Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
Vnhltohwi every mornitiK.oMeptSnndftjr ,
The only .Monday niornlnn ilfUly. ) !
Ono Year $10.00 I Throe Month * . $3.00
Six Month * . r.,000nn | . . 1.00
fHK WKKKIiY NKK , publUcd ov.
Ono Year. $2,00 I Three Mmtthf. . 53
SUMunUia. . 1.001 Onu . . M
COUllKSruXUKNC K All ( 'omnmnl.
atiou rotating t * Newfuml Editorial mftU
lorn Miould bo mldiwed to tlic KniToit or
BUSINESS Lr.TTKlltt-All llii ! no
LetU-r Mid lietnUtAtinvi nhntild bo ml-
drevi-d to TitK OMAHA PcnUHiiiNd COM-
PANT , OMAHA. DrivfU , ClicctwnndPot-
affico Onlcin to l iniulo | myal > lc to the
order of the Company.
OKAHA PUBLISHING 00 , .Prop'rs .
Ei ROSEWATER , E < U or.
PRHNSTI.VIJUA i locking down tha
official persimmons and Don Cameron
hnldfi the polo.
A WACIOK bridge over tlio Missouri
at Om.ihn is bound conic and cannot
bo delayed much longer.
KVEIIY lover of law nnd order in
Oninhii is omphntic in declaring that
the low dives of this city must bu
N1 has increased her city debt
one million during the post year , un
der whut Bostoniaiis coimider an a very
economical administration.
A I.ITTLK Hiiowfall now und then is
roliahod by thu best of mun , but it in
terribly aggravating to thu livorymeu
that luwo invested in fancy
A DisousTKD contemporary regrols
that Master Shupton'a prophecy did
not aomo truu , "no its fiilfillmcnt
would have shut Ouitcau'a mouth. "
TIIK Sprini'fiold Republican
whut our great capitalists doing.
llicir principal occupation juat at
present is vrntcrinj ; stock nnd clipping
off coupons. _
RAUM recommends
the abolition of the fee eyHtem in the
United States marahal'H oflicu and the
substitution of tularies commensurate
with thu rospoimibilityof the position.
Du. MILLER writes from Nuw York
that ho is becoming converted to
granite block paving. TIIK Kv.r. has
maintained from the outset that no
other material will meet the require-
raontH of our city.
EVKIU- railroad in Nebraska reports
increased earnings during the pant
year. That dreadful Doano law which
wan to cripple capital and destroy in
dustry and trade does not scorn to
have got in it * work.
OXB hundred thousand people wit
nessed the Atlanta cotton exhibition
juat closed. The management expect
to more than clear all expenses , and
perhaps to realize a handaomu little
dividend on their stock.
SKXATOR VAN Wvon is receiving
the commendations of the state proas
for hi manly buttle in favor of the St.
Too land grant Bottlers , No greater
iniquity has ever been perpetrated by
the corporations , assisted by the na
tional land ollico.
RUSSIA is thirteen days behind of
the rest of the world. Ilur ChriHtmaa
occurs to-morrow and her New Yearn
doea not take place until the 13th
inst. This is due to her adherence of
the old style of reckoning , which was
abandoned by England in 1752. This
change in the calendar wa * ordered by
Pope Gregory in 1582.
AT the end of the next fiscal year ,
after paying $100,000,000 for pen
sions , there still remains n surphrn of
oror $00,000,000 in the national trua-
aury. The Philadelphia J'reas tutks
what can bo donu with aucli an enor
mous amount of eurplim revenue 1
Lot the government invest thu surplun
in improving the great ivintprn water-
on the proposed re-
tiromon't of the silver vcitilicatcs the
St. Louis Jtejntlliean oxproBSL'S grati
fication thiit the intulligunt linancieni
of the country who aru not tainted
with the singlu gold standard mono
mania aru unanimous in opposing mi )
movumont that contemplates the with
drawal of the silver certificates. Wo
hare no other paper money in thin
country BO entirely in accord with the
principles of a sound financial system
and it would bo a very grave error ti
jiu Uu a lack tttep towards the policy o
irredeemablofiatmonoy by withdrawal
the silver certificates. The silver certificate
tificate is the very perfection of pape
currency , in thu fact that it is rupro
ontcd dollar for dollar by thu actua
coin , while neither national bank note
nor greenbacks have imch n bucking
They are in volume greatly in uxcus
of the actual coin which is uvailabl
for their rud mption , while the idttt
paper currency should bo roprosejitec
dollar for dollar by coin. With'tlia
sort of backing inflation is impossible
and without it inflation is inevitable
/ind only u matter of dc-groo ,
Mr. Hlnino lias for ( he present re
tired entirely from public life , and
proposes to devote himself to the de
velopment of his private interests.
No one , however , imagines for n mo
mcnl that the ex-secretary has cast
nwaynll political ambition , or intends
to permit hinwolf to bo permanently
shelved in the obscniity of conunur-
cial pursuits. On the other hand , it
soumB equally certain that Mr.
Hlaiiu' ' han not , us Home of
the journal1 ! have Hinted , already
begun nn active canvass for the
republican nomination in 1981. A
prominent Cleveland gentleman is re
sponsible for the statement that Mr.
Blaine has clearly defined his posi
tion on thoqucstion within tholanttno
months. Ho is reported to have
stated to Governor Fouler that ho had
no idea of making any canvnsi for the
office and would make no ufTort in the
usually accepted moaning of the word
as applied to politics. If , however ,
the convention should come to Iho
conclusion that his name would boat
fill all the requirements of the situa
tion ho should not object , but would
accept , and so far as luy in his
power , justify the confidence that the
party had placed in him. He added
that ho had no intention of going into
any such fight as ho had made in 1880
and 187 < ! , nnd if the honor over came
to him , it must comu hecauso the re
publican party would have it so.
All this amounts to an admission
that Mr. lilnine will uirain bo a candi
date for Iho presidency if the way
seems at all clear for a successful can
vass. Those statesmen who are al
ready making preparations in advance
to erect their lightning rods will do
well r.ot to ignore thu electric attrac
tion cf the late secretary of stain. It
him given the nomination n very COHO
call twice before and may do
bottur ainco its owner has
three years of license in which to study
the coming political thunder clouds.
Under any circumstances "politics aru
mighty oiiBurtin , " nnd Mr. jilaina
with the uddcd honors of nn excellent
numco as secretary of atato , is likuly
lo prove a very dangerous competitor
in thu presidential race if he fuels HO
inclined , intorviuwH and statumenU to
thu contrary notwithstanding.
Tin : O.MUIA BKK cites the Daniel
case at Now Helena , und the Olive
tragedy as evidence of a lawless spirit
which it assumes exists in Custor
county , but which novpr existed ex
cept in the fertile imagination of tha
news editor of that sheet. Ous
ter county without a district court
is as free from crime as county in the
state , and such flings omo with bad
grace from a paper published where
the foul murder of Watson B. Smith
goes unavenged ; where a class of citi
zens nro banded together to resist
state laws ; whom the last term of
court showed up two murders
cases , two arson cases and nu
merous other crimes of lots
degree , and whuro'burgl&rios are of
nightly occurrence. It is all very
well to point to isolated cases hero
and there in this county as evidence
of lawlessness. But it does not tol-
low that because wo have no courts
we are worse than our neighbors.
Lot TIIK BER BOO to it that u little
norn justice is administered at homo
leforo it attempts to besmirch tho. fair
umo of the citr/.ens of Custor. Cns-
er Leader.
TIIK UKK has nut assumed that a
awlesH spirit exists in Custor county ,
md it is willing to admit that any
comparison ! ! between the obedience
laid to the laws by our frontier
loighbora , and the respect manifested
'or their enforcement in Omaha would
judecidodly to the disadvantage of this
city as at present governed. It is one
of the wornt results of the prevailing
condition of oflairit in Omaha , whore
, ho entire city government seems
> andud together to nullify thu laws ,
lint such criticism as the above can
not bo answered by a denial or turned
oaido by apology.
IT is virtually nulllod that wo shall
lave an uxtra session of thu lugisla-
turu this wintur. This opportunity to
soctiru legislation that will unable
Omaha to raisu the nucunsary paving
bonds should not bo neglected. ( ! ov
urnor Nanco , wo undoriiland from re
iublu authority , has exprottscd hia
willingness to inuludu the proposed
uneiidment to our charter in his nail
irovided lut has asHiirancu Unit thu
Douglas delegation in the Jugislutnru
uro iigreed upon thu iimeiidnumlH that
are required. It is all important ,
thuroforu , Unit thu delegation from
this county shall meet to deliberate
and if possible agree upon the vital
points that uro to bu inserted in the
Rinundud charter. A preliminary
mueting of taxpayers to discuss the
proposed amendments in their various
bearings , should bo hold at an early day
iu order that the moiiiburs ( nun Dung
lai county shall clearly understand
what their constituents desire thorn
to do. Such a meeting to discuss the
paving problem could bu called by the
president of the board of trade , to
which tliu Uuiiglii dulogation hhouli
bo-invitud. In our opinion the Urn
for deciding upon the material wit !
which to puvo our strool has not yu
arrived. Tlio main question and th
only problem now to bo rolved is th
raising of the means necessary fo
paving the principal utrouta of Onmh
next pring without crippling or bank
rupting the owners of lots abullin
on thojmvod thoroughfare * .
comparative cstimalo of the fail *
of the liwl year , with those of
Iho year preceding , shows a marked
increase. Through the courtesy of
Mr. I ) . II. Goodrich the Omaha man
ager of Mcssr.i. H. (5. Dun t Co. ,
TIIK BKK is furnished with the following -
ing interesting commercial Htntmtic.v
The business failures throughout
the I'liitcd Stntoa for the enliio year
nro reported at 5,582 in number , with
abilities amounting to 881,155)3- ! ) .
'his indicates an increase of 847 in
umber , nnd increased lock-up by bad
obts amounting to fifteen nnd n half
In order to show the comparative
fjures for a series nf years the follow
: ig table is inserted :
Yc r. Fnlltuc . Am't Liabilities
Ifi72 4,00'J S12i,0..B.O 0
1H73 5,18.1 i28IOlIOO ! ! !
i 7 : .B30 ir.r , : !
187fi 7. 40 201,000,1100
Ifi7li n,0K ! ! 191,117,000
1877 8.B71 ! IKO.GIM.Wtf )
1H7S 10,478 'J34t83. : Si !
1H79 0,658 ! l8,1190fu
1BHO 4.7W C,7.r.2,000
IBHI r.,582 HI ir..riuw :
In remarking on the abovu figures ,
lie Mercantile Agency in its annual
ircular says :
"The nbovo figures indicate a ma
orial increase in the number of fail-
res for the year 1881 , and n growth
( i the loss by bud debts considerably
vor last year. An indication of this
ort can hardly bo interpreted to bo n
avorablo sign na to the condition of
ho country , yet , when a comparison
a instituted batwcey the failure fig
ires of last year and those of previous
r'ears , for instance , 1878 , it will bo
con that in the proportion they bear
thu casualties of thai und previous
oars , bolh as to thu number of fail
ires nnd the amount of liabilities ,
lie result is not unfavorable. It
liould nlso hu recollected , that while
lie failures and liabilities of 1881 uru
mly slightly more than ono-half those
f 1878 , the volume nf trade in prob-
bly now four or five times as greal a :
t was then , while the number of
ersoiiB engaged in business in cur
ainly eighteen to twenty-five pur
out greater. As lo thu proportion
f failures to those engaged in bnsi-
lens , our statistics show that in 187 (
ho failures wore 1 in every ( ! I ( per-
ons ; in 1877 , 1 in 71 ! ; in 1878 , 1 in
4 ; in 1870 , 1 in 105 ; in 1880 , 1 in
58 , while in 1881 thu proportion wac
in 1-10. The advantage in favor of
lie year just closed over the average
f years is therefore very marked. "
Attention is also called to the fact thnt
lero is a vague soneo of uncertainty
ogarding the future , grounded upon
lie experiences of 1872-187H. The
onditions which preceded the hut
risis , it ia claimed , resemble those
Inch now prevail , viz. : enormous
xtonsion of trade , great expenditures
n railways and publicoworks ; in-
roasod growth and etiao of credit ,
us illustrated by the largo loans of the
auks ; and a general disposition to
ock up quick capital in asnots of at :
nrealizud character. This feeling
f apprehension finds some support
i the partial failure of tlio grain
raps in thu west ; in the decrease experts
xports ; the increase in imports ; the
argo reduction in the earnings o
ending railroads , involving u lessened
ncomu to thu investors in this class
f property , and th great decline in
hu realizable prices of securities
represented on the stock exchange
u compared wish six months ago ,
Yhilo it is true thnt all these eloraentc
are suggestive of a changing conditioi :
> l things , it is doubtful if they can bo
ntorprotod adversely to the genera !
rospority of the trudoof the country ,
? he extension of business seems , 01
ivory hand , to bo of n moat healthy
iharactor. There is little or no ao
Cumulation of stocks of manufactures
n any locality , while in numerous do
lartmenta of activity orders are far
head of the greatly increased produc-
ive power. . Though it is true that
ho grain crop has not been up to ita
usun 'nvnragu , it should bo berne in
nind thnt for several years very umplo
rewards have been realized by the
.gricultural community ; while in
loarly nil products , except grain , the
Molds of previous years have been
naintuined. 1'ricus , too , continue ao
n'gh thnt thu result to the agricultural
mulucor is not fur short of thu uvor-
.gu of latu years.
The circular , which is very full nnd
complolu in its statistical dutuib , con
cludes us folios :
"Thu political and financial outlook
eoenis equally without a disturbing
element. With some additional logis-
ation by which the laws relating to
bankruptcy can bu regulated and made
uniform , nnd with favorable conditions
M to wuathor , crops und tnulo gen
erally , the opposite of which there is
no reason to anticipate , the prospect
For the future seems certainly moat
promising. It is truu that failures
nmv increase and individual sutler
Iho jittimltiru of u departure from
legitimate businuut principles , from
undue competition or unwise expan
sion. Homo will by failure seek-
to iucreiuju their store , and still
more may bo the victims of
loss of confidence , Iho result of the
absence of A protective law But that
those casualties will bu largo in pro.
portion to the number of people engaged -
gagod in business , or to thu mat-ni-
tjulo nf the transaction , seems as un
likely now as at nny time in the lust
four years. The prospect is that , ua
compared with nny country in the
world , failures will continue not only
to bo less numerous in proportion to
the number engaged in trade , but far
less in amount of average liabilities ,
and in u far emaller ratio to the ex
tent of buiini'M trnnnctud , so tint tliu
safety of tlio mercantile , niamifaclnr-
ing nnd blinking communities m y bo
tot down as boiler assured than thnt
of thu same classes in any other
country. "
Accojini.vo to a table juil published
by the department of agricultmo Iho
United States 1ms one-fourth the
liorscn , one-fifth thu caltK one-ninth
lie sheep nnd almost one-half thu
wine ; in tliu civilized world. Htissia
nn more horscn , and that country and
lie Argenlino Hopublic more cheep
linn Ilia United Stales : but tlicso are
lie only countrien whonu nuinbor of
ivo slock is larger in any particular.
S.M.u.i-rox caused -150 ( le.itlm in
S'ow YorkClly ; in ISSlX'ninst thirly-
mo in 1880. The same story comei
rom all parts of the country , through
'hich ' it 1ms been spread by thu free
nturcourso enjoyed everywhere ,
"fothins but compulsory vaccination
an ntop the spread of thu scourge all
Ivor tliu continent. Omaha should
lot lay behind oilier western cities in
irccautionary measures.
NKIIKAMKA readjustee propose to
ivo this stale a now deal all around
during the coming campaign.
Five corporation * now. control the
weUo linen centering at I t-aiann | > oliK.
The Northern Pacific is staklnjca branch
ino from ( Iraml i'orki , Dak. , to the Hrlt-
li line.
Trackluylng cutmnonreil on the Leaven-
worth , Ti/pckn / & .Southern at the first
tamed city , Dec. HI.
Theru nro wuteen gangx of yradcn newt
, t W' ' rk on Iho Mlswmri Pacific extension
n Alclilumi couuly , Kansas.
'I lie llriilherhood of Locomothc Knol-
jeern inltia' d 1,500 member * during 1881 ,
il Instituted fifteen new lin cc.
Three hundred fectof the Umuha & St.
Paul ice \ > rige \ over the Misnouri at Sioux
ity , have been swept away liy the gori ; .
ns ; of tloatiiiK ice. It will take a week to
epnir dnnm .
The Tnui'k v & Western has been incor-
> ornled in Kanhn" , to con lruct : i road
ivc Unnl 250 mtlea. Thp Tiiion Pacific
iianngrincnt IH jepresenled in the dlrccto-
y by Sidney Dillon.
The Hiuuiibnl & St. , lee railroad rom
, ) aiiy luui er\cd notice on the a vernor of
Mixiiouri thnt itn attorneys uill ask for an
mjiiiirtion nf'uinst thu | iniHi-Cl | ( HAU ! of the
road , for ioturett ilue < m $ : ! .OCO,000.
There nro 3,000 men now wurkim ; on
the Northern 1'ncilic cxtemion between
Allies City and CunlHon , 175 mile : ! we of
Miles ( 'ity. Th' ' ) eng nee n expect t > com-
[ iletothe road to that point ) < y June 15
: ifxt , ud tu lioztiimu by December 1 ,
A charter ban been taken out for iin
nar ow KIUK ; rnilroail , of uhich M.l' ] ! ,
I'.ufTulo , . Y , Is president. The road
will run from the line of the linffiilo , New-
York & Pliilad Ip'.ia ' road nt Aurora ,
southeast to WiliianiBjtort , 1'a Work
will be commenced nx norm as pjseilile.
cKinnliiK on Mend y next the trains of
the New York , Penn ylvania & Ohio
railroad , which have her. toforo run on the
the track of thu Cincinnati , Hamilton fc
Dayton rnilroad will enter Cincinnati at
HII i will depart from the ntw depot of the
Pittshurff , Cincinnati & St. Louis rnilroad ,
running via Xenia to Springfield , where
they connect with the track of their own
The Danville , Olney & Ohio Kivor railroad -
road lion secured connection with the
Chicago & Kastorn Illinois , thus obtain-
in ! ; entrance for the former rmd into
Chicago. The line will be extruded this
winter to thu L 'iiisvillo , New 'Albany &
St. LOUH ! railronil and to tha Ohio river.
Thin will ultimntely give the Chesapeake
fc Ohio railroad direct connection with
TheNewY.rk , hake Erie k Western
rnilroad company announres that from
Tnnuary 1 it chnnKeo its through freight
and passenger lines from tlio western con
nections heretofore used to the ( irnud
Tnink railroad on the north , connecting
therewith at Buffalo , and to the Penn-
j'ltnnia western system on the south ,
connecting therewith at Mansfield , Ur-
bann and Spriagfield , Ohio.
The 1) . k M. company have incorporated
into their time tab e an order th t "conn-
ling can by hand is atrictly prohibited ia
all cases where a stick can be need to
guide the link. Sticks will bo provided at
train hendnnarters. " ' 'Spikes" were the
boys' favorite lust neat tin. but since the en
forcement nf the SloMnb luw thu demand
for "sticks" hoa exccJUed the supply.
Texai leads the country in respect to
railway tmllding , having added luet yeai
1.411 niilen , which final returns will prob
ably Increase to 1,500 or tn rn. Color.ulo
appearH to on me next , with about COO
inllcb , Iowa ciime.s next with nenny 500
miles , und Dakota n'l Ohio also rluiw ,
thus far , hetween 400 and , r > 00 miles , In
diana , Illlnoi , New Mexico and New
York appear to have added between IfOO
and lOO miles. Nebraska added L'.W miles.
Another uew road hui been projected in
TOIBS. It will run from New Orleans to
the Sablnorivor viaOperlotisau , a diafance
of 210 miles , thence to DalUx over the
trunk route , absorbing that road u dis-
tiuce of 250 inllfH , thence nortliwestly to
the boundary line of the state in Ilagluy
county , a distance of 100 miles ; thence
via Fort Snmncr to Iileta , in the valley of
the Itin Grande , where a junction with
the A. k 1' . is madu. The entire distance
of the road IH liJ : mile ? .
Papcra have been laid before iigreH
by thu proridcnt ehowing that the nglit
of wny across thu landi of the C'hovtnw
nation in thu In ian Territory W H not oh-
talncil bythnSt. Loui-t & Sun Francisco compuuy without fonnidablu
tipposltion. Thi ! rljiht of way granted Is
'JOU feet wide , and nn additional - 0 feet
lit Btiitionn for a dist.'ui e of 400 feet in
1 < ngth. The company will pay tlio Indian
95(0 ( t'nch < nmrUr , itcrpetually , and the
money U to lie u > td [ or K-IIHD. | | The line
will attend 125 miles In the Indian ooun-
tl'y >
_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sidney IIAN the telephone fuver.
Work lias roininvuced on Dortey's new
block In Tieinoiul ,
A wolf huuti > r of Hickuian brokt < his
shoulder blada In the chant.
Tlw new hotel \Vyomorc , nearly
complctod , contains forty.nhiH roonm.
Tin1'iiion 1' citk c > ini | > itnv Imto
ordertil uuolhei tide track at David City.
The Lincoln Land company hate de
cided to linllil a flouring mill at Wyo-
more ,
Siiln'y mourns the abrupt departure of
Todil .V Henry , combination of beats.
Total deficit , Sai.60.
The total cupttal iiutnted in bu inevi
nml Imnlni'hS bullilioiji ! u Crete aniounU
t uv r ? liOO,000. Union.
The boi-rd of county coiuini loiierrt of
Cage county liavu rescinded thu notlou
Incorporating the village of Wyunuiro.
The Alliancoi of Viirtms county will
meet nt Heaver City on the 1 1th to organ *
l/e a county sllianca ami extend the or.
gnnlzation to e > ery precinct.
Thu Missouri river closed at Xubraxka
City , December ; ) ! , IKS ] , ami pasjon DM
crowed on the Ice Jnniury 1 , 18Si.Newc. .
Wo uro opt'n for connection hero.
Throe "smart Akckt" of North i'littto
collected $ .1.fO for an Iniacrinory "widow
I' who tit-piled a nltjht'H Kn'gliig ' , " and xvero
fined S'i nml c ti for obtaining on f l c
prclcii5c > ,
The improvement Ntnt'nttc ' of Kunins
rounlr "how 1 liiTi : acrrs out of n total of
lin.l'under ! ! ! ' cultivation. In the way of
otock , there are 2,7tVl homes 0 0711 c.ittli- ,
2.11 tiiulc.o , fi , " : ! fheep nd lill ( ho f.
l.ron Stiinlonnt , n Fairmont youth of
' i tlif latent victim f the Irmi'lieroiH
Kiin. Ho went nut gunnin < and re-
rncd with hid cheek terribly mangled.
The prospects of his ic.'overy nru fn\or-
e. '
Se rnty-fivc Wyomrreans , "nrmed to
he leelh , " started out on the 28th to ex-
ortniim e the wolv H in that % ! cinity , MI '
cturnvd in the evening , battle-ccmed
nd weary , with the carcisses of thr < ; e
Collinsvillc , the new station on the H ,
M. near thu > tate line , is icjolcing over
he prosjxcU of bring the division head-
piarton * . The company h < built nt that
xilut ten switcher. , nil nf which lm\c the
ppearance of being pormannnt.
During the yenn immediately Hiicccetl
ut the org.v izatlon of I'nclpn county , In
' 874 , fraudulent warrants tu thu amount
f about S'JO.OOO v > are i-nnod. In 1S71I the
otmiy treasurer wa en joined from paying
ny of th so wntTanU , und now the board
if cuininlwi'oiu.TH havr ofTectcd : t nettle-
ment with the holders at fO conti nn the
ollnr , iBMtlnff funding bond < In the sum
f $10r > 00 to liny the Indebte Inc-w. The
riginal warrants were to ply for wood nt
.35 a ci'rd , tic.
' hln8 In Ui Town of Presontt by
ADAMS Cotwv , Iowa ,
Jecombor 29,1881. Thopeoplo nloni ;
ic eastern division of this railroad
uitu frequently speak of it ns the
Burlington road , " while in western
owa "Tho Q , " means the Chicago ,
lurlington & Quincy. Seven miles
ast of Corning on the "Q. , " and
.inoty . miles from Omaha , wo find the
ittlo hillside village of Prescai , with
mlf n ( stores of general mor-
Immliso and groceries , two or three
ardwnru stores , drug store , harness
hop , shoo store , jewelry store , furni-
uro store , wagon shop , several black-
mith shops , two lumber yards , sev-
ral grain dealers and stockmen , a
neat market , a lawyer , four physi-
ians , ivio hotels , a line two glory
cliool hmiBo nnd two churches , and
population of about throe hundred.
Like many of its pretentious neigh-
iors , this settlement has sprung up
incu thu railroad needed a sta-
ion here. There is no newspaper
n the town , but n hard working
radcsman funiinlu's onu or two noigh-
joring editors with weekly reviews of
own progress , clover discussions of
ho political nnd financial situations in
he nation , and is respected by his
eighbora as nn exponent of what is
uito often to them an unknown qunn-
ity. It w.'ia long after dark when we
eft the train , and. with gripsack in
land , found the Poison house , and
nquired why the bell was calling to
he high school building , and found
nine host , with lantern in hand ,
eady to start in nnswor to thnt bell
all , to hoar an address by one of the
itizons of thu burg , on the tariff ques-
ion , and wo accepted an invitation to
go , as "every body" was to go.
The oppressions of monopoly ant
ho slavery of political intrigues were
> riefly nnd quite pleasantly presented
while TIIK OMAHA B UK was montionec
ns "TKo only great paper of the west
, hnt had dared to face the tidi
ind speak the honest convictions o
ho people on many of these great
ssucs , " all of which wore introduc-
, ory to Iho subject of moderate tariff
or "tariff for revenue only , " andunti
nonopoly. Wo saw at once that TUP
SKE was read here , and the people in
every village and hamlet are looking ,
o it as the herald of truth , an ox
loimclor of the great questions before
.ho people , and a trusted and fe.irlcss
advocate of justice. This town is :
; oed local market for grain and hogs ,
and is agitating the butter and chcesu
Mr. I. I'olson and his wife , foelmf ,
; hat they had long since seen thei :
atropgest days on H farm , hove openec
a hotel here that is a marvel. The
louse is a homo for thu farmer when
: io comes to town with his produce ,
and the commercial man finds ni
jood a bed ns he can fine
in the stale , while the table
is a farmer's table , us it has
BO often boon seen on the old Now
England Thanksgiving day , and th
iiappy traveler will find a variety am
abundance , while my lord nnd lady
in person , stand by and encourage
dim to cat , and then only charge &
dollar a day. It is needless to adc
that they must soon enlarge the house
This is a trading center for a larg
section of country , whose people ar
intelligent , industrious and prosper
Kidney ComplalntlCnred.
11. Turner , Hochenter , N. V. , write
"I Jiebccn for over a yi-nr subject t
serious dixurder of the kiibieyn , und oftf
nn ihlti to attend to ImiiinuHd ; 1 procure
our lil'liDOcn ULOOII llmniM and was re
ived beloie a half a bottle wan until ,
ntend to continue , ox 1 feel confident tha
they will entirely cure no. " Piictt fc
trial pi/o 10 cent-H. 1M w
lB05F rnham St. , . . . Om h . Nebrik
400.00O LOXUEia
C r .ully txtlocuxl Unil to f turn Nebntkk
/Me , ormt Ilirtr ni In Unprovful tvmt ,
douluit / | in > iM t *
o. f. LiAVih wKi rrKU ANYUEH
I " ! lAnHrrir'rll P '
John G. Jacobs ,
( Konnerljr o | OWiiJicobj , )
.ir.Tramhunat , , Old ht nd o <
"Onlnrn nvTflliMfrM > hSollplt xl
Ornni Front lloomi ( uu Ulw ) In Hantcom'
new brick building , N , W. coru r Kltetnlh o < J
Manufacturing Coznoany.
f 3c 9Jf *
tat. . Silver PlaiM Spons and Forks.
The only und | \tionnl pinto ttiat
original firm of ij
Rogers Bros.
Htiuico u single
All ou > Spoons ,
Forks nnd plutod Spoon H
Knives plated triple thickness
with the greatest
plate only on
of care. Each i *
tha e o t i o a
lot being hung
on a scale while where expo d
being plated , to to wear , thereby
insure a full deposit
making a single
posit of silver on
plated Spoon
thorn.Wo wear as long asa
Wo would call
a triple plated
especial atten
tion to our ivec- L\ one.
Rival- " Orient- Tinned.
All Ordera In the West should be\ddrcnsed to
Wholesale Jeweler ,
Omaha , A PAT A PIT Collins
Cheyenne , * * * \JlMJA\JJDL ) Colorado
Fall and Winter
Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all :
Practical Sausage Manufacturer ,
Family orders attended to with despatch , and every
thing promised satisfactory , I invite a call at
No. 210 South Tenth Street