpDa week In } our own town. Terms and 55
QUUoutflt free. Addresa U. HAU.XTT & Co. ,
PortUnU , Maine.
In the Ciicult Court of the United States for the
District of Nebraska :
Now England Mortgage i
Sccurit ) Company I
Martha A. Conrad [ and )
Ocorgo P. Courad ' ,
Public notlee is hereby given , th In pursuance
and by virtue of a decree entered In the above
cause , on the 2nd day of September , ISbl , I ,
ELLIS L. IHERDOWEK. Spewal Master In
Chancery in wild Court , will on t/io 12th day of
Januarj , 18S2 , at the hour of in o'efock In the
forenoon of the said day , at the wewt door of
the United htatcs Court House and Post Olllco
ImlldliiK , in the Citv of Lincoln , LancafitenCoun
tv , State and District of Nebraska , sell at auc
tion the following described property , to-vlt :
The nortliwcbt quarter ol Kcction numbered
ten (10) ( ) in to n hlp numbered tliirtj (30) ) and
ran 'o , numbered six ( G ) cast , in the County of
Dlxon and State of N < braska
Special MiHtir In Chancery.
D 0 IIiLI. Solli itor for Coinplalnant.
SUto of Nconwka , Douplas County s * :
At a County Court , held at the County Court
Doom , in and for said County , Dec. 21nt ,
A. D. 1831. Present , A. M. CHAUWICK ,
County Jud e.
In the matter of the estate of Thomas Gilbert
deceased :
On reading and filing the petition of John B.
Snoad , pro ) ing that administration of said estate
may be grinud to himself , as administrator.
Ordered , That January 2Sth. A. D. 1881 , at
10 o'clock a , m. , la assigned for hearing Bald peti
tion , when all persons interested in said matter
may appear at a County Court to bo held , In and
for said County , and bhow cause why the lirajcr
of petitioner should not be granted , and that no
tice of pendency of said petition and 'no hearing
thereof , be given to all persons Interested In said
matter , by publishing a copy of thin order in Tin
OMAHA WKHKLY Km , a newspaper printed In said
Countyfor four nuceesaUe weeks , prior to said
day ol hearlnc A . M. CH ADW1CK ,
ilcc-23 wjt County Judge.
Examination of Teacher
I will bo present at my office In Crclghton
block on the first Saturday of each month to ° > x-
amino such applicants as may desire to teacb
, lu the public schools In Douglas county. Quar
terly examination first Saturday In February ,
May , August and Nov oiuber.
County Supt. ublic Instruction
Ani24.lBtanil3dsi > mwt >
1313 Farnham St. , OMAHA , NEB.
, Have reduced prioos and are nowwinn g : 3oe
Body Brussels , $1.25 to 81.00 : Beit 1 ap n
llrussela , 81.00 to 81.26 ; Best 3 ply Uarp-rt , 81.3
to 81.10 ; Bent Ingrain , COc to 1.16 ; CLeji In
grain , 35o to 6Ec.
Mattings , Oil Cloth and Widow Shadee
at Lowest Market Prices
Largont Stock and Lowest Prices
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , as :
At ft County Court , held at the County Court
Room , lu and lor nald County , Au-'Ust 1st , A.
JJ D. Ib91. I'tnta * , HOWAKD Ii. SMITU ,
lU County Judge.
In the matter ot the estate of Joseph 11 Nel
son , deceased :
On reading anil tiling the petition of Martha
S. Neloon , IirajltiL- that the instrument , purporting -
porting to be a ifijly authenticated copy of the
ast * 111 and testament of said deciouuu , and of
the probate thereof , liy the Circuit Court ol
Fountain Count ) , State of Indiana , and this dty
, filed In this Court , may bo allowed and recoracxl ,
u the last ulll and testament ol said Joseph IJ.
Nelson , deceanod , In and for tbo SUte of No-
Ordered , That August 27th , A. D. 1831 , t 10
o'clock a , m , , laas lKiiod for hcarliiijKild petition ,
K hen all ixireona Interested In aaiil matter ma )
ppeorataCounty Court to be held , In and foi
said County , and nhow cause why the prayer ol
petltionerehould not bo granted ; and that notice
of the pendency of Bald petition and tbo hearinc
hereof , be git en to all persona Intcrcnt-cJ In Bald
rn U r , br publishing a copy of this order In Tin
OUiHA WIKKLT IBB , a newspaper printed In flali
County , for three euccuosU u weeks , prior to sue
day of bearing.
( A true copy. ) IIOWAHD B. SMITH ,
. . .in wgt County Jud e.
To John II. Green :
Voo are hereby notlOcd that on the 26th daj
of February. 1870 , the undemlgned dul ) pur
tinned , at prliate na'e , In the triasurcr' oltlco
county aad state tforenald the following do
crlliod real totate , county and bUt <
aforesaid , tolt : Kasterly portion o
lot 4 M , In ut'Ctlon 20 , tounsMp 15 , rangi
13 cast , In said ( ounty , 8 nurvejor uch pur <
chaett belnc for dellniueut | taxoi , state , c-iuiit )
and clt ) , forjcar 1877 , duly levied and asseaiei
against Bald property and assessed In nemo ol
John II. Uroeii.
You arc further notified thnt tle t mo of re
duniitlon of i-ald piopert > from B-ild tax nail
will uxplre February ifl. 1882 , and that unlen-
redemption U made accnrding to law , nppllcatloi
\ > lll thereuuon bo nmdoto ald tn > auure r for :
dod for wld property. AUCIUHT UOM
Omaha Docuiulier 19 , 1B31. dec31'V > cchl > Jt
flnnA WEEK. 12 a da ) at homotoslly made
9 / Costly outfit free. AddreM TKIU t Co.
Auguiti , Mat no'
U ' -Onet 0)car old white heifer
TI kill In rach car , at my farm 12 mlleii went o
Omaha , Iland'n Mill * . JOHN J , LKDDEIIT ,
. . .
_ _ _
Clarkson & Hunt ,
8ucc3 rte RIchardi & Ilunt ,
B UthSir rttn h * Vh
' " " "
"Eidward"W . Simeraf [
For Sale By
No. 2S8 , Full lot fcnml and with oinall build
ig on Capitol A > e-uua nwirSMhtritt , * 700.
No. 257 , tarRO lot or block 205 lij il'O fe-et on
amllton , ncarlrcno street , J'.MK ) .
No. 250 , Pull earner lot on Jonw ) , near 15tb
ircet , 93,000.
No. 253 , Two lots on Center street , near Cum-
iiC street , 89M > .
No. 252 , Lot on Spruce street , near Oth street ,
No. 251 , Two lots on Sev , aril , near King street ,
No. 251J , Lot on Scward , near King street ,
150.No. . 249 , Hall lot on Dodge , near llth street
' 100.
No. 247 , Four beautiful resilience lota , near
ilghton College ( or will sells jiarato ) , 83,000.
No. 246 , THO lota on Uhailcf , near Cumin ; y
reel , $400 each.
No. 240 } , Lot on Idaho , near Cumlng etrcct ,
No. 240 , One acre lot on Cumlng , mar Button
; rect , S760
No. 244 , Lot on Farnhair , near 18th Btrect ,
, ,000.
No. 243 , tot Ci by 133 ( eeton College street ,
car St. Marj's A\inue , 3550.
No. 242 , Lut on Douglas , near 2Cth etrcct ,
No 241 , Lot on Farnhaai , near 26lh e rcct.
760.No. . 240 , Lot GO In ! > 0 feet on South Avenue ,
ear Ma onstieet , 5M > .
Nu. 2J9. Corner It t on Itur , near 2d itrect ,
No. 23S. 120x132 feet on Harnev , near 24th
: reo ( will eut It up ) , S'2,400.
No. 235 , 7U310 feet on Shcrmin Avenue
Cth street ) , near CJraee , Sl.OOO.
No. ' 01 , Lot on Uouglaa Mrect , ncarSSd $760.
No. 212 , l.oton I'ler sircer , near Sewnrd , ? 500.
No. 231 , Iot4ez00 feet , near C pltol Avenue
[ id 22d i-treet , SlM * .
No. 227 , Two lots on Dccatur , n arlrene-ftrect ,
:200aiidSI75 : eaili.
No. 22J , I ot 143 30-linbj 441 feet on Sherman
venue1 (10th ( otr et ) , near lr.iu ! , ? . ' ,400.
No. 220 , Lot 23\i'U feet on Uodge , neor 13th
trcet , mike an oltcr.
No. 217 , Lot on ma street , near Clark , ? 500.
No 216 , Lot on IlnimUoi , Ku > i ; , StOO.
No , 2u9 , Lot on IStli , near Nicholas btrect ,
! 500.
No. 207 , Two lota on 10 h , near I'aeiflcetreet ,
; l,600
No. 205Two lots on Castclhr , ncarlOth ttrect ,
No. 204 , beautiful residence lot on Division
treet , near Ginning , ? 50.
No. 203 , Lot e-n faaunders , near Hamilton
itrect , iS50.
No.lB'JJ , Lot 16th street , near Pacific , $600.
No. 19sJ , Three lots ou baunderj street , near
ieward , 81.3CO.
No. 103) ) , Lot on 20th ttrcct , near Sherman
35' .
No. 1041 , Two lots on 22d , near Orico street
$ GOO o ch.
No. 191 } , two lots on King , near Hamllt
itreet , gl,200.
No. 192 , twolot3on 17th street , near Whlt
Lead Werl 8 , Jl.dCO.
o. 188) ) , one full block , ten lots , near the bar
racks , * IOO.
No. 101 , lot on Parker , near Irnno street , $300.
No. 1S3 , two lots on Cans , near 2Ut etrcot ,
glltcdoSOl/00. |
No. 181 , lot on Center , near Cuuitog street ,
8300.No. . 180 , lot on Pier , neir Seward street , $060.
No. 175 , lot on bhcrman a > cnue , near Irani
itreit , l,4ro.
No. 174J , lot on Cess , near 14th , ? 1CXX ) .
No. 170 , lot on I'aciflc , near 14th Htreet ; make
No. 100 , six lots on Farr-ham , near 21th street
$1,151 to 82,000 each.
No. 103 , full block on 20th street , nea
race course , and three lot in Glde'u addition
near baun ers and Caseins i-trccta , $2,000.
No. 129 , lo * on California street , near Creigh
ton college , $425. i
l\o. 127 , acru lot , near the head of St. Mary's
avenue , $3,000.
No. l'2i , bout two acres , near the head of St.
Marj'u a\enuc , l,0)i' ' .
No. 120 , lot on 18th afreet , near White Lead
Works , $5 5.
No. 124 , sixteen lota , near bhot tower on the
Belle * ue road , $75 per ot.
No. 122 , 132x13- ' feet (2 lots ) on 18th street ,
ieor Poppletou's , $ liXJ. )
No. 110 , thirty half aero lot * In Mllhrd and
Caldwell's additions on Sherman a\enue , Spring
and Siritoun streets , inur the end of green
strict ear track , S 0 < to $1,200 each.
No. 89 , lot on Chicago , nuir 2.M strc't , $1,500 *
No. 83 , lot on Caldweil , near .Sauinlcra btroet
(300.No. . SO , corner lot on Clurles , near Saundera
stree , 700.
No. 8S , lot on Iiard , near 21et , with tuo Em
honses , $2,400.
No. 83 , two lots on 19th , near Pierce street ,
No. 78 , throe lots on Harncy , near 10th street ,
$2,0 > iO.
No. 76,00x132 feet on Oth street , ntar Lea > en.
wortn utrett , 93,000 ,
No. 75 , 00x82 feet , on Pacific , near8th ntret ,
$3 , ( 0.
No. 69 , 00x132 feet , ou Douglas etrcct , near
10th , $2.600.
No. 60 , eighteen lots on 21st , 22d , V3d and
Baundera streets , near U race and Sounders street
bridge , $400 each. bth
No. U , one-fourth block (180x135 ftct ) , ncarulaa
Convent of 1'oor Claire on Hamilton direct , ure
the end of red strie car tnuk , 8SiO.
No. 6 , lot on llarcy , near Oth street , J1.200.
No 3 , lot on Califcrnla , near 2lttt , Sl.tOO.
No. 2 , lot on Cos' , near 22d street , $2,500.
No. 1 , lot i n lUrney , near 18th , $2tOO.
Lots In Harbacli's first and second addition ! ,
OHO in Parker's , bhlnn'H , NolsonV , Terrace , E.
V. Illlth'sl Itcdltk'n , Uloo'n , Lake's , and all other
addition * ) , at a y prices and terms.
302 loU In llanscom I'lace , near Hanaoom
Park ; pricca trom $300 to $ bX ( ) each.
One hundred and fiftj-nine beautiful n l-
dence lot * , located on Hamilton ttreet , half wny
betw ecn'the turn Ulilo of the red street car line
and the waterworks io ervior and addition , and
jiut went ol the Content of the bisUn Poor
Clalro In Hhlnn's ajutlon ] , prices lange from
$76 to $100 rach , and will bo told on osy terms.
Tracts of 6. Ill , 15 , 20 , 40 or 8 ere * , with
bu Idlnga and other Improvements , and adjoining
the c iy , at all prleeo.
8 600 of the best residence lots In the city of
Omaha any location jou do ire north , eait ,
south or wist , and at bi-d rock piiceii.
220 choice business lots In all the principal
bunlnex streets of Omaha , tarying from $500 to
$7.000 each. '
Two hundrnl houi-cs and ot raniflnif from
$ .100 to $15MU ( , and located In every p rt of the-
15th and DC ag'.a ' Street ,