Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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The Brilliant Hecoption and
Banquet of tbo Plonsnut
Hours Olub.
The Social Event of the Soasou
Who Were There , What
They Said and What
They Woro.
Tko Holiday Week In Orntihn , Society
Notes and Pollto Porsonulltlos.
of 1881 lias clr.wii to n close and the
wearied clovoloos of Torpniclioro will
now bo permitted a day's rest before
entering .upon the onerous duties of
Now Year's receptions nnd calling.
The oldest reaidents of Omaha declare
th t nuvor within their recollection
has there been so much gaiety crowd
ed into the upaco of six days. Kvory
evening during the week has been oc
cupied by some elegant social gather
ing. It has boon not only n holiday
but a gala day week for Omaha's
social buttcrfles , nnd they have Ilittcd
from party to party until it is no won
der if their wings are weary aftoi
such untiring devotion to the twin
goddess of music nnd the danco. Chief
among the notable events of the week
was the long expected
nndbanquotof the Pleasant Hours clul
which occurredlaat evening ntM.iaonk
hall. It was without question tht
most brilliant social event Omaha h.v
over witnessed. About two hundred
and fifty ladies and gentlemen worn
present , whet registered their names ir
the reception roym as they entered.
Till ! MALI.
Masonic hall was moat magnificent
ly decorated. Evorureeim were turned
aiound each pillar mid glittering clwn-
dolier. In the contro of the room wen
hunt ; two national ilaga fentoonod , and
joined together , troin which rudwhitu
and blue streamers hung in graceful
curves and extended to ouch chandelier
lior , from which also many othui
streamers were suspended to the cur
nurs nnd aides of the hall. At tin
apex of each post were two smallui
national banners arranged in the mum
way as the larnor ones , and botwooi
the posts and aides of the ha'l ' on i
line with the ( lags wore largo red and
white eiifignu most handsomely nr
ranged. Euch of the twelve large
windows were luxuriously hung witli
lambrequins and loco curtains , be
tween which hung gilded cages witl
melodious canaries and bright dishei
of golden fish. The npuco botwepi
the windows was filled with pic
tures and van-colored banners
gilt trimmed , bearing alternately
the names of the states of tin
union. The west nnd north sides o :
the hall were decorated in n like manner
nor , whore the doors and stage did
not intervene. The main entrance tc
the hall was festooned with two hoavj
flags on either aide nndovortho top woi
an unique and very handsome banner
inscribed "Welcome" and represent
ing two hands in fraternal clasp , Thi
broad . . entrance from the ladieJi.Twrirv
.u u > me iepuuuC , uiiu Iliosi
wore surmounted by a gorgeous bun <
nor of white silk ni.d gold fringe 01
which the bird of freedom was clo
gantly portrayed , The stage ww
heavily draped with two immense
flags , and at the top hum ; a blue silk
ana gold trimmed banner , with rosec
and ger.inium leaves around the bor
der. Both of the doors to the ante
room and to the refreshment room
were surmounted by blue und gold
banners , with huge horse shoos o !
flowers , in which were worked UK
words , "I'leafaut Hours. " In fronl
of the stmjo was an unique and vorj
pretty fountain from which , in spark
ling cpray , perfume was thrown und
unread its fragrant odors throughuul
the entire hall.
The whole combined to produce tin
most beautiful and entrancing ofloct ,
and with the brilliant lights Hashing
on rich ( lags , gilded banners and the
assemblage of fashion aud beauty ,
who filled the spacious hall , it was , in.
deed , more like one of the pictured
gatherings of the old world's nobility
than of a social event in the g\toway
city of the great west of the new con.
tinont , for the scene was in truth e
thing of beauty that , treasured in tin
nu-morv , hfcomps a joy forever.
Upon entering the room each gon.
tlonian and lady was pronented with u
programme for the evening. Omnhn
noH nuvur seen such rich and costly
souvenirs of n social entertainment.
Those for the ladies wore particularly
Htiikmg being in thu form of an I'iglil
pane Htiin covered book with engrav
* ed fi urea from hfu on the front cover ,
thu b.ick ImndHumoly painted in na
tural llowiTH and hearing the iiiimu ol
thu club nud the duto of the reception
iu delicately engraved tyw face. Tin :
Btivcnth pngo contained the following
jXK'in written for thu occamon by Mrs.
J. K. { Wilbur who was one of thu
ladies who graced the ilrat Pleasant
Hours party with her company.
1BCS-0 , 1881-2.
The firt club party ; we wore there ;
How welj the evening I remember ?
7 met you lirnt upon the htairj
Twos cold , I think HWOH ia Novenibor ,
You wore a plain and modest robe ,
And I looked tomuwhat ipron , you men
tion ?
To-night you thine In queen' * Mite ,
Avownof marvelous invention ,
You faltered noinetlmea in your bU-p ,
And u ode iiilatukw all through the Ian-
clem ; f
Mv fe t seemed numerous , I'll own ;
Now we excel among the dancer * .
We lunched on pickle * . xandwlchc * ,
And coffee from pieman dish w ;
No monogrotni , no silver aponiii ,
For tin onen aerrixi our wildest wluhe * .
Ahl those were curlouv ancient tiny * ,
And memory reels us wu raniack It ,
To think that we could live and dance ,
Without the ripple , glide nr racket.
Iut ! friendship wan c weft * dream ,
And love UK r.iptwoun a puw > lonj
ArnJ eve uico'b ' eye , hand jimen hand ,
To-day In much the KJUIIO olil faihlon ,
Andeo the gay One Ilimdred nlghtii ,
. ,7Ai .Jn one mystic romance hlimltxl ;
And may wo add a thuunand more.
Jiefore th' enchanting tale I * ended ,
The following ladiei Resisted in
jlccoraling the progrnminea , Mrs ,
Milton Harlow , Mis. S. K. Locke , the
Miwos ltos ' , Miss Carrie Ijams , Miss
Tftft and Mias Kustin.
The order of dances was as follows :
1. Landers.
2. Waltz.
! ) . Quadrille.
1. Polka.
fi. Walla-Quadrille ,
( i. Waltx.
7. I/uiciers.
8. Scliottisclio.
! ( . Qiirtdrillo.
10. Waltz.
11. Laticiors.
12. Polka.
l.'l. Waltz-Quadrille.
14. Walt/ .
Iloll'man's orchestra struck up the
opening lanciersshortlyaftorO o'clock ,
to which thirty sots nt once kept stop.
In the intervals between the numbers
on the programme several extra
dances were given. The scene was
ono never to bo forgotten. The ex
quisite dresses of the ladies fitted to
lovely figures reflected the colored
lights from the beautiful decorations
and equally lovely faces flushed
with the excitement of the dnnco or
responding to the allurimenta of con
versations formed n picture more easily
imagined than described. On every
hand voiccu sounded the prat NOB of
the ever popular President Squires ,
whoso untiring energies and rare good
taste made such an evening's enjoy
ment possible.
It was Hearing midnight when the
lost lanciorfl of the first part of the
programme was concluded , and the
liaUw.w cleared for the literary and
esculatory portion of the evenings en
joyment. The tables were no sooner
placed , spread and loaded with their
tempting viands than President
Squires aroao , nnd AI loastmastor an
nounced the following toasts nnd sen
timents , already familiar to all who
had consulted their lovely pro
grammes ,
"In gnllanttrltn the gilded vcancl ROCK ;
Youtli ( in the prow and pleasure at the
holm. "
Ago cannot wither her nor custom
Her Inflnlto variety. ShakcHpcart- .
HcsuonHO , C. O. Green , Ksq.
Tin : HOOD oi.miiUH.
"Along the pebbled shore of memory. "
IteHponnc , Hun , .lohn C , Co win.
OfK lillACK ANI ) lll'Arn.
"Still harping on my daughter , "
KeipoiiBe , Hon. ( Joo. NV. l.'ritcliett.
"To bo n well favored man is the gift of
fortune ,
Hut to read and wrilo coma by nature. "
HoHponsu , W. K , Amim , Ks < | .
TIIK Ktrii'HK.
"With mirth and laughter let old wrinklcH
conio. Hhi kc poaro.
Kt'HMiine | , Miss Claire Itustin. FAioitirK The ) \'ult \ :
"In 'swimmim' dance on air's soft billows
float" Milton.
HenponHe. H. 1) . ,
If space permitted , TUB UKK would
bo happy to publish eniro thospoechcs
of the evening. Special mention must
bo | made of the excellent and witty
historical remarks of Gen , Cowin , the
charming response of Miss Kustin
which fairly sparkled with brightness
and which was delivered in a moat
graceful and effective manner and the
have rarely heard excelled. All the
speeches were well rocoi"ed by the
guests in attendance and the banquet
was unanimously voted ono of the
most enjoyable portions of the even
ing's entertainment.
At 1 o'clock dancing was resumed
and the lost strains of the concluding
waltz died away just an the hands of
the clock had turned thu corner of
half past two ,
80 ended the "Hundroth Party" of
Omaha's leading social organization
a brilliant conclusion to ulovon years
of successful progress. It is safe to
say that everything wns as perfect ns
earnest and loving labor on the part
of President Squires and his cx-
ocutivo committee could accom
plish aided by the expenditure
of many long hours of time nnd an un
stinted purse. Fortunate in their
president , ana in their membership
the Pleasant Hours can look forward
to nn unbroken organization when
the time cotnos to celebrate their two
hundredth party , which cannot sur
pass in completeness of detail and
fulness of means for enjoyment thu
delightful entertainment of lost oven-
The ma niliconcooftho toilets woni
by the ladies was thu theme of univer
sal comment. Never in the history of
Omiiha hud such a wealth of silk ,
Matins nnd lace been gathered at any
social gathering. Among the must
notice. bo !
weiu the following' :
Mr * . .1. 0 , Cowin was ningnificiont-
ly drt'Hsed in n princess robe of crim
nun Hiitiu elaborately made with over-
iltisi of plush ; diamonds.
Mm. U K. Contaiit , beautiful com-
hhmtiun dress of old gold anil white
brocade , with old gold satin.
Mrs. Kuuntzo , a handitomo dross of
black putin trimmed elaborately in jet
and superb diamonds.
Mrs. Colpotzor , a rich dress of white
surah trimmed in Persian embroidery
cniffura high and powdered ; diamonds ,
Mra. D. T. Barkalow , dress of black
velvet with shaded pink overdress.
Mrs. Prichott , white princes ; * )
dress of white silk with elegant over
dress ,
Mrs.Chcsborough coinbinaUondresa
of pinkeatin and lavender silk ,
Mra. Squires , a lovely heliotrope
dress of satin , garnished elaborately
with sprays of heliotrope.
Mrs. Furey , a very rich dress of
white satin brocade , with overdress of
Spanish lace.
Mrs. S , P. Morse , white satin and
Mrs , Dotwilor , n handsome 'garnet
satin dress trimmed in iridisconts ;
diamont's. '
Mra , Carter were a light blue bro
cade combined with fawn colored
silk ; handsome diamonds
Miss Doano was lovely in a pale
blue surah with overdress of Spanish
lace ; gold jewelry
Miss Knight wore pale pink
Miss TJurkalow wns dressed in
cream-colored aurali ; Spanish lace
Miss Millard appeared in an ele
gant ooatumu of blue satin and bro >
cade , decorated lavishly with pearl
pnssaincnterio ; natural ( lowers.
Miss Wakol y wore an elegant dress
of white satin and brocade , lace
sleeves embroidered in crystals.
Miss Stiundera was superb in alight
blue surah trimmed in Merricoiirt
lace , corsigo cutsqiiiro , short sleeves
Miss GoiiRdon , light pink satin with
ovordresi of Spanish lace.
Miss Wells wore a beautiful light
surah trimmed in Spanish laco.
Miss Etta Wells , pink satin skirt
with white crepe overdress ; lace
Miss Hurley , nliell pink nurah.
Miss Dollio NcCornuck was su
perbly dressed in white silk with over
dress of point lace , flounces headed
with pearls ; diamonds.
Miss Chambers , cameo nurnh
trimmed in white laco.
Miss WoodU McCormick wn < idrofui < r ]
in heliotrope satin trimmed with deep
white I .ice flounce * ; diamonds.
Miss Nowcombo , pink satin skirt
overdress of nun's veiling.
Miss Springer , peacock blue satin ;
rery handsome.
Miss Jcncss , cream colored satin.
Miss Brownson , skirt of light blue
surah trimmed in flounces of lace
overdress ot cashmere embroidered in
blue ; diamonds.
Miss Caldorwood , nkirt of crimson
satin with bodice of pluth.
Miss Brady were an elegant dress of
maroon satin and velvet.
Miss Boyd , cream nun's veiling with
bodica of white silk ; diamonds ,
Miss Carrie Ijatns , cream colored
urah combined with cashmere and
wide sash of surah.
Miss Richardson wore a lovely toilet
of white cashmere , trimmed in swans-
Miss Bishop , combination dress of
nun's veiling and white satin , lace
sloevcs ombroiilered in pearls.
Mrs. Steele , black silk pleated skirt
with overdress of Brussels not , pink
flowers ; diamonds.
Mrs. Ilunscotn drauuil in a rich
white sitin and brocade with lace em
broidered in crystals.
Miss Ringw.ilt , exquisite toilet ol
white s.itin and Spanish laco.
Miss 'JJalcoinbo was becomingly
nttirnd in cameo moire with ucraf
draperies of surah trimmed with
pearl passamontorio nnd crystal lac < < .
Miss Rustin , an elegant dress of
white Spanish lace with sleeves em
broidered in pearls.
Mra. F. R McConncll nee la.vicj ;
ruby velvet dress.
These present were : Mr , and Mrs.
C. E. Squires , Mr. and Mrs. C. K.
Coutnnt , Mr. nnd Mrs. D. O. Clark ,
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Peck , Mr. and
Mrs. S. 13 , Jones , Mr. and M > H. Goo.
E. Prichott , Mr. and Mrs. U. 11.
llingwalt , Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Greene ,
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hennett , Mr. and
Mrs. L. Carter , Mr. and Mrs S.
Shears , Mr. nnd Mrs. ,1. M. Watson ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. Colpotzor , Mr. ant
Mra. C. N. DeitMr. . and Mrs. D.
V. Barknlow , Maj. and Mrs. Furoy ,
Mr. and Mrs. J M. Chesbroughof St ,
Louis , Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Reed , Mr
and Mrs. L. llichardson , Mr. and Mrs ,
Chas. Shivorick , Mr. and Mrs. Gee
I. Gilbert , Gen. and Mrs. Mandorson
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCord , Mr
and Mra. Aug. Pratt , Col. and Misi
Stanton , Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nason
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Estabrook , Lieut
nnd Mrs. D. C. Kingman , Mr. aiu
Mrs. S. P. Morse , Mr. nnd Mrs. O ,
Ramsey , Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Yates
af . - * J W"Uii3to77VJVU.\\\Vi.Mii ra/
Dot-wilor , Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bochel
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Browning
( Jen. and Mra. Cowin , Mr. and Mrs
R. K. Taft , Mrs. Schneider
dor , Mrs Beall , Mra.McConnoll , Mrs ,
Hanscom , Mrs. Dr. Hyde , Mrs. Bar
low , Mrs. Doano , Mrs. Smith of Da.
vonport , Mrs. Gannett , Mrs. Belden ,
Mrs. Byrne , Mrs. Barney.Mrs. Kurtz ,
Mrs. Sargont.Misses Tomkins , Bishop ,
Hanscom , Hoyt of Utica , Knight ,
Horbach. McCormick , Dora Lohmor ,
Fannie Wood , Barkulow , Nuwcoinb ,
Rustin , Carrie Ijams , Shears , McCor-
niiok , Jacobson of IMtimoro , Min
nie Hall , Steel , Wood , Jenness ,
Gwyer , Boyd , Uoane , B.deombe.
B lch , Richaidion , King > valt , Clark ,
Clnrknon of Schiiylor , Lizsio Wells ,
Wilbur of Nebraska City , Taft , Pad
dock , I..OU C. Street of Council Bluff's ,
Shivorick , .lewott , Mary Knight , Burley -
ley , Caldorwood , Phillio and Mary
Morgan , Brownson , Sounders , Brady ,
Nolia Lohmor , Hayden , Etta Wilson ,
Margaret Boyd , Chambers , Congdon ,
L. Congdon , E.Vells , Sharp , Kimball -
ball , Roddis , Springer of Chicago ,
Wokely , Mayor Boyd and Messis.
II. Schneider , John R. Ring-
wait , Louis Bradford , Lieutenant
Bourke , Paul II. Horbach , N.
N. Crary , A. .Remington , Robt. W.
Patrick , J. S. Franco , B. B. Wood ,
J. 0. Sharp , R. S. Berlin , J. K.
Chambers , Joseph Francis of Phila
delphia , Bert R. Watson , 0. H. Hen-
dricks , A. W. Butler , Win E. Annin ,
W. B. Scott , J. M. M. Ross , Willis
M. Vntcs , A. B. Carpenter , J. G ,
Taylor , F. 0. Bullock , M. W. Hark.v
low , 0. W. Lynmn , M. T. Bat low ,
W. F. McMillan , Alf. W. Brock , N.
K. Barkulow , F. E. Coo of Nebraska
City , J. ,1. Dickey , J. 11. Li-hnu-r ,
Goo. G. Squires , A. W. Saxo , S. 0.
Morgan , D. W. Suxe , L. Drake , Jno ,
S. Brady , Geo. Paterson , Stuart
II. 1 laden , E. 0. , Jr , II R.
Porsinger of Des Moini't ) , R. L. Gar-
lish , Liitham Davis , W. H. Wilbtir ,
Phil. Warrack , R. E. Gaylord , G. P.
Stebbins , Rob't G. West of Ann Ar
bor , Lieut. Roberts , I ) . C , Adams , M.
0. Foster , Jno. L. Wotwter , Geo. G.
Sanborn of Philadelphia , Chas. E.
Davit , Jno. S. Collins , C. Winchoater
of Whitewater , Mich. , B. 0. Wake-
ley of New York , Mr and Mrs. 0. E.
Squirpa , Herbert Thayer , 0. S. Huntington -
ington , A. C. Wakeloy , Carrie Millard -
lard , E. D. Thomas and Mrs Thomas ,
H , L. .Tonnes , Miss Ross.
The party given on Tuesday even
ing by Mr. and Mrs. J. 8 , McCormick
to their daughter , Misa Dollie ; and
her friends , Miia Nowcomo , of
Quincy , Illinois , and Miss Thomp-
kius , of Omaha , must rank as ono of
the most brilliant events of the looat
social season. InvitutioiiH to the
number of ono hundred and fifty had
been issued and fully fifty couples
were in attendance , Few residences
in Omaha uru so admirably adapted
for an evening of social enjoyment au
that of Mr. McCormick , nnd its
capacity wns well tested. Holl'man'a
orchestra , stationed under the stairs ,
furnished most delightful music , nnd
from early in the evening until tar
hit * Wednesday morning the meiry
dancers li'led ' the crash covered lloortj
f the spacious double pnrlora and
kept time to the ravishim , ' strains of
ho wnll7 , the ripple and the never
igcing lanciera. Into in the cvcninu
: bo gueats ascended to the third
itory , where nn elegant supper was
lerved , after which dancing was re-
umed until the party broke up , which
was goveral hnura after midniyht.
Thoflo pioHont were the Misnus Wells ,
Wakely , Steel , Taft , Knight , Mary
Knight , Etta Wells , laancs , Richard-
aon , Clmmbera , Morgan , I'hilly Mor-
g.\n , Jonoas , Boyd , Magyio Boyd , Hal-
combe. Thompkins , Springer , Brown-
son , Sliiverick , Crary , Wood , Bishop ,
McConnell , ORoiley , Collins , Like ,
Reed , McCormick , Campbell , Lin-
inger , Ambrose , Shurp , Idn Sharp ,
Ivonnard , Jessie Millard , Horbach ,
Mimah , Barton , Wilbur , Lillie Wilbur -
bur , Ijnms , Carrie Ijams , Cou
ncil , Congdon of Omaha , Cong
don of Chicago , D.iisy Jowott ,
Hello Jewett , S.iunders , Burley ,
Wilde , Root , Hall , Dundy , Hanscom ,
ll vyor , Sterms nnd Mesars. Drake ,
Squires , Bierbowor , Taylor , Hondricks ,
Ogden , Barknlow , Chambers , Patrick ,
Crrtllo , Hodges , O'Reiley , Sharp , H
C. Sharp , McCormick , Crnry , Will
MoMillon , Lucien Stephens , Charles
Liviegny , Morgan , D. W. Saxo , A.
W. Haxe , Millard , Wilbur , Douel.
Johnson , Jewott , Wells , Horbach ,
Dundy , Carrier , Foster , Garlich , Bor ,
lin , Annin , Hyde , Ardich , Davia-
Murphy , Hamilton , Wilcox , Wataon ,
Hitchcock , A. Wakoley , Morria , Scott ,
Beach , Pattoraon , Roas , Hill , Thayer ,
H. 0. Thnyer , John Roaa and B ,
On Wednesday evening Mr. and
Mra. Herman Kountzo received their
Omaha fnonds at their elegant man
sion in South Oma.ia. Over one
hundred invitation * } had been issued
for the event and as there were few
regrets the spacious parlors wore well
filled with gueata. iloffumii'ti orchea-
tra furniahup the muaic and a long
programme of dances which worothor-
ougnly enjoyed by thoao who pirtiei-
patod waa the reault. One very pleasant
feature of the evening was thu absence
of crowding , osthulong suites of rooms
and r.tnplu h.ill had atforded every
facility for promenade and thu w.dtz
without interfering with tin gusts.
Shortly after eleven nn elegant supper
was served in admirable style , and
the party broke up at a latu hour to
the strains of the Olivette waltz.
Luck of apace forbida a hat of those
present , which numbered about ninety
The holiday party of the S.ins Core-
monie club took place on Thursday
ovcninc , at Standard Hall. Sevciut
invited guests were present , and the
occasion excelled every previous hop
of this llouriahtng organization of our
your young people. Among thoao
present were the Miettes. Barton of
North Platte , Tillottson , Congdon ,
Bulcombo , Chambers , K and I. Lnwo.
Brady , Komb.xll , Morgan , P. Mor
gan , Newcombe , Millard and Mc
Cormick , and Messrs. A. Rem-
mington , Goo. Paturson , Rich
Carrier , Fred Webster , Will Wilcox ,
W. R. Bennett , S. 0. Morgan , E. W.
Morgan , Jno. Carrier , 0. . Donel ,
F. B. Johnson. W. B. Millard , 0. O.
Swoesy , D. P. Wells , Jno. M. Iloas ,
P. D. Burkloy , T. R. Kimball , D. W
Soxe , A. W. Suxe , N. S. Hull , J. W.
Foster , J. F. Tousoy , A. B. Carpen
ter , W. H. Wilbur.
The second party of the Terpai-
chorean club waa given lost
Tuesday evening at Stand
ard hall. The attendance was much
larger than at the first , a gratifying
encouragement to the gentlemen who
organized nnd put the club on a sub
stantial foundation. Hoffmann's
orchestra furnished the music , and
Frank Burkley , Ed. Murphy , Jos.
McCaffrey , Ed. Shelby , Thos. Cotter
and H. H. Bushman , managed the
sets. Amonu those present wore Mr.
and Airs. McNamara , Mr. and Mrs
S. N. Melio , Mr. and Mrs. W. M.
Bushman , Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davis ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mahoney , Mr and
Mrs , A. Murphy , Mrs. John O'Kecfi'o
of Creaton , Iowa , Miss Cullitrim ot
St. Joe , Miss Lizzie Jenny and Katie
Murphy , Misses Mary Shelby , Mary
McNamaru , Muigio ( and Bertha Mc
Donald , Ida Trucky , Sarah Brady ,
Mollie Cotter , Mamie Gard
ner , Lizzio Melio , Eva Hiiins ,
Mary , Rosa and Sadie Smith , Lizzie
McCartney , Annie Mornn , Jenny Do-
lone , Sadie and Tessio Riley , Annie
and Minnie Nichol , Mary Kennedy ,
Meiers. Cotter , Shelby , McCaffrey ,
Burkley , Bushman , Andres , Murphy
Downey , Richerby Cliuro , Wertz , L.
MoaicH , Fuoney , Connolly , Mitson ,
Smith , McNamara , Delone , O'Hcarn ,
.r. P. Murphy , T. Muiphy , Mulvihill ,
Nichol , Waugh nnd Golden.
Social Note * .
Mrs. Yost gave a ladies lunch on
On Thursday evening there was a
ileaaant little party given by Captain
Jrngur in honor of Mr. Hayward , of
Dgdon , formally of Omahit.
A private maiqnemdo in to be given
m January 18 , 1882 , at Masonic hull
> y nn executive committee , of which
hVm. Brown is chairman.
'Iho "Entru Nous" will give a Ger
man on iliimmry ( ith nt Masonic hall
o which some twenty invitations have
lOiiii issued to gtB'U > mcn outside of
lie club It promises to be one of
he most notable social events of the
The Concordia ball on Monday
evening has already been noted in
thoao columns. It was up to the
usually high standard of that select
and _ popular social and musical or
The ladies and gentlemen of the
"Verdict" company , who appeared in
Council Blutfs , Tuesday evening last ,
were most hospitably entertained in
that city br the managers of the
Catholic fair , Mr , Wickhajn acted ius
chief guide , and , with several a&sit-
ants , piloted the party safely to a
haven of rest and refreshment The
company parnly/od Mias Thompson'a ,
pantry at nn oariy hour , and after
the performance indulged in a dunce
for an Hour at two. Mm. O'Neill ,
Mrs. Davidson , Mrs. Cuaick , Miaa
Thompson and thu Miaaea Puachnl
were untiring in their attentions , and
made the trip of thu company to thu
initial point n most agreeable one ,
Polltn Personalities.
Miaa' Nulia Lehmer left this afternoon -
noon for Detroit , where she will spend
n month ns the guest of Miss Lucy
Junncss ,
Miss Lou Street , of Counci Blufl'a
spent 1'Viday nnd Saturday in Omaha
as the guest of Miss Claire Ruatin.
Miss Lucy Jennesa , who has been
viaiting in this city , left to-day for
her home in Detroit.
Mr. J. M. Barr is expected back in
Omaha next week.
During the present week .Judge
Chadwick hat issued mnrringu licenses
to the following parties :
John M. Bylers and Mias Lizzie
Charles Geyler and Annie Doorful.
Krick Larson nnd Eliza Fech.
Ed. C. Thompson and Miss Elln
SpniiL'lc ,
Arthur J. VanKuran and Misa Jon-
netto Jenaen.
G. H. McCiino rnd Minnie Boar.
Joseph Rougiah and Miaa Theresa
J. I , Smith nnd Miss Annie Nolan ,
Henry Hall nnd MiaaAiinio Gallop.
Franklin Yaw nnd Mias Mnttio Ap-
jrroond-'iicc | ol The lier ,
LINCOLK , Neb. , Dccembor 29. The
two young men who stole n horse and
buggy from Sheriff Ensign's livery
stable hero some days ago , wore cap
tured at Nebraska City and bound
over in the aum of $800 for appear
ance at the next term of the district
court. They arc guilty without n
doubt , and stand a good chance of
visiting Nobesville.
Prof. Pinnoy'H dance on the 2th ( )
hist , was n decided success in every
particular. Fifteen couples from
Omaha were present nnd danced to
the music of Irvine's orchestra from
iho saimi place. Prof. P. has mot
with the beat of aucceas with his danc
ing school here , and the young people
ple are sorry to loose him.
The Lincoln hotels kept up their
reputation in regard to fine dinners on
holidays on Christmas , and wo doubt
if a liner meal could bo prepared any
place than the guests of the Arling
ton wore treated to that day. '
The p"oplo of Lincoln are happy
over the result of the carrying of the
bonds for water works. 'Tho vote was
unusually light but answered the pur
pose as well us if it had been ten tunes
larger. Total votes cast , 328. For
bonds , 254. Against bonds , 74.
The Nebraska State Medical Socie
ty had a very successful meeting here
on iho 27th inst. Business of much
importance to the general public wns
transacted after which the society ad
journed to meet in Hastings in May
George Traverse , the man who at
tempted to c.irvo his wife at Waverly
a few days ago , was bound over for the
sum of $2,500 and after remaining in
juil several days was released by some
of his friends becoming his bondsmen.
It scorns that there are two sides to
this story and that when the facts are
brought to light "things will not bo as
they Boom. "
Miaa Violet Butler , of Pawnee
county , is in the city , the guest ol
Mra. C. H. Uere. Miss Cora Smith ,
of Nebraaka City , is viaiting Misa
Jeaaie Moran. Miss Mamie Sutton ,
of Newark , 0. , will spend the wintei
in this city with her aunt , Mra. Carl
Funko. Miss Jestia Morton , of No-
ew YeS&i Mrs. J. J , Im-
The city council were on the war
path the other evening , and after get
ting on their war paint , relieved En
gineer and Jailor tJnberlan from fur
ther duty , and his place filled by H.
C. Randall. There has buen a uood
deal'of complaint at the manner in
which Mr. Haberlan has fulfilled his
duties , nnd the change meets with
the hearty approval of the public.
The mayor and council of Bennett
are somewhat worried over the loss
of the original copy of their ordi
nances which were sent to The Globe
to bo printed. They anxioualy await
The Pleasant Hour club gave an
other of their pleasant parties on the
20th , in whicli some forty couples par
ticitmted. Great preparations were
mude to make this imity the most re
cherche of thu season , and their ottorts
were not in vain. The costumes of
the ladies wore elegant , and with the
full dross iiuila of the gentlemen pro-
Hontod a most beautiful panorama in
thu pas light.
Lincoln is Buffering from a scarcity
of ice , the aamo ns the other towns
throughout the state , and ia only sup
plied by what the neighboring towns
furnish. The freezing of salt creek is
the tinly hope left.
Moving to nnd Fro.
Dr. lie ) Lewis ia doing Platttnnouth.
( ! , J , Hall , of Tvkamah , has uoiiu to
Danville , 111.
U. J1' . yhedd , of 1'airbury , H back from
thu mountii us.
Mrs. SiiudciH , of Siilnoy , isieitlng
f ri > nds in Omatu.
MM. Perry Walker , of North 1'latte ,
lm-n'iiue tu Hillifilnle , 111 ,
Oakil.ile mou'iis the departure of MUd
Dura lU'ckwitlifur Quaktmlom.
MrH , ,1. Uruick.slnnk , of lilair , U lire-
paring fur 11 trip tu Scotland ,
Kd. I'urions hus xluken the "I'retliikt,1
and Mjuutteil in Ununcil llhiHV ,
Danli-1 McCarthy , of Fr.mkllu. Pa. , Ia
the new It , & .M , M.-ctim ! IIUMI at York ,
.lohn Thompson nii'l ' wife , of Weeping
Water , are usituu' relative ! ) in Michigan.
MUs Olive Nevtbecker , of Ord , has gone
to Ottawa , 111. , to bttuly mueic during the
Mr , and Mm , H. A , Witterman , of
North I'latte , are visiting in lowu and
X.ed. llatrlifT , of Ccntrul City , hung up
bin noi'kH u > . hu old huuie in the Jlooaier
MUs Viola Mae , of Pawnee Citi , will
La at home in Ohm ftr the next three
month * .
P , H. Swift , popular railroad eneineer
located at 1'lattsmimth. pulled Into Omaha
Cli rietiim * ave ml filled up ou bonelena
turk , etc.
There' * Nothing Like It
The bride wa * led up the broad a Me ,
( < ot up In the most killing btaine ! ;
When nuked If nlm
Would 11 true wife be ,
She promptly replied , "i should suuiisle , "
Aril.tlieu | i r a few thyH tiieieuuKhtvr
There went unilc- and kUsea und laughter ,
Then lietritM tocompeller
To fiirpnke bar o'ti ' feller ,
Hut hu kicked and aid , "I don't
The ileputydUtrirt clerk ( if Can enmity ,
W , C , rihtnvalttr , him secured .in da'cU-ut
deputy MM ! 1'lorevnce Hlclmrd'on. The
c nlratt w-ajflgned nt Eight-Mile Grove
on the 20tb.
Four Hebron girl * can crowd a man off
a six-font walk every time , Tiicicii noth
ing Mn.ill nliout them.
Mutmnft'it the word , for 81mm , of To-
kaniAh , hns formed a lift1 partnership with
MI'S Alula Anderson.
John \ ) . Kennedy and Mi-si Ida May
Hnmp on have united their f irtmios nnd
staitcd h.iiHi'kuep M , ' in I'lnttsinoulh.
J. M. E.imaninnd Amelia llovcll were
joined at Kearney on the 20th. They
went to the "future great" on n bridal trip.
Seven bachelors of Hebron have doubled
up within a short periml , and the remain
ing five of tlio desolate do/.en have been
vai cina' cd.
N. W. liardwell and Miss Kato Hill ,
of Tekninnh , were married on the 27th.
The union topped the social fabric of the
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Crawford , of Wes-
tcrvillc , celebrated the 2"ih imnlversarv
nt their marriage on the ISth. The ton of
Custcr county aitendcd.
Aqullla D. Wolbcrt , of Milford , at
tracted to his parlor Miis Mnttie Trimble ,
from Mechamcavlllo , 1'a , She was quietly
installed on the 2 th.
The Couton brothers , John and James ,
have joined the majority. Mi * * Anna
Ununday Hccured the former and Mrs.
Ann Sweeney the latter.
Lewis Pagenstcchcr and Kttio Otto
joined hearts and hands at Tiin oln on the
20th , inirr.iumled by numoroim relatives
and friend * and costly gifts. It Otto bo a
happy union ,
J. A. i'rawley and .To le L. Hcadstrom ,
of Stiomlmrg , were made ono on thu 18th.
Ucach of/rhe Republican , and his Bat-ban- bay window , went to the irccption
niid stretched his belt several inches.
David S. Piper , of Hock Falls , piped
hN loving lay into the willing ear of HIM
Elizabeth P. Canon , and on the 20th a
change of tune was apparent , Coson that
day t cycro'xed hands and pledged fidelity
free of squalls.
Francis W. Conly breasted the priva
tions i.f pioneers und s'Cined a patent
right to a quarter f eel ion of D.IWHOII coun
ty. As the-vigil * of Crictm.s . rew nigh
sn did thu girl he left behind liim , and on
the 22d he took unto himself Mias Mary
K. Flaniigau , all the way from Washing
Henry Siedell got tip with the lark and
tolled till Into for Dr. I'roiiunau , six. mile-i
from Lincoln. Henry m naged Le weun
hont-s to get solid with the d ctor'n daugh
ter , a hnnddome and iiocoini ji-hed yojng
lady of seventeen. The s cial chasm be
ing too broad to bridge byoidinury menu * ,
nn elopement was decided upon and suc
cessfully carrid out. Siedell is -ported
tube a half owner in u vvifo and two
children in the east.
Ballroom nnd Parlor-
,1. 1) . Bain , of Harvard , celebrated bin
37th birthd.y on the 1'Jth. '
The elite of Tekaaiah congregated at the
lioiiio of Mr. nnd Mrs , Woicesterone even
ing last week for a social "all hands
around , "
The Masons of St. 1'aul gave a public
installation and ball last Tu sday evening.
The righting hosts of Alma stacked arms
on the -'tith ml indulged in u Virginia
Heel at the Comt House.
George .Box , of Peru , "is all broke tip. "
Hu was surprised by his neighbors on the
21st and "balanced to partners" till2 a. m.
Esquire Ch ney , of York , was cunning
ly captuied with his boots off last Thur.s
dny evening. A troop of neighbors upi-et
his ca dilations and wulUed him round and
Oh balls , carpet balls. Mias Eva Cham
bers , of Schuyler , has an elegant sulli-
ciency to start r ousekceping. They rolled
iuto the home of her p irents by the dozen
on the evening of the 17th , and the donors
danced the accompaniment.
Mi-H Nettie Abbott , of Central City ,
cei brated her nineteenth birthday on the
22d by entertaining - . company of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Hoasotler , of Loup
City , royal y entertained their friends on
the evening of the 18th.
School * and Teacher * .
Central City hoa two public schools.
The Oakl md public school has 114 chil
dren enrolled.
Franklin wants a public school to pre-
paieiu youth for the academy.
The institute for the blind at Nebraska
City has 25 pupils.
The schools of Arliland were never in a
better or mure prosperous ondilion thin
at present.
Central City is raising funds for a pub-
lie libraiy by sell in ; bliiins therein at 95.
SUC.'OBH ia certain.
Cass county him thirty-six ptil lie schoolH ,
one at 1'apillion and one at Uvllevue
being graded. There , ro 1COO clii dren
enr 'lied. '
State Huperinteident Jones urges con-
tributioiiH by teachers and scholars to the
( iartield monument fund. It is mtende
n a ti ibute to the martyr president as u
tt-uchcr , und each school coutrioutidg S3 ,
$5 or § 10 will receive a lithographed cer
tificate containing portraits of Gen. Gar-
tiel'l , bin wife and mother , suitable for
Iranii ! g and hanging in the school room.
A smaller cert.ficate will be given any
person contributing one dollar.
North I'latte Republican : "Miss Nora
M. O'Connor , for the past three years , a
teacher in our public school and a young
lady who [ IOS-UHSOI the esteem of all who
knovt her , leaves North I'latte to-morrow
tuning for Onrtha , where nha will reinaiu
In future In her departure , the public
school loses a conipetent instiucuir aid
North 1'laUe Micic'y an actmplislied
member. Minn'oimor ( will be iircom
panted 3Y Miss Jennie Dillion , who ic-
mains in Omaha during the holidays , "
TliH David City Press hay. the rchool
there is in 11 condition burderirig on : m-
archy. Mr. Heuch , thetvaclii r , cu'tivutes '
alnng I'l'ind ' , uhi'h ' fitiiiiuntly proves a
latil npli' nd.ige. He atteniitcd | to cbas-
ti-oa jnuth of 111 , tecextlv , but the boy
giabbed by thube.udund floored him , then
Hlepped nn IUK bioinauh and gtntly taiiptd
hii < no-o till the cluret ran. What D.iviil
Citv now want is ' a teacher to jerlknuiiie
> f our boys an I
Mu Hirt KNiri IN , Uiwti n , MiiHs.writc'rt :
"Yunr Si-iiiNi. II.I-HIM ! ( ( has ciittd me of
dy.pepni.i , i f four (1) ( ) ycnri' htandin , ' . I
limo ii'K.iineil my nounal appetite , can
le"p well and liva a ; ie\v man. ' I'ricofiO
stilt' , trial hottles lOccnts. 2-lw
ymi n >
of Cu.liurvi. i-ok. W man of
* nfilbyttieitrulnof V Umtolll.
juur Uutlej arolil W nltilit * ark , la rn
tlmulintinnil u * W 10111 brainn'rfraud
Hop Bitten. * * , u Hop * .
if Touu-ToiuiBuidiafferln ( rouanr lu
dlKi tlon ur ilU Jp tlon i if you rs m r-
rieS or lng ! . oia orBToumr.rurTBrlnir fron .
rb UburUiiKuUbBlnu on Ua jf nick.
rKx >
DM * , niiy a HopHBitter * .
irhiSS ? ; ? ran art- l Mil naillyfrora TbuuunamK w * -
tun TOUT uttcra iMil form of KI d n e y
r > dnrlinnilnKton.MBdl iia th t mliib't
IniToi .tlmuUllnif.
l > B
BHcptUter *
I. O
hie c u r e for
You will bel ' C uwot .tKceo. opium of ,
enrol If youUM' urcotlc * .
Hop Bluer *
irjcukrurlm- Holdb drair
rlr wr k nd
Iuw ] illltriltl7 NEVER
lei It may uonrrrrii
E © ljrAILIrroco- | '
dreUs ,
OK ) . W , 1KIAM , 4. C , CiMrgU.1,1
Attorneys-at-Law ,
II jon suffer Irorn DjBrK-p'la , u o
II } ou arc afflicted \ Ith Illllousiics' , u o
Iljouarcproatratcd with sick He.vUche , UVc
II ysur How els arc dloordcreil , roinilati1 them with
iiuitDouK nuiioi ) nirnua : ,
II jour llloodtj mpuro , imrtlj It n 1th
If jo < ihn\c IiidlKcBtlon , jou will hnilnn Antidote
In 11UIIDOCK 1)1,001) ) IllTTKKS.
If you are troubled with Spring Complaint * , er
adicate them with IIUIIDOCK I1L001) lUTTKIia.
f your Mvcrls tori'lil , rcjtoro It to lu-Altliy action
with 1 > U11I > OCK 1JLOOU iinTKIlS
f your I.Ucr Is affected , you will find n ran re-
If jou m cany upeclca of Humor or rimplM l
nut to take HUKDOCK llt.OOI ) UITTEI13.
If you hac any symiitoms of Vlccra or Sofulou
Sorce , a curative remedy will Lu found In
Kor Imparting rtrcnRth and ltftllty tothcitya-
tcm , nothlii'cane | < iual
For Nervous and Ocncral Debility , tone up the
Hystcm with I1UIUX3CK I1LOOD IinTKKS.
Price , I.OO per nettle ; Trial Bottle * 10 CU
FOSTER , MILBUEH , & Co , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by leh & McMahon and C. F.
Goodnian. Jo 27 cod-mo
In Hosts of Families
Hosteller's Stomach Mitten is as much regarded
as a lieu ehold nicctiBlty im sui ; > r or collee. The
rca-son of this la that jearn of nxpcriunco hive
proved it to be perfect y reliable In those cases ot
emergency where a prompt and c. > mcnlent rum-
i ( ly Is demanded. Conciliation , lit cr coniilaint | ,
djHpcpsIa , Indigestion and othir trouble am
oven omo by It.
For sile liyall Drug Ntaand Dealers , to whom
apply for Hostetter's Ahnana < : for 1832.
Article * of Ir corporation ef tk *
Mtllard Farmorm' Club-
Articles of incorporation made aod
adopted this 29th day of October , A. 1) .
1881 , by and between the undersigned Incorporators -
corporators , as follows , to- wit :
Article I. The name of this club shall ba
the Millard Farmers' club.
Article II , The principal place of bunl-
ne n of this club shall be at Millard eta-
tion , county of Douglas , Nebraska ,
Article III. The general nature of busi
ness to be tranxacted by thi * club is to
conduct a general literary and Hocial busi
ness and other entertaiiunenta of a social
Article IV. The amount of cupital stock
of this club Khali be two thoueitnd dollars ,
divided intn elmrei of one dollar each , tt.
which t-hall be paid in the manner pro-
Bcribed by the directors. tt.m
Artic'e V. This club shall commence to m
transact himness and exercii < oitn corporate
nowern the 29th day of October , 1881 , and 4
its powers nlmll ceaee nn the tifMh day of
October , 1981.
Article VI. The highest amount of a-
liility or indebtedness , which thLi club
shalfat any im time huliject itelef , shall
be three hundred dullars ,
Article VII. The officorn of this
club nh all be conducted by it
hoard of three directors , who nhall b
elected from among the stockholders , and
they shall appoint a president nnd such
other officers OH by law in required.
JuLitm SciutAKDKit ,
On thin 'JOth day of October , A. I ) . SSH1 ,
ppr-onally ni'peared before me , Chnrlen
nruiulex , a notary public for said county ,
.luliiiH Hchroeder , J. blitin , C'lnat ' Schu >
iiiarin , W. ( lermiorf , to HID known to be
thu higncra ot the foregoing articles of in-
ciiriMir.itioii , uud acknowledged the Aamo tu
be their voluntary act and lired ,
otary public in and for Douglas county ,
Nebraska ,
To Nervous SufTerersj
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
U I * positive euro for Bpermatm rhco. Semln *
WeokncaH. ImpoUncy , and all dl u < roaultlur
from Belf-AbuM , u MenUl Anilety , Loaii
Memory , ftlniln tha Buk or Side , and dl MC
- th t lead lo
The Spedflf
Unllcto * U
lnf ( u d
iritb wonderful -
ful fuoccas.
lent fre to kll. WrlU (01 them led Ret full pM-
Price , fipeciBc , tl.OO p r package , or ilz pack-
e for 16.00. Addrew all orders to _
Noa. 104 and IOC Main fit. DufUlo , N. T ,
Sold la Omaba by C. t. Goodman , J. W , B U ,
K lib , and all drumrtat very where.
NetaskaLandAgen !
1606 Farnham 8t . Omaha , Nebra
= , .
Cire.ully eleiiixl land In Jattrn Wilrwkafor
sale , uruat IlarKalui In Improicd ( urns , and
Omaha city property ,
1 1 late UndCom'r U.P. B. . .