Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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    * r
Flnnuoinl Rcvlow.
Nuw YoliK. December 11.
Kvent * of .tlio wrc in financial circle *
were quite iiiitHitt nt , money wa < oa >
durins' tlio fir < t half of tlic week and bor.
rower * found no dillicuUy in olttn { liu
loans nt fi@i ( per cent , but during tlio lat >
ter part there was le stilngency
anil commissions varying from 1-151 to 1-3-
per ilioui , were charge .1 in nddltion to
legal rote * .
Government bomU were slroiiK and ad
vanced townuU tin clo c on acry nctivu
demnml , luit on 'ChuiRO wa- < weak early
in tlio week mid rates were reduced , but
. towards tlio close , tin er nn active demand
it heeaino utronu and recovered the decline.
Itaiiroadi and niiHccllaneouH u | ccula-
( ion was active throughout the week , witli
comddoiablu excite i cut nt intervals , In
the e illy dealings there wai considerable
depies > ion and a decline of ifi\'t ] per cent ,
theWabash leading ( In downward move
ment. Subsequently an active bujinj , ' net
in and there was decided y i bttter feeling
xnd an advance of1(2,7 ( J per cent in tlio
general list , while in the nalo of luieclaltlei
there WM stll1 a greater advance. To-iUy
there wiw a renewed weuknctH , and a portion
tion of the advance wm lust.
Money closed nt Ojercent , but loaned
l-i 1-ltiof 1 and interest
M high a * - - percent
at one litiio to-d > y ,
Kxchange riled * t 4 81@ < 85.
( Jovernuionl bond * closed firm an fol-
ows :
Currency G's 1 27
H' Cotiponi
Hi < oup ns 114
-5V ) Contiuned 1 OH
1'acific railroad bonds closed as folloWB :
'Union ' first * . 1 17ft@l 17J
'J ann nrants . . ! laiuffniei
Sinkinj ; fund.- , pfd . 1 ! M "
CentialH . U10 ( & > 1 17 _
The stock murk- to-day , with an ex-
V vptionof asuell of firmness after the
opening , w s dull and we ik throughout
and cloned generally 4&"ti per cent lower
than yesterday.
The following arc the closing bids :
Western Union . 790 / k M . 3(5 (
145 I'reierreii - 115
American 01 Met , elevate 1 an. .
.S3 } ' A&T II pfd. .
-G Gk I C " .14 N Y Kl 1
C li &IJ 13I > C. S
XJ C \k \ C. .vc A 1
I O 130 ] > & H 1
Michigan Ccnt'l 8. " > Dli.t W I
N P . . . . 3li D. & K. C.
I'refened Ev-IJiv. Krc. . !
C P Preferred. . . .
Union Pacific. . ICiT.
Northwest-rn. . U I. K & W 34J
Preferrel . . .in4 ItN 110J
O.t W .r > l I'S lllifc
M & Jv IL'lf I'anama 1MI
I'M . | l jjt. Pnul&O. . . MS
'tjuicUgilver . . . 18 Prefene I. . .
Prefeired . . . 5S Ex Uiv. St. P ion-
Heading 0"4 Preferred . . . .llfll
U 1 131i M L S & W. . . 46) )
San Fran'-Uco. . 41 Wnha-ii
rrefemd. . . . CO 1'referretl. . .
CHICAGO. December 31.
The flow of currency tn the interior dur
ing the week has been large.
To-day business at the banks was ruthcr
quiet. The niarket for' money , was firm
at U@8 per cent per annum.
The clearingsof the associated banks were
E stern exchange- between city banks
WIH firmer at 25@5Cc premium per 81,000 ,
The Chicago National bank ha- been ad
mitted to membership in the Chicago
clearing house.
Reoot pts nnd Shipment *
The lollowitiR table shaus the reci < iiti and
ihipments for the put vcek :
Merchandise 103 Merchandise. . . . .1(0
Lumber 102 Intn'er ' . l-i
Cinderi 21 Ital'ro l material . 21
Slate 6 Itice . 0
Coil 101 Tits . 32
Splice * 12 Spirits 0
Pilin ; 18 Corn U.I4
Pine Wlicit . . XO
Bullion U . . 3
Metal Fun . 1
Hofs C . a
Hay 24
FlttV hl'O.I > !
Corn 'JfO
Wh at ! 2t
Airrirnltual Imp'ints 6
Oil 13
Omnlia 'Wholeiiala Market.
OfKioKoifTiiK OMAHA BKK , )
Sunday Evening , January 1 , 1H82. J
Tne row year was ushered in with
much eclat , by tha chiming bells , the pop *
pin , ' i f sin ill fireirniH nnd nrjiiili' , and an
occaiional "hurrah for 1882. " I ny of our
peop'e watched the old year out mid the
now yeai in , and some ot them did not get
in until lut > in the morning.
Tt has 1'cen a brec/y , bracing day in
Omthi ; , f > r tdc first of the year , but no
unow , the htreetx hard uml dry , uhuich n
well iittfiirled , alooim cloiod uucording
with the Slocumb | irogriimce , and ycry
little htir oat of ilnnrt. . It IMH been a gun-
nine holiday in npirit and in fact.
Tnu Klocumti law went into effect to
day , and to all appearances it WHH gener
ally observed , while drinking operatiunn
were muterislly Icsnined.
The laxt week of December , 1881 , was a
buny ono for our people , The merchant1
were s buxy OH beuveri' , Ktriving to d'u
pose of their holiday xtocks ; builders were
full nf bui-ineHS because of thu favorabtu
weather ; men , women and children , all
hands and the cook , were flying around to
adjust their holiday account * , pnrchve
and m ko their prtwentu and icceive their
yearly tokens.
Newspaper m * * ! ! h l a trying time on
band. THK KtK bad to come out and'hur '
ry around nmonff the fns and daughters
of the land , morning nd evening ; and
then ihe grent UKK supplement WBB Just
swarming , and it took a hcore of men to
put the vwt ih ue in hape to go nbto
and carry the news to other bees. But
the work Is done , the meisaies ; ara speed
imj away ti their deittliiation , the car
rier' * addri ) 8 is makiJg lUbow , and the
busy whirl of Christmas and New Year's
ii now a thing of the past.
We enter the Xew Year full of hope ,
iproipecU are bright , the land t emi with
plnity , the mnallcat boy that RelU Tux
JiKK nit the utreut * can jingle the nickels
in Ids pockets aud imij ) hi ) fingers at Old
Father Tinte.
Ai f'ir as thu makcts are concerned they
? thpm'clMM to clrcum Unce .
The ( ? MII mar ! ct l < a ticklu institution.
Hog product * arc looking up A" 1 thN cool
Neither ii favorable to packet * and for
11 i now a need time for fanners to
market their product * . They .ill oomni.Mid
good piiciM and the weather it f.iMirablo
for h.iitdling them ,
Uocnl Urnln Uc.ilinct ,
WHEAT.-UiMh No. 2 , 1 10 ; ca h
fo. I. SUUc : rejected ( i"Jc.
UAULHY.-C.ish No. i ! , Ulc ; No.
R'YK. Cimh , Slic.
UOKN.-Cn h No. ' . ' , 17 > V.
HAY $7 ( HXffl'6 00 per ton.
FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade ,
U 2uCa : i oO ; 'Pioneer" California , $1(10 ( ;
iintent , $3"5@l 50 ; winter A bent straight
jrade S3 SS ® I 25 ; patent , ? 4 50ft.r > 01 ; gra-
liam rve , 2 f > 0 : Wheat. < ( W ; Queen
lU Sl 50 ; Jasper , 81 00 ; Big ,
* ' ( /YE / FLOUK-S3 25.
M1LLSTUFKS Bran , per cwt. 75c ;
per ton. 15 00@1 ( .00 ; ureenings , per cwt.
SOc ; cherts , per > wtl.OO ; chopped feed ,
per cwt. 120 ; mual 'mlted. yellow , 1 40 ;
white. 81 GO.
POTATOES Neb nokan , 100l 10.
tlne,4 ® 5c per Ib.
WILD GEESE 2 500513 50
WILD DUOKS-1 2 : > @ 1 f 0.
DEER ft5c.
K < JGH-23c.
liUTTEK Choice , scarce nt 24@28c ;
> oor , no mnrkut ; fnir , 18@21 ; creamery ,
U3 ) c.
APPLES Good , sound , very so 'No
t 31 75@5 00 per bbl.
LEMONS Steady ; per box , e5 W ) @
MALLAGA GRAPKS-Pcr bbl.,98 50 ;
per half bbl.SI 50.
BEESWAX Yellow , 20@i2c. !
OVIONS-l 5o(3UGO ( per bushel.
CRANBERRIES-Fer bbl. , $1009 ®
OELBttY Per doz. , 55aC ( c.
DRESSED GKESE-Pcr Ib. , l'@llc. '
OYSTERS Selects , 45c ; standards , 35c.
WILD TURKEYS 'J@llc per Ib.
Grocers Lilt.
COFFEE. Itio , lair , lHJc ; Hio , good ,
' tc ; Hio , prime to choice , lljc ; Old gov't
.fnvnj 2t > J@2SJc , Mocha , 28Jc ; ArbuckloX
TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 4ral55c ;
Choice , t0@75cj ! Imperial , good , IOW4."c ( ;
'lioice , ( > 0 ( < f'75c ; Young llycon , ijood , 3ia' ( (
" > 0c ; choice , ( i.'c iiSl 00j Japan Nat Leaf ,
fie ; Japan , choice , ( > 0ffi".ric ; Oolong , ,
> fi@40 ; Oolong , cho.ce , I0@55 ; Souchong ,
StTGARS. Out loaf. 10 = c ; Crushed ,
\ 0jirrannl.ited ; ( , l > 10c ; Poudereil , lOJe ;
Kme powdered , llc / ; Standard Coffee A ,
OJc ; New York Oonfectioner'a Standard
\ Sijc ; Good A , Die ; Prairie Extra C ,
SYRUPS. Sugar house , bbN , 45c : half
bU , 47c ; kegs , 4J gallons , & ! 1U ; choice
table syrup , 42cJfialfbbls , 4lc , kcg , Jf'2 10.
SODA. Dwight's Ib paper * , S < 00 ; De-
land do , S3 00 ; Church's , § ; ) 00 ; Keg soda.
STAKLTT. Pearl , 4Jc : Silver Glow , Hi
SSJc ; Corn Starch , 8j@9c ; Excelsior
tluiw. "c : Corn. 74o.
SALT. Dray loiuls , per bbl , 1 'J5 ; Aali-
on , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy ( iO , "is , 3 45 ;
bblH dairy. 100. 3s. 3fi5.
IUUED FRUITS Choice halve * ,
peaches , new crop , 8Jc ; Evaporated A | > i > Ie ,
i Ib boxe.13c ; Michigan , S c ; J\ew
York apples , 8Jc : Prunes , .ild , 7jc ; new ,
Sc : Currants , " 'i'SSa ; blackberries , new ,
CHEESE Full Cream , 14c ; Part
Skim lljc.
WOODEN WAKE Two hoop pail" ,
11)5 ) ; three hoop pails , 2 20 ! No. 1 tubs
a 50 ; No. 2 tubs , , 8 50 ; No. 3 tubs , 7 50 ;
pioneer wr.shboanis , 1 85 ; Double Cruwn ,
J90 ; Well buckets 325.
LEAD-Bnr , ? 1 65.
SPICES. Pepper , 20 ; Allspice , 20c ;
Cloves , 45c ; Nutmeifs , 81 09 : Cassia , 2 : > c ;
Mnce SI 00.
MATCHES Per caddie , SOc ; round
cases , $7.G5 : square cases , So.10.
THO VISIONS Hrenkfast bacon. 124- .
choice lard , Me ; dried beef , 13Jc ; should
erp , ! ) < : : hams. 14c ; bacon , sides , I2c.
NEW PICKLES Medium , in barrels ,
$10 00 ; do iuhnlf bbls , 5 75 ; smalls , in bbln ,
12 00 do , in half bbl.i , 7 CO ; gherkins , in
bbls , 14 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 50.
VINEGAH Pure apple extra , 10
pure apple , 13c ; Prussintr tmro nimle , lUc.
HOMINY Now , 85 50 per bbl.
BEANS Medium , hand picked X340
per bushel ; navy , § 3 50 ; calf f navy , S3 50.
ROPE Sisul , 4 inch and larger , 9@
9i@10c : } ; inch , lOJc.
SOAPS Kirk' * Savon Imperial , 330 ;
Kirk's Batinet. 3 30 ; KirkV standard , 3 50
( S)3 ) 35 ; Kirk's white Hussiaii , 5 25@5 00 :
Kirk's Eutoua , 2 05 : Kirk's Prairie Queen.
(100 ( cakes ) , 3 10 ; Kirk'x nmguolin , 4 55(0) (
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , Ifi m , 8s ,
lCcboxes ; 40 Ibs , , 16 oz. , f , IOc.
LYE American , 3 40 ; ( Jrecnwich , 340 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Stnr , 2 50 ; Lewis'
lye , 4 150 ; Jewell lye , 2 75.
POTASH Pennsylvauia carw , 4 doz. ,
in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doin case ,
1 ! )0 ) ; Anchor Ball 2 Am in case. 1 50.
FIELD SEED lied clover , choice
new , $1 ! 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new , $700 ; white clover , new , SHOO
al alfa closer , new , $1250 ; nlsike , new ,
§ 1300. Timothy , good.'irew , $3 00 ;
blue grans , extra clean , $1 50 ; blue grass ,
clean , 51 2"i ; orchard grass , 32 50 ; red top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
SOc ; millet , German , $100 to $1 25 ;
Hungarian. 80c.
HEIHSESEEH OMIRO orangu , 1 to 5
bu heli , 85 00 ; imago orange , 10 bushels or
o\er , $1.10 ; honey loeiiht , per Ib. , 3."ic ; per
FISH Family white fish , ! K ) Ib hf bbN ,
. ? 3 75 ; No , 1 wbito fish , .10 Ib hf bbls , ( i 30 ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kith , 1 00 ; family
10 Ih kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines , 75c : Colin"-
bin river rutlmon , per lOOlbt , H CKJ ; Geor oV
lianli cixlfi-ih , tic ; Gen. honelets ctKlftnh ;
Die ; boncleHr * Huh , 5ic ,
MACKEHKlr-Ilalfbblsniessmackerel ,
KM ) Ibs , § 12 50 ; lif bbl No. I ex whore do ,
100 Ibs , 000 ; hf bbls , fat fnmlly do , 100
Ibn , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 1'J 11) kits , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ex Hhoru , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib d , 1 00 ; fat family. 10 Hi do. 75c.
CANNED GOODS-Oysterx , 2 Ib
( Fiald's ) , per cose , $1 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
j > er case , 2 .r 0 : do 2 11) ( Standard ) , | xr cate ,
1 90 ; do 1 tb ( standanl ) , per coso , 2 50 ; do
J H > ( slack ) , | < er case , 2 75 ; do 1 IT ) ( slack ) ,
per case , 200 , Onions , 380. Salmon , 1
n , per dozen , 1 C0@l 70 ; do 2 Ib , per do/en
2 55 , Sardines , small lsh , imported , one
quarter Ixnes per box , 14c ; American ,
quarter boxes per box , Ho ; do half boxes ,
per box , 21 Jc. Lobster * , 1 Ib per dozen ,
180 , Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do a Ib per
cane , 330 ; Com2 Ib ( Mountain )
per case , 3 CO ; waked corn , 210 ; do
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 30) ) ;
Hiring > > eans , par case , 2 25 ; Lima beans
per casH , 2 20. Succotash per cast ) , 2 25 ,
Peas , common , p r case , 2 OOlpeau , choice ,
jMtr case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2Ib , per case ,
2 feO ; Htrawberries , 2 Ib , | wr case , 2 75 :
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 275(5)300. ( )
DaiiiBons , 2 lt > , jKtr case , 2 45. Bartlutt
peani per case , 3 Oo < &H 00. Whortleber-
nt * ) > er rase , 2 80. Egg plums , 'J Ib | ier
c , e , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 fb , par caso. 4 W ) .
Gr < 'en gagerf,2 Ib per cose , 3 Id : do choice , 1
Ib i > er case , I M ) . Pine Apiilos , 2 tli , per case ,
4 00(615 ( 7 , ' ) . Peaches , 2 It ) per ca-i : . 3 10 :
do 3 Ib. case , ( i OOMO 50j do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
case.385 ; do pie , 6 It ) , | * r dozen , 3 50.
RICE Carolina , SC S\e \ ; Louisiana , 71
( ffH..c ' ; fair , GJfe ? .
1'KANUTS-Rnanted , choice , red Ten-
netee , Oo per Ib ; fancy white , lOo per Ib ;
ra-v white Virginia raw , IOc ; roasted ,
Hie ,
Dry Gooclt.
1UJOWN COTI'ONS-Atlantic A. SJc ;
Aj'pli'tnn XX , 7i" Atlanta A , Sa : Boott
Ft' , , sic : llimke > o LL-11 , 7e ; Onbot W ,
7k ; rlilttotiangii A , Ro | : ( > nut Fnlls E ,
Hje ; HoosaT , tijc ; Hmiost Width , 7'Jc : In-
dmnlleadA , SJo ; Indian Standard A ,
SJo ; Itullnu Orcluiil d. w. , 8.i- ! Lawrence
LL , 7e | Mystic Ul\i-r , 74c : l' qiiot A , 8Jcj !
Shawmnt LL , "c : l"tlc. P. 5\c \ ; WIK-IIUS-
ett B. 7Jc : do A , Sic ; iln E 18 , 12ic ; Wai-
cott 1515 , 8.\c.
4-4 ; 7Jc ; Alligator 3-4 , 3o ; Argyll' 4 \ , 7je ;
Atlantic LL. GJo ; Badi-cr Stntf X 4-1 , 7c ;
Benuhigton 04-lGJc ; BuckejoS. | . - > , ( t.\co \
Indian Orchani AAH ! ) , 8Jc ! Uconla O
3D , 8)c ) : Leliigh E 4-1 , ! ) Jc : ] n d.tle 4-t ,
IOc : IVpneroll N 'M , 7e ; ifo O 32 , 7.c } : do R
30 , 7Jcjdo 1339. Sjjcj Pocnsset C 4-J , 7j'c ;
WnnistttU ! . 13o.
( .in L 4-4.10cBlackstouoA A In He ;
do do half blinehed -IHe ; ( 'aliot 4-4,8 ? :
Fldelity-t-4 , UJuiFml of th l/Kinill j ; rte
can brio4-1,13 > ! ; do WnterTuiHlOJcGreat :
FallsQ. lOJc ; Indlm Head shrunk 4-1,12 c ;
L nsiale , IOc ; do camlirl37 , 13c ; New
York Mills , 13c ; Peqnot A. IOc ; Pepperell
N (5 Twills , VJie : P.icahontan 4-1 , lljc ;
Pon\s t 4-1 , 8c ; Utlca , lie ; Wamsutta
O XX , 13o.
DUCKS Unbleached Atlantic , 10o f
17c ; Bultimoro do , IGc ; Lone Star , 8 z , ,
12c : Sav go , 18c.
LuCKS ( Colored ) Alb ny E brown.
Re ; do C , ilra' 1 _ l' > \ . \ , Btripos RIUI
plaids , 1-ic ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes and plnids , 12Jc ; Arlington ft.ncv ,
I'.lc ; I'mnswlck brown , SJc ; Clmrlot fnucy ,
12iu ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Kiu r
brown , extra heavy , 11 Jo ; Indiana A
brown. 13c ; Nepoiiket A brou , 15o.
TICKINGS-Amoskoag A C A 32 ,
17Jc ; do XX blue 32 , 18lc ; Arrow nna ,
9jc ; Clarcinont B B , I5jc ; Conestoga ex
tra , 17Jc ; Hamilton I > . 11 jc ; Lewistnn A
SO , 15c ; Minnoiiaha 4-4 , ' 0c ; O iicvasiip'r
extra 4-4 , We ; Pearl Ri/er 32 , IGjc ; Putnam -
nam XX bine strijie , 12c ; Khetnckct S ,
lOJc ; do SS 12c : Yeoman's blue 2i ) , 8ic
DENIMS.Amoskcak , blucand brown ,
IGJc ; Andover DD ' 'hie , 15jc ; Arlington
bine Scotch , 18Jc : Ccinoird ( HO , blue and
brown , 12ic ; do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXX
dodo 14Jc ; Ilnymaker'n blue ml brown ,
.I4c ; My-tic KI\er DD stripe , IGJc ; P.nrl
Uiver , blue and brown , 154c ; Uncasville ,
blue and brown , 1 'Jo.
CAMBIIICS Barnard , 51c ; Eddystono
lining , 21 inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner A
glazed , 5c. Manhattim glove finixh 1 , fijc ;
Newport d'i Gc ; do glazed , 5jc ; Peiniot do
5 ? ; I/o.kxvood kid hiiixb , lie.
CORSET JKANS Amnry , RojAndros-
coggiu Katteen , 8Jc ; Clarendon , Gc $ | ; Conestoga -
toga satteenxc : Hnllowcll , 8c ; Indian
Orchard improved , 7Jc ; Narragan ett , ijc ;
Pepperill satteen U4o ; Rockport , 7i/c. /
PRINTSAlleiiH , GJc ; American , GJc ;
Am Id , 7c ; Berwick , 4'i'e ' ; Cocheco , < c ;
Conestoga. (5.Jc ( ; Dunkirk , 4C : ; Dunnell ,
GJS)7c ( ) ; Eddyxtoue , 7c ; Glonu'Her , tic ;
Harmony , 5Jc ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; Mer-
rimae 1) . 7c ; Mystic , fijc ; Sprarues , lie ;
Sonthbrulge , lie ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Marlboro
bore , Ti'jc ; Orient d OJi1.
GINGHAMS AtniMkeni ; , 10J ; Amos-
kiiai ; dre. n 12) Argyle , lOJc ; Atlantic ,
' .Ic : Cunibetlaiid , 7Jc ; { igliland , 8\c \ ;
Kenilwoith , 8Jc ; Plun kett , lOJc ; Sus
sex. 8c.
COTTONADKS Abbervillo 13Jc ;
Agate , 20c ; Aini'iicnn , HP ; Artisian , 20o ;
Cain. 1) and T , ISJe ; Clarion D and T ,
17Jc ; Decc.m Co.stripes DnmlT , lc ( ! ; Key
stone , 13jc ; Nnntncket , lc ! ) ; Nonpareil ,
llic ; Oce-iu 1) and T , lltjc ; Royal , lic ! ;
SIHS-X , 12c ; Tiogn , l'2\c \ ; Wachn-ett shirt-
in ? 'hecks , 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12.Jc ; York ,
plain Nankin , 12.\c \ ; dochecks , stripes ami
fancy , 1'JAo ; do , 8 o20c. .
SHE ETINGS Andriwcoguin 10-4,274c ;
do 9-1 , 2lc ; do 8-1. 22c ; C
42 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; Vow
York mills .18 , 35c ; do 78 , 30c ; do 58 , 22ic ;
Pembroke 10-1 , 25c ; 1'equot 10-4 , 2 % ; do
7-4 , lilc : do 4l ! , IOc ; Pepperull 00 , 2 < Jc ;
do 7 , IHc ; do 57 , 18c ; Utica 00 , 35c ; dc
58 , 22Jc ; ito 48 , 17c
Glgari and Tobaccoi.
CIGARS. Seeds , § 15.00 ; Connecticut ,
* 2T .00 ; Mixed , 835.00 ; Seed Havana ,
$ .V.00' Clearllavana. $75.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Hulu ,
1A Ib , ( iOo ; Spotted Fawn , Olc ; Our Hope.
I quality , G2c ; Star , pounds , 24
Ib , butts , GOc ; Horse Shoe , pounds ,
24 Ib , butts , ( iOc ; Purity , 24
Ib , butts , 52c ; Queen Bee , 24 Ib , butts , 53c ;
Gilt Edge , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GO ; Army
and Navy , ] xiunds , 55c ; Bullion , pounds ,
GOc ; I orillarVs Climax , iraunds , Glc.
FINE CUT In pails. Hard to Beat ,
75s ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain. 80c ;
Favorite , ( x5c ; Hocky Mountain , We ;
Fancy , 55c ; Daisy. 5Uc. In tin foil
Catlins O. S. , 5 11) boxes , per Ib ( ! 5c ; 1-ori
illard's Tiger , U5c ; Diamond Crown , GGc.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to
33c. Granulated BlackwelU Durham , 1C
oz Me ; Dukes Durham , 1C oz , 50c ; Seal ol
North Carolina , 1G oz. Hi ; Seal of Nebras
ka , 1(5 ( oz , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen bags ,
per Ib , 81.35 ; Marburgs' Puck , 2 oz , tin
oil , 55c ; Dog Tail. 5c.
Palnti Oil * and Varnlihet.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co. , pure ,
G" ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Hi cans , 20c
French zinc , gi-tn seal , 12c ; French zinc ,
red seal , He ; French zinc , in varnish asst ,
Me ; French zince , in oil oxst , 15c ; Kaw
.iinl burnt umber. 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw ami
buna Sienna , 13o : vandyke brown , 13 , ;
l e lined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l''c
i"ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussiar
blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
green , L. M. & I ) . , Mo ; blind and shutter
green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green , 18c ;
Jin linn red , 15c ; Venetian red , Oc ; Tuscati
ili-b , 22c ; American VenniliiKl , I. & P. , I8c.
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ;
yellow ochre , 'Jc ; golden ochre , 1G ; patonl
'Iryer , Gc ; graining colors : light oak. dark
oa c , walnut , chcxtnut and ash 12c
Dry ° alnti
White lead , GJc ; Kronen 7inc. IOc ; Paris
whjteing 2ic ; whiting gildon * . IJc ;
whitiiii ; coml , lie ; lampblack Germantown -
town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , He ; I'nut-
sian blue , 45c ; ultramarine , IKu ; Vandyke ,
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw ,
lcriicnna ; , burn t , Ic ; slunna , raw , 4c
1'aris green genuine , 3ric ; Paris green com' !
i'o ; chroma green , N. Y , ' 20c ; chroni-
green K. , 12c ; yeniiillion , Kng. , 70u ; vermillion -
million , America , IKc ; Indian rcil. IOc ,
rose pink , 1 Ic ; Venetian rend , CookKon'H
" /e / : Venetian red A in. , lijc ; red leail , 7Jc ;
uhromu yellow , genuine , 2Ua ; chronic yoU
loxv , K. , 1'Jc ; ouhri ; , nichellu , 'tc ; ochre ,
French , 2jc ; oohrw , American , 14c
Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lehlgh brown , 2Jo :
Spanish brown , -ic ; 1'rince'H mineral 3c ;
VARNISH KS Barrels per
h'tirnituru , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
SIfmniture ; , U , 85c ; coach , extra , $1 10 ;
Coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Dainur , $1 50 ; Jaimn ,
70c ; iMilialtuin | , 70c ; shellac , S3 50 ; hanl
oil iiniih. * 1 "
OILS 110carbon , per gallon , 11 Jc ; 150 *
headlight , per gallon , 12/c / ; 17 'headlight ,
ner gallon , IGc ; crvhtoline , pur gallon , 20c ;
linseed , nw , per gallon , GO ; 11
per gallon , 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon ,
1 35 ; fish , W. B , per gallon , GOc ; neaUfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No , 1 , G5c ; lubri
cating , /ero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , 15c ;
gulden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No ,
2 , 50 ; Hpurm , signal , per gallon , HOc ; ter-
pentine , per gallon , Glc ; naptha , 74 , per
gallon , HOc ; G ' , 20c.
Lumber ,
FENCING No , 1,12 t < i 20 ft , $20 00 ;
No. 2 , 12to 20 ft. , 11 > 00 ; sheeting drowsed ,
No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 10 00 ; common boards ,
dressed. 20 00.
FRAMING 10 ft. nnd under , per M ,
2000 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ;
21ft. 25 OU.
FINISHING No. 1. finish 11 , U and
2 inch , 50 00 No. 1 finish 1 Inch W5 00 ;
No. 2. finish 1J , 14 nnd 2 inch , $1500 ; .No ,
2 t'iniKh , 1 inch , 640 00 ; No , 3 linMi , 1 inb ; ,
$ : 00 ; O. G. battens pn ,00 feet lln. ,
* 1 00 ; well curbing , $2200 ; rou h 4 and 2
inch buttons per 100 fe t lin , , 50u.
? 35 00 ; C , S.'tO 00 ; common xtouk , $22 50.
FLOOiilNG-No , 1 , WO 00 ; No. 8 ,
* V > 00 ; No , 3 , $2200 ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
SIDING-NO , i , $21 oo ; NO. 2 , $1:200 : ;
No. 3. $18 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , $22 00 ; 0. G. No. 1 ,
S3200 : No. 2.S2200.
CF.tLING 921 00$37 00.
LATH ANDSHINGLES-A ntarln'st ( )
! .ldugles. 1 HNo. . 2 , 82 60 ; No. 3 , $ ' - ' 00.
Luth , $3 M ) .
Heavy Hnrdwnro Lilt ,
Iron , nilri , J3Wl ! plow Mi-el , cast , 7Jp ;
cast tool do. 15A20 ( wagon spokes , mt ,
J U.Vr3 IX ) ; hubs , per net , 1 25 ; folium , R.IWIXI
try , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles ,
each. 7 < ic ; s < iuaro nuts , .jwr lt > , 7@llc ;
wii ! hcni. IK.T Id. 8@18c ; rncts , jnir Ib , lie ;
cell chain , per Ib , ( ' ( Wl-c ; malleable , So ;
run wixlges , (5c ( ; crowbars , Go ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per kcp , 5 00 ; spring
steel. 7Si8c. (
NAILS 10 to 20.1. 300 ; 8 t < 10 , 375 ;
t5il. I 00 ; 4d. 4 25 ; 3(1 , common , 5 00 : 3d ,
line , 15 50 ; clinch , all nlf es , fi 25 ; Gd , ivislng ,
4 75 ; Sd casing , 4 B i ; lOd civsing. 4 25 ; 10,1
linlsh , 4 75 ; 8d fuddfi , 0 00 ; 6d finish , 5 25
mlf kegs , IOc extra.
SHOT. Shot , Sl.a1) ; Buck thot , $2.10 ;
Oriental Powder , kfg , JG.10 : do. , half
kegs , 53.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , $1.88 ; BlastIng -
Ing , keus. i3,35t Fuse , ner 100 fcut Kc. )
Horiei nnd Mulei.
Tlio market in brisk and all grades nre
netting well at "light advance In p icon.
The demand for pnod horse * exceeds the
supply considerably. Prices range as fol
io WH :
Fine single driver * , $1W. toSOO. ; Extra
draft horses , $175. to 225. ; Common draft
lorxe * , 8100. to 150. : Extra farm horscc.
PI 10. to 125. : Common to good farm homes
J90. to 8100. ) Extra plugs , 8 0. to 75. ;
Common pluifs , $20. to 540.
MUIiES. ir. to 15J hand * ( extra ) , $125.
to 150. ; 14J to 15 hand * , $100. to 140. ;
14 to 144 iiands , $75. to 100. ; 134 to 14
muds , $ GO. to 75
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 225 per wine
; n'loti ' ; extra California spirit * . 187 | roof ,
I 3 l | cr ptnof gallon ; triple retlni'd spirits.
187 , 124 per proof gallon ; re-distilled
H kies. 1 00aH ( 5 ; tine blended. 1 50irt (
250 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; 1C n.
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 200G 700
BRANDIES Iinp.rtcd , ? G ( X1GOO ) ;
dome-stic 1 40@4 00.
GINS Imported. 4 TiOgG 00 ; domestic ,
1 40g ( > 3 00.
HUMS Imttorted , 4 50@G 00 ; New
Enirliind. 2 OOfnlJ 00 ; domestic. I fiO3 50
1 75@4 00.
CHAMPAGNES Itr.p > rted per casr ,
! 00@ : tArajTU ! , case , 1200 ®
CLARETS Per cnse , 4 50@1GOO.
WINES Khine wine , per ease , G 00@
20 00 ; Catawbn , per case , 4 00@7 00.
BulldlrR Material.
LIME Per barrel , SI 35 ; bulk per hit. ,
35c. Cement , bbl , $2 50. Iowa plnMcr.
bbl , $2 50. Hnlr per bu. 35c. Tuned
felt 100 llw , $3 50. Straw board. $ < CO
PAPER Stiaw paper , 8'i'c ; rag paper ,
Ic ; dry goods paper , 7c ; nianila paper , IOc ;
news paper. 8c
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , $12 ;
Morris Run BUnnburg , § 12 ; Whitebreast
lump , 87 00 ; Whitebreast nut , S7 00 ; Iowa
lump , 3H 50 ; Iowa nut 8(550 ( ; Itock Springs
SS ; Anthracite , alt sires. 813 50(5)11 ( ) 00.
Wool ,
Merino unwashed , light , 14@lGc ; h'avy ,
13@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 1820cj
tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , oOc ; dingy
and w. , 28c ; burry , black nnd cottvd wools
2Gc less
Hldet hurt , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7c ; green
cured hides , 8c ; green Halt , pi > r ( cured
hides , 7@7Jc ; dry flint , sound , 13@llc ; dry
calf and kip , 12@13c ; dry salt hides.sound ,
ll@12c ; green calf. wt. 8 to 151U , 10@1 Ic ;
green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 5 < V"
green pelts , SI 00@1 IB ; green Iamb skiiio ,
81 10@125 : damaged hides , two-third rale ,
cut scored and ono grub , classud two-
tl irds ratn , ) branded hides 10 i > er cent , ofT.
Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c : No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 ,
20 , ; No. 4 , IOc. Mink , No. l , BOc ; No. 2 ,
SOc ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , fie. Fox , No. 1 ,
GOc ; No. 2 , 2T c. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
b5c ; short stripe , 40n ; narrow etrlpo 25c
broad ttripo , IOc , Tallow , C4c.
Drup- * .
Carbolic , BOc ; Acid , Tartaric , Me ; Balaam
Copabia , per Ib , 72c ; Bark , SaHsafran , per
Ib , 12c ; Calomel , per Ib , 70c ; Cinchonidla ,
per oz , SI 00 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 95c
Dover's powders , per Ib , SI 40 ; Epson ,
salts , per Ib , 34c ; Glycerine , pure , i > er Ib ,
48c : Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 22c ;
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , 1 35 ;
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , SI 25 ; Oil ,
Olive , per gal , SI 40 ; Oil , Origanum , 50c
Opium , $4 40 ; Quinine P. & W. & R. & S. ,
per oz , $2 75 ; Potassium , Iodide , per Ib
82 40 ; Salacm , per oz , 40c ; Sulphate o :
Morphine , per oz. $3 85 ; Sulpnur flour ,
per 11) , 44c ; Strychnine , nor oz. $1 45.
ConnoU BlnCn Marbot.
CODNCIL BLUKITS , December 31.
Flour Manufactured by Crystal ami
City Mills. 3 75@4 50 : Kansas and Mis-
Rouri flour , 3 50@4 25 ; graham , 3 75 ; rye
flour , 3 40.
Bran and Shorts 17 00 per ton.
Choi ) Corn 22 50 per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , 8117 ; No. 3 , OOc ; re
jectcd , 70c.
Corn No. 2 , 50 , rejected 48.
Oats No. 2 , 40c ; rejected , 35c.
Barley No. 2. OOc ; No. 3 , 75c.
Wood B 50 ® 7 00.
Live Hogs 5 00@5 50 ,
Cattle Shipping , 4 50(5)5 ( ) 00 ; milch
cows 30 00(5115 ( 00 per head ; butchers
stock , 3 00@3 511.
Sheep 75@4 25.
G Hides-file ; G S hides , 7ic.
Wool 15 < p ' 5.
Butter 25c.
Eggs 25c.
Potatoes 1 10(0)1 ( ) 'M.
OniuiiH I 25@1 10.
St Louli Froduoft.
ST. LotilH. December 31.
Flour Nothing doing ,
Wheat Firm and idow ; No. 2 ri-d , 1 4f
for cash ; 1 35J for Jnnu'irv ; 1 38'i'fa/l / . ' ( i February ; 1 40 @l ll ? for Match ; No.
3 do , 1 3i bid.
Corn Finnei ; G5jff ) ( ( > 'ijc for Januarr
( Mijc for I'Vbtuaiy ; i)7.Jc for March ; d'Jii (
GJe ! ) [ for .May
O t < I'lrm ; l5fiiriie ! | ! for eaib ; < ! > / (
45J < ! for January ; 'Wlo for May.
Rye Qiuut ut Wio.
Barley Steady at KO l 10.
Lead Firm at 4 f > 0.
Butter Unrhiingid ; dairy , 25@35c ;
crea'ii ry.3.riffl40c. .
EgCH - rnchangHl at 22fii".Mc.
V-hisky Steady at 1 10. "
Providloni Very quiet with only small
joh tritde.
No receipts nr shiimcnts ( reported to-
The session of ter-I o'clock won glvun ti |
entirely to festivittesiu honor of the cloning
Cincinnati Produce.
CINCINNATI , December 31 ,
Pork Mesa , utenly ut 17 00(5217 ( 50.
Lard Weak ; prime steam , 1180.
Bulk Menta Steady ; clear sides , V 00 ®
J W.I.
Bacon-Quiet ; clear Hidm , 10 2tu)10 ( 374
Flour Dull ; fumlly , G 10 ( 7 50.
Wheat Finn ; No. 't red , 1 37.
Corn Weak ; No. 2 mixed , 7"c.
O tn Finn ; Vo. 't , white , Mc.
Ryu-Firm ; No. 2,105.
Barley -Dull ; No. l ! fall. 1 02(5)1 ( ) 04.
Whisky-Steady ut 1 15.
Cbloago Ttlvo Block.
ClIlCAdo , Dvocinbcr.'ll ,
Hogs Rcwlpts , KI.OUO ; maiket lower
for ciimmon grades but ticady for brtter
'limlitli-H ; common tn go d mixed , 5 G5T'
G 15 ; heavy pncklm ; and shipping , ( ! 2 (
fu,0 fX ) ; light , fi bOfjiG 10 ; sklp und culls ,
1,4'X ' ) lie id ; murket
ncti\candsloady for olilppiin : oatlln but
lot nmrh doing in oil or crndtui common
0 good nhippiit. % 4 20(1 ? : , 70 ; choleo , 5 85
( ifil .V ; butcliprs' alHiitt steiuly and In fnlr
leniandi'owi ; < , 3 IQftf I 00 ; bulN , 2 It ' ( in
1 01 ; HU'cr * , 3 .S0.i I W ; Htockrn , 2 50 ( < il
* \\t
SlicopKrcplptx , 200 he-id ; market
| ul t hut about steady. Tlinonly salo.s
reported ate one- lot of good at I 15.
NowXorlc I'roiluon
NKW YOUK , Do vmbcr 31.
Flour -Jtilot ( and steady ; Soiithetn , mi-
Wiu-at 1'irin 'but iiule' : No. 2 red ,
12ft 1 IU ! ; No. 1 white. 1 UH"M II f :
No. 2 ird f . .1 . '
i < it i .r if Mimuti 1 Itgftil I li'd : u < * .
Vbnmry , 1 IIJ I | M
orn I'lrm lint dull ; No. 2 , ( iSjtfTiS'fi' !
No. 2 Milwaukee. OSjCMliio ; Januaiy , TO
( it "Ojic ; dn , Feb'-nniy , 71Kc'-'c.
OaU A nhnde better for rail ) , but xorv
iimel ; No. I white , o2jp ; No. 2 m MM ! ,
51 Je ; No. 1 western , .MifiiMe ; mlxpil htate ,
R > -Steady nnd ijuiei.
B.rley Plrni ; No 2 nmol state , IK ) ©
Pork ( fillet ami t'irm ; new siH > t IIHVI ,
17 < ! 21n 7 75.
Litrd Finn but imlct ; 11 2. ' > © 11 27J fir
Petroleum - Nominal ,
Clovolauil Murliot.
CI.K\II.A.\M : > , December 31.
Petroleum Steady ; htaudurd white.110
test. 7o.
BniTulo Live Stock.
Ho'H llixlur , KeoeiptM , 1W cars ; ship.
mentw , ! I2 car * : Yorkers (55 ( GiG GO ; good
medium w eignU , ( i ( iOfi G ti'i ,
St * Lou ! * Iiivo Stook'
ST. Louia , Pt'CfiuherJU.
I lo.-H-Stf ady Yorkf rs , G OOdiMl 20 ; pnok-
ing. 0 I05i.tiIII ; butchcr.s' to f .ncy , G 25Tn (
G 50 Retei. ts , iintin ; Hhinni | < iits , nonu ,
Chicago IToUnon.
( Jillc.Mio. Dreeiubor 31.
The board of trodo having a ndjourned ,
.here are no grain markets to-day.
Iilveruool ProdnoA.
LiVKHi'ooL , DecembiT 31.
FlourSteady ; v\tra htiitc , Us.
Corn Dull nt 5s m.
Turpnutlnn Mnrknt.
Wll.xtlMlTOS , N. ( ' . , Oecenib-r 31.
Rixin Kirin ; htnilned , 205 ; good , 2 10 ,
Spirits Firm nt 51 4.
Tur Sti-ndy at 1 HO.
Spirits TuriientinoSteady ; Imrd , 2 25 ;
floft , . " 50 ; Virgin , 2 8 . .
Troulilo Aliond of the Northern Pn-
N'ntlnnal Anroci.itnl VifM.
WASIIIMITOS , DeciMiibor 'tl. A
ruHohition will ho iutrodtiuiid in con
_ ross iuiniudiatiily iifd'ttho holiday
recess , providing for nn investigation
tile thu facta as to alleged forlritnrc'
if the clmrtor and liinil grunt of thu
Northern i'.icilic rntlway. It in .stated
uttlio road IIIIR notcompliYd wtthtliu
express terms of tlio chiutur , which
oviduH iitnong otlior things Hint thu
rend nhall bu built along a curtain
parallel und to : i curtiiin tonninua ;
that in eoiiRCiinunco of the building
of the road tliHeront from the
road described under thu uhartur
Homo of the export lawyers of the
country luxvo giveit an opinion to the
cfl'ect that the charter IB hablu to u
forfeiture. In thia case the company
would lose its valuable laud grant. In
support of tliis movement it is stated
that in oonseuoiiuo ( of thu great de
velopment of the country it is now
possible to build nil thu necessary roads
through the partially Buttled regions of
the west without the privileges which
wore deemed requisite ton years ago.
Inquiries to-day among loadinir mem
bora of both nouses develop thu fact
that the movement will have the sup
port of tlio most prominent senators
and representatives.
The Preiidantial Party.
National Asxoctated I'rcMt.
NBW YOUK. December ill. Presi
dent Arthur left for Wwihinqton thin
morning by the 10 o'clock uxprofH
The president rode in the famous pal
hcu car I'M , in which Garfield wan
conveyed to Elberon and which
waH also one of the funeral cars.
Tins president nnd party -voro met
at the despot by Secretary Folgi-r.
The president telegraphed Hocratiiry
Freliiighuyaen to meet him at tlio depot -
pot lit Newark , N. J. On the same
train were Senators Don Cameron nnd
Allison. MI'KS Nettie Arthur , Mrs.
James and daughter , and Mrs. Piur-
son accompanied the president.
WASHINGTON , .January 1. The
president and party arrived hero last
evening on the limited oxpresn over
the lialtimoro & Potomac roud. The
train was an hour late.
Hcary C. WentwortU'n Funornl.
Natioim AHHOclatod l'ru .
OiiicAfio , Ducumbor . ' 11. The funeral
noral of the late Henry C. Wont ,
worth , ( general passenger und ticket
agent of the Michigan Central rail
road , took place this afternoon.
There was a very largo attendance of
prominent railroad men , General
Manager Lcdynrd ai.d otlior olliuials
from Detroit having arrived thin
morning on a Hpecial train. The
body wim t.iknn to ROHO Hill CCIMIJ
tury. Koine beautiful floral tributon
wmii preHuntnd by the ticket men in
thin city , the immt marked dimign rep-
ri'fli'iituig a tunnel buing entered by a
tiain , tint last of wbich wiw thu
only one virtihlo.
Gould nnd the Wubush.
Natlnnkl AHMicittxiil 1'rimH.
CiiicAiio , December 'tl. The keen-
( l intiTffit i taken in railnud circlo.s
regarding the executive mana emeiit
of the Wabaih railroad. It m said
( lotild deaired the pronidency becaune
he is scheming to oliVct mich u com-
filiation of tlio Wubash nnd Jersey
Central HyoteuiH an will form a now
line from the west to the aeahoard ,
nnd thin interest can be promoted beat
with him at the head of thu executive
Chicago' * Annual Trad * .
NfcUootl Awomted freM.
CIIHUOO , December , ' 11. The fol
lowing figures representing the value
of this city's trade for the year 1881
aru believed tn bu approximately cor-
ret ; Produce trade , $ . ' (77,000,000 (
wholesale , 8i'J.'l,000,000 ; manufiu :
turera , f.'JO'.t.OOO.OOO. Tlii nhowa at
increiiHo over lant year of 116,000 ,
000 , or 12.8 pur cent.
Small Pox >
Nitloru ! Aiuoclatfd 1'roiu ,
KKOKCK , Ducembur JH. Tlio medi
cil : eollegii lias been cloied by orde
of tlio board of ho.ilth . , Tim dmoitsi
whicli h'roKu out so suddenly is nov
acknowledged by thu faculty to bu
hinall pox. One deatli IMH occnrretl
the victim bfing Iluiiry llutruun , o
HIJUKM Knlls , N. Y. The report tlmt
orly ntudenti are down with amall
> ox is duiiii-d by thn fai-ulty , who s , yi
heriMire but ten dtudciilR nH'i'od'd.
NiYOUK : , ilanuary I. Three
low MSIM of small pox were reported
o day , m.iking thirty-ono for tin-
, IIIIMV : : Cm , .lamwry I. There
\M \ been eighteen fatal cases of siniill
iohern sinoo Ootober I.
Cnoldnc Main
Nitlonulssocltiil I'rrns
LotisMi.u : , Oooember ; tl. Tlioro rattling cockinmimin last night ,
ulh eleven matches fought , Paris.
vy. , nnd Louiaville birds contuatiiig
.ouisville won nevun matclu'M willi
our birds killod.
A Nnvr Polar Expedition.
S'ntloiml Anioolixtisl l'nii .
I.ONHOX , Uoeomlu'r ill , -la . (5or- (
Ion Bennett , of the Now York Her-
Id , to-day started for St , Vctorshuig
u confer with thu lluiniati govern-
nent ax to the feasibility of Ataiting u
low polar expedition.
XIo Hnil Blown Out tha Gn * .
LKMXIITON , Ivy. , December ill.
Thomaa Dnlo , of l wrciu'obur ) ; , Iiul. .
wan found di'nd in bed t the Anhlniiii
hotiso. Ho had blown out tliu gin.
Poitmailor CtanorAl Howry.
NMIontl AMoclAtril l'tv .
CiucAUo , Dvi'oiubi'iill. . Hon.
Timothy O. Howe , thn newly np.
pointed po.itmaHtor gouoral , left thin
nfturnoon for Wnnhinqton.
The MtMourl ttlniml nt Sioux City.
Siot'x CITY , Iowa , li ) > ceuibor ! U.
I'liu Missouri river closed at thin
mint last night , tlio latest date for
.wiMity-two years. The slush ice
uorjri'il agiiiiint the ] > ilo liriiluo of tliu
St Paul A- Omaha railroad , taking
out fourteen huiitn or100 fi-et of
Strumnr Dnntroyml.
National AM dated Prew ,
YicKHitriiii , Doceiuliur 'tl. A upoc-
ial to the Herald mys the Htoamrr
tosa II. , with ubiiiit 1,800 bales of
cotton , was totally ih'stiM.ved by tire
to-day. Shu wan in lltyou D.irhouo ,
about tivo miles from Monroe. Her
steward juuipod ovmlmaid and WIIH
( ItllWlK'd.
Thn Lumbar
N'ntloiml Antiid.itnl l'ri'
Mi'.sKi : < rt > N , Mich. , D.uutinliur ! tl.
Tliu past Ht'aion , wluuli climurt to day ,
has IKHIII ono of the most prns ] > iirous
over eNiioriuiici'd in tint luinlinr trado.
Tlio mills hero cut ( ill,01)0 ; ! ) , ( ) ( ) ( ) foot ,
ivn excess of 10.COO,0M ( ) over liiHt
Court MartliilH Orcloitxt ut Fortw
McKlnnoy mul D. A. UusHoll.
Tlio lateht orders issued finin the hnad-
piarters of the department i f thu Platte ,
) inuha , Nub. , December 31 , IKSlnri in
The commanding ollicer nf Fort Inru , vv. 'T. , will Hnnd , under proper es-
ciit. Private Krnost K. Klrby , troop 1 ,
1'if'li caMilry , an insiint n ddier , to Wash-
m ton , 1) . O. , the person in cliaivo to ie-
port the patient to the Adj'itiint General
of thi ) n my for further ordeis.
A general court marshal is appointed to
meet ntFo.t McKinnev , W. T , , on the
' .lib day of J > unary , 1H82. or as HO in there
after ns i r.ioticabli * , for the trial of Privnte
George D , Snbivnn , troop 1) , Third mvnl-
ry , nnd HI h other prisonom as may to
brought lie fore t.
Dciail for the court ; Captain Dcnnc
Monahan , Thltii cavidry ; Captain Gonrgn
A. Drew , Thinlcav Iry ; Ciptinn Alnhuns
H. Boxvman , Ninth i < funtry ; Flrnt Lu ! -
ten.tVilli m K. II fiiun , Ninth Infant-
rv ; Fust l.itut n nt Oh trie * Morton ,
Third oivalrv ; Si'cond Li , ntenant Thin.
S. McCul b.Nintb infantry ; Second Lieu
tenant John M. P rter , Third cavnlrj ;
Second Lionten nt Daniel 11. B < iuihtoii ,
Thi-d cavalry ; Second Lirtitenuiit Wnlt'-r
It Sloil , Ninth Infantrv ; Fiot Lli-iitdiimt
lieorgo K. Hunter , Third cavalry , Judge
A general court mar'ial is appointed to
meet nt Foil I ) . A. Kusell , W. T. , on
Lhti 7th dny of January , 1N85 , or its soon
thereafter as practicable , for thu trial ot
Priv.itj Charles ( ireen , tioop f ! , Third
cnMiby , nnd such other piimmtTrt ns may
bu brought bedim it. Detail for thu
eon t ; G.ibtnln Peter V. Vroom , Third
cnuilry ; Captain KniinetCravifonf , Third
lavalry ; Captain ! John C. Tliotii < son ,
'I bin ! cavalry ; 1'irHl I.ietiti-ntant Kilgar
/ . _ Steevur , Jr. , Third cavalry ; First
Lieutenant John J . O'liriun , Fourth in
fantry ; Second Menteirint JUIIMIS O.
Alnckay , Thinl ravalry ; .Suconil I/iunten-
nut Aitlmr C. Duc-at. Third uivulry ;
Second Lieutenant 1'ark-r W.Vesl ,
Third cnv.ili ySc-ond I.ieut mint ItriUon
Davis , Thrbl cavidry ; Kirnt I lentenani ,
llainbiidge Kuyn Idn , adjutant Thin !
cu vii Iry , judge advocate.
The leavu of absence fur rut en days ,
L-ranted First Lieutenant C. H.Vntt ,
Fifth cnvalri , by imra , rnpli 1 , orders .NO.
20(1 ( , cnrruni series , Fort Jtobii.M. . n , Neli
Is extended eight iliiVH.
JolmJCollv. ro-onllsted at Port D A ,
ItiiHsuil , W , T , , is nsiigned to c mp.tny I ,
Fotnih infantry ,
Private Xnchariah Thoinpson , eompiiny
C , Ninth inftntry , is reliutrd fiom duty
an tne Henger ut UICKII l.eudiiiaitfrs | , t <
ditu Hut 1 t proximo , and will thun riiori |
to hlx nimpany cuminander for duty ,
Pi I vn tu Wiifiain II , ( 'orndu'i , tinop r ,
Third cavidry , isilatallu-l us nnHiuiiger ut
tliivo hi > udiuarters | , to date f om thu
pio\liui' ' . under thu provinlons of geniTul
onl-iH No. 51 , curient neriiiii , from thu ud-
jilt.intgenrral'H oflicc.
1'HVii ( if absence tor our mouth , on Kir-
Oi'n cortificute of ilNubility , with pm-
iH lim to go buyout th ilupaitiiient
limits is grunted Captain Karnuel MUM-
HOII , Ninth infantry.
Well Dunn. '
Councilman " Hunk " llornburger
rucuivud u very handsomu present
from hiit employer , ( ius. Btuphens
and William Pease , on Saturday even
ing , in tlio shape of u twenty dollar
gold piece , engraved oa both aide * .
On one side is inscribed "A happy
New Year , from Hilly and CUB , , to
Henry , " und on the other an vxoet
copy of thu I'ionuor HookH nnd
ladder Compuny'a medal tu Mr , Horn-
burger , upon the occasion of that com.
pany'a 120th anniversary. The piece
will make a beautiful und uniiiuo
wittclt churm badge , nnd oxproaees
more fully than worcln the liindly fuel
ing betwoi'ii his " | ) OSH. "
Baoklin'i Arniou Salv * .
Thu best naive in the world for outs ,
bruises , ooroa , ulcera , tudt rheum ,
fever Boron , totter , chapped hands ,
chillbliiins , corim and ull kinds of
nkiii eruptions. Thm nulvo in guar
anteed to give perfect nut indict ion in
every COHO or inonuy rofiintkul , 1'rioo ,
25u pur bor. For snlo by
Txn & MuAlAiiuKi Oiualui.
lllrt Suilrion Death Occiirrml nt Homo
Sutiifclny Afternoon.
S.iniuisl (1. ( Mnllette , city lieaMiror
if Omiihn , died at his residence , 1810
Hurl street , Saturday afternoon , of
congestion of tlio bruin. His death
was very unexpected mid midden.
Kor Htiveral d'iya Mr. Mullotto complained -
plained of hoing unwell , but he con.
tinned nliout and at his duties , HO thai
10 dunuer or serious illm-ss wan np-
irohemlod. On Kriitny he Biill'.ired
rom siokneB of the Rtoinncliaiid went
liome , where , after lying down , ho ox-
( irefHed liiniiielf as feeling boiler. Sat
urday morning , however , drought n
return of the nymiilomi soon nfter
lirenktnstand lie was nhliged to retire
lo his bed. Hia dinner xvns Inkeu to
liin room mid ho nto itiilo | heartily , ( > '
that , no alarm of impending nuriotm
Iroublo was cituscd ,
About 'l o'clock Iho Rymntnms of
the sick man took n new turn , mul
hortly afterward ho was attacked
with spasms which continued nt inter'
vain for an hour , when the imlToror
liroixthod his last. Upon the occurrence
of thu first spnnnt Dr. Moorojwns
Rummonod by telephone nnd arrived
nn quickly n possible. Ho found
that it would bo neces niy to procure
vigoroim remeilies , nnd for Iliat pur-
| ) osi ) ho hurricxl lo n neighboring
drug store and returned ns quickly ns
possible. Hut the patient wai lw
yolid help , and breathed his last in : i
Few minutes.
Samuel 0. Mnllette was thirty-si.x
ycniH old. Ho camuto , OmnJia ttbotit
thirtoim years iv o. Ho held the
position of nasistant storekeeper nt
thu Union Pacific shopi for n nttml > er
of years. Ho was elected city treiw
nror on the republican ticket m 1H7 ! > ,
and ro elected in 1881. During hi *
ollleial life he conducted the business.
of thu city finances in a most satis
factory way , nnd obtained the high
( " > ii < uiii of overyoim with whom lie
w.m tnrown in contnot. His ro-elre-
lion hist 5 our wim u tuoot tl'ittoiinir
rocntriiitiiin of his ability nnd iiniin-
[ ) unchiilhi integrity.
Thu decoiiHud loft Borrowing
widow and two children , a daughter
tun ye.Urt old and a sou mtvuu y"ir
of age. Tliey h ivo tliu pi-nfotiuil
xyinpiithy of a very Inrnu oiiulo of
Friondrt and ueiuaintjine-s. ( Tim fu
neral vill bu held td-morrow. from
t'lurcsidonci' ' .
Tlio B. , t M. Company Comnionco Pro-
couiUiiK to Conitomii Itlvor
Tn thi ) county court
procoeilingH wuiu uommenced in the
iinuio of tlio Omaha it Southwestern
lailrund ( wliii'h unnstituteH u portion
of ( lie li. i4 M. road ) to condemn tluv
river bnttoma hetwoon Fanilmuk
and llaim.'y streets , prepar
atory to converting it into
depot grounds. One of the oHkials of
the It , it Al. stated , in connection
therewith , that it waa the purpose of
the company to till nnd gtode the
property thus condemned in the
spring , and commence im soon oa pos
sible the erection of freight depots
and the laying of tnickn for the rap
idly iiiareimiiiK necefHitiea of thu com
pany. It will bu a grunt addition to-
the lowei1 property between these
Real Ektato Tran fara ,
The following are all the njul citato
tninafem recorded at tlio County
Clerk's , Thukday und Friday ,
nu reported for1 ( is paper by John
It. McCaguu , real eetuto u eut and
cotivoyiinuer :
Dexter L. Tliomaa aud wife to
Ityron and I.owin S Reed , parcel in
Ciipitnl add , w d81.H2R. .
John L. McO.iu'iii ) to Ityroii and
Lewis S. Iteed , lotx 10 and 11 , btk 10 ,
Heed's add , wd8710. .
C. Diinliuger to M. Waluua , lot 5 ,
blk 2KV w d 8:1,000. : ,
H. St. Felix and wife to Poycko
BIOS. , the sl.l feet af lot 8 , blk 177 ,
w d S'-VJOO.
John J. Uediuk nnd wife to AnuuRt
Doll , lots IK , lit and 'JO , blk 440 ,
Crandview add , i | c d150. .
John ISurraiul wife to John Audi-
ampaUL'h , pail of lot ! , blk10 , w d
lliMiry O. Joiieu to Maguio Cori-
dan , I ( i lot , 1 block 1IL ( , w d , S2.000.
O I'1 , ( 'iirpoiitijr ' to .iiimua Cnuoty ,
1 ! ) iicii's in si.etion ! , town 15 , rungu
JO , i-iitt , w. d , S1KO.
( jeorgu P , Doiuid and wife to Ris-
iitis HasmtiHSon , lot It , b'uck ' 120 ,
credit foncior , udd , w d , glilfi.
JiiBe ] > liniii Cr.iwfonl lo K.imiiel
Huiii'V ' , lot S , hluek It , KlUmvur , w
d. f : ! . " .
Jamim C ! , jMn 't'iith and wif.t lo
l/uniiol Hiiney , Q C , D. to above ,
( M.
It.i'iniUH Kasiiuissuii to I ) . L.
ioiimH , lotll , block -0 , credit fonuior ,
add , ( / . ( ' . U. , SIFiO. _ _
If yon wish to avoid great danuor
and tioublu , lieaiihm a no Hinall bill
of expeimo , at tliis HCOHOII of tlio year , I
you should take prompt htem [ ti ) kuup
liceauo from your houHeJiold , Thu
jHtoin should bo clemmed , blood
purified , atomiich and bowela regula
ted , and provetit and euro diseaaob
arising irom spring malariu.Voknow
of nothing Unit will so perfectly and
surely do thia aa Electric Hitters , and
ut the trilling coat of fifty cent a bet >
tlo. - [ Exchange.
Sold by lali A McMohon. (1) ( )
Saturday's Vlctlmri.
The police only took in tivo prison
ers on Saturday ,
John Smith aw a block wutchuvm
lay down a pair of gloves and pro-
cuodud to appropriate thorn. Ho.
claimed that somebody put thoui in
his pouket , but ho was laKou in all tho.
nine.Mrs. . Hull , it colored ludy of not
doubtful imputation , was arrcntod on
the chnrgu of street walking.
( i , Peterson indulged in u little in
discriminate tuiyut practice after dark
and \\i\n coiiBOtuoutty ( put whuro it
wouldn't be. necessary for him to exercise -
erciso uo much to keep his blood
warm ,
T\v < i plain drunku oompletod tltt >