THE OMAHA DAILY BE ! ; : TUESDAY , JANUARV 3 , 1882 KTK DAILY Tuesday Mornintr. Jnn 3. LOOAI. PRT3VITIEP. lktt rt < on wliM CKIH ! . IkmilHSr.UiS Farm. . . Donne. > 1liiMi > Hf.tlr.r Ifitxlerkk Iwllni ? Hntter. lkraUSEIT S Wild Lund * . Olovca nt Uio W ) c nt utore. IlemU BKLljB HOUKCH nnil WlnUsr cn | > cht-B | > kt Frederick' * . nomln SKLI.S Snum.Mii I'rotwtty. Remix .SKI.I. ll'fldcnriM Mid 1/ot * . I5 ralii 8KLLS City Mni * nt lOc cnoh A. P. Johnnt'iti , Ientlf > t , Incoli'slilock I'HlflT CUM Iti-pf nt HUNTS HouHtu , 1-poU , Ki 3tuft , Ac. Niw Ycnir Ctrd , jimt recchwl ui IlONNl'Il'S for HUP FuMiiturr nm 3to . i12Gtf Kiihn Ac Oo will Mill rt-inaMcr nl ytMAny C3 oodn nt co t. il2.Hf'ty of I'rencripti 'im nt O | . r JLouHo i. hnrinncy Sthrot.T& 1't-cht. oc''i'tl 8e FJ renco llurbeit ii "I. nit nnil "Won , " Monday in filing , Jun. .M , at pup- .mJar nricei. Illuftratcd supp.rm ntH of Tllf. liKl .ran In h < c1 nt tlin ro.inli.r of Tillni : ] ! rvffico for ten edit * . Trin HtiretH were AH ipilct Innt pvtnili ( ( OTMI a nicinticr nf tlin "Inw and order tominitt c ' ould with fur. The il imtrattd HilppleintJlit of Tim cm lie lirvl at tlie counter of TlU fur ten cintH cn li. 1 Lo Ktck iKlmid train frnin the rast n two liourn Into yenlcrduy All the r trninH were Hourly nn tiinu. Ml Kmtnn Hnuitui njcd ( V2 died A es itonlny nt her rccidenc , corner of lOtl ndl'uific directs. Funiral to-dny. The III-WH b y * truck their annun bominziinthu ilhiHtrateil Hiipplcnicnt ol T K IlJs "li'cli went iiif liio hot cakiH or ilio Hlrcelft nt - . " ct-um. The Ui ion I'ncilic coinpnny nm put iinff lialdwin locou iitivux on tlin K.vllni iTMion , The unRini > IH of the ncwttyli Mid in cnlled the liuldwio CoriHol dnted. The pol co furconre lmviii tlieir pic tureH taken nt the Hco Hive tihnt ( < gr.ti I pillerj- . The p'ctuieM will ho air.iiKCi with Judge Bcnolie'u in thu ucntur am "kauiili-oriio y framed. Ko er iil HwnU forFlnrumo Herbert , -ill the Acndcrnv of Mudc In "I/out nru Won , " on Monday eveiiint ; , nt popu'n jMiofH nt Kdlio'rn v KricliHon'x. U. member bor roHerved fccatH 50 cent * . The L'reUel hall iven by thu Ornahi Sitlurduy evtniiiK , wan ; in ntt ndatict nnd in fun Miia Chrlx io < Ir wtlio t ! t prize , n c mtor Mrs. ITftRcdorn drmv tlin Pecond pri/e , ( 'batter dish ; MIHH Mnry Lomi'h drew tin nTcrnn [ > kin rinj ; , nnd Mi s NalliL' Let WM the lucky no who Imd the winning pretool for the clock. Th inembem of th'i choir of St. 1'hil \ pnn'a i/'athed al , nnd a fuw friends vliken in all , were tendered n receptioi . nd upp r by Hevr. Vicir General lUor < faB , at the Crrlghtun Konge Sunday At lht o'clock the party Bat down to i tabla loaded with the frulti of u'ttnyclimn v.irlt-ty of HubHtantlaU nerved It it tempting nhapo. The Itov. Katho i oliarmlnR entertainer , free and open laaited , and hN choriiUjrH will duubtlen ioo0 cherish hU libera ity. SKK HKHK Yo &ro elck ; well , there IB junt one remu < tj that will cure you beyond potudbility o : doubt. If U'B Livfr or Kidney trouble Uoniumptlon , Dy iKiHin | , Debility ' WoH'u Heultb Kcti''wcr" H your hope . * L Drureliit Deiot , 0. F. ( ioodiimn Omaha. _ _ ( ! ) Mrs. Col. ClKiao. The frieiulB of Ex-Mayor Chnso'i Taniily will lie plnanud to know thu Mrn. Chare , who hue sulFored the pun juuuth from a iiiAligimut cnncur , un lierwvnt n nucecuKful opurntion yesterday day noon , in which it was ruinuvud "Tho phjBi'cmim in attundnnco wun Coifinun , Thoinpkonlurcur , ] \ , xii d Luiaunrinu' . PERSONAL It. M. Jennin e , of Lincoln , i t thu Occidental hotfl. A. J. Chute , Jr. , of thu IS. & M. 3led Cloud , in amoiij ; the nui'Ktu at the DC aidtntal. Dr. Amelia iHirrounhB , Withnul lIouBU , Tuesdays and Fridnyu , 10 n m. to 4 p , in. tf A Pleasant Attain Quito aiiloiuwntliUIoclmmpngnoBUi iff.r was given in Juliua Moyor's root jn Saturday uvoning last. It was got tnupin'lionor of Mr. Knufmann's re , Mut lunrriago. Anion thosu prut tttitwuro noticed Messrs. Henry an Sam liaswitz , floulSilvorHluin , Pun Ty , Martin Calm , Andruw Hosuwatu and Prof. Sauur. Durinir thu uviinin Prof. Siiiu-r and JnliuH Muyur addu io thu cnjo ) inont with Hoinu capiti initruinuntal puifiiriiianci'H , and a ! priBL-nt ] Hiit u very unjovatilo cvun wg. Thu juirty broku up at a vur loasoimblu hour. An Important Notlco. Omaha , Nob. , Duo. ii8 , 1881 J NOTJCK TO I.1QUOH DKAI.KUH. An ordiimncu providing for thu i uuncu of HCUIIBU uiuler tliu Slocuni Liquor Law , and making it thu dul of thu mayor to unforcu thu pr visions tlu'ruof , takea uiu.1 January 1 , 1882. That day bcii Sunday all BUOOIIB ! umat ruma cloBod , and on and uftor Monda January 2d , no pureon or ponsons w bo punnittod to full at rulail into : cAUnjj litjuor without n liconso. will bu thu duty of thu murahal ai police force of the city to arroat ai and all pumona who fail to com } trith thu law. , ! AMKH E. UOVD , d28-0t Jlayor of Omaha. 0. 0. Cook & Co. , Council Hlul Iowa , general u 'onts for Ji , D. Kim ! Golden Euglo Klour for Omaha , Nt Ordura eolicitod by tulvphonu or otln ' docl'J-lia * w'iso. - BONNER'3 the Cliuapoat place town. dcc20tl NEW YEAR'S RECEPTIONS A Beautiful Day to Observe the Plofumnt Cuatom of Cordial The City Dopartmonta Hnnd. fcomoly Received at Mayor Boyd'o. Open HOUBOH and Open IlourU Evcrywhoro. The official firat day of the ycai oputtud with a crisp , clear atmosphcri andu bright amilitiKBUn , wh ch noutnoc to chuurily wish thu world n happj Now Ynar. The public ofliccB won Kcnurally cloned and busitioBS mm pundud Moat of the alorcn kupt opor until thu afturnoon and then thu orri' liloyt'H were allowed the remainder ol thu day for recreation and pluasuru. Thu uxclmngo of mutual greetings ant ! well wiHhus for thu futuru woruuni' vorsal and everyone seamed to hi liappy in thu consciousness that younjj 1882 had como with nparkling oyw and dimpling cheeka and n uluur pigu of record upon which good resolution ? might bu inscribed. WUIMIIKAIITKI > UKCKITIONH. Many open doors are invitingly spread wide apart to wolcomu callers. Thu mayor , especially , did the handnornu , and his spaciouH c'diflcu on the corner of Niuutu nth and Chica go Rtreutn was thronged witli ri > itora nincu thu firnt hour of reccp' tion , eluven o'clock yeaterdav At that hour thu city olliciuln , police department niid flru dupartmunt re sponded to the npucial invitation of Mr. Hoyd , and calkd upon him in a body. The mansion was darkunod and the inturiorhrilliiintlyilluminated Around each glittering chanduhor were tiimmed bunchen of holly , with glowing burriea. The largn double , irlorn wuru vury handsomely draped ml trimmed. Uvur thuBpncioimfoId < ug doorAin , immortelleB , wia : a hand < omo floral inscription"Welcome , " The Mayor \va gracefully sup. iortud in receiving guestn bj IB two charming dauuhtoru , se1) M.irgarut and Nora lioyd , and ilrw. 0. O. Clarke , Mias Thompkim nd Mrs. 0. T. Taylor. The ladies 'uru all moat elegantly attired , thuii oautifiil coatumi'H being act oil'by tin andaomu illuminalion of thu rooms , When the police department anc re dupartnit'iit arrived , headud b ) udgu liuiiL'cko. they wore most cor ially welcomed by the mayor in a fuw ppropriato romitrka. Judiu Duuucku , ii buhnlf of both depart- uintH , liandHomuly res [ > ended , and /iahed Mr. Jioyd many happy ottirns of the Now Year. Thu guest" uro then ushered into the adjoining arlor wlioru a mngmticont table wax pruad , and invited to considur tliom- elves at homo. The duliaicios apread leforu them would delight the palate if thu moHt cpicureiiu of epicures , iftur partaking of thu bounteous re- .aat , tno Visitors wore invited to par- ako of a delightful bowl of "Now ears rofreahmont , " nud it ia needless o ay that the officials and boys all oilied heartily in drinking to the f ftlth of our worthy mayor. At ) the gueats were departing Mr. oyd presented the marshal and each member of the police force with n 'landsomo silk acarf. No present ould have been nioro acceptable tc ho officers who arc obliged to face the old of the nights. Euchof thosallen oft a handsomu card and departed , lulling thu mayor a most happy and irosperoua future. A Happy fceitoration > POHTLAND , Mich. , Aug. 24,1881. Il > II. WAIINKK & Co. : Wiin 1 mot heartily recommend your Safu Cidney.and Liver Cure , to all BUH'LT TH from urinary difficulties. I owt y prottent oxistunco to itn usu. j2-lw. J. 8. MATIIEWH. THE GERMAN THEATEK. Qroat SUCCOHH of'Alwlno Hoynold Ii Thoruuiv Kronou Lust Rvonlnff. Alwino Hoynold mudu hoi hird appearance at thu Gormai Irealru Sunday night am t wan unanimously agreed by al reaent that alto eclipHed all her forinoi ) orformancua in Omaha. Thu plaj eprostintud was untitled Thuruat [ ( ronua nnd from the nature o ! ho piocu it gavu lu > r excel ent opportunities for di plaiii ( lur guuuinu abilities aa a h'gitimuti ictrcss , Although ahu waa very drol n Boinu ot thu auts , ahu never atoopei D the M.ighteat lingo of vulgarity , Mr , llauck at Cartori acted in hii ulluctive atylu and Mr. Kuustoi 'n thu role of Buvru was imiuonsu. Mr .jindum.inn a * uaiinl uuHUinud tin tinny character of Kornthuuur n IUH telling way and hi , vaa rupuatedly greeted with buratu o aughtur fiom the audience. Alms Thioflson an lluloiao , a dan- uuse , acted in a fascinating aiu charming nninnrr. and Mrn. Gross uailo an uxcellent Krau llurost. Mr irossriiar , in thu character of Fuidi land Itaimund , wax a grand BUCCCHH nnd ho drovv a largo amoun > f apilaUHU | , Ho waa altogethu irreaiatibly funny. Mr. Molehill a Leopold , a painter , was uxcullenl and thu aame may bu said of thu rue of the attorn , who played thu mine : parts. Littlu Minna and Kntin liraiult purformu I their parts vur efficiently , and they \\uro vociferousl applaudud. At tho'concluaior. of thu play thei waa a ball , in which all present toe part.Steinliauaur's Steinliauaur's orchestra discourat uwuot inuaic during thu evening. A Oruut Suipriuo. Last Sunday night Uuv. K. . Fogulatrom , paator of thu Swudi Lutheran congrugution of this cit waa complutuly Hiirpiised in hia o\ church. Tliu congregation h thought of hii hard labor , his u spurt d diligence , his comparative imall salary for tliu last year , and t good people brought him a nice pros out in caah. Thin vras A great proof of the pcoplo'n good will to thoit beloved pastor , In hia rcaponsi ) tc the Rpccch addressed to him bj ono of thu parly , the paa < tor expressed hin nincero joy foi the gnat lovn and friendship the cnn < gp'gation entertained towards him , moitt un worthy as ho felt he WAS. He also expressed hia earnest conv'ctioii that thu great work , thu building of n now church , the necessity of which ie felt by every member of the congre gation , nhould , by the good will ol thu Lord , the energetic exertions on thu part of the congregation , thu kind and free-will asaiatancu of thu Amer ican brethren and people of thu city , bu successfully accomplished dutin the coming year. And if the Swedish people of Omaha shall remain , whal most of them are , a religiout and law-abiding puoplu , it ia absolutely - ly necessary that the Swedish Lutheran oran congregation bu enabled to cruel a sufficiently largo church , whore tin thousands of old Sweden's sons ant daughters can be gathered to hoar tin word of fled , and taught to fear hin nnd love their ncighbora. AH an im partial partaker in the evening's par ly , I had occanion to wittu-ss that love between congregation and pastor which is ao salutary in nil reapects , ai well as necessary for a vood HUCCUSH ol thuir mii'ual work. God blu a tin chur.h and hard working congregatiot and its pastor. SLOCUMB'S DAY. The High License Law Gee * Qui tly Into Effect About Fifty Suloona and Hotel Ban to Uomaln Opon. The police were busy ycilordaj delivering the licenses granted to tin fortunate applicants , and notifying them to take down their curtai.iB am acreena. The following are thu namui of thu liquor dcalern to whom liccnsoi were granted : uquoii UP.ALKK.S. Adnlina Jahn. Henry Oatholf Kitchen Bros. , Fred. Lange , A. 11 Glad-done , Herman Meyur , ' Henrj Kaufman , CharlcB llasmussun , Mru Amelia Thumb , Fred , Motz , Ed. Wit tig , B P. Madson Henry Hornborgor , Mnrktl & Swi-bf Mm. M A. lliuguiHhi8tuBKelHoy , F , R. Smith , M. A. Macnamara , . ) . G , Nugnnt & Co. . L. II Spencer , Charlei Pinsch , K. D.illow , 0. Ivilmbach , John O'Connoll , I'oler Smith , Schri nor & Erdmiin , Jacob Kaufman Thomas C'ollan , Felix Sinin , Jainci Falconer , John Svauina , F. J\Iaus. \ DKUOC118TS. Sclirootler it Becht , William J , Whitohoimc , Kennard Bros. & Co. , C. F. Goodman , Edwmd Deitrich John Dwyer , James Fora , the , J. A Iloedcr , Charles Kalmant and lah & McMahon. The authorities do not expect tha rnoro than four or five saloon kocpon will nttumpt to soil without the iitccs sary papers , and with these they ac not anticipate serious trouble. ' The condition ot affairs seems to b < as TUB BKK stated to have botn do tormlnod by the mayor , that thi board has granted a license to ever ] applicant , regardless of his record 01 standing , who haa been able to givi the bond and pay the money. Tin only exceptions to this rule are thoat of Traitachko , against whom the core nor'ajury in the Hammer homicidt protested , and that of Dick Currj against whom a remonstrance hoi beer Clod. In those cases ull of thosi making a protest or signing a rnrnon trance have boon cited to appear uiu ustily their charges. THE CLOBlNd MoVBUKNT. Ono man has boon placed on tin twelfth atruut buat who intends ti urry nut the law. That ono ia Olli ur Grady. I-lo made a detour of al f thu aaloona on hia buat and poatet "idin as to what they wore oxpcctct o do. When the clock showed live linutcfl to 12 last night Grady wai n the outlook and watched ovorj ght until it was turned down. Abou en minutes aftur 12 ho went arounc > Ed. Mauror's saloon on Furnhun nd rapped on the door Then1 wa ! o reapoiuu and everything wa : iglitly closed to prevent anyone look n % in. Grady climbed onsomu kegs atiatied himself thuru was a crowt hero , and then sought the aseistanci > f Officer McCuno. When thu tw < tlicera returned and domandud ad iiittanco the place was opened MK ho crowd filed out. Some of Maurer'i rionds intorpoiud objections , bu Grady shut them up in short order. Kidney Complaint Cared- D. Turner , Uochenter , N. Y , , wrlte > ' 1 lm\o brou for over a year Hubiect t iwrlouH dimrder of the kld'ieyn , and ofte u bio to attend to IniHinceu ; 1 procure' ' 'our lluiiDOCI ) HLOOD HlTTKllH and w m w ivvd before a half a bottle was used. . ' jitend to continue , as I fuel confident tha , hny will entirely cum n c. " 1'iico $1 rial BZO | 10 c ntn , --lw CHALK CLUB RECEPTION. 'liolr Prlonda Handsomely Treated- Inutnllation of the President. The Chalk club wuro all on deck n 11 early hour yesterday , ready t ucvivu and treat their Now Year' ' : alleiH. Aa u.kuh friend of thu clu irrived ho waa taken iiiiutly | into th roar of thu club rooms and hi ly , lee Tuhon , who acted tli ; > art of host extraordinary , < fall to and avail himself of thu lavia hospitality Hiiruad buforo him. TI menu of thu banquet was as follows ; Waba li ailvt'itUlnu cnrdti , fricasaecil. pictorial Illuatiatlui of tl Vaii'lulut ' line hcenery. MUiHHirl nima puru , fdtvied , a laOrnal water wnrku. Boiled Htat ue (4UO ( > am old. dug up JlaiiKciiiii ! purl ( ) a ruru diHli and ve deliv. > te. Yesterday ocoured the annu installation of officers , Hon. Win. j Paxton being inducted with duo coi mony into thu presidential chai Hon. Hanlon , thu rutirii pu'sidunt , was pieaunted with costly and beautiful pair of wood shuea as a mark of thu high catuom which ho ia held by thu club , and t impartial manner in which ho linn pi aidiul over its nieutinga the past yei THE TROUBADOURS. I hey Delight Two Pull Grown Audiences ni Eoyd'a Opera House. Sparkling Rendition of the Brook In the Evening , With Patch-Work nt the Mntlnoo , The gay and jolly Troubadours made Now Yoar'a day at the opera hwuse moat pleasant and enjoyable Tim troupe of real artists , with their spark ling songs and endlesi fun , drservo the best that any city can afford thorn and Omaha surely iravu them the best nho had , Botli the matineu and evening performance were greeted with crowded houses. In thu after- eon "Patchwoik , " the irresistibly roll comedy in which ' Hamlet on a tring" was introducoil , highly pleased 10 largo audicnco. By 0 o'clock in the evening not a eat was loft in the parquet , circle r dress circle and whin the curtain ese only crowded standing room ro- nainod. Todoicribu"ihobrook" would o to paint the ilowuri of a meadow nuqiiot. It is jirst what it is cilled , 'Tho Brook , " and contains all the fo , sparkle and frcihncBB ot the rip- ling , dashing or babbling stro.unthat owa out of a mountain doll. The Imractora in "Thu Brook , " ( which \f ompoaed nf two parln , a reception nd a picnic. ) were Col Montroao , by Ir. N. Salabury ; Percy Montroac , by Tr. John Webster ; Fcstus Heavy- ides , by Mr. John Gourlayj Ilm-o ) implecht'ok , by the inimitablu Mies olly Mclliinry ; and B audio Sylves- or. by MISA R S imuulp. E.tch and all of thcso woll-known rtistoa carried their parts out in thu most excellent style , and constantly ntriduccd novelties and ludicrous itnations , which were of the most omical nature. Mr. S.ilsbiiry hin nincini ; , nnd decidedly in bis liecialty parts , completely captured tu audioncu. Mias Mcllunry ia not nly "immense , " but she is unap- roachablc in many things , nnd as n iqnant , vnrsatilo artistn of the va- iety stamp , probably his no superior n the stage. Shu caught 10 audiuncM from thu atari , and hold turn captive by her charms until the liuo. Of Misi ! Samuula it is po sihlu lao to s ] > eak only in ) r.ii u. Shu haa fair soprano , with power and onaidurablo action , and she received ovural wicorcs. Messrs. Webster nd Gourlay were at "thu top of the uap" most of the time in the oa mation of thu audiunce , and both tlieir acting mndobig liit. . All in all , the Troubadours are a roupo of thu first water talent , with ipabtlities to please any audience , owuvcr fastidious , atid with a cer ain rollicking freedom and mini , ' reid nn the stngo which m.ikea their omediea seem like acts of life. Tiiny an come again to Omaha , and that ory BOOH. T E VLOllKNCE HRKBERT roupe , at the Academy of Muaio had oo big opposition to meet in the "Voubadours to draw very largely last voning , but they gave a good per- nrmanco , novortheluss , and indicate n order of talent which desorvee andaome re-cognition , ADA nhAV. The great emotional actress known OH Ada Gray will appear at Boyd's pcra house next Thursday for the rst Dorformanco and will give in the blowing performances many power- ul dramas , including "East Lynne , " n which Miss Gray is reported by ramatin critivB to bo the perfection f grace and emotional acting. She ia upporred by a most talented company nd will doubtless gut a full house. WORTHY OF PRAISE. As a rule wo do not recommoirl atont medicines , but when wo know f one that really is a public boru-f.iC' or , and dooa positively ctiru , thun ut onaidur it our duty tu impart that in- > rination to all. Electric bittori an ruly a moat valuablu mudicinu , anti ill surely curu Biliousness , Fuvui nd Aguu , Stomach , Liver and Kuliiuj omplainta , even where all other rein , dies fail. Wo know whereof wt peak , and can freely recommend k 11. [ Ex. Sold at 50 cents a bottle , lah & McMahon. (7) ( ) MURRAY'S MIND. 'ho Governor of Utah Spoaka About Mormon Troublon. ( On board one of thu Pullman can .ttaihod to the Union P.icitic trail rriviug from thu west yesterday , wai Governor Murray , of Utah , who is 01 is way to Washington. A report ei muted him up and succeeded in gain ng a very pleasant interview with Im axcollency in regard to Mormon am Gentile affairs in general in Utah am ho present contest between Goo. 0 ) annon and Campbell for the scat it ongrea in particular. Tn answer to i [ uestion as to what ho thought tin lutcomo of the contest would bo , hi replied : " 1 cannot toll you. It is probabl hat you have all the information 01 ho information on thu subject wlucl [ poasi'sa. If you aak me what hink ought to bo done , 1 can easil .oil you , I am curtain of ono tiling and that is , that ia no doubt 11 o thu fact that Cannon is an alien Under the law no man can hold a office in thu national government in less ho is a citizen. 1 fully invest ! iatod ; [ Cannon a claim to citirenehii and know that ho has no foundatio for it. I could , with as much consii tetioy , have issued a cor'titicato to tli ej\r of Russia as to Cannon. " In reply to a question as to win the result would bo if thu wholn mater tor should bo rufurred back to tli people of Utah , and neither Caniui nor Campbell toatod , the govonu said ; "It is not probable that , in tin event , Cannon would bo a Candida ! again. Thuro aio plenty of sain who think themselves aa titled for tl place as Cannon , and they will til advantage of this difficulty by wor in their own intercuts. This mi make a row in the camp. The prc pcctivo legislation this winter may bo quite valuable and to thu point. " In relation to his busincas cant. Governor Murray stated that ho hail been cited to appear in Washington to appear before a cotnmi'.teo and maku a statement M to what legisla tion is needed for the territory. Ho intimated that ho would tell aomo pe culiar truths. _ _ LIST OF LETTER n l'o t Olfice during the week ending December 31 , 1881. OI.NTI.EM EN. Allen J W Humes .T O I5urn J Hunton J W Brady ' Brown H G BerKHnp H A ftbcock T H Marlon H Bales A B cck > tiii A B s.T Bftheny 0 Brown T II Benjamin F .T Bush J S B.-v longer M Ber hm ' C CaUi.n V/ ClawjgW Conner S It Crouch M Gaiter MO Clark F A Calven F M Conlcv A Ci mlv ( ! Coolev K Claunon 1' D > -e W J llonl y A I , I ) IB It UaL'tntiait F Dewaes Ii W HlllH R Kmery R S Kekels G Kiick on B Kretn h J Fenleri S Kt-tterly J ( Jartvtaon T .1 IS ! bert D O Hough .V lilffoidDA GimttHG liutto nrutl 0 II HanspiiV Hooper T llnrnett M K HyhUrndMT Hy e G W llarxeyr Ilofinnnt < r II Hricr F llayt-H < ' Howard H R llitc en .T llayefl J B Harding L Hur.ihl .1 3 H-nnln m HJ H Hariner K lllldreth F B H urin nI W .lohrm nI lohn-on .7 'I' .lu-tm W JerniiiH H R .Tuinan II liiily 1) S Kanuon FA Kitchen W Kelly R Kelly J Keller Killpntiick I ) LKCM C Li'V 8 l.o B J I/rtpy .1 M Giii.eT MuKmzy W MoUon.iId A C icLaiiL'hliii F D Mol'o ' .aid U N McDeriniitt J I' McGuir P Manche-ter W Mullt-r M Mont.'otii-rv U M bier II AlnnirieM II I. 2 Moibewi J 15 Nielsnu C Norr s K F Nic oN M .1 Olson N C OI5iien.lA-2 Poynter R 1' 0 Park- K PoltrithH Potter ( } W R ckev W Itenp R IMIey.TF R.iliiiM.n . C C KedMi IJ Kimldaw K Reynold' II R J S wycr It U Str n K R Smitli S P Sluvin P F Hlierinan W Sniit A Seymour Ii Lunum II K Sha-.TW S rethmati ( J J Shaw B S | > . K Sheruo I K R Jpringer F F Sackett C ! Simdber- S Minson U A Tuy U M Tuillor ! i oilman B T\8 n K Thulium L U Wai-em W II 2 W.i bcl C C Webb P NV'ar.l iv .1 WolburvW Whiti.rCJ . ( Wud Kcbleger F J Ymn.h J Young F Anderson Mnrv ] J AnilerM.n .Ntr * O Biawson Mri OV llradlsy Mi nFII Ii urelt MiHt i' Jt.i.-rett Mm E I.Ill ! , MlrHl ' . 'ollal.a- . Mrs C Crawfur.l Mi Ij C 'ojier ' Miss M lnnnvaii Mina M Uick Mim G Daley Mrn M DAMS Aiuudi.i ' l'1-llllll H , MlH A /hell'MrVc KrHiikliim Mixs C ( r Flynn IJ'ZZIM G ckert Mrs K Ho kiiig Minn M Hend'Tnon Mi-B A Hunter Min H Han-en Mrn A S Hepner Mrs K II Kn MM O HendeifonMisB A Huuiiiiii dMrsKAC Iromnn Mists G Jon a Mrs M E Jackaim MI'BS L Ktidele F P Ix > rin.-r Mm 0 A Lyle Mis L-2 L'iwo Mrs M A Lenotd A iin W McClura Mini. A McCarty Fina Murphy Mr * K Mtoro MM A V MattMOii Miss IS N.-retroiu MinsL Morris Mw M Nienrne > er Mrs AJ Palmer MnII R Pickard Air * A Ki hurdu ru Al E Kamfnlph Mrn E S T' enuy MIHS M Smith Miss L Smith Mi E Schiimn- Mi.i < T Sanders Mw W C 8-h eniiner .Mrs L - kanlin Mrs M S-ott Min J Stewart Mias N D : iMmM Thomas MIRM G M8SST | Veela Mini M ' Winkliain MisB L WniferVli'rA We.bMun.U ) THOMAS F. HAI.L. PoBtmaster. II. C. Decker & Co.'a Failure. IK BI.K uf S.vtnrd.iy cuntuincd : upurt of the fuiluru of the well , nown whoU'salu and retail iToccr ou90 of II. 0. Djckor & Co. ai ir.ind Idlikiid. Fiirthur i.ifi.nimtu.i d to thu ull'tict the h.iblhtius i-x ued the rtssulH by about S20,00i > , 'lio principal crenitors nro J. P , Corimluui , cn-jhior of the Islami [ uikiiif , ' company ; D. M. Sttilo ( i. , nt St. Junupli ; uiul Stut-lu , John unit Co. , of tliis city. Thu CMUM f the Biispension wits n huuvy nn n the firm inducfd by Dooker'i VLTiiiMuiMt : hia uccuiint at thu baul bout 83,000 , and the aubscquoni rotoat of checks. . DIED. lOULI ) Paxton Goulil , infant son o Win. II. ami Joilo ( lou d , died J ; Lit , lifter a brief illneiu of only foil ila\a. Fun r. l to. urr ow ( Januarjldfron , ) ho renidenco on Fifteenth t-troi-t , let-tee. tenter nnd Dorcas gtiet-t" , at 10 'olocl , . in. All friends invited. CKM-iKY Cat'ierino ' Kelley , wife of Mr Kelley , died Juuitiiryl \ , at 2:2 : u in. , aye I10 I yearn. Funer d t'-morrow ( January 3d ) , a 0:30 a. in. , from thelrreni >,8 6 Soul IL-hteenth ntrcet , I elween I eave wort mil MatoiiH'reo'H Frion ware invited. eiDe Meyer : CATARRH CURE. The a tldotal theory , now admitted to t Iho oid ) tru-itiuunt which will t-nullc-tttu Cftta rhal Polton. Tulor , HO No'ilii street , llruol I ) u , J Y 'Ono p-H-kauo tllected radlc Rc\.OfO A. Ui-Is , Colilmkl'l , Scliolmrle. Cc S. Y. : 'It ribtond mo to 111) ministerial 1 Rev. W. II , Similar , Frederick , Rid : "F I rrtulti In six raxe.s in my lainllj. " lc > ( ii-o E. I'ratt , St. b > iiln' Rector I'hla : "Quito womlirful ; let no dlitrlbu jour 'Trial ! e , " t II-M H. Btaiihopo Ncwjwrt , 11. I ' ! lee dial Jo hear thocliu'ch bills rUg ; hcarli lliorgV l.amlul.'lr , 7J lild II s'net , Ilili menMd. . . "bufftrid 0 ycnrii peifuct * " .Mni. M. E. Shi'imi-y , 3'i23 Sa'ah utrwt , F l.oul : "Tlie first natur.ilbicitli In 0 yen Sirs. J.V I'uiccll , tloKU-n Cli > Col : 'Un nlv no package ; tiitlnl ) und , siiOirnl : * " ? " F. N Cluk , D < " tint. 8 llontgoii.sry trei ttin Kranvlico ; "Suairwl la ) wtr ; | i rli.rt ciirud , " etc. Dr. Wei Oe Meyer' * Popular "TREATIS ! on h aUixl ( no. Thu gr. . at Cure U U llvered bj DruirglnU. or by D 0. Dewey & Oi U2 Fu tuu Ktrn-t , New York [ or I 00 , No Moro ll-ptrd Tlmr . If you will nop ( ftuituiiiif. ; BO inucli tin Uno olotliimi ricii fooi ! nnd ntylu , l > tiy | { i > ' < l | Itonllliy food , Hlicnpor utul In t tor MitlMiiKi K"1' " ' it"1 roixl nnil uli trtuH. l liiliiK" of llfo iwory uy , nnil rxiu.oii.ill ) lni | Oiu of ou. | li.t IIIH > v ( > pnnUi' , ijtmok ilno- torn or imi..t { | no mtu'li of the vllo limn \n\g \ nun.loliio Dml tliUMi youi. . ) hivriii , lint put yonr luml In'tlmt nini pi- , pnrn romi.ily , Uoi Ulliom , ( lint Clllfn t\l ji it ) n .lilldini'nM , mill you will ci < mvul ihuoK nnil tmvn good licultli.Utiroiiiolo. . .IniilS I'J SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICK Ailvrrlim-inent To Ixwn , KnrNklo txxit , Found , Wnnu. llo niin , Au , | | | ) , . , „ MrtoJ In thfo column ) once for TKN OKJ(1 ( > p r line ; c ch nitiiHxiuent ln rtlon , FIVKcilXTT | > cr line. The flnl Irmertlon never lom ihn TWKNTS'-KIVK TO LOAN-MONEY. O.NEY TO lOAN-0 llat LawOIHceof D M boniiw Uootii8Crclihton _ _ HtocV. C ; "A Art A To loan at from 8 to 10 percent n5 Jl 1,1 MM Ion tf ( > d r l antatiweurlty. hv Dlt mACKhWAHO * llOOr'ixrnhamHt. pet torcut In sums of W,600 and upuanls , for 3 to fi > iiu . oti flrst-cln j city and 'arm property. BKMIK URAL KHTATI ttnd LOAN AOFVCT , ISth and Doelf" "t HELP WANTED. -llv a jou loan tltnatlon Inn L'nc-r-or drt goitn store. Beat refer- If2l Dodic St. ' inro Knqulruat 817-3' - irood acunU. Applv IMS Farn- WANTKD-4 room l . 819 T WANTKD A girl for ge.n.ral lioutcwork , 1812 Cumlng St. 660 3 \1' AVTKD-aoTl drl at the Wcst rn House. ' ' on 19 Ii and 1'ierce Ht. Good nasc paid t a good „ rl. 63B-2- WANTED- good "tout boy to Ul > o care of h rcc aiid norli In "tore. Apply S. K. corner IStli ami i olgo. 8J1-M PASTED \ laundrc. . ' . ! , at Occidental Hotel W .mm dla ily E3l-tf \ \ ANTKl ) Hya nnrrlcd ii an a situation to * \\orkInaMoruintoHnorcut.try Good reference .1 Address , It. A. Talc , DuS 7lh ht. , Omihi. 8S.-2' W NTRII ir-rd Mcady hey to drlvo n h-rso and do ihircs. Hobt. 1 urvln , 14th and Do BO. 824-31 ANTED 60 men nt H. , em W ployment ottlce , llth St. , near Fnrnham 814-28-H WANTKD Two good girls for housework , one mii > t' e goo I coo' ' . Call t 416 N. 20t i St. , bee. Ctuu and Chicago. B20-31' WASTED Olrl for general home work. An cxperlcn ed one noue other need apply. Vtbatcr. b2 31 * ANTED Good girl for general housework. Inquire 20 ; 0 Si Marjs nvi.iuc bol-tl W ANTED hu.idii.bridi.f ; nd school bond * . II. T. Clark. Itrllevue. 26-tf WANTED I. Glllniky k Co. hive purchased the junk .nn.esio. ! H. I ) rtholil , at 10 0 ' ougha utr < ct , w cro thtv will lon'lnuo thi tusln 1-1 and lit fair dtnling and | u\ii > g good pr'C- ' thev pr | x-u to Icr asc I'm trvie They Holleitparties whohv\o old iron , rae'e , Jimk and iiutiil- Ki\i ) the n cat' . 703I1HO WANTED A situation m biok-kcepi-r by oiui who th riUpfhly undiretn Ai double ami tingle ent y i-ialo a > od penman i eet rt-ferfnc < .8 gl\eu. , C. E. , II o i Iflce. 760 tt - 4 chlldnnna b ardent In an elect WANTED- school , at 10th and California St. L. n. LO ( IMIS 7fi7.f w ANTEOlrl to do houiowork. Enquire 1110 - St 442-tf FOR RENT-HOUSES ANO LAND. KENT CIIKAI' li utory house ; cellar , FOR and cistern , mi N. 19th St. B16-8' KKNT- One un urnlshed room , 8. W , corner 16th end Howard. 811-tf KENT Hoora with board In new bouse , FOR t lido 171 a St. , 3 doors north of Douglas , 849-S * ' | 7IO KKNT Small hou e on Jack on St. In- 1 ; quire at the Oarfiold Iliuse , 14th and Jack son fit 846 3 * R NT Neat cottage of nix rooms on Pica * TO a"t ft eet , i.oar t. llary'a avenue Hydrant nd cistern water In kitchen. Apply to F. D , .Bryant , M7 13th bt. , bot. Karnhain and IIrney , 6425 7011 IlKNrflBoodn..w hnuao" , $15 to $5 ( per month. McCJBiio. Opp. I' O. 832 S 171OR hENT-OnPiiico ( urulbl.ed front ro-m ; No. 1 2 * D URlai t. 610 if . ItbNT UrBt and aui.o d tlor-i ol new I.lUlt . . h'U80 for ro t. luqulrt 1416i'hlcag ( t. , bit.-14th and Ifth Si" . 820-4 IfNT A nl ely furnl'hcd ficnt room FOR Howard . t. , mar the Wlthn. 11. 8i 4' I71OH RKNT Onerf the bestctonntn ' unilnc JL1 St. , 20xil , by Jnut ary 1 , 1B.2. f20 tf 10H KKNT Ono ntcu lurnUheJ frunt room 1 No. 17il D.imjl.i.1 . SlU-tr 1011 HKSTKiirnlhd roomn at northucs 1 tornur 18th and - his. 818-2 . n F NT'I he loruc tt.rec-story and haFo L.1OR bric-t btiUding , il'uitu ' near the cor H ir the com r of I3tha..d Docile Sts . niltabli 'or a wholmale buslno-x or Horace nnd coinrn s linn wnruliounepply to Mrs. LOUI-A I1IL : .IKE , .S. E. i orner I edge and 13th Std. 810-1 RENT Henna of 8 ronma cellar , cl-tcri FOIl t arn , bhlnn'H 2nd addition. Applt t < . S. llobb , 612 K. 13th St. 7b8-3l S I.IT.j iabmi.tbe.sing uiaihlne , almos FOR ali.ger with all the latest Improve incuts w H sell cheap. Inquire at 131H F < rnhan > t. . bet. 13th and 14th. 777-tf l. ell Hi-NT One nlcily fur Ikhod front riom 12 ono unfurnished room ; cast bide 17th St. onu door north of Douglas. 774 tf . U BNT IIOU8C , 4 room. " , south end lOtl L.lOit 1 . Enquire J L. McCaiiue , oppOBlte I B illlce. 770 tf 710K I-NT Nicily furninho. ! looms with o 1 l hout board. Kea.ioi.ablo price * SOI Cass St. - OR RhNT-flrlek itore , Jacobi' Mock , co and Capitol a\cnuc. J. 0. JACOBS. 71ml 1/OR RENT-Cottaje of 3 roonm , well an 1' clkltrn ; aril and St Mary' * a\iiiuo. ! hi qulrr o ! M.V Kennedy , 3US 13th St 740 i , ) UI..ST Hin.Uhetl rooun A. A Oil ; 1,11)11 California , 1'i-t. 14ih and llth. , HI.NT-A " "H or tinKle roou s. nlccl FOU , at N. W. cor. 2Uh am' IMci 'm " liort , \ 1R \ KENT A Orst chsii hall forso.kty pu I' posiB. Centrally located. For partlcula en n\re \ Kenrnrd llros. , 14th nnd Douglas bti. , ( - . Furiilttiitl roomii , north sid < > ' California St. , ol 21st. lniuli | alter 1 p. m. < 3-tl KKNT Si houeof 7 rooms , 10th ai FOR . . . Knuulrc E V. Smith. B34- 710U RKNT-2 fiirmshud room-i o\or Ml 4 -'Junto' Kxrh/nUpp-c-.N. / K cor. If'b and Dod > -O.I UALb. OR SALK Furituro of a U-room house , ai L ' lioi' o for ro t Address , C. II. , Bi-o ollk i.43-2' l lUlt HALK Full lotnnd 3 mmll houi.e.1 lie 1 } I' I' . ile | > ot , WJOO. JUCajjue , Opp. I1. . b33 tl PALK A'good pajlng Imiliusi , oier 01 ' hundred inruMit. i > relit ; bu Imiis alnu < ettabhiiheil. will btar full iiivratUation , oum has otliir buslnc'in , nly nut > oii for ulllni ; . A drum A. > ! . , thin otllco. bll If ( ( ) SALE One lot bier kcgf , barrtU , tut < \it , Jiuiuhe r , lariku , Ic , uUi one boll and inline forte pu < i > | i thafllng g pipAt at o d iii-jucr , \ llimi brewirj premUux , corn Uth and I'-itittc. LUSISUEK ilKrciLi' Co SOS ! BAl.t. t nU-ucouutir itiid2.ilher plat- ' th > vfaxK , at ( lio. II , Pcteinou's , l > 0 > Sou. 10th Ht. 741-tf SPEOIAL KOTIOES-GoiitiPneti 7WR HALE Halfi-Thi ) Ic0 ! pit l n. I 1 ltc < lm n'i liable * , let * . Bt 85 ! 10 IJ10K "Al.r. . Propon li ! for the purchaiw of the 1 frame bul-dln Trln- - ? heretofore cxxuplwl as - ll Cn'li lr l , will be rcccivr-d by the undfrf ! n- nl lui twint d y d U. The pnrcharor muni " to remove the building wtlhln thirty ilv.- * from nwcptanpo of bed , carpoU m ata and other fiirnlturMtftlnMl nlvu , wltnl iws In chancel \nd Inmn mipMrl | < i unJ r the building miMt not n IncliKlid Tim right to rel ct ! rrotrr. I if. W. YATrfl , 7S7 17 At PlMt Naton l n\nk. 1.1011 HAI.B Or will rich. ji for OrnAhik pro. 1 | > Mj , an hnprovNl mxtioii of land adjoln- liitf a illation on 1) ) , I' . It. K. 41. DUNHAM , MIS Fain lutnji t. Omaha. 7.50 Srn lj OUHAI.I---'r ( trade for city pror-crty. oiT 'X' ' ' ' ' " * M Y. , IhUnlUciJ 722 t'f" l. Oll HAI.B A KOO < I . o cn.y ar ) ld bom L1 WurmnM to drive ilngtn or double. En quire of ( Ir-orge Cantlrld , ( Tanflold houAo.norlStf norlS-tf HICK KOH IB V1U tl KHTAIIUOOK * txK. HAI.K iUioi ol DoUKlaxMitl Surjiy ema il r. A. IIOMKWATKH , IMOFirnhmn rtreot . SiO-tt MIBOELLANEOU& PAKKN UI1n > tlio lOth < l y cf Icwml r , J ( our Nierp. Owni'r can Ii ve tlin s mo nj > u-wnnl will bu i ! il for Bmllli A Wiri-on tf > olu-r , lost fin Inut S - , Itloitnt tliln olHw. H61.J * PAUTVKHS WANTKToa ! rt H to litttln ) atuhts In KtiruiKi uid , i . orancwtvlcphuno I'Mont mlowcil In U. 8 ddn-cHfor Interview , U.S. , thl olHco 8183' QTKAYKU-Onlhi ! night of Sunday , j l < t , from my premises , corner lOtlinnd aikKon Rt "nt Horrel hoi > e. a/eil 5 > oam pass- d.abiut UJ Imnilj niRh , white blazuonfoioh ivd ilx > ut 6 Irichet lonif , w Ito on upper and lower Ip , onu wnltc hin i nnklo , hc&vy tall , eajrlos lil leail high , Kccovcry or lion-o or information admit tlm'iti will Do suitably re aidoj. I . E. ilcr , 1112 IlarnovBt. 862-tr OiT A large sliepurd dog , black and yellow J legg. Fin cr pltauo kivvu nt A. J. Bltnpson. 837-3 * 7UIINISHKU UOOMH lth or wlthnnl board , 1 1352 Hth S . , near Dodg- . 844-2 * AND 1,0001 Nflat thetiailleld ousa BOAltU 14th and Jackson ! blS 2 * 1710UNI - A b NOTICES.'X' L soicral arteloi for children. Owner ran hue name by proving prxinrty and paying for thlnnotlio. Inquire at oltico. t04-7 riTUNIBHED HOOMS for elncle gentlemen ; also one front room \\ith piano , Kmthnoat corner 1-Uh nnd Capital nvinue. ttW-t ( 10 LET Nicely fi.rnUhod roomi , with o T : without board , 1417 Howard ht 781-23 E.MIS1 NBW CITY MAI'b. 10c. MounT..r B Maps , g0. OhO. I' . I1W1IS. f I.ACIISTHAS8EK Pa > 8 the highest owh O. pi ice for second hand b Ward and pool tables. Call or addrcNW , f-O. ) South 10th > troet , maha , Neb. d9 1m' HAKEN I'PNOTICE Taken upon H'turday L Dee. 3r3 , two bay horses , ages about G and I j cars ; fair Kizenml well n atched. Owner can iavo same by pro-iii ) ; uroperty and I v1n.r han..eB.VJI KAWIT7.ER , } mlle woatol ualey'n soap ff > ct ry , I ) Utloh pudmt. 661 vc m it I HE SIOUX rrryn TTON MAVUFACTUE- [ INO CO. . Will paj nth for bornby therar- oad.delh ered at am railroad di-pot In S oiu City , exas "tccr horn preferred Foi cartlculari ) ad- res , D. U. i < oblo , Bupt. 613-jl IN < nAYON-Pastilu wid Ol' ' , PORTHA1TS painting. J1KS. D. K. VAIlDNEIt , room 1 , Jacob's Block. t.-42-tf BK lat | i ge. HAY At A. H. Sander'a Keod Storel BALEO Harney St. 819-M IEM1S' HEAT. , ESTATE KXCHA.NOK 8 B In pure. haa rattling long UiU of bousen , lot * BEUIS aijd farm. ) for sale Call anit gtl lem' COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICK. Special advertlMmenU , inch u x > 8t , Found , To Loan , For Sole , To Rent. , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will b Innerted In thi * column at the low raUot TKN CENTS PER LINE for the Brat Insertion and FIVE CENT8 'EK LINE for each eubscqucnt Insertion. /ea\o adv ertlacmcnlH at our office , up-ftnlrs , . rner Jlroadwa ; and Main streets , Council liludn. liludn.WANTED To buy 100 tons broom com WANTED addroN. Council liliifl' Groom Factory , Council Blua > , Iowa. OM-mi " \TTANTED-A flret-cla ! . , . broom tier. Mayn W k Co. , Council niulls , Iowa. 500 SO * SALE -Old pnporH 40c per hundred , al FOR lieu nllico. Council BluH" . si 27 tf ICK-1IAKEII8 FOKSAIE-6 acres or more of land adjo'nlig the bri k-\ard of & Hal o ' on I'pror Brcailwoy. For > at titulars apply to ln\ld Halnexort Hunner'i illk'o at the Heard' f Trade romm , Council liluffa. 77li-di-22 3m 71OK S ALE Firtt-Jam sal. on i J inHaa oa. t i } city on "Mo quito , " on line of R. I. U. R iood p ace to make moue/ , Address , BKE Office , dici-lit uuncli lll.iff.1. "ANTED Everybody In Council BluSsj late W to takeTliR Kxtt , 20 conta per week , dc Uerrd by carriers. Olllio corner Broadway and ilnin , up stairs , Council Bluffs. e J-tf ' TICKET OFFICE War In railroad ticket * continues to boom. Un , recolcntwl ow rate..i to all eastern points. Every ticket juaranteod. Orders filled by telephone. From > no to tun dollars saved by purchasing ticket * of C. A. Potter , succcpssor to Potter & Palmer , No. 40 South Filth utrret , four doors below tha post- otllco , Council HluffH. Iowa. octl3-tl ANTED Boy , with i < oiiy , to carry pop Inquire at Bi office , Council llluui. ' 'octl3-tf EDWAED KUEHL MAQISTRR OF PALMYSTERY AND CONDI TIONALIST , 403 Tenth Street , uetw ten FtruLam andllainey. Will , with the aid of guardian spirits , obtain for any one a glance at the pait ant ) present , and on certain . .onJltiunu iii .L u turo. lloota and Shoes made t-n order. Porfnc * Absolutely Pure , Hin i owdcr n vcr arles , Amirulol turttr , itr iipitnnod wlioltnointiiu * . Morn than tbe < rdlnirj kind * , ai d cannot I o toM ID couiutltlrn with the laultltudc ol low u , , vort weight , alum or photphate | > c der - N w Tnk.