THE OMAHA DAIL r ELEVENTH YEAR. OMAHA , THURSDAY MOUfflflG , JANUARY 5 , 1882. NO. TEXAS ARKANSAS AND LOUISIANA , CHEAP HOMES FOR ALL ! 5O.OOO Laborer * Cdii cot Immcdlata Em- .ployment , atQqod .Wages , on Fnrmt and rtallroadt In Texas Alone. The SouthwosSralmmigration.Oq Will null on njipllratlcn , ( rce of ro t , ) < o prcpiU , liooks Kith tntw | , idvl" < iiitli itlcot and rellivMu intonimtloii ol Tv a * , ArktvtiRM , ot VTretem Loul lann. Those pitHlltntlnn cha to a new country , fuldrwH 1) ; 0. ItUVAL , Bco'y , A tln. TOIM ยง 5 tu Q4U& f'CHAiUln > ss Portland , MMiu' . t Western Horse ana > iiattlo In- snranoe Company , Capital , - - - S1OOOOOGO Innurta llorsert , Mules nnd Cnttlo nt ltiflt loss lj ocoldcnt , dcconxc or tliett. Aeundes hi nil conn tlm nf tlin Smto. "end ( nrlrc U > roan l ) Ut of NuUrosVa , Douglas County , ea ; . At a County Court.-hcld nt the Oou"ntjCouf Room , In ami lor said County , August 1st , A D. IbOl. Prcsont , HOWAHD . SM1TU , Co ! iiity Judge. ' In the mattir ot ttio estate ol Joseph II NM ion , ileccated : On reading and nilog.'tha. petition ol Uartha 8 . , Kelson'iir&jlnp that tha instntmcnt , imr < porting to no a duly outhentlcatetV copy of th < cnt ot eald deceased , and o the probate thereof , by the Circuit Court o Fountain County/Stato of Indiana , and this llaj filed in this Court , may be allowed and recorded aa the last Kill aud testament ot laid Jotoph II Nelson , deceased , In and for the State of Me bruka. Ordered , That August 27th , A. D. 1881-tt II o'clock rCmViiaraignod for hearing Bald petition when all persons Interested In said matter ma ; ppeor at a County Court to be held , In and fo laid County , and show came why the prayer o petlttoncrshould not be granted ; and that nolle- - t the pendency of eald petition and the hearinj hereof , be given to all persons Interested In Bali matter , bv publishing-a copy of this order In TH OMiUA.WnnKLYlinK , a newspaper printed In gali County , for throe successive w ccks , prior to d ay ot bearinir. tA true copy.J HOWARD B. SMITH , in w3t County Judge. LEOALNemcK. To Johanna IIa > licck , non-risidc-tof Nebraska You are hereby uotirled tlmtMoNeph HaUii-ok jour husband , has coninuni-ud his action of dl vorco ngainst jou , by liliru' his jctltlon a plaintiff , atra'nht ' jou , a < dclendant , In he dh trict court , within and lo- Douglas county , Nebraska braska , the object and prrucr of which ualil ] x > titlnn Is to obtain a dhono from you , on th ground of your willlulahamloning inlsl p'aintil ' without jubt cause- , for the term of two \ ar and more. Vou are required to anxweraatd pa tition on or Iwforu the litlnlay of Felmmy , A D. lbS2. .lOhlU'H HALIl'KK. . W. J. Oi\SKlt , Attorney. dcc21-wcokl)4t LKGAL NOTICE. To Knrcil Winthcr , non-res dent of Neliraski You art- hereby notified th-xt Max Wlnthci jour hu bainl , has commenced his action ol < ll \orco against you , by film ) ; his petition , n plaintill acalmt jou , ai iletendint , In the ills trict court , within anil for Douglas e-ounty , Xi liraska , the object and prajer of which said IK tition is to obtain a dUorcu from jou , on th ground of your willfully abandoning said plaint iff without Juit cause , for the term of two > em and more. You arc required to answer slid p ( tition on orbcforo the Cth dayo ! I'enruarjv/ It. 1832. MAX. WINTIIMl. W. J. rV ) .MqL , Attorrlcy , elccl-wccky4t | MASTER'S SALE. In'tho Circuit Court of tha United States tor tli District of Nebraska : Jaiues K. O. Sherwood , I Co.Ma Butler jTilobecca Butler fin Chancery. U. W. Dunn 4' Henry Fclber. ' , rORKCLOBCRR Or MORTOAOB. labile notice b hereby glen , thattnpurmianc and by irtuo ot a decree entered in iho abo\ cause , on tha 2nd day of September , 1881,1 KLL1H L. niEKUOWKK , Soclal ] Master I Chancery in said Court , will on the 12th day c January , 1882 , at the hour of 10 o'clock in th forenoon of said day , at the west door of th Vtilte-d States Court Mouse and Post Olllco bulk Inv. in the City ot Lincoln , Lancaster Count ] 3tato and District of Nebraska , sell at auctio the followUK ! described property , to wit : The Bouthweet quarter of the southeast quai tr , section numbered nineteen (19) ( ) , and the caf lialf of the northeast iutrtcrnnd | the nartlnvcf HtarUT ol thu northraht quarter of section nun licrud tljlrty (30) , all in township nuinbc-rc (31) ( ) and range numbered two (2) ( ) casl Iu tlio county of Cedar and Stnto of Nebraska. , KL7.IS U BIEIinOWEK , Special llaetcr In Chancery. D.C. HULL , So Icltor for Complainant. TEit's SALE In the ( Jii > .uit Court of thu United States lor th District of Nebraska : * . , Kaw Ki'L'lAiid MortirneJ , Security Comi > aiiy ) \B. - UNCIIANCEKV. Murtlia A. Conrjul [ and I Ucor" I' CouraU Public notice is hereby given , th In purauanc juid by \ Irtue of a decree cutcrul Iu the abov CMHU , on the 2nd day of September , 1BS1 , 1 KLLIS L. BIEHBOWKK : Spenial Matter I Olmncory in Bald Court , will on Uib 12th day o January , 18S2 , at the hour of lOVatock In th forenoon of the said d y , at UKI u.e t door c the United Stated Court House and' Tout Offlc iHiildlnir , in the City ot Lincoln , LancnetcrCouii ty , State and DUtrJct of ebwka , uell at auc tion the following described property , to-wlt : Thu northwoet tjuartcr of section immbcre. ten (10) ( ) In township numbered thirty (30) ( ) am rane > umberedBlx(0) ( ) east , In the County o Uixon and State of Nebraska ELLIS L. Biiitiowiit : : ; Special Master In Clmncir ) . I ) O. HIJLL , Solicitor for Complainant. LKOAf , NoTICK. To Jnhii H. Orccn : You aru hen by notlfled th.itin thoSOIIicb' ' of February , Ib70 , the undersigned dulj pui 4ln i'd , at | irl > ato8a'o , In the treasurur's olllcc county aud state ntorosiid , the followln ) , ' dc K-rlbcd rial estate , couuty and ttat iforenald , to it : Kasterly | > ortkn o lotI w , in Bwtion 2(1 , township IB , raritf I.'li.itt , In until omit ) , s Burvojor suUi pur ; rha o bc-liin' fordtlliHiuuiittnxcr , slute.ount ; and cilj , ( or > uir l IT Inlj l \ Inland a eii3ec J4Un t mlil propurt ) and osseMBtd In ii mu o -lohn 11. t.'ruMi. You are further notlfled that the t mo of ro demptlon of said property from Hild tax Bali JI ixplre Pihruary 20 , 1882 , and thit unlc-s- rtflcmption I made according to law , aiplicatloi | will tlicmnioM bo made to Bald treanurer for i dei-d lor wild property. AUOUST UOIL. Omaha Hoii-mber 19 , 1881. dcc21-wtekl > at nn A WKKIi. $12 a Jo. at homo faslly made Wl/acostly outat free. Addrew IHKH to Co , Augusta. Malno- _ PROBATE NOTICE. 8tot of Nefiroskk , DougUs County u : At a County Court , held at the County Cour Iloom , In and for mid County , Dec. 21st A. I > . 1881. ' frcwnt , A. M. CIIADWICK County Jud e. In the matter of the isUto of Thomn Ollbcrl deceased : On ruKluiB and flllnir the petition of John II Snwul , prajlii ) , ' that administration of eald estat may hu Kranted to himself , o administrator. OriltnJ , That January 26th. A , I ) , 18B1 , a 10 o'clock a , in. , U assigned for hearing Bald pet ! tion , when all persons Interested In said matte may appear at a County Court to ho held , In am for said County , and show cause why- the uriic ol petitioner bhould not bo granted , aud that no Ute o ! iKjndcncy of said petition anil Uiu hearlnt ( huroof , bofc'UL'ii to all pernond Intcruttxl In nail matter , b > publlihliif a copy ol tin j order In Tin Oiuiu WKKKLV linn , a iit'A jaH.r | prilled In wtU County , for four mcceulte witeks , prior to bale day of nt-uln * A. M. CHAUWJCK , Count } Examination of TeuoUori- I will U present at my office In Crel/htor. block on tba first Saturdiyol each month fo x , Ainlne luch applicant * a may desire to Uaet in the public Ncliooli In IJoiulas county. Quar terly elimination flnt H turJ y In rebruirx , Jt y , Aujrunt and li'oveuibvr , 3.1 rcim , County Supt DbUc JartraiUcB HOUSES * Lots , FARMS , v i \ * . _ . . , ' .v , - J" i Lands. ? * For Sale By , EMIS. Ko2M , Full lot fenced and with mull build bic on Capitol Asenuo near 25lh ttrett , ? 700. Ko. 257 , Lnrh'c Jot or block J05 by 270 ffet on Ilamllton , near Irene street , SS.fOO. ' t * No , 2&6 , Full earner lot on Jones , near Uth street , U,000. No/ , 263.3'wc. lotHOrf Ct liter street , near Cum- Inz Btn-ot'fn(0. ( No. 2SS , Lot on Spruce ptruet , near Oth street , $ < )50. ) )50.No. . iil , Ti\o lots on Siard , near Klnc itrcet , SSM. SSM.No. . 1511 , I/oton Scwanl , near KUu ; itroet , , No. 249 , Half lot on Dodge , "car llth itrcet $2.100. , . No. 2i7 , l' ur beautiful rwlucnoo Inta , near Crelhton Collcifofor will sell separate ) , W,000. No. 28 , Two lots on Charles , near Cumin ; street , $100 each. No.4 i , Lot on Idaho , near Cumin/ street , $100. - . < A f ' No.24f , Onnacro lot oa CiiinlnK , near Uutton street , 8760 * , No. 244 , Lot on Karnhstr. nwr Ibth street. ' , 5 , ' l $4,000.1 , * No. 211. Lot m by 12.1 teet on College street , murSt. llnrj's AMIIUC , 5SO : No. 212 , Let on DoUKlaa , nvar "nth strt'ct , No 241,1101 on Farnharu , .nciuf 2CtJi 'rtct. SO. r No. 240Lot ( a by 09 loot on South Aenuc , nnr Ma o Btn-ct , 5M. < No. 239 , Corner let en llur'r near 2d stre-ct , 82.6011 f No. 23S. 120x182 feet on Harnej , near 24th Htrce. ( will cut it up ) , ? 2,400. No. 2.15 , 71x310 feet on Sherman Avenue ( Itilh street ) , near Urare , * 1,000. No. 181 , lot on Douirlii street , near23d * 7f > 0 , No. 'JJ- , Lot on I'ier Hireet , near Sewnrtl , t-MO , NO. 231 , Lot lOiCO feet , near C pito ! Aveimi and 22d street , * 1 .1)00. ) No. 227 , Two lots on Deoatur , ni arlreno htrc-et No. 22J , I ot 1 ti : IIO-110 \ > j 141 feet on Shtrrmai A\enue (10th Btr.ot ) , near Once , 2,400. < No. 220 , Lot 23\8U feet on lodn'e , near | Stl street , uuiku.ui offer. No. 217 , Lot on 23d street , near Clark , ? 00. No 210 , Lot on HamiltonjnoarKlnic-300. - No. 209 , lot ou 18th , near Nicholas'street Ol'JVl 1 4 * No. 207 , Two lots on ,10 h , "ear VnclOcitreet ' 51,600 , J * . " No. 205 , Two lot ? on Cutellar , near 10th ttrccl 81W. 81W.No. . 204 , beautiful residence tot ou Dhlslo btroct , ncarXtettlng , S850. No."CCrll'TiSt onfanm'orp , tienr ! TaraIlt4i Htreot , 8SSO. No. 199 } , Lot 16th street , near Pacific , $500. No. IBS } . Three lota on SaundeM street , nca : Scw-ard , 91,300. No. lU3j , Lot ou 20th ttreet , near Sherman N-o. 194JTw-o lota on 22d , near Grace street $000 ' r No. 191) ) , two lota on Kin ; , near Hiiuilt htrcot , 81,200. _ , i No.ilt)2twoloUon ) \ 17th street , near Whiti Lead WbrlcH , < leiM. , No. 18b } , one full block , ten ) ota , near the bar racks * 400. , No l91 , lot nu Parker , near Ironu htreet , $300 No. IbS , two IOH ( on CM * , near 2Ut street ( ( 'illidre1)M. ( , 00. No. Ill , lot on Cintei , niiir Oununxtreet No. ISO , lot on I'ier , nuir Se-waril Btn'et , fflbQ Nu. 17D , lot on Hbermau a\cnuf , near Iznn htnct , > ll'0. No. 17IJ. lot nu e1"1 , near lltli , tflCOO. .No. 170 , lot on I'acillenear 14th utrci t ; iuak ( No. 160 , sii Iot4 on , rurcham , near 24th atrcct 1,15 tnU'K ' ) caih No. 1U' ! , lull bloik on filth ctrce-t , lira racu iwiriH , umJ three lotin eiiiu's addition mar Sauiiui is .viil ruft-Un fctioct > , 82,000. .No. } M , lo * 011 C.illfurnl i ntrei.1 , near CrclBli ton c ilhuPi Sft. i'o. 127 , in ro lot , near the luuil ol 9t. Mnr/i nt c'liuc , W,00i > . Nn. 124 , .bout two ncri-H , nuir the iicad of fit Jlarj Ha\cnue , * fl,03 . No. l.'il , lot nn listh strci-t , near White Leu ] Works , M > ! , . No. 124 , ftlxtie-n lots , near , ehot towc-rou tlu llelloue roail , > < 7fipcr ot. No , 122 , 132x13' feet (2 ( ! oti ) on Ibth Btrc-ct , ntur l'o'lcton'H | ] , < 1LW ) . No. llo , thirty lialf-iuru lots in Mlllarxl anil Caldwciraadilltionson bherman avenue , prlut and htratogu strcela , near thu end ol greet : ttrcct rar traik , fMi to 41,200 eaih. No , b9 , lot on ( 'hlc-i-o ( , near ! ! Jd street , $ ldOO' ' No. i > b , I fit on C'aldwcll , nuir .Snuudcri ) street , ' $ iOO. ' No. bO , coi in riot on Charles , rear Saundcr : street , 700. No. 85 , lot on hard , nc-ar 21st , with two sm No. b3 , two lots on 10th , utar PUrcu street , .W. ' .So. 78 , tli r c lota on Hartley , near II * tli street , No. 70 , 00x132 fi c-t on Oth street , near Lt.i > eii' ' \\ortn strnit , $ 'linx , ) , .So. 74 , Iii > xb2 Icit , on I'aelllincnrhth htrmt , No. UO , IXl\llt2 ( net , on Dnn l.iK htr'ict. ncai 10th , .K)0. No. t.O , cliihUt-n Intt on 2Kt , 22il , VM .mil Knunilorx htrcetH , neur ( jr.uc.i.ul MiimJc-ri hnc-i bridge , < IOO uich. b-li No. d , one-fourth block ( lbU\l j Itet ) , nuinilif Coniciit of I'oor Cluiru bu Hamilton street , nru the end of rcilnlriu rar IM k , nlo. No , S , lot on Marcy , nun titb xtieet , l,2uO No a , lot oh C.illlcriilu , nuir2lHt , # li > 0i. No , a , lot on e'lisi , mar 2A1 urect , ttlJUU No 1 , lot i n Ilarni-y , jioar Uth , 42i Wi Lots In llarluol 'H llrnt and tacond aililitioiiH , nl-to In i'arkcr'n. ShlnnV , isch-oiiV , Tirntu , I , , V. Smlth'n , IMUk'n , ( . ! ' . Laki's , mid nil ulhcj aililltlonK , ut a \ pruoianu tc-rniH , 'Ml loU in il.uii-0in ( I'l.iu , n ir II HIM CM Park ; prices Irnni if'.Va to ? M < 0 CM b. OHO hundred njid lilt } ninn ln.iutilnl ri tl- tlcncu lots , local H I on Hamilton t-trait , liulf way between the turn tuulo nl thu rid utrctt ear lint : and the waterworKHiesorilor and addition , and just wist of thu ( Joim-nt of the HiBtcrn I'ooi L'lalre In Hlilnn's uddltloii' 1'ricea taiiKO from $70 to 8100 each , and will bo sold on easy terms , Tractdof C. 10 , 16 , 2d , 40 or 80 cre . with il other lmpro\inicnt , and the city , atalliirice-s. 3 MX ) of the best residence lott In the city ol Omaha any location > ou do-Ire north , u > t , south or went , and at bed-rock prices. 220 choice ) ImsliHHS lotH In all the principal lmiliH'H streets of Oinuha. \ ar ) Inn from .VX ) tc < 7,000 each. 'l\\o hundred houses and lot-i rangliif , ' from $ M)0 ) to ilfi.OOO , anil located luoery part ol the city , Larito'nuinbcrof excellent farm * In Douglas. rjo , riaunderi1 , l > od'e.Vuililn'lon , , Hurt , and othir k'0o < l coiintliH In IJvsUrn Nebraska 12H j acns best lands In Douiflan , 7W > 0 acrri Wat lands in rpy eount ) , and lar ru tracts 1 < all the tattcrn tier * of counties Over 900,000 acre * ff the licet Un < U in Nctrai Bemis' REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 16th and DC a jla Street , THE EVIDENCE ALL IN And an .Adjournment Taken to Saturday , To Allow the Counsni of Both Sidoa Time to Prepare Their Arguments. Yesterday's SoseiontDevoted Principally to n Continuous ' Wrangle. .WMlo Gaitonu AmtuexHlmsolf bj the Xadlott National Araochttd Vrrt * " \V.\8HiNOToy , " .raiui.iry. 5. Mrs. Scovillo , who has boon abseixt , 'frqm court for a week , 1ms resumed lieu place fit the counsels' tablo. * As , noon as the court opened Ouiteiit said "Thm Mould bo a good timd'to , jnake a speech , but I promised 'Marsha ! llouiy t r keep quipt , and I will try te to do it. " . < i , T I i Scovillo road an affidavit fo the effect tlmt ho hftd Uoarnod of a wit ness , who could , testify asr to thi prisane.r'a insanity'nt the time of , tlu shooting. Mr. Ildcd ndmUietl that ' thii motion to mid'additional testimony rcata entirely \vijhlho discretion ol Lho court , but 'iinzed ' it- should be allowed in.tho interest of justice. 'He extolled Mr. Scbvillo's actions in'the case , and bogged , in , tlio name of jus tice and humanity , that the courl grant ono'ruorp day to the defense tc jot additional" evidence of , " what he termed the poor cjcaturo'u insanity. < Mr. David go'contended tthat the motion waa simply 'a.roopemng of the case and protested , that the prolonpa- tieth of .tho trial waa simply a delay ol justice. Ho aatel tljcre was no good reason forTeoponing the case by nnj mare'testimony on the theory of Oul- tcau's inaantity , Tlio case had been dragged out by the examinations ol the prosecution exports. To roopor it now Would bo scandal. ' Scovillo alluded o the dillioulty of securing witnesses' for the defense ant said Guitcau o ght not to bo denied < fair trial , as the pr6se6ution has had tin use of the treasury at its back. Corkhill said'every opportunity hue been affordoel the/defense. ] * 'v 'Gujteau , during''all 'arguments ' stood toying with his oyo-glasses'aiu ilirtcd with the ladies. ' . ' Col. Corkhill said never b6fore it .this country had any defense boor allowed such latitude. > Guitcau broke out that there win no'-necf Bsvty of showing the state o his mind on July 3d , and when thi guards attempted to keep him quiet ho told them ho was his own counse and would slap their mouths if the ] did not keep quiet Ihemuolv'oa. _ _ The court rendered a long docisioi to the etl'oct that while ho appreciated tlio difficulties .tho defense had t < laboc.under lie did not see any uoces sity of allowing any testimony in th < line indicated. Tha evidence' * pro posed was vague and of uncortair character and did not strike the cour as admissable. Guiteau said that one of tlio wit proposed was onoof the oilicun who took him tc jail after the shoot ing and knew the state of his rmind He protested against the attempts ol the guards to keep him quiet , and saic if he had plenty of money he uoule got scores of people to awear he waj crazy as n "loon" on July Ud. : Bcovillo called Dr. Heard , of New York , to tentify to the condition o the priuonur at the time of the shoot inir. Corkhill prutcHted , but thu cour allowed the witness to answer ccrtaii ijiiUBtioiis. " \Vhuu Scovillo asked hin if the person dtscribod in the hypo thetical question of the prosccutioi : might nut be sane , Davidgo objected to it. The counsel got into a wrangle and Guitoau got noisy ; when the guard attempted to quiet him , ho said "You can't keep mo quiet. How are you to do it ? You shut up. "Wewanl to go home. 1 am tired'of this busi ness. Let us end it. " Scovillo then wanted Drs. Nichoh and Godding , who were acquamtue ] with Guiteau's condition at tlio time of the murder , called , Davidgo objected. "Wo want , " ho said impressively , "to close thif case if it can bo done. " "Yes , " iid Ciiiiiwui , "you aru in great Inmto tfi cloMi it now , but I wanl u fair dhow and don't caret a snap foi tlio pant leiitimuny , hut I want mjnare rebutting iuHtiinotiy.ivlniitted. " liimea Brooks , cliieif of thu secret sm vice l the trc'.iinry de pi'imunt , w.'H ' then jilaced on the n'mtl. lit ( htiiik'd BOveM'.il convi'iHi'ioiiH he hud nil lln was \rih * ( iiiituau soon afteti tilt ) HllODtill' ' . uiioil aloud at the narrative mid < ! uUcuu aaid it wm correct , and whim thu M'ifU"j | told Gnitenu of Garlield'H pruc.irioim .condition Gni- tuausaid , " 1'oor follow ! I wish I had given' him the 'third bullet and put him out < > ' > 'iis misery , " Tina made Chateau restless and ho had several altercations with hit guards. Ho cried out ; "You sit down and mind your own biiHinoss , You are nobody and I speak to fifty mil lion people. T know my own buHineac and you can't kocp me qiiioc. 1 mi ; happy because I have done my dutj to the American people , Krarythlng has gone an I intundod and antici pated , and everybody JH liuppy except a few miserable ; crankn whom T can nothing about and would not spit up on if they w fcro present. " Scovillu wished to | > lace in evidence it photogiaph of Guiteau to show hit condition prior to thu iiHsn-jmiwtirm , but thu prosecution objected All thu testimony was pronounced in and the court adjourned until Saturday to allow the defonau time ti prepare their argument. The interval between now and Sat urday will be occupied by Scovillu in preparing points of law , Ho is evi dently disheartened and it it not ex pected ho will make a long argument. Huiteau is to bo allowed to talk , but it in known ho Iwi not the ability tc make a long speech. A verdict is ox- puctoelby Tuesday. Xx > ftiiJor Lincoln tnl 1884. N Uon l AMOcUted 1'rm. CiUCAdO , January 4. The Tii- buno'a Now York special nays : A Very decided impression oiisUin sonu nuartont that ( l m , Ijognu is puitmr ing tlio way for his own nomination in 1864 , and that lit-lm li'tii nwakun oil tottho possibility ( if a vury elrunjer bus rivalry in his pun state. Gen. Logan is credited with thu nomination ol Mr. Lincoln by ( Jon , ( lartiold , ami has Silffftys entortaincd tlu wnnnoflt friendship for tlu 80creUvp.uf war. Lincoln is a linn fighter , b\u \ a siitmro tlijh'er ' , tla re foro'itis iirtpossible tg credit him Mitl1 tHe joalbusy of Jlr. Logan wrich is now ascribed to him , At thu Rami time , it ia ihouqhl not unlikely that cies ntuLho would not bo slow ti counteract them lie would hardly however , augSMt a method whtel would bo likely to bring Mr Lincoln' : nimo | into special prominence. Gns sip croditH I'renidont Arthur and hi taliy.irt friends vith an intention o making Mr , Lincoln in corUiin con tin uicicn ) thu candidate of thu con vpntioti. The thiul term idea is dead and there BCCIUS to bo littli ddubt that , with the oxcoptiot of .Jog in , the intention is to nucuri fdr 'Qen. Arthur a ronomination. Tin cbnBition of the party and the do .vclopmont at thu republican cnnvon tioil itself might make * that renpml nation impossible , or if possible prcssgB certain defeat. In that event it' is thought by some of the wisi nidh , that already those nUlwar loaders have in view the bringinj forward of Mr. Lincoln. Mexican Mature- NitlonU AuoclateJ 1'rcM. CiTT or MRXICO , January 4. Af Fairs in tho' state of Tobaaco , border Ing on Guatemala , nro reported to b Ip a" diaordorod state , oonsoeiupn upon the uncertain relations esiatini between thu two countries. Gen taniol Buttorficld , who is now ii Guatotnala , has boon selected as envoy voy to endeavor to arrange the proa out difficulties between Guatemnl and Mexico ; ho has applied to tli Mexican government for an escort o troops to the capital , The Sonoro railroad has boon granted od permission- extend its line fror Hurmasillo to llogales on the Ri Grande , for the purpose of intersect ing the Atchisou , Topeka and Sant Fo. Ex-President Diaz , now governor c the atato of Oaxaca , has recommonc od'a redaction of the national 'arm ] In view of this'move ' a peaceful ac justment of the Gautemala difficult anticipated./ is k JJ * . . . Marlnn IntelliBonoe. N Uon l Anocktod FnM. ' NEW YOUK , January 4. Ar'rivod- The Bohemia from Hamburg. t Sailed The Galliaand the England for Liverpool , the P. Caland for Jlot tordam. rANTWKiti * , January 4. Arrived- The Woiland froni Now York. LONHON , January 4. Arrived Th Alsatia from Now York. ROTTKUDAM , January 4. Arrived- The Maas from Now York. < SOUIIAMPTON , January 4. Arrivoi The Odor from Now Y.ork for JJre moil. moil.Livxni'ooi. . , January 4 : Arrivod- The Hibenia from Baltimore , th Lake Manitoba and the Arabic fron Now York. QVKKHSTOWN , January 4. Sailed- Tlio City of Montreal for Now York Giiisaow , .January 4.Arrived - Thu Cireaswa from Now York. Murdorrd Hl Undo for Mouoy. National Aiuociatcd 1'rueii f TOPKKA , .January 4. 1'hilhp Agloy n furmur residing a few luilea from tin city , was recently murdered in hi house , M liich was burned to concua the Crime. The coroner's -jury at th time decided ho died by Buffocatioi through thu accidental burning of hi house. On tfunday night , however Henry Anderson mado"nflldavit tha ho believed W. E. Graham , a nephov of Agloy , committed the murder ant Graham was thereupon arrested. Oi Monday hnt ho confoeBc-d to the crime describing all the liorrible details o itH conimittal and acknowledged h killed Ilia uncle for his money. Thi story aroused thu noighburliood t Hitch 11 degiuu that on Monday nigh a pnily of two nr three hunducd burs npun thu j nl. ovurpovvonul the guard tool ; Gr.ilmm and haiiucd hmi to ; telegraph polo in front of the j.iil. Snmll Pox. Nu'lotial Amociatcil I'rest. WAHiriMiio > , January 4. The nn tional board of health culled on tli president to day and presented ni nddrofcH inging some action by th preHidont and congrosu , if neceBHurj1 to enforce ) th rocoiiimundation of th national health congroim which mot a Washington some time ago , touchin small pox , Tlio recommendation t that all emigrants not recently vaccinated natod be compelled to undergo th process and Quarantine bo strict ! ; enforced , The president will consido thu matter and probably call the attention tion of congruss by a special mesuag to thu alarming Htutu of the pruvalonc of this dineaso and rccoiimundin | legislation similar to that proposed b ; thu health congress , The Miunoiotn. iBaud'.Comiuisiioi National Am > oclat d 1'reas Sr PAUL , January 4. The Aliniii sola bond commmiion havu liniHlie their work of adjusting old clain against the statu and isMiiing no bonds to piy the same , Thu paymui of claims m now going on. Sola Chamberlain , of Cleveland , receive $200,000 in cash and 82,000,000 i new bonds , all of which hu tram ported to hia homo in a special cai One hundred and fifty thousand do lars in old Minnesota railroad bond wcru not presented , THE NATIONAL CAPITAL , Continued Insinuations as to Sherman's ' Sliamo , Statement of RoductionB Made in the Star Route Service in the Year. , . * - * The Work Mapped Out for the House Appropriation Com mittee to Wroatlo With. the Nn- tionnl Capital SHERMAN'S SHAME Nutionul AKHOciutod 1'rfcw. 1I1K TlDUSl'llV INVVHTIHATtON. WASIII.NOION , January , 4. At to- ilay'a mretiug of the noimto commit- luo to investigate tlio cxpundituro of Hie treasury contingent fund , Mr. Melint' , chairman of thu connniflsion \ppoiutod by Secretary \Yindom , was examined at considerable length iu regard to coi tain teatimony taken by : hat commiRHion. Mr. Hoslor , foreman of the cabinet shop , was then recalled , It in it subject ot remark that with : ho exception of W. Paul Brown , who is a discharged employe , every wit- who has thus far appeared before the commission , although placed miler - lor no restrictions by them , abso lutely refuses to Hay a word about the nature of thu examination. APPROPRIATIONS. NitlonU Awoclittoil Prom. WOUK FOR HUll-COMMITrKKM. WASIHNHTOS , January 4. The liouso committuu on appropriations will hold a meeting to-morrow for the appointment of nub-committeca and the assignment of the several general appropriation billn to the namu. During thu recess Colonel U. C. Stevens , who has had thu position of clerk to the committee for many years , hns preiwrod twelve * of Iho fourteen general bills , and had them printed with wide borders for marginal notes , and appended such font notoe in relation to previous estimates , ap propriations , etc , as are required for the information of thu committee. This gives the work before them t < i thu sub-committees well in hand , and saves much labor in reference to the necessary data. The bills thus placed in a state of forwardness arc the legis lative , judicial and executive , the army and navy , the consular and dip lomatic , pension , Indian , mllilarj academy , fortifications , agriculture , and the. District of Columbia. Tin two remaining ones arc thosundn civil and the deficiency , which can no be drawn tip until the eloso of th fiscal year , The river and harbor bill receives ita firstconsidoration ; by thu committee onrdinmorco. OAPXTAIi NOTES. National Aasoclalfd Prosit HTAK AND Hr.BAHIIOAT 110DTRH. \YAHHINOTON , January 4. Second Assistant Postmaster General Elmer , iu a report to Postmaster Gem-rai James submitted to-dny , reviewing the work of Ids oflicu , saya : 'T have tlio honor of informing you that elm- ing the month of December , 1881 , the following charges in the .star ami steamboat services Mure made : In- crcoso in the sorvicu , f.'t8,8Hl , ; do- cie.uio in the utar ncrvicu , 8'MO,8l ! ) ; leaving a star reduction of $171 , 1'fiO ' ; elocroaSu in steamboat , $ KtiO. , ( Tim groan reduction in star and steamboat .service fi'otn March 1st to December 1881 , amounted to ? L',017-t'22 , , while the increase during that period amounted to $68,2i > ! > , loading a not reduction of JU,4iUlM. : ' " uoiiar. < : OM.MITTEI : uui.viUH , So much dinBatiHfaction ! H fi'IL by members at tlio way" they have bpon treated in t hu coinmittcu nppoinlmuntu , that efforts tire being miKie to heal the soru heads and woundcel hcartn. Speaker Keifer was closeted all day , listening to tlio wauV of hu unfortti- nates , and further startling : mnounco < nionls are expected , Thu doniro ol memborH to swap places on com ! mittes will bo roHjiected atul the present committee nlato will lit wull scratched. MIWKI.LANKOI ; * . PoHtmaslcr ( Joiierul .lamcH lofl WaHhington for Now York last night , and lion. T , C ) , Ilovso who xuccoedf him will bo HWOIII iu to-dny , II ii first olliciul appointment will bo thir of his son , Frank II. , IIH chief clerl ot thu | ) oatotlico department , vici Vanwormor. At ! t p. m , to-day Ihi outgoing introduced thu incoming postnuiiter gunoral. MrJamcs | signed 11 du7.on or 'more dismisBuIn and ap p'jintme.ntH to fill their places , Arnonp the changes thus made WUH the removal moval of Mr , Judd , postal care agent at Gantleton , Now Yrtrk , nne ! a man named Tanner in hia place. The salary of the oflico is $2,500. Actint ; Indian CommisHionor Sto vuns doniua thu reports printed ii western papora that thu Southuri Utes are on the war path hucauso tin government will not pay thorn inontij duu. Ho aaya that thuro In duu tlu Southern UtoH $11,400 , and that at soon as a now agent ni riven tli money will bo paid , Sucrutary Hunt haa directed a detail tail of half a elo/.on men from th rjnks of under navy officers to b placed on duty in the Smithaoniai iimtituto that they may make a hind , of ucioncu. Hitherto it IIIIH boon th Ciisu that thu government hat boei compelled to go outside of itf * urn ployoH to obtain HciontiHU for man ; tnpo and entoi prison conduct 01 through the army inn ! navy , Thu Htutomont that Hun. J , I New , of Indiana , ban boon temlere thu HtiHsian iniiinion wpoeitivo , thouj ; it is not known whether ] \fr. No' ' will accept or ia looking forsomuthin at homo , Elootrlo Brief * . \ntlon\l Aiwoilattxl rn T Capt. _ Wm. Mctzion ; , a pioneer tonmship commandur died in San 'rancinco on the lnd ! hint. , of ptiuu * raonin , The miners and other wurkmon at logout mine , Silver City , knocked oft Saturday afternoon and attached the troporty of the company duo them for vagus. Thu shipmniitH of gold from Vic- oria , II. C. , for thu year aggregate $808,000. The \ictims of thu Shanesullo , ( ) . , litnsteir wore buried ypaturdiiy. Kuui ir live otht'M will die. No.vrly every loiiRo in the village is a hospital foi hu injuiinl , At North Vernon , Ind. . last nighl ienjiunin Itaigroinva1 little boy \\at ittacktul by n vieiuiH dog and mangled o badly that ho will die. Captain J. Morgan Shaw was killed ml night by liia brother at Olnoy , ilo. Morgan had prtn iouslv killed ni brother Parron in a tight about mipcrty. The1 Vine Street opera homo , at Cincinnatii knounariotythoa - ur , run by Coloiu'l Tom SnollbakiT , va.i destroyed by Iho thin morning. A Polish family named Diminoiky , ivmg at Hnrriiigton , a few milcn out if Chicago , \\oru bunioel out Titosday. V thirteen year old son perished in 111 * IllllllOM. Two hundred invitations will be asiied to-day for the banquet to be endured by the Philadelphia bar on he * 1-th to Attorney General Brown er. Kato MorriH , who was severely mrned nt Philadelphia Saturday even- ng by her clothes becoming ignited while trying to save her invalid sister , vho wan also on lire ) , died at the Peim- ylvania hospital yesterday morning. The Chicago & Alton railway com- mny yesterday tiled at Springfield n irotost against thu nuw freight tjiritl irdurod by thu board of railroad and warehouse commiHsionern. Dr. John W. Draper , author of the listory of the Inteillcctual Develop- nent of Kuropo , Thu History of thu \morVin ! Civil NVor , and Thu Con- lice Between Ituligion and Science , lied yesterday , ai > ed 71 , at Huntings , m thu IluelHon. ( Jovornor Overtoil and others called on the secretary of the interior yes- orelay to protest against the ratitica- tion of the act of the Choctaw nation granting n right of way to the St. jotiis & San 1'VanoiHco ' railroad. Mr , Jvurton said hu was spokesman. Tlu secretary hoard thu protest and saie iu would consider it. A sulphurio acid gas generator be onging to the Edison Electric Light ing company exploded as it was boiii ) . removed from a wagon by two inor on Pearl near Pine street , in Nov York shortly after 2 o'clock yoatordaj afternoon. Fortunately no one wai injured. Several panes of glass di rcetly onposito wcrO' shattered ; asidi from tins nu danu n done. In the Ohio homo , yesterday , Mr Kithcart introduced a bill makinj ? rave yard insurance a felony. The ! commanding officer at For Ouster has been ordered by Gen. . Terry to send a troop of cavalry t < iroteet the working party of tin Sbrlhei n Pacific and prevent Urn In liaii outbreak. A. farmer named P.eakos and tin eim hu was driving were killed yus .onlay at Nowaik , O. , by a lialtimon and Ohio pamiongor train 'during i Blinding HIIOW storm. ' [ 'ho commisaioii of 1'onlmiiHto ( ionural Hoivo win signed by lh < ironielunt yontcielay. Jlonry ColFoy IIIIH buon itppointei utorokuopeir and guagor for thu Fourtl listrict of TuxnH. It is announced that the great con canning lirm of Winshiw , Johns A Co. , Portland , Mo. , f.vilod. I/iahil tic , ? 182.000. W. 1) ) . Duly it Co of Now York , have $25,000 lialiili .ios , anil thuro In it morigagoof ? 100 , )00 ) in favor II. 1C , Thurbor , of No" York. Many fumilicx will lese id liuir corn crop. Gun. Kwaim , who hoara very oftoi 'rom Mrs. Garliold , sayutho familyl jnito well and that the health of th president's mothur has been excelled ibis winter. A gemural strike won inaugurate yonterday among thu lusters in th ihou factorioH of Cincinnati , Foil iinidrud lutttei'H go out and 7,00 iand ru thrown out of employment Thu nenato committuu inyoHtigatin the-trcaHury contiiigont expondituri ! Lhia morning uxaminud Deputy Comi trullor Turboll through whosu ollic the accounts of the custodian paBHo us to the mudo of Bottlumunt. Gon. T. J , JJurbridgo , who hasbuu publiahud as a party to n prospectiv duul with Congre'Hsiihui Blackburn , < Kentucky , wont to Washington froi Philadelphia yUHturday for thu pui [ ) OHU of prvparing a statement to tli public vxplaining thu origin of tli long Htandin ; , ' feud between thu twi Friends of Itiirbcidgu say thupublici tion will contain some unwritten hi tory of a decidedly spicy characti and buaod entirely upon rocgrds an letters , Aftur a most unjoyablu visit tl nation'n ' Yorktowu guoats from Fran < sailed from Now York for homo ye torday. Articles wuru signed yesterday fl match game of billiards , cushu carom , GOO points , for 92,500 a Hid between Hex ton and Sclmfor , to tal place in Now York April 27th. Train WrocUors Couunlttoil- National Awoclatud 1'runo. Yof.Nusiows , < ) , , January 4.- Knmiiuul KviuiH , Nathuniol Lewis ni .Ino KhaughnoHHy , charged with muj dor in Iho ! irnt dogrco inrocking tnvin , thoruby killing thuuimincur iu liruinan , on thu Pittsburg , Fort Wayi t Chica'0 railroad laat Soitomb | niiiir Alliaiico , Ohio , had n hoariiik' t day and wuro committed to jail await the action of the iraiul , jur ( George , son of Nathaniel Luwis , ng 10 yuaiH , HAW the wrecking aiidgnip icaily described the part each took e that uvontful night , On hi ovidum they woru committed. NANCE'S ' NEPHEW a Jail at Sidney , Charged With Murder , t is Said Ho Placed a Revolver to n Man's Head and Delib erately Fired. But He Puts in the Defense Thnt the Murdered Man Committed Suicide. - llcollnnotm Crltaa That Came thuViroi Lixnt Mnrdcir atOamp Clnrlio- o the lice. Sinxr.v , Nob. , January 4. Camp Clarke , fifty mile's north e > f hero , was 10 BCOIIO of a oad all'.iir last night. 'on Schlogcl , an employe of Charley louru's was instantly killed by a pis ol ahot through thu head. Harry lull is now iu our county jail charged ith tlio crime. Ho claims that chlugol commited suicide , but aleck lock leiulor of the Black Hills Stage ompany says that Hall placed thu uizy.lo of the revolver close to chlci/el's head and tiro. Hall wan mmudiately arrested by llarry Clarke nd biought hero. Full particulars aniiut be asco rtained , as the coro- or's inquest will not bo hold until riday. Hall state * ho is a nephew f Gov. Nance. Crime. In the Cameron county ( Peiaa ) ourt , on Tuesday , Antonio Lope/ nd Aljos Garsoa wore sontuncod to oatli for murder. In thu Mattamoraa ( Mexico ) court , n Tuesday , Chriatobal Fernandez , a orporal , was aontencod tobn shot for iiirdor. At Auburn , Canno county , Ton- see , yesterday , during a tight iu let hoi's store , young Uothol shot nd killed Andruw 'Juston and Char- ey Adams mortally shot Ihidd Mc- \delo. Thu trouble nrouau from old end A.t Cauuhm , N. J. , yesterday , Heir- cu llammol , whose defalcations have Tovioualy boon reported , was re-ar- cstod on four warrants charging him with forging orders for money ou the rcasuror of Newton Township Build- in ; and Loan association , and with is- uing spurious cortiCcatos of stock tea a total of 805,000. Ho was com mitted without bail. John Toohy , of St. Paul , hlinn. , a laborer , utabbed and dllod his wife last evening while in a drunken fron/.y , because' shcr refused n allow their daughter to go for more ' whisky. Mrs. Marion L. Dow , the female lock broker , of Philadelphia , against vhom a number of charges are pond- ng , was yesterday morning taken be- ere a magistrate to answer to the hargo of obtaining $2G5 from Mm. jolonmn by fraudulent reprosonta- ions , and a hearing was postponed until to-morrow. She 'Wanted a Chan BO S'utlciial Associated I'rcud. Piiii.unii'iUA : , . .January . Mrs. laria Leathurman , aged 11 , educated ind accumpliahud , and thu wife of ildinond 1) . Loathurinan , one of the ichuat farmers in the county , eloped with Dave Gurmaino , aged 127. u poor uneducated , ugly looking tenant on a luighboring farm. The rocroint young nan leaves a wifu and two children in want , while the rich woman leaves a iiisband frantic with ragu and four children , two of whom are nearly wn , Mrs. Ijeathurinaii had been untried twenty-two years , hut had be come weary of thu humdrum lifo of the 'arm andetoaircd to visit other scones. The illy muted but loving couple de parted on the train unobserved and vuro aeen subsequently nt Danville , jut quickly disappeared. Leather- nan offers a largo reward for the ap- [ milionaiou of ( Jennaine. It seoniK ihat M rn. Luathormaii carried off with tor throe trunks tilled with silverware ind valuables and $1,200 in money. rJormainu in dcaoribod as a young Krenehnmn , with a frightful scar on lis cheek and nock , resulting from a turn. Cablegram- National Associated I'ri'HS. LONIIOK , January 4. Hon. John ISright , in speaking to his constituents at liirminglmm ycHturday , said that all the troubles of Ireland were duo to thu Tory principles , on which the country had boon governed since 1G01. Hu defended thu recent coercive measure of the government on thu principle ou which a captain restrains a mutimnm crow. Tlmprosunt excitement , ho said , was largely duo to American agita tion , but England waa determined to treat Ireland with liberality , and would , in time , subdue the Irish dis content. PAHIH , January . A ministerial council wan held at the Elysoo yesterday - torday , at which the Anglo-French treaty waa discussed. It was finally decided to refuse tha English de mands. Indications * National Aneoi-latcU 1'roaa. WAHIUMITO.V , January 0. For the lower Miesouii valley : Partly cloudy weather , variable winds , mostly from east to south , fulling barometer and rising temperature. HAYDKN'S I'auJnt Fire Kindlon * are indispensable. Aak your Groce-r for them. HAYDKN'H Patent Fire Kiuellow are indispensable. Ask your Grewor for them. IJAYDKN'S Patent Fire Kmdlcra are indispensable , A k your Groct r for them.