Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1882, Page 6, Image 6

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A Dull Day in Iowa's Western
Metropolis ,
The City Council Receive nnd
View the Now Piro
Special Tnxoa for Certain Im
provements to Corao | Out
of the General Fund.
A Vigoron * War Bnt-woon Two Col
ored Sinter * "Who Wanted
tba Sumo Man.
Tliu city council met in rugulnr DOS
nioii Tucadny evening to rccoivo Daw-
Ron nnd his big $000 IIOMCB , nil the
way from St. Louifl"Mifiouri. The
horaos nro iron grey and fcol proud
enough to think thnt thuy linvu boon
aunt for BO far away. Mr. U.IWBOII
appeared , nUo proud of the grand
achiovumont , nnd Jack llogors will
defy any two inon in Iowa to do bet
ter. Why no two hornuH could bo
found in PotUwattamio that will oat
the name amount and wait for thu IIru
alarm to Hound , It in claimed that
the groys didn't Bleep well Tueaday
night , they just kept awake longing
to show the puoplo what Si'OO ' worth
of St. Louis horaullosh can do towards
puttine out a tiro.
On call of the roll Mayor
and Aldermen Churchill , LXiwaon ,
Phillips , Spotman , Fonda , Keller ,
Ilain and Unthnnk , the full board , re
sponded. Several potitionu and redo-
lutiona were oll'i-red. Conspicuous
among them \\as tlie following :
Ho it riiHolvod by the common coun
cil of the city of Council lilulla , That
the apodal luviei m.ulu by thu com
mon council for the re ] > uir and im
provement of parks , Indian creek ,
Vaughnn avenue , Union avenue , Mis
souri river levee , bo from mid nf-
tor this coiiBolidutod into and niadu : i
part of the city , and Unit nil of s.iid
special tnxua so levied Hluill boa pirt
of the general fund of said city , itnd
ao appropriated and used by the city.
The vote on the aamo was put , re
sulting in n tie vole , Churchill , U.uv-
soii , 1'hillitm nnd Spotman voting in
the allirmativu ; A Mormon I'oiidu ,
Ivellor , Ilain and Unthank contra.
The mayor cast his vote with the for
mer and the resolution was adopted.
A motion was thereupon made flint
nil outstanding orders bo paid in gen
eral fund warrants.
Action on the extension of Mynster
street was deferred. A motion to al
low the street cur company to lay its
tracks on Fourth street , Union avenue -
nuo nnd ether streets was laid on the
On motion of Alderman Huin , the
council elected E.V. . .Inckson na u
jnoinbot of the regular police forco.
A gentleman who has recently explored
plorod the crawling Louaoy for about
a mile , botweoti hero and the pork
house , reports that the usual cold
weather "dead" inpnngerio is gather
ing rapidly , including rats , cats , dogs
hogs , and as he was returning homo ,
ho mot a jaulnts going down there to
dio. Of course , so long as winter con
tinues wo shall not feel the effect of
deleterious exhalations , but when the
warm weather comes the health of our
city will bo impaired to a creator or
less axtent. If over this cify gets out
of debt , and in a financial condition
to warrant it , Indian creek will bo
covered , and used as the mixilt sewer
of the city. But until that time
comes care should bo taken in ri'gait
to what offal in deposited there during
thu cold wunthor , to rot nnd poisoi
the atmosphere in the spring. Citi
/.DDK , when called upon to part will
any of their nnimuls , domeatio or
otherwise , should sco to it and have
them buried , and the ordinance pro
hibiting the deposit of such filth ii
Indian creek within thu limits of on
city should bo strictly unforced.
There was quite an altercation between
twoon a couple of colored women n
the laundry , No. 5I ( ! Lower liroiu
way , kept by a white man nnd his col
orud wife , butwuen one of the inmate
named Luna and a colored sister , \vh
called nnd simply wished to see her o
a matter that wns troublinu her hear
stays. It seems that ouo Hiittio Lewi
has been mistrusting of late that hui
man has been bestowing his affections ,
through the poatollico ini'dium , upon
Nona. This excited her angry ] ma <
Dions , and aho determined to put i
different kind of a brain box on " ( U
yellar gal's head. " Shu repaired tc
her nluco of htiBinf si and donmndud al
once to see "do wicKed littlu wench , '
Loiu invicod her on "do inside'
whom the two went at it hand ov i
list. In some way Li'iw got her an
tngonist through tln > window , am
shoved bur ahead until she wont out ,
body iind sash. She immediately llui
up Itroadway , with a torn strip of hui
nothur garments Hying in the bruu/.i
to the tune of 'Homo , Sweet Homo , '
( 'LIl'KOUD'ri COMl'AN V.
Again last evening Dolmnuy's opuri
house was well filled , notwithstanding
the storm , * to BOO the Clifford Cum
pany present the nuv jiluy untitku
'IJertlm the Sowing Jlachino ( lirl.1
The company amply sustained tin
reputation thuy irninod tin
first night. Eawin Clifford is ui
actor of no moan capacity and in tin
character of the butcher boy ucquittei
himself admirably. Miss Olive Wus
; is Uortha , displayed her powers as ai
emotional actress , but lacked in "vol
umo" of voice. II. A Kllis , the vil
lain of the company , in almoat fault
leas in thu character of David Carter
Miits Mathms was kupt in the bacl
ground her pnrt not presenting i
chiinco to display her special powere
Thus far Mr. Clifford has no rcuso
to find fault with his success hero.
K.V. . Jackson has doclinud the i
jwintiiiciit on the police force of th
city. Ho says this council , ao far 11
ho is concerned , has emptied abou
nil the slop on him that ho can stand
ifo soca looming up in the future
now council and a new order of thing
from the head of our city government
to the driver of tlio now St. Louifl
HCAIlKI ) OJT 11V A 1)0(1.
There wai rin attempt to hiirghuiPu
n hoiiBo on lower Muin street last
i.ight. They icmovod ono of the
window pani'3 in front and wore about
to enter when n dog in tliu rear of tlio
house was attracted to llio front of the
house by n chisel let full on tliu aide-
walk. Thu sneaks got us much space
between thorn nml Iho canine as they
possibly could in a short time.
Mina lxtta Jones arrived in this
city n few days since with u ( ino as-
Rortanont of coBtumcH to rent to these
who took pnrt in the grand Heecuo
ball lust nitwit.
J. J , Jennings , who wiw imnuultod
by il.ick Shields , I'M on the inund nml
hin friendn are confiilunt of his ni-
Mra. Win. A. Mynstcr , who ha
been lying very low at her residence ,
nt Mynater Syringa , in cnnsidorod by
her attending physichn out of danger
nnd her frinds entertain hope * of her
speedy recovery.
At tlio present time County Uo-
cordor J. I * , ( louldim in obliged to
keep about six clerks employed all the
time , ao vast in the amount of writing
required in his ollico.
Recorder F. A. Uurko in Buffeting
with a very severe cold , yet ho at
tends to hit laborious duties daily at
the city building.
0. W. Roberta , malinger of the
KorbcH Dramatic company , is stooping
at thu Ogdon. His company will BOOH
appear in thin city ,
W. J. lloldim , of Magnolia , W.IH in
the city yesterday. Mr. Holdcn is
intorcsted in a no.v mill which in
being uroctoil at that place.
A. giinthnnan residing in Now York ,
who ruc'Mitly v'sitod ' our city , contemplates -
plates in llio spring to cruet a Hummer
IIOURO near liig Lako. Ho is confi
dent that during the summer it would
pay well.
Mi-tealf Bros , have hud n now largo
front plutu glass window put in tlio
place of the one hrokui nuliiomu time
Tlio city council by a resolution
u-onaolid.iU'd all the HpocLU IOVUSH
in'o nut' general fund and also pa ° sed
I'wdn'ion ' Unit all ordura hereafter
rawn shall bo on ( .lint fund. Yon
mat go back onu iitop fuitlior , gen-
lemon , and bo very careful how many
irdora yon draw. The only way fern
n individual to restore hm credit is
0 ourfiiil hit ) expensed und propuio to
uoot his paper dolliir , Tlio mmiorulo
ppliui to cities. It seems to us that
lot a dollar should bo expended at
resent only to put mich streets us
ced it in good condition. About
' 07,000 thus fur huvo been expended
ui improvoinontH and the ordinary
xpcnses of running the city govern-
nont and wo doubt if there is a prin-
ipul residence street in our city with
1 good sidewalk on both sides of it.
\ll oultiido schemes should bo put in
iboyanco until our finances are
itraightoncd out BO wo may know
vhpro wo are and what wo can do.
I'liio building air castles nnd blowing
ioap bubbles may do for children but
not for a city like Council liluHk
To see that Council Blnfui is grow-
ng rapidly ono has only to cast his
eyes about him. Not only do wo HOC
argo nnd costly buildings being erect
ed on every hand , but those who are
lot aa yet ready to build anew nro
aunching out on every hand raising
ho old buildings up , putting on now
rents , remodeling entirely. AB soon
ns one of pur merchants believes the
ild homo is past keeping up with the
imes ho encloses it. in u more costly
and elaborate structure , and passed the
Id house out thiough the windows.
As soon us hia bmiinesa hnH outgrown
the capacity of the old storeroom
or shop , ho erects either in the roar or
upon the side an addition to meet , for
the present , his increasing trade or
business , and soon he will begin the
erection of a handsome brick building.
Koino of our landlords thought a
pig-atyo or hen-coop plenty good
enough for their tenants , but now wo
nee Charley Hauglmn and others
erecting liirgo houses , and they tell
us that they pay very much better.
And so wo go on , Soon no man will
think of building anything less than
a four story building in Council
IHullH , and from brick wo will go to
granite , until wo have ono of the
lini'Ht looking cities in the weal.
Wo are pleased to unto that the city
council have ordered Oakland avenue
graded. Mr Harden will , aa foon as
possible , will dirtclhis attention to that
important thoroughfare. Thia street
"or yearn has bore the name of an
avenue , when , in fact , it never has
much bolter than a cow path.
I'lio widest jurl belweou sidewalks
being not o\Pr twenty feet. This
street furnishes Iho drainage for the
in hills that part of the cityand its gut
ters should bo nocoiibtiuctcd tlml lhu
waU'roin pa n oil witlmi ! di ttuction
to the H.iiiu ) every apiing niin.
There is u rumor nlliat that the
Milwnukou am1 St. 1'aul railroad com
pany aio going In oiect their tihopo in
this cit.v. If this company want tin
ovurliistiiii ; Ih'inks and good uiil of
every man , woman and child in l'nt-
tawaltomio co'mty they ha-J butter do
A farmer observing tlio foundation
ot our now engine house , lomarkt'il
vos'orilay ' , "Ovi-r seven hundred !
Well , well , if them hain't the costliest
lot of pi'Hky pintul und diiv inter the
ailh that over 1 seed. Why , a hun
dred dollars more would have pur
chased another pair of Miss Soury'i
Our two principal business rttrouti
wore crowded with touns of every description
scription yesterday from morning tin
til night.
A gentleman remarked yottonhp
that Council liliifli received a goo !
start in the way of building hat year
but if there was anything in HI'I/IIS
next year will uho\v a Ihreofold'in
crease , Lol it come.
The time is not far distant whui
the Imsiuufls blocks on liroaduuy am
Main Btreota will have to bo pimhei
up BO vend stories.
Tlio Xioudou Liuuoot-
The London Limvet ayn ; "Mmiy
life h H been tavcil by tilt- moral cournt ;
uf thu Hiitferer , und nmnr a lifu Imd I'ct
taking HI-HINO lli.obsosi in tw
of blllou * fever. iiuiie ( ; tliii ( or liver con
Iilulntu , " I'ric * 60 cenU ; trial bottli'H 1
SomoItnporlftntMntemnnta of "Wo
Known Poopln "Wholly
Innnlcr ( hntllioiiiillln tn y fully rw 1 ! > e the
( ictiulticncmi ol the ttito > ciiti , . well Mthe
| po irixin1 nluo of thn nrtlrlo of uhlch the )
n | VwopuUI ti hit with lie flic nlmllo n'Ktm- '
tnro of iivrllfn whownlmirlty Ii Iwyon I iiuos-
lion. Tlio Truth of thuo tntlmanlnU Ii ftbio.
1ut , nor can the facts tlicj aniiounco bo IK-
OMUIA , KM < . , Ma ) 21,1831 ,
II. It. WARtKRfcro :
DuAkflm : I hn > frequently nto-l Wnrnor §
Knfo KMiio. mid I.hcr Uuro lor aUrctlotin
nt li ) > on m cro rheumatic ftttftcks , nhd
' y dorlu-d Ijentflt therefrom , I hnvo
'd the tAta S'cr.rfio with wilUfuctory ro-
miltx. I conaldor th c mcdlclnra worthy of
Dcpnty Trcvwrer.
OMAHA , Nrn , uy v > t , 1 HI.
II. rVAHN B kC'o. , ltoctii t r , N. V :
ORMH- : | have tm l jour Snfo Klrlncy and
Llvor Cure vrini { ain IterlmlKnmtor. nnd
I find I the liwtt ronwly I tvcr tried. Ihnvo
UKul I bottlen , n d It hut mad mo
than otcr 1 uid licforo In the uprltiK.
U. I1. II. Bho | * .
OUAIIA , Nra , Jlay 21 , lhal ,
HIBH : I'or inoro thr n 15 y urn I Invo miffrrod
much In on\cnluncu fromcomhlned kidney and
HviTdlso.ncH , lid lir.ui licen tin 1)1 c to work
my nrln y orK ninU'i lnliiKnllic'i'd I'rltda
HP-it many nadlilntn und doctoni , liut I rcw
wortu nml or day hy < lny I wan told 1 had
llrluht'a Dldtanc , nnd I wlnhtvl inj-ill ilcad III
eunld notlix\o ( | ) ccily rtllif. I took your Snfo
K'lincy and I.her i.uro , linnnluK tiotlilnc elic
wuno\cr kiio ntocurcitha dUamo , i > nd I Inv
not Inon dl np | > oliitul. Th nirdlcmuhannirnJ
me , and I utn pirlui1 b will lodm , imtlrilj
thro K'I ' your Safe Kidney and UturCuru I
with ) ou all mice BHII iiulilUhhi ) ; thin
nine IV through ho w orlil.
U. 1' . II. It. Hho | .
( if equally Hlron ) ; ciulornc'inonti1
iniiiy of thorn In ta < o where h | > o wan aljan-
imed luixu been \oluiit\rlly ) ci\r > ii , thowlni ; the
rvnmihablo tHi cr of Warnor'x Halo Klcliuy and
l.hur Cure , In nil il neaiool the MdriojA , liter
or urlnaryoiKiiiK. II any 0110 who reiils thli
I'll itiy rby < tal trouble reineinbef thu ru t
Mutter of Application of l-'red Wirth
fur I iuor ( | i.icuiihe.
) TlCJ : : .
XuticuIH hereby nixeii that I'Vcd Wirth
did , upon llic 7tli day of .fixnuary ,
A , O. , JK-'J , filn his iitniliciitioii to the
Mayor ami ( Jitj Council of Onmli.ij for
lleanxo tORcll Alult , Kpiiituous nnd VIIIDIH
l.iriiiurft , at N . 1001 ! Tenth street ,
Tlilnl ward. Otnabi , Ncl ) . , from tliu
Slut d.iy uf January , 18W , to the lOtli day
( if April , 188L' .
If thcro l ) no olijection , roiiiotmtrnnco
or protcxt tiled williiii two uc" Us from
.laiiuury 7tli , A. 1) ) . , 188' ' , the Hail
licciit'O will bo granted.
J''itu > imci : : Wiinii ,
Till1 D.ui.YjlKK iio\vnpnpor xvill piihliBh
the alinvu milieu once o.uh : xvuclc for two
xveeliH nt thn oxnojito of thu applicant.
Tlio Citv nt Uiiinli.i ii not to bo charged
J. J. 1C. . JKWKTT ,
j'J-'Jt Citv Clork.
IIOIIIIIK nilOa. . Brokers In all Hillrcrui
ricl.olc , Umahn , Neb. , offer Tickets to the IJuit ,
until further notlcu , at Iho following unheard ol
l.ow Haten :
1st cliwH , 2d closn ,
NEW Y011K , 820.IK ) ,
I10STON , 20.00 ,
PHILADELPHIA , 25.00 , J23.00.
WAHIIINJTON , 22.01) , 20.IW.
Frr partlculara , write or go direct to IIOIIIIIK
IIHOH. , Dcnlere In Kcducod Kato lUllroad and
blearashlp TlckUs , 800 Tenth St. , Omaha Nob.
Komemncr the place Thrco Doors Ni rth of
Union Paclllo Kallioad Ilcpot , Eaab otTeiith
Omaha Auguat 1.1231
Corner 10th and Howard
Streets ,
Rates , Two Dollars Per Day ,
Matter of Application of Mnx Lcnz fur
Liquor Liceimo.
Nutico \ hereby given that MnLenz
did , ilium thu 'Jiui dny of Junimry , A , I ) . ,
1881 , tile his ni > i > Uciitiim tn tlio Mnyor mul
City ' ouncil of Onialin , fur licoiiKj to Hell
Malt , NpiriliioiiB nnd Vinous l.iquoin , nt
a > r. Kintli nml .tuckeon Htrect , KirKt ward ,
Oinntin , Ncl ) . , friuu tlio KithLitiy ; of . [ .in-
iiitry , 1H8' ' , to tno lOlh duy of April , 1K82.
If tlioro bo no olijoction , rcinonstrnnce
or protest liledilliin two wct'kii from
iluiiunry 2nd , A. 1) ) . , ISM' ' , tl.c saiil KCUIIHC
uill bu grnntvd ,
Aiiilennt. | !
TUB DAILY HUE nowsjinpcr wil i
tlio nlwivo notice once each wtek for two
wuukt nt the expvntic of tlio uppliciuit
Thu City of Omnlm id not to bo clmrgul
tllLTCwitll ,
J. J h. 0. .IKWUTT.
jiui2.'t _ " '
Mutter ofj Application ot Julius XIIR
for Liquor Llceimo ,
Notice U licmliy given thnt , Ti Hun XHK
did , upon thu tflHt day of Utuomlmr , \
1) . , 1SS1 , tile ) ) IH applicntion to tin
Mayor nnd City Council of Oilman foi
licvuuQ toKoll Malt , SpirituouHnud Viuou
I inuiirs. at No. ( ill ! South Tlilrteontl
Hired , Hocond ward , Oinalia , Nt'b , , fron
the 1 Itli di\y of .T niuiry , 1881. ' , to the 1011
day of April , 1881' .
I f tht'io lie no objection , romonstranci
or protu-t liled within two wcckn f rein De
ceiitlu'r itlst , A , 1) , , lr\Sl , the iiaid licoim
will ! > ( grunted.
.ItiLius NAUI , Applicant.
Tin : DAM.V HKK ncwRp.ipor will
tin nbovo noticeunco uuch week for tw
wcukH at tliu exien o of the applicant
Tliu City of Oinalm in not tn In cliarvoi
thurowith. J. J. L. U. JKWJJTT ,
jan'J.'t City Clerk.
Oculist and Aurist
llcf cmic < u Ml Hcmtal | > lo jilclani of Ouiatu
fflce , Oornar ICth and Farnliam 8tj
. Neb . . , .iiu . * <
John G. Jacobs ,
( Formerly of OUh.tJiu.Plin , )
, ti7 Ktriihain St. , Old bUud ot tcoh ( ) l
' ' OldoniMvTtlftrranHRollrlto.l 17
C , F. Manderson ,
United States Depository
Oor. 13th and Farnnm Sta.
BTAnuxunn 18M5.
OrginlroJ M National lUnk Auirntt 20 , 18 3
Kouvrtu , 1'rtnnlent.
Aoatitti'H Kornrzii , VIce I'rcslJenl.
U. W. YAriM , Cwhlcr.
A. J. J'orn.Mo1 * , Attornej ,
Joiw A , d > H'OLtox.
f. II. lUvut , Affit. Owhlir
Thl ) > * ck receives deposit * without regard Ic
* mouute.
liisiitflllmn oortlfloilcalioirlnit Interwrt.
Dm H draft * on San rrAiiriaco and principal
titliw ot the United Sliitcal o I/r > n > lon , Dublin
Killnliurgh and the | > rtncipal cities of tlio oonti ;
ii'.ot ol Kurope.
Balln | > awicnior t'ckota ' for emlxranttfbf the ID
man line mnvldtf
The Oldest
Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. ,
trnnaictod oimo an U l of au lncor >
poratcd tank.
Accounti hunt In currency or gold euhjcct to
nil-lit chock without notlcu
Cortlhoatofl of deposit fumed payable tn three ,
eli and Uolvo montlu , .xarlnK liiUlcut , or on
demand without Interest.
Ad\anrcn uuulo to tnutomors on approved iocu
rltlcs at market ratcn ot Interest.
Duy anil fell gold , Milt ol cxchAngo , frovurn
mont , state , county and city bonds.
Draw Mf-nt dmlta on Kn liiud , Ireland , Bcot-
land , and all | rU ol Kurnpc.
Boll Kutopcan IIMS.XO tlckot .
w. i : . \KJ a M. .Mhiiniii : > .
I , E , VMS & CO , ,
125 Lasalle Street , CHICAGO ,
Grain nnd Provisions Bought
and Sold on Marline.
( h ( TniQ'ti dim
Tnis ( treat ixcitlc | ; cunn that most loatnsouio
'Wlioilinr ID its Primary , Secondary
or Tortlnrv Stngo-
HcmotuHull traicH ol crciiry Irom the p > 8-
tow , Cures Hcrouln , OI.i Koroj , Ithcuiiia-
tltin , K zemt , Cniarrh or any
Illood DIheiuio.
Cares When Hot Springs Fail !
Malicrn , Ark.May 2,1831.
\Vo hao cased In our town w ho mud at Hot
Spring * and v , eta finally curul * ith S. B. S.
JIcUAnyos & McunY.
llcmiihla , Mcnn. , May 12 , 1831
Wo ha > o sold 1,2 < .M > lx > t leu of H. S. 8. In a year.
It ha < < Kit en unlvernal Hit Inflation. Fair minilcd
jHlchins now recommend It na a poalthe
Hpvclflc. y. MAMifULD & CO.
I/oulmlllo , Kv , , May 13.18S1.
S. R. S. hasKhen hettur Kill faction than any
mcdiclno I have o\or Hold. J. A. F
lcn\e ! , Col. May 2,1981.
K\ery I peaks In the hlijhctit tcnni
of H. S. ti. L. ilclmct'ir.
Ulchmond. Va. , May 11,1HS1.
You can refer anjliwly to un In roxard to the
incriU H. Polk , Miller & Co.
Ha-o never known S. S. S to tall to euro a cooe
( f HjphlllK , vhun properly taken.
II. L. Dennajd. ) . , n. .
Kll Warren. Jcrrj.Oa.
Tlio nlxno Bljiion ) arovcntlcinin of hlifh aland-
Inif. A II COLQUlTr ,
Governor ol CJcortrli.
Write for particulars and copy of little
book 'Menwi''u to the Uiilcrtiinato. "
81.OOO Rnwnrd l" ho paid to anj
cliciiiiit who will llnd , on aiuujsU 1UO bottler
S 8. S ,0110 purtlcljof Mereur ) Iodide Tolas
uluiii or any Mineral Hutmtanco.
Atlaniu , Ga.
Price of regular Hlzo reduced to jl 75 per ot
lln .Small n tv , holding halt the quantity , pnco
Hold hv KI'.KNAUD & CO. ,
and DniKttUts Geiiorally
Healed i > ropomlH will lie received by tin
inulerHi Kcd until Kridivv , Jiumury KUli
IKS. , 1'J o'clock , noon , for ihn coiiHtruu
tion of mul ropairiti'of ( Hitlew lkH in frou
of nml ndjoiniiiK the following dcsuribei ;
IireiuUeu , to wit :
TO RK rO.VhTlll'CTKIl.
] .ota 1 , D , ! t -I , Ulock 111 , I foot wide
Hoiith fidu C'ftHH utrt-et
T.ot 15 , oitst H ! \Vlicnton Htrect , ISIocl
1 , Armstrong' " ' " ' ' ' ' Addition feut vide
Lot 1 , Block Kl , west uido Saunder
htieet , 1 feet wide.
Ut < i , a , 11 und I" , Uloolc 12 , we t HI' ! '
SauudcrH Htrect , ! feet uidc.
hntH5 , I ) , 1 nmJ 8 , Ulock I07J. licit
hide Cmuiiit ; Rtreet 0 feet wide.
l.ntH-1 : , , T. and 0 , lllock 1. ucut xld
Sinuident ntiect , 4 feet wide , Armstrong
liritt uddltloii ,
.7. . ) . L. C. .JI5WI5TT ,
City I'lerk.
UMAIIA. Jiinuury f , 188'J. jiuilMw
Mniter cf Application of Mr * . L. McCo
for Umiar License.
Nottco IH hereby RiTcn that Mri * . I
McCoy did , uponthe lOthdayof
A. I ) . 1881 ! , ( Holier application tothoM.yi
and City Council of Oinaht. for liceiiBo t
neil Mnft , Spirituous nnd Viuoiw l.iipton
beUern Twentieth nnd Twonti
Hrcoud on 1'oppleton A\cnuo , Seeor
wnnl , Omaha , Neb , , from Iho 'Jit
diw of Jnnutry , 188'J , totho 10th ilay i
April , 188' ' .
If them 1)0 no objection , mmmstancfl i
nrotent filed within two weeks from the 101
of .Intutory , A. 1) . 1882 , the mid licen. .
will be grunted.
Mits. L. McCov ,
The OMAHA UAIU I KK news uper wl
tmhliith the n o\o notice once eacli wee
for Uo weoKB nt the OXIKMISO of thu apji ]
cant. Tlio city of Onmha in not to 1
jlC.'t t1) ! ' ' Clerk ,
Real Estate igenc ;
K p a complete abdtrect of title to R (
GiUte la OmahJt n Doutilu county. vui
For Sale By
No. 2M , Knll lot foncwl nnd with small build
InK on Capitol Axcnuu ncnr 25th .treet , % 700.
No. 257 , I nr i ! lot or block ! M5 tij 270 tctt on
Ilnmllton , nearlrciiantri > ct , f'-&OO.
No. 2M , Full ( .orncr lot on Jonc > , near 16th
Btrtct , ? : i,000.
No. 2M , Two lotH on Center Htruot , near Cum
InitMnut , ftM ) .
No.'W , Lot on Sjinieo etrcit , near 0li ! street
J 50.
50.No. . 251 , Two lota on Scuanl , near King street ,
No. 2'iH , Ix > ton Scwunl. ncir King street.
.NO. 'JI9 , Hall lot on Uaitu , nenr Utli street
No. it" , KiMir l > emlllnl re ldcnci ( loin , near
CrelKhtoii Cell ( oor will si-ll ) iari\tcf.SOOj. )
: < o. 240 , Two loU on Cluiile- , near Cuiulnu
htreit , SlOUcaiJi.
No.IUJ , Lot on Idaho , near Cumlni ; street ,
JIW ) .
No. 21S , One acre lot on Cumlng , near Dutton
i-trutt , 8761)
No. ' 214 , Lot on Karnlmtn , near ISth street ,
No. 2)1 ) ! . lot 0 by 13S feet on College btreet ,
ncarbt. iiarj's Aunnu , S5IO.
No. 212 , Lot on Doiilj ( ; , near 20th street ,
Sm : > .
No 211 , Lot on F.irnlmn , near Sflth a rcct ,
No. 210 , Lot CO by 09 feet on South Acnuc ,
noir M'ison street , f.'ifjO.
No. ; : W , Corner Irt on llur : , mar 2M direct ,
$2r > 0t. !
% o. 23 : ! , 120x1112 foot on Ilarnej , near 2itb
t.tri'0 ( will tiitttuiO. SA-100.
N'o. 'J.l.'i , 71MI10 feet on Hhcrman Avenue
( lUth strict ) , niur Grace , $1,000.
No. ' ( .I , Lot on Douglas vlrect ,'JJd $750.
No. 22 ; ! , Lot on I'kr slreet , near Seward , SOOO.
No. 'Jltl , lotll'7.00 ' feet , mar U intel Avenue
and 22(1 sticit , 81i)0. )
No. i27 , T o lots on Dccatiir , mar Irene street ,
$20(1 (
No. 2J3 , I ot ICISO-linliy 411 feet on Sherman
Aicriiu * ( loth itr t-t ) , near Uracc , i'2,400.
No. 22U , Lot 2.K ( > U ftet on Uodgu , near ISth
street , maku nn otTur.
No. 217 , Lot on 2td street , near Chrk , S500.
No 210 , Lot on Ilamlltor , ncarKiii ' , 00.
No. ScP. Lot on ISth , near Nicholas street ,
* 500.
No. 207 , Two lots on 10th , near ractflutrcet ,
* 1(00 (
No. 20JTno lots on Castcllar , near 10th street ,
No. 204 , beautiful residence lot ou Dl\ison
street , near Ct.mli ) | ; , feaM.
No. 203 , Lot uu haundcrs , near Hamilton
street , ? 850.
No. 1B9 , Lot inth street , near Pacific , $ iOO.
No. lUsj , Three lots on baunden strict , near
Scuaril , Sl,3lfl.
No. , Lot on 20th ttreet , near Sherman
" .
No. 104) ) , Two lots on 22d , near Grace street
No. 101 } , two lots on Kinp , near Hamllt
street , $1,200.
No. 1U2J , two lots on 17th street , near White
Lead W. rke , 81,080.
No. ISSj , onu full block , ten lot , near the bar
racks , IOO.
No. 191 , lot on Parker , near Irene street , S300.
No. 1S3 , two lota on Cess , near 21st street ,
( xK' , , .
No. 181 , lot on Center , near Oumalng street ,
No. 160 , lot on 1'ler , nor Scwanl struot , $650.
No. 176 , lot on Hhiruian a\enuc , near Izard
itreet , l,4iO.
No. 17 Ii , lot on O'axH , near 14th , 81 , COO.
No. 170 , lot on 1'aclllc , near 14th street ; niaka
No. ICO , nl\ lots on FarHiam , near 24th struct
91,45) to Sf 2,000 each.
No. 1U ( ) , full block on ,2 ( > ih street , nca
raiu eourbe , and three lotu In liixc's addition
near Saunncrs nnd Cacitlus ctreet , . ' ,000.
No , 129 , Io * on C.ilKornUi street , near
ton eollek'i , $425.
no. 127 , airo lot , near the head of St. Mar ) ' 8
No. 1M : , bout ttto acres , near the head of St.
Marj'iiauiiuc , $1M ( < > .
No. 120 , lot on ISth streit , near Whltu Lead
Work * , ifi''f ) .
Nu. 124 , i-lxtecn lotu , near that tower on tlic
llcllev lie road , % ! > | T ot.
No. 12'J , 13ixia < fcctl ! lots ) on Ibth street ,
near I'opiiliton'H , fltOO.
So. lie , thirty half ami loU In Mlllard and
Culihu'll'o additions on Shtrniau lueniie , Sjiriiiii
und Saratoga Direct * , near thu end of gicev
utrttt car trult , &UI to jl.iOO each.
No. B'J , lot on Chicago , ncir 22d street , $1,500' '
No. bb , lot on Ualduoll , mar Sauudera otrect
No. SO , corner lot on Ch irlen , ' near Saumlen
utroet , < flOQ.
No. S.'T , lot on Izard , ncur Slet , with txvo em
\ No. 83"tv\o lota on 10th , mar 1'lcrco street
1 ? IM)0. )
No. 73 , thnc lota on Ilurney , near 19th street
$ 2.0 W.
No. " 0,00x132 feet on Oth Btrift.near Leaven
uortn xtrmt , $3,000.
No. 7i , OUxbi feet , on I'oclfie , nearbth street
No. ( W , 00x132 feet , on Douj , ' ! ' " street , n
10th , il.W.
No. CO , clshteen lots on 21 t , ! 'Jd , 23d am
Saunders atrt'oU , near Uraceand SaumUr ; ) btrw
bridge , ilOOiueh. l > 'h
No , ( I , ono fuiirth hloek ( ! SOxl 5 hit ) , iieoruhi
Convent of I'oor L'Ulru nn llunilltoiiHtreit , nru
the end of red * trtu car tnnk , ifSW ,
No. 6 , lot on .Muri ) , near Oth stud , 81.2CO.
No 3 , lot on California , mar 'Jlst , ? ] , tiH (
No. 2,1st on C.IHnear 2&i strcit , S2.MO.
No. 1 , lot ( ii llarnuj , near Ibtli , r..ioo
Lots In Ilarbuch'ri llri-t and second uildltloiiH ,
nloO In 1'nrki r' , hhinn'K , Ml oi > 'i < , Tenute , h ,
V. Snilth'n , llnlkkV , HM'M. | UiKc'H , and all othir
adillUoiiK , nt a y jTlots and tcrnn.
3W lotu In Ilnn rom Place , near HaiiHCom
ParK ; prlci-n Irom t100 to fr-W ) laeh.
Onu hundred and flttj-iilno iK.tuillul rrsl-
dcncu loU. located on llainlltou street , half wajr
betwien the Him tatilo ol the ted ttreet car line
and the ater ork resirilor and addition , and
jut wist of thu ConnMit of the bn > Urn Poor
CHlre In bhttm'x udiiillon , I'riiMS i.ingu from
fi'.i to 100 radi , and will be > ol > l on oi ) lurnn.
TrocUof { , IH , Ui , 20 , 10 or M > trcn , with
bu IdhiK * and other lui | > rottluentu , and adjoining
thocit ) , at ull I'rhi'ti.
S WO of the lie t rwUlciico loU In tlio city ol
Omaha itnj ) - > catlon jou do.Ire north , oa > t ,
nouth or urat , and at binl- .
- JO choke IiuaincNi lots In all the | irnclial ! |
lU lne < a ulrocta ol Omalia , Mirjliitf fioni WXI to
37,000 nach.
Tuo hundred liouaiH and ots rangliii ; Irom
9 ! < 00 to SI 6,000 , and locnttd In c\cr > | > art ol Uie
16th and DC ag'.a Street ,
Deere &
Wholesale Dealers in
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Moline Wcigon Oo , Farm and Spring Wagons ,
DBore&Mansur OoOorn Planters , Stalk Gutters , fto. ,
MolineiPump Oo , Wood and Iron Pumps ,
Wheel & Seeder Oo , Fountain Oity Drills and Seeders ,
Meolianicsburg Macli , Oo , Baker Grain Drills ,
Shawnee Agricultural Oo , Advance Hay Bakes ,
Met Manufacturing Oo , Eureka Power and Hand Shelters ,
Whitman Agricultural Oo , Shelters , Road Scrapers , &c , ,
Moline Scale Oo , Victor Standard Scales ,
A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies ,
All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock.
Address All Communications to
Council Bluffs , Iowa. dee3rac2m
ij i i iMuMiiiii i i III 1
Mining and Milling Company.
Working Caiiitil
Capital & .OCK , { 1LKXIOO
1'ar Value of hhire , ? 2C,000.
DK. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wj
\VM. E TILTON , Vlce-PrcsUlcnt , Cunjmlng , Wjoruing
E. N. HA11WOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wyoming.
A. G. LUNN , Treasurer , Cumuilns , Wyoming.
Dr. J. I. Thomas. Louis Miller W. S. Ilramcl. A. G D nn.
E. N. llarwood. Krancia Leavens. Oco. II. Falos.
Ur. J. C. Watklus.
no22me6m GEO. W. KENDALL , Author'zed Agent for Sale of Stock ; & " ' " " < - > > . Nob.
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to out-
elegant linoa ( at BOTT ( > M PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls
Hosiery , &c. * , now open. Wholesale only.
8HREVE , . ,
Corner Fourteenth and Dodsre Sts.
1213 Farnharn St. . Omaha , Neb.
Practical Sausage Manufacturer ,
Family orders attended to with despatch , and every
thing promised satisfactory. I invite a call at
No. 210 Souih Tenth Street.
In liottlej $1.IK ) CHch. U forS.r .fiO.
In llottles 75 centa each , ti for 53.50.
llroniutoti wheiica the bo\c nriMrli ? < tion wt-ra procured l thu I arKtJbt and Mont SuccfMluICo
furaiitloii Ho pita ) In the World , * * the "Ilromjitoii. CoiiKUinjition ana touxh > cniwIlN , thoabo'
HcJlclnnliaxelousbcendoauiiHllnEoijland InU.llblo Cures for all CowpliUnUol the Luag * l
x1. H. i jkJEC3E'i < arxrf