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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1882)
rt & . & * . THE OMAHA - rtv DAILY EE. ELEVENTH YEAR. OMAUA , AVEDNI'SDAY MORNING , JANUARY 11 1882 NO. 17i : GEAR'S GREATEST. Johnny's Farewell to His Follow Citizens and the Assembly of Iowa , In Which Ho Minutely Ac counts For the Interests Entrusted to Him , And the Grand Strides Made by the Great Central Com- monwoaltb. $ > > " * ' JProfjroM and Prosperity. Pn t , Preient and Protjpootlyo. MESSAUI. . Fellow-Citizens of thoRcncrM Arucmbl ) In pursuance of law , I herewith prosen for your consideration the reports of tin state ollium find the different institution * showing the financial and oth-r ccmilitioiiH of tha state and such Institutions , accnm panled with suggcstionM of such measure- as scorn to me to bo for the welfare of the fltnto anil her people. You Assemble in a. time of general urns pcrity , both in nntion and state. Whlli the returns to our husbandmen have not for the year just c'osoi ) , been ho ohundnn in amount il product as in past yours , ye the remunerative prices prevnlent.fnr what was produced ploco Iowa on a , high plain of pr sperity. On this general assembly , in addition to the onljnary matter of making prpviiiot for carrying on the state and her in titu tiotiB , devolves duties of a high politicn' clmructer. You are culled on to redislrid the state into cnngro-sional , senatorial am representative districts , and in view of the resignation , on the 7th day of March hut , of lion. Samuel J. Kirkwood , who has rendered such dmtiugninhed services to the state , both as governor and senator , you are called upon to clct a successor for the remainder of his unexpired term , as well as a mnator for the full term beginning March 4 , 1883. To these duties yon come , fresh from the people , presumably wol aware of their wishes in these regards , an ( | it in to bo expected that you will discharge the responsibilities imposed upon you in .such manner as will bo for the beat int-r- < .t of the commonwealth. THE IINAN'CKS The auditor's report , herewith submit ted , shows in detail the receipts and ex penditures for the bicnniU period ; also , the condition of the banks and insurance companies doiiifj business in the state , ac companied by his suggestions in regard to revenue and other matters pertaining to our financial interests. At the beginning of the term there was no money in the goueral ruvenuo fund ol the state. During thu term that fund ic- ceived 82,120.900 DO. There was disburse i 2,035,050.39 leaving a balance on hand in general revenue of S'Jl,8r > 0..r > l. The war rants drawn o gainst general levenue atnoi-nt to S1UO,24'J.87. ! In aldition there wns paid for interest on warrants $10,063.45 , which makes the npi'regate cost of carrying on the government of the state for the term 31,950,313.32. leaving an excess of receipts over expenditures ol $17i > ,087.58 in general revenue. During the peri. > d just closed not a warrant has been indorsed for interest ; the taxei have been paid promptly ; und the amount in the hands of the county treasurers is slightly lea than at the close of the last period. I congratulate you , und through you the people of the state , on the healthful con dition of the finances as compared with the two previous biennial periods , Attho close of the biennial period , . tember30 , 1877 , there were outstanding warrants to the amount of § 207,770.31 ; and these were at a discount of two to five per cent. Through the efficient help of Hon. George \V , Bcmis , treasurer of the state , an ar rangement was made with some of the banks during the ensuing period whereby warrants were brought up to par. At th clo < e of the biennial period ended September 30 , 187H , the warrants outstand ing had been reduced to § ' .li,9)3.54 ( ! ) , while the interest paid during that period was $27,328.315. much the larger portion of which hail accrued on warrants of the former period. The amount of wuriantti outstanding ; but not boarin ? interest , September 30 , 1881 , was § 22,003.71 , and there are now in the treasury ample funds to meet the cur- rcnb expenses of the state , The war and defense debt has been paid , except the warrants for § 125,000 negutia ted by the executive , auditor and treas urer , under the law of the eighteenth gen eral assembly , and $2 500 of the original bonds not yet presented for pav ment. The onlv other debt owing by the state amounts to 8215,135.10 , duoto the permanent school fund , a portion of which n made irredeem able by the constitution. These faoti place Iowa practical y among the states which have no debt , a consideration which must add to her reputation. The expenses of , the state for ihe post two _ year ai * less > than those of any other period since 180' ) , aud notwithstanding the factthat the state is to-day sustaining several institutions not then in existence , nameljr ; the bos- pital at Independence , the additional pen itentiary , the normal school , and the asy lum for the feeble-minded , besides the girls' department of the reform school. Ihe state also , at par ent , makes provision for fish culture , for . 3 useful weather service , for sinitary supervision by a board of health , for en couraging Immigration to the state , for a the inspection of coal mines by a statu inspector v. specter , und liberally for the military arm v.i. of Its government. These catitis of in- > 'creased expenditure are only puttially off set by the In gely reduced cost of support ing soldiers' orphans' homes , although si hero a small additional outlay is necessi- for tat1 d by the admission of Indigent children - foh dren to the home. This diminished ex ca penditure , notwithstanding the state's of Hiopii ation has augmented over fifty per ofwl cent since 180 ! ) , anues , I mbinit , an eco wl nomical management of the aflalrs of Ihu pe stite government. A hasty comparison nt with the cost of go.-ernments of our sister 8.1 'c mmomvealths still further demonstrates ar the frugality of state administration of to Iowa , hi The auditor estimates that the expendi I',1 ' tures for carrying on the nt.ite government tlfu during the current period will be 81,787- fu STiO , and tluttho receipts nf general revenue - him nue from all sources for the same time m will be 32,202,700. leaving a surplus of be available for CO gllR.lSOns extraordinary ex- iieuditures. It should bo borne in mind , fo in making special oppr ilirlatlnns , that , 111 owing to the expense attending the ees.ion IIIbe of the general assembly , only about one- be third of thin amount will be available for uch appropriations during the current yeur. 1'or ( let died information and 8114. I , \ geitions rei'iirdiiifctho revenue and other lie ri' " matter * pertaining to the finan c-i , you " FA . / are referred to the report. iir * V Your consideration U invited to thu adsh x6 ' - Thabilltyof making taxei payable ov > annually , which li w been adopted in other of st-ite * with good results. AIt is now , ki mo t of our taxes , ainountiiu to over S10 , . one 000,000 annually , are paid during the sc months of January and 1' ebruary , and the money locked up in treasury vaults and Wlwi withdrawn fr m circulation until paid out wi on warrants , unless deposited in banks , In he which case it furnishw the latter a certain iso Biuount of banking capt.ilj ! the custom in o elthfr ciuo bcmj li s < lwtiolici\l ! limn would bo the roN-ntioii of half the amount in the hards of tlic people until noirer the lime it Is nceihxi , und tu KCstive , aii'i ' often productne.vof thc.twa irerfl and ta.x-pnoi.i. 1MB It \l > . The reHirt | of the treasurer of s'tale shows that at the hegiunin-of the biennial pcricd there ws in the state treasury , of all fund * , S74.187.7J7 ! that the receipts for thn evoral fnnd * anfollows : Agricultural college endowment , S8I.10I.72 ; coupon. $329.85 : permanent chnol , ? 22t.uT. ; anil gcnernlj revenue as above , 891,850.51 ; which thowiujf corrcsiuinds with that mndo In the auditor * report. AH the Ag ricultural co lego endowment fund , except 8 -1.76. is invested in county , city ami school district securltlM. tearing interest nt rates varying from . " > to 8 tier cent per annum. A will bo seen by the treasurer's report there was realized to Ihe treasury from the half mill tax , levied for war and d-fcuso bond fund , lli2GC2.73 ; that there \v i transferred to this fund the sum of $ ' . ) , - 837.27 j | , aggregating 917 ! ! , 00 ; and that tliu amount , with the wiirratitH negotiated , ninountiiiii to 8125f 00 , makes the nggro- gate of $2 ! > 7,500 , which covers the pity * inent of nil the bonds Issued , except $ ' . ' ,500 not vet pro'cnlcd for payment. I heartily concur in the recommenda tion < .f the treasurer In regard to tlio col lection of the railroad commissioner ! ) ' tux , This tax is now ce tilled by the executive council to the ununtia ? , and collected by them th same .is any other state tax. If it were diiectly paid Into theatatu treasury by the cuniimnics , M suggested , much un necessary labor would bu saved by the change. PKOVtriKNTIAl. COXTlKl.KNT H XI ) . The eighteenth general assembly placet ! at the disposal of the executive council $10,000 as a providential contingent fund , to be ised in cau of accidento til public buildings and other emergencies for which no specific appropriations vvote available. There has been ex ) > ended from this fund , for repairs to tin different institutions , $5.725.59 , ns shown by the auditor's ro jxirt. The. expenditure of .this amount was deemed absolutely necessary , ami was authori/ed by the executive council only after a careful personal examination in each case The iicljutant-pei.CMl's report shows the expenditure for.tho military ! arm of state government , since the date of his last re port , to have been $32)8.'i.20. Tno state has now 1111 effective military force , caniistiug of two brigades ugg egat- ing 2'J82 men , well armed and uniformed. A state encampment has be'en held dining the past yearr which , it la believed , ha- been productive of much good to the mili- law. law.The battle-Hays of the Iowa regiments , which were borne triumphantly aloft in vindication of the nation's honor on the battle-Holds of the late wni > , mid which liave been much inju-ed by exposure , have been restored by the tender care of loving women , who-ie husbands , brothers , ana other dear relatives shed their blood in carrying to victory these mute emblems of the valor of Iowa soldiers. If properly cared for in the future , they will long re- mnin an proud memorials to their descend ant' ' of tliopdrl taken by the men of Iowa in the memorable struggle of 1SG1 ( i" ) . I'tHI.K SUIIOOI.S. The report of the superintendent of pub lic Instruction shows the school system of ths state in both its educational'and its financial phases. * The number of school children' reported is 594,750. Of thi < number .384,102 nro , by approximation , between the ages of six an-l sixteen years. The number of all ages enrolled in the schools b(31,513 ( , which bhowB that lunch the greater pro portion of chil Iren of school age uvail themselves of the benefits of our educa tional system. The average attendance is 254,088. The schools of the state have been in session , on an average , 118 days. There is , doubtless , r-uite a percentage of children who attend schools other than the e of a public character. Yet the fig ures I have quoted show clearly that very manj- children , through the negligence or unwillingness of parents , do not attend school at all , but nro in a fair way to grow up in ignorance. I , therefore , earn 2 estly suggest that you consider the expe diency uf enacting a compulsory educa tional law , which should require attend ance upon schools of some kind , either iitblic or private. To me it does seem its if .he state shall not have done her full duty jy the children , until she shall ha\e com peted her educational system by some " inch enactment. c 'J'he _ inteiest in the normal institutes is } maintained , and , beyond doubt , they ren der great aid in training the teacJien , who ti attend them. fuci. The re' eipts for all school purposes ci.Hi Hi hrouqhout the state wore SU5OOIi,0-3.iO ( , and the expenditures 8r > ,12'J 27 ! > . Ill ; but of or receipts und expenditures about ci ilOO.OOO of money borrowed to refnm m utstanding bonds at lower rates of inter- la fit. ! ) The amount on hand aggirgated , at the tli nil of the libcal year , $ L'Oj3,3ii. : ( . " . . This I > um is , inmy _ judgment , much larger than I" lie necessities of the schools require , ami s woul I be well to impose some clieck to tli rovent an excessive or unnecejury levy . f taxes for school purposes. IK at The general discussion in the list gen- be ral assembly ; the attention called to the bewt ubje.-tof school finance ! by the piens ( pf ho state ; and the action taken by the ovCi t.ite and county Htiiieriiiteiidents , supple- lented by greater illlliencH on the parts f boards of ncliool diructoro , have result- Htl il in nioio thoiiniglily calling to account the .hobchool treasurci-H- although not in any Ikfl mproved methods of keeping the accounts fill , ind has cnuscd , at least npiacntly ] , a CO argd ; mini of money to be recovered which thi V.IH Hiiiioted | ) to bo lost through dcficien- th iei. . In iilaee of a deliuiency of § 15- co 52.-1U as eliown by the report two yo.tis un go , there seems at the present time to bon thK 8u excess of funds to the to the amount of K NlL',115.81. Whiloit is certainly better de the school districts that the difference ing shown un exceis rather than a shortage , y t inl ! candor compels mo t say that the system nl Iwok-keeping in vogue among the f1 school treasurer * of the state tw which shows , at 'the end of one K ? period , shortages , and t the end of the the next an excess the difference aggregating fiu 857,708,33 when the accounts should bnl- eri ante exactly , does not entitle the system be any largo degree of confidence nt the th hand of the the in * general assembly or pee ple. This demands lint mutter your atten tion < , in order that the custodians of the funiu for thi educationof the young shall ge brout'ht to render correct account of the any moneys placed in their hands , I appre raih hend ihu greutcat dilllculty In thu way of h correct ace untlng is to bo found in having ed four thousand three hundred and thirty rlno nine treasurers tndo wnrlc whiih could bo no much better done by one tenth that num Ini ber. co ber.Tho The restriction in section 1821 of the lie code upon he issuance of bonds by inde mi pendent districts should , in my judgment , InU' cn'orcfd is U' by a severer penalty than now provided by statute. The oflicers IS implicated in the overissue of such homls of should be indictable for felony , mil , more ye over , hold personally liable for the amount the excess , That something of the kind JH necessary U shown by the fuel that : dlttiict U reported , which tun a fecliool population of only Unity-two , and school property valued at oiilv * Jir.O , t h a known bonded debt of 800,000 , with a probablli'y that there are more bonds miutanding , and the startling fact further disclosed that the tax-levy in ome of the di trlctn of the ame county by range * from 1" tn 20 per cent , wlilcti cqnlvAlrnt toeotifisl-ntio , A fiiiii-arsUt of ntf.ttrn , although purlmiw not HO lla urant , exist * In other dUtricUot the sum nnd perils ] ! * ot er comities. I derm iiuMitant | for thn state's credit that tli most strino'iit tneaMire * be adopted to pi uttnp to Ilia Incurring of iniUblodness b yond thn limit lived by hiw. IK.o of tli most clfoctivo nieniurcs towird the ac complishinent of this cud would bo nu ei aclmcnt requiring the regittrnlion of a bands with mi > o state olllcer. This ha been tried in other sUtrs wlh Rign.ill good ftlects , both in the restraint It a forded and In Imp'uved credit 1'l'llUC UNOS , The repoit of the register of the si land otlico iliovvi in detail the trim-action of that d-partmi-nt. There are remaining unsold Iu the hnml of the respectlvo county ollicluls , nf th HKtoeiith oectlou , f > 00lHl < ncris , and niorl gage school lands , HS.GtJt.lill ncro , n mini ber of town lots , which , when sold , wil largely augment thu Ihjrmanent sci.on fund. Special attention is e.illeit to the opinioi of the nttMrney gcnum ! regarding th right of one person to hold leases for mor than llil ) ncr s ot college lands. It i clearly for the intcrutt of the college am state that these lands should bu leased li smnll parcel * ) to actual settlers , ami s laid , If soli at nil , and legislation tlioul. bo devned , if fimml nevexnry , to proven these lands getting int i the ImiuU of npuc Chapter 91 , acts of Iho eighth genera nsiembly , appropriated 1,000 to relmburx. persons who hail ] iurcha-icd lands from th stito supposed to be school laud * , bu which vvei-4 claimed is Mrt of Uio D ? MoiiiLM river grant. The eighteenth gen eral nscmblv nlio appropriated § 8,000 fo the same purpose. Of thu first npproprin lion tlio Ii ilatn.o ri'imiiuini ; undrawn , n the clim of tho. last biennial period , wa § 588.20 , which has since , been expended Of the ifcnml appropriation theru was dis bur-cd § 773.19 , iiggregating for the perioi § l,3lil.l9 ! , pnitl to tivo per on , ns showi by thu report of the register. The balnnci of the aiprnpration | ! , it in thought , will IK ample to meet the future requirements o th * act. The state holds in trust for the countici of Greene , Chicka .iw , and Mailuti , "spec ial Hwump-lAiul idemnity" scrip , which en titles these counties to 10,8 7.41 acres. It view of the fact that theio are no govern ment lauds within the limits of 4hu stale I suggest that the general us-embly mem urlalize congiuss to authori/.o the stitu ti select lands for this , or any other scrl * which may bo found duo the state in tin future , in some of the territories , or tc commute the value of thu same in cash. The eighteenth general assembly cmictei that the ollicc of register of the state Urn office should be dune away with on thu first Monday iu Jimuiry , 1883 , and that the dutie-i of the ollico should , after thai date , devolve oil thu secretary of state. Ii my opinion this ollico had uetier he con tinuotl , and there should bu nssigned to il the duty of looking after the insuraiiua am banking interests of the st.ite. There arc doing businest iu tbu state at ibis t mo over 1-10 insurance companies and sixty-six b inks , all of which are under the sap r- Msion ( if the auditor of state. Tliu state is growing to rapidly that the business ol the auditor's. etliee is becoming burden- home. The cliange proposed would relieve the auditor's oulco of an immense amount of work , nnd permit him to give his whole time to the duties more properly pertain- in. ; to his otlifc. If it should be deter mined by the general assembly not to adopt this suggestion it will bo necessary to add to the clerical force in the offiru ol the secretary of state to enable him to carry on the land department of IIH ollico. On May 12 , 18li4 , conjjresH granted to this state cei tain lands to aid in the cons - s ruction of a railroad from Sioux City t ( the south line of tbo state of Minnesota at such point ns the state should select be tween the "Big Sioux" and the "west fork of the Des MpineM river. " The grant was designed to aid in constructing a line from Sioux City to St. Paul , and was virttja continuation of u branch line of tbo Union Pacific railroad , contemplated by the act for the construction of that passed IN 1802 , and t > bo built from Sioux City ti ROIIIU point on that railroad cast of the one hundredth meridian. ' Uyi > hnpterl44 of the nets of the eleventh general assembly , which tonk elfuct May 2i18GC , this state accepted the g cut , which was by the s.imu general nis mbly conferred on the Sioux City & St. 1'aul railroad company. This comu.iny bui t Its road from thu southern line of Minnesota , inL the direction of Sioux City , as fir ns Lemurs , at which point it intersects the Iowa Fulls k Sioux City rnihoad , now operated by the Illinois Central railroul company , n which road the for ncr com pany lies tra knge into _ Si-uix City. Tbu < fur the road was built in 1872 , siuco which time the lands along the completed line for fifty miles have been c rtllied to the company , aggregating 322,000 acres , or a little more than the amount to which the company was entitled under tlio net of congress. ; In 1878 the company requested me to certify to it thu ronn.inder of tMe lands , amounting to between 85,000 and to 90,000 auros. This I declined to do , on thu ground that the c impany lud notcoin- plioil 1 witii the ternifc of the grant , which ptovided for a line from Sioux City to the nth line of thu htntuof .Mimic otu. Iliul the to .d lioen completed to Sioux City , thu I.imh would beuu cei tilled , hut 1 can not bo persuaded that a terminating Lomars can be faiily construed to have been built to Sioux City , even if tliu rail way com , any has trackagu to that nlacu over another line , much less from Sioux City. The act of May , 1801 , required the con- tbu structlon of the road within ten years after In acceptance nf thu grant by the slat' , nfter which the state hud five yearn further to compluto Ihu work , lly not tlio cnmpIoUng the line to Sioux City within the time presciiuuil , it will bu xern that the Sioux City & Si 1'aul railroad the company : has forfeited all its rights to the uncertified portions of the grunt. It therefoio becomes the duly of the general thu assembly to take such steps as may be Um deemed advisable for the purpose of nunr- , the completion of the road c intern- plated i in the act of congress. The original Intent of thu act was to make Sioux City point on a great national highway be tween thu Union I'ncifiu railroad and the ind great lakes , and to give the people along line contemplated the benefit of the al facilities thus to be afforded. The gen eral uK embIy should see to It that to. tbo liest of its ability , the lands yet within control of the punliu shall ' .o utili/u 1 order to secure the completion of the the for which they were intended. Chapter 153 , of the acts of the Ninth assembly , forbids the certifying of all lands to the Diibuqiie k Sioux City railroid company until after that company him shall have executed releases to land claim for the uwainii and the Den Molnex river grants. Wld'o ' these releases have of never been execut'd , the title to all such - hinds has he en finally held not to bo In thu 87 company so that thu releases lire no longer necessary. The statutory proh bitlon re inuIiiK , however , and prevciitHtho certify of lands the titlii to which In indisputably by ' bu tably In the company or its granteoH , I recommend the removal * ho restriction , HO as to permit thu con- yeyarico of thu lands in INHTITI IION nm ru ; DFAK AND IWMH. The Seventeenth general nrtiembly up- > ] prupriato'l # 10,000 for the irection of the main building ol this Institution , Of this Iy. mini there wv < yet unexpended , al thi be ginning of the period , $1,1177,08. The Klghtcenth general atmunbly appro priated $19,322.9in addition to such un of expended amount , for the completion ol the building ; and there has been rec-ivo 1 the treasurer from other sources , 30 ; making a total mini available for i < \ I'Oiulituu" on tlho building of $2,10jl. : ! ( Thorn 1m * . been xponded for the | urpo * i-ontem l.ited $24,330.71 , leav iin-$778.5 to this ( und in the h.iml.s of th treasurer. Of the special nppropiim Inn i made h ; the { 'ev. n-eenth general a. embly for th' Jiurchnso of furniture thcro was In th htimU of the treasurer , nt the elime of th preceding term , the mini of $1 OH. Mi , whlc ! has been expended provided by thu net The KiRhtomth geacrnl assembly nppro printed for sl > purpose * the mini o > ? -M'.I , all of which has hern dinlmrtin except sixty-atx cnt * , * thuwn by tin report. The halano * of nil i > i > tvlnl fund in the hands of the treasurer U , then fore $7.U.25. Of support-fund * there via * Iu the hand/ of thn . * the lUte treasurer. tt of the last report port , the sum of $ tl,109.2i , and hu Imi ro ceivedfrom ho state and other .oiuous i' 1,217.t"l ! , making a total of $ K.0(1.I ( | | There hns been expended for thu ouppor of the institution § 70.508.17 , leaving n bat ntieu in tluse funds of 84r3S.7l. Voiichera for nil * xpcndlture < , covering twenty-three month' ) of tlie term , hnvi been Ii ed , thoHiiltutlntemlcntinformiiigiui that the September bills could not ho gul In nnd In time to paid appear In tbu ro port. The amount of those lul is S- - (15.110 , which , when paid , will reduce tin c sh on hand , available fur mipimrt , to 82,7112.81. The number of pupils in attendance i < constantly iucrea-lng , nnd lim been nmoli larger thu past year th in at any tlino ti- fore In the history of the Institution. I bollttvo this institution i * . doing a good work. In my opinion , industrial pu suits should bo tnitght on n ninth mure- extend ed ccnle than ut present. The suggestion of _ the superintendent that the state printiiu could bo done by 1h * iiunate.s of this inntltutlim is well worth con * dern- tlon. The hoys could t o oadly trained te do the work us it dune elsewhere. Th nppropriutions waked by tlm trim- Ices , < if § 13,50,1 , for ward robes i.ud othur furniture , uindovv clmttcrs , fences , iu- pairs , nud n laundry building , I consider as actuillv necessary , not only for the jomfnrl of the inmates of tlm institution , but in the interest of economy , Iu lo/ntii to th * other special appropriations asked by the trustees , you aru referred to the ru- turt. 1IIK I'KXITKNTl.Un AT J'OllT SI IDIS.OV. The receipt * of thifprison _ on account ol salaries and for special purH | > nM ilnrinc Llm blounial period wore S' .O-S. 18 and ihe disbuiucmcnts woie , for s.ilarioi of Dfllcora andgiinrds $ . ' ! 1,2S3 81 , and for nun- .iry improvements , for which appropria tion" wore m do by the general assembly , § 18,74 1 , ( ! , aggregating the sitmo as the re- : eipti < , and leaving no balance on hand , The receipts on nccount of general sup- : iort. including a balance of Sl.lliO.7t ! on laud at ditto of last report , were $ SO- 7 ! > .r > . 15 , and the disbursements were , for support of prisoners Slil.OOA2.t , paid into ; ho state treasury 81-1,079.87 , aggregating 878i 80.12 , and leaving a balaiu-u on hand , n support fund , of 8 ,715,37. The re- lolptu on account of convicts' deposits , ncludiiH' a balance of $279.27 on hand September 30,3879 , were $1 , ' . ' ! 1.93 ; and .he amounts paid out aggregate * ; ! , ! I II. 17 , caving a balance of § 771.40 on himd. The receipts fn > m visitors , includim- bil.mco of S315.U ! ) on hand nt the close of the pro- I'WUH period , were $1.088. * > 1 , andthndis- jursementft for the library , were S77R.40 , caving a balance on hand ( n this fund of S310 08. The h-danco oil hnnd in all funds was Sll,705.l ! ( , forj'the details of whi h you are ic < pectfnlly referred to the report. The disbursemontH under Hpeclal appro iriiitioas have been made with economy , and the wor . authorized therobyhas been well done. The new roof which has been tut on the cell house , being of Ir n , ren ders this bull ilntj entirely fire proof. A new wash lioiuo has -been reot a And , ft tow ready for' use , IViin WOH a much neededimprovement. In the basement ol ; his buildfiignvill bo placed the boiloas , which wjll furnish the steam for lieatlag tha entire prUou. Contracts Piave been 'ntered.into for the erection of the heat ii- | works to tht ) amount of the nppropria tinn mad by the iait general osspmhly. An appropriation to pay for the futures .o complete the works is needed. When -hoy are finished the daiuer from fire will 30 much lessened , and the saving lu fuel will , in a , few years , mure than repay th expenditure. A little over a'yoar ago the warden advised me that thu pump ami n > ortion ot the pipe through which the iiipply of water for the prison ia obtained lad given out und that a water famine at ho prison was imminent. The executive council immediately vi-ited the priion , and uiou examination authorized the purchnst ) f a new pump at the expense of SGIO. , vhlch was paid for out of the providential contingent fund. The pump lionno is at ircsent located below where the now ewer empties into iho liver , und sanitary canons demand its relocati n as wiagustcd . iy the warden. An 'ippioprittion of suf < icient amount to inaku the change is It would pcem only that the just appro- en priutlou of § 80 , oskul for by the wniiien. enf reimburse the surgeon and hositai ] steward for clothing used in mnall pox cases should I HI miido Thu nppropriu- lions for lupaiivi ui > d tnui'p utation of con vict * au neccHdary. 'f'he uppropriuti < n sked for by the warden for the jiavmcnt I gifts and turn-out milts , Mid for the iiicluiHi of blunkoti' , 1 ilo not indorse , as liuy have h-retoforc been paid foroiiLof , upport. funds , and are , in my opinion , t roperly chargeable thereto. In tile i"- eiesl , of th < hcahb of the convicts , tbo ox- put vu council authiiii/.L-d thu cimstruu. lion of a "lean-t' ) ' on thu slioj | > cuiilainlng the ' foigoH. to take thu placu of thu HIUII on r seciind Hour thereof , the use of which to bo discontinued as u work room ; this was accordingly done , and paid for out of general repiirx fund. I am of the opinion that nn addition f a building on wi opjioHito sldu would 1)3 ) favorable to health of the convicti employed iu tliu forgo room. During the biennial period contracts for lab t of the cimvict-i , tor u period of , vuar , have been entered into by the ivii'den , nu higher ratuH tlnn havu been > received iindt-r former contracts , nnd these n have- been approved by the executive nouncll. The illscipllno of thu pri' > n Is excellent , thu bouks nro kept In a ncnt and ac curate manner. A comparative statement the innnugeinent of this ponltentlnry , under the admlnMratlon of the present warden and that of his immediate preile- uessor , may not hu ami-iB. The former i warden , during the last four years ho hld olllre , uxpeiidud for supjiort nearly twice the amount allowed by law , which expundlturo requited not only thciiHo of or iho proceeds of the luhoi of tbo ton- victx , but in addition there WOK paid to from the state treasury $52l > | l.00 ! ; whlln thu iiresunt warden nupxjituil | thu convicts , during his first term , at the rate § ( i. 10 per convict per month , and thin f f-ir-lining his second term at the ratu of per convict per month ; nnd , inntoad r.f drawing from the state tieusury for pur- poiesof siippoit , hu bus paid Into tbu treasury , from ids genenl support fund , my order , thu HUIII of 828,081,40 , and hud on h nd , In assets uvailublu for thu support of convicts , ut the clone of thu ; Irene-it biennial period , In ciwh , 82,715.37 , evmtiuctorH'iiotuH $9,210.81 , In aocouutii agalnH coiitractorn , § 2,70:1.55 : , and in pin- iVi ! ! ? , " ,1' ' ' ' | 'l'll ' " . . ' ' . . ' . . , uggrugnting M in,8fllll I < iirther coinment is UIIIIUCCH. jury , in the figurestelUlui story vury plain . Suflieu it to nay , If the former wmdcl. , hail ndmlnistured thu atfalrH of thu prlsn n with Ihu sumo regard t > law nnd economy wliich luHchar.icteii/ed thuadmliilstiution thu prenont Incumbent , the BUtu wouh : have been overouo hundred thomaud del mrn better off by reason thereof. Your attention in culled to thu dehtt against thn stito incurred hj tlio late wr. den , and U'ft unpaid whin luvrut nut i oiliei- . These nmouiit to about Stfi.Oii ind hav e been Ht.indlng four years un over. They .should have boon paid , nud Migrcst that an appropriation for that pu pose bo ( undo and placed under the i-oi trol of tlioexectitlvo council for dlilmrM incut , on proper pniof boli'g made as t th jutlco ol thoclulni , and the furtho proof that tbo party ti > whom the debt i due did not collude with others to dofrau the stnto. During the past tvvo years , suits hnv lioen pnwecutetl ngalmit the late w nl r his sureties , and iwinons Implicated wit him. < liu1gment has been obtained in th district a urt of the county of Vmi llurei agalnnt Morri . a clothing contractor , fo SIi'H.81 ' ! ; , ami thn amount collected. Judgment hasnlso bi'n ohtiilncd ngains tinl.tttMirhn , in ths clrouit court a ICookuk , on his lust bond , for ? S,000. Tin sureties on this bond , who hail separate ! their oaoo from that of Ihu warden , ait C'liiteHttng the vilidity f the bond un ac count of alleged serious ! iregularities In Its execution , and their suit is now In thu lupronui court on appeal. Th * expensed luivo been S3 , ItI ! 07 , leaving S'JI82 21 , in- eluding monn > H nilvaiiced bv tho-tute , in the hands of the attoinuy , who , in ron. nection with the attorney-general , has . hargo of the case. The I'vptMi-es attend iug ( his litigation luivn been heavy , owing Lo fretiueut coutliiu.vneoschaiigi'sof venuu , and other means tesorteilto bv tl defense tn delay mntturs ; but , vvhatover Its cost , f it shnll have i o other ultimatu elTeel .lian to dein u tratu that the ntati > cannot j > pluudorvd with impunity by its servants t will bo money well -pent. I deem it uoper here tn say a word of ci'tmuend.v ion of the manner li : vvhleh the ntato's : asc him been conducted by Hon. ( ialuslm I'lii'Mins the counsel , having immediate h irp' of It. who has duvnted tlmo and at- ention to this litigation , nud brought to ; ho trial nnd nrgtinient of th ciiuscn nu ibility and experience wliioh havu done utieli tuvviiiils atUining thu results id- roadv ' acid \ed , nutl givu promi-e of fin- .her'succesis . in the units yet to bo deter1 ui' ed. Doth penitoiiiiriu * have- been legularlv visited as required by law , ud nt each vitit the accounts havu beuuamined , ind tbo cadi counted and found to correspond spend with the amount called for by the jooks. AllimiONAI. PKNirKNll VltV. Therapoit of the warden of this institu ion tdiovvs that hu had on band at tbudatn ) f Ills lust icport , of siuchil lunds , thu sum of $110 IL' ; that II-B receipts from tin state , miller special appropriations , were STiS. KM 20 : nnd from olfiur sources . 90 78 iialcitig n total of $ . " ' 8.751 10 ; mid that ho inn expended , of special fund' ' , us tdiowi by his repoit. 5l98.r. . 81 , loavintr 8ii3M : luo other funds ot the prison , which wll m repaid when hn makes his next ruquist , ion on Iho st.ito treasury for specia uucN. Hu rerciyeil from the stilt or thu paymu t of oIliuurH nnd puanU thu sum of 931,113 : * 18 , a ! ' Of which has beet expended. Of Hiiiiport-futid , ho had o laud , at uloso af IIIH last report , $3,808 31 ; lis receipts from the utato for the puiioi : veruS31i9i 91 , and from other source * ST > 7 80 , mnkluL-a total of ? : t5llil O.'i ; and il ilisburi-ements for genunil mipport wore 2'J,81-I I'M ; and hu has paid into thu _ Htate reasury i y my onler $2. 59 71 , making a .otnl dishurteint'Ut from this fund of § 32- 0 > 74 ; 31 ! , and having a balance of support- iinds on baud of $3,081 ! lit ) . The ro.uipts 'nun funds deposited by conviuln inclml- ng tialance on hand September 30 , 1879 , of 128 2. > , were SI , 12-1 , and the disburse. nutits $1 379 3' , lenv Ing a balance diuthlx 'undol.Mri70. The receipts of the vis- tors' fund , includ'iig balance on hand al clone of last rennrt. Sopteinbor 30 , 1879 , of S1JI7 77 , were S994 87 ; nnd the disburse- meiiU on library account Sr > 5il F > I , leaving a balance due this fund nf Slid 33 ; anil naklni ( l > aUucc in alt funds of $3,931 33 , .ofll'nmount which hnx betu advanced , on construction nccinmt , from these funds , of r'.IOl 02 which proves thu Imlauco on hand if $3,0\\ : \ : , as shown by the clerk's re- lort , mid which advance will bo rolm- nuried from thu next r qu ! ! tion , ai before Htated. Since the dito of the hist bennlal rojmrt .he cell-h'UHe hn been completed , and is low occupied by tbo prisoners. This milding Is beliuved to be ouu of thu hst In .110 count ! y. Tlio heating and ventilating ipparatiiH lias been put in , and works sai- sfactorily. The fewer him been completed at a cost " of 81,112 47 , being nearly $900 within the imlt of thu appropriation. Thu front ; ali ! and a large portion nf MIIU side of thu iriiinu liicloHiiru havu been constructed , lenideH much other work , for 111" details if which you are refeired to Iy ho warden's report. All thu to vork has been dnnu in the m > st lioiough manner , and if thu general plan i carried out , as it has been coiniiiunu d , owa will have ono nl the model peniton- .aiics of the country. Work on iho wall should bu prosecuted as fast us possible , n order that the prison shall bu entirely enclose 1 thus uuttiiiolf | | all chances of o- capo by the convicts. A marked necessity if f tlii > prison is an amply Dimply of water. 'or the pant three yvurs thlx supply h.-vs luen furnished by the Anamosa watt-i vorks. The warden miKg sU the laying if pipe * to u spring 'o which thu state- ins n right of way. In 1878 , Him , liun-n { . SliHriuun an inyself devoted a whole norning to thu uxaiiiinallon of this HH. tlleil spring. Our opinliui then wu ) that heiu wan not vvhlui' enough flowing from for a pi'i-manunt sujiply for thu prison. n my opinion , it would bu economy for Instalu , anil to thu best intercut of the irlson , tn put in a small pump at the i ivur , nnd with it pump water into a nis- rvoir to be built on thu hill near thu a rliMiii. Tins wouhlh'j | done at nn expend- ! lire of not exceeding SH 00) , Thu dlHciptlnu of the prison is good , anil bu I luvu that its affair * are ndnilnistured ufit with ei-oiininy and ulliiiirnoy , l''or ' neaily in- I years past Warden Martin has , mi- er appointliiunt of the executive council , ing cted as silpi-rllltcndent of cinutriictinti ' vit-.out ! any oxlra compen < atinn. The , thcr mcinbuM of tbo cumuli join inu In ying that hu hat filled this appointment a halinfactory inuniier , lioth us riuarJH mr uoiioiny of management and quality nf work , and thu state has thus burn saved | ompcntutton which , otherwise , must havu joun paid u superintendent , umountlng t > i . early ? li,000. The ipuirry whlth thu ilon atu purchased has beiin tborouuhly do- , hii ehuieil , nnd will furnish sullirlcnt stnnn .hu or thu wants of thu prison forimmy yearn. Yourntttuntlon Is callud to the f net that my statute nowhere fixe * the term of of- ii , icuof the warden of the additional | HIII- | : ' untlnry , nor thu mode of his selection. Jliapterj 10. of the actH of IH'li , pruvlded the election of a warden "by the geii- lias ral assembly , " to hold "ollicn for two tier earn from tliu first day of April , 1H70. nd until his successor Is ulccteil and uf uslllliMl ; ' but mukuH no piovislon for ucli siicceHHor 1 deem thu question one for much Importance and demanding ini- t ledlato leglilutlvu action. onu nf ( . In view of thu fact that thu additional ( lenitentiary in paitlully completed , hat ml thu tlmu arrived when thu gt-mriil as- embly nboiild Inaugnnitu u system ol iudiil ( pris ns. HO that tuino wbonru con- ; ictcd of the graver offenses and Hentencei or longer ternis.and thosu conviclt-dla sec- mil time , slum d bo impiison-d at Knrt diiioii , and thnsu whosu tcrlim of Her vlcuuio HJiorter nhould ho Kent to Am mwa ? It U certainly agalimt the ruformu lon of the young criminal who Is im s'tiio 1 , perhaps for Irs first olfun-iu , ti iu brought In dully contact with UKMI ' who aru hardened in crime , and for whun there IB littlu hopu of ufo'.m. In in ; judgment , a much larger proportion oi th younger class of urlinlnaU would , wurnei by tll lr panl expcrleiuv , become ( food cit ireushM tlieii term ofsorvico expires limn Is thoc.i ent present , If it worn n t for the contaminating Inllueiii-n of older , vicious , ami linnleiu'd convicts with wh ii they nre iiompolied to vuirk duy by da during the term of their seivice. Th thi ry nf the law is that criminals are tuttiMied not only for the crime f > n.milted hut n't ' un example to others Thu re forx matinn of the criminal is nt tlio same time Incidentally forwarded by menu * of eduentlon. religious teaching * , nnd conon latlons , nud AH nmplo supply of hookx , nil of which in cord with the true theoiy re uiirdhig the reclamation of criminals , Another step In n humanitarian direction Mould be , niter the state has boon rrlm hursed its outlay on | thn convict's crime , to allow him hi * proportion of the surplus cnrniiu-over mid nlnivo the cost of Ids ( import. It Is not in ncconlnnco will the dignity of the stita to make monej out of thu convict's labor , or to enter Inti competition with freu lulxir. It has beromi ) n set tied conviction , in tliu minds of nil thoughtful persons who luive paid any attention to this subject , that mere punishment has littln if niiythltig lo do with thn reforinntlon of u irltninnl. If hn l.s to Im uiforino I ho mil t be lifted up , anil have tlirown around him Inlluoncos of a humane und elevnt'ng ' character : nnd NU clety has little to hope for in nny utttMiilit at reformation b.ised on merely puultlvi measure. If the humane and heiuivolenl Koricti 's of the state worn to tnko stops for the puipmo ol procuring work for thu eonvlet when his loim of norvicu million , he would ho induced to feel , If ho had any luntiliood loft in him , that there was ntlll n pi net ! loft for him In society , \vhero ho iiihilit rl o from bis fallen itstnto , rather thnii become the companion of the vicious und itepiuved. .lUVI.N'tl.r.CIIIMINAI.S Miovi .VIIIIUAII. During the past four \onrs theio lm been brought , ti liwa , under tlio nuspli-o of Immune societies , for thu purpose ol finding them homes , n Inrgu number ol ehlldretl of both cexiw. These children have been picked up on the streets , kept in some charitabletiistltutlon forniduut time , nud then wont west by tlm car load und bound out to our people.Vhllu thu object sought by those-inninging this work is a good ono , yet 1 nm sorry to H y that the re ults , in tliu main , are not such as could bu doslri-d. Many of these children aru of tbu "hoodlum" typo , crimlmds by heredity , and nlmowt immedl itely on their in rival iu Ilia stmo leave the tinmen pro vided for them and take to xicinus pric- ticus , mid , because of the superior ncuuion superinduced by their former method of living , oxoreieo n bud tiilluoncu on the ehildieii they are brought In oimtnct with. A iiiitnblu example of thU wns nceii in the recent successful attempt lo throw a train from tbu truck of onu of 0111 principal railroads , vtharuhy n vnlunble mo was lost and all thu piissvnjroi-H on tlio train imperiled. How inuiiyof thcsu chil dren b ive been brought to the ntato I um nut aware , but of tlmsa brought hern thoii ,110 at. this tiiuu in tlio reform school ulghl hoys and on1) tiirl , ami two are at pro-teiil Imnnlcs o1 thu penitentiary , nnd thu win den informs mo that he has had as tunny as tun ut ono tiniii iu con liueiiient in that. Institution Thin muttoi demands finch legislailvu action ns may bo found prni'ticnble towan's ' provunting thu stntu from bucomtiig a harbor for thu criminal youth of tlio uoabonid citle.s. Tin : IM.KA ol-1 iNHANirv. Owing to Ihu recent commission of u heinous crime which has brought grlnf t < uvcry family in the nation , public Atten tion has lieen very largely dliected to the plea of Insanity mndu by persons charged with tioinlclilnl criruas , and the c'ulm ol aim-responsibility on account of Insanity nt the time the rritnu was committed. Thu law of this state i rovidus that "If the de fense bu the insanity of the defondnnt , the jury must bo instructed , if they acquit him on that ground , to state that fact in their verdict. " Should not thls.b * rovhod ? It seems to me that the plea of nut . . . . should not bo allowed to cover the plea ol Insanity , but that the latter , when relied upon , Hiinuld ho specially plead and til d by experlH , the inquiry being coluly as to the state of mind of1 thu defendant , first , at the time the act was committed , and second , If necessary , at tbu tlmu of the in- iiuiiy , thu burden of proof being upon thu ilrfondniil. ff thu defendant should bu found to have been Insane at thu tlmu thu act wns committed bo should bo confined as a daiigeroiiH man to society by lunwm of hi'Insanity and the possibility of thu recurrence of hiH inahuly. It is not ullitlu singular that , while In almost nvury ca e of murder whore the of- feme in too notorious t't admit of tbu doubt of guilt , insanity is pi nd , il In hard e\cr heard of In connection with any othur crime. This fact is well calculated strengthen thu popular estimate of thu farcical chaiuuter of thin tiluawtien It Is iniide , und onfoices the demand for re me dial leglHlntioli , ' ' . . Till ! I'lHIl I'nVIMIHHIO.N. At tli3 close of the lost biennial period Lheie lumniued , unexpended , of thu np- priiprlulinn nindo by thu Suv- untceiilh gunural assembly for thu lisli commission , § I1I8.30 ! ; und tliuru was upppqirintedjiy tbojligh- tecntli i general iiHHemhly 85,000 , making a total of $ r > , ( i98.30. Tiieru him been ilis- burned during thu past blunnial period SHliCI.OI , leuvinif $2,205.21 ! undrawn and to iivnilublu for Iho pui-pirnes of thu npprnpil- < utioii. 1 During Hie biennial period largo ( pinnti. . Liet of Innd-lnekuil salmon. hiku trout , vvhito fish nud brook trout havu I'eeii depoHited in thu teams nnd lakes of thu statu. The com- miislimor h.m Hiicceeilediii obtaining qulto lurgu lot of European carp , which have been dintiilmtul. ( loud und siiflieient ' huyu been constructed ut thu hatch- ng IIOIIKU for these li-h , und the time in by near when thu state will leccivu thu ben- of this chuip and easily raised fish. I cull yi iir usiiucial utti iitlon to thu rec- iinimeiidatlon ot thu commiHslonur regard chapter 123 , acts nf Iho Kightuunth 'oneral usSHinbly , the constitutionality of which , HO fur us It ro'iilr | H tbu owners of usu lulus to construct fish ways , him been juestioued , and , 1 learn , iluniud bv onu of In district rourts. In oidur that the Llm iiestlon may bu finally adjudicated , I lavu ruiiuested thu attorney venural to jiku to tlio niiiiremo court the first I-UKU of Lo .vliich hu hus Knowledge , where thu duel- to of the lower court fls iinfavorublu to - hiw. 1 also Invite your attention to AH net , iu order that , if m your judgment unconstitutional feature iipjHjurs tli ere- It may ho removed , no that thu heneti- unt purpbsu of tbo ntututo may not be lie- 'euted. The liatching house In Dickinson county bet-ii in slncu Decem- - operation only - tuis , 1880. UH openitionM , oven In that bus u thort jiorlod of tlmu , have given promise u Bond resultH. The nupply of water is unlimited , an I the building Until ) adapted tftx x tliu purposti designed. Thu uppmprla- r on of a small amount of money-suy thousand dollars for the construction n aitllieial ponds , will oiniblu thu assistant u oiniiilHsionur t'l do u good work In 10- docking tbu lakes nrvl rivers of thu state with native li/di , at u inurely iiiintinnl ciiht. Tbu lukuH , situiitwlln Diukinsoii and oilier counties nf Northuin Iowa , nr leautlfiil hhfcU of wutur , and will , In tbu near fiituru' bo vlsltud by vust nuinljurs ol our people for purpose * of health mid ro creation. Many of thusu Inkun , nt the of pr'Munt lime , havu an nbuiuhincu of linu fish , luit they mo rriildly | dUuppunriir/ fortliu reriAdii that tlmu nni no iiiiinns b > which lha ll h , whim they run down tin stream in thu spring , can lep.isn thu null H , situated i u the outlulH , Anothe u nf tbu rapid de-ieuMi uf fiih In thes . . .rt is dwlng to the immense annum which aiu Hpuurcd Ihioiigh tha Ice diiriu thu winter months nggiegatint ; , i Lake Okoboji , hundreds of ton mutually , _ This practice should bo 1 aummurily stopped by n stringent en actment , In order these lakes may re tain I olio of their most attractive feutmoi. 1 am aware that them nre doubts In tlm m nds of many ns to the utility of Iho hatchery 1 for the purpose of propogatlng fish f nnd re locking the streams of the x tnt . While it is true that the result * in this state , owing to thu short time slnco the foundation of tlio lomndxidoii , have not as yet been such as to popuUriro thin work , yet in view of the marked result * attained In thlrty-thrco states nnd thrco temto'ies , iiimmiyof whlrh commisslonM of this chiiraclor have been In operation for n longer period , 1 am of the opinion that the day Is not far dint ml when Iho Iowa 1 li h niimnissliiii will , In the rtMilt * accomplished , tin found to have met tlm cxpoctatlom , not only of the public , but of IN most Miigultifl friends. TIIK iiouili w mut.Tll. The bonrd was eslnbliiihcd and Its IHIVV- orn and duties delhied by chapter 151 , act ) ol tlm eighteenth general assembly , lly the \ terms of the act thu attorney general of tlio state , n civil engineer , nnd seven > : ihysicinns i-nmpnsu Us ineml erchlp' The > | Hoard wnH orguul/ed In May. 1880. The vet rcfened lo nppiopiinted ? 5,000 a year , or so much thereof im vvivs necessary , ti > rany on tlio work of the hoard. Of this amount there haw been expended the mini of $3.I5.75. ! ) The intention , ol tlio genornl uPseiuldy In creating this bonril WAS to "provido for the collection of vital statis tics , nnd to assign cuituin duties to local boards , ' ' etc. The report of the hoard covers n vast amount of valuable informa tion regnrdini ; the diseases Incident to our pipulution , and also to tlio llvo stuck of Ihu Stale. It embraces essays on many Nuhjtcts lolntlng to infectious disease * nnd matter * peilaiiiiug lo sanitary science , vvhi h have been contributed by the mem bers of tlio board nnd the loading scientist * and physicians of the state. Thu Infuriun. lion contained tn Ilia report will bu of grent vnluo to our people. The obtaining of correct vital statistics is vvortti much morn to the state tlmu is expended In maintaining lids board , 1 onineslly call your attention to thu recommendations of the board regarding the legl-lntion needed to perfect Iho sy-tem. The statute should bo amended iu order that tliu highest de- grvo of honolit limy bo derived from the InborH of thu board. IMI.VUM VC'V , - Thu eighteenth general assembly en acted a law "to icgulute the mile of mo.H- i-.lnes nnd poisons. lly the prnvMon * of tlm net the executive xvns reiiuircd to ap point , "with the advice of tlio executive council , " "thrco comiiUMdoucrs of phar macy. " Said comminslonern were to linvu power to mak i the necessary regulatinnH to citvry out tbo provisions of the net. The board WON organized April 2(1 ( , 1880. Kiom the report it will be seen that thcro are 2,211 registered pharmacist * in thn ntnto. Your attention i.s called to thu suggestion of thu commissioners that the law bo amended so ns to enable them to enforce penalties. It Is n general rule of law that tbu less iseiul'i-nced ' in the greater , heiico if the law creating thin board of cummin- idonors empowers it to make by-lawn nnd nil iiei-uiwaiy regulations , nnd to license mid rogulatu under tbo-io by-laws Mid reg- ulntioiiH nil phnrmnclsts , thu bonrd , when a pharmacist is onnvictcd of u violation of Its ruliH , has the power to revoke tin li- eenso of tha ufrcndiir. As tn the right of tbo board to do this there seems to he a doubt , nud in fact this right ii now being contested In Iho courts. 1 nuvgest tint thn law tic NO omen led as to romoyo nil ambiguity in this respect. MINE INHI'KOTIO.V. The cilice of mine Inspector was created by chapter 202 , nets of the eighteenth general assembly. The law went Into operation on .Tuly 4,1880. On the 28tU of that month I nppointfld Parljir C"W1- , ! so'n , of Muhaska county , inspector ltd in- toilm , Hisroportshows thenuaib r of mines , in operation in tha state July 1 , 1881 , to bo IH7 , In which there worn employed G.17 ( ! men and boys. Tlio product of the nilnod during the yen' for which the report is mndu IK , ns nearly ns can be determined , a little over 3,500,000 tons. During bin term of ollico the inspector hn visited alL thn mines of the state , and most uf them twice , The production of coal Is constantly in- oruuslng , nnd the mines aru taxed to their utmost.cnpatity to meet the demand for coal for heating and manufacturing pur poses , Co a' ' is being mined In twenty-nix counties of tlio state , nnd is now found in iiimo localities whcrn it was not before . supposed to exi-t. Your attention in callud to thu sugges tion of thu Inspector lognrding amend ment * to Iho law which nro desirable in. order to muku Its workings more harmoni ous. Thu law should bu amended so as to rftiuirttiuino owners to report serious acci- ilinlH of ov iy des riptlon to pursoiiH em ployed In the mines , and the provision rc- giiiillng ventilation i.f thu mines should be un so us t' ' hi'iiro n greater degree of siifety to thu miners. Soition 13 of tlio , law foi bids thu employment of hoys under twelvu yeurs of ugu iu the mines , a. pro vision wh eh 1 regret to say I * being con stant y violated. In my judgment tha employment of hoys under fifteen yon m of ngu In tliR mliicH sliuiiM bo strictly forbid den , and the sumo provision should nuply nil li'iys ' vvhutuvcr who aru unable tu > iiud and wiilu. As it in now , boys are lucd : in thu milieu ut u very cailyngo. mid aru deprived of thu opportunity of ac quit Inir any education whatever. The re sult IH that they grow up in absolute ! / - noruncu. The law leimhiit ) thu Inspector to visit mill oMitiiliiu nil thu mines in the state anil icpoit on thulrcondition. No provision U made for his traveling cxpeiicea. Thews expenses , in my opinion , Hlimild bo paid thu state. IMMKIIIATIOS COIIMI&4IO.V , Thu ciglituiuith general assembly by chapter 108 , created the ollico of comiiiin- Nioncr of Immigration , nnd among Its pro visions mndu it the duty of that oflicor to his efforts "to induce capital and Wi- iliistry to seelc investment and umploymtnt the ilevulopmunt und Improvement of ugiiculturiil , mnnufucturliig and mining reHUurcon of the statu , " Tlio act ippioprlatud 5flOO per year f r two yearn pay the salary of the commission/ ) * and defray the expenses neceasury V ) bo iu- -Urred to curry out the Intent of the act. milhorUedby the law , I , In May , 188 , ippolntud lion , George D. 1'crkinrt Immi gration commimionw. Of tlie fuidn ap propriated there lias been expended up ti > Novoml > or 1 , 1881 , the Hum of $5,372.25. For . Uiu details of the work done you are rwferred to the roport. 1 am HaUslietlthat the information whioa- been disseminated through this agency * diMMunuuh to draw attention to the re sources of tli state , and ait met hlthur- wiiril a good clasa ol Immiuratioii , Tlio. expenses til tbu coiiiiuissIiM are a inero trillu , and I trust the work HO vli'OTously inuiigur.vtod by Uiu coimnLisioiiur may mcot witli ticnrty HiipiMitt at your bands. IIOI'SKIIOLD FUltNITURB AT AUCTION. TJiursdiiy , .lanuuiy 12h , at 1ft o'clock . m. , t 812 South ! MK tuunth Btroot , iioar Leiivcuworlh , mjr entire liousoholil furniture , oons'atimc ' parlor and bed room auitu , cajjjota , inirrurs , pictures , side board , exten. aioii Inblea , book ciwea , utliou deaV , lint rnck I'.itchcii utouails , atovos , etc. Also carriage nnd double end aiuglu Imrnu'.H , t D. COOKK. "WINE oF OARDUI" m kea rosy iln-eka and clear compluxtons. -