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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1882)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. JANUARY 10 , 1832- DRIFTING WITH THE TIDE That is Taking the Assassiu to the Deep River of Oblivion , But it Drifts no Slowly That End Does Not Tot Ap pear in b ight. The Day Consumed in the Necessary But Uninterest ing Arguments. "With Only an Oconnlonrel Brenh to Tone the Old Thine Up. THE ASSASSIN National Associated i'rwi. 81'ENDI.Vn A Sl'HI.V Hl'NDAV WASIII.VOTON , January 0. No visi tors -wore allowed to BOO Uuitoau yes- tordny. This was at hin own porBonul request Ocn Crocker wni firm in his rofmuU to allow the nsinmin to he disturbed. His cull wai littered with import ) , and he wni occupied most of the day in preparing the closing speech for his defense This elloit , ho Buys , will bo the qroalostof his life , and will settle ) tlie verdict in hia Invor. LIe was in u ly tumpar Thu warden said hn vrim never so surly hu- fore. Even when fruits were nunt in by sympathizers , lie replied ruther grullly that hu was obliged. Nothing further has boon heard of the ofler to purchase his hotly , but a pos tal was received from the Dnno Mil- noum in Baltimore proposing to pay $1,800 for the embalmed carc.iss of the nimsflin. The usual mail was re ceived for Guiteau. 1'ioccs of crape suggestive of his final end lire never shown him , Guitcau's lawyers arc makinira fum over the fact that the jury was not present on Saturday dining their speeches , and say it was due to the connivance of Marshal Henry , who ii hostile to Guiteau. TUB TltUI , . The trial entered the ninth week to-day. Court was called to order at 10:10 : a. m. The prisoner was wild in appearance when he came into the court. As ho passed the counsola' table ho whispered to Heed and Sen- vlllo , "Call mo and I'll settle it " His allotnry laughed quietly. When lit * r npln > il the dock ho broke out \\itb , m i > | Miiuig speech "I want to way a word about my mail , " ho cried "I have got some 700 or 800 letters to examine as BOOH as I have time. A ireat ; many are from ladies , ex pressing their sympathy and prayers tor acquittal , and I desire to sund my greeting to the Indies of America I received a check for 81,000 Saturday from the stalwarts of Brooklyn , N. V , , and 8500 from the stalwarts of Now York City. I now call on the stalwarts of other cities tw come for ward and send mo checks for other thousands and five hundrodti. " [ Laughter. ] The marshal tried to keep the accused quiet , bul Guiteau turned savagely on him , crying , "Keep quiet , will you , and mind your own business. Don't interfere with mo. I know my rights and how dare you interrupt ? " Rood wont over to tmci''y him ' Something was said that 'pleased him and ho settled down in hii seat with u satisfied air. Scovillu then resumed the argument on the points of law with ruioionce to the decision of Judge Davis , of Now York , cited by the prosecution on Saturday. Ho contended that the opinion of a judge from the bench in Huch matters was entitled to no more weight than that of any other lawyer. Heading from the oilicial report of de bates in the British parliament on the ( mention of abolition of capital pun ishment , a quotation was given to the died that fifty of the bust medical exports of Great Britian had declared the lact that men who know the dif ference between right and wrong was no proof that such persons could not be insane and ufllicted with uncontrollable - trollablo impulses. The English cases in which the courts agreed with this proposition were then cited. Porter several times interrupted , and Scovillu hotly replied , once accus ing Corkhill of having in thu prayers of the prosecution formulated tes timony of bin experts. Guiteau pretended all the time to be reading , but betrayed himself fre quently by looking approvingly at Scovillo whenever ho made a pwint. Scovillu urged that on a question like that under consideration , the couits wore behind public opinion , because of their favor for precedents and disinclination to adopt new rules in accordance with the enlightened spirit of the limes. Ho feared thu court might allow one of the prosecn lion's poinls of law , and on that ac count dwelt much on this branch of the subject. Courts were undoubted r ly much influenced by fears of public vengeance. It was a reprehensible feeling of revenge that prompted Judge Davis , in the Coleman casu , to travel out of the record and promul gate an opinion on the Guiteau case while it was on trial. Porter rose and said "I challenge the production of any record in sup port of that statement , which i utter ly baseless and false. " "Oh , " said Ouitoiii , "thi t is n very fine speech. " ocovillo insisted bin criticism WM correct. Porter again declared the statement false. "Oh , " ansMoiod Keoville , "the counsel may say such things over ami over again , but I desire to say I liuvi found in this case conduct unbucom ing to a notice court where person ! are brought from the Blums. But ] ahull always churacteri/.o these thing ) in proper languayo , The counsel mnj utand up and rebut their words ii quavois ) and semi-quavers , but I not help that. I have heard the nwh in the woods of Wisconsin go on , ii a similar style , and they were n > I practicing either. " ( Laughter. ] Davidgo piotested against such its' Hortions uoiug allowed , The court said theru had been toi many such uccnes , and ho would al lour no more , "Oh , " said ( iuiteau , "Bcoville It making too much of Davis. The jurj in thn Coleman case repudiated hii law , I have no dou it this court wil give the same law. but thij jury will not accent it. " [ Laughter. ! Scovillo then reviewed the prayers > f the defense , commenting on what 10 termed legal test of insanity. He siitl he did not argue at any lengthen on the question of jurisdiction , be cause ho assumed that the court wap 'ully acquainted with the points 011 hat subject. In closing he objected o the manner in which the prosccu < ion had endeavored to bull-doze the d feiiso. "Judge Porter"Scovillo continued , mitating his manner , "lioa said he will not permit Mr , Heed to make certain uttorancca'but I will say what I Hnk I should , in spite of him , unlesf the court finds it necessary to prevent nc. " "I don I think anything will prevent < vent you , ' said Davidgc. "No such tactics na have been adopted will , retorted Scovillo. "That's a good point , ' shouted Guiteau Hecew. During the rcceas Rued stated an application would ho made to .hidgu Dot this morning for an adjournment of two days , to give the defense time .o prepare the closing speeches lleed will then confer with Guilean at the jail in regard lo the argument lie pro poses lo make in his own behalf , When com I resumed Corkhill took tip thu question of juimlicUon re 'ened to in the two last prayers of .ho defense. That qiioition was orig- nally important , and if lh-ro was a louht it should bo settled at onco. The senior counsel on the other side nid promised the question should not m raised , and from what hu ( Cork till ) thought , theie could bo no doubt in to how the question could bo de cided. He as not at liberty lu say that such n grave matter should be passed on by the court without Home jxpression of his views. He then [ noted a number of decisions and javo BlacltHtono's opinion , that juris- liclion uniin the district u heroin the wound was inflicted. "Thero has boon much now law since Blackstono'n time , " shouted Ouitcau. Corkhill occupied an hour in his ar ; ument , which was confined lo the egal points involved. Ho claimed .hat thu question of jurisdiction was luyoml the shadow of a doubt. Davidgo then addressed the court , uid began by saying ho deemed it un necessary to discuss thu question of jurisdiction Guitoau assured him that was a wise decision. Davidgo continued ! Alaliee in law did not , as thu defense tried to make out , mean a grudge or ill will , but simply intent to commit n wrongful act. He urged at some length that : ho question of the couit wai one of ninmtiation , and not of disease. In criticising the pleas of the defense , ho declared it was impossible to read nest of them without coming to the reluctant conclusion that they were absolutely designed not to make clear vhut seemed to ho ohscuie ; but , on ho other hand , as far as ngenuity could , create confusion n thu case. Davidgo's speech and delivery weio elooucnt. He showed with great force that Guitoau was responsible for his acts according o all the evidence adduced , and said he prisoner was not punished ; his mnishniont was loft to a higher icjwor. The court , representing the ifisdoin of society and the masters of uw , simply made an example of him , o terrorize those from committing icts of violence and sin. "I saj' my act was right , " eriod ] uitoau , ' 'and you say it was wrong , urn had bettor leave that to the jury , who , together with the American poo- do , are on my side. If you saw some otlors I receive , yon would not make inch talk. " Ho interrupted a num- )0r of times , asserting that hu did tot claim more than transitory mania. That was the only delusion connected u ith his case. "Wo want lights , ' exclaimed Dav idgo , shaking his linger at Scoville and speaking with unusual solemnity. "Wo don't want this prisoner to es cape in a cloud of doubt , If we are in error , lot it bo luctificd , but let the outgiving of this court be perspicuous on thu subject. All crime is the re sult of insanity lasting from a certain standpoint ; it argued ii rational con- luct , and the question of renponsibil- ty was thu only point to be deter mined. " The jury weio not present during , hu afternoon session Mr. Seovill't says that the drafts , ( mounting lo § 10,000 , received by Guituau on Saturday , were worthless , nid were sent by some practical joker , [ t is not the first time during the trial thai ; such a" thing him occurred. ' Mr. Scovillo himsolf'has had worth less checks sonttohimonofor Sl.OOO. Short Drouth. O. lloitle , Manchester , N. V , , Wus troubled with n tlnim for eleven yeara , Huil been obliged to nit up noinotiincn toner or twelve nl htii in micoi > s iim. Kouiul immedhto r lief fimn THOMAS' liruc- Tine On , and in now ontlii'ly cured ! ) .lw The Volco of the PI-OHH The newspaper pioes of a coiintiy is i gigantic power , either for good or evil. In the days of the revolution , newspapers were far fiom being ns plentiful as at present , yet it is a question in the minds' of many whether or not they were less influen tial than now. In thu days of our forefathers the pre&s of the country was less pailisan Ihan at tliu present day. Many people to-day who art ! luiulvra of puihupa only one newspa per , which they have taken HO lout that it has come to bo considered one of the necessaries of hfo. Thoj duvour its contents eaih wet-k aw fiom it draw all their knowledge o the questions uiid struggles that an agitating thu toilers in the great worh : nrtiund them. The power of courtlier cial and political combinations wouh bo an nothing in comparison to Urn which might bo wielded by the news papers of a country should they choos toexeit that power either for o against ceitain meimiros or combinu lions. The great danger of the pica out day lieu in the fact , that desigmn ; men , manageia of gigantic corpora tiona and other combinatioim the interest of the people , fully rccoy inning Ilia power of the ncwspiipois t mould piihlio opinion , are using it fo thu purpose ol sustaining ( heir nofui ions Bchenu'3 , and blinding the masse to what ought to bo their true intoi eat. eat.This This is to-day the policy of th ureat trar spoliation nionopolia and supporters of the money power. To-day The World and Trib une of New \ork are the personal property of .Fay Gould Their edi tors ana assintants are men employed unon a salary to advocate such princi ples and express fluch views as will ho to their emplyorn interest. One claims ( o bo a leading republican pa per and the other a leading democratic paper , but the same grasping RclfiHh man ncU as the power behind the throne , and controls their utterance. Vntidorbilt , too haa his own special newspaper * devoted to his interests. Coming nearer homo wo find the Union Pacific railroad wilh ita local pipers scattered all along the line of il road , Iho publishers pledged to do their utmost to secure the election of its preferred candidates lo the legisla turo. In the metropolis of our state , we find The Omiha Republican with both ils editors upon tlie pay roll of the U. P. ns regular employes of the road In Lincoln Tlie Journal as certainly belongs to the B , AM. . ns docn The Republican of Umnlm to the Union Pacific. In aomo parts of the stale , however , the lepuhlicnns are in the minoiity , and HO they have The Herald of Omaha enlisted in their in terest We might go on in this man ner through every stale and loriitnry and wo should find nearly t'o same state of affairs. Those who should be the instructors of the people are themselves under bonds to do their utmost for tlioir destruction. Lot a legislator raise his voice in behalf of the inter- e.sts of his constituents and he will meet. , with such a torrent of abuse fiom thu subsidized press of the country that whatever influence for good he might have had is destioyed at once. Senator A'an Wyck , the com promise candidate of the opposition to railroad influence , has , since his election to the ofllco of U. S. senator , given voice to some of the greatest truths thai it has been our fortune to hoar from one occnpyim/ high an oflico. It would seem from his course , thus far , that has a disposition to seek favor with ho masses of the people rather than with monopolists. In ccnBeuuonco every contemptible sub sidized organ throughout the land is naking him thu object of its veno- nous attacks. When the senator was irst elected we had little hopes that le would remain true to his promises .o the people Others had been elected before , who were quite us strongly pledged , and wo looked to sco him travel the same route. If , on ho contrary , hu shall prove through out his term lo he a friend of the ) eoplo in their struggle against their oppressors , no one will bo more itrongly in his favor. Honor to whom loner is due , and , although not of our wlitical faith , thu course of Senator Van Wyok has been that of a lover > f his fellow men rather than that of tool for those corporations ) tlmt are Tying to fasten the chains of their uspotism upon a nation that ought o ho free. No Mora Hard Time * . If you will slop spending so much on tine clothes ; rich food and style , my good , healthy food , cheaper and letter clothing ; get more real and ubstantial things of life every way , and especially atop the foolish habit of employing expensive , quack decor - or or using BO much of the vile hum- > ug medicine that does you only larm , but put your trust in that aim- lie , pure remedy , HOD Bitters ; that urea always at a trifling cost , and > ou will sco good times and have ; oed health. Chronicle. Jan2-12 11 otter of Application of Charles Joseph for Liquor Licence , NOTICE. Not'co In licrcliy uUcn that Charlei .Io-u | > h III. upon the Slut uav ol DtccmbcT , A , 1) ) . SSI , l\\uMt \ \ M'.P ( ration to thu Minor uid City 'ouiHl of OinAna , ( or llconmi to nil Malt tpir ttioun imd Vliioun UquniH , at Tenth Htrc l,0. , \\ran I.ciuuiiworth and llnrcy ttrectu , r'lrxt nrd , Omahn , Ncl > , from thu 4th day of J li ar } . IHi > " to the Wli dn , of Airll , ! Sti2 If there UDIIO olJitlo > , runoiixtr nro o-pn- lot Ulcxl with n two VIO H from 14th of Deconi- cr , A. I > . , lb81 , the Bald llctniftulll bo Krantcd , CHAD. Jomini , AmVIoxnt. Tint DAILY Urn itfw'I'aiHr iu publljh the hot u notice oniu < ncli week foi two \ut'k at lie ojjwiiiw of the aiiplliani. The Otyof Otiuha s not to bo charRfd ihtnuith. J. J. L. C. JKWfcTT , dec22 Oitv Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. ' 487. Vn Oniinanco c'Htabllnhinf ; the erode on Alley in IMock 115in the City of Omaha , le it ordained by the City Council of the City of Omaha : SUCTION 1. The grade of the oeiiti > r of ho Alloy in llluck 115 , in the City of > muhn , lihall be and In hereby established IN follow * : Heciimint ; at the entablnheil ! griule olcNation of IK1 B 10 feet above da- , um levels , at thn wtnt curb ino of High- .Hfiitb xtroet , where it IntcrnecU tbf center ino of the Alley in lllock 1)5 ) ; thcnco to an olevntion of I'tH fuel , nt a iMint Oil feet wo t of the went line of Kifthiecnth Btrtet ; lienco wcflt .S3 feet , t > on filiation of 158 3-10 feet ; thence went I < 3 feet , to MI elevation of l.VS ; thence west to nil t'l-\a- tlon of l.M 5-10 feet , nt the curl ) line of NinilecnthHtrtHit IIHIIOW efltabb hxl. ( BKC. Ii. Thin iirdlnanco nball take ell < ct nnil li in force.froin and after Its paiwiL- T 08. ri. DA11.KY. Atto t : 1'rcN't City Council , J , J , I , . C. JK\UTT , City Clerk. 1'iiK.wl Jinuiniy .S , IKS'J. AiimMHl | | iTiimuiry 5 , 1BS1. JAMKS ] ' . , Ilini ) , Muyor. ORDBNANOE NO. 188. An onUniiuce to pro cut unauthorized UHO of the Fire HydrjnU In the City of Omahit , or tninp rn \\iili the Hame , Itu it ont tilled hy the City Council of the City of ( ) uuhn ox follows KKcrioN 1. ItHhull 3e niil ful fm any l > cmon ti > draw \\ntor from , to oen | , or rlo o , or to do nnv other tiling with or about an > I'irr Hy rant in tlie city of Dinah , unless nirhorlzoii o to di > und r tlui nuthoilty of the otliclriln of H.ild city or ut tbo u'ly water works coniii ny. Hio - , It i h > 11 bo tinl.tu nil for any per Him to put uuy Hiilntnnco or tiling Into , to hitch , or ftmtfii horn'i + jjr otbpr nnini'U to , 01 to mnl In or tamper in nny way with niiv Kiieh Tire II drant , or to d i uujtldi with 01 ulmut the i-aiiio not iu > cewaiy and piop'T for it * legitimate ntiu. HKC H , AnyiwrHoniol ttn\ \ ; this ordu mince thall Iw put ty of n inindtmeAmir , and on function thiieof hall b jiuiiUhHil by a fine | not to excieei iifty dollnrn or an lmpri | < oniiu'iit not to ox > eetnl ten i ux , or Ixith. HKO , I. All oril in illicit or partH < > f prill nances lneoiihU'ciit ht'iewith are rile 5 Thli nidmaneo fhall take elfcct nivi be in foicu from and after its PHWJU.-O. TIIOS. H. DAI'KV ' , Attwt. 1'r M'tCity ( ! i' ndl .1. .1. ) . , O. , U\vi.TT , itv Olerk. I'aueil .Uniiary ; t , ISSi ! , Appio\i-d Jamiury 5. IRS'J ,1. K. lloui , . _ Mnyoi Edward W Sime * all ATTORNEY AT HOUSES Lots , FARMS , Lands. For Sale By BEMIS , FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STSM No. 2. > 9 , Kull lot fenced ami utth nmnll liulUI In | ? nn Capitol Arenuo near 2Cth ttre t700. No. 267 , LMRO lot or lilock 205 bj 270 ffvt on Hamilton , mar Irene slroct , 92MX ) . No. LTO , Pull lorncr lot an Jonis , near IDth street , J3,0)0. ( ) No , 253 , T o loU on Center Htrect , ntar dim Injf Mrtit , $9iO. No , 3(2 , Lot on Spruce street , near O'h street , No. 251 , Two lota on Sow aril , near Klr > | ; Htrcct , No. 2MJ , Lot on Scuaril , near Klny street , No 249 , Half lot on DoUgc , near llth Rtreet ( ko. 247 , K i > r beautiful resilience lotn. near Crilliton | College ( or will ncll si jiarato ) , $8,000. No. 'J4U , Two lota on tiharlei , near Cumln tro t , * 100ech. No.IUJ , Lot on Idaho , near Cumlng street , No. 216 , One acre lot on Cumlriff , near Dutton etrctt , fltO No. 244 , Lot on Fanihatr , near 13th street , W.OOO. No. 2l3 , lot CO l > j 1S3 feet on College street , nmrSt. Harj's Atri nue , $ CGO. No. iilS , 1/ct on Douglu , near 20th street , No 241 , Lot on Fainham , near 20th 1 reel , $760.No. No. 240 , Lot CO by 99 feet on South Avenue , near Maxou street , S5M. No. KW , Corner Irt on llur , near 2'd jtrcct , fc ! , > p No , 233 , 120 132 feet on Hirnej. near 24th ) trco ( Mill cut It up2,400. ) . No. t > 35 , 71x310 feet on Sherman A\cnuo ICth ntri t ) , m-ar Qraec , $1,000. > o. 01 , l/t on UouirlM M net , near 23J S761. Nu , 2.12 , Kit on I'lor nlree' , ni < ar So nrd , 600. No. 231 , lot IWJ ) Jeot , near 0 pitol Avenue and 22,1 atritt , 'JI/OO. No. 227 , Two k t.4 on IHcfltur , n ar'rinc iilreet , WOO and JIT < tat h. No. 223 , i ot 143 SO-llllby 441 feet on BhermiD A\enuo ( ICth etr et ) , near Grace , $2,400. No. 22U , Lot iiSxtKI fret on DoJiff , near 13th street , nuiku an offer. No. 217 , Lot on 2kl xtrrot , near dirk , t&Oa No 218 , Loton Hamlltor , oearKlnif , fSOO. No. 2i , Lot on 13th , near NIcholAisttiet , MW.No. No. 207 , T o lots on 10 h , near l' cltlotrcct , 1.MX ) No , 20JTvo lotn on Ca telUr , near 10th Hreet , pluO , No 204 , hoautlful restdencn lot on Division trect , near Cumlni ; , $350. No. WM , Lot en Uaunilen , near Hamilton strett , ( i960. No. 1091 , Ut 15th ntrtet. near Pacific , WOO. No. IDS1 , Three lota on Siutxori street , near Se ard , 81,800. No. ll J , Lot on 20th itrcct , near Sherman No. lWiT olo'80 22J , near Orocu street $000 e ch. No. 191) , two loU on King , near lUinllt street , $1,200. No. 10 JJ , two loin on 17th direct , near White Lead Wcrkn , * 1 , < > DO No. 1H8) , ono ft.ll bl ick , ten lots , near the bar racks , No. 101 , lot on Parkir , near Irene street , $300. No , Ib3 , IMO lots on Cons , near Slat utrett. Odlt wl o , ) $ u..00. No. Ihl , lot on Center , near Cuming street , 300. 300.No. No. ISO , lot on Her , neir Sowanl street , (0 0. No. 175 , lot on Shcrmao a\enuo , near Izard utrett , Sl.1'0 No. 174 i , lot on Ca > , niur 14th , Sl.fOO. No. 170 , lot on I'acifle , near 14th street ; intkc offera. No. 100. nil loU on Car'-b&ui , near 24th itrcct 81.45 toSf.'HH ) each. No. 10.1 , full block on ,20lh street , nra racv course , and three lotu 'in Uiso'H addition nrar Baiinc cr and CawiuH btrcclx , 2,000. No. 129 , lo * on California street , near Cr ton collude , Wti. f > o. 127 , acre lot , near the luiul of St. UMJiuo , 8.1,000. No. 124 , bout two acres , near the head of St. ' No. 120 , lut on 18th Htrect , near White Lead Works , MS. Na. 124 , slxtteu loU , nrar shot tower en the Ikllc\ tie road , S7f > | x.r ot. No. 122 , 13. ! 13 < ftot(2 'ot ) on 18th Htrcet , mar I'oppleton'H , 61iiOO. No. no , thirty loU in MlUanl and CalilHiU'i ) addition * on Sherman ncnue , Hpring and HwttoKa streeU , near the vnd of frreen ttrrit i r trail , , tW > > to 1,200 eaeh. No. H9 , lot on Chicago , near 224 utr t , tl.COO * No. bH , lot on Culjucil , ncur Sauudcra street * MW. MW.No. No. S6 , cornir lot on C'luirlex , Dear Saundera strvet , $700. No , B'1 , lot on Irani , near 21 t , with two m honi < eirt ! 400 No , HU , two lotn on loth , neur 1'lcrre itrcct , Sl.fOO. No. 7S , thrte lots on Ilarne ) , near 19th street , tt.O a. No. 76,60x132 fettou Oth street , near I.ra\cn. MOrtn Htroi t , $3,000 , No. 7 ) , ( > l > it(2 Ret , on lUclflr , nearsth atrrct , , . No. 09 , db U2 feet , on Douglas itriet , near 10th , $2.COO. No. m , ol.'hU-cn lot * on 2Ut , 2-'d , 23d and huuiulcrx Btrcctd , nrar Umuund Haurjdern strvvt bndKf , $400 tvaeh. ' lith No , ( I , OIHI fourth Mock ( ! SOxl35 fiet ) , ntarulao ( Vin\c'iit of I'oor Claire on ilainllton itreit , nre thu end of ml strru car track , fbQ. No. 6 , lot on Jlarcj , near Btli strcvt , $1,200 No U , lot on fftllfcrnh , near 'JlBt , 1 , CVI. No. 2 , tut on CUH , near 22d itrrot , tJ.WX ) . No. 1 , lot i n llarnii ) , MM IHtli , $2UX ) Harbach'n Hint anil second mldltlons , li o In I'arker'H , Shlnn'n , NelnopV , Terrace , K. V. .SmlthX UtHllck'x , Ul-vV lAko'ii , and all other additions at a y | irlix and tmu . ! i02 lotn In llanwom I'laco , HUM ( Unworn I'urk ; prltt i from ! ) ) to f oo c-uoli Ono liLiulrtxl and lilt ) . nine iHautlful resl- tit ncu lotj > , lOH-ntrtl on Hamilton ttrttt , half a ) iH'twein the turn tttlilu of the rod ttrett ear line and the waterworks rivrtlot and addition , anil jn t f-jt of the i 'oin i lit of llir biKttrn I'oor L'laito In Shlnn'8 udultinn 1'rlft'n mn'i' from $75 to H > 0 1 lull end will bo wlil on van ] turns. TrucUnf 6. 1C , 15 , 2J , IU or bO trm , with hu ldliiK > nn > i otlur lm | > ro > eiiu > nt > . and , t < ljolnhi ( : thu c t ) , at all crlitw. 3UXot thu Uot ruUeii-o lot" lu thu cit ) of f'm&ha ttnj location ) ou do Ire noitli , tut t , south or wmt. mid at Iml rock pritts JJO iliolto uualne > M lot * In all the prlncl | < al bUKlncudhtntUof Ununn. laniiij from v4H to 47,000 path. 1 o liunJrixl hou i and ot < rariKlii ) ; fron 4 , ' > 00 to 16,0 > IO , ami liHMited In evert * ptrt ot tlit tin Berais REAL ESTATE AGENCY 16tb and DC i 'a ' Street , H. SCHONFELD Pro/ietor of the ANTIQUARIAN Book Stoi e ! The AutlqnarlAa' ' * Warning. Do not tnint Mm , KcnMo render , Though hi * ahelves look trim and neat Do not hew ! the plate glaxn window ! , Hhlnlnt ? out upon the ( street. Oil Jed backing on the volumes Soon will fmlo and bo forgot ; Glided | { 7iH nre oft deceiving Gentle render , trust him not , Header , once there lltcd n student , Wholonif Bought for learning rare , rVml ho mot him on the nidcwallc , And he falsely lc < l him there. And he talked to him of TiiAtm SALKH , I'OTTEH'H boob * iind SciUitcKEii'rt lore ; And I met him plodding Ixmicwnrd With a bundle to his door. [ Jcntle reader , 1 have waited , Nightly I hnvo walked the street , ngcrliiK f r you on the corner , And thin happy ho ir we meet ! liaise your eye In yonder window , Where our ntudcnt , in the night , With n pane of SoilMlCKKli't history , up Impipt to litttit. "u ler , turn not from me coldly , The truth only linvo I told ) . would HI e t lieu fiom the book Mores , Where ilie cu toinerM .itc " oW. " - w uld Hliield thee friin all d in cr , 'Jhicld tliw from the plate K\mi \ * nare ; Shun , Ohun the glided coiiiitera , 1 have w , uncil thee now IIKWAHK ! H. r-chonfeld , rROPJlIETOH OF TUB ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSTORE mltiAtho ttttontlon of the loTf of need read. riRtohls cxttnahu amiulualilo cillictlon ol In CHOICEST WORKS 11 dcwrtuunU | ot Lltiraturu and Sent ont\ arc the niOHt eetecmed KIIK ! iriiun uorks to be found n his nhulv THE ANOIENT CLASSICS. and thu Stntidarl Writers of Medliiiiiilagis and "ilodtrn Europe arc we 1 representd. Ow IIR to his opportunities for securiiiif these lookH at low prlctH , ht c.ffi rn them at fUurta which can not be met l > \ an other howe In this UT. Parties desiring Bond Boolis at Low Prices re requested to e.ill il t-whcrc before fouling icre that they ma ) protctht. truth of this as- crtlon. Dcblrlni ; to keep a stock of the \ cry beat work ? , cari'fulH eel ct onlj siuh ta coultl meet the ap- ro\nl of ( icuHhnteJ t.vttc. In thenu da > of cheap literature It IH \ cry easy o buy for a little mono } a larco flock of printed natter , bound In well villuUo\ers and | pular- yttrnicd books , but which dceenu the tltTe In of Charles of "Bhings in Books' ' Olothing , " It is to bo regretted that HO many booksellers , Illiterate and mcrcermn , fill thdr tslul\c8 with thUepcclcs of rcatliiK mater , tlitin conrertinp tliilr stores into Mere Charnal Houses for tlie pl't-tdfred and hot prtcwil mummies of forgotten or unhappllj unforgotten Hcribler . Let thn > u who win to read hooka of IN- T INHIOVAI.l'E sUpIntoni } Htorc and thoj ulUIInd wImteiIT theynanr. llcu.cnibcr Uiat bj the chclco ol jour hooks j urihimUtri judged. It IN an axiom that "people will not t c better than the hooks t c > read1 lr ) A. 1'otter The v ncral riod r , the U.Hcr. the classical , thcolOKlcnl or medical Htudcnt , the cnidnwr or urchttwt tlie hlatorlcal enquirer , Ibe lover of Iioetiy or ( ktlon , or thom who look for work In foreign laiiinu c * , c n 1m nupplied with what la dejlnd. llm e also a largo and nell neltictvl stock of elegant Little Books forChlldrenathomc , who Hhould he rei'emberoJ In thin holiday season. And thoxc who wl h for ch&lcr and richly bound Kilt book * , whoso roiilcnM will he found north ) of their external appraraacc , will do well to call at the ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSTORE 1420 Douglass Street. MEADQUARThRS OP THE LITERATI. cleiOeodlm Mutter of Application ot C , 1 ! . Schrnth lor Liquor LicenBe. NO ICK. Notice IK hereby given tlia Chan. U. jchroth did. ntion t o 3d day nf January , A. L ) . , 1882 , filu hin application to Lho Mayor and C ty Council of Oinalm. fur n license to Hell Majt , Spirituous and VinoUH LitjuorH , nt corner of Thlr I ind I'iereo Htree1 , J'irnt Ward , Oma- ! m , Neb. , from tlie 17th day of Janu ary , ISol ! , t > thi * 10 h day of April , 1882 , If there ho no ohUction , renion-trnn e or protest filed within two weeks from January 3d , A. I ) . , 18K2 , the Bald licanse will bo granted. CIIAH. II. SCIIOTII , Applicant. TIIK DAILY BFE newspaper will nubllsh , ho above notice once each week for two voekH at tlio cxpenBQ of the applicant. The jliy of Omaha IH not t j bo cliarceil ; there with. J. J. L. 0. JEWKTT , J3-21 City Clerk ilatter of Amilication ot .liiliun for Liquor LlcenHo. NOT1CK. Notice ix beruhy tfen that Jiiliun lid , upon the3 lut day of Pecouiber , A. ) . , 1K81 , file hlH application to the and City Council of Oinutm for icenne to well Malt , HnlritiuiuHnnd Vinous ipuorH. at No. 01(5 ( South Thirteenth street , Second ward , Omahn , Nob. , from tlie 1 Hh tiny of J nuary , 1882 , to the 10th lav of April , 1882. If there he no objection , roinoiiMtrnncu > r proto4 filed witnln two weeks from Do- coiiiber Hint , A , ] ) , , 1881 , the said lleeune will be iraiitfd. JUI.IUH NAHI , Applicant. TDK DAI.LI IKK newnpnper will publish , ha above notice once e ich week ftir two weeks at thn exocnnu of the applicant. The City of Oinalm it not to be charted therewith. J. .1. L. f. JKWK'IT , ] nn2't _ City Clerk. .flatter of Application of Kitchen Hr H. for J.Itior | Llcoimn. NOTICR. Notice Is hort'h ) yitcn that KlUhto llrox did ivon | the IfJth tin ) of Dtienili r , A , ! > . . IM ! tllo lu application to t u Mivnr mid Cltj Council of Omaha , for limim ( o mil .Malt , Sp'rltnoiiH ' and Mnoiis I.Iiiiorx | , nt rhu NMtlino'l ' llounu , Fourth V'ar.l , Oinali , .Neb. from ilm lOtli da ) of Jan- iurIbsJ. . toiho 10th dn ) of Apr I , IbSJ If theru be no > bjuetlon , roinoii-trnncn or relent lent flliNl within twei vttlin from Dminbt'r Unh , A U , 1St > ] , tint tld llf'li'ow H bu L'rtntfd Kl'H iK.N lIKOb , Applicant. TIIK Puu llrr nc w nja i vor Hill putilidi the aUiif notU'O OIKCI onrli WCCK for t o weeks at thu extent of tlioapiilleint. Tu ) > Cit } nf Onmlia In not to be ihtU'tHl tliereuith J J. I. 0. JKW IT , Jan'J lit tltv Clerk Appli f MIIX I. en/ for Liq uor Licoiiw. NOT 1C P. . Notice in hereby gien that MuIxn / did , unon the 2ml day of .lanuaiv , A , 1) , . I8H1 , lile Id * upiillc tiiiu to tbo Mayor am City ' oundl ol Omaha , for Hct'imu toHt'l Alult , Splrltnnug and Yinoui l.iiiuotii , a c > r Nlntli and Inckmm stn-ct , Kirnt waid Onmha , Neb , , from the lOtb'clty of , lan nary , 188' ' , t tne 10th day of April , Ic82 If there Iw no objection , remoiiiitrnnca or protest lileti within two utvkn frnn iliinuary iiiid , A. U , . IRtl.t - naltl will IKI Krnntai. MAX. , Applicant. Till. D.MM Hll. iii-tt I-IMIHT williniblir the nlto\enotlft mice each week fortwi weck at the expenw of UM applicant The ( 'Ily nf Oinalm in nut tti be charft i . . .1 i. P . .IWKTT. . : INVITATION A TO ALL WHO HAVE A WATCHES AND CLOCKS TO HE REPAIRED , El ItsT GH .A. "V13ST G- TO BE DONE OR JEWELRY i MANUFACTURED. While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others. -A.TC1 OnOCXI Ti A ffMP I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors. For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , ETC. Having lately enlarged my workshops and putting in now 4.nd improves t chinory , I hope to still more improve the quality and finish "f our ork and fill orders with more promptness than is usual. ! My Mctlo haa always been and always will bo : "First to gain superior tiee end then advertise the fact not before -no wild advertisement 8 Seme unprincipled dealers being in the habit of cepying ray announcements , I would beg you , the reader of this , to draw a line between such copied advertisements and these of Yours very trulyj A. B. HUBERMANN , The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. , Sign of the Striking Tovr ? tocl ? CARPETS HAVE DECLINED SLIGHLTY -AND- J. B. Detwiler Is the first to make the announce ment to his customers and the general public. MATTINGS , DEL CLOTH AND WINDOW SHADES , Always sold at the lowest Market Prices. We carry the largest stock and make the Lowest Prices. Orders promptly filled and every attention given to patrons. J. B , DETWILER , 1313 Farnham Street. OMAHA NEBRASKA. , - - - - . Omaha , A PfT AfTT Collins Cheyenne , JTV/XI43LV/XV , Colorado Fall and Winter CLOTH ING h LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. JR tt * ' * Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. y > vw > * CJ1 * "JLXXXXQ"C3- JODIEl I'f TK THEJLATESTJSTyLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit a > 1316 FARNHAM STREET , NEAR FOrRTKKNTH.