Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1882, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAJTA' BEE : WEDNESDAY JANUARY ] ] . 1882 COUNCIL BLUFFS. Hiio Present Financial Condition of tlio OiLy , The Committee Appointed to Secure the State Fair at This Point. The Organization of the Free Public Library Perfected ab Last. The Now * of the City in Brief. Our city council should vnko up to the fnct tlmt the moat deplorable con dition tlmt nny city can bo placed in is to hnvo ita paper bng ing on the market , and during the next six > ra of their oxintonco , if nooaiblii , rudueni our credit. Last spring , when they took charge of the city government the city paper WOK worth dollar for dollar , but it does look an if by the time they are called upon to deliver Affairs into the care of their successors the same paper won't bo worth over fifty conla on the dollar. There is ono way wo can cscapo thin financial condition , and that is by the council passing a resolution to consolid.ito the special nnd general funds , as they tvcro previous to the last mooting. THE IIANKKH'H IUUOHTKH. The Clifford combination company opened a week's engagement at Doha- ny's on Monday evening to a crowded house. No company has over ap pcared here that has given more satisfaction. The play presented , ' 'Tho Hunker's Daughter" is no doubt ono of the most interesting so ciety plays upon the boards.VilhMisn Qlivo West the audience was happily disappointed , aho far exceeded their expectations. Miss West in a very pleasing ndtress , with a well trained voice , and presented the character of Lillian to tno entire Batisfnctioii of hur hcurors. Fanny Mathiaa , as Florence St. Vincent Urown , maid , wife and rffjdow , took the house by storm , and will be a fuvorito while the company remain horo. O. Washington 1'hippi and Brown the retired millionaire , us personated by Thun. Stark , were simply iiniiionBo. The acting of lid- win Cliflbrd , H. A. Kllis nnd W. 11. Arnold , was very flno , in fact , wo believe - liovo that , thu entire company is a sol- PPtpne. ur.souK's MASQUKIIAIM : To-night at Bloom & Nixon's hall Ihu Itescuos will curry out their long cherished plans of furnishing to the people of Council Bluffs and vicinity the grandest entertainment of the sea son in the shape of a inauquorado ball So if you should BOO hideous looking objects prowling about the streets af ter dark to-night don't bo frightened , but go to the hull where you will BOO hundreds of them. A KCAllK. On the Northwestern road , between Cresont City and Honey Creek sta tions , sorno person has erected a la sign , which has written on it , "Look out for small-pox , " or words to that effect , and it is a well known fact that parties traveling west , intending to got off at this point , are afraid to di BO This matter should be attended to by our city authorities and this eign taken down without dolay. IIUIVIMI I'AKK MATTKKtt , The directors of the Driving Pnrk. chosen at the annual meeting of the stockholders recently hold hero , mel as per call at the ollico of Dr. A. B McKuno Monday evening , and elect cd the following officers for the ensu ing year : L. 0. Baldwin , president J.V. . Porcgoy , vico-prosidont ; Dr. A JJ. McKuno , secretary ; Henry Eis man , treasurer ; N. M. Pusoy , alter ney. L. 0. Baldwin wna chosen dele gate to attend tlio meeting of til state fair board at Dos Moinoa , will the following gentlemen as alternates A. 13. McKuno , Hon , J J , Brown Hon , J. T. Baldwin and Hon. Gee F. Wright , and present the chums o this city for favorable conaideratio by that body aa u desirable point a vhicli to hold the corning annual stat fair. For iho eamo object , a citizens' mooting the folliMv gentlemen were Bclecled : llonn. 0. Morgan , 0. H. Sulful , .1. W. Chapman , and Thomas Ollicer , and to make the securing of the fair doubly euro tliu board of trade willnond lion , M. K. Kniilh , J. T. Hart , Col. W. F. Sapp , K. H. Odoll , 11. H. JMotcalf and Ho my Kisuman. TIIK I'UIILIU UllllAHV. The Council Blufl'a free ] > ublio li- braiy will eoon be a living iimtitution in our midst , and with the following gentlemen ill ehargo and directing ita afl'aira it cannot help proving a griind success ; Hon. D. C. BloomiT , lion. HoraceEvorott , Judge J. U. Heed , Hov. Cyrus Hamliii , Mayor W. 11. Vaughan , A. W. Street , J. P. Cas- ady , Thomaa Oilicor and Col. John II. Keatloy. After taking tlio oath of ofllce these trustees held a meeting at the Pearl street ollico of Hon. Iloi- ace Everett. Col. John II. Keutloy was called t the chair. A. W. Street was cliosun aocrotary. D , 0. Bloomer itad the ordinance providing for tlio free library. The board then pro- ccodod to elect oflicow. Hon , Horace ace Everett was elected president ; A. W. Bueot , treasurer , and John 11. . Keutloy , secretary. On motion o'f JudgoM , P. Cassady , a committee of three on constitution und by-laws was appointed. D. 0. Bloomer , J. J' . Caaeady and Colonel Keatloy were chosen. The following additional committees were appointed by the chair ; On books and cata logue , Jim1. Cyrus llamlin , ] ) , C. JJloomor , and A. W. Ktreotjon finance and printing , Thomas Ollicur , .1. P. Caxsady , D. 0. Bloomer ; on building and rooms , W , It. Vuughau , Colonel Keatloy and Judge .1. It. Ueod. Thu board adjourned to moot on Iho 2'iil inst. V fi THAT J.EOTOJIK. On accouut of BO many having boon turned uway for want of room on both occaiions that llov. J. Cl. Lomen has doliyered his celebrated .discourse on "Crime in Our City , " wo undur- ntnnd ho has been invited to repent it ntsome time in the opera house dur ing the winter , and that he charge an ndnmiion of 25 cents to defray ex penses. There is no ( incstion but tlmt the houeo would bo crowded. ANOTIIUIt < OIlHKl'TIOV. Harry Inman rises to explain the altercation which took place a short time ago in Inn meat maikot on lower Broadway. Ho Bays the report that ho struck his clerk for making thu mistake in making change for the Ouspackor woman is a iiii ropreHenla- tion of the fncts in thu case ; that ho did not lay a hand on him , as the clerk himself is ready to testify. They had a few words , but no blows passed between them. We are pleaied to make the correction. Tlio case of the state of Iowa VH. \Vm. Uusflell was called in Justice Ab bott's court yesterday. The charge against the defendant was for the lar ceny of two gold rings fr < in tlio resi dence of Oeo. F. Smith.V. . W. Ware appeared for the state and John Limit for the defense. After hear ing 2thu testimony Junticn Ab bott was of the opinion that the tes timony would not warrant n convic tion , and discharged thu defcndent. HOW HE L'AUCIIIT TIIKM. W. S. Smith , of this city , the well known porter of the Ogden house , belongs - longs the honor of capturing thu sneak thief , L. A. Forest , charged with stealing 87" in cash and an overcoat from thu hotel. Smith followed the rascal to Sioux City , where ho found him enjoying a first class meal , at the Hubbard house , as big as anybody with $7" and a fine outside garment. Smith spotted him and then went out and calling in McDonald , the shorilf , pointed him out an the object of his search. HIIll'.K IlJlU.NKH. There wore thrco plain drunks nt police headquarters yoatorday , oil1of qorrowed capital no doubt , notonu of them had a cent whei. taken in. MAituiArir. . Last Sunday , at the residence of Judge Burke , on Washington avoinio , James N. Oray , of Sokamah , Nob. , was married to Miss Francis Cox , of Walnut , this county. TKIWONAI , . J. P. Connor , distiict attorney , ar rived in this city Monday evening , en route for Ilurlan , whore ho goes to attend to the criminal docket before - fore Judge Heed's couit , now Hitting in Shelby county. Charles Richards , of Chicago , was in Iowa's western metropolis on busi ness yesterday. He thinks branch houses will hp soon established hereby by the largest wholesale houses of that city. C. K. Griliin , of St. Louis , took in the gentle snowstorm from the Ogden house windows yesterday. The city council mot last evening to receive Alderman Dawson and hear a report of his eastern visit. .I. 11. Bay /oil , of Boonc , Iowa , was in Council Blulfs yesterday. He wants to know if the enterprising cit izens of this commonwealth don't lot p whore it will "grow" to. J. R. Hunter and II. II. Browning : amo over from Omaha yestnrday , and they had scraped their boots befor * ley loft homo wo would have Item Hired considerable extra mud it rout of the Ogden hotel. Mitchell Vincent , of Chicago , laced his upright autograph on the ) gdon register yesterday. KOMI : UHMAIIKS. The local of our morning content- > orary is delighted to devote n half or n entire column to the narration of jina crime. 15ut when a citi/.ei oinos boldly to the front with horco , nd manly denunciations for them ho paper devotes ono and a half lines n alluding to the discourse the fol owing morning. A few days ago 'Stlith Gray , a prostitute , shot at her nan in our streets , A full column o' ho paper was taken up in placing th ncident before the rcador.i of thai paper. On Sunday evening the pas or of the Baptist clinch delivered an loquont and forcible discourse in the Methodist church , denouncing tin rime and the cause that led to it find all others committed within on city. Tito church was crowded. Hundreds drods were turned away , and yet it ono leading daily no report is found o ; 'his lecture , but simply noticed in passing , "Why is this wherefore ? * ' Why do they do uo. Xiovn Von < 7 When your friend or neighbor i labor- ML- under bodily alllletiun , imliKCHtinn , jlllouMicxH , coiiBtlpatimi , C.UIHOI ! by tin- purity uf blood , or dlsonlerH of the kid- IOVH , or Hvor , don't Ml to leciuuinvnd lit iinoi K Hi.oon I'ITKKIW , a Biiro nnd i fo reuieily. I'nco 81.00 , trial bottle 10 cent * . Jan'w ) DexterL.Tlioinas&Bro , \VIU , I1UY AND HKI.l , -.SL.a- IM > ALL TUKKKVITII , Ptvy Tiixtta , Bout HOUHOB , Etc. I'illU V * XT 10 BU" O" r."Vl Call it OwnUoom 8. Orel. ! ' ' " , > , C nMit. . _ Clarkson & . Hunt , Btiuv r to Illclmrdi t Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW X UthMt" " * * 1m ht V.h , aitO. W , 1KIASI. * , C , CAUrBKLO DOANE & CAMPBELL , Attorneys -at-Law , B. W CUIt. TH * DOUGLAS BT8. BOGGS & HILL REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. IftUBFurnhnm Street , fTHTMT A TFT A . . rniw Nor h ul.l oun Or and Ontral B. D. MCLAUGHLIN , ATTORNEY - AT - LA\V And Notary Public , ock o Sioux City & Pacific THE SIOUX OITY ROUTE Iltin * ft Silld Train Ihroiisli from Council Blufl'a to St. ljnul Without Change Time , Only 17 Hourt. IT 11 I.OQ MIU3 TUB allOHTrST KOCTK FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS TO HT. PAUL , MiKNKAi'oMH DULimi OK mSMAtlCK ml * ll point * In Northern Iowa , MliincooU and Dakota. Thla line li oqtllpjxMl with the Improved Automatic Air-braVo cl illlle I'litlorm Courier and Duffer : and for BI'ISKI ) . 8AFKTY AND COM PORT In uniurpamcrf. I'ullmnn I'alivco Sleeping Car run throuich WITHOUT CIIAMJK between Kan MM City and St. I'aul , vln Council lUufls nod Sioux City. Train * leave Union Pacific Transfer at Coun cil ItlulT * , at 7:3.1 p. in. il.illy on arrhal of Knnmt City. St. Joseph anil C'ouri'.ll Hluth tmln from the South. Arriving at Sioux City 11:35 : p. in. . ami at tlic New Union Depot at St. 1'aul at 12:30 : noon. TKN nOUrifl IN ADVANCE OF ANV OTHEn ROUTK tarncmomlicr In taking the Sioux City Houto youifot a Through Train. The Shortcut Line , the QuIckcutTlmo anil a ComfarUblo Illdo In the Through Cars between COUNCIL UMJITS AND ST. PAUL. tSTHtv that jour Tlcketi re l vU the "Sioux City anil IVulflc H/illioad/ ' J. S. WATTI.KS , J. R. nUCIIANAN 8iliorliiten | < Iciit. ( Icii'l Pais. Agent. P. i : . IIOUINSO.V , Afw't Ocn'l I'm. AK\ , Mlwnul Vnlloy , lawn. J. II. O'HIIYAN , Southwestern Axcnt , Councl lltuffa , Iowa 1880. SHORTJ.INE. 1880. KANSAS CITY , St , Joe & Council Bluffs U Till OVLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ANDTIIKKAST Prom Omaha and the Weat , No Change of can between Omaha and . . ixiula , and but ono butwran OMAHA and NKW YORK. Daily PassengerTrains UIACHI.NO AIL KA8TKUN ANO WBSTKHN CITIES with LESS CHAHOK3 and IN ADVANCE of ALL ! OTIIKK Thlo entire line Is cquipiiod vlth Pullman's I'aUvco alcBjilnif Cure , I'alnce bay Concbm.MlUor'ii Safety riatfonn nnd Coupler , utd the cehibnted WoHtInshouH Air-brake. t O"Keo that your ticket roailg VIA nANHAS CITV , ST. JOSEPH & . COONX'IL HLUFV3 Kail. ro.ul , via St. JoHcph and St , I/ouJs. Tlckcta for ualo at all coupon ittAtlonn In the Wo t. J. V. IIAKNAKU , A C. DAWia , Oen. 8uyt. , 8t. Joficiih , Mo | ( Jen. 1'aw. and Ticket A > { t. , St. Jowph , Mo. A.NUT UOHDKN , Ticket A ont , 10120 t'arnhrtui sticct. A. I ] , IUn.1 nn Ucneril A""iit. . _ OUABA. Ng SEALED PROPOSALS- Scaled proposilx will bo received by the lcrxlKr.od until Friday , ilanuary 13th , J , 1'J o'clock , noon , for the c-onstruc- tinii of anil rnpairiii of Hiduwalks in front uf and adjoiniiij , ' the following described preniisuH , tu-wit : TO UK CONST til tTKI ) , ] U 1,1 ! , JI..J , llloclc1UJ feet wide , smith xlilc CasH tttreet Lot 15 , cast HI o Wheatou street , lilock 1 , Armstrong's first ailditinn , ! feet wldo. 10 in : UEfAiliKli. Lot 1 , Dlock 13 , west aidu Saunilorj lout , t feet wide. Lots I , 2 , 11 and I ? , lilock 12 , weHt sit'e aundcrs stieetI , feet wide. LolH 5 , (5 , 7 and 8 , Block 1074 , north do Ciuidng Htrcet li feet wide. Lots : t , 4 , 5 and 0 , lilock 1 , West xido luinilcru Htroot , 4 feet wide , Annstrong'H rxt addition. J. J. L. C. J KWKTT , City Clerk. OMAHA. January 0,1882. janJ-lw ( Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 10th and Dodge Sti. , Omaha , Neb. Tlilt gency ( iocs HTRioTtTabrokemebiulnes | > . t spec ulate and thcrofrrn > vny bargains oiok are Inmircd'to an * . lnnt ad THE OCCMTAL ! d. I. PAYNTER , Proprietor Corner 10th and Howard Streets , OMAHA , NEB. Bates , Two Dollars Per Day , 25dlm ( Matter of application of Alct. Daemon for ] jiquor Licuimo. NOTICE. ' Notice is hereby gU en that Alexander Daemon ilul , upon the nth day of .lanunry , A. L . , 1S82 , tile hix uppllcatlou to the Mayor mill City Council of Omaha , for licciiio to Bell Mult , Spirituous nnit Vinoux LiquorH , nt Tenth , Jietwccn AInrcy and MIIKOII Klrcet , Vint ward , Onmha , Nub , , from the I'.Hh ilny of January , 1882 , to thu 10th day of Am-ll , J8S1- . If there ho no ohjection , remonstrance or I'rotufct fdcil wi'.hin two wreks fr > in the Hlulay of January , A. ] ) . , 188L1 , the t.ild llucnbo will l > o granted. Al.l'AANDKII l\i.MiN : , Apillcnnt. ) THU DAILY HUE nowBpnper will puhlish the almvu notice once vach week for two woukH at the expenseof the applicant. The City ol Omaha in not to bo ch.imcil herewith. J.J.L.C' . JKWKTT , J5.2t City C'l. rk. HetoaskaLandAgem DAVIS & SNYDER , ICC6 Farnrmm St Omaha , Nebr * < a > OOOOp k-OOROBS Uirv.ully selcccwl Und In Kuiorn Melinukkioi ealu , Ori-at ISargklni In Improved lirmi , nd Oaiah city propurty , 0. F. DAVIbl WBUSTKH BNTDEK r > tm | Com'r U P Mnttor of Ainilicattou of M. 1'arr for 1'ennit to bell Liquor M a Druggist. NOTIOK. Notice IB hereby ijiven that M. Part did , uiion the 2d day of January , A. D. , 1882 , iilo hU aimlication to thu Mayor and City Council of Omaha , for permit to H ll Malt , Suirituou * and Vinnui L1niorH. aa a DniKK'st ' , for medicinal , mo- chauioil and chemical purposes only , at corner Tenth and liownnl street , Thlni w ni , Umahii , Xcb. . from the lUth d.iy of January , 18& . ' , to the 10th day of April , 168 , If there l > a no ijhjcction , icmotiHtranco or i > roteit died within two weuk'8 from January'.M A. 1) . , IBS1. , the raid permit will bo crantinl. .M. 1'AUn , Apiilicaiit. THE DAILY UEK newspaper will i ublluli the uhovo notice ouco e.uh week for twc week * , nt the. oxpeneo cf the applicant. The City of Uiimha U not to ho charged thorowltli , J. J. L. 0. JJ'IWI'VIT , j'J-l't City Clerk. J.P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , BIO South Thirteenth Street , with * TRUTH ATTESTED. Somolmportntitbtatrmonlsof Wo Kuowii I'onplo 'Wholly Voriiloil. In order th\t the public may fully rollro 1)10 ) injlimiionMi of the iMv * cnt , * 1 will a < the | K > < rvi < l value o ( Ihu nrtlilc ol wlinli llicj ptxil'\vopuM ! li liTcvllhUo fAc-.nlmllo n't-no- tiir 'jf ' jttMiM wliO'culm-frlty li I > C\OIH < ] uov tlon. Iho Truth of thr o \ aluo lilt"- , nor can the facto they nnncun.-o In' IK- tinnd. OvtMI. * , Null , , MaySI , ISSl. II. If. WARNrnACo. : IlKAnHin : I tmo frequently u cil Wnrnrr's Suftf Khlnat anil Liver Curu for local nITectloi.R attendant upon mtcre rheuiuatln attackx , and ha\oal > aH ilerhcit benefit therefrom. I HA\O & | < io iiniil the "ofe Ncnrino with ati.f ! clory re- unit" . I consider tlicso medicines worthy ol Deputy Treasurer. OiiAIIA , Nun , liny 2J , 1-31 , II. " o. , Kocliciiter , N. Y. : : I Ime unwl your b fo Klilncy and l.lvcr Cnro tlilicprlnjfiwa Iturlnvlgorator , nnd 1 flmll' the lust rcnmly I ov tried. 1 ho ii'L'il 4 bottles , ard It lias inailt me feel hotter than ctcr I illd before In the rprln ? . U. P. 11. Shops. OMAHA , NKU , Slay 2 ( , 1831 , II. II. WAtlNKIt & OJ : HIIIH : For moiu than 16 years I have Buffered much In omuilctiao from eomblnuJ kidney and llicr illHi'-wei , Mid ha\o been un fjlu to work my urln iy org > iw nlwo bcln nfTictml I tried a Krcat many medicines and doctorx , but I ( 'nw womo nnd Hone-liny by day I win toM I hod llrluht'fl niBcai" , and I wished nijmM dead If I rouM not huoHyeuily relief. I took your Safe Kidney and I.Ivor Cure , knowing notlilntr el < o wiw mcr known tocurutha illswwo. and 1 havx not been di nppolntd. The inidlcln * has ciiri'd me , and I nni pirfcc Iy well lo-da.y , entirely IhrnuK'h your Halo Kidney nnd Mvcr Cure I wlnh jou nil cucc ssln piibilihln this v > ! uihlo rimo.iy throUKh ilio world. U. P. U. K. Shops. Thotmanda of equally B'rontf ' endorsement" miinj of them In enno vhcro h p rn aban- noiieU l \u been voluntarily ( ! lfrnKh < ) v > iiit ; the rcmftikablox > er of Warner's Si/o Kidney rind I.Uer Cure , in all d iieasof of the kidneys. Ihor or urinary oiKant. If any ono who rradi tills hai ny phymcal trouble remember the Kro > t M STOMACH jf * . h. BITTER5 In HoatB of Famllloi IIOBtettcr's Stomach lllttcra is as much retarded an a household necessity as sugar or coffia. The reason of this Is that years of oxpcrieaeo have proved It to be perfectly reliable in thoM cases of omenrency vtharo & prompt and con > enlont rom < cdy li dommidud. Constipation , liver complaint , dyspepsia. Indigestion and other t9oublo.ari ovorroinoby It. For sale by all DruggUta and Dcaltn , ' to whom applr for Ilostctter's Almanaa for 1882. .CO LU Matter of Application of Charles Joseph for Liquor License , NOTICE. Not'co U hereby ulvrn lh\t Charlcfl Josoili | did , upon tlio 2Ut day of Ducenibvr , A. I ) . , 1BS1 , lllolils application to the Jlajor anJ.CIt ) ' Council of Omaha , for lloctmu to it'll llaltjplr Ituoua and Vinous Lliiuon , at Tenth stre . lie- twet'ii I.ea\cii orth and tlnrcy ttrvcts , Klr > t vrurd , Oinalia , Nul > . , from thu 4th day of Jan uary. IBS1. , to thu 10th day of April , lbS'2 K there tie no objection , ri'inonntritico or pro- toet ( lied \\lthln two eoli from lltliof Dcrcin. bur , A. D.llbSl , thu Mild llienso will bornntud. . CHAD , Josini , Applicant. TIIK DAILY HEK nentpapcr will pul > ll h the aboio notuuonru tacli Mick far two tti'tkn at Ilio cxjwnso of the amtlhant. HioCltyoI Onialu Is not to bo cbar tu thtreultli. J. J.L. C. JKWCTT , drc22 Cltv Clerk. VICTOR'S ' RESTAURANT 1010 Farnham Street. 3BCOU JLCE3. Oycten , Chop ] and Game O-dcr , And Served Under Personal Supervlilon ol Proprietor , VICTOR DUCROSS. A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEY- United Stateo Depository - OF OMAIIA. - Cor. 13th and Furnam Sto. OLDHST DANKIXfl KHTAI1MSIIUKNT OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE DROTHERO. ) 8T RMH < 1KD 13M. Organlied M X&tlonM IlAnk Anfriist 20 , ISM CAPITAL AND PHOKITS OVEK 300 000 OITtCBlUI AND MHICrORI I HRUJAN Kotnrnn , I'rcfldrnt. ADOOTTUH XOCTNTZB , Viuc President. II. W. YATM , Ouhler. A. J. Porrr-icTon , Attorn r. JOHN A. Ciimoimm. P. II. DAVIS , Aset , Oiahlcr , Thl bank rcctlves doposlli without rtiiArd tc imountv , IminM time cortlflcatoo hrArina Intorort. Dtnus draft * on Sin VntfiKO and | * lnclpol cltlcfl of thu UnlUd 8tatc8 , aha I-onilon , Dulilln K < linburKh and the prlnclpM cltle of tboconti ; ncnt of Kurope. Sells rontcnttcr tickets for cmlKrantsuj- In m n line mnvMtt The Oldest EstaDlished BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Caldirell , Hamilton & Co. , Buslnma trannctod eama M tht of an Incor porated uank. AccounU kept In currency or cold tubjoot to slfht chuck without notice Ccrtllloatoo of deposit Raucil payable In three , six and tweho months , joarlnj Interest , OF on demand without Intorcst. Aduncos made to ctietomcrs on approrod scau ritlca at market ntea of Intcrcrt. Buy and neil gold , bills of exchange , government mont , etnto , county and city bonds. Draw night dra-'tn on England , IrolsnJ , Scot land , and all parts of Kurope. Boll European pansago tickets , COnLKCTIONS I'KOMITI.Y MADK. Mil'Ml \V. K. VIULS. M. JII.SKELL. GOIMSV3ISSION MERCHANTS 125 Lasalle Streob , CHICAGO , Grain and Provisions Bought and Sold on Margins. ilucTir.o-Oi dim Thla Kttfci ipcciflc ci-rcs that moat loainsouie diaoopc \Vbothor in Iti Prinuiry , Secondary or Tortinry Stngo. Hiio 3 all traii'iof \ > eicniy ( com the sys tem , Cures Sciofula , Oll boroa , Kheuuu- tleiu , I > i in& , Catarrh or any blood Disease. Carol Wlwm Hot Sprlnc * fall I Mahern , Ark. , May 3 , 1SS1. Wo have cas&fl in out townuho lived at Ilot tlngt and wore finally cured itlth 8. S. S. JICC'AXMO.N & JIURRT. JlemiJils , Jtenn. , Miy 12 , 1831. We have sold l2 < b bot'lcs of S.S. 3. in a year. t has giveo universal satlndition. Fair minded ihyalclans now recommend It an a positive S. JlASHUKLD & CO. Loulsvlllo , Ky , , May 13. 1881. S. S. 8. bos ( 'lten better tatiactlon than any medicine I ha\o ciur old. J. A. KUX.NER. Demcr , Col. , May 2,1881. Eicry purcha cr tpcaka In the highest terms fS. S. S. L. Meisseti-r. Uichmond. Va. , May 11 , 1831 You can refer anybody to us in regard to the merits of S. 8. S. Polk , Miller & Co. a'e never known S. S. S. to ( ail to cure a cose f Syphilis , when properly taken. . . ) . ; The aboro signers areL'cntlcman of hlzh Btnnd iff. A ii coLQinrr , Goxcrnor otGoorcli. K YOU WISH WK W LhTAKE YOUUSK CA TO BK PAIU KOIl WHEN CUltKO. Write for particulars and oojiy of little iook 'JIci"Haio to the Unfortunate. 81,000 Rnwnrd will'I * paid to any lienust who will llnd , on anttlyEls 1UO bottles 1 H. B.onu partlclu of Mercury lodltlo I'otas > ium or any illnenil HUbstanto. SWIFT Sl'KCiriC CO. Hropi. Atlanta , Ra. 1'rlco of regular slzu reduced to 81 75 pur i ot , la timall HUU , hoUllnjhall ; tno ijuantlty , price , 1.00. Sold by KENNAUD & CO. , nd Dru Isis Generally SIBBBTT & PULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DAVID CITY. NEB , GRAY'S SPECIFIC IMEDICINE TRADE MARK 'rl , ' ° ° > 'ratTRADE MARK Kngllsli rein- ody. An un failing euro for Seminal Weakness , Sper mater- rhea , Inipot- oncy , am ) all lUc.vt'Htlut' ) BEFORE TAKIrtQ.'c"ue'icob ' AFTER TAHIHD Hclf'Aliiue ; as I.omol Memory , L'niven > al tudo , I'nln In the Hack , l > lmnen * of VUInn , I're maturi ) Old AK'I nnd many other DUeasm that lead to Insanity or Coniumptloii and a 1'rcma tura Orate. partliulara In Q'lr pamnhkt , ulilc wu deblro to send free I > mall to every ono tinha Speclflc ilcdlcliio Is > o1d by all driiffcUt at $1 per package , or 8 pack < cn for $5 , or ull bo dent true by mall on reel iitol the money , b ; rciuinK TI1UGHA 1KUICINKCO. , lluffalo , N. V. or sale bv C , K Ooodr oc7mo-cod Matter of Application ot C. 11 , Sclirot tor Liqiior Liconbu. NOl'IOK , Notice is hereby K\ven \ tliat Chas. 13 Schrnth illil. uixm tlie : M tiny of January A. 1) . , 1882 , file Ills application U the Mayor and City Council of Omaha fur a license to tell Malt , Spirituous am' ' Vinous Liquors , at corner of Ihir anil Pierce street. Vint Ward. Oinn ha , Neb. , from the 17th clay of .Tanu arv , 1882 , to the 10. . h d y "f April , 18b2 If there bo no objection , remoiibtranci or protest < ilcd within two weeks from January 3il , A. 1) . , 1882 , the Baid llcans- will bo grante l. CHAS. U. SciiOTH , Applicant. THE DAILY UEK newspaper will nublls the above notice once each week for tw weeks at the expeiibe of theapplicant. Jh City of Omaha U not to be charged then : Wit'U ' J. J. L. 0. JKWKTT , City Clerk. J. L. WILKIE , JIANUKACTUHEU OP PAPER BOXES. 1408 Farnham St. , ( MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL , Wholesale Dealers in Council Bluffs , Iowa. Holino Wagon Oo , Farm and Spring Wagons , Deere & Hansur Oo , Oorn Planters , Stalk Cutters , &o , , MolineiPump Oo , Wood and Iron Pumps , Wheel & Seeder Oo , Fountain Oity Drills and Seeders , Hflohanicsuurg Maoh , Co , Baker Brain Drills , Sliawnee Agricultural OoAdvance Hay Bakes , Met Manufacturing Oc. Eureka Power and Hand Shelters , Whitman Agricultural Co , Shelters , Road Scrapers , &c , , Moliiie Scale Co , Victor Standard Scales , - A , 0 , Fish - Racine Buggies , AND DEALERS IN All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock. Addros9 All CommunicationB to Council Bluffs , Iowa. ( Ioc3me2iu THE JELM MOUNTAIN * AND Mining and Milling Company. WorklnR Capital - $3a,000. Capital a : ock , Sl,000(00 Par Valu of Shares , STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BEAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DX. J. I. THOMASK7resident , Cummins , Wyoming. WM. E. TIL/TON , Vlce-Prcsidsnt , Cummlaa , Wyomla ; E.K. IIAUWOOD , S cietary , Cummins , Wyoming. A. Q. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , Wyoming. Hi. J. I. Thomas. Loula Miller W. S. Bramcl. A. O D E.N. Harwood. Francis Leavens. Oeo. II. Fkloi. Lewis Zoma ! Dr. J. a WatUna. no22me6m OKO. W. KKNDALL. Authorized Apent for Sale of Stock ; ! > " " " " * . . . Teb , WHOLESALE ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. Jv 18-mo WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER v AND DKALF.Il N Wall Paper and Window Shades. | j 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. - , ! = = i WHOLESALE- LUMBER , COAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , H E A D Q U A E T E R S MEN'S rURNISNING GOOUS. We deairo to call the special attention ot the trade to our ele cant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan ckets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirte , Overalls Hosieryi& ° Mno\v open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodcre Sts. FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , * 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. . attention , * ' " . * * 0 DanVt ° m ' PU' ' * Con.lKnraenU mido us 111 receive prompt jp ? ! ; ; . Co. , Baltimore ; I'eck & llanshcr , Chicago ; w-k * n" Cincinnati. . o. WHOLESALE GROCE. 1213 Farnhsm St , , Omaha , Neb , / j / i