PUR < WAH A DAILY R-RK. TrniRsruY 12 1882 THE DAILY BEE. Thursday Morning. Jan 12. Wonthor llooort- ( The following obicrvatlons arc Ukcn nl < o mine moment lit liino at all the eta- ni named. ) W UfPARtMUfT , U. R. 8lO AL 8'KVir * , 1 - .Utitiiry 11 , 18S2. (4:15 : p. m. ) F Klvcr above low waUjr mark , five feet and tror.cn. LUOAL BREVITIES. "La Mtucotlo' nnd tlio "Cobblo" duct at Unyd's Opera Houno to-night. The Odd TcllowV excursion to Hl 5r tonight will le n dcllhtfnl ( { alfalr. 1'rcMi Vncclno Virus with full dircc- linns for ing , just rcccll l nt Kcnnanl UrothcfH. JH-lf llnvcrly'n Mastodons on ( Monday night nt Hoyil'd. 'Jhemilonf caU T-'ilday morniiiK. The hcconil Hoclnblc of tin rlan church will he held In the church l > .irlor thVi evening. The county coniinimlnnorH nt tholr meeting Tiiu'ilay npiKiltitud C'upt. J. J. Xellgh constnhle for the Third ward. There wore three plnln drunks Ixjfore .IuJgu 1'cnckc ycHlerclay. All wctc fino'l ' anil no paM , while Iho other two gn\c good security fur Ilia nmnunl. The Wibnnh : coiniianj' IIIIH iinloaikil n larjjo qnnntlty of the innturial nttho Trans fer lo bo u pl ( In the conitturtion of the iran he < ln for that company. - The Omaha Ilarbi-d AVlro Co. , Imvo junt pnrchnHed fifty carlniih of wire and ha\e orders enough ahead to cnnmmio tlio entire amount. A whopmnn , who wan crazy ilnink , roiiHcd the whole lower part of town TIICH- day by his dcni'inluu yt'lla on the river front. Ho was run down anil captured by Odiuer McCime. Information hiril ecu recchcd in thin city of Iho death of M .f. K Cuinu , wife of Ih'j ( Jruii'l Master nf MaHimHofNo- bias' ft. She died nt I'lilh City lant Mon day afternoon. Dr. Ayrcn accomplished yrslcnlay Ihu greatest feat of vacclnatiun on record , intloutilating 'I.Sil jiornonH wltli the \irim. Small pox will hnvo hut llttlo chniicu in Omaha if tliinntylo of vncciiuition In kepi ilj ) . The j ry In Iho caio of Sleelo , Johnson - son it Co. vs. Hninaii , Tnujdaygavo tha pli.lntiirii n judgment for the amount clnimcd , S200. A suit for ? ir)0 hn been < tommcnccd by the nmo part lew ogalnnt .J.S. McCormlclc. Jan2l"A The rehearsal of tlio I'ltlloniathean lub at iTuliug Meyer'H ruom Tuesday gave prom is o for Homo charming n.uslo at the grand concert nncl hall of the Hebrew Bcivjir < } I nt soc'ely at Standard hall , * Ey "lJay evening noxt. During the month of laiml or there pa cd both w y over tlie Union Pacific bridge ot thin point Jiift 7,801 loaded corn of freight. At the rate of ? 10 per cor , this Bhowsa revenue of $78,010. ThU Is out- HlJo of the passenger buslncsH. The rnlo now In for every lady to have her go Indicated on her hat brim. Kvcry Inch of width rcpro cnU three ycaw. ryis ten Inch brim menim that the lady is 1 thirty yearn ohl ; a twenty inoh btlm Hhows that lie IK sixty , and so ou. The third paity of the Tcrimlchoroan Club WIIH hold at Ktntiilard hall Tnemlay About 40 couiilca were present , The programme embraced u charming order of dances and with the ninplo refreshments ami mimio Ihooceanlon wan a most delight ful ono - The report of Iho killing of John Hull byUrn Hush , In Denver , proved not tn i bo entirely o Treat. There won a dlniculty iKstween them on Vrlday morning , In which Hull w.m Hliotin the foot , aeclilont- nlly It Is claimed. llu h "can toll 11 fiom JJuH'n foot" now , ure. At a meeting of the Miunnerchor HO- eletv Titattday llurman HoHvuz'Auig ' wan elected prekldent , Kil. Wlrth necre- tary and John ] > miner trcumirer. committees were appointed to iirraujjo i for and filperinteuil the grnnd maHUo | hall to bo ghcd by the society n'xt week , Mnt. Dninoy Shannon , who \v. ur rented on the charge of fflllng Hnut run Huud y was roleawtMl on her own rccogni- /.uiiixln the HUH of 820(1. ( The nu > e will I m lieard .Tun. oht. Hnrney ulalMH that eighteen other HiilooiH uero opt u on Sim- day anil that he ta brliu ptMhcciitfil. 1 * . K. I'liHlenan , ouu of Max Meyer K Bro'i workmen , wnn ntoppod Tin'wluj' while going lo hU home near the end of the red itrect car Una. Two men jumpcil over a fence and accused him , but ho thlnlm that the preieiioi < > f u nulghbor'n larjo dog dlHiuaded thi'in from their pur- U. H , Marahul ( . 'li.in' , of Idaho , who IM now In Omaha ou n few d.iyn visit , wears tin uuluo ] vcarf pin wh cli he says contains thu coat of arms nf hU territory. It Is the picture of a wi'ltary jack rabbit gazing -In mwHtUlvo louliniwi at a di i , of about one inch away , which i nippoued ' to rejircsent the moon. The uxpUnalli'ii of thedeylce U , iiccordlng In Die marshal that ( hero U nothing else for thu jack rab- lit to look ut cxwpt the IUOOD. No More Hard Tinin * If you will atop amending so much * # * on line clothes ; rich food nnd style buy liood , healthy food , cheaper and btttor clothing ; get inoro real and substantial things of lifo every way and especially stop the foolish habit of employing expensive , quack doc tors or UHID so much of the vile huni' bug medicine that does you onlj harm , but put your trust in that t aim pie , pure remedy , JJou Bittern ; thai cures alwaya at a trifling cost : , and you will sco good itiinoa and have good health.Chronicle. . Jan2-l" A DETECTIVE'S OPINION. Ho Declares thnt Col. Watson B. Smith wna Brutally Mtirdo-od. And that Arndt ia Perfectly Iiinocent of the Crime. The Latter Allowed to RO to the Depot Alono. Ho la Not Only WllllJitf But Anxioua for HlH Trlnl. Tueflday morning , as was pro- viouHly announced , August Arndl , the much-persecuted farmer , and the al most impotent victim of prejudice on Iho part of the U. 1' . railroad , wan taken to Lincoln to be tried on in dictment for having thiealoned the lifo of .ludgo Dundy. The train upon which the unfortunate mini was taken to the place of trial , left over the 11. & M. at 8 10 o'clock , in the morning. It had been expected by those who had given the matter any attention , that , in view of the barbarous ; instincts of the man , and the cm r- mity ( ? ) of hm paat lifo , mid lliu cli.i- bolical ( ' ) naluro of n certain crime which it is nought to lay at his door , nH tried lo bo proved by the mercen ary scribblcra of the U. I' , road ; that the prisoner , Ardnt , would bo con voyed to the depot , with the closest watch nnd tlio strongest gintnl which il in possible for the government lo ixorciso and give under those ciicum- HtnnccM. Tin : HII : : , however , ituii- formed that iinthint ; of the kind wim donu , and that , in fuel , Arndt , withoii * . mannclcfl , without anyporson to conducl him , walked td the depot to lake the tiuin to the place whoio ho is to account for the charges alleged ngainst him. It is true , however , that another prinouor waa taken to tlio Bamo train , to bo convoyed to Lincoln also , and this prisoner was in lliti cuatody of Mr. .1. J. Noliuh , u- poaiitonnciil of the Western Detective Agency , and with whom , hn walked nearly a block be hind Arndt. AH there wan Homo- thing mysterious in all this , Tun llr.r. reporter diitorininod to invontigato. So , Tucflilay nftornoon hn ferotted out Mr. Neligh and naked for an ex planation. Reporter. I understand yon took Arndl lo the train yesterday. Mr. Nolit-li. Yea. Hup. How came you to do so ? Mr. N. 1 WHH rciiiotod | last night by Deputy Marshal Stevenson , ow ing to the sickness of Mr. Hiorbowor , as also to thu absence of the doputioH , to take him to the train , and to dele gate somebody to take charge of him nnd another prisoner , while on the road to Lincoln. Hop. Why did you allow him to walk alone , and unguarded to the depot I t N. Mr. Sanders , who was appoint ed to watch them to Lincoln , and myself , were rather late in getting to the jail.Thoro was barely time then to make the train , and Sanders having " loft his bitggago on Purnani street , started to got it , leaving mo to escort the prisonem , Garoy and Arndt , down Harnoy and Tenth streets to the de pot. I walked beside Garoy , who was carrying aomo heavy baggage , while Arndt walked some distance ahead U ? Rep. Wore you not afraid of his escaping I N. No , I would have trusted him to go nlono. Hep. Doesn't that show too innoh carlesmiess for and confidence in a i man suspected of the murder of Col. Smith ! N. Why , my dear friend that poor ( old crank , " although possibly guilty of threatening the lifo of .Judge Dundy and that of other T. S ollicors , and ulthouith cranky on many other matters , had no moro to do with the murder of Col. Smith than you or mo ; Hop. Then you attach no import- anoo to the case made out against him by the Republican ! N. No , I do not. Ho has made contuulictory statements , it is true , both before and after his arrest as i to his whereabout * on the night of the murder of Smith. Hut it is easy to account for h'm contradictions. Tlioy do not , hott-over , inculpate him in my mind , nor do they in the minds of District Attoinoy LambortBon and Mr. Cowin , with both of whom I have been associated in Iho matter. In fact , any statement ho might make , oven though ho wore to confess the murder , would not alter the facts as to his whereabouts that night. And , inasmuch as , n whorl time nnoof after the minder , I know of his whoienboutB on thu night i of thu homicide bntxmtii tli" In HUH of Sand II o'chcl. , I did not eo t to look m'o ' the nmtUr iu conneotion with the B9.iFsination of Colonel [ Smith. Rtp. 1X > you bi'Hovo Coloni ! Smi'l- \\it muidttiull N. I do. Thuio ia nbuud.inci < . of proof to show that it wax a biutal and diabolical murder. Hep. IB thuio anything being done xi poruro the guilty purtie.s ? N. There him been eousidoinblu iionoy expended by the committee , taken from the fund raini'd ' by thu citfccim , but the amount subscribed , 1 understand , will not loaoh ipiito $11,000 , of which 85,000 are held intact for thu lomml ollored , leaving not enough to follow up clues in thu systematic manner in which it Hhoultl bo done. The probabilities are that the murder , will always remain n mystery unless - jts perpetrator is discovered by acci dent , or the committee is jaovided with u largely increased working fund. No detective of ability will work fui rowaid without having the expenses , incidental to his labor provided for. 1 believe that large rewards in eases o this Kind are really dangeioiis , It , well known that many people havi been alieudy suspected and in-fused o - this minder withoutnnywoll-gumndcH - cause whatever. Hup. I lave you any opinion in ro - tards the patty who > d tin crime ) .N. In that regard I dcsiro to say nothing in ono way or the other , bo Moving it to bo as much the duty of detective to protect the innocent ns to dirciTJ the guilty. The reporter would have pro- poumied other ( | turieH but for the utrivalof iMr Nnligh'i mail , which so cnirrosscd the gentleman's attention that the reporter was compelled to withdraw A UAIIK TREAT. An Eloquent Orator Comlntf to Omnhiu Thu people ot Omaha are to bo fa vored with a rich treat in two lectures by W. H. Aflleck , of York , England. dramatic power of Uoiigli ; the Anglo-Saxon of Washington Irv ing , mid the eccentric humor of Hilly Diwson. His intense earnestness , his irresistible wit and burning elo- iiiiice | ( ! have compelled recognition on both sides of the Atlantic. TKHTIMOMALS. Dr. Frederick R Lens , K. S. A. E. , utc , Leeds , England , says : " 1 hnvo known W. IJ. Alllock many yenrs , nnd have esteemed him for his high prin ciple and loved him for bin goodness. Ho ifl nn original speaker , full of quaint humor and truo-hurniiii ; elo quence. I commend him to all my American friends as a man , a talker , n singer. " F. H. llowmaii , F. S. A. K. , F. 0. S. , etc. , Halifax , England , lays : "Fow men unite so many admirable qualities His style , humor and anec dotes will always secure for him the attention , nnd none can listen to him without amusement and profit. " S. S. Assembly of the Norll west : " \Vo secured him for ono of our Ice- turoa in J881. The popular verdict declared him to bo the leading card second to none among n largo roster of the best Ioctur6rs in the country " Itov. W. Wiirron Clark , Brooklyn , N. Y. : "J never know a lecturer of greater power Ho combines more ijualilii'H for the popular lecture field than sny other man I ever mot. " AMlllIC'AN VIIKSH 11KTO11P ! . Mr. Alllcck is an English orator. His power nn audience is irresistible. N. Y. World. Two of this wondoiful man's ' lec tures , "Lost for want of a word , " and 'Homo , sweet homo , " will bo de livered in the First M. K. church on Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week. Oomo early that you may get seats. Lectmes to begin nt 8 o'clock. Don't f.til to hoar the lirst lecture. SUK HIJRi : You are sick ; well , Iheio It jml one remedy - dy that will euro you beyond potability ir doubt. If H'H Jjivur or Kidney trouble , Conininptinn , Uyupcfmia. Debility , ' Wcll'H Health Jlcnewer" is your hope. 31. Drujaflst Depot , 0. F. GKxlman ( , Oniahii. LA MASCOTTE. " .a To- There has been n largo sale of re served scats for the opening night of the 0. D. Hess Acme oponi company , at Boyd's opera house. It is the piece with which the Fay Temploton company opened the house so success fully , and everybody will want to sea it again. The Chicago Intor-Occmv says : "The engagement of the Hess Op era troupe at the drand Opera house for the past two weeks has been i a very Huccessful ono. The opera , Au- dran'd 'Mascotte , ' is a delightful work , full of rollicking and refined humor and sparkling music , and it is one of the few works that an audience seems heartily to enjoy from I , beginning to end. The com pany is composed of the beat material. I'eakes and Mark Smith will make their appearance fult in opera of any kind , whether comic or grand , and Miss Randall and Miss Eisner and Mr. Wilkio add : th to the organi/.ation. The scenery is pretty , and the continues of the char ' acters very picturosquy and attractive. Mr. Hess has opened his season un der thu most auspicious circumstances. Ho deserves it , too , for ho has , in his quiet , yet determined way , done a great deal for the musical taste of the people in this country. Army oraora. Tha latest army orders issued from the headquarters of the department of the Platte , Omahii , Neb. , are as follows : Leave of absence for ono month is granted First Lieutenant Charles mL. Uurley , Sixth infantry. Second Lieutenant .las. O. Mackay ; , Third cavalry , now in this city on public business , will return to his eta- " " Untlor provisloiiB of army ru-'iila- , iims 205 , BUillciont ciuiso liuvuij , ' boon shown for his iimbility to jmy hm own [ uxiuMiHUB , the ( Hinrtorninstcr'a dopart- niont will furmsh transiiorlHtjiin Jroni Umnlin , Nob. , U ) Olioyonm1 , W. T. , to Corporal doriok Post , tronpiL , third cavalry , a furloughed soldiur , without moans to rejoin Ilia atntiou. Tlio troop commnndor will bo noti fied by the quartermaster furnisliiii } ; Lho troiiaiwrtation , of the coat thereof , o the end that it may bo charged iigainst the soldiers pay on the next muster d .y. A board of survey , to consist of Captain 0 tis S. Jtoberta , Seven teenth infa.itry , A. D. 0M First Liou- toimut Earl D. Tliomaa , Fifth cav il ry , and' First Lieutenant Dan 0. luiignmn , corps of eiigineors , will eonvono at the quartoinviater's depot in Ihis city to-day , to ascertain mid report aa to the responsibility for 1 delays lays in transporting freight between Sidney and Fort Robinson , Neb. , un der article 8 , of contract made by the chief quartermaster of tlio depart ment with .1. H. I'ratt , dated May . KAHMKItS AND MECHANICS. If you wish to uvoid great danger . nnd trouble , besides a no small I bill of expense , at this season of the year yon should tuUo prompt stops to keep disease from your household , The system should bo cleansed , blood purified , stomach and bowels riyul.i- ted , and prevent and euro disease - aiising from spring malaria. Wo know of nothing that will so porfectiy and surely do this as Electric Kitten , and at the trilling cost of llfty cent a bet - tie. - [ Exchange. a i I Sold by lah & McU ahon. 7 COMING TO The Treasures of Idftho to be Poured Into Our Lap. \ Vhnt the Oregon Short i.no ! Will Ac- compHsh for the Torrltory nnd thlH City."n United States Marshal E. S. Clmso , ' Idaho , arrived in tke city TucsClm jny , ] mid was corniled at the Withnell louse by a BKK reporter. The martial nlml is looking hearty and robust , nnd nnounced that he WHS on a low days rip to > ro his friends in Omaha. "Of courao , " said he , upon being iskod how buflineiB WAS in Idaho and especially iu the Wood river country , 'everything at present is dull in that region. When winter approaches icarly all work in the mines shuts lawn nnd consequently there is but little lifo in the camps. 13ut that country is opening up wonderfully nnd it gives tl'o greatest promises for the future. During the past year , 1881 , over eighteen hundred locations have been staked , which make the total number of locations about -1,800. Many of these locations have been sold almost aa soon ns made. Last week three mines were sold by the prospectors for the aggregate sum of § 080,000 , that being the price obtained by the prospectors nnd not including what the 'middle men' mint hnvo made. "This seems a great deal of money to pay for mines that have simply been opened , but in each case the purchases wore made by parties in the business who know what they are about , nnd don't make foolish bar gains. One thing can be said also for Iho Wood Jtivor mines which cannot bo spoken for any other minim : coun try in the world , nnd that is that no mine has boon worked to the expense of a thousand dollars that has not paid. There are already over ono hundred and fifty paying mines , and prospectors have almost a certainty of P success when they commence a hole. "Iho that the district reason is em braced within what is known properly as the Wood River country is as full of mineral as it is poesihln to bo The clasa of ore is galena and copper basis , next to the Java formation. As you go further up it becomes galena and quarts ledgsa , while in the Sawtooth the quart-/ ledges abound and are very rich. There are 11017 two smelters therewith two more goingup. . "The thing , however , which will most interest Onmhn people , is that the mineral productions of this whole country are bound to comer ta you , as soonnsiheOicgonahprtl.no is com- plotod , and in my opinion Omaha in another year 'will supply all of that country with merchandise. The short line is now completed' nearly to Snake Rivor. .An iron bridge is be- . . . „ hauled to the River and by spring will bo in placo. When this road is completed the Wood Hive ? country will ship from $ . ' 1,000(000 ( to5,000 , - 000 in bullion annually to your smelt ing works , if the owners-of tie works will buy it , and I have but little doubt concerning that. All of the residents of Idaho , , and especially these of Haley , Bowlder , BOJBO Oity Mid other towns are-anxious for com pletion of the line from Granger and will gladly avail themselves of its ad- vantages. PopnEnrlty THOJIAK' KCLKCTHIC OIL ban obtained great popularity , from ita Intrin sic value an a rollablc-jnedicino , m curing lioarsonetw and all Irrltutions of the thrpa , ( l eaecs of the chest , ate. For these It is an incomparable pulmonic. 0-lw _ - - T ' * - " " - r WILD RU3TAWAY. A Driver Bndly Bndsod nnd B > Wn on Broken. An exciting runaway occusrod on North Eleventh street yesterday The team belonging to 0. F. Goodman ' 'dng man , wholesale druggist , was being driven out of the. gate leading to the Union Pacific shop yards when they became frightened , and made a des perate run for about two blocks. Ilun- 111on ning toward n corner post , the wagon ; struck and the terrified , animals toro themselves loose. The driver , Ingald Smith- hold manfully on to the reins until the ahock came , when ho was hurled headlong into the mid dle of the road. Ho was BOOH picked up and was carried into the shop y.irdswhoro ho lay for n few minutes unconscious , and the report spread that ho had been killed. A physician ntrivod quickly , and restoratives were applied. It was then discovered that the man was badly bruised and jarred , and his head was slightly cut , but strange to say ' ho had not suffered a fracture of any sort. When ho struck theo ground it waa upon his shoulders , anil in such n way that ho bounded like : a ball. It was surely a miraculous es cape for him. The wagon , of the heavy carting style , was badly demolished , and it will probably cost u round sum to repair - - pair it. It IB not known whether the horses are injured or not. GaiUyof Wrone. Some people have a fashion of con nine excellent remedies with the - lar o mass ot "patent medicines , " ' among in "this they are guilty of wrong. There are some advertised remedies fully worth all that is asked for them , and ono at least wo know of Hop Hitters The writer has hail occasion ' to u'so the Bitters in just such a ch- mate as < vo have most of the year in lUy City , and lias a way * found them first class and reliable , doing all that is claimed for lliom. Tttbunw. -10 , A Fair Contoat. Among the elegant articles on exhi ' ' - bition at the fair of the united Irish * societies , now in progress at Masonic hull , is a lovely silver tea sot , a proa cut from A. B. Huborman , the jeweler of Colonel J. J. - oler , The friends.of Dickey , superintendent of tolegmp of the b , V. , n > d H ° - aMo- Shane , ono of our representa tives in the state legislature , have brought them to the front ns contestants for the pnV.o. Voting was begun actively Tuesday and will bo kept up lively nil week. The lucky man will draw something that ho will value for a lifo timo. The friend * of both ! ) ' p.irties are pushing their claims "n vigorous manner. ARNDT ARRAIGNED Clm . R. Rodlck Appointed to Oofonci Him. August Arndt , who was indicted by the United Status gr.ind jury , in this city ( , last month , for threatening the lifo ] of JudgeDimdy , and waa taken down to Lincoln Tuesday morning was taken before the court Tuesday afternoon , and in answer to the ques tion , "Ilavo you employed COUJIHO ! ? " answered that ho had not. The judge then suggested the propriety of the prisoner procuring coun sel , when ho replied that ho had not the meant ) . Thereupon His Honor asked him to dcsignato aome member of the bar that ho preferred an counsel. Ho then stated that ho considered it an insult to ask any member of the bar to defend him ; but if the court was to give him counsel ho would prefer Mr. Charles lledick" . Mr. Redick coming into court at this time and being asked if ho would act as the prisoner's attomoy , replied in becoming language , thcietipon His Honor appointed him Arndt's attor ney. Tlio trial will probably take place before Judge Foster about the 17th. A Hnppy Rout oration- POHTI.AJ.-I > , Mich. , Aug. 24,1881. H. II.VAii3Kii & Co. : Sir * I most heartily recommend your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure , to nil suffer ers f loin urinary dillicultics. I owe my present existence to its usir. jL'-lw. 3. S. MATKKTV.-V DIAMOND DROPS. A Wealthy Couple and Their Omaha. Purclinarw. Col. Fvuiik MeLauahlin , the busi ness agent of Edison , the electric light man , who passed through the aitf yesterday improved the opportunity to buy about 8100 worth of jewelry , from Max Meyer & BroCol. . JCo- Lau hlin h s been a , regular customer of this firm for four years , buying on his first visit to Omaha § 800 worth of goods of them. On anothnr occasion , ho purchased bill amounting to ova-j 81,000. The colonel carries a fat pocket book and wean diamonds thnt would rival these of. New York "boss.'r His wife wears-a pair of solituiro ia- inond ear-drops worth § . 1,000 and ! these uro the smallest of them prec ious atones worn by either husband on , vife. They will be a bonanza for train robbers , if they are ever-o.iught. PERSONAL Ham S. ir : oof Blair , is In the ty. J. W. Sweeth ) of Norfolk , is in the city. 7. 8 ; ClaiUgon , of Schuylor , ioin the city. city..T. .T. S. ( Treeji.of ( rrjenwood. Neb.is in the oity. W. S..Oftssrof' Tutacoln , Is at tho-Motro- folitau. L. J. Snider , of Neiigh. Is nt the Brush- toB.houHe. W..Hyde , ofiSiilnay , | Neb. , m t th Occidental. J..W. Duocjna..of Lincoln , is ai , . the Wlthnell. S , B. Galeyr.ofiTJiucoln , wiw in © maha yiter ! ay. AV. A. Ruiikles arrived from Siout Cityyoslorc'ay- llnrney McCftllliw arrived from 3iuus City , yesterday. L. Means , oi Oakdale , arrived ia tli city > \oaterdttV J AV. Miller of York , arrived in. the city yesterday , C. E. Griffin , , of Uvwrence , IH a guesft at the Metropolitan. U. Toiler nutl CJoo. 1 * . Waller , of. , are in tri&city. .ThnIIimtr of Sioux Falls' ' , arrK-ocl iu the city ycfltsrday. .Tmuos ( Well , of Fiillcrtou , : vrrrcd in the city yetetdav. C.V. . Adftinn , of Central Uitjv airivrtl in the city last e eulnif. ! : . W. Crinsby , of Contial Cityis a at the Caufield houte. T. J1' . Hurlco , of Ditto Spring rej'i - orecl ut the CnnBeld honno. If. Wilkhiiton , of Deadwoodi. T > . T. , is a guext at the Withnoll house. Ohris MatthowBon was arc/in. ; the ar- ivnls nt the Oanfiold yesterday , H'chanl ' Wiolai , of tJnuut Iflanil , is hi the city , a ( 'iiest at the Croijjliton. Frank Cuistello' ' anil Joi INiisiitnt , of Wnir , arri\eil In the city yoiteriluy. Frank Kondelo and Thi'miiH Killiftii , of Wnhoo , are nt thu Crellitot ( > hou e. A. Wllkle anil Mark Smith , of the HCMS opera company , are at the NV'lthnell. Cco. ! K. AtwuU-r anil W. .1. Outherwalt , of IJocjtur , uro ucflts at the Uieighton. MorrU.l. .lonus , of lu\id City , WAS cue of the arrival * on List evening' * traia. Albert S. Cole , of Nebraska City , U among the rc Utcr' * ut the Withiiell home. Capt , S. 11. McConiUhe , of the teentli infantry , 1T. S. A. , HtopphiR t the O , V. MoLean , of Tekameh , arrived in the city yesterday , He is registered at the Creighton. Woods Smith , of Luup City , arrived Iu Omaha yestcrtlay. He it utopping at the MctropoHuui. J. H. High , of bhukfiwit , ldul > , ar- rhedin the city yetcrd y ami put np [ at the Wilhnell. " The practical completion of the Omaha ystem of waterworks in called to mind by the resignation of Mr. Chester It. Da - vis , who shortly after the works wcr - commenced , has filled the position of engineer . , gineer in chwjso of their con tr ction. Mr Davis leaves only becaus * of the comply - tlon of. the works , and he | K > OJI < th will of the president and oilier mem- the company , and their insurance that tney are satisfied nlth the worl ? liclng carefully cducAted In hii Drofcssion , Mr [ ( DavU had many yean of 1 irpe aid .ftrj varied ' prncticnl experience , Jt la hU in- . . tentlon to shortly cpenanjolliceln thh city In , thu , ' practice of civil cnyincrriiiir in ail its ' s CATARRH CURE. The antltfotnl theory , now admitted ( o bo the only treatment which will eradicate Catar- rlml Polion. he * . Chan. II.Tujlor , 110 Nolilo street , liroolc- lynN. V. : "One | ckai < o effected a radical Ilc'v. Oeo. A. Uil' , OobUdkl'l ' , Schoharlo , Co. , N. V ' It restored mo to my ministerial la- Her. W H. Htiuintr , Frederick. MA : "P nc results In six caics hi my lamllj. " He * . ( ! > K. Pratt , fat. blephcnu Rfctory , I'hlnt " ( Julie nonlerlul ; let roe oJatrlbuto jour 'Trcatl c , ' " Chas. II. Stanhope , Newport , II. I : ' I was tooileaf to hear thocbiuch bells rlnjr ; searing "aeorzn W. Umtirlxh * , 73 lllddl street , more , Md. : "Suffered 0 years ; pcr.'cctly curnl. " . . .Mr . JI. H. Shcnnc } , 3"22 S ah streeS , St. Louis : "Tho first natural lircnth In 0 ycnrm- " Mrs. J. W. I'urccll , Ool&n City. Col : "F ed onlytno ) iackae ( ; entirely itircd ; nullcrcil 24 V'Ir. V. N. Clark , Dei tUt. 8Montgomery strict , San Pram-bio "SuHireiT Ji : Juara ; pcrfuctly U ' Dr. WeVoe Meyer's Poplar "TREATISE" on Catir h nialleil < no. The yn at Cure Is co llvrred by IlninI tii , or by D D. Dewey & . Cot , lb'2 Fu.ton Btrict , New York 3or ( I 00 , moncdf ritnat&w eckcow SPEC6AL NOTICES , NOTICE Advertleemeni To I n , Kor Sale , l.oat. Found , WaaU , Boardlmr. ftc. , will lie In- ported ta these column * once f'cr 1EN CUNTS per line ; tsch iiuncquont In'crtlon , K1VKCKNTS per lino. The first Insertion r.over less than TWENTY-PIVK OKNTO TO LOAN MONEY. ONEY TO LOAN -Call nt I > \T Ollire of D M L. TaoniM Uoom 8 Crelghtcn Block. To lMn at lroln * to 10 Pcr " ' " ' on food rial cstatawcurity , by DR. I AAC EDWAim 1109 FarnliMn St. TO LOAA At 8 vcr centln- teiwt In minis oi > WCPO nnd upwards , for 3 to 6 > ears , on tlrit-clM8 city and farm proi > erty. Hr.siis HRAI , E TATK and LOAM AORSCT , Uth and Doiuilnu Sts. HELP WANTED. W ANTB" BnmullnUl } , o cook , azflttO liar- vrrANTI-'D A * srnod Iiou eUeciiir , Oertnan. ) VV H. Jlanim ciler , oniplov input oliice. OJ3-11' tlje ofolilteln aprodiid'comniH- WANTCD si for n few hears dal . * Ad- , M. l , I'M. 013-31 _ _ ANTED A partner with one hundied WA dollirs in n fine paying bu ln. % . Ad- i J''f > . 0. V. Henley. BDi-12 ! * \\rANTKD-15iuund wcrotiK'M.rywh're. nlx VV P J- Address with lnmp.I. I1. Do ore. Omaha , Nob. SOS W TO- > to lOacre fara ( near WANTED town. II. llau itr , lltb strcit , i car Fwnham. ' ANTED HH * teams nd men. Inquire of W Manrmeitlr , JHh ; newFainuin. 883-llf < TKB AsTow tabla boarders at 113 , east WA hide of 17th Ht. , t'jtrev doors no/ih ol WANTED AVew day IwsrJersan be ac- cominodftttdwlth llrss-clam table lioardal n Tcry reanonalla rate. Iii-y : re a1,135 Howard , between flth ani lOlh ate. SSM W ANTED A oed girl o * the Emmet House. 878-12 * ANTKD Solution as teacher In a country W chool. Addrcs , l.'tes-Lucy Bonnlfon , uro Bee Office. 87C-11 * 'ANTED A good firtt for ( joneral housework - , , work in afamllj of tnoi Steady employ- xtcnt and gold wages. Must be good cook. : 2417 Davenport S . 877 if "ITrANTED A family to adopt i\n Infant. Ad- 1 W drosn , 7i U. 1'ortcn , Arlington Iloue , Lincoln , Nob. 8BS-12- WANTED To rent or hey an improved farm ot not lens than .80 acres , \vithui8 miles of city. Address , Chr > ea II. H nsman , Omaha , Neb. 868-tf ANTED Funding brld o und school bonds. H. T. O rk. nellevTiB. 26-t > I. nillnihy ft Oo. nave purcnawcl WANTED business o : i : llerthofd , > .1020 Dout'Iofl dtreats where they will contlnuo the busiiisBS , and.y fair dcallngi and liing Kood prlci-H they projwMo to Inir .MO the trade Thov solicit pirtlcB ho ha\Q old bon , tags , Junk . Hide uictnla to K\\e \ them a call. TOSlrco A situation M booK-kceporr "by WANTKD tharou { hlyundcr8ta'idj double , nnd slnjflo crlry , Id also a [ rood iwnman lest roferciaen n'.rcn. Address , C. E. , Hi o ollko. 708 tl 'ANTI-D 4 children ai li-ardcrs in a nolfifr iuW schcol , at lllth an < ! .California St. L. U. LOOMIH 7f.7-tt ANTSI' Tlrl to do house ork. lire W rarnhani St. 44E'tf FOR 'RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. i POK UKNT-Cotta e , ( XS north 18th 8t 854" . 1'JCST House wth : 0 rooms , h ? > I aiul POK water. In nlru ol Kuoiio ( ; 0 Nelll , ictli ami Howard St . OVZ-tt TTlOIl HUNT Rood ho J o and barn wii/l / 12'lats. L1 IiiPliIro ol Ktuena O'Neill , IDtli and Howaid ' " " - brtcet , T710II UK.NT CIIBA7 11 i-torj IIOUMJ ; 11 r , I ? v ll .Hid iWuin iai North IDtlW. 10U 'll/s r-ltooiu \ lth bo ml , In MOW licMi u , viitillulTct. rtthreo il OM une of ' "B' " 'T'U ' KKST-CttKAP- Her > II. ir. liKNl W wi'l > 'uniii-nuJ front room , .So. I 2J l > arilai t. , . lkr. . . J > no rf the bi t. > 3 res til u I'liiK ' St. , 2ivI , Jnnnaiy 1 , l& 'l. - * ' tf i .lull uhN'3 hu IIUBO ti.ruu-otorj in { 1w h inontV ick build liU'-l'UfttB ' near tli. ) for- \lt lhoc < vii ot Uthand JoJ oin , mltiiblo or a wholi wxle Jm lnc or tor e ami lOiiim ion arel)8jMAppl ) to tr . LOLI-A lllh- .IKE. N. K. forncr i Uaanu Ittth 8ti blJ-13 - One iiu'tly lor unwi front roan > J1OII1U-NT roaii ; east nldo 17th Ht. , ono dee notlhof Douglu. " < " . _ ITWIlttKN'l A ulv or binulo rooii'S , nloaly Jj fambhed , at N. W. co . 2Uh and Dvou. ort. KKNT-A nr t-ol * hall for Boclctv FK . t'clitrtiny loiaw . Kor partlr en ulre KcnnBrdU ei UtliandDoutlaf > U. tX > itf 7 OU HUNT Intliw Western New i f .r Union . ' corner 12th &ud llo ard bt . , a Ur/o room with or without uteim | wer : tultaXii ) for Unlit u luiulailiirli K ' Job iirlntlnK cilice. Ap ply | on Uia | > riin < M. TTlOH HKNT One nice furnlOusJ front room L1 No. 17'il Hoii las ht. blO-tf oil HrUS'T ? lurnlsbja loomn over ilui - F ta' rxch nte1N. K. ccr. 16th and Dodfr- 1OH UKNT Home , * room ) . wnth cml lot 1 ; fat. toqulro J. U. SlcCaiiuo , opixxlU | > oi > ' otllco. _ _ ' 770-tf ' HUNT Nleclj furnUbcd tooiuu with oi ; ullhout board. Ittaionablo priicg. ' . ' 013 - Ca > Ht. 'COtl T710K RENT rurnUheJ rooms , north side ! o - .L1 California , Et. , 2J door c t ol 2Ut. Inquire Kite r 1 p. in. 48Mf . , inOR HKNT Cottjte of S room * , well n - 1 } ciiU'rn ; 23rd and Bt. Mar > 'iieuue , Kn quire.o | } l , W. Kennedy , 31 * 8,15th Bt , SPEWAL HOTIOES-Ooimnned l dlt SM.K A flMt-clsM 'OOK ' ami nt\t onerj I' butlncM , cnrr > hirf n ( nil linool toji.no- tlor.c , zcpuyrii vail piper , noldlnji , In [ tt crrlhlntr ; ilol'-ir a l.u i CM of 810.UW ft ) car ; EO'd location , ilicupient , tikw rth a > out ti.COO , din lie bou ht on c.-w ) tiunbi oed patty \ \ III fell , nut pot trade. Addr. " ( II d SCIIUAHIIM IIAXMI , SplOIItf Krcinoiit , bcl > , SALE OH IlKNT A Rroccrv stoic mill liittiicrshop , ilolns r gooJ butlncM. In- | UlM at thli oBlcc. P12-II riOH SAM'A nearly new ldit > ar top I ' chei ca.hortlme. Ai rt 9 P. 0. limner S3 , clt > . Ptf I rs emf. DrcwlcnMi.TC Coodaanew. 1. K. lrdr ) ! ) t , corner Idtli and Webster , an T OH SAI.K Iwoiiwclllnir lioii'ciwell locate * In the thrh In * voiirw to n of Hk Cr.etr , on the A. AN 11. IIAl o 40norc ( Wood Inn * Hutted 1J mllc from the town , t o ) In rulllrntlon. Tor yortlcu'ors ftrltt to Tom i'rlch , I5o0 , Klk Or * lc P O. WO-13' BALK Full lot rxl 3 snull hinuc * near FR . P. ilcpot , * 22 < XX JUC'ajUO , Off. P. O. rOlC 3ALfi ! nlco co-.viter and 2 1U t plktcd thav cnc , at Oto. 11. Pcteirau'i , 8G > South 10th iit , 741-tt 37IOU HMM Ur will exclm go for Omab | > ru . pony , nil lnniro cd on of land n-JJolrl- liiK n atnSon on U. P. It. IS , 31. UU.VIIAMI. 1412 FarnharoSt. , Omaha. 7 l > 3rn Foil SALE Or trndo for fity ptopcrty > on > pan cf horns , harness etui HACOII. Aa&na S. V. , ihlssttei ; 722 U FOIl SAIjK A irooa so * nu-j car-old horse WarrrfxCctl to drive tiliic'.tr or iloulilo. Ia quire of Occr e Cantleld , CanCoW houxo. novlS-tf KICK FOIl B 203-tl ESTAIWOOK * COR MISCELLANEOUS. WALNUTH , WAI.Nt'TS-Jsinen n. . . . . . . . - . . . of Montgomery Cltj , Mot , hiu walnut- lor silo. Thoua who wnnt to J < ant ivn nut- 1 Id write him. Oll-diwlt FOrvil WotrxVbtoral Shcpl.Tii HOB. In ijulro .lolin ; i Lebbcrt , t ire miles olOmalia. 805-11 \KK.V Ct'-Ofi Dei1. 8S , 1SS1 , OIH her < o colt. 1 , bUcK , with i r In forth'ad , ' 4 ( hind foot white , thodall arfl'uid , nliout ! l > o iiold. can bo h lnt Illno Hani , Diili ntnttl > j OIl FALK--IIO1 RL' AN I ) S VI.OON A farm- F ers' liotil nndi aloon in .N'ebrnIiA doliiRCk I irpje buHlntHH la o ft.r i for silo on a count of tine nir litin aliout rradj to mrJru a trip to 'Europe. The hou'o-la In L'ocil niirlr , nnd ata- bits , etc , In compVtu order. App'Sr at thin y AIIAKBCAANCK. The well knownSaratoicn Browry , opixwitofalrB ounds , Is Jor > alcat tvo\ cash price. E.xrj tiling 111 youl * rnnnlnp order. Inquire at br iry. 3bir 111'IIAUD SIUION. TJ3Tl't'CTION'3 f-1' " ' ° ' > P writers ; alto L michliiM for wi'o. BlUifj i AMES , 1C06 rnmhMuAKcntsKoninton | ( ! Tjpo * * ritarn t HOOMS Kor ainvlo inSlemen ; al o ono front roam with piano , southwest oorrwilth and Capl&i a einic. fcOC tf klUIIS * NK\V CITY M'AI'S. 10c. Motmte > Mapa. S2.60. OF.O. 1' . DKMIS. . . „ UP NOTICE Taken upon Sttturdar J. Doc. 3rd , t obiM horses , ages aio t 6 and 0 > curs ; fair blzo and well n alchud. Owser can have t mo by proiinj ! propertj anri pajinpr clia.-cei. WJ1 HA iV > TZEIl , } mi.ri wont of Qurlj'8 soap facturj , Douglas prccmctl 051 > < fit IN I'llAkO.N I'astilo aa < l wil , I'D decorative pnintiti ) , ' . MKQi D. K. Wt ARDNEK , room l.jbcoli's Block. M2-tf r > KMIS' REALhJsTATE BOOM. See 1st p ge. BA&KD HAY At A' . II. Sander'H Ibwl Stored ' 1013 Harncy St. s9-U ' HEAI > ESTATE EXCHANGE. S BiailS' page. BEMIS has rattling IODK lists of houses , lota J. lands aud farms for sale Call and get COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL Ml NOTICES , NOTJICK. Special adt ertUementonuch u Lost , . Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wat * * , Boarding , ct , will bo insieted In thto colunn at the low rate of TEN CEIWS PER coLI LINK for the firs * insertion and KiVB CENTS LIPJ PER LIME for cac ! > Bubsequcn4 iiwcrtlnn. Lca o adv crtlsemecj * at our ollic .upbtalre , con-Mi Broadway and Main Btrcata , Council Bio * . \ \ ; ANTED- 11 afe-class llou o ietpar want * W a position. A Jdre < P. O. Bat. No. 70 - . Oouccil llluffs. Jpe lanlO-2t ' ' " \TVANTED To buy 100 tons broom cent. Vv > For partlcu'-an ) address Countil Blufll Droara Factory , Cc-jnell Bluffn , lova , 6S8-29U A Eat-clasa broom > tie . Mayn . WANTED Council Illuffs , Iowa. 0030 * SALE 01 * > papers 40c iwr- hundred , Ut F0K llco otHc'v Oouncll Uluna. p27-tt FWO UKICK-SMXKIUJ. FOIl HALBacroa on i morool landiadJo'nliiK tl-j. bra.-k-jard ot llannur & Hal . ' on Upper Hron'nay. Fct partkulaw appl to Daid llaliw * or tn Hanncr'a o.Bfe at the KoftrScJTrado rorrift. rmjjicil DluC3 77S-dc'J 3m "VKMl SALE 1 - wt-clftas saloon 1J mllua casti1. P city on "Ma ouito , , " on 1'tio of K. I. K. a oed plaio to i ftfto money. AUdwiw , Hub. Ollice , dccO-Ct Gaunuil Illulla. Kvervkody in. Oouacn lllufla.loi WANTKU 2 BKK , 20 ( tots per week , da Ihercd by carrHirs. OHIio ccrncr Jlroadway lei Main , up tol'-n Council Itluga. TOTTER'S TICKET OFFICH 'War In rftUto cl J. tlckita cantinucii to luciui. UnpreceOcotwJ low rates tc.ajl oautcrn joint * . Kiery ticks * guaranteed. Orders Dllcd D > Wctihone. Prot * one to ten cUilL-m Na > e < l purcniulni ; tiaXol * of 0. A. 1'ott-a1 , BUctohHor to HoMtr 11'alncoNo. . 40 South Fiith street , four dee below tie poai- olllce , Cour.oll llluffs , lows. QttlB-U WAS'ran- , ltl 7 oiij.to carrjt p Im uilv at linn olKo , Couucll UlJlu. octl3-tl EDWAE.B . KUEJIL MAUIfi-adt OF I'ALAVSTKUY ANO CONDI Tl ONALWT. rJS Tontl.iSt el , Iwtwenn JlLrnbam anil Ilfrfi J WUth thu ild c guardian hiirltb..3liuln | lor iii.vono utlincu r.J Die pant nnil | > irtt nt , intlon cnxaln condltmu In the fa ture. Broti untl Shuw mudu to order. 1'arfoct ' xrllcn i'ii r tutuixl . , , - ) Absolutely Pure. This powder nctor varies. A inanel of purity. ttrengtn . \\hoUomcne a .More economic * ! Uun the ordiu&ry kliidn , and cannot be told in competition nlth the multitude of Ion tt , thort uulk'ht , alum or ] ihotpbat Sold only I" fni. ROTAL BAKING TOWDER CO. ,