THE OAIAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JANUARY 3 , l 82. THE MAXWELL STEAL , A Millionaire's Survey Linoa ou Mountain Side B , nnd the Hoeult. Falno RcDortln nnil FloUtlon * Clnlmn- Oorrcrionilcnce ol TIIK DRK. WASHINGTON , December 28 , 1881. Another intorcating cltaptor in the h atory of tlio MaxwellWilllntna land fraud , ccnaista of the oxiicriuncoa of the deputy surveyor of Colorado , in Ins efforts to cloao upon the northern line of the Maxwell grant. There ia n gap of eleven miles upon which ho cannot close. Ho rannot identify tlio witness corners , as doscrihed in the official nott's. When the survey ia said to have taken ono direction , it ia found to hiivo tikon iinothor , nnd where witness coniprs are said to ho visible from some point , it ia found that mountain puaka interrupt the view in that direction , and tlio whole thing ia a mais of bluudeiing and fraud , so much so it has proved ruinoua to the settluis to have located anywhere within thirty miles of where the Hues of the Maxwell grant were holiovod to bo. With ono observation upon the pecuniary condition of ono of the deputies who made this fraudulent survey of the Maxwell grant , wo will lot the Colorado deputy surveyor toll his own story. The Now Mexico deputy surveyors were Messrs. Elkina and Harmon , and our observation is this. Klkina is a millionaire. Ho is worth from three to four millions What such a 111:111 : wnnts of a govern ment survey , is beyond comprehen sion unlpss there are "millions in it. " The Maxwell k'rant having boon surveyed , the Colorado deputy set out to close his muvoys upon the not th orn line of that grant. As before stated , he could not do it. There was a irap of cloven miles which refo.suil and refines to bo closed , and the laii- cuauo of Archibald , as ho passes front point to point , is so strong when rep resented by typo that wo judge it must have boon sulphurous when it bur-t fresh from his lips , expressive of dis gust and indignation. Ho starts from the northeast corner of the grant and tries to run north 60 degrees and 15 minutes west , according to notes of Elkitis and Mar- mon. After going 11 80 chains , his men , from the nature of the ground , are unublo to proceed. Ho , therefore , goes down tiio mountain < iOO foot , and tries to proceed in the sanio direction as before , hut find himself running into tlio side of a mountain which "it was impossible 10 ascend on lino. " So ho and his men scattered and made "diligent search" for seven days , enduring "tho hardship during greatest possible ship and fatigue , " and "I am cnnblud to state , and do positively state that no mound or stone , as described in the notes of the original survey of a lid line , as the witness corner to the second end , third , fourth , fifth and sixth miles exist. Archibald , the Colorado deputy surveyor , then preceded to what was designated the eleventh mile stone , from which it was claimed that Ijy sighting back the witness corner ho could not find after a seven day search , could be seen. To his astonishment he found the pi aspect obstructed by the llaton peak , rising moro than 0,000 feet , and not moro than three and a half miles distant , and he says : "Therefore it is apparent to mo , and Istatu the same as a fact , that the re cord of said reported triangulation is either grossly erroneous as to its result , or the statement that such a triangu lation was made is absolutely ficti tious. " Trying still to follow the notes of Klkins and Marmon , he finds himself defeated , and exclaims "Tlio statement made that slid wit ness cornur fur the 7th , 8th , Oth and 10th mile corners is situated on the north side -of Chicorinn , nnd at the foot of the same , and that the bearing of the said musa is N.V. . and S , K , is grossly erroneous. he said witness corner ia not situate to the north of any mesa , and there is no mesa known by any name or of any description to the south of said witness corner north of the 37th pnr&Ilel of north latitude. " His report abounds in charges against the New Mexico surveyors. r Again and again wo find him using the " false " "cal expressions , "Absolutely , culated to "mislead , " "calculated to deceive and mislead , ' "altogether fic titious.1 Yol such is the survey npon which millions of acres have been stolen from the public domain , and settlers driven from their homos. There ought to bo a remedy for so foul a wrong , and swift retribution for the corrupt odiciala who have violated their trust in abutting it , or acquies cing in it. KX-BENATOK I'AOIIOIK AND TUB ANT HKlKKTAUVBHIl' . Lust week rumor had it that ox- Senator Paddock was to bo Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. Tlio Nebraska delegation lias been working to secuie Mr. Paddock and the State some worthy recognition. But some thing butter than nn Assistant Score- taryahip was hoped for. At the bent , it is but a clerical position and ono which no ex-Senator would covet , af ter Upton. The conversion of Congress to the views expressed last winter by Sena tor Saundera on fuiulingiit ! J per cent. must bo Hattering to him and a hint to party leaders in the Senate that ho might have huon put at the head of the Committee on Finance with moro benefit to the country than some of those now upon it who claim to know , dl about money. JU.MUH. Our FroHh Moat Exports. Our meat trade with Eurono has grown to bo an item of moro impor- tuiieu than thu aver.igo reader is aware of. Accimliug to statistics just pub lished the aggregate value of the live stouk and fresh meat exported fturn Now York for the year ending Novcm bor SO , 1881 , was 810,553,800. The frcah bouf uxported is valued in tin * report at $5f > 88,511 , and thu mutton at § 232,287 , The number of horned cattle exported uaa 39 , ! > f8 ! ; the num ber of sheep , 2l,4il ( ( ; and of hogs , 3,782. Thisestiniatoclocs not include the fresh meat in refrigerators and the live stock sent from other ports , which would add a small percent ago to the above figures. The experiment of refrigeration has proved so successful , and is in every way so much to bo preferred , that it will be very generally - ly adopted , and will result in a marked - ed increased in our exports of fresh moat. A movement is already on foot , backed by ainplo capital , to ship fresh meats , in refrigators , direot from New Orleans to the dilloront markets of Kuropo , relying upon the great gra/.itu ranges of Texas and the southwest for tlio supply. The ox- pertinents already made from there have proved a success practically and financially , the moat being delivered in pel feet condition and at a cost which justifies a liberal investment in the enterprise. Thu importers prefer to send the meat rather than the live animals to Europe. The loW ornting system has been so perfected within the past tlvo years that fresh' meat a cannot only bo preserved in a perfect tate for an unlimited time , but the quality and llavor is re.xllv impioved by the process , Two obstacles are also re moved by this method of shipping : First , the injury nnd sulVering of ani mals , during an ocean passage , which is likely to impair their salu and en- tall \ois \ ; second , the objection niyed in England and other foreign countries against the extension of our beef trade with them , through fear that our cat tle may scatter diseasu among their domestic stock. It has been demon strated thute can furnUh Europti with as chuip and as good fresh meats as can bo supplied at homo. Hence there is every reason to look Jor de cided increase in this class of expi rts from yiur to year. Our facilities for raising and maturing stock aru super ior in every respect to those of the most favored countries of the Old World , and our resources uro unlimited , \\hilo theirs are gradually diminishing. Tlio prospect of an ex tensive foreign maikot to bo added to the home demand has led to a largo investment of capital in fitouk raianu ; upon the great ranges of the west ; and , as a result , the amount of our meat supply is constantly increasing and the < | imlity iinprovmi. . It will continue to keep pace in both direc tions with the demand , Our meat export , aa shown , has already become quite important , and there ia nothing to prevent its increase one or two hmuhed p'.T cent within a short time , witli thu facilities now all'orded for shipment and a proper care not to excite foreign prejudice against the trade. OVERLAND TELEGRAPH. Extensions of the Western Union Compuny'a Lines An Outllno * of the Work Contain- plated. Han Kr ne'itco Iliillctln. Col. Robert C. Clowry , general superintendent of the Western Union Telegraph company with headquar ters at Chicago whose arrival in this city was announced in Thu Bulletin some days ago , stated this morning in the course of conversationthnU his visit to San Francisco was purely on business. The Pacific const district forms part of the central division over which he exercises general superin tendence. He had never before come as far went as this , and did so now for the purpose of not only inspecting the existing state of affairs , but to see whether it WAS possible to extend present telegraphic facilities on the Pacific Coast , with mutual benefit to the public and the people. "I have come , " ho remarked , "for the purpose of looking over the whole ground , and intend doing so , ns far as time will permit. " A new wire is being put up between Omaha and Oaden. When completed it will give the Western Union company four ex clusive overland wires along thu route of the Contra ! and Union Pacific roads , besides two joint railroad wires east of O don. This additional viro will per mit the company to handle the busi ness between San Francisco and the east with greater ease , and will opor- rate as an additional facilty to the San Francisco public. Besides tliest'lines commonly known as the "Overland" wires , the company is building an independent iiocond line east by way of Los Angeles and Doming , on thu opposite Hide of the railroad track from that occupied by the present wires. It is also recon structing the telegraph line through Arizona tr Demini ; has been carried on at an enormous expense ; first of all , from the materials uaod , which in poles , wire and insulators aru of the very best material ; and secondly , from the difficulty of obtaining men to work iii the Arizona desert. Thu h' > at at times was so great its to break down the strongest of them. The wires used on this line are nil largo gauge , Nos 0 and 8 , whereas the wire used on ordinary lines is No. 0. The poles are all sawed , and were shipped principally from Santa Crux. This line is in every respect a finit- class line , as good as any ever built on the continent. It is expected to have it completed early next year. The company has obtiined good facil ities from the Atchison , Topuka nnd Santa Fo Railroad , and is putting up additional wires so that thu overland hunini'ss may be handled without dif ficult or delay. All the offices along thu line of the road ure under the con trol of the Wtstein Union Company so far as commercial business is eon- corned , tlio railroad company alone controlling tlio business connected with its own administration and move ment of trains. Contracts have been entered into witli all thu Texan rail roads , and in all cases tirat clans tclu- uraphio facilities have boon secured "Tho relations of the Western Union Company , " added Col , dowry , "with all the rail mad a on the Pacific const , Texaa and the Southwest are of the most harmonious character , " "Woaroulso"liocoiitinuud"build- , , - ini ; ; i line along the route of thu Northern Pacifickeeping [ up uithliio end of the track. We aru at present BiriiiKing two wires on that road , and will increase the number as required. Wo are , as before stated , increasing telegraphic facilities ii'ong ' the Central Pacific and Union Pacific , and wo are building another telegraphic line along the Atlantic & Pacific road. This is in addition to these that already ex ist. When thuy are completed , San Francisco will have lour through over- land' telegraph routes oant. The Northern Pacific , Central Pacific , At- liuitio t Pacifictintl Southern Pacific. " At present there are only two--tho Central and Union Pacific , nml the other by way of Demiinf , connect ing with the Atchison , To pel A & Sun- ti Fo Lines. Quito a number of now offices have been opened during the past year on the Pacific coast , moro particularly In Southern California , Arizona , Now Mexico , Oregon and Washington Territory , and are being constantly added to. There are now in all some 500 telegraph olhYos on the coast. "Tlio amount of tele graphing done out hero , proportionate to thu population , will , " paid Col. Clowty , "compare favorably witli what is done in the cast. " The busi ness from night half-rate messages in increasing , and the company is tutis- fiod with present results. For a long time after the half-rate system was inaugurated thu receipts decreased. The number of mesniiges increased , but not to an extent that reimbursed the company for the reduction in rates it made. People ple now realise that th , < y can send a message East just ns they aio on thu point of going to bed , and hare the answer to it awaiting them when they waku up in the morning , and that at a cost of only ono-luilf of what th"y had to pay buforu , without hav inu lost atiytlnni'in titiiu. ' 'Tins in duction was a great accommodation to the public , who ar > , t find , " ho observ ed , "much pleased with it The com pany hi po for good resulto. " Col Clowiy in an excellent illustra tion of the co ciso and active Eaatuin business men , ono familiar and accus tomed to deal with lar o enterprises. Although , probibly , approaching thu two-score , lie has the a ) poanuico of a man much younger. Over six fuet hi h , pleasant countenance , sharp , bright eye , hu tella what ho baa to say without repetition , careful not to touc'i ' on mutters not strictly within his own jurisdiction. Asked about the possibility of the pur- cliaso of the telegraph line by the government , the adoption of under ground cables in lieu of poles and air wires , and other points touching the interests of the Western Union com ) any , ho replied that those were mutters belonging exclu sively to the executive committee of the company , and hu preferred not expressing any opinion on them. The Central Division , over which ho pro- sideSj embraces all the country est of Pittsburg and north of the Ohio river. On the north it takes in all the north and west to Canada ; south--ou the west fiiJo of the Mississippi--it goes to the Gulf of Mexico , and west to the Pacific Coast. He expressed himself very much surprised and pleased at the appearance of San Francisco and its surroundings. To day ho proposes visiting Monterey mid next week will return to Chicago bj way of the Southern Pacific t r Atchison - son , Topeka Santa Fo Roads. Ail Old Fries ml Ho was nlllictuil with a lamt ! buck nml liability , hit win n commended Thouuii' l > lcc ric Oil whi b ciirocl him nt nt onro. Thm famous spcci c in n po-itivo reinud > for ImiHly pain. ? -lw Muking Him Happy. IXtrolt Tree I'rtsn. A dumpy , disconsolate looking small boy was leaning against tho'Y.-ai : at the corner of Woodward avenue and Congress street , when alone came a tall , raw-boned stranger with about four drinks in him , and said : "Hu-bubby , do you feel bad ? " "Yes. " "Hain't for you got nom-monoy Chrifslemas ? " "No. " "Jus" like met I'm traveling on mv last fifteen cents 'oinorning , and it'll be all gone fora noon. Going to h-hant ; up your stocking ? " "No. " "Neither'm I. I havent got nny- body to love me an' put toys in my stockings. Sny , do you want a lirr.lo toy mule in your stocking ? " "Yos " "So do I , but , I won't get ono Tuff to bo poor tuffcst in" ' tuft. S < y , bub ? " "What " 'There ain't no heir about mo. I'm the bizzust hearted man in the world. I'll iiiuku you happy if I have to ( deep in thu middle of the road. Hera , taku that , and this , and this yes , take it along and bo happy. " And ho banded out a pint bottle half full of gin , 11 pltiir of tobacco , and a dime song book , and as the bewildered - dorod boy stood holding them in his hands the donor continued : "Tlniznll tlm : : all but a ouchro- declc and a pistol , and I'll keep them to make some other boy romombur Chrublemas. Run along , sonny run home and bo happy ! " "HOUGH ON HATH. " The tiling thnircd found at ) u t. Ask dnvKixt for "I niifjh on Hatx. " It oleum out ruU , mice , roach , fllt-H , bed I > U H : 15c boxen , ( I ) THAT COUGH. If you are miHoring from a Cough , Cold Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , loss of voice , tickling of the throat , or any affection of the Throat or Lungs , UHO Dr. King'H Now Dfscovery for Consumption. This is the great rumody that is causing HO much excitement by its wonderful cures , curing thousands of hopulim.i CO.SOH , Over a million bottlcH of Dr King's Now Discovery have been used within the last year , and hayu given porfuct Hiitififautioii in every iiiHtuiico. Wo can unhesitatingly say that this in fealty the only Biiru euro for tluoat nul lung allectioiiH , and can eheui ful ly recommend it to all. Call and get a dial bottlu freu of cost , or a regular sbo for § 1.00. luliil McMahon , Om aha -IS - ) HAWKEYE PLAIMG IILL 00 , , DCS Moines , Iowa. Manufacturer ! of 8A8H. OOODB , DLINOO URAOKET8 , MOULDINGS , AO , Urmt rixluctlon In Hank , I'larm lui nUhtil , anil work lurnlthixl In all Kiwis ol harder or Bolt Howl , Counters llnlnlicil In nil vUiun ui > ircJ Hhilvin ol all klmli lurnlMiul ami inn Into bulMliiK ft iw ! } fnr pulnt on inert nutlto Our uurkmin are the ljv t mochanlun that can | / < procured bate mono ) lij rfltuix tu jour cor IratU. Btalri , Newell and Daluiteri , Our ( oruiMti In thl cJqartmMit nan ( onnirl > with Frost MknufatlurliiiC Co , C'Miai6 Ilia , ami lu done noino ol thu flnut Btulr * orl Ordf r * ljtimil nromi'tlr &tttn < ! fl tn wi , C , F , Manderson , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW 1 furttn TRUTH ATTESTED. SoraoImportantMntfltncntiiofW * Known People Wholly Verified. In ohlci that the public in * ) full ) rmllio the Kcmilnom < - of ( ho UI i * nt , M < 11 M the -OWcrMll TdlllO Ol IhC aMldO Ol which the ) | x ) < , wr- publish hcr Ith tfe IM ( hullo Kr > a. timviof ptrllNi fthoMnlncfrUy In Ix-i otu qum Ion The Truth ol lhi e tiMlmonUla In ate ulo , nor f n th facU they announce I * IR nonil. OKAIIA , N . , Ha > S ( , 1KS1. I 11 WARMm&au DKARHIK : I hiM frequently Uv\l Wiwnri' * Safe KlJno , utiil IJ\fr Cure lor loc 1 aRcctloi.i attendant upon coxpro rheumatl nuieVn , aiul inteal a ) ilorlrNl tenetlt therefrom. I ha\c i\l o imod the Safe Nervine with MtUUctory ro- milt. * . 1 roiiAlili-r thtwe medicine * nor.hy ol contlJe ro. IVjml j TtciMurrr ) OMIIU , Nun , Mr. ) SI , 1 SI I " . W rwn ft CO. , ItocliMtor , N \ ( lritt-l ; li \e need jour bale Kidney und horCmot ! tonprliiKBHtt hvrln\linrator , ntiJ 1 find I the Ixnt romtdy I MT trliil 1 h e innl 4 bottlri. a tl It luw made 1110 l l U'ttrr than err 1 uld btloru In the ci > rln . f. I1. \ \ Show. | OMAHA , Km , M ) : , IBM , II II Hl'iMiFor moro ttmn 15 jr nr I h > o nudorcil much In cm iiilenco from eomhltifil Um ! _ v ami ilicr illmwtn , lit hi\M' been lilt bio to work iij iitln > mK nfluNo MiiKnffic nl I'rlcda Kuntmnin mi dictum and doitotn , hut I giv * Morm : ami or otlft } b ) dny I MM toll 1 had ltli > iiv . ' , rtml I lnhivl uyclf ilr-ad If I onilil not h& u npi'ixiy rulicf. I took jour Mifo H i'iiu ' ) mul Llxcr i urc , knovsliR nothing ol ) wiw tner known tocurothn illsi IIKO , aiul I litu lot liccn iliMippclnttil Th n illclno IIM cunil in' , mul lum pirluo ly ncll to din , cittluly tire K'I > our balu Kidney and l.lurCuru I lib j ou nil mice Mln puullihltiK lhl \ luibtr mnouy through ho world. 11 ixpially R'ronviulorimnont < many of them In also * vlmro h } \\AHnhiiii ) * onvtl ho hrcncluntitrlly iM'ii.flionlni ; the rriiiHtkabla ix > or of Wnrntir'i tUfo Khlnuy Aiul Ll\or Cure , In ll l mwooof thu kUlncju. Ilirr ar urlimryoiKUtiK. II nny onn who rtuiU thin nn > phy lal trouMu tlm gru t r ol ( Itlav Gentle Women Who want glossy , luxuriant autl wnvy tresses of ubumlunt , lioniitiiul H air must use LYON'S EATUAIRON. This cloRnnt , clieap article always ninncs the Hair prow freely and last , keeps it from falling out , arrests autl cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair fitrong , giving it a curling tendency ana keeping it in nny desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kuthoiron. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA IL13E & CO. . Sole Mnnuftvcturera. OMAHA. Went lor Iwln the moot direct , quickest , n "atert line eonnectliif the ( truat Motrojxjlln. CHI CAOO , and the KAHTEHN , NOHTII-EA/ITKRXI cirri and Souni-KidTBKN Livm , which termlnat t here , with KANHAH CUT , UAVINWOETH , ATOIIIHON , OiUNdi , IlLurfH and OHAIIA. the COMMIRUIAI CMTKU * from which radiate EVERY LINC OF ROAD hat penttrnton thu Continent from the Mluwuil lUvor to the I'aclflc Bloiw. The CHICAGO ROOK ISLAND A PA- CIFIO RAILWAY the nly line from Chicago owning track lrit > . Kantas , or which , hy IU own road , roaUiia tni- lOlnU ahove naiiiul. No TRANHMIM r CAKRIAUII ' fo MIHHINU WJNKBC7IONHI No huddling In III ventilate or nnclcAn care , an eviry ixwnunKcr h carried In roomy , cltan and ventilated coarhi * Uion Font Kxnruiw Tralrii. DArC'AKJiolunrlvalixl nugnlOocnco , PutiMAh i'AlACii HiKuriNo CA H. and ourown world funioiu Vit > n > u CAM , UIKIH which inoali are wnixl ol 1111 burjvujBotl uxtLlltnco , at the lo * rate ot HsvxNtr li CXNTM IACII , with ftiiuile time , for healthful t nJoynitnt. Through Care between ChlcaRO , Poorla , Mil aukco and lllimourl Ithcr Points ; and clone con ncctloni at all point ! ol Inturwcllon with othar roiwla. Wo ticket ( do not forget thin ) dlroctly to over ) ilaie o ! Imiwrtanto In kanaiw. NehraHka. Illttcl Illl , Wjoniln , Utali , Idaho , Nevada , California , Oregon , Waohlngton Territory , Colorado , Arltorm and New Meilco , Anil btrol arrangement * regarding haitgagc u- any otlar lluo , and rateii ol t re alwa.y/1 aM ow tr comrM-tltom , who furnlnh hut a tithe o the coin ort , DOIJB and tackle ul j rt rooii free. Tlckcto. rriaiw and foldtn at all prlntlpa olllroa In thu drilled Hlutm and Cann-la. It. It CADLK , K. HT. JOHN , Vice I'rn 14 ( .en. Otn , Tkt aiul I'am'r AK r , Chicairo BQCGS & HILL REAL ESTATE BROKER No. IftOHFaruIiuiu Btroot , CMO - Nor h ulde onu Orand Central Hotel No Changing Cars mmriiK . OMAHA & CHICAGO , Vhcr illrci pomuvtion are ina.lo with Th iiuh SUKI'l.Ml CAH LINKH for NKW Y011K , IIOSTON , rillLADKLl'IIIA. UALTlltOUK , WASHINGTON \NU ALL KABTKHN ITIH8. The Short Line via. Peoria Kor INDIANAl'OI.IH , CINCINNATI , " 1I.LK , mil Ml | K > Int < i In the Till IIMT URI For ST. LOUIS , Whom direct connpctionii are nuule in the Union Dciiol lth the Through Hlcoiilna Car Lliuxi for ALL - 8 o XT mac. NEW LINE > ° MES ) MOINES TIIK KAVOU1TK UOUTK FOH Rock Island. The uno < i\alod liuluc-ouuMiU oflcnxl h ) Uila line a trmolcm and tourlrtu are an ( ollnwBl The ci-lohntod rt'LLAIAN ( IB wlitnl ) 1'ALAUK HLr.Kl'INd CA11H run only on thin line 0. , II b Q. 1'ALAUK MlAWINll UOOM OAUS , will , lloilon'tt lu-clliilni ; Clialn No extra chnrtci fni soatdtn HccllnliiK Clmlrn. 1 he faiuoiu 0 , II. i. j I'alacu UlnhiK L'wir * . OOT MIH HiuokliiK' Out IHtod lth vloiraut hlijIiOiackixl nttUtn riuohlni' clmlni , for the cxclmUu neuot nnt-clino | > a 8 SU'ul Track ftt'J guporlor iiUli | > mvnt coiulih vlth their gicu.1 throiih | otr anunxanrnt , ni'ki Lhld. nlio\o all othom , the fa\orlt route to tn "hit , Soutli nnd tioiithuoHt. Try It , and jon will Ond trelliiij a lusury In 4 11 of a dlHcomfort. TlirouKh tlckubilo tills nslebratml linn for nil at all oilum In the UnlUnl SUtea and Canaila. All nforiiiitlon aLjut ratoit of farv , Slwrlii , Car acvonimodatlonn , Tiino Tnlilon , etc. , will l > chourfitll ) ghtn hy | | ) ; to | PKItCKVAIi LOWELL.J flrneral " nnwcr Ak ! nt , C'liloigc , J. POTTKIl. C ! < i. Man\i'cr Chloivo. Sioux City ffi Pacilib THE SIOUX OITY HOUTD Huns a HolMTmlti Ihruunh from Council Bhitl'a to fcit. i aul Without Chnnco Time , Only 17 Hour * . IT IN 3LOQ MILES Till ! HIIOHTKBT HOUT1 COUNCIL BLUFFS TO HT. PAUL , MINNKAPOLIB UULUTII OR D18MAKCK and all points lu Northern Iowa. Mlnniwotaan Dakota. Thin lr ! ll equipped with the Improve Wwitlujbouna .Automatic Alr-brnke anil Mill Platfom Ooimlor and Duffer : and for 8PEKD. BAFETY AMD COMFORT ll anmirpantHd. Pullman Palaoo tileonlnK Oar ran through WtTHOUT CHAMOK Iwtuoon Kat aaiOllvand fit. Paul , via Council UlufJa an Sioux City Tralni lo vo Union Pacific Trail nfcr at Coun ell Iilun , at T.'Ei p. m. dolly on arrival of ICtri City. St. Joveph and Council Hindi train ( roi the South. Arriving at Sioux City 11:35 : p. m and at ( lit New Union Depot at Ht. I'aul at 1S.J noon. TKM HODBfl IM ADVANCE OF ANY.OTUE ROUTE 3rRem rnb r In uklnir the Blonx City Routi you got a Through Train. Too Bhortmt Line the Qutekeat Ttaio anil a Comfortable Uldo in th Tbrouxh an between COUNCIL I1LUKK.4 AND 8T. PAUL. tftioe that your Tickets road via the "Blou City and I'lclftc Kalliood/ ' J. a. WATTLEH , J. R. I1UCHANAN Kut > orlnk > iiilcnt. Oonl Pasa , Airent. P. K. ROIIIhOON , Awi't C.iin'l I'HHH. Att , Mliwourl Valley , lona. J. II. O'llKYAN , Southwottorn A'wit , Councl lluI ) , Iowa 1880. SHORTJJNE. 1880 KANSAS CITY , StJoe&CouncUBluffF IB Till ONLY Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ANDTIIKKABT From Omaha and the West. care botwcmn Onuvlia and tn. ixi ted but ono Wtwouii OMAHA and NKW YOHK Daily Passenger-Trains tlXCUUd ALL KAHTEHN AND WKHTKHN C1TIKH with LK 8 OUAIUli:9 ami IN ADVANCK ol ALI { OTIIKJt L.INK8. Thlj entire Una Is fxiuimxxl with rullni ii' PtUco SlcvpInK Can , PaUco l ) y Coachm , Miller's I'Utiona and Coupler , and the cclobnvU * MlnhouKO ) ( Alr-brako. TH tt Uut vour ticket raadi VIA nANUAb OlTf , HT. JOHKI'II & COUNCIL III.UKKa JU11 roJ , via Ht. Joaoih | and fit I-ouU. Tick tii lor ule at all couiion i-tatlonn In the Wort. J , K. IAIINAHI ! > , A' 0. DXWKH , Q n. Stint. , Ht Jowph , Mo Ocn. Pun. and Ticket Ai. | , Ht. Jomiph , Mo. ADDT U < iRt ) , Ticket AK nt , IttiO Karnhaui utre t. A. B. OiKHARD General Aifent , OUA1IA , NK United States Depository NationalBank OK OMAHA. Oor , 13th and Farnam Bta. oi.Dr.ur HANKINO KHTAIILIHHUKNT IN OMAHA. BUOOEBSOnO TO KOUNTZE UROTHERB. ) UTAHLIHIIIIU IBM ) . M a National Hank Augiut 20 , 1863 CAHTAI , AND PnOKITH OVKH aOO,000 ANb blRSOTORMII llibiUN KbUNitH , I'rumilent. AuaUHiuu KOUNTZK , Vice P H. W. VATIUI , Caiihler. A. ) , PoriLKiON , Attorney , JOHN A. C'KKIUIITON , K. II. DAVU , Aunt. Thl lank receltcn tlejKidlU without ri-nard moiintn. lb uts tlmu certlflcateii hearing Intcrcmt. Drawn drkftn on Han Franc l co and | > rlnulila ; tltluBol the Uriltud Htatim , also Ixjiulon , Dutjllii vllnliiiri/li and the | > rlncl | > &l cltlen of the contl * nent of hiiro | . Hull * laswimr tlcki U for einlfrunUJIiy tlio In man line mavMtl BYRON REED & . CO. ( ILIiHIT UirABLIIIIlU Real Estate Agency IN NV.1WAHKA Kutn a cotuiilete thttract of title to lie * KutaUi In Omaha an Uouidai county , mavt NT W AIH ) Ct'JttRECT MAP jojnnrt unj rt-Monntiln gticstlnn thai th CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERK ! ffV M M > ojn * thotpj Kift i ( or you to take \\lirn Iravcllns In olllirr riitrction lH > tw ( v- anri ill of the Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest. mnmliir tliN V p. Tlio rrlnrlpal Cltln of the \To < t And Norlhwrit nro Htntlon in llilirond Ui thnuitili train ) uiaku cluso connocttuui wllii the Indus ot ml riUt'XHul.i > liinollon THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY , Over nil of lit tirlncliial Iliiot , ruin oarh way daily from t o to four or moro Kmt I' ' 1 rains it 11 the onlj ro.ul wwt uf Chicago lliat ibcs tlio The Imperial Palace Dining Oars. Una rirkoti over this rot.d nru M > K1 by nil Coupon 'ticket Aleuts In tlio Gultuil Htiitoa nittf Cil IIII IH. „ | liomcmner to ink for Ticket sli : lhhroiutlio.sure they rpiul over It , ami take none oilier. IUUIX Ill'GlUTT , Goti'l MnmiKOr , OhlciiKU. W. 11. STKNMiTT , Ucu'l l'.U3. Apout , Clilcagc UAllllV P. DtlKL , Aitmil.'O. ' St ft \ \ lUIUnj. llthnnd Fainham gtroot * . D K. KIM11ALL , AmlalvitTI liot AL-I'II ! H AV W Hallwa ) , Utlijtnd rarnhain itroetl J. IIKLL , TIckBt A ent C * NV lUIlwa ) , l I1. U. 11. Dopol. BAIIKHT I'LAIIK Ornrral Aircnt. The Oldest Wholesale and i THK l.KAIHNU Retail JEWELRY HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here IN TIIK WKSTI General Agents for the find all novelties in SILVER Finest and Best Pianos and VER WAR'S. ' CLOCKS , Organs manufactured. Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low aa Eastern Manufacturer uhe Latest Most Artistic any , , and Dealer. and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold PRECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. all descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stock of WATCHES at as Low Pri Stemway Pianos , Knabe ces as is compatible with Pianos , vose & Son's Pi honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes , and see our Elegant New Also Clough & Warren , . Sterling , Imperial , Smith Store Tower , Building , American Organs , &c. Do- corner llth and . not fail to before see us pur Streets chasing. MAX MEYER & BRO , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW CASES ! Large Stock Always on Hand , dUoOdtf -DEALERS IN- HALLS SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proof 1020 Farnham Street , Special Attention Is Once More Called to , the Fact that wto CO. Rank foremost in ithe West in Asso rtment and Prices of CLOTHING , FOR MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps Wo aro" prepared to moot tlio demands of the trade in regard to Latest Styloa and I'ftttonm. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connection . RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1303 Farnhain and 300 to 312 13th St O. H. BALLOU , -DEALER IN Lath , and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT ooil-3o )