THE OMAHA DAILY 13 IDE : TUESDAY , JANUAKY 3 , I88& THE DAILY BEE. . OMAHA PUBLI8HINQOO , PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnham , bet Oth And 10th Streets TKHMS Of 8UH8CR1ITION. 6 months " " 6.0' month " " 8,00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. nia r.HD niiCAoo , et. rAtT , wis-narous a Ixnve Oinahk P wo * r No. E , S.M . re. Ac- coiniaoJatlon No. 4 , IS ) ( p. m. AirlvoOmnha PwtMtixcr No. 1 , 6SO p. m , Anammc > uUUD No , 8 , IQ'M a. n. tufi.ia onuii RAM 01 SOUTH it > tm > . C. , ( I. & q. 7:40 : 1. ai , 3M p. m. c. H K. W. , 7:44 : & . m _ 9:40 : p. m. C. , It , Lit P. . 7:40 : . nj.-S:40 : p. m. K. a , St. J. & C. 3. , Ufl t 8 . m. aid 6:50 : p. to , AtriUK it Ht. I/ouU kt 6:30 : ft. m. Mid 6 2 P. UL , V. , RtL-t r.lftu\niftt8 ft. m. and BUOji. < m , Airltii t HI. Ix > uU lA 0:40 : ft tn , tnJ JaO WTSJ Ok U. fc U. tn Nob. , Through K pre , HftO a ni. U t M. Lincoln K\prv * < 1JO : p. in. * . V , , OvcrUtid Kxprww , IV'16 p. m. O , i IL V ( or Un-cln , 11 45 a. ui. U. & It. V. tor Ox > ol . 9.40 R. m C.C. . lrvllit No. 6 , 6:70 : a. nu C. livliiht No. D , 8 : > a. tn. U.C. C.U. . Irrlitht No. 13 , S.fOp. lit. C. ' . Iroliriit No. 7 , 6:10 : | t. m. emigrant Pciivt r cxpros. " , 7:35 : p. in. C Irvlirht Nn U , 11 SO n. m. Cv. v. r , IKiiiMT frrlithtS.U ! p. in. ju M\i > tt raou MAM ifp itnttiK. -i a & 0 t.-W . u , . 7i : p in. i i N. W. , B 4S B. 11.7:25 p. m. ( J U I. i. I' ,11:45 : a. m.8 Ofi | i. ra. \ C. , St. Jo 1C II. , 7:40ii. : in. C.45t > . riov run nr usn Mmivwi. J. A K. V. frim Llncolo I tt > p. in. 0. P. I'lidUc Fxpn > rS.'JC p. in. U A M , In Sob. , ltiro < Uli B prvMi 415 ! I' in. n. V. U. UntxJu Kx | > rm0 M a ni. XJ. V. Demur exprc K , I'M a. m. U. P. rrclfc-ht No 14S 50 n. m. L" . P. 'o P tVO : m. Rmteraiil U. ' . frelffhtNo. 14 , Itl5 : p. nu U. I' , so. 900 p in. U. } ' . Vfi. 13 1:45 . en. U. I1. IVmcr ( rrli'ht , 1:10 : a. m. 0. Jt IL V , tuUiKl , ki. 4 } p. to. BCVUV IIU.M mrtrintx OKAUA AN * OUCIUL Eicrnt. uujtitt at 4:00 , tKK ) , ir > :00 : and uu : IW 2 W , 8:00 , i-00 aud b0 p. nu UaVe CouiiU. Blun * t bflt , : . 10 26 and 1:26 a. in. ; < " , , Vi5 : , S:24 , 4 : 6 anil 6:4i : p. m. Buiuin ) llie duuiruy leavui Omata l VXO 'iil 11 0 rt. uu ; 2-00 , 4:00 : and fi.-OO p. tn. Learra -O.iiindl Ithlffn ' Wft and 11 2 a. in.1 " :26 : , 4:2R : atvl 6'i/i p. ID. Tliroiwh and local pa * njpr train I lvet OPO Oat&Miuid Coun II UluII * Lome Ouiihft 0:16 : 7ii , BWa. in. ; 8'40 , 6:45 , 0\0 p. in. Arr vo Ouiohft 7:40 : , ll'SS , ll:4ba. : m. ; 6:10 : , 7:0. : . , 7:1D : , ? :40 : f. m. Opening an' ' Clotlnc of Molli. ROCTR. UTKK. * . at. p. m , m. p. m , ciu.o& : . . A u.eo voa 5'30 2:40 : OiU Ki' , H I. 1 I'wUlc 11'CO W 0 f > 30 2:40 CHl o , K. S < . . . .11-00 0 0 6 30 J Walwah 12:80 6.80 8 oiu City tuiil Puii' ' ( 9.00 60 ! ! 2:40 : Cnlon [ "aciOe. 40 11:40 : Omaha SL It. V t:00 11:40 : B. fcM. In Xrb 4.00 8:10 : O'-iuJrn A Hloua Oil ) 0-00 7 SO I ) . & iL Lincoln. . . . luSO : 0:00 : U. I1. Lincoln , Hunday l:8fl : ' 1-00 D. P. Denver Kx ) . . . :00 : O.BO O. . Uloitt City & at. P. . 11:00 : Local ir..i'l ' lor 8t t ol l ar t > ut aiiix' a d&r , viz : 0:30 : a , m. Oder aren Huiidnis from IS m. to 1 p. m. T1IOB. F HALL P M. Business Directory , Abstract arid Real tmtate. N L. McCAOUE , oppotlto l-o t Offlct. W. B. BABTLETT 817 South 18th Street. Archltocta. DtTFKKNE 4. MmiDELSSOIIN , AllOIIlTKCTS Room 14 Crelghton Block. A T. LAUOK Jr. , iiooin 2 , Ciolifbton Block. Boot * and tthoe * . JAMES DlVLNR & CO. , riue Boot * and Bhow. A. mod aaaortmeat ot boms vork on hand , ooncr lath ami Uamty. rnoa. KRIGKSON , a K. oor. iota and DOUU * . JOHN FORTUNATUSL 406 10th street , manufactures to order freed wotk t < alr price * . Hepaliing done. Bed Spring * . r. LAHH1MEB Uanuiacturor. 1917 Dourla ii. Book * , Nawt and OUtlon ry. J. L FHUEHAOr 1015 Farnham BtreeL Butter and Eggs. UC31IAJTE & 8CHAOEOEE , the oldest k and R. dunIn Nebraska entablliihed 1376 Omaha. QK5TKA1. BK8TAO1UWT , Uiia. A. KtAN. D hvi. t cornu Iflthand Uodgn. Bmt Board for uui Honey. QfttUbctlon Gu&raaterd. Ur > . at all 11 on r * . Board U ) the l y , Week or Month. Good Termi for Cash. ( Jnrrlafiei and Road Wa4on . WM RNYDEll , Uth and Ilarncy StreeU. uewe era. JOI1N liAUUER 1814 Farcham Street Junk. 0. UEBTUOLI ) , R&K8 and iU'UL Lumbar , LJmo and Cement. ruSTEtt & QK AY comer 6th and DongUa St . Lain i and Ulauwant. 4. BONKEJ1 1809 DooxUi St. Oood Variety. Merchant Tailor * . Q. A UNIXJUKHT , OIM of our moat rcpular Merchant Tailor * U re- cclrlnj ; the laUwt deeUni for 8priur ( and Hummur Oooda for Kentlomen'a wear. Stj Uuli , durable , od price * low u enei 16 IBth t > et. Douv.kFarn. Millinery. UB8. a A. R1ROKR , ITbQleiKle and Retail , Fan cy Uoodi In ( fre4 variety , Zephrn , Card Board * , HCMiwy , Olove , Oormta , Ac. Cbeapert Oocue In | MI Weal. FUKhawrs tare SO p r etui. Order fcTKaU. 116 Fifteenth BUflOt. foundry. JUlUi WJCARNE4BON8 , cor. 14fc Jnk o U h lour and FMd. OUABACITT MILLfl , 8tb and Farofcam oto. , < reibao * Broa. , proprtiotin. Urocvrs. t 8TEYKNS , Kltt betireen Coming and lut r. A. McfllLVNK , Corn. (3d and Coming BtrteU. Mardwata , Iron and 8U 4. 3LAK k LANOWOUTTIY , WhcJtaale , 1M aa/ U2Uth Uc t A BOUUta taiatrlKtt and mifomla Harntta , Saddles , tun. U. WKI3T 0 18th St. bet Fare , & Hamey Hotel * , ANFIEUnOUSKO io.CanneldttthftFarnhiuu DOKAS HOUflF. , P I ! Cary , 01S Farnham HI. SLAVEN'8 HOTKL. F. 8U\cn , 10th Bt. Southern Hot l Out. Kamel 9th A Uen worth Clothing tiought. 0 .fllUW will pay hlgh < * t Cosh price for Jccond hand clothing. Corner 10th and Farnhain Drugv Paint * ana Oil * KUHN 4 CO. U , Kino " nc Moods , Cor lim i.nd W J. WH1TKIIOUH , , WJalefc ( Retail , lethnt. C. FtKLO , 202S North Hlue Cumlriff Strtet. 1'AIUt , DruiTLHrt. 10th and Howard KtreoU , Oentltta. Oil. PAUL , WlUlairw' Plock Cor. 15th a Dry Qonctt Notion * , Etc. . JOHN II. Y. LKiOIANN & CO. , York Dry Good * Swn1310 im < l 1812 fani- U&Knvwolu fclM hooU and ohoeo 7th\ dac ruruuure. a F. OR088 , New and Sioond llunit f urnlture ud Stovea , 1114 Dousrlai Hlrfhoft c * h price ild for vecond hand root * . BONNKR 1809 Douirla it. flat ir l. , Ac. Fence Work * . OH AIIA FKNOE CO. OUST , rHIKH&CO. , UlSIUmeyHt. , Improte- M ) Ice DOXM , Iron and Wood Feneet , Offer < uillc r , CouiUrf of Ho * and WalnnL , TobAcco. ft KKITSCIKit ) , mMiufacturrr * of nl Hholiralt malcrct n Tohftccot , 1SO& I. v V tAluN7.KX : muiHfuttiircr 1416 Kanihwu PlorlM. A Donafhne , plvcut ( flower * , K r-lt , Ic. N. W. cor Ifllh anJ IViucl Civil Engineer * nnd Surveyor * . ANDREW HOSKIVATKU , Crclgliton , j n Himcjn , Qnvte und Sowtmge Hj-jtcnif a _ Uommlnlon Merchant * . JOHN 0. WIL LI.3,1411 I > oJfe Strwt. J II BKKMK1L For ( loUll * Krv-f adrtrttue- TIM-.I In HiUv and WcvVU Cornice Works. iM rD Cornlcu Worl * , Manufacturer * Iron Jornl i , Tin , Iron and Hhtc Hooding. Order * 'rom any locality promi'tly cxrcutxxl In the br t luinatr , JWtory- and Ofilce 1218 Harnry BL C. SI'WllT , Proprtetor , W anlrl Iron ( Vniloo , Window Caps , otc. , aitntilw-turtil and pat up In any rArt ol the vjiliitry T 8l.VIKll.lJ llaVhlrtgenUntrort Crockery ; . BO.NNKH 13O Dougla * etrcet. Oood line. Clothlnc and FurnlihlnK Qooda. * M ; . II. t'KTKKMON AIM Il t , O p . I O n Xotlonn and Cutluiy. SIM B , loth rtrrot. _ netrlg irnlor , O nflcld' Patent , i. F OOODUAV tllli at Itt. Varn. & llaniey Show CAIB MAnufactory. 0. J WIUK , MunulwMitvind DixJtr in nil klmls ol Nhow Oiwin , Uprlk'ht Cfiect , a . , 1317 C m St KILVNK L. QGltUAtU ) , ptoptlctor Omaha iho Cft n mauufuctorj , * * ld South ICUntrwt , botux-eu laxoii r.llh and Starry. All | food v > rtant d llrnl cliw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pawnbroker * J hd * IU Liovot oia Tinware A. UUKME8TKU , LMvlnr lb aun < * iuid Tinware , and Uanufacturer < jl Tin Hooti and nil Llndt of Building WorL , OJ J Follow ' UlncL J. BO.V.VBK. ISOd LX > uihu 81 Oood and Cheap. Seed * . J. STAi'B , Wbol < ai and RoUU Sofa Drllli and Cnttlvatore , Od 1 Frllcwn UalL PhyiloUin * an 1 Burgeon * . H. * . fllBlW , 11. U , Rxun No t , OreUjhton Blo < k , P. b. LKIPKXItUiO , i. It. Uawnle DUok. U. U UAIIT , M. D. , KT and Ear , opp. poriofflon ItU. U IJ UUADDV. ) i ulln und Atuist. R , W 15th nnd Farnham Sta Photograpnera. lIKO. IlinTC , PROP. Htreet. u. ai Ua unc IU.11 rtrat ljvn Work and Proinpt- Qaa and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY A CO. . 218 lath tit. , M. Furuharu * nd DoURlui. K orii promptly attondrd to I ) . "ITZI'ATUIOK. 14W DouitUw Btri 9t Painting nn apor ' { KNitY A. KO rKRS. 141 Otxlgc Street. iihoe oiorci. Phillip Ijny. 1S20 Farntem Bt. bet. 18th & 14th. Second Hand Store. HE11K1NH & LKAK , 1416 Douila Ht. New and Bucnnd Hand Furniture , House KunilBblnp Goods , c. , bonyht and tol.l on narrow marrini. Udloon * . IIUXRY BAUFMANN , In tun nti-r brick block ou Dou Uw Utrtiet , hat | u t cpvntxl a most cltgant liooj Hall Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every daj. " Calndooia " . ' KALCONF.U flTS 16th Street. Undertaken. CllAb RIEWK , 101V Faniharu bet. 10th b lltd. UO Uent Store * . 0 O BACtU'H ' 120B F rnh m 9t. F ecO oH > WESTERN GORNIC WORKS . C. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 Harney Street , OMAHA , - - - NEB. MANUFACTURERS OF B1ITMHED iEQH Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , ffiON § SLATE ROOFING , Specht'e Patent MetdJic Bky- Patent Adjustable Ratchet Bar and BRACKET SHELVING , I am the Koncral SCatu Apent for the alnvc line of ifOCKla. IKON FKNOINO. Oreiilne * , Balustrade * , Verandat.KDrTlco and Bank Railings , Window and Cellar Guards ; also GKNKKAI , AGKNT Peerton and Hill Patent Inside Blind. _ _ novsdU LEGAL NOTICE. the matter of the petition of Albert U. W > man M euarUan of lltnrj F. Wyman nnd Willmra T. wjrnian , minor hein of llnirlot F. Wjman , In the UlHtrlU Court of the Third Judicial Dis trict of the State of Nebraska , within and for the County of lAiu/laH And no * on the 24th day of December , A. D. 14S1. cam * * Albert U. ( Vyman , ( fuardlan of Henry ' F. W ) man and William T. Wyiuanaforo uid , and presented in open court hid petition for Llctn-e to Sell Ktul bttate of hi * luld wanla for their ma-'ntenuicc ' , education and for tliu payment of tAieo aweHxed and o be fuwtmed upon the real fsute of hlx uld wardi , and It oppiarlnir tfl the court Irora au Ji petition that It U nvoraury that thereat cut it of HUi'h n-ar Is should be Hold for the purj'wct in Kail petition utatcd , a And liulso appearing to Uie court that the said Albert U. Wjman , the Mid jictltloncr , is the na tural Burvinu par nt and next cf Kin of the uid minor heir' , and that there are no other t r. eoim or partlcH fnUirustud In the r tate of ald minor he r i tx Not forth in Mild petition. Ana It tito appiarliut to the conrt that the uid Alh'rt U Wynan , notonly In and by hi * uld petition , which I'ltludt * aud raiicludcs tu rlifhti in the premleeii a next of kin and heir at law of mid minors ID turcuwoon andrttnaUidi'r , and tenant b > icmrtvH ) of the Hold Hoi rlet F. Wj man , rtccta/wd , but al-o bv bit toluntary ap pearance In open court , conftjwlnir /uardian and next of kin , and tlicr by ocot-ptlnK the order of court herein , to * h ) * CAIKO why I cenve should not bojrant Uor the siJeof jurh real ( KtaU-ln told petition clercrilxid. It n orJtrcxI lliat the next of kin tuid all ir sons Inti'tct ) od In Kald txtate nppiar lie'orti thl4 loiirtln hambtr * on the 2Jrd da ) of January , ; A , I > . 1W2 , at the rourt houa In Milil County of IJoutfUi , Inomahi Citi I'lvuld ' rount ) , to > ho cauiiwhy allcenitostnuld n tbuk'ranttdf r the kale of sue r al ( otutv III u'M petition diai nb"d , and that copltH of thin notl < i > In * ruU up n ainlora'uld JThrd l > ' trl t C uttMeil. I ' ( ' } lllit > , Kill I .1 .1S H SAVACIC , JuilB State ol .Vohrtuhti , l ii'U4 ) Coui I ) I , Win H. IJ 111)9 ) , rlirk f tin' lUs'.rkt Court m and for * &kl Statv jnd count ) , do lit-rtl'j urtih [ that I ha t rnmiarcd the aliotit ordtr of enlil lourt ulth the orUlnal ordtr n > I appenri of rtcird oi | fol o journal of bald ititirt , und that tht hanie IF a iorrut trahn < .ri ] > t tliiTciol , an-i the whole nf raid orilnal onltr I tentlinoii ) whereof , I h < reunto ct in ) hand and tuustil ( lit veal ol tnld < ourt to Inu' llxod U thuC'in of Omnh.i UHM ttllliilaj cf [ ) i cenhii , IbHl 'Third ' Di-lr lU'ourt S < ul , DoiiKlat Countv , Nit' ' \SM If 1.1 AM v dc2UcvuiH C'lcr Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , a 16th and Dodge St * . , Omaha , Neb. This ttencjr Qowl HTWCILT a brokcrace biulne * * Don nt sp > c "late and Uierf Ifir MJ > l > arvlni I o oki arr Insured to ons , Instead APPLEJACK IN PIES. - It Broke up the locky Hidf o Teetotal Society The Story ToltMiy nSoilnto Sherlir , Vllllviid Uttrr In New York Sun A few of tliu boy wuro y.illicroil uruutul Ihu Crinsmnu llottao utovt1. Ono of tlioin fund aloud 1111 item in The Sun About .Too Ituanluy r.tftiiig it loinpn on ft watermelon vine , and how its jtiico wns abforboil by thu growing fruit , RO that when thu inuloti wun cut it wixfoinul to bo tlo IciotiBly Ilivoied with loinon. Thu County Clerk ? aiil ho liuliovcd the vvliolo bliiinu tiling to bu no such a thing Seine of the boys ratliur took the County Clerk's view of the matter. Tlu-n nhurill'sjioko UJ ) . "Well , now , " said ho , "I think thuro ain't any doubt at all aboutthat inulon sucking the juice out of thu li'iuon and lluvorin lUulf with it. 1'vu known jimt us BtnuiKO tilings tn hip pun in thu way of hoiticulturuloxpiri menu nijHolf , and that puts mo in iininl of how 1 hitpputiud to bust UD the Rocky Hidgo 'IVututtl Hrotliur and Sisterhood up back of luckauack , 'long in Ti'J or ' 03 "ThuioMIH u good many tavorus up through that neck of nciub oiik in thoao days , and thu population didn't go u Kru > lt 'lU'il < > " the Maine \ \ \ \ , 1'horo wasn't inu.-h Urrying late at the wlnu , to bo inre , but thorn uus considerublo lingoriui ; o\ur tlio tangle foot. They don little in that \ruyjut , but they don't soeni to ( jet hold of the BUUIO ( { tiality of etull' thuir uncoitorn uiado merry with. Thuio was a lighter or foot-race in oyory ttvodnnkn of thu old-titno back-oM > ackanack tipplo. Old Jim Too , lo xvaa about thu tough est old lecoptach ) of ujiplujick that over hung 'round Rocky Itidgo. It took thu URHentinl toil of about threu busheln of aplt's ] a day to keep his shirt comfortably filled , and ho vraa clcvur en the treat. Bo when Uuch Jim cnmo back from ditun thu river one day after an abtonco of a uoe and announced that ho hud signed the plulgo , and began to talk teniperanco among the CUHO hardonud old pelicaim of thu llidgo , the gloom that fell on thu community no thick you could cut it with a knifo. " WHAT HETTLKll THU UOCKY KIDUIUiH. "Unclu Jim didn't make much lioadway in converting the Rocky Uidgora until the tavurn laid in an in voice of thrtio barreln of rum that the proprietor had traded three coonnkina and a mink-trap for to a peddler , who Raid it wan the genuine old New Eng land article. The tirat iiiulu thm rum waa on tap Bill Podiker licked his lame old father in the bur-room , after taking one diink , and Hank Block had to bo tied up to the ftiun post to keep him from Betting tire ( o the wid ow ROBO'B barn. Tlu-ro wore fourteen lights at the tavern bi-foro 8 o'ch ek , and then the proprietor cleared oveiy- body out iitul cloaed the IIOUBO. Thu thing that capped the climax waBl'eto Claxton taking homo a glasa of rum to use for a nek child. 'I'huy only gave it a tablespoonftil Tlien it went to sleep Bulfan hour afterward they found their old cat lying on the child's breant , sucking thoyoungono'sbreath. The cat was huntlud out of the cabin moro than lively. By and by they lioard it raising cain in the wood shod. Pete wont out with a , light. The cat was discovered in ono corner , npitting and starring and Bwearing at thinga it roumed to see around it. Pretty soon it gave ono grand elap in the air with its fight forepaw , then bounded in terror ten feet away and foil dead. It was a plain case of delirium tremens "That settled the Rocky Ridgcrs. They were Beared half to death. They began to sign the pledge , men , women and children Uncle Jim 1'ooplo or ganized the Rocky Ridge Teetotal Brother and Sisterhood which bring * mo to my story. " TUB OKAFT ON A I'C.MPhlN VIKK. "Lackawack wasn't a very prolific fruit district , but it was the land and all on pumpkiim Thuro wore' few apple orchards along the river , though. We had a good ono. There wiia ono tree that rained apples about the size of a baby's h > ad. They came early in the fall. There was more juice in ono of them apples than there ia milk in a fifteen-cent cocoanut. Stick a straw in ono , and in lees than the nip of a miappin' turtle , thu juice would spurt out of the other end like water out of a squirt gun. You could put .mo of them apples in a pint dipper , but the juice out of ono nould till a quart can. I don't know what breed they wore , but wo used to get two barrels of cider out of every bushel of 'em. The tree is dead now. "Wo used to harvest a heap of pumpkins ou our place , too ; and in thu fall of ' 02 or T > : t I was going through our pumpkin grove carrying Siouio A peck of the big apple * . I waa little carried away that year on the subject of grafting , and thu idea struck mo to graft one of them apples on to a pumpkin vine and HPO what the upshot of it would bo. I stopped light by a big pumpkin that had a vine which hod grown round and round and formed itself into a regular layer of soctioui of vine , ono on the Jthor , for all the world like a great big spiral spring. I got A good rye straw , shoved ono end into the apple , the biggent apple I could find ono that was good for mnru than half a gallon of juico-and stuck the other nd into a liolo I made nn the pump- in vine , just back of where the spiral growth uommeriRed. About three weeks afterward 1 thought 1 would go ) Vcr and BOO how my craft wai getting ilong. Wo'd had a spell of torriblu 'lot sunny weather wince I hitched the ripple to the vine Whi-n I got over Jiero 1 found the apple , ll was shrunk to about the size of a nutmeg The iiimpkin was gone I thought BOIDO ono had stole it ] was mml for a spell , but soon forgot all about the mattur When I gc.f homo 1 found the old gentleman had given a pumpkin to 1'nolo Jim Teeplu , and lie had taken it homo to Rocky Ridge. That was my particular pumpkin " . < OIMIltOI'H IStT Of I'IKH "Twami't long afterward that us boys got the news that thorn was to bo a mite cocioty at L'ncle JimV , in aid of the Rocky Ridge Teetotal Brother and . SwUirhwod. I hooked on to the idea that the mite would bo tolerable good thing for mo to take in , and so when the night came round harnessed up our old sorrel and dug out for the lliJgii. The ftcrub oaks Imd turned out nigh on to n coujilo of the Brother nnd Sisterhood , young nnd old llnithcr SkeoU , n colporteur nhd local preacher , who wan holding n season of protracted luootingR in the rod cchool ) inu oMIJ ever ou the ll'ittli'snnko , had cmue over tci join in the foatintii'K. 1 hadn't boon nt t'nclo Jim's more tlinn ton nnuntoR before the old l.ulj yanked mo out in the pantry. " 'That nirpunkin Hint yor dixd j > uv .Mm,1 nid she , 'wore jist about thti liropcrcHt tiiofio o'fruit fur juico. that 1 eu-r chipped my eyes on. Durn of I don't think they wnn inore'n half n gallon in it. An1 Rtuoll ? Why nkin our woodpile , it woroliko tnkin'u HtntF olPn u bed n mnrygolos , when 1 cut that punkiu ! Snort your nose ever thoni pies ! ' naid sho. "l os" said the Shorjir , "them \\M a row of pumpkin IU'OR as fir nt from IHTO to the door. They wuro big onea , too. I smelt of ono. The ittiimn seemed familiar. " Why , Aunt Polly,1 snyn 1 , 'I know they most generally put brandy ' in mince pioa , but I'm ' dinged if' ] ever hunrd of any imo putting apple jack in pumpkin pies boforo. ' . ' "Applejack ! " nhuutod Polly ; 'they ain't been no apnlojiick in thin limine in three mouths ! " hlHSlMl OAMKS ANII 1,1'NTII. ' All right The party wont mi. Wo played ( Aiponhngun , pork'r , hunt the nlippor , JIUSRV wants n corner , nnd i < ( i on , and hud the heavy-heavy hnngs-ovor-your-head , finu or-Rtipor line buainosB for n couple of hews , anitliL ! Urothur und Sisterhood was booming There had boii u dollar nnd u qiurtur tnkon in besides n ton- pence that Iko Swoyer didn't have with him , but which ho tuid he'd bring in next time , or an noon o ho wont to the Narrows and sold his fox- akin. By and by Aunt Polly Raid ; ' By gum , childurnl It's a olnppin' mo pooty solid that it's oliinhin' nn to time to li'ist n toothful or no o' vit- tals inter us ! " "Thut motion WUH carried unnui- mouidy Wo had a coed lay out , but the pumpkin pie was thu gland fun. turo of the t'Vi'iiinc. If it as any thing that the lUdgura had a wo.ik- ness for it was pie. They used to out pie thioo timoa a day aud once bofnro going to bod. Aunt Polly cut ono of lipr pies. Unolo Jim took n bite ot his piece , ntoppud in the act of cliow- ini { it , Miiolt of what \\nn loft , looked aiouiid in n da/.ud tort of wny , and then tininhud the pio. Brother Sktuls was a man about tl foot 0 , and wouldn't weigh moro than IL'O in hit ) moccaniiiH. He had a mouth that IIH cut nnd fitted to n tvvonty-inch pump kin pie divided into < iu.irtorn.Vlum ho closed on bin piece of uio ho loft nothing but the crust in bin hand. Ho Imd hurdly aw.illowod his mouth ful when the water started out of IIH ! ( eyes and tumbled down his facu like marrow-fat poas. Ho gasped once or tuico , nnd then gobbled a dipper o water and drank it. " 'Thiit'a u leetlo the plonannti-Ht bite o' puiikin pie 1'vo Hot my teeth in thin year. " a.iidho ; "but ain't it a a tol'blo speck too hot 'long o1 { { incur , Slater Teeplo ? " "Aunt Polly oaid she waa nfeored it was , und Uncle Jim said yes , it must bo the ginger. Everybody elao thought so , too , but mo. I says to inypolf , there's now applejack in jthoin piee , sure as fato. " 1 KKTOTALKllH COMPLETELY R'JI.vr.ll. "Now , I don't want any now apple jack in mine. A thimbleful of it ' 11 put a , head on n wooden Injin in lees than ton minuter , nnd ' 11 inaVo rondy nnd willing to borrow twenty cents of n blind tiddler's dog. I wont out door to look after niy horeo. I wasn't gone morothun fifteen minutes , but when I went back in the house a change had como ever the Teetotal Brother and Sisterhood , Uncle Jim waa sitting on the wood box , with a partly devoured picco of pie in ono hand , while with the other ho was wildly boating time as ho sang , with out noticing any thing olao in the room. 'Oh , huro'u to good old whisky drink her down , drink h-r down. ' Iko Swoyor was in the middle of the room with his coat elF , yelling that ho could perl moro bark in an hour than any red-shirted bush whacker from the N.irroHH could in ton , nnd that ho could clean out that ranch in two seconds by the wiitch Urothor Skoils stood at the end of the table. His no8o and ono side of his facu was cov ered with pumpkin pio. Ho swayed to and fro like n poplnr in the wind , and ho were n sickly smile. Bunky D.ivi'j was trying to get him to 'chuck for Homothin' , if .twnn't uothin' inore'n a loetlo elderberry nn' sugar. " 'Urethornsistorn'said the ( iormnlo ' ( dug 'loven verso Hiiinoty-Hec'n hymn , 'n take ' ' ' up u'lecsh'n. ' "Whnt's that ? ' said Iko Swoyer. "Nothor o'loction ' ? A-w-w well - - , , now I guesa 1 don't 'low no doublo-jintcd true' ' peddler from Rattlesnake tocorue ovtjr h'yor ifn' try to clean this poolin1 out o'caah ! ' "And he hit Brother Skulls under the oar. Brother Bkolla landed on the wood-box plump on top of Unolo Jim. I saw there were indications of a fuss , and I slipped out. Before I got my horse untied Brother Skoila came head first out of a window , bring , ing the aaah. Uncle Jim1 * ' tumbled after him , und they clinched into one another on the ground. Next , the door of the cabin flow open , and out came old Pelog Hopper , holding his jaw , nnd making for the scrub oaka as if the old boy was nftor him. I could wee Ike Swoyor nnd Bunky Davis yoked together on the cnbin floor , biting nnd gouging and pounding , nmj Aunt Polly Btnuding ever 'em , whack ing it into'em with a broomstick. I to myself , 'This ' 11 bo apt to make ' trouble in the Rocky Kidgo I'eutotal Brother and Sisterhood , ' and I pulled out for homo. O.VK OK NATUIIK'M MILLS. "On the way 1 got on to the whole dilliculty. I'd grafted that apple to the pumpkin vine just back of the spiral formation. The upplu sent its juice through there a hiimmin' the flame as cider goes thiuugh the worm it thu applejack still , The HUH shill ing hot on the vine , just done the evaporating buaineHB up brown , and when the juice got to the pumpkin it was a little thu fiurot article ot applejack - jack that ever \\as distilled. The pumpkin was moro than soaked with it , and ono mto of it was enough to miiko a Presbyterian doimnio juba HI Sunday school and ask the Bible clash to get iipand dance to it. "J met Uncle Jim a week or so after and asked him how the folks was , All lie wild was : " 'I uovor were much ou thu fight , ' Mid he , and don't bear unUxly no bad fucljn a. But I'll bet ten ncro u' hop poles ngin n mom < > ' Shoiibly nuekora that I km lick the oiiery etna that applejacked them pies , ' "So joii Keo"eonuludedthfStiuiifl' , tluTit nih't anything HO curious about thtit lemon /iiid melon story , after all. Of course tint mite society wound up the Te t , till Brother and Sutorhood ; but Nature isqueo , nml she'll take her couiso if it bus'n up the vxholo blame teetotal caboodle. " Our Qlnrlonft Inclnpnndftnoft. Wlmt c.tti l > mure elnrlotii. tlmn to Ut uiiloiuMulont ut MifTerllitf couipd by dyn IK-pMt , tntilge tlon , c.mstlmtl | n , olck- lumiUoh. ' , or oilier Hlm-nxi-n rinniiAtiiiK fr m tlie nt.uiiH h 111 ( i u bo on-illy K' ll od li ) , | t Ilicly tlce "f llOKIKlOK HUOI > KlTTMis I'ricu 91.00 , trlnl KZO ! 10 centH. 2-1 w An AC" nf That this is a lightning ago in which tin1 rorlil H iiioM-d and oulii-htoiiod by olt'ctncity is literally truo. The telegraph and ocean cables Imvo become - come the great channel * for convoying - ing intelligence , and the medium through which the commuroial and riiiiucial tMiiMictiona of the world mo cirried mi The exteimion of tolo- graihic ] commumratiou and the bind IIO.IB traiiH.ii-lod by wire it , ono of tlio day , I tiit but fortj font years since the telegraph was exhibited fur the first time in. New York , yet thuro to- ( Iuyt51,000 : miloH of tolegniph wire oporatt'd by the WoUorn Union Com pany , in the Tinted .States , aside from the wiioi of railroad and other compnnio * . Thirty seven yearn ago the 27lh of limt Hay the tirst telegraph - graph line waa put in succrsoful oper ation , over a siujjlo wire between Bal timore and Washington Now over ; if > , 000,000 nuxwigi's are being sent Hii.iu illy by the Weotorn Union ulono. It is but twonty-throo years since the Atlantic cable naa Huctossfnlly laid , but now there nro half a dozen cables , and moro cable moHaagos art ) soul between Now Yoik mid I/ondon every week than there were lot urs in a whole your nl the time the first ca- bio wns Inid Somn idea of the wonderful increase in the telegraph business CHU bo ob- titined from the statement ivf Dr. Oroon , president of tlio WMtorn Union Company , < > ' the business and profits of that gigantic corporation for the past six montlia. 1'ho surplus of the company on the first of July last , was , in round numbers , S1'J7,000 , but thu nut revenues for the nevt quar ter were $2,101,000 , which w HS151- 000 beyond thu estimates of the m.m- agorfl , leaving , after the disburse ments for the three months , a surplus of tiltl.OOO , October 1. The estimat ed profits for the preneut quarter are 87,010,000 , which uill leave , Vtor tlio qmirtorly dishnriuimonts nnd the setting ting Bsitlo of 81,200,000 reiiirod ] for the JJ per cent , dividends H sunilus of 81OM,000. This astonishing accumulation of profits indicates the growth of the tel- oyrnph business in the United States A similar growth ixapptiont in all civilised countriea , whilu lines uro being - ing pushed through the mountains , forests , and deserts of the uncivilized portionn of the globe in order that the most remote sections may bo brought , figuratively Bpoaking , facoto face. The telegraph system has be come to the world's inliabitauta what the nerve system ia to the human body. To doitroy it would be to pa- raly/.e oommprco and reduce the trallio between nations ono half. Guilty of Wrong. Some people have n fashion of con futing excellent romodiofl with the largo mass ot "patent medicines"and in this they are guilty of wrong. There are seine advertised remedies fully worth all that in nskod for them , and ono nt least wo know of Hop IHttori The writer has had occasion to use the Rittors in just such a cli- tnato aavo _ have most of the yo r in Itay City , and lias always found thuin first class and rulUbla , doing all that is claimed for them -Tribnna. j3 16 THOROUQHBRBD JERSEY COWS & HEIFERS For Bale By GRAHAM P. BROWNE , PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Last ! A niroctirelorlhln31 Tt ] irDr. | Iteming uid Ulcmled flit * hubeco dlnoovcrod by Dr. Wil liam , ( u > IndUn remedy , ) ctlled I > r. WUUini'i Indun Ointment. A ulniclt box hu cured tha rent chronic ouwx ot Uot Mjcrt tt nilln/f. / Mo ono need luOer flre mJauto * irUr pj > ljln ( ( thl * wonderful nothing medlciao , Lotion * , tnttru- rnenl * u > 4 electuajrlta do mora bnn thin ( rood , WUlUtu'i Olotruent t ortx tha tiunon , klU i the Intonto Itebln ; , ( rttrtlcuU ljr tt nltfft after geitlnif wum In bed , ) act * M kpooltlce/irlTei In- iteat and r lrila rwlef , and Uprerxired only for Pile * . Itehlriir ol tb prlU ) p&ru , and for ooth Inv ua Ilosd wh t the Hon J. M Ccmnberry of Cleve- and MVM ivUout Dr. WUIlaru'i Indian I'llu Oint ment : I have uwxl kcore * of i'llm curtm , and It adorda m p emiure toiwy that I h vt uover found anytlilnv Mblch give iucn linmivllatn and iwriii- nent rellof tut Dr WlliUm'i Indian Olntmvnt Kor mlu by all druirvtaU or mailed ou rwxilut ol prlco , 11.00. HENRY Sc. CO. . Prop'r * , CLUVIU KV , OHIO. Kor Rale by 0. Y Goodman lAruA/iwI y To Nerve js Sufferers THE GREAT EUHOPtAH PCMEDY. Dr. J. B. SimpHon'B Specific II l ape | tnecurulor Hpormatouhut , Homlna W okiiittm. luipotAiicy , and all ilinuutui nwultl/ic from M'-Abux ) , a * Mental Anxluty , Lnm Uiiioo , I'alniilii th i Ituck orHMu , anil dlnuuto Uiat luwl to Connuniptlnii triwnlty an CArlyKraie Thu tirxKinc " xlUInu It with won < ltr ( ill KUCtUHH . _ . _ . . I'auiiihliiU out Irro to all. WrIU ( or thorn and Kut full par- leu Ian , I'rlce , iiiioclflc , f 1.00 per | cki4o , or "l pack WM (01 ti 00 , AilJrww all onleru to II. HIH80N MKDICINK UU No * . 104 and lOti llaln ot. IluOalo , K. V. 0ald In Omaha by C , f , GooJuiau , J. W. ( toll , K In , and all dnJ < KU'4 v ry "hero. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL" IIOTKIA. ArtusnroN , J 0. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Net JUDKIN3 HOU9E , iiunxiNs A nno , , Red Oak , In. 8AHATOOA HOTEL , J 8. STEtLINIUS , Mllford , Neb , HEED HOUSE , OEO. HEED , Ulyite < , Neb. WOOD9 HOU3E , W. P.ELLIS , OtcrolA , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOTCL JOHN HANNAH , StromiljurE , Htu AMERICAN HOUSE , OEO H. McOAIN , South DendN < MALL HOUSE , A. W HALL , Louisville CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Ulalr , Neb , EXCHANGE HOCtL , C. U. HAOKNEY Aihlnnd , Neb CENTIIAL HOUSE , JOHN COOPER , OtkdAle , Neb. COMMERCIAL riOTtL , WM CLEMMONB , Bewnrd , Keb , COMMERCIAL HOTEL C. EVANB. O'Neill , Neb. COMMERCIAL MOTEL C F. CA88ADY , D nlion , IA. HARTNLY HOUSE , W P. HUNTER , Wrstilde , U DELLOU HOUSE , MRS A E. ORUCE , RUInet Oily , Neto. DOROHE8TEH HOTEL , A. 8. KINKLC Dorchetter , N b COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. 0. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb CLNTRAL HOUSE , JAB McKILLIf. York , Neb. TUTTLE OUOE , W. H. TUTTLE. Aurora , Neb. OAOt HOUSE , A. R. OAQE , Republican City N b OCNVER HOUSt CAIRNS A WILLIAMS , Halting * , Neb SANOERS HOUSE , CHAS E. McNIBH , Friend , Neb WOODWARD HOUflt. WAREN WOODWARD , Exoler , Neb , JUDKIN8 HOUBC THANK WILKINSON , Malvern , In. PARK HOUOC , W J OAFIVIN , Corning , Id. OOMMCItCIAL HOU8E , .VM. LUTTON , VIII ( tea , la. PARK HOU5L W J OARVIN , Corning , IA. C8TEB HOUSE , N T .8TE8. Qrnnd Ijlnnd , N b COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F W. WILMB , Kmrney , Neb WIL11EI1 HOUI1E' THOMPSON FlEED Wllber , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSt A O OAARPER , Hnrdy , Neb METRO 'OlITAN HOTEL , W W OHUWFEL1 W. > co , Neb. GREENWO > D HOUSE , 0 W MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , Columbua , Neb. CENTRAL CITY HOUSE J. B OREQEHY , Central Oltv , New. SUMMIT HOUSE , 6WAN A DECKER , Oreiton , Ik. NEOLA HOTEL , F. BIEVERTZ , Neola. U. CMERBON HOUSE , A , L. SHELDON , Cmenon , ! CORNING. ( AtliuiiH County , Town , 0. , H. tt Q. * ( S. W. Fnmk , t Dnnow . . linnl : I ) . 8. Siglor. . . Banl W. CK ( Inn-in. .Hotel L. M. Wnldnm .Uotd Davis , Wells t UuRaull. . .Law John Bixby > t Son and Insurance C. D. C.ISROII . . . . . .law W. O. Mitehol . . .Law Mont A Brow n Law J W. lli.vby . . . . . . . . .TiiHtioc Frank it Klmondorf llval Kdtnte H. A. Crippon . .11. AM hind Agent P. H. BoviiiR . PostimiAter A. A. Itauson , M. I ) . . 1'hjnician AJ. . Salts , M. ] ) . . Phymoian NV. H. Maeon , M. 1) . . . . Physician F. II. Scranlon. Dentist A. Oompton. Livery John Hoivlnnd Livery A. M. Boymor Lumber K. D. lUnd A Co . Lumlnjr K. V. 11 u r 141111 Food uud Farm ImrklomontA .lumen Widnor , SI. 1) Vhynician. H. A. Mnorn P. II. Fillmau . . HiirnoM F. P. Shupo . ItlnckRtnith Skinner Bros .Machine Hhnp nnd Foundry Thomas Ooorgo Steam Mill J. 0. Wilson and Grocery ( ! oo. W. I .Merchandise ( Inrvin .Gmuiral Moichaudiac ( ) . A POHRO Jewelry Widnor t llajiuloni. Hardware W. F. Hall . . . ( iroooricii Scholr. BruH. . ( ii noral Merchandiae Kplly A , LaudiH Moat Murkol Rigour it Co Ounural MorclmmliM L , M Mann. f OrcKJorie * Kighlmiro & Karl < / -Y ' ' Drug * PorkiiiB it Allhouno , . " , . . . . ' . ' . . . ' . ' . ' . ' Millinery C. W , Francis ' . ' . . ' Clothing Mrs. 0 A. Wood .1/ . . ' . . ' Millinery Stone Broa , r. . ' . ' . Harbow Widnor it Chapman J ' ' , . i Dry Good * J F. McElwiun . ' . . ; > . . ' . , Dry Goodr Jaylor & Spencer \ \ > Dress Mailing J. T Smith . ' . . ' . . , .j , . .Drag ! J. B. Harris , ' Groceries A. M. ( lopp * Boot * , nnd Shoes W. . ShortlilT. . . " ' J. W. Ilolmoa . . . .Farm Implement * Hollintor Bros. Furnituie.r E Van Wagner Groceries r Lutr. K KutJ ! . . . . Grocery , Baking . A. Thompaon , Jr. . Harness W. K. Lynn . Koatnurant A. B. Tumor. . . .General Merchandise W. B. Anderson. XT JCXiX/rS OA , Montgomery County , Iowa , C.B. , fr Q. K. U. W. S. A Igor < t Co. . . . . .Bankers A. W. Swcot . . . . Banker Win. Button Hotel and Livery A. Harvey Dry Goods and Groceries L Shepnrd & Son Dry Goods nnd G rooorie * Cornelius & White Furniture PHU ! Welch fewolry Koya Brothoni . Hardware Bawen it Watermann , . . . Hardware F. H. Hmth ' . . . . .Drugi G , W. Harlow Tloataurant Walters & Minort Law , Ixuui and Land B. C. Gibbii , Attorney F. L Ingman No ws Books and Toys V. H. Thtirman Inauntnoo nnd Loan M. K , Dines Millinery L. Flumrnor Barber Coop r & Weber . _ General Merchandise J. M. Howland . . . , . ' , Land , Loan , Insurance H Btrnmnna Drugiv W. M. Lewis IloHtaurrnt J. T. Sherman , Stoain Marble Works A. E. Hondoock , Furniture Phillip Moore - . . , . , Groceries nnd Meat Lee Gallanar , „ Harness Howull Broa , General Merchandise II. A. Kufun Dry Goods Boico & Son , .Clothing J. T. Ingman , D < K > t and Shoos M , N. McNaughton , M. D Physician S. H. Hnndcock HoUJ F. Cooper , M. D , , Physician W. A. Woodard C. , B. , t Q Land Agent C. N. Preston & Son , , , , Groceries and Meat C , U. Moldon , , , . , , . , . . , , . , . . . .Millinery Cowgill & HagormaHtor , , , , , Blacksmiths OWOIIH \ Cummiiigs , , , . . . ' . , , . , . Blacksmiths . ( OUCH it , , , , . . , . , . ' .Lumber K , I ) . Hand ACo. . , . , > . . , , . ) Lumber lloovur it HouJ , . L'.rery Binith it Burliton. Klovator HlliR.t Co. . . . . 1 evator II. D. DolHon . . . . . . . h evator P. It Mayor Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOUR. It always gives satisfaction , 'because it makes superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market , Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded. W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer.