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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1882)
r THE OJMAU DL BEE : Wi-DNEsD , JANUARY U , 18852 , THE DAILY BEE OMAHA PUBLISHING CO , , PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnhnm , bet. Oth nnd lOtli Streets. . TEIUIS Of SUnsCllll'TION. n copy 1 year , In Mivanco ( | "ti lil110.00 ) 8 months B.OJ month 3.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. 1UIH CARD ClItCAHO , ST. PAVl , MIXJIKArOUS AMI OMAHA RAILROAD. LCMC Oinahfi PftWctiKcr No. 2 , S:30a : , m. Ac' ' commotlatlon No , 4 , 1:0 : ( p. in. Airlvf omixh.IVbwcngor So. 1 , 6:20 : p. m , Accommodation No. 3 , 10(0a : , in. L1AV1IIO OMAHA BAST OK SOUTH BODKB. 0. , II. & Q. 7:10 : a. m. 3.40 | i. tn. O. A N. W. , " : tO a. m , 3:40 : p. m , C , , U. I. & I' . , 7MO x ro. 3:10 p. m , K. C. , St. J. ft C. " . , leaves i\t 8 a. ro. ami 0:30 : p , in. ArrhCH.uSt. 0:30 : a. m. ftml l'.t > 2 p. m , W. . St. L. & P. , 1 < "U09 at 8 a. m.Mid 3:40 : p m. Anl\ci at St. Louis at 0:10 : a. tn. and 7:30 : OR SOCTllwrSTtt.1 I ! . 4 St. In Neb. , Through Kvprcta , U:50 : . m II. & M. l.lm-cln Kxprejs G-CO p. in. U P. Oxcrlnml Kxpn , 12:16 : p. in. < > . Ii. II. V. lor tln.-oln , 11-45 n. tn. O. & U. V. fnr Uiwola , 0:40 : a. in. tl. I1. ( relent No. 6 , 6:30 : a. in. U. P. Irrlcht .Vo. * P , SCOri. : in. U. P. frelcht Xo. 13 , 2fl : | p. tn. U. 1' . frulKht No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m.-cralgr nt. -.11' . Denver expreM , 7:35 : p. tn. U. P. IrcU'ht No 11 , 11-30 p. m. U. P. Denver freight , fl:25 : ji. ni. ARMUMi FUUM SAHT ANU FOUTI1. C. D. Ac O 6W : n , in. 7:26 : p ni. ( , k S. W.OM3 n. in. 7'b : p. In. C. H. I. tl'.0:15a. : HI. il:06 p. in. K. C. , St. Jco ftC IJ. , 7)0a. : m. 0 : p.m. ARRIVIKO VROM TtlK ( VKST AND EOVTUf HI. O. & R. V. Irani Lincoln 1.03 p. m. U , P. I'aelfle Kxprcrs 3:2i : p. in. U fc M. In Neb. , Through llxpnuc 1:16 : p m. \t. fc II , LiiKOln K.\pro 0:10 : n m , U , 1' . Denver express , 7'i : ! n. in. U. P. Freight > o. 1I-2.M ) p. in. U. P. So. < 1 6:10 B. in. Kmlirrant. U. P. freight Xo. 14 , 12:15 : p. in. U. P. So. K-9.00 p. m. U. P. So. 12 IMS ft. m. U , P. Denver Irclifht , 1:10 : A. in. O. A , K. V. raised , nr. :4 : ! > p. m , PCHJIT TRAINS BSrWr.r.N CM MIA ABB cou.scil. bLi'rn * . Leave Omaha at 3:00 : , D:00 , 1C:00 : and 11:00 : m.j t 2X : ) , 3:00 : , 4PO : txnd 6:00 p. in. Leave Council Illuffn at 8:25 : , 0:25 : , 10:25 : anil 1:44 ft. m. ; l5 : , 2:25 : , 3:25 : , 4:25 and 6:25 : p. m. 8un la-fi The dummy linvcn Omaha at 9:00 : nd 110 a. in. ; 2:00 : , : ) and 5:00 p. m. Leavoe Council Illufla at 8:26 : aud 11:25 a. m. ; 2:25 : , 4:26 : and 6:25 : p. in. Through and local passenger trains between 0 maha anil Coun II llltilK Leave Omaha 6:15 : , 7:46 , 8:50 : a.m. ; 3:40 : , 5:15 : , 8:00 : p. in. Arr.vo Omaha 7:40,11:35,11:45 : : : a. iu. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:16 : , 7:40 p. m. Opening an < 1 Closing of Mclls. norm. OFICf. CIXDSK. a. m. p. m. a , m. p. in , Chicago tN. W 11.00 0.00 6:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , R I. ft Pacific. 11:00 : 0:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , 1) . & Q 11:00 : 0:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Wabash 12:30 6:30 : 2:40 : Slotu City and Paciac. . 0:00 : 5:30 : 2:40 : Union Pacific 4:00 11:40 : Omntm&U. V 4:00 : 11:40 : B. & .M. In Neb 4:00 8:10 : Omaha Sioux City. . . . 6:00 : 7:30 B. & M. Lincoln 10:30 : CCO : U. P. Uncoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 : 11:00 : U. P. Denver K\o P:00 : 0:30 : O. , Sioux City & St. P..llCO : Local nmlls for Stntuol Iowa leave but once a day , viz : OiEOa.m. OSlce open Sunibya from 12 m. to 1 p. in. THOS. K HALL P M. Business Tlireotory. Abstract and Real titato. JOIIN L. SIcCAOUE , opjioalto Poet OtHce. W. R. DARTLK'IT 317 South 13th fitrect. Architects. DUFBENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS Room 11 Crclshton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2 , Cielehton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DMV1NE & CO. , Fine Boot * and Shooe. A good aaeortment ot home work on hand , corner 12th and Harnoy. THOS. EHICKSON , S. E. cor. 16th nnd Douglas. JOHN FORTUNATUS , 60510th street , manufactures to order good work * t fair piicca. Hcpalring done. Bed Springs. J. F. LAKRIMEU Manufacturer. 1617 Douplaast. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FKUEHAUF 1015 Famham Street. Butter and Eggs. UcSUANE & SCIIROEDER , Iho oldest B. and E. honso in Ncbmska cRtablihhcd 187E Omaha. CKSTBAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , icalhwcBt corner 16thand Dodge. Best Board for the Mono ? . fit Satisfaction Quaraoteed. * Meals at J1 Hours. * Board by the Day , Week or Month. . Good Terms for Caah. * Furnished nnomg Supplied. ( JarrlaRes and Roaa WaRons. WM 8NYDEH , 14th and Harney Streets. Jewo ers. JOHN BAUMER 1314 Famham Street. Junk. . BERTHOLD , Rags and Metal. Lumbar , Llmo and Cement. FOSTER & OR\Y corner 6th and Douglas Sta. Lamps and Glassware. J. BONNKR 1303 Douglas St , flood Variety. Merchant Tailors. 0. A LINDQUEST , One ol our moot rcpular Merchant Tallora la re ceiving the latest dcalgna for Spring and Summer Gooda ( or gentlemen's wear. Styll li , durable , and prlcoa low as ever 216 13th bet. Doug.&Fani. Millinery. MRS. C. A. HINOEHVholotalo and Retail , Fan cy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Canl Uoardn , Hosier ) ' , Glovca , CoreoU , &c. Cheapest House In the Wcat. Purrhaaorti uavo SO per cent. Order I by Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street. foundry. JOHN YVEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jackson eta Hour and Feed , OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnhsm 8t , , Welshans Ko . , propnctora. Urocers. Z. BTEVEKS , 21st between Cumlng and lur T. A. McSHANE , Com. 23d and Cumlng Streets. Hardware , Iron and Steel. OLAN & LANGWOIITUYVholcsalo , 110 ani1 112 16th etrcet A. HOLMES corner Ifith and California , . Harness , Saddle * , &c. B. WEIST 2018th St. bet FaroUarney. . Hotels ; AHFIELD HOUSE , Oeo. Canflcld.Oth & Farnhari DORAN HOUSE , P H. Cary , 013 Farnham St. SLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Slaven , 10th St. Southern Hotel Otis. Hamcl Oth * Lcavcnwortb Clothlnz Bought. C HAW w-lll pay highest Cash price for second band cl&tlilnComer 10th and Farnham. Drugs , Paints ana Oils. KUHN & CO. PUruucisii , Fine "ane ( looiti , Cor. llth knd Doug | < i truoti W.J.WHirEHOUFK Vhaleenlo&Rctall , lethst. C. FIELD , 2022 Horln Side Cumlng fitrtet. I PARK , DriUL'M. loth aiul Howard Streets. Dentists. ( DR. PAUL , Wlllluns1 Clock Cor. 16th & Dodge. Dry Goods Notions , Etc , JOIIN II. K. IE11MANN 4 CO , , Kcw York Dry Goods Etote , 1310 aud 1812 Farn- hsmttrvct , L. C , Enewold also boots andbhoei 7th & Pacific. r-urulture. A F. GROSS , Now and Stoind Hand Furniture nd Stovca , 1111 Douglaa. lll'tbeit ct h price aid for second hand roooe , BONKER 1809 DonrU St. Fine goods , &c. Fence Works. OMAHA FEKCE CO. GUST , FRIF.S tCO. , 1213 IlarncyM. ed Ice Boic , Iron and Wood Fencei , Ofcce c , Couoters of fine and Walnut , . ? 0 Cigar * and Tobacco. ( VEST A K1UTSC11KU , niatiuhcturcrj of Clears , \Vholfn\le Dmlcrtl n Tobvco" . 1SOS Douglw. V. F. LORENZKN nuxtuifftcturcr 1410 Farnham Florist. A , Donnghtit , pUntt , cut flowers , * eed , oo < ioct etc. N. W. cor. ICth and DourlM street * . Civil Engineers nnd Surveyor ) ANDREW ItOSEWATKK , Crelghton Town Siiiu-ys , Grade nnd Sewerage Syttcmi Uomnlsslon Merchants , JOHN O.V1I , 1,18,1411 Dodge Street. D n. 11K.KMKR. For ilct.xlla tec Urge adurtlw nifnt In Daily and WcckU. Cornice Works. Western Cornice Works , llanufacttiters Iron Cornire , lln , Iron mid Slate Hoofllng. Ordursi from any livnllty promptly cvrciitnl In the best numcr. l' ftory and Ollice 1213 llnrncy St. t' . Sl'ITlIT , I'roprtftor. QaU.vilzcd Iron Cornieos , Window Ci ] < s , etc. , nianufa > turnl ftiul put up In any p.iit of the ceunlrv. T , SINIIOI D llflTlilrtconth utrect Crockery. J. UONSKH ISO ! * Doucws street. Good lino. Clotliliip and FurnlthliiK Goods , OEO. H. I'ETKUSON. Also lists , Cips , Itostfl , Ciho i4 , Kolloni f.inl r Hfr ) . Ml H. 10th street Refrigerators , C.infloM'n Patent. 0. F. flOOIiMAN llth St. bot. Farn. A Hartley. . Show Case Mnnut.ictory , | 0. J. W1LUE , Minufacturcr ami Dcc.lcr In all kinds of Show Costs , Upright Ca-.cs , & 1317 Cass at. FltAN'K I , . ( IKHHAIII ) , proprietor Omahik Show Cisu tn.inu.tctory ! , 818 South 10th street , betttiH'ii LuaMnwortli nud Marcy. All goods wirrantrd lirat-cla-w. Pawnbrokers. UOS > ? SFKLD. 10th St. . lift. r * r. A It r Stoves ana Tinware. A. nUUHESTKH , Dealer In fitnvr and Tln tire , ami JIinufactHrer of Tin Hoofs and all kinds ot Uulldlng Work , Odd Fellow a' Hlock. J. 110NNEU. 1309 Douglas St. Good and Cheap. Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Uctall Seed Drill ! and Cultivators , Odd Fellows Hall. Physicians ani Surgeons , W. 8. G 11)1)3 ) ) , M. D. , Uooui No 4 , Crolghton Block , 16th Street. 1' . H. LEISEN1UKO , ti. D. Masonic Block. C. L. UAUT , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. poatoOlco Dll. L. 11. ORADDY. Oculist and Aurist. S. W 16th and Farnham Bts Photographers. QEO , HEYN. PROP. Grand Central Gallcrr , 212 Sixteenth Street. near Masonic HM1. Flrat-clasa Work and Prompt ness guftrantecp Plumblnc , Qas and Steam Fitting. P. W. TAHl'V & CO. . 210 12th St. , bet. Farnham and Douglas. Work promptly attended to , D. FITZl'ATRICK. 1409 Douglas Street. Painting an apor anglng. 1ENIIY A. KOSTEKS , 141 Dodge Street. Shoo Stores , Phillip Lang. 1S20 Farnhaq Bt. bet. 13th A 14th. Second Hnnd Store. PERKINS fi LEAH 1118 Douglas St. . Kew and Second Hand Ftirrltiiro , Iloune Kurntahlng Ooodn , ! . , botii'ht and nolJ on nirro-A Ualoons , HFJfllY KAUKilANN , In tnc new brick Mode on Douglas Street , has just opened n most ulrgant Hecj Hall , Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. " Ctloiloma " J FALCONKU R70 10th Street. Undertaken. CHAS. 1UEWE , lOli : 1'arnhnra bet. 10th & lltd. 00 ( Jont Stores. P. C. nACKUB. 1206 Farnhiun St. , Fancy Ooodi WESTERN : WORKS i C. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 Harney Street , OMAHA , - - - NEB. MANUFACTURERS OF GiLYAMED IROI Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IEON \ SLATE ROOFING , Specht's Patent Metalio Sky light. Patent Adustable | Ratchet Bar and BRACKET SHELVING. I am the general State Agent for the above line of goods. IRON FENCING. Cresting * , Balustrades , Verandat.lOfTlco and Dank Railings , Window and Cellar Guards ; also GENKHAL AGENT Peerson and Hill Patent Inside Blind. nov4dtf KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA w S s ? 5 * w 1 S S-1- S " R i j - \ i'l ' < 7 I i er J * ca _ r ° 3 fp sp fja Ta c Bv -a. JL ntla J.II ftj > ILElTfe CO. . Sol e M anufactu rora. OM A.H A. To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is a positive curu ( or Spermitoi rhca , ficrnlrn Wiokncss. Impotancy , anil all illwiijc-o rceultli/K Irom Hell-Abuio , aa Mental Anxiety , I-OFI I'alna In the Hick or Slilt- . and discajtf Diat IctU to Consumption insanity an Medicine It belli ) ; used with wonder ful ( meeting , _ _ J'aimiblet * tnt free to all , Y/rlto for thuiii > nd got full par- llnilorn. I'rlce , Bjieclflc , fl.OO per packaK * ! or ! llt Pcll > iifua for fi.W. Adurcw all orikrt ) to It. 8IMBON MKDICINK CO. Kc . 101 and 100 Main Bt. BulJalo , ? ; . Y. Sold In Omaha by (3. F. flDOdman , J. W. iicll , K It1 ] , and all druirgleUevcryvihcri ! . NEBRASKA State Gazetteer and Busi ness Directoy , 3ontanlii ! ! > n description and n IUt of nil Hininess ti'Ciiln thu fctnte , will bo ItHuecl early In 1882. Price Sl.OO. .J. Jf.VOLFK , J'ublialior. South Fourteenth Street , Omaha , Neb TWO FAMOUS HORSES. A Loaf from tbo Early History of the American Turf. Tim First tOront finco Between tlio N'orth nnd Soutli , Hun by Ecltpso and Sir Honry. Cirili1' il'e Ili-mlil. The palmy ilnys of the American turf , it has boon'said , were between the years 1815 and 1815. Subso- < | tiont to that ilato the trotting horse began to monoiinlii'.c public attention , ami tin ? vunnhij , ' stock of America wan loss in note and ilemniul , He- ccnlly , when the tlyers of Lorillanl ami 'Keono have crossed the water anil won the IVrhy anil St. from the best blood of old Ki _ nnd when races again form part of the attraction at the best meetings of the country , it is inter esting to turn buck a JMRO or two , and road of the events in which our fathers took a keen interest. Says "Frank I'Vvrestor ' , " wilting in KS57 : "Tlmso great races which 1 esteem worthy of immortality as over was the match of llamblotonian and Diamond or any other match race , if there were over or any other of greater fame , are these of KclipHo and Sir Henry : ol Ariel , dau htor of Kclipso , and Flirtilla ; of Black Maria and the three marcs , knouii as the twcnty-milo race ; of Wagner and Gray I'-uglo , at the Uaklands course , Lexington , and of Itoston and Fash ion on the I'nion course , Long Island. " The first of these was run over the Union course , Long Island , May ' . ' 7 , 18211 , heats four miles , for S'JO'.OUO. The southern gentlemen to name their horse at the starting post. The horses : uo thus described by Cadwallador Colder , Esq. , in The American Sporting Magazine : Sir Henry is a dartl sorrel or chest nut color , with one hind foot white and a small star in the forehead , his inaino and tail about two shades lighter than hia body , fourteen hands , three-and-a-half inches high. Ilia form is compact , bordering on what is termed pony built , and , altogether , tlio exquisite symmetry of his fern indicates uncommon strength ant hardihood. Ho was bred by Mr. Lemuel Lolig , near Halifax , in tlio state of North Carolina , and foaled on the 17th day of Juno , 1810. Ho was got by Sir Archy , son of impmtcd chestnut Diomed , sou of imported Diomed , gianddam by Bol-Air , g. g. dam by I'ilgrim , g. g. g. dam by Valiant , g. g. g. g. dam by Janus , g. g. g. g. g. dam by Jolty Roger , which four last named are imported horses , to bo found in the English Stud Book. Eclipse is a dark sorrel horse , with a star , the near hind foot white , lif- teen hands and two inches in height. Ho possesses great power and sub- htanco , being well spread and full mudc throughout his entire frame , his general mold being much heavier than what is commonly mot with in the thoroughbred blood horse. Although his form throughout denotes uncom mon strength , I conceive him in debted for his great racing powers , continuance and ability equal to any weight to the extraordinary line con struction of his hind , quarters. He was sired by Duroc , a 'Virginia horse , bred by Wade Moseby , Esq. , and got by imported Diomed , out of Amanda , by Gray Diomed' , a son of old Med ley. Eclipse's dam was the noted gray marc Miller's Damsel , got by im ported Messenger. His grand dam , an English mare , imported , when three year * old , in 17SI5 , by William Constable , of Now York , bred by Lord Crosvenor , and sired by PotSos , son of English Eclispo. His g. g. dam by Gimcrack , Gimcrack by Crip ple , and ho by the Godolphin Arabian. Ho was bred by General Nathaniel Coles , of Queens county , Lone Is land , and foaled May 25 , 1814. All horses date their age from the 1st of May , consequently Sir Henry , though not four years complete , car ried 108 pounds. Eclipse , being nine years old , carried 120 pounds. Eclipse was ridden by William Crafts , in crimson jacket and cap , Henry by John W.-ildon , in sky blue cap and jacket. Eolipoo , by lot , had the loft , or in side station. Sir Henry took his ground about twenty-five feet wide of him to the right , with evident inten tion of making a run in a straight line for the lead , a ptirpono which ho ac complished , ami kept the lead , being fully three lengths ahead at the half mile , running steadily with a hard pull , NValden using neither whip or spur. On the last round , as they came in , Eclipse made play , and spur and whip were applied freely by Mr , Crafts , gaining a length and a half , Henry coming in about a length ahead. The time was seven minutes and forty seconds. The horses boio it well , Eclipse the most jaded. It was evident that his rider had cut cruelly , and was incapable of riding him. Ho was accordingly mounted by Mr. I'tirdy. On Iho second start Henry , being entitled to the inside , took the lead , followed closely by Eclipse , whom Mr. I'urdy had brought to his work , know ing that game and stoutness was his play , and his only chance of success lay in pushing his speedy adversary up to the top of his r.ite , and giving tain no respite. Henry wont steadily > n , keeping at ! open gup of about Lwonty . foot between himself and Eclipse , lor about two miles and sov- ? n-eitliths. ; Hero Mr. J'urdy umdo his run , and was close up at the end ) f the thiid niilo. They now entered Iho fourth mile which , bc-gins with a turn or sweep. Tlio oroivu at thin iioint wi iinmonBo. When they got ihoiit one-third round the sweep Kclipho had lapped Henry , head and girth , and appeared in the act of p.-us- int , ' . Mr. Gulden says , "Hero Buck ey vociferated , 'See Eclipse ! Look at I'urdy ! By heaven , on the inside ! ' T "elt satisfied ho had thus hazarded all , [ feared Wuldon would lake advan- : a o of his position , and by reigning in force him ngainst or inside the [ Hilcn. Half way round the swoop the lorsuH were a dead lup , three-fourths omid Eclipse's quarter covered Henry's head and neck , asthoy finish ed the bend and were entering on the straight run Elipso was fairly clear ind ahead. Ho now ktnt tip liis run during the remaining three-quarters of the mile , and eatno in fully three lengths ahead. Au they passed up the last quarter the touting , clap- ping of hiuidn , long and loud applause sent forth by the Kclipao party ex ceeded nil description , it seemed tt > roll nloni ; the track as the horses advanced , resembling the loud and reiterated nhout of contending armies. Time : 7 minutes 4 ! ) sec onds. " Arthur Taylor , a trainer of experience , mounted Henry for the last At thn expiration of thirty minutes , as before , the horses were again summoned , I'urdy nnd Taylor mounted , Kclipso taking the load , I'urdy employing the whip and spur from the outset , compelling Henry * if determined to trail , In do at the top of his speed , vithnit kerning uny reserve servo for a run in. Towards the termination of the last mile Henry made u dash , ran up to Kclipso so far as to cover his qiiaiter or haunch with his head , and for a moment luul the appearance of going past. He tnado a seveio Mingglu fnr two hun dred yatds wlii'ii ho foil to the re.xr and gave up the contest , Time , 8 minutes , I ? I seconds. Thus , the three heats , or twelve miles , were run in ' . ' . ' 1 minutes 50X seconds , an average uf 7 minutes , of seconds each heat , or 1 minute , o ! ) seconds per mile ; Ucsides the otiginal stake of Si-'O.OOO each , it is estimated that over Sl0,000 ! ( ) changed hands on this race. Sir Henry , in the last hont , carried 110 pound. ) , and made , though nut yet four years old , thu greatest run yet made in America. The south promptly challenged Eclipse , or any ether horse which mijjht be chosen to run against Henry in thu fall , but was answered by Mr. Stevens that the owner , Mr. Van Uaust , owed it to the association , to the state , and to himself as a man "never on any consideration to risk the life nnd rep utation of the noble animal whose gen orons and almost incredible exertions have gained for the north so signal a victory , and for himself such well earned and never-failing renown. " The portraits of those two kings of the turf occupy the post of honor in therooms | of the Ohio state board of agriculture. They were painted by Edward Troye , tin English artist of renown , who made his home for man } years with Keene Richards , in Ken tucky , painting &ome of the finest horse portraits and equestrian pic tures of his own or any day , among them the equestrian portrait of Gen. Scott at Chopultopoc , hanging in the ipapitol at Washington , but snid to be 'tho property of a citizen of Dayton , 0. , the horse being n pure white Arab barb , imported by Mr. Iticlmrds from Arabia , where the owner himself se lected him. Portraits of Itoston , Lexington and I'lack Maiia , also by Troye , nro among the collection of the late Colonel nel W. M. Anderson , who also owned smaller port raits of and Henry , disposed of them some time ago. Tin- pair at the state house were bought by Hon. N. .1. Turnoy , of this city , while ho was president of the state board of agriculture , for § 200 apiece , a figure far below their real value then , and vastly below it now , with the understanding that should the board over desire to sell , ho might have the refusal of them at a specified advance on the 'price. They aru master-pieces of handling , the vrholu picture being subordinate to the figure , and when the rosy light from western windows lies upon them with mellow , golden glory of a summer sunset , the old monarchs of the con tinent , sires of a line of licet and staunch racers , seem almost to breathe again the sweet air of meadow pas tures , to hear nfnr oil' the ochos of old triumphs , or listen for the sig nal that summons them anew to trials of speed and endurance , horses ( it to ride "for u man's lifo. " Air. .T. Marsh , Hank ot Toronto , Out. , writes : " 15ilioti8ne. H nnd dynpeMii | ; teem to have grown up with me ; having born u. sufferer for yonrH , I liavo tried in.niy reme dies , but uith no lasting refiilt until I used your BamocK Ui.oon HITTKHH. Thov have bo'.n truly n blessing to me , nnd I cannot t peak too highly of them. " 1'rico 31.00 , trial size 10 centR. ! l-lw Ejiropo Arming' In Hnsto. I'arls Letter from Edward Klnn to tlic ISoston Joiinml. All Europe is in feverish haste to perfect its armament. Nothing like the haste and impatience now mani fested on all sides to get ready for war has been seen in our generation , The Olliciul Journal hero a few mornings ago contained the announcement that sixteen millions of francs had boon voted as an extra credit on ordnance account ; and thin is in addition to a previous special amount of 40,000,000 of francs. Mr. Hotchkies , who is making his cannon for the French marine service has boon asked if ho can not double his already immense works at Saint Denis ; and indeed ho will have to do so , if ho succeed ? with in the next three or four years in turning out the enormous number of cannon demanded of him. Ho ban just concluded a contract for nine hundred more cannon f or eoant defense making fifteen hundred in all that the French w'ill have had of him. This gun which he is making at Saint Denis - is thu terrible cngino which did such deadly execution at Sfax. The French are enchanted with it. Un doubtedly it is destined to revolution- i/.o warfare. It seems as if nothing could stand before it. On some of their now ships the French carry twenty-four of these anus. A torpedo boat would have a lively time while approaching n craft armed in this fash ion. Tlio bold donixons of the assail ing domon-barqucii ils unginu of destruction hidden beneath f ho water's surface , would literally take their lives in their hands , and would most probably IOHO those lives. Itisdilli- cult to say whether or not wo should see a spook of war in all these tre mendous armaments. 'Ilia Z'roneh , as you perhaps know , nro building so many new ironclads that thu English nro beginning to got nervou.- , and to inquire what it all means , Six or eight magnificent war ships are now approaching completion in French ar senals. The Germans have very re cently passed an appropriation to pay for two hundred and twenty-fivo now guns of the Hotclikiss model , which are to bo made in Magdeburg. Field batteries of this wonderful arm would bo capable of something , wliich the im agination ufiiHos to consider. How much longer will war bo possible if these improvements continue/ / Good sense must one day revolt against slaughter , Hotohkiss , armorer , and VoroKchagin , painter of the horrors of war , are veritable apostle.i of peace. General Yon Wordorw ndvisod old Emperor William to buy all Yores- clmgiu's pictures and to burn them , j This was not waggery ; ( he Prussian , whoso tr.ido is war , was afraid of I he MingiiiK commentaries made by tlio realist upon that trade. And by nnd by thu soldier will say "WlinC Stand up before nmchinc * which can tire ei hly shots per minulo. Do yon take us for idiots' War is no longer possi ble" ' These gigantic armaments - this mad fever to secure good store nf every new engine of destruction in vented perhaps indicates Kuropo's hatred detoaUtion of war and her determination to prevent it by mak ing it , like poison , RO terrible that no "lie shall dnro to approach it with other than \tremest caution. Hut poiImps also - , ih , dreadful porlmpi - the child will want to see what its toy is like when it has oneo gotten it well into its possession. No European can deny that he considers war as eon- Mmtly possible , that possibilityis.'tho potent reason for the looking up of % .vst capital in cannon nnd small arms. 'I liu Pioiich keep three millions of tiilo.i in their arsenals all the time now. They IIOVIT intend to bo caught again ns they were in the war of IS70 and I.S71. And they are right. They are forced into their line of conduct l > y tlio action of llioir neighbors. No More Iliivd Tintrn. If you will slop spending ao much "ii line clothes ; rich food nnd style , buy good , healthy food , cheaper and latter clothing ; git moro real and substantial thinpi of lifo ovcry way , and especially stop the foolish habit of employing expensive , quack doc tors or using so much of the vile hum- hug medicine that dues you 0'ily harm , but put your trust in that sim ple , pure remedy , Hop .Hitters ; that cures always at a trifling oost , and you will see good i times and have iood ; health.Chronicle. . .Iim'J-rj Tlio Illinois Corn Crop. The ollicial report of the corn crop of Illinois of hist season strikingly ex hibits the loss inflicted on that state in this MHO crop by the drought. The whole yield was 174,000,000 , bushels , against l fiO,000,00 ! bushels m 1880 and . ' 150,000,000 bushels in 1.S71 * . The deficiency as compared with 187 ! > was 170,000,000 bushels , which , at thu moderate price of 40 cents a bushel , would bo § 70,400,000. It is impossible that so great a loss as this can bo inflicted on the people of a slate without being seriously felt. Illinois is the largest corn producing state in the Union , and Illinois farm ers are exceptionally thrifty and prosperous ; but other states have suffered a similar loss in their grain crops , and if the whole could bo esti mated in figures it would bo an item if serious proportions. The drought was worst in the southern part of Iho elate. Only eight counties in the whole state show an average of 40 bushels to the acre , and they in the central and northern portions. In Iho southern counties the averages are pitiably small. The highest are in I'nion and Monroocounties 15 bush els to the aero. The greater number of counties run below 10 bushels some ti , some 5 , and some ! ( bushels ; nnd six counties show an average of old } * 1 bushel to the acio , which is as near nothing as a farmer can imagine. The average for thu 1)4 ) southern coun ties is only fiJ , bushels , and this on lands capable , with voty moderate cultivation , of yielding 40 to f > 0 bush els , Corn is the chief , and , it may bo said , the only feeding grain used in the west. It is converted into swine , cattle , horses nnd mules. When it is abundant these animals can bo raised almost without limit , but when the crop is short , as it was last year , Iho entire live stock interest reflects the cahi'iiity. P'i'0l > THAT COUGH. If you are suffering from a Cough , Cold Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , loss of voice , tickling of the throat , or any affection of the Throat or Lungs , use Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption. This is the great remedy that is causing HO much excitement by its wonderful cures , curing thousands of hopeless cases. Over a million bottles of Dr , King's Now Discovery have been used within the last year , and have given perfect satisfaction in every instance. Wo can unhesitatingly say that this is really the only sure euro for throat and lung affections , ami can cheerful ly recommend it to all. Call and get n trial bottle frco of cost , or a regular sixo for § 1.00. Ish it MoMahon , Om aha ( . ' , ' ) 'ju u JL AND- H a n d s o m est IN 1HK- For Sale by WM. R STOfiTZEL 621 South T < nth St. W. J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , Omen 1'ronl I looms ( up ttalru ) In Hanncoui * tiow trkl ; liullillnir , N , W , corner I'Hcoutb oil Mnham Strict * . DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS HOTKLS. TOWKf AHLINQTON , J. Q , MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Net. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , JUDKIN8 & IiriO. , Red Oak , In , 8AUATOQA HOTEL , J. S. STELLINIU8 , Mllford. Neb , IIECO HOUSE , GEO. REED , UlyMet , Neb. WOODS HOUSE , W. P.ELLI8 , Otceola , Neb , OOMMEHCIAL HOTEU JOHN HANNAN , Btroimtiurff , No.- AMERICAN HOUSE , OEO. H. McOAIN , South ( lend , No HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loulivllla CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK. Dlalr , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , C.I ) . HACKNEY Athlnnd , Neb CENTHAL HOUOE , JOHN CCOPER , Onkdnlc , Nob. COMMEIICIAL HOTEL , WM. CLEMMOSO , Bew.ird , Neb , COMMEUCIALHO1UL E. EVANS , O'Neill , Xeb. QOMMEttCIAL HOTEL 0. F. CASSADY , Denlion , In. HARTNtY HOU3C- , W. P. HUNTER , WriUlde , In. OELLOU HOUSE , MRS. A E. UIIUCC , nitlngt City , Neb. OOUCHE8TEH HOTEL , A. S. KINKLE Dorclictter , Nob. COMMERCIAL HOTC. , J. G. MEAD , Nellch , Neb CENTRAL HOUSE , JAS. McKILLIP , York , Neb. TUTTLE HOUSE , SV. H.TUTTLt , Anrorn , Neb , GAGE HOUSE , A. H. OAOr , Republlcnn City Neb DENVER HOUSE ; CAIRNS & WILLIAMS. Huttings , Neb , 8ANDEI1S HOUSE , CHAS. E. McNISH , Frland , Neb WOODWARD HOUSE , WAREN WOODWARD , Exeter , Neb. JUDKINSHOUSE , TRANK WILKINSON , Mnlvcrn , In. PARK HOUSE , W. J. QAtlVIN , Corning , In , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON. Vlllltcn , la. PARK HOUSE , W. J. OARVIN , Corning , | , i , ESTES HOUSE , N. T t8TE8 , Grnnd Ittnnd , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILM8 , Kearney , Neb. WILDER HOUR-1 ! THOMPSON REED , WlJ'jer. Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. CAARPER , Hardy , Nob. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , W. W. SHUWFELT W co , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE. 0. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , Coltimbui , Neb. CENTRAL CITY HOUSE J. 8 , OREGERY , Central Cltv , No SUMMIT HOUSE. SWAN & DECKER , Oreiton , la , NEOLA HOTEL , f. 8IEVERT2 , Neola , In , EMERGON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emerton , In. Adams County , Iowa. Grant & Johnson flrnin Dealers K. Clark ( ion oral Merchandise and Jewelry Illuck Hros Merchandise I.V. . Day Groceries Crammer it Allyn ( InnioricB and Hardware ( . II. Currier General Merclmndiim . ) . \V. Weed i Harness It. L. Drown Grocery anil Itcstanrant Shal t Lumber II , (1. Lynch Furniture A. K. llooth > Drugs I. La Vorguo Moots and Shoes 11. Ohronistor lllacksmith ,1. T. Tally Moat Market , .1. 11. Lain us Wngon Shop Cnrrior it Dontli Contractors and Buildora Goo. llntoa ' Grain Dunlora .1. L. AilkiiiH , M. 1) Physician . ) . C. Maxwell , M.I ) Physician U. f ! . llulborl , M.I ) Phynicmn A. .1. Maurnn , M. 1) Physician .1 , Poison llotul K. Clark Lawyer f ! . S. Farnlmm llotul and Grocery MILLARD. ( Douglas County. ) Saniuol Colwir General Morclmndisu and Elevator .Idlin Polerson Blacksmith Kred Sehiitz Blacksmith L. JoluiHon Brick Yard 0. Kaolbur Grain Dealer I. iJ. Stewart Hardware and Lumber Henry II oil holt Carriage Maker Men Aboner Druua and Cigar Factory lohn Loni eke Stock Dealer Charles Koltroman Kloitr Mill John Brunor General Merchandise Christ Popponhngcn ( Farmer's Homo ) Hotel Henry rTfirston Hotel I. .Schroodcr Saloon r / lames Johnson & JJro ; Teamsters M. Kiinfki Shoe Maker Claua Herbst : . . . .Shoo Maker CharloH Stutzor Painter and Sowing Machine \Viii. Van Jorn Gurpontor , fcc Fred Leip Carpenter , Ac Geo. Bootor Butcher -DKALEliS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO Fire and Burglar Proof 1020 Farnham Street , Special Attention Is Once More Caiied to , the Fact that co. Rank foremost in the West m A-JSJ rtaieit und Prices of ofING , FOE MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR , ALSO A COMPJiKTK LINE OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps \Vo aro'proparcd to inot't tlio doinntids of tlui trudo 5n rogurd to I iteat Htylue and 1'ulturiiB. Fiuo Morclmnt 'l'ailjriug ( in Connection EESP30TPDLLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th St sssrarea-aMa TOWER AND HAND 21 ? , ; , , * . Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , 111NJNU IMVIIItiniY , Iir.I/riNO , 1IOHB , IJUAHS AND WON FITTlNflS , PIl'K , BTJEAM 1'AUilNu : , AT WUOUCSAU : AND HCTAIL. IIALLADAYvWIHD-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS1 A , L , SRANG , 205 Farnham St. , Omaha.