I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE-THURSDAY JANUARY FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. \ NI.W YOUK , January 11. MOMV , Money clesed nt 3 jcr cent. Kxchange closed firm i.t A 82Jji1 ( SjJ. (1 ( > VKII.SMNTS Government bonds closed firm. Currency G's'U' . . . . . . . .12B A * 1 1 " 1 4i's COUplllH 1" ' ' Or Continued I Oil | o'u Continued I 02i n \tt.no\t ) iio.sna. Pacific bonds ckxcd as follows : Union lir-t 1 . UlTul . . n * - * , , * , , Jino. grants 1 i.l blil Sinking fund * 1 231 bid _ Ccnttal Pacific lir.sU 1 KU@1 13J STOI us The stock market to-day was very active an I'omo largo blockof stock cliingcil blind * , Thera was n marked depression in early dox lns and piicui declin d 1J per cent , at tin1 tint I ) mrtl. A lirmt-r fee-ling set in .iiid tlu eurly decline was more than recovo oil. The market cmitin- iiedslrongand fur her a Ivanceil d iritis tlio nfto noun , and late in the day the hlglieit price-t Wi-ro ctincnt in liunl saltHow - oyor , the vvts somereaction. . The prin cipal dealings were on L ike Shore1 , Miclii- van Ccntr.l , Now York Cent nl , F.rie , Western Union , St. Paul , Denver & Ilio Grande , San F nucisco and Delaware1 , Liclcnvx.inn & Wc'tern , Thu following are the closing bida : Ujj Heading 1'retcrred. . . . 21 ? 11 S. A. 3(5 ( Adams 148 Hk WPc 152 Fargo 123 : XD IbO Aineric ui U7J i ob n un Min'g U. S. . . . 70 111 132J lt& P 2ll Standnril IfiJ St 1' , t O , . fd . ! ) ' .M San Fr.im.i'-cu. . I1 Prefcir'd .S"if Istpld .101 St I'mil . . .Kl'.IJ Preferred .121t StPM&M 11 Ceu'l 8.3 T & P 17 M K.S X W. . IS T D .V f. I Union Pacific. IV l niiVChir. 73 Wnbuh 3 Mauhattan F.lo BOS Pieferred ( ii > Ale-t. e-luvatel )7 We-ste-ru L'niou. 77 Jlan 15 27J MINIMI STOCKS. The following are the closing prices on miiiiii , ; stocks at the New Yoik mining ex. b mgi > : South Picific " .01 SiUe-rCliil. . .250 St.it-Lin ; * , 2 , 3..1G" ) I'nadilla. . . . . 11 J.'obi'iMiu ' 2liO Luloiadi . 48 Uodic 2'jO G k Currtncy. . Chrjsolito KiO Overman CIIIOAQO MOMUT MAHKKT. / . , - CIIICAQO. January 11. I' ' f Money continues in go > d reiiuest. The \f r.iteu of interest were firm nt C@8 \ er cent. cent.The The capital stock of the National Bink of Illinois has been Increased 51 , . 000,000. K intern exchange between city banks wa-i sold at par. The clearings of the associated banks were S7,100,000. COMMSRCIAIi. v Omnhn 'Wholonnle Mnrhot. OKficn OK Tun OMAHA HUE , 1 WeIneaday Krening , January II. ( The following ch m'en in the markets are noted to-day : Who it advanced lc for No. 2 , 2ic for No. 3 , and Ic for re jected ; barley advinced Jc ; rye un chinged ; corn advanced Ic ; oats nd- | yanced jjc. In dry goods Bleached cottons , Fruit of the ) Loom decline t ic ; Lonsdale ad vanced Jo. If.des Green calf , weight under 8 pounds , advanced lOu per skin , Graceiifli Su ar advaneed 4@Jc all lilon the line' . Salt Per birre1 , Jray lovlii , advanced 105. Choice lard declined 2c. Hams declined 2 : . B.JCOII sides decline 1 Ic , Local drain Dealings. WHEAT. Cnsh No , 2 , 1 10J ; ca h S"o. .S , 1 OOJc : lejected 72Jc , BAliMJV. ( Jaah No. 2 , SHe ; No , 7'Js. 7'Js.HYP. HYP. . Cnsh , Sic. ( ) COHN. Cash No. 2 , Wfc. OATS. Path. We. IfAY § 700@IOOO per ton. Provisions , FLOUR Sniing wheat , Htralght grade , $32S)3fiO ( ) : "Pioneer" California , SI IX ) ; patent , S3 7f" ) @ 1 50 ; winter wheat utr.iight crude § : t 8" @ 4 23 ; patent , f 1 fiOfffifi 00 ; graham - ham rye. 82 . " .0 ; Wheat , * : t 0(1 ( : Queen line. S 38 ; .Inspor , $3 87 ; ! ! ! „ < Si ux , $3 fiO HYP. FLOUR-83 2.5. MlLLSTUl''KS- , per cwt. 7/ic / ; I > er ton , IB 00@Ki.OO ; .creeningii , per cwt. 80c ; aborts , per .wt 1.00 ; chopped feral , l > or cwt. 1 20 ; meal holtod , yellow , 1 JO ; white. $1 00. Pl'ATOiS-Neh ( : ankaa , i 10@1 20. SW U BT POTATOKS-Uenulne Musca- tine , 1 & 4rK ) per Ih. WILD iKSi-Outof : : market. KG US 17 to 18c. HUTTKIt-Choicp , 2)cj ) poor , no nnrknt ; fuir , lnfu)21j ) creamery , . 0@3'c. ' APPLKS ( Jootl. sound , very Hcarce at SI 7WiQO per hid. LK.MONS-Steady ; ji r bojr , $150 ® . MALLAO.A f'.lt.VPiS-Per Wil.,88 f,0 ; per half hhl. , Ji4 V ) . IJKKSWAXYellow , SOfiiaac. ONION'S WaU ( JO jior lmnlwl. OUANWUltIiS-Per ; ; Wl. , 10 00@ 11 ro. CKLKHY l' r doz. , B5O)3ic. ) OYSTJJUS SiUU IV ; lHKSSii : ) C'HICKlIN'S-SfelOc. DISKSSKI ) TUKICUVS 1'JJC' WILD TUlUCHYS-Mfellc per Ib. Grocert Lilt , 17c. 17c.TJJAS. TJJAS. Tmnpowder , good , : ( a > 10c ; choice. 3'folRe. 8UOAHS. Cut loaf , lljc ; llcj Granulated , lOJc ; Pnudered , llw ; Fine powdered , 11 ic ; Standard Ce-tfta A , 10.J ! Now York Confectioner's Standard V. , lOcj Good A , l'c ; Prairie Kxtra C , "SYllUPS. Sutjur house , bbl > , 41.0 : half bis , 47c ; kegs , \ \ gallons , S2 10 ; choice table syrup , I2c : fmubblslie ; keg , W ' 0. SODA. lwliht' ) ; * It ) pnpern , ! ? . < 00 ; I > e- nud do , S3 00 ; Church's , $ J 00 ; KPR ii la , > @ 4lt STAUCH. Pearl , 4\c' \ Slhcr Glo81 dSJc ; Corn Starch , 8J@Uc ; I'An-Nlor 11"7c ! Corn. 7ic. SALT. Uray load * , per hhl , 2 OB ! A-li- ton , in sackc , 3 f)0j ) hliU dairy 00 , " , 3 1.1 ; bhlRdnlrv , 100. 3SlW. . lUliU : I'Rl'IT.S Choice . "oaelies , new crop , SJc ; Uvaporated A | pie- ; , > Ib l.o\c- , l"cj Michigan , SJc ; Now Yorknpplr" , SJc ; Prune , nld , 7jc ; new , sc ; Cuirant * , 7 ? ' - ; Itlackborrlet , new , CHFr.si : : Full Cieam , 1-lc ; Part Skim lljc. WOODI'.NWAIIK Two hoop pall" , 1 ! ) ; three honp p-ilN , 2 20 ! No. 1 tub * I Ml ! Nu ' ! tub * , . * oO ; No. 3 tubs. 7 BO ; liotievr u-f-shbnanK I ho ; Double Cr wn , 2110 : Well buckets , 32) . LKAD U.xr , § 1 0. ' ) , SPin'S. Pepper , 20 ; Allflplce , 20ct eimel'ic ; Nutmeg , ? 1 00 : Cassia , 2"e ; M.ico SI 00. M V1VHF.S Per c-xddie , OOc ; round PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon , PJJj. jholce lard , lljc ; dried beef , lHJc ; bhoiild ers ! c : hams , t tjn ; liacon , side * , lie. NKW PICKLES Medium , in barrels , 510 00 ; do in half bins , b 7osmnlK ; in bbK , 12 00 do , in half bbb. 7 CO ; gherkins , in bbls , II 00 ; tb , In half bbls 7 BO. YINKOAU Pure npplo extra , 1(5 ( ! pure apple , 13c : Pni'-slmr uutu nnnlo , IGc. HOMINY New , i ) BO per bbl. BKANS Medium , band jiicked s ? 10 per Imihel ; navy , ! ? 3 50 ; cali-f un\y , $3 BO. KOPU Sisal , 4 inch and larger , J@ 01@10a ; I inch , lOjc. SOAPS-Kirk'n Savon Imtiorial , 330 ; KiiU'8 Mitlnet. 3 30 ; Kirlc's standard , S BO ( ff 3 3i ! Kiik' white Russian , B 2ri 00 : Kiik's Kutoea , 2 0"i : ICiik's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 tO ; Kilt's magnolia-I B5 © t 10. 10.OANDLKS OANDLKS Boxes , 40 Ibs , 10 oz , 8s , lGcbo\es ; 40 Ibs. , 1G oz. , Gs , IGc. LYK American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 310 : Western , 2 7.V. North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' lye. tGO.Towelllve ; , 276. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 do ? . , in case , 3 3 j ; Babbitt'a Ball , 2 dor. in case , 1 DO ; Anchor Uall 2 doin case. 1 50. FIHLD SKKD Ued clovor. choice new , § 000 per bushel ; mammoth clovct new , S7 00 ; white clover , new , $1400 al alfi clover , new , $12 BO ; nlsike , now , 813 00. Timothy , good , now , S3 00 ; blue grass , extra clean , SI BO ; blue graiM , clean , SI 2"i ; orchard grass , S2 BO ; red top _ , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , SOc ; millet , Gcimnn , $100 to $125 ; Hungarian , hOc. HiDGiSii51- : : : ago orange , 1 to B biHieli , & > 00 ; usage uranije , 10 bushclH or over , $4 SO ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per 100 lb , S2 J 00. FISH Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , * .1 7."i ; Nu , 1 white fish , ! )0 ) Ib hf bbls , G ItO ; No. 1 white Mi. in 10 Ib kits , I 00 ; family 10 Hi kit * , 7"ic ; New Holland heiiin , * . per keg , 1 31 ; Ittissian sardines , 7Bc : Cobu1-- bia liver salmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; Gc'orgo'n I ! ink codfish , Gc ; Gen. boneless codfish ; ! ) 'c ' ; boneless fish , "ijc. MACICHIMJL Half bbls mi-B * mackerel , 100 His , $12 BO : bfbbl No. 1 e\ shore do , 100 Ibi , G 00 ; hf bbl. < , fat family do , 10(1 Ibs , , ! 8"i ; mess niackeiel , 12 Ib Juts , 22" > ; No. 1 e-x slime , 12 Ib do , 1 BO ; No. 1 shore , 1 Ib do , I 01) ) ; fat family. 10 Ib do , 75c. CVNNKD 2 11) CrOODS-Oybten- ) ( Field's ) , perc.u.e , S4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , poi c.v-t' , 2 10 ; do 2 Ib ( Stand trd ) , per cf , ' ! ! IO ; do 1 Hi ( standard ) , per case , 2 . " 0 ; do 2 Ib ( black ) , per caie , 2 7."i ; do 1 Ib ( black ) , per ca-e , 200. Onion" , 380. Salmon , 1 m , per dozen , t G0 ( ) l 70do21b ; , per do/en 2 B5. Sardines , small tsb , impoi ted , one quarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; American , iii 11 ter boxes \MT box , lie ; do half boxes , per box , 21 ic. "Lubstem , 1 Ib per dozen , 180. Tomatoes. 230 ; do 3 Ib per ca.se , 3 30 ; Corn 2 Ib ( Mountain ) per cane , 3 GO ; soaked corn , 210 ; do 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per ca c , A GO ; string be.in , per case , 2 2B ; Lima beans per caie , 2 20. Succotash per case , 2 25. Pent , common , per citae. 2 (10 ( ; peas , choice , per case , 4 BO. Ulackberries , 2 Ib , per case , 280 ; strawberrieu , 2 Ib , per case , 2 7fl : raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 7B(5J.i ( 00. Damsons , 2 IK ] > er case , 2 45. 1'artlett pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber ries per c.i < e , 2 80. J'g plums , 2 Ib per i , 3 BO ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case , 4 50. Green gagei,2 Ib per cac , 3 BO : do choice , " Ib per casc,4 . " 0. Pine Ajiplea , 2 Ib , per case , 4 00(35 ( 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 3 10 : do 3 Hi , case , G 00ai , BO ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , ppi oise,38ri ; do pie , G Ib , per dozen , 3 BO. KICK Carolina , 8@81c ; Louisiana , 74 " fair , Gi@7. PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten nessee , ! lc per Ib ; fancy white , lOc per Ib ; raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted , llic. - Dry Good * . UIIOWN COT TONS Atlantic A. 8ic ; ppleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Uoott F , 81c ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7e ; Cabot W , c ; Chittenango A , 6\c ; breat Falla E , ic ; Hoosier , Gjc ; Honest Width , 7ljc ; In ilfan Ifc.nl A , 8jc ; Indian Stand ml A , SJc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , SJc ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Myotic Hiver , 7c ; Pi-cjuot A , 8jc Shvwmitt LL , 7c ; lTtica C , BJc ; Wachus elt 15. 7Jc ; do A , 8Jc ; do K 18 , 12ic ; Wai cult HIS , 8ic. FINi : 1WOWN COTTONS Allcndale 4-1 ; 7ic ; Alligator 3-4 , 3o ; Argyl 4-4 , 7 c ; Atlantic LL.JJlc ; lUdger Stat > X 4-4 , 7c ; ludixti Orclnrd AAU-8 , 8Jc ; LicouiiiO 39 , 8Jc ; Lehigb i : 4-4 , ! IJc ; Lonsd.de 4-1 , lOc ; 1'epiicrell N 'M , 7c ; do O 32 , 7ic ; do It 3ii , 7'/c / ; do K 31) . 8Jc ; Poaasset C 1-4 , Wamsutta4-l , 13c. HLKAf'lIKD COTTONS Andre cos- p.in lj l-4IOcBlackKtuneA ; A in peri.il ! lc ; du do half bleicbwl 1-4 , ! ) c ; Cabot 4-1,87 ; Fidclity4. | , ' .IJojFrni1 of th-Luom , U ; do can brie- ,13i-do ; WaterTwist,10\creat \ ; ( FalUQ. lOJc ; Imli in Hw d shrunk 1-4,12 c ; L nsd.de10c " ; do cambrl 37 , IlkXcw ; York Millri. l"3c ; PupiotA , lOc ; Peppcrnll N G Twills , 12Jc ; Pucahontas 4-1 , 9Jc ; PocaRi t 4-4 , 8Jc ; Utica , lie ; Wnmmitta O X X , lite. DUCKS Unbleached Atlantic , 10 o 17c ; It.xltiiiMru do , llic ; Lone .Star , 8 uz. , 12c : Sav ge , ISc. LuCKS ( Colored ) AJbiny K brawu , 8c ; do C , drV 1 1 > V..Y , stripcH uud plaidri , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and drab , ktripen ami plaids , 12jc ; Arlington fimcy , I'.ic ' ; Prunswick bruwn , HJc ; Clmriut fancy , 124c ; du extra heavy , 20c ; J'all Kivo bruwn , extra heavy , llic ; Indiana A bruwn , 13c ; Neponset A liruwn , " " TICKINGS-Amoskeag A C A 32 , I7i ; do XX blue 32 , 18c ; Arrowanna , lljc ; Claremont B B , lr > ic ; Coneitoga ex tra , 17iv ; Hamilton I' , HJc ; Lawistnn A M , ISc ; Mluneliaha M. 20c ; O nega mip r extra 4-1 , 28c ; Pe'arl Kl/i-r 32. IGJc ; Put- nani XX. blue Htriiic , 12c ; Shetucket S 10lc ; do SS 12c ; Ye-oman'H blue 29 , SJc. DKNIJIS , Aimnke.ik , blucuudbrown , JGJc ; Anduver DIHilue , IBJc ; Arlington blue Seot/-li , Ihjp ; Concord OCWJ , I'luo mi'i ' bruwn , 12ic ; du AAA , do do 13) ) ; do XXX do du Hie ; Haymaker's blue nnd brown , 94c ; Mvwtic Hiver DD slripe , IGJc ; Pf > arl lllver , blue and bruwu , IB c ; Uucasville , blnuaml hniwnic. \ . CA3f BUICS-Bsriwrd , BJc ; FM.iyhtum lining , -1 inch double f ce , Sjc ; ( Jaruer A gla/ed , fie , Monliatlaa ytn \ liuUli , r } c Now port do Cc ; du glared , BJc ; IV < p4 < i d ( Be ; Lo kwixxt kid ImWi , Gc. COKSKT JIIANSAuwry , 8cAmInn' ; i ) , XjcjClarunoUm , ( ic | ; ( ' < > ii ic ton'a Batteens , "ic ; Hallovvell , Ha ; Indian Ort-hard improved , 7Jc ; Narrafjancett , TM Pepped ! ) fattwn Die ; Jock { | irt , 7/c / PRINTS . , . rimac I ) , 7c ; .Myntlc , Bc ; Sprat'iify , Oo ; J-imtlilTld.'i. , lie ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; tlarl. iti , fijo ; Orient d Ujc , ( ; iXHA.MS AiiK .lpa . lOJu ; Amos- aif ilrwK I''ij Arb'ylu , lOJcj Atlantic , ) cj Cumberlaiitl , * Jci Hijihland , Sje ; Ixenilwortli , SJc ; Pluii kott , lOJc ; Sus- Abbervlllo - , 20ci Amerli-an , llr : ArtMnn , 2 ) 1) and T , Ifljcs Clarion 1) nml T , l"Jc ; Dtccan Co.stripcs DntulT. U > o ; Key- toiie , 135c ; Nantuokct , I''o ' : Nonpareil , lc ( ! ; O - n l > and T , lHjc ; Itoyal , UJc ! ; 12o ; Tli > Rti , 12cVnchu \ ; ctt oldrt- in- ; slieck12Je : do , Nankin , 12Jc ; York. lain Nankin. 12 Jc : do. checks , trln" | nml IHIOV. 12Jc ; do. So20c. . SHKitlNGS : Andro'copilnlO-l.27ic ; 10 U-l , 24c ; do 8-1 , 22c ; Continental C1 12 , lie ; Fruit of the l < oem 10-1 , 2"i ! New York mill * US , We : do 7S , : ik" ( do BS , 2-JJe ; Ponibtoko 10-1 , 2Tic ; Poquot 10- 1 , U-SJo : do 7-1 , ll'c ' : do 4U , Hie ; Pcnperell SW , 2l'o ' ; In < ; 7 , 21c ; do B7 , ISc ; Utlca W , 3'c ; do > 8 , 2-'ic ; do 48 , 17o Clears and Tobaccos. CIO ARS. Seeds 515.00 ; Connecticut , 42.VOO ; Mixed , SkUi.OO : Seed Havana , SOOOClenrlUvnna , S7B.OO. TOUACCO PLW ! . Golden Rule , _ 1 Ib , liOcj Spnttixl Fawn , ( ilc ; Our Rep < % 1 quality , ti''c ; Star , pounds ' - * ' Ib , lmtl , GOc ; Unrxo Shoo , jwunds 21 Ib , butts , ( Wo ; Puritv , 21 Ib. butts 52c ; Queen Hec , 21 Ib , butti. f . ? o : CS.lt I'dge , poinuls , 21 Ib , butts , tiO ; Army and Navv , pounds , 5Bc ; Itnlllon , poundii , liOc : T.orillaiiV * Climax , pounds , ( He. FINF. CUT In piK ! ITixrd to Heat , 7" i : Golden Tlnoad , 70o ; l''onntain , Mi- ) ; Favorite , C5c ; Kotky Moimtaln , ( Oc ; Fanoy , BBc ; Daisy , o c. In tin foil - Catlins O. S. , B Ib boxes per Ib ( iV ; Lori- illanl's TiciT , I'.V ' ; DIairon t Crown , IM ? . SMOKING All Kradoit Common , 25 to I3c. ! Granulated lilnckwells Durham , 1(1 ( o51c ; Uuken Durham , 1C or , Mo ; Seal of North Carolina , Hi or. 4li ; Seal of Nebras ka , 10 oz , SSc ; Lone Jack , I o/ , linen hips per Ib , ? l,35 ; Marbnrh's' Puck , 2 or , tin oil , f > rc ; Ui Tail. lilc. Paints Oils And Varnishes. PAINTS I NOIL White lend , Omaha P. P. , 7c ; whlto lead , O. P. & C. Co.pure , iVi ; MatKcllles Kreen , 1 to B Ib cans 20c : Kronen ritie , 1:1 n le.xlj ! - ! Fiench line , red seal , lie ; French nnc , in varnish aHst , 20c ; Fi-ench zince , in oil asst , IBc ; Raw uml burnt umber , 1 ll > cans 12c : raw nml burm Siennn , 13o : Vandyke brown , lefmi'd lampblack , 12c ; conch black , i"ory black , lOc ; drop black , ICc ; 1'runsian blue , oOc ; ultnunarine blue , ISo ; chrome green , IM. . .t 1) . , 1 Ic ; blind and shutter reen , L. M. & D. , lie ; Paris Krccn. ISc ; Indian red , IBc ; Venetian red , ! lc ; Tuscan nit , 22c ; American Venniliod , I. &V. , 18c ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. < fc 1) . O. , 18c ; vellow ochre , 9c ; golden othrc , 10) ) patent [ Irycr , Cc ; graining colors : light oak. dark im c , walnut , chestnut and aab 12c Dry ° alntt White lend , CJc ; French rinc. lOc ; Paris whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , Ijc ; vhitinp com 1 , lie ; lampblack German- to 'n , I4c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prus- fi.rti bine , 4Bc ; ultramarino. , 18c ; vnndyke , lirown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , lcicnna ; , burn t , Ic ; sienna , raw , 4c Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com'l Jfiu ; chroma green , N. Y. ' 20c ; cbrom- trrcen K. , 12c ; vcnnillion , ling. , 70cer ; - million , America , ISc ; Indian red , lOc , rosa pink , lie ; Venetian read , Ciokson'M ' ? o : venetitn red Am , , He ; red lead , 7Jc ; cln omo yellow , genuine , 20c ; thrnme yel low , K. , 12c ; oclne , rochelle , 3c ; orhri1 , Trench , 2c ; ochre , American , Ijc ; Wintei'w mineral. 2Jc ; lehigh brown , 2Jc : Spanish brovMi. 2ic ; Piince's mineral VARNIS1IHS IHneU per callon. Finnitun.- , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , $1 ; furniture , U , 8"ic ; co ieh , extra , SL 10 ; C'oich , No. 1 , SI 20 ; Damai , SI BO ; .Inpaii. 70c ; asjilinltum , 70c ; shellac , S3f 0 ; hirJ 011 finish. $1 30 Ol LS 110' carbon , per gallon , 11c \ ; 150 * heailliyht , pur gallon , 12Jc ; 17" headlight , per gallon , llic ; ciy-tohnc , iiergillon , 20c ; linseid , nw , pel gallon , UG ; linseed , boiled , iiergtllou , IWc ; lard , winter t-t 'd , per gal lon , 1 05 ; No. 1. SOc ; No. 2 , firw. castor , XXX , per gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 15 ; sweet , pergillon , 8"c ; Hperm , W. 15. , per gallon , 1 35 ; fish , W. 15. per gallon , OOc ; neatsfoot , extia , per gallon , 7"c ; No. 1 , l"c ! ; lubri- catinB' , zero , _ pcr gallon , SOc ; summer , IBc ; .olden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No. 2 , SO ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; ter- pcntine , per gallon , Glc ; luiptlui , 71 , per gallon , SOc ; Gl" . 20c. Lumber. FENCING No. 1 , 12 lo 20 ft , S20 00 ; No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 1 ! ) 00 ; sheeting dressed , No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 1G 00 ; common boards , dressed. 20 00. FRAMING 10 ft. and under , per M , 20 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ; 21 ft. 2'i 00. FINISHING No. 1. finish 1J , 1J and 2 inch , Sr > 0 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch § 45 00 , No. 2. finish if , 1J and 2 inch. 815 00 : No. 2 finish , 1 inch , $40 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 in. h , S3. " ) 00 ; O. G. battens pel iOO feet liu. , . J100 ; well curbing , 822 00 ; rough J and - inch battuiis per 100 feet lin. . BOc. STOCK HOARDS A stock , 840 00 ; B $31 00 ; C , 830 00 ; common stock , $22 BO. FLOORING No. 1 , SIO 00 ; No. 2 , &r , 00 ; No , 3 , ? 22 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , S4000. SIDING No. 1 , 821 00 ; No. 2 , $2200 ; No. 3. 818 00. SHIP LAP Plain , 822 00 ; O. G. No. 1 , $3200 ; No. 2.32200. CEILING 824 00@837 00. LATH AND SHINGLES A starrest shingles , 3 8. % No. 2 , 82 BO ; No , 3 , 82 00 Lath , 83 BO. Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates , § 3 BO ; plow steel , cast , 74 < " cost tool do , 15ai'20 ( wagon xpokes , xtt 2 25@3 00 ; hubs per Bet , 1 25 ; felloes , nawci dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles , each , 7Bc ; wiunio nuts , per Ib , 7@llc washers , per Ib , 8@18c ; nvetH , per Ib , lie coil chain , jicr Ib , ( ! @ 12c ; malleable , 8c ron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , ( ic ; harrow teeth , Ic ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring steel , 7S,8c. ( NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , 3 7B lid , 1 004dil2 ; ; 3d , common , 500:3(1 : fine , G BO ; clinch , all sixes , B 2r > ; 'id ' , casing 1 7B ; 8d casing , 4 B' ) ; lOd casing , J 2B ; lOi finisli , 4 7B ; 8d fininh , B 00 ; lid fininh , 5 2.'i half kegs , lOo extra. SHOT. Shot , 81.81 ; Buck shot , 82.10 Oriental Powder , kegs , $ li. 10 ; do. , hal kegs , 83.18 ; do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Ulast- iui { , ketca. $3.35 : Fuse , uer 100 ftet BOc. Horses and Mulct. The market Is brisk and all grades are Helling well at p Might advance in p icon. The ileiiiuii'l for goiHl horses exceeds tlio supply considerably , Pricen range as fol IOWH : Fine single drivers , 81BO. to.'WO. ; Kxtru draft horses , 817B , to 22.1. ; Common drai't horses , S100. t < ) IBO. : Kxtra farm horses , 8110. to 12Ti. ; Common to good farm horsuu siH ) . to 8100. ; Kxtra pings , 8M ) . to 7B. Common plugs , 620. to 840 , AlULHS. IB to IfiJ ImtuLi ( extra ) , 812.1. to IBO. ; 1U to IB hands , 8100. to 140. 14 to lli hand * , $75. to 100. ; 13 } to } ' . hands. 800. to 7fi Liquors , ALCOHOL 187 proof , 22ft per wlno ga Ion ; uxtia California Kpirit" , 187 proof , 1 3) ) | IT proof gallon ; triple refund njiiritH K'7 proof , 1 21 ( i < > r proof L'ulloii ; ro-dstlllf ! < 1 huLleii , 1 OOfel BJ ; ( imi blended , 1 BOfe 2 BO ; Kentucky litnlx ns , 200J ( > 700 ; Kin- tucl.y and Pemmjlvania ryen , 2 00@7 00 IJRANDin.S-Imported , $ G 00@1COO ilome > 4io 1 10 ® ! 0(1 ( , GINK Imported , 4 B0@0 00 ; domestic , RUMS Imported , 4 BOfG 00 ; Now Knghii-1. 2 Wo , I 00 ; domec , 1 B0@3 BO I'UABII AND AI'J'LK URANDY 1 7r > fxiW , OIIAMPAGNKS Iirjorted per case , 2000Q1 ; ! U-Arijt'i-u , we , 1200 ® 1KOC CLARITS Per cose , I BOf , lG 00. WINKS RMne wine , per c.w , G 00 ® 2000 ; Catawba , per case , I 00 700. Oulldlrg Material. LIMK Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk perlm. , y c. Cement , bbl , $2 SO. Iowa planter , bbl , 82 fiO. Hulr per bu. 3'ic. TaneJ felt 100 lln. S3 BO. Htrrtw Ixurd , ? 4 CC J'Al'Ull Straw paper , Sfcj raf ( Ic ! dry goods nnper , 7cj nmnlla paper , ItX-j news \mper. \ 80. COAl/-(7'umbcrlnml ( M clc nlth , f' ' ' : Morris RUM lUossburg , $12 ; Whltobrci t limit , 87 00 : WhltcbrciMt nut , $7 00 ; In utnp , SO M ) : Iowa nut 80 BO : Rock Springs S8 ; Anthracite , all sires ? 12 00 ® 12 M. Wool , .Merino unwashed , light , ll10cj h-xvv , © lRc : medium unwashed , light , ISW'AV ; tub-wasluil , choice , 3'Jc ! fair , 30c : dhu-v and vv , 2 cj burry , black and cottcd wimU -gr.c ! ( loss Hides hurt , Ctc. HIDF.S Green butcbor'n hide , 7cgrron ; cured hides , 8c ; gnon oalt , purt cuml liides 7Ci',7'jc ; dry tlhit , found , l3@llc ; ilrv calf and kip , I' ' lSc ; dry salt lildo , i oinii | , llM12c ; gn-i'ii calf , w 1.8 to IB 11 * . . 1041 U. giien calf , wt. under 8 Ibs , pet skin , ii'V ' ijiven pelts , ? I 00 < iil ) IB ; green lamb skins S51 lOdi 1 y \ damaged hides two-thinl ni.e. cut seined and one gnib , clnssed tv\ No. 2 , J.-c. Skunk , No. 1. 1)11 ) IMC ; Bhort * ttipo , 10it % nanow ntrlpo " ; brnnil stiipe , lOe , I'allow , BJc. Drucs , ' DRUGS AND CHKMICAI-S. Aril Cnrholie , r - : Acid , 'I'artarlc , Blc ; RaNini Copabi.i , in-r Hi , 7."ic ; Hark , Sissafrns i-cr Ib , 12c ; Calomel , per Hi , 70c ; Cineboniiu i , ier o/ , lOl ; Clilnrofurm , per Ib. ! i\ | ) ovorn piivvdrrn , per Ib , $1 10 ; Kw | i alts pet 11) , 3Jpj ( ilvTorine , pure , PI-I ! ! trie : Load , Acetate , per Ib , i'A ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per rfal , * 1 .Ci ; Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , S12' . ; Hi' ' Olive , per gill , 81 10 ; Oil , Origanum. VH Opium , 81 M ) ; Oninino P. k W. k K.s , per 07 , S2 7"i ; J'otapBlum , lodldf , per Ib ; $2 10 ; Salacm , per oz , tOc ; Sulphate , < { Motphlne , ppror , 83' ; Sulphur tl > m peril ) , l\c ; Strvchnino. ner oz. SI IB. MARKETS BYTHLEGKAPH Connoil BlitUn Mnrkot. Coraoiii HUIKKS , Jnunnrv 11 Flour Jlanufncturod by Crystal and City Mills. 3 7BSU ( HO ; Kan nn and Mi- , souri flour , 3 B0@ t 25 ; graham , 3 7B ; rje Hour , 3 10. Uran mid Shorts 17 00 per ton. Chop Corn 22 BO per ton. Wheat No. 2 , 8117 ; No. 3 , 'JOc ; rejected - joctod , 70c. Corn No. 2 , BO , rejected 48. Oats No. 2 , lOc ; rejected , 3."ic. llarley No. 2. l)0o ) ; No. 3 , 7Bo , Hay G B07 00. WoiHl-B BO ® 7 00. Live ItogH B 2" > @G 00. Cattle Shipping , 4 B0.ri 00 ; inllth cows 30 00IB 00 per head ; Imtclum stock , 3 00(183 ( BO. Slice ) ) 37B@1 25. G Hides lie ; G S hides , 71c. Wool 15 ® B. Hutter In lolln , wrapped and creim ciy , 2'ic : rulls not winpped , 20c ; mixed co ors , 15@203 . JIggs 20 ( 22c. 1'otntoes 1 Htfiill SO. Onions 1 2 ; ) ( H 10 Dressed 1'oultiy Chickens , He ; ducks , He ; turkeys and gceso , lie. Grninl Junction Ma-'liot. GitANi ) JUNCTION , la. , January II. Kggn 17c. Uuttot 1018c. Chicago I'rotluon. lllIOAlo. Jnuuary II. On 'ch mge t < e grain , i arkets were iim | t Tlio receipts of grain woru 118 carlouls , embracing 28 of wheat , 252 of corn , ll'i of oalij , ( f rvo.ind 17 of barl v. _ Floin Quiet , with very littloimpiiij nn eilhei shipping or local account ; column.i to choicu western , priiig , t B0@7 00 ; .Min nesota , B00@72."i ; patents , 7 BOi'8 M ) ; vvint r biamls , B 00m7 ( 25 ; Imckwheat , d 50 @ 7 2" Wh at In No 2 spring there wn af.iir buhiiie.-H tians-xcted , almosl wholly on i-poculativo accuunt. 'lln shipping ile- mand w.is ajipiirvntly more limited , and what inquiry did e\iht was confined t thu low r grades , under lair olloring * here. The market ( ) ] ) eiieit nlmut ife'l'o ' lowir , nml ruled we.ik , but miil-T a goo 1 speculative d-mand piicos gr ulunlly recmerel , ad vancing Ju per bushel on tlio regular board , and cloMUg on call at 1 2SJ for cash , 128J for January ; 12111 fur Febru ary ; 130 } for March ; 1 31 ; ) for April ; I 31 | lor May ; 1 1' for the jeur. No. 3 spring ipiiet nt 1 18 ; roected , JfG ( 0.o ! , ac cord ! g to location. Coin Under tlio influence of a largn in crease in the riceints , the miirkit oiinnod rather weak , an i prices declined J@-Je. \t a'out the middje of tin > e iou tli feeling vvas steadier , and ] ) iice < were sligbtly improvid , The inhjiectinn re turns indijuti ig small olfoiing for to-mor- row'ri market , speculative ti niing was fairly ailive , t-Hpccially for tlio ere de ferred deliveries , and uliiiiping was rather light. Tlio niarktt closed about Jo lower on the regular hoard tor N > . 2 and high mixed , mid on call nt lilljc for cish ; ( iljjc for January ; G2Jc for IVbi u iri ; G2J(3)l52Bc ( ) foifMarch ; 074rG7io ( for May and June ; I ejected , 03c. , % Jt'fl' " ' Oats In fair shipping dimaml , nml the market ruled tteiidy , No. 2 do-ing at IBJc for < a-h ; 41u for .lanuaiy , February nnd Ma ch ; 4GJc for May ; -Illc for Jime. Rye Stoidy and ipnct ; No. 2 , in Jo for cash ; JIGJc fur Kebriiiry. H roy--Veglcctfd ! and dul1. No. 2 nominal at 1 00 ( 1 i > 7 ; No. 3 wcik at 8c. ! ) P .ik Activu mi I cnmpiirativelyNtcady Miss closed at 1725 for cih ; 17 20for .lannaiy ; 17.T > for Folinuij ; l7B2Jfoi Match ; 17 7B for April. 'Z.ZL' ZZ Laid Moderately iiclive at a lower nxngf , cl Hlnif nt 11 U'iG/jll ! ' for cash ; II 10 for .Innuiry ; 11 17i for February ; U 324 for March ; 11 PullI7i f r April ; 11 GO for May. ] t\g iyi -.i 3 I5u k Meatn Active , but nl'uhtly ' lower. Short libs closed nt b 7748 SO fur cash nnd Jnniury ; 882 } for iVbriiary ; ! l 02J for March ; ! l 174 for April. Whiskv rnchungcdntl 18 , liu ter The market ii quiet nnd slow ; cienmery. ihoico tofnncj , 3r37c ; fair to g. oil , 30S,33c. ( Dalrv , i hoite in fancv , 28@32u ; fair to go > ! , 18@,2'ic ; frtsh mude , pa kin , ' stock , 10i12iLiilu ( pucked , common to g d , 13gjl8c ( ; mil I.'fft20c. Kgg Continued wink and misettlnd. Sabs were i nly to the IIKJJI ! tr.iib at 17 ( 18c po do7 > n in lots , uith an ( icca > ional sale in a umall way lit lUc , Reo'tH , Shipm'ta Flour jliB2l 20,00" Wheat : u,21l r.B)3 ! ) ' rn 271 , U"i 4GG,31U Oati < i7h0j IW.127 Ry li.771 GB1I H.irley , . ( , ( -JOSI ! ) Obloaga Iitvo Stock. CuiCAno , January 11. IIogH Receipts , B2,000 ; at a r.xng ( if li I0(3d ( r fur < oiiiiuon tu guod mixed therti was a HtMing and fairly nitivo nmr- hull-ally in the niiirniiu , though tlm htnnglh wauconlimdcliitlly in thick fut lii ) , ' Puckers weio In full atti n IIXIIUH ami 'he ' iipumng i nslnths wan gniur lly nails- fuel Ty KI ralesmen , but v UIH i-imn wenk- entnliiiil i-elltra found it very Irnd wtirl. to diHiioHu of stock . at nil.ng pike * , ei- ptclally on common to fail xt ck. The nmrkut iHcuimi very dull and riilsi woik ; heavy _ packing and nhiiimg | | wtakc-r nt d & ( & . ( ) hO ; light hogs weaker im I slow at G lOfeG IB ; skijH mid uilln , I f < OC ,5 7B. Cat le RectintH , C 000 ho d. The ( juallty of .hipping cittio olfirtd uan f.ir , 11 ut ttiero ciu nut man > chulce f itdr .viw 1'ofta iibiiyuu went main y incllu d to hum olfaii'l wait fur lower pii.tn ( , uml in nioHtoery cnstf thi-ro was nmiHiml dllfcr- enoiuthu viewn of tlio uniu-iiian and hiiVi.AN ihu Juiti-r weio Udd ng "wny ( limn , and the f.jrmtr uem miuhling to nulimlt ttt the inoimomt coiuemiomi do. Iiundid 'l ba niatkct wns un enucdhiy ! wwtlc one , and bales mudo were ( it fully M ( ii'l.iu ilec'dit-i ' making u detlinw of fully J. o iiotii .Monday , whllo in munv OIM n ft W..H f mpou'iihlH Ki KO | | h an catuo nt Hi t ; fair Hiiippliiff , < BOfcB 00 ; ( .Mod , r. 20ft,5 70 ; cxMut | , ili05 ( J25j mixed butthci * tt. k al o weaker bri.I . Icm active ; c. < < , 225fe ( S 7B | bull * , 3 IBfoJ OOj Bttcri" . 1 0 fel 7 ; btocktw amicttUu In fuir ( l iii.mdl and fmn , oven hrl kxt tiniM ranging at ' . ' 75 fn32'i. Shro-v lirc'lpls I 10) head. Market ipiiitaml ! < n Vo lower on neeounl nf li"avy teivlptx ; common , 3 25ij)3 ) 75 ; fair. 3 00u ( I 1 i < good , I I0ti ( I M. CityProdtionMiirltnt. K\NS\H CtJ \ niinry 11. Wheat Keo'lpts 11.712 bu ; withdrawn , 13,2'iti bu ; in toie , 'JUS 75 bu ; nmrktt unlit ; No. t , cix hi7 ( > ' bid ; Jnnuiry , I car , ' . lo , I onf , ttsji3 ; inrs , 'HJc ' ; No 3insh , 1 ( ' 7 nld : Jnminry , 1 rnr , I 07J : Fobruivrv 1 07. bid ; Miircll. 1 OSJ bid ; No 2 , p.iih I 23 bldj.lnmmrv , I 2. bid ; IVbtuarv , 120 bid. Coin llocoipts , 10,221 bu ; withdrawn , Fi/jNlbui in tore , IBI , I"i5 bn ; miikotwcak . uul tower ; No 2 mind , owli , MJo bid ; Jaiiuxry , 1 IMI , ftsji'j 3 o rs , BSJc : IVluu- mv.V.Kbid : Much GOo lid : M .v , ( V.Uo | Imi ; No. 2 vihito niixod , ca h (52 ( Jc bid ; .1 ninuy , I oar , G'JjV bid. Uts - Itrcelpts , 7M bu ; withdrawn , ' 'OV.Ibu ; in Moro , M.Mi'i l-n , No. 2 , c tit Tic l id ; Jni.uaiy , I Cii , Ifiics t our , Ifijo ! I ibruniy , 5 cirs , llic. Knintnfi City Iitxo Stock K\vi\s CITJnnmr.v . 11. 1 'tilth1Kpcoijiti , 1,0'iti head. Tfiomnr- krt vv.isstiatl > and falrh actlvo and i.iicos . uui'liiiluoil ; I'litlvos i-hippers , 1,100 liu , 5 1U : butihoiV Metis , 1,200 Ibs 1 70 ; lookers tmi ll > s , 3- > > " Hogs lleceipti * , 7 , 177 ho id. Thorn irl\et \vas\\oakniidtradliig slow aid pilios 5 , i 10. ' lowoi , No vr If or It I'roiluon NK\N YoiiK.iInmixrr 1 1. Floui Hull and declining ; upoinm > , I 0 ( ( i ! t 75 ; shipping oxtrn , I Wn 5 50 ; iuithom II Urdu 1 nnd umhtugid ; com m in to ihuico \ti.i , B BfifuS lO. Wlicat KS Ao limoi and un-etUi'.l , ibw- insloadiei , No 2ioil , 1 IIK' I 1 W : un. grade \\liili' , I . ' 17 ; No , 2 ud Januarv , 1 131 ; do Kolnuaiy , 1 150' I 151. Coin Dull nn I lioavj ; ungraded woil- t'rn u i\ed , G1C < " 71'o. ; . 2 mivil .luini.i ly , GOJc bill ; do. I'obriuiy , 70jc bit ) , Oats A sludo tirnur ; No. 2 mixed , We for .lanuirvjIiOc foi Ma oh. Ifju Dull and weak at D3Ci Me. Rarley t ulot mid strong ; four rowed i tiito to anivo , ! i"ic. Pork Diooping ; [ spot mess , 1C 7B for ild ; i7 7B for new. Laid Dull and easier ; 11 30 cxxh and Jaminrv ; 11 10 for I'Miiuary , Wlii ky Nominal. Pctrolen ii Mnrdol dull nn I ontlroly nominaj ; united , S\\c \ \ ; crndo in bbls , fi\al \ 71cj rcliucil , U c nsUut ; s [ > ot rusnles olfo eil at Gj'c. _ Frodnoo ST. LotllH. Jnaunry 10. Flour IJtxMcr and unchained ; ANX , B B1 < ji 5 G5 ; family , GOOnG2tj ; thoiio to fancv , 15 fiOCU 70. U heat upeni'il lower , advanced and closed elf iimxin ; No. 2 red , 1 31liMl ( 10 for cash ; 13HiftJl ! 3H4 for Janu.u1 ; 1 12 for Fein mil } ; 1 124 fur Match ; 1 I2J ( nil IU ! for April ; 1 13 * for May ; No. 3 do , I : \ : \ M3.l'n 1 33' ' ) ; No. I , do. ' li'J. ' Cum Lowei ; Ort/C"G7c / fur cash ; 07i for ilanuirv ; ( > ( iju f > I'Ylitiinij ; GGjc fur .Mulch ; G7iMi7Jc ' ( for April ; Gsgi for May Dull ; lOV' f"1 cash and Fcbiu ar , Kyi Itet or at ! G\c. \ Bull- } ( Juiet at Wlii ( I 10. l.t.id Quiet at I ! > J. Butti-r I iicbiuge'il ; dairy , 2'l3lc ) ; eioamory , Il'if I0o I' " s I iu'liiimaiUt20j ( 22tf. v"hiUy Steady at I 1G. Pork Kat-ier at 17 3ri fur wlij 1710 for Pubr.iiuy ; 17 G"i fin Match Lud Nominally linvor at 11 10. Iteo'ts. Shipm'ti Flour 0,000 7,00(1 ( Wheat . 12K)0 ( ) 7,10(1 ( Corn 77,000 21,01)0 ) Oats 1G.OOO 11)00 ) Ryp . . . none 1,000 Barley 13,000 1,000 St- Louis Xiivo Stock- ST. LOUIH , Januatv 11. Ilo7 Lower ; light shipping , 5 8. ifr ( ; 5 00 ; Yorkers , [ G 00l ( G 10 ; p icUiug , G 00w ) @G2B ; butcherrt' tu fatcy , G 30(1 ( ? li BO ; skiiH and culls , 1 2BTi ( > fi 2) . ltc-cciits , , 7GlO bead ; filiipinc-iiU , 3tOO : head. Poorln Product ) . PKOIIIA , Jiuiiinrx' 11. Wheat Quiet , with light ulfiringsof till gr adip , nnd nctj o imjuiry fur good mill ing sampli H Nu h ili-s ri-p irted. Coin Firm and faiily tctivoon bolb old iitul im ; new white , ( i fiiG'ifcj No. 2 while , G7ic ; yellow , GHc ; high mixed , tilfc ; mixed , GlJfeliOJc ; old , OalsCiuiot , but firm ; Nu. 2 white , l.'iic ; mixed , llic ; rejeo'eil , l.'ic. Itjo Market lirm , but a littloirreg ulur ; No. 2 at ! l'o ) Barley Dull and almost nominal. No. sa CH. High wines Frm and tlcwly. Now limited at I 1G. Kec'ts. Shlp't" . Whc.it none I7G ( „ „ , B',1,001 54,0110 O-itu ' ' 10 000 1I,2BO ! Ity .V. . . . . 'J.OOO B , Barley i'K ' ) none Highwine-H mum 1,2 ? Toledo Prortnco Tol.l'liii , Jiimi ir11. . Wheat Dull ; No. 2 red , 1 3for | cash ; ' 31tj fur Fi bruaiy ; 1 II for M ich ; L Ililfur Ma > . Corn-Dull ; No. 2 Gl / . fur catth ; G.lc f i January ; GVo for ' i-lmiarv ; fi'.IJic for May. Oath- Nothing doing. Clevolnuil Mnrliot. Cl.KVI I AA'K , Illlllliny H Pettoloum Uiichinied [ ; I 0 list , 7I ( Liverpool Pruduun. hivmrool , Jaiiuitry II , FlourAineric in , Ids liilfi'.K ! ' . Who.it Wintir , I 's 2li/d ( H lid ; whi'e , 10 < ( i/ilOn7d ! spring , ! li 7du 10i Gdlub ; , 10 < ild&lls Id. Corn Bs Od. Pork 7BH. Lard Bin ( id. _ _ _ _ _ _ FhilnaoJiiIilu Produce. J'llIl.ADKM'lllA , January II. Win ut 1 114 fur cash and Jainijr. ; 1 I2ftjl ( 13 f r Ftbiuary. Lout KiiHit-i ; li J ( ii8'fn fur cash uml JaMiary ; 'i ( 70o fur Kul/runry. / Oats- ! 'nnBKi/jBI'/cfir / cash ; BOiJd'Ble f r Jann ry. Baltimore Produce , BAI.TISIOHK , January 10 , Fluur Quiet. Wheat rtoiitlieTii , n miiml ; FullI I 3H fel II ; Lungbeirv , 1 I2C )1 ) IB ; N .2 rid winter , dull a' 1 \la \ ( > \ 101 fm ash and January , 1 12 ( 1 12) ) fur 1-nbiniry Cum Whltit Sun hem lirmir at 77c ; w , fiimer ut 72c ; mixed wintern dull fur OJHI | , Bntt'nlo Ijivn Stook. KAHT ISUITAIO , January 11. HogH Dul ; receipts , Ml cirs ; Hiiip , ( iit 20 iuis ; York i IN ; d I0 ( ll r,0 ; ( ; I > M | mniliam weight , G BY < iO 70 ; cli ice heavy , li G. i ) lihO. phtl.llci1y Live Stooli. IVAHT LIIIKIIM , Pa. . J.uinarv 11. C Utlo Firm to guod ut B ( Wfalj 7B. HugK Hlnw ; r ici ts , 2 , BOO he-ad ; * Wp- mcnt' . 3 ( 0 hiad Phi adelpliias , II 75 ( G'JO ; Vork rs GliOC/G I'l. ' iSheuji Dull ; rculi IK , 2,1'Oliend ; Hliln- meiits' ' , 100 Kail ; piicix range fium I 00 ( " .B 0 , , - . - . - Tiirpniitlno Mnrltot WIMIIMIION , N. < X , ilanuiry II. Rubin H.e-ady ; strained , 2 00 ; good , " Spirituiet ( / ntrdo 'JVir J'u m at 'tO , KpirlU Tiirpintlnu 1'Jrm , JIard , 2 BO ; soft , 3 OOj YlrJiiu , 3 W. RAILROAD RUBBLES. Animal / and Oihor Meetings of tlio Roads Yesterday , At Which BuainoH8 of Import ance to fc-hippota and Othora is Tra-noncted. Jay Gould Gutting Down Wa baali Exponj-oj to Make the Dividondn L Conttulsftiminrfi M ottiii nnil Mitt- tors in G < MI or u I N'.vtioiiilnttnNtiil I'riM SriiiMiriKi.i ) , IM. , .lainiary IJ. Tin1 now ( tuidd inanin. ciiient nf the \\ab.ndiio.idhaRiH9iiedordirs fur a Honeial reduction of expenses The result ht'io is WH to-day in the din ehaij.'o of ievent > live men fioiu the Spiinuliold niachino nhnpii. Sovural chaii } , ' > in proininunt i Ilicmls art1 Ulllli'letl. ' DisMniMN , U. , Jantniiy 11. -A synopsis of the annual report of Hit1 t.nltciul : I'tmiiiii.HMniH'iH shown rl , ° .ti niiU-H of mad in operation and in u\ oellent older The rapitnl Muck rep it'Nintid in lo\\a loads fsSIOlOf ! ! ) > , 021 or $1JI , I lit per nnlo , Debts on those lint'.s , § 1 10T < ! fi-IHJ ! , or $20 , lilt per nnh1. The total 0.11 innm show an in- ere.i-o & ! ( iU.lilll.oxcr 1880. Sx , l''it\v iM'o , J.uniarj 11.-On the loth mitanl the Orei-ou niilroad and Northern Pacific will issno a joint reduced tat ill' fioni 1'oitland to nil points on I'nuot Round and Victoria , which , as fir as froightHaro concoriit-d , will put Poitland on an ciiul | fool ing with San Francisco inuich.inlH. a > , January 11Tho genum' ' jontHof thu llliiiiimroadH met in Him city to-day fet the purpiKso of taking f nit her action icimlinL > nxtt-s from interior coinpetint ; points. The adoption of the Htalo eonnnisihinei ' tarill by sonio of the roadu , and mil by olhen , c.iusodconaidi-i.ihlotrnuhlo be'causo the roidn which have not adopted the now tanll'inixdn lowt-i uite-s from computing points than DID roads which have adopted the tatill weio ixlilo to inoi'l. It is the intention to take ROIIIO aelion icgird- ing thowsuo of free pis-n.- to shippers and Hlocknion. Tlm i.ulio.idH an noxv K'V'ny ' ' fioo return ] I.SSI > H lo mer in chaiL'u of live stork. 11 i.i pie pnsod to leacind the uilo and mulct thi ) stock inon piy for their pistu-n ho- eanse the inles h.tvo been so 1 lively rndncid by Iho CDininmsi'iiii-ia lluttht i.ulro.iih teiil that tlily oui-'il ' not tu \m \ i fioo thi ) men havint ; char o ol the live Mock. It is ul.su pioposei : for thos.inio leasonii lo cinlail the in sno of fiot : p iiises lo Hliippei.M. Gun von , January II.-Tho incut ing of the ICansiH City lines to day in loiloiod with the adjourned meeting ) f the Weatorn TuniK lines aa.sooiii tion , and another adjonrninoiitXIIH tal.oH until Thursday January llltli , at 11 o'ch cU. A iiiootiny will bo hold lo-moirow of the { oiieral fic-iuht agents of tin Illinoirt raihoadH , for Ihu puipoHool milking unaiiinioiiM the adoption ol the coiniiiiHfiioii'i'n taiill' , which wan iireud ( ; nmn hy yory nearly all tin railrnatln of Illinoiti. Thu .idoption o ! a minimum ratu for nil the interior points will bo inado without excuption. The Colorado roada huld a nieotiii } to-day. It was unanimously ngrooi hy all the nwdn in tlio pool that any road could withdiaw on fivin ; thirty daya' notice , the anBiir.inco he- ing had that no danuor ox JHtH of any load withdrawing for tin co or HIniontlm. . In cmiu ol failure to a ieo on pcrcentagua al roadd , excepting the Kt. Louis am San Francibco , arc to ahido by the re siiltH of arbitration. Thu ( light lin"H cninpiiHiiig the nortJieni division unani iiiiiiioly iigiuo to ho hound hy arhitra tion in c.iro tiny cannot , n ice IIIIIOIIL , thuniflelvos. 'Dm 'unorul froigh aguntn were iiiHtint-tcd to moot ant rccoiiiiiHiiiil to the Ljunor.il nim'tinu n the aflornuon the pioportion whicl the 155 per ci'iil acciiiditud to the Northt'in diviHiun Rhonld ho allotted At Iho allerii'inii ' iiieo'in tinx1' " ' ri fiui 'lit , 1 'L'iitn ii'poited ihitttlmy t-onli iiriivo at no un intnnniH a rcoinont An ; iilj < m mm nl UIB ; taken until to inorrotv iiioiiiuijr at 10 oelucU. The .Southwetitorii IIHSIKiitmn mu to-day with ( 'oinniiHHUitiei jMidt-ily n the chair. The m liter of the ugici ; > inont nitli the JMisnoun J'acific nlliivi IIH to tt pioporhon nl the addilnnia llllhllll hrt "Illllll all ( UCHt of Kill Mil ( Jity IVIK taken up mid W.IH rofinrid d ihu Mi'Honn Pa ilio railroad and * > n t iiy Mnli.'cly lor rcconmioiidaliuiiH Tinineiitint , iiljiitrni ; d to rcanHinihl on the adji'iirninoi t of the t'oloial ni.idn to iniiiMiiv. * f'nn xiJD , Janu.tiy 11. At the in 2 iiual ineitini ) { of the WuHturn K nhui.v asHiiciation the lepuit fur the join VV H n.ul , mid the folliixtin i Ilic-ent olictid I'ic.sidenI , It L , Ayi ; HCC- ic'tary and IreiiHiiicr , .1 II. Ltayniiind ; cimiiHiil , ( icorgo I'.iyno ; oxecuiivu cunnnitteo , Ayr. Witherow , Conko , < ) nlioriiu and ItlacliHtone ; directniH , K. Ayr , K. Couko , A. H OHborn , . / I' . Withoiow , H. .1. Potter , T. IJ. IM.ickolonc , Chailcs I'ayne , C. W. UuKirs , K. I' Wolrill , T. IMnnlat , K. R , G'allaway and John C lirown An uKHi-HHinniit .f § 27,000 was ordered lovn-d for 188ii OXIUIIHOH ( , and the. inuctin adjoiirnud. ( 'i.sdNNAii.Jiiiiiaiy II The Ohio and MihHiHtiippi tailvvay decided to-day at a meeting of thu Htuekholdcifi to iiii-iil at Klnro , III. , Apiil 8 , lo vole on Ihu iUC'Htiiin | of r.iiHiiit , ' money on a inonj/u o to pay nil' all dahlKO IIH to tnko the road out nf Ihu Imndiiof the recoivt-r , and to filial thu present nunl at'o , indobtdi C-HII IIH it inntuiiH at ix lower i tin of inti rest. The board say they have the iiB.siir.mi'u of tin ul.ilIny to pl.ici ) the nuw bontm if Miocllioldi in ducido. H IK claimed both tin * liiii i nit and fioiild paitivH fiivoi the inolion. l'jiii.\niM'iii , I'.i , .lanuaiy 11.- Tliii CDiiteHt fir control of the Phil idolj < hia iL * KiMtlinir was cuntiiiiiml ' " -day , the atloiidaiico in limly li.ill bun' 1'iigi' ' , and ihu blayo ciovuled null uiJIu lontH of buth pain H , vvhu luunly hciiitini/.ed each ot'in't ' pioxicH as tiny wcru preui-nlid lo Ix voted on ( it > wen iniiddnced ( I. . L lliiiiMii , of thu Now York ntuuk linn of Iloiuier < k Co , wJio piucccdcd in vuto upon mx huiidiidu uliurcB. Ob- cctiou Mai made by ui the ground ( lint llm shares were ml held absolutely and lionnfido by ho indiudunl presenting them. After ome diPcuiHiou thuUu | tioii wan sub- niltod to the judge , \ > lm decided in aver of allowing Homier to vote on ho shares , and the vtittw woio depor ted. At 12 ! ! ( ) ] ) . in. Ouwon had tolled 7 < iO proxies nut of a total of , ! ! ( ) ( ) , giving him a vote of Ul.JiSl hares , against ! JOii7 for Major Hnnd. Pontiilllno N ntlon'xl AHMI li\U < l I rt K.I INUI.SArot , is , ilanuiuy 11 The lontotlico at' IIIiAibuthtown , H.irtholo- new county , was robbed laat night. The. thie\ei weru diacoveied and < Urted to run when thu cleikwho liHi'o\ured them lired double \ a har- rollttl Hbotgmi at them. One of the liitnes trud out , " 1 am shot. " A co.it stolen from thu pnstollicu was 'omul on the rnad shortly after rid dled with shot , hut the thieves OH- eapul. It in not known how much tliey gut. _ _ _ Ilnnonolc nnil tlm Lnynl LoRlon. Nalioniit AtwocifttiMl PtVA1 * PIIII\IIIU'IH : | , .l.unnry 11.Thu iivoatituru of Major nonei.dV. . S. 1 uncock us uomnunder of thu n\di- arv order of thu Loyal legion of the 'nited Statm look plaeu at the Couti- lental hotel to-night , A grand bin- iuot took plaeu at thu cun lutiun of hu fuimal proceedineH. A OUAND SUCCESS. 1'liu LOIIKUO Pair Dnvwlnc Charming AttractloiiH. The land league fair reached its third night laat evening with an iin- inuiiHC crowd in Masonic hall , who were uiijoing themselves to the nt- moat , Thu RUCCCBS of Iho fair tlnm far IIIXH been nnpieceduntcd and cvon beyond the most nxngiiino ux-pootu- litum of the inaiu ura. Hy last oven- til ) ; many additional attractions had been introduced , so that a visitor was well paid by only viewing the ixrticlcn m inhibition The music furnished ; or tlm dancing was exceptionally Hood and RO in my couples oceiipiod iho Hootaflon ten o'uluuk tlnxt U vv.iu liatdly piiHsib'o for thuinto go through the fin nn of tlio iii nliilles. In the voting lor the silver aut Ihero IIIIH duvolnpid a very lively ri valry. Ono uuniloinan held out a handful of shining twenties last night with the leniaik that his favoiitu sin nld win if thit would inikohiin do NO. On the whole , and in every par ticular , tint lair 11 an immed merest. The ladies fniiiish un excellent sup per for twonlj live cunts , while the minor deli aeies of sweetmeats and lenionai'o can bo piocmed ml libitum. It is chooting to m-o su much gom-roiia p ttronngo of a good cause Ploivsant Sin prlHO. A pleasant mnpnsu puty was given Mr. and Mrs. Peterson , by about twenty couples of their fiiends at thu lining hall on liowaid street , on Tuesday evening. The ball was clc.tr- od nnd excellent music provided for thu plcasmes of Ihu dunce Fiuo re- frcHlimentn were served later , which wuro heiutily enjoyed. Every one , including the snrpiisud couple , experienced - porienced a vury pleasant ovening. Cinolnnntl Produce , CINUINNvii .1 .unary 11. MUSH Pork Quit-tut 17 f > 0iil7 ( ) "fi. 11111x1 Quiet ; piimu sli-um , 11 0711 10. Bulk Meats Hita'ly ; clear sulti1) ) l-'i © ! l 37J. Bacon Clear sides , I020ffi)10 ) 21 Klunr ' irmii ; Inmily , G Ififo ? 2.1 , Wliiuit Steady ; Nu. 2 red , sp it , n trade , 11' ' . oin Steady ; No 2 mlxul , un track , ( ' . ( ill ! Oats Dull ; vo. " mixed , I'JJ. KyiDull ; No. 2 , 1 03f Barley Steady at ! l"iyj ( Or > . l''irme-r nt 1 Ifi. o YouNeighbor. . Whun jnnr fiiund or neighbor IH Iiibur- iiiK limit r lindliy alllic'iun , imli in Ion , lillioiiKiicHi , cinistlji.iti n , ciuixud liy Jin- ( imily i f hli.i il , or ilNoiilcrM of thu kid- inn H , or llvur , ilna't f 11 to ri-uiiiinaund Ih'iuiocK III eon ' in KIIH , Hiiiu anil s i riiiuudy. Pi co SI.00 , nul liuttlol cent' . jm'J-lw tbciMKittor of tin i 'lltlrn ifAlliu-t \\llnari u iiir Inii t ( ll i > r\ I . V , \ n in itinl Milan T WMMIM u , . , < l HuirUt I' Wji , .in , lIlHIOlkxl , III Hit. . liNirlct Cni it . I Hi'llilr.1 JIL hi 1 I ) s- iri < 1 1 1 Ihi' M ilti l v > ' nsKa , wilhln mil lor till ! Cllllllt ) III II II. I 14 Anil mm on tin lii.l\ I Din inlur , A.I ) . IhSl.toii in H n'l t MU 11 , rfiiii ilni ni lluiir ) f Wj IMUM Mini \X il I in 'I Xin iiaforu nl.l , i.iiJ IIIIM. ntiil In up n , ti u hip. . tlli'in fin Ilitn-ti t. hill llril l.-lut I i IN Mil. I unr H fur UiLlr mu nun iiiu' , u III ill'Ji. ' .11 it I i ti | 'iuieiit ol laxiMuartuSTiil unit u IIM UH-I Ktil npin ti u nut imliitril liln iul. | w.utN .n I It imp mini ; t ) the unit Ironi nail pttirii n t it it IH iju itrj ilint > liuiiiil irtitr nf rn li ui i I n , | il li fll fur tlm | "irp " In'I I" ti' ' mi ttuti il Antll ulwUiituilii | | | . I tli. i nrt tlial tin. piiltl Al1 ! ! rt I1 XV > man , llm Kinl p titlnnti H ( in i iv- tnial Hinilt n. pir nt an M xt nl Kill u ( tlie -uul iiuniir li . ' ui I ) in arin ntlur tir- n nvorptltlii nUri" ! it III thu i-t.Uti of Hulil mill' rliu r UXMI ( mill in > ulil putlllon. Ann I ulHoapjHariiii , ' Ui Ihu njiirt tliitt Ihu Halil Alii rt ( J WJI.IN , into h In uml \ > \ M" Miltl ( IlltlUII , Ullllll I llllll H Ullll IV ) tll.lllH tin rfKliU In llm | inii.ifi | 111 nixt of kin itnil hulr at law ( if wlil inlnurdii NIIHO ) < I.III uml riiiinlmltr , uml In lint li ) uinu > uf the wild lilt rut F , Wjinin , iliitiiHitl , lint atro li > III * > olnnliir > ap- piaruuu In < IKJII uiiirt , tunlfhsliin at nurilian uml m xt n ( kin , uml ilnr l > > auiptlnh'thu < jidr nl uiiirt tiun In , 1 1 tli u lamu nil ) I CIIIHII nliould not I u | ! ranlu i f r hu Hilool mull rial t tatoln Kill I iH.tltlon ilunrllnil It linriliri" ! that iliu ntxtof kin nml all per- HOIIH Intirii ( il In Hulil ( uluti apj uir liu'oio IliU miirtln liuiubi ruin thu .Mrtl ilay n' Junimrj , A I ) . IKiJ at Ihu loiirt IIOUH liihaMC nut } of , In iinmlril ( \ \ In > nld i nuntt , to > ) mw iuj why a Hi 1 1 nuuh ulil a t l > u.nintiil | l.ir the Hjlnnlmiu r nl ti-tutu Innvil jiulltldii ilmi'tiliul , uml tli tcoplK ol thh notku bu wriucl upn ii i li \ ( nonH u < aloru'iilil. /'III / nl DiHlrl t Con it Ho I , ) t Demount Com t ) , .Ntn f JAH.V. . SAVAOf , SUitt ) of K.inrunla , DMiKlnn ( nil M : I , Win II. IJuiH , ilirl. t Hit ) I Li'rict Courtli ! ami fur falil Hiutv mlrountv , ilo liuili ) nrtil > tl at I hn\u ciniiarul tliu ulmtu nrilcr ol w.lil milt wllh IliinirU'lnnl iinlur UB I iippiari ol rn nl on lul n juiiri ul olkiltlm irt , anil ili.it thu > umu l n inniit tin"Kript tlit.ro ( , nml Hie Mliult nl Kii.t ori m il i nil r I tibtlininj wh Mil , I IMICI In ri'iinloKi tiny liuinl mi I iftii.nl tluiH nl oli-uiil inuri tu lu at- nxi'il nl Ihu fit ) of Onalu thu llti d.i > < f I'o- ( xmlitr , It-til. / I lilnl 1)1. ) tret Court Si.il , I I Doii Uimint ) , Nth fWM WM II. ( JAMS , _ ilo2imlt ( ! _ _ _ _ furl- . d. P. ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , 810 bouthlhlrliuilli Strict , with 1 M. Dexter L. Thomas , \W