THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : UlUESDAy , JA 12 18 2. The Omaha Bee. Published every morning , except Sunday. The only Monday morning dally , j TKKMS 11Y MAII- ! One Ye\r S10.00 I ThreeMonthn.$3.00 Six Months. 5.001 One . . 1.00 THE WKEKLY HKK , published or- UKUMS POST PAID s One Year 52.00 I Three M on 1.1m. . BO Bix Month 1.00 | Ono . . 20 COUHKSPONDKNCK All Comrmini- ktion * relating to News nnd 1'MltoriaI mnt- tora should bo addressed to tlio I.DITOH or BUSINESS TjKTTKKS All UuslncM Letters nnd llcinittnnres Miomd bo ad dressed to THE OMAHA I'onuHiiiNo COM. TANV , OMAHA. DrnfU- , Checks nnd Post- office Onlcis to be niudo paynblo to the order of the Company. OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop'w Ei KOSEWATER , Editor. , " \ViiK.s wo pave wo must pave nub- stantially. GUITKAU got C ° M nomfort from Judge COX'B rulings on tlio law rointB of the great , trial. OHIO Mover will bo out of oflice. > ] von Jim Wilson hails from that highly favored Ruction. ETKKV tinio Jay Gould or Sidney Dillon take snuff tlio editor of the Jlerald mioezos long and violently. JUIXIK Cox's view of insanity will incut with the approval of every one but the assassin nnd his counsel. " FAUMKJW' associations " never ilourish in the back rooms of saloons. The climate is too moist for good crops. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , BROOKLYN is the city of churchuB , a whith elephant of a bridgu and an enormous debt amounting t > over $42,000,000. EVE.V queens aru not always in luck. At a late agricultural show in England Bomo of Victoria's calves were awarded only third prizes. There I'M no royal road through the cattle show pro anium list. GOVIIIINOK Gii.ut , in his annual mes- nago , pleads for congressional ruguU tion of railroads in order to tuipplo- inent and render thoroughly uffuctiro tlio work of state railroad commis- mona. It is sure to come in time. WITHIN a few weeks lively dodging on the tarill' question will bo the order of the day in Washington. " A demo cratic member recently remarked ' 'Free trade sounds well in a platform but what in thunder has that to do with my district ? ' ' BAHNKV SHANNON says ho ought note to bo molested for keeping bar for hii wife on Sunday when eighteen other follows who are not getting $500 year and'bed and board , kept open at the same time. Barney oviduntly took his cue from the late license in < iuiry. MH. WAHIIIIUHN has introduced n Vil' ' into the house looking to the abolition lition of the pre-emption land law , This bill docs not include the homo Hi cud law , and .is intended to hit tin speculator who secures land withou improving it and holds for a rise i prices. , , Ex-PuEsiUKNr UAYK.H will return from Europe in time to speak at the next ro-union of the Grand Army of the Republic next January. lie will respond to the toast , "Tho Ilobels ; Wo Measure Their Yaluo and Sincer ity as Friends by Their Departed Valor "as Enemies. " Some personal reminiscence of Judge Key would "bo in order. NYK , ot the Union Pacific railroad company's literary bureau , lias boon appointed political observer of the Omaha Republican , at Wash ington , D. 0. The appointment was confirmed by Thos. L. Kimball , and Fred has torn hiniHolf away from the Brooks' sidu and sot out for Valen tino's headquarters. Oh Freddie , what a vacancy you have left behind. Kearney Press. Perhaps the writer of the above ia aKghtly projudicod. Fred hold the Union Pacific mortgage on the Kear ney Press and tried to foreclose when ho found that it didn't ' pay political dividend ! . Now wo shall uou of what great crime August Arndt is guilty. The government of the United States has been put to the expense of importing a jndgo from Kansas to try this terri- lilu man for an alleged threat against Judge Dundy. Arndt has already luxm in , pl-wou. fully one nu nth and justice Is bound to have her pound of iieah. If Arndt is convicted we pre sume that ho .will bo sentenced lo a term ( if impruioiimeiit. Hut wlmn ihat term is up what protection wilt uch treatment guarantee to Judge Dundy if''ho ' really believes that Arndt is disposed to do him bodily larm ? TJTb only iruo remedy would uoom to bo to have this "howling ni hilist , communist and socialist" incar cerated during ( he remainder of Judge Dundy'd lifo , or else to have him executed at once utid be done with it. Jt will bo NoVraska justice , of course , ' JAMES F. WILSON , The republican caucus of the Towa ( { islature havt-nominated Hon. Jns. ' . WiUon for senator for tlio lon orm , beginning March ! , 188II , A cpubliiMu caucus nomination in Towa practically an election and the bal ling next week will bo merely a rati- cation ot the action of the cancui. Mr.Vilsju is a man of eminent bilily , perhaps the ablest man that ins ever represented Towa in the na- onal legislature. Viewed from our itandpoint ability is not the only ro- uisito for an cfliciont and faithful United States mmator. Rigid intot.- ily and a high moral scnno of the ro- pnmibilittca that devolve upon u THO representative of the people TO in our opinion fully , n cBscntial. Measured by the stand- rd established by his own public roc- rd , Mr. Wilson falls nhort of our oncoption of the kind of senator , hat Bhouhl represent the great agri- ultural state of Iowa in the national ouncil , During almost a lifetime [ r. Wilson , in and out of congress , M been a corporation attorney or obbyist and thin fact was the argu- nl that this paper has always mod gainst his candidacy. Had the op- > osition in Iowa stood upon that ilatform Mr. Wilson never would lave been nominated. But his com- lotitors wore simply trying ti head litn oil'on a personal canvaia with no irlnciplo at the bottom and inmicha lontest Mr. Wilson , being the ablest Hjlitician , outgotioralled them all. Mr. Wilson now goes into the BOH- to as an avowed out and out anti- lonopolist. His conversion from the ailroad ranks was no midden and so ompleto that wo have refused 0 believe in his sincerity. In his opinion the railroad managers ap- car to bo with us for once , for they did not lay n atraw in his way and com to have cheerfully taken the ink of being ruined by Mr. Wilson , wlio has proclaimo ! that the railroads do not own anything more than aright rightfway. . For the good of the country and ( if the stale of Towa wo hope that wo lave been mistaken also. Wo tope that there will bo no back- filiding from the anti monopoly plat 'orm into tlio railroad camp. .lames F. Wilson was born in Now- nrk , Ohio , received a good education , nd studied law. Tn 185 ! ! ho re- noveil to Iowa , and rapidly rose to iromineiico , being elected in 1850 as 1 member of the Iowa constitutional convention. Tlo was subsequently elected to both brandies of the logis attire , and in 1801 presided over the Iowa senate. Al the outbreak of the war ho was elected to congress and served four terms. During this pe riod ho hold positions on variou ? prominent committees , being chair man of the judiciary committee of the house. In 1808 ho was one of the man agers of the impeachment of Andrew Johnson. In 180 ! ) , after his retire ment from congress , ho was appointed government director of the Unior Pacific railroad , which ollico ho hole until March , 1878. ANOTHER OUTRAGE. And now comes Doctor Miller ( real from Jay Gould's mansion in Wow York and calls upon the Omaha board o trade to appoint a committee to confer for with the railroads upon the pav ing question. The Doctor says : "It iahopod that the board of trade , a any mooting that may bo huld for the purpose of discussing the pavement question , will appoint a strong committee mitteo to confer with the Unioi Pacific railroad company , the Burling ton & Missouri , the Missouri Pacific , and the Omaha & St. Paul , to BOO what they will do to help us pave our atreeta. This would bo practically out Mr. ' carrying Sidney Dillon's sug gestion , who seconded the assent of Manager Kimball to the idea that the Union Pacific would do its full share in the matter. These corporations have an important atako in thu proper permanent and immedicato pavcmcn of every ono of our main business streets , " The suggestion did not original with Mr. Sidney Dillon. It originate right hero in Omaha , at a meeting o the board of trade , to consider tin paving question , and was niudo b ; the editor of TUB BKK , in language that was aomowhat plain and emphatic The suggestion was vigorously denounced nouncod as an outrage by the Omaha lie-publican , which could not compre liend by what malign inspiration thi man llosowater coupled the pavinj , question with the Union Pacific rail road. So wo take it that it is an outrage rage- that Dr. Miller ahould aecom our motion in this matter , as ho doc on the granite question , and go u one better by urging tha the assistance of the railroads shouh extend not only to Tenth street , bu also to our principal buainvaa streets For both of these outragi-a wo cor dially forgive him. Our original suggestion was that th railroads who hlockado Tenth streo with their tracks should pave th. roadway loiding to their dopota. Un dorourajHlem of jug-huiullu law tin depot and depot grounds are inuluduc in the roadway , and are exempt fron taxation , and wo thought , conoid ering the fact that Onmli lias given these groundu to th. the road and paid § 200,000 for tin grounr'a bosidts donating a trillo eve half a million on bonds nnd ( ill eland land * to Mr. Dillons conipuny , that it would not bo unreiiBoimblo to n them to pave the principal thoroughfare - faro that loada to their Omaha depot. If they deairo to assist the paving of our streets by carrying paving ma- lorials , free of charge or at very low r.itcs wo shall cheerfully join Dr. Miller in commondint ? them for auch aid .illlmutjh wo have not had the pleasure j , of admiring Jay Goiild'a pic tures ( and treading on his Axmiiifltor carpet. ROOM FOR REFORM , Wo have hoard a good dual of late about good government in Omaha , and our mayor has complimented the marshal and the police upon the ox- cullont manner in which they perform their duties. We have boon told also that two dotectiyes were hero from broad , prob.ibly graduates from some unal institution , who had never nuen city as well governed and whore the aws wore so generally unforced. But lioro in Btill n good deal of room for oform for all that. H.irring thodilfor- ncus on thu manner of enforcing the ilociimb law which tins caused somucli ommotion hcru of late , there are still ittlo incidents of frequent occurrence hat would indicate a rather loose tale of afr.iirn in this law-abiding , well governed and quiet city. Our ormer observations on this neons have > eon denounced as iiiMiciotiH , and of ficials and those hiuli in authority lave pronounced our charges concern ng thu deplorable state of public nnr.iln in Omaha as < 1 d lies. It eemfl , however , that other people in IICHU parts entertain opinions not at 11 complimentary to the police system f Omaha , which may bo gleaned rom the following editorial trana- ated from Saturday's number f the Omaha Post ( German ) : Will.UK AUK HUH I'OUtT.I This in a question we must ask when ho papers are compelled every day to shroniclu nightly assaults , burulariea ind robberies. A band of burglars , hugs And vau'iibonda are revelling in lisordor and crime in thin city aa if to nock our gallant police puppets. These rogues know very well whom they leal with when they defy our miignill- cent police corptt. If law-abiding and > oicLiablo uitixtitiH , who after a days lard labor sit down ( o partake of i jhra of lieur , to chat and ainuao tliein lulvcs in a circle of friends in HOIII rcspiictahlo resoit aru not through "mforo this clock striki-s twclvo lien some of thcso high and miuhty men ire nn hand to impose their authority. When , however , nightly jrgioH are carried on until early liawn u houses of ill.famu , gambling hells uid other disorderly dens , the police tass them by unnoticed and turn the cornem like BO many Hnenln. It JH ibotit lime that the city mar-thai fihould w.ike out of his badger li sleep to rid the city of a dangerous element which at this time is becom ing a menace to our citizens. Lost ( Thursday night these di'oporadoes were in their clement , Mr. Gim Phlommer , who resides 01 the north uido , waa followed on his way homo by two roughs. In the neighborhood of the military bridge on Cuming street ho waa overtaken by gnrrottcrs and struck upon the head with n sand bag or aomo other instrument. Fortunately thu blow did not prostrate him , althouul : ho saw stars for B few moments. Tic Bet his legs in chain lightning motioi anil got away from the scoundrels. Oi the aamu night a house on Hick ory street was broken into and a number of valuables carried off. Or Thirteuneth street Sam .Roiiinier'fi family lof t their washing to dry 01 the linn and that night it was carried oil' by thieves. Lastly a lady of Long Pine station that arrived hero tha evening was relieved at the depot bj pickpockets of her pocket book. Tin U'utig of scoundrels furnished ample evidence that they are competent t < conduct every _ branch of thiovcry am' all tliosa things happen under tin very eyes of our police. Wo would call the attention of the marshal ti thu fact , that this olasa of individual have no license and ought to bo at tended to. Tin : Ibi : ! speaks about the paving of the Omaha Btreeln in comiectioi with a of the governor , which it assumes will BOOH bo issued Now thin is a matter of a local naturi of much importance , to bo sure , am which should be attended to , but w are surprised that Tin : Hir. : overlook a matter of state importance fully n : oHHuntial as the paving of the Omah stroeta. NVo refer to the completio of our state capitol , Thu east win will bo completed by the first of Soj : ti-mbcr , ami the sooner the appropri ation for the central part ia secure the sooner will the building bo con plotcd. Wo suggest to TUB BKB tluv it mention tliis particular item of leg { station.- [ Lincoln Democrat , There is a alight dillurouco botwoo the proposition to authorixo Omaha t pave her streets and a proposition t appropriate money for completing th state capitol. Tn the one case th state isn't asked to contribute a dinui in the other the state ia ex peel eel t add ? 200,000 to its tax , of whio Omaha would have to pay least 820,000 , liut oven this case if thu Btato nl aolutoly needed the contr.U section the capitol before the regular sosBio : of the legislature the OMAHA UK. would raise no objection to it , It ha boon the habit of the Lincoln paper at all times to keup up a spirit of ai tagonisin between the two citicH and to milio bulievo that Lincoln ia a rival of Onulia , and Onnha is jealous of the growth of Lincoln whou in fact there is no more rivalry between these cities limn thorj is between the O.\u- IIA BuKnnd the Lincoln THK Chicago Tribune raises thu cry of nepotism against Puatmabtur General - oral Ho wo because he appointed his Kin to a positiun under him. Hi preilect'Bior , Mr. Jnmfs , appoint rd his toii-iii'Jinv to tmccei'd him as master of Now York but thcro was no nepotism about that , Globe- Domocrat. i\Bsistant I'ostmastor Pearaon , of Jew York , was apiwintcd Mr. James1 icccsor solely on account of his tit- ess for the position , and in response tho.potitions of hundreds of Now "ork merchants. The fact that for vo years ho had lilted the position of .ssistant . postmaster in the largest flico in the country made his promo- on directly in the line of civil service oform. It is safe to say that it irouhl have followed juit as surely if tr. Pearson had never married i'homas L. James' daughter. Jonx KftMiV may or inay not bo a 'bogus nnti-monnpolint , " as charged y some of Iho Now York journals , ut his announcuinunt that his friendn vill not vote in the organization of lie New York- legislature for any lomber who is known to be under lit ) control of the monopolies han cry much of the genuine ring about A few nuch "bogus monopolists" ro needed in every legislature liroughout the country. STATE JOTTINGS. Nebraska City N Itluo Kpriin.'K built tlilrty-otie IIOUSCH last cur , coxtlng 81lai."i ! North Plattn JKHUCHHCS a live cuiblciu of i trty can-fully The iiopu ation til Waterloo him doubled thu lust two years. Went Point claims imnrovetnenlK In-t ear tfi tlie amount of SdTi.OOO. Jtorm ) tblovi-H anil buralnrs are tmpror- UK the ( Urk and client houn ) in Lincoln. Superior clniniH ? .riO,000 w < rtb of itn- irovcincnts erected < ltiriii ( ; the past year. _ F.'iiriniint IniHincc * men are nl > out to be- in tlio erection of n brick block of ( i'j fret rout. ( eorRO Kaxwcll Inn perfected nrrnnpe- for thu orcotion of a new founilry n Fremont. The Blair barber captured liia , week , wliile on hi was to Omaha , vith all the tools of Ihe whop. Mr . HitlcnliHiider , tbo limit , brilliant ) encon in the path ny of suffragist" , won ler first case in a 1'olk connly courl losl veek. Ni thing in the line of Hebron improve ni'iit is more nuikcd than Ihe uppoiranco if tlio stores one year ago and nt tlie pres nt time , The board of trade committee of Ko > r- ley have decided to open subscription i ioks lo receive tflO.OOO lownrd starting- lie catml Hcbfine. Nel'io Davis , of North 1'l.aie , _ the nn or uniito worn in who tecoived npKtolsho voiind in the head , some four or iiv < ugo , died last week. The now ice budge across the Jliss tiri , , t IHnir , was danced com-idcrably bj tin ormation of nn ieo fiorgo above it , uhi b brew the bridge out of line ubont eight nches. Dr. H. A. Ktick. of Grand Islnnd , died u suddenly Ibo other ni''ht that his ' : K ! in a Mittinfj postuie on a hand car. Ho wan popular and lib death is uni , 'eiHally regretted , I1' . I1' . Vojjcl , of Odceoln. has filed in tlio ! ) llico of the county clerk the iirticliB of incorporation - corporation of HIB Alliance Publishing conipuny. Tha capital stock of the coin- IMinv ! < tube i.r > 00. The Bliare.i are oifereil at 32.50 each. I'll" now brick court bouse at Osceola i completed on tlio outside , nnil the innidu work in progro'xiiiK n rapidly i\s \ cirouir.- Htnuceu uill ( MNTUiit. Wbcii conn leted il will lie ono of the finest county conrl houfes in tlio state. The Piilk county agricultural a socia- tion met tliu 7tli inst. and elected II. C. llitt nt-fiuier , delegate to siato nuricul- tur l nssociatinn ; J. W. Snider , pro-icient ; \V. lifclMin hlin , vico-presldent ; W , , T. Mrh.shol ler , hecrotary ; MIH. H , C. Bit- tenbcii'.lcr , treiisiirer. _ A man named Hnckwell , n fanner re- Billing' between Wceplui ; Water and Loulnville , nttcmted | to get off n train in-ar PluttKinoilth last week , and was thrown to the ground , falling retwo'n the cniH in kiich a manner that tlio rear ran over liis right ! < > ( , ' near the knee , c u hing- and lunugling it in a horrible manner. During the dccado ending March , 1871) ) , the Incretiho of population in Gage county wax from 7 , ISO to 10 , ° .2ti , HIM ! tlio increase in the manlier of acieH li-ted for taxAtion wan from 'J.'O 000 to 415,000. At present tlio number of population in upward * of l'J,000 , an'l of auroii Hiibject to tvcation nbout TiO ,000 , the real valuation of wbieli cannot be umler ! ? l'itOOO , ( 00 , Wbttolaw Rold' Stolen Lottor. ttiunil Aiwociatcd I'rcw. NBW YOIIK , January 11. White- law Hcid to-day prints a personal edi torial , showing that thu recent alleged letter of ailvico to Oarliold on the sit uation of politics in Now York , jirint- ed in the Herald under the chum of the llouild't ) contributor thatOarliohl , being a personal friend , allowed him to make a copy of it , which he fur- melted the Herald , was not written to liiirliold at till but to John Hay , of Cleveland , and was never seen by Ciai-field nor never in his possession one instant. It was never intended for him , but was written to guide Hay in his coi.vorsatioti with the pres ident Hay furnished a certificate that the original never left his hands , is Htill in his possession and has been locked up in his desk ever since its reception. Reid aays the letter as published in thu Herald is garbled , and that it was stolen from the telegraph wire , and appeals to liennott to make known the name of the contributor who can bo punished , JJeid claiming that he imposed on the public by printing n stolen copy from the wires of u private communication to anoth er which ho palmed oil'as a letter to the pio.ident , and that the latter al lowed him to copy it for the purpose of making it appear that Oarfiold was weak and acted under advice , Jloid also says that instead of accepting the alleged advice when friends re minded him uf the trouble KoberUou'i nomination was making and talked about withdrawal , Garfiold's reply was : "They may take him out of thu senate head first or feet first ; ] will never withdraw him. " Smull-Pox Natloinl AwtooUtii.1 1'rcM SAN l''u.\.MHro , January 11. Two inmiigiant curs Were quarantined at Trucked yesterday , on account of ono eusu of amall-pox , and will remain in iuartntiiid ] ten ihy . Forty passon- gels are aboard. TOI-KKA , January 11. Ono alight case of Binali-pox was reported here to-day , L , Hiatt , 1117 Jt'H'erson Htreet , a brakt'inan on the AtchUou , Tupuka it Suuta Fee road. Ho aaya ho thinks ho caught it Bitting in emi grant ears. GEAR'S MESSAGE. The Conc'uding Paragraphs of a Voluminous Docu ment. fho Rallwny CotnmtHslon null It * Work Wfiterwnjri nnd State In- Ntitntionn. The fol'owing ' paragraphs from tlio mts- Gov , ( ! rar to the Iowa ns < cmbly , were unavoidably crowded out of J'estr- day's HEK : TIM. NRW CAPITOL. Tbo report of the capitol coiiuniwinners uuH that there ban I ten vxpc'iuled , duiiliK the Jin" " . ! t yearn. S25S 1 l.i ! W ; ui t. . tin- time , ? lsnii. : : ? : . H. Aciompmy ing the report are thu detailed est < inat"s of the conitn H ioiurn us to tbn niiuiml ueccs- ary tn com , iete tbu biiildini , ' Thci-o es- i'iates iiggrfKat- ! Ji'.l.-llli.JM ' ; but it slf nld be lioino in mind they do not in- clii'lc the ainoiiiit nwecsary to furnhh the b .llding. Itollexinga partial completion of the building to bo nut only prnclKrihlu but nwjoisjry , 1 c.Vled on the eomini"sinnuiH for a mpideini'iital o > tim.ilo , uliicli will be omul with the rejiort. This rrtlinate tbf biilldlng can be made ready For partiaj occupanry by .lannary 1 , 1881. Tri > lo this will require an exppudittiro of SW.'i/iS'J.-H , nhido fromtboanuiuntrciuired | lor furniture. There is availaMo for this work , thiiro ent yo.xr , Slli.'i.OOO of the an- | > roirintlon | of 187- . ly ! an addltinnal al lownuce of SI 0,000 f ir 188'J , of ! ? 200.00t [ to include Ibo remainder of the npnropri- ill in of 18" ! ; ) for 1PKI. anil ? 200OOD for ISSI.ugjrei.'utiiie ; S152.-,000 , the buililin- can IM ; partially coinploted , nnd the lin- islifd portion furtiiHbetl , in time for the convening of tbo twentieth general U-HCIII- I ly. The eoit of HiiperviKion , tbo largo nici already expended , the danger to the archivm of the htato nnd , her library , in the prci-ont b'tildiliL' , and tbo crowded nnd uncomfortable condition of tbo latter , de mand tlie prompt nppr print ! ' n of Mill- ! eient funds to complete the work. In my jiidgmeiit thu healthy condition of the ht.ito's finances will warrant the npproprl- tion without ri < k of embarrassment. HUPl'OUT OK STATE lNsTITL"t3ONH. It is clearly evident that the recent heavy advance in prmi-iim * , clothing , fuel ami other nero'Riuios of life will ren der thu support of the state in-titutions impossible on the prenent ptatutoiy al lowances should tbe iigb prices continue dining the current biennial period. As a reduction in pi ices may occur tlurit g tlie period , I would not consider it advisable to iticroiso the piepout monthly or quar terly allowam e. I woul I , however , sugpo'tt that when ever tbo trustees of any of the state insti tutions , or the wardens ot the io poi tive penitentiaries , are patstied that the iusti tutitm- " under tlieii ( barge rmiiectiyolv cannot bo supported within tbo limit al lowed by the law , the executive council be authorized , in its tliujtetion , nnd upon piopet showing , t > the all 'Wance , for such time us nniy be necessary , at a rate f not exceeding luo dolluis per tii'iiith for each of the inmate matethereof. . If thN policy were niinpt- ed , the inoieared allowance counl be dis continued wb > never the council should beui'ino ' of tbo opiiiion that the nece sity theiefor h id ceased. tJfctinn 1 of chatur ] l7 ! , act ( if the Sev.iitei'iith general n sem- bly , make..s it unlawful fi r any state insti tution tii incur a debt for suppott _ pur- po > os without first ol tabling the written consent of the executive council. It wi'l ' be dillicult , in case the necessity nrNes for the creation of a debt of n considerable amount , in such omergtiicie.s as ore pro vided tor ill this sect'on , to find persons who are willing1 , and financially able , to carry a debt againsl the institution for any length of lime. I therefore suggest that Ibis clause bo repealed , nnd Ihe pow er lo increase Ibo allowance bo left to the council , as I lm\o Hitggebted. THEASUUKKS Ol1 STATE INSTITUTIONS. If the ollico of Iroasurer of Ihe several clromosyna'-y institutions were' abolished and thoBUperinleiiitant niado Ihu cutto- dian of nl 1 funds , Iho _ keeping of _ books would be much uimplifie.l. As it is now theie nro t o nel-t of : iccotmts kept for each JiiM.itntion , when one I'H sulliciuil. As the bills ; ire all audited by the board- of tiuxtees , the public funds would bo fully as secure , and their disbursement ns cnrjfnlly guarded , ni under the present BJ btcm. COXmu'NCK OK ClIAllITt H. Considering it of importance that the state hb' uid lie represented nt the meet- | n of the National Conference of Char ities , I appointed Miss Margaret A. Cleaxcsi , A I. 1) . . of Davenport , as n _ dele gate to llut body. Her report will be found printed with the state documents. It is of much interest nnd value , nnd is a strong argument iu favor of th * estal- lishment by the slate at nu early day of a state board of charities and corrections , who-o duty shall be to supervise the ninnagement of our eleemosynary and institutions , Tim poweis of Hitch a board should b'seo'm ' I'eliensive in their scope , HI ai toeinbnico n full Hupervinory power oter pooi-liouses and jaiLs us well ns th. cbnrit bin and penal inslitnti ns of tliOHtnic. There are. in Die poor-hollies OK Ibot-lale , or lecciving nid in cotmlies without poor-lioii'ty , 1OI : ! persons. The htateiuont of this fuel , nnd Iho disclosures ro ardin Ihe management of poor- i in ninny of the states , demons rnto that some sup rvNion is iieceHnary other than wb t isalforded under the present system. AUHICI'LTUIIK. Thu intercht i f Iowa being so largely agricultural , it seems to mo _ tlio cre ation of a bureau of agriculture having special charge of matteis prrtaining tel l < is indti try would bu ( f great Milne. Tbo chief of thtx htmnu nbould bo n xlnto oliieer , Itfibouldhivo connected with it a ( lepnitmcnt of untonn logy and veteri nary cci nee , and hhonlil bo charged wilh UK' duly of exiunining into the cuiiscs mill the best metbods of , royention uml lieat- nitnt of the iliteanoH incidtnt to li\o block ( if all ItimU. It bhould also gather and disseminate information regarding the tioilnirf the state , their adaptabilily to thu prodnetioii of giuxstti and grainn , anj whute\er elfO i-i of niiiort | dice to thin , tliu domiunnt interet-t of the Htatc. Tliin bureau , it pu > i erly mainta ncd , ivniiM bu of great valiiu to our iieop e , and a foun. til u of kliowledg to thoau heeking in for. mutton us to the remnrceH of the rtuto Tlu * ugricuUuial pnxluctH alone of dm Ing thit past bl miial period , M tbu vftht H.IIII of § 500 000,00' ' , Surely tli cur-t of inuintniiiingu bureau of au-iiuulturt wiuild bo but a tritlo as compared with the 11'iielitn to accrue to tlio btate through in terestHof Hiic-li inagnitili'o ' , HT.XTK AlllllCCLTl UAI. HOl'IKTV , Tlio ta'ilen in this hociety's report , giv ing the aim unt , ind value of the pooductn of tbo Boil , and thollvo stock raii-t'd , uhow a gratifing increa-o as compiireit with former years , The ciop returns made to thu society , cmbraeiug us thuy do nil tbo counties in the ttuta navu ono , have been truthered through tbu co-operation of over itOJ farinei-s. The expemii comiecteil therewith is quite largo an t has been de frayed by the society , which is illy pre pared to bear it. In order to maku this poition i.f . t'io work of the coricty a per- iimnent f"Vtire , aiiapppipriatiou of 'JOOC , { 4 uxktul lor. I'ho value to the genera ! public of this feature of the rupoit u-oiiM ooem 11 warrant such appro , ilutlon , The pa cis on various tojilcs uuimected with agrjciiltiiri * , o ntributai by i.iir lending ngiiciiUnrl lK , einbiujying. n * they do. n vnria I personal experience iu tbo practica' ' ulf lirn u' ' f.irm life .iru of much int rt > > t and well worthy u enreful poc ual , nnd 1 trust they may convey t > yoiMaluable hints an to needed legislation for the los- Jeiini ; uf that inleiestwhi'li , inoro than a'l ' otht-ru coml iuc < l , augiuents the pro * peiity uf our statr1. it AII. w.\i H. Your attention i * called to tlis report of the railroad eommls ! oners as belni ? of iinicli interest nnd value , c < pe. lolly . * ; here Is nt ilds time n much iilcu < i > tun f the t nmportitlon qtirntlou , Tlie cotu ttnctliui of rallw.iv > * it rapidly inrrea-ong u Iowa and tbroiigliout the country. At ) ic. ent tlit-ro h n mllcnf.i { in the Hate ol noirly n.oOO. and there is in i - cess of construction nnd partially c mplcteii fully i , ( 00 miles more. All of the rountle- HIP Mate * ate two have railway fuilitc ! ami tl se will bo t cached by lines now In priiCfM ( if construction early in the spring if 18S1. . The buiinc s of the railway lias IncrcatC'l eiiornioimly , which iucro.ifiu i' a liratifj ing evidence of thu growth of the state. he tables regarding tbf rates cbnrgril for the ti.msportation of freight and passenger1) o i th * fjr at linri of the countrv show that for -cveral years p.vt there has been a Hto.dy anil gradual de crease therein , and that in thi < general reduction it is found some of i ur Iowa roads iiiixt largely imrticlpated. The Lables of transpoitaticu charges on our Iowa roads nu both be > l and Inter. state IraHl'- are elaborate , covcrini ; as they do many years of tr.illie , iiml thc c alsu uhow a gradual reduction in the charges year by year. Kspf'ci illy is this caie on Lr.illic from the interl .r points in Iowa to the Chic g > t market. It is n fact -though ti'jtMmwn in the lepnrt that at this time Lhc rates MI dairy products from compe ting nnd iion-i niiipetlnt ; points in this State to the seaboard mnrke's are as low as thcv nro nn the same products from CVntral New York in tin came markets. This is , of course a direct benefit to the Iowa p'oducer , as it renders his land , though over a thousand inilss from market , as valuable for dairy purposes as if it were much no ror The opinion is freely expressed by prom inent railway nicii that with reductions of grade and curvattiiu on the tbr"iigb lines already built nnd in course of consttuction , witli the more economical methods of op era * ion which are being elaborate 1 and applied , nnd with the usiril results of free competition , the day is not far dist nt when still lower rates will bo the rule. It will also bo seen by reference to the report that , while there hnvti been largo reductions in freight charge * , the rates on freight from points in the interior of tbo state to points on the Mississippi river ire much higher , relatively , than the rates to Chicai'o. Competition , the completion of new lini'H in Imrmonv with liver trans- | > ortation , the inexorable laws of trade , and n dun regard on tbfl part of the rail ways to the just demands of their cu to- mere will , it is hoped , do much towards remedying the cxi-ting disparity in rates , at an early day. Thu report U accompa- ii-ed by a map of the state , showing the ailroadH built and in course of construc tion. Another interesting feature will bo found in the profiles of the grade of the eading lines crossing tbo state from oat , o west nnd north to south , the value ; horeo $ coiiMstin.- the means furnished ri > rdeteron'niiig the relative cnst of haul- ng fiieglit ( iv r the d iferent linen of road. The study of this subject will bo n-cful to all having business rcl.ttiotm with the roads , and may aid materially in arriving ut coriect conclusions as to the value of railway -ervice. All the o facts are of great interest , and nro impor'unt ' factors in the solution of the v xed question which is exciting so much discussion , the "transportation problem. " In view of the current discu- ion by the | ire.-s and on the forum regarding the le- 'al Btattts of railway t orporations , and their ptib'ic and private rights , the views of the commissioners will bo found of great value to tin1 people of lowit , who have so large an interest in tbo proper determina tion of tho'O questions , That | art ot the repoit that treaNof tbo causes pj.idtn-ing the "coal famine'1 whi h prevailed lust winter , and the pos- nibili > of the same btrtto of affairs recur ring this winter , tboir conclusions concern ing it , and the injunctions laid laid upon Uie railways In i elation tea proper supply of cus will bo found of interest tbo year just closed Iho coin- missionerH bavo dt-cided upon tifty-six complaints which have been made tothcm. In eveiy casu the decision of the tominis- sioners has been ac opted by both the cor porations and the peopla as un absolute settlement of the question at issue. In addition , many informal complaints , embracing - bracing , minor grievances , have been sat isfactorily adjusted by the board dimply through tlieii calling the attention of the companies to the facts. These things ebovv cle irlv that the commissionersbip svsteni , although it is not yet four yearn since its adoption , is growing iu the con- I'lijence of tbo people , and is relied upon them for protection against the encroach ment of the railway corporations. It is fast becoming a settled conviction in the public mind , not only of tlie people of Iowa but of other plates , that the coai- miss ! * n , acting as it dues m the capacity of a board of arbitration , before whuli complaint may be made , evidence taken , and matters of difference promptly ad justed , and whoso decisions when rendered have all the moral weisht of ju Icinl lie- cresw , vvtb the great saving of lime and expense attendant , gives much better re- suits that can be dei ived from the more tedious and oipensivo processes of the courts. That thin is the case i evi denced in the adoption by other states of the cotnmissionership system. Maine , Now Hampshire. Vermont , Virj-inia , South Carolina , Georgia , Alul'nmt , Ken- tuo y , Ohio , Michigan , Illinois. Iowa , \yi coniii , Minccfola and Cal fornia eightet'ii BtatcH now have railway com- niis-ions , while New York lias a state en gineer , ord Pennsylvania a secret" ry of internal affair * , ca. h uf vjiom pcrfonim ninny ot the duties of railway commis sioner * in other states. Great lititaiu and seven.l of the e nitinental states have like boards , nnd Australia has udo , ted the Hysteni within tbo past year. This method ( ( public control is HO tborotighlv demons. ! rating its efficient1- that at tliu lirffenl ratio of its ndoption it will soon be found on the statute books of every state iu the in. ion. Furthermore , no htato or people , nfter ndnptinv this HVPtoni of publiccontrol of rail wnyshn-syet abandoned it , so that 1 am foieeii to tlio conclusion that a proper control of inter-state com merce vvjll necessitate a national board of commissioners , 1 am aware that there are many who think tlint the powers of tbo commission ers tliould enlarged ) , or in other words that they should be invested with judicial jiowers. Vroui this v iew I dismit. The only boirds i f coniinisjioners having judi cial powers that I am aware of are those of Georgin , California nnd Great llritam. To what extent tliese IMIWHIH have I cen OXCICISH ] by the board * of the tw fust nani'd 1 nm not informed , but in Gieat II itaiti , wheio the supervision embraces more than three time * tlie mileage of Iowa , the powers of thf connnissionsrs nve been invoked only 101 timed ring sev n jo rs , and a l.itge number of tbo cn-cs were not judicial , but related to tbo ap proval of rates ; while during less than four > oars the Iowa commis ion bus decMfd 10. " ) casec , many of them of gru it impor tance to the people , nnd every deci.ionlins been 'obeyed by the corporations nnd has been accepted by the people. I'nither- more : i-iueu the orgnniznti n of tliu Iowa commission not a suit has been bn light in any of the com t * of tlio state so far as I wm informed involving questions of charges of extortion , while uiulor the law which was in t po ation from 1871 to ISrs hundreds of Mich itiits were iuntiluted , many of which uro wtlll pending Tlnm ia the great economy of the i > y tein demon- etrated. These results hnvo been achieved because of the knowledge , on tbo part of thu c rporatlons , that behind the board of cniumiH- cioiiers , there was a vast moral f > rce , iu tliosliij'0 ' of an immense volume of popu lar sentiment in f.ivvr of a jut mid proper control of corporation" , which ten. tltni'ii' vVouhl rcsfin any r fusal on the part uf thu corpora' ions to accept the ile- terminations tt the board as nn enc onoh- ment on the rights of tno nunple , and a denial of the po erof control so insUted upon by them. The rapid incre ue in thu amount uf the nrodtii ts of the went , the conita ntly gio ingdem ndfor ihc-o prwittcts , the nice city fur the lovvejt rates uf transj oitation nttitin bl , hereby the i i termt' of both producer and loiiMiiuer may bu advanced , luve the pt-oplu of the ) pl valley to look to other mill cheaper routes to the toibonnl and foreign m rkeU than thoi < e nl re dy open. Of the loutw nttractlnt ; attention nt the prcrotit time ono is to Ix- found in tbo nntnrnl hiahwsy iftho MI.ssUslppI river , tbo improvement of which Is imiicsaUvcly tlemandcd. The other may IMS obtained by canal to connect the Hatoro of tlint river with the chain of lakes , the Krio canal. and the St. Lawrence river. Koth of these route.s nro feasible. Tlio plaim for the improvement of the one nnd the con struction of the other chow the cost will not be evcrssive , nnd when completed these rntitcs vv ill Invonn Important ! > car- it g nnthequesliniiof cheaptrnni < | > orl.itlon ; foritlsen y to fee that wwtorn products will : ig a consunicnco be carried to market nt tbo minimum rate of charges nttninn- l.lo whether by r.iil i r water. The o | cu ing of these routes will nl'o be a Kro' ' factor in the solution ot the problem of in cr-fltato commerce , lloth of tlio c enterprises - torprises tci.d to the s.ime rcf-nllf , nnd the f.iends . of both should work In rtitiichnr- mony. As the benefits to be obtained arc rational in character , it is toeongro-Hlhat the peoiile must look for the needed fnnil with which to rcnli/o tboso bi-nofitn. 1 thtrefore suggest that y u inemorializo : oniie < s for an'ininudiate api'ioptimioii For tha furtherance of the < o great enter- irisen. fflll.10 IIK.IIUiVS. The condition of our roaits is Hitch nl times ns almost to forbid travel , and thus bring nearly to a statulstill tlio Inrgc iniouul cf btislness trnnsiii'ted upon llic liiglivvnys. This Htibjcct nwda yiutr nt- tention , The present y tcin of work ng the roads by n headless anil almost aimless nnny of ever ten thonsnnJ HiipcrvinoiH is indicilly nnxoiinil , Thp intinitcsiimtl ro.ul districts , with tboir nt- tendnut dissipation of responsibility and utter wnntof tiy U-m , along with tbu prac tice of paying ti IBS with wln\t la cnlleii labor on the roivic , one/lit to be ro i ori e- sly annihilated. Of the half million dollniH collected for road purpos R throughout the frtato a far larger proportion tion it may , I i hink bo xafcly said , is wasted than of any other amount of money collected in this state for any pur pose whatever. The payment i f all tuxen in money and 'bo consolidation nnd ys- temntizat ion of the work on the roads un der intelligent management , would IM an productive of goiul results here IVH it has been in other states. The foreign insurance comiianieH business in this state derive their nuthoti- ty from ceitnin statutes which require them to make a showing of their tical condition to the auditor of the Btate. ' 1 he law iu this regard being complied with , the iiulitor issues to a company a general license to trati'nct bti-inesH in the scute. In COHO of loss occurring to the company , I he payment of winch is con tested nt , law , it i.s the aln o t universal custom , when tbo loss exceeds J.V.'tl , for the company to transfer the cause to the federal limits. Owing to the delays inci dent to the.-o cumin , much injustice is , in many instanp . " , done the person ( .ringing the suit ng insl tlie company , nnd lie is often grea ly hindered in oi.lninini ; his lights. Tliisriqniris anmtdy at llulinntls of tbo law milking power tbr ugh the passage of an net r quirini' nil foreign in- suianco con pa1 ics _ ti > wnivo all right * , to trnii'-fer their actions to tbo courts ; or , in other word' , to make it a condition of their right to transact Imsine'H in this state that they ngree to try nil nctionw brought ngniiistthein in the courts of l.-ivva. That the state has the right to n'gu'ate ' foieign insurance compani-s by a law of tins clurneter haw been ntlirined by the supiemo court ( if tbu Uni'ed Kt.tes. It may well be considered whether some such legislation would not nl.s i bo ndvisab'o in reference to tailway , express , telegraph , ait'l all o'biT eoipirntionsorganiAd under the provi-iims of law in other slutvu but doing business here. COlyENHAllOS 01' I'tnit.lC OhTICKIW. The governor ur us 3 more euit.vble | grading of the t > : ilnrie.i of Hber.lf'H nt tliat ollicers in ppnn.ely settled counties may \ secure n sufficient salary 10 m.tblo thcui to devote his entire attention to thu duties of the ofliee. He also urges an increase in the salaries uf deputy trc-surers and clerks of counties. The salaries of execu tive , auditor , secretary of s'ato and treas urer of the state uru lower than tWe of surrounding states and shou d bo cor respondingly increased > lo the in cumbents to maintain their position witli credit to the elate. ( IK.MEItAI. KI.KCTIO.V. The governor recommends tliat the day of election be changed from October to November , to correspond witli the lime fixed for national elections. VACAXC1ES IN OKKIUK. The governor reports having appointed to fill vacancies in the management of the asylum for the feeble minded , viz : Kben- e/.er U. S. Woodrow , of MilU county , Heneca 15. Thrall , of Wapello county , nnd Fred. O'Donnell , of Duluique county. On the 1-1 th of July lost , he appointed Clinton Orcutt , of the county of Cedar a trustee of Iho Soldiers' Oiphnns * Home , in the room of Charles M. Horton , removed/ from Ihe slate. On the 14th day uf Octo ber , Charles C. Hoi ton , a tru-U'eof the same inslilulion , resigntd. Hi place ww supplied by John llcriugh , * f Itie counly of Howard. DKATII or THK I cannot close this message without an allttHJon lo the calamitous event v bich so Utely shocked and bniniliaco our country men everywhere.For u second time an American prebidciit has fallen by Ihe hand of nn assa-sin ; and ngnin Ibo n alien mourns th * loss of iv chief nmxistnxle who bad otideared himself to tlio h'arto of Ihe people. rnJced , it would ulniost seem aw if the illuslrioim patriot's hold on tlio pop ular affections bud the more vxciUd the muiderous hate vvl.icb rniioved him from earth. While we loinemi cr witli grief and Hliamo his tr gic fate , wo , ciniiot but feel a HOIISO of pridu as Amuiiuiiiis in tha life and character of tbo man , and Ihe 1 ftiness uf purpose , tbo inflexible integ rity , and Iho fidelity lo duty , which no eminently distinguished the career of James A. ( inrticld. CONCJI.UHION. The fact that thcro mu over lliirly ru- potls lo review nnd thai many of tin se will not bu in print until mar tbo middle of the session , and the noi essity t xist'ng Ihat your honorable body sbon d bo i dvUfd as Id Iho uxncl condilion of Ihe state and her insi i tni i us , constitute my only apology for the length of this message. The time h now arrived for me to lay aside Urn olficlal position I have l > eon lion red with by tlio people. In retirin. lo private life , I give my thanks to every member of the executive council who has contributed , by advice and -oper. ' . tion , to wan 1 whatever meas ure of HUi'ceus my administration of | ublic nlfiiis h s attained. The pei plo of tlie st tie I shall ever bear in remembrance for Iho confidence placed in me , and they have my gratitude therefor , coupled with my hearty good wMus for Urn creulest prosperity of that Iowa , which , as lerri- tory and state lias been my homo since be fore its nan o began to designate n ixtlltl- cul division of the earth. JOHN H. GKAII. A , MOBT CRA.7A' . How t It u do wo BCO the bard-work - iiiR father Htraininj ; uvery nerve andr mtificlo , and doing his utmost to aup- port hia family. Imagine his feelings when returning homo from a hard day'a labor , to lind his family proa * rate with discaio , conscious of unpaid doctors' bills and dobta on ovoiy hand. It must bo enough to drive ono almoat crazy. All thin unhapninuss could bo avoided by using Kloctrio Hitters , \\hichoxpol every disease from the system , bringing joy and happiness to thousands. Sold at fifty cunta a bot- tlo. Jgli iV MoMalmn. (8) ( ) The thing difircd found ftl last. A k drufgUt fur "P-oughou Jtats. " It clears out tuU , mice , roacben , Iliun , l ) t bugi ; 15c boxes , (1) ( )