Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
Vulilli-hed - every moraine , oiccpt Sunday ,
The only Monday morning ilMly.jl
One Yenr . $10.00 I Three Monthn. $3.00
Six Months. r..000ue | . . 1.00
TUB WKHKIiY BKK , published ov-
One Yeor . . ' .00 I . M
Bit Months. 1.00 1 One . . 'X < IXUKNCK AH
tfttlonii relating to XewminilKdltorlMmnt-
lent nlmuld lie wldrcwcd to the IlniTOH or
' Biiflnevi
Lett n nml HcinitlanwH Mioulrt bo ml-
PAST , OMAHA. DrnfU" , Check * nnd 1V U
offioo Orclfta to IMS tn < ulo iiayable to the
order of the Company.
KTEHY dny CCR a BtronRthoning of
the Fanuora' AHianco in Nebraska.
TiiKOmalm intcrprotntion of tlio
Slocmnl ) Inw ia not likuly to provo
uupular throughout tliu atato.
How not comply with thu law w
tlio problem with which thu city
licoiuiii ! ; board appears to be wrest-
liii" .
UioriMi , druiikcness and bloody nf-
frays nro not nuceanarily disorderly
conduct according to Omaha oilicinl
t a n ( lards.
YOUK'S city , government this
year will cost her ? 2721,821. . And
yet the street cleaning problem Aoomn
impossible of aolulion.
ONLY p'orsons who think they know
more about medicine than the doctors
can safely omit vaccination. And ono
such person can spread a great deal of
small pox.
IKNKK is greatly excited over the
rumor that the IVo Grands road ia
about to remove its shops from that
city to I'ueblo. It will bu a bud CIHU :
of "Bhop lifting"
Tin ; Philadelphia courts have decid
ed ng.iinst bay-windows projecting
hito the streets , on the ground that ,
-their use gives the owner a few feet of
land to which liu is not entitled.
TIIK marriage of the Unronims Mur-
detto Gouts causes u IOHB of ? , ' (50,000 (
per nnnum to that venerable bridu ,
] t isn't every woman who in willing
to pay such a sum for n husband.
railroad bill isn't smothofed iu the
committee rooms , it will paan the
liouso by a rousing majority. Tlio
American puoplo will , now focus their
attention on the house committee on
TIIK judgeship made vacant by the
appointment of Hon. Horace Gray , of
Massachusetts , to the supreme bench ,
is now going bogging among the able
lawyers of IJostou. No 10,000 a
year lawyer can iillbrd to take a 80,500
erally denounced by the eastern press
a * nn old fogy nf antiquated notions
and poor business qualifications. Suv-
oral political lightning rods have been
hauled down since Mr. Howa's nom
ination which may account forsomuof
the milk-in tlio newspaper cocoanut.
PuAiiso.v , of New York
has invented a now kind of lottor-box
which will require tlio letter carriem
to do their duty in collecting the
mail. What some of our cities would
hail with mwro pleasure , would bo the
p < > st-ollicu which would force t ho postmaster -
master to attend to liia businois in thu
intercHta of the public.
SKCKKTAUV HUNT has granted an
.advance of pay ton young naval otlicot
who is about to bo married , and in
timates that it ia well for all young
men to marry somebody. Secretary
Hunt's popularity among the ladies of
the country is assured from this time
henceforward and forever. JIo ought
to bo unanimously voted "a dear old
thing. "
Tun poorer classes are- the list tu
feel the ell'ecU of prosperity and the
first to experience the pressure ol
hard times. One of the best indicu <
tions of the general prosperity is BOOH
in the great increase in thu number of
accounts in eastern savings banks and
the amount of depositions and tin
amount of earning. There is noHUrei
aign of a wide-spread industrial pros
perity than when these evidences o
thrift among the poor multiply
TUB fact that Sl'-.COO.OOO of tin
extended G's nnd fi's are stil
outstanding under the lust cull o
$20,000,000 illustrates very strongly
the prevailing eiisu of ( ho money inur
kct. All interest ceased on them
bonds on the ' "Jth of last month ,
These unpaid bonds are probablj
triut fuuda investments in which ao <
curity in of i/ioro account than income.
It look * very much us if n JJ pur con !
bund could bu parity Hunted.
Jny Gould's Intuit purchases turn
out In have been a judge of the New
Yoik supreme court nnd the attorney
general of the state. The story of the
transactions which resulted in these
disgraceful acquisitions is told with
great detail by the Now York WHIM ,
the most fearless and enterprising nf
the metropolitan journnln , which b >
its exposure of great public evils , in
cluding the Tweed ring and the star
route frnudn , has well earned the con
fidence of the rending public.
Knrly last spring Gould cast his eye
: > n the three elevated railroad com
panies in New Yoiktlio Metropolitan ,
New York nnd the Manhattan , the
last of which had leased the other two
nnd guaranteed JO per cent , dividends
upon their stocks. Following out his
univorHnl policy , which is to wreck a
propcnly before buying it , in
order to secure it cheaply ,
Gould laid his plans to destroy
confidence in elevated securities , and
bear the stock upon the market.
Seven months ago the attack on Man
hattan began by Attorney-General
Ward's bringing milt in the name of
the people of New York to li.ivo the
charter of thu Minhiittan annulled on
the ground that its stock wai mostly
water , Unit it owned no road , and
that it it didn't and couldn't pay its
tnxcH , much less its othorn obligations.
The gionnda for the miil were true
enough , and if Mr. Ward had fought
it out , he would have done a public
service. Ho soon transferred the case
from Judge. Donohuu'a court to Judge
NVestbrook's and modified its form to
n suit to plnco the company in insol
vency. He asked for receivers , and
in July Judge Westbrook wont to
Now York , nnd nt n hearing in a pri
vate olllcu appointed John F. Dillon
nnd Amos Lawrence Hopkins receiv
ers , one Gould's lawyer nnd the
other vice-president of the Wnbaah
railroad. In the meantime , other
suitfl had boon inntitutod against the
other two companies , and their stocks
wore very much depressed. The Me
tropolitan wont into Gould's hands
July 8 , at which time it was discov
ered that the Now York was entirely
in Mr. Field' * control.
A concerted attack wax now made by
Jie entire Gould clique on Manhnttnn
stock. Mis organ , thu Jf'orM , was
running it down as worthless nnd
writing editoiial leaders on the cer-
ainty of its being wiped out by thu
courts. The gnmo was nearly played
'or Manhattan declined below 20 nnd
iia n drug in the market nt that fig
ure. Again Judge Westbrook'n ser
vices were called into requisition. Ho
wna bfougt in from the country to
Jny Gould's privntu ollico in the West
ern Union building in September to
authorize the issue of receivers' cer
tificates for 81,000,000. The World
in printing the news aaid that the
certificates would bo worthies ; ) , ax no
body would buy them , nnd Mr. Gould
himself , nn director of the Metropoli
tan , and therefore acquainted with the
affairs of the Manhattan , made affi
davit that the latter company wns
"hopelessly and irretrievably insol
vent. " Largo blocks of Manhattan
stock were thrown by the frightened
shareholders upon the market and
were quickly snnppod up on the quiet
by Gould.
Thu limo had now come for
the cloning act and on the
21st of October Judge Wontbrook re
paired again to Gould's ollico and
read his decision denying the suit oi
thu Now York elovntod ugainst the
Manhattan to recover iln property.
Three days later ho telegraphed from
Kingston nn order terminating the
receivership. Now the Manhattan
stock began to recover , and when the
annual meeting was hold n fortnight
later , the Gould party sailed into the
direction of this "hopelessly and irre
trievably insolvent" cfmccrn , and the
stock stood at 55. The profit by this
disgraceful performance cannot have
boon lean than $2,000,000 , supposing
the advance in the 70,000 shares to
have been ! ! 5 per cent.
Thu exposure of this high handed
proceeding is creating confusion in the
Gould camp , and the criminals arc
vninly attempting to explain away the
proofs which have accumulated against
tliem. Public opinion is aroused on
the subject , and public journals are
holding up the coso as the strongest
possible argument for state regulation
and restrictions of thu corporations.
The Springfield Jtepublicau says in its
usual terse sty 10 :
"Wo are not called upon to waste
any sympathy with the victims in
these stock jobbing operations ,
although them are always likely to
be some who are innocent , but the
public are directly interested in the
amount which can bo extorted from
them in fares to pay dividends on
slocks and debts thus illegitimately
inflated and wrom-fully acquired , and
they are still more vitally interested
in the nmniior in which judges , pros-
ccuting ollicew and public journals
can bo used to further nefarious ends. "
emphatically -
phatically doclnroH that ho proposes to
Jiunt thu star route macula down and
CJoilwin's Washington or.iolo of ring-
Blow and thieve * has Middenly dis
covered that no man who wears a
frilled hliirt front can jiusauss either
integrity or braiim.
The Nebraska Ktnto Farmers' al
liance meets nt Ilnating on the 2fith
of the present month , in special ses
sion. It in the highest impoitanco
that the attendance should not only
bo largo but representative. Antimonopoly -
monopoly sentiment in Nebnwkn is
not only rnpidly growing , but it is
cryslah/ing withcqualrapidily. | Kvory
farmer who hns felt the iron hands of
the Nebraska monopolies should nt
once connect himself with the nearest
nllianco. Wherever possible now
bodies should bo organized in time to
obtain representation ft the Hustings
meeting. JndicAtions point to n Inrge
enthusiastic and practical gathering of
Nebraska producers who will discu&s
questions of the highest importance
to thu future welfare of the taxpaying -
paying citizens in thin stnte. A
number of the county alliances have
already voiced tlio sentiment of their
mumbors and tlio nUite in ringing
resolutions whoso tone will strike the
key note for the Hustings mooting ,
lint it is highly important tlmt there
should bu the fullest discussion of the
subjects which will ongugo the atten
tion of the atnto alliance and to thin
end every csuiity and precinct in thu
Btnte ought to bu represented at
Nubrnnka farmers are a rending nnd
thinking class. Thny have \ \ decided
opinion on the anti-monopoly ques
tion , and an opportunity is now nx-
tendcd them to make it known. The
Biuto farmers alliance has extended n
cordial invitation to all membcra of
alliances to attend the coming mealing
at Hastings and assist the delibera
tions and conclusions of the delegates
by their presence and suggestions. It
is to bo hoped that hundreds will
avail themselves of this invitation.
Lot there be such a gathering of
bone and sinaw of this agricultuial
state as has never boon known
before in its history. The time has
como whan the favor currying politi-
ticinns of Nebraska , who are endeav
oring to straddle the anti-monopoly
qucntion , Hhould be made to under
stand the real sentiment of thu Slate
on this all-important issuo. Thu
wind is blowing strongly , nnd if the
vuno is in good condition , the direc
tion cannot bu mistaken. TIIK BKK
appeals to the subordinate alliances
throughout thu state to make the
coining meeting of Nebraska farmers
n grand success. And this can bu
clone by an interest in the movement
which allows itself in large attendance
of ciirnost and united producers.
TIIK tomahawk of Tammany is again
swinging madly in the air and John
Kelly has the floor. At the close of
the last election Mr. Tilden and hit
friends in Now York wore rejoicingly
proclaiming that they had cariied
both branches of the legislature nnd
would control the organization. Of
course they expected to provide places
for their frionda of the Tildon fac
tion and gixvo Tammany hall the cold
shoulder. It now turns out that they
will bo unable to effect an organiza
tion against the republicans without
the aid of Tammany hall , and this
assistance is refused on any other
ground than a full surrender to Mr.
John Kelly. That able political chief
tain has donned his war paint , and
liia friends have pasuod a series of
resolutions pledging themselves not
to enter into a democratic caucus.
Mr. Kelly , who waa kicked out of the
aat democratic convention , now
lold.s four neon , and Mr. Tilden
must cither call his hand and pay the
atake.i or take the consequences , The
World advises the Tilden democrats
.o pay no attention to Tammany but
o lot matters take their course and ai
.his advice ia likely to pi o vail thu
prospects for a piolongnd dead lock in
the legislature are unusually good
while Mr. Kelly prancci around thu
ring and executes Home of his most
soul stirring war whoops.
TIIK. editor of thu Boston Journal
is virtuously indignant , and gives way
lo the feelings as follows : "Clara
Louisa Kellogg sang about 81)000
worth to the inmates of the Nebraska
penitentiary thu other day , and asked
nothing for it. A man who had
never stolen anything or made love to
another man's horse would have to
pay 82 to hear bur. About the only
man who gota loft nowadays , and haste
to pay a big price for all the fun he
lias is thu honest , respectable , hard
working citizen. " Wo have no doubt
that if the editor of the Huston Jour
mil had boon in Nebraska , ho would
have been placed in a position whore
ho could have heard Clara for
Mr. JiiHttco Hunt.
Sprlntfllclil ItqniMkan ,
Mr. Justice Hunt of thu I'nitod
States supreme court was appointed
on the llth of December , 18"y. Ho
wns stricken with paralysis on the -4th
of January , 1879 , and oinco that day
has taken no part in the decision of
cases ooining before thu court. The
attack wua so severe that his resump
tion of judicial duties was not ex
pected at the outset , ami is not ex
pected now. His term of actual
service upon thu bench was lean than
live years and one month. A statute
of the United States is as follows ;
"Whim any judge of any coutt of the
United States leaignshis ollico , after
having held hm commission as
such at least JO years , and Imvitit ;
attained the ngo of 70 years , ho shall
during thu residue of his natural life
rceoivo the came Halary which WUH by
law pnynblo to him nt the time of his
resignation. " The present salary of
nsBocialo justices of the supreme court' '
ia $10,000 n yenr , paynblo monthly.
Justice Hunt in already 70 years of
iigo , but in order to entitle himaolf to
resisjn and draw a salary of $10,000 a
yenr for the rest of his life , he must
hold on to his commission until
December 1 1 , 188IJ. This would make
almost five yearn of incapacity , with
the salary legally paynblo during
nil of thin time , Meanwhile the
court is overburdened with work and
unable to keep up with thu business
which comes before it , nnd congress is
under the necessity of coiifliderini ;
schemes far its relief. There is a
loud call for the immediate resigna
tion of Justice Hunt , Unless such
resignation is sent in soon , we sug
gest that congress consider the expe
diency of changing the law , by mak
ing ton ycnts of actual judicial service
necessary in order to entitle a judge
to a retiring pension. The law should
not hold out to n judge the expecta
tions of n pension nn n temptation to
continue in ollico for live yenra after
ho becomea incapacitated for service.
Ufxlicittr Hcinltl ,
The Railway Age expresses fear
that the railway corporations nrc to
bu annoyed and attacked by hostile
legislation in the state legislatures nial
in congress.
For railway men to charge the
American people with unreasonable
hostility to the railroads is not only
wildly nbfiurd but the basest ingrati
tude. The people , through their
legislatures and through congress ,
have displayed the most extraordinary
generosity towards the railroads over
since thu first one was built in this
country. It ia surely about time that
the people began to look after their
own interests. In doing so they are
not to be ranked as the enemies of the
railways. None batter understand
the value of these u'nmt highways of
travel nnd commerce than those
who have studied their opera
tions and comprehend also the dangers
threatened by leaving the corporations
managing them unbridled by suitable
checks and restrictions. People who
believe iu imposing such checks are
not to bo ranked as anti-railroad men.
They are no more in truth not so
much anti-railroad as the great rail
way kings whoao administration of
these vast interests has kindled the
feeling that promises to readjust by
suitable legislation the relations be
tween the people am1 the railroads.
A Timely Suggestion.
Utlc Herald ( Kc | > . )
Ex-Senator Dorsoy still remains in
thu position of secretary of the Jtu-
publican National Committee. If ho
should happen to bo indicted by the
Grand Jury this week it may occur to
the members of the committee that it
is worth their while to hold a meeting
for the purpose of electing a now
secretary. And oven if Dorsoy should
not be indicted , tlio need for n now
ma.u in Jim position will bo quite as
Hev. CharlcH Wealey Howes , a promi
nent Baptist clergymun , miiciiled at San
Francisco recently.
A fatal Rcourgo prevails in Tulure
county. The mortality for tlio punt two
months hog been awful. Typhoid pneu
monia , canted by malarious poison in the
BVHtein , or "double pneumonia , ' ' on it {
called , in the dreadful disease which thus
fur bullied the skill of all the physicianx ,
anil the work of death Htill oes on us
fatal in its results as yellow ( over in the
There are now about 1,000 Chinamen
anil about 200 white men employed on the
railroad between San Barnnnlino county.
The manufacture of ciHtoroil i * about
to bo HtnlillHtieU at Downey f'itv , the
castor bean being extensively cultivated
in that vicinity.
Twelve thousand tons of German Hteel
raiU were landed recently .it > San Diego
for the Southern Pacific.
The California Smithnrn has completed
37 _ niilefl of railroad and constructed r > 5
bridged ( largo and Hinal1 , ) the lar e t be
ing til ! feet high uml50 Ion ? . The heav
iest ( 'rnile ii llli feet , nnn the deepest cut
10 feet.
Thrcu men were shot and killed iu Butte
oti Christum * day.
The county of .Silver How give * * the SH- !
teiHof Chui ty $13.50 per week for each
county patient placed in their charge. tiLfi
A car-load of antimony ore W H recently
shipped from n mine nenr liovelock , which
nyernged sixty per cent antimony. It is
uuid to he the mo t extensive antimony
mine on the const.
Hen KliodeH came to Keno noina time ago
with $10,000 in coin. Ho went into IniHi-
ui'MH anile \ l 3:2,000 : ; invested in two
* pecuati < mH In Verdi , which cost him
83,000 each ; the grmshopperH damaged
him to tha extent of 91,00' ) , and the other
day IUH IIIIUHC burned to the gronn I , leur-
Ing him destitute.
The Ueno cattle- king distributed $ , ' .03
worth of prt isonn ! tu the poor of the
town on ChiintniKH otc.
The Ueno Gazette says -11.000,001) feet
of lumber has been cut on the Truckee
river during the Deason , of which thi
Trnckee lumber company cut 11,000,000
feet , and the Pacific company O.OO..OOO '
und to-day It U nearly Impossible to get a
carload of dry lumber.
The Wood Ulver papern estimate o\er
$1,000.000 worth of bullion and ore have
been shipped from the Wood HIvtr conn-
try during the past fceven luonthn.
There n > o fifty-eight boy * and forty-two
glrlt In llailfy.
The commissioners nf lleaverhead coun
ty , lm > e lowered the umesiiiiii'nt on the
nmil bed ( f the U. & N. In that county to
$2,3:0 per mile , and that on the mlHnr
stock to $ r > 00 per mile. The 78 mile * nf
road In tlmt county in aaieaaed at a total
of S'JH.OOO.
Untie in happy over the completion of
IU water \vorkn. A recent test of tha hy
drants demount ated their ability to force
water through n three-quarter Inch muszle
to a height nf IK ) feet.
The school fund of Silver How county
for this year ! * $10i08 ( tilt , and furnishes a
per capita of S'3.21 for all children of
school ago In the county. Butte bchool
dUtrict KL'ts the lion's thare of thu fund
$ U,781.M. {
Therouiofi'.i.f00 heep In Ueaverhead
The llutto railroad depot U located
about ono mile from the builuem center of
the tuwn ,
Coal ban liccn diteg\ercd In the Judith
The new quartern at KnrtMugmnUhavo
been cumple.ed and occupied.
Boino two tcoreor more nf fair hand *
wavoil a friendly welcome to the fir-it train
into JSutte , mid thu general enthusiasm
found vent in long nnd repented chcrrifig.
[ .Miner.
The t * . H. Mir\oynr nf Utah rcpirt 1KW
mining claims recorded during hut year
In 170 mining v/ai begun In Utah , < iiiie :
when the output has Ijeen .J-IG.tOO.OOO In
liver mil lend. Mineral hai 1 ccn found
In c\ery county Jn the territory. There
are eighty mining districts , embracing
85,000,000 ncrcn.
The ore production of Hingham , I Uh ,
Inxt year , was Mnaller than itt any time
Aince 1872
Th re Is n * trcn1c of mud , about a 'oot In
width , rutiiiing tbrouch thecont-r tif the
ore. lie iy in the Mayflower mine , and It
nMiayd ' . ' . ,200 In Hllver. This in a kind of
innn that a follow doesn't object wnllotving
In.Plnchc Ilccord.
The Colorado land olfiec re ) orN that
lu Ing the jtnr ] S , ! > tl7. IS acres of land
were pueinptei ( for c.nli. till' latter item
ainountnu to SUll.W. ) 7.J. 1'nder the
honicste\d law 17liG.20 ' acics were taken
Chrii-tinnH ev a 17-yeai-old daughter of
Mr * . Kay , nf liondvillo , doped wl-h n
mine HUperintendeut. Mm. Itny wns for
merly nwa htr-wonian , but lit came rich
by judicious real rstnte trancact'oox , and
IK now worth in the neighborhood of
SICO.D'O. She say Mr. Anderson H
a tcr her filthy lucre , nnd icfusen to be
The btislne'R nf the Denver ponloffic *
thi.i year leached Si.Vlli,001 ! f.i. ( Of this
$ lirilOK. ! ( ! was on jioiitollico account and
l..Ml'.O.'ii.Miy on money order * .
The trtihtces of Teller have practised n
patent for thu town Kite.
Thu HIIIIW IH about two feet deep on a
It is eotimatcd tint fully MX ) Michigan-
ders tire living in Denver.
The nrte-iati well at the steel uorkn in
1'uohlo is completed. The well haH been
junk to t ie depth of 1,000 feet. The water
ia good ,
( toMcn has n population of H.iiOO and ! <
one of Colorado' * ! most llnnri'-hing business
A little girl wns lulled nt her doorntop in
Denver last wtcn. by a runaway team.
Kino canncl coal lina been discovered 15
milcH from Denver.
The different cattle yards of Denver will
be consolidated and ono mammoth yard
Work on the new union depot at I'ueblo
will begin on the 20th.
The holiday edition of The C'heyenn *
Leader wax n mammoth affair , illustrated
with flue engravings of the prin ifl | bulld-
IngH of the 'IMagic City. ' | The ndvan-
tnges of the city nnd the bright prospects
of the territory are painted in the most al
luring colors , and many n nattier will find
a homo in Wyoni ng on the strength of it.
The most bewitching feature of tlio pic
ture" , one that almost paralyzc the cyoat
tlie first glance , is tne tasteful grouping of
the eattle liramlH on the inside paie. This
alone is "north the price of admission. "
The Laramie , North Paik & Western
railroad has transfencd its r ghts and privilege
ilege- the Ureeley , Salt Jjake & Pacific
The real bonded inilcbtciluos of Chey
enne is . 8,7ai.L'S. The rate of ta.\ati > n
for ' 81 ! will be nine Mills.
The U. I' , company are gathering the
ice crop.
The wool growetH of ths territory have
formed u-Mjci.iticm fur mutual
nn ; - protec
A man named Simmons , a yard man in
the employ of thu Union 1'acific railroad
nt Cheyenne , whilst in the act of coupling
cars was caught and dangerously , if not
fatuity , injured last week.
The U. P. c itnpany intend enlarging
their ahops at Kvauston , doubling their
present capacity.
( ieorgo Miller , the superintendent of
Stewart's cattle ranch on thu Sweetwater ,
seventy mileH north of Kuwlin ; , accident
ally idiot himself last week and died al
most instantly. In taking down from n
peg his pair of chappatejos , a brace of
pistols hanging over them had fallen at
his feet , nnd the hammer of one of them ,
not being on the safety notch , struck tha
board floor and was discharged , the ball
entering his stomach , ranging upwards.
Miller IB a man of some pinperty , and
leaves a wife , son and daughter in Council
Bluffu , where he is well known.
The stock growers' bank at Cheyenne
will open for business on the 10th.
The rails for tha North Park road are
now being turned out at the Laramie roll
ing mill as fast an possible , They will
weigh about fifty pounds to the yard , or
about ten pounds less than the rails un the
main line of the Union Pacific.
Jim Porter murderously assaulted n
braltcman named ( tray at Kvanston last
week , ( iray was frightfully gaslicd , but
not fatally.
Jack Haverly will play all his companies
at the Cheyenne opera house.
The U. P. coal department are shipping
on nn average one hundred und thirty cars
of ucal daily from theUock Springs mines.
Another rich strike has been made in
Friday gulch , 11. H.
. ( . Dnnilon naa lodged in jail at Deadwood -
wood last week charged with thu murder
of his wife at his much on Klk creek , on
ChristnuK day. The woman wns killed
with an ax and horribly mutilated.
C. 1C. Downer has concluded to give
Deadwood a brewery. His father , True-
man Downer , of Pouglikecp > ie , N. Y. , If
raid to be thu oldest brewer in the United
States , being still actively engaged in bus
iness at the ngd of 81 vears , and having
bee i in the brewery business continuously
tor over sixty yean.
Fifty-eight pupiltt are enrolled in the
liridgewatcr public school ,
A coal discovery In Itichlund county is
The legislature convened Monday. The
republicans have n majority of three in
the count II and fouiteeu in the house.
Th Xavajo Indians arc repotted on the
Artificial Btone and newer pipe works
have been started ut Las Vegas.
Xow Mexico ranks eighth In the union
ax n silver producer , eleventh gold , nine
teenth In sheep , twenty-second in cattle ,
thirty-sixth iu horses , twentieth in barley
and thirty-third in wheat.
Diptheria ia raging at Tees
Iron Creek is the name of a mining camp
on the west side of the Black range ,
The sum of S37.MX ) of the remaining
8"iO,000 to build n brunch road from Pre .
cutt to iho A. & P. U. It. IIUH been subscribed -
scribed been Hubecribed by the enteipris
ing cltlieim of that city.
Thirty-eight thousand dollars bni been
subscribed in Prescott for tha branch rail
A Governor Iu Ti cubic-
Natlor.ll Awxlatcil 1'rcs * .
Lin-LK HOIK , Ark. , January . ' ( .
No compromise has yet been effected
between CJov. Churchill and the in-
ventilating committee that discovered
the alleged discrepancy in his accounts
when treasurer. The governor insists
that he shall have access to all the
books of thu treasui'or'a ollicu in order
explain thu deficit. This the committee -
too have refused and ausert ho shall
bo restricted to such items as consti
tute the reported defalcation ,
Omaha , A PflT A PTT Collins
Cheyenne , * * JTV/JjjnLwJCV , Colorado
Fall and Winter
Cox -
Hats , Oaps , Trunks , Valises.
ox * rro
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all i
Brompton Hogpltn la the LARGEST INSTITUTION IN THE WOULD of which
the object is the treatment of LUNG AND CHEST DISEASES. Its Medical Staff ,
consists of tlie MOST EMINENT PHYSICIANS in London , to whom wo owe this = i-
the MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY OF THE AGE. Iu the British Metropolis
alona it has effected more than 1,000,000 CURES , and in the trying Winter of 1880 Is-
credited with having SAVED HUNDREDS OK LIVKS.
Send tor Sample Bottle , 35 cents.
Obtainable only ( in Bottles $1.00 and GOc each ) , from
A ,
3. W. Plercoanri20fe
Of tlie Very Latest
6th Street , Bet. Capitol avenue end Davenport. Furp mad
to Order and Eepaq iriuigr dooe lot
Lath , Shingles , Pickets , V
Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NEB
In Convenience ,
Lang & Fotick
Practical Sausage Manufacturer ,
Family orders attended to with despatch , and every
thing promised satisfactory. I invite a call at
No. 210 South Tenth Street.
309 South Tenth Street.
French Calf-Tongue Boots , Sewed , - - $9.00
French Calf Boots , Pegged , . - - - 6.00
American Calf Boots , 5.00
Pegged Alexis or Buckle Shoes , - - 3.50
A11 Orders Promptly Attended to and Pilled With Dispatch.
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A. L. SEANG , 205 Farnham St , Omaha.