THE UMAiiA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JANUARY 12 , 18S2 THE DAILY BEE- OMAHA PUDLI8HINQ CO. , PROPRIETORS. 010 F rnham , bet. Oth And 10th 8tre ti. TKKUS Of SUHSCIUITIO.V. n coin-1 year , In ulvuncefoMtmlJ ) . . . $10.00 8 months " " . . . 6.0J month " " . . . 3.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. TIM I CAW ClllCAnt" , FT. TAl'l , VISMUrOLIS ASK OMU1A RAIUlOtP. Lcaro Omahiv Pas en cr No. 2 , S:30n. : m. Ac- eotumo'lntlon No. 4,1:0 : ( p. m. AtrhoOm-iIiR Vamcnircr No. 1,6:20 : p. ni. Accommodation No , 3,10M : a. m. Htmo OMAHA BAST OR SOOTI1 BOtlSD. a , H. k Q , 7:10 : ft. m. 3:40 : p. ra. C. A N. W. , 7:40 : . M. 3:40 : vm. . C. , K. I. & P. , 7:40 : ft. in. 8:40 : \ ' - ' " K. C. , St. J. & C. M.ces \ lit B n. m. nnil CIO : p.m. Arrive * at Mt. Louimt 0:30 : n. m. an J 6:12 : p. r.i. Vi' . , St. L. & I' . , loaves ftt 8 ft. rn. anil BIOp. : u. Arrlvci r.t .St. lan\n \ nt 6:40 : a. m. anil 7:30 : m WWT cm H. & U , In Sob. , Tnroiuh Kxprrva , 5:60 : x m. I ! . A M. Lincoln Bxprivw 00 : p. in. U P. Pvur'ind ' tapinsH. IIS : p. in. O. A U. V. for I luccln , 11:15 : a. n , . O. As U. V. for Otci'oli. 0-tO n. m. VJ. V. froiiiht Nn. 6 , 0:30 : a. in. U. I' , froljrht Xo. , b-00 ft. in , U. I1. frolKht No , 13 , 2HP. ) I" . U. I1 , freight No. 7 , 6:10 : p. in. cr . .il' . Dumor cxiirw , 7:35 : \ ) . in. U. I' , freleht N" 11 , 11 XO p. m. U. I' . Dcmcr In-lent , > :25 : f. in. AkMMhO KRO t A r AM ) Ml'TI. 0. 0. A O l.l < ( ) . in. 7:2.1 p m. & \V.H-I.1 ft. in. 7i5ii. : m. C. It. I. &l * | ) M5 a. n , . H:0fi : ti. in. K. C. , St. Joe &C H. , 7:10 : i. U1.-OU5 p.m. A aiMMi ruuM run KUTA.V ) Bouruv > KHT. O. k U. V. frnm Mih-oln l.OS p. m. U. I' . 1'aclllc i\pnin : HiA : p. m. D i M.ln Srli. , Through Kxproin 4:15 : p w. R ft M. Lincoln l > prcv < H 10 A nu U. I' . Denser ovprcw , " :3A : a. in , U. I' . Freight .So. 14-2-M u. m. U. P. N'n. f.VO ; n. lu. ( .migrant. U. P. frclBht No. 14,12lf > p. m. U. P. No. S 0:00 : p. in. U. P. So. 12 l:4r. : a. in. U. I . D.imtr frulitht , 1:10 : a. in. O. & H. V. inlxotl , ut. 4:15 : p. in. SUM.ST niAifsinrwurN OMAHA AND OOO.StlL BLUKPfl. r/eavo Oiuih. % at 1:00 : , OK , 10:00 and 11:00 : ui. ; co 200 , SPO , 4.00 uiil 6:00 p. m. Leave Council UluIN ftt 8:25 , 9:2f : > . 10.25 anil 1:25 a. lu. ; 1:25 : , 2:25 : , : i:2S : , 4:25 : anil 6:26 : p. m. Sun-inya Tlio iliiminy lottoa Onutha at UKX ) nd 11:00 : H. in. ; 2:00 : , 1:00 : anil 6:00 : p , m. Lcaxcs Ccmidl Binds at 0:26 : and 11:25 : n. ui. ; 2:26 : , 4:25 : nd 6:25 : p. in. Through and local pansenccr trainn hcUcrn Omaha nnil Conn II Illufln. Leave Omaha 6lf : > , 7:46 , 8:60 : a. ni. ; 3:40. : 5:46 : , 60 p. in. Arrvo Omnhv 7:40,11:35,11:46 : : : a. m. ; 5:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:16 , 7:40 p. m. Opening anr Closing ; of Mflls. ROUT * . orilN. OM)8II. ) a. m. p. m. a. ni. p. in. Chlcajo&N. W 11.00 0.00 6:30 : 2:40 : Chlcjvro , K J. & Pacific 11:00 : 0:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : chiiaffo , n. ti ( i 11:00 : 0:00 : r > : so 2:40 Walmh 12:80 : 6:30 : 2:40 : BIoux Citj and Padflc. . 0.00 5:30 : 2:40 : Union Pacific 4:00 : 11:40 : OnulnbU. V 4:00 : 11:40 : B. til. In Neb 4:00 : 8:10 : Oiuvlii K Sioux City (100 7:50 : B. 6 M. Uncoil 10M : 6CO : U. P. Lln-joln , bun.lay. . . 1:30 : 11:00 U. P. l > cm IT Kxi P0 0:30 : O. . Sioux City & St. P. . .11:00 1:40 : Ltx-al malls for fctatc ot lown leave hut once n day vlr. : 0:30 : a. in. Ofllcr r.ptn Suii'tut from 12 m. tn 1 p. rn. THOS. K HALL P 11. Business Directory. Abstract and Real hctrue. JODJJ L. HrOAOUK , cpporttul'out Office. W. R. nAUTI KIT 317 South 13th Stroot. Architects. DUFBKNE & MENDELSSOHN , AKCHITECTS Iloom 14 Crcljhton Block. A. T. TjAKOE Jr. , Room 2. Cicivhton Block. Boot * and Bhooi. jAiiua DBVINE & co. , Fine Boots and Hhors. A ijood iwaortmont ol homo work on hand , corner 12th and Ilamoy. TUOS. EUICKSON , S. E. cor. 16th and Doueiaa. JOHN FOUTUNATU8 , 606 10th etioot , manutocturee to order good work at fair prices. KepairlnK done. Bed Springs. J. F. IARKIMRK ilanun.cturer. ( 1617 Dowlust. Books , News and Otatlonory. J. I. FRUEirAUK 1015 Farnhain Street. Butter and Eggs. UcSIIANE & 8CHHOKDER , Die oldest B. and K. house In Nebraska cBUblWicil 1&76 Omaha. OKNTHAL UESTAURANT , SIRS. A. RYAN , fcnlhwest corner lethand Dod o. Ileit Beard for the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed Mcl9 at all HoutH. Board by ( bo Day , Week or Month. Good Terras for Cash Furnlnhnd Knnms 8upplicd. UarrloRet and Road Wagons. 8NYDER , 14th and Harnoy Btreota. - \ jewo en. JOHN BAUMKIt 1314 Farnham Street. Junk. . UERTI10LD , llaza and Metal. Lumber , Lime and Cement. FOHTER & OR \ \ corner titli and Douglaa flte , Lamps and Ulatjwnre. 1. DONNKU 1209 UonzIaA St. Good Variety Merchant Tailors. G. A LINDQUE8T , One of our most rcpuUr llorchnnt Tfillorfl U re c l\ln the latent ilchl''i > for Hprln and Summer QooJn for Ki-'ntluineii B wcnr. Stytlub , durable , nd rricou low aa in or 216 13th bet. Dou .AFani. Millinery. tIRS. C. A. niNOKlt , Wholcaile and Krtall , Fan cy Goods in ( treat \nriety , ojiliyrs , Card Coardx , Ilcwlcry , Olmos , OornctB , ic. ChtajMat IIouso li ; the Wtht. Piirchascri nave 30 per cent. Order In Mall. 115 Fifteenth Ktrciit. JOHN WEAKNK&SOKfj , cor,14t i& Jarkeorist * Hour and Feed , OMAHA CITY MILLS , till and Farnhsiu 8U , i * , , ) > ro | > rkt/ira. Urocei * . K. 8TKVKN8 , Slut betwcun Cumin ? and Irar T. A. McSIIANK , Corn. 23d and Curulnp Btroeta. Hardv/aie , Iron and Steel. 3LAN & LANOWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 ani * 112 16th utreet A , HOLMES cofncr IBth and California. Hornets , Saddles , &c. D. WEIBT 20 18th at. bet FarolUtney. . H-Xeli ; AXF1CLI ) IIOUSK.aeo.Canfleld.OthA Farnhum DOKAK HOUSE , 1' II. Cary , D18 Funham Ht. 8LAVEN'8 JIOTF.U I' . Hla\cn , lOtt. St. Southota Hotel Cn ! . Hamtl Clothing OouRht. 0 JHAW B-ill pay Mghiat Cth price for U'cond band ejothlnr. Conn r 10th and Varnhain , Drum , .Paints and < Ulli. KI'IFV ft CO. 6aaruiacliU , Vltu "unc Uooda , Cor , Utu md louli < ttrecta W. J. WHITEHOUf \Vholccaloli Itfltall , 16thIt. O. FIELD , 2022 I < oitli Hide Cumlnif Btrtct. PAKR , DninrM. IQtn and Howard Hlreeta. D4tltl tl. DR. PAUL , Williams' L'lock Cor , 15Ui * Dodge. Dry Good Notions , Etc. JOHN H. F. LKmiANN & CO. , few York Dry Goods Stoic , laio anl 1312 F rn. ham itroct. 0. EnowoU also boots and shoes 7th It Pacific. f-uruiture. F. GHOBS , Now and 3t > xjnil Hand rurnltnrc d Moves , lilt DouirlM. JHifhMt cwb price i Id for eerond hand vocos. BOKNCR 1S09 Dou/U t. Flno zocds , &c. 2 Fence Workt. 01JAHA KH.VCE CO. , 7BT , HUES & CO. , IZlSIIorneySt. , Ice Eoifi , lion and Woo-1 Kcncat , Ottce , llrte , Count riof Pine and > V Inut. Olgars nnd Tobacco. WKST & FK1THC1IKH , niAhufacturcn eland and UTiolwiAlo IVxOcml n Tohncon , ISOi D y. F. LORKNZKN manutatturer 1416 Farnhain Florist. A. Donauhuo , pUnta , cut flowcri , * f l , ooqnttj etc. N , W. cor. If th and Uourlaa street * . Civil EnRlneers ind Surveyors , ANDREW KOSKWATEB , Crclnhton Block , Town Sunc ) ? , Grade and 8e craio Sjfloras a Specialty. ( JommlMlon Merclmnti. JOHN 0. W1L L1S.1HI Do.leo Street. D n. I1EEMKR. FordetAllii dec Uro inlvcrtlfc- ment In 1 > M1 < and W eklv. Cornlco Works. Western Cornice Worlu , MMiulacturcrs Iron Corntro , Tin , Iron at.d Sl.ito Roofllii ) ; . Orders Irom any locallfj prompth cxo-ultil In the best manner. Factor ) and Oll'cc 1213 Itatnoy fit. 0. SI'Kt'HT , Proprietor. GMtanltul Iron Ootntcii. Window Caps , etc. , oiMiufai.turctl ind put up In anj part of the country. T. S1NHWI.1) 410 Thirteenth street J. IIONNKR 1KI3 Poiulxs street. Oood line. Olothlnf ; and KumltlilMK Goods. GKO. H. fCTKUSON. Also Hat , Caps , Hoots , , Nnllon < and Cutlery. SAt S RetrlRorators , Canllold's Patent , C. . OOODM.VN llth St. het , Farn. ti Httncy. Show Cnte Mnnufactory. ) O. J. W1LUK , Mannfactiinrand Dialer In all kinds ol Show Ca ( > s , Uprlidit Caw.M , & . . 1317 COM St. FHANK L. GEKHARD , proprietor Omaha Show Cafotinnufactorj , 813 South 10th street , betui-cn I.v\\t'ii uttli and Mnrcy. All gooda warrantoil tlr t-clan . Pawnbrckora. ROHEMFELI ) . Jflth BL. bet. K r. A Hat Btovi'i ana Tinware. A. UUUME3TKK , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , nnd Haiu'acturet of Tin Hoe > nnd all kludi of Itutldln ; Work , Odd Fcllova'lllock. J. UONNER. 1809 Donvlss St. Good and Cheap. Seed ) . J. EVANS , Wholesale and RctAll Seed Drills and Cnlthatorj , Odd Fcllowtt Hall. Phyalclnnc anl Burgeons. W. S. OtllllH , M. D. , Room No 4 , Crelghton lilock , 16th Street. P. H. LKISENR1NG , if. D. Masonic Ulock. C. L. HART , M. D. , Eje and Ear , opp. postofflwi DR. L. D. GHADDY. Oculist and Audit , ti. W 16th and Farnham St Photograpticrs. GEO. HEYN. PROP. Graad Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Hired. near Masonic Hall. Flriit-claea Work and 1'rompt- Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY & CO. . 210 12th bt. , bet. Farnham s/id Doujflrva. Work promptly attended to. D. ? ITZPATRICK. 1409 Douelu Street. Palntlnc nn aper anting. HENRY A. KOSTERS. Ill UodKo Btroct. SliooStorei. Phillip I anir , 1320 F'arnham st. bet. ISth fc 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LKAIt , 141B Doinjlai St. , New and Second Hand Furniture. Hou o rurnii &c. , boii''ht and sold on narrow marrlna. ttaloons. HKNKY KAUFMANN , la tn mm brick block on DoncliR Struct , has Just opened a most clej int. Hei'J Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 uviry ilay. " Calwloma " J FALCONER B70 10th Street. Unctortakers. CIIA8. RIEWi : , 101V Farnham bet. 10th & lltd. UO Dent Storas. P C IIACKL'.S , 1205 [ ' arnhura St. . Fancy Goods WESTERN CORNICE WORKS i C. SPEOHT , Proprietor , 1213 Harney Street , OMAHA , - - - NEB. MANUFACTURERS OF GALVANIZED IRON Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials TIN , IEON g SLATE ROOFING , Specht's Patent Metalic Sky light. Patent Adjustable Ratchet Dor and BRACKET SHELVING , I am the general State Agent for Uie abovi line of goods. IKON FENCING. Coastings , Balustrades , Verandas.lOfflce an Bank Railings , Window and Cellar Guards ; also GKNKUAL AGKNT Peerson and Hill Patent Inside Blind. nov4dtf KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA P R 1 - o BITTERS Eoj sfc Mm aJM sHisl AV sJ ? ILEE & CO. . 8ole Manufacturera. OMAHA. To "Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific XMHEIIDXOXBHEI. It le a pORjtlve cute for Upamatoirhea , Kcraln * YloaJtuxa. IrapoUncj' , and lit dlseiHti rvuiltln from Bell-Abuse , w U ntal Anxluty , IA.W M mor1'alnH In the Hack or b.'du , and dlsoaf I " "that led to Consumption c The Sperfftc .Hlf onilcr f l tuccfvH. Pamphlets iwU free to ill. Write for tbnu and gtt full | nr I'rice , Hpedflc. O.OO per rockaife , or lx pack Ht for C6.00. Arl/lrew all ordtrt to U. HIMHON MKDIL'INE CO. Kcs. lot and 100 ilaln fit. UulfHlo , tl. V. Bold In Omnha bv C. K Oooilmin , J , W. lioil , K Ub , and all nro < K' ' > t'i ' * > veryHii < iro. I NEBRASKA State Gazetteer and Busi ness Directoy , ' n ilcHcrlptlon ntul u Hit nf all ) U itic > H n en In tliu ntate , will be issued mrly in l.b"J. ( I'rice $1.00. J. M. WOLFE , Publisher. 7 South Fourteenth Street , Omaha , Neb NEW YORK CITY. _ * > > Business Invostmouts nud Pro- bnbilitios of 1882. llonl KHtuto Lnwj nnil Hol'orms A Dlstlngutsliccl Invontor-ltomnnco of tlio Test Boochor OTI tVu ) Wiw Path. .Vi York Utter rJil' i1elplil.i Heronl. Til connection with the liusinca.s ac tivity in luiiltlini ; . finnonmliicoil l j : i vi-ry open tall nnd .vinter , tlioro hn boon a rent < U'nl of quiet investment in real estate. The inuu'inonl to build elevntoil rcnuls in the nnne.vetl district , and to iiuluco tlio city to in vent in four thousand ncrcs in * .hu an nexed district to bo laid mil in paiks for the new metropolis , together with work now doinj , ' by the United Stateit for the iniproveinont ot Ilnrlum river , lias hud a tonduncy to direct the at tention of moneyed mm to the prob.x- liiiity of lur o rotuniB for money put into landed property in the city limits , The now elevated toad IMS such faill in the future of the nictrupoli that it proposes to build throun tlio ctmtro of hlockn , and t cross the Htreot.s on stone nreltrs , o with stone tunnels where neeossaiy nnd thus have n rock foundation al through. The history of the men wh have invested in real estate and helen on to it is one of much nioro proa peiity than tlxiaowho wont down inti "tlio atroct" and cicated for tunes out of the ureckago therv It is true that nobody buliuve. thai Ciould , Uillon , Vanderbilt Sau'u , Osborno and the rent of "tin boys" will die in a poorhouse , thuujfl that has been the fate of many of tin magnates whoso nod once shook Wnl street ; but theto I'H n feeling that tin other men are safe beyond any perad venture. Tlu > Antnrn , Lenoxes , Stuy vesiuits , IJooHevelts , lUiinelnndora Uooletu and hnndrodR of otliers dati their wealth from their original pur cliascs of lands which have increase ! a hundred-fold in viiluo , and in a least one ease has returned more thai a thousand dollars for onu. There would be more investmcn and speculation in real estate were i not for the difficulty with which title , are uiado and the present necessity fo : rociatcrinf , ' the entire title and id changes. Where ono has to f o bacl to the Indian grants , and then it cover all changes of streets and road ways , it is sometimes next to impossi bio to make a clean transfer. Uu leading real estate inventors and deal ers are making a concerted inovemen to induce the present legislature ( if i ever gets organized ) to aclop a modification of the Tor rens law , which ha-j been fouw to work so admirably in Nov Xealand and Now South Wales. LTn cler this law the fact of tlio transfer i all that is necessary to bo recorded and possession ia milly "nino point of tlio law. " All that the intomlin , purchaser his ; to do is to examine th. government record , and thus vorifj the title of the vendor. This puts th purchase of real estate on exactly th same basis as a purchneu of utock ; th. slate , like the stock books , gives assurance suranco that the seller really owns tin property ho otrerw. Of such an amend ment to our very cumbersome nnd anti ijuatcd laws would xive a lively impntui to real estate invcstmonts , and wouh probably add 10 or 20 per cent to tin negotiable prices of that specie O ; property. The only obstacle in tin , wny of this very necessary reform is the opposition of the lawyers , who would find their fecw docked by the change , and , unfortunately for buai ness , the lawyers usually form i majority in the legislature. The rumored trouble in Chicaff. ' about the clerks in the branch estab lishment of A. T. Stewart it Co. ii , that city revives many reminiscences of the iron rule of the dead dry food man who founded the house. Stew art had no mercy upon his subordi nates , but ho knew tlio market value of good men and paid them proper tionately. Ilia system of linen and dockages was very burdensome , but the men submitted to it because they knew that the concern was solid and they could have their positions while they attended to businc'Hs. At one time he ntrongly opposed the passage of the bankrupt act in a personal speech , because hu had noveral hundred broken-down dry goods nu-rchants in his employ , nm feared that tney would leave him ai , set up for theniHolves if the law W.IH paused. The rules of the establish ment are oven moro rigorona now than before. At least that is what is told me by a uontleman who was in their employ for ten yearn and in now connected with another house. lint the .supply of help in the city is always HO inui'h greater than the demand that these who have fill nations are not willing to surrender them until they are assured of something butter .Iudi/t > Hilton is no fnvotito with bin employes ; but , of course , ho is himself only ono of the accidents of the system , Ladies hear of this white slavery , and every once in a while make up their minds as the Israelite community once did - not to patroni/.u > ludgu Hilton's diy goods cuiiiiturs any more. Anil they don't do it-until they hee something advertised there which they want. I remember a lady - widow of a regular army ollicor who said to me just after Stewart's ' futu-ral : "I de clare , I'll never go inside of Stowart'H store again. That odious Judge Jlil ton is just too much for good nature. I went to the funeral the other day , and had to wait an hour before 1 could get near the oorpmi and itn decorations. Then after I had been most ( ifjuec-y. d to death , when I got whore I could gut a good look , in rushed Judge Hilton in a dress suit , white cravat nnd diamond ntudn , exact - act ly aH if ho was going to a ball , and Kereocheil at us : 'Got back thorn' Do you think thi.s is a show for idiots to gapu at ? ' I could have pulled him to piccuH ou the uxit | , and I'll never go near his store while ho lives. " Ann matter of fact ho goas there con stantly , and bothero ( he life out of joinu of the half-starved clerks. John Anderson , the tobacconist , Jied in Paris the hit tor purt of Nu. /ember , but hia funeral was held in nld Trinity church on Wedncflday. lie leaves an estate valued at ? 5,000- JO - a snug fortune which accumulated 'rom the little tolucco etoru at H road way and Pine street , started -IT ) yeara aso. Mr. Anderson was the first t miiko a certain kind of chewing tobac co a specialty , and to that ami the ro mniico connected with his life hoowi'i his financial success. It is strntim to tind that in connection with In decease. Inpraham's romance ol "Tin Nenutiful Cigar Girl , " founded upoi the mysterious disappearance of n beautiful younn lady who kept Ainh-r son's store , has m.ulo its renppc tr > anee. ltnrah : ni , who in hia day was a noted writer of sensational fiction , aftorwaids became aa Episcopal cler pyman , ami accidentally killed him self with a revolver at Molly 8piiini ; , Mihs. , just before the breakim- out of the war. Jle nevi-r censed to roirn't his connection will flush literature , but he conjd not n > call the books. In his story of "Tlif Meant if til Cigar Girl , " Ingraham m , kcn her disappcatunee part of the scheme that made her the wife of an Eiithil nobh-iuin and blotted onf her plebi'i.u occupation. Many ohl New YorK-eri still iielievo that the jjirl wlioso bmly \v.\a said to bo identified in the wui of the Htulson al Iloboker only took heraelf out ni the way in order to bo rid of mi porlunate lovers , nnd has loog been ; i happy wife and mother in the nei ! i ho.'int , ' state of Now Jersey. Whatever over may bo the truth , AndeiHmi made the most of tlio advorUsomeut the alleged tragedy gave him , nud if ho knew the secret , ns many have he lieveil , ho carried it with him to tliu grave. Ono of the most useful men of In day and generation , and ono wh.i- hws will bo greatly foil in sciontilic circles , has been Professor John \ \ . Draper , who died in this city onul nesilay. Philadelphia gave him Inn u.xrly education , and at the ago of hu and-twonly ho went to llampden Sul noy colhgo , Virginia , as professor o chemistry and natural philosophy. It was there that ho made many import ant experiments and discoveries , train milting them to European mnga/mi'H as rapidly as made , and finding after ward that he had thereby simply given foreigners the opportunity U ncbiove fame and fortune nt bis ox pcnse. Itas at llampdon-Sidimy college that Dr. Draper made the first oxpcrimcntH ever made in taking sun pictures , thus preceding the ex periments of Diignorre , from whom these portraits took tluir name. This was about the year 18117. Dr. Atkinson , president of the college , recently informed mo that the old apparatus used by Dr. Draper in taking the dagucrrotypos i Htill ii possession of the college. The oh state of Virginia Hum claims the daguerrotype , as well as the lirst steamboat , whose enoigy was maim facturcd by .James lluiusoy , at Sliep ardstown in 1787. Nothing can restrain the still ymiili ful impetuosity of Henry W.IK Jtoccher. Ho says that ho expects ti remain a boy in heart and ways evci should ho attain to the patriaroha ago of 100 years , and tie has recently given proof that ho is capable of boy ish acts. In a eermon ho charged that teachers are appointed mid promoted in the public schools of Brooklyn because - cause of their too friendly 10- lations with leading otlicinls. It was a terrible- and Bwuop- ing charge , and there iis no wonder that it is bitterly resented by the lady tenchors and their frieiuls. There was much scandal in Brooklyn some years ago , when a personal con troversy was afoot between Superin tendent Fields and Congressman Kinsella ; but the persons whom it involved wore exceptions to the rule and the outcome of ring management. Undoubtedly political influence has much to do with the matter of appointing teachers , but this carries with it no reflection on the character of the ap pointees ; they are all right , but it in the system that is at fault. Once be fore Mr , Bcecher made a somewhat similar remark , and justified himself l > y saying that ho refctred to Now York Now , the Brooklyn board proposes to push him into the corner , and his best friends say that his own experience should have made him lenient , and warned him against picking such a quarrel. Out siders interpret his state of mind by saying that there is a falling oil in Plymouth Church , and that Bcecher feels it so keenly that it has embittered his entire view of mat- turn and things. There may be some thing in this , for the recent ealo of pews in his church realized a smaller sum than waa ever known before ; and while he steota his heart against out side criticism the "old man eloquent" feels deeply anything like a declen sion of interest within his .special fold. The opening of Wallack's now the atre - unquestionably the finest , most convenient and safest place of amuse ment in the world revives all the traditions of the Wallack family and their triumphs. Lester Wnllacl ; made his first bits hit in Now York t irty-fiyo years ago ( ho wouldn't like this date mentioned , howovtr , as he ia touchy on the subject ot his age. ) at the opening of the Broadway theater - successor to the Park I heater that had boon burned- when ho played the part of Charles Surface in "School for Scandal. " This theater stood on Uroadway , near Worth street , and was afterward the net-no of llackott's Shakspcarian triumphs. In WalJack's lycoum-- founded on the ruins of Broughum'H lycuiim Lester was slajjo manngor , bin father the manager , "and ChailcH Wallack was treasurer. Fanny and Harry Wallack went great favor ites , too. At one of the memoiablu rcoponingn at Walhick's old theatre Bhiko , M . Jlooy , Alro. Virnon and Mary Ciannon wore on the M go , as well as Lester Wallack , nnd the com- hiimtion was one that cannot bo matched now-a-dajs , Mr. Wallack nnd Air , Moss have reason to bo eat- isfiuil with having made this tip-town inovo. Fashion IMH already Htampcd it with its approval , and that moans WOHTH Y OF7'HALSK. Asa rule wo do not rccomnmn'l patent ni''dioinoH , but when wo know jf ono that leally is a public benefac tor , and doeii positively cure , then wo : oiiHider it our duty to impaitthat in * Formation to all , Electric bitten are truly a most valuable medicine , mid ivill surely euro Biliousness , Fever uul Ague , Sfunmch , Livurand Kidney iompluiiitH , ( ivuu whuru all other rein- jdtes fail. We know whereof wo ipeak. and can freely recommend to ill. [ Kx. Sold at DO contu a bottle. Jsh & McMahon. (7) ( ) A WortJ In Time. If the winter continues to bean opoii one , or ai long ns it continues an open one , farmers , jjnrdoners ntitl fruit growers , mid , indeed , house keepers in general , who have k'hrub- bery , trees , \iues and plants on their premises would do well lo give them frequent "overhauling " during the winter , in search of grubs , beetles , buys , worms , larvm and pupiv , in order to bo "forehanded" next spring X. man can toll the prolific results accruing fiom the neglected follicles , eases or sacks , bracelets of ocgs , and egg-masses in general left dangling ficiin or hanging to I ho branches of trees ami shrubbery dur ing a single winter-they amount to ninny million , Some of these are very conspicuous , others tequiro to be looked for , even closely searched for , but conspicuous ithey are they are still neglected. Mirds , if wo had enough of them , ini ht do as much of this work ns ii consistent with the or dinary biil.incen of nature , but unr birds are too few , and too progessive , fastidious in their tauten to tie depend ed on. No doubt there are many who deem it too small a business to be hnuling these minute objects in de tail ; but , by attending to these Inborn thoroughly during line days in winter you will save a great amount of labor next summer , and bo ot hot wine re u.tided. .Mr. .T , Mnrnli , Hank nt Tornut' . ( Int. , wiile : "l'ilousiio ! s and JycivpHlsin'ciu to have Knmnilp with mo ; huili'l'i' | " > n sulterpr fur yearn , 1 lmn tried m > nT 'iiii'- ilioH , tint iili nn H'tlnu'remit until I ne lymir Hi nnocu llioon lUitKits. Thev have bon truly 11 lili'txluif to ii'i % , nnil t e.muotjienk too highly of them. " 1'rlce ? I.IK ) , timl niro 10 cell's. ! Mw Mrs. J. O. ItolicttKOii , I'lltxtniri ; , 1'n. ' , rltt.8"l . : KiilTt'rinij from ) ; i'iiiml iluliilitviuit ol np. polite. ivn-tlv\tlnn | , etc. , no that tliuMIS n bur ilen ; niter mine llunlMk Illoml lllllfrM 1 fc'lt liet- lor than for ) ram , 1 iiuinot prnUu } our Illttun too iniuli. " K. OtlilH , o ( Ilnrr.ilo , N , Y\trltfH : "Voiir llnnlotK IUci Ultlcni , In iliionio iliii m of tlio bluoil liii'r „ J Kliltiejx , hnti' IICIMI Kiuniillv iiiirKctl with miriTuH. IHM > n-nl tin-in injHill with lio-t n-siilta , fur torpidity nf tlicliMT Mulln nvoot n frli-ml of nilnu sulIi'riuK' ( rom Jriiiny | , tliu elicit U.IH l IlritcuTuriuT , ItoHicsti r , N. V. wrltin : 'I liiiiiMilijict to Hi'riom dliuiilt r of tliu klilm'j * . tiixl ini.ibK1 toutlfiiil ti > Itu ltiih ' llin < loeL Itlouu IlitkTti ulloMil mo lii fori' lialf .iliotlluiwiiHnl 1 f < cl fonllili nttlint lliutlll tiitlrcl ) iMiro niu. " , i : . An-nlth Ilnll , lllniili'iiiiptnn , N. V. , writes. "I BiilIiTi'd with a dull ] aui through nn lit Innj ; anil Klioulili r. lo-.tiuy nplrlf , n | > ) trttii ! anil color , nml ranld "itli illllii iili\ lacji up idl ili > . Took jour Ilunlodc Illnml Ililtura IIH ill- rcrtcil. nnd l uo full no juklu blnoo flrnt uccK ni ter imlnc tin in. " Mr. Noah llntw , Kliulin , N. V. , writes : "About four jcnrtntto Ihadanntlui'K ntlilllniinfuvurntiil nv\ur full } rcooic rcil. My illK'i"-tl\o ortiaiii woru wiinkinitl , nnil 1 wouM IMI couiplotrly proa trnted for iLijf. Alti r unlnK two bottle * of your Ilurdocli Illnoil HltterH tl < e iiii ] > ro\eiiicnt uitu HO (7)A I nslnnl-hnl. I iiui nutv. lliou li 01 jearn nf ni(0 , do a fair nnd rvoKoiublo ilay'u work , O. market HohliiHon , proprietor of Thn Cnnmln I'reHbjtcrUin , Toronto , ( Jut. , wrIUw : "I'er yrors I Hudi'ml irrently from olt-rc'currln licmlncfie. 1 uncil your lliinloek llloo.l . lilttura wltli happiest ri'HiiltH , And I now flni ] iiirtiulf In better hoallli Uian for J uora pant. " ilrn. Wixllnoo , IlufTnlo , N. V , wrltnt : ' ! have UHcil Utirdoek lllooil Dlttcra for ncnoim nnd till IOIIH tic'.iiliclii.'H , nnd ran recommend it to all } ono requiring n eiiru for bllllouiiiiciu. " Mrs. Ira Mtillholhinl , Allmny , N. V , wrlto : "KiirmM'ml 1 hnvumillerudfroni ) iairH oft-rtfiir- rlni ; billlotm beadKhus , dyMpoiiHin , nnd foni- iilnlnU prculliir to in } HUX. Smcu lulnoiir llurdoik Hlood ItilteiH I am entirely relieved. " Price , 91.00 per Bottle ; Trial Bottloi 10 Cti FOSTER , MILBURH.&Oo . , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold nt wIlOleHale by IBI | & McMnhon and C. K , Ooodinnn. jo CT ood-ine AND- H a n d s o m est IN TIIK- For Sale by WM. F. STOETZEL 621 South Tt nth St. jilutter of Appllcntlon of Kitchen llrm. fur I < ! iiior | l.icoiiHti. NOTIOK , KotlrulH hero'iy x' ' ' 'ii ( hut Kltdien llrrw , did upon tinIfJtb day ot I > ureniliir , A. I' . Ir-bl lilt In. aiilluntliii | | t/j I u Miir and I'lty Counell of Ouuhn. lor li < tiim < d Hill Malt , hp'rituoim ' and VlnoiM Llipinrn , ul the Vfitlinu'l ' Ifonuo , I'ourtli War I , Oinuli , .S'cb. from Ilio loth day of JAM- nan , IW , tolliu UUli dny ofAprl , I8 If tin ro l/o / no lijiitloii , riiinun Iranru oriro- lintllliil wltldnlwu VK.IIK from Dweinber J.'j'li , A. D , , 1Kb ) , Ilio e.ihl lltcn-u w II liu Kraiitvd. ' ' . KI'IC'ilK.S IIIIOS , Appllinnt. Tim IHn.v lire. rii"Huiiu r will puhlUh tliu iLovonutlcu oiKuiniih WLCH for two wtckH nttliu Dxru'iouof tliu appllc.ilit. 'Iliu City of Omaha Ii not to be cUariruil thcruwlth. j. J. fc.c. JWHT , Jw'i III City L'krk DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL- UOTKI& FltOl'lilKTOJlti. AnUNQION , J. a. MclNTIRC , Lincoln , Net JUDKIN3 HOUSE , JUDKINS A DRO , , Red O k. | . BAHATOO.A HOTEL , J. B , 8TELLINIU8 , Mllford , Neb. REED HOU3C , GEO. REED , Ulyitei , Neb. WOObS HOUSE , W. P.ELLIS , Oic ola , Neb. OOMMEI1CIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , StromtljurR , No. AMERICAN HOUSE , QEO. H. McCAIN , South Dencl.Nr HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loulivlllo CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Ulnlr , Nob. UXCHANOE HOTEL. C. II. HACKNEY Atlilnntl , Neb OtNTIlAL HOUSE , JOHN COOPER , Oakrlalo , Neb. COMMEHOIAL HOTEL , WM. CLEMMON8 , Ocw.ird , .Vob. COMMERCIAL HOTEL E. EVANS , O'Neill , Neb COMMERCIAL HOTEL O F. CA88ADY , Danlion , U. HARTHtY HOUSE , W. P. HUNTER , WrittldB , In OELLOU HOUSr. , MRS. A. E. UHUOE. Rlilng * City , Nob. DORCHL8TEII HOTEL , A , B. KINKLE Dorchester , Neb OOMMEI1CIALHOTC. , J. Q. MEAD , Ncllfili , Neb CENTRAL HOU3E , JA8 McKILLIP , York , Neb. TU11LE HOUSE , W. H.TUTTLE. Aurora , Neb , OAOt HOUSE , A. R. OAOE , RcpubllcnnCltyNob DENVER HOUSE CAIRNS & WILLIAMS , Hnatlngi , Neb. SANDERS HOUSE , CHAS. E. McNIBH , Friend , Neb WOODWARD HOUSE , WAREN WOODWARD , E elnr , Neb. JUDKIN3HOU8E , FRANK WILKINSON. M lvern , In. PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. C , CUMMINQS , Cornlnp ; , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE. WM. LUTTON , Vllllscn , l.i. PARK HOUSE , W. J QARVIN , Cornliift , IA. E81CS HOUSE , N. T tSTES , Qraiul Itlnnd , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSC , F. W. WILM8. Kearney , Nob. WILIJER HOURE' THOMPSON REED WlS' or , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , W. W. SHUWFELT Wnco , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , G. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , Colimibut , Neb. CENTRAL CITY HOUSE J. 8. OREQERY , Contrnl Cltv , No SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & UECKER. Cretton , la. NEOLA HOTEL , F. OIEVERTZ , Neoln , In. EMERSON HOUSE : , A. L. 8HELDON , Emerion , In , AtlaniH County , Iowa , Cnuil v'C ' Johnson Grain Doalora E. Clark ( ! ont > ral Morchamliso ami tluwolry Black llro.M ( jMoroluindiao . .1.V. . Day ( ! rocorioa Crammer t Allyu fiiocorios ami Haulwuro 0 II. Currier ( Joiu'ral Morchatidtao ,1. W. Wood Harness U. L. Hrown ( trocory ami lU' Shutt Luiuhcr II , f < . Lynch Kiirnituru A. E. Itiidlh Diuga . ) . Lu Fnrguu lliiutH nnil Hhoua 11. Chromstor , Blacksmith .1. T. Tally Mi-iil Murkut .1. 11. LalliiiH \\X' < i Shop Curriur iV Mooth ' Oontractiira and Huililura Goo. H.itcH * Crain Doulura ,1. L. AdkitiH , M. 1) t Phynician .1. C. IMavwiill , i\l. \ 1 > I'liyiician If. ( ! . Iliilln-it , M. I ) ' Physician A. .1. Maiirau , Al. 13 Physician .1. I'nlmiii 1 lotol I'3. Clark luwyur O. S. Kaniliniii Hotul nnil ( irocury IV1ILLARD. ( Ioujlan ) County. ) Samuel Colwor General IMorchiuidiRO and Klovator John Potorcon lilackxmilh Krcd Schatv. HlackHiuith L. Johnnon Hriek Yard C. Kaclhor Gr.iin Dealer J. J. Slowait Hard\Miro and Lumber Henry Hoitholt Uarriayo Maker Hen Abeucr DruiiH and Ci ar Fit-story John Loin cko Stock Dealer Chariot ) Koltromaii ' Flour Mill John Hrunur General Mt-rchandiae Christ J'opponhagen : ( Farmer's Homo ) Hotel Ilrnry ICiraten Hotel J. Bcnroodor Saloon James JolniHon & Bro ! Toamstura M. Knnfki Shoo Maker Claua Herbal I . . . . Shoo M.ikor CharloB Stulxor Painter and Sewing Machine Win. Van Dorn 0 irpuutor , itc Fred Lc-ip Carpenter , &c Goo. Itoetur Jlutchor WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , Nfctf. The Only Exclusive WholeBHlw Dnifj HOUBH In Nebrj SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. Jy IH-inii IJIOA LICKS TN Fire and 6urgar ! Proof 1020 Farnham Street , Special Attention Is Once More Called to jthe Fact that CO. Rank foremost in jthe West in Aaso rtment and Prices of FOR MIDN'S , BOYS' AND OHILDRBN'8 WEAR. ALSO A COMl'LKTK LINK OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps Wo uro'proparod to moot the demando of the trade in regard to Lutoat Styloe and I'.ittoniB , Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connection RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th St