Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILV BEE : WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 11 , 1882 , NOT "JUST TUT MODE , " "Tho Dnrk and bloody Mysto- rioa of EtnniJpraut Travel. \ I * What the Unfnshlonublo Ovorlnml Traveler Endures. S. V. Chronicle. Wo crossed the continent on un cm- iuruiit train. This is a dark nml bloody secret. Kvory o comes tlmt way , but fo\v toll of it. It isn't the thing , for there is a siiRgnstion of pov erty about it , nml who would bo poor ? \Vo keep telling ourselves tlmt this mode of trnvol lifts all sorts of advan tages , And it would appear true if we consider only the arguments in its favor. Hut Rive any of us a million * or BO , nnd see how readily wo would change your tune. As it is , wo think tt best to adopt the philosophy of "Colonel Sellers" mul declare stoutly that wo wouldn't 150 any other way if wo could , This is the way to "trav el" for the li'aat money. The sccnerv does you some good 1ms time to s ak in , as it wore. You can make your self at home ou [ the train. If you are fortunate enough to be n girl , and so ciable , you can go into the "caboose" when water cots scarce or warm and < lrink of the ice water reserved for the use ot the powers tlmt bo. The "ob servatory " is at your disposal. You may ait on the platform us the train creeps through the wild and picturesque moun tain scenery , or winds its slow length along over an endless stretch of plains. In short , you can enjoy the utmost freedom without feeling in danger of being ordered to "keep oil' the grass. " Yes , t came emigrant ; but the secret shall bo buried with me. winuu : THI : MISUUY IIEOINS. You leave homo with great "eclat. " You travel in good style until you reach Omalui. .lust hero you begin to reali/o what it is to go third class. The tiaiu stops , and you are request ed to gather up your traps and move to the Emigrant House. Four or live rooms in said house. All wretched. Makes your heart sink to look around , One room full of dirty Italians. Dir ty white folks everywhere waiting for a chiinco to wash.Vashroom crowd ed. Italians don't want to wash Couldn't be hired to. Can buy everything needed on the journey from a cake of soap to a bed. Yo bought a bed. A bed is n cushioned board made to iitjin between two seats turned together. Ours was covered with big figured curtained calico , m.d stuffed with heaven only knows what. Our pillows were brought from home. Sue's was blue because she was fair , and mine was turkey red to set oil' to the best ad vantage ul } ' nut-brown beauty. ( Ghostly joke , that. ) Wo must have looked raishing sleeping on those pillows. r\o often speculated upon what emotions may have filled the breast of any chance observer that be held us slumbering there in uncoil scions beauty. We had .to wait at Omaha several hours. Went up town and bought a few -things. Had a -drink of soda water. Awful hot day in July. Heard tlmt a woman hail boon overcome with the heat the day before and had fallen down in the -street. POSITIONS ASSIGNED. When the train had pulled up at the depot , wo wcio driven out upon the platform and sorted like so many sheep. A gray-headed man a lordly air and n club in his hand bossed the job. We were assigned places in the last car. Sue and I had two se ts to gether. Our protector and a man from "Down East" had the two oppo site ours. Back of us sat Isaac and his wifea middle-aged pair from Phil adelphia. Bound tor SanJose. . Across from them were two quiet girls traveling alone without a protector ! It's better to have one even if you have to protect him. An old ( Jjina- dian woman with five children sat just ahead of us. Old woman wanted four seats. She had paid her money for a ticket. Her money was just as good as anybody's. If it wasn't she would like to know why. BOBS was kind but firm. She had to confine herself and family to two seats. They slept like sardines in a box and reminded me of the numerous family Mark Twain desciibes. "Pa" had gone ahead , they told us , and bought a ijlaco in Oregon . Next came a pret ty little Jewess and a fair , plain , sen sible-looking English girl. Across the isles was Jewess' married sister , with four children. ' ' ' " had 1'apa , gone to Santa Cm/ and scut back for them. English girl was going to friends in Santa Barbara. Had been there be fore. Had lived in San Francisco and know nil about the place. She was our guide-book. She described all the scenery along the route before wo came to it. English girl commanded our reaped. She had been to London and Paris and entertained us with a recital of her adventures there. Wo took it all in and secretly wished wo had "traveled" too. A solitary fJer- jnan in the foie part of the car divid ed liis attention between a black bottle tle and a black dog , The canine was .given to understand tlint he must maintain a proper reserve if he valued his existonc. Lust , but not least , was a \\unmn of about two hundred pom ah avoiidupnis. Two interior masculines were attached to her train. Thev ap peared to bo father and son , She was wont to assert her rights even louder than the Canada woman. The husband rarely spoke , and the ion never , to my knowledge. Every morning she would wash and comb them both. She would swux.xlo the wash ra around their necks arid bore into their ears. They never raised a hand in suit-defense , Yielded with out A struggle. Wo girls watched the son day after day throbbing hearts , What seemed unaccountable to us wt-s that ho evidently did not re- procato our interest. Wo analy/ed him , arrived at the conclusion tlmthe ; was deaf , dumb , or foolish , A Mil IIUIAN WIDOW. I must not torgot to mention the Michigan widow , She was a dandy. IJer traveling dress was a gray and black combination of Japanese silk. Looked bettor than any one else , Apologi/.ed for her appearance. She had been used to bettor things , Had "ood cloths in her trunk. Trunk was checked , of course. She couldn't get at them. Wo wore sorry for her. She was going to Oregon where it did not rain. Widow had beautiful hair , Devoted an hour each morning to brushing and arranging it. I'ut it up 11 hairpin * every night to insure orilups uO\t imtrnini ; . How the mys- loiit'fl of our toilets weio disclosed to me iinothir ! Widow \v.\a a stickler for fresh air. Was not content to control the tips and downs of her own window. Wanted to run all the windows dews in the vicinity. Had the none to r.iito ours when wo were asleep. 1 caught cold. Humped round font ilny. Slip tried it niun. \Ve sat iliu\n on her , metaphorically. Sl o didn't c u > . Old gentleman sat on her. She M cakened , \ \ hen the win- dews \\ero shut it was close mul stuffy and garlicky. Positively frightful , Hard to choose between this and a draught. Fell to speculating upon the per cent of oxygen in the nil wo were breathing. " 0 Lord ! " 1 thought , "lot this cup pass from mo , and give mo a dose of Andcrsonvilloor Libbyl" Widow had big calico b.ig with puck- urine string to it. This was to carry dressing sack , toilet articles , bedroom sot and other household furniture. No piano. She was esthetic. The urawiour ofHtho scenery in Echo and Weber canyons stirred her great soul to its profoundest depths. She raved. Tackled mo. Paid it inspired sub lime thoughts. Wanted mo to indorse that statement. Was pained by niv lack of enthusiasm , I had been par- ali/.od two years before by the ro mantic beauty of the Alleglmnies , Could not gush. Had got past that. AH the mountains in the world piled up would not move me. Itut "sub lime thoughts" was good. I cherish * cd that expression. Mndo'nso o it in my next letter home. Passed it off as my own. They will never know the difference. 1I'llOMISrOfS LAVA101U. Water tank and sink in one end of car. Public drinking cup chained to tank. Everybody that was anybody had a private drinking cup. A few had private wash basins. English girl detoiminod to bo among the few. Shu had a pint basin to hold milk. Her teapot was a covered tin cup. She eschewed ten and collet1. Kept milk in the teapot. Took the pint basin for a kith-tub. Water of the alkali regions chaps the skin and is bail for the hair. We preferred to bo classified among the great unwashed. Public wash basin served a vtuiuty of puiposes. Lost its individuality as n wash basin Dishes washed in it. Towels , handkerchiefs , hosiery and mysterious infantile upholstery woie laundried there. It was there that the popular nose bled as we ascended into the rarelield atmospheic of the mountains. Windows were always fastened with washed garments hung up to dry. Canada woman's daughter had an eye to thrifty housekeeping. Search ed around and found an old broom. Swept their rubbish under our seat. We borrowed her broom and swept it over to Isaac. "Every man for hi.u- sclf and the Devil take the hinder- most. " Infants swarmed. Mothers looked wagged out. It is better to bo young again and single on an emigrant train. Especially in time of danger. Wo had oiie narrow escape , among the moun tains. It had been raining. A'atream rushed down the mountain side and softened the earth under the track. It gradually caved away as we passed over. Men were oraered to jump from the train to lighten it. They jumped to lighten ( ? ) it. Wo want ed to help the train , too. Conductor restrained us. Ono man tried to save his wito. Uow odd ! But they wore young. Out on their wedding tour. She got a duckintr and sprained her wrist. More scart than hurt. Women screamed. Some prayed. Mothcis rushed around to find their children. Lively times. Better than camp meeting. When it was all over wo had something to talk about. Sever al wept. The two hundred pound woman thanked the Lord for fetching her through in good condition. An nounced her intention of letting him take His own course in future. She would submit to His will. So Ho ia running the universe Himself , now. Whatever ecccntricitie. Ho may in- duldgo in , wo may rest assured that it is not at her suggestion. KNJOVIM ! SUNDAK Our first Sunday came while wo out on tlio plains. Nothing to bo seen but sagebrush. No fun in looking out of the window. What should wo do ? It seemed heathenish to play cards. AVe had read guide-books till they palled upon the taste , The down-East man got up an argument on the URO of whisky and tobacco. Ho claimed that tobacco was more in jurious than whisky. Our protector took fie other side. The rest of us listened , putting in a word nov and then. But there was nothing at stake , and intercts waned , conversation Ihig- god , came to a dead stop , A few hi- blea were brought out. That was a new idea. Mine was in my trunk un der everything else , therefore I felt wicked and disposed to criticise my nek'hborB. Noticed that their eyes often wandered from their booka. Don't believe that there was much solid reading done. Some one dis covered a horizontal bar across the car. Oot up and began excercising. All followed the example. Tried to raise ourselves by arm muscle and rest our chins on the bar. This amusement was the best wo had found. It played out at last. Some wont buck to bibles. Some wrote letters back homo. Others remembered their diaries , and thus wo killed time. A little Italian girl fell from the train. This produced a momentary excite , incut. She had scarcely touched the ground before she was up and run ning a race with the engine. They stopped , and waiting till she rnmo up helped her on board , and restored her to the arms of her frightened ma. No Snob Word an Fail. "I have used your li.oshOM ! for < ly iioiHia | , headache and conciliation , ami find it lm done me , \ great deaf of good , I nlmll recommend it to my friendx , "JlK-i'in JiKinoJirm , "May 21th. 00 Main St. , IJutfaio. " I'rico 50 cen'H , trial buttled 10 ceiiU , Jan ! ) Iw The Panama. Cunul. The deepest cut on the Do Lossops Panama ship canal will bu about three hundred feet In the jierpendicu- lar. M. Itoux , of thu engineer corps , regards thu determination of the proper nlope to be given to this im mense chasm as one of the most ditli- cult questions to wisely Kolvo which they have yet en countered , As it is to be through a formation of an untried iirv turo the work involved between dif ferent angles ia of great moment. Of the actual work of excavation voiy little 1ms > et bonn dono. The ork done tip to this tinUi IMS been prelimhmty. M. IJoux iivi" ton yiMis iw the time in which the canal will 1m finished , but when wo nro told that the company has enl ) fifteen hundred men nt woik tlio time named serins absurd. Ho Hays the most nd > mined methods and tin' ' most vnhmblo labor i\vinj machines liuvo been adopted , but with the md of'these and all poMtblo facilities it would take nn niiny of labonri to do the \\ork in the time named It is dnnied that the yellow- fever prevails in that ivigion. The sickness prevalent is "c.ilc.itura" or Panama fever , and remittent bilious fever. The most unexpected fact i that the company is overrun with an influx of laborers. This ho attrib utes to the ruin of Peru and the exit from that country of persons whose huiincas and employment have been destroyed by the civil war The price of labor nuy bo absolutely dictated by the company. The people pouring in are French , Gorman , English and Chinese. It in given out that the work is to be pressed from this for ward , Tlio Light of Comlnff Driya. A San Jose coirespondent writes the following account of the electric light which now successfully illnmi natos that city : One of our editors three or four months ago , took it into his head , to erect an electric tower to test electric- ty for street lightning , It was a novelty olty and 1 thought an account of it when completed would bo interest ing to you , so 1 neglected writ- ting to you nnd and fhis is my excuse , for the tower has been delayed from time to time and is only just now completed. It is a success ; of couiao it mot with opposition fiom the ( las Co. , organ and nil old fogies , but the editor .1. Owen , of the "Mercury , " who is ta'1 ' , roman- nogcd , i little stoop shouldered , called by that pus organ "stately crane1' could not bo ridiculed down. The result is a stately tower 200 foot high , with an electric light of 'Jl)00 , ( ) candle power on the top ; men can see see the time of night by the watch , half a milo away , and it casts a distinct shadow throe miles away. About four such lights will light our city of about 1(1,000 inhabitants , ten times better than the present ijaa , and at least one- li'i'f cheaper , the gas costs SfiOO a month , nt Sli.50 per 1000 feet. Owen claims several points on his lower. It is built at the intersection of two business streets and is no obstruction. It stands on the four corners ( out edges of sidewalks ) inclined to the center and is bu'lt of , gas-pipe , piop- erty arched and braced. It is quite ornamental , but the light is the crowning glory ; beautiful , soft , white and ple.usant ; it is not huge but is brilliant and penetrating. Wo think wo are done with the light of other days. Wohnvo got the first electric tower on this coast , and the highest in the United States , if not in the world , by five feet. The duiker the night the better the light ; the clouds seem to bo good reflectors. In fact , it is a most won derful light. Buohlin's Arnica Salve. The best salvo in the world for outs , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , totter , chapped hands , chillblains , corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salvo is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price , 25c per box. For sale by T I & MuMAiioN. Omaha. Something New In Mica Masks. London Times. A well known Gorman manufac turer of mica wares , Hcrr Raphael , of Breslau , now makes mica masks for the face which are quite transparent , very light nnd alloctcd neither by heat nor by acids , They alford good protection to all workmen who are liable to bo injured by heat , dust or noxious vapors ; all workers with fir , metal and glass meltors , stonemasons , etc. In all kinds of grinding and polishing work the flying fragments rebound from the arched mica plates of the mask with out injuring them. These plates are fixed in a metnllic frame , which is well isolated by means of asbestos , so as not to bo attacked by heat or acid. These masks allow the turning of the eyes in any direction , nnd , an against mica spectacles , they afford the ml vantage of protection to the whole face. In ceitain cases the nek and shoulders may also bo guarded by a sheet of cloth impreg nated with fireproof nmtoiial , or by asbestos sheet attached to the mask. The interval between the mica and the eyes allow ) of workmen who have poor eyesight wcarini' spectacles , and of woikors with fite or in melting operations wearing colored glass spec tacles under the mask without fear of breaking of the glass , mica being such a bad conductor of heat. Where the musk has to bo worn long il is found desirable to add a caoutchouc tube with mouth piece for admission of fresh air. The tube passes out to the shoulders , where its funnel-shaped end ( sometimes holding a moistened sponge ; ia supported. TJio mask has n sort of cap attached to it for fixture on the head. WORTHY OF PRAISE. As a rule wo do not recommend patent medicines , but when wo know of one that really is n public benefac tor , and does positively cure , then wo consider it our duty to impart that in formation to all. Electric bitten are truly a most valuable medicine , nnd will surely cure Biliousness , Fever and Ague , Stomach , Liver arid Kidney complaints , oven where all other rein. edie fail. Wo know whereof wo sneak , and can freely recommend to all. [ Ex. Sold at 50 cents a bottle. Tsh ( fc McMuhon. (7) ( ) Matter of Application of KiU'lien ] ! ro for Liquor License. NOTION. Jiotlco ii htrrbv jflvcn that KlU.lic.-n ] lro . did niton thu JMh ilaj ol Dut-mlicr , A. It. . 1881 , Illo Inn application to the JUyor und ( 'lty Council ol Omaliu , ( or llccimii to Hell Malt , Hiirituofl | urn ] \liioin MIJUOM , at tlio WJtlinill lloiinu. Fourth Vtitrl , Omuhi , Nob. , from Iliu loth day o [ Jan uarv. 1882 , to the 10th ilaj ol April , IbW IfthLrulicuin r.l.Jntlou , rciuomtranca orrro- tentlllul within two vtUs from December IClli , A. I ) . , lisal , the nalil llteiuo w II lu urdtitul , HITCH i.V : IIHOS. , Tim DAILY Ilir. newspaper will U > ve iiotlco once each wtck ( or Uo wii-lm ot Uio expcnw i oJ thu applicant. T > io City ot Omaha l not to be charged therewith. ,0,0. JJ0. ' . JKWtTT , J 'i2-UI. City Clef k. Who wnit , glossy , luxuriant nml vrnvv trosscs of almmliuil , boautiim Hair must use LION'S KATHAIRON. This clecnnt , cheap article always maKcs tlio Hair prow freely nnd fast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandrnif and itching , mnkos the Hair strong , giving it n curling tendency nml keeping it in nny desired position. Beau tiful , lioalthy Hair is the sure result of uslug Kuthuiroo. Free to Jiverybodyl A Beautiful Book for the Asking , Ily npplilntrpenonim nt thu no-vrmt olllcc of TilK aiNHKIl MAN'lT.MTI'UlNd CO. ( or > y jiOHtalcaril If at n ilUtaiu-o ) nn ) AlHU.r jicr. oii | ll liojirosciitrJ ulth n ln'.mUtully UUn | rivtcil copy ol n Nuw Hook cntltlnl GENIUS REWARDED , OKTIIK STORY OF THE SEWING MACHINE containing n liamltmnc nnd ocHtly xtwl i ii rav- Intf ( rontl > | ilorco ; nliu , 2s ilnnly t'liRmuil wood cuts , mul IxMiml In in rlnboruto Mmi and gnlil lllhniraphcil coor. . No chart ' , " u lintm ct U ui.vle for thin immlnomo IKKIV , uhk-h OVM bo ohUlntiil only h ) Application nt the brnnch ftinl niilior dlnato otlk-08 of The Singer Miuiufniturlntr Co. T1IK SIMOKK ilANUKACTUUINO CO. , Principal Olllcc , 31 t'nlnn Scimo | , Nuw York oct27 ilm&ptf&w jour ilutIM in nl t" tvi limni m-m-KniS iitlmulniilsnKil u tni Hop Bittoroi viu.li1 , IIMI Hop B. Ifjoiinrojouimimcl lnnfroiiKviij li. rtl ci"tlo or ilhjli i It imim"imr i led or Kim' ! " , old < T vnmir.iiutri'rliu' ' ' ! ' iworlirn'.lli or lniiiim a lntt n H lifil o ( lk l iicni , ri-ly on Hop DIttt-frl. . TliousjiniMiitK tn- WIOOMT yonnro. vnonivcr yo / " ' ihinlly r r u in tine tlmt your witi-m ruint Kid no ) tiiM'dn ili'iui'lnB , ton- dlscnfto tlmt InlKlit Ir.if 01 Ktlimilntli'l'i ' 'liccniiwint | > v WltllOUtfllflW'l1" " " ! ' . tlinaly u ' Jl .nlco Hop GMHSCre O. I. C trill < nur mm- III nn alisolutt XIIIII . lU'COM ! , | nnd IrrrnlHtti of tliinffonurn,1 bin for . HOP c u r u ( mirflii , Mooir. dmnl.t'iiiioiii ! I liicrurnenrl , iiw or oplinn You vlll l > o tobarcu , ( > * curvJIf sou use nan'utton. Hop Dlttors oMhy.lmif . K huiuirur ClmiU- iti ( t mny 1101UlTrUU - eave your BTU ( O , , life. It lins envod hun- Roth * tlr r , H 1 * drodo. A Toronto. Onl PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Lastl No Ono No oil Suffer ! A Biirecuro for Blind , Hlecillrnr , Itching nnc Ulcerated Piles has lioun dscoeroil ! by Or. Wil- Ham , ( nn Indian rciucJj , ) called Dr. Wllllim'ft Indian Ointment. A shixlo box his ctircil tlio wont chronic cases of 25 or SOjcira standing. No ouu notxl suffar fliumlnntoa alter applying this wonderful eoothliiK modlclno. Lotions , limtm ments and electuaries ilo more harm tlmn good William's Ointment nbiorlw the tumors , allays the Intoime Itchlni : , ( ivirtlculnoly at night attor getting warm In lied. ) nets an upoultlco , git on In atant and iialnlcwi relief , nnd Innrejinrcd only for Plica , itching of the vrlvato parts , and for noth Ing ciso. Head u hat the lion J. If Ccfllnherry of Clot o nndeayanbont Dr. William's IndUn IMIo Olnt merit : I ha\uincd woruool riles cures , am ] II affords mop e.itmru tosiy that I luuc never found anything which gave such Iramodlatoand perma nent rclluf as Dr. William's Indian Ointment For nalo by all drugglatu or mailed on receipt ol price , 11.00. HENRY & CO. . Prop'r * . , CLIVRLAND , Onto. For sale by C. F Goodman. Octlftlnnii An * nftwl v THE KENDALL PLAITMIACHIIE ! DRESS-MAKERS' ' COMPANION , .r It | il.iltn ami prvsuuH pufcLtly 0110 janl per ininiitv. H 1-1(1 ( of nn Inch to I 1-1 Inches li ViMtli in tlie ( rmrncBt filta nr llneit lll- . HilocH nil KlinU amlHtjlu- pl.iltlnn' In nxo. No l.ulj tu.'it iloc bur ovui ilrusi mailing 1,11 a"onl to ilo without , onu an nhu plaiting IH njMr'ont ( il fashion , llm-tn It ulln lUull Kor lhLH , ( ircnlarn nr AgcntV tcnim aiiiluH-j CONGA II it GO , , 1)3 ) A.ilnmHSt. , ( JhiciiBn , 111 OKO.V , KKNUAI.L , Aiclit l/liiaha. Matter of Application of Kiwi Wlrtl for JJ < | tier Licc'iiKo , NOTIOK. Notice in licrcbyivoii ( tlmt I'Vi'd Wirtl illd , iiHin | the 7th day < if .luiitiary A. U. , Jb-U , fllo hU niuilicntldii to the Mayor nml Hit } Ouuiicll nf Oni'ilni. for licciiBO to nell Mult , HplritnoiiH nnd VIIHIIH JJiiuorH , "t No. 1002 'J'untli Htreot Tliinl wuril. Oiiuih i , Koli. , from thu Jl t day < if Juntmry. 1832. to the 10th day of April , 18815. If there liu no olijoutlon , reiiKiimtraiice or protest filed witliln two woekn fron January 7th , A , 1) . , 1882 , the Bairt licenuo will he granted. J'liciu'iiicK WIDTH , Applicant. TIIK DAILY IHI ! ; tiownpiipcr will pulill l the above notice oncn cacli week for twi wcekn at the exin'MHU of the applicant Thu City ot Omaha fa not to ho churgui therewith. ,1. , T , I ; . 0. JKWK'IT , ] 9.2t _ City Clerk. WAR IN PASSENGER RATES linillllK 11HOH. . Ilrokcrn In all llallroad Tlckutu , OnmUa , Kol ) . , oflfr' ) It ! cU to the Kant until further notice , at the following unheard o law llatca : lot tiaiu , 2 < 1 elms NK\V YOKK , WOO , I10STON , W.OO. I'lIILADKM'HIA , 15.00. ! ? 23.CO WASIIINurON , liiO'j ! 20.0-1 For partMilari , wrltonrxo illrn.1 to HOIillll IIUOS. . Dealer * In Iloducc-d llatu lullroailnni bUain ) ilp TlcktU , bbU Tenth Ht. , Omaha Kel HuiiRintit-r the place Three I'cors NcrtVi n Union 1'iiullo lUllroail Uciiot. 1'Mt a do olTuit ) Htrott. Omaha Autrubt t , 1281 C , F. Manderson , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW 'I Vtrohtn 8 * , No Changing Cars OMAHA & CHICAGO , \"her direct coiinnctlon rn mmlo Ith Th-iugh SI.KKl'INd OAU LINKS for NKW VOHK , I10HTON , riiit.AnKi.niiA , UAI.T1MOUK , WAS1I1NQTON AND ALL EASTKIIN ! Tlh3. The Short Line via. Peoria l-Vir INDIANAPOUS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS- LLK , nnd All twliiti In the tun nut For ST. LOUIS , Vhoro direct coimoctiotu nrd nuwto In the Union Dojxil llh the lliroiuh Sit i-plni ; Cr Lines for ALL POINTS NEW LINE'DES ' MOINES THK KAVOIUTK UOUTK VOK Rock Island. Tlio uncqMiIrd Indticrmrnti oRornl hy tills line o tmii'Ure nnd UuiilKtH nro iw fnlluua : Tliu rololimtiil I't'LLMAN'tltl-wlut'l ) 1'ALAOK il.r.Kl'INd CAH.S run only on thh line O. , 11. li < J. 1'AI.ACi : UAW1NI ( 1100M CA11S , with lorton'H Koollnlti ) ; CliiUru. No iv.triclmiu : for 'dUilii Itmlnliii ; Chnlni. The IninoimO. , II. A , I'M.vo IHnliii ; Corn. ( lotK'wun .Snioklnc Onn Ittcil ulth i < li < Knnt hlKh-luckcd rutUu rouililinr clmlrii , for the vxcIimUu inoof flrnt-cliu < jvwwon- sen. sen.Hti'i1 Track aril superior coulmiunt , | coinldro I vltli thulr Kirit through c r nmnKcmuiit , nnXin , hls , nliove all otlicrx , th la\orltu route to tnc Kant , .South nnd .Sontho.'wt. Try It , nml ) onlll llnd tratllnRft luxury In- ivul of n dUcotulort. Throiiih tlikcU \ In this rolohratud line for salt nt r.ll nihccs In thu UniUd Hlntoi and Cai All iiforin itlon ni.jnt niton ot furo , r acconimniUtlonn , Time Tnhlct , etc. , "Hi bo chcLrfully gl\cn hy i'pl ' > l"i : to ] k'KHCKVAI , I.\VKI.L,1 ) Oonnnl ' U ont'or Airnt , J. P01TKU , On , Mitnni'cr I" West for holnp the inont direct , quickest , an safent line connecting the great Metroj > ell . CHI CAGO , mid the KAHIRIIM , Noimi-KAHTitim , I cirri and QOIITII.KAHTKRN LINUS , which ItrmlnatoUioro with KANKAS CITT , LNAVIHIWORTII , ATOIIIHON CouNni , Uuiiva and OMAHA , the COHMIBOUI from which radlato EVERY LINE OF ROAD that penntrattti the Continent from the Missouri Illvor to the 1'aclflc Hlo | > o. The ODIOAOO ROOK ISLAND & TA OIFIO RAILWAY In the only line from Chicago owning track Into Kari/uw / , or which , hy Ita own road , roaches the lolntB alio\o naiiiod. No TKANnmiH IIT CAHKIAOFI ! kn MISSING ooNNKCTiOMil No huddllnf ? In 111 * ventilated or uncliaii cars , as every luum'iiKcr Ig carried In roomy , cli-an and ventilated coaches upon Kimt Kxiirosi Trains. DAY CAIMO ) unriiided nu.nlflcanco | , PULLMAN I'ALACH Hr.itxriNO'Aim. . and ourounworld-famoiiN DiNina CARH , upon whlih minis aroocruxl of mi- atir | > i > < ud niccllonco , nt the low rate of Hm-nnrr- KINU C'KN HACII , with ample time for healthful oiijoymcnt. Through Cara hotwocn Chicago , I'corla , Jill waulioo and Sll.isourl ItUcr PoInU : and clone con nuctlonti at all jKilntd of Intersection with other rondn. Wo ticket ( do not forget this ) directly to nvon Inco of ImjiortAnco In iianna > i , N > ihrafll < a , Illaclt j.lllH , WyoinliiK , Utah , Iduho , Nmndn , California , Oregon , \VaohliiKton Territory , Colorado , Arizona and Now Mexico. Anil hcral arranicniunU rcKanlliiK l > aict"iin any other line , and ratm of faro ulwnj-i H ! ow an competitor ! ! , who ftunlah lint a tltho o the com fort. Iua and tackle of nvortflinrii ] free. Tlohctn. mniH and foldcrH nt all prlnclpa olUcru In the Unltoil HtatcH and Canada. It , H. UAIIU : , K. ST. JOHN , Vim I'rcrt'ttellun. Oon.Tkt andl'ftiw'r A ) { Hnnnuur , Chicago Cliliiu-o. THOROUGHBRED JERSEY COWS & HEIFERS For Sale By GRAHAM P. BROWNE , Matter of Application of Miix Lcn/ for ] , [ < | iiur IiiuuiiKu. NOTIOM. Notice IH hcruhy KVJI ! ( that Max did , tiixin tlio iinil day of .lantiary , A , ] ) . . 1881 , fllii hix amillcntfon to thu Mayor am1 ( 'ity Couneilol Omaha , fur licoiiKutoxel Aialt , HtliltnouH | anil Vinoim KiqnoiH , at our. Ninth anil Jackxoti Hlroet , Kirht ward , Omaha , Nch , , from the llitliilay [ of . ( nil' nary , I 8' . ' , to tno 10th day of April , IfiHU , If theru bo no ohjooliim , rfinonittranco or priititKt liliMl within two wet'kx fion January 'Jnil , A , I ) , , IKH , thu wild liceiiHu will l u Knitited , MAX J/KN/ , Aiiilicant. ] TUB DAILY HUB newHmpcr | will puhlth the uluivo nnticu ouco t'aeh wcuk fur twi \Muk < nt the uxpttiiHu of thu uppjlcant Tliu ( 'ity of Omaha IK not to be therewith. , r. , r L. o. jan2.2t DISEASES EYE fa EAE DR , L , B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist LATE CLINICAL ASOIBTANT IN F1OYA LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. Itcfcroncui all Hcputiblc yulclani of Oin&ln * ! TOff1ce , Corner ICth nnd Farnham Qti OmnliB , Neb n9 i.i CHSS N W AtfB CcRKXSCr MAP 1 ' i > . ' jimrt ant to.uonnhli'iiui'SlIjti ilmtin * CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN ,1- > , . l I \ ' W'lCI Ml "III ' I > I' ' ' ' , ' J ( I' j ' -.1,1 0 " ' ! t'he Prlitnpnl Po-n's' ' " t'u ' * West , NoH' ' in * * .if i % iiriitn tin * V.ij IIM . I r"irii l ntii-.r.f ifi ! W > M THH ! \irtl ? > IK n I' i. re III 'I . ' , ' ' t ? > i.i < , ii > ' i i ! , pr.ti it wtl'i t'l ' vf ) 'l rail KTW.1' " ' ' * * . . V ° M ' 1 0 | § j - ' " 'N | " " W y X " ' jfVrs * s 'KA jf - v t : rK L Jr.r./M " 5sSs * u * ' - . . / = . THE CHICAGO A , NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Overall . . of IH principal line * , runt rai-li w.iy daily lioni two to ( oiirorumru I'ostnxnroM' lr.i ns. It isilitMiiil ) \\uHotUlilp.iso that uwsilui The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. llt'int-mlicrtouik forTlc ! i't' . ' , > . . < ! > IvlliUro.'nlliositrotlioj : ronil ov < rtt.iml take none oilier. UAKVIM IllIUlHTT.Ucu'l MaiinKcr.ClilcaRo. W. II. STKXKKTr , cn'ir.is3. Apcut , I1AKUY I * . DDK ! , , Ticket Ak-ont.O.t * N. W. lUllnny , lull ixml FiunhMnJxtrueta. . . , , Ticket ' . & . W. , nJ . . ' lK. KIMIIAI.I AwlntAiit Ak'ont C. N. ItnlUay UlhJ F.rnh.m'streetl } . IIK.I.I , , Ticket Ak-ont U. A N. W. lUllwiy , U. 1' . 11. It. Depot. BAllia T. CLAUK Uonnnl Air n . The Oldest Wholesale and THK Retail JEWELRY HOUSE MUSIC HOUSE in'Omaha. Visitors can here IN THIS WK8T ! General for the find all novelties in SILVER Agents Finest and Best Pianos and VER WARE. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured. Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as Eastern Manufacturer uhe Latest Most Artistic any , , and Dealer. and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold PRECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. all descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stock of WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Pianos , Knabe ces as is compatible with Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes. and see our Elegant New Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith Store Tower BuDding , , American Organs , &c. Do corner llth and Farnham not fail to before see us pur Streets chasing. * 'I ' MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES ! Large Stock Always on Hand. d3eod If EDHOLM E RICKSO &ive the Bargains IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY WATCHES.CLOCKS , SILVERWARESOLID AND J'LATED WARE AND DIAMONDS. At Prices that Suit Any Customer Who ReallyiWiahos a Firet- Article. STAR TINTED SPECTACLES Are also Sold Exclusively by us , ALSO WESTERN AGENTS SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS. EDHOLM & ERICKSOK , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office. BROMPTON COUGH PRESCRIPTION , In ItottloH § 1.00 onch , li for $ .1.00. xrcxxi BRITISH CONSUMPTION PHYSIC.- In Bottlus 75 cenU rach , U for 8 < < , * < 0 , llroiniiton wheiito thualia\u iiruwrlptlon * ucro procunil In thu Urgent und ilont Succfusful Con- Hiiiuiitluii llonpital In thu World an the "llroniiton. | Coii iiiiiition | anil C'ouuh luiunlliw , " tlivnbovu MedlclnHhaNeloiidheiMiilieinud In EiiKland Inlalllhlo t'uris for all Coniilalnt8 | of the Luiif anil Uimt. . xi. , J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLKSALE AND IICTAIL UKALKK IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT VXEWXIXC , , xincra. T8TATE AQIN1 FOIl M1LWAUKKE CEMBNT OOMPiNYJ Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NSE