THK OiuAJtiA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JANUA11Y 10 , 18S2. THE DAILY BEE. IMAHA PUOLISHINQ CO. . PROPRIETORS [ 10 Farnham , bet Oth and 10th Street * . TKRM8 OK SUDSCniPTlON. & Tc\ y 1 rear , In advance ( postpaid ) -110.00 i ' . .I 3.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE , tmt eiKDiducAoo , ST. rvrt , uix-Kurom AHD IOMAUA ( U1UOAD. Lesre O aia Passenger No. ! , 8:30 : a , m , Ac- itcmaoiSwNo. MKHp.m. . * Arrive OMoha PanconRer No. 1 , 6:20 : p. m. f Accommodation No. S , 10:60 : a. to. I OJ41IU IAJT OR BOOTB MCHB. m. 3:40 : p. m. , . m. BI40 p. m. I ucfKlTA P. . 7:40a. : m. 3:40 : n. m. 1C CSt. . J , 4 C. 3. , leaves at S a. m. and 6:30 : i p. m. ' Arrives at St. Louis at 6:30 : a. m. and 6:62 : I p. n l W./BtUb P.loar iat8 a. m. and 8:10 : p. m. Arrive * at St. Louli at 6:40 : ft. m. and 7:30 : f WMT OH BODTnWIBTB.1 B. * M. In Neb. , Through Kxprws , 8:60 m. B. tt U. Lincoln Kxprww fl:20 p. m. U P. Overland Kxpresa , 12:16 : p. in. 0. & R. V. for Llnooln , 11:46 a. m. O. AII. V. lor Osccola. 0:40 : a. in , U. P. troljtht No. 6 , 6:30 : a. m. U. P. freight No. 9 , 8:20 : a. m. U. P. frtlKht No. 13 , 5iW p. lu. U. P. freight No. 7 , B:10 : p. m. emigrant. -.IP. Den\cr express , 7:35 : p. m. U..P. trelrht No 11 , 11.80 p. m. U. P. Denver freight , 8:26 : p. m. ' IfiiklVISft FROM ( AST AND MCTI1. < X B.r * Q' btiO a. ra. 7:26 : p m. J , fcN. , W. , 9:45 : a. rn. 7:25 : p. m. , C. U , I. & P. , 0:45 : a. in. 9:05 : p. ni. ' . . C. , St. Joe & 0 I ) . , 7:40 : a. ra.-0 : < 6 p.m. fRBIYLNO TROM TI1R WIUiT AND Qt k B. V , from Lincoln 1.03 p. in. D. P. Pacific Kxfirww 3:25 : p. in. B b M. In Noli. , Through Kxprum 4:16 : p B , & II. Lincoln lC ) iri' 9 40 a m. U. P. Dcm r exprcus , 7:36 : n. m. S-P. Freight No. 14-S M ) p. m. U. P. Vo. 0 6:20 : a. m. KmUmnt. V. P. freight No. 14,12:15 : p. m. U. P. < io. 8 8:00 : p. m. 1) ) . P. f < \ 12 1:46 : a. re. 0. P. Denver freight , 1:10 a , m. O. & It. V. mixed , ar. 4:45 : p. m. DCM11T TRAINS Rr r.lU < OUAMA AHt > COU.1CIL RUJirre. tcavc Omaha at 3:00 : , 0:00 : , 10:00 : and 11:00 : m. ; M 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : nnd 6:00 p. m. Leave Coundi BluCTi ) at 8:26 : , 9:25. : 10.25 nnd 1:26 a. m. ; I-.26 , 2:26 : , 8:26 : , 4:25 : and 6:45 p. m. Sundays The dummy leaves Omaha at B.-OO nd HMO a. m. ; 2XX ) , 4:00 : nnd 6:00 : p. m. Louts CouncU Bludtf at 9:26 : and 11:26 : a. m. ; 2:25,1:26 : : and 5:25 : p. m. Through and local jwisscnftcr trains between Omaha and Couti 11 Ulufln. Lca\c Omaha 0:16 : 7:46 , 8:60 : a. m. ; 8:40 : , 5:46 : , fl : ) p. m. Arrve Omaha 7:40,11:35,11:46 : : : a. in. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:16 : , 7:40 p.m. " _ _ _ _ M Opening an Cloilng BOITK. OPBI. OLO8B. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. Oalcaro&N. W 11.00 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 Ohlcsvio , U I. & Pacific. 11:00 : 8 0 6:30 : 2:40 : Chicago 11. & Q 11:00 : 9:00 6SO : 2:40 : WatKish ! 12:30 6:80 : 2:40 : Sioux City Mid Paclflc. B:00 6:30 : 2:40 : Union Pacific 4:00 : 11:40 : Omaha t U. V 4:00 : 11:40 B. &M. InNcb 4:00 : 8:10 : O .naha k Sioux City. . . . 6:00 : 7:30 B. AM. Lincoln 10:30 : 6:00 : ! . P. Unooln , Sunday. . . 1:30 11:00 : J. P. Denver Kxy B.-00 0:30 : 0. , Sioux City & St. P. . .11:00 : 2:40 : Local mails for State ot Iowa leave but once a day , viz:0:30 : a.m. Office open Sunday ! from 12 m. to 1 p. m. THOB. F HALL P M. . Business Directory. Abstract and Real titate. JOHN L. McCAOUE , oppoglto Po t Offlc * . \7. R. BARTLETT 817 South 18tb Street ' Architect * . DUrRENK & UENDELS80UN , AJROIUTEOT8 Boom It Crsitffaton Block. A. T. LAJIGK Jr. , Room 2. Cietehtoo Block. Ooota and Bho . JAUEB DIVINE & co. , ft Boot * and Shoes. Aifooj aaaortmenl of work on band , corner 12th and Harner. 30S. KBICKSOH , S. E. cor. leth and Doutfaa. JOUNFOHTONATUS. 806 I0th atrevt , manufacture ! to order food wort at fair price * . Repalringdone. Bed Bprlngm. J r LARRIUER Manufacturer. 1617 Dourtuit. Booka , Nttwi and Stationery. } , I. FHDEIIAUF 1015 Famham Street. Butter and Egg * . McSHAKK & SCUROEDEIt , the oldest B. and E. tooiue In Nebnuka ostaMbihed 1876 Omaha. CKNTltAl. 11KSTAURANT , SIKS. A. RYAN. _ jihwutt cnrnor tetliand Dodeo. IjAHt UouU for the Money. fettafactlon Guaranteed. Veal * at all Hours. Board by UIB Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash , Furnlahnl Hnmns Supplied. UarrlaRt * and Road Wagonm. WM SNVDER , 14th and Hamey Streeta. Jewe era. JOHN BAUMKR 13U Famham Street. Junk. O. ItERTUOLD , Ravi and Uotal. Lumber , Lime and Oement. FOSTER fc ORY corner Oth and Douglas Sid. Lamps and Oluiware. J. CONKER 1800 Douglaa St. Good Variety. * , Merchant Tailor * . Q. A LINDQUK8T , One of our moat rrpular Merchant Tallori U le- oetrlng the latent deHlzna lor SpriiiK and Summer Ooodj for pcntlemon'i ! iar. Styllsli , durable , and prlcea low a ever 21G 13th hot. Dotu.&Fam. Millinery. URS. 0. A. R1NOKR , Wholesale and rUtall , Fan. CT GOO.U In great \-arloty , Zephyra , Can ) Boanli , Uodary , Olovoe , Contois , &c. Chcapot House In thcWcxt. rurchauere a o 80 per cent. Order br Mall. ItB Fifteenth Street. _ foundry , JOHN WEARNK&BON8 , cor , 14 * &Jck oait Mourand Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnhtm It ) . , Weluhant Uron. , proprietor * . Qrocera. 2. STEVKNS , Slat b tnfc n Cnmlng and Itai T. A. MoSHANK , Corn , ndand Coming HtrceU. Hardwaie , Iron and Bteel. 3LAN & LANOWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 tof 112 16th etr < et A I101.MK3 corner 1Mb ami Oalllornl * Harnea * , Saddles , &c. H. WEIBT SO ISth St. bet FarnlUrney. . ANFIELU HOUSE , Qoo. Canllfld.Oth & KarnhAB ) DORAN HOUSK , I' H. Car813 Farnham Ht. HLAVKN'S HOTEL. F. Rla rn , 10th M. Southern IloUl Ou . Hamcl Oth A U-avcnworth Qlothlng Ooueht. C .SHAW will iwy lilRhcrt Cah prtcu for eecond hand clothlr.Oorucr 10th and Farnham Drugs , Palntn and Oil * KUIIN h CO Pn rnuM.jt | , Kino " uc iloxlt , Oor Idin knd JV J. WHITEIIOUI K , WholenaJe & IUUII , 16th at. a FIELD , 2022 North 8lti Cumlni ; Strtct. PARR , DrutfBl t , inttt and HoHflrd BlraoU ' Dentltti. DR. PAUL , WllllamK1 Dlock Cor. 16th 6 IKxlKo. Dry Goods Notions , Etc. JOHN H. F. LKllllAKN 4 CO. . M w Voik Dry Goods S re , 1S10 and 1312 f m. btm § tr < ct. u. 0. Enewola * Uo boota and ehoel Tlb&PadBc. furuiture. 4 r. GROW ) , New and Btuind Hand rurulture nd StOTM , illi DoujfU * . IIMiMt b prtct tld for soconJ bana roc s OONNBR 1S09 Douyl * , Fine iroodt , 4 . Fence Works. OMAHA FENCE CO UHT , rHIKS &CO. , lilSIIarnvjr 8t , Improve ( t * Ire DOXM , Iron and Wood Kmcei , OITci- Killrrr , CounlfMof Finn tnd Walnut. Cigars and Tobacco. WEST k fRITSCD F.R , manufacturer of C1 ar * , > nd \ > * holn < ale IVwIcrM n Tobacco * . 1306 DougUa. V. F. LORKNZEN manufacturer 1 < 16 Farnham Florist. A. Donaghne , pbvnU , cut flower * , di , ooqaet * ttc. N. W. cor. 16th anJ Dou ta * itrtoU. Civil Engineers and Surveyor * ANDREW ROSKWATFJR , CnJuhton Town Surreys , Gnule and Bewengt Syitom * a apocUlty. Oommluton Merchant * . JOHN 0. WIL L1S.14U DoJge Stteet D n. HKKMF.R. For detail * MW large tdrertUm. ment In Dally and Weekly , Oornlca , Work ' . Woetcrn Cornice Work * , Manufacturers Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and SUto Roofllng. .OrJfrt from any locality promptly oiccutal In the best manner. Factor } ' and Office 12)8 ) HsrneBU C. BPKCIIT , rroprittor. OaUanlicd Iron Cornice * . Window Cap * , eM. , manufactured and put up In any part ot th country. T. BINHOLD (10 Thirteenth rtrocl Orockeryi I. BONNFJl 1809 DouaiM ( treat. Good line. Clothing and Furnishing Good * . ' GEO. 11. PCTERSON. Al o Hata. Cap * . Boot * , ahoct , Notlona and Cutlery , 804 B. 10th stnxt. Retrlgerator * , Canneld's Patent. 0. F. GOODMAN HUi St bet. Farn. A Harnoy. Show Case Manufactory. 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In all kind ! of Show Ca e , Upright Cases- * ' . , 1317 Can * St. FRANK I. . GKHHAIID , proprietor Omali * Show Case manufactory , 818 South 10th street , botwceti Lcii orth and Marcy. All Rood ) w arrantcd flrst-cliww _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pawnbroker * . R08ENFKLD. 10th St. . het , far llar Stoves ana Tinware. A. BURMKSTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work , OJd Fellows' Block. J.BONNER. 1303 Douglas St. Good and Cheap. Seed * . J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Culthntors , Odd Fellows Hall. Physician * ani Surgeon * . W. 8. GIBBS , M. D. , Hooui No * 4 , Urelghton Illock , 16th Street P. B. LEISENR1NO , kt. D. Maaontc Block. C. L. HART , M. D. , E > r and Ear , opp. poetoffiu ) DR. L. B URADDY. Oculist anil Aurlst. S. W 15th and Faruham 81 * Photographers. GEO. HEYN , PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street. near Masonic Hall. First-claw Work and Prompt now guarantccr Plumbing , Gn * and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY & CO. , 216 12th at , bet. Farnham and Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. FlTZPATJtlOK. 1409 Douglaa Btrixit. Painting nn aper imglng. HENRY A. KOSTERS. 141 Dodge Street. Shoo Store * . Phillip Lang. 1320 Farnham et , bet. 18th A 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LKAR. 1416 Douglas St. Now and Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , tc. , bought and sold on narrow marvlns. Ualoons. HENRY KAUFMANN , In toe new brick block on Douglas Street , hu Just opened a most elegant BCOJ Hall. Uot Lunch from 10 to 12 e\cry day. " Caledonu " J FALCONER 670 IBth Street. Undertaker * . CHAS. RIEWK , 10U Farnham bet. 10th A lltd. 00 Dent Store * . P O BACKUS , ia > 6 Farnham St. , faoct Ooodl WESTERN CORNICE WORKS : C. SPEOHT , Proprietor , 1213 Harney Street , > NEB OMAHA. - - - MANUFACTURERS OF- GALVANIZED IRON Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IRON § SLATE BOOFIN0 , Special's Patent Metalic Sky light. Patent Adjustable Ratchet Bar and BRACKET SHELVING. 1 ani the general State Agent for the above line of Koods. IKON FENCING. Orettlngs , Baluitradet , VerandasJOfllca and Bank Railing * , Window and Cellar Quarda ; alto GENERAL AGENT Poenon and Hill Patent Intlde Blind. nov < dtf KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA iS i if 5 11 & ' r * > ! ' S ° > * c * ' \ -v y z n - U \ W' ' ' e- J1 -i 5 \-y P s BITTERS ILER & CO. . Sole Manufacturers. OM .H A. To Nerve js Sutterers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J , B. Simpson's Sp cifle It It poaitltoiMirc For tJpcrniatoirhii , Brmlr.a WookuuKi , lin | tficj , ar.d all dUoa ic ru ultla ; [ rein Kclf.Aliuse , an Uc'iital Anxlct ) , I < OM' Mmiop , P Jnn In UIH 1'Jwk nr Plile. and " _ _ _ Writ frr th m und w t full par . 1'ricu , Bpoclnc , 11.00 ptr | wk z , or 1i | pl' u-i * lor 16.00. Addreiw all orden" t B. 8IMSON MKD1CINK ( X ) . No * , lot and 106 Main Ht. UuHilo , N , V * old In Omaha by C , F. Goodman , J. W. Ml , K I h , m | all ifni il U iverywlicro. . iS-dw John G. Jacobs , iFonnerly of Ol ht J coU , UNDERTAKER. 14'.I F rnh m8t , , Ol-i hUnJ o' not , fi4 J AN OCEAN MONSTER. Tlio Cuttlo-FlBli in Komnnco nntl In Nnturo-Sorao Mnrino Monsters. New York Tlmis. Ainoii } , ' tlip many niiinmls tlmt attract - tract nttoiitioit from their seemingly amiaitiiniil npponrnticc , none nro so little , nnd nt the same time so well known in n way , na these furmiiiK the class Cohimlonoeio namely , squills , cuttlo-fish , etc. They nro i > rincipally known to the onornl public na forming the mntorinl upon wliich Victor lluijo based his ro- mnnco , "Tho Toilers of the Sen , " but the history of their lives and habits , nnd the story of their ancestry , has only boon written by the scientist , nnd often couched in language by no means ittracllvo to the unscientific reader. So it is tlmt the ' 'squids , " ' 'dovil-tishes , ' "calnmrs , " "poulpes , " etc. , nro terms strnngoly confounded and conveying various startling meun- ings to the avoni e reader. The class includes the squid , octopus , spiruln , nautilus , and argonaut among living forms , and such extinct creahnes as the orthoceros , goniatites , nmmonitioR , etc. Tiiu tmost collection ot the first mentioned , probably , in this or ntiy other country can be seen in the museum of Vide college , while the Hall collection of fossils in the museum nt Central pink is oxtrutuoly rich in the extinct forms. The squids are the most striking members of the class , and , especially the gigantic one ? , might , unit be called the kings of the mohmra , both on ac count of tlieir size nnd the fact that they form a part , of the highest di vision of the animals we commonly call "sheila. " Although these huge creatures have only been thoroughly examined by scientific men within a few years , they were heralded by the most oxtrumlinary descriptions by writers like Hugo and Miclielet , who relied upon imhllbrent. information and sailor's yarns for their material , and when facts seemed insuiUcicnt their rare imaginative powers were brought into piny with telling cllbct. The latter writer refers to the squid in the following : "In the more ancient formations of the world we find two murderers , A Sll'l'EltXI > A SL'L'KKU. The first is revealed to us by the im print of the trilobite , nil order now lost , the most destructive of extinct beings. The second subsists in one gigantic fragment , a beak nearly two feet long , wliich was that of a great sucker or cuttle-fish ( Sepia ) If the other parts nro in proportion it must have been enormous , its vcntoso invincible vinciblenrms or perhaps twenty or thirty feet , like these of some mon strous spider. The sucker of the world , soft nnd gelatinous , it is him self. In making war upon the mol- Inska he remains mollusk himself , that is tc say , always an embryo He presents the strange , almost ridicu lous , if it was not also terrible , ap- pearnnue of an embiyo going to war ; of a fetus furious and cruel , soft and transparent , but tenacious , breathing with a mur lerous breath , for it is no * for food alone that it makes war ; it hiis the wish to destroy. Satiated and even bursting , it still destroys. Without defensive armor under ts threatening inurmers there is no peace : ts safety h to attack. It regards nil people nsa possible enemy. It throws about its long arms , or rather thongs , armed v > ith suckers at random. " Pliny , Aristotle , and , later , Olnus Magnus nnd Donip de Montfort did much to throw a halo of romance nbout these creatures. Pliny the an cient relates his history of an enor mous cuttle-fish which haunted the coast of Spain , destroying the fishing grounds and causing great loss , as well as terror , to the' followers of the craft. Ho states that the monster was * finally taken , and that it weighed 1,500 pounds , and that its arms were thirty feet in length , This , as later developments have shown , was within the bounds of possibility. A well- authenticated fact is related bv Lieu tenant Buyer , of the French navy. M. Sabin P.erthelot also read a paper on it before the Academie des Sciences. Lieutenant Bayer's ship was between Teherille and Maderia when she fell in with a gigantie "calmany , " not less according to the account , than fifty feet long , without reckoning its f > rmidu''lr ' arniH , covered with suckers , nnd about twenty feet in circumference at the largest part , the head terminating in many arms of enormous si/c , the other extremity terminating in two 11 shy lobes , or tinsof great size , the weight of the whole boliitt estimated nt 4,000 pounds ; the flesh was so't , glutinous , und of redish brick color. The com mandant wishing , in the interests of science , to secure the monster , ac tually engaged it in battle. Numer ous shots were aimed nt it , but ihe balls traversed its Ihccid and glutin ous mass without causing it any vital injury. Hut after one of these at tacks the waves were observed to bo COVKRJili WITH FOAM AND III.OOI ) , And , singular to relate , n strong odor of musk was inhaled by the lookers on. The musket shots not having produced the desired results , harpoons wore employed , but they tonic no hold on the soft , impalpable flush of the marine mounter. Whim it escaped from the harpoon it dived under the ship and came up on the other side. They succeeded at lust in getting ulmrpnon to lakonnd in pausing a bow-line around the poste rior of the liinnril , lint when they at tempted to hoint it out of the water thr rope penetrated deeply into the flesh and upparated it into two parU thu head , with the a nun and tentacles , dropping into the sea and making off , uhile thu fins and posterior p-irts were brought on hoard , and found to weigh over forty pounds. The erow were payer to give chasit , and would lm\o launched a boat , but thu capUin refused , fearing tlmt the animal might e.ipni/o it. They judged that it carried at leant a liurrel of ink ormipU. Prof. Yen ill , of Vale , has investigiti'd the history of these crea tures with crcat thoroughness , and referring In u.irlior account of them , he gives great credit to I'jofeofior KtPimhtrup for his works on the sub ject The hitler has given uu counts of many extremely largo specimen * In one found l > y Captain IlygHin , in 18(15 ( , the pen wim six li'i'f in length. Accordins , ' ti .lefl'ry , a Jingo cophalupod was stranded in I HI HI , between Hillnwick and Kualloway , on thu west coast of Shetland. "From a fomiimnicatLn fiom ProfcHHor Allman , " nays Verrlll , ' 'tho tonlaclea wore six teen feel long , the pedal arms nbout half tlmt length , nnd the nmntlo SAC seven feet ; the mnntlo was terminated by fins. " Such is llio gonoml history of the giant squids in pnat yearn monger enough but within the Inst few years numerous ac counts have come io the public ear from the coast of Newfoundland ot largo annuls , nnd finally , in 18711 , Professor Vcrrill secured a specimen that was captured in Conception bay ; later , one was cnpturcd nt St. John , nnd finnlly over twenty of these mon sters have been examined , but owing to the ignorance of the findorn , many of these have been mutilated. The squid referred to ns having been cap tured in Conception bay wns the Architenthis ilnryeyl. It attacked two fishermen in their bont. They defended themselves with hatchets , and ono of tlie arms cut oil' in thu fight was over sixteen feet long , nnd they estimated that the entire nnima' would weiijJi oyor 2,000 pounds. It is only occasionally tlmt these monsters venture to attack fishermen , but Mr. Harvey says that on the 2d of November , 187 ! ' , Stephen Slier- ring , a fisherman residing in Thimble Tickle , was out in n boat with two others ; not far from the shore they observed some bulky object , and sup posing it might be apottum of n wreck rowed toward it , nnd to their horror found themselves close to n lingo fish having large , glassy eyes , which was inakini' despoiato efforts to escape , and churning the water into a foam by thu motion of its im mense arms and tail. It was aground , and the tide was ebbing. From the funnel at the back of head it was ejecting largo volumes of water , tliis being its method of moving backward , tlie force of thu stream by the reaction of tlie surrounding medium driving it in the required direction ; nt times tlie wnter from the siphon wns ns black as ink. Finding the monster partially disabled , the fishermen plucked up courage and ventured near enough to throw thu grapnel of their bout , the sharp flukes of which , having b.irbod points , SANK INTO 111K hOlT 1IOIIV. To the grapol they had attached a stout rope which they cniried nshoro aud fastened to a tree so as to prevent the fish from going out with tlie tide. It wan n happy thought , for the devil fish found himself effectually moored to tlie shore. Hu struggles were ter- lific as he flung his ten arms around in dying nirony. The fisliornmn took c.irc to keep at a respectable distance from the long tantanles wliich wore ever nnon darting out like great tongues from tlie central mass. ' At length it became exhausted , and as the water wont out it died. It was tlio largest specimen ever taken , the body alone measuring twenty foot from the beak to the extremity of the t.iil ; one of thu arms wns thiity-livo feet in length , and thu whole animal was twice ns large as the one exhibited at the Now Yoik Aquarium. From these ac counts it would seem that tlie maxi mum length of these gi.ints of the sea , as far as known , is from fifty-five to sixty feet , but there is no reason to doubt tliat they greatly exceed this liv ing in the greater depth of tlio ocean. A great number of species arc known , but most of them are extremely small , when compared to the giant squid of the North Atlantic , many of them be ng over a foot in length ; hut in general appearance they resemble their liugo relative. Their power of throwing ink and water from the siphon must bo great ; the writer has observed a small squid throw a stream three feet from tlio water with dito oflecf upon an enthusiastic naturalist Tlie black , staring eye , nearly as largo na a plate in the largo ones , pre sents a striking appearance , resemb ling greatly that organ in vertebrate animals ; but the resemblance is super ficial , as the oyc of the squid is form ed upon the same plan as that of the snail. The bills resemble those of a parrot , only larger , and the upper one fits into the lower. Strnngo to say , the pen that supports the ludy of the giant squid is oxtrcmoly fragile , while in tlie small sepia of the Mediterran ean sea it is formed of limestone , and fumiliar ns the "cuttlo-fish bone" of commerce. Tlio Octopus , also called thu devil fish , though a blood relation , is an entirely difl'eront animal. The former have ten arms , while tlie latter , as their name indicates , Jmvo only eight. It is also a bottom animal , like a huge , uncanny spider , crawling about , in serting its arms and body into crevices seemingly one-third its size. The body appears like an oval bag , nnd is often raised , from wliich extend tht eight arms lined with suckers , in tlio midst of which is tlio mouth and bills. They often show great varia tion of color , various tints following each other over their bodies in quick succession , while the eyes seem to flash with u green , baleful h < > lit. They Jiavo no pen , and tlieir power is shown in the fact that in 1877 a largo ono caught an Indian woman at Victoria and carried her into deep water , where she was found Jiours after - ter still in tlio embrace of tlie monster. Tlie Octopus Punctatus lias boon found to expand four teen feet , and one was observed at Sitka tlmt had a radical spread of nearly twenty-eight feet. This species is common in the markets at San Francisco , where it is eaton by the 1'rench. ' Number.- fine spaciniuns of thuso creatures can be seen in thu collection of tlio museum at Central Park , and Ya'e ' possesses a specimen that , though only four feet long , weighs fomteen and a half pounds. Ah. .1. Mnrhh , liunk ot Toronto , Out. , wri'cx ' : "IJiliousne H und dyHjiapHiatefin to liuvc L'rown up with uith ; vhi | , ' liet-n u Miirurer fur yvarH , I have tried m my rcinu- dicH , | , t with no laHthiLrfnnlt until I HUM ) your llrunocK Mumn IliTTKlw They li \c hu.ii truly a | ILMHIIK | | to me , nnd I cannot peak too hiilily ; < if them. " I'rlco 91.1)0 ) , t ul ! /c lOceniH. 'i Iw FAHMKHSANDMKOHANICS. If you wish to avoid great danger and trouble , besides a no small bill of expunsu , nt thin season of thu year , you should take prompt topn to keep din-jane from your liouseliohl. Tlie system rihnuld bo cleansed , blood punliud , Htoimich and bowels regula ted , and prevent und euro diseased .inning liom spring malaria. We Know of nothing that will so perfectly and surely do this as Kloctrio Hitters , and at the trifling cost of fifty cent a bet tle. [ Kxchungo. Kohl by lull , t Me.Mnhon. 7 AND- H a n d s o mest -IN T1IK- MARKET1 For Sale by WM. R STOETZI1.L 621 South T mth St. THOROUGHBRED JERSEY COWS & HEIFERS For Sale By GRAHAM P. BROWNE , MutU-r of Ajiplicatiou of M. 1'ivrr for IVrinittoisoll Liquor an a Dru gltit. NOTIC'K. _ Notice in hereby L-IVIMI that M. Purr did , upon thu 2(1 ( day of .Tmiunry , A. 1) ) . , 1881 ! . fillhirt npnlicatioii to the Mayor and City Council of Onmlin , for penult Ui Mill Malt , Splritunm anclVin m l.iiUirn | ( , iw Dm jjint , foi u cdiuliuil , inu- cliunic 1 a id chemical purpoHCM only , at corner Tenth ami Howard otrvct , ' 1'liinl wanl , Oumhi , Neb. , from the ICtli day of January , 1RS2 , to the 10th day of April , 188 . if there In * no objection , rvuiouxtrnnce , or inntctt filed within two woolen from iTimii.iry 2il A. U. , 1882 , the tnid in-ruiit will be craut d . M. I'AIIII , Ajiiilicant TilKlAlivlh'K newnpaper will rublinh the nbo\ notice ouco cn-fi wuel : for two week * , at the expense of the applicant. Th City of Omaha IH not to IMS charged therewith. J. J. L. C. JKWETT , J2 2t City Clerk. NOTICE. Tli i partnonhlp hcri'totaie oxig Inc liutwccn Charles Kiihlmann , of the flrnt part , and K. L. HlKf'm , ot the f et-onJ lurt , In hereby illnaolMxl li ) mutual consent Halcl KuMnmn , nf the II rut part , hnvlnp purcnanvd thu entire Interrfltot H\\l \ Sl i-'liii , of the Befond part. All outxtandliiK ili'ohldii ] ( nhull lit pulil by raid Kuh mann of the tint rart , and n'l accounts due Ha'd tlnu ni nil be paid to him. I AH , K I'll IM ANN. K. I. . SK10INS. Oiiiah , Noli. , Jan. 4 , I&S2. j.WIt Clarkson & Hunt , Bucucuw * In Klchardi ft Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW OHO. W. DO IN 1. 1. C. CiWI'BILI.1 DOAME & CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law , 8. W COR. TU k DOUGLAS HT8 WAR IN FA8SEN6EE RATES I HOimiK DUO3 , , Ilrokctn In all lUllroiwl Tlckcto , Omalut , Neb. , offer Ticket * to the Kant. until further notice , at the following nnhoard o ! Low Rates : let cla/M , U clang , NKW YOHK , J20.IO , BOSTON , iiO.OO , I'HILADKLPHIA , 28.00 , tlZ.Vl. WAHIIINOTON , 22.0f ) , 20.1" . For partlciiUre , writ * or o IIOIIIIIK I1KOH. , Uoalcru In Roduwl llaU Railroad and Steamship TlcktU , HOO Trnth Ht. , Omaha Ntli. Reracintjcr the jilaco Thrwi Doom N 'tt > of Union Pacific Railroad Depot , Ka > t B da ofTcnth Street. Omaha Auirust 1. 1281 VICTOR'S RESTAURANT 1016 Furnham Street. OBCOTTJECS. OyHtcra , C'hopi and ( lama Co > k ) to O'Jrr , And Served Under Personal Qupervlilon of Proprietor , VIOl'OE DDOKOH8. BYRON REED & . CO. .OLDHKl Real Estate' Agency IN NKIIl'AHKA Keep o complete almlract ot title f > KIUI KnUte In Omaha an lirmirlan cnunlv nmvtl J. L WILKE , PAPER BOXES. 1408 Farnham 8t. O3XT.A.3HCA. , - - BMEltB. W J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Orriro Krunt Ituouu ( up ( tain ) In lUnncom1 now brick building , N W , onrnnr Kftwntl' uil arnhm A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEV- EA7 DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS , XkXXC.ElOTI.'O.R. " 3E - -EIEIG O-P. County , lowu. Cjratil .lohtiHon . ( .rain Doilon , K. Clurk . Ciunt'rnl Morclu.miino mul .lowolry Illack llros . ( MurchnndiM J. W. D.iy . drocoriot Ciiiiuinor t Allyn . Groceries utul Ilnrdwivnr O. II. Ciirriur . Runcnil Murchaiuliss .1. W. NVeod . Ilariiwu ) U. 1 1. limwn . ( ir cury anil Itcstaurant - Shitt : . Lumber H , G. Lynch . Furniture A. K. llooth . . . .Drug * I. La Forguo . , . HHtH anil Show. H. Chronister . lUi.ckBmi.b. . ! . T. Tiilly . RU-nt Market J. H. LiH'iUB . WuK < in Shop Curriur & Booth . Contractors and liuiWcrt Goo. Hiitos . Grain Dcalorr. .1. L. Adkiiw , Af. D . Vltyslciiw .1. C. Maxwell , M. D . Vliysicuu- K. G. Hwlbort , M. D . Physician A. J. Mini run , M. D . 1'liyniciaK. .1. Poison . Hotel K. Clark . Lawyer G. S. Fnrnhani . ' . . Hotel und ( irocorj CORNING. ( Adaiua County , Iowa , C. , H. A Q. ) G. W. Frank .t Barrow Uanfc D. S. Siller Uonfc W. G. Garvin Hotel L. M. Waldron Hotel Diivin , Wulls Husaull LAW John Bixby it Son Law and Innuranoo C. D. CaBson Law W. O. Mitchel L w Mont & 11 row n Law J. W. Bixby Frank & Elmondorf Itoal R. A. Oripnon B. & M. Ix'ind'Agont , I' . II. Bonus Postmaster A. A. RaniBon , M. D Phyoiciaa AJ. . Salta , M. D . ' Phyaioian W. II. Macon , M. D Physicip F. H. Scranton Dentist A. Conipton Livery John Rowland Livery A. M. TJoymor Lumber E. D. Hand ACe Lumber E. Y. Burgan Food and Farm Implement * lainua Widnor , M. D Physician R. A. Mooru * Law P. II. Fillman Harn s F. P. Shupo HlackBtnith Skinner Uros Machine Shop and Foundry Thomas George SU > am MLU I. G. Wilaon Uuntaurant and Grocery Guo. W. HuBHoll General Merchandise Garvin IJros , General Merchandise O. A. T'oawo Jewelry \Vidner & Ilagadorn , Hardwar * W. F. Hall Grocoriot ScholBros , . . . , ' General Merchandise Kelly t Landifl Meat Market Hiotir ( t Co General Merchandisn L. M Mann . ' Groceries Rightmiro it Eurl Drugs Perkins A Allhouno Millinery C. W. Francis Clothing Mrs. 0 A. Wood Millinery Stone Bros Barbers Widnor t Chapman Dry Goodr J F. McElwain Dry CJoodt Miaaun Jaylor A' Spencer Drues Making J. T Smith Drugi J. B. Harris , Groooriet A. M. Copp Boots and Shoo * W. G. Shortlin" Clothing J. W. Holmes Farm Implement * Holliatur Bros Furniture K Van Wagner flroceric * LiltKutz Grociiry , Baking A. ThoinpHon , Jr Harnese W. F. Lyon. RestauraJit A. B. Turner General Merchandise \V. B. AndorBon -DI5ALERS IN- HALL'S ' SAFE AND LOOK GO Fire and Burglar Proof 1020 Farnham Street , POWER AND HAND ft * " Steam Pumps , Engine TrimmingSi UININU MACIIINKKY , IJKI/riNO , JIOSK , 1IHA8S ANI ) IHON KHTINOH , PlPf , ITKAUt I'ACKINo ! AT WIIOI.K8ALK AND IIIITAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELU A. L. SRANG , 205 Farnham St , Omaha- .