THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. JANUARY 2 , MI 13 DAILY BEE , OMAHA PUBLISHING CO , PROPRIETORS. 010 Furnham , bot. Oth and 10th Streets , Tr.llMS OK sniSCitli'TlO.V. no cojiy 1 } fAr , In ailt.\ncotmtnilil ( ) $10.00 9 months " " 8.0 month " " . . . 3.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE , cmrwo , ST. nn. , MI.VMUU-OUS AND i Oniihi Pajwngcr No. 2 , 8:30 : n. m. Ac- tominotlatloii No. 4,1:0 : Cp. in. Atruu Oiunlia Viwoiigcr No. ,1 , 6:20 : p. m. 'AccotniroJatlon No. 3,10.60 a. m. LliVIMI OMAHA XA9T OR BOUTH ROOND. C. , n. & O. 7:10 : . m. 3:40 : p. m. C. * N. W. , 7:40 : ft. m.-3:40 : n. m. C. , n. I. & v. . 7:10a. : m. 3:40 : n. m. K. 0. , St. J , a C. 3. , leaves nt S a. m. and 6:30 : v [ > m. Arrives at St. Louts nt 0:30.1. : m. nnd 6:62 : p. m. m.W. , St. L. & P. . lon\ciats a. in. ami 3:40 : p. < a. Arrive * at at. Louis nt 6:40 : a. ru. nnd 7:20 m WRST OR SOITIIWIWTS.I B. * U , In Neb. , Through Kxpron , 8:60 : a. m. 1J. & it. Lincoln Kxpreiw 0"20 p. m. O P. Otcrlnnd r.xiiruu , 12:16 : p. m , O. A It. V. for Lincoln , 11:46 : a. in. O. It K. V. for Onoeolft , U:40 : n. tn. U. P. freight No. 6 , 6:30 : a. in. U. P. freight No. 9 , 8:20 : a. in. ' U. P. freight No. IS , 2W : p. m. ' U. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. emigrant. . . .IP. Denver oxprcn , 7:3.ri : p. in. U. P. froli-ht Nn 11 , 11 30 p. in. > D. P. Denver freight , 825 p. m. Ajnmn& FROM tun AND novrn. > 0. D. * O 6:00 : a. m. 7:26 p m. 1 . * N. W. , B:46 : a. u7:25 p. in. C. R. L &P.,0:45 : a. m. 0:05p. : m. CK. C. , Bt , Joe & ( J U. , 7:40 a. m.-fl:46 : p.m. AJiKmna rROM mi trmt LXD BOtrriivnT , < 1O. k R. V. from Lincoln 1.OS p. m. .D. P. Pacific Kxprow 3.26 p. tn. B A M.ln Neb. , Through Kxprnt 4:16 : p m. B. k M. Lincoln Kxprt 0 40 a m. ' "Q. P. Denver express , 7:35 : ft. m. U. P. FroiKht bo. 14-2 60 p. m. U. P. So. n 6:20 : a. m. Kmigrftnt. U. P. froUht No. 14 , 15:16 : p. m. U. P. So. 8 9.00 p. m. O. P. No. 12 1:45 : a. in. U. P. Dcn > or freight , 1:10 : a. m. O. A H. V. mixed , ar. :45 : p. ui. * DK T TRilMB BirWRRN OMAHA ADD OOU. < UL murm. Leave Omah nt 3:00 : , 9:00 : , 10:00 : nnd 11:00 : m. ; IS ) 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : and 6'00 p. in Leave Councl. DliiOn nt 8:2A : , U:25. : 10 25 ami IS5 a. in. ) 1:26 , 2:25 : , 3ir : > , 4:25 : nnd 6126 p. m. ftun-ta ) Tlio dunnny loa\c Oniahn at U.OU and 110 n , m. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 p. m. LCOAOS Council Illulfs at 9:25 : and 11:26 : a. m.i 2:25 : , 4:26 : ' and 6:25 : p. m. Through and local pM8cnier trains lictwccn Omahi and Colin * U Illufl .\o Omih Ulfi : 7:4-5 : , 8Mln. : in. ; 3:40 : , 6:15 : , 0:0 p. tn. Arr\o Omah-7:40.11-35 : , 11:45 : n. in. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:16 : , 7:40 p. m. Opening an- Closing of Mll > . BOCTR. OPRK. OMMR. a. m. p. tu. a. m. p. ru. anlcatfa tt N.V 11.00 000 680 2:40 : Chicago , U I. & l'a = lfic 11:00 : OUO D 30 2:40 : Chk-aro , U. & 0 11:00 : B.IK ) 630 2:40 Wuhash 120 630 ? :4fi : 3ottxCit\and P.ulllc. 000 6 JO 2:40 : ' Union Pacific 4 on 11:10 : O.iuvhailt. V 4.00 11:40 : a & 51. In Ncli 4:00 : 8:10 : Oiiihai Sioux City. . . . GOO 730 U. M. Lincoln 10.30 0:50 : D. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 : 11:00 U. P. Dciutr Kxn :00 : 0:30 : O. , Sioux City i St. I' . . .11:00 : . :40 Local iiraili lor Stnto of lowa leave but ont'u it daviz : fl 30 a , m. Office open Sunday * from 12 m. to 1 p. m. TIIOS. F HALL P M Business .Directory , Abstract and Real bstate. JOHN L. McCAGUE , opposite Post Office. W. R. BARTLETT 317 bouth 13th Street. Architect * . DUFRENK & MENDELSSOHN , AUCHITECI3 Room 14 Crelghton Clock. A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. Cielvhton Block. Boots and tihoes. JAMES DsVINE & CO. , .t3Too Boots and Shoes. A good assortment of ' "iome work on hand , corner 12th and Harnoy. YHOS. KRICKSON , S. E. cor. 16th and DougUo. JOHN FORTUNATUS , ' 9ofi 10th street , manufactures to order good work ! fair price * . Repairing done. Bed Spring * . J. . LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Douplaist. Books , Newt and Stationery. J. L FRUEHAUF 1015 Famham Street. Butter and Egg * . rMcOHANE k SCHHOKDER. the oldest B. and E. ' Cumao In Nebraska established 1875 Omaha. OKNTUAL UESTAUKANT , MRS. A. RYAN , fotrthwest corner lOthand Dodjce. Best Board for the Monoy. Sttl&factlon Onaranteod. Meals at all Hoard. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Tcrma for Cath iNl llnmrg Supplied. Uarrlage * and Road Wagon * . -WU SNYDHR , 14th and llarney Street * . Jewe er * . JOHN BAUMKR 1314 Farnham Street. Junk , n. tlKPTllOLD , Ruts and Metal. Lumber , Lime and Cement. rOSTER & Git i Y corner Bth and Doutrha Sts. Lamp * and Qlossware. J. BONNER 1809 Douulaa Ht. flood Variety. Merchant Tailor * . O. A LINDQUE3T , One at ma rncwt rcpular Merchant Tailors la re- eetving the latent dcalL'ns for Spring and Summer V Ooodn tor gentlemen's ' near. Styllth , durable , and prices low as ever 21513th bet. DOUV. & Farn Millinery. MHS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholciale and Retail , Fan cy Goods In great variety , Zephyra , Card lioardx , Iloalcrj' , QlovuH , Coreeta , lie. Cheaptat House In "thoWigt. Purchasers wivo SO per cent. Ordrr tn Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street. . foundry. JOHN \VFJUINE & HON6 , cor. 14th & Jackson Dt * Hour and Feed , OMAHA CITY MILLS , Bth and Kmrnhim SU. , Wulshann llrnH. , prii | < ri lorx Urocnn. ; & STEVKHS , 21ft bct uLTi Ciunlni ; and Irar T. A. McHHANK , Corn. 23d and Cnml M.irUwaie , Iron and bteiH. OLAN & LANflWORTHY , Wioluwle , 110 n ( ' 112 l&th otrcct A HOUMI'.S corner llWh nd California Horneaa , Bnadlut , tic , II. WRIST 20 13th St. ) > et Fnrn. & Ilirnn Hotel * , ANFIELDHOUSK1Oco.CanaeW19thfc Famham &OKAN HOUSE , P 11. Gary , 913 Famham St. BLAVKN'B HOTKL. K. Klatcn , 10th St. Southern Hotel Gun. Hamel Clothing Bought. 0 J5HAW will pay hlKhcot Caiih price for second t toad dothlnc. Corner 10th and Famham. Drug * , PalnU and Ull * . KUIIN k CO. Fine ne , Cor. 1Mb and DOMUI kUeeta W. J. WHlTKHOUFK , Wholreale * Retail , 18th * t a HELD , 20M North Bide Cumlng 8tr < et. PARR , Dru lrt , lOtB and Howard BtreeU. Dentlits. DR. PAUL , WlllUms' Block Cor. 16U > k Do-lge. Dry Qood * Notion * , Etc. JOHN II. F. LEllMANN & CO. , Nra York Dry Goods Store , 1310 ami 1812 Farn- him itrect L. O. Enewola also booU and shoes 7th & Pacific. , r-urulture. A t. GROSS , New and Stvond Hand Furniture nd Stcnc , 1114 Douzlas. Hl 'htt ca h price aid for toconJ band eoooj. CONNER 1409 Dourla st. Fine ioo < l , &c. f-ence Work * . OMAHA FENCB CO. OUST , FRIES & CO. , 1213 lUrriuy St. , Improve- ex ) Ice Iloxif , Iron and Wool Fence * , 0 ce if , Countcri of Pine and Wilaut.'j Clfiar * And Tobacco , ( VEST A FIllTSOI'KIl , tnanufftcturer ol Cl ftrj , mil Wliolo * > lc Doixler * ! nTotwccos. 1S06 I > oiiKtiv < . ' . t' . IjtMlKXZKN tnannlacturfr 1410 Karnham Florin. A. l > onMhUc ! , plant'cut ftoncn , K-olK , ooqucl * itc. N. W. cor. ifllh anJ PO\I > ' ! A < otreetn. Civil CtiRlncpn nnd Surveron , ANDItKW I10SKWATKI1 , Crelchlon Illock , fouu Snricjs , ( InutoMiJ .Snscraso Sjitenis a Uommlttlon Merchants , JOHN 0. Wit , LIS.1414 Dcntgo Street. H n 11KKMKR. I'or ilctAllj Dftllv and WeckU Cornice Work * , Western Cornice Works , Slanufacturers Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slata UoolllnB. Orders from any localltj prompt ! ) cxceutnl In the be t manner. Factor } and Oirec 121S llarno ) St , t. SI'KCIIT , Proiinctor. OV\anlznt Iron Uoriikts , Window Cnp , etc. , ininnfaitunil am ! put up In any part of the country. T. SINIIOL1) 416 Thirteenth utreot Crockery. J , BONN'KH 1309 DotuiM street. Good line. Clothing and Furnishing Good * . UEO. II. PCTKUSON. Al o Hat , Caj , BooU , Show. Notion * and Cutlery , 804 8. 10th street. Refrigerators , Oanfleld' * Patent. C. F. GOODMAN llth St. hct. Farn. A lUrncy. Show Ca e Manufactory. ] O. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In all kind * of Show Owes. Upright Canes , i > . , 1317 Cam St. FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha Hhow COHO manufactory , 813 South ICth street between Leav en worth and Uarcy. All Roodi warranted llrnt-clruw. Pawnbrokers. ROSKNFELD. 10th St. . hot. f r * Har Stove * and Tinware. A. BURMESTKR , Dealer In Stores and Tinware , and Manufacture ; of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work Odd Fellows' Block. J. BONN Ull. 1300 Douglas St Goo. ! and Cheap. Seed * . J. EVANS , Wholaials and Retail Seed Drill * and Cultivators , Odd Fellows Hall. Phyilclan * an J Surgeons. W. S. QUIDS , M. D. , R : > om No i , Crolfrhton Block , 16th Street. P. H. LKISKN1UNG , A. D. Moronic Block. C. L. HART , M. 1) . , Kjf and Ear , opp. poetot UK. L. H URADDY. Oi'ulUt and Auri < t. S.V 16th and Farnham SU Photograpner * . OF.O. HKYN , PROP. Orand Central Gnllorv , 212 Sixteenth Street , near Mn&nntc Hall. First-class Work and Prompt- Plumbing , Qas and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY & CO. . 21 12th bt. , bot. Farnham and Douglas , WorK pruiuutly attended to. I ) riT/l'ATHJOK. 1400 DoinrliM Street. Painting nil aper anting. IKNHY A KOSTKIW. 141 Hodifo Street. Shoe oiore * . Phillip Lanif , 1320 FarnhAm Bt. bet. 13th & 14th. . Qucond Hand Otoro. I'F.RKINS & LEAH. 1418 DouiflM St. . New and Second Hand Fiinilture , HOUHO Furnishing Ooodi , tc. , boui'ht ind sold on narrow iimrt'lim. tialoons. HENRY HAUFMANN , In tno new brick block on Douvlaa Stract , has lust oiwnrd a most elegant lleoi Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 e\cry day. " Calc < loma " J FALCONKR 679 16th Street. Undertaker ! , U11AS. RIEWE , lOlti Farnham bet. 10th & lltd. 80 Uent Store * , fl RAflKI'S lnfi 'Xrnhum St. . F ncv Onoiln WESTERN CORNICE WORKS. O. SPECHT , Proprietor , ' 1213 Harney Street , OMAHA , - - - , NEB. MANUFACTURERS OF GALVAIIZED ffiON Cprnices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IEON | SLATE ROOFING , Specht's Patent Metalic Sky light. Patent Adutable | Ratchet Bar and BRACKET SHELVING. I am the general SUto Agent forthoabo\o line of goods. IKON FENCING. Cresting * , Balustrades , VerandatOffice and Bank Railings , Window and Cellar Guards ; also GKNKHAL AGENT Peerson and Hill Patent Inside Blind , novidtf THE KENDALL PLAITM MACHINE I ERESS-HAKEES1 OOMPAHIOK. jr ' It plaits and jiri'K-e * jx-rfictly onn ) ard per inlnulu. : It iiUlt from MI'of an Inch to 1 1.1 Indies In u Id thin tliumurxvt filtxnr line-it 1IK < . ltdi > vi all XliiiUaiidnt.tli" olpUltinK In USD , No lail ) t > atdocn lurnvin drr nuk n ' can a j rd to < lo ultuoiit onu-xt nlco | > liltiii ( , ' Is n tirout of fuMilon , if CLIII It . ! H it < .ll. For U willing , Clruill.ira or Ax it'a ttrina aUdn-iv ) CONGAIl & CO. , 113ilann .St. , Cliicng" , 111 UKO , W. KKNDALL , Aint 'in ' lia. THE OCCMTAL d. I. PAYNTER , Proprietor Corner 10th and Howard Streets , OMAHA , NEB , Bates , Two Dollars For Day , 26 < lem SIBBETT" & PDLLBR , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , D * V1D CITY , NEB. HfXcUl attuutton yUeo tdcoiltctloiu In Hull , THE LOST JEANNETTE. A Story Contioctod With the Shlp-A Loa AiiRolos Lncly's txjvor Amouff tlio Crow Ii0 Ani ! < lo Timi' J'or innro iinti ijUtyon months past n bcautittil nnd uccomiilisluMl jotinj ; lady * { this city thu lovely and roinanci'inspiring footstool of tlio angles 1ms boon in a constant stnto of hope nnd tlo < n.tir. Tlio nous rt-coivod infill before Insl from the wntidoiiug iluAHiuittu lias Hint glad ness niul aorrow t i ninny a. . breast , but to the young liuly in question it hi\s created I he moat anxious te.irs. Yestord.iy , just before tlio San Fran cisco train pulled out , n nutronly old lady might luxvo boon soon support ing n heavily-veiled young \\oiimn They were evidently mother nnd drtu htor , from thu tender nnd motherly manner in which thu elder lady looked nftor thu slightest want of her companion. A Times reporter , noticing thu couple , surmised tlint thu young liuly wns laboring under some Ktvat mental sorro-v. llu looked toward the coach from which thu Indies had just alighted nnd SAW that it wna n private ciurinije. His curionity wns nrousud. He approached and cautiously interrogated the driver. Tlio old coachman wan very reticent , nnd thu newsgnthcrur waa about to K'IAP up in despair , whun an idea Btruok him. llu put it into execution nt oncu by telling the old mnti that Ilia interest in thu two ladiuH had Inen nroused from the fact that he. believed lie snw a f.unily resemblance between himself nnd them. " 1 arrived here the ' just other dny.'i said the reporter , "and I liavo uvery reason to believe that that elder liuly is n very near relation of mino. " This had the desired ollVct , and the poor old man unfolded n story of ro mance in real lifu that never occurs more than oncu in n century. It. aeonis that Mi s was visiting friends in San Francisco during the winter of 1878 7 ! . She mot Lieutenant _ D.i- honhower , U. S. N.n noble specimen of manhood. The lieutenant w.ia emitten with the fair daughter of Los Angelos. They met often , nnd the sequel was soon evident in a desperate love allair. Hut the old , old Riying that true love never run smooth was never more plainly illustrated than in this case. For several months there was not a happier pair in all San Fran cisco. This earthly bliss could not last long , however. The lieutenant was under orders to sail in the ill-fated Jeannette. As the time drew near the sweet girl bec.imo sad and pensive , and it was a common thing for her to meet her lover \\ith tearful eyes. She told him her tears , nnd pleaded with all the eloquence ) only known to n lovely maiden , but her lover had been ordered by his country to go to almost certain death , nnd his honor would not permit him to break his word , even for the being ho worshipped. Thu sad day of separation finally arrived nnd the two devoted lovers parted , possibly never to moot again in this world. This is the sad story told in brief by tlio old coaRhmiin , who related his tale with tears in his eyes. ' "Yes , sir , " said the old'iollow , "she has been a different girl _ ever since. They had only known one another a abort time , but 1 don't believe two people ever loved aa did this devoted couple. Why , sir , her mother said that when the lieutenant came to bid hergood-by , it took two of hu brother officers to separate them when thu moment of parting canto. She fainted almost ns soon as hu was out of the house. When she revived , she ordered n carriage , and immediately repaired to the Cliff house. AH soon as she nrrivod there , she took n stand where she could got a good viuw of thu Golden Gate. Neither commands nor coaxing could move her until she WUH satisfied the vessel hul ; passed out to sea After returning to Los Angeles she led a re tired life , having been convinced from the first that she would never sue her lover again. She has never failed to bo up by daylight since the ,1 online t to s.ulud in order to thu telegraphic news. That air has been the only thing Unit has over interested her. Wlu'ii she got Tin Times this morn ing and got thu news from thu Jeannette - nette you might have heard her screams almost n mile oil" The whole tnmily were in bed at thu time. When they reached her she was in a faint , and everybody thought shu was dead , But God waa not kind enough to put ho poor girl out of her misery. The Thu first thing she snid was , 'Mam ma , take mo to Sun Francisco at once. ' She don't scorn to know what shu wants , but her mother would start for thu i-pot where thu JoanneUu was lost it her daughter would ; nk it. " "Ho weld is she ? " "Sho was nineteen Octoberbut , to look at her nowyou would think shu was ut leant thirty. " The young lady in well known in ( his city , and up to within the past two yi nr was one of thu hngitcnt ! ind boaii'iful of the L > i.'i An- olei btillei. Hi r numu is mippitmed for the pie.sent , and hur imloi'tuimto love all'nr M knoun but by few , HH Ihu F.imily have m.ido every uffni to Kuop it qinet. I'nr thn Hik' ' * < > f thu girl , if for neither ither tv-a oujt h most devoutly hoped hnt thu third l nt , with the gallant and his hrothcrocurHwill ! ! ! yet hu Biived. This m pnibably onu of thu saddest itiirioi that eas ever been chronicled in the Pacific Coast. Thu young ady's sad history is very similar to Lady Franklin's , and she will tin- loubtedly receive great sympathy from ; hit /umininu portion of the wholu jountry. ' Hoolnl Life in New Mexico- Interview In Now VorL llmtH with a Miner. The country is rapidly increasing in population , and thu nuttlprs are of i class of men that will bring about thu reforms that are needed , It may bo added that women ( except Indian ar Mexican ) lire very ocarco , nnd sin gle incident will give n good reason why. A young inrm but just married went to n mining quarter with hia wife , to keep a boarding house. In the tavern where hu stopped a brawny now-hoy familiarly chucked thu lady under thu chin , when the man inter fered with "J'AuiiKf mo , sir , thm lady is my wifii. " "Your wife ! Vounv ; Fellow , a woman who COMICH into this ; ; im | is everybody's wife , " lly this timu it was ui.temciod thu trem bling Ionian hitd French heels to her IKIOIH ! That \uin tuo much. Out c.amo the pistols , nnd bullet after hill- lot struck the narrow heels until they were quite shot oil' , ami without hurting thu foot. H need scarcely bo aittlod that the young couple "lit out ' by the earliest conveyaiiro and guru up tlio boarding house ido.i , in that rci-ion nt leaat , n I/mul Grunt. At the coming session of the Wis- coiiMn Logi.tlaturo n bill will bo in- tioduccd to declare forfcitedthi1 lands granted for n road from Mud lake to Superior city , and confer them upon the Chicago , St. I'nul , Minneapolis Omaha Company. The original grant wan tnndu by Congress in IS.'il ! , the state holding the lands in trust , nnd was given power to dispose of them in such manner as the Legislature shall provide. In J87-1 the Legisla ture granted to the Chicago , 1'ortngo & Superior Company a grant of 2 111 , . GOO acres on either side of a line sur veyed from Yellow river to Superior , upon condition that the road to Supe rior city shall bo built nnd in opera tion by the time the North Wisconsin is built to Yellow river , the point of intersection , nnd within live yearn of its acceptance of the lands , and shall alee construct nnd put in operation thu proposed railway of _ said Chicago , Portngu it Superior Air Line , north erly from Gonon in Wnlworth comity , nt the rate of twenty miles a year. Under thin arrangement the time al lowed for thu building of thu norther ly sixty-live miles of the Air Line road would linvo expired May n , 187 ! ' . The Legislature , however , in 1878 ex tended the time three yearn , or until May fi , 1882. The first work wasdonu on thu line last spring. Meantime a number of companies had cast a long ing eye on this grant , as it \\as not being earned by the construction of n mad called for by the terms of itn al lowancu , nnd last winter several bills were introduced to confer it upon other companies , notably the Chicago , St , I'liui \ Omaha nnd thu Milwaukee .t St. Paul , but none of them became n law. Last spring the Conner company bi'gnn the woik on n Hue from the Yellow river to Supeiior city , with thu avowed object of scenting a con nection with the Northern Pacific , and are building n line from Clnppow.t Falls to Yellow river , having iron laid to Bloomer. This entire line , when completed , will give thorn a chancu at the Chicago froidit from Superior nnd the Northern Pacific. With this line , which it is intended to complete by J\Iny \ next , thu St. Paul Oniaha Company , it is nlloged , will inaku nn effort to secure thu land grant which , it is claimed , will bo fnrfuitod by the other company by its failuru to complete thu road within tin ) al lowed timo. The points to be madu by thu St. Paul it Oniaha Company , it is claimed , u ill be : 1. That the grant made to the AirLine - Line Company by thu Legislature is a part of thu grant made by Congress tor a railroad and branches , and of that system the present North Wis consin is constitutionally the main lino. 2. That the Air-Lino Company will fail to build thu linu within thu time prescribed by law ; nnd 3. That thu best interests of North western Wisconsin would bo subserved if the road be operated by n tint-class company , able to furnish better facili ties for thu transportation of freight and passengers. Christmas Weather for DO Yonra. A Christinas like the one just past soft , balmy and benignant , more like April than December , a second child hood for old winter sets the world and our esteemed cotumpornries to discoursing upon a warming climate nnd a moderate season. As a mutter of fact , Philadelphia in thu last ninety - ty years has had yearly wcathcrwhich has not varied through a span of live degreen. In the iifty-aovon years from ITM to T84G no year was hotter than 54 degrees (1828 ( , ' 45and'4Cj , nnd only olio colder than 01 degrees mean tumperaturo , 1810 , when ice formed every month in the year , and thu annual average sank to ! ! ( de grees. Last Christmas was warm und De cember has been an open month ; but in 1828 December hnd fuw frosty nights , thu mornings were otton fog- try , "tho Btunu ns dog days , " says a chronicle of the weather , "and a warm sunny day would ensue , " and Christ mas was warm. Thu next year , 182 ! ) , was almost as warm. Twenty yeijrs later , 1840 , Dccomhor wna warmugain , with a fortnight clear of frost , nnd the noonday temperature close on to Christmas was 50 degrees in the shudu too warm for fires. Th'i oldest inhabitant , it m true , who is old enough to remember that Philadelphia had good sleighing for days before Chriutmas Day , 170 ! ' ; that in J7'L ! ' mmw blocked thu roads , and ClniHlnias inaihi and greetings from other cities got through with dlfliculty ; that thu next year gave Hhtighing noaily all December , with icy htreit't Chrmtmiis Day , owing ton thaw nnd sharp frost just before ; while in 1802 , 1815 nnd J81C. deep MIOW and weather chmo to zero luitod through half thu month - imcli an old- inhabitant might bo pardoned for believing that Christmas Hhowud thu buyinning of warm G'hriatmnHCR. Hu might uven say in un ctttcomcd con- tompornry that "a green Christmas is thu rule of latu yearn rather than the exception , " forgetting , na the old do , that onu year ago Christmas weplc had thu coldest weather - minus nix de grees for twenty-five years , with sleighing from Christmas on ; that two days after Christmas the year before waa the coldest day of 1878 , and that for a quarter of a century December ha furnished the lowst annual turn- p iraturo for over n fifth ofihu time ) liut it would bo absurd for our oldest inhabitant to forgot that hu had days in December , 182G , which wont up to CO degrees , and extremely mild weath er Chrifttmaa , 17U ! , utterly spoiling thu sleighing on which he had confi dentially counted when snow full De cember disappointment ho had to bear again Christmas , 1705 , after a week of excellent sleighing earlier in the month. The catching weather of 1820 nnd thomuddy Christmas ot 18'il .vould linger in IUH mind and nmko him hesitnto in assuming that our wintcru were warmer ; nnd if ho wan a level-headed oldest inhabitant hu would conclude that , taking ChrihtT- mau weather for ninety yenr.i , them IIIIH been n good deal of B.-UIIUIIUHH about it , and that memory is n bad guide for a talk on the wenthor. Forney's Money. l'rw < 4. Colonel Forney was supremely nnd curiously i diHerent in money mat ters. Ono instance thnt strongly illus. ( rates this trait has caused nuny a lie < rly laugh nmung his acquaintance * ! . Despite the mlvieo of many fiiendn , among them Pierce Hutler , the hut- hand of Fanny Komble , hudeternuned toinxest n largo sum of money in anew now enterprise , n rico-i'leaning ma chine , or something of thnt sort. Ho felt tinani'ially nblo to do tins by reason of having mtulc a sale of some Like Superior property. Ho filled out a check on the llirnnl bank for n very largo amount , nnd intrusted it to n frioiid for collection. When the piece of paper wns presented to the paying teller , that otliunl first scratched his chin and then went to see the presid'ent of the bank who nt that time was Mr. Rikor , father of the Hon. Ueorgo 11. Haker. Mr. linker came forward smilingly and and said that while Coh no ) Forney had < nnto a largo sum of money on deposit in the bank the amount to his credit wns not equal to thnt called for by the check , but still if Colonel Forney would stop down to the bank himself , the check would bo honored. The friend returned to The Press ollico in nn indignant frame of mind and told Colonel Forney that ho had made him the bearer of a check thnt had been dishonored , for the reason that there was not sulliciunt funds in the bank. "Some mistake , sir ; somomiitnko , " replied the big-hearted editor. "I have much more than that on deposit in the - hank , " and ho uttured the name of a famihardupository other than the ( iirard. "Hut 1 did not go there , " replied the friend in amazement. "Thu check is drawn on thu ( Sirard Hunk. " "My ! my ! " said Colonel Forney , "did 1 nmko such a silly miatakul Why , 1 have not n penny , in thu Girard Hank. 1 did not intend to send there " "Oh , yes ; you have a largo duposit in the ( iirard bank , " answered the friend , "but it wns not Hulllcient to moot this chock. " " \ mistake , sir ; a mistake , " re plied the colonel , "I have not a pen ny there. " A visit was madu t-i the Girnrd bank , however , and Colonel Fornoy found to his amn/ement that hu was much richer than ho thought. In the 8'imu way , when the Longacres' bank in Lancaster failed , Colonel Forney found that ho had n Icng-timu deposit there that hu knuw nothing of. It was this indifloronuo in money matters that exemplified , probably an well ns any other trait , the lavish dis position of the man now mourned ; lavish not only with his wealth , but with the more precious treasures of his heart. Our Glorlons Independence. A\ lint can liu more glorioiiH than to hu independent of nulFerinn , uautuil by dy - pepsin , Indi t'-tinn , coiiNtipation , nick- liend iflic , or oilier ilisenst'i emanating fr m thu Htnnm Ii. Th'H ' u n hu cimily In ' n t'niuly i e < f Hi IIIIIICK ISuion 1'rleo SJI. 00 , trial H/U ! 10 cento. 2-1 w A NOBTO Conjuror's Fatal Washington SUr , Uoo 10. Hnmpton Price , a negro conjuror nnd nrutundud doctor , was fatally shot on Friday night near Franklin , Vn. , under peculiar circumstances. Ho had become hard up in his own neigh borhood and came hero to butter his fortune. Ho professed to bu a conju ror nnd doctor of wonderful skill , and an aged negro in well-to-do circum. stances became greatly interested in him. To this mnn Price t-aid that the advance of half a dollar would secure a chain which would lend its owner to find a mnn of coined gold in the neigh borhood. The aum was promptly paid and the chnin obtained , but its owner was not able to find the mine of wealth promised. Hu returned to Pricu and demanded the return of his money which WON refused. The town sergeant renewed the demand , but Pricu again refused , and unforced his refusal with n boot-jack , inflicting painful wounds upon the oflicer. The latter then drew his pintol nnd shot the conjuror in the backiw ho WIIH run ning. _ _ _ S'i'OI' THATConJII. If yon nro sud'oring from n Cough , Cold Asthma , Bronchitis , Hny Fever , Consumption , IOHS of voice , tickling of the throat , or any affection of the Throat or Lungs , two Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption. This is the great remedy that is causing HO much uxcitement by its wonderful cures , curing thousands of hopeless camH. Over a million bottles of Dr , King'H Now Discovery have been used within thu hut year , and have given perfect satisfaction in every instance. We can unhesitatingly nay that this is really the only stiro euro for throat nnd lung affections , and can cheerful ly recommend it to nil , Call and got a trial bottle free of coil , or n regular MM ) for $1.00. Ihh tV. McMnhon , Om aha I'.li PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Last ! No Onn Wood 8ni ! rl A nuruenro lor lillini , Illflullui ; , Itching imil UliiTulul I'lles hiixlxcn illiKournil liy Dr. Wil- Ilim , ( oil Indian remedy , ) lallml Dr. Wllllum'H linllun Ointment , A nliiKlo box liui miccl tlio wcnitthrmilcc.iHi-Hof Kiat 30 > tnrs ntanilliiK. No onu iiuwl hiilTcr 11 vo inlniitcH alter upl'lylni ; tliln uomlirful Hoothlntr imxlklnu. I < otloiin , Inntni- inuntH aii'l ilictimrlvuilu iiiuru Imrm tlian KIICM ] , U'lllliuii'H Ointment alworlM tliu tiniiom , allajH thu ntuitii ) lulling , ( ivirtlculonl ) ut night uttur KcttltiK Harm In bixl.J&cUaM apotiltlce , Kit in In- Blunt and lalnU-HH relief , and iHprciurud only ( or I'ilcH. ItthliiKol tlio prhntu parw , ami lor uatb Inir cluo. Head what the lion J. II Ccfllnlwrry of Clove- and nnys about Dr. WillUui'g Indian I'llo Oint ment : I have uwil ncorvn ol I'iloa euros , and It afford * mop tiMUro towy that I h ic never found Htiytnlni ; wblch K VU vuch Immoolato and JwrtiiO' nent rullel M Dr. William' * Indian Ointment For tain liy all drug UU or mailed on receipt ot price , f 1.00. HENRY to CO. . Prop'nb , Cl.lVIU.4nD , Vet tale by 0. F Ooodmau. GRAY'S SPEOiriO MEDICINES TRAD ! MAHK The OrcatfRADt MARK Hpermator rhca , linpot ency , anil all follow .i.K , , of AFTER TAKINO. iM ) ; IM I.OKH of Jluinory , L'nUurujI I.iwxl- tilde , I'aln In the llwk , IHmniwi of VUlon , 1'ru- matiiruOld AK , ami inunj other Dl-rmoi that liud t'i liiHiinlly or Coimumptloti and it I'ruma- turu OrftMi /-tr'l'ull | .urtltniUra In our painnhlot , ulilih u ( k lru to icn < \ ttua I . mall to meo fno. f /'llif h | dllu Jkillilnu IK v > M liy all ilriiifktlntt atjl pir lockayu , or 0 jack uu frr 49 , or vtlll bo ent 'run l > > mall < m rc-j tit ol thu mniiuy , liy nfJuMliitf rilKUHA IKOIL'INK CO' , llultllo , N. V. KOI * Uu In 0 , K GooJp octiiicaod DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS n orxiA. PJlOI'lliKTOKS. ARLINGTON , J. 0. MclNTlUE , Lincoln , NcL , JUtJKINS HOUSE , JUDKINS & URO. , Rod O.ik , la. SAUATOQA HOTEL , J. S. 8TLLLINIUO , Mllfortl , Neb. REED MOUSE , GEO. RSF.D , Uly c > , Neb , WOODS HOUSC , W. P. ELLIS , Oiceoln , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , StromtUurK , N u , AMEMICAN HOUSE , QEO. H. McCAIN , South DemiNo MALL HOUSE , A , W. HALL , Loiiltvlllo CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK. Ul.ilr , Nob. EXCHANGE MOTEL , C. U. HACKNEY Aihlnml , Neb CENTHAL HOUSE , JOHN COOPER , Onkdnlc , Neb , COMMEnCIAU HOTEL , WM. CLEMMOX3 , Sewnrd , Neb. COMMEItCIAL HOTEL E , EVANS , O'.Velll , Nnb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL C. F. CASSADY , Denlion , la. HAHTNtY HOUSE , W. P. HUNTER , Wrstslile , la , DELLOU HOUSE , MRS. A. E. URUCE , Rljlnci City , Neh. DORCHESTER HOTEL , A. 8. KINKLE Dorcheiter , Neb. COMMERCIAL MOTE. , J. Q , MEAD , NellRh , Neb CENTRAL HOUSE , JAS McKILLIP , York , Neb. TUTTLE HOUSE , W. H. TUTTLE , Auror.i , Neb , GAGE HOUSE. A. R. HAQE , Republican City Neb DENVER HOUSE CAIRNS & WILLIAMS , Hnitlne * , Neb. SANDERS HOUSE , CHA8. E. McNISH , Friend , Neb WOODWARD HOUSE , WAREN WOODWARD , Exeter , Neb. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Mulvern , la , PARK HOUSE , W. J. QARVIN. CornlnR , la , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , rtM. LUTTON , VlllltcA. In. E8TE8 HOUSE , N. T tSTES , Grand liUnd , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILM8. Kearney , Neb. WILDER HOURE' THOMPSON REED. Wllber , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. C. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb. METRO ° OLITAN HOTEL , W. W. 8HUWFELT Waco , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , Q. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb HAMMOND HOUSC , JOHN HAMMOND , Columbut , Neb. CENTRAL CITY HOUSE J. 8. QREQERY , Central Cltv , Neo. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Creiton , la. NEOLA HOTEL , F. 8IEVERTZ , Neola , la. EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON. Emenon , la. CORNING. ( AthuiiR County , Iowa , 0. , U. it C > . ) ( ! . \V. Knink it Darrow I ) . S. Siller \V. O. ( Jnivin Hotel li. AI. Widdron Hotel D.ivis , Wulls tV llnniell I w .John Hixhy , t Son. ' . L-xw and Inauranco C. D. CitHHon Law NV. O. Mitchol Lw Mont V Krnwii , l'i\v . .1.V. . HiNliy , liHtico Elmondorf ' . JU-al Eitnte U. A. Ciippmi , v II. , V M hind Ayent 1' . 11. lie-vim 1'o.stmaater A. A. Kni.iKiin , M. 1) l'h > Hieinn A-.l. Snlt.s , M. 1) Physician W. II iMaron , I\l. \ D I'liXHtciitn F. II. Soranlnii Duntmt A. Conifiton Livery John Rowland Livi-rv A. M. Heymer humbor I' ! . 1) . Itand-iV Co Lumlior K. Y. li.irgiin Koud nnd Knrin Implements .Inmus Widnor , i\I. \ D Physician H. A. Moore Law 1' . II. Killmnn llurnesa K. I' . Shnpo Hlaeksmith Skinner llroa Machine Shop nnd Foundry Thomns George Steam Mill .I.C. Wilson Uestuiuant nnd Grocery Gco.V. . Ktmsell General Alurchnndiau Gnrvin Bros Gcnurnl Muichnndis O. A. 1'eaBo Jewelry Widner it IIngndorn Hnrdwnrc W. F. Hall Groceries Scholx BroH Genernl Murchniidiae Kelly it Landis Meat Mnrkct Rigour & Co Gonornl Morchnnduo L. M Mann Groceries llightmiro it Earl Drugs I'orkina it Allhouao M illinery C. W. Francis Clothing Mrs. O A. Wood - . . . . - . . : Millinery Stone Bros \ . Burbors Widnor t Chapman Diy Goods .1. F. McElwnin Dry Goods MiucH .lii'ylor it Spencer Dresa Making .7. T Smith Drugs J. 13. Harris Groceries A. M. Copp Doots nnd Shoes. W. O. Shortliir Clothing J. W. Holmcfl Farm Implements IIolliHter liroa Furniture E. Vnn Wngnur , Groceries Lutit K.UIK Grocuiy , linking A. ThompRim , .Ir Hurneaa W. F. Lyon Hostnnruut A , B. Turner General Murchundiao W. B. Anderson Lnw -crsxxa-jEiss x > xxcxiaia7Oxc" 17-XX.X.XEtO , Montgomury County , Town , C. , B. it Q. It. K. \V. S. Alyor it Co s Bankers A.V. . Sweet Hunker Win. Sutton Hotel nnd Livury A , Harvey Dry Gnoda nnd Groceries L. Shepnrd it Son Diy ( < nodrt nnd Groceries CornulniH it White Fitrnituro P.iul Wuleh Fosvelry Keys BrotherH , Hurdwnro BIIWDH it Wnturmnnn Hardware F. 11. Sm th Drugs G. W. llurlow UcHtitnrnnt WnlterH it Minert La > v , Loan nnd Ltnd K. 0. Gibha . ' , Attorney F. L. legman , Nowa Books mid Toys M. S. Thurnmn , . , , . . , Insurnnce nnd I < oun M. 1C , Dinea Millinury L. Fhnnmnr B.irbur . Cooper it Wobur , , . , , , , , ' . , CJeneiil .MuiuliixndiHO .1. M. IJovvlnnd ' . . , L.nul , Loan , Inunnincu K. SimmoiiH , , Diuga W. M. Lewis , , . . , , . . Uostantfiit ,1 , Kluiiinan , Steam Mnrhlo Workit A. K. Ilnndcock , , , Furiiitnia I'hillip Mooru , GioccrieH nnd Meat Leu Gallanar , HaiiuKS. HovMill BroH , , . , , , . ( Morchnndixu M. A. HufiiH Dry GoiuU lidieu it Sun Clotliing I. T. Ingmnii BOOH ( nnd Shoes M. N. AluNnuuhton , M. D I'hymcinn S. II. Ilnndcock Ilotol F. Coojiur , M , D Physician W. A. Woodard C. , 1) ) . it Q. Land Agent C. N. I'roaton it Son , Groceries nnd Meat C. 11. Meldon Millinery Cowgill it llngurinuatur. Blnckainitlia Oweim it Cumtningii ' Dlnckamiths lonua it Mayeo Lumber E. D. lland A ; Co Lumber Hoover it Uuod r Livery Smith it Burlnon Eluvutor Ellia it Co , P Ievntor H. D. Dolaon Elevator 1 * . U. Hittos Mayor " " " " 6. n."BALLOU" DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL. AND OMAHA DEPOT