(1 ( THE ( 1UJLY ME : T1IU PoD Y JANUARY G. 188-2 RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION. ASovoro Setting Down on the Council Bluffs Nonpareil , And Its Course Declared nn In- suit to the Community , The Sormou to be Published and Distributed. A Summary of the Mown of n Dy. There WM nn unusually largo gath ering nt the Unptiat church on Tuesday - day evening , including members of tlio difToroni donominntionn of our city , to take p.irt in tlio union service. The mooting was ono of the moBt in teresting that lian boon hold thim far during the acaaon of prayer. The pastor of tlio church , J. C ! . Lemon , delivered a brief but highly interesting I'lscourso , and at the con- elusion of the oorvico L. W. Tulloys aroao in his seat and rctpiCBtcd tlio Cliriatian men and women present nnd all 'others no diuposnd , to remain nnd attend a meeting , the object of which would bo fully staled In ilium. Tlioso not wishing to remain retired , nnd Mr. Tnlloyflatalod that the objecl of the mooting ivaa to get the BOIISO of thii Christian men and women re garding the ncurrilou'i article that appeared in the Nonpareil Tues ut day morning , .January H , entitled "A minister's mistake ; " that the timohac : dr cciuu for tlio mon nnd women it o Council Blufl'rt , who bo'iovcd ' thai criino was wrong , to take n hold nlnm ! in defonco of n Christian minister who haa dared raise his voice boldly against it. It was time that the moral cle ment in this community expressed their indignation for a jiooplo that claimed to voice the Hontimont pre vailing throughout this city , that claimed to uphold tomporaiico and morality and at the snino time was found upon the aide of vice nnd criino. For ono , ho could Bay that he hud listened attentively to the lecture delivered - livered by Mr. Lumen ; ho had also rend the article that appeared in Tlio Nonpareil and ho wm ready to declare the latter article a falsehood and an insult to every Christian man and woman in Council lllullM. Ilov. Cyrus Iliunlin , of the Congregational gational church , was called o the chair. C. M. Drown said lie felt very free to oxprosH himiolf upon the sub ject. Ho heard Mr. Lemon's dis course , had read the article in the Nonproil and believed it to bo faliw. IIo had rend the Nonpareil and believed liovod that its local page was on the nido of vice nnd crime. Mr. Overtoil stated that in a con versation with ono of the police force , who listonml to Mr. Lemeii'd dis course , ho atatod that ho drew it mild ly , that ho did not tell half the story. Hon. N. .7. Dond stated that the article which npponrod in the Nonpareil roil , wna , in his opinion , nn insult to every Christian nmn and woman , ant for ono ho was ready to denounce i and the paper which ullowec its columns to bo thus used. Ho was a friend of John W. Chapman's , bu when ho allowed his paper to take up vice and criino ho was ready to do . iiounco such a cause. Ho was prosoni and hoard Mr. Lemon'fl discourse tint could say , so far as his observation "had extended , it bore the imprint o verity upon its fnco. Ho Haid whoi Christians were iiuultod it was no1 unchristian to resent it. " A. B. Walker spoke as follows "His attention had boon attracted t < the article upon the Ipcnl page of Th Nonpareil. IIo believed it to bo falso. IIo , however , could not believe liovo that the editor or proprietors endorsed dorsod it. Ho had no doubt but tlui the article wna written and publisho without the sanction of thoao in con trol. " Ilov. Thomas 11. Clealand though the article co'ntomptiblu and buneatl the notice of the Christian men am women of Council 111 ill la. lit wns not present during th delivering of the discount by Mr. Lemon. Ho wan not prepared pared to discuss that. Ho was of tin opinion thut a committee should b appointed to tnko some action n the promises , but that they should nc with intelligence and discretion. B far as ho had boon ndvisod ho did no believe there wns anything Unit drunken man could write worthy o even a passing notice by this mooting Mr , Uro/.oo , pastor of the Method ! church , said thnt ho wns not prosen to hoar Mr. Lomon's discourse , buth had read the article in the Nonpareil Ho considered the sumo contemptible and beneath the notice of Christiai mon nnd womon. Were ho in Mr Lumen's shoos , ho would pay no nt tontion to it whatever. Ho had ii times past boon severely criticised b the press for Liking n bold stam against vice and crime , , but never no ticed such attacks nny more than h should the flutter of the lip and of a turkey bustard. Ho thought nny nc tion condemnatory of the articl would bo giving the writer a prominence nonce that ho does not deserve. Mr. Tulleys nguin arose and said "If the citizens of Council UlulF would allow themselves to bo iuaultoi without in 80IUO manner oxpresain their indignation they would fall fn short of doing their duty. The lend ing newspaper printed in this city 01 last Thursday morning contained ai article that not only shocked th 7ijoral sensibility of this community but , was an insult to every Christin man and woman in it. A largo ma jority of them have patronized tha paper , and ho believed it was time fo thorn to demand some moral suppur from it. It was time that the Nonpa reil was miido to feel Hint the mon element in this community had righl they were bound to ru'ipect , Ther was a time when mon liuvo not dare to denounce that paper for fear bringing its wrath upon thorn , bu thnt time ljus passed , IIo ollered th /allowing resolution ; "Jlcsolyod , Thut it is the BOIISO this meeting that the strictures in th daily Nonj areil on the morning i January 3d , 1682 , in relation to discourse delivered by the pastor i . ilio HaptUt church , entitled "Crim in our city nivl tlio proper inoins of suppressing it" nn ; nmlicious'inisrepro- floiitnlions of tlio truth , and call for the indignant protest of nil Christian ion nnd women in Council lllulla. " H. S. Cole moved th.it the word ma- cious bo stricken out. Lost. Hovorond Cyrus Ilnmlin said ho as sorry such a meeting had heni illod during the week of prayer , llo cs afraid of the otfect it might have , lis opinion was that if any action as to bo taken it should bo deferred nlil next week. Ho thought nil Ihristinns had .1 right to bo indig- ant * There wns such n tiling as ightcous indignation , but it was lot always advisable to make it pun- ic. Ho thought the article in quus- ion unworty of notice. Mr. Hossil moved that Mr. Loincn'A iflcourso bo published and distributed hroughout the city. Mr. Tulleys insisted upon his roso- ution , and the question was called , ho resolution ngnin read , and adopted without ono dissenting voice. Judge Homl then moved the np- tointmont of n committee to secure ho publication of Mr. Lemon's dis course. Thofollowing were appointed : .1. Ilond , Col. L.V. . Tulleys nnd } lnrencp lIusKce. Meeting ailjounicd. TIIK NIW : I.NIINI : ; MOI.SI : . Work has boon commenced in earn- ist on the now engine house , to bo erected by the city on the lot at the unction of Main and Ilryant streets. I'hu pile driver has boon employed for some limn , nnd the most secure foun dation is assured. Wo nro not in mod ns to the dimension * of the low building , but understand it is ti > jo two Htorieu in heighth. i II.UAIII.K IMl'ltOYBMKNT.S. \ V.V. . Shc'rman , who for about , wo nnd one-half years carried on the laniuHS making business , over I'M book's ' saloon on North Main nlreul , ins recently purchased of .J. P. Cus sndjr a ono-story fr.imo building , situated on middle Main street , bus ronovntud and rolittod Mio same hroughout , taken down the old and [ tut in n now front with all the modern mprovemontH , including largo pinto glass windows. Ho has moved in nnd s ready for business. Mr. Sherman cliiimi to carry a larger stock of goods 'in his lino" than any' firm in tliu jity , exclusively in the retail business , lo keeps n full assortment of sad- tiers' material ; also a largo stock ol np-robes , blankets , harness , dusters , whips , etc. He keeps four men em iloyed constantly. NAIIKOW IWCAI'H. Hannah Hninos , nn employe at the Itovoro house , met with nn nccidoni yesterday that eimo nenr causing in slant death. She fell tliu entire ongth down the hank amirs , striking iptm her back and suD'oring a very Kurious injury. It will bo sumo time it'foro nho will bo able to resume her abors. TIIK I'OI.II'KMAX'.S I'l.UA. Ollicor Cusic rises to explain the ring Irannaction. Ho arrested u man > y the name of Kusbel , who had upon lis pursim n couple of pawnbroker's checks , which ho took and put upon : i shelf at police headquarters. They aid around the oflizo three or four lays. Ho then took thorn , weal to Mrs. Davis , the pawnbroker , urn asked her to let him sou the rings they called for. She pro ducud them and remarked they conic bo redeemed on payment of two del tars and twenty hvo cents each. Mr. Cuaic informed her that ho would take ono of them. She wrapped ono up , took the money and handed him tlio ring. Ho kept the same about live weeks , Tvhon Mr. W. \ V.Vnro callec upon him nnd wanted to know if he bad n ring in his possession. Mi * Cusio replied ho had. Mr. Ware then told him ho must take the same up t < Justice Haird's ollice. Mr. Cusiu replied - plied that lis would do no mich thing , but would leave the ring where hi purchased it , which ho did the nauii evening , advising her that upon until eient pronf that the rim , ' be longed to Mr Smith t > deliver tin same to him or his attorney Mr. Cuaic nays ho was surprised whei ho read the nrticlo in the Nnnparoi rellecling upon his iiilogfity ; that lu had lived in Council lllull'fl for ubou fifteen years , und this is thu first at tack ever miule IUKIM his persona character. Ho cxoneratcn Mr. Chin Kield from nny comu'otion wlmtuvu with the transaction. 1'UAlll'n ' lllllNUN. Frnnk Dani or , whit for severn years has been Inndlord of the Tro mont house on lower ISro.uhvny , dioi Tuesday. Mr. Danigor has heun vor ; low for some time , nnd his domis wns not unexpected by his family He loaves n most c&timnhlo wifo. M D , was burn in ( lormnny and at th time of his death wns about 41 year of ago. The funeral will take plnco this afternoon from the Tromont ho- tul. A rim : MAKIIII. Ollicor Itrooks arrested a man bj the nnmo of John Wilkin , on com plaint of a man mimed Pnyno , wht keeps a lukory on lower Mnin Htroet for disturbing the pt-nco , breakiii ) glass , ete. llo pleaded guilty , nm was lined S8.8."i , which ho paid ; nisi settled in full for the glass. A.V oi.it floosi : , belonging to Jlrs. 1'latnur , one tha she has had about her premises fo Bovornl years , and for some time has boon considered too tough to kill , dioi of its own accord yesterday aftornooi nt the family residence. rilK tlHiTlllOT fOI'RT took up the case of State of lown , „ J. F. nnd A. .1. I'lumer , charged witl an assault with intent to commi great bodily injury upon the persoi of n German namud Schouning County Attorney Sims and Joh Limit , assisted by N. M 1'tiaey , up penrod for the state , Holmes & . Hahl win for the defendants. 1'rnnk Kliliot got on ihum , use obseno language , eto. , was taken t police headquarters by it citizen , nn delivered into the custody of Chit Field , llo was fined $0.85 which h paid. A 4KNHIIII.K I'lllhONT.K. William Crowoll , who wan sorvin out n sentence at the jail , was put t work on the outside , llo look ndvan tBgo of his chance to escape. Ho wa jut hut n nhort time before ho wa captured und taken back to jail. IN MOT WATHIl. Tlio case against llobort Timblu charged with breaking and onterin ft dwelling u f-ufh Main slrcot , wai discharged by .In l < c Iturko , there not buing Bullion tittc'iimony to hold him. Ho was immiifli isdy re-nrrested i > u two other chugi * , innii'ly , lii.ilicloui mischief and iiMuti't , n it wnrrant issued from . .JuslioFiamey's court. Hull wns fixed in lli. < sum of $500 , 'Iii > h ho promptly furnished , A MUiDKIII'I : * MKStP.NrK , McUec , ro ontly convicted of ir.ur- er in the second dtgroo , will receive is sentence , it is understood , this uorning. rOI.N'K I'll KI.Nni. Jnck Tliurman , arrested by Ofllcors /longh and Moltnz for drunkenness 11 tl disturbing the ponce , wan fined li 85. Isaac Stewart wns taken in by Oflicor Marhytio drunk , fined $0.85 , 8-.70 , und gave his name for the mlanco. I'f.rwOXAI. . Mr. Jacobs , of St. Paul , who has eon visiting the family of Mrs. Dr ) .ihornu , returned homo last ovoiiiiiij. II. L. Harvey , an old resident of Ingnolia , and wall known here , is ying danu'crounly ill. Or Studley , f this city , in tending him. T. M. Untidy , senior member of the real estate linn of liurnlmm , Tullny's V Co. , iVnrl htruot , loft oi'i Tuemlay veiling for the uait , on business euti- H-eted with his linn , Mini Lou Oaborno , daughter of MM. Doctor Otbornu , left Tuesday evening fjr the east. Caplnin II. L , Henry hai returned lomu from nn oxtunded business trip ( i Chicago and the cast. IIIII IKM. ! A t''am hauling dirt to Union nvo- iiio became unmanageable on Wash- ngtun nvonuo , near the City mills , mil backed tliu wagon into n culvert , it considerably , although not themselves in any wny. The saddle nnd bridle recovered 'rom Gro.voll , tliir * Hiio.ik thief , is at jolico hendiUirtur | , subject to the ( tr ier of the otvner thereof. C. D. Dillon , of Neola , wns at the Dgdon yesterday. .Iiincth | DurrmlurKur , llrtmdwny , Huf- nlu , WHS Ini'iicuil ' dy IIM brotlicr tn t y riiOMw" Kff.Kcriiif Oil. for n Hitrninu I mklc , nnd with half a dorcn application' * iVM i cnableil to walk ruimit : if < nlii all ri hU --Iv Mr Ijluooln nnd the The ! > - > 'tor's Htory , and Another. 1 mentioned that President Arthur was a Mmon. "Vos , " snid the doc tor , "eight of our Presidents have been members of the fraternity SVnshington , Jackson , Pierce , llu- clmnan , Andrew .hthnson , Grant , Ciarfield , nnd now Arthur. " "Mr. Lincoln was not n Mason"No / ; but ho thought highly of the Order. Toward the uloso of the wnr ono of our le.iding Masons c.illed on Lincoln for some favor. Ho said , when the visitor Look his leave : ' 1 have hoard much of thu good deeds of Masonry iluring thu war that if I were not o itld L would still knock nt the door of the lodge. " " 1 could not forbear Lulling the doctor u story which I had licard of Mr. Lincoln. It was just ifter ho was nominated in 1800 that a prominent Mnson called on him nt ypringfield and said : "Of course , you expect all the Masons to vote against you , Mr. Lincoln ? " "No ; why"Because / all tlio other presidential candidates uro Ma sons. " "JJless mo ! " exclaimed Old Abe , r "is that so' ! " "Jer- tainly , " said the visitor ; "Bell has taken nil the degrees , and is n member of the Qriind Lodge of Tonnojseo. Drcckonridgo is an otlicor of the grand ledge of Kentucky. And Douglas why , ho is grand orator of the Ornnd Lodi/o of Illinois , right hero under your nose. " Mr. Lincoln turned nronnd in his chair , laid his legs across the top of thu other table , laughed , rubbed his face , stuck his fingers through his hair , and said : "John , you have been down in I'.gypt u good deal yourself , "Well , yia , ' admitted the visitor , "sorry to say 1 have frequented that | lnc.ility. ' "I am reminded , " said Mr. Lincoln , "of nn incident that occurred in tin. Slmwnoctown court house. An old woman , who was n real hard case , wns n witness , and the lawyer , bound to got oven , nsked her : 'Are you n virtuous woman , madam V Shu was slightly snrpisod , and said : 'That , sir , is n very hard question to usk lady who is n witness before n pub- lie court. ' Ho rose nnd repeated the question sternly , Shu still evaded it ; but when ho persisted she finally an swered : 'This much I will say : that I have great respect for the institu tion. ' " WORTHY OF PRAISE. As n rule wo do not recommend patent nivdicines , but when wo know of one that really is n public benofnc tor , and does positively euro , then wo consider it our duty to impnrtthnt in formation to nil. Electric bitters i\rt truly a most valuable medicine , ami will surely emu DiHousimss , J'tiver nnd Ague , Stomuch , Liver nnd Kidney complnints , oven where nil other rem edies fail. Wo know whereof wo speak , nnd cnn freely recommend to all , [ Ex , Sold at 50 cents n bottle. Ish t McMnhon. (7) ( ) Matter of Appllcntliin of Miuhnel Wullanz for Liquor License. : SOTIOK. Notice U hereby ( -Ivun that Mlclmul Wai liinz did , upon the ' 'Itliday of December , A. D. , 18Al , lil hi * apiillcatltm to tliu Alnyor niul Oil ) Council of Oumhn. fur lieeiifo to neil Mult , Spirituous niul VIIIIMU Ltiuom. | at north niiie lA-avenworth , U twccii 't'lilrteentli and Fourteenth ittreeU , Second wnril , Onuilii , Neb.itnn tin "th dny of January , 18Sl , to tlio 10th da\ uf April , 18 i ! . If there bo no objoctlun , reiiiuimtriince or protest tiled within two \verka from DofcmlHT 2Uh , A. 1) . , 1881 , the Hah : liceii > 'o will bu Krniited , MiciiAri. WAII.ASV , Aiplk\uit. | TIIK DAILY HKK neuspriper will pulili.l tliu nbovo notice once cncli week for twi Uft'K-H nt thx fXiieiiKO of tlio | ipllc.iiit Tliu City ot Onukhik U not to bo churei tlit'ieuitb. .I..I.L. e. , iiwi5TT : , lix:2.it. | ! City Clerk. o. w. ixusi. A. o. oinriu.1 DOANE& CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law 8. W COIL TH 4 DOUQI.AS KT8. Edward W , Simeral , SOLOMON'S CASH PRIGE LIST ! 1204 Farnham St. , OMAHA NEB. , - - - . Preserve It and Compare Prices With Others ! fj ' Clipper Niom to Girls'flipper "led * 1,0 tHtJI O.I . Wagon in City fli 2lx' < ftCliroina < Walnut Framci Irl HxlOCartul Wnlnut KraniM S0 ! Sl\3t Carved Motto Kraincn , Walnut 2ft Iuxl4 Walnut Promts 2'i ilandunt u VeUtt Kraind li llooin Moulding , Wnlnut or ( lilt , 1 Inch | wr foot t llo in Moulding , Walnut or ( lilt , 1) ) Ineli for foot It llr.iKs llookn for Itaoni Moulding , per uoz. . 40 lleil I'.oain I.tmp , CoinpletL''i llnml I-umni , ( 'oinplnte VS IKS llan.l Lamp , Coniplctu 3) Iron Coal lluckut 'M ( lDO.1 llroom If' Kt llroom In Market 20 Chlld'a llrooni Hi Hilttoon | , 'JO Cimpidatc * , 30 Kxtenslon liiliarv Limji i 2 ' 0 II ( Haw ( iohleti ( one tt ) i'O II ( Jln ? Timiblun ( ono net ) 31' Linni Ohlnuie8 5 Uood Lantern 40 Unu GallonOitCnn 25 Low Prices for Iron Stone China Ware I'lihaudlc Tcai , per Hut ( li ! pieces ) llandlu TV.IH , pvr putl'2 pluceH ) . L'nliandlr Cnlfeo , per But (12 ! plurci ) llamllo Oolite , per nct(12 ( pieces ) Ono So' I'lo I'lalei ( II plerci ) I'no Set Tea Mates ili plcciM ) jiio So' llrcaltfait Plate * ( Oplccuo ) Dim Set Dinner I'latt"(0 ( plu-ct ) Cream I'ltchurn Wiwh Iloul and 1 itchcr Chambers Toilet HCM for lied Hoom ( It pieces ) . Dust i'ar.s Ktcelo Dlanioniln trokiiiR Olosaei , all I'ricu' . ConJuctani' i in terns. ahovu prices KOH CASH , and jon will llnd them at leant lu to 3D per cent , li-n than tNou hero , as u o purchase for Ca > .h , ai the lo" cut ratf , and cell lor Cash Only. .My cin > toiiicru arc not ohllxcd to pay for loss of liad ilebtH , as wo keep no hooks and no cnar 'os aru made. Give us rt trial and be convinced. I'Jeaso call and price ourCioodi as \ > o Imu thoimnda of articles not munt onvd on this 1 > I1I. All Are Welcome , Whether They Want Goods orNot. dcUcod-tf * To Nervous Suftorers THE GREAT EUKOPCAH HEMEDY. Dr , J. B. Siaipaou'H Speoitlo It Is a pott'.tltoi-uru ' for x > nnau.'i rlioa , Hcni WooUnfHi , Ini ) > otr..icy , and 'til . .HMMJ rtwult from Scilt'Alnuu , , M MrnU.1 An\li't > , Loxit Mtinory , laliu lu tlu Uarli orSidu , Ktnl dU n : " * " 4.-.T. , " ' ' I'1" " LOIIblUUpllCfl Hh wonder ful nuccciu. I' ui | > l * < int frvfl to all. Write for them nd get full t r. tlcuUrt. 1'rlce , BuoclBc , tl.OO per package , or ( Is package ago * for 15.00. Addrcw all ordrra to Jl. HIMSOK UKUICINK CO. Noi. 1M and 106 Main St , Duttalo , N , Y. Sold tn Omaha by 0. K. Goodman , J , W. Dell , K lib , and all druwliUevery where. I S < M DISEASES OKTHE- EYE & DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. Urfcrcnctu all UoputtbU jnlcUns of Omaha cyOffice , Corner 16th and F rnh m 8ti. Omaha , Neb. Clarkson & Hunt , Bucueaar < r > la Hlchudi ft Hunl , ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ) UU > Mrl Om b K b. Wlictbor ID lt Primary , Secondary or Tortlnrr Stno- ( rtcmovmall trace" ol Vcrcilry Irom the t ) * tarn , Curw Scrofula , O1 , | Sorc < , Hhcunvv. tim , l > zcin , Cauirrh or any lilo < xl Dliwaso. Carol When Hot Spring Fail ! Malitrn. Ark. , May 2 , 18SI. Wo hare COPCX In our town who lUislntllot Sprlnf ( nJ were flimlly curcJ xvlthS S. ; ) . 5 & , llflBT. Memphis , Mcnn. , Mnj 12 , 181 Wch&TonoM 1,290 bet IMO ( U.S. H. In ft J tar. It ha * ulrcn unh trial ntl f .tlon. 1 nlr inlniii-J > hjlmns now rtcoiiuncnil It nit a po HUe ri. MA.NH-ifU ) fi Co. Uiilsvlllc , Ky , , M y 13. 1SS1. S. H , S. hit * ( dM n liftter tali f.icilon thnn Any moillclnc 1 hvuocrKnM J , A. Domct , Col. . Miy 5 , 1SSI. Kvcrypiircha cr ijicaksln the liUlicit Urnii ol H. H. S. b. Mct. ctrr. Illchmon.J. Va. , Mny 11 , 1RS1. You can nfcr nnvhoily to u < < In rciranl to the merlin of H. S. 8. folk , Miller & Co. 'Iao nc\cr Lnonn H. , H to full to euro a tajo : l Hjihill < , when prnpcrlr taken. II. 1. , lcmnr ) > l. > . , Kit Warren , t'Ul The aliovo hlKuersaruuclitlcmoiirt hiith stand Ins A II COMJUTT , Governor oidcoreii. IK TO" Wlft'l WtV : I.L'PAKi : Y 'UKSK CA TO UK 1'AIl ) FOK WIIKN Wntu ( or i rtlonl.ii9 nnil nrniy of little > ook 'JIo i.i'-o ! to the ITutf rtunatu. " .81OOO Rownrd will he inlil to nny : huni at who will llntl , on nmijsli lnO liottled S S. .S.nnc iiirtliljof Mtrcnry loitlde 1'oUs- lum or any .Mineral suhstinfe. SWUTSI'KCIKIC CO. frop . Atlu'im , On. 1'rica ol regular size reduced to 81 75 | wr ot. lo Hnmll u Ztt , holdln , , ' liaH the quantity , pnce , Sold by KENNAHD & CO. . ind DniUKlnts Generally. WEI DE MEYER ON CATARRH : "Treatise" on the cntmee , cons iuoncffl and rare of "Catarrhal Diseases , " by Dr. fW. . Vel Do Meyer , of New York City , dlacoverer of ho antidotal treatment. Ailvanci.il theory , Itn- > ortint lact.H and ( itaitllnucorroboratlorn Itaifneai , oak ejes , loss of olco , ncrofuli , cucorrh ex bionchltisand unilerinlnnl comtl * iitloni ru"tilt from Citirrhal iwlson. " "Trea- ro" frco and sent postage paid to nny o e , on receipt of instil card. D. U. Dewey & Co. , ulill'hcn , No. 182 1'ulton Street , Now York. dlilcod-lt&wU OKAY'S SPECIFIC > MEDICINE : TRADE - . MARK Eiiillhrrin ciiy. An tin- failing' cure fur Seminal Weakness , 8orinator- | rhea , Iniiiot- nc'y , and all follow as a BEFORE TAKItiB. iucnco of AFTER TAKING. ) elf.Aluiauu9 ; l.urH of .Memory , Unhcreal Losti- tide , I'aln In the Ita .k , Ulmncua of Viilon , I're- nature Old AKV > r > "d many other DUeiHei that cad t > Insanity or C'cnsuiniitlon and a 1'rciua- uroOra\e. particulars In onr pamnhlct , which \o dcairo to send free tvmail to everyone. i TTlio Spccinc Jtcdlclnu is wld by all dru j'ints ot SI per package , or 0 pack ucs for 80 , or will ofcnt free by mall on rcci ptof the money , by Mressinif THK011A JKDICINKCO. , DtuTalo , N. V. For sole bv C. K ( Joodp ocTmc-eod United States Depository Jb'JLJbC&C'JL * NationalBank OF OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHEnS. ) 8TAUU8IIKU I860. Ortroulzed as a National Bank Auj urt 20,1S63 CAPITAL AND PIIOKITS O\"EH enoo.ooo . IliUMAS KoL'.sr'.K , i'rt > 9idcrit. Afoi'BiUb KOU.VTZK , Vice President. H. W. TATKS , Cmhlor. A. J. POPPLRION , Atwrnuy. JOHN A. CIIXIGIITON. K. tf. DAVIS , A-ft Cjfihlft , Thl lianK receives dcpoaite without rcsaril to mnounU. sdiics ti'.no eortlilc.Ui s hoikrln interest. mw8 uralta on Sun Krancis < o and principal cities of the United Htato , also I iiiilon , Dublin Cillnbiirih and the principal citlca of the cent ? uent of Europe. Bolls pougcriuc-r tlckots for cmli-rxiitblhy tlio In man line mavliltl W. K. VIC US. Jl. SIhHHE.L. I , E , VMS & CO , , COMMISSION MERCHANTS 125 Lasalle Street , CHICAGO , Grain and Provisions Bought and Sold on Margins. il.icVnic-O'illm K younrub man of li'i , tcrntelllruorarniiu nlpht null. , to rt'i .nnlniit n nil ton , brainnorvenrc Mop Uittrra ' , UMJ Hop B. if v < j mi j nx unu I * ! uttering fromfliiy U i i mm i > till iMTOtluiu U > ou ro narK younii buUcrtu froi [ HIT on a tn'U ot hf * * * ' ' ' -iTi. TJtCUHttTlUH Ulft rtft * l.iilvit r'/di * * it tuiullv ( ruin BOiut i i vt > u r > " ' ui 4s" * r'P d.aaR J | , av. 11 rni > lCTin ! < \ 1 " 1 lllllirly 'J - T NcpC.itore \ on "III mrwllf JOII Hop Uittore w e n k ami ft-t . Kujfoi try Clitult- Itt t may notrrrntf. . nvo your llfo. It hne re co. , Biivod hun- Bo ke.lfr , B 1 Urode , A Toronto , OnU Mutter of Application of Kite-lien liroi , for Liquor Licence , XOTICK. Notice U hcriiby iflven that lilltlio'i llron. did niion the Uth da ) ol 1) ( I'cliilur , A. I ) . . Ibiil IIUi ln ai | < llcallon to tl'u Miyor and City Council of Onulin , for llrenso lo M Malt , Sp'rltiioim ' and Vlnom I.iijuors , at Ihc NMthnu'l ' lloiiso , Konrth \Viml , Omahi , Xeb. . from Ihu 10th dav of Jan uary. 1SS2 , to Ilio 10th ibj of Apr I , Ibs : IfUuioliuno olijiutlon , wmoiutranee orrro- tot tiled \\lthlntno wcflm from llmtrnlivr 15ih , A. l > , 18J1 , ( he tulj lIcdKo w 11 l > o granted. KITCIIK.N IlllOs. , Appllcaiit. Tin : I\iu Ilir. no BUH'r "ill puUlili the above notiCD oncu vacliMcck for t o wct'lunt tl.u cipentoof thuappllcuit. Ttio Cit ) uf Omaha I : not to be charged therewith. J J. I. C , JK\Vf'IT , Jaii'M' ' ! . City CUrk. C , F. Manderson , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 'I r n > bt ' . * SirJi Jfr MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS , MOLING , ILL , * ' # Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS , ; Council Bluffs , Iowa. Moline Wagon CoFarm and Spring Wagons , DeorB&Mansur Oo , Oorn Planters , Stalk flutters , &c , , MoliuoPtunp , Co- , Wood anil Iron Pumps , Wheel & Seeder Oo- Fountain Oity Drills and Seeders , Mecnauicsburg Maoh , Co , Baker Grain Drills , Shawnee Agriotiltoal ( Jo , Advance Hay Bakes , Met Manufacturing Oo , Eureka Power and Hand Sliollers , Whitman Agricultural OoSliellers , Road Scrapers , &cc ; > Moline Scale Oo , Victor Standard Scales , A , C , Fish Baoino Buggies , AND DEALERS IN All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock * . D 3E"O2EC. Q./X'Or IEaOCJ-TrJEJS. Addrosa All Conimumcatioiis to Council Bluffs , Iowa. 9 ft -W50LESALE- V BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER : AND DIIALKIJ N- Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. Jy 18-mo THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND IT" \ / V _ dJJTO I Mining and Milling Company. Working Cnnltil - - - - $3 ,000. Capital S : OCK , - - - Sl,000t/X ) I'nr Value of Hharo , " - - - - 3 STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. f -ij . . . . , , . DIl. J. I. THOMAS. President Cummins Wyoming. , WM. II. TII.TON , Vice.l'rcbldent , Cummins , Wj-om K. N. HAUWOOD , Stcretarj , Cummlnn , Wyoming. A. O. LUXN , Treasurer , UumnilM , Dr. . ) . I. Thomiw. I ouh .Miller W. S. Ilrimel. A , fi Diuin. K. N. HarwoO'l. I'l-ands Lca\ciis. firo. II. Ful , Dr. J. C. WfttUns. CKO.f. . KKNDALL , Author'vcd Accnt for ialu of Stock ; lo44S ! , Orimlia , NeO. FOSTER & GRAY , WHOLESALEM < LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , : On Eiver Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , FEARON & COLE , Gommissson Merchants , 1121 Parnham St. , Omaha , Neb. * ' rf j ConslnnmentD made us will receive prompt attention. . References : State Bank , Omaha ; FUll ! * < i SCO. . Baltimore ; Peck & Bansher , Chlcmro ; > ' w .u * n Cincinnati. HEADQUARTERS I FOR MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. We desire to call the special attention of the trade to our elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls Hosiery , &o. , now open. Wholesale only. 8HREVE , JARVIS & CO , , Corner Fourteenth and Dodire Sts , . o. WHOLESALE GROCEB , 1213 Farnhsm St. , Omaha , Neb.