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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1882)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. JA.NUAEY 11 , 1882. THE FUTURE GREAT Plattsmouth's Plans , Prospects nnd Past Progroao. A Rominlsconco of the Oront Bnn- quot. Correspondence cl TUB HFK PLATTSMOUTII , January 7 , 1881. Jn spite of the mud the people of IMnltsmoulli nro hnppy ami thankful. They hftvo an idea that I'li.Uninoiilli 3a the "future great' ot Nebraska. A dense fog has boon hanging over the city all day , provontiinr your cor respondent from getting a knowledge of tlio'plirs.cnl feature ? of the land- Bcapo , and also obstructing the view which , 1 nm told , is very line. The pouplo he re are considerably indignant at the treatment of their board of trade bniiiuut ] ( winch was given some time ago and noticed in Tun 13iiy : , by one of the pnporn from the stnte capital. And I hare ichabk authority for the ntntonunt that ite nubscription list has very perceptibly bly declined , several of the most ptoniinout husincsi men of the city , who had been subscribers for several years , having ordered their paper discontinued. The board of trade have called n meeting of its directors for thin after noon , to "discuss weighty business matters , " but the nature of thoHo mat ters vns not disclosed. THK WKKKLV Ur.R subacription lx > pm is nil the rage here , many orders being taken continually. The business of this city nhows very well for the past yoar. The 1) ) . t M , building and repair shops are the back bone of its prosperity , as they employ nn average of 700 men and pay casli salaries to the amount of from S0,00 ! ( to $50,000 per month. More buildings nro in course of coil' ntruction by the railroad company , which , when completed , will require double the number of men now em ployed. Congress , last year , appropriated twenty thousand dollars for the im provement of the river front at this place , And stops have been taken which will make the wharf one of tin best on the Missouri. The business of the town is con ducted by enterprising men , most o them men of means who believe ii improvement. Thin in demountratui by the fact that there is already ii contemplation fur the coinini ; scanoi eight business blocks , among which ii nn opera house which is to cost ! ! 0 , 000 , and a largo number of residences There nro here over one him drcd business houses , union ) which are seven general stores live clothing stores , four drug storui two funntur.0 house three dry goodi houses , iivo groceries , two lunibe : dealers , three bakeries , four hnrdwnri stores , thrco jewelry stores , threi millinery stores , three weekly news papers and ono daily , two batiks , B ! : brick yards , and an innumerable host of largo and small places of miscol lancotis luminous and tardo. The city contains six churches , al having fair buildings and a reanonabli number of members The legal profession is represents by thirteen lawyers and law firms nearly all of them 'men of knowi ability and Innro experience. The health of the city is attended t < t > y seven physicians , whoso success i demonstrated by the high osteoni ii which they are hold by their fellow citizens. The chances are that Plattsmouil will soon takp her place with tin prominent cities of the west. SOKIIIIIU'.K. Blalno In Politics. Cincinnati Cominurlclnl , Jan. 7. "The reason for the fierce iittncl upon Blaine from stalwart quarters i now bocomg apparent as his name i mentioned in connection with tin politics of 1884. The American carl ; divined , and sot out the reasons wh ; Blaine was subjected to such a terrific rific attack by journals which htu just approved his foreign policy. I Garfield had lived no word of censun would over have boon heard , am Blaine could hardly have become i political factor of large dimensions A cabinet officer's opportunities fo becoming a powerful indeponden factor in politics -when his principa is aiming to a ronominatipn , are ver small. His position subjects him ti the charge of bad faith , and Mr Blaine would not oven have attomptot io play in the role which Mr. Itristov iailod in wlion his principal was no oven nn avowed candidate. The inos effective charge madu against Bristol was that of using his pmco to furthu his own ends when Grant was n possi bio nominee for a third term. Mr Sherman found his position > really , drawback , although Hayes could not in view of his declarations , bo consid crod a candidatu. " [ Nashville American ican ( Dem. ) , Jan. . ' ( . The churgo that Gen. Itriatow use ( liis place , when in the cabinet , agains ( ten. Grunt , is a wicked and stupu falsehood. Gen. Grunt wus not , whet Bristow was secretary of the treasury known to bo a candidate for a thin term of the presidency. There wa.1 then a conspiracy to make Grant perpetual potual president , and surround liin with a tawdry court of thieves en riched in all the tings , but the fac was not advertised. The exposure o the whisky thieves by Uriatnw drov < the third termers to their holes , am caused the campaign around tin world to bo arranged. It was though Ilayea might do for an intermission and the conduct of Sherman in Hayes cabinet , presuinim ; to bo a candidati for the presidency , has been severel ; criticised , It is assumed that ho woi almost as improper as Hristow , It is this presumption by the third term conspirators that Bherman wu impertinent and ungrateful in comin forward when ho know the old com mander was in the field , that CUUHI the potty and persevering pismii malignity that we BOO in the uttucl. upon Sherman's administration of tli treasury department. There is not public robber who expected to bo ei riched under a third term who in IK malevolently hostile to Sherman , an cauer to find email opportunities t peddle falsehood about him. Bristow did not push himself as candidate for the presidency , but Ii was pushed for it by those who wer to sco hiui doing good wor ndcrmost discouraging circumstances. Srant himself at first lojoiccd in Uris- DW , and went so far M to address him irt'ctly and favorably ns to liiscamli * acy for the presidency. Giant also , t , will bo remembered , gave- orders hat no guilty man should bi- allowed 0 escape. Afterward his mind was miaoued by those who were voiy icar him and deeply interested in jetting him to stop thu regular action > f the olliccra of the law. They suc ceeded in convincing Grant hat Hristow was using his iepartmcnt to throw dirt at the Vhito House. It wns a moot base lie hut they told , but it had the oil eel hat they desired. Grant turned his > ack upon his best friends , liristow mong them , and bolioud the thinvun. luscntment toward those who were > rosccnting whisky thieves because al- neal a monomania with him. Tim trango passion carried him so far that vhen the District Attorney of Louisi- ma , Bockwilh , an honest man , limit- d thu whisky thiovcH of New Orleans , mil iralhcred convicting testimony. ho brothel in-law of the Administr.i- ion , who was caught , wan believed to ho olFoct that Hccknith was a black- nailer , and the District Attorney , who iad done his duty , was removed iver the head and against the earnest protest of Attorney General Haft. This was n typical case. .No ano person supposed Grant to bo per Kinaliy interested in crooked whisky , nit his biothcr-in-law C.inoy was , and Jasoy was believed agaiint Iteckwith , fho ground of the removal of Buck- vilh was that he was a blackmailer , and in vain the attorno ) * general urged , hat the way to test who wore criin- nals to try the cases. The hon est and capable district attorney was umoved , and the thieves danced for oy. The llristow case was simply on 1 lurgor scale. Itristow was doing his duty , and the scoundrels ho pursued ; ut the car of Grant , and so over : amo him that ho was furious ; and it s to this day one of the distinguishing narks of a stalwart that ho believes iristow to have been very wicked , and has a deep conviction that it is ono of the privileges of a patriot to mrtakc by crooked ways of thn pub ic revenue , provided ho deals liber- illy with his party subscribes largely 0 the campaign fund , and pushes for 1 thud term and all that ib implies. One of the most honorable of the epi sodes in tlie history of this country was the Bristow movement. Ik developed - velopod wonderful strength , and was within a hair's breadth of success , If Jov. Morton had known the sitna- ; ion in good time , Jirinlnw would have Doon nominated , and ho would have swept the country in spite of demo cratic party and the administration of "rant combined. At first under Hayes thu third- termers were deeply indignant be cause they wore not regarded as pe culiarly entitled to ollices and con tacts , and to slmpo all public affairs according to their pecuniary interests and political ambition , but they speedily bccamo interested in thu xmttil management , and in expediting itar routes from a mine almost as compensating as that of crooked whisky. They suffered very much irom the nomination of Garflold at hicagolooking upon the defeat ot Grant as a crime and they were uncertain for a time whether they would aid in the election of a man .who bad not believed in the olio-man' doctrine. Seeing that Garfield would bo elected without thorn , they rushed to hie roscno and proceeded to claim every thing , and to do it oxultingly. The treasury department they wanted as n [ > er < iuisito. The star-route thiovoe : laimed the postal department. The secretaryship of state they reserved for the old commander if ho would condescend to accept it. But Gar- lold felt that ho was himsulf presi dent. Ho urged the secretaryship ol state upon Blaine , the inventor of the term "Stalwart , " though ) ho was un der the awful cloud of Grant's per sonal displeasure for saying he thanked God , though not nom inated , the third-term agony wap 3ver ; and neither of Conkling's ineligi ble men was appointed secretary of the Treasury , while a man waa select ed for Postmaster General merely be cause ho was the most competent bus iness man in th country for the pluco. Then , i.ftcir appoiiitinu six Conkling men to olllco in Now York , the Presi dent appointed one Garfield man. There was no hope after that for peace. Conkling reaitnod ; and thu [ 'resident was murdered. Evolution ma buen going on in the Cabinet lumen is no longer attending to postal ill'airs. Houro , who thought the nom ination of _ Garfield was a crime , and whoso son-in-law isa - - star-routolawyer , is postmaster general. Blaine , who was dogged on the street by the as sassin whi jo ho walked aim-in-arin with Garfieid , and who was with him when ho was shot down , is a private citizen , and the newspapers that re garded the defeat nf the Grant gang in their third term conspiracy as n crime , are fiercely abusing the ox. secretary of state. If , however , the national republican convo ntion should moot to-morrow , or next week , ernest nest month , Blaiue would bo thu nominee for the presidency. Wo shah BOO whether thu Arthur administra- .ion shall prove itself so admirable ) as o make a great change in public opin- 'on in the course of two yeais. 1 f you are millurmg from a BOYOIG cough , cold , asthma , bronchitis , con sumption , loss of voice , tickling in ; hu thioat , or any all'oution of the hroat or lungs , wo know that lu. KIXU'K Nr.w Disuoviutv will give you immediate uiliuf. Wo know of kuu- dreds of e.ises it has completely cured , ind that whi'io all other mudicinee liad failed. No other lemedy eau show one half as many puriuanenl cures. Is'ow to give you mitinfactor ) proof that Dr. KIND'S Ni\v ; Disrov r.iiv will euro you of Asthma , Broil chilifl , Hey Fovur , CoiiHumption , Ho veio Coughs and Colds , lioinuiu > Ks orany Thioat or Lung Disease , if yoi willc.dlatJ.K. IKII fc MuMAim.V Drug Store you can get a trial bottl free of coit , or a ii'gular si/.o bottl for § 1.00. janKilyL' ( ) \Vlien your t'm ifi\e * > ' " " tl" > mitten , an ytm fuel yniir heurt Is liroW , Don't KMv ! < y tu lilauk iliapalr , but Iri'i i ( UM a joke. Got yunr health in firHl-ca ! a unU'r , a hot tlti of ijpiiui ; llliws in liny , And giiily join u hlngiiiK chta , and for ai other HWittlieiirt try. 1'dce 50 cvnlv , trial buttles 10 cenln. OOOIDBNTAL JOTTINGS. CALIFORNIA. The pnllcc mndo 2,120 arrests in i > . ( k- and last year , Ventura county exported l l y ar stv > lc of her own production ID the value of tl.XM.irci.Tl. Thn nullmrto ! ! < i nf Stockton have nnUj ieil the army of hummer * , vunrants nnrt other otKiilcloui clmrftctcru that infe t the city , to lea\o at once , under penalty < > f ) p iB i > laccd in th chain-gang. The farmers in the \lclnltv nf Tulare City are ciittin ! , ' im Irrigating cnnnl hroiiKli tli I'arinlnfiton rcKlotii Hi tfrti- nnteil cert It 8 Vi,0. 0. It will bo com- ileteil by the mlildlo of Jnntiary. Tlic clilpmcntii by rail for the year 18sl rein SftiiU Aim Station , I. < M AugijIeH ounty , nnicunlril to 17IX)0i70 ) ( poimjK 'ho c > | i > irU 1 > V wn were li < oiea\y. ) J his i the itfttion for the orauije colony. The Me Murphy family , ] < cHtcn county , icM a reunion mi Clirictnias day , nt which were pri-nent the nf d p-.rcnt * , Kl anil S. ) years old roHpcctlvclVi five of their chi Iren , 21 grand rhildrrn , five { { rcat-gnnid- lilMren. One daughter nd nine grnml hlldrcn and iireat-yrandchlldten were ab- cut. MONTANA. 'I'lio nit restored debt of Montnnn , Tanunry lit , IbSl , nmountulto J''O/ 1'lvo hundred new biillilingH hnu been ncto.l in Bulti ! nnd vicinity ( luring the mH year. Tlio territorial penitentiary in nvcr- rowdcd , theie lielnn more than twnprison * r for each cull , At Chu'tnilt theMisBonri river N frozen ulltl , while at llviiton the rl\ur hax been conntantly optn , Suvernl < | imiU Icdyon mt\r ] ! annack , vhich have I'om ' uuiltr bond fur home , ime , huve been Hold fur § 125,000. One ycnr nvn there were ! Hliri70 acrrmif nnd miller cultivation In MtmUnn. 'Die 1RM1 greatly iiicreancd that acreage. ] 5uttc II.'IK four fine coinmodloui church juilliii0'f ( , namely : 'I he Presbyterian , the viincuiinl | , tliu Cftthollu and the Metho- lint. lint.An An § 800,000 contract IIHH been let for clearing the timber from 12. " mllex of the nrtlivrn 1'ftcific in Maho and Western iloiitunn. About 250 hiick chimneys have been milt in Helena .since the jiaHNage of the ity ordinance rcquiriug thin regard for the timiiion Hafuty. The Rchnol fuml of Silver How county or the yeor 1881 mummied to § 10 IWH.liS , ind thu number of children drawing pub ic Hchool inoiiuy la 1,11'J. At the organi/ation of Hiher How conn- y eight months n < o it was In debt In the mini nf $25,000. It ! H now out of ilubt and ia in round innnbiTHncaHh linl.iuccttand- ng to iU credit of 810,000. Montana cuiitiilnx 11..OOO Fcjiiarc miles > r 1I1.800OQO ! ( act UK of land. ( > f HUH vant iren 20,000,000 acres are ferlilu farming and , 10,000,000 aercn gra/ing laniN nun , hu balance timberInnilx and w.ttur aiua. There nro 11 ! iiinrtinillit | with m a gre- , 'nto of 221 Htniup" ; four mucllcrx with an iKgragato daily capacity of 220 [ OIIH : two irr.ihtaonu new -lO.stntnp mill in courHo ) f viiiiHttnctiiin nnd one now -10-ntimp nill contracted for in thuicinity of Unite. The lli hlnnd dihtrict , Hituntcd oil the crt'Mt ( rf the Itoclcy mrxinUiiix , 8,000 feet ili\d [ HO.'I level , ix U o i idlest district in .ho tenltorv. Thcni uru Kevcnil valuable ; i id milieu in the district , one of the mont inportant beiiu' the Only Chance. Thu nine has already produced ? L' < 10,000. The new one- tamp mill recently in- \onted and now inamifiicturc I by Sharp- icek it Co. , at Ulair , Xeb. , tromiHCH to 10 of great viluo to prnxpcctorHnnil othcrH 11 Hintxll means in MonUn i. It can be erected nt half the of n ten-Ktiinip mill of the o'd ' pattern und roducis nearly the eainu ( ] iinnity ol ore. The holiday numbers of evcral territo rial papots urn icpleto with facU and fig- iirerj , and biiloricul ketclu.'H of thu thriv ing citicH in the territory. The most no- tlc.-ublo of these IB The Bultu Miner , aS2 nago number in mugnzino form , illuHtrat- ing tl > u inntropollit of the ter ritory and detailing the wonderful pro gress and prosperity of the past year. Tlw llozeman Courier i * equally rich in general information nnd local busmens revirw. Doth papers are advanced reprr entativca of western jourmilism and the "art pre- Ror\ntivo , " trained guides on tlio path of [ irogreHH and enterprise. UTAH. A fire ! n Salt Lake City. New Year'i day , rcHiiltcd in n IOHH of 315,150. The total mortality in Salt Lake City for the year 1881 , wa < i 582 (2H9 ( males nnd 293 femnlcH. ) A contractor who linn been examining Lbu Mormon tomp'o in Salt Lake , which lins hcuii building for the pant thirty yearn , and ! H reported by the church to hnvu cost 95,000,000 , uaj-H he will take n contract to duplicate the job for $500,000 , and com plete it in two years. [ IJoomoiang. WYOMING. Clioveniu ) impnneinentH for last yeai foot up § 127,250. The legislature met In the Cheyenne > pern house yesterday , The Cheyenne City telegraph company ion tiled iirtlck'H of incorporation , Cheyenne printer * have nsked nn nil- vii nee in wagox from tun to fifteen pel cent. Wyoming hy not ono wnt of wnrrantf inUtnmling , nobomicd debt , and money n the treasury. Thu fourth wlro of the Weidera Union oU'griph company frniu Oirnba is cum- lifted to Ijiiramlu. The Union r.icific company are puttlna in a turn-tablo nt Urnngor , and will build a few engiuo Btidlw iu the Billing. Frank l.cnhart , of Oieeu Kivcr , wnt ne cr ly injured buit week by being drug' jed by IIH ! IIOI-HC , hU head HtriUIng it rock , A criink lenpcd throughtliowiudow of n car , nt tireen Khur , unit took to tall tim- Her , Thu aiithoritiex are taking care ol dm. dm.Hank Hank Cotter , n freighter , wan "held up' l > y ft road ugent near I'oint nf Ko ( ln , it ( Jreen Kiver , last Thumduy , ami robbed ) f ? 50. All of the Cheyenne city tax OH In 1KS1 were collected but the Mini of twenty-Cm lollnra. The year prtnioun thodcliniuont | lint Amounted to $1,000 , The candidate * ! r mayor in Choyrnnc nro iludgo Carey , the | ire cnt incumbent , mil Mr , Heel , onu of the largont property iwnerK m the city , The issue in water works. At n depth of three Imndied feet watei \\anHtrnck in the nrtesian wella at Raw. lux , The water ncemn to bo of gocxl ipiul1 ty and rlnui within tweutylho feet ot the iiirfnce , Juilgu 1'eck , tbu lestlictlc ornament ol the eiijjo brush district , ban been rellevr ) , and tbu pri s nnd people nru n tiillo jnbil out , S , ( ! , L'arkH , of New .Mexlen , U hid ilndgo Nye , of Lnrnmie , pronouuerH tin muriingu benediction m follows : "Then us thin u urt luin jlned toxether let no man put usundor ; but tutter little children tc come unto them , HO help you Odd " Charley Mcl.eod wan nhot nnd instiinth killed nt thu huubo of Nettie Wright nl Hulfalu , .hiliiikoii county , on the moiniii } of the ' . ' 1st , uiul the conmcr'a jury nay by i pistol hhot , iu the hand * of ono \ \ in llenton , of ltiv\vllns. l-'rom n bu Iiie ti point ofiew Carboi in lodinin ' as nho iiovtr loomed before. Tin railioail company is hiuklug a well nt tin ni-w depot , having found uoodateraiu a plentiful hiipply , o\er which an cngltn lioiinu Mill tank ha\e beta built. An inmiitu of the Lnrnmlo jail , Charlii l'lerr < > , met with a rut her painful , mid it nmy b < - , Hvrioiis accident , Momtu' luoriiing. lln fell out of the upper html hi lili cell , across the back uf a cliuir iruMng hU head somewhat and hurting ils kidneys. A Knocking murder WM committed on Mojid-n- last on the ranch of 11. It. 1'l.iycr , nt the IJcd Car.yon cnn. ln of ths Chey- nne river , forty-tliroo miln nouth of GUI- cr ( iralmm hiulnbueil one of ihc ho'sci ind wan fiiokcn tonlxmt it by King , when 10 immediately drew a levohcr nnd p t hrce bulls Into King1 , nnl niter * Aid * lib king that they tniglit riot prnvn futnl , ic returned and shot hli xictitn through ho head , COLORADO. fioldcn'H biif'liipin record la1year amounts to 87,900,000. TinmpH nre liccomlng trouWciomc on , he line nf the I"lo Grande. Thn taxable valuation of .IclfeMon eoun- y is a Iritlo over $ J,50iiCOO. Denver claim * ! to have put un SI , 100- 000 worth of bill ding In 1HS1. The i nrnlngs ( f thn Litt'o 1'ittibiiiff , nt icarUille , for December will approximate 'IS.OOO. Pueblo has ctijnycd n light iu the court oem between the city marxhal ami n utlge. The Denver coutt hoiiao ring lln c been ori'cd In abandon the 8i,000 ( ) stone con- ract rtcal , The Hi'breWH of Denver linvi1 sold their > 'd tcmiile , nnd will erect n new one nt ace co tof ? a."iX'J. ( ) There wile IMO jiteccs nf haggngo checked out from ( Juhleu station ami I , 82 received In 1831. Tliaca ulngsof llieDcnvcr&Kio Grnudo leolila weru 80'JOO per milu thi-i year , ngninst S,3 ( 0 last yenr. rolonido'H bullion prorlntt in 1881 wns $20,000,000 falling off of SH.000,0000 , vhilo I tab gained neatly $ -,000,000. The placers In the Illuo river district and \icmity are estimated toha\o denrcd ip over ! ? 5.000 ) in gold the present year. Colorado hnn 121 nmll routcn , the totn. cn.'th of which ia : i,7Mmllc ! . The an- ' iiml traxel on these roiitex i l,20G,80t nlleH. _ DAKOTA. Yanktnn real estate it going up. Salem put $31,1K ! ) into new building's nst There nre over 50,000 Kimaro milcH in the lUmnnrck land district. Huron expended over 8.5,000 in build- ni's between M ay and .Intiuarj' . Dry wood foils for ? . " > n cord in ] 5is- marck ; lignlto coal for $1.50 a ton. Brave Bear sayo tt ! H n matter of Indif- crencc to him what they do with him. They may hang him , nhopt him or let hiv go ; it is all the same to him. An eight yenr old pcliool girl met with n iirrrlblo death in Union county lant week. She tried to enter the school through a window , when the ash fell on her neck , irenklng her lower jaw anil strangling her , o death. MISCELLANEOUS. Three mines iu thu Bullion district , Idaho , have recently mild for § 500,000. Thu Virginia Chronicle ( stimnteH the number of miners employed in the Com- ntook iniueH at 1,810 , giying a monthly pay roll of a quarter mlllii n dollars. The bullion output fr'in the lincoveryof Tombstone Arizona , to date , isnH followH ; lombstono Mill and Mining I'oinpnny , 32,70li)3li.i.t ) : ; ContcntiimWestern , S2.70S- 111..T.I ; Or.nd Central , SlOriO,875.iO : ; Head Centre , 811)1,020.52 ) ; Virma , S-VJIi KUIS ; 'orbin Mill , § 10,000 ; Iiicor.siill. § 15.000 ; miflet , § 15,000 ; Hodhan Mill 8112,007. : . ! . Total , S7r : > ! ) .200.83. These mines paid a total S.l55iOJ : ( in dividends. Short Bronth. 0. Bortle , 'I > fanchcstcr , T. Y. , was troubled with u.stbmu for eleven yeais. Had bfcn obliged to fit up Roinetimes ten or twelve nights in micceiflion. Found immediate r lief from TIIOMAH' EctFC- TIIIO On , , and is now entirely cured 9-lw BITTERS Mrs. J. O. Itolicrtuon , Plttsbiinr , Po. , writes : " ! wan BUdcrin'-Ironr general dcbllltv , uant of ap petite , coristlatlon | , etc. , BO that lift ) wiis n bur den ; Attcr ualn lltmlock Illooil Illttore 1 felt hot tcr than for jcars. I cannot jiralao Jour Hitter ! too much. " It. QllitM. of nulTalo , N. Y. , writci : "Voui Ilurdoik Illot lllttcra , In chronic ilUcasonof tin blood , liter t.iJ kldnevH , hate been bl nalh marked ttltlipuccoss. Ihavo ufli-d them rn > soil Mlth brut nsiilts , ( or torpidity of the liter , nnd Ir caxoof a friend of mine sutlcrlng from droisy | the clled Vita rnim clous. " Ilruco Turner , Itochestcr , N. Y.w | rites : 'I ha\ < been HUlijeit to xcrloris dixordcr of tbu Milne ) and inmblu to attund to bnslnexH ; Hiinloik IIloo < Hitters nlluteil ino before half nbottUtut used I ( til confident that tboy will entire ! } ciiru me. " , i Anciilth Hall , Illngliampton , N. Y. , writes ; "I miffcrnl lllitt dull | > nlii through my i'f | lumr and niiumuur. IxDntrny Hplrltn , appetite and color , and could lth dllllculiy keep up all duy. Took jour lliirdock Illood Hitlers OH ill netcil , titid hatu felt no pain ulnec lltbt ueck of tcr UKlnir them. " Mr , Noah Union , Klmlra , N. Y. , writes : ' 'Aboul ' four ) ( uwnio I hid an attack ol bilious finer , IIIK never fully reiotered. Sly dlKextito or ini wcro vtcalti'iicdnnd 1 would noeoniplettly proa trat < d fordajg Alter iibliij ; two bottle * of join llurdocK lilnod Hitters the Improvement wa * K \l Iblo that 1tut abtonUhcd * 1 euiinou. thonr ; 01 ) < arn ol aio ; , da a fair and reasonabfu duj'i \\ork. C. Illaekit RolilnMii , Proprietor of ThoCanad : 1'reHbjterlimToronto , out , , writea : "Korjean I BUirered greatly from oft-rueurrlni ; beadauic. i used j our Iturdoik Illood lllttern with happ ! ( results , ami I now llnd ini'wlf In better btaltl than for ) eiua pant. " Mra. Wallace , lluffalo. N. Y , wrlten : ! bavi lined llurdoik Illooil llitteH for nonoiw and bit IOUH hi'iul.nlKH , and mn rvcomnieniilttoanjoni requlriii ) ; a euro for bllliousntiu. " Mm. Ira Mnllhollaml , Albany , N. Vrltes " 1'or Nuteitil ) earn I hnt e eullered from oft-recur rlnit lilllloui litadacheM , il upcpiU , and coin plalntx ( Hionliar to my tex. hlruorng \ \oui llurdock Illooil Ilitttru lam entirely relleteii. " Price , 91.00 per ilottle ; Trial Dottloi 10 Cti FOSTER , MILBUEN. . & Co , , Prop , BUTFALO , N. Y. Bold at nliolmla by I h & McMabon and 0. F Ooo < liuau , Jo 27 cod-mo H AWKEYE PLAIM& IILL 00. , DCS Moines , lov/a , iVanufacturen of SASH , DOORO , DLIND3 URAOKET8 , MOULDINGS. .10. Orcit rvductlon In llink Counters , I'lsnu fur nlthed , and work furnUluil Iu all Undue ! Inner or Holt vtood. Counters tluUliud In oil when do Hired. Shel\lti 0l all kinds furnished nnj pu Into bulldlni ; ready for paint on niiort notlia Our norkmcn are the bent mechanics that can bi procured. B e money by b'l > l"B u > o r coo tracts. Stairs , Newell and Dalustert. Our foremvi In this department WM forracil ; with Front } lunuf cturliitr Co , Chlcwjo I1U , inJ ban dcino bOuio ot tbo Une t Stair orl iitboKorthucit. Ordrm bv mill urnmutlv > tliinl * < l n John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly of 01 h& J cob , ) UNDERTAKER .1117 Purr-ham St. , Old btanj ol cob 0" " , * f Ot J in or Ti > lc < r i > u BolldtcJ 7 H. SCHONFELD Propietor of the ANTIQUARIAN Book Stoi e ! The Antlqnnrlnn'n Warning , ' ) < > not trunt him , gentle render , Though hii ftheltcA Iwik trim ami ne.\t ) n not ficfd the plate glom wimlowc , Shining out upon the street. jllded backing on the vnltnncH Soon will fade and be forgot ; Ctlldcd ivigiis ate oft deceiving Oentlo render , trust him not. trailer , once there lived a ( Undent , Wlmloni } sought for learning rare , Vnd he met him on the Hidcwnlk , And he faUely Iwl him there. \nd ho tnlked to him of TllADK SALKO , I'DTTHI'S booVB and HCII.MUCKEII'H lore ; \nd 1 met him plodding homownrd With a bundle to his door. ipiitlo icailer , 1 ha\ waited , Nightly I have wnlketl tliu Rtreet , Jngering for you on the corner , And this happy hour wo meet ! { iii o jour eye to yonilor window , Whew ottr student , in the night , With a page of FrnMfCKKii'n hlxtuiy , Kites upiu pipe t leader , tut n not from mo coldly , Tlio truth only have 1 told ; . would K.I o lilt- from the book stores , Where the cu tomcrH .iro "told. " vf uhl shield tbee frim n'l danger , Olilcld then from the plato gln marc ; 3hun , U , 'bun the gilded counlen , I have warnetl thee now IIKWAHK ! H. Schonfeld , ' PROrillETOn OF THE ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSTORE n\ltc the attention of the lexers of creed rc d- ng to hla cxtcnaivo Mid \nluablo collection ol CHOICEST WORKS In all department * of I. Herat me and Science. Not onlj are the most cntucinvil I'.iiRllsh and American works to lie found ( n liUnhchos but THE ANCIENT OLASSIOS , and the Standard Writers ol Mcdlmvalogca and Jlodern Kuropo nro wo I represented. Owing to his ouporlunltlvM for eocurlnjr these Hooks at low prlecs , liu idin tlicm at fliurtt widen tan not lie met by any other house in tills city , Parties Good Books at Low Prices arc requested to enll cl'evvhero before roinlnff lere tint they may pro\ the truth of this aa- ttrllon , IKslrlnfrto keep a nock of the \ cry best works , I carefully sel > ct onlj nk-h iw uoulil mcLt the ap. nro\al of a cultUatei ta to. In theiu ila > 8 of dioap literature It Incry easy lo bu > for a little money altriro took of printed irmttir , bound Inell ulUleil cover * andpojiular- ) termed books , but nhkli di'Bcno the title In the lantuac ) of Charity of Lamb , "Things in Books' ' Clothing , " It In to bo regretted that RO many liookHt-llers , illiterate and nierccimrj , till tbeltC'i ulth tlilaHuclHof ] riudluK mater , thus coinertlni ; their etoreu Into Hero Cliamal Houses lor the gllt-cdpcd nnd hot-iircseU nmmqiica of forgotten or miliarplb uiiforKottcn scribleru. ltt then' ho ul-h to read books ef IN. T INH1C\A1UK. i-tep Into my fcloro and they will find \\hntc\ci tbevnnl. . lturi.niber that b > tlio choice of jour booVn \ tir ihir.tttcr 1 * jiull | It is an axiom that "people will uot lo better than the bookg ti ey rend,1' Ur A. Totter The crncral reader , the hvycr , the classical , theological or inrdkal Htudcnt , the engineer or nrchlteet the hlttorical inqnlitr , lliolo > urof imctry or nctlon , or thoto who look for work In foreign langnagca , can bo fcujiplied with what i ? dwlrid. I ha < e also n lar o and uell Holectoit stock of elegant Little Books forChlldrcnathomo , who ulioulJ be reniouibcroJ in tliU liollday mason. And those u ho w i h for chclcu and rkhl v bound Klltbookn , who e. content * will be found worthy of thtir external aipcarance , will do cll to call at the ANTIQUARIAN BOOK STORE 1420 Doueloes Street. HEADQUAmrtns OF THE LITERATI. dc20eodlm ORDINANCE NO. 487. An Ordinance establishing the erade on Alley in lUock I1.r , iu the City of Omaha , lie it ordained by the City Council of the City of Omaha : SucnoK 1. The ( jrado of the center of the Alley in Klock 115 , in the City of Omiiha , hlitvll be and in hereby entablinhcd VRfollowH ; Beginning nt the efitublmhea grade clcvi.tinn of 155 10 feut above da tum levels , at the we8t _ curb ino of Kigh- ternth street , where it intcireetH thocentor line of the -tlleyin lilock 110 ; thence to an elevation of 158 feet , at n i > oint ! )9 ) feet west of the west line of Kightecnth street ; thence \vent 33 feet , to an elevation ot 158 S-10 feet ; thence went 33 feet , to an deration of 158 ; thence west to an eleva tion of 15-1 5-10 feet , at the east curb line of Nineteenth utrect nsnow entublixhed. Sic. - ' . This ordinance nhall _ take effect nnd lie iu forcofrom und after it pivwage. TilOS. S. IMlliKY , A tie t : IWt City Council. J. . ) . L. C. JBWKTT , City Clerk. Vanned January 3 , 188'J. Appioved Jniumry f , IBS } . JAMES ! ' . Bom , Major. OllDHNANOK NO. 488. An ordinance to prevent uniiuth'jri/ed use of the File Hydr.mta in the t'ity of Omaha , or tnmp > r nf , ' with the saino. Ho it enl lined iiy the City Council of the City of O.i.nhii aH followu. HFLHON 1. U chiill ao unlawful for nny person to draw water fioin , to open , or rloe , or to do any other thing with or nbout any Kiro 1 ly rant in the city of Omali , unlehs nuthorized HO to do umbr the authority of the ollicials of paid eity or of thu city water works comp uy. Hro. " . It nil dl be unlawfulfor any portion tion to | mt any Biibstanco or thing into , to hitch , or fasten horKct or other aninmlH to , or to mtdi lo or tampef in nny way with any Hueh Kiro If drant , or to do .inytliiiiL' with or about the sntuo not necesaary and proper for IU legitimate line. Sn' . 3. AnyperHoniolatinir this ordi- n.iiR-o i-hall be ( 'iii ty of n misdemeanor , and on coviction thereof khall IH imnirthed by n line fiuot to oxceeed iifty dollarn or an Imprisonment not to ex ceed ten unyt , or both. SKC. I , All ordimmceH or parts of ordi nances inconsistent herewith are hereby repeiled. rill1 , 5 This ordinance shall take clloct and bu in force from anil after iU pns age , T1IOS. II. DAIU.Y , Atti-i-t. 1'reH'tCIty Couneil. ,1. J. \ , , C. .IKWETT , City Clerk. 1'asacd ilanuary S , 1SS2. Approved January P , 18S2. J. 1) ) . I'.uMi. Mi.yor. Matter ofj Application ot Julius for l.iqunr License. NOTICE. Notice U hereby > en that Julius did , upon thu .list day of December , A. 1) . , 1KS1 , lilo Mt iippHcntliiu to the Mayor uud City Council of Omaha for license to i.ell Malt , Spirituous and Yiuoiu I iiinorn , at No. tilti Sontli Tliiiteenth utri'ct , riecdiid warii , Omaha , Neb , , from the 1 lthclny of J nuniy , 18& , to the lOtli day of April , ItiSL' . If theiobo no objection , reuioimtranet or jii-oto-t filed wltiiln two weeks from De cember UUt , A , IX , U81 , tlio edd licem-f will be Bunted. JiLii'H NAIIL , Applicant , THE DALLY UIR newsiwpcr will publUl the .vbo > e notice once week for twi \veek at the cxveiuo of the upplicant The City of Omaha is uot to he elmrget therewith. J. J , L. U , JKNVKIT , jan'-it City Clerk. WM. ROGERS' Manufacturing Company , -MAKERS OF THE- Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Forks. . KFJ Tlio only and/ / ! Uional plato that MTlio original firm of | is givint ; for Instance - R. o g o r a Bros. stance a ninglo All ou Spoons , plated Spoon a Forko nnd Knives plated triplothickncsa with the greatest pinto only on of caro. Eacli o the s c c t i o s lot being hung on a acalo while where expo d being plated , to to wear , thcrnby insure a full deposit - making a single posit of silver on plated S p o o n them , wear aa long aa Wo would call a triple plated especial attention , tion to one our sec- Rival. Orient- All Orders In the West should bo Addressed to A. B. HUBEEMANN Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , - . . . - - NEB. HAVE DECLINED SLIGHLTV -AND- Is the first to make the announce ment to his customers and the general public. MATTINGS , OIL CLOTH AND WINDOW SHADES , Always sold at the lowest Market Prices. We carry the largest stock and make the Lowest Prices. Orders promptly filled and every attention given to patrons. T"E * T1 ITT T IT T513 "O JT5 . U iij 1 W 1 li . & J& . 1313 Farnham Street. OMAHA NEBRASKA.- , - - - - - SUPERIOR In Convenience , DURABILITY , ECONOMY AND GENERAL CONSTRUCTION BUY § BEST -SOLD BY Lang & Fotick W. J. WELSHANS & CO , , -WIIOKKLAI.K AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Flour , Feed , Grain , Baled Hay. PROPRIETORS OMAHA CITY MILLS , CHOICE DRANDS OF Winter and Spring Wheat Flour , Rye Flour , Graham , Bran , Corn , Oats and Chopped Feed of all Kinds , Cor , Eighth and Farnham Streets , Omaha * J A O t I1