Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1882, Image 8

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Handsome Tribute of Respect by
the Bar to Sheriff Roel.
Close of the Catholic Fair , and
who Drew the Prizoa.
The Haul a Sneak Thief Made
on a Holol-Keopor's Vest.
District Court Open * To-Dn y Ml -
oollnnoan * New *
Before llio adjnurntnont of tlio dis
trict court on Saturday night John N.
Baldwin in a very neat but effective
upci'ch called Judge Rood's attention
to the fact that the bar had nonio bus
incsn they desired to trmmaot before
the court which would require the
presence of Sheriff llcol. Mr. Keel
soon entered the court room. Mr.
Baldwin then arose and very feelingly
rulatcd the object of the b.vr meeting ,
nnd in behalf of the members present
ed Mr. Heel with a very handsome
gold-headed cane , also a beautiful
ineurncliamn pipe in behalf of the
bailillf ) of the court. During the pro-
ncntation Mr. leol' ? eyes filled with
tctUR and hifl lips at thu clime could
only qivo uipreoaion to "I thank your
gun ) lumen. "
Judge Heed indorsed the action of
thu in a fuw appropriate woids ,
Rayini * ho was pleased to HCU such a
manifestation of appreciation by the
members of the PottawaMamio county
bar of so worthy an ollicer IIH Mr ,
I tool 1ms proven himself to bo ainco
lie became Hhcriff.
cloned a very prosperous ncanon al
Dolwnoy'a opera house on Frid.iy
evening. Conductor Honton got the
punch an the most popular conductor
amongst the Catholics. Mayor
Vaugnanaa the most popular citizen ,
in the opinion of thin church ,
waa voted a beautiful sad
dle. Mr.V. . I ) . Thomas stands
at thohund of butchers in the opinion
of this church , and was the recipient
of a handsomu outfit. MisB Anniu
Quinn is the most popular young lady
by u largo majority. 0. S. Clark ol
the Nonpareil got the editor's easy
chair , at buing the most popular re
porter in the Catholic church.V'o
trot J.'i votoa , and c.uuo within 'J8 ( !
of winning the chair.Vo are sorry
that Clark didn't et the III. but for
brave SOIIH of Erin who otood so nobly
by us , although wo wore not present ,
wo return our sincere tl'anliH Me
Grow will turn and join diluiront
church. Ho H.iys ho will IIIIVP nothing
to do with ono in which Clark I'M thu
must popular muinbur.
A sneak thief entered the private
fllrepmg apartment of Mr. and Mrs
Max Mohn. at the hotel kept by them
on Mum street , and stole Air. Mooro'a
vest containing a silver watch with
gold chain attached , and about seven
ty-live dollars in money. AB Una been
her custom Mrs. Mohn aroao in the
morning leaving bur husband asleep in
the room. She went below to prepare -
pare there bis orcnkfaat. On retiring
Ale. Mohn had left his clothes on u
chair near his bod. During the ab-
eonco of liis wife the vest was taken
but was not intpsud until quite late in
the forenoon , when ho proceeded to
dress himself. Mr. Mohn found the
vest lying in the parlor adjoining witli
the pockota turned out. A a yet thuro
! H no clue. Mr Mohn states that ho
had about soyouty-livo lodgorn in the
house that night , a very largo numbot
of whom wore strangers.
The remaiim of George L. Miller
who WAS accidentally aho * . oil n cattle
range out in Wyoming territory , ar
rived in this city on Friday evening
They worn mot by a committee fron
the Masrniu fraternity of thin city , o
which ho waaiin honored member , am
escorted to his late residence 01
Eighth street , where funeral nun ices
wore conducted yesterday afturnooi
under the auspices ot thu ouler t (
which deceased belonged.
HALHDUUY'H iiuuiiiAimutt
guvo u very pleasant entertainment ti
a crowded house on Saturday oeninj !
The singing wait excellent. K\cl
inuniliur of the troupe is a slur in th
profession. Mr. Salsbury's impor
Boiiationi wore immense.
\V. It. Vuughan was elected mayo
of this city by a largu majority undo
the now charter of the Catholic fair
last Friday night.
A very highly respectable faimo
wlio ciiini ) to Council Ululln a few day
ago , concluded to remain over nigh
und take in the sights. Ho rupainx
to Big Lou's , where ho put in a bi ;
night and wim relieved of about Sfii
in cash.
will convene in this city to-day
Judge Hood gavu the jury auothe
holiday , but concluded ho could no
give lumaulf one ,
The Episcopal Bocioty will be outer
tuined by Mr . Col. Sapp at thu Og
don hotel , this evening ( Monday ) , j
cordial invitation ia extoiited to till.
The DlrtlentCity lu the World.
Naplw Utter.
Naples ia the larguat city in Itnly-
nearly twtco as largo u any other .
within 50,000 mile * of Chicago ; am
this dense multitude live and mov
and have their being in huddlin
liives , front which they awann lik
bous. Thia is beliuvtxl to bo the !
only resemblance to been. They ar
us lazy as they nro dirty. A Neapoli
tan's idea ot hoavun i io tit on
driverB aoat , and crook the whip ovu
the head of n gothio horuu. Ho BO !
dom striken thu horeo , but crackin
the whip ia a epeclal accomplUhmmi
of Xuplea , us uioaaica are of Florence
In only two things have 1 over aumi
Neapolitan display any vigor crack
ing the whip and scratching his buck
Dirty ! the Neapolitan ia the dirties
living creature. Nino-tenths of th
people on the ttu-et look an if thoj
had worn their clothcu for ytaru , uiu
expected to wear them without wash
ing till they drop oil' . They uru gun
orally of ecmio humpen stuff , or iov ,
loth , once while. Ono parniont
eciisto to considered enough , aud
wo a Mipi'tlluity.
Many nf the wuikingmen ni'o con-
Innt.y seen iroing about their shops
ml even the atruota uith nothing on
ut a pair of trounern , and I saw one
top in a crowded street nnd
iebberately take of his trousers
o search for a lloa. The bo\
rom eight to twelve , entirely naked ,
nay bo seen walking leisurely through
ho principal ntreots for blocks , to the
nth lioimc. I never saw no niany
lnldren without n scrap of clothing
in them in my lifo ni within thu part
week ; nnd it is n real shock t-i the
noral Bunsoot the members of Cooks's
Vacation Party , latu from n land
where modesty i * rouanlcdasa virtue.
Qnoon Vlotorla'd Whim * .
ordon Truth.
With regard to the ' 'relic rooms , "
0 which allusion was made last week ,
1 understand that not only at Balmo
ral , but also ut Osborne , and at Windsor
ser CaBtlc , the suits which weru occu-
> ied by the Prince Consort havu never
jcen altered in any way wince his
death. Everything remuint as he left
I. ThurooniB are kuit ] locked during
; ho absence of the couit , but , as the
3ueen COIIIUH to each jialaf-u , they are
jpenotl , and lighted up every evening
iluring her Hlay. At Windsor her
Majesty usually p.iBat-H a p.ut of eacli
opening in the Prince Coimoit's sit
ing room , his suiloadjoining herown
w Inch open fiom thu grand corridor.
I'Vogmoro has been pr.ietieally run-
: lered unavailable a-t a residence , in
consiiuence | of thu ( , > iiuen h.ivinu
closed up the rooms which were usul
habitually by the Duchess of Kent.
I'liis bouse wan alwayo an inconven
iently small one , anil thu shutting up
of the best rooms makes it impoaiihlo
to accomodatu a family and tMahlish
muiit there , which , however , ia imtr )
1'retted , by thu royal family , tin it in n
very dull place , and exceedingly
( Limp. The Queen passes every morn
ini , ' at Krogmoru wlnlo residing' al
Winsdor. In summer her Majesty
lias tents put up on the lawn , break-
fastB in one , and writes her letters
and transacts business in the other ,
driving back to the castle for lunch
' uroomsaro kept constantly cm
[ doyed conveying the boxvH of papers
from Sir Henry Pousonby at tin1
Castle to the Queen in her tent.
ih DiimnliirKcr , Urnadwuy , Huf-
fnlo , wiii ini'nced ' liy lii < brother to t J
THOM * s' Kciii'Tiuc Oiii for a Hiirnlnu i
uiklc , mid with li.ilf n ( liuuii apillc.a | ! ii'
10iix unuliltil tt walk roiiml > Uniii | a 1
"Trcatlio" on the < nunu , tnrmiiiucnctn ntn
euro of " Diseases , " liy Dr. h. W.
Wei Do Meyer , ol New York City , illxcovcrur of
tliufinlldutal iruilniont , AiluuiioI thu ry ini
[ Hittnit aiU niul Htiitlln , ' catrolioratloiiH
' l > ( nltUH4t ( HO'xk 0) ( H , I HA Of lolo , NLrofllla ,
tiu-orili in , li oncliltlHii'iil miilirmlmil ( .null'
lutloiH ro > ult from Uitirrlml | > nl on. " "Tria
. eu" free nnd sent postage paid to inn i ,
nn rudiit of iw t I uinl. L ) U Dcwoy & Co ,
I'ulilMiiri * , No lh 2 Killton Street , .Vow York.
Tnts great ipfuflc cure * that moat lontusom
"Whether in it * Primary , Secondary
or Tertiary Stngo-
Itcinov I'D all tmnw ol * urcury Irani the )
loin , L'un Horofiilu , Old Kori.i , Ithuuiiu-
UMII , Dcnuift , L'niurrh or an }
Illood Dlxciuii.
CuruH "Whou Hot Spring * Fall !
Muh. rn , Ark. , May 'i , 1SHI.
Wn hnti ( U'.iMlii our lo n who liu-d at Hot
Hhtlii'ii iui I wirs II mil ly < urdltliH. . H. d.
MimphlM , Menu. , May 1 , 1SS1.
\Y ha\n Mil 1 1'IH ) hot UH nl S.H. H. In a jcir
It liiix utviii NitlbfAitlon. rnlr tnlniioi
pli.\Hlitaii9 now rodiianiciul It i > n ponltlti
iipiillli. . H .Mt.MsrihUi a C'o.
r.iul \ Illc , Kv , , Mil ) 111. Ihil.
M S. H , hat Kit i n lidtir natl fiitlon than an )
niuillilnn I liv \nri-olil J , A. F
lit nt vi , Col. Max 'J , IbSl
Uvirj purdu ir tpoal. in tlm hlm ; : t tinn
of b. S. H. L , Muljititiir.
Ulihuinii'l Va , Ma ) 11 , 1RS1.
You rifir niijliuily to IIH In rcuardtoth
mcriti of S. H. H. I'olk , Mlllor & Uo.
Ila-c iitiiirknauiiH M. H to fall to iiiru u can
of 8)phllf ! , ttlnn proimrl ) takin.
II. I. . lcnr.ard ) , ) , „
„ „
KUWirnn. flirrj.Ca.
Tint aliOK tlnncm aruuintlcnnnof hluh Btaiul
liilf A II COMilllTT ,
Writu for partlinlara and noii ) ol llttlo
hook 'Mioiuuu to thu I'nfcrtniiato ' , "
l.OOf ) Rnwurd "HI ! > . < ( aid to an >
dmiini who uill llnJ , on an tlnit 1UO liottlf
H H. H.on jiartldool Mercury lodldu 1'otas
tluni or any Mhurtil HuhHtainu.
Atlanta , a.
Price of ri'KUlar iiltu rcduud to $1 75 | wr I'ot '
lie .Small mxu , liolJIni ; halt tliu ijuantity , pnru
HeM by KKNNAUD t CO. ,
and Dru 'lita Oincrall )
DCS Moines , Iowa.
Manufacturer ! of 8A8H , DOORB , BLINDS ,
Oroat reduction In tUnk Countcrt , i'Unt fur
nlihud.and work fumltlnxt Inall klndi ot bud
or KOlt wood. Cou lit cm flnlihud In oil whun do
ilrod. etiulvlnu ol all LlniU turnUhod and pu
Into building ready ( or paint on nhort notice
Our workuien are thu bout inuchaulc * that can b
procured , Havu money by L'UlUk' tu your COD
Btaln , Ntwclt and 0 lu ter .
Our foreman In lh ! do | ttincnt * tut lonuorl )
with Front tlonufacturiiiK Co , Culcajc
III * , and biu done nouio of the fluent Ktalr * or !
n the Nortbwont.
Ordrra by mail nromutlv attninl'xl in " > n
W. I' VIC1US. M. ilhllUKl.U
I , E , VMS & CO , ,
125 Lasallo Street , OHIOAGO ,
Grain and ProviBiona Bough
and Sold on Margins.
J - ' '
( c7uii--i'd'iu
IIOIUlIK IIIUM. lirol.m In fill lUllrovl
Ticket * , OinMifk , Nnlt , , . r Tl'-kclo to the riwt ,
until further noln < j , at t'.i Mlowlnc unho > r < l ot
lx > Kates :
l r' ' i , 2il cl.W ,
NKW VOKK , * - ' < > i ,
I'lIILADKU'lIIA. 21 , , $23.00.
WASIIIIf 1ON , I'ln , 2 > . <
K r pirtlcuhiM , wrlto'rx" dritl to IIOIUlIK
IlltO-t. . Donlir * In Ilidmcd Into lUllrovl Mid
HttatmhltiTlokU" , CW Irnth St. , Oninht Ni-li.'icr the plAce-Tiirco lirorn N rth of
I'nlon 1'w.lflc ItAllruul DitKit , KMt l do orfinth
Umnlvk AtlK'U't 1 , 128 ]
Mnttcrof Application oflMward Wittiy
for Iiiiinr | LiieiiKJ.
No'Ice l < hiriliv el > . " thnt K.U-ir'1 ' Willie
did , ti | > on the lllh tUy ot Deinnhir. A. I ) . , l Si ,
fllii Mi nppllcAt nn to thn Muor nriil C ty l.'oun
cil of Oiniliv lor lUcn o ( o M II Malt , Hplrltnoux
and VlnoiH l.t'ti | r' , nt No 1113 Kirnliiumtrrct ,
IlilM vnnl , Oiiithn , Nib , from the lut ihj ol
Janu.try , Uts2 , to hi10th diy of April , Ikai
If thirc lj n ' ohjdilo" , rimonn oiKuor pro-
to.t m.-'i wltMti hiu wcUx from lllh da ) f Do
c-mlxr , A. I ) , ls-il , thu nilil llcn v will U
Kraiittil KimxiiD Winni ,
TIIK I > * IU lint ncwn | | Mr will inililhn the
ftlxiti ! notliu for l i wtiXHnt thu uxpumcof the
niiiilliAiit. Thu City nf Oniahn In not Io do
idtritnl tinriMllli. J. J lL'JKWKrr
utLlfi Ut I lt > I'krk
Mutlor of Atiiilicntion of P. A. Ham-
IIKIII lor I.i | ii r License.
Notice tu litri'liy ji > < -'ii thnt 1' . A. 1 Intu
ition did , upun tin * L''Miliy of DC-
cililiier , A.I ) . , IStl hie liin ftipUcntl | n Io
th" Miiynr nnil Uity Council of Omnim.
for permit to HI- 1 .M.ilt , HpiritiiouH uinl
V n in l.itnir | , nt .s.V e r. Kith ninl
I'liinlni ; nirt'"t , I'ifdivnnl , Oinnti , Null. ,
fiom the ( Jtli day f .liiini iry , 18nto tlic
10th ilayof Apiil. 1HS' .
if tlicru lie no iilij-ctlon , ninnnstrnnco
or protect Muil wltliin tui ) ni ckn from lc- ) { A. U. , IHS1 , tliu raid ilcuiHu
uill bo frunt"il.
I' . A HAMMON , Applicant.
Till' I\1M III I. neunpniiur uill I ublihli
tlionliniu iiu < icu mice u.nli wick fur Us n
XNL'ukn , nt the txponxu if tliu np | > 1cniit ! ,
Tlm t'llv nf OiniiliniH rot to lie charged
therowitli. .1. .1. U C..IKUrr.TT ,
.Matter of application of Ailcllna Jalin tor
Liqimr I.icunm ) .
Nutito IH hereby ii\en tluib Adelinn
Inlin < lil ! , iiiin | thu Uitli day of Decuinhur ,
A 1) . l KI , hlo her npplicntinn to thu
M iyor und City d > ncii t > f ( > ) iniilm , fur
ICUIIKU to fell Malt Kpir tuou aiil VIIIOUH
1,1(1110 ( H. at No. 111' ' South Tenth otreut ,
I'Mrnt wa d. Uiniiliu , NVIiraiiki , from the
Int day of .liuiiiary , 1882 , to tliu 1 th day
ifApiil , H6i.
If there Ixi nn objection , remonstrance
lileil within from Uu-
ir prutoct two wccl-H -
niiiln-r Ifitli , A. 1) . 1881 , the raid licence
\vl ! ! lie ( { rnntcl.
ADKI.I.NA JAIIN. Anplicinf.
TIIK D.MIA r KKnew i ipcr will publiHli
Lhu iibo\u nii'ico ' for wo wui-kn at the ex-
[ leii'd ( if the applicant Thu City ol
Dmnlin in not to liu tli.irgcil tlitTCuitli
J. .1. L. C. .iMNfTT , Uity Clerk.
UtcKl l'2t
Matter of Appli ntioii of Clius. 1'inscli
fur Liquor J icLiiso
( Notlro li hi roh n \ en t hat L'hai. I'hiHih illil ,
upon the Uitli da ) of IKiLiinhu , A I ) . , 1-fSl. lilt
11 nppiii.tlon to tlio.M.'Hcir nnd Cit ) Council ul
Oinnhi , forlkcn ctjB. : 11 M ill.SpintiioiiHiinil Vln <
mil l.liiiar | , lit No ( MK ! Soutli i nlh htreel , 1'lril
\sani tinmha , N h. , from the Ut d ly of Jan-
mn , 18SJ , ( otlioloth diy of April , Isb2.
If the o In no ilijittton , romont anco or prr -
o < t Illuil Mlihln two ( ek fr"in Dui'inl'-r 16th ,
A , I ) . , Ih8l , tliOMUl IktiiFu will 1'u KinlitLil.
ril.Mll.f.S I'INHLII ,
Appl mot
TIIK IMM OKI : ni > wniaper | will puMlih tin
nhotu notku for mo WLtkn at the exptmoof tlu
apjiUeint. The City of Oinahn U not to In
chrtriruil therewith. J. J. L. 0. JI'-WhTT ,
IctlB 11 ! Cilr Clerk.
Matter nf Application nf C , V. Ooodmat
for IViinit to Hell Liiior ! | IIH a DruzgiHt
Notice ! horchy i > l en thnt C. H. Ooodinn
illd IM-OO ihu 13th In ) of Deecmhur , A. l > . 1831
llluhlH opiilluitlon to the Major uinl C'ltj Conn
i U of Onmlu , for permit to ncii Malt , Hpirituoui
nnd VlnciH l.liiors | tan DriiKiflat , forniedklnal
inoctianlcal anil ( heiutcal iiuriKiHcu only , vat No
111 i Karnbam ftrctt , 3nl uard , Omaha , Noh.
from the Intdayof Jnntnr ) , 18.S2 , to the lull
da ) of Aprl , ltU2.
if there ho no ohjcctlon , rcinonntraiico o
protest Illed wltliln tuo eeKs from 13th day o
Ui-utinhor , A. U. mi , tl o wild permit < vlll IK
Krnnted. 0 F. ( iOUUMAN.
Ap ] > licant.
Tim IlAil.v HKK nouKinpcr ulll pulilisli th
Mivo notice fort o iek , ut the ixponso o
the applicant Tliu City of Omaha U not to h <
clmrcml tlunulth. J. J. U C. JKWCTf ,
duclL'-llit City Clerk.
Matter nf Apjiuca inn nt A , 11 , ( ilal'atnii '
fur Iiiipior Lictnsu.
Not'ttt in liere'iven ' \ \ tint A II ( lladHtnm
did niio.i the 14 h day of Duu-mln'r , A. I ) . , I8 < 1
( Ho M applliutlun to the M j or mid Clti Conn
II of Oiiuilu , for llumMi to L | | Malt , bilrltmu |
nil Vlnoii Liquorsnt.No. I'C'Hand I.li0 lonn'l t
Htrt'i-t , ' ! lilrd SS nnl , Dmahii , Nch , from the ItiUl
of Jnmmr > , 1W. , ! thu lUlhdi } of April , IbSJ
If tluro IKI no olij.dlo , renioii traiuu crpro
td t Illid \ > lthln t o wiokn run Do-unbur llth
A ! > , , Ibbl , lliuh.iiit lUnibU will > uf.rantid.
A , H. ( iUAlwro K ,
A'plUnnt | ,
TIIK DAIM HKK nnM < | iiip r lll puol nil th
alio\e notlio for tuo weeks at the cxptimo ot th
ap ] > llH t. llio1 Clt ) of OmahIH nor to h
ilui pi ! thermilth. J. .1. I , . U. JKWinT ,
l ) . i-14-lll. ! ( JtCltrk
Mutturof Appliintion nf .Imnci J'cir-ijt
for PerimUiiHoll IJiu | > riw n DniK'h'i-'t.
Notlco Ixlnro'j x\\in \ tint Jamoi I'ornjt
did , upon Ihu U < th di > ol , A. I ) . . IsHI
Illu htHupplleatlon to tlu Major and City Conn
ell of Omaha , lorpjroilt ( null Malt , plrltnoii
und \lnom l.liiuoni , an a lnir'Ki"t ) , lor ir.i-dlci
nal , niKhanloitl and ) > nr ) > o < ti only , a
Nn. 0. ! North bUlidith mrtit , Kourih uan
Oinikha , .Veli. , from thu Int < K > of January , Ibsl
to thu loth iUy of April. IbS. .
If there. ln > 110objection , romon tranei ! or prc
ttst tiled Hlthln two uu k * fro n December Hit !
A. U. , IhSl , th mid permit will bo iinuiUd.
Tint l > Aiu HKK nownp iper will th
nhoui notl v for tuo Hieks , nt the e.\nn o c
the nplilk'int. llio Cit } of Uninlia IH not to h
tharvixl Iheri-wllh , J. J. U C. JKWKTT ,
ileclf12t Ct ) Clerk.
Matter uf Application of llurmiinMuye |
for Liiinoi LIoiMise ,
NutlcuU hereby K\ ! n that Ilirmun .Mejenll
niwii thu 13th day nf Docuntu r , A. l-lfal , III
hUapillciitlon | to thu IIorand Clt ) Cuiinclc
Onmnu , forlkt'UKo tOKOlf M.ilt , bplrituoun uiu
Vlnoim l.liiion | > . at 'Ju7 Mouth llth .Street , Ililr
Ward , Omalm Null. , from the Ut da ) of Janu
arv. 18ti2 , to thu 10th nay of April , 1S82.
II them ho no objoetlon , rcmoi tr n u or pro
test Illed within tuu wieks ram Ho ember l.Hh
A. LI. ' , IbSl , thonnlil lle < n u nil ) hu Kraiitod.
llfHMMflKK ,
' Applicant.
Tim DAIUT HKX nenaixipor will publish th
aboio notice for t o vteum at thu UHIHII no of th
applicant , Thu City of Omalm U not to h
arKiHl tnoruvtith. J. J. L. 0. JKWh"lT. Clt > Clerk.
Mutter of Application of Sclirluur i
Knlnmuu fur Liquor License- .
Notice , U hereby u-lven thnt Hchriaor
Knlinuniullil , upon the Kith day of Dpceni
U-r , A. ! > , , 1881 , tile thi'lrruipllcatlon toth
Mayor and City Council of Oin > hn , fo
llcenao to neil Mult , Hplrltixnmuul Vinou
I.IUorn | , nt Houtheaat corner 10th am
Dixlgo htioctH , Fourth want , Oinatia , Nub ,
from the Ut day of limuary. 18'J , to th
lOtlulay of April , 18S2.
If tliero bo no objection , roinonstrunc
or prott'xt filed within two wurkn fiom lt
cenil-er Hitli , V. U. , 1KS1 , the Bold llccns
will b Krnutotl.
Huiuu.Nhii X' KHDMANN , Appllcajits.
TIIK OMAHA DAILY Ur.a uewnpniwri \
nulill h the abova notice unco each svo 1
( or two \suckH nt the i-xpiMi.o of thu oppll
c.nntn. The City of Onnilia In not to b
clutved therewith.
.1. .1. L. C. .1K\V1T1' : . City Clerk.
No. l&OBF ruhum Street ,
me * Noih aid * opp. Oraod Centra ) UoUl
1204 Farnham St. ,
OMAHA , - - - NEB ,
'reserve It and Compare PrlccsJWIUi Others
Itms' Clipper Slat * BO
'llrK-Upper Mcdi Ml
( it 31 flD Wilson in City tin
J4x10Cliromo < Wilnnt ( rallies V )
HxlO Cm id Wolmit I'nuiicn 'JO Curved Moi.t. ) hriunei , Walnut Vli
10x11 Walnut KrtnitH I ! )
llnnilso i d Vthct Krntnoi IS
llooin Moulding , Walnut or Ollt , 1 Inih per
foot . . 4
Ita in Moulding , Wnlnut IT Cllt , li Inch
per foot . fl
Hriis IlooUn fur Itjotn Moulding , pir ( io/ . . 40
I led Room ( .amp , Complete 23
Hand l-unmi , Coniplrtu ? S
KriHf Hand Lamp , Complitu 30
Iron C nl Hucket . 30
( lood llrooni lf <
Hunt llrooni In Market 20
Chlld'H llroom. In
Spittoon SO
Kxtinilon Mlinn Ijunp 2 ' 0
l ] ( Hans ( lobli Is ( onufit ) fo
( I ( Han Tumhlera ( onu net ) 31
Ijinni Clihnnuja li
< ! oo < ( Lnntcrr 40
Onu Gallon Oil Can 21
Low Prlcct for Iron Stone China Ware
Cnhandlo Teaa , ) > ir xit (12 ( piriufl ) S f > 5
llRlidlu Tuw , pir Pitl2 pluow ) l'.r ' >
Unhninlli CelTic , per net (12piee ( ) 0.1
llnndld Cnlli c , pur et(12 ( plitct ) 7fl
OnuKu I'io I'latm ( < l plcii'i ) 4fi
CnuSitlua llatci (0 ( picicn ) M
jiio Hut Ilrcikfftst I'lates (0 ( pieces ) T > 5
line Set Dinner I'lite O pieies ) 00
Covered Turiuim US
Cn-nni I'ltchern 16
Wash Howl and I Itchor l
Chainhrrii 35
Toilet Rets for Hcil liooina (3 ( plucix ) 2 0 i
Ihmt 1-ai.n . . . . 16
htulo Dhinondi. 25
okinif OliBnii , nil i'rli.o .
ConduitorH' Lanterim.
ru prices KOIl CSSII , txnd jonwlll
( Ind thtin nt least 10 to 30 per cent. UHS Hull
clce here , ae purchase for CIHI | , at thulov\Cht
ratm , and fell 'or ' Cash Onlv My customers are
not ulill ul to piy for IORS of liad dchta , as we
kep no hooks nnd no charts are made. Give
us a trial and bo convinced. I'iiaiu call and
prku our Ooils in we lia\o thoutarul.-i of arlklen
not nient ontd on this bill.
All Are QWclcome , Whether They Want
Qooda orNot. deUeod-tf
Mutter of Ailicntlnii ] nf JL W. Ken
nedy fur Liquor License.
Notice ia heniby given that M. W. Ken
nedy did , upon tliu Ifitli day of December ,
A. B. , 1881 , file his nppliention to the
Major nnd City Council nf Oinnlia for
liueiiHo to Hell Malt , Spirituous and "Vinous
I iquors , lit No. 312 South Thirteenth
street , Third ward , Oinahn. Neb. , from
the Int ditr of > T nuary , 1882 , to tliu 10th
day of April , 1882.
If there lie no objection , remonatnanco
or prote-t filed within two weeks from De-
ccii.ber 15th , A. D. , 1881 , tliowaid license
will be grunted.
M. W. KKNNFDY , Applicant.
TllBDAl.ia lint : newupaper will publish
the above notice for two weeks at the ex-
ueiisu of the applicant. The City of
OiiKihn ia not to lie charged therewith ,
.r. J. L. O. JKWKTT.
deelC-1't City Clerk.
Matter of Application of ( tottleib Xiui-
merman for Liquor License.
Notice in hereby ijiven thatGnttleibXim-
mumum did , upon the27th ! day of I ) ( ( 'ember ,
A. 1) . IhSl. hlu liinai plic.itiontotheM yor
nnd C'lty Com til of Oninht , for ilctiiso to
fell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous Liquorn ,
N.r. . corner Kitli nnd Hnrney Btreet ,
Thinl ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the Ittli
day of Jninury , 1881 ! , to the 10th d.iy cf
April. 188- ' .
If there bo no objection , remnnstanco or
proteHt filed within twowceknfnmi the 17tli
of December , A. 1) , 1881 , the Kniil license
Hill he grunted.
The OMAHA DAILY ! ) KK nowui uper wil !
imhlixh thu a in u notice once each week
for tuo ueuKH nt thu oxpenno of the app
cant , Tlio city of Omahu in not to bo
charged therewith.
,1. .r. L. C. JKWKTT ,
City Clerk.
Matter of Application ofMichnel _ Wallauz
for Lluor |
Notice ! K heiobyeu \ \ that Michael Wnl
liuu did , upon th > < ' 'Ith day of Duit'inhi-i.
A. 1) . , lh-1 , tiln his mii'lic.ttiim to thu
Mayor ami ri < \ C'dimiil ol ( ) mil > .i , ( in
liceniu to tiell M ill , S ] uitnous and \ moil
tit north si < o Lci\iiuoith , b
tween Thirteu.itl' nud Kourteentli > ta'et" ,
Second \\nnl , Om ill , Neb , jiom the
7th day of January , 18iL' to the 10th d.i >
of Ajiril , 1881' .
If there bu no objection , luniniihti uico
or protect lilcd witliin t o HO ks fnim
Deiomber ' 'Uli , A. 1) , 1.S81 , the oal i
llcoi o uill be gr.inted ,
A'l | < lliant.
TIIK DAIM line new p \ullpnhliKh
thu ftbo\o imtiru once e.uli week for two
weeks nt thi < t\pfii > o ol tlio npplicant.
The City ot Omaim is not to bo charged
therewith ,
J. .1. L. 0. JKWKTT ,
DeciM.L't. City Clerk.
Matter of Application of U H. Spencer
forLiiuur | License.
Notice Is hereby K\CU ! that L. II. Spen
cer did , upon the IDth day uf December ,
A , 1) . , Ibhl , file hit ) aipnc.ttln to the
Mnynr and Oity Council of Omalm , for
Hci'iiHo toM'llMnlt _ , tiplrilmm * nr.d Vinous
l.liiom | , at No , Il-i ; SouthKloventh street ,
Third ssaid , Oinalin , Noli. , front tin ) Ut
day of Jiuuury , 188. , to tuo lUth day uf
April. ; 188' ' .
there bo no objection , remonstrance
or protCHt hloU witliin two weeks frou
Decfiuber IMh , A. 1) . , 1SS1 , tl.o n.iid
will bo granted ,
L. II , HrKNcun , Apiillrant.
TIIK DAIM DFI : neunpaper u ill pulillal
the nbi\o notice fur two weeks at the e\-
poii8o of the applicant. The City o !
Omaha In not to be chatgnl therewith ,
j j L. o. j IWJ'IT : : ,
City Clerk.
C. F. Manderson ,
- -
Matter ol Appltcatlmi ot ! . MWHS for
Liquor I.i-cn e.
Nntlu ! < licrnii < t\icn \ tint P. Mum dl < l niwn
ho l'th(1tcf llucimbcr , A. I > H-l.nichls Rp-
lirntion lotlio Mftvor ainl fit ) Coiiticllot Omt
l jiv : , lor HCCIKO tomll Valt , 6ilrltuiu | nnd Mn
UK I.tiiior. | , ai 1Mb , I'd tiiiVclii cr anil Call.
'oriilirtnit ' , Mh Viird , Oman- , Sib , ( torn the
1 < | day of January , ISaJ.tolholOth J.i ) cl April ,
If there ho no objection , r mon trnnco or pro-
! e t filed ulttiln t o tckn ( mm Dctcmlxir 16th ,
A. 1) . IShl , the tali ) llcinw will ho Krunteil.
turn. MAIM ,
Appl cant.
Tup IMILT Ilrp X nnpcr will puhllih the
l)0 o notice for tw o v , ickn nt he o JK.II O of the
applicant The City of HniahaUnot to l > chrjif-
id tlitc Uh. J. J. L. 0 JKWKTT ,
Cit > Hetk.
Matter of ApplicAtion nf IMwnrd Maurcr
tor Liquor Licen < < c.
Xot'eo ' In hereby ulv n Hint r/Unrd Maurtr
did upon the ISIIi riay of Dieonhcr. A. D. , 1KSI ,
nlrhls npp'lcatlon to thu Mnor nnd i-'ltv Coun
cil of Oinahn , for UCCIIHO to ll Malt , Spirituous
anil VlnotiK lliiior. | , at No. 1214 Purnhinistrtot.
Ihlrd Want , Uniiha , ? ith , from thu 1st ihof
Jdinnr.v , ISs'J , to the 10th day > ( April , ! & - ' .
If thtro be no 01 jcetlon , remoiiHtrmic cr pro-
tint tiled within tMo utikH ironi Dcccin cr UUi ,
A , 1) , 1H3I , the itnld llcinso Minll bu Krnnteil.
Hliftliu MAI K Hi ,
TiiFlUiw IlfK N'ewq'upcr will puld li the
abo\e notiec for tno uecks at tlio cv | > tn o > f
the nppl cant 'Ilia Clt } of Oruiihn U not to bu
clmri/ul therewith. J. J. I , . C. JKWKIT ,
[ > i.tlJ .lit ! _ _ ( 'It * Clerk.
Matter of Application of 1'eter ( . ! IHM for
Lliiuor License , ,
Notice in h < : rV clun thnt 1'tt'r dois did up
on the Ifilh day of Dcteinlicr , A I ) . IbSI , llio LH
npp leal Ion to thu Major nnd City Com til of
Omaha , for IUctim < to hell Malt t-plntnnui ind
\lnous llcnors | , at No 1.110 and 151 Z I'lriihiin
street , llh Ward , Omalm , Nib , from the 1st div
of Jnnuni ) , IbSS to the 10 h dnj of April. 1SJ
If thcro lie no objection , nmoim riiuo or pro
test Uinl wllhln tno ttecku from 15th IKiuulier ,
A. It IbSl , the eald iliontu will bu RMi.ti ,1.
Tim DAILY Ilm N'oAPpiper will publish the
above notlcu for tuo wnkn at the expunse of the
applicant The Citj of Omaha is not to mi ( .harm
ed therewith. J. J. I , C. JKWKTT ,
duir > 121 cltv Cli'rk.
Matter of Application nl Owen McC.affrey
lor LtfpMor
Notice is lieiohy ti\en ; thnt 0\\en Mo-
CaHrey did unoii t' ' u Ifith d.iy of Deeem-
bo > , A. D. , 1SS1 , file bit ) application to
the Miiyoi and C ty Council of Omaha.
For a license to ficll Malt , Spirituous and
Vinous Liiid'irH ' , nt noitheaHt corner of
Ifith and Douglas ntrco' , Thirl Wnrd ,
Omnlm , Neb. , from the 1st day of Janu
ary , 1882 , tt the 10 h diy of April , 1882 ,
If there bo no objection , remnn tran o
or proleat filed within two weeks from
the Ifith of December , A. D. , 1881 , the
raid licanpo will be granted.
' Applicant.
TucDAiia UEK newnpaper will publish
the atom notice fur two wckR nt the ex
pense i f tlieapplicant. The City of Omaha
not to bu charged tlierew th.
J. J. L. C. JKWKTT ,
DccHI.23 City Clerk.
Matter "f Application ot bchroter &
Uecht lor Liquor Licins-- .
Xotlin Is hcrubj trlMii that Fchrotir A. liccht
did , upon the 14th di > of Iuember ) , A , 1) ) . , l sl ,
file his applkutlon to tin Mat or nnd CtCoun ! -
ill of Omaha , for Hicm-i- HO 1 .Malt , * pir > tuou4
and Vinous l.iquora , ni No. 211 onth rlfteinth
utrrtt'llilrd w.inl , Onnhv , Nib. , fiom tin li-t
day 01 J.iniun , ISii , to the 10th diof April ,
If thcro be no objection , remon&tance or pro-
tcpt 111 within two weiks from llth o * IHcim-
bir A leil , thu said l < .in e xlll be jrrantid.
TIIK 1HI HKK ncwHpnpir will publish the
alioio liotitufor two wieknat th-ixjieiiso of the
auplimnt The City of Onnhn is not to be.
ihar 'ed therewith. J. J L. CJIWr-TT ,
dcclS-12t City Clerk.
Mutter of ajiplication of James Falconer
for Liquor License.
Notice is hereby gi\en that .Tnmca
Falconer did upon the 15th day of Dccem-
beA. . D. . 1S81 , file his application to the
Afayor and City Cou cil of Omaha , for
licence to neil Malt , Spirituous and Vinous
Liquoro , at tlm corner of Fifteenth and
Farnhmn street , Third waul , Omalm ,
Nob. , fiom the lnt day of January , 1882 ,
to the 10th day of April , .1882.
If there I e no objection , remonstrance or
protest filed wi'hin tuo wreks fr in the
15th day of December , A. D. , 1881 , the
said license u ill be granted.
THK DAILY HKK newspaper will publinh
the above notice for two weeka at the ex-
penno of the applicant. The City of
Omaha ia not to be charged therewith.
dpclO-12t City Clirk.
Matter of Application of Alfred F. Wolff
for Liquor License.
Notlic I * luribj uiv.n thnt Alfro.1 F. Wolff
( lid , upon the 1Mb ilnj of Dectmbcr , A. I ) . , 18M1
111 hUnpplii.tli n to thu .Mnyorand Cltv Conn-
Hot Onuht , for HieiihO Io ill M lit , Spirituous
anil Vinoushiiinrijatbonthui4ic | riur T.imtj.
Hiiond an i Cumin ntreitw. Si\th word , O aha ,
Nib , fiom t u 1'iiU } of Jnmiiry , isa. , to the
10th ila > o Aprd , ISii !
If thirc bo no objeit on , rcinonttranec cr pro
tent Illut wit in tuo weekn from I > iu mlic r l.'ith ,
A. D.,1081 , the uiid Hcimo will bo Krontid
App uarit.
Tlir Iltiu Ilr > . newspaper will | ii Hah llio
abo\e notice fortwo wiekint tlionvp mo of ( bo
applknnt Tlio Cit > cf Omaha is not to bo
charuid thcrlwlth. J. J. I , . C. JMVhTT ,
ikelS Ut Clt ) Clerh.
Matter of Application of M. A.
nmra for Liquor License.
Notice Is herehj ( 'lnn that M , A. MNamira
illil. ni > on thu IDth day of I > e ( ember , A. ! > . , IbSl ,
fllo his applliatlon to the Major and City i oun-
ill of Oniih > , for Ilienso to neil M It. Spirituous
and Vinous Liquor . at NOH. 214 a il ilU Kour-
tdiith rtreet , jlifra ward , Omaha , Neb. , from
thu Ikt da ) of January , lb 2 , to thu 10th day ol
April , lbt > 2.
If thcro bo no obj itlon , rcmci"Ktranc or pro
leet Illul within two weukH from Duitinhir 16th ,
A I * , ItSl , thu Ml.iciKv \ \ will bo | Taiitid.
TIIK l\n.v HCK n upipur will pnldl h thu t
abo\ i nn L. iort ) wi l at thoe\j > in orf thu
p'lnnt. | ' T u ( 'it. if I'mulu ' l * not to be
eiarndthereHilh. J .1 U C. JKWKTT ,
no l.'i Ut _ _ Cll > Clirk
.Matter of'i ' n ol lliiiry Ostholf
for Liior | Lui'li-r ,
Notl o Is heril fclxn iluf Ilvnr ) Ostholl
did , upon tliclMh IJN ! df Ilniintur. A I ) . IbSl ,
l.loi \-t \ on to the M n \ or and Clt ) Co'iih
ill of Oimhu , for lldiist ) to Bill Malt ,
Hplr Inoi.b and Vine s I.lipiorH , at No. M3 hlx-
tun li > t ccr , Kitth wurd O'lahi ' , Nell , from
thu Iniii.n if January , l-bl , to ( ho 10th daj of
April. 12. 1 .
If tluru l > o no objix-'lon , rcmonRlrnnro or pro-
t al Illtd wlildu luu win kHfrum ICth of IKccni-
ber , A. ! > . , liwl , thu ild llninno will bornutod. .
Al plleant.
TIID DAiLrlllrK nounuper will publish the
abo\o notice for two weeks at the rxpinxe Of tl o
applicant , llio of Onaiha Is not io be
iliarv-id therewith. J , J. L. C. JKWKTT.
declti-lSt I nClirk
Matwr of Application of Henry Pundt
for Liquor License.
Notice U hereby Risen that J enry nndt , did
upon the 7th day of Deiembir , A. 1) . 1881tile hi *
application to thema\or and city council of Out *
ha , for license to bell Malt , Spirituous and Vinous
Liquor * , nt No. 121t > I'lmiham utroef , Ihlrd
W nl , Omaha , Neh. , from the 1st da ) of Januar ) ,
lt > Sto the lithot April , ie $ . > .
If thcro ho no objeitlon , rcmoiibtranco or pro
tea tiled Mltlilntvo wiu ) ( from lUicmber ilh ,
A. 1 > . It l , the uld Ikiiisolll he Kramud
HBMH I'rMir ,
Till ! DAILY lire iii ipa-cr | " 111 publlbh the above
notice lor two wiiKu at thu cxpeise of the ap
iilliant. Tin ) Cit ) ot Omalm U not to bu iharirid
herewith. J. J U C JfW nT ,
doT-Ut Cltv Clerk.
110 South Thlrtomth Street , with
Wholesale Dealers in
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Moliiio Wagon Oo , Farm and Spring Wagons ,
Deore& Mansur Oo , Oorn Planters , Stalk Oufcters , fto. . ,
Moline Pnnip Co , Wood and Iron Pumps ,
Wneol & Seeder Oo , Fountain Oity Drills and Seete , .
Meclianiosburg Maoli , Oo , Baker Grain Drills ,
Shawnee Agricultural Oo , Advance Hay Bakes ,
Joliofc Manufacturing Oo , Eureka Power and Hand Shellers ,
Whitman Agricultural Oo , Shelters , Road Scrapers , fto , , ,
Moline Scale Oo , Victor Standard Scales ,
A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies ,
All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock. .
Address All Communications to
il BluffS , lOWa. dec3nc2m
Wo desire to call the special attention ot the trade to ouv
elegant lines ( at BOTT * M PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigam
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Ovevshirts , Overallo
Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts.
Wall Paper and Window Shades. .
1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb.
The Only Exclusive 'Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska-
Jy 18-mo
Mining and Milling Company.
Working Capltil _ _ - , - - - -S3 < X,000.
. _ _ , , ,
Cnnlbilb oik , - - - - Sl,000i 00
_ . . _ _ _
Par Value of Shares , - - - J25,000.
DH. J. 1. THOMAS , I'rcBlJcnt , CuinniliisVoiulN | . ' .
M'JI. B TIM ON , Vlci-rrcslJent , Cummins ,
E. N. HAHWOOD , Sccrttary , Cummlm , Wiomlnif.
A , ( > . I.L'.SK , Treasurer , CumminB , Wyoming.
Dr. J. I. Thomas. louis Miller W. f > . llraiml. A d Dunn
K. N. Harwood. t'nkiitULia\cnK. Gno. U. Fait * . LiwU iColman.
Dr. J. 0. WatUin.
noVSJmeSm OKO. W. KENDAT.L , Author'zid A 'int for fcalo of Stock ; Box 412 , Omaho , Neb.
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , ,
. o.
1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , Neb.
Commissson Merchants ,
1121 Farnham St. , Oinahn , Neb ,
Consignment * made tu will rec U e prompt attention. Keferinct * : SUt Dank , Omaha ; PUtt
k Co. , Ikltlmorej J'cck & IJangher , Chlc * oi w ir * rClnclnn U.