THE OMAHA DAILY BEli : TUESDAY , JANUARY 9 4882. The Omaha Bee. rubltuhtd svcry ninmlnp , except Sunday. Xht only .Monday morning dally. IKltMHliVMAII.i- One Yair . 10.00 I Mirtv.Minith * 1.00 Blx .Months .VOu | Onf l.fO fKK Wl'.KKIiV HKK | inM.1ii.H ! i OIK RMS ItHT 1'AIU- : U < M/ni / > C K Alt Cotmnunl. . . , , N'pw-nmUvlitnriMnmU * Mt.irlntimt to - ton .i.-ul i U < mUivotr , ! U > Uic KIIITOH ov Tin. i.iv. UbVt.VK UTTK18-AII : ! lJtinlnu. Lett"- Mid ItotnlttaiKW ihonlH ho ml drw-'i t . I HH OMAHA Pi'RUHiiiNn COM- FANV , OMMIA. Drnft * , fVcknand Po < t- office Onion to l ) mli" imynblo tn Ihc onlrrf Uie tVunp-iny. OMAHA PUBLISHING CO , , Prop'rs .ROSEWATEU. EtUtor. OHIO is still doing vi'ry well , thrrc arc thirty-Bovun Ohio ijii'ii intltulou * TUB board "f i-diicition uliould by all niuatiA tvrrnngo fora { rurienil vaccin ation in our public aclmoK A IIKIVV all linkup" in sk it ing link ntook IIIIH ukori | > liicn , bill the ice moll nuod not disimir Tliero is Htill run- plo titno for n bountiful Imrvuat. TIIKKK will bo an extra HCBHHIII of thu logiilaturo Aoiuutiiiiu tins winter. A gontlu hint to the railway nwyn.'ittm to ronuw UIOHII unnuiil ( inanon in in or der. "TliB saloon-kuupcrs are to bo commundod llmt lit hint thuy hiuu yielded. " - Uuv. Mr Slnirrill Siiiulny night. IJrothor deacon , puns the aucordown the uialuof the S < iiiit Elmo wliilo the b.illul girla ting the bono- diction. TIIK impression created abroad upon parties who have read the so-.callcd toinporanco sonnon dolivi-rod by Kov. Mr. Shorril Sunday night is Hint n largo number of his Hock nro about to enter into ailunt partnurnhip with the Omaha Boloon-kcoporc. WK must not lese sight of the paving problem because the atroutn are temporarily in a passable condi tion. It is not BO much , however , a difluronco of opinion about pavinir material ai a question of devising i\ practical plan for raising half n million i for piivomontfl next spring. A FBW doyfl ago the Omnha ministerial - torial usaociation piiasoil u resolution oompliiuunling Mayor Uoyd upon the enforcement of the Slocumb law , coupled with u reaped ful request that no lictmao bo granted to disorderly hounua and onpocially the Smut Elmo. Rot. Mr. Shorrill , prc.sidunt of the Miooiatinn , was delegated to watt upon the mayor with thcso resolu tions. Mayor Boyd felt highly Hut- tercd and ratnrnud the compliment by ignoring the request of the ministers and grantud license to notorious dis- ordurly houses , includitig the resort most oflfunsivo to the ros ] > ectable element - mont of thu community. But wo presume - sumo Mr. Sherrill is well satisfied with his mission. RKAOAK is not the only man in con- gro&s who believes the time tiaa coma for congress to chock the agtjrosion of luilroado by an inter-state commerce * ct. Congressman Henderson , of Illin ois , is determined to push his oreomo other Inter-Btatocommercebill through congress this Bcsmon if possible. EIu ays legislation of the character indi cated is absolutely necessary , not only for producers and traders , but for rail road stockholders. Ho points to the growing abuse under which a few rich peculators , desirous of controlling certain railroads , inaugurate a war of rates against such roads in order to depticiate the stock that they may pur chase at cheaper rates. Ho thinks tint for the protection of the stock holders nd the producers and traders a minimum as well as a maximum freight rate should bo fixed. TUB cost of the Quiteau trial is es timated at Washington all thu way from $100,000 , to 1300,000. The largest bills will bo those of the asso ciate counsel. for the prosecution Judge Porter , of Now York , and Mr. Davidge , of Washington who are ux pectod to ask 825,000 npiuco. Next will cumo the demands of the otllcia stenographers , who have made ver barim reports of the proceedings am furnished the district attorney will fifteen copies every morning , for al of which the ) will expect from 810 , 000 to ? 10,000. About 200 witnessv have been summoned , and the wit uess foes will bo very heavy , espe cially those of the twenty-fivo expert nailed for thu prosecution , who wi ! receive not only the usual ullowiuic and mileage , but the value they pu upon their services during the days and even weeks , which they bav given to the case. Then there is th maintenance of the assassin , thu pa of extra bailiff , printing and a him dred incidentals. To all which imm be added , in the now generally no cepted event of conviction , the ux pennon of execution , and it can safely be said that no part of the bill will b paid more cheerfully by the average tax-payer than than this last item. LAW AND ORDER. AT three o'clock week atfo Sunday , on Chri'tnifti moniinifi Otcir Hummer wns murdered in Julius Tri'itichkon' The coionor'n Jury , after due i. vhioh dif > cl < mc < l the fuel thut Treiisi'liW * loon hud brpn kept open , contrary t ln\v , thrun hours nflcr niidniuht Saturday , with their verdict n titotuHt ut > ninst urntiling Trritn'hku's njiplic iti > u fur liceime to sell h < | iior. Although this protest > uirs : ninplo proof upon its fnc < t that ho saloon kept by Truitschko WHH iopt open Sunday morning ; contrary to law , the liruncd board hive cited the inemborH of the coron.'r'a jury ( i nppoir buforu them this afturnoon ( i furnish proofs Now we nok in the inmu of decency , why xhould Mayor 'toyd and hit collwagnen ] inl thesu ju rymen to finch ni < o < < lus trouble ? What ither jironfi are needed to HIH'IUII ' ho ] ) p > ti"it the fnH that : i mini UH iiiunlorciil in Trpitachk/B lalonn wo weekft iign Siindiy moiiiiu'Dm a tot thin fact brought to t'u'ir H'THII ion make it their pl.tin unit \nrii luty to rofusu thu liuuiKu ? Wli tt iliv ciution doc'i Lhc lau Iravo thotn in the iromiu'M ? The l.iM f.irhiils tlie Hitle i.l iiHnr | uitlioilt a liu-nro jirnrureil nn- ter certain refill itinni. 1'ivilschke iid nn HIIO'I ' liuuiiHc' . The lau- forbids the sale of liquor nn Sunday and the net hin nalo < n was npon at t > 'clook Sundity morning ii primnfacio evidence that this law wa also viola- d. more are those jurymen ex- ) ectod tiraskud to prove ? Are they ox- leclud to prove from pursonifl knowl- duo that there was liquor old in that mtloon Sunday lorning before Mayor Boyd and lis colleagues can un convinced that lie lawn hnvo boon violated. True that ether parties to whom tin board has already granted licenses lave sold liquor without license , and tept their saloons open Sunday , but lese facts have not boon brought to lie notice of the board officially , and liey could ignore them ; but they can- ot if they live up to their oaths and lie plain letter of the law ignore the irotest of that jury. It is simply Mr. 'roitsohko's bad luck or mmfortuno hat this murder happened in his all ion at that hour and upon that day. tut the law is no rcspoctorof persons , rid loaves no discretion to the board , iupposo however , none of the members f that coroner's jury see fit to ap- lour before the board , can that > ody consistently , with the letter ud spirit of the law , treat the liargo contained in their protest as lotprovon , and legally grant a license ? Thin board is not a criminal court 0 try charges against applicants for icenses an if they wore on trial for nurdor , arson or burglary , but merely 1 board of inquiry to ascertain vhother the conduct and character of applicants for license to sell liquor s such as would entitle them to n jrivilegu which the law expressly ro- niros shall be granted only to ropu- ublo and law-abiding citizens. The vidoncu to convince the board that a arty has not complied with the laws eras as kept a disorderly house should not io restricted to direct proof of what larties can testify to of their personal knowledge. The fact that murders ind bloody frayn have occurred in a esort that nella liquor nt unseasonable tours or on Sunday ought to convince uny board disposed to enforce the law. The fuel that any saloon is notoriously resort for thieves , gamblers and > rostitutes and an such known to the mliuo , is of itself sullicient proof of a disorderly house. There appears to bo a determination on the part of our city authorities to override and nullify ho laws and in every instance to c n- itruit them contrary to their spirit and essence. As long as this is the cuso law and order in Onmhu will remain a more 'nrco. TIIK ice problem is becoming quite serious in Now York owing to the continuance of mild weather. There is not a particle of ice in the Hudson between Now York and Troy , and even down in Maine thu rivers are still open. It usually requires a month of favorable weather to har vest the Iludion river crop , so that , oven if the river should freeze over month of severe weather , a full crop this week , and January should bo a could not be gathered before the 10th of February. The present indications are that , oven with a radical change in the temperature , the work of cutting - ting ice cannot begin before the 15th or 20th of January , which will prolong the season well into Februarywhen there is generally a thaw which honeycombs the ice and seriously damages , if it docs not en tirely spoil , the crop. Few people are aware how large an industry ice gathering is. On the Hudson alone thousands of men and boys are em ployed at it for Hooks every winter and it is estimated that $100,000 is paid out in wages during the ice liar v si. Of course there is no reason u yet for any fear of un entire failure of the crop , but it is ulain the dealer will have some excuse for the incrcas of prices , which they will doubtles make next summer , TIIK large number of permanen improvements urec d in various parts of the country alfow subita tial proo of genuine prosperity during the pas year , The section west of the Mis i exhibits marvellous pro/rois , but i is distanced by llic grt'.i'rr cities in the eait. Th 11 in Now Y .ikn Homo $55,000,000 in vuUn- of now buildings have ln on cr u'ud Hut Clticitfo giii-u far ahn * . of this showing , Ur o as ii n In ' city riD,000 buiiiliniilmvu Wen conimctioad , their estimated cot is 1I07HU > JO The y ir after the gr.M' ' fire did not ieo a larger number tluu tliM wonderful exhibit. In I'htl- ideliihi v it is ntated that nun and im posmij Htructuros are going up on all D1VTBICT REPRESENtATlON Pniler our national constitution , roprcnontation in the popular brnnch if congress IB apportii nod iimong the nta'Pi by rcprt'seiitutividihticts upon tin * bisis of Hit ) COHSUH taken every ten years TJni division of the states iitiic'in.Ti Hiional districts , according to the nunibrr of representatives to .tliich they me entitled , is left with I'UiVa'iiriof the respective Htatoi. Plie * | ii unary object of this syn- li in is to give the inhabitants of each subdivision or nection local represen tation in congress , The American senate , copied nfter .ho English house of lords , is pre eminently thu representative of the sovereign Mates , while thu members if the house represent the people. Until now Nobroxka has only been represented by one member of con gress , hence he was necessarily voted or by the entire state nnd chosen without reference to locality. Under he new apportionment made on thu urn's of the ceimue of 1880 Nebraska will bo entitled to thieo congressmen , and unless an exception in made in bo- mlf of this state by congress the duty will devolve upon our legislature to livido the state into congressional listricts , with each as nearly an possi- > lo of equal population Under the pretext that an oxtrases- ion of thu legislature to district the tate would involve an extra expense , Valentino introduced abill in Congress wo weeks ago to enable Nebraska to lect her first three congressmen rom the state at largo instead of elect ng them from three congressional liatricts. This bill ought not to passer or many reasons. In the first place t is bad policy for congress to deviate rom the letter and spirit of the con- titutioii for the bono''t ' of Nebraska > r any other state. The constitution Describes a method of apportioning representatives among the states and any apportionment bill passed by con ; rens should bo in compliance with constitutional provisions and ofuni orm application to all the states. It would bo unjust and impolitic for congress to enact a special law to gov ern the apportionment of congressmen n Nebraska. If this state is entitled o exemption , other states that hold 10 legislative sessions this winter are equally entitled to exemption. In the next place the proposition to elect hreo congressmen from the state at argo might result in giving ropreson nt ion to ono section of the atato to the detriment of ether sections. On : ho ether hand district representation would cquuli/.o the congressional rep rcsontation and give the people in each flection apocial champions of thfiir lo cal interests For instance the river counties now mve both senators , and n sectional iool organized to control the nomin iting convention might place the three congressmen into the same section Omaha alone can furnish candidate * or every place in congress to which Nebraska will be entitled for thu text twenty years. A combination between throe or bur counties would insure to them ho whole congressional delegation be rend a doubt. The manifest interest of the people of this state is that the state shall bo divided into congros eional districts and they can wull af ford the expense of an extra session of the legislature. Jjuch a sessien need not last longer : han a week , and $5,000 would cover he entire expense. If our senators desire to heed the wish of their constituents stituonts , they will never concur in Valentino's bill. Wo know whereof wo speak , when wo asaert that the rreat mass of our people are adverse , o Valentine's scheme , and in favor of district representation. Tk. DMtfe Roll of 1881 The list of leading statesmen , sol. duira. jurists , authors , clergymen , etc , who have died during the year 1881 is a long and distinguished one , First on that death roll , in every American heart , stands thu name of James A. Garfield , the martyr president , shot by a cowardly assasbiu , July 2 , dyinp at Klberon , September 10 , and buried at Cleveland , September 20. The mortuary list fur the year of rulers includes the names of Alexander II , , czar of Russia , murdered by nihilists , March ll ! , Queen Caroline , of Dun- murk , who died March I ) , at the age of eighty-five , and ono or two em- prosst'H of China. The men who liavo earned the right to bo cullec statoHinon , who have boon laid to earth during the year , are Benjamin Disraeli , Karl of lk-a- com > field and Prime Minister of Eng land , Count Von Ariinn of Prussia , Jules Dufuure , a Hfu member of the French senate and of the French aca demy , Kdouard do L'Huys , a French statesman nnd diplomatist , and Emil do Ciirardin , an eminent leader of the French liberal party Among the distinguished jurists nnd lawyers dead , wo find the names ol Nathan Clitlurd , of the supreme court of the United States , Wijli m Hoach Uwronco , a notable writer on jucstions , Ht'iiry SUnbury , one of thu oldest lawyoro of this coiuiiryaud fllill ? J lHlMlni , ) of Clevelanda til ill if modest hairing but genuine .ibility , itnonir thu nobility , I'mctPietic Xapoloon mid lht < Hull "i Oaitlmuss ; Huong n ith-ir * . Tliom.n ( . 'arlylc , ( ! eorje [ Klliott , Ui-orgn U irrow , Lr. ) .1. O Holland , Alfrnd 15 S'rue.1 and Sidney Lamer , Hinoxg publishers , lumen T. Fields and Flotchur U. Har- | r , unioni ! American political leaders , M.iilhuw It C'aipi'iitcr , senator from Wisconsin , Oon. A. K , Hurnsido , son- i > < r from Rhode Island , Fernando SVood , congressman from Now York , John .1 Hn loy , ox-governor of Michi gan , I.iouis A. Wiltz , governor of Louiitiuiu , General Leslie Coombs , of Kentucky , and Hendrick B. Wright , ex-congrc.ssmiiii from Penn sylvania ; amont ; celebrated divines and theologians Arthur Penrhyn Stanley , dean of Westminster , thu Right Reverend Thomas Atkinson , D. D. , LL. D. , bishop of North Carolina lina , Uov. Dr. K , A , Washbiirn , rec tor ol Calvary church , New York , Leonard Bacon , D. D. , LL. D. , pas tor and theological professor nt Now Haven , Rov. W. Morley Putmhon , D. D. , an eloquent Knuhflh preacher , Rev. Dr. Alexander H. Vinton of Philadelphia , and Bishop E 0. Ha ven of the Methodist Episcopal church ; among the military men , Hon. Emory Upton , Getioral Robert Patterson , and General II. B. Banning ; among business men , Thomas A. Scott , president - idont of thu Pennsylvania raslroad company , William O. Furgo , presi dent of the American Express com pany , .lames do Rothschild , a scion of the famous banking home , George Law , the veteran Now York finan cier , ' and Lorenzo Dolmonico , the great 'caterer. To thin list must bo added thu naifles of Louis Augusto Blanqui , the notorioun communist , Edward A. Sotheru , actor , Adelaide Neilson , actress , and Isaac I. Hayes , the Arctic explorer. POLITICAL NOTES. Calif 'nila will get the Rovornorrthip of Aiizoni , which in a mint important office. PensacoU , Fin , , ban re-elected Colonel J. M. Tartiell. republican mayor by a ma jority of 272. Ti den is still vigorous , but AS he in m nti mod for the Presidency nguin , he in beciimini ; pa alytio in the new paperx. Ex-Senator S irgent'rt prospective noini nn ion ineeU with a united reincm-tr .uce fniiii the newnimpern. N'jbmly iiaa nnid a Kood word for him. Youns M'lyor-elect Low , of llroiklyn , iimUtH that the men whom he itiip lints hcmls of the city dopar inentH nhall tolluw his own example , andcivo up their private hilHino < fl , Wil hiro. n pronjinent Arkansas nolititian gays that a movement on the Mahono nlixu { H under way in tli t state , with ox-ben .tor Clbyton an leader , H Inch \n \ bo nd to Hucoced. Mrn. Mnhone is as much interested in polnici as her hu Lund. She need to bo mi nr lent democrat , liut in now a fetrong rep bhcan in he views , and Umiiil to urge the ro i oval of all riem cratl > : office hulders in b half of roptlbUcann , If General Turn Kwing concludes to mix U litica with hU IAW. in New York , he u ill wake up tl.e Uemocratx of Qothnin. Atvl If ho hag an go > d luck u > that < ther Ohio uariet > ' aggi-r , Cox , It will not be long be fore hu reprcHBuU a New York district in con re s. > Thf K in an Citv Times la assured by a prominent New Mcx can that the people of the territory do not desire admittance to the Uni n B a nta'o and that such a scheme c nnot bo worked. Ha H ya thai everything U booming there , and the people ple are well Batlnflecl with the state ul The Uppov handuaky Republican ti An alariniugly absurd paper It in > erv funny , too , anil not bvcuust ) he means to ! > . ) ( > . Juatnowlthait a pimslon for tlie ancient tiowu , the now postmaster gen- * r l : 'Who walked about , how strange a story. In The es utreoU three thousiml The hoiiBO eleotion.t committee h u buen at work on the Mi siHsppi ! case of Lynch avaiiirit Chaluiets , ami the opinion is quitu freely i x pressed that the fx-confederuto general will , within ohnrt time , he re manded to private life , and ttmt Mr. Lynch , th- colored contestant , will be c- corded the neut which ri htfulty belongH to him by reaxcm of the 10 , 00 to l.r > , OCO republican majority in Ilia lilttrict. The Lynchbure Viryininn priiitn a copy a letter fr in Senator /Cidmi iah Chui l- lor , written May 11 , t8r7tr. Mr. J. Birney Work , ot that city , in which he laid : "My dispatch of November 8 , 187C , t. y- Ing , 'ilftycH h n 185 votes , and la el cted , ' wan tiue , tmt hod llioso word * not beer aid and said at that ti i.u . Hayes would never havcucoiipied the pre-ddentla chair. But for the moat lodefatifrable exertions nnd un > lelding detorininatlon that right ihould prevail the democrats would have stolen a vote or a itute somewhere , and thus given Tik'e , the prexidenoy. " MonaoaiiB aad it * Rcmedjr. WMhlnfton > p cUIU > theCluclniutlCamniercUI. The first business of importance to bo transacted by the house after con gress reassembles , will be the Utah case , which will be brought up Janu ary 10 , on Ilaskell's resolution to seat Campbell , who holds a certificate as delegate-elect. It is expected that 8. 8. Cox , or some other democratic member , will propose a resolution to seat Cannou , the Mormon delegate instead , and there is every indication upon thoto two propositions a long , oaniest and probably acrimonious de bate will ensue , and lhat it will not end until all the merits and demits ol Mormnnitm and polygamy shall have been pretty thoroughly discussed. All the acts officially kuowu to the house are that Campbell holds a certificate of election from the governor of Utah , certifying that he ( Camp bell ) was the person , being n citizen of the United States , having the highest number of votes at said elec tion ; that accordant ; to thu table of votes certified by the secretary of Utah territory to be a coirect tran script from the records of the terri tory , Cannon received 18.5US votes and thai Campbell received Iy57j together with certain papers nhowinp that in the governor's opinion , de rived from an investigation of the court records uf the territory , Can non is an alioi ) , and the further fact that the name of Cannon was placed on the pay-roll of the house as a del egate by Clerk Adams. Haskoll and thoBu who agree with him maintain that the only paper to bo considered in thu disoupiion of thu prima fuciu case is the ccrtificato hold by Camp bell , under which they maintain hu is entitled to bo seated. Cox , it is understood , in common with o majority of the democrats , holds that the transcript of election returns filed by Cannon entitles him to bo seated on a prima fuciu case. Some of the ablest republican lawyers among whom it is understood are Heed , chaittnan of the judiciary com mittee , nnd Robeson contend tlmt Jumphull'fi ccrtificato shown on it * face , in the words of his being a oiti/i-n of the L'nited States , that Governor Murray undertook to decide that Cannon was ineligible , 11 matter in which ho had no jurisdiction There are also a oed many tcpublican members who believe tlmt , oven granting Campbell's certificate to bo technically valid , it would bo imprac ticable to make the country believe , in view of the fact that ho received only 1J57 : votes. while his competitor received 18,508 of the votes , that an unjust advan tage had not been taken should Can non bo defeated. Thu democrats will , probably , vote solidly against such a proposition , and it does not seem at all probable , therefore , that Campbell will bo admitted on his prima facie caso. The admission of C.innon ap pears to bo even less probable. With , possibly the exception of Belford , of Colorado , it is said that not a tnnglu republican will so votu , and it IH cur rently reported that Randall , Cassidy ( of Nevada ) and noino other democrats will vote against seating him , It RCOIUB altogether likely that , the whole subject will be referred to the commit tee on elections , and thu result will bo a report against thu admission of either of thu men claiming to bo dele gates elect from Utah. Smco the Forty-third congress , thu last one before the present , in winch the republicans controlled the house of representatives , thu temper of that body ha not boon so hostile to Mormonism - monism and polygamy as it is now. While not open apologists , or defend ers of the peculiar institution which flourishes in Utah , the democratic majority in the house have carefully and stuioualy ignored thu steadily growing evils , and have contemptu ously neglected frequent recommend ations of the president for additional legislation to check and destroy them. Bill after bill was offered by republican members , and all of them were smothered in committee. In the lost congress \\illits , of Michi gan , wfTerod three bills of very grent importance , designed to enforce the sentiment of the country in regaid to polygamy. The bills were referred to the judiciary com mittee , of which Willits was a member and Proctor Ivnott was chairman. It took weeks , if not months , for Willitts to prevail upon Knott to refer the bills to the sub committee nnd ho never succeeded in getting u report from the sub commit tee. In all those six years of demo cratic control Cannon and his poly gamous associates pursued the even tenor of their way , and not until the republicans organized the present con gress did they have cause for alarm. If the majority of the house were democratic Cannon would unqtiestion- aply secure nnd hold his seat. Now he will certainly lose it , even if he shall be heated temporarily , and be sides that there will bo stern legisla tion against polygamy. There are many members ot the houuo who bo- hdvo that , under the circumstances , Utah Territory is entitled to no representation whatever in con gress A prominent republican member of the house has piop.m-d resolutions reciting admissions made Cannon under oath that ho is n polygumist in theory and practice , and that he has publicly preached and taught that doctrine , and declaring that the house will never consent tc the admission as delegate fiom any territory of any man who practices or believes in plural marriage. Another evidence that the majority of the house is ripe for severe meas ures against the Mormon hierarchy , is found in the general favor with which is received the bill of Willits to. abolish ish thu territorial legislature of Utah , and substitute therefor a legislative council of nine members , to to bo appointed - pointed by the president , and con firmed by the senate. It h under stood that a majority of the committee of the judiciary have already ex pressed themselves in faver of that or some measure like it , and the probabilities' are that it will bo favorably reported to the hounu early in the session. There is also every probability that a meas ure will bu passed , so changing the lawd relating to evidence in the Utah courts as to muku it practicable to ob tain convictions for violation of the statute against polygamy. There is a strong disposition also to disfranchise and disqualify for holding office all persons sustaining polygamous rela tions. "We proporo heroic measures , " said a prominent republican congress man to-day , "but thu evil is so des perate that heroic remedies only will cure it , and we believe under the cir cumstances the country will fully Bus- tain us in using very severe measures for stamping out this infamous crime against civilization and morality , " Nil Decperandom- When your girl give * you the mitten , am you feel your heart la broke , Don t give w y to black dlupair , but treat ic ai a joke. Get your health in firxt-olaiu order , n bet * lie of Hpilng Dlo m buy , And gaily join singing cl us , anil for on other Hweetheart try. I1 ice f > 0 cents , trial bottka 10 c nts. 2-lw Matter of Application of M. Parr for Permit to bell Liquor an a Druggist NOTICK. Notice id hereby civen that M. Parr did , Uxm the 2 < i day of January , A. D. , 188' ! , file hU nppllcuti.m . to the Mayor and City Council of Omaha , for permit to null Malt , HpiritnoiiH ami Vm ui Liquor * . KH a Druggist , fur n edlcinal , me chanic 1 and chemical | iurrxweH only , at corner Tenth ami Howard street , Third wnnl , ( ) in nh , Neb. , from the 10th day < d .liiuunry , 18S1. . to the 10th day of April , 188 ' , if thrro bu no objection , remonstrance or piotmt tiled within tun weekn from Jiuiuary 2d A. ! > . , IBhl ! , the > nld permit will Ixi grunt'il M PAHII , Applicant TIIK DAILY lUx u wpuiH.'r will i tiblinh thu aboie no ice ouce ea n week lor two week' , nt thu rxpenxe ( if the applicant. Thel'ityof Omaha IH rot to be charged therewith , J , J L O.JKWP.TT , J3 it ! City Clerk. ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DV1D CITY , NEB. i | v , . < att"i Unit irUi' " to MJI' tiou. in Hull DEWEY & STONE , FIT TQ 1VT T T8 TTT > 1I U rill 1 1 U itJti ! 9K. . ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B. FRENCH & CO. , CARPETS ! GROCERS ! Omaha , POLAOK Collins Cheyenne , . , Colorado Fall and Winter ING ! . LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Gaps , Trunks , Valises. ox. , TO TtlKLATKS' aTYLEB. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit a , * T3I6 FARNHAM STREET , \ NEAlt FOrilTEBNTH. BROMPJON. CONSUMPTION. PRESCRIPTION. B c j p Cures Prevents Bad Breath , Chest Pains , fneumonia. Blood Spitting , Colds and Chills , .Phleghm in the Throat BreatMessness , Catarrhs , i Pains in the Sides , Bronchitis , Croup , i Pleurisy , BOSS COUGH PHYSIC. Brompton H , Hpita in the LARGEST INSTITUTION IN THE WORLD.of which the ot j ct i the ireatmeiit nf LUNG AND CHKVT D1SKASKS. ItH Medical Stafl consist- the MOS'J' KMINK NT PHYSICIANS in Fjondou , to whom we owe tbL - theMOST SUCCESSFUL UEMKuY OFTHK AGE. In the Brituh MetropolU alone if na- * effected mn e than l,00i > ,000 CUHES , and in the trying WinUrnf 1880 i credited with having SAVED hUNDHED - OF LIVI-.S. Send for Sample Dottle , 35 cents. Obtainable only ( in Bottleu $1.00 and OOo each ) , from M ? . XI. " ADDRESS , RESIDENCE. 8 W. Pierce and 20t a Opera House Clothing Store 217 South 15th St. , Under 330 MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING , GENT'S FUHNISHING GOODS , HATS & GAPS , TRUNKS , ETC. Large Stock and New Goods 1 All Goods Marked in Plain Figures I Strictly ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE. If Honest Goods , Low Prices and Courteous treatment will do it , all who call and see for themselves will be oatisfled that the OPERA. HOUSE CLOTHING STORE is the place to buy. nov23oodlm Of the Very Latest IOB LAME , GENTS , AM CHILDREN -AT- MRS. HUBERMANN'S , Otb Street , Bet , Capitol avenue nd Davenport Fun1 mmi to Order and Repaq inmp " tii aorp " ' < J. A. WAKEFIELD , VHOLE3ALK AMI KCTMl ( M. Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMEhT AOKNl XOB JULWMM.FT rTMJVT roWPASY Near Union Pacific Depoi , - - OMAHA ,