Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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    \ a.
"Wednesday Morning , Jnu. 11.
Wnnthor Ilopnrf-
( Tlis following ob ervfttloinnrc taken ! \t
" e name moment til limo at nil the tin-
J'nttcrson Bella cool.
FreilcrickTHK I fatter.
15cmls3KLI..S Fanns.
Donno , llcllnblo 1 latter.
liemls HULLS Wild Land * .
Glo.-cs nt the 09 cent ntoro.
U'smisSKLLS IJuiincw lxti.
Hernia SKLLS Suburban Property.
Trains all on limo but light to-day.
Mcinin SKLIjS Ilesidcnccn and lx > t .
IJeniin SKLLS City Mni * at lOc each.
A. ] ' . .Tohnslon , Dcntlnt , Jacob's block.
Standard club party to morrow night.
Uonner'a the clieaiicst place In town.
FHIST CI.AHH llcef at llagedorn'fl.
IJcinis KKNTS HOUSCH , I itn , 1'annn.
( lh&C.
-LINlKJUKST.The Tailor , 120GKarn-
AUU jS-llll
, Vaccine Virus with full direction for
lining , at Kcnnnrd lirnthcrs. jli-tf
CapH 2r > c and iipwnrdfl. Heal nkiii
caps ? S and iipwanli at Xindolft 1C roll's.
The annual eleotlon of otliccrH for the
Standard club taken place on Thursday
evening ,
The time of the next Vesta Chapter
parly has been changed from tlio lUtli to
Monday the Kith.
Mattland , the tool taker , was sent to
jail ofr twenty days Monday by .tudgo
Uenclcc for larceny.
A. fjrand concert \m ler tlio aunpici-n of
tlie Onmba Oleo club , with Mitrn l''unnl
Kellogg as the htnr , w among tlio plcnimnt
ixssibilities for February.
\ng. Arndt lo't for Linco'n yc -
lerday , in chaigo of U. S. .Mnrslml
lilciliowcr and Deputy Marnhal Sandurn ,
to be tried there on tlio clmrgo .it neiiil-
ing threatening letters to Judge Dundy.
Will II. Totter , who died in Denver
on the evening of January Stb , wan a mem
ber of I'ioucer convent No. 118 , Itoyal
Arcu'um , Omahn , and liiHlifowax innured
for the benefit of his mother for $ . ' 1,000.
Tlio Kitchen Bros , have decided in
consideration of a § 5,000 bontm from the
buBuiesfl men of Farnham ntrcet , to inako
' 'tthu new Grand Central hotel five ( dories
high. It had boon intended to stop with
the fourth xtory.
The folder issued by the "Sioux City
route , " containing an epitomized ntntc-
incut of the advantagcn of the varioue
counties pajmed through by tlio line from
Dlalr to Long Pine , ia a handy nrticlo to
have about the house or office.
There meeting of the state board of
agriculture will take place in Lincoln on
the 17th of this month , when the election
of o 111 ecru for the cnmilng year will take
place. The principal contest will bo foi
Decretory , for which place there are three
candidates already in the field -I ) . II ,
Wheeler , U. W. Furnas and 0. 11 ,
A concert and ball for thn benefit ol
lii-l [ obrow benevolent xociety , will tak (
( ilaco at Standard hall on Tuesday evening
ing , January 17. I'hilomathcan club wll
participate also in the concert ; alno tin
MuKical Union orcheHtra , nnd very likclj
the Omaha Olcu club. The conimlttci
coiifista of JulliiH Moycr , chairman , Sol
Prince , M. Goldsmith , Mrn. M. llellman
j\lrn. A. Culm , Mr.i. I. lluhlii , Mis. A
Maj. ( ! . Stevenson , who directed thi
utage ImnlnoBs of the "ChiiueH of Xor
niaudy , " when pnuluced by the Karmonli
society , about a month ago , wrm Mini
day prevented by the Hocioty with a mini
attire gold bell , in recognition of bin nor
vices on that occasion. The prexontatio
was ni'ul' by Mr. Uormun , the picsident
and wan brlclly icspondcd to by Mujii
SteveiiMon. Tlio bell i iiiHcribod , "IN
Mujur ( ! . iSteveiiKon , with the compl
menU of the Omalu Ihirijonlu soululj
lc. ! ! ( ! , 1881. "
oaa Fullowa Exoui-dlon to Uliilr
( Jinuha Lodge JSTo. 2 , I. ( ) , O. 1' '
luivu urrangud tor an oxournion an
cliurlurud u special train ovur tlio Uhi
ca o , Bt. Tiuil , Miunosotaaiid Onmli
railroad. They will leave tlio dujK
it : I0 ! p. in. , Tliursduy uvoiiin , nil
vill leave Imll at 0 o'clock. 1'nrtie
jot nioinburs of the orclor who joi
thu excursion will plooao bu at tint Ji
pot at (5:30. ( : Goin to Ulair to niut
witli munition of the order ami ( hoi
.ainihca. A big tiino ia uxpectod ,
Addlaou'a Appeal ,
To thuCl.lzeniiof Ornnha.
I pray you all , for tlio good of ul
not to give proviaioiiB , clotlnng t
money to boya or girla wlio may con
to your door , but rcfor thorn to tl
O. K , rooms , 1210 COBS utreut. 1
strict adherence to thin request yc
will greatly aid mo in the work whu
I have undertaken , und wliioli ia ,
important to every citizen of Omah
M If you liavo anything to give , plea
drop a postal card to Addieou Join
J2KI Cass street , or ItilO Dodf-e.
If you want boy liolp , or washw
men , or servant girls , address inu ni
you will receive prompt ntluntii
without any charge. Our Jielp
oed , and very often firat class.
I am your obedient servant ,
Bfanager O. JJ. I. A.
Forty jcars' trial m proved' " BLACI
DRAUGHT" the best liver we
tue world.
Joy Gould nnd the Wnbaah
Directors Como iu from
the South.
A D. it M. Special Miscellaneous
Railroad Horns.
.lay ( loiil1 , tlio railroad king , who
recently gobbled up tlio Wabash , St.
IxHiis it 1'acilic road , \\liicli lie pio-
PORCA to make one of the greatest
trunk lines in tlio country , came up
from the south Monday on a special
train , accompanied by the directors
nnd olliccrs of that popular ror.U. As
ho was last reported nick at St Lou < ,
his coming waa something of a sur
Tlio party remained over night in
their car at the Union Pacific trans
fer , and loft on a special train at 0:20 :
this morning for Chicago.
The now oflicers of the
Wabnsh , under the Gould rcgimo are :
lion , John C. Gault , general manager ;
Col. Robert A , Andrews , general an-
porintondcnt of the entirw system and
11. C. Townnend , general passenger
and ticket ngent for thowholo system.
Col , Andrews is onn of the oldest
men connected with the Wubiudi
road and bcuan his official
career as a sUtion agent on Uio old
Toledo , Wabash & Western main lino.
Ho was general manager of tfio Wa
bash when it absorbed the Kanaan
City it St. Louis short lino. lie m
ono of the oldest railway immatjorH in
the United States , as well as one of
tlio finest looking men in the country.
Mr. II. 0. Tuvvnsond wont
into the employ of the Wa
bash under the Hopkins manage-
iiioiit and is an ollicient nnd popular
officer and a courteous and obliging
The Nonpareil of yesterday morn
ing nap :
A Nonpareil man learned last night
of the rumor that Jay Gould , the
railway king , arrived in Council
liltill.i last evening over the Wabnah
on his westward trip. The rumor ,
however , could not bo traced tea
a reliable source , but this may be
owing to the well known fuel that .lay
Gould now travels with a body guard ,
and his movements are known to but
few , except at points where his con
solidation schemes require mi extended
visit , and the newspaper mnn that
locates the little king within ono
hundred miles ia entitled to the credit
of making n "ton strike. "
11. it M. OKKK'IALH.
At Jl a. in. yesterday especial train
left the Tenth street depot of the 15.
it M. with tlio following officials on
board : Cloo. JJ. Harris , general
freight agent ; 13allnntine , special stock
agent ; Hamilton , soliciting agent.
They have gone on a buumess trip
over the line and will boabsentseveral
II. it .M.IMI'HOVKMENn * < .
The B. it M. 11. U. is condemning
property east of Eight street and be
tween Douglas nnd Jones , for tlio pur
pose of making some important im
provements thereon. These include
an extensive freight depot , at which
merchandise , lumber and coal will bo
handled , and all the freight business
removed there from the Tenth street
depot. How tracks will be laid to uc-
coinmoilato the 0. D. & Q. , which
will at no distant day transfer its
business headquarters from the other
side of the river to this , and use the
Plattsmouth bridge entirely. Now
tracks rcouired at Tenth street are being -
ing rapidly pushed along.
The It. it M. folks are taking time
by the forelock , so to speak. A few
days ago a general order was issued ,
instructing the physicians of' the rend
at Omaha , Plattsmoutli , Lincoln ami
Nebraska City to vaccinate the cm
ployes of the road free of charge.
General Ticket Agent Stebbins liai
gone to St. Louis.
General Superintendent Sharp , ol
the Utah Central Railway , Consoli
dated , left for home Monday.
yo Assistant General Manager Kim
o ball went to Kansas City , oil Sunday
night to meet Jay Gould , * Alee-Pros !
dent Hopkins , of the Wnbash , Vice
1'rcsidont Hayes , of the Missouri Pa
cific , nnd General Manager Wheeler
of the Atchison , Topeka t Santa Fi
Guilty of Wronn.
Some ] ieople have a fashion of con
fusing excellent remedies with tin
largo mass ol "patent medicines , " am
! in this they nro guilty of wrong
There nro some ndvortisod remedie
fully worth all that ia asked for them
and ono ut least we know of Ho ]
Bitter * . The writer hiw had occasioi
to HBO the Hitlers iu just such n cli
mate us wo have most of the yon
in Hay City , nud IPW ulw.iys ftiun <
them first claim and uilinblc , doing , ( . ' .
that is claimed for them.Tribune. .
Will II. Potter.
m Tlio Denver Tribune contains tb
| following notice of the death of Wi
a Potter , of which local mention wn
inu o yuslunUy :
uut Last ovuniiiK t livu niinntca JMU
ut ton o'clock Will '
11. J'ottor p.xiaud ov <
ir to the silent
majority , into thu groi
buyond. On thu 2M of litnt menthe
ho laid ilii\Mi on his hud , atiicko
with typhoid fever , und nltlioiiKh coi
ii Btnutly assorting Unit ho' would novc
, KCt well , liis friends were stoidfaatl
erne noping for nnd feeling assured of h :
lie no recovery. Jkit Denth liad sot bis soi
liey on bia yoiiiiL- life , and last night tl :
y Hpintof Will II , Potter went into tl
DU realms of bliss.
Mr. Potter WHS but 21 years of a
so and had endeared himself to all wl
Ul. mot him. He bad , been with tl
ISO Union Pucilio railroad'sincti boyhoo' < '
and in Denver ainoe list April or Ala
Ho came from Omaha to take tl
r'Ond cbiof clerkship in Preigbt Age
Game's ollico , and in bis ehort conni >
on tion with that department be mat
friends both in the profession ai
outside , JIo was a man of line cd
cation and with manners and chum
tor that endeared him to all , Ope
j-onorous and kind-hearted , Will PC :
tor waa loved as but fowin this worl
K.Tu Ho was born in Keyport , NowJorso
Tu and bad a railroad experience for 1
ago but equalled by few , nnd I
iriof ; Ibat will bo expressed nt the
funeral on Tuesday will bo more sin
cere nnd more felt than it generally
Y. M. C. A.
A Dooming Outlook for the Local
The monthly mooting of tlio Young
MUII'H Christian association mis hold
at their rooms Monday , n largo
number of the active members bcint , '
present. Mr. Robert Wcidensall , the
traveling secretary of the international
committee , wan nlsn present upon tlio
special invitation of the association.
Tbcro socms to bo just nt this time
an especial awakening on thu part of
the members of the association nnd
thuso interested in the welfare of-
young men , nnd in consequence the
meeting was full of life last night.
Mr. P. "P. 0. Iliinobnug'i , ono of
the proprietors of the Union ulovator ,
wns elected president nt their last
annual mooting , and being fully in
the spirit of this work for young men ,
is taking n very active interest , nnd
calling to his assistance some of the
best mon of our city.
Mr.Veidannull , who is well posted
on the association work throughout
the country , made some practical sug
gestions ns to how the nsaociation in
Omaha might bo made very much
more useful in bencfitting young men ,
and .suggested that this was nn oppor
tune time for making this association
ono of the very beat in the country.
AH plniiH for the society's future work
are developed we will be plcnnod to
make thorn known.
Hon. Jolin U. Cowin left for the State
Cnpitnl M outlay.
C'luin Cliaie returned to hi studies at
the State University yesterday.
Hon. J. M. Wool worth and Judgel'lnm-
tun went down to Lincoln Monday.
A. L , Koliinon , U. 1 * . attorney in
Iflaho , left yesterday for Oxford ami the
licar river country.
J. ( Srcgory nnd wife , representing The
Alliance , a Chi-ago publication , were
among the San Kmnilsco pa cn ers to
It. F. Staplcton , of ( Jliicnxo , in in tin
city en route to Denver to take n posit ion
on The NCWB , of which 1m In-other in
innimgin ) , ' editor.
M. Saclm , the stalwart and popular
rcprescntntivc.of the well known firm of
StubiMiilorlF & Co. , left on the noon train
to-day fur .Salt Lnlto City , to resume his
regular western trip , from which he was
recalled at L.iramlo by the nown of the
( loatli of hia littlu mm. Air. Sachs I'M ono
of the best Halcjmun on the rend anil make *
many friends umoiu ; the wcHtein trades
Death of the Father of Messrs. Mot-
calf In Lowee , Dol.
Mr. Thomas E. Metcalf nnd A. P.
Motcalf , the firm of Metcalf & Bro. ,
received thn sad news yesterday of
tlio Biiddon doatb of their father , John
Motcalf , in Lowes , Del. , on Monday
night. Tlio deceased wns about 74
years old , nnd his demise therefore
was not entirely unexpected. A. P.
Motcalf started immediately for tlio
east. Ho will moot at Chicago another
brother , J. M. Motcalf , who is on his
way west from n long trip in the inter
ests of Vining & Motcalf.
Bower "W. Ilunklca , n son of Mrs.
8. C. lloichard , died nt bis bomo on
Eleventh street , yesterday forenoon ,
of bronchitis. The decoaaod was u
young man about 24 years of ago , nnd
was widely and favorably known. Ho
has been n resident of Omaha for
about four years , coming bore from
Quasquoton , In. , and for n large part
of the time wns employed at bis trade ,
book binding , in Foatnor's establish
ment. The funeral will bo bold trom
the residence on Thursday.
Reel Estate Transfer * .
The following are all the real estate
transfers recorded nt the County y
Clerk's ofllce , yesterday , as reported
for this paper by John L. McCaguo ,
real estate agent and conveyancer :
Mary 0. Alloway et al. to Hoggs
Hill : Lots 5 nnd 0 , block i-'OTi , Omalu
deed § 1,551.
A. J. Hanseom nnd wife to C. A
Fritzloy : Lot 23 , block 17 , Jlaiiscon
Place , w. d. $500.
Surah S. McCombo toBojrgstf Hill
SI of BwJ , sec. 8 , tp. 1C , range 111
east , i | . e. d.15. . .
Win.V. . Miller to Sophia Lowe
Parcel in see 1(1 ( , tp. 15 , range 1.1
cnnt , ( | . c. d. § 2.
S. & . Caldwell nnd wife to Join
Wilson : W.1. lot LMi , Millurd & Oald
well's add."w.
Thomas P. I. Cnddard et. nl. to Jo
foph D. Her , lot ( I , block ! ) , w , d.
10 Sii.OOO.
. . 1'iiitrd ' States \Valtor B. Beobo
nwj sej , section 21 , town 10rangoll
oiut. Patent.
Margarethn Scbad'or to Martha M
Ish , w.l lot 11 , Koyos subdivision ; w
Isabel Porter to Liningor & Mot
calf Company , parcel in section 211
town 15 , range If ) , cast ; ( j. c. d.-
$2. OX ) .
Liningor tt Metcalf Company t
Peter E. Her , parcel in section 1M
town ID , range lit. cnst ; 11. e. d.
Herman Kount/o et , ul , to W , > S
Wileox , lot 25 , block 10 , Kountzo
Uuth's add ; w. d. ? (500. (
Michael Hobling to George B.Cool
lie parcel in section 22 , town 15 , rang
ho 111 , east ; w. d.81,200. .
1 ,
A Happy Restoration
PORTLAND , Mich. , Aug. 24,1881.
nit H. H. WAIINKU .t Co. : Sin -
U' most heartily recommend your Suf
do Kidney nnd hivor Cure , to all bullei
ud era from urinary dilllculties. I o\v
In- my present oxiatcnco to its use.
10- j2-lw. J. S , MATIIKWS ,
m ,
t- P. 0. Cook tt Co , , Council Bluffi
Id. Iowa , general agents for H. D. Itush
? ' Gjlden Eagle Flour for Omaha , Nel
Ilia Orders solicited by telephone or othe !
be wise. doolS-lm *
'Tho Mnscotte" afc Doyd's
Opera HOUEO Thursday
„ .
Hftvorly's Miistodons Next Montlny.
On Thursday evening the C. I ) .
Ilesn Acme Company will open n
Lbrce nights' engagement nt Boyd's
Opera home , tickets being put on sale
ysstcrday. The programme for
the first night in the celebrated opera
of Audrnn , "La Mnscotte. " From
present indications there will bo nn
immense reserve. The Detroit Free
Press says :
"Tho best English version of Au-
dran's 'La Mnscotto" yet Been in this
country wns given last night by C. D.
Hess' Acme company. It was a per
formance of superior merit in every
particular. The artistes are all capa-
capable , the chorus in composed of
fresh , young and vigorous voices , thu
orchestra was handled with especial
skill and judgment , and the costumes
wore truly magnificent. The entire
misc-cn-sccno was brilliant , harmo
nious and pleasing. It is years since
Detroifers have seen so complete n
presentation of a comic opera C r-
tninly Mr. Hess has given us "The
Mascottc" in n manner decided
ly superior to nny of the lauded
New York productions of the
sniiio work. This is not n reckless
statement. The fact ia the same
opera nt the Park Theatre in New
York last season was weak and shab
by by comparison with this , nnd the
Bijou Theatre version was far inferior
to it in point of musical excellence.
That a manager "on the road" should
succeed in out-doing the bear , efforts
of the metropolis in an operatic ven
ture is n circumstance too significant
to let pasa unnoticed. "
On Monday night Huvorly's Origi
nal Mastodon miuistrels will appear
at Boyd'a. Charles H. kccsbin , the
ngent , was in the city Monday and
called at THK BKK ollice. His com
pany travels with their own Pullman
nnd baggage cars , and plays almost
nightly in all seasons of the year.
After completing the Missouri
river circuit nnd playing a
week at St. Louis , the Or
iginal Mastodon go to Louisville ,
and from there to Now Orleans , in
time for Mardi Gr.ts week. They are
stronger and more popular now than
HMtllES' IMlA3tATir < O.
Clias. W. Roberts , business manager
agor of the Forbes Dramatic Coin-
pan } ' , one of the leading dra
matic troupes on the road , called
nt THK BKH office Monday evening
to say that his folks are now on route
hero and will piny nt Boyd's proba
bly sometime next month. They
were unable to get the dates they
wanted at once and hence will circle
about the Missouri river cities and
then return. Mr. lloberts is n vet
eran manager and a goiitloinun who is
a credit to the profession at all times.
1'ATTl's I'KIUK.
Pntti's agent , Bernardo Do Vivo ,
wont west Monday , bound for San
Francisco , to see if arrangements
could bo made there for Pntti to sing
at $0,000 per night. Should the lady
go west it is possible she may stop
over ono night at Boyd's , and Man
ager Marsh will correspond with her
manager on the subject at nny rate.
THOMAS' Kcr.Knmc On , has obtained
great popularity , from _ it intrin
sic : value as a reliable medicine , in curing
hoarseness nnd all initutions of the throat ,
diseases of the chest , etc. 1'or thono it is
an incomparable pulmonlc. 9-lw
A Lurgo Attendance Livst Evening.
The second night of the laud
League fair found a greatly increased
attendance ut Masonic Hall , whore it
U being hold. About four hundred
attended during the evening and the
attractions wore very highly appre
ciated. The dancing was commenced
at 10:30 : o'clock. About fifty couple
were on the floor at ono timo. The
receipts wore very generous. If the
attendance increases proportionally
the spacious hall will hardly be nuipk
to accommodate the visitors.
It is doubtful if the hall over look
ed more tasteful nnd charmiiu' than it
does now , thu booths with their lace
drapery und niagnifieiont bannen
which nro suspended from the pillars
nnd walls , making the largo room
lairly brilliant with the green , gold
and white.-
The first booth to tin
loft of the entrance Bidet
contains among other handsome ur
tides an ebony , gold inlaid chair , up
bolstered with silk embroidered car
ilinul plush. This chair is to bevotei
away , tlio candidates being Muyoi '
Boydand Supt. J. T. Clark of the U
1 * . This booth is in charge of Mrs
Ed. Louder , assisted by Mnry Mu
lonoy , and Mrs. J. J. Kennedy.
Mrs. Thonins P. Casey presides
sides over the next stand , nssistoi
by her daughter. Miss Itoxunnu Fort
has n fruit stand ut ono end of tlii
A Imndaomo booth ut the east em
of the Imll is in charge of Mrs. M
to M. Donovan and Mrs. Gen. O'Brien
Here is another fine easy cbai
to bo vet d nwny , the candi
dates being Major J. V. Furry nn
Hon. E/.rn Millard. This chair wn
donated by Messrs. Dewey it Stone
A. B. iruberman has donated an ok
gant set of silverware , Edbolm
Krickson bus contributed u set c
jewelry , the SUtorsof Poor Olarohnv
given a beautiful band-piiinte
cushion decorated with "Erin Ci !
Brngb" and u harp , Mrs F. .1. M <
Shane and Mrs. John McShano bav
beautiful chromo Mn
fo presented n ,
MeUomigh has riven an ebony an
irvo porcelain inrdiniors , Mr. Backus hi
vo contributed u lovely doll , nnd Mr
Atkinson and Miss Dacoy ha >
each given n lovely dress boi
nut. All those articles onouf
places in the nbovo booth. Kve
IH Miss Healoy and Mrs. Daley condui
n tnblo loaded with vnluablo article
r" Mrs. lloimoasy , M rs. Swift , Mr
I Cunningham , Mrs. McDona b , Mr
Kgan nnd tlie Misses \\y.7.\o \ \ \ Fugannt l
Hose Smith take clmrgo of the refresh
ment tablea.
Mr. Charles McDonald has present-
cd n beautiful satin banner , to bo voted
tor , the different Irish societies being
the candidates. Altogether , the fnir
promises to bo an cflieientniid delight
ful mode of carrying out the object
tor which it ia inaugurated and its suc
cess is assured.
Board of Trrulo.
On Monday the board of directors ,
John fcvans , Jos. F. Shcolcy , J. S.
Brady , J. A. McSlmne , Max Meyer ,
T. W. T. Ilicliards and J. A. Wake-
field , met nnd orgnni/cd by electing
John Evans chairman and J. A.
Wnkefiold secretary. They nlao elected
the following
On Transportation J. A.Vake -
field , N. Morriain , \V.Mead , J. E.
Boyd , Milton Rogers.
On Manufactures T. W. T. Rich
ards , W. J. Wolshans , R. N. With-
neil , 0. W. Liniugor nnd E. W.
On Live Slock J. A. McShanc ,
Jos. F. Sheoly , W. A. Paxton , W.
C. B. Allen tmd P tor E. Her.
On Douglas County Lands Gco.
II. Bosgs , S. D. Mercer , D. C.
Brooks , Thos. fJibson nnd O. F.
On Memorials Goo. L. Miller , Ed.
Kosowater , Joseph Motcalf , C. S.
Chuso nnd J. C. Cowin.
Arbitration Max Meyer , John I.
Brady , D. S. Barigor , C. C. Housol
und E. E. French.
Meteorological- . Gibson , C.
F. Goodman ami Henry I'undt.
On Elections John Evans , Max
Muyor and John Q Brady.
Henry Pundt nnd Dr. O. S. Wood
were elected members of the board
of trade. Titos. Ginso.v , Seo'y.
Yon aie sick ; well , there itft \ ono reme
dy that will euro you beyond possibility or
doubt. If it's Liver or Kidney trouble ,
C'onsumption , Dyspepsia. Debility ,
' WclI'H Health Itenwer"
is your hope.
$1. Druggist Depot , C. 1\ Goodman ,
Omaha. ' '
On and after January 2d and until
fotlher notice , our Farnam street
store will close every evening at GUO :
o'clock , except Wednesday and Satur
day evenings , when the hour will bo 9
p. m. S. P. MOUSE & CO.
As improvements now in progress
nt 1310 nnd 11117 Farnam street will
give us the largest and finest Dry
Goods Establishment in the West , wo
desire to concentrate all our business
in this ono store , and with that in
view wo offer our.
It is in n prosperous condition and
making money , and nny person desir
ing an established business would do
well to investigrte this. Wo will ne
gotiate only with principals.
Preparatory to our removal to our
We are reducing prices in all depart'
During the coming week wo will con
tinuo our sale of
Housekeeping Goods , Towels ,
Table Linout Napkins ,
Blankets , Bed Spreads.
10 Pieces Double Barnsloy Damask ,
( > 2J , cents , worth $1.00.
10 Pieces Double Barnsloy Damask ,
75 cents , worth § 1.25.
50 dox. all Linen Napkins , $1.45
do/ . , worth $2.00.
100 do . JJ Cream Damask Nap
kins , $2.00 doz.vorth § : i.OO.
75 doz. ; J Fine Damask Napkins ,
S'-.uO doz. , worth § 4.00 to § 5.00.
15 doz. largo Huck Towels , ' . ' 0x40 ,
15 cents each , worth 25 cents.
50 doz. Largo Damask Towels , 50
< toz. Knotted Fringe Huck Towels ,
25 doz. 22x40 Fine Huck Towels ;
Choice at 25c. , worth Hoc to 45c. 50
doz. 21x50 Turkish Towels , 37ic. ,
worth 7oc.
Marseilles Spreads § 1.50 , worth § 2.00.
Marseilles Spreads § 2.00 , worth S3.00.
Marseilles Spreads § 2.50 , worth § 4 00.
To insure the complete nnd certain
sale of our winter stock of Dross
Goods , wo will again otl'er
1,000 yards nil Wool Dress Goods ,
3jc , worth 50 to (55c. (
HOO yards all Wool Dross Goods. fiOc ,
worth 7. > e to § 11.00.
J150 yards all Wool Dress Goods , 85c ,
worth § 1.25 to § 1.50.
1)50 ) yards all Wool Dress Goods ,
SI. CO , worth § 2.50 to § 11.00.
The Ihtryuiii Slote < iOimthu. .
S. P. MOUSE & CO. ,
d llll'J Farnbam stroet.
If those who want [ to buy Jew
elry , Wutchos and Silverware , tin
LARGEST STOCK to pick from
SQUARE DEALING nnd courtooui
treatment is an object , all should g (
to A. B. HUBERMANN , corner o
Thirteenth and Douglas streets.
janlO lit
3do Sealed proposals will bo recoivoi
until 12 o'clock noon January SI
1882 , for the erection uurt complotioi
of buildiim for the Academy of tb
. Sacred Heart. Plans nnd specifics
tions on view at the ollico of Dufren
, it Mendelssohn , architects , Omalui
Nob. , whore bids will bo recoivetl
yen The right reserved to reject any or a !
npy bids
ra. jaiuVJt
Arrest of Two Don.'era ' for Mori-
Coinplia- with the
Other Criminal Business of. the Dny.
A complaint was Monday filed in
the police court against Henry Siert ,
the Rirtilmm street liquor dealer , or
" Manager of the Douglas County
Farmers' Association. " The charge is
that of selling without a license , nnd
ia brought under the city ordinance ,
eatordny Siort was arrested by
the marshal and taken before Judge
Henekc. His case was continued for
u hearing until 2 p. m. Saturday ,
pending which time ho was released
on § 500 bail.
Mrs. B. Shannon was arrested yes
terday on the charge of selling liquor
on Sunday , A continuance was taken
for thirty days. Her attorneys will
claim that the ordinance is not p nal
in itn nature , but merely n forfeiting
one , nnd that the penalty ahoukl bo
recovered in a civil suit.
Juo. Brown mid James Brady , were
sent to jail by .Tudgo Beneko in default -
fault of u fine for intoxication.
Two warrants wore Monday sworn
out for the arrest of Paul E. Ilousel ,
ono being for obtaining money under
false pretenses and the other for for
gery. '
The cnso of Steele , Johnson it Co. ,
vs. Gco. W. Homnn , Sr. , wns on tnnl
by jury in the county court ycitardoy.
JTio Only Known Real Cnro.
NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , For Sale ,
Lost , Found , Wants , Boarding , &c. , will be In
scrtcd In these columns once lor TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVECENTS
per line. The first Insertion never less than
ONEYTO LOAN Call at Law Office of D
M L. Thomna Room S Crelehton Block.
AHA To lonn at from 8 to 10 per cent
V/U" * on good real catntcsecurlty , by
DR. ISAAC EDWARDS 1109 Karnhain St.
, TO LOAN At 8 per centlri' '
„ I tercet In sums ol 42,500 and
upwards , ( or 3 to 6 years , on Bret-class city and
( arm property. Bums Hr.Ai , ESTAT.H and LOAN
AesNcr , 16th and Douglas Sta
ANTKD Share o ( ofllcc tor a ( cw hours
W dally. Address , M. D. , Uceollie * . 899-10
"YTTANTED Men and women evurywherc. Ills
YV ! > ' } " Address lth stamp.1.1' . Dctoiu
Omaha , Nub. S'.IS 12
To u > to 40-aorc lunn , n ir
WANTED II. Hun uilcr , llth street , near
Farnhain.l tOO-11 *
1'irst class lady type writer and
WANTED i > oiidciit. Apply nt < mcu to H.
n. Dunn k Co. , 215 South 14th street. EU-t ! (
Kilt } tcama and men. Inquire of
Manmtcllcr , llthnear ; Fannam. BSJMlt
TED A lew table hoarders at 113 , cast
WA side of 17th St. , three doors north ol
Douglass. 888-14
A ( en- day boar i ers ran be accommodated
commodated 1th llres-tlasa table board at
a \ery reasonable rate. Ii inilrc at 133 Howard ,
Iwtwccn Oth and 10th sta. 885tf
WANTED A good ( 'M at the Emmet House.
Situation as teacher in a country
WANTED . Addres , Miss Lucy Itonnifon ,
care Bee Olllce. 878-11 *
A ifood lrl ( or ( 'cn'eral house
work In a ( .imily of t o. Steady employ-
incut and jooil agc8. Must be Rood CJOK.
2417Da > cnport S' . 877 t (
TTTANTED A family to ailopt mi infant. Ad-
VY dress , V. K. Porter , Arlington House ,
Lltuoln , Neb. W15-12-
WANTED To rent or buy an lmpro\ed
farm ol not lux * than EO ncrix , within 3
miles of city. Address , H. H'oisuian ,
Omaha , Neb. SUS-tf
Funding bridge and school bondu.
WANTED Clark , Bcllevuo. 20-tf
I. GllintUj k Uo. have purchased
WANTED business of II. Bert hold , at 1020
DoiiKlaa btreut , where they will contlnno the
buslni'ss , and by fair dealing and in.Mn food
prices thcj iiroixjso to Increase thu trade , Thov
Bolleit jiartlrs u ho have old Iron , rafl , junk and
moUlato gl\tt them a call. 7'JSlino
A situation as booK-Kcepcr by
WANTED thoroughly unilcrttauds double
and single cnt'y , Is also a coed penman lcst !
references civcii. Address , C. 1' . , Uio olllco.
700 tf
4 children QB Irardcrs In n select
WANTED , at 10th and California St. L. D.
LOOMI8 757-tl
1ANTEI > 'Jirl to do housework. Enquire
W 1110 Farnluni St. 442-tf
It UST-Cotta i 5 north 18th St.85M4
85M4 *
I.10R RP..ST CIIi.M'-H : ' " > I"1"1 * ! " - ' " r' '
I1 will and fi tcri , 221 Ni'rlh linh it Ss'JItl
OIl IIKNT-llooiu with board , In now hniitu ,
ca , t Hie 17th at. , three doors cart of lln'L' '
' KK.M lloul now lioui.0. A TCWIIIH ; isa
U'lOU MI. , near Kliurinan , Ownrr UhB ( t (
arraiu-o lor lioiul with ronU-r. Knipilio o >
prctiiUc' . 38'J-O
REST Two Nicely furnished front rooms
FOR or without hoard. 1113 Howard t
near 12th.
HUNT Furnished front room 'n brlcl
Foil Idhi ! . ' , 101 Dod.'u St. 870-0'
RENT A house of ! > rooms , betwcei
FOR and Jackson Sta. . on 12lh St. Appl ,
at Newspaper Union , coiner 12th and Howard.
870-t (
KENT lloom with board In new bottic
FOR . Bide 17th St. , 3 doors north of Douglat
KIJNT CHEAl1 U story house ; cell ai
ell mid cistern , 1221 N. Ittth St. 81S-U
11 HEXT Onotilca ( unilslieil front roon :
1 No. U'JJ Dousloi tt. blti-tl
1011 KKNT Ono ol the livnt stores en I umln
I St. , 20x21 , l > r January 1 , ! Ss2 , b'JO tl
KKNTTlio largo tl.rcu-storj mid lux
JOH brick buildlnj , ' , ulniato iitur thuvoi
near tlio rorn < r ol 13lhaml Dodge SU. , nultabl
( or a nholcwlo business or titoragu ami comnri
aion uurchousc. Apply to Mrs. LOUISA III !
UKK , N , K. corner Uotlgo and 13th Sii blU 1
HhNT One nicely luruthcil iront roou
171OK nnurnl tux ! room , cast tide 17tli M
ono iloor north ol Douglai. 7'M-tf
17(01111KM ( A null or uliiKlu roouB lilccl
J ) lurnlslitd , nt N. W , cor. itth Mid IU\ci
l > ort. fOO-tl
FUIHENT-A firjt-cl 8 h ll ( or society Pu
l ieii. Centrally located. For partlculai
on ulro Kcnuanl llro8.IUh 4nJ
IjVJIl MllS'T In the Western Now. | | > crriiion ,
L comer lltli find Howard HU , n I r e room
with or ltho Htmmponcr ; stiitahli ) for light
namihctnrl ( tor Job printing oillec. ' '
the priii te < _
? ) K ICKN'T One nice luriilihcil front room ,
J No. 1723 Iouhi ( t. 810-tf
T7IOH lUINT-S furntshfd roomf over Moi
_ U ch nt . K. C6r. Iflth and I JR.
OU nK.ST llou c , 4n < oin , south end lot
I ; St. Knqulro J L. JlcCixsno , opposite pom
olllce. 7701 (
1OK Kh T Meilj tiirnl he < l loonn with at
l liout bo.ird. Itciwonablo prices. 2013
Ca i St. TCO-tl
KENT Furnished rooms , north side o (
FOH St. , 2d door west ol 21st. Inquire
atjer I p. in. 431-tf
HENT Cottn < o of .1 ronini * , well and
cistern ; 23rd and St. .Mntj'n a\cnuo , Kn-
quire ol M. W. Kennedy , 812 8 IStli St , 749-tl
I710K S.MIKull lot nnd 3 nnitll tio\i ci near
L1 L. I' , depot , * 2200. JHOjiie , Opp. I' . O.
FOIl SAI.i ; 2 nlco counters and 2silver plated
how cased , at Oco. II. l'ctei o.9 ' , B04 South
10th St. 74Ltt
fOU SALK Haled hay. S3.W ) ptr ton. at
JL1 lledman'a stnhles , 10th St. 821-10
ijlOlt SAtiK Or wIllcxcliA ffoforOrmha pro-
" ixsily , nn Improuil nee on of land adjoin-
in a station on U. P. U. U. SI. lirNIIAM , 1412
ianilmmHt. , Omaha. 72U 3m <
"I7IOU SAI.K Or trade for city property , on
J-/I"1of liorsra , harness and wagon. Addrea
S. V. , tills olllc. ; 722 U
POIl 8ALB A ifooil soon - } ear-old horw
arrantcd to drlxo single or double. En
quire of Cluorfro Canllcld , Canflolil hoimc.novlSK
Shepherd Io . In-
( julio John J. Lchbcit , twil\e miles west
of Omaha. SDJ-11'
m.\KES L'I'-On Dec. M , 1881 , one hnr c colt.
J. hlaik. with star In forclund , left hind foot
white , xhodnll around , nlioutii > uns old , can ha
hail nt Dine llarn , IGih sir , ct , by ) ) ln charifrn.
era' hotel nnds ntoon In Nehraska iloini ; a
larxo.bU8liit"H Is ofTcrod for 8.ilo on a' count of
thu ouiicr being about renily to make a trip to
HuroH | > . The houtc Is In peed rejulr , and sta
bles , etc , In complete onlei. Apply at this
luc. _ Ml-dfitulm.
AIIAKK CAANCK. The well-known Sirato < a
Hrew-i ry , opposite fair jjromuls , Is for rale at
a low cash price. Ku-r ) thine In gooil running
order. Inquire at brewery.
880-15 UIUHAllO HIKMO.V.
TNSTHUCTIOX3 Rl'cn on type writers ; also
1 machines for silo. UKI > r , i AUKS , 1606
Karnham.ngents Kcmlngton Ty | > e writers. (381-20 (
nUHtMSIIKU HOOMS Kor sliiKlo Kcntlemcn ;
Jj aUo OMO front room with piano , southwest
uorncr IRth and Capital avenue.
EM18' NKW CITY MAPS. 10o. llounte
Maps. 82.60. QKO. P. BKJI1S.
JIlACHSTHASSim Pft > 8 the highest cash
. price lor second ham ! billiard and | x > ol
Ublca. Call or address , 509 South 10th rtrcct ,
Omaha , Neb. d9-lm *
fTUKKN Ul1 NOTICE Taken upon Saturday
.L Hoc. 3rd , t o lay liorscs. ages about 5 nnii
6 ) cars ; lair xlzo and well matched. 0\\ner can
have siine by proiinir property and l jinit
charaes. WM. KAWITZIIK , } milo west of
Qimloy's soap factury , Duii laa precinct.
651 MI m fit
IN CKAkUM fastilu and Oil ,
also decorative painting. ilUS. 1) . K.
WARDNEIl , room 1 , Jacob's Hock. 542-tf
B EMI31 UEALMTATK DOOM. See let p&ge.
BALED HAY At A. H. Sander's Feed Store !
1013 Homey St. a9-t (
B In pace.
EMIS has rattling long Hats ol housea , lota
B Unda aiid ( arms ( or eala Call and gtl
NOTICE. Special crtlscmcnta , such ai
Lost , Found , To Loon , For Sale , To Rent ,
Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thla
column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PER
LINE for the flrst insertion and FIVE CENTS
PER LINE ( or each subsequent insertion.
Leave adv crtUcmcnts at our ofllcc , up stairs ,
corner Broadway and Main streets , Council
-A first-class IIcuso itei T wants
WANTED . Address P. O. Boi. No. 70V
Council KlufTs. ape jin0-2t :
" \TTANTED To buy 100 tons broom corn.
YV For particulars address Council Bluffi
Broom Factory , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 05S-20tf
WANTED A first-class broom tier. Mayn
k Co. , Council Blufla , lowx. 560-30 *
| 710R SALE Old papers 40c per hundred , al
J } The Hoe olllco. Council Bluns. sc27-tf
TO more of land adjo'rilii the brlrk-ard of
llanncr & Hal , e * ' on I'p er Broadway. For
particulars applj to Dax id Halncx or to Hanncr'a
ollico at the Board of Trad o rorius , Council Bluffs ,
775-de22 3m
"TTWH SALK Klmt-class saloon 1 } mlloa eo t '
J ; city on "Mo quito , " on line ol It. I. U. R
Good place to malic money. Atldrexs ,
UKB Olllce ,
dcc9-Ct Council IllufTa.
ANTKD Everybody In Council liluflaTo
to tukoTllK UKK. 20 cents ] > cr week , do
IU ere J by carriers. Onue corner uroadnnyand
Main , up stalrn , Council Ululfa. Cti'Mf ,
' TICKET OFFICE War In > nilroad
POTTER'S continues to boom. Unprecedented
low rates to all eastern points. E\ury ticket
guaranteed. Orders filled ny telcidiono. From
one to ten dollars saxed by puruiasin * ; tickets
of C. A. Potter , successor to Potter k I'uiiuer , No.
40 South Fifth street , four doors below thu post-
Olllce , Council HliilTs , Iowa. ci tlti-tf
STUD Boy , with pony , to cairy papera t l
Imiulro at BKK otllce , Council Blutla.
TIONALIST , 498Tenth Streetbetween Farnham
andllainey. Will , with tlio aid ot KiuurdUn
fpliltu , obtain lor any ono a glarwo at the pa l
and present , and on certain conditions hi the Iu
tnre. Hoot J and Shoes made to order. Perfect
- ' -'inllcn iMiiriulml m > 2fl-l"1
Absolutely Pure.
This ponder never varlcJ. A marvel of purity.
strength ami u holixomtneu. More economic
than the ordinary kliidn , and cannot lw oli'4 In
competition with the multitude ol low test ,
short weight , alum or phosphate tMudtm.
Sold only in cans.
N u York *